The most prominent historical figures. The greatest man in history

The most prominent historical figures.  The greatest man in history
The most prominent historical figures. The greatest man in history

Each year gives the world more and more names of talented and really outstanding people. Actors, doctors, pilots, scientists, athletes, etc. - their ranks are constantly replenished with talents and nuggets. Who are these people? Of course, all the names cannot be listed, but we can single out those who have achieved the greatest heights.

Outstanding people of our time in Russia in the 21st century

At the end of the last and at the beginning of the present century, the world got to know many great and talented people.

Outstanding athletes of our time:

Outstanding pilots:

Outstanding actors of the 21st century:

Outstanding Scientists:

  • Alferov Zhores. Nobel Prize Laureate in Physics. His scientific discoveries in the field of semiconductors formed the basis for LEDs, mobile communications, CDs and much more.
  • Perelman Grigory. Proved Poincaré's theory, thereby solving one of the 7 problems of the millennium.
  • Hovhannisyan Yuri. Expands the periodic table. He independently discovered 6 more elements and a few more in collaboration with other scientists.

Outstanding people of our time in the world

But great and talented personalities are born not only in Russia.

Outstanding athletes of our time in the world:

Outstanding pilots:

Outstanding actors of the 21st century:

Outstanding Scientists:

  • Baltimore David. Nobel laureate, virologist. Working on an AIDS vaccine.
  • Schmidt Bra yan. The Nobel laureate, together with Riess Edam and Perlmutteriz Saul, discovered black matter.

Notable people of our time quotes

All outstanding people have whole collections of quotes and aphorisms., because millions of people follow them, catching literally every word and analyzing all their interviews and speeches for quotes.

And, despite the fact that they often say rather trivial things and simple truths, all this sounds very convincing from the lips of successful people. Quotes of prominent people make you think and rethink a lot in your life. So, for many, Steve Jobs's phrase that you need to work with your head, and not 12 hours, made you move in the right direction.

Forbes on Wednesday unveiled a new ranking of the world's most influential people. The list includes 72 political, economic, business and public figures - one per 100 million inhabitants of the planet. Russian President Vladimir Putin topped the rating. The 61-year-old politician removed Barack Obama's American counterpart from the first line. Chinese President Xi Jinping closed the top three. Read more about the Forbes World's Most Influential People below.

The rating is based on the subjective choice of the American editorial staff of the magazine. The criteria of influence are such indicators as the number of the population, which is influenced by the decisions of the rating participant, the financial flows that the rating participant manages as an administrator, manager or owner, and the activity with which the rating participant exercises his power.

1. Vladimir Putin

Who: the president of Russia
influence: Russia
Industry: politics
Age: 61

The rise of the Russian leader to the top of the Forbes influence rating was facilitated both by the process of “tightening the screws” within the country and by his successes in the diplomatic arena.

In particular, Putin offered a compromise solution to the Syrian problem that would suit all parties and relieved the tension in the conflict, which almost escalated into a full-scale war. In addition, the Russian president granted political asylum to ex-CIA officer Edward Snowden, whose high-profile revelations became not only a headache for the American intelligence services, but also a problem for other states, to whose diplomats the fugitive programmer turned for support.

The world's largest nuclear arsenal, a voice in the UN Security Council and record hydrocarbon deposits remain under Putin's control. The leader of the rating has at least another five years of absolute power in reserve, and can potentially rule Russia until 2024.

2. Barack Obama

Who: US President
Influence: USA
Industry: politics
Age: 52

The American leader lost the first line of the rating to his Russian counterpart amid numerous squabbles in US domestic politics.

Obama was never able to convince Congress of the need to implement health insurance reform according to his plan, which ultimately led the country to a dead end: in early October, US government agencies had to close for 16 days due to the inability of politicians to find a consensus on the budget and the public debt ceiling. An equally sensitive blow to Obama's reputation was the revelations of Edward Snowden, which put the head of state in the position of an eternally justifying person.

And yet, even with a second term in office and the attendant suspicion of becoming a lame duck, Obama remains the leader of the world's most powerful political, economic and military power.

3. Xi Jinping

Who: President of the People's Republic of China
influence: PRC
Industry: politics
Age: 60

The new Chinese leader in 2012 officially took the helm of the second most influential world power with a population of 1.3 billion people, which is almost 20% of the world's population. Under Xi, China remains the largest holder of US foreign debt - the Celestial Empire owns US Treasury receipts for $ 1.3 billion. The economic growth continues: in 10 years, the number of official billionaires in China increased from zero to 122, and GDP reached $ 8.2 trillion. In addition to the post of chairman of the PRC, Xi is the secretary general of the Communist Party and the head of the country's military forces.

4. Pope Francis

Who: Pope
influences: Roman Catholic Church
Industry: religion
Age: 76

Francis succeeded Benedict XVI as head of the Roman Church in March 2013. Its mission is to breathe new energy into the institution that unites 1.2 billion people around the world.

The first Jesuit pope and the first native Latin American pope have already made a number of reform statements, from a call for gender equality to a reduction in the degree of critical rhetoric against supporters of abortion, gay marriage and contraceptives. Francis, or Jorge Mario Bergoglio in the world, uses social media, preaches on Twitter and even takes “selfies” - self-portraits for social networks in accordance with the spirit of the times.

He comes from a large family of Italian immigrants who settled in Buenos Aires. Dad is known as an avid fan of the San Lorenzo de Almagro football club.

5. Angela Merkel

Who: Chancellor of Germany
influence: Germany
Industry: politics
Age: 59

The most powerful woman in the world remains a key figure in solving the political and economic problems of the European Union.

