Conversations on the topic Native country. Class hour for primary classes on the topic: "Talk about the Motherland"

Conversations on the topic Native country. Class hour for primary classes on the topic:
Conversations on the topic Native country. Class hour for primary classes on the topic: "Talk about the Motherland"

Abstract of open educational hour on the topic:

"Russia is my homeland!"

Purpose: to deepen and clarify the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Motherland - Russia, about the state symbols of Russia.

Tasks: 1) to educate love for homeland, respect for state symbols of Russia.

2) To form in children the desire to know more about their homeland.

3) instilling a sense of pride for the country in which you live.

4) develop logical thinking with the help of didactic games.

Equipment: the presentation "Russia - My Motherland!", Audio recording of the song "What is the homeland", "Hymn of Russia", design on the board, didactic material for games.

Event flow .

I. Org.Moment. Song sounds "where is homeland begins." Against the background of music, the teacher reads a poem

What do we call birthday?

House where we live with you

And birrors, along which,

Next to my mother we go.

What do we call birthday?

Field with a thin spike

Our holidays and songs,

Warm evening outside the window.

What do we call birthday?

All that in the heart we take

And under the sky blue-blue

Flag of Russia over the Kremlin.

II. Main part.

Teacher: - Guys, I hope you have already guessed what we will talk to you today?(About homeland, about Russia)

Indeed, we will talk about our country, about our homeland. And the name of our educational hour "Russia is my homeland!". The educational hour will pass in the form of an oral magazine. Let's look at the pages of this magazine and see what we know about our country, about our homeland.


"What is the Motherland?"

Teacher: - Motherland! This word knows each since childhood. Guys, tell me, what do you think mean the word of the motherland?(Motherland is the place where you were born where you live).

In a large country, every person has its own little corner - the city, the street, the house where he was born and lives. This is called Small Motherland.

And what is your small homeland?

Right, and what is the name of our big homeland?(Russia). What is Russia?(Country)

Page 2.

"Symbols of Russia"

Teacher: - Each country has its own characters. What belongs to the state symbols of any country?(Anthem, coat of arms, flag)

True, the country's state symbols include:

National emblem

State flag

National anthem

They are also from our country. Tell me who knows what the state coat of arms and the national flag of Russia look like?

Let's look at them again.


Teacher: Russia has magnifier

On the coat of arms eagle double-headed

To west, east

He could immediately see.

Strong, wise he and proud.

He is a free spirit free.

Didactic task: "Cutting picture" (children are invited to assemble the image of the state of the state of the state from the circle pictures).

(Slide number 5)

Teacher: The State Emblem of the Russian Federation is an image of a golden double-headed eagle placed on a red heraldic shield; Over the eagle - three historical crowns of Peter the Great (above the heads - two small and above them - one larger size); In the eagle's paws - Scepter and Power; On the breast of the eagle on the red shield - the rider, striking the spear of the dragon.

This coat of arms says that our country is big, strong, rich, fair.

State FLAG

Teacher: White color - birch.

Blue - sky color.

Red stripe

Sunny dawn.

Didactic task : "Flag" (children from a set of colored stripes need to fold the country's flag: - white, - blue, red).

(Slide Show No. 6)

Teacher: The flag of Russia consists of 3-colors:

White color symbolizes the world, purity, nobility, perfection, innocence.

Blue - Sky, chastity, loyalty, spirituality, faith.

Scarlet (red) - symbolizes the courage, the protection of faith and poor people, heroism, generosity, self-sacrifice, fire, mortal battle.


Teacher: What is anthem?(Main song of the country)

The passage from the state sounds. The anthem of Russia. Guys get up and listen to standing.

Guys, why did we listened to the anthem?(In special respect)

Attitude towards symbols is an attitude to the state itself. Insulting state symbols is an insult state, his people, his history and culture.

Page 3.

"President of Russia"

Teacher: - Guys, we know that the country is leading one person. How do we call it?(President of Russia)

And who knows what the name is our president?(V.V. Putin)

Page 4.

"The capital of our Motherland"

Teacher: Moscow is the Red Square.

Moscow is the Kremlin Tower.

Moscow is the heart of Russia,

Which loves you.

Guys, why say that Moscow is the heart of Russia?(Moscow is capital of Russia)

True, Moscow-main city of our country. Here is the Kremlin, in which our president works. It is located almost in the center of the country.

And who of you guys was in Moscow? What did you see there interesting?(Red Square, Lenin Mausoleum, Changing Karaul ...)

Page 5.

"Russian citizen"

Teacher: - How can you name all people living in our country?(Russians)

People of different nationalities live in Russia, with a different culture, but they are all Russians.

Russians are citizens of Russia. Guys, do you consider yourself citizens of Russia? Who is such a citizen of Russia?

Didactic game: "Flower-seven specials" (it is necessary to choose from the proposed human qualities only those that characterize a citizen of Russia).

A responsibility








III. Outcome

So guys, our educators comes to an end. What are you talking about today? (About our homeland)

What is the name of our homeland? (Russia)

What state symbols do we know with you? (Coat of arms, flag, hymn)

And who are we for your country? (Citizens)

What can a schoolboy make for his country? (Good to learn, take care of nature, be friends with people ...)

I really hope guys that you will be worthy of citizens of your country. Thank you all, good luck to you! Bye!

Dear Guys! Our homeland is great! It was rapidly spread out from the snow and ice of the Far North to the Southern Seas. This is a huge state! There are high mountains, full-water rivers, deep lakes, thick forests and endless steppes. There are little rivers, light birch groves, solar cleaners, arms, swamps and fields.

We are proud of our Great Russia, its diverse nature, rich subsoils, and in particular - hardworking and talented people, inhabiting it.

About love for the Motherland People folded a lot of wise proverbs. There are among them and such: "Russian man without a homeland does not live," "the native side is a mother of his relatives, a stranger party - stepmaking."

It happens that there will be a person in a foreign country, as they said in the old days - in a foreign land, and at first everything seems to him new, interesting: both people and customs, and nature. But it will pass a little time, and the heart will be covered, it will ask for home, to the godmarm kid, where everything is so close, familiar and so love! After all, "in the ridden side of the heart whines."

♦ How do we call this feeling?

Right! The feeling of longing in their homeland people call nostalgia.

Many Russian poets, writers, artists who were destined to live in other people's countries, grew songs, poems, poems on it, written pictures dedicated to the cute distant homeland, dreamed at least in old age to return home.

Listen to the poem.

Native Cidka

I will come out on a dawn

Listen to nightingale.

Groves, hillocks,

Land - fields.

Above the native category

The sun rises.

And sings the nightness

Swistulate, poured.

Truck nightingale

I understand:

He is famous for the birthplace

Groves and fields.

Dawn tape narrow

Throw over the river

Each of us has their own small homeland - that corner of the earth, where we were born, where our childhood passed, where our parents live, where our home is located.

For someone, Malaya Motherland is a small village or village, for others - urban street and green courtyard with swings, sandbox and wooden slide.

In short, the small homeland has its own!

Listen to the poem.

Malaya Motherland

Malaya Motherland -

Earth island.

Under the currant window

Cherries bloomed.

Apple tree kudryaya,

And under it the bench.

Affectionate small

My motherland!

Dear Guys! Love your homeland - Greater and Small. Try to learn more about her story, take care of her nature, keep her customs and traditions!

♦ Listen to the proverbs about love to the Motherland. Explain them.

"Great Russian Earth and everywhere Sunny", "Everywhere is well, and at home is better," "every sweet side", "for the fatherland, life is given," "in someone else's side and Spring is not red," "Love for the Motherland is stronger than death."

If you drive our country from north to south, you can see how the climate, vegetation, the appearance of villages, villages and cities are changing.

In the north of the continuous band from the Kola Peninsula to Chukotka stretches Tundra. Soil here in the summer he warms up on a small depth (1.5-2 cm), and under it there is an eternal Merzlot. Plants in the tundra are very low (dwarf), and the ground is covered with mkhami and lichen.

♦ What is a polar day?

The sun in these edges rises low, but many days and nights are shining around the clock! Such a phenomenon is called polar day. Barely comes the warm season, as all plants at the same time and suddenly flourish. This is an extraordinary spectacle! At the end of summer, berries ripen in the tundra. Blueberries here are so many that the bodies of the berry resemble the blue lakes. And in the tundra there are huge herds of reindeer.

♦ What is Taiga?

South tundra extends Taiga. These are thick coniferous forests, which draw a wide strip from the West to Eastern Siberia, almost 7 thousand kilometers. They grow a spruce, pines, larchs, cedar, there are thickets of juniper.

As it moves to the south in the forests, more thermal-loving plants appear: oak, birch, rhine, linden, maple, hazel. They form wide forests going by a strip in the direction of Kursk cities, Tula, Nizhny Novgorod and Kazan. The climate in these places of our homeland is soft, it is called moderate.

Even closer to the south, the forest is gradually inferior to the place of forest-steppe and steppe vegetation.

♦ What does the steppe look like?

At the beginning of the summer, the steppe resembles a colorful bright meadow with thick high herbs and lush flowers. Flower sage meadow, Tollga, meadow geranium, blush and other plants.

The southern steppes are the Kingdom of High Grass - Picky, thickets of which resemble the silver-gray sea, exciting from the wind.

On the shores of the Black and Caspian Seas, a subtropical zone is located rich in peculiar plants. Summer here is long and roast, and winter is short and very soft. Evergreen laurels grow in these areas, cyclamen, rhododendron and acacia are blooming.

The beauty of the native land is beautiful at any time of the year! And in early spring, when on a monochrome-brown carpet of last year's herbs and leaves brightly yellow flowers and machemia flowers, and in May, when the cherry blooms and nightinglets are flooded.

Listen to the poem.

Cherry Kudri washed

In May rain gold

And overcame over the stream

Their lace bridge.

Drop slides behind the drop

On leaves, like steps,

Listens to gray heron

Drops ringing singing.

And over the marsh

Curved spring couples,

And in thickets thinly, timid

First rings Komar.

Our nature is good and burning in summer, when the leaves on the trees were completely revealed, the meadow grasslands were blooming, on the edges and cutting the berries sweetly flashed, they began to pierce the ripeness in the fields.

