Business from China: Current Ideas. Doing Business With China - A Complete Guide To How To Get Started

Business from China: Current Ideas.  Doing Business With China - A Complete Guide To How To Get Started
Business from China: Current Ideas. Doing Business With China - A Complete Guide To How To Get Started

Good afternoon, dear readers! With you, Evgeny Guryev is an expert of the online business magazine "PAPA HELP" in the field of Internet commodity business and business with China. The topic of this article is business with China.

If you think that the times of brisk trade in Chinese goods are irrevocably a thing of the past, then I hasten to please you - this is not so! Thousands of businessmen from Russia and other countries continue to make money on supplies from the PRC, selling goods at a price of 3-5 times more expensive than purchasing.

Do you want to start your own business with minimal risk, small initial investment and with a proven scheme of work for decades? Then business with China suits you in all respects. In this article, I described the peculiarities and nuances of trading in Chinese goods, plus step-by-step instructions for “dummies” on starting a business project from “A” to “Z”.

Are you interested in how to make money from 100,000 rubles per month"Clean" on the trade of Chinese goods? Then read the article to the end!

Is it realistic to start a business with China from scratch in 2019, or is it a departed train?

Yes, it's real! And on my own experience I have proved it many times, having earned millions of rubles .

Chinese-made goods still account for a significant share of the global market. This is not surprising - the PRC has a developed industry, cheap labor, long-term economic growth and, in the end, 1.5 billion people.

The Made in China label is no longer an indicator of poor quality. Modern goods from the Middle Kingdom have become more functional, high quality and durable. And they look much better than 15-20 years ago.

In the Russian Federation, up to 80% of light industry products are produced in the PRC. There are such goods in every home - these are wallets, watches, telephones, household appliances, toys, jewelry, accessories, cosmetics and much, much more - do you agree with me ?! Surely, at least half of the goods in your home are made in China.

What does this mean for you? This means that the market for Chinese goods is simply huge, billions of dollars are "spinning" here every year, and why don't you take a piece of this huge financial pie?

The main advantage of a business on Chinese goods is that the resale scheme is worked out to the smallest detail and is available to everyone. To start your own business, you don't even need to have initial capital.

For example, the dropshipping model * allows you to generate income with almost no investment. If you wish, you don't even have to leave your home - all operations will be performed online.

By working on a dropshipping scheme, you minimize financial risks!

The work algorithm comes down to three points:

  1. Find a supplier in China and purchase the product at the manufacturer's price.
  2. Deliver to RF.
  3. Implement with a surcharge.

You may ask: what about customs, documents, taxes? But do not rush, we will analyze each stage of the business process in detail in the following sections.


philistine skepticism and the position “they have occupied this niche for a long time, there is no point in breaking” are the main obstacles on the way to success. Any entrepreneurial activity requires courage, but at the same time a meaningful approach.

Why China? It's simple - mass production in this country was initially "sharpened" for export to other states. The cost of production here is extremely low due to low wages and the use of industrial technologies.

Chinese factories operate non-stop, supplying products to all corners of the planet.

The stereotype "Chinese means wretched and quickly breaks down" is no longer relevant. My Chinese e-book has been working for five years without any glitches or complaints. The quality of products from this country is constantly growing, but at the same time prices remain low. According to this parameter, the PRC has no competitors. This means that you need to purchase the goods there.

Practice shows that Business with China is not a "train gone", but on the contrary - a direction that is gaining momentum

If you are still in doubt, here is an illustrative list of the main advantages of working with Chinese manufacturers:

  • Low prices. Working with domestic manufacturers, you will get a "wrap" on the goods in the area 20-50% ... Trade in Chinese goods will bring from 100 to 1,000% markup.
  • Wide range of. Not just an assortment, but a "assortment". The selection of goods is almost endless. There is absolutely everything on the PRC market. If you want to do some of the most popular products, please. If you prefer an exclusive niche that has no analogues in the country, no problem.
  • Proven algorithm. You don't need to invent anything. There are supplier sites, there are delivery schemes. Even if you work with a large wholesale, you do not have to look for transport companies for a long time, conduct tedious negotiations, etc. The manufacturer will deliver the goods either by himself, or professional intermediaries will do it for a reasonable fee. They will also help with customs, paperwork, certificates.
  • High competition among Chinese manufacturers. There are many sellers in the PRC, and each of them is trying to find its own niche in the market. Firms value every client and are ready to conclude contracts on the most favorable terms for the buyer (price reduction, compensation for transportation costs, bonuses for bulk purchases). They are in touch around the clock, ready to start with minimum lots, you can bargain with them, request samples of goods for free. Experienced shoppers know how to keep prices low and maximize profits by selling expensive Chinese goods in their home country.

You ask, if goods are so easy to buy from a supplier, why would people need intermediaries?

It's that simple!

People do not have the time and desire to understand all the variety of Chinese sites, calculate the cost of products, taking into account delivery, wait for a parcel. It is much easier to act through a responsible intermediary who has already agreed with the manufacturer and placed the product with a clear description in Russian on his website.

I am sure that I was able to convey to you the perspectives and advantages of building a business with China and prove that this is not a departed train, but a real opportunity for you to start your own business.

How to start a Business with China without a big investment - 10 easy steps for a beginner

Now let's get down to practice.

Below is the basic circuit business. Remove and add items depending on the specifics of the product you have chosen and other objective factors.

Step 1. Choosing a business model

There are several effective business models for reselling goods from the PRC. First, you need to choose the best option depending on the specifics of the product and the size of the initial capital.

Trading methods (models):

  1. Dropshipping. I have already talked about this model above, I will repeat it briefly. This method does not imply the purchase of goods in large quantities. You don't need a warehouse - just a website for sale. In other words, this is an exclusively mediating activity. You just look for clients, collect money from them, and only then order the goods from the supplier, and he himself sends the goods to the client's address. By using the dropshipping model, you just make the difference on that sale.
  2. Wholesale. The main thing here is to find a reliable supplier and customers who will purchase goods from you in large quantities. You take on the role of intermediary again, but this time for larger deliveries.
  3. Online and offline retail sales. A way for those who have their own point of sale in the network or in "real life". Competent marketing, attractive prices, professional design - these are the main components of success.
  4. Joint purchases. A group of several people buys out bulk quantities of goods from a supplier and then sells them. The goal is to reduce the cost of delivery and purchase products at the lowest (wholesale) price due to the volume.

Whichever scheme you choose, success depends on the competent organization of the process and a responsible approach to business.

