What dreams of a small child? What dreams of small children are: their own or other people's.

What dreams of a small child? What dreams of small children are: their own or other people's.
What dreams of a small child? What dreams of small children are: their own or other people's.

Baby boy in sleep - Beat baby boy in a dream - To the experiences associated with problems at work.
The sick child dreams to the loss of a loved one.
Would you like a positive and carelessness.
It happens that the girls try on the image of a boy in a dream. Such a dream symbolizes the spiritual irritation of the girl who parents and friends have long been proposing to decide and marry.
In your dream, the child makes the first steps yourself - you can count on your own strength and not rely on the opinions of others.
In the case of pregnancy or breastfeeding a newborn baby in a dream, wait profit.
If this is relevant for you, you can learn more precisely if you contact the lines of your hand - to pay on the line of children.
In the case when you take this child to your arms and press to yourself, you risks to be in a hopeless situation.
You dream, how do you give birth to a child? It will sue wealth.
A fun and playful child dream, on the contrary, to mutual love, happiness, and prosperity of feelings.
A funny baby boy in a dream promises joy, love and faithful friends.
A fun, healthy and clean baby in a dream will bring joy, calm and good luck to your life. Family happiness will last for many years.
See in the dream of children acquaintances - You will have to solve the problem of other people or correct their mistakes.
See in a dream unfamiliar baby boy - To trouble. Sometimes such a dream dreams of uncertainty in tomorrow.
See the appearance of a child to light - To the embodiment of their plans and ideas in life. Such a dream promises recognition and success in endeavors.
To see a child's older child, who appeals to you, smiles or talking to you mean that it is time to become more serious, to stop the loss behavior, think about the future.
To dream of his little children in the health, also a good sign. They will be healthy and happy, and you are lucky in love or career.
To see himself a child - either to return to the past, or to interference in your life outsider.
To see in a dream clean, healthy, cheerful child - to mutual love, to strong and faithful friendship. And, accordingly, on the contrary.
See infant - Means the disease of someone from Rodney. But not serious (serious illness and death predict the teeth dropped). Baby infants means obstacles, indecision, minor annoying circumstances. In short, not the best sign.
See or hold on the kid's hands - To the trouble in other people's interests. It may be so that someone's good luck will be a hindrance for you.
See a little baby in a dream, means your naive attitude to life and optimism. Perhaps now you are in the "light strip" stage of life.
See dead infant - To increase financial income, enjoyable Westm.
In a dream, you saw my child - It is necessary to revise your life: perhaps something needs to be changed in it.
Rather behind the child in a dream promises you problems with relatives, loss of mutual understanding and condemnation. Try to frankly talk and solve the painful problem together in a family circle.
Sad, crying infants - Strengthens bad values \u200b\u200band reduces good.
The girl in a dream can be a precursor as bad and good events - it all depends on the context of sleep.
A girl with a very beautiful face, as a rule, dreams of deception. Most likely, you will be involved in the adventure deliberately by your discrepancies.
Hold in a dream baby girl on hand - You should expect problems that will impede your plans. Talk with her - to an increase in material goods.
Holding a newborn baby in his hands in a dream is a big stir in your home, confusion and, perhaps even, a scandal on this basis, that this would not happen, you need to be honest and open with family members.
Children - This is a symbol of the future, since they are assigned hopes.
For women - This is a signal about their motherhood instinct, and for men is a symbol of subconscious fellowship.
If a pregnant woman dreamed that she gave birth to a boy's child, it means that her upcoming birth would be slight.
If you appear in the dream in the image of a small child, then this can be interpreted by the presence of any problems in real life, the fear of death and deprivation, the desire to return to carefree childhood.
If a child sleeps in the dream on your hands, then I can feel safely taken for organizing holidays, weddings or other celebrations.
If you have dreamed that you take a boy's child under your custody, it means that the profitable deal will be waiting for you.
If you dreamed that you took under the guardianship of someone else's breasting child, it means that in real life loneliness awaits you.
If you dreamed that you hug or kiss the boy's boy, then you will be lucky very soon.
If you dreamed that the baby boy was lost, it means that in reality you risk getting into an unpleasant story.
If you dreamed of a sick, ugly or scattered kid. Soon wait for major troubles, dismands in the family and ailment.
If you dreamed of a sad or crying boy, then in life you miss something.
If you dreamed of the long-awaited child - Your dreams will come true.
If you dreamed of a small child, I will not have a lot of surprise.
If you dreamed of a crying child, it means that you are threatened with a disease or disappointment.