Listen to the poem.


White Sun, Size Sky -

Even silent earth.

Nicknut embosses of ripe bread

And gold fields.

Belogolov and Bosnogi -

Children all day at the river.

And ruled at the wide road

In warm dust of lops.

Smells jam forest edge,

Knowing touch like tulle,

Sunny Noon, Summer Makushka -

Hot and generous July.

It takes a short summer, and soon the artist-autumn in the gold cooser from maple leaves is already wandering around the forests and meadows, in Sundar, decorated with aluminum bunches of autumn berries - rowan and viburnum, and paint in different shades of orange, yellow, red and purple flowers. Maples , Osin, Berez and Lip.

The wind-fidget breaks the festive motley leaves from the trees. They fly in the wind, like yellow birds-organizes.

Listen to the poem.

Autumn leaves

Orioles leaves

In the wind fly

Shelest and whistle

Filling garden.

Leave leaves everywhere

Water floats

In golden piles

The winds will accumulate them.

And stands on the belt

In the leaves of the old garden.

Fairy Tale

Whispers leaf fall.

Then late autumn comes to replace the golden autumn, it is sometimes called a preliminary or silver autumn. November - the last autumn month is also beautiful in its own way!

Listen to the poem.


The proverb old you did not forget?

November came to us on Peg's mare.

Dirt on the roads Zaled -

White with black and black with white.

White shawl covered the fields,

Black water was broken.

White with black and black with white -

White birch earrings put on.

Black branches pull alder.

The forest is striped as a zebra sides.

No Emerald, Carmina, Lazuri -

The world is black and white, as on the engraving.

The beauty of Russian nature is a modest, nonsense, and sometimes completely inconspicuous.

♦ What should I do to notice the beauty of your native nature?

To see and love it, you need to slowly, carefully peeled into it.

Look in the late autumn on the apple tree in the garden. Without leaves, it seems ugly, the trunk of her dark, rough, and widely stretched branches thick and uneven. But spring will come, and the apple tree will be transformed! Pale pink large and fragrant flowers will decorate her branches. Wind shakes, playing young fresh foliage.

Listen to the poem.

Apple tree

Wet yellow wet herbs

In the autumn of the apple tree, our gross.

The trunk of her dark, with a shrimp

And non-zeep, and is not clear.

But not sad, my dear!

Again the beautiful you will become in the spring.

The wind is fragrant again will play

Bright green, fresh foliage.

Loves Tsarevna-Spring Changes,

Generously dummy gives the days:

Branches Your white-pink foam

Lowly decorate flowers petals.

They admire clear dawns,

The light is washes a azure wave.

Apple tree in a bright spring holiday -

Like a bride in a lace fate!

Remember the clumsy shaggy caterpillars. It will take time, and they will turn into elegant beautiful butterflies, fluttering over the colors!

Many fairy tales and stories are difficult about the beauty that we notice did not immediately, about which many people do not guess.

Of course, you know the fairy tale of Hans Christian Andersen about Zadkom Duckling, who turned around, turned into a wonderful swan.

Painters and sculptors, poets and musicians feel the magical beauty of nature and open it in their creations. Listen to the poem.


Will see the artist,

What we do not notice -

Elastic plantain

And Ivan-tea brushes

And blue river,

And the field is gold.

Earth beauty

The artist will open to us!

Answer the questions

1. Why are we proud of our homeland - Russia?

2. What is Malaya Motherland?

3. Why do you like your small homeland?

4. Why the people say: "Bored Afonyushka on a stranger kid" and "in someone else's kat, pleased with his crown"?

5. What should I do that our homeland over the years has become more painful?

6. What do you think, why do we often not notice the beauty of the world around us?

7. Who helps people to open the beauty of their native nature?

8. Remember and tell me that it seemed to you beautiful in the spring, summer, in the fall, in winter?

Ekibastұz қ Алсы әkіmdіgі municipal community
bilіm BөLіmіnің № 4 "BEREZKA"
bөshasya bөbecter
State Enterprise
"Nursery - Garden №4" Birch "
Communaldi, Memlekettіk Education Department
Kaznalyқ KәSiPorn Akimat of the city of Ekibastuz
"Where is the Motherland begins"
Group "Karlyugash"

Tasks: to bring up a sense of love and respect for homeland, the native edge, to the native
nature. Form emotional perception of nature image tools
fiction, Music, Fine Arts with Application
natural material. Create conditions for reflection in your work
representations about the place of their residence as one of the "corners" of their homeland.
Develop the creative imagination of the ability to the composition. Educate
patriotic feelings, interest in knowing their homeland.
Educator: Children are the flag of our country. Today we will talk to you about our
Motherland, about the country in which we live with you.
Our city is just a small piece of a huge country called
Kazakhstan. You have already heard this name, let's say now together:
"Kazakhstan" in order to better apply as our country in which we
we live. About our country, a lot of poems and songs are folded about Kazakhstan. Our guys
the country is so big that if we want to drive from one edge to another, then on
the fastest aircraft will have to fly all day. Our country is so big
that when in one edge night, and all people sleep, at the other end of the country, in others
cities and villages guys play. In one edge of our country is cold, and in the other in
this time is very hot. This is such an amazing our country.
We are glad that we have such a good, big, beautiful country - our homeland. Guys,
and how do you understand the word of the motherland (what does the word of the motherland mean for you)?
Children's Answers: Our settlement, River, Sky, Meadow, Kindergarten, Field, House, Street and
Yes guys, because the life of each person is closely related to the native edge. Motherland for
we are our native land. Here he was born, here his parents, here his native
land. And if he has to part with his native edge for a long time, he takes with him
the pinch of native land is not to feel torn off from the homeland.
I really like the words Z. Alexandrova.
The educator reads the poem "Motherland"
If the word of the motherland says,
Immediately in memory gets up
Old house, in the currant garden
Warm poplar at the gate
Native land begins for us from our city, from the street on which your home, with
kindergarten which you visit and beautiful park where we rest and come
bow and lay flowers to the monument to the fallen soldiers. Well, it is impossible not
to say about the whittle birchings, who decorate our park.
Guys, we taught poems about birch, let's read.

I love birch white,
Then light, then sad
In a light sarafanchik
With handkerchiefs in pockets
With red fasteners
With green earrings
I love her elegant
Native beloved
Then young, kip,
That is sad, weak.
Yes, the guys and birch, and the ripper from our garden is all our homeland.
We will tell you the proverbs about the homeland and about the native land:
 Mila native side.
Native Earth and in Sorrow Mila
 For the Motherland, no strength, no life regret.
No land more painful than our homeland
 Man without a homeland - nightingale without a song.

Slice land - die, do not go
Motherland is a mother, able to stand for her.
One person's mother is one and homeland
The world is building, and the war destroys.
Who is the Mountain Motherland - a true hero
Autotraining - Close your eyes and imagine that we are again with you in the park
among the tuberculosis, we listen to the rustle of the leaves, it is also a particle
our homeland.
Inspire the freshness of the air and we will transfer to kindergarten again.
Guys, you asked me, for what we do blanks - silhouettes
birchings, today I will tell you. As we visited the park, we will
decorating birch trees at different times of the year. In the spring of the birch leaves, what color?
Educator: Summer, what? In the fall, what? Winter, what?
Think someone at what time I would like to portray birch, take for
this requirement material and proceed to work.
At the end of the work, children tell who depicted birch at what time.

NBSP; The project "Natural Zones of the Earth" performed: Markova Elena Ivanovna Educator Project Type: Creative Information Duration: The Medium-Term Participants of the Project: Children of the Miscellaneous Group, Parents, Parents Relevance: Planet Earth - our common house, every person living in him must carefully and It takes care of him, while maintaining all its values \u200b\u200band wealth. The problem of environmental education is one of the most relevant today. Careful attitude towards nature, awareness of the importance of its protection and recovery, the formation of environmentally expedient behavior in nature must be raised from an early age. It is from preschool age that a positive attitude towards nature is laid. How to help children learn how to sympathize with the environment and take care of natural sites? How to teach children to appreciate the world and justice? How to develop love for nature and desire to protect it? Kindergarten is the first link of a system of continuous environmental education, since during this period the child passes the most intensive spiritual and intellectual path of development. The implicitness of preschool childhood is obvious: the first seven years in the life of a child is the period of its rapid growth and development, the period of improving physical and mental abilities, the beginning of the formation of a person. In preschool age, the child begins to allocate itself from the environment, an emotional and value attitude towards the surrounding is developing, the foundations of the moral and environmental positions of individuals are formed, which are manifested in the interactions of a child with nature, in a realization of continuity with it. Nature is the richest pantry, invaluable wealth for the intellectual, moral and speech development of the child. It is a variety, painful and dynamism attracts kids, causes a lot of joyful experiences in them, develops curiosity. A vast role in the environmental education of preschool children is played by practical, research activities in natural conditions. It is possible to study them in the process of research activities. After all, in the process of children's research, the child receives specific informative skills: learns to observe, arguing, planning work, learns to predict the result, experiment, compare, analyze, draw conclusions and generalizations, the word develops cognitive abilities. Therefore, children are provided with an extra opportunity to join research work, as the leading method of knowledge of the surrounding world. The knowledge of nature is possible only with direct interaction with it and in this we are helped by the most effective method - the method of environmental projects, which implies joint activities of teachers, children and parents. The goal of the project: the development of the cognitive activity of children of the multi-year group through a joint children-parent project to get acquainted with the diversity of life on the planet Earth.

Project tasks:

Formation of the ideas of children of the multi-year group on the natural zones of the earth (Arctic and Antarctica, desert, savanna, tropical forests, taiga, Australia, Ocean), the living conditions of their inhabitants (animals, plants).

The formation of elementary ideas of children of different preschool age on the variety of peoples inhabiting land, the peculiarities of the life of people in different parts of the planet.

Development of abilities of children of different preschool age to analyze the features, to see the patterns of life in different natural zones.

The introduction of parents to the implementation of joint children's and parental projects to search for and collecting in-depth knowledge of natural zones as active participants in the educational process.

Development of the ability of children to present prepared information to peers and perceive new information from the peer.

Enrichment of the subject-developing environment of a group that reveals the features of different natural zones and its inhabitants.

