Letter to the beloved literary hero from the works of Shukshina. How to write an essay "letter of literary hero": technique, tips, sample

Letter to the beloved literary hero from the works of Shukshina. How to write an essay
Letter to the beloved literary hero from the works of Shukshina. How to write an essay "letter of literary hero": technique, tips, sample

I can not not express you, Vera Nikolaevna, his indignation. Perhaps it is cruel on my part, but each person has the right to his own opinion, and I want you to know him, despite the pain that it can cause you. You are a cruel woman who did not want to understand the feelings of the man's feast. He loved the sublime, clean, platonic love, bowed before you. After all, perhaps this love would cover you a life path, you waited for such love. After all, you wanted to be loved, you will not become deny that sometimes you were visiting crazy thoughts about the opportunity to answer this unearthly love?

But what did you keep you? Decency? Loyalty to her husband? Condemnation of relatives? No, fear! Yes, yes, it is fear. You are deadly afraid to change the way of your life, your favorite monotony. And what did you achieve? You killed this love, killed your fan. Anyway, as if themselves pressed on the trigger. Of course, you repent and are now quite often thinking about how your life would have happened, you will answer his noble love.

But now too late, there are no road, and you will ask your entire life to ask yourself, and his death will lie on your conscience. Maybe I'm wrong. I have no right to condemn you, but still I condemn you for missed your only chance in life - to be loved. But you made your choice.

Alexandra Ivanovich Kurrina as a person and writer shaped the thunderstorm time of the first Russian revolution. It was reported by the Kuprinsky picture - as neither darkness was their truth - the dream of the future, passionate expectation of a storm, which will clean and transform the world. The cherished thought of Kurpric-Humanist about the tragic contradiction of being: Initially, a wonderful person among the good and generous nature and is a cruel, unifuncable proprietary system, carrying torment and death.

One of the wonderful creatures A. I. Kurin is a story about the love "Pomegranate bracelet". The writer himself called her "cute" and recognized that "... I did not write anything more chascrained." The story is simple: the young telegraphist has long been and hopelessly in love with the princess faith Nikolaevna Sheina. The young man does not withstand the flour of love and voluntarily leaves 13 life, and Vera Nikolaevna understands, she passed by any great love. From a simple, even primitive plot, Kubrin was able to create a beautiful flower, not fading for many decades.

Princess Vera Lyubima loves her husband, "the former passionate love for her husband has long passed into a sense of strong, faithful, true friendship, she helps the prince with all their might ..." They occupy a prominent position in society: he is the leader of the nobility. The princess is surrounded by a brilliant society, but where does this thaustic longing, not leaving it. Listening to grandfather's stories about "love, Vera Nikolaevna understands that she knew a man who was capable of true love -" disinterested, selfless, not waiting awards. About which is said - "strong as death" ... Such love for which any feat , give life, go to torment - not at all work, but even joy.

go to torment - not at all work, but even joy ... love should be tragedy ... "

Is it not such love is "little telegraph" of yolks? Kuprin brilliantly shows that high moral qualities do not depend on the personnel affiliation of a person. It is given by God - a soul, capable of love, can live in a poor shack and in the palace. There are no boundaries or distances or bans for it. Yolkov admits that unable to obey the princess faith. Only death will be able to break this beautiful and tragic feeling. As consonant with the thoughts of the poor Zholkov and Anosov's aristocrat. "Seven years of hopeless and polite love" of the telegraph give him the right to respect. The husband of Faith, Vasily Lvovich, understood Zholkova, maybe he envied the talent of this person.

After the death of Zhalatkova, the princess faith executes that he did not prevent his suicide, although he felt predicted such an end. She asks a question: "What was it: love or madness?" Vasily Lvovich admits his wife that yolks were not crazy. It was a great in love that did not think of his life without love for the princess faith, and when the last hope was gone, he died. Inevitty melancholy covers the princess faith when she sees the dead yolktykova and understands, "that the love that every woman dreams of, passed by her ..."

Kuprin does not give any estimates and morals. The writer only transfers the beautiful and sad story of love. The souls of the heroes woke up in response to great love, and this is key.

Irina Irina, 4 B Class , gymnasium №196

Letter to your favorite hero of the book

My favorite book "Carlson who lives on the roof", and Favorite hero Karlson himself. It is funny, cheerful, funny, and most importantly good friend. Carlson has a propeller on his back, and on the stomach button, thanks to which it takes off. Carlson adores there is jam, cakes and candy. This is his most beloved treats. And he also loves to stroke and fly over the city, and walk along the roofs.