If you dreamed of a child, then get ready for concerns, however, these concerns are promised to be pleasant.
If you dreamed a happy baby boy, wait for the news.
If you dreamed of someone else's dead baby - You are waiting for disappointment and anxiety in the near future. Climbing baby - you need to make decisions soon.
If you dream of a cheerful and beautiful child, I will still have a gift for a gift, also a similar sleep promises good health, longevity and a wonderful mood.
If you dream of your own children, it means in real life you will be extremely surprised by their illogical behavior.
If you see a small, just a born child, which means that there is a huge responsibility for the fate of any person. Deciding to start a new thing, do not doubt, you will have success in it. The dream of a newborn can predict the appearance of the baby in your family.
If you see the baby yourself, it reminds you that in life it is possible to rely with confidence only for yourself. Do not try to shift the problems on the shoulders of others, stop and look at the situation on the other side.
If a child appeared in a dream, it foreshadows joy and pleasant changes in life. Only if the child is clean and tidy, healthy, smiles or laugh.
If in a dream you take a child on your hand with heat, it's to sadness and soulful melancholy.
If in a dream you see weeping children, then it is for disappointment or poor health.
If in a dream you hold the child for the handle, then such a dream ignites the successful resolution of the confusing business.
If you dreamed that you have a breast child, which is not really no, then, soon you will get a pleasant news or gift.
If in a dream you hold the child on your arms, ignite, sleep it, then it means that the road to success will be difficult, and you will need to work a lot.
If in a dream you feed the child, then I'll get very responsible for anything for anything.
If in a dream you are bathing the child, you will soon be able to overcome the difficulties or find the right solution to the existing problem.
If in a dream you bathe your child, then we will find a difficult situation to be resolved myself, or that you will find out of it very easily and quickly.
If in a dream you saved the child from death, then you will be able to resolve a very difficult task with honor. This will help conquer respect and definite authority.
If a child dreamed in a dream, then be prepared for troubles.
If in a dream the child is crying on your hands, then you will soon have a hard test in the real world. Just after having passed it, you will gain an invaluable experience that is useful in the future.
If in a dream to see your own child, then this usually means that the child will face serious life difficulties.
If you see a girl in a dream, which cries over some person - it's worth waiting for the death of acquaintances or close people in a short time.
If you see a little yourself, then such a dream says that in your life came the moment of choice that you do not be able to.
If you see the birth of a girl, then all things are also crowned with success, however, it will take a lot of time. In any case, after such a dream, you can think about how to do a new activity - most likely, it will bring prosperity.
If you are looking for a child in a dream, it means that in reality you are trying to return the impossible.
If you show caution and reasonableness, then you have a chance to avoid trouble. Otherwise, not only your interests in this matter will suffer, but also reputation.
If you saw a patient and dirty child, then in reality you may have difficulty in working and personal life.
If you saw a strange child in a dream, it is to gossip and enemies.
If you saw a child in a dream or a few children, then you need to remember how the child looked like and whether he was healthy in your dream.
If you saw a child in a dream, making the first steps, it means that you need to believe in yourself.
If you saw a child in a dream, which walks alone, then this is a sign of your independence.
If you see beautiful, happy and healthy children, know - happiness not around the corner.
If the breast feeds a young girl - Soon there will be something like that in her life, which will bring the strongest joy.
If a woman feeds baby breasts - So, she needs to take care of someone in real life.
If a woman dreams that she is a little girl who plays with loved ones in childhood toys - it means, in reality she suffers from depression and misunderstanding. It is necessary that native people would give such a woman maximum attention and took care of her full-fledged vacation.
If a woman who can not have children, dreamed of her breast child, then she will have to take care of a foreign person.
If the kid is dirty, naked or crying, then it promises troubles, problems and illness.
If the mother saw in a dream that her child is getting sick of a cold illness, then there will be serious diseases in the baby, they will not threaten, but small troubles can occur with it.
If the female baby dreams of a woman, then, most likely, this little girl personifies the woman himself, or rather - her feminine.
If a young woman dreamed of a breast child, then it will be coordinated in promoting people who lead an inappropriate lifestyle.
If a man dreamed that he was a child, then in the soul he regrets something that could no longer fix it.
If an unmarried girl dreamed that she had a breast child, it means that it would possibly become an object of empty unreasonable gossip.
