The first fiction. Fiction genres

The first fiction.  Fiction genres
The first fiction. Fiction genres
ἔπος - "word", "narration") - a narration about events assumed in the past (as if accomplished and remembered by the narrator). Epic works describe an objective reality external to the author. The description of the characters is focused on their behavior and actions, and not on the inner world, as in the lyrics. Biography novels, very popular in the 19th century, belong to epic works... Examples include War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy, Red and Black by Stendhal, The Forsyte Saga by Galsworthy, and many others. This kind of literature received its name from folk song-poems composed in antiquity, also called epics.


Lyrics is a kind of literature that is based on an appeal to the inner sphere - to the states of human consciousness, emotions, impressions, experiences. Even if there is a narrative element in the works, the lyric work is always subjective and centered on the hero. The characteristics of a lyric work are "conciseness", "monologue", "unity of the lyrical plot" and "instantaneousness" ("punctuality", "modernity"). Majority lyric works refers to poetry.


Drama is a kind of literature that reproduces, first of all, the world external to the author - actions, relationships between people, conflicts, but unlike the epic, it has not a narrative, but a dialogical form. In dramatic works, the text on behalf of the author is episodic, for the most part limited to remarks and explanations of the plot. Majority dramatic works written for subsequent production in the theater.

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Structural text types


Such is considered prosaic literary text, in which a separate, independent of the speech rhythm does not invade the linguistic tissue and does not affect the content. However, a number of borderline phenomena are known: many prose writers deliberately give their works some signs of poetry (one can mention the highly rhythmic prose of Andrei Bely or the rhymed fragments in Vladimir Nabokov's novel The Gift). The dispute between literary critics continues on the exact boundaries between prose and poetry different countries over the past century.

Prose is widely used in fiction - when creating novels, short stories etc. Selected examples such works have been known for many centuries, but in an independent form literary works they have developed relatively recently.

For the Russian ear, the familiar look of the poem is associated with the syllabo-tonic rhythm and the presence of rhyme in the poem, but neither one nor the other is in reality a necessary feature of poetry that distinguishes it from prose. In general, the role of rhythm in a poem consists not only in imparting a kind of musicality to the text, but also in the effect that this rhythm has on meaning: thanks to the rhythm, some words and expressions (for example, found at the end of a poetic line, rhymed) are highlighted in poetic speech accented.

Poetic speech, earlier than prosaic speech, was recognized as a special phenomenon characteristic of a literary text and distinguishing it from ordinary everyday speech. The first known literary works - for the most part, ancient epics (for example, the Sumerian "Legend of Gilgamesh", dating from about 2200-3000 BC) - these are verse texts. At the same time, the poetic form is not necessarily associated with artistry: the formal features of poetry help it fulfill a mnemonic function, and therefore different time v different cultures scientific, legal, genealogical, pedagogical compositions in verse were distributed.

Fiction by period

Ancient literature

The first period of the emergence of fiction as a form of art is considered antiquity - the Mediterranean civilization of the 1st millennium BC. NS. Ancient literature is the literature of the ancient Greeks and Romans, consisting of two national literatures: Ancient Greek and Ancient Roman. Historically greek literature preceded the Roman.

At the same time with ancient culture in the pool Mediterranean Sea other cultural areas developed, among which ancient Judea occupied an outstanding place. Ancient and Jewish culture became the basis of all Western civilization and art.

In parallel with the ancient, other ancient cultures and, accordingly, literatures developed: ancient Chinese, ancient Indian, ancient Iranian, Hebrew. Ancient Egyptian literature was flourishing at that time.

V antique literature the main genres were formed European literature in their archaic forms and the foundations of the science of literature. Aesthetic science antiquity identified three main literary genders: epic, lyric and drama (Aristotle), this classification retains its base value up to this day.

Literature of the Middle Ages

Medieval art reached its culmination in the XII-XIII centuries. Currently, medieval literature is usually divided into Latin literature and literature in folk languages ​​(Romance and Germanic). Genre division Latin literature generally reproduced the antique. The animal epic was popular.

