Modern methods of teaching chemistry at school. Methods for learning chemistry

Modern methods of teaching chemistry at school. Methods for learning chemistry

The main concept of the article "Teaching Chemistry in High School" is a representation of your own pedagogical experience, assisting educators on the method of teaching chemistry at school. Maybe with a large or less success, it can be applied to teaching and other natural sciences (physics, biology, geography) and mathematics. In the overwhelming majority of cases, the effective implementation of professional activities requires both the ability to carry out this activity and the desire to implement it (motivation).

This article discusses the role of interactive techniques in training. The author introduces various forms of use of these techniques in chemistry lessons.

We live in the era of the rapid growth of scientific knowledge. From the point of view of system analysis, the educational process in high school and scientific knowledge are complex, infinite, interacting systems, and the educational process is included as a subsystem into a system of scientific knowledge. Therefore, the rapid growth of scientific knowledge will inevitably have to lead to the natural variability of the educational process in high school, and improving the quality and effectiveness of the educational process, in turn, increase the growth rate of scientific knowledge.

The laws on the formation of the Russian Federation indicates the need to improve education, improving the quality of educational work, targeted development of the creative abilities of students. K.D. Ushinsky, - the founder of scientific pedagogy in Russia, wrote that the doctrine - there is work, full of activity and thought. But it is the active activity and mental creative side of the exercise that is not sufficiently updated with the traditional organization of training. Improving the efficiency of the lesson is one of the urgent tasks of improving the quality of the educational process.

Who is today - a modern teacher: a source of information, a carrier of innovation, a consultant, a moderator, an observer, a resource, a reference book, an adviser, - the one who teaches others or is constantly learning himself? What is it - a modern teacher: creative, self-critical, enterprising, stress-resistant, owning information, psychologist?

The times of encyclopedists with extensive, but constant luggage of knowledge passed. In the age of information technologies, specialists who are able to find using media media are appreciated with the ever-growing market conjuguration of the market, and analyze rapidly changing information. Therefore, the purpose of modern education is not to memorize a large amount of actual data, but learning effective methods for obtaining and analyzing available information. Given that training is a targeted process of interaction between the teacher and the student, the discourse is active in the pedagogical system. The system "Teacher - Student" has potential opportunities to increase the activity of the student, and the effectiveness of the educational process depends on the coordination, synchronization in the actions of both parties. One of the conditions for improving the efficiency of learning is to establish a favorable psychological climate in the learning process, that is, a change in the position of the teacher in the educational process is necessary. The main task of the teacher is not the transfer of knowledge, but the organization of the activities of the student. The teacher must act as a mentor and organizer of a continuously changing learning environment, and not as a simple medium of information. The role of the student becomes more complicated, as he must turn from the passive consumer of ready-made knowledge in an active researcher who is interested in not so much by receiving specific knowledge as new technologies and methods of research and obtaining the desired result. It can be interactions "Teacher - Student", "Student - Student", "Student - Educational Book", "Teacher - student - educational material."

New knowledge is better perceived when students understand the challenges standing in front of them and show interest in the upcoming work. The setting of goals and objectives always takes into account the need for students to manifest independence, the desire for self-affirmation, the thirst for knowledge of the new. If there is conditions in the lesson to meet these needs, then students are involved in work.

My experience in high school has shown that in the development of interest in the subject it is impossible to fully rely on the content of the material being studied. The reduction of the origins of cognitive interest only to the substantive side of the material leads only to a situational interest in the lesson. If students are not involved in active activity, then any meaningful material will cause contemplative interest in the subject that will not be cognitive interest.

In school, students come to me on a lesson with switched attention, so the main task for me as a teacher is to switch the brainwear to the perception of chemical material. The student's brain is designed so that knowledge is quite rarely penetrated into his depth, often they remain on the surface and therefore are fragile. A powerful incentive in this case is interest.

The development of cognitive interest is a difficult task, from the solution of which depends the effectiveness of the study activities of the student. Conscious work begins with understanding and taking students to educational tasks that are put in front of them. Most often, this situation is created when repetition studied earlier. Then students themselves form the goal of the upcoming work. Due to the need to increase the progressability, the development of cognitive interests of students in the learning process is of great importance for any educational subject. The desire of each teacher is to instill interest in its subject, but a chemistry program in secondary school, contributing to memorization, does not always develop the creative mental activity of students.

Whatever good knowledge of the subject, high erudition did not have a teacher, a traditional lesson a little contributes to the emotional mood of studying for further perception of educational material, the intensification of their mental activity, the development and implementation of their potential mental abilities. The withdrawal of fatigue, better absorption of the educational subject, the development of scientific interest, intensifying educational activities of students, the increase in the level of practical orientation of chemistry contributes to the most active forms, means and methods of training (front experiences, research activities, competition lessons, computer technologies).