If the newborn male, then success will come unexpectedly and spontaneously.
If he was sick and then died, then you should think about your social or psychological life, which cannot harmoniously develop.
If the gender of the child is not defined and the kid crying, then disappointment or illness awaits you.
If a boy who already enters the teenage period of life, then it is worth waiting for remuneration for your works.
If you dream that your child is very sick or died, then you will have serious reasons for anxiety.
If the child in your dream is beautiful and healthy, then fate will be favorable in the near future. Both in the service and in personal life everything will be afraid.
If a child in a dream is only learning to walk, it says that you underestimate yourself. You can achieve a lot on your own, so try to use it for yourself.
If the child is beautiful and tidy, then they must be good, but if there is neglected, and even sad, then it is better not to hope for good news.
If the child is crying - It foreshadows quarrels and scandals with neighbors and colleagues.
If the child dies in a dream, then projects, ideas or plans that are so strongly occupied by the human brain will turn out to be not promising or non-visual.
If there is a whole horde of children, then you are not far from the corpus, which will not be solved soon.
If you dream that you keep your hand, it is unexpectedly pleasant outcome in a risky business.
If this is your child, it's to deceive from your loved one.
Woman in a dream nursing someone else's child - Someone from those who trust, deceive.
Healthy and shining baby in a dream - By happy love or marriage.
The value of sleep in which the child is present can be interpreted in different ways.
Play with a boy in a dream - Fortunately.
Playing, funny infants - To success after obstacles and to a quick recovery.
Sometimes it testifies to someone close death.
As a rule, the boys will dream of trouble, and girls - to pleasant concerns.
When in a dream you are a child - Boy, then in reality it is worth expecting a profit, an increase in office, meeting with friends.
When in a dream you are cute, play with a little girl, then you should expect news.
When in a dream you saw a girl who bathes, then this is a good sign. He foreshadows you changes in life for the better. Perhaps you will have creative ideas or a new, interesting hobby.
When in a dream a woman or a young girl sees himself a little child, it means that it is possible that the development of events that will cause surprise, and then, as a result, material damage. It is important to remember exactly what a girl looked in a dream, with the help of this woman can understand her soul deeper.
To feed in a dream a child means that financial losses will be foreseen, the decay of spiritual strength, fatigue.
Breastfeed baby in a dream - To well-being in family relationships.
Breasting baby marks profit if it dreamed of a young woman. Such a dream is an older person talking about diseases or death.
Feed the child in a dream means that in reality you invest all your strength and funds in any case. Do not worry, it is worth it and will definitely give positive results.
Feed a child in a dream means that your business and planned plans will have a successful completion. As a result of their works, you will get moral satisfaction and material well-being.
Feed the baby infant with breasts or watch someone else's baby breastfeed feeds - a warning that one should not be unconditionally trusted to those who are not close friends.
Feed a child holding it on hands - Sleep means that you make favorable attachments, correctly place investments or rightly striking a profitable business in real life.
A beautiful baby foreshadows joy, and the dirty and naked child is unexpected care, courts.
Bathing a breast baby in a dream - To solve a complex problem, to something new.
Treat baby girl, child in hospital "To situations, when you will help someone, but do not wait for gratitude."
To admire how a man holds a child on his hands - a dream indicates that you will win the dispute, will become the best of the best in your own business.
A dead baby in a dream predicts severe diseases, injuries or trouble. Such a dream outlines that the child will need support for loved ones. This dream is said that the closest pressing plans will not be realized.
Many branches - Anxiety, half empty.
Young mothers who have little baby babies, to see the baby in a dream does not foreshadow anything. This is only a reflection of reality.
Not the best times promises a dream in which the child is dead. Prepare for diseases or hazard hopes. Such a dream may indicate that in real life you are too scattered and windy. It's time to take yourself in hand, otherwise you can face insoluble situations and troubles.
Newborn dreams of something unexpected.
To carry on the hands of his child, who is sick, foreshadows mental suffering and depression.
Nurse in a baby's dream - Not a good sign. Perhaps the betrayal of a person who you really trust.
Nurse a little baby in a dream - To new projects and ideas that will bring a lot of profits and praise your address. This dream can be a precursor appearance in your family family.
Nurse, amusing someone else's child - To betrayal.
Hugging or kissing an infant child in a dream - To inspiration, to new pleasant impressions.
If you dreamed of a child whom you nursing, it's for disappointments and longing.
