“Introducing children to fiction. "Organization of educational work on introducing children to fiction, raising a literate preschooler in a preschooler

“Introducing children to fiction. "Organization of educational work on introducing children to fiction, raising a literate preschooler in a preschooler

Organization: MBDOU CRR "Kindergarten No. 193"

Settlement: Altai Territory, Barnaul

The article "Introducing preschool children to fiction».

Shelkova L.V., Starodumova L.A.

(Barnaul, Russia,

MBDOU CRR "Kindergarten No. 193",

mbdou. kid barnaul- obr. ru)

Fiction plays a special role in the upbringing of children, expanding their ideas about living reality, helping the child to learn about life, forming his attitude to the environment, educating him spiritually and morally. Having learned to empathize with the heroes of works of art, children begin to notice the mood of loved ones and those around them, which awakens them humane feelings- the ability to show participation, kindness, mercy, a sense of justice.

Today, the problem of familiarizing preschoolers with fiction is especially relevant, since one cannot fail to note a decrease in children's interest in reading. Therefore, it is advisable to introduce the child to the book, to reading already in the preschool period, in accordance with federal state educational standards, otherwise it will be difficult to educate the reader in the future, which will negatively affect not only the development of a particular child, but also the spiritual and moral potential of society as a whole. ...

Many works have been devoted to the study of this issue, for example, teachers, psychologists, linguists K.D. Ushinsky, E.I. Tikheeva, E.A. Fleerina, L.S.Vygotsky pointed out the importance of introducing children to the beauty of their native word, the development of a culture of speech. , S.L. Rubinstein, A.V. Zaporozhets, A.A. Leontiev, F.A. Sokhini.

Children's books are viewed as a means of mental, moral and aesthetic education. Children's poet I. Tokmakova calls children's literature the fundamental principle of education. According to VA Sukhomlinsky, "reading books is a path along which a skillful, intelligent, thinking educator finds a way to a child's heart."

The problem of familiarizing preschool children with fiction is urgent, since, having entered the third millennium, society came into contact with the problem of obtaining information from publicly available sources. In this case, children suffer, first of all, when they lose touch with family reading.

Through reading fiction, the child learns the past, present and future of the world, learns to analyze. So that the knowledge of fiction becomes a school for the development of feelings, emotions and moral deeds, you need a systematic influence on the child from others and adults.

Therefore, the task of preschool educational institutions, first of all, is to organize the work in such a way that the book is present in various areas of the child's activity, the children have the opportunity of everyday communication with the book, and can develop their literary interests.

In this regard, in our kindergarten, for three years, experimental work on the topic "Development of interest and love for books in preschool children" has been successfully carried out. For experimental work, we took large works of art: with children 5-6 years old we studied AA Milne "Winnie the Pooh and everything, everything, everything", A.M. Volkova "The Wizard of the Emerald City", with children 6-7 years old - N.N. Nosov "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends", "Heroes of the Russian Land" - the study of epics.

The main ideas of the experiment.The development of interest and love for the book, the successful use of fiction as a means of raising and developing a child, is possible provided that the teacher proceeds from the aesthetic nature of the word, makes extensive use of expressive reading, methods and techniques that contribute to the development of recreational and creative imagination, the emotional sphere, independent intellectual and artistic speech activity of children.

The purpose of the experiment:

1. Development of interest in books in older preschool children. 2. Creation of a model for working with a children's book.


1. Analysis of the available theoretical and practical experience the work of teachers on the stated topic.

2. Create a methodological set of materials (projects, notes, guidelines, etc.)

  1. To develop a model for the work of senior preschool children with a children's book.

4. To acquaint children of senior preschool age with great literary works through different activities:

  • speech - a word (epithets, comparisons, rhythm, metaphor);
  • theatrical - movements, gestures, voice, facial expressions, intonation;
  • visual - drawing, juxtaposition paintings from literary texts .;
  • musical - melody, rhythm, intonation.
  • playroom - didactic games.