Merkel's adherence to a hard line of austerity and preservation of the euro as a single currency has helped the EU to survive as an integration entity, despite the crisis in the southern economies of the Old World and persistent calls for a reverse disintegration from the North.

Recently, the "iron chancellor" was re-elected to the post, which she has been holding since 2005 without any visible problems. In the Forbes ranking of the most influential women in the world, Merkel has climbed to the top 8 times over the past 10 years.

6. Bill Gates

Who: Co-Chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Influences: Microsoft, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Industry: business, philanthropy
Age: 58

With a fortune of $ 72 billion, Gates recently regained his status as the richest person in the world according to Forbes. At the same time, the founder of Microsoft spends most of his time on the work of a charitable foundation, which he manages with his wife Melinda.

As a philanthropist, he has already spent $ 28 billion. Gates's latest major philanthropic initiative is the April $ 335 million polio program, joined by six more billionaires with $ 100 million in contributions, including Mexican tycoon Carlos Slim and New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg.

Microsoft's shares have been on the rise since late August, when the software giant announced the resignation of Steve Ballmer as CEO. Gates remains chairman of the board of directors for the company he co-founded with Paul Allen in 1975.

Along with Warren Buffett, Gates continues to recruit members for the Giving Pledge, in which billionaires make a public pledge to donate at least 50% of their fortune to charities.

7. Ben Bernanke

Who: Fed Chairman
influence: Fed
Industry: economics
Age: 59

Big Ben prepares to leave the world's most powerful economic post on January 31, 2014. The name of his successor, Janet Yellen, has recently become known to lead the Fed next year. During his tenure in office, Bernanke has become a living symbol of the fight against the consequences of the global crisis. The former Princeton professor became the main lobbyist for the soft stimulus policy and provided a modest but still stable rate of growth of US GDP.

8. Abdullah ibn Abdel Aziz Al Saud

Who: King of Saudi Arabia
Influence: Saudi Arabia
Industry: politics
Age: 89

The influence of the Saudi monarch consists not only of high authority in the Muslim world, but also due to control over 20% of the world's oil reserves (265 million barrels). GDP growth to $ 727 billion allowed the kingdom to enter the top 20 global economies. At the same time, the unemployment rate in the country remains at the level of 12%, and 50% of the population is under 25 years old. King Abdullah recently allocated $ 130 billion for youth employment and housing programs.

9. Mario Draghi

Who: Chairman of the European Central Bank
influence: ECB
Industry: economics
Age: 66

"Super Mario" got a position that is not the most comfortable in modern economic realities. He has become the face of the troubled economies of the eurozone with a combined GDP of $ 17 trillion. Draghi has to set investors up for optimism every time and maneuver between the interests of states so different by all criteria as Greece and Germany. And while he is coping with this paradoxical task.

10. Michael Duke

Who: CEO of Wal-Mart Stores
Influence: Wal-Mart Stores
Industry: business
Age: 63

The head of the world's largest retailer with $ 470 billion in revenue and the world's second largest employer with 2.2 million employees couldn't help but be in the top 10 most influential people. Duke, as CEO of Wal-Mart, can, with one signature, decide the fate of a product by simply removing it from the shelf or putting it there. In the fall, as part of a delegation of 20 CEOs from major American companies, he visited Washington, where he tried to convince President Obama of the need to get out of the budget deadlock as soon as possible.

11. David Cameron

Who: Prime Minister of Great Britain
influence: UK
Industry: politics
Age: 47

The Tory leader runs the world's sixth largest economy and has often been compared to Margaret Thatcher for her commitment to fiscal austerity. True, Cameron got hit for the populist proposal to cut the electricity tax for households. An Oxford graduate and distant relative of King William IV is known as an active critic of Edward Snowden. In two years, Cameron will have to lead the Conservatives to new elections.

12. Carlos Slim

Who: Chairman of the Honorary Foundation
influences: América Móvil
Industry: business, philanthropy
Age: 73

The Mexican telecommunications tycoon ousted Bill Gates from the position of the richest man in the world for several years, but this year he again lost the palm to the American. Slim's business empire includes assets in mining, real estate development and media (via The New York Times). In 2012, the billionaire acquired three football clubs at once - two in his native Mexico and one in Spain. In February 2013, Slim joined the Gates initiative to fight hunger and support innovative farming techniques.

13. Warren Buffett

Who: CEO of Berkshire Hathaway
influences: Berkshire Hathaway
Industry: business, philanthropy
Age: 83

"Oracle from Omaha", despite diagnosed prostate cancer and venerable age, does not let go of the threads of operational management of its business empire. His fortune has grown by almost $ 20 billion over the year, to $ 53.5 billion, and Buffett has not lost his taste for big deals. Berkshire Hathaway in June started the takeover of the legendary ketchup maker Heinz for $ 23.2 billion, and before that acquired the energy NV Energy for $ 5.6 billion in cash. The investor continues to actively participate in charity: in July, he sent another $ 2 billion in Berkshire shares to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Cumulatively, Buffett's philanthropic initiatives have already reached the $ 20 billion mark.

14. Li Keqiang

Who: Premier of the State Council of the People's Republic of China
influence: PRC
Industry: politics
Age: 58

The second after Xi Jinping politician in the PRC, Li, despite his loyalty to the communist ideals of the party, is known as a champion of economic liberalism. He was one of the lobbyists for a World Bank report that called on the Celestial Empire to accelerate reforms in the opposite direction to state capitalism.

15. Jeff Bezos

Who: CEO of
Industry: business, technology
Age: 49

Bezos has rapidly grown into one of the world's most influential businessmen with the explosive growth of the online retailer he founded. Amazon, with $ 61 billion in annual sales, has expanded its reach into technology, fashion, video streaming, and traditional media. In the summer, Bezos acquired the Washington Post holding for $ 250 million.