Renaissance literature

If medieval literature was predominantly Christian, then in the Renaissance, against the background of a general interest in antiquity, interest in ancient literature also revives, fiction is more and more oriented towards secular plots, and humanistic tendencies are manifested. The initial stage Renaissance literature is traditionally considered the work of Dante, his "Divine Comedy" combines elements of both medieval literature (form - the afterlife, allegorical content), and elements of mysticism, pantheism, not typical of medieval literature, the image of a simple girl Beatrice. Blooms in the Renaissance dramatic art(Shakespeare, school of Lope de Vega), humanistic utopias appear (Thomas More, Tomaso Campanella), as well as poignant satire, for example, "Gargantua and Pantagruel" by Rabelais. Gutenberg's invention of printing in 1455 made fiction much more accessible during this period.

Literature of Enlightenment

19th century literature

The literature of the 19th century developed in two main directions, this is the literature of romanticism and the literature of realism. Romanticism as a literary movement developed from sentimentalism and is characterized by an interest in mysticism (Meyrink, M. Shelley, Hoffmann), folklore (brothers Grimm), common man(Hugo), other cultures (Byron, F. Cooper). Within the framework of romanticism, science fiction, detective stories, and adventure literature were formed.

Realism is well characterized by Balzac, who is considered a classic of realism. He said: "I describe men, women and things." Works of realism do not teach, do not idealize, do not give moral assessments. They describe life and allow the reader to draw their own conclusions. An essential element of realism is a comprehensive impartial description inner peace heroes. The most characteristic writers of realism are Balzac, Dickens, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky and others.

Literature of modernism

Chronologically, modernism fits into the framework of the first half of the twentieth century, thematically associated with industrialization, urbanization, the horrors of the First World War. Modernists turn to the description of the subtleties of the human psyche (W. Wolfe), the theme of sexuality (D.H. Lawrence), they are characterized by apoliticality and pacifism (E. Hemingway).

A classic example of modernist literature is the novel by J. Joyce "Ulysses", the works of TS Eliot, M. Proust.

Postmodern literature

Postmodernism gradually replaced modernism in the middle of the 20th century. It is difficult to unambiguously characterize it, since there are many different approaches within the framework of postmodernism. This is hypertext, when the order of reading is not dictated by the author, but is chosen by the reader, intertextuality, characterized by allusions to other works, and sometimes deliberate borrowing, lack of plot decoupling or the presence of several alternative outcomes, mixing of styles, irony, play and black humor.

Postmodernism can also include magical realism, a genre that originated in South America and characterized by the inclusion of magical elements in a realistic narrative. The novel "One Hundred Years of Solitude" by G. G. Marquez is a shining example magical realism. In Russia, Chingiz Aitmatov is referred to this direction.

The Beat generation is also referred to postmodernism.

Artistic methods and directions

  • Baroque is a direction characterized by a combination of realistic descriptions with their allegorical depictions. Symbols, metaphors, theatrical techniques, saturation with rhetorical figures, antitheses, parallelisms, gradations, oxymorons were widely used. Baroque literature is characterized by a striving for diversity, for the summation of knowledge about the world, inclusiveness, encyclopedism, which sometimes turns into chaos and collecting curiosities, a striving for the study of being in its contrasts (spirit and flesh, darkness and light, time and eternity).
  • Classicism is a direction, the main subject of creativity of which was the conflict between public duty and personal passions. "Low" genres - fable (

Literature (from the Latin litera - letter, writing) is an art form in which the word is the main means of figurative reflection of life.

Fiction is an art form capable of revealing the phenomena of life in the most multifaceted and widespread way, showing them in motion and development.

As the art of words, fiction arose in oral folk art. Its sources were the song, folk epic legends. The word is an inexhaustible source of knowledge and an amazing tool for creating artistic images. In words, in the language of any nation, its history, its character, the nature of the Motherland are captured, the wisdom of the centuries is concentrated. The living word is rich and generous. It has many shades. It can be formidable and affectionate, terrifying and hopeful. No wonder the poet Vadim Shefner said so about the word:

Word can kill, word can be saved, Word can lead the shelves. The word can be sold and betrayed and bought, the Word can be poured into blasting lead.