To enable children to realize and apply ways to preserve environmental safety.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe project: Creating conditions for the formation of ecological culture, environmentally friendly behavior in nature in children and parents in nature, humane environmentally friendly behavior.

Expected Result:

Subject to the implementation of the project, the following results can be assumed:

Increasing the cognitive activity of children in a multi-year group through joint children's-parent mini projects to get acquainted with the diversity of life on the planet Earth.

In children will be formed submission in the process of their own activity (through the selection of illustrations, the search for cognitive and encyclopedic literature) on the natural zones of the earth, the living conditions of their inhabitants. Enricts the ideas of children that the land is inhabited by people of different races, their life is different in different natural zones.

The subject-developing environment of the group will enrich the material that reveals the features of life of different natural zones: pictures, toys, presentations, albums, movies, etc.

Integration of educational areas: cognitive, artistic and aesthetic,

socio-communicative, speech development.

Forms of project implementation:

Teacher's activities:

· Cognitive teacher stories

· Integrated classes

· Reading fiction literature (fairy tales, stories, poems, proverbs, patterings)

· Use illustrative material (posters, plot pictures, cards, postcards, etc.)

· Listening to musical works

· Quiz

· Vernisazhi

Children's activities:

· Experimentation;

· Speech games, descriptive stories

· Didactic games with subject pictures

· outdoor games

· Artistic and productive activities (applique, drawing, modeling, manual work)

Interaction with parents of pupils:

· Practical tasks

· Joint events

Project implementation:

Stage 1: preparatory . Determination of the topic of study; drawing up a plan of work; identifying preliminary knowledge of children on the project; formulating issues for research; selection of the necessary material for project development: illustrations, stories, poems, reproduction; development of organized educational activities; learning of poems.

Stage 2: practical . Organization of children's activities within the project.

Work with children:

· Creative activity of children;

· Creation of drawings and applications, plasticia;

· Reading poems;

· Game activities;

Stages of work on the project "Natural Zones of the Earth"

1. The conversation "Arctic and Antarctica" Objective: to introduce children with such climatic zones as the Arctic and Antarctica their features.
2. Miscellaneous "Welding" Purpose: To acquaint children with plasticine and its properties; form in children interest in modeling
3. Conversation "Plants and Animals Taiga" Objective: Enrich Natural Scientific Presentations of Children on Nature
4. Drawing (collective work) "We live in the forest" Objective: continue to learn to draw with unconventional techniques (a stitching of a hard semi-dry brush, finger painting).
5. Conversation "Desert of our Planet" Objective: to acquaint with the hot continent - Africa, with climatic conditions, animals and desert plants.
6. Handheld work "Cutie Turtle" Purpose: Acquaintance with the peculiarities of the external structure of the turtle
7. The "Savannah" conversation 8. The goal: to acquaint with the hot continent itself - Africa, with climatic conditions, animals and plants of Savannah.
9. Drawing "And go on the road Elephants and rhinos" Objective: Learn to draw "Elephant" in the figure of its structure, characteristic features, African nature in accordance with the creative intent.
10. Tropical forest conversation Goal: to acquaint with tropical forests, with climatic conditions, animals and plants.
11. Molding "Multicolored Parrots" 12. Objective: Continue to teach children to sculpt birds in a constructive way
13. Drawing with elements of appliqué "Mysterious Jungle" Purpose: To form the ability to transmit proportions and build on the example of a tree
14. Conversation "Australia" Purpose: Give a general understanding of the country Australia
15. Ocean conversation Objective: expand, deepen and consolidate the knowledge of children about the inhabitants of the seas and oceans.
16. The game-quiz Objective: generalization and consolidation of the ideas of children about the inhabitants of natural zones: Arctic, hot countries, rainforest
17. Registration of the exhibition - Friendship of children's work

Work with teachers:

· Speech on pedset;

· Creating a presentation;

Work with parents:

· Joint creativity with children;

· Consultations for parents;

· Registration of the corner of nature in the group.

3 Stage: final.

Registration of the supernisage of collective children's creativity;

Quiz game;

View the presentation on the project with the participation of children;

Speech on the pedsovet.

Results of the work carried out:

Following the work, it was noted:

Enhancing the level of environmental culture in children and their parents.

Development in children of cognitive interest in the objects of nature of our Earth

Development of research, practical activities during the project.

Strengthening the cooperation of parents with a kindergarten.

Conclusion . In the course of the project, the alleged results were achieved: we summarized and enriched the experience of children in the field of environmental education by applying various methods and techniques. We used various forms of activity. During the work period, the project was developed in children with emotionally sensual relations to objects of living and inanimate nature, the value idea of \u200b\u200bthe organization of environmental activities, the ability to creative search activities. In the course of experimental activities, children developed imagination, thinking, perception, formed the skills of elementary research. Included in children the desire to work, seeing the results of their work in the objects of nature. Preschoolers learned to transfer their feelings in drawings, crafts and works.


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11. Markovskaya MM Corner of nature in kindergarten. M.: p.1989.

12. Nikolaeva N.N. The formation of an ecological culture began // Pre-school education, 1996, 1997.

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Appendix No. 1.


"Arctic and Antarctica"

Purpose: Introduce children with such climatic zones as the Arctic and Antarctica and their features;

Software tasks:

Give ideas about the world of animals and plants.

Promote the development of interest in the knowledge of the surrounding world;

To support the desire to explore nature, provide all the assistance in the protection of its resources.

The educator reads a poem (shows the children's globe):

And you know that somewhere
All year round - in winter and summer -
Ocean covered from light
Thick white layer of ice?
There is a terrible cold,
Steamers do not go there
Only large icebreakers
Get there.

Guys to portray the huge territory of our Earth, the scientists have made a map of the globe (shows the map).

And in order to imagine not only the surface of the Earth, but its form was created by the model of the Earth - the globe, the dimensions are reduced in tens of millions of times.

Our planet is a huge one - a premium ball. So big that you need a lot - many days, even months to drive around it around.

Let's look at the model of our planet with you. What is the name of its reduced copy? (The globe)

Guys, look carefully on the globe, in which colors it is painted. (Responses of children)

Pay attention - on white color. It's not just like that. So designated on the globe (and on the map) two opposite polar regions of the Earth are the northernmost and most southern - Arctic and Antarctica.

What does the white color mean? White - snow color, ice, cold. Antarctica and the Arctic are the coldest places on Earth. There is never warm days and rains. Only the frost crack, it is snow, and a blizzard sweep.

The Arctic is washes the Northern Arctic Ocean, and it is almost all compounded with thick, strong ice. Here in the extreme north, in the Arctic, the ice never melts. Because the short polar summer the sun does not rise high, its non-jarny rays are reflected from ice and snow. Melt ice such a sun can not. In winter, here is the clock day dark - the night. Polar night.

In the summer and winter, the Arctic Bela from Snow and Ice.

Coldier no place all over the world. Stupny wind causes all new snow mountains. Under its own weight, snow drifts are rambling and turn into ice. And so from the century to the century.

Very cold in the Arctic, but despite the huge ice floes and permafrost, there are such inhabitants that are no longer found anywhere. (polar bear, seal, walrus, reindeer, sandy, polar paint, sea narrow)

Narwhal .Tlin of this animal is 4.5 meters in an adult animal, and 1.5 meters of a young. Weight reaches up to 15 tons, of which, more than half of the weight, it is fat.

Narvalov has a horn of a long 2-3 meter, otherwise this horn is called a leg. The tummy serves aphutical to determine the water temperature. Narlars squid, octopus, fish. Narvala are listed in the Red Book.

White bears The largest animals on Earth, they are good swimmers, can watch for hours in ice water, between the fingers they have a membrane, there are 5 long claws on each paw, in order not to slide on the ice. The bear has a warm thick fur, knows how to build bermo from snow, white fur makes it imperceptible in the snow, feed on, fish, seals)

Walrus It dwells in the seas of the Northern Ocean. The length of his body reaches 4-5 meters. It weighs the ton and even can reach two tons, the fat in the walrus can be up to 300 kg. The skin in the animal is thick, strong. The mustache is thick, tough, and on the face there are two fangs. With these fangs, the walrus is protected from enemies, even attacks on a white bear, and also adjoices the bottom, pulling the shells, octopus, squid, that is, small animals that live in seawater.

In the Arctic there is a very beautiful bird Tern.

Krachkk slender body, long pointed wings and short legs. Feed rush fish. In the Arctic, tasks live only in the summer, when winter comes in the Arctic, the paint flies south.

Guys, what do you think that helps animals do not climb in the Arctic? (Feed on fish, have a thick layer of subcutaneous fat, know how to swim well, dive perfectly.

Guys, dwarf shrubs, cereals, herbs grow in the Arctic. There are no trees in the Arctic.

Russia is the first country that uses polar stations.

Guys and what do you think, what can you get into the Arctic? (On the icebreaker)

You are right guys, only on the icebreaker you can get into the Arctic, and what do you think why? (Children's responses)

And now I suggest you will go to the South Pole in Antarctica.

Guys, and now I want to see how you remember animals well that live in the Arctic. (Stand, on the stand of the earth map with two poles, animal figures that need to be attached.)


If you turn the globe, we will see another white area. Only here is not the ocean, but the land, champed in an ice "shell" - a huge mainland Antarctica.

The guys, Antarctica is washed by the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean and the Indian Ocean. The temperature in winter from -60 * to - 70 *, and in summer from -30 * up to - 40 *, on the coast of Antarctica in winter, from -8 to -35 ° C, and in summer 0-5 ° C.

In Antarctica there are plants, these are mosses and lichens.

Antarctica has amazing animals (Royal Penguin, Sea Elephant, Seal, Sea Leopard, Blue Whale, Bird Albatross)

Tyulena- They have smooth skin, they swim well. Seals hunt under water, feed on fish, shrimp, squid

Penguins are birds, but they cannot fly, but they swim very well. Penguins walk awkwardly roll over from the sides on the side or in the strain. Feed penguins fish.

Blue whale- The largest animal, up to 33 meters long. In blue whale stretched, slim body. Skin of blue whale is smooth and smooth. The heart of a huge animal weighs 800 kg. Whales are powered by Plankton. Whales produce a fountain, the length of the fountain reaches high to 10m.