5. To form independent artistic and speech activity of children of senior preschool age (through the enrichment of the subject-developing environment, "corners of the book", play activities)

6. Summarize the experience of preschool teachers in the form teaching materials.

Object of research: educational and educational process to familiarize with fictional literature of senior preschool children


Subject of study:development in older preschool children

interest in the book.


The development of interest in children is relevant in the process of forming the information culture of the individual, but the disparate methods and techniques implemented in practice do not contribute to the motivation of preschoolers to read large literary works... The development of an interest in books in older preschoolers will be successful if:

The upbringing and educational process will be filled with a variety of methods and techniques for working with literary texts;

A developing subject environment has been created that orientates preschoolers to the formation of a child's reading culture;

Organized by joint activities Preschool educational institution and society by organization literary education children (preschool educational institution - BSPU - gymnasium №42 - library);

Organized by interaction of preschool educational institutions and families in the formation of children's reading culture, literary taste.

Experiment stages:

Stage 1. Preparatory (6 months)

Development and adjustment of local acts for the control of the experiment;

Correction of job descriptions and instructions for health and safety of EIA participants;

Development of a phased EIA plan;

Making adjustments to the development program and the annual plan of the preschool educational institution;

Registration of an application for an EIA to the Education Committee;

Acquisition of a fund of reference manuals, information materials on the problem of the experiment (including electronic media and the Internet);

Generalization of the work experience of preschool teachers

Stage 2. Operation of the experimental site (2 years)

Organization of experimental work in accordance with a long-term plan, a program of integrated projects;

Creation of conditions for professional growth and creative activity of teachers (workshops, exhibitions, presentations, literary

living rooms);

Development of teaching materials, didactic and methodological support of the experiment;

Organization open events, exhibitions of products of pedagogical and children's activities;

Determination of the effectiveness of the work done (final diagnostics)

Stage 3. Generalizing (6 months)

Data processing, description of results, correlating them with goals and objectives;

Writing reports;

Compilation of reports, speeches for scientific and practical conferences, methodological associations of teachers, etc.;

Preparation of materials for publication in magazines " Preschool education"," Office of preschool educational institution "," Hoop ", newspapers" Preschool education ", etc .;

Publication of teaching aids on the topic of the experiment, approved long-term plans, copyright programs, etc.

Principles for the implementation of experimental activities:

- the principle of integration, which allows you to combine aspects of different types of activity (cognitive and research, visual, artistic speech, theatrical, musical and aesthetic activities) in solving the problems of introducing children to reading fiction, as well as, in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, to the conditions for the implementation of the main general educational program preschool education;

The principle of the activity approach, which forms the cognitive activity of preschoolers, practical and Creative skills children, develops imaginative thinking, observation, independence, has a positive effect on expanding the horizons of children through the inclusion of children in cognitive and research activities;

The principle of consistency in the process of familiarizing preschoolers with literary works on the basis of two-way interaction between teachers and parents;

The principle of reliance on the leading activity is realized in the organic connection of the game with other types of activity;

The principle of taking into account age characteristics and concentricity allows us to consider various problems at an accessible level, and then return to previously studied material at a new, higher level;

Development principle personal qualities the child is aimed at forming a respectful, positive attitude towards the book;

The principle of cooperation and co-creation presupposes the unity of an adult and a child as equal partners, providing the possibility of self-development for everyone, dialogical interaction, the predominance of empathy in interpersonal relationships;

The principle of continuity in the interaction of the kindergarten and the family and as a condition for building a single upbringing and educational space and ensuring the development of the child.

Conditions for the implementation of the basic principles of work:

1. Organization of a book corner "Book Island".

2. Organization of a book repair workshop "Knizhkina Hospital".

3. Creation of a theater corner.

4. Creation of a mini-museum of children's books.

5. Creation of a methodological, didactic and visual base.

6. Development of integrated projects to familiarize with the works and creativity of writers.

7. Development of a program for a children's reading club in conjunction with the Golden Key library, the Book Cradle circle, the “Visiting a Fairy Tale” children's-parent studio.

