Bremen musicians (cartoon). Bremen Musicians Russian Creative Approach

Bremen musicians (cartoon). Bremen Musicians Russian Creative Approach

If you do not understand why the fairy tale is called "Bremen Musicians", then read our article and find useful information.

Why is the fairy tale called "Bremen Musicians"

Why is the fairy tale called "Bremen Musicians"? The main characters were sent to the city of Bremen, who was the city of the dreams, in which everyone sought to get.

This is a fairy tale of four musicians who embodied the overall image of the German people. "Bremen musicians" - music that did not get to such a desired city and did not become famous urban performers.

Bremen is a cultural center of the region, in which all the dreams of a better life have come true, so animal musicians sought to get to the city. The image of animals is symbolic, which depicts the dream and the desire of the people to the best bright life.

There is a legend that the basis of the fairy tale has become European musicians, who called "Kleizer". Crazters - European folk street musicians; They performed at weddings, festivities, fairs. The leading tools were violin, cymbals, double bass, pipe, clarinet, drum, etc.

The main characters of the fairy tale "Bremen Musicians": Donkey, a dog, a cat and a rooster, there were four of them, and the classic brainer chapel consisted of 4 musicians playing the violin, clarinet, fufioli and drums with plates.

Monument to the Bremen Musicians in Bremen (Bremen, Germany) - description, history, location, reviews, photos and videos.

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Perhaps there are no tourists who would have visited Bremen and were not photographed near the monument to Bremen musicians. Bronze sculpture, standing on a market square, without exaggeration - a symbol of the modern city. The monument to the Bremen Musicians is a peculiar pyramid from the characters standing on each other from the same name Brothers Grimm. To be more accurate, there is a dog on the donkey, on it - a cat, and the cock closed above all. Near these fabulous heroes is never cursing. Just the opposite: those who want to capture themselves against the background of stray musicians so much that a decent queue is often formed here.

A long-standing legend is connected with the monument to Bremen musicians in Bremen. So, being close to the sculpture, each tourist can make a desire, and so that it certainly came true, you need to take over both legs of the donkey and lose weight slightly.

From the history of the monument to the monument to the Bremen Musicians in Bremen, it is known that it was installed on a market square in 1951, and his author was one of the most prominent German sculptors of the 20th century Gerhard Marx. By the way, the sculpture is adjacent to another famous landmark of Bremen - medieval town hall. In part, therefore, near the monument, the Bremen musicians are always a lot of tourists.

By the way, a long-standing legend is connected with the monument to Bremen musicians in Bremen. So, being close to sculpture, everyone can make a desire, and so that it certainly came true, you need to do the following. Take over both legs of the donkey and lose weight slightly. Judging by the lighted to the brilliance of the extremities of the donkey, many tourists took advantage of this tradition.

And do not forget: you need to take it precisely for both legs of a fabulous character, otherwise your desire will not come true; In addition, you risk to hear in your address established in such cases in Bremen phrase that one "donkey" greets with another. Such humor at the locals, it is not worth offended by him.

Before the monument to the Bremen Musicians in Bremen can be reached by buses number 24 and 25, as well as on trams with routes No. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8. Recall, a monument to the Bremen Musicians stands next to the two-storey building of the Town Hall, made in the Renaissance style . Address: Am Markt 21.

Hello, friends! Do you think Bremen musicians from Bremen? And here is not. Now I will explain everything.

* In general, this article should have written a long time ago, still she talks about one of the symbols of the famous German city, and I, as always, until I swear, yes, I am strong \u003d) At the end, a lot of photos.

Do you remember the fairy tale? So I was forgotten her, so today, before sitting on writing the article reread. No, I will not retell it in detail, just remind you. And this must be done to understand who such Bremen musicians (Die Bremer Stadtmusikanten), in general, with what fright they are Bremen, and why they are depicting them everywhere: the pyramid (donkey, on it, the cat, on it, and on top of a rooster ).


