Women's images in Pieces A.N

Women's images in Pieces A.N

Why do people fly like birds?
A. Ostrovsky
Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky - Dramaturgome, who created not just a cycle of wonderful plays, and the repertoire of the Russian theater for many years. Ostrovsky opened an unknown world of merchants and custoders, judicial officials and merchants. Pepling, full of drama life opened with readers and viewers Alexander Nikolaevich.
It explores the strong, unbridled, distinctive characters, "not burdened by education", but truthful and realistic.
In the plays of Ostrovsky created beautiful

Gallery of Russian national characters: From the egoist of the sticky of the Bolynova from the play "His people - to tear up!", Gentle and defenseless Katerina from "Thunderstorms" to the gusty and reckless Larisa OGU-Dalova from "Naddannica". In my opinion, the best plays of Ostrovsky are the "Thunderstorm" and "Dustpannica". Let's see the characters of the heroine of these plays.
Katerina Kabanova contradictory and peculiar nature. She is God-fearing and at the same time rebellious.
Remembering childhood in his hometown, Katerina understands that the hope of happiness was not justified. Life in the family of her husband, she perceives as un. In this house reigns a hypocrite, hypocrisy and deception. Varvara, which grew up in this medium, perfectly adapted to its conditions. She teaches Katerina to lie and toastive, while maintaining a mask of piety. Katerina externally takes the way of life of the family, but in the soul protests. Love Boris, she does not hide it from others. "If I was not afraid of sin, would I fight a human court?" She says to his beloved. The broken thunderstorm of Katerina perceives as a warning about Kare God. But while the heroine loves and loved, nothing is scary. Both Tikhon, and Boris, everyone in their own way, love and regret Katerina, but they are wishedy and dependent on Kabani and Wild, so they cannot protect, give happiness to Katerina. I realized this, the heroine decides to die. "Yes, I'm outstanding! I don't need anything, I'm not cute! And death does not come. " True Christian, Katerina perceives suicide not as a sin, but liberation from MUK and suffering.
"I will be easier for me. And I don't want to think about life. Again live. No, no, no need ... "
In a completely different character of Larisa Ogudallova. She is a rather cultural, educated girl. Larisa is alien to the world surrounding it. She seeks to escape from this environment, where the greed and spirit of the compassion reign. Having loved Sergey Sergeevich Paratov, Larisa does not see the shiny shell cynical and cruel nature. She loves his ideal, not a real hero. Life is more difficult than we think about it. Larisa has to come in their ideals. She is ready to marry anyone who will lead her from home similar to the "Gypsy Tabor" or a fair, where everything is sold and bought. "The thing ... Yes, the thing ... I am a thing, not a man ..." - says Larisa. And now she wants to sell himself more expensive. "Each thing is your price ... I am too, too much for you," she answers Karandyshev. Larisa was looking for love, but everyone looks at her as a fun. I wanted to leave the "Gypsy Tabor", but could not. She is not capable of suicide, so the shot of a pencil of the heroine perceives as a getting rid of the moral fall, from the burden of life. Dying, the heroine forgives everyone: "I don't want to interfere with anyone! Live, live everything! .. I do not complain about anyone, I'm not offended to anyone ... You are all good people ... I love you all ... I love everyone. "
Such a weakness from a weak person is worse than any punishment, and it was impossible to more effectively.
Ostrovsky once again proved that he is a real master who knows the laws of dramaturgy.

