Ostankinsky Palace of Graf Sheremetyeva. Manor Ostankino-former estring of Sheremetev House graphs with unusual chimans in the Ostankino Park

Ostankinsky Palace of Graf Sheremetyeva. Manor Ostankino-former estring of Sheremetev House graphs with unusual chimans in the Ostankino Park
Ostankinsky Palace of Graf Sheremetyeva. Manor Ostankino-former estring of Sheremetev House graphs with unusual chimans in the Ostankino Park

Today I will tell about the Sheremetyevsky Palace in Ostankino. Unfortunately, the palace is currently being restored, so forests and other attributes of construction sites will be present in the photos. On the first photo, the view of the Palace and the Church with.

In the XVI century, the near Moscow village Ostankino belonged to Deak Vasilia Shchekalov, who in 1584 in this place suits the pond, planting a grove, build a house and church. From all this to this day only the pond has been preserved. Everything else was destroyed in troubled times. The manor restores the prince of Cherkassky in the XVII century, to which these owners granted the king Mikhail Fedorovich. One of the heiress grain of the prince is married to Graf Sheremetyeva and Ostankino goes into his property as a bold. The present type of manor acquired in the XVIII-XIX centuries. The construction of the palace itself was completed in 1795.

View of the palace church and Sheremetyevsky Palace, which is almost not visible behind the trees. From the side of the pond. Pond, as I noted in, terribly dirty and requires cleaning.

Sheremetyevsky Palace, closed by forests and canopy. Before him, the passing part is the first Ostankinskaya street, which to the era of the Bolsheviks was called Palace.

Centaur at the gate of the original fence of the Palace:

Vases on the pillars of the fence, are also stylized for antiquity.

The central part of the palace, in the center of the portico in the Corinth Ordere, on the sides - in the attic. Before the palace pseudoantic statue.

Right wing of the palace with doric columns. Thus, all antique styles are used in the colonnade.

Economic Flegel.

Related to the Palace Church of the Temple of the Trinity Live in Ostankina. The year of construction 1692. It was built on the site of a wooden church. Subsequently repeatedly rebuilt.

The church is incredibly beautiful. The beauty is inferior, probably only the temple of Vasily blissful on Red Square. All facades are decorated with decor.

Fragments of the external decoration of the church:

The Museum-Manor Ostankino in Moscow is a unique monument of the 18th century architecture in the northern part of the capital. Located close to the center, it attracts strict forms of classic architecture, the beauty of the interiors of the palace and the silence of an old park. Museum-Manor Ostankino in Moscow refers to the protected natural zone of the capital

Boyarskaya Varya with a pond (XVI century), the church of St. Liberal Trinity (XVII century), the Lorskie House and Dubravoy becomes at the end of the XVIII century a palace-panning ensemble, a parade summer residence of Count N.P. Sheremetev

On the site of the modern estate Ostankino (Original Ostashkovo) 400 years ago, there were dense forests, in which few villages were scattered. In these places, the tsarist huntsman often hunting bears and moose, for which the nearby lands received the names of the "Elk Island", "Elk", "Medvedkovo".

The first written mention of the village and its owner refers to 1558. Ivan Grozny gave these lands to hold a servant person Alexei Satina, who during the years of Okrichnina was also executed. The new owner of the estate was delivered by a famous diplomat, the Dyack of the Embassy Order of Vasily Schelchelov. Under it, Ostankino becomes a real estate (end of the XVI - beginning. XVII centuries). Shchelkanov is building a boyars house with a settlement in it of business people, the Wooden Church of the Trinity. At the same time, a large pond was died, a vegetable garden broke, an oak grove was planted.

After the vague time, the broken estate was restored by new owners - the princes of Cherkasy, in addition, they were built by the preserved and today a stone beauty-church in honor of the lifelong trinity on the site of a burnt wooden with a five-populated temple, with two chapels, three tent porchs and a bell tower with a high spire (now crowned with a tent).