The main characters of this fairy tale Brothers Grimm are stray musicians (which and musicians were not even, in principle). All of them had to leave their home due to conflicts with the owners. Donkey became too old, and could no longer help the mill, so the owner decided to get rid of him (in order not to feed in vain). The same fate threatened the ps - they were going to shoot him. The old cat was planned to drown the mistress, well, and the rooster wanted to grind (or bake ... can cook) to the holiday.

Clear things, beasts and roosters were in the root disagree with such fate and ran out of the house. On the road, they met. Idea to go to Bremen and become street musicians there, I donkey got everything, the rest just supported. It was the beginning of the legendary quartet.

Since the path was not close to Bremen, our friends did not come there in one day. It was necessary to place for the night. And in the forest they came across the hut robbers. An ideal place to spend there night. But it was one "but" - actually the owners in the hut.

Our cuty musicians, figured out this problem once or twice - just frightened their robbers, um ... "music". The show was something else! On the back of the donkey, the dog climbed, the cat climbed on the dog, well, and the cock was already crowned with all this pyramid. And then they, by all the quartet, Kaaaak was killed: Zela Zaewn, the dog lay, the cat splashed in cat, well, and the rooster clapped.

Poor robbers and did not understand what happened. At dusk, I really could not see anything, and judging by the sounds, on them, in general, someone was going to attack. In short, they fled forward their own screaming from this hut.

Well, and our "musicians" occupied a disadvantaged dwelling. And, moreover, they loved it there that they did not want to leave this place. And I didn't go to Bremen, but remained to live in the forest, in a robbery hut.

But, despite the fact that these guys were not in the city, one of his symbols, all the same, became.

Monument to the Bremen Musicians in Bremen

The most famous monument to the Bremen musicians is in Bremen (surprising, yes? \u003d)) On the market square, the eastern wall of the Town Hall. And there are a lot of tourists. In general, probably, everyone who visited Bremen, considers his duty to bring photo from there against the background of this sculpture. Therefore, people are built into the queue to capture there.

The bronze monument was established in 1951. Its author is the Berlin sculptor Gerhard Marx. Based on this sculpture, two more were created. One put in Riga in 1990, the second in Zulpikhe (Germany). And they are absolutely different. The overall is that they are a composition in which the heroes of fairy tales are canonically (each other).

Legends and myths

Any popular sculpture of sheaves as its legends. So here. It is believed that the Bremen Musicians can fulfill desires. To do this, you only need to lose the nose of the don or take up his front paws, and also lose weighty (in the photo it can be seen how tourists carefully polished these places \u003d)).

* Just remember - it is necessary to stay at both legs, and not for one! Otherwise, the desire will not turn. And also, they can say about you: "Look, one donkey greets with the other." Such here he is, local humor, do not be offended by him \u003d)

And also, the voices of the Bremen musicians "sing" sewer hatches on the city's market square. Only for this you need to throw a coin. And if earlier the coins in the sewage was a bit, now they want to hear the "singing" of the quartet at least debugs, so the city services have to go several times a day to "remove revenue".

Bremen Musicians as a Bremen Symbol

Friends, the heroes of this famous German Quartet are found in Bremen everywhere. Well, however, everywhere! On the magnets, postcards, books, icons, billboards, in shop windows, on clothes, at residential buildings and even on the dishes. In short, you can meet this symbol in the most unexpected places. We have at home, for example, books are multiplied with Bremen musicians \u003d)

They depict them differently: somewhere canonically, somewhere less, somewhere ironically, and somewhere completely ... Abstract (but, nevertheless, recognizable). I gathered such a rather big gallery for you, where everything is shown. It will bring it at the end of the article so that it does not interfere.

And yet, a small relationship is noticed between the Bremen musicians and Tula mother-in-law. What some that else can sometimes be seen in an unexpected image, for example, in a New Year's cap or a raincoat. Milot, and only \u003d)

Well, here on this positive note, I will say goodbye to you. Good luck to you! Read fairy tales, travel more and smile! See you.

