Literature needs talented people. Who is a talented reader? Who can be called a talented reader? The algorithm for completing the task should be as follows

Literature needs talented people.  Who is a talented reader?  Who can be called a talented reader?  The algorithm for completing the task should be as follows
Literature needs talented people. Who is a talented reader? Who can be called a talented reader? The algorithm for completing the task should be as follows

> Essays by topic

What it means to be a talented reader

Being a good reader, I think, is as much a talent as being a good writer. This can be learned, like everything else in the world. But talent is talent. When a person opens a new book, he discovers a new world for himself, completely new, not like all the previous ones, where he experienced, fought, loved, had fun, danced and enjoyed every word he read, every moment with the heroes. A talented reader will not compare what he has already read with a new book that is already in front of him. He is not a critic, he is a reader. And he reads for pleasure, in order to enjoy every new line of a good book and to enjoy the author's literary gift, if he is very lucky.

Unlike critics, the reader just needs to enjoy the book as such, read it with his soul, not his mind. Then you can understand much better than the most experienced critics what exactly the author wanted to say in his work. After all, no matter what they say, any writer writes his works not to be read by some famous critic today or in the future. Most often, the main audience of any author is talented readers or just good readers. Therefore, every time a talented reader opens a new book, he knows that it was written for him. This is probably why he gets great pleasure from the reading process.

A talented reader always takes something new for himself, he does not just read a book, he lives the life of heroes. He lives with them their victories and defeats, he learns from their mistakes, he travels with them and becomes stronger. A real talented reader in every good book finds a part of himself, something that he lacked. For example, he finds advice that he really needed or a hero who is extremely similar to him. Sometimes he can see himself from the outside in the description of a hero.This is not always the main character, it can be anyone. But seeing yourself from the outside is sometimes very useful.

A talented reader will never stop reading, because he knows what a wonderful world books can open for the reader. He knows that there is much more to be found in stories, short stories, novellas and poems than in newspapers. He knows that the works of great writers can help much more than books on psychology. The talented reader, in spite of all this, seeks not only the benefit of reading, his main goal is pleasure. Therefore, he can be called a gourmet of reading, as he enjoys good books, time-tested, or fresh, but always, of course, touching and interesting.

How to become a good READER

Book exhibition advice for teenagers

"LiteratureSothe sameneedtalented readers,

howandtalentedwriters ".

SamuelYakovlevich Marshak

The book is one of the greatest wonders of the world, an amazing invention of mankind.

It turns out that reading also needs to be learned, then it is both joy and benefit.

  1. Commit journey v history of the book .

It is forbidden become good a reader without knowledge stories books . Study her .

This country is ancient and young at the same time. Young readers will be able to learn about the historical role of the book from antiquity to the present day, about its significance in the formation of human spiritual culture, get an idea of ​​the great books of antiquity and famous scribes, visit different countries and eras that play an important role in the fate of the book. And be sure to "get acquainted" with the libraries of the past and modern temples of wisdom.


1. E. L. Nemirovsky. A journey to the origins of Russian typography: A book for students. - M .: Education, 1991 .-- 224 p .: ill.

2. A. G. Glukhov. ... Only letters sound: The fate of ancient libraries. - M .: Kniga, 1981. - 208 p., Ill.

3. Golubeva OD In the world of book treasures. - L .: Lenizdat, 1988.-272 p.

4. E. Osetrov. The Tale of Drukar Ivan and His Books: For primary school age. - M .: Malysh, 1983 .-- 95 p .: ill.

5.I. Pavlov. About your book. - L .: Children's literature, 1991. - 113 p .: ill. - (Know and be able to)

6. Electronic presentation "Your not boring book garden". / Library MOU Secondary School No. 3, Shumerlya, 2010.

2. Learn culture reading . The culture reading it

  • skillon one's ownworkWithbook;
  • knowledgereceptionsrationalreading;
  • carefulattitudeTobook;
  • skillconcentrateon thevolume,whatchi-melt;
  • the ability to quickly find the necessary books in the library, etc.
  • Ability at the same time: understanding, imagining, experiencing what you read.

Get hold ofto allthis.

Bookteacheshealssoul,fosters tasteformsviews ...Reading talentitnotsimplynaturalgift,are-resultstubbornlabor.

  • How can you learn to enjoy the skill of a writer, the depth of his thought, and not just "swallow" books, perform a boring task?
  • How does a true book differ from a fake one, and a talented one from a gray one?
  • How to start working on an abstract?
  • What are the quick reading techniques?
  • How to correctly draw up a quote, make a list of references, plan, synopsis?