Albatross The largest sea bird of Russia, the scope of the wings exceeds 2 meters. Birds are white, on the head and neck yellow raids, the top of the wings and the tail along the edges of the black and brown beaks and the legs are light. Albatrosse feed fish, molluscs.

Did you hear something about icebergs? Icebergs are huge mountains of ice, which will fall out, from the ice shores and the flow of them in the sea. Iceberg shapes are the most amazing and bizarre: it is a giant snow-white swan or a hilly island with wide valleys, the island with high mountains, gorges, waterfalls and sheer slopes. Eycebergs are found similar to the ship with inflated wind by sails, on the pyramid, on a beautiful castle with turrets.

In sunny weather, Icebergs are very beautiful. They seem multicolored.

How did these ice hormones appear?

Sometimes the coast of Antarctica is laid out of the glacier huge heavy ice boulders and go on a journey through the ocean. Most of the iceberg is also hidden under water. They swim in the sea for 6-12 years, gradually melting and sweep into smaller parts.

Is iceberg dangerous?

For whom?

Icebergs are a great danger to ships. So, in 1912, faced with Iceberg, sank the passenger ship "Titanic". You probably heard about him? Many people died. Since then, the International Ice Patrol follows the movement of the icebergs and warns the ships of danger.

What happens to these slices of ice? Float or drown? (Children's responses.) -

Today you have learned a lot of new and interesting. What did you particularly remember and like it? (Children's responses)

(On fastening material)

Guys, and let's remember with you:

What are the islands of the Arctic Ocean? (Arctic)

What is the name of the earth in the extreme south of the globe? (Antarctica)

What bird does not know how to fly? (Penguin)

What does the polar bear eat? (Fish, crushes, seals)

Why are the werseys do not freeze in cold water? (Because the walker has a lot of fat)

Well done guys, the guys, I really liked how you later listened carefully, I remembered, answered questions. On this, our occupation ended, thanks for your attention.

(If the time remains, you can offer children to see an interesting cartoon from Aunt Owl about the Arctic and Antarctic.)


Description of material:

purpose: To acquaint with the hot continent yourself - Africa, with climatic conditions, animals and savanna plants.

From the African desert, we move to extensive open plains covered with grass, with separately growing trees - acacia. This is a landscape of African savanna. It is always hot there, and most of the precipitation falls in a short period, the so-called rainy season. The rest of the year the drought reigns.

In Savannah, it lives very, many types of mammals. There are such herbivores like elephants. Elephant is a real sushi giant. An African elephant is higher than four meters in growth, and weighs about 6,000 kilograms. At the tip of the trunk, two finger-shaped processes.

The trunk of an elephant can be called a universal tool. It is strong enough to carry a heavy log, and is quite sensitive, so that there is a ripe fruit without damage to the branch. With the help of a trunk, elephant applies, it ishes, breathing, tangles and makes loud pipe sounds. There are also several functions in the behavish: they are elephant root land in search of edible roots or water, they also serve to battle with enemies.

The highest mammals on earth are giraffes. Their heads are at an altitude of 5 meters above the ground. Giraffes see farther and warn ZEBR and antelope about danger. They feed on the leaves from the tops of the trees, where other animals of African savanna do not get. The pattern on the skin of the giraffe allows to disguise effectively.

African wild horses - zebras. Zebras has a striped not only torso, but even the mane and tail. Such painting helps them hide from predators among trees and shrubs.

In the savannah dwells many types of antelopes. The most beautiful of the antelope is a loyal.

Antilope Kudo is the fastest and can make huge jumps.

Freaky gazelles are very bugles. Having had the slightest danger, they immediately run away.

The most amazing antilope - GNU. She has a horns like a bull, a goat beard and a horsepower.

In Savannah lives a rhino, according to its size, only elephant is inferior. The main distinguishing sign of the rhino is one or two horns on the nose. He sees bad, but he has excellent hearing. Its thick skin, collected by folds, creates the impression of armor. Despite its terrible view, eats only the grass. Rhinoceros swim well and love to swim. They are carrying hours in the dirty juicy on the banks of the rivers. Il, which covers the skin of the rhino, then protects it from biting insects. ON rhinos are usually born one young.

Hippopotamus, or hypopotam, it means a "river horse" - loves water. The hippopotamus is very massive, on short thick legs. Feet ends with four fingers with peculiar hoofs connected by a small membrane. He sails great and dives. In his mouth there are four fangs. The opening of the hippopotamus can bring horror on anyone.

But the hippopotam is a herbivore animal and puts its scary fangs into the course, only if the crocodile attacks hippootics on the young.

If there is no danger, hippo lies all day in water or in coastal thickets.

In the savannah a lot of herbivores, but there are deft and strong predators. Lions - amazingly beautiful majestic. The body of the lion is powerful, but at the same time slim. Paws are low, very strong. The tail is long, with a tassel at the end. The males have a long mane, covering neck, shoulders, chest. Lion is called the king of animals. After heating his loud roar, the inhabitants of the savannah come to horror.

Lions live family groups that are called prides. It includes several females with small imprint, as well as several males. The main miners in the lion's family are lionesses.

Cheetah is the most "speedy" of all cat predators. However, it can not run quickly for a long time, so it tries to die as close as possible to mining and already then rushes over it in pursuit at a rave speed. If he fails to grab the sacrifice for the first about 400 meters of run, he stops chasing.

"The deserts of our planet"

Description of material: The conversation contains interesting and useful information about one of the hottest continents - Africa. Children find out where it is located, what climate, what plants and animals have adapted to live in these parts. It will help to awaken the interest of a child to the world around the world, give new knowledge.

The material for the preparation of the conversation "Journey in Africa" \u200b\u200bwas the encyclopedias, children's magazines.
purpose: To acquaint with the hot continent yourself - Africa, with climatic conditions, animals and desert plants.
1.Educational: Expand the presentation of children about the diversity of the animal world of the earth.
2.Developing: Develop curiosity and desire to explore the nature and living inhabitants of the Earth. Promote speech development and logical thinking.
3.Educational: Educate love and careful attitude towards nature.
Equipment: Card Hemisphans, Physical Map of Africa, pictures of nature phenomena, pictures of plant and animal Africa.
Travel course:
I suggest you go on a trip to Africa. Where is she?
Africa is located on both sides of the equator line. The Western territories of the mainland are washed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, in the northeast - the Red Sea, in the north - the Mediterranean Sea, from the East - the Indian Ocean.

In Africa there are deserts. The desert is hot and dry places on the ground. On the map they are marked with yellow. The largest and most famous deserts of Africa: Sugar desert, Kalahari desert and Namib desert. The largest of them is African sugar. Translated from the Arab Sugar means "Desert". In the afternoon it is very hot here, and at night sometimes it is so cold that you can freeze.

It is hard to live in the desert, despite the fact that food there is a bit, there is little water, and to hide almost nowhere, some living beings manage to exist among the sands. In the deserts inhabit a single-burnt camel - Dromedar. It is covered with thick soft wool, which protects the animal from the daily heat of the desert and from her night cold. A camel is powered by poor vegetation all year, which is where growing in the sands. There is such a plant - the crowd of a spine, which is eating only camels, so it is called "camel". Camels can do more than 10 days without water and up to 3 weeks without food. Food stocks they carry with them. In the humps on the back, they pour fat. At the expense of it and replenish their strength. It is also called the "ship of the desert": day after day he can go on the sands with a load on his back and at the same time not to drink and not there.

Strange animal with big ears - phenk. This is a little fox. Why should he have such ears? It turns out that they protect the animal from overheating in the sun. Blood vessels are on the inner surface of the ear. The blood passes on them takes heat from the body outward. In the afternoon, the phenyke sleeps in hole and only after sunset goes on the hunt.

Eared hedgehog in natural conditions is able to live without food and water about 10 weeks. Like all the hedgehogs, the eared Yozh knows how to turn on the ball. Food with birds, eggs, scorpions.

The desert tubing is rarely drinking: it usually grabs water containing in food. At night, he comes out of his hole to eat. Jumping in the sand of the Tushkhanka, can perform jumps up to two meters. For one night, it is able to pass as many as 12 kilometers in search of feed. It feeds on a tube by plants, seeds and insects.

Rowbirds - small birds. Neutral, neutral tones (grayish, yellow, sandy) predominate in their plumage, while feathers have a characteristic bizarre pattern. Rowbirds will sing their chicks not only from the beak, but bring them water in the punchings on the trouser. Ryabok plunges into the water and on his feathers there are droplets of water, which the chicks "constrain" the beaks from the parents of the parent

It is here, then we smear among the sand and spiny with agile lizards. In the deserts there are many different lizards. Gecko is one of them.

Gecko - inhabitants in the desert, learned how to produce water even in such difficult living conditions. For example, they can produce moisture, licking the last morning dew with the eyes.

Szink or as it is also called - sandy fish. Of course, this is not a fish, but a lizard, but it also easily moves in the sands like a fish swims in the water.

Easy deep into the sand, the horned viper hides from the sun. For small "horns" on the head, she got its name. The horned viper is a very poisonous snake.

Among the sand and stones are a poisonous scorpion. His bite can be fatal.

Scorpio to his kids tolerates on his back.

"Plants and animals Taiga"

Objectives: Enrich the natural science ideas of children about nature.

Software tasks:

  • Give an idea of \u200b\u200bTaiga - the largest forest of Siberia.
  • Consolidate the knowledge of children, about seasonal changes in nature, about wild animals, migratory birds, insects; On the rules of behavior in the forest.
  • Develop verbally - logical thinking, connected speech, vividly - figurative perception.
  • To form ideas about the role of the forest in the life of a person, its inhabitants.
  • Bring up the careful attitude and love for the native edge; The desire to accept the occasional participation in the protection and protection of nature.

Structure occupation

Opening conversation about homeland.

What is homeland? (Native land, house, flowers, mom ..) What is the name of our homeland? (Russia) So we are with you: (Russians). Our country is very big, and we live here here (I show on the map) - in Siberia. So we: (Siberians). Is it possible to say that Siberia is our homeland? Of course, Siberia is part of our big homeland - Russia. Listen to the poem about Motherland (reads a child):

We live in Russia:
We have dense forests,
We have white birch
And cosmonauts bold
And our clean sky
And our rivers are fast,
And Moscow - our capital,
In the whole world, there is no more beautiful!

