Bunin Dark Alley Stories. Dark alleys

Bunin Dark Alley Stories. Dark alleys
Bunin Dark Alley Stories. Dark alleys

The cycle of the story of the Bunin "Dark Alleys" is the best that the author is written in his entire creative career. Despite the simplicity and availability of the Bunin style, the analysis of the work requires special knowledge. The work is studied in grade 9 in literature lessons, its detailed analysis It will be useful when preparing for the exam, writing creative works, test tasks, drawing up a story plan. We offer to familiarize yourself with our analysis option for the "Dark Alley" according to plan.

Brief analysis

Year of writing– 1938.

History of creation - The story is written in emigration. Tosca middle, bright memories, care from reality, war and hunger - served as a push to writing the story.

Subject- Love, lost, forgotten in the past; Broken fate, the topic of choice and its consequences.

Composition- Traditional for Novel, story. Comprises three pieces: The arrival of the general, meetings with former beloved and hasty departure.

Genre- Story (Novel).

Direction- Realism.

History of creation

In the "Dark Alley", the analysis will be incomplete without the history of creating a work and knowledge of some details of the biography of the writer. In the poem of N. Ogarev "Ordinary Taist" was born, the image of dark alleys was bounior. This metaphor was so impressed by the writer that he endowed her with his special meaning and made the name of the cycle of stories. All of them are combined with one topic - bright, fateful, memorable for the whole life of love.

The work included in the same stories cycle (1937-1945) was written in 1938, when the author was in emigration. During World War II, hunger and poverty persecuted all residents of Europe, the French city of Grass did not exception. It is there that are written all best works Ivan Bunin. Return to memories of wonderful youth, inspiration and creative work The author was given to the author to survive the separation from the homeland and horrors of war. These eight years far from their homeland became the most productive and most important in creative career Bunin. Mature age, wonderful beauty landscapes, rethinking historical events and life values - became the impetus to the creation of the most main work Word masters.

The very best times are written the best, thin, piercing stories about love - the cycle "Dark alleys". In the soul of each person there are places where he looks infrequently, but with a special trepidation: there are the brightest memories, the most "dear" experiences are stored. It was the same "Dark Alleys" meant the author, giving the name of his book and the story of the same name. For the first time, the story was published in New York in 1943 in the publication " New Earth”.


Leading topic - The theme of love. Not only the story of "Dark Alleys", but all the works of the cycle are based on this beautiful feeling. Bunin, summing up his life, was firmly convinced that love is the best thing that can be given to a person in life. It is the essence, the beginning and meaning of everything: a tragic or happy story - there is no difference. If this feeling flashed in a person's life - it means he lived her no in vain.

Human fates, irrevocability of events, the choice of which had to regret - leading motifs in the story of the Bunin. The one who loves is always in winning, he lives and breathes his love, she gives him the strength to move on.

Nikolai Alekseevich, who made his choice in favor of common sense, only sixty years understands that his love for hope was the best event in life. The topic of choice and its consequences are brightly disclosed in the story of the story: a person lives his life not with those who remain unhappy, fate returns betrayal and deception, which he made in youth towards a young girl.

The conclusion is obvious: the happiness is to live in harmony with their feelings, and not on behalf of them. The problem of choice and responsibility for their own and someone else's fate is also affected by the work. Problems are sufficiently wide, despite the small volume of the story. It is interesting to note the fact that in the stories of Bunin love and marriage are practically incompatible: emotions are rapid and bright, they arise and disappear as quickly as everything is in nature. Social status It makes no sense where love reigns. It equalizes people, makes meaningless ranks and classes - love their priorities and laws.


Composite story can be divided into three parts.

The first part: the arrival of the hero on the storage courtyard (descriptions of nature and the surrounding area are dominated here). Meeting with a former beloved - the second sense, mainly consists of a dialogue. In the last part, the General Leaves the Stage Dvor - runs from his own memoirs and his past.

Main events - Dialogue of Hope and Nikolai Alekseevich is built on two absolutely opposite views on life. She - lives with love, finding consolation and joy in it, keeps the memories of youth. In the mouth of this wise woman, the author invests the idea of \u200b\u200ba story - what the work teaches us: "everything goes, but not everything is forgotten." In this sense, the heroes are opposite in their views, old general Mentors several times that "everything passes". This is how his life passed, meaningless, inspired, wasted. Criticism perceived the cycle of stories enthusiassed, despite his courage and frankness.

main characters


Dark alleys refers to the genre of the story, some researchers of Creativity Bunin are inclined to be considered their novels.

The theme of love, unexpected sharp endings, tragic and drama plots - all this is characteristic of the Bunin works. It should be noted the lion's share of lyricism in the story - emotions, past, experiences and mental searches. General lyrical focus - distinctive feature Stories Bunin. The author has a unique ability - in small epic genre Correct a huge temporary segment, reveal the soul of the character and make the reader think about the most important thing.