8. Development of seminar programs for preschool educational institutions and parents.

9. Development of a model for the work of senior preschool children with a children's book.

Forms of interaction with children:

1. Joint activities with the educator

Classes on the development of speech and familiarization with fiction and biographies of writers

Classes to familiarize children with the environment - the objective world ("Where did the book come to us")

Design of thematic exhibitions, dedicated to creativity writers (calendar of significant dates)

Creation of "Knizhka Hospital" in groups

Classes in the book cradle circle (once a week)

● making collages in the process directly - educational activity (artistic and productive activity)

● artistic creativity (organization of children's drawing contests for works of fiction, modeling, application, drawing based on works of fiction, making models for large works of art, making homemade books)

● vocabulary creativity (coming up with stories, riddles, fairy tales)

● organization of leisure activities (entertainment, theatrical performances, dramatization)

● viewing reproductions, illustrations

● celebration of the name day of a literary work

Literary and musical holidays (opera, musical entertainment)

Competitions between the "heroes" of a work of art

Excursions and classes in the branch of the city library №1.

2. Independent activity of children

Organization of role-playing games, travel games, didactic games

Dramatization of fairy tales

Artistic creativity (modeling, drawing, applique)

Forms of interaction with parents

I. Information and analytical

Conducting questionnaires, surveys "About reading in the family", "Favorite book of childhood", "Raising a child's interest and love for the book"

- "Mailbox" (parents put their questions and wishes in writing).

II. Cognitive forms of work (designed to acquaint parents with rational methods and techniques for introducing preschoolers to children's literature, forms practical skills for interacting with children)

Individual consultations, conversations

Parents' meetings

Seminars - workshops

- "Days of open doors"

Project activities

Promotions "Give a book", "Homemade books"


Creation of layouts for works of art.

III. Leisure forms

Children's - parent studio "Visiting the Fairy Tale"

Evenings - entertainment, holidays

Building family libraries

Drawing and craft contests

Weekend club "For a cup of tea".

IV. Visually - informational

Parent's corner

Information for parents: lists of literary works by age, advice "How to organize reading at home", the heading "New items in children's literature" with a short annotation to them

Folders - slides


Wall newspapers

Information sheets "Growing the future reader".

Forms of activating teachers:

Traditional: seminars, seminars - workshops, consultations, creative groups, pedagogical advice, trainings, business game, advanced training.

- Innovative:project activities, master classes, creation of a bank of innovative ideas, use of quest technologies, case technologies, publishing, ICT technologies, literary salon.

Working methods:



- SWOT- analysis


- "Brainstorm"

Method "Moderation"

Methodical festival.

Experimental results:

1. The level of speech development and communication skills in older preschool children has increased.

2. Increased children's interest in and attitude to the book.

3 educators know theoretical basis methods of working with fiction; are able to analyze and evaluate the ideological and artistic content and form of a literary work; know how to organize a variety of artistic activities; possess means of expressive reading.

4. Parents became active assistants, participants in competitions and exhibitions, joint events with children held in kindergarten. They read many works to children, discuss them, and are regular visitors to the library.

5. Created a methodological package (integrated projects, long-term plans, methodological recommendations, class notes, didactic manuals, etc.).

6. A developing subject-spatial environment has been created in accordance with the peculiarities of the reading interests of preschool children.

7. Organized the work of the children's club "Golden Key" in interaction with society.

8. The work of the "Book Cradle" circle has been organized.

9.Created a children's - parental studio "Visiting the Fairy Tale".