2. Siberia - the edge rich. In the depths of the Earth there are reserves of gold, from which decorations (rings, earrings), iron, from which cars, machines, pipes, and much more, gas are made (in the pipes goes to the house and gives heat). But there is one more wealth in Siberia. What? You can now guess if you listen carefully a mystery (reads a child):

"The house is open from all sides,
He is the roof of the roof of the roof
Come in the green house
Wonders will see in it. "(Forest)

What is the forest? Of course, the forest is not only a lot of trees. It is bushes, grass, berries, mushrooms, insects, birds, beasts. In Siberia forests a lot. If on top from the plane to look at our Siberian Earth, it turns out that the earth has a green color. Why?

Forests are different. Many songs, poems are folded about the beauty birch, and the forest where birchs grow, called: (Bereznyak). Find among the paintings of the one on which Bereznyak is drawn. And how do you call the forest, where the ate grow? (Find a picture of Elnika.) Pines? (Pine.) Oaks? (Dubrava.) And oaks in Siberia grow? Why? What do you think: what is a mixed forest? (Forest, where different species of trees grow nearby - pines, birch, aspens, fir. Why?

3. The biggest forest on earth, which stretches for many kilometers, is called Taiga. Siberia is called the taiga edge. Let's try to mentally visit Taiga (receiving dive). Close your eyes: pines, spruce, cedars, fir: heavily buzzing trees. Creak, moan the trunks whispering with moss. Raw, gloomy, deaf. Roots - truncated, like bears, rose to the piles, crushed light paws. Around the animal traces, silence and deserted.

How did you feel in the taiga? (Uncomfortable, I wanted to spacious, on the sun.) And the butterflies, did you see the birds? (No, because everyone is hiding, noting.) Here is such a harsh, non-smart taiga.

Listen to another riddle (reads a child):

"What is this maiden:
Not seamstress, not master
Nothing herself sews
And in needles all year round? "(Christmas tree)

The fired and dressed tree is called the Christmas tree. And in the forest, this tree is called fir. The Christmas tree is easy to find out: it looks like a tent, a pointed top and almost horizontal branches below. Every year grows a new tier branches. From a long time, the Christmas tree was taken to put in the houses before the new year, dress them. What do you think is good? Good in this little. After all, if the Christmas tree put in each apartment of a small town, you will need a whole forest. Well, that now put artificial trees. It is not worth the sake of several days to destroy a huge number of alive trees.

Spruce - wood singery. Why? What does it know how to sing? It turns out that it makes musical instruments - violins, piano. And also telegraph poles, sleepers, paper.

A miracle tree grows next to her taiga - cedar. It is also called cedar Siberian pine. This tree can (under favorable conditions) grow a huge amount: imagine a height of 2 five-storey houses set on each other. Here is such a cedar. The forests where pure cedar plantings are growing, are found very rarely and the name is kercha. Repeat this word. Usually cedar grows in mixed forests, adjacent to her fir, fir. Guys, do you know what grows on a cedar? Cedar cones. When the cone matures, it falls on the ground, without opening, and the nuts do not fall out of it. Very love to be taught by poultry poultry taiga - cedings. They collect nuts in grinding bags and then hide them in the grass, under Moss. Then they eat some nuts, and some remain in the ground and germinate. Is it possible to say that cedish birds grow forest? Delicious and useful oil is obtained from the cedar, it reminds us with sunflower oil in bottles, halva. The cedar wood is very durable: furniture, railway cars, pencils make it from it.

Fizkultminutka "Good forest":

Good forest, old forest,
Fully miracles!
We go to walk now
And call you!
Waiting for us on the forest edge
Birds, butterflies, animals.
Paws on a web
And the grasshopper on the edge!

And now I will tell a fairy tale about one taiga tree - larch. Sometime, nature distributed all the trees of outfits: Birch got a gentle leaflet, cedar - long fluffy needles, pine - also needles, but others. Trees say: "Why birch and osinsink such cute loskutki, and we are needles? WHAT WHAT, ALL LIFE WILL SELL?" And Nature said: "The leaves will appear in the spring, and for the winter to fly away. And the needles will remain on you forever, so it will be fair." Here and larch the queue approached. At first she asked her needles: all the same among the snow always remain green - just wonderful! Then he returned and asked at least a little bit of her like a birch. "Okay!" - Nature said. And the larch remained needles, like Cedar, Pine, ate, but for the winter they began to turn yellow and fly from the leaves from birch. Larch is a very durable building material. Houses built from it are preserved hundred years. In water, larch does not rot, it becomes durable as metal.

Educator: The forest is a house for birds, animals, plants, always remember and follow the rules of behavior in it.

Educator: In the forest there are many different inhabitants, and what animals live in the forest you will learn if you look at the picture carefully. Tell me, what animals did you see here?

(Squirrel, Fox, Hare, Bear)

Educator: Tell us what you know about protein?

Children: Protein - rodent. It feeds on nuts, berries, mushrooms, bumps. Protein is sharp claws. It helps her quickly climb on a tree. Fluffy tail serves as a protein parachute. Squirrel lives in a voupel. In the summer, the protein is redhead, and in winter gray. Squirrel stacking mistress. She harvested the nuts on the winter, dries mushrooms on the branches of trees. In the spring, the proteins appear like a lush.

Educator: - Tell me what you know about the fox?

Children: Fox - a predator. Mostly fox hunts on mice, less often on the hares. Lisa Chero catches hedgehogs. She rolls hedgehog to the water, he spreads his spines in the water and floats to the shore. Here - then the fox is waiting for him.

Lisa lives in Nore, in spring the fox appears Lisyata.

Educator: What do you know about the bear?

Children: Bear is an omnivorous animal. He loves eating honey, berries, fish, ants, roots. The bear seems to be clumsy, but easily climbs on trees and runs quickly. The bear is building a burgrel from branches, fallen trees, moss. In winter, the Medveditsa appears bear. In the spring, the bear wakes up from winter hibernation.

Educator: Tell us what you know about the hare?

Children: Hare Rodent. Feeding huddle grass, leaves. In winter, gnawing the bark of trees. The hare in winter is white, and in summer - gray. It helps him hide from predators. Even from enemies, the hare saves long, fast paws. The hare is in the mountain runs through, and from Mount Kwyrkom. The hare lives in the summer under a bush, and in the winter digs a mink in the snow. In the spring, the bunnies appear routine. They are called anticians.

Educator: Do you know these forest sounds? (The music of the "Voice of Birds" sounds)

Guys, I suggest you to listen and guess birds on characteristic sounds? (cuckoo, nightingale, woodpecker)

Educator: All birds gathered on the clearing and not to disassemble - where the migratory, where the wintering. Let's fix everything. On one cleaner you need to place migratory birds, on the other - wintering. In turn, we approach each other, choose the bird and put the wintering birds on the clearing where the snowflake, and migrate - where there is a snowdrop.

(There are two easels. On one emblem - snowflake, on the other - a snowdrop).

Educator:- Well done, everyone coped with the task.

What happens in the life of birds in spring?

(birds come with nests and lay eggs)

We walk with each other,
Forest and spring meadow,
We are like socks,
And then on the heels.

Fine wings flashed
In the field of butterfly fly.
Concerned, flew,
Flowers quietly sat down.
Educator: Now I will make you riddles about the smallest creatures on earth, and if you guess right, then the depth will appear in front of you. (pictures with the image of insects)

We are forest residents,
Wise builders.
From needles all artel
We build a house under the fir tree ..


Moved at the flower
All four petals.
I wanted to disrupt him -
He felt and flew away.


With the leaves of the TRU it eats
Follow the garden helps.
So she flew cleverly.
It -

. (Ladybug).

How can you call an ant, butterfly, God's cow in one word


What is the main sign of all insects?

(All insects are 6 paws.)

What benefits bring insects?

(Ladybugs destroy the TRU. Ants spread the seeds of many plants in the forest. Butterflies pollinate flowers.)

Educator: Guys, do you know what "Red Book" is? (This is a book in which rare plants, animals, birds are listed)

What animals do you know listed in the "Red Book"?

Educator: Let's guys are friends of the forest, we will take care of nature: do not trample green grass, do not tear flowers, and let's admire them, because they brought home quickly, and in nature they will rejoice us for a long time with their beauty, never ruin the bird nests, Do not bring home and chicks home, because at home they will die, do not catch butterflies, because if you take a butterfly in your hands, then she will not be able to fly more. Let us with you always pleases the gentle sun and the beauty of nature.



Description of material: The conversation contains interesting and useful information about tropical forests (jungle) and their inhabitants. Children find out where they are located, what climate, which plants and animals have adapted to live in these parts. It will help to awaken the interest of a child to the world around the world, give new knowledge.

The material for drawing a conversation was the encyclopedia, children's magazines.
purpose: To acquaint with tropical forests, with climatic conditions, animals and plants.
1.Educational: Expand the presentation of children about the diversity of the animal world of the earth.
2.Developing: Develop curiosity and desire to explore the nature and living inhabitants of the Earth. Promote speech development and logical thinking.
3.Educational: Educate love and careful attitude towards nature.
Equipment: Card Hemispheres, Physical Map of the World, Pictures depicting the phenomena of nature, pictures of plant and animal peace of rainforest.

From African Savannah move to wet, evergreen tropical forests, which are called jungle. There is always hot and wet because of permanent rains. Because of the heat and wet climatic conditions, a rich vegetable world grows here. It is distinguished by a great manifold. The upper tiers are presented mainly by large trees: ficus, palm trees.

The lower tiers are widespread rubber, oil palm, bread, banana and coffee trees, tree ferns, lianas.

Tropical forests are the kingdom of monkeys. Most of them have long tails and dwell on trees. All eyes are directed forward, have powerful chain fingers and long hands. The thumb is located opposite the rest, which allows monkeys to hold hard on branches, such as monkey,

Two types of human monkeys - chimpanzee gorillas live here.