16. Rex Tillerson

Who: CEO of Exxon Mobil
influence: Exxon Mobil
Industry: business
Age: 61

The head of the largest US oil and gas corporation led Exxon to a phenomenal $ 44.9 billion in profit last year. The company remains the world's largest publicly traded oil and gas producer and operates on six continents. Tillerson is considered one of the most influential and effective lobbyists in the industry.

17.Sergey Brin

Who: Co-founder, Head of Special Projects, Google
influence: google
Industry: business, technology
Age: 40

The co-founders of Google have been working in tandem efficiently and harmoniously for more than a decade. While Page manages the entire search giant, Brin has been focusing on the corporation's most innovative devices within the Google X division, Google Glass and the self-driving car. Together with Page, Brin donated $ 400 million to charity this year.

18. Larry Page

Who: Co-founder, CEO of Google
influence: google
Industry: business, technology
Age: 40

Page runs the world's most popular website with a monthly audience of 1 billion users, a corporation with a head of $ 50 billion in revenue and a rapidly growing business. Google's CEO is responsible for numerous M&A deals, such as the $ 1 billion purchase of the Waze crowdsourcing app and the $ 12.5 billion takeover of Motorola's mobile division. Both 40-year-old Google co-founders have net worth of under $ 25 billion.

19. Francois Hollande

Who: President of France
influences: France
Industry: politics
Age: 59

Hollande became the first socialist president of France in two decades and immediately faced the financial problems facing the second largest economy in Europe. His popularity rating fell to 23% in October amid awkward actions in a high-profile scandal over the deportations of migrants. This is the lowest electoral rate for a French president in 20 years - even lower than that of Hollande's unpopular predecessor, Nicolas Sarkozy. Recently, the head of state criticized his American counterpart Barack Obama for the facts of wiretapping by the US special services of telephone conversations of millions of French people (in just a month, 70 calls and SMS messages were tapped and viewed).

20. Timothy Cook

Who: Apple CEO
influence: Apple
Industry: business, technology
Age: 52

Apple is not only the most valuable company in the world, but also an unrivaled authority in the design and technology industries, in the film and music business, in the media and telecommunications. This year, at Cook's request, his bonus will be tied to the company's stock performance. In 2012, Apple's CEO, Steve Jobs's successor in office, earned $ 4.2 million.

53.Dmitry Medvedev

Who: Prime Minister of Russia
influence: Russia
Industry: politics
Age: 48

The head of the Russian government, despite serious reputational losses after the return castling with Vladimir Putin, remains the second most influential figure in the Russian power vertical. However, the chances that the current president of the country will decide for the second time to entrust all the threads of government to his younger comrade are negligible.

60.Igor Sechin

Who: President, Chairman of the Board of Rosneft
influence: Rosneft
Industry: business
Age: 53

A loyal ally of Vladimir Putin returned to the Forbes rating after a year of absence. He was not included in the government of Dmitry Medvedev and remained tense with the current prime minister. But in the status of the head of Rosneft, the former curator of the fuel and energy complex in the Cabinet of Ministers started a "deal of the century" to take over TNK-BP in the amount of $ 56 billion. Soon Sechin will officially become the head of the world's largest public oil company in terms of production. At the same time, he maintains close relations with the first person of the state, which in Russian realities remains the main resource of administrative weight.

63. Alisher Usmanov

Who: General Director of Gazprominvestholding
influence: USM Holdings
Industry: business
Age: 60

The richest man in Russia made his fortune of $ 17.6 billion in metals, but in recent years he has diversified his business, acquiring assets in telecommunications (Megafon), media (Publishing House Kommersant) and technology ( Group). He also owns a stake in London football club Arsenal.

Saturday, September 30, 2017 18:53 + to the quote pad

One hundred living geniuses- a list compiled by the consulting company Creators Synectics and published by the British newspaper Daily Telegraph on October 28, 2007.

The initial basis of the list was compiled through a survey: by email, 4,000 Britons were asked to name 10 contemporaries they consider geniuses, whose merits have proved to be the most valuable for humanity. About 600 responses were received, which named about 1,100 people (of which two-thirds were from the United Kingdom and the United States).

The firm sent emails to 4,000 Britons asking each to name up to 10 living candidates for the title of geniuses. As a result, 1,100 names were received. Then the commission made a list out of 100 people evaluated by five parameters - contribution to the change of the belief system, public recognition, the power of intelligence, the value of scientific achievements and cultural significance. As a result, Albert Hofmann and Tim Berners-Lee, who shared the first place, received 27 points out of 50 possible.

"Saint Hofmann" - painting by Alex Gray

Almost quarter included in the list " 100 living geniuses"made British... For a share Americans has to 43 seats on the list. This is not surprising, because the interviews were not Chinese or Russians.
However, three Russians also found a place in the list. These are Perelman, Kasparov and Kalashnikov. One even managed to get into the top ten.

100 most brilliant people of our time

So this is the List. First, the first 10!

1-2 Tim Berners-Lee, Great Britain. Computer scientist

A computer science graduate from Oxford, he is the author of the HTTP protocol and HTML language.
In 1989 Berners-Lee offered a global hypertext project that laid the foundation for the creation of the World Wide Web, the Internet!

3. George Soros, USA. Investor and philanthropist
An outstanding financier and speculator, whose huge resources allowed him to organize a series of attacks on the national currencies of Great Britain and Asian countries.

Recently, he retired from business, and is actively involved in charitable activities through the Open Society organization and charitable foundations in 25 countries.

4 Matt Groening, USA. Satirist and cartoonist
Author and producer, became famous thanks to the satirical animated series "The Simpsons" and "Futurama".