  1. Action The first public garden on the high bank of the Volga, a rural view. On stage two benches and several bushes. The first Kuligin phenomenon sits on a bench ...
  2. The Piece of the Ostrovsky "Naddannica" was written in 1874 - 1878. The premiere of the play took place in the fall of 1878. The play is a bright example of psychological realism in Russian literature ....
  3. A. N. Ostrovsky Nurendannica The action takes place in a large fictional city on the Volga - Bryakhimov. Outdoor platform near the coffee shop on Volga Boulevard. Knurov ("From large deltsi ...
  4. The action takes place in a large fictional city on the Volga - Bryakhimov. Outdoor platform near the coffee shop on Volga Boulevard. Knurov and pebels, ordering champagne in a tea device, ...
  5. The remarkable play of the late period of creativity A. N. Ostrovsky is the drama "Naddannica". Conceived in 1874, it was completed in 1878 and in the same year ...
  6. Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky began writing back in student years. His literary glances were under the influence of Belinsky and Gogol: a young man from the very beginning of the literary path ...
  7. "I was looking for love and did not find" (A. N. Ostrovsky). Love she is like a bird, free and unpredictable. She chips high in pure, cloudless sky. You are like ...
  8. Love is like a bird, free and unpredictable. She chips high in pure, cloudless sky. You seem to feel her presence above yourself, hold out to her ...
  9. Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky was the creator of the repertoire of the Russian National Theater. His plays: "His people - to think", "On all sages of pretty simplicity", "Forest", "Recreational place", "Thunderstorm", "Nonmenvian" -n ...
  10. The main characters of two, probably the most popular plays of A. N. Ostrovsky differ significantly in social status, but very similar to their tragic destinies. Katerina in the "thunderstorm" -...
  11. Action 1 Public garden on the banks of the Volga. Phenomenon 1 Kuligin sits on a bench, Kudryash and Shapkin walking. Kuligin admires the Volga. Hear how in the distance wild ...
  12. All the action of "Nimnants" is concentrated around one character - Larisa - and is aimedized and tense. You can even say that in general "thunderstorm" is more epic, ...
  13. I am a thing, not a man! A. N. Ostrovsky The main conflict of the play "Naddannica" is determined by its name. The tragedy of Larisa Dmitrievna Ogudallova is that she ...

Two dramas A. N. Ostrovsky are devoted to the same problem - the situation of a woman in Russian society. We are undergoing fate of three young women: Katerina, Varvara, Larisa. Three images, three destinies.

Katerina differs in a warehouse of character from all the actors of the drama "Thunderstorm". Honest, sincere and fundamental, it is not capable of deception and false, for exemption and adaptation. Therefore, in a cruel world, where wild and kabani reign, her life is unbearable, impossible and ends so tragic. Katerina's protest against Kabani is a struggle of light, pure, human against the darkness of the lies and cruelty of the "Dark Kingdom". No wonder Ostrovsky, who paid a lot of attention to the names and surnames, gave the heroine "thunderstorms" the name of Catherine, that translated from Greek means "forever clean." Katerina - a poetic nature. Unlike the surrounding coarse people, she feels the beauty of nature and loves her. It is the beauty of nature is natural and sincere. "I will stand, it happened, early in the morning; In the summer, so I'm going to the key, I will remember the water and everything, all the flowers in the house of Polle. I had a lot of colors, a lot, "she tells about her childhood. Her soul constantly stretches to beauty. The dreams were filled with miracles, fabulous visions. It often dreamed of her that she flies like a bird. She speaks about the desire to fly several times. This island emphasizes the romantic elevation of the soul of Katerina. Issued early married, she tries to get along with mother-in-law, love her husband, but in the house of Kabanov, sincere feelings are not needed. Tenderness that overwhelms her soul does not find applies. Deep longing sounds in her words about children: "At least kids someone! Eco Mountain! I have no kids: I would he sat with them and amused them. I love to talk very happy with the children, "the angels are it." What a loving wife and mother would be in other conditions!

Sincere faith, Katerina differs from the religiousness of the Kabani. For Kabani, religion is a dark force, overwhelming the will of a man, and for Katerina Vera is a poetic world of fabulous images and higher justice. "... I loved to go to the church to go! Exactly, I happened, I'm in a paradise enter, and I do not see anyone, and I don't remember time, and I do not hear when the service will end, "she recalls.