They feed on monkeys with wood fruits and young leaves and are often moving with Lian, some species of which are sometimes called "monkey" stairs. A thick nose Tapir rushes in the ground, looking for various bugs and worms.

In the jungle relatives of Zhirafa-Okola dwell. For striped legs, this is a frightened animal called "Forest Zebra". They are always hiding in thick thickets, since very shabby and careful.

Predators are found here: leopards, tigers. After a successful hunt, the leopard is closed with the extraction on a tree, higher from numerous thieves.

Tiger knows how to do everything: to climb trees, quickly run, swim in deep rivers. All the inhabitants of the jungle know about his ferocity.

Fauna birds are widely represented by parrots, brightly fired bananoys, African peacocks. The tail of the magnificent feathers Peacock reveals the fan to enjoy its chosen.

They adapted to life on trees and many reptiles - snakes. Poisonous wood cobras are the greatest danger. An angry Cobra raises his head, reveals the hood and sinister hits. They present a serious danger to humans, since the bite poison may result in death.

Pythons - Neyovy Snakes. They wrap and slander prey, and then swallow it entirely.

So our journey in Africa went to the end. We visited you in the desert, savannah and jungle. Let's summarize that you have learned about rainforest?

Purpose: Expand, deepen and consolidate children's knowledge about the inhabitants of the seas and oceans.


Continue to acquaint children with marine animals, some representatives (whale, shark, dolphin, sea turtle, crab, jellyfish, octopus, seahorse): their appearance, features of movement, adaptability for life in aquatic environment, nutrition, behavior; introduce some forms of protection of marine inhabitants.

Activate informative activities: to bring up a desire to learn more about marine inhabitants, develop the curiosity of children.

Develop a shallow motility of hands.

Enrich and intensify the children's dictionary.

Raising a caring attitude towards wildlife objects.

Material: Illustrations with marine animals; Mysteries on marine topics; Finger games; poem of V.Lenti "Multicolored Octopus"; Red cardboard, set of cardboard geometric shapes of different color.

Structure occupation:

Educator: Today we will talk about the inhabitants of the seas and oceans. What marine inhabitants do you know?

Responses of children.

Educator: Right. The seas live a lot of animals, a wide variety. And they are not quite similar to animals living on Earth. There are marine cows, and sea seals, and starfish, sea hedgehogs, fish - needle, fish - butterflies, there are fish - clowns. There are animals safe for humans, there are also dangerous. Let's get to know them closer?

Well, then go on the journey! Let's get acquainted with the marine inhabitants.

What are we going to travel on a journey? (children's reasoning). Guess the riddle:

On the waves the palace floats,

Do people are lucky?

Responses of children.

Educator: That's right, this is a ship.

We will now sit on our ship and go on the road!

(Children occupy places on the improvised "ship" made up of chairs. The melody "free wind" sounds).

SELECTED? Please take your binoculars to be more convenient to watch the sea expanses and its inhabitants. Connect the thumb with the rest of the palms, folded together, and round them. Cut the resulting "bagels" to the eyes, as if watching binoculars.

What do you see? I see the endless expanses of the sea, it is blue - the sky is reflected in it, I see light waves.

Let's depicting the sea and waves. Bend your hands in your elbows in front of you, binding your fingers. Rim up alternately elbows, making wave-like movements.

As you portrayed the waves, the first marine inhabitant appeared on the horizon. Listen to the riddle and try to determine who it is:

Island with palm tree,

Stay hello to me!

He puffs offended:

"I'm not the island! I ... "?

Children: Kit!

Educator: Proper, guys. This is whale. Why was he compared in a riddle with an island?

Children: He is huge. If his back will appear from the water - as if a piece of land, island.

Educator: And what is this "Palma Water" on his back?

Children: This is a fountain.

Educator: Where does this fountain come from? - (children's reasoning).

Educator: These are the nostrils that are on top of the head, and from them, when the animal breathes, a steam fountain comes out. What else can you say about this wonderful sea inhabitant? - (Children's statements)

Educator (specifying and summarizing the statements): everything is true. Kit is the biggest animal in the world. (Shows illustration). The body is slim, strongly elongated, rounded, smooth, instead of the front paws he has two fins, and instead of the rear - a large, similar to a fishety tail. All this, he needs to easily move in the water. Body coloring dark gray with a bluish tint.

Tell me, please, and whale is a fish or not? - (Children's statements).

Educator: Whales - not fish. They, like fish live in water, but breathe air, overlooking the sea surface. They feed their cubs with milk. There are such huge whales that weigh as much as weigh 25 elephants and more. One whales have teeth, others have no. Uzable, instead of teeth - mustache. Such whales feed on small races, krif. Eating them in large quantities, as they are large - they need a lot of food. They swallow a large amount of water with different small lies, then water seeps through the mustache, as through the sieve, and the mining remains in the mouth.

In general, whales are very diverse: there are huddles, and there are relatively not big.

And now take your binoculars again and see if the next sea of \u200b\u200bthe sea appeared on the horizon?

I see, guess who:

This is circusch -

Nose beat the ball.

Frenchman know and Finn:

Loves to play ..?

Children: Dolphin!

Educator: Proper, guys. (Shows illustration).

What do you know about Dolphins? - (Children's statements).

Educator (specifying and summarizing statements): They are among the smartest and most useful animals for a person. A person teaches them to find the sunken ships, drive the fish into the network, the dolphins protect people from sharks, they save immersing. And for the ability to highly jump out of the water and deftly perform various tricks they called "marine acrobats". This is a very friendly animal, it, like a person breathes lungs. Dolphins are a kind of tooth whales, and, unlike fish, can not breathe under water. They breathe air, from time to time rising to the surface. For a long time, they can be under water due to the fact that they know how to delay the breath for a long time. Dolphins are very playful, as well as whales, live and hunt a pack, help each other and do not quarrel with their relatives.

What do they eat? - (children's responses: feed on fish)


Guys, let's depict whales and dolphins. Jump into the water! First you whales: twist your hands, pull your hands in front of yourself and round them. Swim, whales! (Children run each other around the perimeter of the group room, portraying "China").

And now you are dolphins: fold your hands with your palms together, pull your hands forward, connect thumbs up and retain up - this is a dolphin fin. Make hands wave-like movements left - right, up - down, showing how the dolphin swims. Swim, Dolphins!

Educator: Well done. I swore and again on the road. On the ship!

Look in binoculars. Guess who I saw this time?

This fish is evil predator,

All swallowed with your head.

Teeth showing yawn

And went to the bottom ...?

Children: shark.

Educator: Of course, this is a shark. (Shows illustration).

What do you know about sharks? - (Children's statements).

Educator (clarifying and summarizing): sharks are big, fast, toothy fish. The teeth are growing in several rows and sharp, as drank. They breathe under water due to the gills by air dissolved in water. They are very voracious and moving.

Let's look at the binoculars again. Do you see anyone? Then guess what the next sea inhabitant I discovered:

For yourself at the bottom of the sea

He grinds the house.

Round shell, ten paws.

Guess? It..?

Children: crab.

Educator: Right. (Shows illustration).

What can you say about this animal? - (Children's statements).

Educator (Clarifying and summarizing): The body of this animal resembles a smooth thick cake with small eyes and short beggars - antennas. I can't swim the crab, but quickly runs sideways, walks along the bottom of the sea. He has 10 legs: 8 serve to move, and two front turns turned into a claw. With their help, he protects against enemies and cuts his food into pieces, then sending it into the mouth.

Crabs collect garbage, clean the seabed.

Traveling on the bottom, crabs are forced to hide from predators and disguise. They put on their own pieces of algae, often collect everything that will fall into the claws - empty shells, glass fragments, fish heads - and folds their back. Such "scenery" perfectly mask the crab. When the crab threatens the danger, he substitutes a predator with a back with a trash.

Well, what's there again we have on the horizon? Prepared to guess the next riddle?

Long leg pear

Settled in the ocean.

Whole eight hands - legs!

Is it a miracle ..?

Children: Octopus.

Educator: Proper, guys. This is an octopus. (Shows illustration). What do you think, why was it called the octopus? - (Children's statements).

Educator: An amazing pickled animal: head and eight legs (hands, suckling). On the tentacles at octopus - suction cups, so it can hold any trifle. It crawls using tentacles and suckers. More often prefers to sit down in shelter, in order to avoid the attack of the predator. Mix on a stony day, where there are many cave, in which you can hide. Feed on small marine animals. They know how to change their painting, disguise under the surrounding area. (Demonstrates the disguise phenomenon: geometric shapes of different colors is applied to the red cardboard background, it turns out that the figures are better "masked" on a red background).

And he can let paint (ink), fleeing the pursuer.

On the octopus color, it is possible to determine its mood: a very frightened octopus - white, at the time of anger, the rage acquires a reddish tint.


Go down to the sea. Turn everything in octopuses. Let's move with your tentacles:

I do not know myself:

You do not get tired of changing your color.

Was in polka dot hour ago,

And now I'm strip.

I swim to the corals -

I am me aliens - scarlet.

Here I am a clown - octopus -

Eight multicolored feet!

Become a black night -

Gary light. Goodnight!

(Children depict octopuses)

Educator: And now we go back to the ship. And now you have a mystery:

Stone shell - shirt.

And in the shirt ..?

Children: Turtle.

: What can you say about the sea turtle? - (Children's statements).

Educator: There are land turtles, and there are maritime. They are fully adapted for life in water. Their paws turned into flippers, and the shell became much smaller and easier. The sea turtle cannot hide in it, like a land in his. In the water, they are mobile and graceful, and on land moving slowly. At the same time, the sea turtles are hatched from eggs, which mothers are turtles put in the sand on the seashore.

Listen to the following riddle:

Guess what horses

Rush to the sea from chase?

I could hide algae

Little sea ..?

Children: Konk.

The tutor shows an illustration and asks: Why did they call him a skate? - (Children's reasoning: it looks like a chess figure of a horse).

Educator: Live sea skates in the thickets of sea grass. Hide in it. Everyone has a mouthpiece. They are good parents: dads on the belly handbags, a little danger, fry - yukk, yukk in them - and hid.

And here is the last mystery:

Swim transparent umbrella.

"Cutting! - threatens. - Do not touch! "

Her paws and belly.