Lonely, frightened, abandoned infants - To misses in work because of the self-conception and reluctance to cooperate and listen to tips.
However, it is not worthwhile, because the situation can quickly change your favor.
In short, wait for the decline of strength and mood.
Very soon in your family will happen a wonderful event.
Very good sign - To see the birth of a little girl in a dream. He promises the beginning of new, long and happy relationships.
Crying girl in a dream foreshadows a very heavy and complex disease. You should more carefully treat your health and do not tighten with visits to the doctor.
The boy crying in a dream, tells you that in reality you do not pay much time for your family, because of what they suffer very much and remain unhappy.
A crying or sick child, seen in a dream foreshadows disappointment, failure in affairs, and even health problems.
Crying baby infant age - You are waiting for a lot of small problems.
According to beliefs, a little boy will dream of what the white strip will begin in your life, which will affect your personal life and career.
Loss of a child in a dream is a bad sign, be alert.
A dreaming deadly child is a symbol of hidden potential, deep essence and true me. It is necessary to pay attention to how the child looked in a dream.
A child in a dream can be associated with an angel. It can be considered a symbol of good intentions, but they require painstaking work in order to come true, because the child is a creature that has not been strengthened and has not fully formed.
Child - The girl from your dream will bring to real life receiving news, surprise, gift, fun.
Child - For women is associated with deception (if she dreamed that she was nursing with him or holds a sick child on the hands).
Child - A schoolboy who has diskeding you, suggests that you are managed by fears and complexes, originally from distant childhood. You still failed to forget the mental injury received many years ago. Now a good time to teach and advance the qualifications.
Baby in a dream cheerful and pleasant "So, mutual love awaits you, many faithful, good friends with whom you will have a good time.
A child in a dream usually acts as some kind of business, work or relationship, that is, in the role of "childrens".
Baby girl in a dream. A symbol of what needs to be patronage, supervision, care.
A child in a dream symbolizes a new starting, renewal of the soul and body, reflects the nearest events that will occur in your life.
The child is most often associated with something new, troublesome, complete concerns and joy of an event.
A child walking down the street one, means that you will become independent.
A child who walks one, dreams as a sign of your soon loneliness and charity to all others. You would have thrown you all, and no one is before you.
The child disabled is a dream that you will soon need to help someone.
Riding a unwanted child - To the gossip.
Sleep about the sick child. Watch for health by catching the slightest indisposition - it will help to avoid serious illness.
A dream about the appearance of a child to light or childbirth can serve as a symbol of the birth of a new part of your personality or character traits. It is quite possible, it will be a new way of your communication around the world, you will become a more free and conscious personality. Sleep with the participation of the child may have many different interpretations, different.
Sleeping about the child does not mean that your family will be replenished.
Sleep warns against possible difficult situations.
Sleep, in which you see an infant child, sets you on positive emotions. He foreshadows a very pleasant surprise in the right time.
Sleep, in which you or your friend come out with a child for a walk, prophesies to you the road not in close edges, long journey. And surprisingly, if you see or hear or hear how the child is crying, then you will soon be rejected as a child candy, only on a larger scale.
The dream in which you punish the child says that there is discontent in your life, the lack of recognition and approval is present.
If you in a dream you see yourself a little child, then this means the problem with which you can hardly cope.
The dream in which you saw the playing boy will bring you happiness and successful undertakings.
A dream in which the boy eats, foreshadows you a small digestive problem, so pay attention to what you eat.
Sleep, in which an old woman sees her baby boy, foreshadows her heavy illness or death.
Seeing a sick child in a dream, a child who remained the orphan, a disabled person or a child suffering from the incurable disease dying, you can pay special attention to the depressed spheres of your public or personal life. Most likely some of the spheres or your desires, cannot find an incarnation in life and suffers from suppressing your personality.
See in a dream of a naked breast child - To the disease.
See in a dream dead thoracic baby - to a hurry, which can lead to a sad outcome.
See in a dream a lot of infants - To empty troubles.
To see in a dream, how someone walks with a breast child - to a meeting with old friends.
See a child with flowers in hand - To spiritual enrichment.
See someone else's dead baby in a dream - This means to face serious problems and experience deep disappointment in the real life.
Learn about the birth of a child in a dream - To good luck.
Calm the little child in a dream, means the ambulance resolution of the conflict, but not in your favor.
Clean, cheerful child promises reward love and many faithful friends.