Ostankino is connected with the surname of Sheremetev since 1743, when Count Peter Borisovich Sheremetev married the princess barbarian Alekseevna Cherkasy - the only daughter of Cherkasy. In the dowry she received 24 defenders, among whom it was and Ostankino, and the young owner himself owned by Manor Kuskov, in Ostankina creates a fruit garden, breaks the park, builds new choirs.

After the death of Sheremeteva-senior (1788), his son Nikolai Petrovich Sheremetev, who passes not only the estate Ostankino, but also the owner of the father in 17 provinces with 200 thousand peasants, with prosperous villages, in which the peasants were engaged in art crafts.

The young Count Sheremetev was one of the richest and enlightened aristocrats of his time: knew several foreign languages, studied abroad, traveled many European countries, getting acquainted with literature and art, gathered a big library.

Upon arrival in Russia, he conceived to create a palace of arts in Ostankina with the theater, art galleries, with richly decorated front rooms and halls, open both for domestic and foreign guests. He saw the ministry in this not only the personal needs, but also the glory of the All-Russian.

The palace was built from 1791 to 1798. In his design, architects of Jacomo Kreparents, Francesco Camospise, as well as Russian architects E. Nazarov and the fortress architect P. Argunov. The construction of the fortress masters, which were led by the responsible architects of A. Mironov, Dikushin, P. Bizyaev. The interiors also draw out fortress artists: Decorator Mr. Mukhin, artist N. Argunov, Cutters F. Prikyin and I. Mocaline, Parts F. Prestchenko, E. Chetverikov. Completed the finish of the building of P. Argunov.

The Ostankinsky Palace was built in classicism style. Monumental and majestic, it seemed erected from a stone, although a tree was served by the material for him.

The total composition of the palace comes from the scheme in the form of the letter "P" with a front courtyard. The building is kept in classical symmetry. The big dome is crowned by the central part of the building, decorated in three classic portico: the central and two side. Pavilions on both sides (Italian and Egyptian) are connected to the main building of one-story galleries.

The main premises in the center of the Palace is the theater hall. It should be noted that the Count created an unusual theater, where the serfs received good acting education from famous Russian and foreign artists. The musical part was headed by a composer, a dropmeister and a teacher of singing Ivan Degtyarev, scene's complex scene mechanisms were ruled by Fyodor Priesiin.

All this was created by golden hands by masters - the serf craftsmen, who gained the most capable peasants in different villages, sent them to study them at the Academy of Arts and even in Italy.

In 1801, Sheremetev is forever leaves for St. Petersburg, marrying the young, but already famous actress of his theater Praskovye Ivanovna Kovaleva-Pearchagovaya - the daughter of a fortress blackmade, who is not recognized in the light and deceased from Chakhotka at 34 after the birth of the son of Dmitry. Soon the count itself is dying. Their son raised the ballerina of the same theater T. V. Shlykov-Granatov.

The interiors of the front halls have retained genuine decor and decoration. Special elegance give the halls of lighting devices from crystal, bronze, gilded carved wood. Decoration of Ostankino interiors is a typical artistic parquet.

From June to September in the Ostankinsky Theater, the traditional festival "Sheremetev seasons", continuing the musical and theatrical traditions of the estate. The production of the operas and ballets of the XVIII century, a variety of concert programs that are performed in the hall of the historical theater make it possible to experience theatrical appointment of the Ostankin Palace, immersed in the atmosphere of the manor holidays

Sculptures and stucco facade of the Sheremetyevsky Palace

Church in Ostankino
The Church of the Library Trinity (1678-1692) is built of red bricks. The facades of the building are decorated with multicolor tips with the image of flowers, fantastic birds and animals, white-thread, curly brickwork. In the central part of the church of the iconostasis with the icons of the XVII-XVIII centuries

Ostankino remained the generic estate of Sheremetev until 1917. After the 1917 revolution, the estate was nationalized and functioned as a museum-manor, and from 1938 - as a museum of creativity of serfs. Since then, there is always a great scientific work on the restoration and restoration of the palace, catalogs of his collections are created.