Custom - the main enemy of Katerina. The external conditions for her life in Kalinov seems to be no different from the situation of her childhood. The same motives, the same rituals, that is, the same classes, but "here everything is as if from under the capture," says Katerina. The university is incompatible with the freedom-loving soul of the heroine. "A bitter of the capture, oh, like bitter," she says in the scene with the key, and these words, these thoughts pushing it to a decision to see Boris. In the behavior of Katerina, as Dobrolyubov said, "decisive, solid Russian character", which "will endure himself, no matter what obstacles, and when the strength is not enough, it will die, but will not change himself."

Barbara is the complete opposite of Katerina. It is not superstitious, no thunderstorms are afraid, does not consider strict compliance with the established customs. In terms of its position, it cannot openly oppose the mother and therefore sickness and deceives it. She hopes that marriage will give her the opportunity to leave this house, break out.

The danger of awakening in the folk consciousness of the pagan primancy is the sharper of many felt fishing racks. In the story of "Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County" (1865), following the "Thunderstorm" Ostrovsky, he gave his reading similar tragic collision.

Thematic story of Leskova echoes the drama "Thunderstorm": and there and here - the fate of the young tracchi from the poor family, given to the rich in the uncoated person.

Even the names are echoing: the Ostrovsky Katerina Kabanova, Leskova - Katerina Izmailov. But if in the "thunderstorm" - the tragic split of two religious crops, then in the "Lady Macbeth ..." - the drama of the destructive pagan passion.

In love, Katerina Lvovna Izmailovaya to the young clerk Sergey lacks spiritual motive. Unlike the Christian Paradise Garden, in which young Katerina Ostrovsky prayed, "Paradise" Garden of Katerina Izmailovaya sends pagan beauty.

In it, it is experiencing not aerial dreams, not spiritual insoles: here "breathed with something with a tomricoic, who have to laziness and to dark desires." "Look, Seryozha, a paradise, which!" - Katerina "Golden Night" exclaims under the "full settlement of the month," when she spars in the moonlight and, riding on a soft carpet, sports and plays with a young man crawler. For no accident, her "paradise" accompany images of predatory, voluptuous animals. "

The very day of the reckless passion, which unfolded in Katerina Lvivna "All Shirms" of Her Nature, turns into two murders - Svokra and her husband, accomplished with some cool-blooded cruelty. The culmination of this passion reaches the kill of the child in the scene, where the pagan world faces the world of Christian, from which the soul of the heroine is infinitely far away. To the house where Katerina Izmaylova feels a full-awake mistress, grandmother brings little Fedya, the nephew of a dead husband and, as it turned out, his heir. The crime is committed in the vitality of the Great Holiday of Introduction to the Temple of the Most Holy Virgin.

Its witnesses are the parishioners returning from the all-night and looked in the windows of the Izmail houses. Their screams and knock are similar to God's kara for the desired:
"... the walls of a quiet house, plunging so many crimes, shook out from deafening blows: the windows rattled, the floors swore, the chains of hanging lamps shuddered and wandered on the walls of fantastic shadows ... It seemed that the unearthly strength of the sinful house had to be founded."

From this point on, retribution occurs, there is a fracture in the development of the plot. First, Katerina Lvovna and Sergey are shipped by a terrestrial court, suffer a serious physical punishment and go on the stage on the catguard. And then the court comes other: those demonic forces who were given and served Katerina Izmailov, rebellion against her (like the Birnam Forest in Shakespeare tragedy, moving on Macbeth to absorb). The service of passionate idol leads to the fact that this idol punishes Katerina Lvovna. Her passion, terrible and destructive, just as vulsally sticks in the dirt of the "girls" of the sonnets, the new love of Sergey.

The tragic finale does not bear Christian enlightenment. Before you captivate your opponent-rival in a cold, lead Volga, Katerina Izmailova wants to remember the prayer, but instead of prayer whispers words: "As we rushed with you, the autumn dollants of the nights were sitting, lying in the death of people with the death of people."