What is her name?

Children: Medusa.

Educator: (Shows illustration). What can you say about jellyfish? - (Children's statements).

Educator: These are centers. There are a wide variety of forms and colors, but the body is almost always transparent and very tender. There are very poisonous species. Feed on small marine animals.

Well, keep the way back home. Let's fill with the sea inhabitants and promise to meet with them.

Let's look at the binoculars, we will admire the sea expanses. (Enable music).

Educator: Well, here we are at home. You can get out of the ship. Did you like the trip?

With what sea inhabitants did we meet today? - (children's responses).

What do you remember most? - (children's responses).

Would you like to continue to meet the inhabitants of the sea? - (children's responses).


Purpose: Give a common idea of \u200b\u200bthe country Australia.


Educational: To introduce children with nature, animal world

Give ideas about the beauty and variety of plant and animal world.

Maxue children with traditional occupation and clothing of this nation.

Expand the horizon of children.

To acquaint children with Australia's location on a map, flag and capital of Australia.

Developing: Develop the cognitive and emotional feelings of every child.

Develop creative abilities, accuracy, perfection, skills and skills of cooperation, mutual assistance and mutual matters.

Educational: To educate tolerance and friendship between nations, respect for the folk traditions of another country.

Brief interest and love of the world around.

Materials and equipment: World Map, Australia Flag, Flag Photography Australia, Australia Presentation.

Travel course:

Organizing time. Children are located on the carpet.

1) Guys, look, this doll is a resident of Australia. (showing dolls). His name is Oliver. Let's look at his suit. He is dressed in a checkered shirt, dark trousers, on his legs with his boots, and on the head, cowboy hat. Cowboy hat - can be considered one of the symbols of Australia. It flashes many representatives of the local population.

Oliver invites us to a fascinating journey into a country called Australia. Australia is an unusual country: it comes in it when the winter begins at home; The color of the earth is almost everywhere - red; And animals living here are no longer found anywhere in the world.

Want to meet this country closer?

(Children's responses)

Australia, Australia.

Wonderful country.

To the world of mystery and mysteries

She takes us.

There is a lot of interesting things

And to learn about it

Decided in Australia

We are walking with you

And in this journey

You will help us friends

Team of our group

And of course, I!

2) And before getting to get acquainted with the country of Australia, let's go to the map and find it there.

We approach the card, we are looking for a country (to pre-circle the country with felt-tip pen). The capital of Australia - Canberra, she is so small that it is very hard to find on the map. Look, this is the Australia flag (show photos of the flag of Australia), and I have the same check box, only small. Let's attach it to the card, in place where the capital of this country is indicated.

3) And now we go on the journey, sit down on the chairs. We will fly to the country called Australia, imagine that we are at the airport on board the aircraft and are preparing for departure. All seat belts fastened, during take-off and set of height, you cannot get up from the places and detach the seat belts. Fasted belts will not disturb you, but can save from injuries. (Include the sound of the take-off of the aircraft). And during the flight we will play.

On Monday or on Wednesday (rotate hands, first on the right then to the left side)

We will eat in Australia! (cramped hands)

Solving there with Kangaroo, (hands in the castle)

I will play with him in the game! (cotton palms on knees alternately each hand)

Muscles with him in straining, (fingers pull, not squeezing)

Parrots parrot! (hands are squeezed and compressed)

Along the paths of hot, (running my fingers on the table)

We run and ridge! (kick your feet)

And then - fly home! (cramped hands)

Guys we flew to Australia. Let's see what is interesting here.

4) showing the presentation "Australia"

1) Australia is an unusual country: in it summer comes when the winter begins at home; The color of the earth is almost everywhere - red; And animals living here are no longer found anywhere in the world.

2) The Australian city of Sydney, who meets its guests an unusual building in the form of huge white shells, rising their water - Opera House (Opera Building). It hosts different performances, concerts and even festivals.

3) And in the Sydney aquarium, visitors can see the inhabitants of the ocean. There are sharks, sea lions and cats, penguins, sea turtles and many varieties of fish! They float in huge transparent pools and tunnels, thanks to which everyone can watch them.

4) Australian animals are the same unusual as the whole country! Only in Australia, Kangaroo, Echidna, Ema, Koala, Larochvost, Paradise and many other unusual animals live in Australia.

Kangaroo. This animal is a symbol of Australia. Kangaroo have big tails, strong rear paws and small, but clever, front. They know how to quickly and far jump, and the kangaroo moms in special bags on the belly are carrying young, which are born quite terrible - as your little girl. Interesting, right?

Let's play with Kengurenk. A verbal game with a kangaroo "What is needed for?"

Kengurenok Kangaroo:

Why yes why?

Tired of listening to mom,

Even to eat.

And then she herself

I began to play words with him.


Why do you need a pillow?

To put on ... ushko.

Why do you need a bed?

To sweetly on it ... sleep.

Why do we need a pear

To her guys ... to eat.

What is the game for?

So that I do not miss ... Devora.

5) Only in Australia there is an echidna - an animal similar to the hedgehog. She has a needle and thick rigid wool, a thin nose and a small mouth with a long sticky tongue, large paws with strong claws. Echidna feeds on ants and termites, getting their sticky tongue. And this animal has excellent vision, if it feels a danger, it quickly fell into the ground, exposing the needles.

6) WLACKOS. This is an amazing animal that has a duck nose, beaver tail, chicken membranes and soft fur. Wrockpoint is digging a deep hole with a narrow tunnel, passing through which his wool is pressed. And you know, why is such a tail? To store there fat. Many animal fat is distributed uniformly under the skin, and in the tail in the tail.

7) Koala. These are small calm fluffy bears, which are spent most of the time in a hibernation, clinging to a branch with delicious leaves or my mother's back. Koala sleep at 20 hours a day. The main part of the Koala time is silent, but if they are frightened, they begin to cry like children. And then they can be calmed if you can.

8) Large birds live in Australia, similar to African ostriches, which are called Eme. They are also considered a symbol of the country. These birds do not know how to fly, but quickly run, love to swim and even swim well! Mom-emu carry big eggs into the nest, but shears and raises chicks only dad. Here are some amazing birds!

9) And the eggs that they sit amazing, see.

10) Paradise bird. These birds have created many legends and myths, i.e. fairy tales Some legends say that these birds never sit down, and always fly. Others - that these birds have no legs. In fact, these are ordinary birds, relatives of our raven and sparrows, but! Very beautiful relatives. It seems that they are specially invented to affect us with beauty and diversity. Yes, yes, because of paradise birds there are more than 45 varieties.

11) In this country, the largest number in the world of poisonous snakes lives.

12) In Australia, many bright eucalyptus forests. There are several types of eucalyptus. The leaves and bark of these trees are rich in essential oils, which are widely used in medicine and technology.

13) In the depths of Australia there are almost all types of minerals: gold, silver, copper and iron ores, stone coal. Once upon a time there were pirates in Australia. Probably, they hid their treasures here. But now there are many useful and valuable fossils on this earth.

14) the most important branch of the economy - sheepship; Sheep wool, cheese go to many countries in Europe, Asia and America.

15) Australians love to have fun and relax, so many holidays are organized on Mondays - so that the weekend lasted longer.

Australians love the day of gifts, he is celebrated immediately after Christmas - December 26. On this day, things are sold in stores with discounts, and if the gift does not like it - it can be brought back and exchange to another, or pick up money.

16) Australians eat and offer their guests the same unusual dishes as their country. For example, here you can enjoy the dish of crocodile meat, kangaroo or even delicacies from different bugs and larvae called "Whitchetti"! Also very tailed meat pie made of puff pastry, which is called "Pai", and products baked right on the coals ("Bush Tank").

17) And what tasty berries and fruits grow on this land: blackberry, kiwi, mango, papaya, lychee, avocado, oranges, lemons and other tropical fruits!

18) Today we learned quite a bit about Australia, but I hope you liked an amazing country.

5) Gymnastics for the eyes.

"The eyes need to relax."

(Guys cover their eyes)

"You need to take a deep breath."

(Deep breath. Eyes are still closed)

"Eyes will escape in a circle."

(Eyes are open. Movement of the pupil in a circle clockwise and counterclockwise)

"Many, many times blinking"

(Frequent blinking eyes)

"The eyes have become good."

(Easy touch of closed eyes fingers)

"You will see my eyes all!"

(Eyes open. A wide smile on the face)

6) It's time for us to go back, belts fastened. (The sound of the take-off aircraft)

We flew to Australia! (cramped hands)

Made friends with Kangaroo, (hands in the castle)

Played with him to the game! (cotton palms on knees alternately each hand)

Muscles strained with him, (fingers pull, not squeezing)

Parrots parrot! (hands are squeezed and compressed)

Along the paths, hot, (running fingers on the table)

Boiled, pushed! (kick your feet)

There - heat from them in winter! (crap)

We are in a hurry home now! (cramped hands)

Well, here we flew.

7) We learned today that there are a lot of snakes in Australia, and I suggest you play the game "Snake" to relax a little.

Hey, hey,

Blue snake!

I declare, show

While twist!

The educator offers all children to portray snake. Children put hands to each other on the shoulders and slowly "snake" move forward for the teacher. Before children there may be obstacles (cubes, arcs, etc.), which the snake should be turned out without tilting.

8) played? (children's responses)

Children who answer the question? What industry is well developed in Australia well? (children's responses). That's right, in Australia, sheepstone is developed, and I suggest you create a mini farm.

And before work, you need to prepare your fingers to work (your finger game).

Wanted early early

Swim two rams.

Putting your horns

They started the battle.

Long so they got fat

Machion all cling to each other.

But to dinner, suddenly the charter,

Divided, horn raising.

Palms of both hands are lowered down. Elbows are divorced in different directions. The index fingers and the maples of both hands bent the rings and are issued forward, depicting the horn of the barus. The remaining fingers pressed to the palms. Bold up with horns, slightly hitting the bent index fingers and the little finger of one hand about the index finger and the little finger of another hand.

9) productive activity. Lambs from napkins. Exhibition of work accompanied by doll. Overview of work. Praise children behind zeal and attentiveness.

Appendix No. 2.