Step 2. Define resources

Your resources can be:

  1. Time. The most important irreplaceable resource. Sometimes even one is enough to successfully launch your business. Time can compensate for any other resources, if used correctly.
  2. Money. Their presence will be a plus, but not a prerequisite for starting your project. You only need a few hundred dollars to get started. For example, a dropshipping scheme does not require money to purchase a product. Mediation eliminates the risk of failure, however, and the income will be small with such a scheme.
  3. Information and knowledge. A well-known expression says: "Who owns the information, he owns the world." In the topic of business with China, it is quite justified, since I know the schemes of work, pricing and methods of promoting goods, you will always be one step ahead of your competitors.
  4. An experience. By experience, I mean any commercial skills that you have acquired in the course of your life: negotiation skills, marketing, working with social media. networks, proficiency in special analytical and graphic programs, English, and even better Chinese. All this is the foundation for a successful start in the Chinese "theme".
  5. Connections. It's no secret that in our time, connections play the same important role as money. Unlike "close ties" with the local city administration or a familiar prosecutor, here I mean the presence of friends and acquaintances in China or cities close to this country, in particular in Vladivostok.

An acquaintance of mine successfully traded Chinese teas, goods with wow-effects from the Middle Kingdom in the city of Stavropol, having experience in purchasing Chinese goods at a previous job and an acquaintance in Vladivostok.

Step 3. Find your niche (product that we will sell)

Let's define this concept.

Niche- this is a commodity direction. For example a clock.

Product Is a product unit in this niche. For example, a watch with a GPS tracker, a CASIO G-SHOCK watch, etc.

What to trade? Beginners should start with products that enjoy constant attention (demand) from buyers.

Here are some tips for choosing the right Chinese resale items:

Advice 1. Determine in advance the demand for the categories of your chosen products using special Internet services, of which there are quite a few. But the simplest and most effective of them is YandexWordstat. This service allows you to determine how many times a month a particular phrase (word) was typed by Yandex users in the search bar. That is, this tool allows you to determine the demand for a specific product.

Now I will show you clearly how it works, and you repeat!

Using the example of a watch with a GPS tracker, let's determine the frequency of the request: “ buy gps watch».

Go to YandexWordstat and type this phrase in the search bar of this service.

The higher the frequency of a request for a specific product in Wordstat, the more in demand it is

And you will see that the given phrase was searched 11 700 people per month... This means that there is a demand for this product.

In my experience, if this figure exceeds 10,000 requests per month, then you can easily start selling this product.

Another cool life hack from me! Type the same phrase in the Yandex search box.

The presence of advertising in the "SPECIAL PLACEMENT" block of Yandex indirectly indicates the demand for this product

And more advice. Below I will give you several CPA networks and groups in VK (VKontakte), where you can buy goods from China. So, you can use these groups and services to make a decision on the choice of goods for sale. If a product is advertised in groups in VK, and the same product occupies TOP positions in CPA networks, then this means only one thing - the product is popular and you can make money on it.

Tip 2. Choose a product that is popular, but not very competitive. It doesn't have to be sold in thousands of copies in every supermarket.

Before choosing a product for sale, go to large stores in your city and make sure that there is a proposal for this product or its analogues, but at the same time it is small.

This will allow you to easily sell your product to potential buyers.

Tip 3. Pay attention to quality. If you trade in handicraft products, the first customers in your store will be the last.

Tip 4. Understand thoroughly the product you have chosen. A real pro knows all the features and characteristics of the product being sold, correctly determines the price for it and selects a marketing strategy for promotion.


I have a friend who sells modern electronic gadgets. His knowledge in this area is simply amazing. He knows all kinds of VR glasses and knows which health sensor is right for a weightlifter and which one is for a runner.

Tip 5. Do not purchase large quantities of a new product right away. It is always better to buy a trial quantity, evaluate the quality, “probe” the demand, sell a fully test batch, and only then make a large purchase.

When testing a niche, you can order a trial batch of goods from a small wholesaler in Russia. You will receive the goods much faster than when ordering from China. It will cost a little more, but you will quickly get results and be able to move on.

Step 4. Choosing a product

There are two paths you can take when choosing Chinese products to sell.

For a beginner , who just wants to start a business and is considering the option of cooperation with Chinese manufacturers, goods of high demand with a high mark-up are suitable.

The ideal option is trending products that are currently being sold through one-page sites. These are products that solve the consumer's pain (lose weight, the bone on the leg sticks out, the back hurts, the loss of energy, moles in the garden are wound up, etc.) or have a WOW effect (new cool toys, glowing headphones, gadgets, unusual cases, etc.) etc.)

Where to find them? Yes, even on the same CPA networks or in groups of domestic wholesalers VKontakte.

Here is some of them:

  • - CPA network
  • ad1 - CPA network
  • m1-shop - CPA network
  • Wholesale of goods from China- group in VK;
  • Wholesale of goods from China- group in VK;
  • Kupinatao goods from China Taobao- a group in VK.

The main secret is to trade such goods not one by one, but immediately in assortment, launching several one-page sites with different goods at once.


You sell GPS watches on one site, on the other you sell wireless headphones, on the third, video recorders, on the fourth - unusual toys. You earn from each product. In a month, profit is possible in 150-800 thousand rubles.

Now it will not be difficult to create a landing page (one-page site) for you. For symbolic money ( 10$ ) or even for free, you can create a full-fledged website using intuitive constructors.

And this is a short video for you to familiarize yourself with the constructor:

Soon we will have a separate instructional article on how to create a one-page website yourself.

For an active entrepreneur , whose business is not related to the sale of Chinese goods, the strategy of expanding the range of already existing product categories and services of this businessman is more suitable.


False ceilings are your business. You already know how to attract customers, the business is working, but would you like to earn more? What can you bring from China? As an option - LED chandeliers with control panels. It is no longer necessary to attract and search for clients: the audience is all site visitors.

Today, to organize a trading business, it is not at all necessary to travel to China, communicate with company representatives and sign papers in offices. Any product is available online.

At first, while you do not have experience and knowledge, I recommend to undergo preliminary training from experts. My team and I also provide support for newcomers to do business with China and I teach on this topic.

Comparative table of the most visited sites:

Name Peculiarities Pros (+) Minuses (-)
The platform is focused on small and large wholesale Security for customers - transferring money only after delivery of the product. There is a Russian-language version of the site. Excessive popularity drives up prices
Oldest site, suitable for bulk purchases The main advantage is low prices Not suitable for retail purchases
One of the ten most visited Internet resources in the world, suitable for any business model Hundreds of millions of product names, some categories are not available at all on the Russian market There is no Russian-language version of the official website

Two more life hacks when choosing a product on the AliExpress website.

Life hack 1. Use product sorting filters correctly.

Do everything as shown in the screenshot below and you will find the cheapest item with free shipping.

Use filters on Alixexpress to get the best price and delivery terms

Life hack 2. Use cashback services.