10. A model for working with a children's book has been created.


  1. Arushanova The origins of dialogue: scenarios of activating communication / A. Arushanova // Preschool education. - 2003.- No. 10 - P. 73 - 80.
  2. Gritsenko Z.A. You tell the children a fairy tale ...: a method of introducing children to reading / - M .: Linka-Press, 2003.-176s.
  3. Kuzmenkova E., Rysina G. Education of the future reader: literary - artistic development children 3-5 years old / - M .: Chistye prudy, 2005.-32s.
  4. Miklyaeva N.V., Mishina T.S. Interaction of the teacher with the family in organizing home reading: a method. manual / - M .: Iris-press. 2005 .-- 80s.
  5. K.D. Ushinsky Selected pedagogical works / K.D. Ushinsky - M .: Education, 1978 .-- 488s.
  6. Flerina E.A. Aesthetic education of a preschooler / U.A. Fleerina. - M .: APN RSFSR, 1961.- 334s.

Shatilova Natalia
Parents' meeting "Introducing children to fiction"

Parents' meeting Discussion


purpose: summing up parents to the conclusion that that reading children's books in the family plays a huge role in comprehensive development children;

Tasks: expand views parents on the role of family reading in the upbringing of a child;

stimulate self-education parents;

to instill the skills of reading culture;

educate respect to the book.

Form of conducting: discussion.

Participants: educators, parents.

Preparing for meeting:

Studying the reading interests of families and finding out the attitude towards reading books at home.

Preparation of an exhibition of different genres for children literature.

Team work parents and children in a kindergarten for making homemade books. Subject: "I have a book!"

Preparation of a photo exhibition "Evening with a book".

The plan of the

Start of discussion « Introducing children to fiction» .

Conducting and analyzing the questionnaire.

Decision assemblies.

Event progress

Introductory part

Educator. Good evening dear parents! We are glad to meet you. We would like to devote our meeting to family reading.

Everyone knows that in Russia the family was revered and protected, because it was here that the birth, formation and formation of a person's personality took place. Every family with children dreams that they would grow up to be respected people, find their recognition, so that their life would be happy and successful. But where can you get that magic wand that will help turn this dream into reality? Answer simple: this magic wand is the child's ability and desire to read.

One of priority problems of our society is introducing the child to reading... Unfortunately, in our age of informatization, the attitude children to the book has changed, interest in reading began to fall. According to numerous studies, already in preschool age, children prefer watching TV and video products to books, computer games... As a result, schoolchildren do not like, do not want to read.

Without reading, a person does not develop, does not improve his intellect, memory, attention, imagination, does not assimilate and does not use the experience of his predecessors, does not learn to think, analyze, compare, draw conclusions.

The book, on the other hand, makes it possible to speculate, “fantasize”. She teaches to reflect on new information, develops creativity, creativity, the ability to think independently.

Fiction serves the mighty, an effective means of mental, moral and aesthetic education children, she has a huge impact on the development and enrichment of children's speech.

Preschool children are listeners, not readers, artistic the work is conveyed to them by the teacher, therefore, his possession of the skills of expressive reading takes on special significance... The teacher has an important task - each work needs to be conveyed to children as a work of art, to reveal its intention, to infect the listener with an emotional attitude to read: feelings, actions, lyrical experiences of the characters.

Thus, it is important to recognize the reading process as decisive in education and development, the worldview and moral formation of a person, a child.

Start of discussion « Introducing children to fiction»

Educator: Reading aloud with family is a very interesting and useful form of communication. I propose to take turns to express and substantiate your point of view about the benefits of reading in a circle families: (alleged opinions parents.)

Discussion of moral issues;

Memorizing poetry by heart, retelling works;

Establishing mutual understanding both within the family and beyond (smoothing out generation barriers);

Raises a kind and loving heart in a child;

The most effective solution to the problem of non-readers children;

Broadens the mind children, teaches them to think, develops speech, memory, imagination;

The joy of knowing;

Source of intellectual development;

Spiritual convergence (twinning parents and children) etc.

Literary quiz for parents.

Adults - to offer poems based on the tale of A.N. "Golden Key".

Here is the magic key, golden.

It is not even very simple,

He told us a fairy tale about him

Writer Alexey. (Tolstoy).

Long nose, a book under the arm -

What a strange picture!