Every student has a passion for discoveries and research. Even a bad successive student detects interest in the subject when he managed to open something. Therefore, in their lessons, I often have to carry out frontal experiments. For example, grade 9 students on the topic "chemical properties of oxygen" experimentally find out and reveal the conditions for the best burning of some simple and complex substances.

The location of the front experiment is not an end in itself, but it is aimed at mental actions of students. Frontal observations convince students that each of them can make an opening of something, the push of which gives experience.

I also spend with students learning-research, where the subject of their research is the renovation of the already open in science, and the execution of study students is cognition for them not yet disabled. Students during the lesson are accumulating the facts themselves, put forward a hypothesis, put experiments, create theory. The tasks of this nature are caused by the guys enhanced interest, which leads to a deep and durable learning of knowledge. The outcome of the work in the lesson is the conclusions, independently received by the guys, as the answer to the problem of the teacher. For example, we reveal the essence, mechanism and cause of the flow of ion exchange reactions, based on the theory of electrolytic dissociation with graduate grade 9. Since practical work is an integral part of chemistry, I almost completely moved away from the textbook and its instructions and suggest the guys to offer the procedure for performing work and everything you need for this. If a student is difficult to perform work, it can use the textbook. I believe that it teaches the guys to think independently, and the lesson is considered by the study method.

For the ratio of new information with the system of previous knowledge, I spend in lessons to work with generalizing schemes and tables. For example, by studying the topic "Special chemical properties of nitric and sulfuric acids" in grade 9, we constitute a scheme with which, using comparison, we explain the oxidative properties of these acids depending on their concentration when they interact with non-metals and metals of various activity.

Chemistry have lessons associated with solving problems. I teach the guys to solve problems according to the algorithm and to make it yourself. For example, in grade 11, all tasks on the topic "solutions. Methods for expressing the concentration of solutions" students solve the algorithm. I pay special attention to solving qualitative problems on organic and inorganic chemistry, where the guys learn to think and apply knowledge in practice. I believe that even in weak classes is visible a good result. One of the ways to develop cognitive interest I see use on a generalized lesson of various types of knowledge of crosswords, rebs, coinvords. Such tasks contribute to the assimilation of certain chemical values, concepts, laws, memorizing the names of scientists, names and appointments of devices and laboratory equipment.

To enhance the cognitive activities of students in class and develop their interest in teaching, I spend the lessons of competition. Such lessons contribute to improving performance, as not wanting to lag behind the comrades and bring their team, students start reading more on the subject and train in solving problems. Such lessons lead to a variety of learning process.

In order for students to have the sufficiency of the reference knowledge, without which they cannot advance in the teaching, I use work with supporting abstracts. The reference abstracts allow the student to draw up a plan for studying a chemical phenomenon or the law, as well as if necessary, very quickly perform and repeat the material passed and in the following courses. For example, an abstract on the topic "Chemical kinetics" can be used both in 9 and in grades.

In order to check and adjust the knowledge of students on any topic, I spend work with test cards. They allow me to see the degree of student learning, their level training.

One of the interesting forms of the organization of collective and cognitive activities of students, I consider the public looking of knowledge, which is a credit for them. The review is developing the active cooperation of the guys in their main labor - teaching, contributes to the creation of the atmosphere of goodwill in the youth team, the formation of a responsible relationship not only to his studies, but also to the successes of their classmates. The knowledge of the knowledge deepens the knowledge of the guys on the subject, serve as consolidation of large topics or the most difficult sections of the chemistry course. For example, in the 11th grade I spend a review of the "Basic Classes of Inorganic Compounds", "Periodic Law and a Periodic System of Chemical Elements D.I. Mendeleev", "Building Atom and Chemical Communication"; in grade 10 - "hydrocarbons", "oxygen-containing organic compounds"; In grade 9 - "theory of electrolytic dissociation", "Metals", "Nemetalla".

The best place to establish a teacher's dialog with students is also a lesson using computer technologies. It is in such a lesson that it is possible to light the senses of students. And this is our relationship with the guys to each other, to study, to the family, to the team, to knowledge. Our emotional relations to the world and make up convictions, the soul of a person, the core of his personality.