He used to have no friends, but Carlson made friends with one boy. His all called the baby. He was a faithful and good friend. They flew together and frighten the rogues, as Karlson called them. Carlson has a small house that could not notice. And Zaorv him, all the carvings stumbled.

Carlson, you are my favorite hero! I wish you good luck in other books.

Sakharov Maria, 4 B class, Gymnasium №196

Letter to your favorite hero of the book

They are interesting, funny and moral. Of course, I learned that you are very bold and kind. How were you not afraid to fight with Urphin Jysus and his wooden soldiers! You have very good friends: scared, ironwood, a cowardly lion and your favorite Totemka. They are faithful and the best, because they helped to cope with all the difficulties on the road from the yellow brick. I would really like to have such unusual friends!

I think you are very lucky that you got into the magic country and found new friends! I look forward to new stories about your adventures!

Bondareva Alena, 9 years old, Tsarsko Selician Gymnasium of Arts named after A.A.Akhmatova

Hello, Harry! My name is Alena. I'm nine years old. I am going to school.

I read a book "Harry Potter and a philosopher's stone".

You probably were afraid, but I doubt. When I read the book, it was very scary. When I read to the end, it seemed to me that you were like me.

I often scold, like you. I, too, not everything turns out and there are enemies, like Malfoy you. And I have an enemy - Lesha. He is also from my school. He, as well as Malfoy, has bodyguards - two Wan.

But I have the best friends: Eva and Andrei. We also had a lot of adventures, like you. Goodbye, Harry!

Nemykina Maria, 9 years old, Tsarsko Selician Art Gymnasium named after A.A.Akhmatova

Hello, princess! I really like the fairy tale "On the dead princess and seven heroes", which A.S. Pushkin wrote. I read it many times. Most of all I like the beginning of the fairy tale. There is a lot of interesting and informative in the fairy tale. You are my favorite heroine - kind, modest and shy. We are similar to the characters .. together with you I lived all the difficult cases and learned a lot. Goodbye, Maria

Svyatoslav Ivanov, 2 "b" class, gymnasium 330

Hi Carlson! You are very funny and kind. I dream that you flew to visit me. I will treat you jam. I really want to play with you. I will give you a gift, and you will fly to your fabulous country. Bye! Glory.

Boris Egorov, 2 "b" class, gymnasium 330

Hello, dear Gulliver! My name is Boria. I am eight years old, I study in the second grade. I really like your adventures. I read them when I was six years old. I often represented that traveling in different countries. I have a lot of LEGO's toy little men. And I played in Liliputia. Only my little men did not quarrel. And I was very worried about you when you were in Bobdingneg. Probably, it was very scary to fight with the wasps and to be a toy among giants.

Dear Gulliver, take me with me on a new journey. Goodbye, Boria.

Andrei Pantyushin, 2 "b" class, gymnasium 330

Hello, Johnny-Pew! My name is Andrey. I study in the second grade. I met you and Jenifyre Kotes three years ago, reading the book "Pirates of the Feline Sea - to Aborduzh!" The story of the navigaters and treasure detectors of Ulwök me. I learned a lot of marine accepts and legends. Johnny, you liked me that you are kind bold and brave. I look forward to the fourth book about your adventures. Goodbye, Andrei!

Karina Bogdanova, 2 "b" class, gymnasium 330

Hello, Ellie! Karina writes to you, student 2 "b" class. In the summer I read the book about your adventures. I would like to ask you, and you returned to the Iron Woodhouse, the horror and others? If so, I would really like to know how they are doing that they have new, do they have new friends, did they happen to anything with them? What do you think? I would like the same girlfriend like you. It is a pity that you live in a fairy tale. Karina.

Grodzinsky Sasha, 3-in class, )

Letter to your favorite hero of the book

Hello, Deniska!

That ended the summer holidays, and began a new school year. How much of the interesting and funny happened during the summer holiday, quite like in the book, which once gave me to read the grandfather. This book was called the "Red Ball in the Blue Sky" and wrote her Victor Dragunsky. Grandfather said that this book was still reading my dad when he was as old as I was now. Therefore, it was even more interesting to read.

On the pages of stories about the boy. Which was the name of Denisk the ship, and his faithful friend, the bear, I and I met. I really liked to read about your school life and cheerful adventures. I often laughed when I read about yours with a bear adherence, and I really wanted to be your friend. I could take part with you in concerts, go to the New Year holidays, sing songs about Vasin Pap, who is strong in mathematics, and sit with a firefly in a box. Because he is alive and glows.