And where is the boy going

What is called. (Pinocchio).

He will wave his hand to us,

Deftly bend two knees -

"Polka - a bird" will dance smartly,

Even though it's made from. (log).

He is a Doctor of Puppet Science.

But, dolls, he doesn't love you!

Invented hundreds of torments for dolls

The villain is nasty. (Karabas)

Alice's henchman is always there as here:

Basilio is a clever deceiver and. (rogue)

Lives in a pond for three hundred years.

In full view of the frogs.

Pinocchio handed over the key.

And I call her. (Tortilla).


In a fairy tale, the sky is blue

In a fairy tale, the birds are scary.

Apple tree, cover me!

Rechenka, save me!

"Swan geese" At the edge of the forest

There were two huts.

One of them melted

One stands as before.

"Zayushkina hut"

A thief stole wheat,

And Ivan caught him.

The thief turned out to be magic,

And Ivan rode it.

"Sivka-burka" Oh you, Petya-simplicity,

Blundered a little:

I did not obey the cat,

Looked out the window.

"Cat, Rooster and Fox"

I say the task, and all of you together answer in unison.

1. Mixed with sour cream

The window is cold.

He has a rosy side

Who is this? (Gingerbread man)

2. For each other in a chain

They all gripped so firmly!

But the assistants will soon come running,

Friendly common work will win against the stubborn.

How firmly! Who is this? ... (Turnip)

3. Three of them live in a hut,

It has three chairs and three mugs,

Three cots, three pillows.

Guess without a clue

Who are the heroes of this tale? (Three Bears)

4. In a dark forest at the edge,

Everyone lived together in a hut.

Children were waiting for mom,

The wolf was not allowed into the house.

This tale is for the guys ... (The wolf and the seven Young goats)

1. A kind girl lived in a fairy tale,

I went to visit my grandmother in the woods.

Mom sewed a beautiful hat

And I didn't forget to give the pies with me.

What a sweet girl.

What is her name? ... (Little Red Riding Hood)

2. I am a wooden boy,

Here is the golden key!

Artemon, Pierrot, Malvina -

They are all friends with me.

I stick my nose everywhere,

My name … (Pinocchio)

3. Boy wearing a blue hat

From a famous children's book.

He is a silly and a good-for-nothing

And his name is ... (Dunno)

4. And washed on my stepmother

And sorted the peas

At night by candlelight

I slept by the stove.

As good as the sun.

Who is this? ... (Cinderella)

"Guess the hero of the fairy tale".

1. An arrow flew and hit the swamp,

And in this swamp, someone caught her.

Who said goodbye to green skin

Became in an instant beautiful, handsome? (Frog)

2. He lives in the wild jungle,

He calls the wolf father.

And a boa constrictor, a panther, a bear -

Friends of the wild boy. (Mowgli)

3. He's a big naughty comedian,

He has a house on the roof.

Braggart and braggart,

And his name is ... (CARLSON)

4. Delicate girl with a tail

Then it will become sea foam.

Loses everything without selling love,

Giving my life for her. (The little Mermaid)

2. Who wrote the tale "Cinderella"? (Charles Perrault)

1. The mustachioed character of Chukovsky's tale. (Cockroach)

2. The groom of the Flies-tsokotukha. (Mosquito).

3. Which hero of the fairy tale wore red boots? (Puss in Boots)

4. What was the name of the girl - the owner of the magic flower from the fairy tale of Kataev "Seven-flower flower"? (Zhenya)

1. What was the name of the mother-bear in the fairy tale "Three Bears"? (Nastasya Petrovna)

2. What is the middle name of Fedora from the tale of Chukovsky "Fedorino grief". (Egorovna)

3. What was the name of the dog in the fairy tale "The Golden Key or the Adventure of Pinocchio"? (Artemon)

4. What was the name of the cunning cat from the fairy tale "Golden Key"? (Basilio)

Conducting questionnaires and analyzing questionnaires


"Raising interest and love for the book"