As a publicly available museum, Ostankino's manor opened for visitors on May 1, 1919 at the initiative of the department for museums and the protection of monuments of art and antiquity of the drug addict. Now a comprehensive scientific restoration is held in the museum. Every year from May 18 to September 30, a part of the palace is open to the show in a review tour of the estate

The Ostankina Palace is built from Siberian pine with outdoor plaster and inner decorative finish (1792-1798) in the style of Russian classicism. Architects: Campoise, Starov, Brenna. The modest decor of plastered walls consists of gypsum bas-reliefs on mythological topics, the wall niches "revived" by sculptural images of the heroes of antique mythology associated with the cult of Dionysus and Apollo

The plastered walls seem to be stone. The pale pink color of the facade of the palace wore the poetic name "the color of the nymphs during the dawn." This exquisite color and white columns created a feeling of purity. Harmony of lines and beauty of interiors fascinate guests for several centuries.

The main facade is decorated with a majestic hexual portion of the Corinthian order installed on the ground floor protrusion. The facade facing the park is decorated with ten column loggia ionic order. The outer walls of the palace are decorated with bas-reliefs of the work of sculptors F. Gordeyev and G. Zamarayeva. The most important part of the Palace is a theater hall connecting closed galleries with Egyptian and Italian pavilions that were used for parade techniques and theatrical performances

Theater Museum-Manor Ostankino

At that time, one of the fashionable fun was the theater. Passion to theater N.P. Sheremetyev has grown into the work of his life. According to the plan of the count, the Ostankinsky Palace was to become a pantheon of arts, the palace in which the theater reigns. The theater was opened in 1795 by Opera I. Kozlovsky for the words of A.Potemkin "Taking Izmail or Zelmir and Relon". There were about 200 actors, singers and musicians in the theater's troupe. The repertoire had ballet, operas and comedies.

Wind machine

Thunder machine
Not only the works of Russian authors, but also French and Italian composers. Count Sheremetev arranged holidays in honor of the high Persons, which were usually accompanied by a submission with the participation of talented actors. On the stage of the theater shone a fortress actress Praskovya Pearlchugova - a talented singer.

The last holiday, in honor of Emperor Alexander I, took place in 1801. Soon the theater was dissolved, and the owners left the palace. To this day, the theater hall came in his "Balnom" form, but today it is carried out here to produce an ancient opeker and chamber orchestras sound. The hall remains the best acoustics hall of the capital. It is built in the form of a horseshoe, which provides good visibility from all seats and beautiful acoustics. The hall is decorated in blue and pink colors and accommodates up to 250 spectators.

The auditorium was small, but decorated with great grace. The amphitheater was separated from the parquet Balustrade, behind which the luggage loggias were located between the Corinth columns, and above them, under the most ceiling, the upper gallery. The halls of the palace were intended for the lobby and were used as concert and banquet: Egyptian hall, Italian Hall, Malinic Living Room, Art Gallery, Concert Hall, etc. They can be called parade rooms with crystal chandeliers, parquet floors, paintings, gilded stucco, stylish furniture , upholstery with silk, paintings, engravings, sculptures. Luxuriously decorated even small angular rooms and transitional galleries

Theater ceiling

The two-storey theater is located in the center of the palace and is surrounded by a system of the front halls. In the design of the front halls used a peculiar theatrical version of classicism. In the interior decoration used fabrics, gilding and wood carving, painting on paper.

Interior decoration

The inner decoration of the palace surprises with its estimacy and simplicity. Most of the decor is made of wood, imitating marble, bronze and other materials. The main type of decoration of the halls is a gilded thread. Most of the carved decor performed a draver P.Pol. Especially beautiful in the Italian pavilion.

Egyptian Hall

Patterned parquet of rare tree species, walls, upholstered atlas and velvet. The frontal halls of the palace are famous for gilded furniture 18 and the early 19th centuries of the work of Russian and European masters. Luminaires, wall and other decorations were often performed specifically for the Ostankin Palace. All items are in their places and reached us in their original state. As the eyewitness wrote: "... everything glitters gold, marbles, statues, vases."