I reread the stories several times that I liked the most. After all, it was very interesting to read, because we are with you one age, and with us there are similar cases. Therefore, I consider you - Denisk the ship with my best book hero and always when I want to meet with you, I just open the book and read the stories for me.

Novgorod Ivan, 3B class, HUVK "Secondary school №53 - Multidisciplinary Lyceum" (Ukraine )

Letter to your favorite hero of the book

Hello, Denisk Shift!

He writes a student 3-in class Novgorod Vanya. I learned about you for the first time very very small when my mother read the book Viktor Dragunsky "Denisian stories". Most of all in the book I liked the story about the manna porridge, how you threw it out the window and got uncle on a hat, and my mother said that he ate her. After that, I do not deceive my mother, as I know: the secret becomes clear.

A little later on TV I saw a movie about you and your best friend a bear. I liked the most like you exchanged a new machine and a firefly. Then I realized that you were a kind boy, not greedy and love live nature. Browsing the film, I dreamed of getting to you into the courtyard, along with your friends to build a rocket, ride on a motor bike, go to the circus to the presentation, come up with a carnival costume. Even mom, when I go to visit, tells me with words from the film: "Vanya, do not disgrace the surname !!!"

And how did you relate to your toys? I also have a favorite Mishutka, whom I think with a friend from childhood. I really want the stories about you, Deniska, read a lot of boys and girls, and they were all loved and became friends with you just like me.

Lisov Hrenova, 4 B Class, GBOU School No. 530 with in-depth study of natural - mathematical cycle

Letter to your favorite hero of the book

Hi, dear Winnie - Pooh!

I got the opportunity to write a letter to you. I live in the XXI century, in our time there is a computer and the Internet in each apartment. It is very comfortable and great. You can find out a lot of interesting things. Here, for example: if you want to lose weight, you type any diet in Yandex and follow the advice. You still do not know about your mobile phone. I do not know how people lived before without him?! After all, I can contact your friends, with people close to me, wherever it was! That would be magic items in your fairy tale, then we could communicate on Skype and write emails.

Bye! Regards, Lisa.

Keltyakina Katya, 4 B Class, GBOU School No. 530 with in-depth study of items of natural - mathematical cycle

Letter to your favorite hero of the book

My favorite fabulous hero knows every child.

Hello, Harry rubbed!

I dream that I once came to an invitation to the school of magic and sorcerence. I know that only the favorites can get there.

I like that there is taught to do good and help people. We are also taught at school good and good affairs.

I will wait for your answer!

Andrei workshops, 4 B class, GBOU School No. 530 with in-depth study of items of natural - mathematical cycle

Hello, Teddy bear!

Andrei master writes you from Pushkin. I am interested to read the stories about your adventures, the author of which is Victor Dragunsky. Most of all I like the stories: Mishkin Poros, "Phone", "Friendly", "Tuk-Tuk-Tuk". You are bold, cheerful, resourceful. I would really like to have such a friend as you, and we played together. I would be very happy if you came to visit us. We have a beautiful city. There are parks where you can walk, ride a bike, and in the winter you can ski. We have very fun. Come. I will wait.

Ganiev Denis. , 3 CL ass, Borovskaya High School (Republic of Belarus)

Letter to your favorite hero of the book

L. Lagin "Old Man Hottabych". Together with a fucking crutch, I made friends with an unusual old man - Ginn. The name was his old hottabych. The old man was very funny. He wanted to give palaces and treasures all the time. Ginn did not understand that it was not necessary for simple boys.

I am 13 years old, like Waist. I would ask the old man for my grandfather. I have a beekeeper. Bees, like trained, listen and understand grandfather. They do not even bite it. For my mother, I would ask easy work. She is a minister. Mom often delayed at work and comes tired. I feel very sorry for me. And let the old man of Hottabych, let them give a new car. We would often ride my grandfather. For myself, I would ask my brother or sister. And I will find my old dog, let the hottabych gave a puppy. She has no puppies. Therefore, it is sad.

No treasures will replace close people, family! Hottabych, let everyone be fine!

Zagorets Alina, 5th class, HUVK "SUBSCRIBUTION SCHOOL №53 - MULTI-PRYTILY LITTY" (Ukraine)

Letter to your favorite hero of the book

Hello, Dunno!

I started a new school year. Lessons, textbooks, homework began. And then I remembered about you, about my favorite literary hero! After all, you also mastered the sciences to be a musician, being an artist, I wanted to learn to compose poems, even the mechanic wanted to become! And you didn't always succeed, let's say honestly, it did not work at all.