Who obeying them, as pagan spells, "she suddenly died, not taking the eyes with a dark wave, got rooted, grabbed the sonlete for his legs and one fever swung with her overboard the ferry. And when the sonnet, snapped, threw up his hands, "From another wave, almost a belt rose over the water of Katerina Lvovna, rushed to the sonnet, like a strong pike on a soft-flower dam, and both were no longer seemed."

Katerina Izmailovaya will not refuse a shakespeare scale of character, in the natural relics of nature. Leskov writes: "Sometimes there are such characters in our places that, no matter how many years have passed since a meeting with them, some of them never remember without mental trepidation."

But the volitional beginning in the character of Katerina Izmailovaya has a devastating direction. It makes their crimes with some naive shamelessness. Pagan rampant passions scares Leskov: such passions in the era of the formation of Russian bourgeoisity gives full space. Even revolutionaries, calling Russia to the topor, relieve the same dark folk instincts.

Compare the works of A. N. Ostrovsky "Nonmennica" and "Thunderstorm". What do they have in common?

1. Entry.

After reading the Pieces of A. N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm" and "Dustpannica", I decided to compare them with each other as the only dramatic works of this author, which were written at different times, but having many similarities. On the comparison of these pieces, the drama of an outstanding female nature unfolds in both of us, leading to a tragic junction. Finally, it is important that in both plays, an important role is played by the image of the Volga city, in which the action takes place.

2. Similarities and differences.

2.1. Both the plays under consideration refer to the drama genre, although the exact genre of the "thunderstorm" remains a controversial issue in Russian literature. This play combines the features of both tragedies and dramas (i.e. "household tragedy"). The tragic genre is characterized by an unresolved conflict between the personal aspirations of the hero and the laws of life, which is inherent in both plays.

2.2. According to the time of writing "Thunderstorm" - this is the main work of the pre-reform playwright of Ostrovsky, "Nonperdannica", the same motives of the post-conforming creativity of the playwright absorbs. The difference in the epochs depicted in these plays led to the perfect nursery of the artistic world; "Dustpannica" is a drama of the bourgeois era - the new time when tie ties with the thousand-year traditional tradition, the time, who liberated a person not only from the streets of morality, but also from shame, honor, conscience - and this decisive affects its problems. The culture of the people in the "thunderstorm" spiritualized by the moral values \u200b\u200bof Orthodoxy. Residents of the city of Kalina still live in "Domostroy", life is still largely Patriarchal.

2.3. Born in Zamoskvorechye, Ostrovsky knows life well and moral merchants and explores the various characters of this circle in their work. His plays are densely to the merchants and curates, their children and wives. The playwright is interested in any little things starting from the description of the costume and the situation at home, to the individuality of the speech of each character. In the image of Heroes Ostrovsky was completely original.

Two Drama A.N. Deals with the same problem - the situation of a woman in Russian society. Of course, these women are extraordinary personalities. I want to stop on the heroines of women.

2.4.1. First of all, this is Katerina from the play "Thunderstorm". She is religious and romantic at the same time. Her soul is striving for happiness, rushing to the will. Katerina - a merchant daughter, issued to marry without love for the Tikhon, it enters the atmosphere of cruelty. In this environment, family responsibilities are not fulfilled not from the soul, but "from under the capture," and Katerina is connected with a stupid and nonal husband, with evil and grumpy mother-in-law.

But her romantic gusts find a way out, Katerina is passionately falls in love with a young man, Boris, distinguished by decent manners and some educational. Two starts are fighting in heroin: sincere feeling, love and consciousness of a married woman's debt. This inner struggle causes the desire for personal freedom in Katerina. Changing her husband, Katerina itself is in front of him, but, torn by a homely atmosphere, prefers death to return to the family. Honest, sincere and fundamental, it is not capable of deception and false, for exemption and adaptation.