The Simpson family and the fictional town of Springfield first appeared on television in 1987. Since then, the popularity of the series has not waned, and in 2007 a full-length version of the cartoon was released on the cinema screens.

5-6. Nelson Mandela, South Africa. Politician and diplomat

A fighter for human rights, laureate of the 1993 Nobel Peace Prize, for a long time fought at the head of the African National Congress against apartheid in South Africa, spent 28 years in prisons. From 1994 to 1999 he served as the country's president. Currently he actively supports the fight against AIDS.

Frederic Senger, Great Britain. Chemist
Graduate of Cambridge University, biochemist, Nobel laureate.

Known for his work on the study of insulin, which made it possible to obtain it by a synthetic method, and research in the field of DNA.

Dario Fo, Italy. Writer and playwright

Theatrical figure, winner of the 1997 Nobel Prize in Literature. In his work he combined propaganda satire with the traditions of medieval theater. Author of the works "Mystery-Buff" (1969), "Death of an anarchist from an accident" (1970), "Knock-knock! Who's there? The police" (1974), "If you can't pay - don't pay" (1981).

Stephen Hawking, Great Britain. Physicist
One of the most famous theoretical physicists of our time, an expert in cosmology and quantum gravity.

Almost paralyzed, Hawking continues to engage in scientific and popularization activities. Author of the bestseller "A Brief History of Time".

Oscar Niemeyer, Brazil. Architect
One of the founders of the modern Brazilian school of architecture, a pioneer of reinforced concrete construction.

Since 1957, he has been developing the new capital of the country - the city of Brazil, participated in the design of the UN headquarters in New York.

Philip Glass, USA. Composer

Minimalist composer, performer. He became known to the general public after creating the soundtrack for the film "Koianiscazzi" by Godfrey Reggio. He also wrote music for the films "The Truman Show", "The Illusionist", "The Clock", music for the opening of the 2004 Olympics in Athens.

Grigory Perelman, Russia. Mathematician

Scientist from St. Petersburg proved Poincaré's conjecture, formulated back in 1904. Its discovery was recognized as the most significant scientific achievement of 2006. Despite this, the secluded Russian turned down the million dollar prize and the highest award of the mathematical world - Fields prizes.
And the rest of the geniuses:

12-14. Andrew Wiles (mathematician, UK) - proved Fermat's Last Theorem - 20
12-14. Li Hongzhi (Spiritual Leader, China) - Created the religious organization "Falun Gong" - a mixture of Buddhism and Taoism with elements of qigong health exercises.
12-14. Ali Javan (engineer, Iran) - Engineer, one of the creators of the world's first gas laser based on a mixture of helium and neon.

15-17. Brian Eno (composer, UK) —19 Invented ambient - a musical genre with elements of jazz, new age, electronic music, rock, reggae, ethnomusic and noise. nineteen
15-17. Damien Hirst (artist, UK) - One of the most expensive painters of our time. Death is a central theme in his work. The most famous series is Natural History: Dead Animals in Formalin.
15-17. Daniel Tammet (savant and linguist, UK) - Encyclopedist and linguist works with numbers faster than a computer. In a few hours, she can learn any foreign language.

18. Nicholson Baker (writer, USA) - A novelist whose writings focus on the flow of thought of the narrator.
19. Daniel Barenboim (musician, Israel) - 17 Pianist and conductor. He has received many awards, including for various recordings.
20-24. Robert Crumb (writer and artist, USA) - 16 Greeting card artist, music connoisseur. He gained worldwide fame for his underground comics.
20-24. Richard Dawkins (Biologist and Philosopher, UK) - 16 Leading evolutionary biologist. The terms that appeared for the first time in his books became widespread.
20-24. Sergey Brin and Larry Page (founders of Google, USA) - 16
20-24. Rupert Murdoch (publisher and media mogul, USA) - 16 Founder and head of News Corporation. He controls media, film companies and book publishers in the US, UK, Australia and other countries.
20-24. Jeffrey Hill (poet, UK) - 16 Poet, translator. He became famous for his unusual "corporate" style - the language of advertising, mass media and political "rhetoric".

25. Garry Kasparov (chess player, Russia) - 15
Garry Kimovich Kasparov is considered one of the strongest chess players of all time.

At 22, he became the youngest world champion in history, and has defended his title several times. In 2005, the grandmaster announced the end of his sports career and took up social and political activities. He currently heads the United Civil Front and criticizes the current Russian government and president.
26-30. Dalai Lama (spiritual leader, Tibet) - 14
A spiritual leader who, according to legend, is the reincarnation of the endless suffering of all Buddhas. Combines the title of king and head of Tibetan Buddhism.

26-30. Steven Spielberg (film director, screenwriter and producer, USA) - 14
Director, producer, screenwriter. At the age of 12, he won an amateur film competition, presenting a 40-minute film about the war "Escape to Nowhere" (1960).

26-30. Hiroshi Ishiguro (robotics, Japan) - 14
Robotics. Created a guide robot for the blind. In 2004 he presented the most perfect android who looks like a person. Known as one of the creators of the series of robots Actroid, Geminoid, Kodomoroid, Telenoid.

One of the versions of these robots completely repeats the appearance of the creator himself and replaces him during lectures.

26-30. Robert Edwards (physiologist, UK) - 14
Robert Edwards (UK). He was the first in the world to fertilize human reproductive cells outside the body in 1977 and transferred the resulting embryo to the expectant mother. Louise Brown was born 9 months later
26-30. Seamus Heaney (poet, Ireland) - 14
Each of the poet's books became a bestseller. In 1995 he received the Nobel Prize in Literature

31. Harold Pinter (writer and playwright, UK) - 13
In his performances, the actors use the colloquial vocabulary, play tramps and hard workers.
32-39. Flossie Wong-Staal (biotechnologist, China) - 12
Biologist-virologist. She became the first researcher to decipher the structure of the immune deficiency virus (HIV) that causes AIDS.