Teenagers can find answers to these and many other questions in the proposed publications, using the important advice of specialists.

The reader's talent is one of those rare talents that everyone can develop in themselves. And then a person will learn to apply the knowledge gained from books in life. In a word, the reader will acquire the talent.


1. I. Ya. Linkov. You and your book: A book for reading. - M., Enlightenment, 1981. - 142 p.

2. I am friends with the book // Children's Encyclopedia, 2009, No. 3, 72 p.

3. Information and you. // Children's Encyclopedia, 2007, No. 3, 56 p.

4.Library Tutor / Library MOU Secondary School No. 3.

5. Secrets of successful work with print media: Library lesson for high school students. Electronic presentation. Library MOU Secondary School No. 3.

6. “Method of note-taking. Library lesson Electronic presentation. Library MOU Secondary School No. 3.

7. Travel on children's Internet Library lesson Electronic presentation. Library MOU Secondary School No. 3.

3. Make friends With encyclopedias , reference books , dictionaries .

Navigate v stream information helps reference literature . This encyclopedias , dictionaries , reference books .

Contact To him .

The proposed unique editions will become faithful companions on an exciting journey across the planet of knowledge. Laconic text, illustrations will help you easily learn serious and useful information about man and the Universe, about disappeared civilizations and unusual natural phenomena, about animals and plants and much more. And, of course, they will be useful to the student for several years of study.

Interestpresenteditionsfromseries"Everythingaboutto all ","Strokestime ","Encyclopediaforchildren ","Whothere is who in the world ","one hundredfamous ","one hundredgreat "," Everything about everything "," I get to know the world "," Encyclopedia for children ",

Encyclopedias"What is, who is", "Great Russian Encyclopedia", "Great Encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius" (CD), "Great Soviet Encyclopedia (CD) other.

Useful information and reliable scientific facts can help a teenager expand their horizons.

  1. The Russian State Children's Library's website is called BiblioGuide ( and
  2. Library of Maxim Moshkov,
  3. Internet library of Alexey Komarov,
  4. International Reading Association website (
  5. Electronic libraries "ImWerden" and "Bestseller" - this is an incomplete list of electronic libraries to which there is free access.

4. Read books , verified time-mute .

By choosing books for reading , particular preference give it back themes , who used popularity at many generations readers .

Here are the best books for children that have stood the test of time: they were read by mothers and fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers ... These publications truly make up the “golden circle” of reading: A. Pushkin “Poems”, J. Berne “Fifteen-year-old captain ", A. Green" Scarlet sails ", M. Reed" The Headless Horseman ", N. Gogol" Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka ", a miracle", V. Shakespeare "Twelfth Night", L. Tolstoy "Youth", G Troepolsky "White Bim Black Ear" and many others.


  1. One hundred favorite books: The Golden List for Children's Reading // Children's Encyclopedia, 2008, No. 9, 88 p.
  2. Anthology of world children's literature. / Multivolume ed. - M., Avanta, 2003.
  3. Books on the Recommended List of the Successful Reading Project
    1. M.N. Pryakhin's "cherished list" [email protected]

The art of being a reader is an endless art, this skill is mastered all life. Useful tips from the books offered at the exhibition will help you become GOODREADER.

How many books have been read does not matter, but it does matter for a very long time: daily, nightly reading, nightly - with a lamp lit - through the window. And while the circle from the lamp on the round table turns off only at late dawn, everything is in order on the round and bright Earth, a planet inhabited by readers.

Boris Slutsky

The exhibition was prepared by the librarian Loskutova A.V.

Quest Source: Decision 5750. USE 2017. Russian language. I.P. Tsybulko. 36 options.

Task 15. Arrange punctuation marks. Indicate two sentences in which you need to put ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) Literature needs both talented writers and talented readers.

2) In a test lesson or oral exam, strive to build your answer in the form of a coherent statement.

3) On the first snow in aspen and birch groves one can come across hare and squirrel tracks.

4) Due to circumstances, after the revolution, Kuprin ended up in exile and for almost twenty years the writer passionately sought to return to Russia.

5) The forest and the field and the flowering meadow are bathed in sun.


In this task, you need to put commas in a complex sentence or with homogeneous sentences.

1. Let's determine the number of grammatical bases in these sentences: a simple sentence or a complex one.

1) Literature needs both talented writers and talented readers. Simple.

2) In a test lesson or oral exam, strive to build your answer in the form of a coherent statement. Simple.

3) On the first snow in aspen and birch groves one can come across hare and squirrel tracks. Simple.

4) Due to circumstances, after the revolution, Kuprin ended up in exile and for almost twenty years the writer passionately sought to return to Russia. Difficult.