The child is a symbol of hope, the future.

If you dreamed that the baby bit the beast, then this dream indicates that in the future there will be a large number of vampires on Earth, which will first of all be a serious danger for children.

The dream of such a dream will give a meeting with Antichrist, who will want to make it his student.

To see in a dream of a pregnant man - a sign that in the future it will still happen, what they have already been said for many years, that is, a man gets pregnant and give birth to a child.

Perhaps this will happen not without interference with dark forces, but this fact will glorify this man and his child to the whole world.

If in a dream you saw a disabled child, then such a dream warns all humanity about the danger that our contaminated atmosphere represents.

Divide This dream will give a meeting with a person who will very much to need his help.

To dream in a dream of a dirty child on the hands of a fallen woman - a dream says that the Earth is in very big danger.

In the future, AIDS will be infected by an unprecedented number of people, and humanity will be on the verge of extinction.

But when it seems that the distress will not change anything, a person will appear, which invenues the medicine from this terrible disease will appear.

If you dreamed of a child who has no limbs, then such a dream indicates that the Earth is in a real threat.

Due to the fact that the environment is very polluted, a lot of children with various physical disabilities will be born, as well as mental disabilities.

To dream of a healthy smiling child - happy sign.

On earth will finally come a happy time when the world will rule love.

People will stop afraid of wars, poverty and hunger, and therefore people are touched a lot of healthy beautiful kids.

To see in a dream of a child running around the ground - means the update and symbolizes new humanity.

A dream in which the child squeezes the snake or kills it prevents that humanity will find a way to prevent the threat of a nuclear war.

If in a dream you saw yourself a child - this is a sign that you approached that life feature when you need to reconsider and change your life.

See a crying child - to endanger your future.

Search in a dream of your child - try to find lost hope.

To dream of a child, tearing flowers, means spiritual enlightenment.

Hold in a dream on the hands of a baby - trying to find a way out of a predicament.

Interpretation of dreams from Nostradamus's dreams

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Everyone has their own dreams, but some of them have a property to repeat among different people in similar circumstances. With antiquity, dreams were paid to special attention, and their interpretation was engaged in the most outstanding minds of the era. Time has accumulated experience in interpreting dreams systematized in various reference books - dreams. In this article we turn to them in order to figure out what a little child mean. Dream Interpretation will not give a full-fledged answer, but will indicate the road - in which direction to move, interpreting your own dream.

Female dream book

There is a female dream book, a small child in which is regarded as the foresight of the deterioration of health and / or spiritual disappointments. But this is if the baby cried. If Karapuz laughed, then this dream is a sign of ambulance and happy love. If you dreamed of a small child who's walking alone, the dream book considers it as a manifestation of your independence, independence and alienation from the life of the life.

It happens that women see themselves in dreams with nursing babies. This option also provides for this dream book. Little child, to keep on the hands of which you fell in a dream, predicts you a fast deception or betrayal from the person who you most trust. Even worse, if you take the hands of your real child, which in a dream is sick. This speaks of suffering and sadness, which move on you.

Small Velezov Sonnik

If you have dreamed of a small child, the dream book of this tradition invites you to consider it a symbol of hard work, worries or quarrels. If in a dream you feed the baby, then it should be interpreted as a profit if the dream dreams of a young girl. But if such a plot saw the elderly woman, then this is a sign of early death or illness - this will affirm this dream book. A small child in the hands of which you also feed, I have to inform you that in real life the enemy is pursued. Full child in a dream foreshadows you pleasant troubles, and exhausted, on the contrary, promises unpleasant. If the baby dreameded to you was dirty, then he, right, foreshadows an ambulance. Many problems and worries symbolize the crowd of children - it explains the veins dream book. What dreams of a small child - a girl - on his hands or shoulders at his wife? This interpretator replies that this is the birth of a girl. If the baby is at the father in his arms or shoulders, then you need to wait for the boy.

Ukrainian dream book

Now let's see what the Ukrainian dream book tells us. Dreamed a small child whom you were gave birth to wealth. If the child in a dream was distinguished by completeness, then this is a sign of profit. And on the contrary, losses and problems foreshadows lean and blossomed kid. If you have dreamed just a very small child in a dream, the dream interpretation interprets it as big troubles that you will soon appear. An older child foreshadows disputes and litigation. As an omen of ambulance and considerable profit, this dream book considers a dream in which a woman is pregnant or feeds a newborn. However, if the woman is old, then sleep should be interpreted as a sign of the moment or even death. Very bad is the dream, in which the child lies on the table, as the dead, and then comes to life - it foreshadows the death of this baby in reality. Anxiety and problems are a dream with you, in which you immediately dream of several children.

Sonniest Medea

Like all other such directories, the main goal that is pursued by this dream book is the interpretation of dreams. A small child, according to him, for example, means that you have had certain changes in the inner world and character. From the point of view of this interchanger, the child, one sex with a dream, is the personification of its so-called "internal child." A child of the opposite sex is the personification of some internal personal problems. For example, for a woman, a dreaming boy may mean that she lacks durability and courage. A girl who appears in the dreams of a man hints to him that he would be quite well to soften the character and temperament in real life - it considers this dream book.