A computer as a learning tool is currently becoming an indispensable instrument of the teacher. This problem seems to be relevant, since the pedagogical capabilities of the computer as a means of learning in many indicators far exceed the possibilities of traditional funds. The use of computer technologies allows you to make a significant number of visual aids, print the texts of lessons, checks, tests, and much more, increases the visibility of the material being studied. For example, when studying the topic "The structure of an atom", you can use the fragment of the program "Chemistry, Grade 8", which allows us to consider the structure of the atom, the electron distribution model for energy levels, as well as the mechanisms for the formation of chemical bond, chemical reaction patterns and much more. Even more relevant, this use becomes when studying the course "Organic Chemistry", which is based on the spatial structure of many organic substances. This seems extremely important because students are usually no idea about molecules as spatial structures. The traditional image of the molecules of substances in the same plane leads to the loss of a whole dimension and does not stimulate the development of the spatial image. A significant achievement of computer technologies in this matter is also the fact that the structure of molecules can be considered at different angles - in dynamics.

The use of multimedia programs allows you to make a chemical experiment more affordable. For example, in the school's school in chemistry, there are no experiments with harmful substances, although the demonstration and some of them have educational significance: there are experiments that have formed the basis of historical discoveries and are necessary for the formation of a full-fledged picture of the development of chemical knowledge (oxygen, hydrogen properties), the properties of individual Substances need not to know in words, since they are formed by the rules of proper behavior in extreme situations (sulfur interaction with mercury). The use of CDs to demonstrate a chemical experiment allows to reduce the time to demonstrate long-term experience (oil distillation), facilitate the preparation of equipment. This does not mean that the experiment must be completely replaced by a show. So, before starting practical work, I am with students I spend the preparation for them, using the analyst program (author - A.N. Levkin). This allows you to work out a sequence of experiments and saves reagents.

Computer technology presents ample opportunities to study chemical production. When considering these issues, we as teachers are based on static schemes. Multimedia programs allow you to demonstrate all processes in the dynamics, look inside the reactor.

In our school based on ready-made didactic materials, I created a set of tests on all the topics of the school course of chemistry. I use them to check the primary assimilation of the material or as a test of theoretical issues.

The use of computer technologies not only improves the quality of subject learning, but also forms such personal qualities of a school graduate as professionalism, mobility and competitiveness, which will make it more successful in future training in other educational institutions.

All my actions using visual and technical training in the learning process are aimed at creating students' knowledge, and the information I give lessons and optional classes leads to the development of their cognitive interest, increases the effectiveness of the educational process.

The state, as I believe, should be interested in using human potential as efficiently as possible, i.e. In order for the relevant positions there were those people who can use the appropriate duties properly.

When it comes to pedagogy, it is necessary to understand that the fate of concrete people are on the scales, which may be put on the "procrust bed" of the existing educational system.


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  2. Evstafieva E.I., Titova I.M. Vocational education: development of the Motivation of Teachings / Chemistry at School, No. 7, 2012. - with. 20 - 25.
  3. Markushev V.A., Belakova V.S., Kuzmina G.A. Scientific and pedagogical foundations of the development of vocational training techniques. Third pedagogical readings. - St. Petersburg, UMCs Committee on Education, 2011. - 2011. - 298 p.

Types of combining the activities of the teacher and students aimed at achieving any educational goal are called training methods.

In accordance with the didactic objectives, the methods are distinguished:

1) when studying a new educational material;

2) when consolidating and improving knowledge;

3) when checking knowledge and skills.

Training methods, regardless of the didactic purposes, are divided into three groups:

I. Visual methods - These are methods associated with the use of casualties. Use of clarity can serve objects, processes, chemical experiments, tables, drawings, movies, etc.

Tools of clarity, when using visual methods, for students are a source of knowledge, they acquire knowledge, observing the object of study. For a teacher, the means of visibility are a teaching agent.

II. Practical methods:

1. Laboratory work;

2. Practical classes;

3. Solution of settlement tasks.

Students observe and when performing chemical experiments. But in this case, they change the observation object (experience is performed, the substance is obtained, weighed, etc.).

III. Slible methods(Use of the word):

1. Monological methods (story, lecture);

2. conversation;

3. Working with a book;

4. Seminar;

5. Consultation.

Slible methods

1. Monological methods - This is a statement of educational material by the teacher. The outline of the material may be descriptive or problem, When there is any question, the decision of which somehow is attracted to students. The presentation can go in the form of a lecture or story.

Lecture It is one of the most important forms of reporting theoretical scientific knowledge. A lecture is used mainly when studying a new material. Recommendations for wider use of lectures in high schools were given back in 1984 in the decisions on school reform.

The following requirements can be presented to lectures:

1) a strict logical sequence of presentation;

2) the availability of terms;

3) proper use of records on the board;

4) dismemberment of the explanation for logical, complete parts with a phased generalization after each of them;

5) Teacher's speech requirement.