5) The forest and the field and the flowering meadow are bathed in sun. Simple.

2. Let's define the setting of commas in complex sentences. Rule: a comma on the border of parts of a complex sentence is placed if simple sentences do not have a common minor member.

4) Due to circumstances, after the revolution, Kuprin ended up in emigration (,) and for almost twenty years Writer passionately strove return to Russia. Complex, there is no common minor term, a comma is needed. ONE comma.

3. Let's define the setting of commas in simple sentences. Rule: one comma is placed before the second homogeneous member in the absence of unions, before a single adversary union or before the second part of a complex union (like ... and so on).

1) Literature needs both talented writers (,) and talented readers. - Homogeneous subjects are connected by a complex union "both ... and ..." (both writers and readers). ONE comma.

2) In a test lesson or oral exam, strive to build your answer in the form of a coherent statement. Homogeneous circumstances are connected by the union "or" (in the lesson-test or exam). The comma is not needed.

3) On the first snow in aspen and birch groves one can come across hare and squirrel tracks. Homogeneous definitions related to the word "groves" are connected by the union "and" (aspen and birch), homogeneous definitions related to the word "footprints" are connected by the union "and" (hare and squirrel). The pairs are not homogeneous among themselves. The comma is not needed.

Literature needs talented readers as well as talented writers. It is on them, on these talented, sensitive readers with a creative imagination, that the author counts when he strains all his mental strength in search of the right image, the right turn of action, the right word. The artist-author only takes on part of the work. The rest should be supplemented by the artist-reader's imagination. But not every book makes the reader, even the most talented, work - think, feel, guess, imagine. A good reader: he always reads, every day and cannot do without it, reads various books (popular science, history, fiction and others), knows how to search for the book he needs, understands and understands what he has read. The real reader does not love the book as a thing (sometimes quite expensive) and values ​​it not only for the information that can be gleaned from it. For a real reader, a book is a living being with whom you can communicate and who you can turn to at any moment. A real reader knows how to use in life what he read about in books. It is necessary to read and understand, because the chosen literature gives the joy of discovery, helps to experience high feelings, makes us smarter, kinder, better. Not only the writer should be talented, but also the reader. Education by the word About skill About a talented reader Let's talk about the reader. They rarely and little talk about him. Meanwhile, the reader is an irreplaceable person. Without it, not only our books, but all the works of Homer, Dante, Shakespeare, Goethe, Pushkin are just a dumb and dead pile of paper. Individual readers may sometimes erroneously judge books, but the Reader in the large, collective meaning of this word - and, moreover, over a more or less long period of time - always has the last word in the assessment of a literary work. True, the book's assessment, which has been established for a certain period of time, changes very often. A booth located nearby can obscure the tower standing in the distance. But sooner or later we become aware of this optical illusion and begin to imagine literary values ​​on a more correct scale. Time passes, one generation replaces another, and each of them evaluates the literary heritage that has come down to it in its own way. And if a prose writer or poet retains their significance and weight over the centuries, this is not due to the fact that they were once enrolled in the ranks of geniuses and classics or immortalized with monuments erected in their honor, but because new generations also recognize them as valuable and necessary for life. And there are times when a book, peacefully lying on our shelf, gradually and imperceptibly loses its charm. It seems to be destroyed, merging with others like her. A living person, a reader, decides the fate of the book. All the strings that the author owns are in the hearts of the readers. The author has no other strings. And depending on the quality of the playing on these strings, they respond in the souls of people either dully, then loudly, then loudly, then quietly. We must not forget about this when we talk about the language, about the poet's vocabulary. Remember how Lermontov brought Heine's poems closer to the heart of the Russian reader, translating the German words into such Russian: Tyutchev's translation of the same poem by Heine, very close to the original, did not evoke in us, however, an equally deep response and therefore did not enter Russian poetry on a par with the original poems. Words and word combinations are connected in our consciousness with many many of the most complex associations and are capable of lifting from the bottom of our soul a whole world of memories, feelings, images, ideas. And it depends on what the author himself has in his soul and soul and how much he owns that powerful verbal keyboard, which sets in motion the strings of the reader's hearts. And the thing

A talented reader is not someone who reads a lot. And not even someone who prefers scientific literature to popular. A talented reader is a person who knows how to appreciate fiction and poetry.

Formation of literary preferences

In the famous poem by Gogol, there is a character who shows an extraordinary love for books. But the author notes that he loves to read not because he appreciates literary works, but out of love to put letters into words, but words into sentences. The author described the hobby of this hero not without sarcasm. In real life, if there are such personalities, it is very rare.