Egyptian Hall
Here also presents a collection of portraits of 18-19 centuries. Works of famous masters, as well as rare canvas of unknown artists. Unfortunately, from thirty-authentic antique sculptures, only five came to this day. Therefore, the Palace Sculpture is presented mainly by copies. The works of Western European sculptors of Canova and Lemurian, Buaazo and Tryskorn are also preserved. Among the products from porcelain are preserved objects from the collection of Cherkasy. These are products of the Japanese and Chinese porcelain 16-18 centuries. You can see the collection of fares from the collection of the famous collector F.E. Vishnevsky

Balcony 2 floors

Ostankinsky Park

Together with the construction of the Palace N.P. Sheremetev broke a regular park in French style, and later he created a landscape park. The regular park was the main part of the so-called entertainment garden, which also included a partner and a bulk hill "Parnas", "own kindergarten" and cedar grove. The entertainment garden was located near the palace. The nearest part of the grove (the so-called surplus garden) was turned into an English park. An Englishman's gardener worked on the creation of a natural landscape garden. 5 artificial ponds were created. Oaks and linden grew in the garden, maple and various shrubs - leaning, honeysuckle and viburnum. Along Botanical street There is a sculpture park. There are flower beds here, two arrangements with columns, pop and an open gallery are arranged.

The museum conducts active exhibition work, presenting temporary exhibitions from its funds both in the palace and beyond. The theater, part of the front halls and the park open for visitors. Nowadays, the Museum-Manor Ostankino in Moscow is a unique palace-park ensemble with the only one in Russia wooden theater building of the end of the 18th century

State budgetary institution of culture of the city of Moscow
"Moscow Museum-Manor Ostankino."

Museum - the estate "Ostankino" for me is not only a historical place, but also native to our family. In this museum, my parents once met, because grandmothers from childhood drove them into the Ostankinsky Park: walked around the territory, considered the exposition of the palace, touched the chess sex in one of the halls, ate donuts.
It is not surprising that when I was born and grown, my parents also led me to the museum - the estate "Ostankino".
In this manor, it seems to me that I know everything and, nevertheless, I love to attend the museum and listen to amazing stories. I do not get tired of walking through the halls of the museum, consider paintings, listen about the theater of Circa Sheremetyev.
We had tremendous opportunities to get more information about this unique museum. I really got it. I wanted to know more and more.
I love the museum - the estate Ostankino, I feel very comfortable there. It seems to me that it is one of their most interesting places of our city.
When I learned that the competition "I recognize Moscow," immediately decided to participate in it and tell everyone about his favorite place - the museum - the estate "Ostankino".