She speaks about the desire to fly several times. This island emphasizes the romantic elevation of the soul of Katerina. She would like to become a bird flying where he wants: "Why do people do not fly! .. Why do people do not fly like birds? You know, I sometimes think that I am a bird. When you stand on the mountain, so you pull you. It would be sick, raised her arms and flew, "she says Varvar, the sister of Tikhon," what I was harsh! And you got at all ... "The harsh reality returns the heroine into the world of bounic and wild. Here you need to lie, to do something that you want, externally observing the rules of decency. Varvara, grown in the house, perfectly learned this science. Barbara is the complete opposite of Katerina. It is not superstitious, no thunderstorms are afraid, does not consider strict compliance with the established customs. Katerina is disgusting such behavior.

Therefore, in a ruthless world, where wild and kabani reigns, her life is unbearable, impossible and ends so tragic. Katerina's protest against Kabani is a struggle of light, pure, human against the darkness of lies and cruelty of the "Dark Kingdom". Katerina has a very peculiar character: she is God-fearing and rebellious at the same time. For her, this is not suicide, but liberation from life, hopelessness.

2.4.2. Other situation in the Drama "Diminant". The main heroine of Larisa is not a pro-flock of a girlfriend from a mesh environment, it is an educated, cultural, thinking girl. She received noble upbringing and unlike Katerina, grown conditions where weak humiliate where the strongest survives. In her character there is no so wholeness that is in Katerina. Therefore, Larisa does not seek, and he cannot realize his dreams and desires. It is oppressed by poverty and privilege of the situation. Larisa does not accept the world in which she lives. She wants to escape from it at any cost.

For Mother Larisa, the remaining widow with three daughters, the ostentatious elegance and the nobility of the family's life is not a normal state, but the scenery for the device of favorable marriages of her daughters. For her, flattering and cunning is the main principle of communicating with rich people visiting the house. Larisa is the youngest daughter, the last, remaining in the house, and the mother should be sold out of her hands, not even claiming much good luck. All this puts an outstanding girl in a difficult position. Around Larisa is a motley and dubious crowd of fans and applicants for hand, among which there are a lot of "all sorts". Life in her house is similar to the "Bazaar" or "Gypsy Tabor". The heroine is forced not only to transfer its surrounding their false, trick, hypocrisy, but also to take part in them.

Larisa becomes a victim of the noble brilliance, the irresistibility of Sergey Sergeyevich Pararty. She sees in it "the ideal of a man", a man who can not obey, who can not be believed. Larisa does not see insignificance and petty things of his nature. Having lost hope for happiness with Sergey Sergeyevich, Larisa is ready to marry anyone who will lead it from the house similar to the fair. She does not like Karandysheva, does not even respect, but hopes for him. But there is no nobility in this world. Larisa soon understood it. "I am a thing," she says Karandyshev. Realizing this, Larisa wants to sell himself more expensive. Heroine overcome internal contradictions. She shakes her thoughts, wants clean and honest life, but does not see ways there. He wants to die, and there is no strength, so the shot of Karandysheva Larisa takes as good, getting rid of the oppression of unresolved problems. The death of the heroine is worthy of her departure from life.

2.5. Pieces of A. Ostrovsky are saturated with a variety of symbols. First of all, these are symbols associated with the world of nature: forest, thunderstorm, river, bird, flight. A very important role is played in the plays and names of the heroes, the whole names of ancient origin: the ancient Greek and Roman.

2.5.1. Women's names in the plays of Ostrovsky are very bunciful, but the name of the main character almost always extremely accurately characterizes its role in the plot and fate. Larisa - "Seagull" in Greek, Katerina - "clean". Larisa - the victim of the shopping pirate transactions Patov: he sells "birds" - "swallow" (steamer) and then Larisa is a seagull. Katerina - the victim of his purity, his religiousness, she did not bring the split soul, because she loved - not her husband, and cruelly punished herself for it. Interestingly, Harita and Marfa (in the "Nadridnian" and in the "thunderstorm") both ignatevna, that is, "ignorant" or, in scientific, "ignoring". They stand as if from the tragedy of Larisa and Katerina, although the other is definitely guilty (not directly, but indirectly) in the death of her daughter and Snow.

