Choreographer Katya Reshetnikova about excitement, improvisation and proper nutrition. Relationship on stage: Ekaterina Reshetnikova and Max Nesterovich meets Katya Reshetnikova

Choreographer Katya Reshetnikova about excitement, improvisation and proper nutrition. Relationship on stage: Ekaterina Reshetnikova and Max Nesterovich meets Katya Reshetnikova
Choreographer Katya Reshetnikova about excitement, improvisation and proper nutrition. Relationship on stage: Ekaterina Reshetnikova and Max Nesterovich meets Katya Reshetnikova

Yesterday, on the day of all lovers, we presented several But you will agree, romantics never happens a lot. Therefore, we continue. About one of the brightest dance love stories of the past year - Elvira Shigapova.

In one of the programs of the 2nd season of the popular show, the dancing on TNT, the audience learned that the participant of the project Maxim Nesterovich had long been found with the choreographer of the Miguel team Catherine Reshetnikova. And immediately after Max declared the winner, the fans of his work was waiting for a new surprise - he made a hand and heart offer. This public recognition in love, probably, caused a greater delight of the audience, than even the very fact of the victory of the guy in the show.

We had the opportunity to learn the details of how the relationship between this bright, charismatic and incredibly beautiful couple developed.

- Maxim, how much are you already with Katya? How did you meet?
- We are together for the 10th year. I got acquainted in the Street Jazz dance school, which was then incredibly popular.

- Is your union for your development for your development, as for dancers? What did you learn from each other?
- Of course, became! We are still constantly learning. We are for each other as a springboard. Once I stimulate Katya on something, once she is me. In this regard, we had a very good creative union. When necessary, we support each other and push forward.

- You both are quite well-known and sought-after choreographers. What do you help each other? Does it often happen that you have to discourage the other from some projects? Or vice versa, convince that it is necessary to accept an offer. Bring examples?
- examples of such many. They are at every step. There were cases when I discouraged Katya from participating in some productions and projects, it was and vice versa. Often sat down and discussed whether it was necessary to participate in one or another or not. Accepted joint decisions. And you will not believe, we are in our decisions, as a rule, we fall into 10-ku! "All that is done - for the better!" - This is a phrase about us. It has always turned out that instead of a project, which refused, a new, interesting thing appeared. So we can say, we have intuition in this regard.

- How did Katya reacted to your participation in the Dancing project on TNT as a member?
- It was just the case when Katya was categorically against. But she did not dissuade me. It could be understood, and her arguments were weighty. Agreeing to take part in the project as a dancer, I practically refused all my workers, I was reset. And I also risked my choreographer's reputation. After all, in case of failure, I could lose almost everything, some kind of confidence ... But I, nevertheless, risked. When I won, Katya admitted that he did not believe it until the latter.

- Your joint and very emotional number in the show "Dance" on the song Julian Karaulova "Sneorber" - is the first such person person? Or have you already shown your relationship to the whole country in dance?
- Yes, this is the first personal story. Our history. Of course, we often had to make joint numbers, for example, in a Christmas tree concert. But then we just shifted her feelings and emotions to the dance. That is, it was not personal experiences. Here we showed ourselves. By the way, this story has received a continuation: I have been filmed from Katya starring in Julian Karaulova's video for the song "Sneorber".

- Katya is one of the teachers of the Dance School "Protatse", which has recently recently opened. Do you have plans to also do teaching activities?

- I also participate in the life of this dance school. Most recently gave two large master class for everyone. There were a lot of people, I did not even expect. In the future, master classes are planned.

Today the show "Dances" on TNT celebrates the first wedding of his heroes! The winner of the second season of the project, as well as the participant of the "battle of the seasons" - Max Nesterovich - and the choreographer of the Miguel team - Ekaterina Reshetnikova - got married.

The celebration took place today at 9 am in the Savelovsky registry office of the city of Moscow. Max and Katya held in secret information about the wedding date, so she became a real surprise not only for media representatives, but also for participants and film crews. During the bride's ceremony there was a cream dress with a magnificent bench and loop, decorated with bows, and on the groom - a black suit in a casual style.

The proposal of the hand and heart Katya received in the best traditions of Hollywood films - on the set of the final ether of the second season of the show "Dances", where Max won the victory. During his triumphal speech, Nesterovich rose on one knee and asked the reshetnik to become his wife. Katya, without hiding emotions, answered "yes", and this "yes" was accompanied by applause and weeping girls both in the auditorium and the TV screens.