1. Do you have a children's library at home?


2. Your children's library is dominated by (Underline whatever applicable)

(informative books, fairy tales, poems, stories)

3. What are you guided by when buying literature for a child?

(check 1 of the items)

B) I take into account age

C) I select from illustrations

D) I buy by chance

4. How often do you read books to your child?

A) daily

B) 2-3 times a week

C) once a month

5. How do you read books?

A) at the request of the child

B) on its own initiative

C) the child reads independently

6. Is the child listening carefully work of fiction?


7. Do you discuss the content of what you read with your child?

A) I ask what I learned from the book

B) discussing the actions of the heroes, their behavior

C) I suggest just retelling

8. Does the child have any favorites works of art

9. How often do you buy books for your child?


10. What is the role of books in child development

11. Does your child consider the book a good gift?


11. Does your child tell you about works of art with whom he met in kindergarten? (WELL NO)

From the experience of family education.

Parents act on the following a question:

*** Reading aloud is an attractive activity for children;

*** Drawing in the footsteps of the perceived work.

*** The traditions of our family.

Auction of proverbs about books and reading (proverbs, sayings, poems about

books, about reading). Performance parents.

Educator. Our Russian people have long appreciated a well-aimed word and resourceful mind. This is how folk wisdom has come down to our time, expressed in proverbs and sayings. And since the best gift is a book, this book is raffled off at our auction. So, whoever is the last to name the proverb about the book, reading, he will win.

Decision parent meeting

Considering important role parents in vaccination in children love of the book and the development of interest in reading, focus on solving the next tasks: read children's books with the child every day, discuss what they have read, help compose stories from what they have read.

Organize family reading evenings for each family.

Include poems, stories, proverbs, sayings in the circle of children's family reading.

Visit the library systematically.

Announce a competition for the best reader. At the end of the year, sum up the results and award prizes to the winners.

The final word of the educator.

Dear parents

Introducing children to fiction is of great social importance.

8. Opens and explains to the child the life of society, nature, human relationships.

9. Develops thinking and imagination.

10. Influences the emotional sphere of the child.

11. Gives excellent samples literary language .

12. Serves as a powerful means of effective, moral, aesthetic education.

13. Has a great influence on speech, intelligence children.

Our meeting ended. It is designed for just an hour. But, you reading people, love the book for a whole year! Let our prepared reminders help you on your journey through "To the Land of Books" (distribution parents reminders) .

Memo for parents.

Read aloud with your child for at least 10-15 minutes. in a day.

Before reading, remove distracting objects from the table, ventilate the room.

If the child is tired. Get some exercise.

As you read the book, find out the meaning of difficult words, look at the illustrations.

Talk about what you read: about what the book teaches, what the new child has learned.

Invite your child to draw a picture for the most interesting passage from a book or memorize it.

Project type: research and creative.

Duration of the project: long term.

Project participants: children of preschool groups, educators, parents of pupils.

Educational areas covered: communication, cognition, reading fiction, socialization, labor, artistic creation, music, physical culture, health, safety.

Relevance of the project: It is known that the reading experience begins to take shape from early childhood.

By instilling love for the book, we help the child to learn about the world around him and himself in it, form moral feelings and assessments, and develop the perception of the artistic word.

Unfortunately, at the present time there is a problem - children do not like to listen to and read fiction, but they are very keen on computer technology. Therefore, I decided to combine the problem with hobby by developing a project to introduce children to fiction through reading fairy tales using computer equipment.

Acquaintance with literature for every child begins precisely with fairy tales that accompany all his childhood and remain with him for life.

Project goal: to develop a sustainable interest in fiction.

Project objectives:

  • to acquaint with the history of the creation of fairy tales;
  • develop children's listening skills;
  • the ability to learn;
  • ability to compare, contrast
  • the ability to think in words;
  • coherent speech;
  • thinking;
  • Attention;
  • memory;
  • imagination;
  • responsiveness and empathy;
  • teach to make fairy tales from Propp's cards;
  • use interactive equipment;
  • foster a love of fairy tales;
  • respect for books.