2.5.2. Paraty is a parade and pirate. Also, as definitely, a suitable comparison of Pararty with the "parato" beast, that is, powerful, predatory, strong and merciless. His predatory behavior in the play is not better characterized by this surname.

Surnames Wild and Kabanova do not need to comment. Yes, and Tikhon - Kabanov, like nor "quiet" he. Here, Katerina is rushing in this dark forest among the animal creatures. Boris, she chose almost unconsciously, only the difference from his Tikhon, that name (Boris in Bulgarian "Wrestler").

Wild, self-wired characters, except wild, are presented in the play by Barbara (it is a gentleman, "barbage", not a Christian and behaves accordingly).

Kuligin, in addition to famous associations with Kulibins, causes the impression of something small, defenseless: in this terrible swamp he - a kulik - a bird and nothing else. He praises Kalinov, like a kulik - his swamp.

Larisa in the "Nurendannian" surround not "beasts". Money - "Blasting", Vasily - "Tsar", Julius - This is, of course, Julius Caesar, and even Kapitylch, that is, who lives the head (drut - head), and maybe seeking to be the main thing.

Well, finally, Harita - the mother of three daughters - is associated with the Harita, the goddes of youth and beauty, which was three, but she is robing them (remember the terrible fate of the two other sisters - one married a shoerar, another Caucasian husband was married).

3.1. "Thunderstorm" and "Dustpannica" are the best plays of the Ostrovsky, who showed the reader and the viewer of the end of the unknown world of merchants with his passions and pain, sophors and joy. This world stepped onto the scene of the Russian theater, showing the depth and diversity of natures, unbridled and rich in passions, petty and cruel, good and noble, but weak, not able to stand up for themselves.

Women's images created by the playwright took a worthy place in classical Russian literature.

3.2. Katerina and Larisa has a different education, different characters, a different age, but combines their desire to love and be loved, find an understanding, in a word, to become happy. And each goes to this purpose, overcoming the obstacles created by the standards of society. For Katerina, the money does not yet play any meaning, she is ready to go for Boris and on foot, just to have agreed to take her with him. Larisa was poisoned by glitter of gold, does not want to stagnate with a pitiful and poor husband.

Katerina cannot connect with his beloved person and finds a way to death.

Larisa has a more complex position. She disappointed in his beloved man and stopped believing in the existence of love and happiness. I realized that she was surrounded by a lie and deception, Larisa sees two exits from the situation: either the search for material values, or death. And during the coincidence, she chooses the first. But the author does not want to see an ordinary dependent woman in it, and she leaves life.

3.3. The characters of the main characters are in many ways similar. This is a nature living with the mind of the heart, dreaming of happiness and love idealizing the world. But the play "Diminant" was created in a different socio-political situation than "thunderstorm." The hopes for the correction of society and the genus of the human are called sincere doubt of the playwright, so the finals of these plays differ significantly. If, after the death of Katerina, the world of the "Dark Kingdom" is aware of his guilt, and Tikhon with a challenge addresses his mother, accusing it in the death of his wife, then the murder of Larisa Ogudallova does not cause such a resonance. The author deliberately emphasizes the indifference of others; The scene of the death of the heroine is voiced by the singing of the Gypsy choir.

3.4. The disclosure of the names and surnames in the plays of Ostrovsky helps to comprehend the plot, and the main images. Although the names and names cannot be called "speaking" in this case, since this is the feature of classicism, but they are speaking in a wide - symbolic meaning of the word.

Collection of Works: Women's Images in Pieces A. N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm" and "Nonmennica"

Two dramas A. N. Ostrovsky are devoted to the same problem - the situation of a woman in Russian society. We are undergoing fate of three young women: Katerina, Varvara, Larisa. Three images, three destinies.