Countries and peoples. Question and Answers Kukanova Yu. V.

In which country did the Bremen musicians lived?

Germany as a country appeared on the world map only from the middle of the XIX century. Until that time, there were several small principalities on its territory, among which were "free cities". Since then, remaining on the map of the country of Bavaria, Dresden, Hamburg and Bremen, the name of which is associated with a fairy tale about the Bremen Musicians.

Now Germany is a highly developed country, with rich traditions not only culture and art, but also famous for the whole world of automotive plants, metallurgy and pharmaceuticals.

Rothenburg-on-Tauber - the most preserved medieval city in Germany

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"There is nothing better in the world than to wander to friends on Bella Light! ". One of my favorite cartoons of the Soviet period! And songs from the cartoon were loved even in childhood, and the farther, the more appreciated! Let's learn about the history of its creation More ...

The authors of the cartoon did not know how to make a cartoon musical for children, but really wanted the viewer "sang cartoon." It turned out to be the right decision - we still remember and love songs from there. And I am pleased to show the "Bremen" your own children. As often happens in such cases, much had to create "from scratch" and solve emerging problems with the help of smelting and dexterity.

Inness Kovalevskaya, director of many cartoons of our childhood, remembers the history of the creation of the cartoon "Bremen Musicians". It is unlikely that someone better than the director will be able to reveal all the details of the work and show the audience the process "from the inside."

The story that the director told the site, with materials from her personal archive.


Young, nobody famous composer Gennady Gladkov, poet Yuri Entin and director Inness Kovalevskaya decided to make a cartoon musical for children. What is the musical, it was approximately known, but what is a multiplication, and even children, the authors did not know.

Gradually, the canvas began to emerge. The basis for the musical cartoon film was best to take a simple and familiar fairy tale, so that the plot was clear from the actions of heroes. And instead of narratives, all the forces are sent to the creation of musical images of heroes.

It remained to find a fairy tale, but try to find such that no one has shielded yet?

No one remembers who exactly the thought arose to make a cartoon musical on the fairy tale Brothers Grimm "Bremen Musicians". She was not the best of the collection of famous fairy tales. PSA, cat, donkey and rooster the hosts drove from the courtyard as unnecessary. The poor fellows were forced to wander on the roads and gradually became stray musicians. Episode with robber barely decorate a fairy tale, making her action more diverse. But the film drama was needed to come up with an interesting, dynamic and laid in the Musical Framework. At this stage, V.Vovanov was connected to work on the script on the scenario as a second scenario.

So, "Bremen Musicians"! In stock There are dogs, cat, died and rooster - stray musicians. "Music leader" was the young man, he subsequently under the troubadour. But, if the hero is a troubadour, then the princess should certainly be in the fairy tale! And the princess naturally has a dad-king with his royal palace, the crowd of courtiers. The Grimm brothers have all the drama comes down, mainly to the episode with robber - it means to be royal protection for protection.

Now all the heroes of the future film are named. With such non-zero sketches, a film was born:

I would like to note the feature of the poems Y. Entin written for this film. They are very expressive, full of humor and accurately characterize singing characters. In verses, a lot of funny game of words: "Oh, early the guard arises!" "We are any roads of the road!" "In the royal rest lost peace!" And "I'm under the castle in the castle!" All these literary jokes decorate the songs, make them in advanced and memorable.

About music

While the fairy tale was folded, the composer Gennady Gladkov wrote to her music. The coupons immediately liked not only a group working on the film, but they were singing and other studios.
4 Gennady Gladkov, Inessa Kovalevskaya, ...., Max Zherebchevsky

Studio "Soyuzmultfilm" did not have the necessary opportunities to record music as the composer thought it. For a long time, agreed with the studio of grams of "melody". Invited the quartet of "Accord", while very popular, consisting of two female votes and two men.

The entry was scheduled for the night - there was no other free time at the Studio "Melody". He recorded the music of a small orchestrick, to the composition that young musicians entered mainly. Conducted by the Orchestra himself composer, Gennady Gladkov.