I recommend that you use the SmartySale cashback service. When making purchases using this service, you will receive up to 5% cashback (refund of the paid amount for purchases made) to your bank card.

If you are counting on constant trade and long-term cooperation with Chinese manufacturers, be sure to register on one of the above sites to start.

The lack of a Russian-language version is not yet a reason to refuse to work with a certain site: use an online translator, including for negotiations with suppliers. Successful online communication is the key to success.

Step 5. Finding a supplier and checking it for reliability

In the 4th step, I told you on which sites to look for the desired product. Now let's figure out how to choose the right supplier and check it out.

Choose a supplier according to the criteria described below

When choosing a supplier, pay attention to the following points:

Any activity related to money involves certain risks. The Chinese suppliers are full of scammers and dishonest "businessmen". Never negotiate with intermediaries and firms without prior verification.

There are now reviews about every company on the network. Each official seller has documentary evidence of its status and recommendations. The best option when working with large wholesale is to request product samples, certificates, permits. Most of the scammers, after such requests, merge safely.

Frequently asked questions about choosing a supplier, I answered in this small video:

Types of deception faced by newbies and sometimes experienced businessmen:

  1. Supply of low quality goods. In China, there are thousands of semi-legal factories that drive goods from second-rate and sometimes hazardous materials to the stream. In the picture, the product looks like a hundred dollars, but in fact it is not worth even one.
  2. Fake one-day companies. Scammers register a domain and conduct an online advertising campaign. The buyer is tempted by fantastic prices and favorable conditions. After receiving payment, the company safely ceases to exist.
  3. Scammers in the course of negotiations, they gain access to your data - card details, bank account and payment systems.

To protect yourself from these types of deception, follow the tips above when choosing a supplier.

Fraud Signs:

1) A domain that was registered only a few weeks or even days ago. You can check when the domain is registered on the website. To do this, enter the domain name in the search bar of the service and press the button " Whois". See the picture below.

Checking the website lifetime on in 3 steps

2) Lack of contacts, legal and actual addresses on the supplier's website.

3) Poor quality site design. Almost 100% indicates that this is a one-day site created by scammers "on their knees."

Output: check everyone you deal with!

Step 6. Calculate your profitability


You bought 100 wristwatches of a well-known company in China 1,000 rubles apiece... Having spent on it 100,000 rubles... Within a year, you have sold the entire volume of goods for 3,000 rubles apiece... The profitability of your business in this case will be: (300,000 / 100,000) * 100% = 300% per annum or 25% per month.

This is a very rough example, since the costs of attracting clients, staff salaries, transportation costs can also be attributed to the expenditure side, which will reduce the profitability of your business. However, you need to plan for this indicator in order to understand whether your business activity makes economic sense.

Step 7. We study the terms of delivery of products

Here I will tell you how to deliver goods from China and further to the end consumer.

1. Delivery from China

Official suppliers detail the terms of sale and delivery on their websites. But each buyer has the right to offer his own terms of cooperation, which are more beneficial to him. For small consignments of goods, customs clearance and other manipulations with documents are not required.

How to bring a bulk consignment? Is there a way to deliver goods from China in small batches of 1-2 boxes, or is it necessary to carry a container immediately? Is it possible to do all this without registering an individual entrepreneur?

Take advantage of options such as "cargo" and "groupage".

In short, these are ways to bring goods from China in small batches without registering an individual entrepreneur and without problems at customs. For the money it comes out about 3,5 $ per 1 kg and auto delivery 28 days.

Questions with customs are already included in this price. This is an excellent option for those who are already ready to purchase goods from China directly with significant savings, but have not yet developed to such a level to purchase in containers.

With the advent of such delivery methods, the prospects for novice entrepreneurs immediately expanded - now they can purchase goods directly from China in small batches. It is convenient and profitable.

Here is an example of the company, which is engaged in cargo delivery of goods. The video below details this delivery method, its advantages and features.

2. Delivery to the end consumer.

The next question that every entrepreneur needs to solve is "How to deliver your goods to the client in order to receive payment from him?"

Let's imagine that an entrepreneur lives in Ryazan. Of course, he is interested in selling his goods both in Moscow, and in St. Petersburg, and in other regions. By the way, Moscow and St. Petersburg are more than 70% of all Internet sales in Russia... Probably I want to cut myself, albeit not a large, but tasty piece of such a pie.

How to sell goods from Ryazan over the Internet throughout Russia?

Muscovites want courier delivery. It is desirable that the goods be delivered yesterday and, as a last resort, tomorrow. You cannot deliver from Ryazan to Moscow in a day, or you can deliver, but it will cost a pretty penny. What to do?

It's simple. There are such wonderful fulfillment services, which can store your goods in a warehouse, issue it to your customers, deliver it by couriers in Moscow and St. Petersburg and send it by cash on delivery throughout the country.

Just magicians and wizards of logistics. Examples are a company like Reworker.

Watch a video of how an order fulfillment service works:

Ideally, for those who have been doing business for a long time, everything is done like this:

  1. Goods from China go directly to the order fulfillment warehouse in Moscow.
  2. All accepted orders from the Internet are transferred to the CRM system.
  3. The fulfillment service delivers the goods to the client and accepts payment.
  4. Once every 2 weeks, he transfers money to the owner of the online store.

That is, ideally, it is possible to achieve such a format of work when the entrepreneur does not see either the goods or the customers, and at the same time is not in any way limited in his geographic location.

Step 8. Find buyers

Finding a product at a bargain price is only half the battle. Attracting customers is the main difficulty of a business in conditions of an oversupply. If you want to make a steady profit, you have to get creative with the use of marketing techniques.

The main battleground right now is the internet.

Let's consider several options (channels for attracting customers).

1st option. One page site.

It can be purchased for some trendy product for 250 rubles... To do this, you just need to go to the Yandex browser, enter the request “ Buy landing page" or " Buy one page website". Renting a hosting, domain and buying a one-page site will cost no more than 1,000 rubles .

As I said above, you can create such one-page sites yourself using the LPGenerator site builder.

2nd option. Bulletin boards Avito and Yula.

First orders can be obtained from these boards. Especially if you correctly write the name of the ad and choose an attention-grabbing picture. You should build your ads on the system ODC (Offer-Deadline-Call-to-Action) and pay for a couple of ads so that they are higher in the search results.

An example of an ODC ad (Offer, Time Limit, Call to Action)

3rd option. Targeted advertising on social media.

To generate more profit, you will need social media advertising. Modern advertising allows you to make an offer only to those people who are really interested in this product.

But there are also more interesting approaches. Remember how the famous Sherlock Holmes found criminals? He used the so-called deductive method, that is, he thought outside the box. And you have to cultivate the out-of-the-box mindset as a marketer in the process of finding clients.