Katerina differs in a warehouse of character from all acting persons of the drama "Thunderstorm". Honest, sincere and principled, it is not capable of deception and falsehood, for exemption and adaptation. Therefore, in a cruel world, where wild and kabani, her life is unbearable, impossible And ends so tragic. The protest of Katerina against Kabani is the struggle of light, clean, human against the darkness of the lies and cruelty of the "Dark Kingdom". No wonder Ostrovsky, who paid a lot of attention to the names and surnames, gave the heroine "Thunderstorms" the name of Catherine, that translated from Greek means "forever clean." Katerina - a poetic nature. Unlike the surrounding coarse people, she feels the beauty of nature and loves her. It is natural that is natural and sincere. "I will stand, it happened early in the morning; in the summer, so I'm going to the key, I will bring the water to myself and everything, all the flowers in the house of Poland. I had a lot of flowers, a lot," she tells about her childhood. Her soul is constantly stretching To beauty. The dreams were filled with miracles, fabulous visions. It often dreamed of her that she flies like a bird. She speaks about the desire to fly several times. This is the Ostrovsky emphasizes the romantic elevation of the soul of Katerina. Having married early, she tries to get along with mother-in-law, But in the house of Kabanov, sincere feelings are not needed to anyone. Tenderness that overwhelms her soul, does not find themselves applications. Deep longing sounds in her words about children: "At least kids someone! Eco Mountain! I have no kids: I would he sat with them and amused them. I love to talk very with children, "the angels are it." What a loving wife and mother would be in other conditions!

Sincere faith, Katerina differs from the religiousness of the Kabani. For Kabani, religion is a dark force, overwhelming the will of a man, and for Katerina Vera is a poetic world of fabulous images and higher justice. "... I loved to go to the church to go! For sure, I happened, I'm in a paradise enter, and I do not see anyone, and I don't remember time, and I do not hear when the service will end," she recalls.

Custom - the main enemy of Katerina. The external conditions for her life in Kalinov seems to be no different from the situation of her childhood. The same motives, the same rituals, that is, the same classes, but "here everything seems to be from under the capture," says Katerina. The university is incompatible with the freedom-loving soul of the heroine. "And Gorky, she, oh, like bitter," says She is in the scene with the key, and these words, these thoughts pushing it to the decision to see Boris. In the behavior of Katerina, as Dobrolyubov said, "decisive, solid Russian" manifested itself, which "will endure himself, no matter what obstacles, and when the strength is not enough, it will die, but will not change himself."

Barbara is the complete opposite of Katerina. It is not superstitious, no thunderstorms are afraid, does not consider strict compliance with the established customs. In terms of its position, it cannot openly oppose the mother and therefore sickness and deceives it. She hopes that marriage will give her the opportunity to leave this house, escape | from the "Dark Kingdom". On the words of Katerina that she | I do not know how to hide anything, Barbara answers: "Well, without it it is impossible! You remember where you live! We have the whole | The house on that keeps. And I was not a literature, but I learned when I needed. " Barbara despises brother's softness and indignant the heartlessness of the mother, but Katerina does not understand. She is interested in and worries only the outside side of life. She has come and adapted to the laws of its old world.

Larisa, unlike Katerina, grown and was brought up in conditions where weak humiliate, where the stringyness survives. In her character there is no so mine that in Inctery. Therefore, Larisa does not seek, and he cannot realize his dreams and desires. Her name in Greek means "Seagull". This bird is associated with something white, easy, shrirling. And this image is fully consistent with Larisa.

Katerina and Larisa has a different education, different characters, a different age, but combines their desire to love and be loved, find an understanding, in a word, to become happy. And each goes to this purpose, overcoming the obstacles created by the standards of society.

Katerina cannot connect with his beloved person and finds a way to death.

Larisa has a more complex position. She disappointed in his beloved man and stopped believing in the existence of love and happiness. I realized that she was surrounded by a lie and deception, Larisa sees two exits from the situation: either the search for material values, or death. And during the coincidence, she chooses the first. But the author does not want to see an ordinary dependent woman in it, and she leaves life.