The little child you do not know may also predict that your ideas will be implemented, although they will require the attachments of many physical and moral efforts. Own offspring in a dream Represents you your relationship in reality.

Dream Taro.

If you dreamed at night a small child, the dream book this tradition interprets it as a good sign. If more specifically, he argues that your hopes are justified.

Dream Miller

Poor health or some disappointment foreshadows you a dreaming crying little child. Miller's dream book also explains that a laughing child encompass the message about new friends or love. If the child walks, it shows that you do not depend on the opinions of others and are free in our judgments. The lies and betrayal from a close person are waiting for the woman who will dream of a child whom she in a dream will nurse and baking. And in a dream, on the hands of your patient, sibling means ambulance depression and mental pain.

Muslim dreamnik

A familiar child in a dream carries joy, according to this dream book. Little child, boy or girl, if he is unfamiliar, on the contrary, foreshadows bad news, and perhaps the appearance of the enemy, however, is not very strong. A very unusual dream, in which an adult comes in the image of a child, says that the perfect case will cause the condemnation of some part around. For the poor, such a dream is, on the contrary, a good sign, saying that he will soon correct his material state. But for rich, it is an omnation of a serious loss, and maybe a full bankruptcy.

Dream Interpretation Loffa

By itself, the child personifies a certain problem or a matter that requires your participation and your care - this understands this dream book. Little child, a boy or a girl who has dreamed of a young woman speaks about the manifestation of her maternal instinct, and only. And for men, such a dream can personify their concern about the undesirable consequences of intimate proximity and conjugate obligations.

Dream Nostradamusa

As a symbol of good hope and a prosperous future examines the dreaming of a child. A small child, a girl or a boy who bit the animal, ghived in a dream, predicts, oddly enough that vampires will soon grow up, the huge number of which will threaten humanity and especially children. In addition, this dream can predict an ambulance meeting with anyone else, as with an antichrist, who wishes to devote him to the number of his students. A disabled child personifies itself, according to this tooltic, environmental problems and environmental pollution. It can also be a prediction that a person will soon appear in the dream of a dream, in dire need of his help. A very greater danger to the entire planet carries a dream in which a prostitute holds a child in his arms. This may be a sign, for example, a total epidemic of any incurable disease, which will jeopardize all mankind. Not less danger is a dream, in which the kid appears, devoid of limbs. But in this case, this is an omnation of the birth of a large number of mentally and physically sick children. A good sign is considered if a healthy and joyful baby dreamed. The running child should, according to this dream book, inform the dream that humanity is waiting for rebirth, and the era is nearing when the human race will go to a qualitatively new stage of his spiritual development. If in a dream you dreamed of a baby who squeezes the snake in his hand or even deprives her life, it is an omnant that the population of the nuclear war will hang over the planet, but people will find a way to prevent it. Very important from the point of view of personal development is a dream in which you see yourself in the image of a child. He tells you that you should reconsider my value system and priorities. The crying child in a dream tells you that in real life you do something that threatens your own future. As a symbol of the search for lost hope, Nostradamus's dream interpretation interprets a dream in which you are looking for your own child. But the kid who collects flowers is very favorable in spiritual terms, talking about what you are on the threshold of enlightenment.

Finally, the child you keep in a dream on your hands is the representation of your attempts to find a way out of any difficult situation.

Vedic dream book

As an ambulance pain, sadness and inner crushing This interchik considers a dream in which you had a nursing baby. Even worse, if you dreamed of a sick child, because this dream book interprets it as an omnant for the death of one of the relatives.

Russian People's Sonniest

This dream book considers the child primarily as a symbol of anxiety and trouble. Therefore, if you dreamed a baby, then this is a faithful sign that I am very worried about something very much and worry. The crying child shows that, contrary to all your efforts, the problem did not solve, and you did not approach the desired result. If you happened to see myself with a child on the hands you burn and nurse, it suggests that success you will achieve in your business, but the price will be very high and make a lot of effort. A very problemful and troublesome case promises you a dream in which you feed the child. However, it will nevertheless bring you success, as well as long-awaited material and moral benefits. Also, this dream book is considering such a dream, which is no longer mentioned anywhere, namely, the punishment of the child. So, if in a dream you can see how you punish your child, then such a dream draws your attention to the huge inconveniences that you experience in real life. Perhaps they are associated with your work or family, household difficulties. But anyway, this is an indicator of discomfort, which makes life significantly difficult to you.