Historical reference.
The manor Ostankino is a museum in which you can plunge into the history of life and life of Sheremetev's graphs.
In the 16th century, the manor belonged to Deak Vasily Schelchlov, who was the King of the Print Guardian. In 1584, Clichalov had already had a village Ostankino with boyars, a garden, a lake and a wooden church.
In the years of Troubles, almost everything was destroyed, only the lake was preserved. Later, in 1601, the owner of this estate became Prince A. M. Cherkassy, \u200b\u200bin which residential choirs were arranged here, oak groves were arranged and the beautiful stone Trinity Church (the Church of the Library Trinity) was built to this day. The architecture of the temple was the fortress master Pavel Potekin.
Count Peter Sheremetev received Ostankino as the attached when he married the daughter of the Chancellor of the Russian Empire Varvar Alekseevna Cherkasy.
In Peter Sheremetev, alleys and the garden appeared in the estate. In the Orangers, decorative and agricultural crops began to plant on the orders of the new owner.
But the main stage of the development of the history of the manor Ostankino began with the column Nicolae Petrovich Sheremetev. It was with the column of Sheremetev who acquired his unique appearance of the Ostankino estate.
He was a true connoisseur and an expert of art, an educated person of the period and passionate theater. Ostankino - manor, where Sheremetyev was able to fulfill his dream. The Count has created a theatrical-palace complex in the estate. Interestingly, the Ostankinsky Theater was arranged. It could be quickly converted into a ballroom. Scenic dimensions allowed to produce operas in which a quick decoration change was carried out and there were many mass episodes.
Construction work was carried out for six years from 1792
The famous architects F. Kamospise, V. Brenn, I. Starov, as well as architect I. Argunov took part in the design and construction work.
N. P. Sheremetev gathered a collection of paintings, sculptures and engravings, but all his free time devoted to music and the theater. It his passion created all the prerequisites for creating one of the best fortress theaters in the Ostankina not only in Moscow, but also in all of Russia. In the troupe of the Ostankino Theater, which established in the 70s. The 18th century, there were a lot of talented actors, among them the fortress actress, the opera singer Praskovya Kovalev, the beloved of the graph with which he was secretly announced and for which the palace was built, the cascade of the ponds was built and the park was broken.
In those days, Ostankino - manor, in which the secular society of the capital was collected and which was considered one of the best estates in Moscow.
After the death of his parents, six-year-old Dmitry became the owner of the estate. And for some time the palace remained aside from secular life. From the first half of the 19th century, the Ostankinsky Park becomes a favorite place of Muscovites of all classes.
During the October Revolution, Ostankino was nationalized, in 1918 the estate was turned into a state museum. Since 1938, Sheremetev's estate was renamed to the Creativity Palace-Museum of Creativity. The new name of the estate was obtained in 1992. It became the Moscow Museum-Manor Ostankino.
Currently, the palace is closed for restoration until December 2016.

Temple of the Library Trinity / Trinity Church. /

In 1584, Dek Vasily Shchellov built a boyars house, planted a grove, arranged a pond and laid a wooden church that was lost.
Becoming the owner of the manor, Prince Mikhail Yakovlevich Cherkassy, \u200b\u200bgave a petoon addressed to the Patriarch of Joacima. Having received a blessed diploma to the structure, from 1677 to 1683 in place of the previously stood wooden, the Church of the Life-term Trinity was built, which is considered one of the oldest buildings in this place. The architects of the temple was allegedly the serfdom of Pavel Potekin, but there is a possibility that Stefan Perestsky participated in construction.
The temple is built in a traditional style and has three faces - the northern, consecrated in the name of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God, South - in the name of St. Alexander Svirsky, and the central - in the name of the Library Trinity, who gave the name of the temple
There was also the fourth throne - St. Nicholas The Wonderworker, who was in the focus of the temple and acted in 1920.
The style in which the temple is performed is often called "Russian sore" thanks to a beautiful silhouette and abundance of architectural elements. Decor forms are very diverse, and there are simply outstanding elements on beauty. The church is striking not only with its complex composition, but also a variety of decorative forms: the walls are decorated with belts-cornices, arches and kokosniki. The special pride of the church was a lush iconostasis in the Baroque style and which was lost.
In 1743, when the church passed to the Count Sheremetev, he decides to restore, because It urgently required the building. At the same time, some reconstruction was performed. The windows and bell tower were increased, instead of spiers, tents appeared. Architects A. K. Serebryakov and N. V. Sultanov were engaged in the restoration.
After the October Revolution, church decorations and utensils were seized from the church.
In 1991, Patriarch Alexy 2 lit the church after restoration.
Currently, the temple of the life-giving Trinity in Ostankina is the courtyard of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia and openly for parishioners.