Artistic means that the author uses are always varied: accurate epithets, bright metaphors, comparisons and personification. Reception of parallelism is also close to the author, quite often nature emphasizes independent state Characters.

The Buninsky Collection "Dark Alleys" included stories created in the period from 1937 to 1944. Most of Of them were created during the Second World War, during the occupation of the south of France, where the writer, Italian, and then the German troops.

However, despite the serious global situation, hunger and ruin, Bunin elects for all the stories detached from all these cataclysms the topic of love. It is this topic that is present in each story and being conceptual, united all the forty of them into a single cycle.

The writer himself considered "dark alleys" the best creative brainchild. As noticeable: four dozen collectors' stories are narrated, it would seem about one thing - about love, but in absolutely every one of them has its own unique shade of this feeling. In the collection there are also elevated "heavenly" love, and love-passion, and love-passion, and love-madness, and love-lust. And it is no coincidence, because in the author's understanding of love is an infinitely complicated feeling, " dark alleys"Human life.

And yet, with all the variety of shades of love captured in the cycle stories, it has one prevailing feature. This is a comparison of the strength of love with an insurmountable force of the elements, to accommodate not everyone. Love created by Bunin on the pages of "Dark Alley", the most correctly compared with a thunderstorm - powerful, but short-term elements, which, flashes in the soul, shakes it to the base, but soon disappears.

Because of all the stories of the collection, love breaks on a dramatic or deep melancholic note - parting, death, catastrophe, rubbing. So, dying at the birth of Natalie, hardly her love reaches his dawn ("Natalie"), the officer pays himself a bullet in his forehead, having learned about the treason of his wife ("Caucasus"), in the Russian Parisian who met warmly and affection on the slope of the years The metro happens a gap ("in Paris"), a girlfriend of a novelist, Heinrich, dies from the hands of his former lover on the threshold of a new life ("Heinrich"), etc.

At first glance, all these junctions are unexpected, on many readers, they impress the impact of the knife, as if the writer, not knowing what to do with his heroes, forcibly converts them to the sad ending love stories. But internally, such finals are completely justified, because in understanding the writer, simple mortal is not given for a long time to live in the atmosphere of this extraterrestrial feeling. True feeling, on the riot, always tragic.

Combines the stories of the cycle also the fact that in most of them the bunin uses the motive of memory: the memories of the passion once broke out about the irrevocable past. Bunin describes what seems to him the most important and almost weightless in the memoirs of the past: the excitement of love, then the thrift voltage of the human being, from which the whole visible world Suddenly becomes dazzling and volatile and unique. In memory of the heroes of the cycle, only what was cut on the fly, which did not have time to decrease and retained the wonderful brightness of the rise.

Thus, the stories included in the cycle "Dark Alleys", unites the fact that in each of them Bunin with a big visual force speaks about the diversity of liks of love and about huge power This feeling.

I. A. Bunin - the first of the Russian writers who received Nobel Prizewho has achieved popularity and fame at the world level, having fans and associates, but ... deeply unfortunate, because from 1920 he was cut off from his homeland and thusked about it. All stories of the emigration period are imbued with a sense of longing and nostalgia.

Inspired by the rows of the poem "Ordinary Taist" N. Ogareva: "The rose rose of the scarlet bloom / stood dark alley," Ivan Bunin extended the idea to write a cycle of love stories about thin human feelings. Love is different, but always this is a strong feeling that changes the life of heroes.

Story "Dark Alleys": summary

The story "Dark Alleys", the cycle of the same name and being the main thing, was published on October 20, 1938 in the New York edition "New Earth". The main character, Nikolai Alekseevich, accidentally meets the hope he seduced and threw many years ago. For the hero, then it was only an intrigue with a fortress girl, but the heroine seriously loved and carried this feeling throughout his life. After the novel, the girl received free, began to earn a living herself, in the present owns the innocent yard and "gives money to growth." Nikolay Alekseevich destroyed the life of hope, but he was punished: his beloved wife threw him alone, as he once did he, and the son grew by a scoundrel. Heroes break up, now forever, Nikolai Alekseevich understands which love he missed. However, the hero, even in thoughts, cannot overcome public conventions and submit that it would be if he did not give up hope.

Bunin, "Dark Alleys" - Audiobook

Listening to the story "Dark Alleys" is unusually pleasant, because the poetry of the author's language is manifested in prose.

The image and characteristics of the main character (Nicholas)

The image of Nikolai Alekseevich causes an antipathy: this person does not know how to love, sees only himself and public opinion. He is afraid of himself, hopeful, how would not happen. But if it is all outwardly decent, you can act as you like, for example, break the heart of the girl, for which no one will stand up. Life punished the hero, but did not change him, did not add spirits of the spirit. His image personifies the habit, the everyday life of life.