Congratulations on a couple with a joyful event!

Wedding Max Nesterovich and Ekaterina Reshetnikova
Max Nesterovich and Ekaterina Reshetnikova in the registry office

Max Nesterovich and Ekaterina Reshetnikova
Among the guests - Brother's Briow, Vlad Nesterovich, and the participant of the show "Dancing. Battle of Seasons" Anton Panfur

Ekaterina Reshetnikova was born in the Russian city of Novosibirsk on November 1, 1982. From the earliest childhood Katya loved the dances, was distinguished by mobility and plasticity. She made the first steps in this direction in a dance school, where he was engaged in sports aerobics. Already at the age of 13, she began to successfully participate in competitions, including international ones.

Ekaterina's higher education decided to get close to her interests and hobbies: she entered the Faculty of Physical Education at the Pedagogical University of Novosibirsk, who graduated in 2003.

Star path choreographer

After graduation, Ekaterina Reshetnikova moved to Moscow, where her dance talents helped her to make a bright career. After some time, after moving from Novosibirsk, a young dancer came to the MTV television channel to the Popular Star of the Dance Plan. She was able to pass a serious casting and was noticed by the leading TV project by Sergey Mandrik, who invited her to his dance team "Street Jazz". Thanks to his talent, soon Katya became a soloist of the show ballet, and also began working as a dance teacher.

Career Choreographer went to the mountain. The girl acted as a teacher on the show "Star Factory-6", and was a mentor in the TV project "Other Life", where he helped participants to try a new profession. In addition, Catherine took part in many other TV shows, among which the "song of the Year", "Golden Gramophone", "old and new songs about the main thing", "universal artist", "big change" and not only.

Catherine danced in many clips of Russian televisas, and also acted as choreographer for the Silver Group, singers Christmas tree, Bianchi and Tutsi Group. Also, the reshetnikov was remembered to us in the "one in one" project and in the program "Dance" on TNT.

By the way, Kati's growth is 165 cm.

Personal life Katya Reshetnikova

The famous choreographer is still not married without children. It is currently in relations with one of the participants in the Dance project on TNT Maxim Nesterovich.

Russian dancer, choreographer and director director.

Biography Ekaterina Reshetnikova

Ekaterina Reshetnikovai started doing choreography and sports in childhood. The first dance experience was the performance at the graduation in kindergarten. At the age of 13, the girl received the 1st adult discharge in sports aerobics. In adolescence, Catherine took part in international fitness competitions.

After graduating from school, Catherine entered the Faculty of Physical Cultural Department of the Novosibirsk Pedagogical University. In 2003, she graduated from the university and moved to Moscow to continue his dancer's career.

Reshetnikova Vegetarian, but eats fish.

Dance Career Ekaterina Reshetnikova

On television, Reshestnikova first appeared in 2006, when he took part in the dance show of the MTV channel " Star of dance floor"Where her main competitor became the choreographer and dancer Ilshat Shabaev. Despite the fact that the girl did not win the competition, she was noticed by Sergey Mandrik and invited to his team Street Jazz.

The next work of Catherine was the formulation of dances on the projects "Golden Gramophone," Song of the Year "," Two Stars "," Slavic Bazaar "and" Award MUZ TV ". She also starred in the clips of Russian and foreign performers - Julianna Karaulova, Bianchi, and others.

In 2010, the reshetnikov began to teach in the Moscow Studio 54dance Studio.. A year later together with Maximand Vlad Nesterovichi She founded the Loony Band dance group, whose participants perform at concerts of such performers as a tree, Jennifer Lopez, etc.

In parallel with this she danced along with the team Flyographers..

In 2014, the dancers occupied the 3rd place at the Hip-Hop Dance Championchip competition in Las Vegas, and in 2015 they won the Hip-Hop International Russia Championship (Megacrew nomination).

Work of Ekaterina Reshetnikova on the show dancing

In 2014, Catherine became choreographer show "Dances on TNT", which works in the team of Miguel. Her wards were the artists like Ilya Klegenin, Anya Piheha, Snezhana Kryukov, Elizabeth Druzhinin, Vitaly Savchenko, Anton Panufnik, Alice Dotsenko, Julia Samoilenko, Slava / Vyacheslav Petrenko and others.

Later, the reshetnikov worked on the following seasons of the project. In 2018, the 5 season show was released on TNT.