Friends, in order to make your life easier in finding and segmenting your target audience, I recommend that you use the clear and convenient Targethunter service. It allows you to quickly find the audience you need, save 90% of your ad budget using analysis tools and automate many processes.

Use the promo code: papapomog and get 2 days of free access at the maximum rate + two months of using the service for the price of one.

Watch a short video about this service:

4th option. Yandex.Direct.

Make the most of the Yandex Advertising Network (YAN). Have you ever noticed that if you are interested or were looking for a product in Yandex or Google, then advertising for this product will then follow you everywhere on all sites and even on social networks. This thing also works well: offers are received by those who are most interested in this product.

This is how it looks:

Contextual advertising Yandex Direct is succinctly embedded in the text of the site

You can use all the options for finding buyers at once, or choose one. In any case, do not spray, study each one sequentially and only then apply them.

Step 9. Purchase and testing of goods

Be sure to check the quality of the product. Nobody wants cheap fakes now. If you start selling third-rate products, it will kill your business in the bud. Business reputation is expensive.

If, according to some criteria, the product does not satisfy you, it is better to refuse the transaction, despite the low prices or favorable terms of delivery. An honest name is more valuable than a momentary profit.

Step 10. Launching a business

The decisive moment is the start of sales.

Don't rush things: if you have done preliminary work and have chosen a niche, the result will definitely be.

To work in a dropshipping system, it makes no sense to legally formalize your activities. Start thinking about it as your turnover increases and your customer base grows.

And remember - commercial success loves the brave. Do not be confused by failure. In commerce, local failures are inevitable, which will necessarily be followed by an upswing.

How to understand on which goods you can now "rise" for resale

Demand changes every year and every season. The service, which I have already mentioned, will help to understand what the buyer needs.

But there are universal human needs that are more or less constantly relevant. A competent choice of a niche for trading is the most important condition for a successful business.

We have prepared for you a list of the most profitable Made in China products:

  1. Gastronomic disposable change. The margin for such a product purchased in bulk is from 200 to 500%... Disposable dishes, plastic cups, hygiene products, clothespins, ropes and other small things that are always needed.
  2. Clothing. China has long learned to make high-quality clothing for people of all ages. It looks aesthetically pleasing and is cheap. And the demand for it is constant.
  3. Shoes. There are entire markets in China where only footwear is sold. Choose this product depending on the season.
  4. Accessories- handbags, wallets, umbrellas, belts.
  5. Mobile devices- smartphones, iPhones.
  6. Covers for them and other accessories.
  7. Chinese electronics (branded). In terms of quality, Chinese computers, video cameras, and cameras are of course inferior to South Korean and Japanese ones, but the difference is no longer as noticeable as 15-20 years ago.
  8. Electronic gadgets- video recorders, navigators, devices for computer games.
  9. Food products (bulk) with a long shelf life- teas, dried fruits, nuts.
  10. Auto accessories. Brushes, air fresheners, stickers, steering wheel covers.
  11. Furniture. Oddly enough, furniture in China is made of high quality. Moreover, even with delivery, it will cost you less than domestic, and even more so, Western, manufacturers.
  12. Household appliances and household goods.
  13. Toys. In China, inexpensive analogues of all successful brands are made. For example, Lego-type constructors are ten times cheaper, and children like them no less than branded ones.
  14. Special equipment. An option for serious businessmen, since the price of such a product is, by definition, higher than for gastronomic trifles. Tractors, trailers, cranes, other construction and industrial equipment from China are inferior to their European counterparts, but for several years such equipment has been working properly.
  15. Industrial machines. Under the conditions of the economic blockade, this is a promising niche - wear and tear of equipment and spare parts for it is inevitable. Chinese counterparts of European models will cost dozens of times cheaper.

This is not a complete list of products in demand. It is in your power to find your niche and promote it on the Web or in your city.

Evgeny Guryev's success story in starting his own business with China

Dear friend, welcome to the founders of the online business magazine "PAPA HELP" Alexander Berezhnov and Eduard Stembolsky.

Here we will tell the success story of our good friend Zhenya Guriev, so that, inspired by her, you start to act and in the near future start your business on goods from China.

Evgeny Guryev - an expert on business with China

Before Zhenya became an entrepreneur, he worked as a loader, waiter, handyman, manager. He started his business with retailing Chinese goods through coupon sites and landing pages.

Then there were wholesale deliveries, successful online stores and even larger and more profitable projects. In business, he had not only ups, but also downs. Both brought the result - invaluable experience of entrepreneurial activity.

Now Evgeniy is a speaker of a large online project for organizing business partnerships with China. Sells goods from China not only to the Russian Federation, but also to Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Belarus. I am ready to share my experience with small and medium-sized businesses, aspiring entrepreneurs and have already helped hundreds of people create their own profitable online stores.

His students turnover on Chinese goods in tens of millions of rubles ... Here is one of his students, Sergei Lipin.

Zhenya writes books, conducts both paid and free educational events on BSC - for example, 5-day marathon on this topic For everyone.

By visiting it, you will receive answers to all questions about BSK that you have and may arise in the future.

Do I need to study before starting in business?

Dear reader, I told you in some detail about the steps and nuances necessary to start a business with China. All of them are extremely practical and will help even beginners to enter 100,000 rubles profits net and more in the next few months. It all depends on your persistence and available resources.

Whether it is worth taking the training is up to you!

However, it is obvious that any professional and commercially successful activity is impossible without deep theoretical knowledge and developed practical skills.

It is also not unimportant that training will reduce the time for starting a business, save you from serious mistakes and save tens, or even hundreds of thousands of rubles.

Successful trading also needs to be learned from those who have achieved real success in this direction.

I propose right now to sign up for a five-day free marathon in BSK which will enable you to start your successful business of selling Chinese goods over the Internet.

You will learn:

  • what products are profitable to sell right now;
  • get contacts of reliable suppliers in China;
  • find out which sales algorithms are the most effective.

All this is based on specific examples and diagrams that work and are used right now.

7 golden tips for a beginner from an expert in business with China - Evgeny Guryeva

If the BSC is so profitable, why not everyone succeeds in trading successfully? The reason is not high competition or interference from the state. Nobody bothers you personally to launch a successful project for the sale of goods from the Middle Kingdom.

The main problem in the specifics of the business is that if you do not know the nuances and trifles, you will miss out on profits.