It was the queue of singers - performers. The Troubadour party was offered to sing Oleg Anofriev - theatrical actor with a pleasant voice. At the very last moment it turns out, the Quartet "Accord" did not come to the record! Is it really to abandon the "Melody" studio extracted with such difficulty? Catastrophe! Among the night, we managed to reach the singer Elmira Zhezvev and singer Anatoly Gorokhov .... We arrived!
5 Anatoly Gorokhov

With sin in half, the record began ... It's just happiness that a wonderful sound engineer took part in creating the film, and later composer Viktor Babushkin. They recorded the Serenad of the Troubadour, their duet with princess. It has reached the ensembles. And then it turned out that Oleg Anofriev is a good imitator. The sound engineer recorded the singer on separate tracks, then joined everything together, adding the juicy bass Anatoly Gorokhov. Bo-Oh-Olsh secret! - I sang for the king with weak tenorot Gennady Gladkov. They got to the verses of real robbers and again deadlock ... At the head of the gang there should be a woman - Ataman. The lyric soprano Elmira Zherzhevie did not fit for this. And then Oleg Anofriev suggested singing and for Atamans! All swinging. But he insisted, then asked who from the actress you need to "see" as Atamashi? - Most likely, Fain Ranevskaya? - well! I will try "under the Ranevskaya"! - said Anofriev and went to the microphone.


The record ended safely. Everyone sighed with relief. As they say, in the Russian folk proverb - no humus without good! From the gramzpisi studio, the melody "drove around in the morning. Not yet woken up Moscow with clean streets and rare machines seemed beautiful, life - amazing and completely happy ...

7 Max Zherebchevsky and Iness Kovalevskaya

About heroes

Why is needed and what does the director do? The screenwriter writes the script, the poet - poems, the composer composes music, the artist draws characters, actors voiced the roles, multiplers enliven heroes. What remains to the share of the director? Each of the creation participants see the future film in its own way.

The task of the director is to collect together the mosaic of creative perceptions so that they watched the whole, and not fragmented. At the same time, considering that every creative person is very angry and hardly takes criticism.

The preparatory period of the film ended, and disputes with the artist were in full swing. "Then I decided on a rather risky step - I remembers Kovalevskaya's Inessee, - to submit to the art studio to the artistic council, along with the director's scenario, russia and music, precisely these characters, in my opinion, completely indispensable either music or the genre of the film."

It was hoped that instead of the offense, the artist still listens to the opinion of the members of the idleset. The members of the artistic council were surprisingly unanimous in the opinion that these characters do not correspond to the scenario, but especially music. We must pay tribute to Max Zherebchevsky - he agreed.

After searching and new disputes, the Troubadour type was found in some foreign magazine with portraits of avant-garde musicians.

Princess with funny tails sticking in different directions, offered an assistant artist-director Svetlana Skrebnev. The dress for the princess director found, leafing through fashionable overseas magazines in a closed library of Goskino.

The rest of the musicians appeared in a new form. Even the wagon became a suitcase on wheels. The king, security and court difficulties did not compile, but here are the robbers ... Cartoon robbers, the characters are quite common, but they need special, no one is needed! The film was launched into production, and there was no "his" robbers. The studio was announced a unlawful contest. But all this was not that!

One day, and he was certainly the most beautiful, editor of Studios Natalia Abramov brought a colorful calendar, where the Trinity of the most famous comicies was depicted: Yuri Nikulin - Balbes, George Vicin - Coward and Yevgeny Morgunov - Chat.
23 Here they are our heroes! Rogue!

24 Atamansha had to be done under the rest of the rest.

The literary scenario is very different from the directorial. Stripping is attached to the script, it resembles modern comics and consists of personnel patterns. The film is not in order, all scenes are scattered, and so that everything comes to a single whole, the director's scenario and routing are the main guidance for all working on the film. Unfortunately, only the directorial sketches are preserved:

The preparatory period ends with a meeting of the artistic council of a film studio hosting all the work done. The creative production group is approved. It includes: film director I. Khodlevskaya, Artist-director M. Mezbchevsky, Operator E. Petrova, Sound operator V. Babushkin, Assistant Director, Assistant Artist S. Skrebneva, Editor E. Tortical, editor A. Snesarev, Multiplier artists group Director of the Picture.