A long-term plan for working with children and parents


1. Survey of children on the topics "My favorite fairy tale" and "My favorite fairy tale hero"

2. Parents' questioning "Reading fiction at home"

3. Speech at the teachers' council in order to attract the teachers of the kindergarten and pupils of their groups to the project.

4. Viewing books with fairy tales with children in a group. Conversation on the topic "Safe storage of books." Carrying out the game "Knizhkina Hospital".

1. Acquaintance with the history of the creation of fairy tales by the "Aunt Storyteller"

2. Computer presentation "Museum of Russian Fairy Tales in Moscow"

3. Staging of the fairy tale "Teremok"

Reading fairy tales: Russian folk "Teremok", "Wolf and Fox", "Hare and Hedgehog" by Brothers Grimm, "Little Baba Yaga" by O. Preisler

Morning exercises and direct educational activities with heroes (by week): Mouse, Fox, Baba Yaga, Hedgehog

1. Parents' meeting "The role of fairy tales in a child's life"

2. Literary living room "Creativity of Alexander Pushkin"

3. Master class on soap making "Rukavichka"

Reading fairy tales: Russian folk "Hare bouncer", Ukrainian folk "Rukavichka", "Tale of dead princess and seven heroes "and" The Tale of Tsar Saltan, his glorious son and mighty hero Guidone "

A. Pushkin

Morning exercises and direct educational activities with heroes (by week): Hare, Bear, Princess, Bogatyr Guidon

1. Acquaintance with book publishing - computer presentation "Book production"

2. Computer presentation "Museum" Glade of Fairy Tales "in Ukraine"

3. Staging of the fairy tale "Three Little Pigs"

Reading fairy tales: Russian folk "Turnip", "Zayushkina hut", english fairy tale"Three Little Pigs", "Thumbelina" H.-K. Andersen

Morning exercises and direct educational activities with heroes (by week): Grandma, Hare, Piglet, Thumbelina

1. Literary living room "Creativity of A. Lindgren"

2. KVN with parents "My favorite fairy tales"

3. Master class on soap making "Masha and the Bear"

Reading fairy tales: Russian folk "Fox-sister and the wolf", "Masha and the bear", "Carlson who lives on the roof" and "The princess who does not want to play with dolls" A. Lindgren

Morning exercises and direct educational activities with heroes (by week): Wolf, Masha, Carlson, Princess

1. Computer presentation "Astrid Lindgren Fairy Tales Museum"

2. Physical culture leisure "Journey through fairy tales"

3. Staging of the fairy tale "The Frog Princess"

4. Making "Baby Books with Fairy Tales"

Reading fairy tales: Russian folk "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka", "The Frog Princess", "Cat, Rooster and Fox", "Kolobok"

Morning exercises and direct educational activities with heroes (by week): Alyonushka, Frog, Rooster, Kolobok

1. Literary living room "Creativity of Peter Ershov"

2. Master class on soap making "Feather of the Firebird"

3. Holding a competition and decorating an exhibition of a joint drawing by children and parents "My beloved fairy tale hero"

Reading fairy tales: Russian folk "The Wolf and the Seven Kids", " By magic"," Koschey the Immortal "," The Little Humpbacked Horse "by P. Ershov

Morning exercises and direct educational activities with heroes (by week): Wolf, Emelya, Koschey, Ivan

1. Literary living room "Creativity of Charles Perrault"

2. Staging of the fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood" with the participation of parents

Reading fairy tales: Russian folk tale "Cockerel and a Bean Seed", "Cinderella", "Little Red Riding Hood", "Puss in Boots" by Ch. Perrault

Morning exercises and direct educational activities with heroes (by week): Rooster, Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, Cat

1. Awarding of the winners of the drawing competition "My Favorite Fairy Tale Hero"

2. Presentation of the project to parents

3. The final event - a project using an interactive whiteboard "Journey through fairy tales" (program Mimio Studio)

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This project has been carried out for several years in the Municipal Preschool Educational Institution Child Development Center, kindergarten № 4 "Golden Key".
We present to your attention a project on "Introducing children to fiction with the use of children's book graphics».
This project is designed to help the kid fall in love with the book, so that he becomes its captive for life.