So I, I switched to grade 5 and thought that I had everything with my studies well. But no, new obstacles and difficulties are waiting for me on the way. But nothing, I do not lose, I used to overcome new obstacles. So even more interesting. What do you want, my dear Dunno! Try, try, go ahead and, if it does not work, start again. And you will definitely learn to play on the balalaica, and on the violin, and on the pipe. Only I ask you: be patient and hardworking.

I think you'll succeed. Pass hello to all shorts from the flower city! Bye.

Your reader Alina Zagorets.

Letter to the literary hero.
Students 4 cl.
CL. Head of T.P. Barakova.

Hi, the most cheerful fabulous hero of Pinocchio! He writes a student of grade 4 Sasha. I really like your adventures. Even sometimes it seems that I look like you. I love to have fun, walk, play and stitch. Perhaps someday I will also play in the theater, and maybe there is no ...
So far, Pinocchio! To new meetings on the pages of the book!

Hello, little prince. My name is Polina. I learned about you from the fairy tale A. Exupery "Little Prince". I love nature very much, and especially the flowers. I learned that you really want to have a friend. I realized that your favorite flower was rose. I live on planet Earth, where many types of roses and other colors are growing. They are all beautiful. Each is good. And they all decorate my planet. When I look at roses, I feel their smell. My soul is filled with happiness.
Cute prince, I invite you to visit. I will show you a lot of beautiful colors. I think that we are appreciated.
Waiting for a response to my letter.

Hello, dear Malvina. I learned about you from the fairy tale A. Tolstoy "Golden Key". I really like you. You have a very kind heart. You have good friends. Together you defeated the Terrible Karabas Barabas. You helped your new friend Pinocchio. Now you finally become free. I really wanted to meet with you and play along with your friends.

Hello, dear little prince. I know a lot about you and your flower. You are a well done that I set aside how Rosa managed you. I hope you remember the advice of Fox. I know you were surprised when I saw a lot of roses, the same as your flower. You always thought that the rose uses you, but until I found out that she loves you. Since then, you began to protect it and be proud of it. When you slipped with her, she cried, although she was a very proud flower.
Goodbye, a little prince.

Hello, mermaid! Writes to you Julia. How are things in the underwater kingdom? I'm all good. I read about you not one fairy tale, I looked a lot of films and cartoons. I really liked it all. I really want to be like you: cheerful, funny, beautiful and smart. I want to swim well and breathe under water. In the cartoon I saw that your life is full of adventure, I would also like to participate in them. Sometimes I even imagine that I am a mermaid.
On this I finish my letter. Until!

Hello, little prince. Writes to you Anna. I read the story about you, and I really liked it. I want to invite you to Earth. We would go with you to the circus, in the zoo, theater. I would led you to my school and introduced my classmates with my classmates.
If you arrive in the winter, we will be able to ride skiing, sledding or skating, play snowballs or blind snowman. If you arrive in the summer, I will teach you rollers, by bike, jump through the rope. In the summer you can sunbathe and swim in the river. We could eat ice cream, to conserve soap bubbles. In general, there is a lot of interesting on earth.
I have two girlfriends. They help me in difficult moments. Put! Let's play and take a picture of memory. Then you can look at the photo and remember each other. I'll wait for you.

Hello, the old man from the fairy tale "About Fisherman and Fish". I am Anton. Grandfather, and this is true that you caught a gold fish three times? And the wife is your - Garden, all to her: and bark, and hut, and the queen do it. So interrogated. How old are you? I'm 11. What is your name? I live in the city of Gryazove. I study at school number 2, in 4th grade. I am engaged in vocals, playing guitar and hockey.
Answer please.
Bye. Anton.

Hello, Little Prince! I have long wanted to see you. I want to visit your planet, to see what size you grow flowers. And I also really want to look at your rose and ask her, why she offended you. I think now you are doing well.

Letter to the literary hero.
Writes Julia Sh., Studying 4 CL.
CL. Head S.V. Novakovskaya.

Dear Niels! Hey! You write to you Julia from the city of Gryazovets.
I read about you Tale Selgma Lagerleof "Journey Niels with wild geese." I liked how you changed. You were bad, and now I became a true friend! I learned that you love help friends, relatives, fly with Martin. I also love to walk with friends and help everyone who needs help. I was surprised how you cared for Martin in the first days. You used to be scattered, hooligan, lazy, deceiver! And after the journey, you became attentive, fair, honest, friend, began to bring happiness to others. You have become a lot of friends. You learned to overcome obstacles.
I love to draw, I go to school of arts. Come to us, I'll show you my exhibition of work. We would be good friends with you.