A few useful tips for those who decided to try their hand at the BSK niche:

  1. Always check vendors before you do business with them.
  2. Learn! Books, trainings, courses, business clubs. No less 10% from profit it is recommended to invest in yourself through training.
  3. Take care of the client - he must be sure that he receives a quality product. Test samples in person - don't trust the photos and the seller's assurances.
  4. Bargain with the Chinese as if your life depended on it. You get the best deal and beat the competition by letting go of shyness when negotiating a deal.
  5. Enter into formal contracts and test samples of goods in person.
  6. The first sales should be made for those products that are already on the market. It will be much easier for a novice entrepreneur without experience and resources to earn the first money than climbing into a place where there is “no competition”.
  7. Expand your assortment. It is much easier to make a couple of million on 10 products than on one. Try to work without intermediaries and unnecessary stages - they take both money and time.

And a few more chips from me in video format:


So, doing business with the PRC is still a promising and profitable business idea. To get the maximum profit from trade, it is enough to competently organize the process, find a reliable supplier and work with him directly, without intermediaries.

Hello dear readers! The Anatomy of Business simply had to pay attention to such a popular question today - what business ideas exist from China? This magnificent country has long been ahead of the G7 giants and most of the world's leading countries in terms of its economic development. Today, the Chinese are real magicians. They are capable of producing goods for any consumer.

It is no secret that almost all world brands are now produced in China, because it is there that it is the cheapest to do it. Therefore, "made in China" is not always a bad quality. The same car brand can be produced in China for different markets. Only for the cheaper segment its price will be $ 10 thousand, and for the expensive one - $ 30 thousand. Accordingly, the quality and characteristics will be different. There are no restrictions for the Chinese, they will do everything. The only question is - how much are you willing to pay.

But even good quality Chinese goods are much cheaper than domestic counterparts. Amazingly, sometimes the markup can be up to 500%! And the products from the Celestial Empire are presented as national. Not surprisingly, these price gaps are very attractive to businessmen. That is why when someone talks about business ideas from China, they primarily mean trade: buy there at a cheaper price in order to sell it at a higher price. But what kind of goods can be sold and how to set up the mechanism? Let's try to figure it out together.

Business ideas from China for everyone who does not have an initial investment!

There is an idea that does not involve any investment - this is dropshipping. Have you heard of this? The literal translation from English sounds like "direct delivery". This method consists in the fact that you act as an intermediary between the buyer and the seller. You order the necessary goods on behalf of the first: register on the site, communicate with the seller if necessary, track the delivery later, that is, take on all the organizational issues. And the buyer can only wait for his order, which comes to him at his own address.

The advantages of this method are many: you do not need to hire employees, look for premises as a warehouse, for effective work you only need the Internet, and of course you do not need to invest your own money - all calculations are made at the expense of the customer on a prepayment basis.

The main disadvantage of this method is that delivery is carried out at least three weeks. There are also risks of lost parcels or delays at customs. Not all buyers are willing to wait that long. But practice shows that most people manage to build a good profitable business on this. Income in this case is the margin on the cost of the acquisition. What this markup will be - 10% or 100% - you decide.

Which in this case is better to use the Internet resource, we have already told in our article

Well, if you do not want to lose customers, then with the same success you can purchase goods for your own money, and then later engage in implementation through social networks, trading platforms and your own website.

Here you need to remember - if the order amount is less than 1000 euros, then you do not need to pay for customs clearance services. Accordingly, exceeding this threshold, it will be necessary to include customs clearance in the cost price.

What are the best Chinese products to sell?

Souvenir products are in great demand. The cost of such consumer goods in China is penny, but here it is the sellers who break the bank, bringing the margin to unimaginable proportions.

Leather bags are also a priority. They are very expensive in Russia. Therefore, there is a good opportunity to dump the market, while providing high-quality and inexpensive products, and of course, making good money on this.

In general, the Chinese often come up with some kind of unusual goods, novelties, which cannot be found in the domestic open spaces. You can track their appearance using the Internet, quickly order and distribute.

One of these products recently caught my eye - a smart bottle that gives hints to its owner on the amount of water that has not been drunk during the day in accordance with the standard. At first glance, it may seem - what nonsense. But personally, I understand that this is not nonsense at all, but a real revolutionary discovery on which you can make good money.

It is no secret that the trend of a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition and sports is now a priority. It is not only useful, but also fashionable to be athletic, beautiful and healthy now. More and more groups dedicated to sports are appearing on social networks. YouTube is replete with various channels about fitness and healthy eating. I myself am in such a group, I read the news every day, I go to the gym. Athletes are a category of fanatical people. They will stop at nothing to get things done. But 60% of the result depends on nutrition. I know from myself that drinking 2 liters of water a day, as it is recommended to do it to increase metabolism, especially when it is not a habit, is very difficult. You just forget to do it. That is why such a bottle, for me personally, would be a salvation. And I am sure that a huge part of people would like to purchase such a useful product.

When implementing, you can not only cooperate with groups on sports topics in social networks, but also directly with fitness clubs, gyms, dance directions. People would buy it!

I am leading to the fact that you need to look for such new products and immediately get to work. I am sure that the result can be felt very soon.

If you own some start-up capital, then furniture trade would be an excellent solution. Such a business implies a completely different level of income.

Among the business ideas from China, selling furniture is an unmistakable option!

Many people have heard about furniture from China: it is of high quality and inexpensive, and the variety of styles amazes even the most fastidious buyer. Here you can find everything: from classics to high-tech.

The largest furniture factories are concentrated in the suburbs of Guangzhou. Among them, one can separately highlight the city of Foshan - the center of the production of Chinese furniture. There is just a huge number of factories, each of which has its own exhibition centers. There is an opportunity not only to visually evaluate the purchase, but also to touch, sit, and also directly visit the manufacturer himself at the factory. All of this is welcome. Some factories have their own showrooms right on the production site. Of course, ordering Chinese furniture via the Internet is also possible, but if you plan to do this seriously, then you must definitely go there. And not only to see all this splendor of choice, but also to establish business connections. In China, twice a year, the popular China International Furniture Fair is held, in which exclusively Chinese manufacturers exhibit their products.

Of course, you may be confused or even frightened by the very thought of traveling on your own to another country. But in this case, everything has already been thought out for us. Shopping tours to China are now very popular. The furniture industry is the leader among all kinds of shopping tours. A large number of agencies offer such services for a fee. It is not necessary to order a shop tour for every trip, it is enough to buy furniture once and bring it home, and then you can act independently. During this tour, you will be guided through a huge number of furniture suppliers, including exhibition centers and places of direct production. Such a trip is beneficial even if you purchase furniture not for subsequent sale, but for yourself. The fact is that prices in Russia for such a product are at least three times higher. Typically, such a shopping tour can take about five days.

Features of delivery of furniture from China!

But with delivery you need to be very careful. As a rule, cargo from China arrives in Vladivostok by sea, and then by road or rail to the destination.