The teacher should call substances, not their formulas, etc. ("Write an equation", not a reaction). The emotionality of presentation is important, interest in the subject of the teacher, speaking skills, artistry, etc.;

6) There should be no excess demonstration material in order not to distract the student.

Lectures, as a learning method, can be used at school in the case when the teacher in the process of work can rely on some student information about the subject of this science or the system of other sciences. This determines the features of this method in the conditions of the school, technical school and university.

School lecture As a learning method, it can be used already in grade 8, but after studying the periodic law and the structure of the substance. Its duration should not exceed 30 minutes, since students are not yet accustomed, quickly tired and lose interest in the report.

The main provisions of the lecture should be given under the record.

Some more often lectures are used in older (10-11) classes. Their duration is 35-40 minutes. Lectures are recommended to be used in the case when:

b) the amount of it cannot be divided into parts;

c) New material does not relieve in need for previously acquired knowledge.

Students teach to outline material, draw conclusions.

In secondary special educational institutions, lectures are used more often than in school. They occupy 3/4 times reacted for the lesson, 1/4 is used for a survey before lecture or after it.

The university lecture, as a rule, lasts two academic hours. Students receive concentrated knowledge of a large material, whose specification goes through practical knowledge and independent work with literature.

Story . Harsh border between lecture and story not. This is also a monologue method. The story is used in school much more often than lecture. It lasts 20-25 minutes. The story is used if:

1) the material studied is difficult for perception;

2) does not relieve the previously passed material and is not associated with other objects.

This method differs from school lecture not only by the duration of the presentation, but also in the process of the report of the new material, the teacher appeals to the knowledge of students, attracts them to solve small problem tasks, writing the equations of chemical reactions, offers to make brief and general conclusions. The pace of the story is faster. The story is not recorded.

2. Conversation refers to dialogic methods. This is one of the most productive learning methods at school, since when using it, students take an active part in the acquisition of knowledge.

Advantages of conversation:

1) during the conversation through old knowledge, new, but higher degrees of community are acquired;

2) the active analytical and synthetic cognitive activity of students are achieved;

3) Use interprecotement.

The preparation of the teacher to such a method of classes requires a deep analysis of both the content of the material and the psychological capabilities of the contingent of this class.

By type of conversation happens: heuristic, generalizing and control and accounting.

In the task heuristic Conversations It includes the acquisition of knowledge of knowledge in the research approach and the maximum activity of the student. This method is used in the study of a new material. purpose generalizing conversations - systematization, consolidation, acquisition of knowledge. Accounting conversation suggests:

1) control over fullness, systematic, correctness, durability, etc. knowledge;

2) correction of the disadvantages detected;

3) assessment and consolidation of knowledge.

In 8-9 classes, mainly combined presentation are used, that is, a combination of explanations with different types of conversations.

3. Working with textbooks and other books. Independent work with a book is one of the methods to which students should teach. Already in the 8th grade, it is necessary to systematically teach schoolchildren to work with a book, enter this element of learning in the lessons.

1) comprehension of the title of the paragraph;

2) The first reading of the paragraph as a whole. Attentive consideration of the drawings;

3) finding out the meaning of new words and expressions (subject pointer);

4) drawing up a planned plan;

5) Repeated reading in parts;

6) writing all formulas, equations, sketching devices;

7) comparing the properties of studied substances with the properties of previously studied;

8) final reading in order to summarize the entire material;

9) analysis of issues and exercises at the end of the paragraph;

10) Final control (with knowledge assessment).

According to this plan, it should be trained to work with a book in the lesson, and the same plan can be recommended when working at home.

After working with the book, the conversation is carried out, the concepts are clarified. A film or chemical experience can be further demonstrated.

4. Seminars It can be used in the lessons to study new material and when summarizing knowledge.

Tasks of seminars:

1) the grafting of the ability to independently acquire knowledge using various sources of information (textbooks, periodic printing, popular science literature, internet);

2) the ability to establish a connection between the structure and properties, properties and application, that is, learning the ability to apply knowledge in practice;

3) establishing chemistry communication with life.

Seminars can be built in the form of reports, in free form, when all students are preparing on the same general issues, or in the form of business games.

The success of the seminar depends:

1) from the skill of students to work with a source of information;

2) From the preparation of the teacher.

When preparing for the seminar, the teacher needs:

2) make questions available in content and volume for learning to learn;

3) Think over the form of the seminar;

4) to provide time for discussing all issues.

An important point is the development of students' speech. The ability to formulate your thoughts, to speak, using the language of this science.

5. Consultation I contributes to the activation of schoolchildren in the process of learning, the formation of their completeness, depth, systematic knowledge.