32-39. Robert Fischer (chess player, USA) - 12

Bobby Fischer at the age of 14 became the youngest chess champion in the United States in the history of the country.
32-39. Prince (singer, USA) - 12 Western press has named the singer the most unsinkable musician ever. For more than 20 years, his songs have enjoyed consistent popularity.
32-39. Henrik Gurecki (composer, Poland) - 12 Known for his unique style of music, which critics describe as explosive.
32-39. Noam Chomsky (philosopher and linguist, USA) - 12 Philologist and linguist. His father was Jewish of Ukrainian origin.
32-39. Sebastian Troon (robotics, Germany) - 12 Created unmanned vehicles that developed speeds up to 60 km / h.

32-39. Nima Arkani-Hamed (physicist, Canada) - 12 Physicist. He declares that our three-dimensional island-universe floats inside the fourth dimension, commensurate with the macrocosm
32-39. Margaret Turnbull (astrobiologist, USA) - 12
Studying the principles of the birth of stars, galaxies and universes.
40-42. Elaine Pagels (Historian, USA) - 11 The Historian is the author of research books on alternative scriptures rejected by the church. The most famous is the Gnostic Gospels.
40-42. Enrique Ostrea (Physician, Philippines) - 11 Pediatrician and Neonatologist. Known for many studies, in particular, how drugs and alcohol affect the baby in the womb.
40-42. Gary Becker (economist, USA) - 11
Economist. Advocates for investment in human capital
43-48. Muhammad Ali (boxer, USA) - 10
One of the most famous boxers in the history of the sport. He came up with a tactical scheme "Flutter like a butterfly and sting like a bee."

43-48. Osama bin Laden (Islamist, Saudi Arabia) - 10 Leader of the Islamic terrorist organization Al-Qaeda. Terrorist number 1 in the world. The bounty for his head exceeded $ 50 million.

43-48. Bill Gates (creator of Microsoft Corporation, USA) - 10 richest man on Earth.

43-48. Philip Roth (writer, USA) - 10 Awarded the most prestigious awards in America, including the Pulitzer. His novel, Conspiracy Against America, became a bestseller.
43-48. James West (physicist, USA) - 10 Inventor of the electret condenser microphone that does not require a voltage source.
43-48. Vo Dinh Thuan (biologist and medic, Vietnam) - 10 Invented several diagnostic devices (in particular, an optical scanner) capable of detecting DNA damage.
49-57. Brian Wilson (musician, USA) - 9
The genius of rock music. He was the head of the Beach Boys until he became addicted to drugs. But he managed to overcome the addiction.
49-57. Stevie Wonder (singer and songwriter, USA) - 9 Singer and songwriter, blind from birth. At the age of 10 he signed his first music contract, and at the age of 12 he released his debut album.
49-57. Vinton Cerf (Internet Protocol Designer, USA) - 9th Computer Scientist. One of the "fathers" of the Internet.

49-57. Henry Kissinger (diplomat and politician, USA) - 9th Winner of the 1973 Nobel Peace Prize for undeniable authority in the field of international relations.

49-57. Richard Branson (businessman, UK) - 9 Billionaire, founder of Virgin Corporation. Known for repeated attempts to break world speed records.
49-57. Pardis Sabeti (geneticist, anthropologist, Iran) - 9 Received a degree in biology from her doctoral thesis in anthropology at Oxford. He specializes in genetics.
49-57. John de Mol (media mogul, Netherlands) - 9 Producer, TV mogul. He came up with the idea of ​​creating the most popular reality show "Big Brother".
49-57. Meryl Streep (actress, USA) - 9

Hollywood calls her the best actress of her generation. She was nominated for an Oscar 12 times and received two gold statuettes.

49-57. Margaret Atwood (Writer, Canada) - 9 Invented the LongPen electronic device that allows her to sign copies of her books without leaving her home.
58-66. Placido Domingo (opera singer, Spain) - 8th World famous opera tenor. He is fluent in conducting and piano.
58-66. John Lasseter (animator, USA) is the 8th Creative Leader at Pixar Studios. He is called a lone artist, and his manner has been compared to the late Walt Disney.
58-66. Sunpei Yamazaki (developer of computer monitors, Japan) - 8 Computer scientist and physicist. The most "fertile" inventor in history- the owner of more 1700 patents!

58-66. Jane Goodall (anthropologist, UK) - 8 Ethologist, primatologist and anthropologist. Having lived for several years with mountain gorillas, she became the founder of the original method of studying the life of chimpanzees.
58-66. Kirti Narayan Chowdhury (historian, India) - 8 Historian, writer and graphic artist. He is the only historian from South Asia to be admitted to the British Academy.
58-66. John Goto (photographer, UK) - 8 Photo artist. He was the first to use Photoshop to process his photographs.
58-66. Paul McCartney (musician, UK) - 8

Rock musician, singer and composer, one of the founders of The Beatles. Wrote the most commercially successful single Hey Jude and the hit Yesterday.

58-66. Stephen King (writer, USA) - 8 Writer, works in the genres: horror, thriller, fantasy, mystic. Acclaimed "king of horror".