1.2. Oral folk art and literature. Genres of un.

1.3. Artistic image. Artistic time and space.

Artistic image represents not only an image of a person (the image of Tatyana Larina, Andrei Bolkonsky, Raskolnikov, etc.) - it is a picture of human life, in the center of which is a specific person, but which also includes everything that surrounds him in life. So, in fiction a person is portrayed in relationships with other people. Therefore, here we can speak not about one image, but about a multitude of images.

Any image is an inner world that has fallen into the focus of consciousness. Outside images, there is no reflection of reality, no imagination, no knowledge, no creativity. The image can take on sensual and rational forms. The image can be based on the fiction of a person, it can be factual. Artistic image objectified in the form of both the whole and its separate parts.

Artistic image can expressively affect the senses and mind.

It gives the maximum capacity for content, is able to express the infinite through the finite, it is reproduced and evaluated as a kind of whole, even if it is created with the help of several details. The image can be sketchy, not agreed upon.

As an example of an artistic image, one can cite the image of the landowner Korobochka from the novel by Gogol “ Dead Souls". She was an elderly woman, frugal, collecting all kinds of trash. The box is extremely stupid and has a hard time understanding. However, she knows how to trade and is afraid to sell too cheap. This petty frugality, commercial efficiency puts Nastasya Petrovna above Manilov, who has no enthusiasm and knows neither good nor evil. The landowner is very kind and caring. When Chichikov was visiting her, she treated him to pancakes, an unleavened pie with an egg, mushrooms, flat cakes. She even offered to scratch the guest's heels for the night.

What is fiction? What are its features, why is literature considered art? The huge number of books in the home library of most people suggests that reading and perception plays in our life. important role... We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the definition of the concept of "fiction", learn about what kinds, types and genres it is divided into, what makes its language remarkable. You will learn about all this and much more from the material below.

Definition of fiction

Almost all literary theorists define it as art, comparing it with painting, music, theater. The bottom line is that in literature, as in any other art, there is an organization of meaningless material in new form with a specific ideological content... The types of art differ only in material: in music - sounds, in painting - colors, in architecture - Construction Materials... In this vein, literature is special in that its material is only word and language.

Thus, literature is all written texts, which in turn are divided into groups. This is popular science, reference, educational, scientific, technical and, finally, fiction. We come across the latter from the first years of life, at school, when we get acquainted with the classics of fiction, during adulthood when a person consciously refers to the book of interest to him. Books are the mirror of society. In a broader interpretation, fiction is those written works that represent artistic value and have aesthetic value.

Interestingly, this view was finally formed in the 19th century thanks to the representatives of romanticism. They considered artistic reality as aesthetically unique, and writers as special people.

When and how did literature appear?

They have been trying to find the answer to this question for quite some time. How did it all start? In search of answers, people spent great amount research, refuted and proved myriad hypotheses, analyzed the material and the people who created it. As it turned out, classical - Roman and Greek - fiction is not the most ancient. There were also Sumerian, Egyptian, and Babylonian - sophisticated and developed literature. Oral forms of literature, beliefs of ancient peoples, mythology of entire civilizations play a very important role. It is with myths or similar forms that the study of any literature begins.

Childbirth of fiction

There are three kinds: epic, lyrical and dramatic. This division is based on how the content of the work is presented to the reader. If the events are told in detail, the position of the author is suspended, there are various characters, their appearance is described in detail, and the leading type of speech is narration, then it comes about the epic kind of literature. In other words, about prose. It includes stories, novels, essays, novels and other similar works.

If the author wants to tell not so much about the events as about the feelings that they caused, he creates works related to the lyrics. Within this kind of literature, many genres are distinguished. different sizes and forms, most of which are characterized by the presence of rhyme, rhythm and other elements characteristic of the lyrics. In simple words, lyrics - and their variations.

If an object is depicted in action, it is possible to play it out on stage, show it to the viewer and the reader, we are talking about a dramatic kind of literature. Here the author's voice sounds only in the directions - the author's explanations of the actions and remarks of the main characters. Various plays, tragedies, and comedies belong to the dramatic genus.