What makes wizards?

When everything is invented, you need to show all these fantasies to the viewer. But there are no such drawn artists in life, and they should not be like living people. Who will make a fantasy move? At one time, the "Soyuzmultfilm" film studio preparing its staff at special courses. It came here very young, they studied here and then worked almost all my life. In the studio, everyone had a permanent place with an indispensable mirror. I will look a multiplier in the mirror, imagines myself with a wolf or kitten and takes everything on paper.

Nobody was surprised if someone suddenly jerks in the studio corridor or jumps the bunny - it's just an artist enters the image!

28 Laboratory of paints on film studio

Sometimes the profession of the multiplier artist is compared with the actor. The usual actor is gaining to the role, adapting its body creates an image from it. An artist-multiplier is not only gaining in the role, it creates an image that is not in nature. Gives him a gait, habits, character, connects him with voice. Even when his hero is "inanimate."

Try you to imagine how the chair goes, how the table dreams, the pillows are angry or dance spoons! You can not? So you are not an animator!

Of course, each artist-multiplier has its own addictions: one loves the characters of dynamic, the other - lyrical, the third prefers the musical material. Someone soul psychological scenes, and some fights and chase. But, in principle, everyone should be able to do everything. In the animated film, each individual scene makes a single multiplier. He plays and draws for everyone. Of course, the director is trying to choose a task for a multiplier so that in the scenes there are the same characters, but it is rarely possible. To make a film on time, several multipliers artists are attracted to work on the film, three or five. Each multiplier makes the features of his creative hand writing. At the same time, keeping everything good that the performer came up with, it is necessary to maintain the integrity of the film. The larger the multipliers artists work in the picture, the more difficult the director and the artist-director.

"As for the film" Bremen Musicians ", then 16 multiplotor artists worked at it. Only a very small directorial experience could make me go to such an experiment. I never allowed it anymore! - Insessa Kovalevskaya says, since with most multipliers artists on the film "Bremen Musicians" I met for the first time, then the tasks of the scene initially heard at random, without taking into account the abilities and features of this performer. Just after a while, after watching the first multiplique samples, I began to understand better to whom and what kind of job. "

Despite the difficulties and creative controversy, many fate associated the long happy years of collaboration. Remembers the Multiplier of Ella Maslov:

"I worked on many films of the director I. Kovalevskaya. Each time after the end of the film, there was a sense of the holiday. I think the audience, looking at these musical cartoons, feel the same. I want to tell about the amazing profession of the multiplier artist. This is an actor artist who should be a comprehensively gifted person. He must have skills and other professions: a musician, dancer, an athlete, constantly watching everything that happens around. The multiplier peers behind the habits of animals and birds, it can be compared with the wizard, which can revive the drawn people, animals, birds, hanging out each of their own character. For example, in the film "Bremen Musicians", working out the stage with Côte-fakir, I had to remember how Fakir works in a circus. How his hands move, as he manipulates his cloak, from which the oscillation objects appear. "

I would also like to tell about Alexander Davydov. It was recommended as an interesting multiplier, and it turned out. Then, already as a director, he will put the films "about the parrot Casha" and "Pea times, two peas."

In the picture "Bremen Musicians" he entered easily and freely from the episode, where the stragging troupe, as a scarecrow-pyramid appears to the royal palace. Then disintegrates and continues an eccentric dance.

Explain only in words what kind of dance should be, it is almost impossible, for this you need to be a ballermaster. The director "As I could" showed a multiplier, he listened to music many times, noted on the exposure sheets of notes. Then I rewrote the record myself on the tape recorder and left, singing ...

"The scene turned out exactly the one that I imagined her and even better!" - remembers Jesalevskaya.