What does the name Ostankino and its origin?
There is a few assumptions. According to one version, Ostankino comes from the word the remains of the "generic piece, the residue, the estate gained inheritance.
During the reign of Ivan the Terrible Village, Ostyshkovo was listed for free-produce Alexei Satin, who was a fierce opponent of the king's policy, for which he was executed, and the village of Ostashkovo Ivan Grozny presented his wife Anna Kotlovskaya. After some time, Grozny handed it to the village of one of his orthodiers. After him, the lands began to belong to Zeku Zhkalkan.
So the village passed from hand to hand, until the permanent owners of the princes of Cherkasy, who left for almost two centuries remained.
The last owner of Ostankino was Count Nikolai Petrovich Sheremetev.
The name of the village Ostankino is not related to neither the name of the temple, nor with one of the above names of the owners (Cherkasy, Sheremeteva), famous and famous in their time, and on another version it can be assumed that very often the name of the village or village became the name or name of the first settlement, The most famous owner to whom they belonged; who was in the local places in the first place. It is possible that the name of the village of Ostashkovo (now - Ostankino) was the name of anyone now not a famous first-silent named Ostap (the remainder, the remains) or the remains (the remains, the remains). Maybe this person has received this man for several centuries ago, he received a faithful service or bought a region of the forest thicket, chose him, cleared it under arable land, put the village here, which began to call - Ostashkova village, or Ostankina ("Whose village?" - "Ostoye, the remainder ").
In Moscow Toponymy, the memory of the Sheremetyev column is maintained, about Architect Argunov in the name of the streets, which are located near Ostankino.


The coat of arms of the princes of Cherkasy. (See photo1)

In the shield, divided into four parts, in the middle is the mountainous flap with the power indicated. In the first part in the Red Field Cherkas in Golden Epanoch and in the Princely Cap with a pen, gilding on a white horse with a golden gadget, having a golden spear on his shoulder. In the second part in the blue field between the three hexagonal stars of silver depicts cruciform two silver arrows, the stroke up upwards raised, on which the shield of red color was put with a silver crescent on it. In the third part in the silver field of the natural color lion, holding a leek with an arrow in the front paws. In the fourth part, two samples are visible in the gold field, perpendicularly transferable, natural color. The shield is covered with mantia belonging to the princely dignity and a hat with a pen with a kind of chalms that are imposed on the Golden Crown. This hat with the pen is seized by the celebrity of the prince of Cherkasy princes of Inalla, who was Sultan in Egypt.

Coat of arms of sheremethev graphics. (See photo2)

In the middle of the golden shield in the red field surrounded by a laurel crown depicted a golden crown, i.e. The coat of arms of the ancient rulers of Prusskiki, and under it two silver crosses are perpendicular. In the lower part on the golden shield of the appearance, the hat, which served in ancient times with honors for the boyars, in which the ranks of Sheremety's names were, and at the bottom of the caps of the spear and the sword, put on the cruciform on the silver crescent, the horns turned up. The shield is covered with a graphic crown, on the surface of which the tournament helmet was touched by a cumipral oak on it, on the sides of which two silver hexagonal stars are visible. The shield holds two lions having golden foreheads, and in the mouth the laurel and oilseed branches, from which the scepter standing on the right side is in the paws, and on the left side - the Power in memory of the fact that the ancestors of the surname Kolychev were in Prussia. Introduce on the shield gold, fell red. Under the shield inscription: Deus Conservat Omnia.
"God keeps everything" is the motto of Sheremetev's graphs, under which they created good.

Interesting Facts.

Ostankino manor - a unique monument to the monument to the Russian architecture of the XVIII century.
Count N. P. Sheremetev gathered a unique collection of paintings, sculptures and engraving, they were built by the "House of Art" - a beautiful wooden theater, with incredible technical devices, which became an invaluable architectural monument.
A frequent guest in the estate was Empress Elizabeth Petrovna.
In 1797, Paul I personally came here, in honor of which Ball was given.
In 1801, Emperor Alexander I was visited in Ostankin.
In 1856, before the coronation of Alexander II, the temporary residence of the new emperor was arranged in Ostankino, who, together with his family, lived here for a week, preparing for the ceremony. In Ostankino, Alexander II signed a decree on the abolition of serfdom and then for a long time in the palace, the so-old emperor was kept.
In the Ostankinsky Museum there is a manor archive and a library, some of the books in which she also belonged to Sheremetev. The archive has survived many original drawings, measurement drawings and projects, for which the local palace created and the park was design.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe land.