58-66. Leonard Cohen (poet and musician, Canada) - 8th Patriarch of Folk Rock. Has published several novels and poetry collections, earning a strong literary name
67-71. Aretha Franklin (singer, USA) - 7 Black singer. She is called the "queen of soul". Released two dozen records, won two Grammy awards.
67-71. David Bowie (musician, UK) - 7 Rock musician, producer, audio engineer, composer, artist, actor. Became famous in the 1970s with the emergence of glam rock.
67-71. Emily Oster (economist, USA) - 7 She became the first researcher to compare data on the persecution of witches with weather conditions in the 16th and 17th centuries.

67-71. Stephen Wozniak (computer designer, co-founder of Apple, USA) - 7

Considered one of the fathers of the personal computer revolution.

67-71. Martin Cooper (engineer, inventor of the cell phone, USA) - 7

In 1973, the first call was made from a New York street.
But, mobile phones have become truly massive only in 1990 year.

72-82. George Lucas (director, USA) - 6 Shot the TV epic Star Wars. Fans around the world still live by the principles underlying the fictional philosophy of the Jedi.
72-82. Niall Rogers (musician, USA) - 6 Elite studio musician. This black guitarist, composer and producer is considered the master of disco pop.
72-82. Hans Zimmer (composer, Germany) - 6 He is known for his music for many films, for example, "Rain Man". He was the first to use a combination of orchestral and electronic music.

72-82. John Williams (composer, USA) - 6th Five-time Academy Award winner. He wrote music for the films Jaws, Superman, Jurassic Park, Star Wars, Harry Potter and others.
72-82. Annette Beyer (philosopher, New Zealand) - 6 Made a significant contribution to the development of feminist philosophy.
72-82. Dorothy Rove (Psychologist, Australia) - 6 Provides an explanation for depression and shows how to get out of this state: "Take your life into your own hands!"
72-82. Ivan Marchuk (artist, sculptor, Ukraine) - 6 He created a unique style of painting - wickerism.

72-82. Robin Escovado (composer, USA) - 6th Supporter of the French school. In recent decades, he wrote music exclusively for the choir chapel.
72-82. Mark Dean (computer designer, USA) - 6 Invented a device that made it possible to control both a modem and a printer.
72-82. Rick Rubin (musician and producer, USA) - 6th Co-owner of Columbia Records. MTV named him the strongest producer in 20 years.
72-82. Stan Lee (Writer, Publisher, USA) - 6th Publisher and Lead Writer for Marvel Comics. Started the X-Men comic series.

83-90. David Warren (engineer, Australia) - 5 Created the world's first emergency flight information recorder, the so-called black box for aircraft.
83-90. Jun Fosse (writer, playwright, Norway) - 5 Became famous after writing the play And We Will Never Part.
83-90. Gertrude Schnackenberg (poet, USA) - 5 Representative of the feminist movement in contemporary poetry. Writes about universal human values.

83-90. Graham Linehan (writer, playwright, Ireland) - 5 Has written scripts for many television comedies. Known as the writer of the series "Father Ted".
83-90. J.K. Rowling (writer, UK) - 5 Children's writer, author of the Harry Potter novels. They brought her worldwide fame and a fortune of $ 1 billion.

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Time is a harmful and elusive thing. It always oozes through your fingers and flows away to no one knows where. What if all my life I wanted to write symphonies better than Mozart's, and you have two children in your arms, a wife, a mother, and another, plus to everything, a burning project?

We are in website are also extremely concerned about this problem: we want to realize ourselves in life, and not choke on the bone. Examples of famous people who certainly needed 24 hours a day help us not to give up and do great things.

Leonardo da Vinci

The famous “universal man” will top our list. Recall that Leonardo is an outstanding artist of the Renaissance (does everyone remember the Gioconda?), An inventor (all his inventions formed the basis for the construction of modern submarines), a scientist, as well as a writer and musician. He was also the first to explain why the sky is blue: "The blue of the sky is due to the thickness of illuminated air particles, which is located between the Earth and the blackness above." He managed all this thanks to his own developed sleep system: he slept for a total of 2 hours (lights out for 15 minutes several times a day), and in all the rest of his free time he changed the world and himself for the better.

Anton Chekhov

The genius brother of his brother (he had such a pseudonym). The famous short story master, humorist and satirist, the greatest playwright and part-time doctor. He himself admitted: “Medicine is my legal wife, and literature is my mistress. When one gets bored, I spend the night with the other. " Constantly torn apart at the crossroads of his two talents, Chekhov was engaged in medical affairs for the rest of his life. Even his dogs, he gave names by the name of drugs: Brom and Quin. But he also respected the "mistress": in his entire life Chekhov created more than 300 works, including short stories, and an impressive size of drama. And the great comedian loved collecting stamps. There was a man!

Vladimir Nabokov

Writer and scientist-entomologist, and a self-taught entomologist. In honor of Vladimir Vladimirovich, more than 20 genera of butterflies are named, one of which (that's cute!) Is called Nabokovia. Nabokov also played excellent chess. He compiled several difficult chess problems. His love for this intellectual sport was reflected in the novel Luzhin's Defense. Recall that Nabokov was fluent in English. Lolita is loved in America as well as ours.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Goethe was known not only as a great writer and poet, but also as a scientist: he made some discoveries in the field of the theory of light. In addition, he actively collected minerals - his collection numbers 18,000 items (it is clear why Faust got such a craving for alchemy). The author of the famous drama was so lucky or well done that he slept only 5 hours a day, and he had enough strength for many, many accomplishments. Perhaps this is because Goethe adhered to strict rules and was a supporter of a healthy lifestyle: he did not drink alcohol at all and did not tolerate the smell of tobacco smoke. Therefore, he lived for 82 years and managed to create so many things.