Division into genres

As mentioned above, the genders of literature, in turn, include different genres- historically formed groups of works that are united by certain common features. These are, for example, novels, stories, stories, comedies, poems, poems. There is also such a thing as a species. For example, the epic type of the novel will be divided into the genres of the utopian novel, the parable novel, historical novel etc. The number is very large. It is interesting that the combination of different genres is popular, and the bolder the combination is, the more original the "creation" of the writer will be.

Language as the main feature of works of art

To better understand what fiction is and what its features are, one should consider the specifics of its language. Today in literary criticism there is no clear delineation of the concepts " artistic speech" and " art style". It is easier to simply combine them into the concept “ artistic language».

Artistic speech is multi-style. Exists different styles with their own characteristics and rules, in which different ones are used. Their choice depends on the author and his ideas. Each style has its own "face" - a set of elements characteristic only of it. It is interesting that words and phrases can be used in a work of art that are not included in the "literary language" - argo, slang words, lexical units from various dialects. Some writers deliberately violate the norm. Anyone performs an aesthetic function. Words-concepts are translated by writers into words-images. Features of fiction also include vivid emotionality and expression. It should be noted that one more important function of literature, in addition to the aesthetic one, is communicative. Words in not only provide information, but also affect readers emotionally.

What is the role of the author's main tool?

What is fiction? Let's try to answer this question in an accessible way. Fiction is a meeting best images, ideas, thoughts, words. By the way, words are the main tool of the author. With their help, the author's idea, the content of the book, is realized, an image is created and the addressee is influenced.

The value of fiction

World fiction influences the formation of the personality and worldview of readers. It is very difficult to exaggerate the effect that it has on the mind of the reader. Verbal art has long been a part of our life. What role does it play? What is fiction? First of all, this is history. It is passed down from generation to generation, carrying the experience and values ​​of our predecessors. Great writers turned to the human consciousness and probably hoped that this appeal applies not only to their contemporaries, but also to people in the future.

The fact that literature is capable of influencing consciousness is supported by many examples. Often artistic word played the role of an ideological weapon. In the history of literature, there are many cases when works were used for propaganda and the formation of a certain opinion. Fiction is a powerful tool with which you can convey to a person the norms, rules, principles, vision of the world, attitude to the information received.


Reading fiction is an essential component of the personal development of every person. From books, be they novels, poems or plays, readers learn about life, take lessons, draw inspiration. Fiction is a treasure trove historical facts, the experience of previous generations, the thoughts of the main philosophers of the past and present. It is not for nothing that literature is considered an art that, with the help of simple words affects consciousness. In addition, the love of books is instilled from birth also because reading develops imagination, teaches you to imagine situations and draw images. All books that are recognized as classical, develop and teach, give knowledge, and Russian fiction is no exception.

Fiction (prose) is one of the types of art that differs from the rest only in the material from which the works are created - these are only words and artistic language. The result of creativity in fiction is works that reflect epochs, have high artistic value and bring aesthetic pleasure.

Old Russian literature has 2 sources - church books (the Bible, Lives of the Saints) and folklore. It existed from the moment of the introduction of writing in Cyrillic (XI century) until the appearance of individual works of authorship (XVII century). Original works: "The Tale of Bygone Years" (a sample of chronicles), "A Word about Law and Grace", "Teachings to Children" (codes of laws), "A Word about Igor's Campaign" (by genre it resembles a story, with a logical development of events and artistic style).
To the section ...

Peter's transformations were reflected not only in scientific and technical achievements Russia XVIII century, but also made a huge contribution to the development national culture and art. Rather, they gave the latter a significant acceleration and radically changed the vector of development domestic art... Until the 18th century, the development of Russian culture took place in isolation, even in isolation, which led to the development of authentic trends and genres closely related to the national and church trends. In the countries of Europe at the same time, literature finally separated from the church and became secular. It is this secularity - creative freedom and the breadth of genres inherent in European era Enlightenment was not enough in Russia.