Laper (Plasticography)

"Funny Penguins"

Purpose: To acquaint children with plasticine and its properties; To form in children interest in the modeling.
Fasten the knowledge of children about animals and birds Antarctic, about penguins
consolidate account skills within 5, the ability to compare by the number of objects, in size
develop fantasy, creative abilities, memory;
Teach children to sculpt a penguin of four parts (head, body, two wings)
develop a fine motor skill;
educate hard work, preferably;
Call a feeling of joy from the work done.
Preliminary work:viewing the cartoon film "Adventures of Penguincasto", talk about penguins, viewing illustrations, reading works.
Materials:plasticine white, black and red colors, melting board, stack, sample.
Integration of regions:"Artistic and aesthetic development", "cognitive development"
Travel course:
1. Riddle.
- Guard, now I will make you a riddle. Guess it.
"He is the king of polar ice
Black and white Mr.
Wow, for the bird he is great
It goes very important.
The most southern mainland
Settled bravery "(Penguin)
-The it is a penguin.
2. Talk about penguins.
- Tell me what you know about penguins?
-Where do penguins live?
- Why do Penguins eat?
1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
1, 2, 3, 4, 5,









Material:{!LANG-ddba9b15c14c335c68f7b74ad4af2bbd!} {!LANG-13dd1fab0eeda2803cd0e8b45124c71e!}{!LANG-881a835fc603bcad10ae6fad27dc7fc5!}







Educator:{!LANG-71bc8073a8a377ab0c280f837b83be1f!} {!LANG-3cdf0fc92ea96ac9dc68e5a572e3df6c!}{!LANG-09dce48878b675d31177892641682477!}




{!LANG-4fdcbc52e6bf4207dd8f46529ff1fc4e!} {!LANG-52baf086b01478cadf223d27ec4b0666!}







{!LANG-1c5dede0144633b3f5ec4b3793ac780c!} {!LANG-9f1bf94f75df7dccc4fe1695825583cf!}







{!LANG-8c54004a5e5d1205b54b9f03802070fa!} {!LANG-28e9c76763f6856a9e9c61b82988690a!}
























Travel course:












{!LANG-9922b790c8a63145148e91d3a3930292!} {!LANG-8a0ff687bd89c3d5933318a7d1eced07!}

{!LANG-7399e6012e880bea94ba666fbc861e5c!} {!LANG-8b973be9d01236febb30a41b85faa7ad!}{!LANG-14e3dccd0a0d8f18a612a2efd19455a8!}












{!LANG-4e50c95bf4c434401e4854cca86ed171!} {!LANG-4a812e14baba87e6f290dc6728ba4fc0!}{!LANG-ef617774cbdb831e88801610bb533991!}





















  • {!LANG-c23c3d3b65cf4345a0695aa3a5f78389!}
  • {!LANG-7386d7075d299900b687a7c049f021a1!}




Travel course:




  • {!LANG-f850ecc5ff9e6d19a983179102d93707!}
  • {!LANG-7b1eb8c1462fad44d669fc72dd2b5c49!}
  • {!LANG-68b2946a240e97e76a9aeb1c7ac32299!}
  • {!LANG-cfec2a4d2790b8c43e3fb67e825c052a!}






















{!LANG-3127c659f09f46180143621ff8fe67f2!} {!LANG-b2940e0a5d55d706b6d27bc351a17346!}

{!LANG-0d89d75810bc9880c7a0fd9655682057!}: {!LANG-7a3b887497cc6d9dcf7c1ea1f1ebdb68!}

Purpose: {!LANG-99d2c3f70a8f93066f8ca5cd408b4fdc!}

{!LANG-85179979d0ed7f3c555cfb1a7172e8a6!} :


  • {!LANG-2963d7bc3d0519c2232dbcc3f42011f4!}
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  • {!LANG-7d7a813ce12b9467b34f40a16316588f!}
  • {!LANG-3dd9be9aeda815d9d287836ea5569ea2!}
  • {!LANG-9f447568ee41621dae82dd2721bdbaca!}


  • {!LANG-639c6ca086af5fb12e8a764eb81b41af!}
  • {!LANG-3d518a69741c9b53bfa305ae1f343b83!}


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  • {!LANG-9bc81a8818d52985592be6991bd8537d!}
  • {!LANG-5c3e48b7ca81763b940b28a7f1cb7ddd!}
  • {!LANG-1b346649e5aa1462246b7d67eb8e18c3!}


  1. {!LANG-ff705516c1c2164c9b19802952d7322d!}.












  • {!LANG-e2743ad7b510d1c68337a855921dcde8!}































  • {!LANG-06d8d7f6a4227b8249647bb3cd1339ee!}











- {!LANG-4f770597974eda35e9f52f16c990e39a!}

- {!LANG-957d49ab427ab41ee62c70646b27405d!}


























{!LANG-d0206e1ad1080555eb1781c1d7c3f18a!} {!LANG-b39410ae16e5db7d57080019de3b1404!}
{!LANG-316ef0a0a8836eb684328f0b522914bb!} {!LANG-3650350818af4afe971f627358a281d9!}
{!LANG-8abc4224661e50e7c21efe15645481c8!} {!LANG-892e58f95c4e5b93d2dfc7ce9bcc95c9!}
{!LANG-728781cccc1322210f2b51e0341f39df!} {!LANG-dae8ccdc52c537a6a4fafb4097a3d0c2!}
{!LANG-3adb26e633d6c06e4aa1b491b32fa373!} {!LANG-19870e5da8cb8ce6a5f21d4017198328!}
{!LANG-2cb1930a5b6444916f831dc75aa7ca9d!} {!LANG-7a49f98f1b4bf3ce04ff4fb7f91d5892!}
{!LANG-69b94f2a8bd819acc97169d653a1cdbb!} {!LANG-91d5bd1fb132dcf9b39aa0b5427085c2!}
{!LANG-cc8cc7203d17a34bc9f248b52abffac3!} {!LANG-72d57c34f139e5bf48be1127ea5e0497!}
{!LANG-f820aa2da6fbc16a5cbe84d53c97d8fa!} {!LANG-ee105ba4f53e54fbcf3e05e14133e650!}
{!LANG-16ea839e5f49497f930e20e3482f5e64!} {!LANG-fafc4dbb5d5d9fac76d2ebccae6944b9!}
{!LANG-53ec44cda69e7c59639b5fd5ada5e67d!} {!LANG-25bad736a867fc6e37912e8f478be799!}













- {!LANG-a564328ccd230ee025c56f70f7b78850!}








- Educator {!LANG-5ad2cd0a867f2cb5458442d45fdc6530!}






{!LANG-3d3cdb15f4050d3806042c51dfa7695b!} : {!LANG-057f8888219add94b26ed24784cfd513!}

Educator {!LANG-3537b043d6583227599122f45a496eef!}


Educator: {!LANG-7759c9e47bc4d7fa47deba905ae6d013!}

{!LANG-5d4c1ebdcc4f243137fd13c1520b5370!}. {!LANG-2268fdc77f65cb01c4147ee067cdb25f!}

{!LANG-6bc304bb0ca3b958e15ae1ed7466896d!} {!LANG-508aef24f4023c0860b6bdc45214781a!}
{!LANG-1881495a792050f4afb153d5f2d69161!} {!LANG-c190f860463d8393bc839c13657102a0!}
{!LANG-544ef2a5768e19e9d8b2a80f4d9b28d2!} {!LANG-5101bbeb78cf0acabf640edd1c6f5749!}
{!LANG-79964bc55be1d830b122d05e0e595c8b!} {!LANG-5fc861851f59d7575e557b1ad00ed2ed!}

Educator : {!LANG-5409b9f115599a905212dfbb54c4a042!}


Educator : {!LANG-5a6db993736dbe3c9b05c988d6a7e197!}


Educator {!LANG-f4b597316190054a8b34d9a2a48ef5b9!}


Educator: {!LANG-1c7fd166169d4d3939514165af1aa56b!} {!LANG-3f871d1c1f55e369fedb0a31ab93dac1!} {!LANG-9310d513d9e02d541cb354c7634e6902!}









Educator {!LANG-003ac906a4495b2dae2bc0fb80bcc8c4!} {!LANG-fb38ead4874d10d61069241ae700bbd0!} {!LANG-37ab075dd218d2c11e6e5ca275596c9e!} {!LANG-58cac61db8529ba07cd1f4a3ee62bc1b!} {!LANG-67878161b463a99067e33291f256dbee!} {!LANG-7c5b7da86e1f5d61e354483cf0beb759!} {!LANG-8b7f32cfff367b9b043525ea5bd61679!}

















Educator {!LANG-1f32cf7f356693b4b9a25a34f4a3ce39!}


{!LANG-331159354948ef419d55d93b26822067!} {!LANG-7882edf7a68b239c28cd965362816897!}


Educator:{!LANG-50ad95604ef900960d7fed4c8c268b13!} {!LANG-4d7959c03d6a955054c71c2ed9bd2951!} {!LANG-2dbb9e40bc759e0baab924126d7a76e8!}








Educator {!LANG-c02979caf43ec1e521a229ccc78397c0!} {!LANG-33f23f56dcc126ad1179c89bb0624877!} {!LANG-69981591bd47287d06e7e1a119cc8461!}

{!LANG-4590701477bd0c9b89f41354d30df4af!} {!LANG-cd52751ff8e61fa3f7b03b4a5fc37530!}
{!LANG-10ccc8bf5537dad2028c2d91549b19ca!} {!LANG-15df0f6eb20267364172c3b9e1f8d4a6!}
{!LANG-6623e0e021185220ebd85001a4dd9533!} {!LANG-505e6744bb36c6fa7a8fd3c13443522a!}


{!LANG-0ca081adc8223fc67990c0b81f0e9e32!} {!LANG-3d5d2f8147314346c38346075fe1b159!} {!LANG-7263b81fae81a1a9c06e8b1edcadbada!} {!LANG-cb8abf9cd3ae34d621ced69a0fdf2a64!} {!LANG-90bcb844fe8177f05fd188cfe92496d2!}


{!LANG-e4d9d1b3031c62396f0fa3d3cc2e98c3!} {!LANG-d70fda7e2b899be5e813556f120ccf56!}