Inspired by luck, the director suggested Davydov to take the famous song of false robbers, in which the musicians of heroes changed out: "FIF - PAF - and you're dead!" Almost all the characters of the film were involved here.

"I would not even call him a good draftsman. But his ability to listen and hear music, which is not exactly the same, the ability to accurately put accents in the movements of the characters, the exacerbated sense of screen time is simply wonderful! " - tells Inessa Alekseevna.

Drinking from the topic, you can tell a funny case associated with a robbery episode. After the end of the film, a creative group of directories with new pictures went to Kazan: "Bremen musicians", "spy passions", "Cheburashka" and others. Reception was beautiful.

Accompanied the group a very serious and non-surrender official from the rental. After a small speech, the audience watched the program, and the group behind the scenes sitting at the table, listening to the edge of the ear to the reaction of the hall. And every time, as soon as the case came to the room with robber, our "serious official" confusedly apologized, got out of the table and went to the auditorium to see a favorite robber number.

With a wide smile, he returned to the table. How many times he looked and listened to this number, it's hard to say.

"Oh, early arms!" The viewer saw, heard and remembered! This is a great merit of the artist - Multiplier Vitaly Bobrov. His emphasis, finds in the gait and facial exponctions recorded a bright episode that was loved by the viewer. Beautiful drawingman who succeeded and people and animals, and dynamics and lyrics, fantasies and a fader, sincerely passionate about their work.

The ribbon of the draft sample is glued to the ring and drives many times in a row. Immediately the director and the artist contribute their amendments. There is a discussion, disputes. Last Visitors of the draft samples, both their own and others - an excellent school for multipliers artists, where you can learn a lot, to hear a detailed assessment of your work and see your own errors. Gradually, as the multiplikate is ready, a film studio will be connected to the case: drawing, phase, contamination, fill. More and more studiors work on our picture. This is no longer a dozen, but a kind of hundred couples skillful and hardworking hands. Phazoda - rough, finishing or celluloid connects the layouts that the multiplier makes, in one, which creates motion on the screen. And finally, the fill when the characters from the contour, transparent, become full, colored heroes of the film.

37 Fill

All these stages of work pass through endless checks, finishes, refinements so that the screen does not have a trembling circuit or errors in the colors of the characters.

The film final was especially hot, stayed evenings and worked on weekends. Other groups were in a hurry to help, because they knew that they would help them the same. I would like to note that the shooting technique was antediluvian and self-made, but on it, as it turned out now, very good films were shot. Cryovet 1969 was crowded: besides the studites, there were well-known writers, poets, artists, composers whose opinion was quite professional. Studio accepted the film more than critical.

One of the oldest and respected masters unconditionally demanded voice-over text. Another, no less respected, criticized violently, claiming that it was impossible to remove so. By the end of the discussion, the fate of the film did not have prospects. The situation was saved only by "non-professionals". The famous artist Boris Efimov (Master of Political Cartoon) said that, without claiming a professional analysis of the quality of the picture, he received great viewing pleasure, grinned for ten years and will certainly show the film to children and grandchildren, and all familiar.

The film was accepted in Goskino and even in the first category. Passed the show and in the Big Hall of the Cinema House. The audience responded noisily to the ultramodern outfits of the heroes, they were amazedly fastened, recognizing in the robbers of the favorite kinheroev, and together and long applauded after viewing. Some immediately sang the melodies: "Oh, early the guard arises." Success was perfect! But the intrigue has not yet started.

The next stage can be called a discussion of the film in the Union of Cinematographers with the involvement of film critics, successfully fasciating in the field of animation. This happened here the same thing as on the studio hushway.
What was new interesting in the film was not discussed at all. Tape irritated film critics. N.Asenin was especially trying, which I fiercely and convinced about a spoiled fairy tale.

Nevertheless, somewhere above, obviously in Goskino, the film decided to send to the festival in Berlin. Original posters were prepared ... And suddenly, in one day everything was canceled! After many years, the intrigue revealed. As people told the "SoveExport Film", one of the authoritative director of the Soyuzmultfilm and the Union of Cinematographers also intervened in this case. Most likely his film went to the festival.