Exposure - 2292m2
Focus - 880m2
Park zone - 9H

Museum - Manor "Ostankino"

The Ostankino Museum is a unique architectural ensemble located in the northern part of the capital. Earlier, it was the estate near Moscow, but now it can be reached in just 20 minutes from the city center. Ostankino attracts visitors to the beauty of their classic forms, sophistication and refinement of internal interiors and a magnificent ancient park.

The Ostankino estate was built at the end of the 18th century one of the richest representatives of the Moscow nobility by Count Nikolai Sheremetyev. The land on which the house was built and other buildings went to the genus Sheremetyevy as Nicholas, nee Prince Cherkasy's biased.

The ensemble of the estate was formed for several centuries and finally developed at the beginning of the 19th century. The museum is interesting, first of all, the fact that it is almost completely preserved internal decoration and decor elements. The main attraction of the Sheremetyevsky Palace is a unique set of parquet, made with high artistic art, as well as an abundance of a carved golden tree. Here everything affects imagination - chandeliers, antique furniture, mirrors and other furnishings. The Ostankinskaya estate is the only architectural monument in Russia, in which the home theater has been preserved with the scene, the auditorium, the remnants of the mechanisms of the machine department and the actor's grimy rooms. Glory about the Sheremetyevsky Theater thundered far beyond Moscow.

After the revolution, the estate was nationalized and already in 1918 the exposition of the museum was deployed in it. Probably, this was saved by the Sheremetyevsky Palace from looting and we can now admire the interiors of the 18-19th centuries, listen to the music of the time and watch Opera from the repertoire of the Sheremetyevsky Theater.

Exposition of the Museum-Manor "Ostankino"

The first mention of Ostankino refers to the 16th century. At that time, the village of Ostashkovo on Sukhodol, which belonged to Alexey Satina, who belonged to Alexey Satina, who had a relative of the Tsarskoy Scholnichnoye. Then the faults owned an Inrogen of the LD, who served as an Ochrichnik at Ivan the Terrible. In 1585, the land was moved by Duma Deak Vasily Shchelkhanov. With it, a wooden church appeared in the village, a man-made pond, as well as cedar and oak groves, the remains of which are preserved to the present day.

The estate of Count Sheremetyeva in Ostankino is a peculiar challenge of harsh Russian nature, because all the buildings here are made of wood. Here everything seems very fragile and unrealistic. Built estate a fortress graph, the famous troupe of the Sheremetyevsky Theater also consisted of serfs.

The uniqueness of the interiors of the Count Palace is that almost all decor elements are made of wood. The columns of the palace that seem marble is actually made of wood, the halls decorate wooden chandeliers with numerous crystal pendants, wooden vases and sculptural compositions of high artistic performance are set. All the interiors of the palace retain their eclecticity and originality.

The halls of the palace have a certain topic - his owner tried to reflect the entire history of mankind in a limited space. In the Egyptian hall you can see the Sphinx, in the Roman - statues and amours of the Epoch of Enlightenment. The lobby of the palace are decorated with an ornament in the spirit of Versace, in the office, where he liked to do the emperor Alexander the second, on the contrary, reigns the official with wooden panels and strict leather furniture.

Architectural monuments in Ostankino

The oldest building, which is part of the architectural ensemble of the manor is the temple of the Life-term Trinity. Its construction began in 1678, after the Patriarch of Jacob blessed the petrot prince Mikhail Cherkassky. The stone church was built on the site of a wooden dilapidated house church. The project of the church developed the fortress prince Pavel Sidorovich Potekin. Aside with the church there was a family cemetery.

Events Museum-Manor "Ostankino"

Evenings of classical music of the 18th century;
- Opera performances from the repertoire of the Count Sheremetyeva Theater.

Museum-Manor "Ostankino" - stunning beauty Architectural complex, which has preserved the identity of his internal interiors.