Esoteric dream book

According to this tradition, the child itself, which appears in a dream, personifies the attitude towards you from your surroundings. If the baby in your dreams cries or somehow otherwise manifest his extreme degree of discontent, then it tells you that some person, and maybe groups of persons, you call the storm of negative emotions with your behavior. In the event that the baby plays or fun sports - this is a sign that tells you that you are serious and, most likely, in the context of the business perspective. Laughing, joyful, funny child is a sign of love that you get from the outside of someone from people around you. At a minimum, this is a symbol of a positive reaction to your presence from someone's side. But the patient or a mutilated child speaks of an extremely tense situation, which threatens to grow into open confrontation and frank hostility. A beautiful and well-folded child is your friends and supporters, that is, those people, to support, help and protect which you can count in any unpleasant situation. At the same time, this participation of them in your life will be based on good feelings, love, respect, will be deprived of the mercenary calculation. In the event that there is a person who is known to you in real life next to the child, sleep shows how his attitude towards you, as well as everyone who is a supporter of this person.

Dream Ezopa

According to this interchange, the child is an impersonation of problems, troubles, duties, responsibility, capriciousness and changeability. And therefore, if you happened to see it in a dream, then this is a faithful sign of the presence in your real life of something that deprives you of peace. You are worried about something that takes place in your life or life of a person close to you. At the same time, the crying child means that your efforts to fix it or help them in vain, since anyway nothing will work. The hard way to success will be embodied by the Chado, which you will be in a dream of the tayt. Nevertheless, you wish you will be, if you attach maximum effort and effort. An even greater success and well-being will bring you a dream in which you feed the child.

To dream of shining, healthy and beautiful children foreshadows prosperity and benefit. If in a dream you play with the guys, you are waiting for success in any endeavors. A working child means stability in financial affairs and the world in the family. To see his child, his child foreshadows good health, and the dead - to disappointment, also arises a threat to his well-being or health. Crying children are a sign of cunning, your ill-wishers started unfinished against you.

What dreams of children are shot - by Vanga's dream book

To see the crowd of children foreshadows many small troubles. Crying kids are a possible sign of global danger. A seriously ill child or a disabled person says that your destructive habits are negatively reflected in family members. Search for your child - a bad sign. The likelihood that you cannot find a way out of a difficult situation increases. Participation in children's games foreshadows a possible change of work.

Why dreams of children - in the dream of Freud

According to Freud's theory, children in a dream are the display of the sex life and state of the genitals. Caring for the baby speaks of stability in the relationship and good operation of the sexual system. The crying child symbolizes sexual, sensual nature, able to enjoy intimacy. To punish children - a sign of dissatisfaction or a tendency to self-satisfaction.

What is the dreams of children - by the dream of Nostradamus

The child, in the understanding of Nostradamus, is a symbol of the future earth. The vision in a dream of sick children or devoid of any parts of the body warns about the danger associated with the global pollution of the atmosphere. The dirty child symbolizes the possible risk of a wide scale.

Healthy, laughing baby - a favorable sign that prophesies changes to the better. A child killing in a dream is a hope for the salvation of mankind, preventing a nuclear catastrophe. Search a child in a dream - it means to try to find lost happiness. The crying kid symbolizes small troubles in the future. Hold the baby in the hands - a sign of finding hope and faith in yourself.

What is the dreams of children - by Loffa Dream

Children in a dream, in understanding Loffa, is the display of your own "I", true thoughts and feelings. Games with children mean projection of desires. There are no unambiguous interpretations here, so it is worth analyzing the situation and decide what you really need.

If you see yourself in the role of the parent, then you feel the need to take care of any, to influence. The vision of his childhood can be interpreted as a desire to hide, find protection, support, getting care from the side of loved ones, which you seem to be lacking.

What dreams of children are shot - in the dream of a flower

Children - an expression of anxiety, impermanence, hassle, capriciousness. The crying child is a sign that your efforts will not lead to the desired result. Hold the baby on the hands, to sleep, rock it - maybe. You are too lazy, and to achieve the goal it is necessary to show more perseverance. Punish a child means to test discomfort, inconvenience, shame. The dirty child speaks of litigation, clean and well-groomed - about the ambulance.

Why dreams of children - by Dreamnote Hasse

Happy children in a dream predict ambulance profit, material well-being. Failup a child - to the approaching joy, beat the child - a sign of impending family troubles. To see playing children means fun and pleasure, a falling child testifies to possible obstacles on the way to the goal, a crowd of kids - about bullless experiences, anxieties and troubles.