Personal life Ekaterina Reshetnikova

Catherine has long met the participant and winner of the 2nd season of the show "Dances" on TNT Maxim Nesterovich. Young people met in 2006, but for a long time hid their relationships.

Ekaterina Reshetnikova: "Neither to me nor Max, thank God, never wanted to advertise our relationship, lay out joint photos in Instagram and the like. We are others. We both like not to show others once again that we meet. For example, if we go somewhere to relax a large company, then we do not stop at the same room - each with your friends. "

After the victory in the show Maxim made a girl a proposal right on the stage of "Dance", and she answered agree. The couple got married in April 2016 in Moscow.

Ekaterina Reshetnikova - a dancer and choreographer, which has gained popularity thanks to the participation in the projects of the star of the dance floor on MTV and "Dance" on TNT, where she spoke to choreographer in all seasons and married one of the participants. Creator of the dance team Loony Band, director of concerts and fitness coach.

Youth: Fitness and Faculty of Physics

Catherine was born in Novosibirsk in 1982. Dancing from childhood and firmly knew that her profession would be connected with them. She was mobile and plastic, so parents decided to give a girl to a dance school.

Reshestnikova gladly engaged in sports aerobics there and soon received the first adult discharge. At the age of 13, she became a regular participant in the competition, she took prizes there, then began to ride both international fitness contests.

After graduating from school, Catherine entered the Pedagogical University of Novosibirsk at the Faculty of Physical Culture.

Conquest of the capital

In 2003, Reshestnikov came to Moscow. For the second year of stay in the capital, she fell into the MTV project "Star of the dance floor", which brought her the first popularity. The girl was among the 80 most capable participants from 3.5 thousand applicants.

The leading project Sergey Mandrik called Catherine one of the most vibrant and promising participants of the "Star of the Dance Plan" and invited to be in its team "Street Jazz".

A few months later, she became a soloist of show ballet and began to teach in a dance school.

Take off: "Star Factory" and Pop Clips

In 2006, Catherine was invited to the show of the first channel "Star-6" Channel as a teacher-tutor. In addition, she worked in choreographer on the project "Other Life", where participants had to try themselves in the field, completely alien to them, with the help of mentors, one of which was Catherine.
In the spring of 2006, Reshetnikova became choreographer of the Tutsi group, which was included in Tatiana Ovsienko and graduates of the Star Factory. In the same post, Reshetnikova worked on the projects "Golden Gramophone", "Song of the Year", "Two Stars" and "Old and New Songs about the main thing."

As a dancer Catherine showed himself in the clips of several Russian pop artists: Christmas tree ("Throw"), Irakli and Bianca ("White Beach"), silver ("Song # 1"), Timur Rodriguez ("Out in Space"), Tair ("Doll"), factor-2 ("I want on TV"). For the Christmas tree and Bianchi, Reshetnikova also worked as a choreographer (including a concert of the Christmas tree in the Olympic), and the Silver group also had a concert director.

In the projects "Universal Artist" on the first and "big change" on NTV, Ekaterina was the director and choreographer's assistant.

In 2013, on the project "one in one" (participants are changed in the cult stars and try to sing their songs on their own manner) Reshetnikov worked side by side with Migesel, which this show directed. Next year, they met again at the site in the TNT Dance Channel Project: Catherine prepared rooms for Miguel mentor wards. She worked as a choreographer at all seasons of the Dance project, as well as in the "Battle of Seasons".

Since 2017, Catherine has been engaged in children from 8 to 13 years old, who has passed the casting to the Prokids group.

Personal life: Perfectionism and new surname

Now Ekaterina is no longer reshetnikov, but Nesterovich. With the future husband, Maxim, she met before the show "Dances", in the second season of which he became the winner, in many ways due to the number, fulfilled together with Catherine. Right on stage, pronouncing the speech of the winner, Maxim made a proposal. Wedding took place on April 7, 2016. After that, in all projects it seems the name Nesterovich.

Catherine - Perfectionist. It is responsible and demanding, both towards others. The dancers under her leadership work at the limit of opportunities, which is given hard, but subsequently pays off well. She believes that a professional dancer must be stubborn and believe in what he is doing. If there is also a talent, then success is provided.

Reshetnikova is quite active in social networks. She has an instagram account called "KatyaReshetnikovadaily", in which about 1000 publications and more than 16 thousand subscribers.

VKontakte in Catherine besides a personal account there is