Russian literature during the 18th century developed under the influence of European literature, lagging behind it by about 100 years and going through the following stages:

  • early XVIII century- panegyric, hagiographic literature,
  • ser. XVIII century- classicism, sentimentalism (Lomonosov, Karamzin, Radishchev),
  • end of XVIII century- the dominance of sentimentalism, preparation for romatism.

« Golden age» domestic literature... Into the history of Russian Literature XIX century, many names have been inscribed that have received world recognition: A. Pushkin, N. Gogol, L. Tolstoy, A. Chekhov. During this period, the formation of the Russian literary language, such literary trends as sentimentalism, romanticism, critical realism, writers and poets are mastering new literary forms and tricks. Unprecedented heights reaches drama and the art of satire.

The development of romanticism (until the 1840s) and realism (from the 1850s to the end of the century), since the 1890s, the directions of the Silver Age have been developing. The most important functions of literature are considered critical, morally formative, socio-political, the most important genre- novel. Romantics: Lermontov, Pushkin, realists: Gogol, Turgenev, Lev Tolstoy, Chekhov.

Russian literature of the XX century is represented by three brightest periods: the epoch " silver age"with its contradictions and innovations, the war era, with its deep patriotism, and the huge period of the second half of the century, when socialist realism flourished.

  • In the beginning. XX century romanticism is reviving - for the poeticization of revolutionary events.
  • 30-40s of XX century- active interference of the party in culture leads to stratification of writers. Some in emigration develop a realistic genre, others create in socialist realism (a direction that depicts a working person on the path to communism).
  • 40-50s of the middle of XX century- "trench", lieutenant or military prose... A realistic depiction of the 1941-45 war, where the author is an eyewitness to the events.
  • 60-80s of XX century- the period of the "thaw", the development of "village" prose.
  • 90th years of the end of XX century- avant-garde, post-Soviet realism, gravitation towards "chernukha" - deliberately exaggerated cruelty, uncensoredness.

Foreign literature

Foreign literature originated in Greece during antiquity and became the basis for all existing types of literature. Formulated principles artistic creation Aristotle.

With the advent of Christianity, church texts spread, all medieval literature in Europe (IV-XIII centuries) - the processing of church texts, and the Renaissance (from the XIV century, Dante, Shakespeare, Rabelais) - their rethinking and repulsion from the church, the creation of secular literature.

The Literature of the Enlightenment is a celebration of the human mind. Sentimentalism, romanticism (Rousseau, Diderot, Defoe, Swift).

XX century - modernism and postmodernism. Glorification of the mental, sexual in man (Proust, Hemingway, Marquez).

Literary criticism

Criticism is an organic and inseparable part of everything literary art in general, and the critic must definitely have a bright talent for both a writer and a publicist. Truly talentedly written critical articles can force the reader to look at a previously read work from a completely new angle, draw completely new conclusions and discoveries, and can even radically change their assessments and judgments on a particular topic.

Literary criticism has close ties with modern life society, with its experiences, philosophical and aesthetic ideals of a certain era, contributes to the development of literary creative process, and has a powerful influence on the formation of public identity ..

Literary directions

Unity creative features writers who create within a certain historical period, it is customary to call literary direction, a variety of which can be individual currents and movements. The use of identical artistic techniques, the similarity of the worldview and life priorities, loved ones aesthetic views allow attributing a number of masters to specific branches of literary art XIX-XX centuries.

Fiction by childbirth

Structural text types


A literary text is considered prosaic in which a separate rhythm independent of speech does not intrude into the linguistic fabric and does not affect the content. However, a number of borderline phenomena are known: many prose writers deliberately give their works some signs of poetry (one can mention the highly rhythmic prose of Andrei Bely or the rhymed fragments in Vladimir Nabokov's novel The Gift). The dispute between literary critics from different countries over the past century has not stopped about the exact boundaries between prose and poetry.

Prose is widely used in fiction - when creating novels, short stories, etc. Some examples of such works have been known for many centuries, but they have developed relatively recently into an independent form of literary works.

Medieval art reached its culmination in the XII-XIII centuries. Currently, medieval literature is usually divided into Latin literature and literature on folk languages(Romanesque and Germanic). The genre division of Latin literature as a whole reproduced the antique. Written prose first appeared in medieval literature.

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