Letter to the literary hero.
Writes Danila G., 5 CL.
Russian teacher and literature NB Sharonov.

Hi, Harry Potter. My name is Danil. I want to get to Hogwarts, flying on a broom, talking different spells. I'm learning well, and you? I know a few spells, for example: "Avad of the Kedaur" - a murdering spell, "Announced Patronum" is a spell from the guards of the prison. And how do you live, do you feed you well, don't you scary? Harry, why didn't you kill Lord Wolandemort? Why do you have such a scar?
Please send me a letter in response. I have another question for you. Who is your favorite teacher? I have a favorite teacher of Russian language and literature Natalia Borisovna Sharonov.
Goodbye, Harry. Answer me to my questions, and if you also want to ask me about something, then send your questions. I'll just be happy.
Your friend Danila.

The types of creative works for the development of the written speech of students are a lot. One of them is a letter that usually write after you finish learning the work. This type of work is now not very popular in high school, as learning writing works is concentrated on the format of the USE and the final essay. And this work does not imply appeal to the heroes of books.

Is this technique useful?

It is impossible not to evaluate the benefit of such work. First, the guys should choose which character they want to write. It means that the work was read by the student, conclusions were made, there are loved and unloved heroes. This technique makes it possible to combine the development of creative thinking of the child and work on the development of speech. And from the details of the writer, the teacher can draw conclusions how carefully read the workbook. The schoolboy learns to express his own attitude towards the character and its interaction with other heroes, character, appearance, behavior, speeches and actions. It is not necessary to be a positive hero. Contact negative character and indicate its errors may even more interesting. Secondly, such a technique is interesting to the guys, motivates on reflections to read, the work is not written in templates, and most importantly - does not make it possible to write off.

We start with Azov: What is the epistolary genre?

The letter of the hero, as well as the other letters, you need to write, adhering to the basic rules of the epistolary genre. Paper letters are a special, leaving culture. Let us focus on the signs of this genre. In the texts of the letters there are monologues and dialogues; a certain composition, especially in business letters; Frequent appeal to the recipient. The letter is sometimes the only form of communication that is possible between people who have no opportunity to talk in person.

Tip # 1. Try to catch the mood and inspiration when you write. Heroes of books must receive a letter imbued with a good mood, feel sincere attitude.

Tip No. 2. Remember all the details of the works that helped you reveal the character of the hero. Find the most likely moments in the text and analyze them. Emphasize the most turning points in the Hero's life.

Tip # 3. Before writing a letter to the literary hero, think about what information you want to convey to it: warning it from actions, praise, support. Be frank with the addressee.

The structure of the writings "Letter with the literary hero"

As a rule, most essays have a standard structure. Usually they consist of joining, the main part and imprisonment. The letter of the literary hero of the broom will not differ in the structure from other writings. But do not forget that you write exactly the letter, and, it means that it should look like a message to the present person. What does the entry in such writings look like? You must begin it from handling the hero. If the character is an adult, please contact him by name and patronymic. Tell him why you decide to write what exactly you inspired it. In the main part of the essay, you must tell how you feel about his actions, express your attitude towards them. Speaking about the broom, tap his lifestyle, explain to him that such a lying on the sofa will not bring it to good. Remember how he was in my youth, some of the fact that he turned into a block of a boy and an interesting young man, which is not easy to raise from the sofa. Talk to him about his work, about the failed career. Show how an insignificant his acquaintances who go to spend it. And certainly reflect on love who came to him in the face of Olga Ilinskaya. Finishing an essay, do not forget to sum up reflections and say goodbye to the hero.

How to write a letter to the literary hero. Sample (according to the novel I. Goncharov "Oblomov")

Hello, dear Ilya Ilyich Oblomov. After long reflection, finally, it has come to write a letter to you. What pushed to this decision? It is rumored that you spend a lot of time lying on the sofa in the old coat. Ilya Ilyich, how can you live the best years live locked, in a stuffy room, in boredom, because you miss so much! Go out into the street, and at the same time grab and Zahar, see what fresh air, what cute young lady walks through the boulevards, everything is breathing around everything. Why do you burden yourself in such a young age? Your life is frozen in one place. Days stretch, and nothing changes, only one Zakhar becomes more and more impulse and more often flashes from work. Recently, you have come a letter in which it is reported that things in the estate are bad. With inaction you lose it. For God's sake, do not trust Tarantyev, because he is a primary fraudster, and it is a pity that you do not see it. He will cut you as a sticky!