Consultations can be held at the lesson and outside it, on one topic or several, individually or with a group of students.

1) A teacher selects the material in advance to consult the material, analyzing the oral and written responses of the student, their independent work;

2) for several lessons before consulting students may lower the notebook with questions in a specially prepared drawer (you can specify the name, then it will facilitate the individual work of the teacher with students);

3) If you are directly prepared for consultation, the teacher classifies the issues received. If possible, it is necessary to allocate from among the questions received by the central and grouped the rest around it. It is important to ensure the transition from simple to more complex;

4) can be involved in consulting the most trained students;

5) At the beginning of the consultation, the teacher announces:

Topic and purpose of consultation;

The nature of the issues received;

6) At the end of the consultation, the teacher is given the analysis of the work done. It is advisable at the same time to conduct an independent work.

Topic 1. Methods of chemistry learning as a science

and training subject in pedavly

1. Subject of methods of learning chemistry, objectives of chemistry learning techniques, research methods, current state and problems

The method of learning chemistry is studied in a certain sequence. Initially, the basic educational, raising and developing functions of the study subject of chemistry in high school are considered.

The next stage is to familiarize students with the general issues of the organization of the process of learning chemistry. The structural elements of this part of the course are the foundations of the learning process, methods of teaching chemistry, training tools, organizational forms of training and the method of extracurricular work on the subject.

A separate section of chemistry learning techniques is considering the recommendations on the lesson and its individual stages and the study of individual sections of the school chemistry.

The special part of the course is devoted to the review of modern pedagogical technologies and information means of learning chemistry.

At the final stage, the basics of research work in the field of chemistry methodology and the direction of increasing its effectiveness in practice are considered. All these stages are mutually connected and should be considered from the standpoint of three learning functions (which?).

The study of the technique is not limited to a lecture course. Students must acquire skills to demonstrate chemical experiments, master the methodology for teaching the school program in chemistry, the methodology for learning students to solve chemical problems, learn how to plan and conduct lessons and others. Of particular importance is attached to work on coursework, independent methodological research during the period of pedagogical practice, which serves Not only a means of forming a teacher, but also a criterion for the quality of its preparation. Students must master modern pedagogical learning technologies, including using new learning information. For certain important problems, special courses are read, special systems are carried out, which are also included in the overall system forms of training for chemistry techniques.

4. Modern requirements for professional

preparation of chemistry teacher

The methodology for learning chemistry as a training subject in the university is of paramount importance for the preparation of high school chemistry teachers. In the process of studying, it is formed by professional knowledge, skills and skills of students, which ensures effective training and education of chemistry students in high school. Professional training of the future specialist is built in accordance with the teacher's professional, which is a model of training a specialist, which ensures the assimilation of the following knowledge, skills and skills:

1. Knowledge of the basics of chemistry, its methodology, mastering the skills of a training chemical experiment. Understanding the tasks of science of chemistry and its role in the general system of natural sciences and in the national economy. Understanding the sources of appearance in the chemophobia society and mastering its overcoming methods.

2. Comprehensive and deep understanding of the tasks of the chemistry of the secondary school; Knowledge of content, levels and profiles of secondary chemical education at the modern stage of the development of society. To be able to move into an educational process of the idea and provisions of the concept of development of general and vocational education in our country.

3. Knowledge of the foundations of psychological and pedagogical, socio-political disciplines and university courses of chemistry in the volume of the university program.

4. The assimilation of the theoretical foundations and modern level of development of the methodology for training chemistry.

5. The ability to present a reasonable characteristic and a critical analysis of existing school programs, textbooks and benefits. The ability to independently compile training programs of elective courses and studying chemistry at a different level.

6. The ability to use modern pedagogical technologies, methods of problem learning, the latest information funds, intensify and stimulate educational activities of students, direct them to independent learning of knowledge.

7. The ability to build on the material of the chemistry course of ideological conclusions, apply scientific methodologies when explaining chemical phenomena, use the material of the chemistry course for the comprehensive development and education of students.

8. The ability to carry out the polytechnic orientation of the school course of chemistry and conduct vocational guidance work in chemistry in accordance with the needs of society.

9. The assimilation of the theoretical foundations of the technique of a chemical experiment, its cognitive importance, mastering the technique of formulation of chemical experiments.

10. Possession of the main natural, technical and information means of learning, the ability to use them in academic work.

11. Knowledge of tasks, contents, methods and organizational forms of extracurricular work in chemistry.

12. The ability to carry out interprete relationships with other educational disciplines.

13. Knowledge and ability to organize the work of the Chemical Cabinet as the most important and specific means of learning chemistry, in accordance with the safety regulations and the didactic opportunities of learning item.