Hugh Jackman

Not only a famous actor, but also a Broadway artist, and what a one! Within one season, he managed to receive all the major theater awards. Everyone knows the third area of ​​Jackman's activity, in which he achieved success - family life. Hugh and Deborra-Lee Furness have been married for 20 years and together they are raising two children. What is really there! Our Hugh, in general, can do anything: he can play the piano, guitar, violin, and also ... vibrate his pupils and even juggle. Probably, even Wolverine cannot do this.

Salvador Dali

Everyone says that he is crazy, but that he was universal, they are silent. Dali is famous not only as a painter and sculptor, but also as a director of the most terrible Andalusian Dog. Dali also wrote several "works": "The secret life of Salvador Dali, told by himself" and "Diary of a genius." For the sake of his psychedelic masterpieces, the humble genius was often "perverted" in terms of sleep. Let us explain: Dali hired a special servant for himself, who, seeing that the owner was beginning to fall asleep in complete exhaustion, woke him up, after waiting a few seconds. The disheveled Dali immediately grabbed the paper and tried to sketch what he saw in the first seconds of the superficial phase of sleep.

Mikhail Lomonosov

Russian natural scientist, chemist and physicist, poet, artist ... you can hardly list everything here. Lomonosov is not just an active figure - he is revered as a reformer. It was he who carried out the reform of versification. Therefore, oddly enough, we owe the memorization of iambs and chorea to an outstanding chemist. By the way, being smart doesn't mean being bullied. During his studies in Marburg, for example, Lomonosov perfectly mastered the ability to handle the sword. Local bullies bypassed this overly capable and skillful Muscovite. That's for sure a talented person is talented in everything!

Isaac Newton

Everyone should know that he is famous not only for the apple that fell on his head. Newton wrote books on theology, where he spoke about the denial of the Holy Trinity, and was also the chairman of the Royal Society of Arts. Not many people know that Newton also invented two stunningly ingenious things: a means for carrying cats and a door for them (where are we now without them?). This is to blame for his love for furry and mustachioed friends. Newton preferred vigorous activity to sleep - he devoted only 4 hours a day to rest at night.

Benjamin Franklin

We all know him as an uncle with a dollar and a politician, but Franklin is all the same as our Lomonosov. He was a journalist and inventor. He invented, for example, the stove ("Pennsylvania fireplace"), and also predicted the weather. The first developed a detailed map of the Gulf Stream. Founded the Philadelphia Academy and the first public library in the States. Franklin also had a musical talent. Uncle Ben was helped by his strict adherence to the daily routine, in which he had only 4 hours of sleep a day.

Alexander Borodin

A man whose portrait hangs in both the music class and the chemistry class. Did you know that the author of the famous opera "Prince Igor" was also a chemist and a physician? He jokingly called himself a "Sunday musician": he had to sacrifice weekends in order to create something like that for the world of music. The memory of Borodin's working days was left by his wife: "I could sit for ten hours in a row, I could not sleep at all, not have dinner." Still would! After all, as you know, one of Borodin's mottos was this super-motivating phrase: "All that we do not have, we owe only ourselves." Also, Alexander Porfirevich was an active public figure - he was one of the initiators of the opening of the Women's Medical Courses.

Flea (Michael Peter Balzari)

The tireless and daring bass player of the Red Hot Chilli Peppers. He became famous for his unique style of bass guitar, which was dubbed as slapping and popping - slaps and tweaks. It is surprising that Flea went to study music only in 2008 (after 25 years of playing in the band) - he admitted that he always played by ear, but did not know the theory of music. Flea is nonetheless recognized as one of the best bass players of all time. As they say, play for a quarter of a century and learn for a century. And if you think that rock musicians only do that they riot all day, then Flea is in refutation to you: his filmography includes 25 films, including cartoons. By the way, he is that wacky boss in the movie "Back to the Future - 2".

Michael Bulgakov

In his youth, Bulgakov worked as a zemstvo doctor, and he had to be a generalist: a therapist, a gynecologist, a surgeon, and a dentist. The "Notes of a Young Doctor" owe their birth to precisely that period in the life of the young Bulgakov. It was difficult to combine healing and creativity, so you had to "plow" the shift, treat the unpretentious village people all day long, and then also find time for writing ... What can you not sacrifice for the sake of art. Once, in a letter to his mother, he wrote: “At night I am writing 'Notes of a Zemstvo Doctor'. A solid thing can come out. " Bulgakov is also an example of the correct attitude to criticism. He collected critical articles about his work, including 298 negative and 3 positive reviews from critics.

Do you still think you are running out of time?

Technology defines the 21st century. In 2000, many were paranoid about the Millennium Challenge. This was our fear of losing what technology has given us over the past centuries. But technology is not the only thing that distinguishes the 21st century. It is also characterized by a phase of instability in both political and economic life. But in any case, every era is made interesting by people - those who leave a mark on the history and memory of mankind. Below is our list of the 10 most influential people of the current era.

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Osama bin Laden

Who would have thought that a member of a wealthy and famous family would become the world's most wanted terrorist? Osama bin Laden has changed the lives of people in the 21st century. He made us rethink the concept of national security. After September 11, 2001, no one can live the way they did before that date. The level of attention to safety has increased not only in the United States, but also in other countries.

Osama bin Laden is on our list of the 10 most influential people because of his charismatic influence among Islamic radicals. He was able to convince them of the need to attack the United States and other allies.

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Craig Newmark

You will never know Craig Newmark if you see him on the street. However, this person is behind, a site that has been called the "newspaper killer." After college, Newmark worked for IBM. In the 1980s, he was a programmer. In 1993, Craig moved to San Francisco, where he later created Craigslist.

What makes Craigslist such a great idea is the concept of an internet commune. This is where people can exchange information. Over the years, Craigslist has evolved as a place for people to post information about things they want to sell. Craig Newmark is still dealing with the problem of fighting spammers. He also created Craigconnects, a website focused on charities.