Appeal by the childhood of the hero and wishes. Continued

Ilya Ilyich, remember childhood, remember how you were inquisitive, lively a worm, while the desire for knowledge did not kill relatives. They created that respect, which is located on the sofa. And only in your power to change this position. In his youth, you were fond of poetry. Where is it all? Where did you go on youthful dreams, love? How did your world decreased to the old sofa? And love ... Do you really want to love? Yes, probably, only love could raise you from the sofa and make it live. But you need true love, hot, such that can awaken life in you. Ilya Ilyich, be sure to listen to the advice of your doctor. Leading such a lifestyle, you will not live long: problems will begin with a heart. Dear Ilya Ilyich, say goodbye and very much hope that you will make my tips and change.

Tarasova Lada

One of the types of creative works on literature - writing the letters to some literary hero. This type of work allows you to combine work on the development of speech with the development of creative thinking of students. The letter of "letter of the literary hero" (Letter Buratino) wrote Tarasova Lada, student class 7, to the All-Russian composition competition.



Hello, nonsense Pinocchio!

My name is Lada, I am 13 years old. With you I have known for a long time, however, in absentia: at the age of six years I read a fairy tale A.N. Tolstoy "Golden Key or Adventure Pinocchio". How I laughed at your cheerful cants.

Time passed. I recently came across a book with your adventures, and I decided to re-read it. It seemed to me that your practices would call me the same cheerful laughter. But it turned out that not all your actions I accepted and appreciated positively. Maybe so I wanted to write a letter to you.

Pinocchio, remember how you did from the ordinary is full, from which ovens and fireplaces are drowned in the winter season, Dad Carlo. You immediately began to lean, but Dad Carlo, despite your pranks, loved you and decided to raise up as a native one. Say your warm jacket, he bought you "Azbuka" and sent to school. Dad Carlo dreamed that the "smart, prudent boy" would grow out of his sons.

And what did you do, Pinocchio? In my opinion, very bad. You deceived Pope Carlo: Instead of going to school, I went to the punch of the puppet theater. Your thoughts at this time were "small, trifling." Making a unlawful act, you did not think about Dad Carlo.

From this point on, you begin to make the most impossible nonsense, mistakes from which I was alarming for you. Gulling, curious, open, you have arrived unreasonable. Trusting Fox Alisa (this cunning jacket) and Kotu Basilio (pretender) made it possible to fool himself. They tried to pick up five gold coins.

You trusted the "evil forces": a terrible Karabasu-Barabas, who brutally turned with his actors, Durramar - a cunning, greedy inflore and a deceiver. You did not pay attention to the words of those who wanted to warn you from the wrong actions: did not listen to the warning of the bird's hazard, the tall of the cricket, who advised you to take up the mind, reworked Malvina, who saved you from the death when you hung up to the legs on the tree.

Pinocchio! You were ready to heat the wise and ancient turtle Tortilet, the inhabitant of a pond, but she opened your eyes to the one who you really are. "You are a brainless, gusting boy with short thoughts," turtle told a calm voice. At the moment it was a fair characteristic of your actions. Turtle Tortilla told you the truth about "Friends" Alice and Basilio.

The old turtle arrived correctly towards you. She understood that you were still small, do not know life, but you have a good heart. No wonder Tortilla gave you a golden key. She believed that you could be able to solve him secret and help in need.

After this meeting in you, Pinocchio, there were changes: the wrought-down boy departed to the side. You sent your mischief and courage to the useful and necessary matter. Previously, you did not notice those who wanted to help you. Not immediately, of course, but gradually realized how important it is to have friends and what happiness - to save them from the right death. "We must save the comrade - that's all," you said.

So step by step, Pinocchio, you became tolerant, kinder, while remaining the same cheerful and prompt. I was glad for you. You justified the hopes of wise tricky. After long adventures, you have friends in the person of actors-dolls, which you managed to free from the hands of Karabas-Barabas. For good won, you became mistaken, I committed insurgent nonsense, but was targeted and active.

Pinocchio, thanks to your adventure, I realized that good always wins, and the evil remains with anything and that cunning and lets are bad friends.

How good that the fairy tale with your adventures led you and your friends to the cherished door, followed by which you won't upset Pap Carlo (I hope for it).

Before the emergency, Pinocchio!