14. Development of common-goal skills and work skills with students, parents, public, etc.

15. Mastering research work in the field of methods of learning chemistry and improving the efficiency of teaching the subject in school.

The course of methods of learning chemistry during the theoretical and practical training of students should disclose the content, construction and methodology for studying the school course of chemistry, familiarize students with the peculiarities of teaching chemistry in schools of various levels and profiles, as well as in vocational schools, to form sustainable skills and skills of future Teachers in the use of modern methods and means of training chemistry, assimilate the requirements for the modern lesson of chemistry and achieve solid skills and skills when implementing them at school, to introduce with the peculiarities of conducting electrical courses in chemistry and various forms of extracurricular work on the subject. Thus, the system of the university course of chemistry training methods largely forms the main knowledge, skills and skills that determine the profession of chemistry teacher.


1. Definition of concept Chemistry learning techniques.

2. Call the subject of the methodology for learning chemistry as science.

3. Tell us briefly about the tasks of the methodology of chemistry.

4. List the methods of researching the methodology for learning chemistry.

5. What are the current state and problems of the methodology of chemistry.

6. Methods of learning chemistry as a subject in high school.

7. List the basic requirements for the professional qualities of the Chemistry Teacher.

8. What of these qualities do you already have?

II. Statement of new material. After the survey turns out
to the presentation of the new material. Starting with the previous lesson and
reliest theme of this lesson. I declare the disciples as follows:
"In the past lesson, you received the concept of the reaction of hydration and hydrates
oxides. Now we will get acquainted with the new class of substances to which
hydrates of metal oxides - with a class called "base". Subject
today's lesson: "Basis". We write down the topic: I - on the board, students -
in notebooks.
For a more decent understanding of the new concept of "base" once again
sink to the already known student material. I suggest students explain:
a) What is called hydration reaction?
b) What is the essence of the hydration reaction of calcium oxide (reaction equation)? and
c) What substances are resulting from this reaction? Then overlook
to a new material. "
I draw the attention of students on the fact that as a result of the hydration reaction
calcium oxide, as is known, the calcium hydrate hydrate is obtained and that the reaction of the hydraulic
the ratios can also get hydrates of oxides of other metals: sodium, potassium,
magnesium. The formulas of hydrates of oxides of these metals (column) write on the board.
I find out the composition of hydrates of metal oxides. On sodium oxide hydrate
i emphasize that the metal of sodium and a special group is included in this hydrate.
"He", which is called the "Hydroxyl Group". I inform that hydroxyl
the group is otherwise called the "water residue", since this group can consider
to the rest of the water molecule without one hydrogen atom. Booking on
board formula of water molecule - H20, or, otherwise, n-oh. I specify that
the hydroxyl group in the water molecule is associated with one hydrogen atom, so
she is monovalent. If this monovalent group will join this monovalent
sodium metal, then the sodium oxide hydrate molecule will be obtained
staya: Naoh. I draw the attention of students on the composition of the oxide hydrate molecule
calcium, I write down its formula on the board; I indicate that the molecule and this hydrate
consists of two parts - from the metal of calcium and the hydroxyl group; Explain
the process of compiling a calcium oxide hydrate formula. I explain like this:
"To make a calcium oxide hydrate formula, you need to know valence
metal calcium and hydroxyl group; calcium, as is known, bivalent,
and the hydroxyl group is monovalent; In the formula of metal oxide hydrate
the number of units of the valence of metal and the hydroxyl residue should be
nakovo - one bivalent metal atom of calcium joins two
monovalent hydroxyl groups; Therefore, calcium oxide hydrate formula
must be written like this: CA (OH) 2.
This explanation of the student (on call) repeats. Obtained in such a way
the declaration of the composition of molecules of hydrates of metal oxides students is fixed by special
oral exercise: independently (followed by a general audit) under
my leadership make up the formulas of other hydrates of metal oxide: Fe (OH) 3,
KOH, CU (OH) 2 and explain why these formulas are drawn up so.
Based on the composition of hydrates of metal oxides, I bring students to
definition of the concept of "base": I inform you that hydrates of metal oxides
messel to the classroom and that the foundation is a complex substance, molecule
which consists of one metal atom and one or several hydroxyl
group. This definition is repeated (on call) two student.
Then I turn to the "Physical Properties" section. I pay attention
pupils on the fact that the bases are solids solid different colors. Until-
i call a base collection. I emphasize that the grounds for their relation
it is divided into two groups: insoluble and soluble. To insoluble
applications include, such as iron oxide hydrate and copper oxide hydrate. Form
mouli of these bases once again recording on the board. These bases show
(I'll be in class). Show also (in the test tube) that these foundations are valid
but insoluble in water. I inform you that the soluble grounds include:
Kon, NaOH, CA (OH) 2. Formulas of these bases I write on the board. Dissolve
Con in the water and (in a test tube) I will do it in the class and pay attention to the disciples on
that the process of dissolving hydrate potassium oxide is accompanied by heat release
(The test tube is heated). I give the definition of "pitch". I list the physical

The subject of the methods of learning chemistry is the public process of learning the younger generation of chemical science at school.