"When I talk about cruel censorship in Soviet cinematography, and especially in animation, I only smile sadly. Long experience first in Goskino, and then at the studio, showed me (and not only on my example) that 90% of all the "troubles" provoked by your own colleagues. The reasons may be very different, an ordinary official before that does not even think. " Inessa Kovalevskaya.

And the film was still met with the viewer. In Moscow, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe uprising area, a cinema of a cartoon film with a strange name "Barricade" has opened. The premiere of "Bremen Musicians" took place here, and since then the film has not found a long time from the repertoire of the cinema poster. From all the ends of Moscow, crowds of parents with children of all ages stretched here. Tickets were bought instantly, and it was difficult to get them.

The film was gradually gained popularity. Somehow in the summer of 1972 during a break of some match at the stadium, the attention of fans was riveted to the young man, dressed in red jeans and pullover. He and outwardly looked like a troubadura - the same slender, blonde and white! The young man stood in the aisle at the very top, proud and contented, allowing you to consider ourselves from all sides.

another side of the moon

The plate was also popular with a plate released by the company "Melody" almost simultaneously with the release of a film that received a huge circulation. This undoubtedly pleased if it were not for one small circumstance. For the record it was only necessary to impose text from the author, which was done by V.V. It turned out a musical tale. It is only strange that the work on the record was done in secret. On a beautiful envelope, the record was a modest abstract, which said that a cartoon film was made on this fairy tale. Many filmmakers are confident that at first Livanov made a record, and then a film appeared.

In his book, "White Voron" V. V.Vanov tells how three friends (smooths, entin and livanov) neither with this with this, having fun, invented a music scenario:

"That's how we went to our favorite" Soyuzmultfilm "with the script in the portfolio. There is a big artistic council: strict editors, experienced directors, masty writers and talented artists and composers. Discussed, listened to songs and decided: "Bremen Musicians" - to be! And we started creating a movie. "

On this memories of V. Volnova about the film end. At the same time, as the creative group of the film was invited to meetings with the audience, the studio and among the film was another attitude. Then the director of the studio M. Valkov, a soft, apologizing tone, announced that the director Kovalevskaya had to do not like the team, and she was better to apply.

"Probably, it was hello from my past, when I worked as an editor in Goskino and supervised the" Soyuzmultfilm "film studio. However, I firmly know that I never allowed myself offended or offend someone, because I love animation and respect people working in this area. "

Over time, the studio "storm in a glass" subsided. Livanov, Entin and Gladkov offered Kovalevskoy to remove the continuation. But the script did not cause enthusiasm. It's how to continue your favorite tale about Cinderella! By itself, a good storyline did not have a bright finale. Again, escape from the palace, which the viewer has already seen how and the robbers. You need to look for a new move! Kovalevskaya proposed a replacement in the form of an acute-parody detective and agreed to work on the script until it was occupied in another picture.

Some weather, Inessa Alekseevna was surprised to find out that the film was in production. What to do? This is a cinema with its specificity. "We just have to step over everything and work further," Jesseevna's Jesus judged. In the future, working out the genre of the musical in animation, Kovalevskaya made two films: "in the port", on a modern material (composer M. Minkov) and "Tale of the Pop and about the employee of his bald", on the fairy tale A.S. Pushkin (composer and bykanov).

After many years, it becomes clear that the film - the musical "of the Bremen musicians" not only was a new original phenomenon in Soviet animation, but caused interest in other directors to a new promising genre. It is a "blue puppy" and "dog in boots" E. Hamburg. Even more interesting in this regard, the work of Bardin "Flying Ship". Exactly and ingeniously developed by the director of the song - episodes, especially the "water" and "grandmother" brought the film deserved glory.

Let me remind you that they imagined them or for example . And here The original article is on the site Inforos Link to an article with which this copy is made -