As a standard, carrier companies offer delivery from China to your door at a total price of about six hundred US dollars per cubic meter of container. But in practice, such delivery results in huge amounts to the buyer. In addition, transport companies can pledge the same cost of transportation from the port to Moscow and to Khabarovsk, for example. This is completely illogical, and I agree with that. Therefore, it is in your interests to make delivery with congestion - one tariff to the port, another from the port to your city. For example, there are carriers delivering from Guangzhou to the port of Vladivostok for $ 80. per cubic meter. And then the price varies depending on your place of residence. But such an approach to transportation gives savings in two times, than immediately unreasonably paying $ 600. per cubic meter. It is necessary to find out all the details of transportation and tariffs. By simple calculations, you can determine what the real price of transportation is and what is the basis for the proposal of the logistics company.

What are the savings when buying furniture in China?

As we have already said, furniture in China is much cheaper than domestic furniture. Even taking into account customs clearance and delivery, there is still a large gap. For example, a sofa set in the Middle Kingdom can be purchased for 60 thousand rubles, taking into account all costs. We have exactly the same will cost about 150 thousand rubles. At the same time, domestic manufacturers often do not say that the furniture is Chinese, selling it under their own brand.

Of course, before starting this business, you need to calculate everything exactly. Determine the target category of buyers. The amount of profit will directly depend on this. After all, a significant part of the cost is delivery. And it does not depend on the quality of the furniture. Shipping a container stuffed with $ 10,000 inexpensive furniture will cost the same as $ 100,000 luxury furniture.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the success of the implementation of any business idea from China, of course, depends, first of all, on your desire, perseverance, work and faith in success. You can constantly come up with excuses for yourself, like - "it's difficult", "it's not profitable", "it's not for me", but you can just start doing something. Many people have built their successful business on these ideas, you don't even have to come up with something new. There will be enough buyers for everyone and money too! Anatomy of business wishes you all kinds of victories and successful implementation of your plans!

Today, the Chinese market has ceased to be associated with poor quality goods. Now it houses many international companies with world brands known to everyone. Thus, business ideas from China have become even more relevant today than they were before. First of all, China is famous for its high productivity with minimal costs for it.

How to start a business

Need to understand new business ideas in China for the most part, they are not “new” for a long time, but most likely these ideas are already being actively used, because this is a large market and they work here in all possible directions, this is why you should not chase new products. Later you need to conduct marketing research in order to study the market and understand what products are in great demand. For research, you can hire professionals who will not only do a full analysis for you, but also draw up a business plan for your future company. When a niche has been chosen, you can safely start looking for potential Chinese partners. Don't know where to start, here is a list of which, if you wish, you can easily implement.

Searching for an idea for a business with China

The most optimal and profitable option for you would be to visit the manufacturer of the products. Thus, you will avoid various markups from intermediaries. If you liked the valuable and the products, the next step will be to study the manufacturer's documentation (certificates, constituent documents, etc.). Such business with TO we read ideas, well cost-effective, but you need to be able to find them correctly.

If these are children's products, you should ask the manufacturer to provide documents on laboratory research (since if the manufacturer uses harmful material for the manufacture of toys, it is very dangerous, and if at least 1 child suffers, it will be you who will be responsible).

If everything is in order, then you can already start negotiating the planned volume of orders.

Other supplier search options:

    visiting exhibitions

    Internet resources

Such options also have a place to be, their plus is that it is much easier to do it, but the minus is that this is work through intermediaries. That is, you will overpay 5-10% to the intermediary for the same product that you could buy from the manufacturer.

Pros of business ideas from China

For most the Chinese market is interesting in that the cost of products from this country is 50-60% less than analogs in domestic markets. By thisinteresting business ideas fromTO reading, are not limited. This country is famous not only for its low cost of goods, but also for its high productivity. In addition, any product is produced in China, from pencils to medical equipment. This, in fact, is beneficial to cooperation with the Chinese market.

But interesting ideas do not end there if you have no desire to engage in buying and selling goods. You can start actual production. This can be done by renting or buying equipment; many companies in this market offer leasing. For many, this option will be even more relevant, it will help significantly save money.

4 business ideas from China

Below we will talk about 4 business ide yah with Chinese marketwhich are based on the simple principle"buy Sell ", most of them do not require large investments. Each idea is well cost-effective and the selling price you choose yourself.

# 1 Trade in branded footwear and clothing

The idea implies the opening of a brand store specializing in footwear or clothing. Because most of the large companies are located in China.

The cost of such clothes and shoes in China is much lower, and they earn money on this.

# 2 Working with Chinese online stores

Another profitable business ide her from TO reading, is the opening of a dropshipping store. Of course, this type of activity is associated with certain risks, but it allows a novice entrepreneur to take their first steps in the world of business without large investments.

Also, such a scheme will help a beginner to understand the mechanism of the business from within and gain experience in the field.

No. 3 P sale of piece goods

This method is used by many entrepreneurs, the scheme is very simple. It is bought at a wholesale price (box or bag of products), then the product is packaged in small packs and sold at a completely different price.

According to this scheme, most of the products are sold not only from China. The valuable profitability depends only on the recognition of the product, if you create a brand then the price may differ 2-5 times from the initial one.

No. 4 Sale of gadgets

Every day, new devices appear on the market, ranging from new phone models to new versions of software. You can buy a product in China, for example, for 500 rubles, when you can sell it at least 2-3 times more expensive.

Take, for example, a car registrar, in our country you can buy it 2 times more than at the manufacturer's birth. The same applies to the rest of the products, with phones, of course, the markup will not be more than 10-15%, but given their cost, this is very good money.

Ways of selling goods from China

There are four options for how you can sell your product. Ideally, of course, you should, if possible, combine as many options as possible at the same time. But leading several directions at the same time is quite difficult, so you need to immediately choose the best option for yourself and then create a competent strategy for it.

Consider 4 options for implementation:


    Offline store.

1. Auction

Not many people in our country know about this implementation method, but it works darker and is not bad enough. One of these auctions is ebay, to start selling through this auction you only need to register on the site.

This method is good because you can trade not only in your region or country, but all over the world online, and this is several million potential clients.

Opening your own online store today is within the power of any user, even schoolchildren have them. But it should be borne in mind that this idea is not new, and there are already competitors in this business idea on the online store market.

Therefore, in order for such a store to bring at least some profit, you need knowledge in the field of "seo", or if you have the money, hire a professional who will be responsible for selling the product through the online store.

The process of selling through social networks is now very fashionable, but few people do it right. First, you need to create a group on the most popular social networks for the Russian Federation - VKontakte, classmates, Facebook.

Next, you need to get as many people as possible to know about your product. If the product is really interesting, then it will not be difficult to do it.