Why dreams of children - by the dream of Meneghetti

The appearance of a newborn into the light in a dream is promoting a quick conception, especially for a married girl. If a sick person sees children, it means that he will soon recover. The awareness of the child's death is interpreted as a long-life. If the kid is sick in reality, then his death in a dream means emergency recovery. Return to childhood predicts success in his career, you will certainly be accompanied by good luck in professional activities.

Why dreams of children - in the dream of Longo

Dreams of children, according to Yuri Longo, is a sign of joy and success in the close future. Merry children foreshadow a quick acquaintance or the arrival of unexpected guests. To rock a crying baby, it means to believe in false promises, you will try to deceive. If a pregnant woman sees a boy on the shoulders - a boy will be born if the girl is, respectively, a girl. Many children foreshadow nice troubles, or profits. Breastfeeding in a dream speaks strong health. If you have dreamed of a restless little baby, it means that you need physical and moral rest you need.

Sometimes the events described in dreams are forced to think about their meaning. For example, take dreams where you see small children. Let's figure it out on the question of what little children dream, taking into account the various interpretations of the dream.

What dreams of small children in the dream of Miller?

According to Miller, the dream of beautiful children foreshadows well-being and prosperity in the near future. Welfare and the world will come to you in the event that children who are engaged in work or study will meet in a dream.

If they are sick, with death, or worse, dead, then wait for exciting events that knock out from the rut. Most likely, you will be accompanied by fears and situations, directly threatening well-being.

The game or child care in the dream is predicted by the emergence of goals in all spheres.

Dream Vanga - meaning of sleep about small children

Many babies in a dream - this is, according to the provisians, the kip of small problems that will have to somehow decide by making considerable efforts. In the global sense, this dream can be perceived as a harbinger of improving the demographic situation around the world.

And the crying child also relates to the symbols of global events in the dream book of Vanga, because it predicts the imminent approximation of the war.

The dream, where children with disabilities are present, says that your destructive habits harm not only to you, but also everyone who is near. However, this dream also has a double bottom - one more value that is large environmental problems on the planet.

Seeing your own children symbolizes homemade problems. Try to restore relationships with them. The search for lost babies in a dream is the sign of the impossibility of exiting the predicament, which is currently developing.

But the games with them talk about your insurmountable desire to change the scope of activity, but sleep can warn that while the old way of life and the way of earning will be more acceptable.

Small children in a dream - Dream of Freud

Psychoanalysis played his role. Therefore, the values \u200b\u200bof dreams in this interpretation differ significantly from all others. This also applies to dreams involving children.

Freud considers kids in such a context as a symbol of genitals. Moreover, depending on the floor of the child, we can talk about women's or male genital organs.

If you play in a dream with children or punish them, it means you just adore to achieve orgasm by self-satisfaction. At the same time, the punishment of children of one with you the floor in a dream symbolizes homosexual inclinations.

What dreams of small children in the dream of Ezop

In the dream interpretation of Ezop, children are a sign of concern, impermanence and capriciousness. Usually such a dream speaks of your inner concern because of the recently established situation.

A child crying in a dream is a symbol of what the expected result will not be obtained, whatever efforts you have been attached.

And if you have dreamed of the process of burning Chad, then prepare for high costs of all kinds of resources to achieve the desired result in the case, which decided to do.

Feeding children in a dream - the sign of the end of any case, which brought many problems, with the greatest benefit in all senses of this word.

To punish the child, being in the kingdom of Morpheus, which means, to fulfill the duties or work that you oppress you.

Small children in a dream - interpretation on other dreams (erotic and female dreams)

Erotic dream book interprets the appearance of children in your dream as victories on a personal front.

Female dream book echoes Miller's dream book, foreshadowed well-being and stability with a positive image of Chad, and if the situation is directly opposite - children are sick and unhappy, - you are waiting for anxiety and excitement in the circumstances.

What dreams of a little girl?

If you dreamed of a little girl, it may mean positive changes in life, up to the birth of a child.

What dreams a little boy?

Little boys in a dream are usually interpreted as an anxiety sign that suits you. They promise problems in affairs, turmoil and the appearance of nervous tension caused by the fulfillment of certain duties, while not always welcome.

And many little workers in a dream - this is immediately a few small problems that will have to somehow solve.

What does the adult child dream of a little?

Dreams, where your adult child is a small child, report the beginning of the period when you just need to take any changes. If the baby in the dream is also saying, then try to remember these words, they may be useful advice on the reorganization of life defendance.

The dream of dreams is mysterious and quite interesting. Often it helps us to figure out, being in a difficult position. Trust yourself and your dreams!