The image and characteristics of the main character (hopes)

A much stronger hope that was able to survive a shame from the novel with "Barin" (although she wanted to impose hands on himself, but came out of this state), and also managed to learn how to earn independently, and honest way. Koncher Klim celebrates the mind and justice of a woman, she "gives money to growth" and "rich", but does not fit on the poor, but is guided by justice. Hope, despite the tragity of his love, kept her in the heart for many years, forgave her offender, but did not forget. Her image is a soul, an elevation, which is not in origin, and in person.

The main idea and the main topic of the story "Dark Alleys"

The topic of love connects the Russian and emigrant period. As heroes recall the departed love, so the author will thank about the left, loves it, but cannot accept those changes that happened in it.

Interesting? Save on your wall!

Among the Russian classics of the beginning of the 20th century I. Bunin can be called one of the most readable. Excessive, fascinating syllable, skill in creating landscape sketches, High psychologism, artist's approach (affected by painting) to the image of the world ... All this makes Bunin's stories recognizable for many readers generations. The power of love writer to his homeland who rejected him is striking. After the October Revolution, Ivan Alekseevich was in emigration and never returned to Russia.

The main topics of prose

At the early stage of creativity, poetry prevails at the Bunin. However, very soon, poems will be given the place to the stories, in the creation of which the writer unconditionally recognize the master. Their topics changed little over the years. The fate of the country and love are two main issues that worried Ivan Alekseevich throughout life.

Stories Bunin Rowing Century more often about the ruining Russia ("Tanka", " Antonovskaya apples"). His heroes are small noblemen and ordinary men, whose lives are increasingly changing with the arrival of bourgeois relationships. Early works Cutting the first revolution to themselves and echoes: they are filled with the expectation of something new, tragic. During the First World War, the sense of catastrophicity of Being ("Mr. from San Francisco") causes attention to love as the highest value of life in the writer. This topic is most fully manifested in the emigrant work, including the stories of the Bunin from the "Dark Alleys" cycle.

Starting from the 20s in the works penetrate the notes of loneliness and all the same dooms, hopelessness.

Image of russian character

Writer, nobleman by origin, has always bothered the fate of Russian places, where there was a special way of life. Very often the fortress and their owners were associated with almost related relations, which proves the story of Bunin "Lapti", written already in emigration.

The plot is simple. The child fell ill at Baryni. He was in delight and all asked any red lapties. Nefed, brought to the fiber of straw, asked the condition of the boy and, having learned about his strange desire, said: "We must mined. So, the soul wishes. " On the street, the fifth day "I was impenetrable blizzard." Having fluttering, the peasant still decided to go on the road - in the houses that were in the six versts. The lady spent in anxious waiting all night, hoping that he stayed there until dawn. And the next morning, the nephew, frozen, "snow crashed", with children's laps and paint Fuchene for the sinus, brought men: they stumbled upon him in a snowdrift in two steps away from the house. So in the image of a simple man bunin highlights the features of a truly Russian nature: a person responsive, good soulcapable of self-sacrifice for those who love.

Collection of stories "Dark Alleys"

The book was published in 1943 and included 11 novel about love. Three years later, it was supplemented and now he has 38 stories. The collection has become a kind of aesthetic result and ideological designs Bunin.

Clean, beautiful, elevated love, often tragic. Bright, memorable, no similar to each other female images. Emphasizing their beauty and fattening of the feelings of a man. So you can briefly describe the book, which was considered the best in my work, including in terms of "literary skills", I. Bunin.

Story "Dark Alleys"

Nikolay Alekseevich, the rooted gray, but still cheerful and fresh, stops at the boring courtyard and finds out a woman in the hostess, in which he was in love yet in his youth. Hope served in their house maid, and the social difference has played fatal role In their fate. The hero left his beloved, then married. But the wife escaped, the son delivered only problems. He is tired of life, and a random meeting caused incomprehensible tomorrow and thought that everything could be different.

Hope never got married. She always loved only one person, but she could not forgive him betrayal. And these words sound in the story as a sentence of one who is not able to fight for their feelings. At some point, there is a feeling that Nikolai Alekseevich repent. However, then, from a conversation with a kucher, it becomes clear that all these memories for him are no more than nonsense. Do not return more those happiest minutes of life when there was no lie and pretense.

So in the first product of the cycle, which opens the stories of the Bunin "Dark Alleys", the image arises sincere loving womancapable of carrying a feeling throughout life.

"Tragic praise by ..."

These words F. Stepan on the work of the writer can be fully attributed to another product of the collection - "Caucasus". The story of Bunin tells about the love of the tragic, initially disturbing the norm of morality. Heroes - young lovers and jealous husband. She (no names for characters) is constantly suffering from awareness of what is wrong wife, and at the same time infinitely happy next to him. He is waiting for every meeting, his heart freezes from delight when the plan of the trip is coming together. Husband, something suspect, is ready for everything to protect his honor.