In 2010, his net income was $ 400 million. He also participates in other ventures, including funding, a website that aims to investigate stories posted on the Internet.

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Noam Chomsky

Historian, philologist, social critic and politician, Noam Chomsky made it to our list of the 10 most influential people of the 21st century because of his knowledge of world politics and economics. He is the author of over 100 books and a former professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, ideologically he can be attributed to anarcho-syndicalists and socialists.

He criticizes American foreign policy regarding the open market and dominating the economies of weaker countries. The purpose of his research is to form in people a negative image of imperialism, which is inherent not only in the United States, but also in other countries. He also declared his rejection of such international institutions as the IMF, World Bank and GATT.

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Mark Zuckerberg

This is one of the founders of Facebook. He is also a well-known internet entrepreneur and philanthropist. Without graduating from Harvard, he was able to turn the World Wide Web.

Today, Facebook has billions of profiles all over the world. It is used not only as a communication tool, but for business as well. Over the years, Facebook has changed its algorithms to be more than just a tool with which you can connect with your friends. While some people may not like the change, Facebook is still the biggest player among other social networks.

As of May 2016, Mark Zuckerberg's fortune reached $ 51 billion. He was included in the list of the most influential people of Time magazine. But, of course, there are downsides to Facebook, especially a lot of complaints about privacy and political issues.

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Tony Blair

Tony Blair served as British Prime Minister from 1997 to 2007. This is the only prime minister who has been elected in a row for three terms. Tony Blair is known for his decisive response to

threats of terrorism. He ordered British troops to go to war five times during his term.

Tony Blair is also known for his ties to George W. Bush after 2001. This distinguished man was a key player during the 2003 invasion of Iraq. He believed that the world was safer thanks to this invasion. The militaristic approach to leadership also led to the decline of his political career. With the growing number of British soldiers killed, Tony Blair was forced to resign, as his popularity declined as a result of these events.

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Steve Jobs

Everyone knows the name of this person. This is a cult personality. A renowned innovator and pop culture superstar, he is the face of modern technology.

Why is Steve Jobs included in the list of the 10 most influential people of the 21st century? Because his Apple company has revolutionized our daily lives. He was able to introduce technology that changed our habits and daily routines.

Steve Jobs was one of the founders of Apple. He was the owner of the Pixar animation studio. Steve Jobs was renowned for his ability to create innovations that have become an integral part of everyone's life. Among the things he came up with were the very first personal computer, the iPhone, and the iPad.

But this is not the only legacy that he left us. To this day, Apple remains the technology leader. It is his culture of excellence and innovation that he has brought to the company that has made him one of the most influential people in the world.

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Sergey Brin and Larry Page

Sergey Brin together with Larry Page founded Google - the largest search engine of our time. Google has changed its approach to information. Brin's fortune is $ 39 billion, Larry Page's fortune is $ 36.7 billion.

What made Google what it is today is the ability to adapt to a changing world. These people were able to update the search engine algorithm so that the order in which websites appear on search result pages changed. In the past, Google's algorithm simply relied on backlinks to rank a website and rank it in the SERP. Currently, there are several factors including social media signals, grammar and backlinks. This made Google the number one search engine on which to advertise your site.

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Bill Gates

Bill Gates is known to everyone as the richest man on earth. He is one of the founders of Microsoft. It eventually became the world's largest IT company. Bill Gates' assets are currently valued at $ 76.4 billion. He is also often criticized for conducting anti-competitive business practices.

The amazing thing is that Bill Gates never forgets to share and help people. He is a very famous philanthropist. Among his donations are large sums of money for various scientific endeavors. He and his wife have created the most powerful charitable foundation. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation was valued at $ 34.6 billion and is the second most generous philanthropist in the United States, with $ 28 billion in charitable causes.

Their charitable foundation supports various scientific projects, including the use of genetically modified organisms in agriculture. Another amazing thing that sets Bill Gates apart is his ability to influence people like Mark Zuckerberg and Warren Buffett. Together, they signed a pledge in which they pledge to donate half of their total assets to charity.

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Vladimir Putin

Vladimir Putin is on this list of the most influential people, as he is the only political leader in Russia. Since 1999, he has been the Prime Minister of Russia and from 2012 to the present - the President of Russia. Putin is a very colorful political player. A former KGB agent, Vladimir Putin has a black belt in judo.

During Putin's rule, Russia has significantly improved its economic situation since the early 2000s, which is largely dependent on oil and gas exports. The country has become the 7th largest economy in the world. In addition, thanks to oil reserves, Vladimir Putin was able to fully pay off the debt of the Soviet Union by 2005.

But since the beginning of 2014, with the annexation of Crimea to the Russian Federation, for many other political leaders, Vladimir Putin has become an object of concern. Developed Western countries have imposed sanctions against the regime of Vladimir Putin, considering it a threat to the world. But this fact in no way diminishes the position of the leader of the Russian Federation in his influence in the world.

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Barack Obama

Next on our list of the 10 most influential people is US President Barack Obama. This is the first black president of the United States. Unlike other presidents, Barack Obama's election success was significant not only for the African American community, but for all minorities in the United States. He is also the first American president to be born outside the continental United States.

In 2009, Barack Obama received the Nobel Peace Prize. He faced one of the biggest economic problems during the 2008 recession. Was able to implement the laws that allowed the US economy to recover.

During his term, Osama bin Laden was killed. Re-elected for a second term in 2012, defeating Romney, Barack Obama called for an inclusive LGBT community. It is also the first US president in several decades who was able to normalize relations with Cuba.

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This was the article TOP 10 Most influential people of the 21st century... Thank you for your attention!