4. Offline store

Everything is very simple here, you need to rent a space for a store, purchase goods and you can open a store.

But this is the most dangerous method from this list, because you need to have a large amount for rent and for buying different goods. This option is best used if you already have several of the above options.

Summing up, we can say that business ideas from China are beneficial because the goods there are several times cheaper. But a cheap product does not mean that they will buy it, and even in large quantities. As you yourself may have noticed a lot of ideas, any of them can both bring good income and be unprofitable. Based on this, before starting to invest money, it is worth weighing everything several times.

Probably, each of us through social networks has ever received a tempting offer to buy goods from China at a low price, which is an order of magnitude lower than in the city's stores. And, probably, each of us wondered at what price the seller bought the product, if its price is so attractive? In fact, most of the goods produced in China are so cheap that the manufacturer, the reseller in China, and the end seller benefit from the sale. In addition, everyone knows that business ideas that are related to China are very profitable, because here they produce fakes of almost any world brands and this applies primarily to clothing.

  • How to start a business selling goods from China?
  • Where can I find a supplier?
  • How much money does it take to open a Chinese goods store?
  • How to implement the sale of goods?
  • A step-by-step plan for starting a business selling goods from China
  • How much money is needed to start a business selling goods from China

How to arrange supplies?

Increasingly, we find popular Chinese goods on the shelves of the store. This is due to the fact that the products of this country are confidently replacing goods from other countries. It is enough to go to the famous Taobao online store and see the low prices for popular goods that can be ordered from China. Well, if you buy in bulk, the price will be even more tempting. This difference in price will allow for the implementation of business ideas focused on the resale of Chinese clothing. Every year there is a downward trend in the popularity of clothing markets, boutiques and stores thanks to online stores.

How to start a business selling goods from China?

Where can I find a supplier?

To begin with, let's look at the question - how to find a supplier in China and how to conclude a profitable cooperation. Perhaps the easiest and most reliable way is to use the Taobao website. This is a very popular site where you can find yourself a supplier. You can use the Google Chrome browser, where the function of translating the entire page at once is conveniently implemented - this will definitely be required.

There are many intermediaries who arrange delivery to the country. There will be no problems with finding an intermediary - the site has various banners where intermediaries offer their services, which, as a rule, cost 10% - 20% of the cost of the goods. The cargo, the value of which is less than 1000 euros, does not need to pay customs duty.

Business organization.

As a rule, parcels reach the addressee in 1-2 months. However, during the period of high volumes of orders, the terms may be shifted, since it will take longer to bring the goods from China during the holidays. Also, the delivery time is influenced by such factors as weather, transport situation, customs clearance, etc.

To begin with, using the Taobao website, you need to find an intermediary. After accepting his terms and concluding a contract with him, you need to create your own website or a group on a social network. It is not necessary to make a preliminary purchase of clothes, since the client will be able to place an order right on your website.

Clothes from China.

The buyer places an order on your website, where you have set a favorable price for you. The site or group created by you must have a certain popularity, because in a short period of time you will need to collect several orders from customers and send them to an intermediary. The intermediary must receive an advance payment from you, then you give him links to the goods that your customers have chosen and pay for the delivery in China itself.

In this material:

A business from China that is relevant in our time, the ideas of which are quite simple and accessible to everyone, can bring good profit to a novice entrepreneur.

The Chinese market is vast, with many international firms with popular brands. Among the offered assortment you can always find a suitable product for sale.

Considering that business from China has long been at the peak of popularity, one should realize the futility of pursuing new products.

Having studied the market, it is worth identifying the goods of the greatest demand and dealing with them. You can contact specialists who will not only conduct the necessary marketing research, but also create a business plan for a novice businessman.

The amount of profit received will directly depend on the direction of the business and the literacy of its implementation. In the first case, it will be important to choose exactly that field of activity in which there is at least some experience. For a business to initially become profitable, it is important not to forget about the uniqueness of the idea.

Find a supplier

Having decided on the direction of activity, they begin to search for possible partners. The best option is to partner directly with the manufacturer of the product. This will help to avoid various markups from intermediaries.

Attention should be paid not only to the price characteristics of products, but also to their quality, as well as to the study of contracts and delivery conditions. If goods are purchased for children, then you need to check the availability of documents on laboratory tests for the composition of the product.

Entrepreneurs are interested in supplying products from China precisely because of the low cost of goods in comparison with domestic counterparts. A large selection of products is also a significant advantage in partnership with China. Production lines for small businesses from China are popular all over the world as an opportunity to save money not only when buying equipment, but also when renting it with a subsequent purchase.

Business ideas with China

Interesting business ideas from China are a reason to start a profitable business. For a business from China to be truly profitable, it is necessary to single out one promising line among the huge range of products and start selling it. A good option to implement would be to help newcomers to enter the Chinese market.... The payment can be made at a minimum first so that you can earn a reputation.

Business proposals from China are based on the simplest buying / selling principle and do not require significant investments. Many ideas are quite profitable, and the price range for the products sold is set by the entrepreneur himself. In your city you can open:

  1. Brand store of shoes and clothes. The bulk of international companies producing branded items have located their branches in China, so the cost of popular brands has become lower. You can make good money on the difference in the price of the thing you buy and sell.
  2. Dropshipping store. By concluding a partnership agreement with a dropshipping company, you can profit from the difference between the market value of the product and the manufacturer's cost. This type of entrepreneurial activity is associated with low risks, but does not require significant investments. Such a scheme is useful for acquiring knowledge and experience in the field of business.
  3. Sale of goods by the piece. The profit is the difference between the wholesale and the piece sale. Almost all businessmen use this method.
  4. Implementation of gadgets and fashionable novelties. In this case, interesting business ideas from China can bring good profits. Indeed, in China, various phones and other devices are relatively inexpensive. Such a thing in Russia can be sold several times more expensive.

Methods of selling goods

There are several directions for the marketing of Chinese goods. The best option would be to conduct 1-2 directions at once. Sale of goods can occur:

  • through an auction;
  • in the online store;
  • through social networks;
  • in a real store.

Although many are unaware of the auction selling method, it works quite well. To start selling at any auction, you just need to register on the site. A remarkable feature of such an auction is the ability to sell goods all over the world.

An online store is a simple and easy way to sell a product, but it has many competitors. For this reason, you need to either acquire the necessary knowledge in this area to attract a large number of buyers, or contact a professional for the sale of goods through Internet resources for help. In this case, you cannot do without financial costs.

Social media is a popular place for high-volume sales, but it is not always used correctly. Initially, it is supposed to create a group in a known network. Then there is an increase in the size of the group in order to advertise the product. The more interesting a product is, the more likely it is to be promoted and sold.