A talented reader is a person who enjoys reading a book, but does not forget its content immediately after reading it. Literature is a source of spiritual, moral and intellectual enrichment. You need to be able to read. And those who have mastered this art will not be haphazardly carried away by works of art. Consequently, a talented reader is a lover of prose and poetry who has formed his own literary preferences.

The phrase, the meaning of which this article reveals, can be used in relation to a person who has studied more than one essay by a Russian or foreign writer. But, unlike the hero Gogol, he learned to analyze what he read.

Love of books

The character mentioned above is Petrushka, the lackey of the scoundrel Chichikov. In relation to this, the phrase "talented reader" is inapplicable. A synonym for this concept is a thoughtful person. Parsley is not at a loss to understand the content of the books. He takes up reading the primer, prayer book and French novel with equal zeal. But who is a talented reader? A synonym for this concept is a person who knows a lot about literature. Anyone who does not read indiscriminately, but knows how to choose from the diverse book world what he is really interested in and needs.

Must-Read Books

It is not for nothing that the school curriculum includes works by Russian and foreign classics. To develop a literary taste, you should read more than one book. Only after studying a certain number of essays does the ability to assess the quality of this or that work appears.

How do you learn to read?

Literary taste can be compared to an ear for music. One reader enjoys purely reading quality literature. Others are only interested in the exciting plot. The mediocre reader is not able to appreciate the artistic means that the author uses. The main idea of ​​the work is not available to him. He can be compared to a person who has been "stepped on by a bear." With someone who does not distinguish harmony from disharmony. But unlike the ear for music, literary taste is not innate. It can be purchased.

So what is the meaning of the phrase "talented reader"? Who is this? The man who read the novels of Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, the stories of Bunin and the stories of Pushkin? The school minimum involves studying the books of the great classics. To successfully pass the exam, students read works that are included in the list of compulsory literature. The Zetas are analyzed, written about. However, after graduation, not everyone is fond of reading. Consequently, the concept of "talented reader" is not applicable to every person who has studied the school minimum.

Sentence by sentence, page by page ... And in the imagination of the reader, a whole world of artistic images is born. He plunges into it, living the life of heroes and empathizing with them. This state is familiar to a person who can be given the title of "talented reader". The meaning of this concept is more complex than it might seem at first glance. Talented can be called a reader who has a rich imagination, has more than a dozen books read behind his back, knows how to distinguish classics from "reading matter." The ability to understand and analyze the great comes with experience. Consider the abilities of a thoughtful reader using the example of a well-known novel.

Example: "The Master and Margarita"

The novel won the love of millions of readers. What is the uniqueness of this work? Why is it of interest to people of different ages and educational levels? In adolescence, the reader gets acquainted with the creation of Bulgakov, and he is fascinated by the mystical nature of the plot. With the acquisition of life experience, he is able to appreciate the sparkling Bulgakov's humor. But only a truly talented reader has access to the deep philosophical idea of ​​this work.

The idea of ​​the novel is based on a biblical story. Only a deep, thinking person can appreciate the wisdom of Yeshua's words. Bulgakov's hero speaks of cowardice as the most terrible vice. He hints at the inaccuracy of Matvey's notes. The use of evangelical motives allows the author to express his moral position, original views on the history of Christianity. The reader, for whom this book was one of the first, cannot grasp the idea of ​​the novel. To analyze the work, you should read a lot of critical articles, biographical works about the writer. Therefore, reading books does not mean understanding their content. To understand the term "talented reader", one more example from the literature should be cited.

"Crime and Punishment"

Dostoevsky's book is called a model of a crime novel. This work, indeed, has all the hallmarks of a detective genre. But the word "punishment" here has by no means a legal connotation. Rather Christian. Raskolnikov violates one of the commandments. He acts according to the anti-human theory. And this almost leads him to moral death. Faith saves him.

It is difficult to understand the depth of Dostoevsky's novel in adolescence. A talented reader can be called, perhaps, a person who, after leaving school, again returns to the works of classical literature, among which one of the most important is "Crime and Punishment", in order to look at the experiences of the heroes from the height of life and reading experience.

Critic or Reader?

Is there a difference between these concepts? A critic is more than a talented reader. The use of such a concept in speech is quite common. A critic is a specialist who analyzes works of art and does it professionally. The reader is one who enjoys getting to know the writer's artistic world. The assessment of professional critics is more objective. Their articles are published in textbooks on literature. The names of the best of them are included in the history of literature. But it is worth remembering that neither prose nor poetry can exist without a grateful reader. The writer does not create his books for renowned critics. Its audience is talented readers.