Lovers dream of spending at least two or three weeks somewhere in a secluded place and are decided to leave in the Caucasus. The story of Bunin ends with the fact that the husband escorts his wife, and then rushes after her. So finding it, he shoots himself in whiskey from two revolvers. And here there are a number of questions. What does such an act indicate? The fact that love was the meaning of life for him and he gives his wife freedom, instead of shooting with the opponent? And how can they live on, and she, whose relationship was the cause of someone else's tragedy?

So multifaceted and ambiguously depicts a writer one of the brightest feelings on Earth in his stories.

The story of Ivan Alekseevich Bunina "Dark Alleys" was written in 1938 and entered the collection of stories "Dark Alleys", dedicated to the topic love. For the first time published a work in 1943 in the New York edition "New Earth". The story "Dark Alleys" is written in tradition literary direction Neanalism.

main characters

Nikolay Alekseevich - High thin man of the sixty years old, military. In his youth, loved hope, but threw it. He was married, has a son.

Hope - Woman forty eight years, hostess of the inn. Life loved Nikolai Alekseevich, because of what was not married.

Klim. - Kucher Nikolai Alekseevich.

"In the cold nozzles" to a long hill, located at one of the roads of Tula, drove up the tarantas tarantas with a mixture with a mud. " The hollow was divided into two halves - postal station and private relief (innovation courtyard), where the travelers could stop, relax, spending the night.

Rules Tarantas "Strong Guy", "Serious and Temperal" Kucher, "similar on an old robber", whereas in Tarantas and the tarantas and "Slender Star Military", externally similar to Alexander II with a questioning, strict and tired look.

When Kucher stopped Tarantas, the military went to the hube. Inside it was "warm, dry and neat", there was a "new golden image" in the left corner, in the right - the oven-whose chalk, because of the flap of which the sweet smell came. The visits took off the upper clothes, and covered the owners.

Immediately in the room entered the "dark-haired", "Chernobrovaya", "Beautiful not in the age of a woman like an elderly gypsy." The hostess suggested that coming to eat. A man agreed to drink tea, asking to put a samovar. Questioning a woman, visiting learns that she is not married and herself leads the farm. Suddenly, the hostess calls a man named - Nikolai Alekseevich. "He quickly straightened, revealed his eyes and blushed", having learned his long-standing love in the opposite - hope.

The agitated, Nikolai Alekseevich begins to remember how much they have not seen - "Thirty-five years old?" . Hope straightens him - "Thirty, Nikolai Alekseevich". The man knew nothing about her fate since. Nadezhda told that shortly after they broke up, the Lord gave her free, and she was never married, because he loved too much. Blusheny, the man murmured: "Everything passes, my friend.<…> Love, youth - everything, everything. " But the woman did not agree with him: "Everyone passes the youth, and love is another matter." Nadezhda says that he could not forget him, "all alive," recalls that he threw it very heartlessly - she even once wanted to end the life of suicide that she called him Nicholya, and he read her poems about "all sorts" dark alleys"" .

Having delighted in the memories, Nikolai Alekseevich concludes: "Everything passes. Everything is forgotten, "what Hope answered:" Everything passes, but not everything is forgotten. " Having confused, a man asks to serve horses, saying: "If only God forgave me. And you can see forgive. " However, the woman did not forgive and could not forgive: "As I did not have anything more expensive than you in the light at that time, it was not there."

Nikolai Alekseevich asks for a woman forgiveness and tells that he was also unhappy. He loved his wife insanely, but she changed and threw him still offensive than he hope. Son adored, "And the villain came out, the ILO, the naked, without a heart, without honor, without conscience." "I think that I lost most expensive in you what I had in my life." For goodbye, hope kisses his hand, and he is her. After Koncher Klim recalled that the hostess watched them after the window.

Already on the road, Nikolai Alekseevich becomes a shame that he kissed his hoping, and after it is ashamed of this shame. A man recalls the past - "Rose's circle scarlet bloom, stood dark lips alleys ...". It is thinking about what it would be if he had not thrown her, and was "this very hope is not a meaningful of the innocents, and my wife, the hostess of my Petersburg house, the mother of my children?" "And, closing his eyes, shook his head."


I. A. Bunin called the story "Dark Alleys" by the most successful product of the entire collection, its best creation. In it, the author reflects on issues of love, over the fact that it is subject to true feeling Time flow is capable of true love To live decades or it remains only in our memories, and everything else is "the story of the vulgar, ordinary."

A brief retelling of "Dark Alley" will be useful for preparing for a lesson or when familiarizing with the plot of the work.

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