A regular store can also be advertised well. To open your own store, you first need to register your own business, rent premises, purchase goods, hire workers - all this implies a considerable investment of effort and money. The method itself is associated with great risk, it is better to use it only if you have good initial capital.

China not only sells goods of its own production, but is also a purchaser of foreign goods for the population, as well as for the development of industry.

High-quality translation services, tourism organization, and various consultations are in great demand. Even in this area, you can always find new ideas.

Considering the possibility of big changes in business with China due to the economic crisis, for the best way out of this situation, it is worth considering a number of remarks:

  1. It is worth raising prices at the same time as competing firms.
  2. Slightly reduce discounts for wholesalers.
  3. Periodically monitor information about prices for the assortment of goods of interest.
  4. Assess the profitability of the business, taking into account the cost of delivery of goods and customs clearance.
  5. Reduce the cost of storing products, leaving a minimum stock.

To make the activity profitable, you should pay attention to the following components:

  • a sense of intuition that will help determine the most relevant product for the buyer;
  • business profitability analysis;
  • the optimal cost of products, beneficial to both the consumer and the seller;
  • conscientious suppliers.

Business from China is currently very common and profitable. But that doesn't mean all ideas are profitable. It is not enough to come up with, you still need to successfully implement the idea. To prevent an unprofitable enterprise, before starting to invest any finance, it is worthwhile to think carefully about all the options for developing the business, create a competent business plan and only then decide whether to invest in business proposals from China. Only a thorough study of all aspects will help to avoid unnecessary costs and loss of capital.

Order a business plan

no matter Auto Jewelry and accessories Hotels Children's franchises Home business Online stores IT and Internet Cafes and restaurants Inexpensive franchises Shoes Training and education Clothing Leisure and entertainment Food Gifts Manufacturing Miscellaneous Retail trade Sports, health and beauty Construction Home goods Health products Business services (b2b) Public services Financial services

Investments: Investments 3,000,000 - 3,500,000 rubles

International Language School is a language school of English, French, German, Spanish, Italian and Chinese with deep systematic training, where there is a program for each age and level. Also ILS is a network of children's clubs for early teaching of foreign languages ​​to children (from 2 years old). ILS is an opportunity for franchisees to become a center for training and ...

Investments: Investments 30,000,000 - 35,000,000 rubles

MINISO is a fast-growing fast fashion brand originally from Japan, founded in 2013 by the famous Japanese designer Junia Miyake and the Chinese entrepreneur Yi Goufu, who has won millions of hearts around the world in just 5 years. Looking at the MINISO store, it seems to you that everything is simple, but behind this ease are years of painstaking work of dozens of foreign specialists. Each ...

Investments: Investments from 200,000 rubles.

LLC COMPANY "MEDSKLAD" is an international diversified trade and production company, founded in 2006. The head office of the company is located in the Novosibirsk Academgorodok, distribution warehouses - in Moscow and Novosibirsk, production sites - in Shenzhen (China) and Novosibirsk. The main areas of our activity are: Production and supply of innovative machines for putting on TITAN shoe covers and special shoe covers for them. Production…

Investments: Investments from 250,000 rubles.

OPEN A PROFITABLE BUSINESS IN THE GROWING MARKET OF MENTAL ARITHMETICS The market of children's educational services in 2016 is "covered" by a wave of popularity of mental arithmetic. Using this technique, children count in their minds faster than a calculator, develop intellectual and psychological abilities. Mental arithmetic centers have become a magnet for parents. Indeed, in such classes, their children lay the foundation for further success in life, enhance their creative ...

Investments: Investments 800,000 - 1,000,000 rubles.

The Harakiri trademark was founded in 2003 by Novosibirsk entrepreneurs and was focused exclusively on the production and delivery of Japanese and Chinese cuisine. For several years, "Harakiri" was the only Novosibirsk sushi delivery service. In order to increase the speed of delivery, while maintaining the quality and freshness of dishes, the trade mark in the period from 2004 to 2010 actively ...

Investments: Investments from 980,000 rubles.

The idea of ​​creating a delivery restaurant "Shinto" arose on the basis of the accumulated long-term experience of organizing public catering enterprises. The name is not accidental and very symbolic. "Shinto" means "The path to perfection" and it obliges to be on top in everything. Shinto is a well-coordinated team that has been working in the food delivery market since 2010. The menu includes over 100 different dishes ...

Investments: Investments 150,000 - 250,000 rubles.

GLAVRAZBOR is the only specialized federal chain of stores selling used auto parts. The company "GLAVRAZBOR" invites you to take part in the formation of a retail network of stores for motorists under the brand name "GLAVRAZBOR" on the basis of franchising. The franchise from the company "GLAVRAZBOR" involves the opening of a retail outlet - without knowledge, skills and huge material investments, without the need to purchase cars for their further analysis, ...

Investments: from 1,200,000 rubles.

Japanese cuisine is rapidly gaining popularity all over the world. People are more and more "addicted" to sushi, rolls and other oriental dishes. That is why this area looks very profitable and attracts a huge number of businessmen. Nevertheless, if there are a sufficient number of restaurants and cafes offering customers Japanese cuisine, then the format in the form of a store in our country is developing significantly ...

Investments: from 2,800,000 rubles.

"Auto Moe" - a group of companies "Auto-Korean", "Auto-Japanese", "Auto-European", "Auto-Chinese", specializing in wholesale and retail trade of auto parts for Korean (HYUNDAI, KIA, DAEWOO, CHEVROLET, SSANG -YONG), - Japanese (TOYOTA, LEXUS, NISSAN, INFINITI, MITSUBISHI. MAZDA, SUZUKI, HONDA, ACURA, SUBARU, ISUZU, DAIHATSU); - European (RENAULT, VOLKSWAGEN, FORD, SKODA, OPEL, BMW, AUDI, MERSEDES, PORSCHE, PEUGEOT, VOLVO, CITROEN); - Chinese cars (CHERY, LIFAN, GEELY, ...

Investments: from 3,500,000 rubles.

The Ecomotors group of companies has been producing and selling electric vehicles and alternative energy products since 2007. For 2014, we are the largest electric vehicle sales market in Russia. In 2011, several dozen electric vehicles and buses were sold, in 2012 there is an almost twofold increase in sales, 2013 was marked by a significant expansion of the geography of sales and ...

Investments: 1,500,000 - 2,700,000 rubles.

The Gallery of Children's Clothing Company is one of the first Russian companies to distribute middle and premium European children's clothing to Russia in 2004. After a while, two of its own brands appeared in the company's portfolio - elegant Silver Spoon clothing and Pulka outerwear for children. Later the lines Silver Spoon casual and Silver Spoon were added ...