An educational subject, teaching and teaching is three indispensable and inseparable components and parties to the learning process.

An educational item is what students are taught, this is the content of training. The content of chemistry as a training subject includes:

  • study of the foundations of chemical science, i.e. its main facts and laws, as well as leading theories that unite and systematizing scientific materials and give it dialectic and materialistic interpretation;
  • familiarization of students with basic methods and technical techniques of chemistry, with the most important applications of it in the practice of communist construction;
  • practice students of practical skills corresponding to the nature of chemical science and necessary for life and labor;
  • formation of the communist worldview and behavior of students.

The content of chemistry as a training subject is disclosed by the curriculum, which indicates the volume, system and sequence of the formation of knowledge, skills and skills in students and partly the depth of study of chemistry. More specifically, the content of the educational subject and especially the depth of illumination of scientific issues is revealed by textbooks, in which there is no longer a list of knowledge, but the presentation of them as they are learned by students. However, textbooks do not always indicate what observations, experiments and practical work will hold students, what practical skills they will receive. This is given a book for practical laboratory work, for practical classes and observations in production. From the textbooks, it is also not always visible, what stoichiometric calculations are mastered by students, what high-quality and design chemical tasks will learn to solve, using acquired knowledge. The idea of \u200b\u200bthis is given by collections of tasks and exercises. Thus, in a specific form, chemistry as a training item is revealed by the program, textbooks, books for practical laboratory classes, collections of tasks and exercises.

Teaching is the activities of the teacher, consisting in the transfer of knowledge, skills and skills of students, in organizing their independent work on the acquisition of knowledge and skills, in the formation of communist worldview and behavior, in the manual and management of the process of training students for life and work in a communist society.

Composite elements of chemistry teaching are the initiation and maintenance of interest and attention to the teachings; Message to schoolchildren in chemistry in close connection with difficulty, production, with the practice of communist construction; Application of various teaching methods (verbal presentation, demonstration of experiments and visual aids, work with handouts Laboratory activities, solving problems, excursions, practical work and observations in production, etc.); the acquisition of students to socially useful work; repetition and consolidation of knowledge; organization of independent work of students in school and at home; formation of practical skills, including skills to apply knowledge in practice; verification, correction and assessment of knowledge, skills and skills of students; Conducting optional and extracurricular activities; development of the abilities and graduation of students; upbringing them in the process of learning in the spirit of communist consciousness; Creating material conditions for training chemistry.

Teaching is the activities of students, consisting in the assimilation of the educational subject set out by the teacher. In the complex teaching process, the following points can be distinguished: the perception of educational material taught by the teacher, the understanding of this material, the firm consolidation of it in memory, the use of student learning and vital tasks, independent study and socially useful work of students, A pursued goal to perceive, comprehend, consolidate and learn to apply scientific knowledge and skills in practice. These moments are interconnected by each other, go into each other, flow often simultaneously, and therefore they cannot be considered as a stage of teaching. In each of these moments, the speech of students is played a huge role, since the results of knowledge and thinking are fixed in words and phrases, and thoughts arise and exist only on the basis of the linguistic material. To absorb their science well, students must learn independently and actively work: listen, watch, think, perform laboratory work, solve problems, work with a book and textbook, etc.

To find out what is a learning subject and teaching, it is very important to consider the attitude of the study subject to science, and the teachings are to scientific knowledge.

The educational item differs from science, and the doctrine - from knowledge of the fact that studying, students do not open new truths, but only assimilate the mined and proven by socio-production practices. In the process of learning, students do not master the whole content of chemical science, but assimilate the basics of it. They study chemistry not in historical and not in the logical sequence of scientific discoveries, but in the sequence due to the didactic requirements that contribute to the assimilation of the scientific knowledge system. They are not studying a scientific research, but only get acquainted with the methods of science. Transferring knowledge of knowledge, the teacher uses only those evidence of the reliability of the relevant provisions of science, which are available to students.

At the same time, a learning subject and science, teaching and scientific knowledge have a lot in common. Students in the learning process assimilate the basis of science, with methods corresponding to the specifics of science. Thus, in the process of learning chemistry, directly familiarization with substances and their transformations are played by a major role through observation and experiment, the development of scientific hypotheses and their tests on experience, theoretical generalization of facts, laws, etc. At the same time, students apply analysis and synthesis, distraction and Generalization, induction and deduction and other techniques that are used in science in the study of chemical phenomena. The method of teaching scientific knowledge in a peculiar form repeats the scientific path of knowledge: "From living contemplation to abstract thinking and from him to practice ..."

An academic subject, teaching and teaching is in mutual communication and conditionality. The content of the educational subject determines the nature of the teaching, and the nature of the teaching, and this content is constructed, taking into account the characteristics of both teachings and teaching. Teaching is all the more successful than the more accurate the features of the exercise, as well as the features of programs, textbooks, individual methods, techniques and organizational forms of training. The teaching process changes under the influence of applied programs, textbooks, methods, organizational forms of training and has an opposite effect on them, i.e. affects the construction of an educational subject and the method of teaching it.

Marxism-Leninism, irrefutable proved that education, education and training are determined by the dominant political, philosophical, legal and aesthetic views and institutions that generate their production relations and ultimately the development of the Company's productive forces. For Soviet pedagogy, this means that the requirements of communist construction determine the types of schools, the goal and the tasks of them, and the purpose and objectives of each type of schools are the selection of training items, the content, organization and methods of teaching them.

In the class society, training has always worn and is classified, introducing the ideas of the dominant class into the consciousness of people. In the classroom-based society, there were two education systems: one - for children of exploiters, the other - for children exploited.

Of course, the content of training items is also determined by the logic of the development of science and the state of scientific knowledge, but this defining role is manifested through the requirements for education in education policies. From the treasury of science in the educational items of the Soviet school, what constitutes its foundations and is necessary for life and labor on the construction of a communist society, to combat capitalism, for the celebration of socialism and communism on a global scale.

The above fully and fully refers to chemistry training. In the Soviet school, chemistry as an educational subject and teaching it is based on the logic and prospects for the development of chemical science and in full compliance with the requirements of life, the practice of communist construction. In the schools of capitalist countries, chemistry training is subordinate to the tasks that the bourgeoisie establishes in the field of education. In England and the United States, the children of the bourgeoisie receive good preparation for chemistry, and the children of workers are only those knowledge that is necessary to become high-performance workers and give the maximum profit to capitalists.

The contradiction between the requirements of life and the new achievements of scientific knowledge, on the one hand, and the existing training in schools, on the other hand, is the driving force for the development of education, including chemical. First, the goal and tasks of education are changed, and then its content and principles of teaching. Changing the content and principles of training does not pass without "struggle" with old content and old principles. Bringing the content of the educational subject and the principles of teaching it in line with the requirements of life and the development of the relevant sciences receives full space only in a socialist society, since the socialist system requires that all the younger generation seduced by science at the modern level of its development, to prevent it, it could Move forward the development of production based on the highest equipment. In capitalist countries, the inclusion of new issues and exemption from obsolete is limited to the production relations and ideological considerations of the bourgeoisie. Many theoretical questions of chemistry are not included in the program in the chemistry of those schools where the children of workers are studying, since the bourgeoisie is aimed at arming children workers mainly by utilitarian knowledge. In addition, many issues of theoretical chemistry are not entered into these schools because the bourgeoisie is afraid of penetration of materialistic conclusions arising from chemical theories, and if you have to enter them, then it puts the study of these theories somewhere at the end of the course in the information manner to reduce zero the worldview of the study subject. Such a fate, for example, in capitalist countries, a periodic law, a periodic system of chemical elements D. I. Mendeleev, the theory of the chemical structure A. M. Butlerova. But in school programs that are engaged in training for production management, these questions are usually included in the middle of the course to use them as a means of deep study of chemistry.

Changes in the content and principles of teaching learning items that occur under the influence of the requirements of the life and development of science, determine the changes and in the nature of teaching, since the content is not independently to the methods, but is determining with respect to them (the method is the consciousness of the internal movement form itself content), changes in principles and methods of teaching cause changes in the process of teaching. This is how education is developed in general and chemical in particular.

Now you can give a specific definition of the subject of the Soviet methodology of chemistry.

The subject of the Soviet methodology of chemistry is the study of problems: for what to teach (the purpose and task of learning chemistry), what to teach (educational item), how to teach (teaching) and how students learning (teaching), the development of these problems in their relationship and development in accordance with the requirements of the Communist Construction, taking into account the development of chemical science and age features of students.