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To implement the project, first of all, in our kindergarten, we began work by identifying the main goals and objectives:

  • instill interest and love for books, reading;
  • develop children's creativity, imagination;
  • develop an interest in book graphics;
  • foster interest in teamwork in the process of creating a book.

In our work, we rely on the experience of teachers from the Rostov region, using regional technologies.

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To implement these areas, it was necessary to create a subject-development environment:
Mini children's libraries, where there are didactic games and visual material (works of illustrators I.Ya.Bilibin, V.V. Lebedev, V.M.Konashevich, E.I. Charushin, E.M. Rachev). Works of art were selected taking into account the age and the program implemented at the preschool educational institution.

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Free-form readings are held daily in our garden. Also on purpose organized classes starting from the second youngest group.

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Literary leisure, holidays, entertainment, contests for readers and children's drawings and crafts are systematically held within the framework of the kindergarten. Also, children and teachers of our kindergarten participate in regional and all-Russian competitions.

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According to the books read, theatrical performances, puppet theaters are organized, and simply playing out the plot with the participation of both children and teachers.

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The kindergarten works closely with the city library. Library staff arrange literary meetings for children, theatrical performances and holidays of books.

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It is impossible to introduce a child to a book without the participation of the family. We use various forms of work with parents:

  • thematic parenting meetings ( "Child in the Information Space", "Child and Book", etc.);
  • exhibition of children's drawings "Illustration for my favorite book" framed in collaboration with parents;
  • folder-slides created "Organization of children's reading in a family setting", "What are read to children in a group", "Teach with us", etc.
  • Together with educators and parents, children “publish” homemade books.

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To support the kids' desire to create, the project "Creating a New Book" was developed: based on the illustrations created by the children, we jointly compose a new fairy tale.

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Parents are systematically surveyed on topics « A book is an opportunity to communicate with an adult ”and“ The role of a book in a family ”. The questionnaires were developed by the kindergarten staff.

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Also, together with parents and children, the Day of the Healthy Book is held in the kindergarten. Young children take part in these activities together with their parents. Older children, on the other hand, carry out the "treatment" of books independently and under the guidance of a teacher.

The book is a sorceress.
The book has transformed the world.
It contains the memory of human thought.

Nikolay Morozov, Russian revolutionary, Narodnoye, scientist (1854-1946) .


What I see as the need and relevance of this work

The problem of familiarizing preschool children with fiction is one of the most urgent, since, having entered the third millennium, society came into contact with the problem of obtaining information from publicly available sources. In this case, children suffer, first of all, when they lose touch with family reading. In this regard, pedagogy is faced with the problem of rethinking the value orientations of the educational system, especially the system of upbringing of preschool childhood. And here great value acquires mastery of the national heritage, which naturally introduces the child to the basics of fiction. According to V.A. Sukhomlinsky, "Reading books is a path along which a skillful, intelligent, thinking educator finds a way to a child's heart" .

The appeal to the problem of introducing children of preschool age to fiction as a means of developing speech is due to a number of reasons: firstly, as the analysis of the practice of introducing children to fiction has shown, in the upbringing of preschoolers, acquaintance with fiction is used in insufficient volume, and only its surface layer; secondly, there is a public need for the preservation and transmission of family reading; thirdly, the upbringing of preschoolers with fiction not only brings them joy, emotional and creative upsurge, but also becomes an integral part of the Russian literary language.

In working with children, the appeal to fiction is of particular importance. Nursery rhymes, chants, sentences, jokes, shape-shifters, etc., which have come down from time immemorial, in the best way open and explain to the child the life of society and nature, the world human feelings and relationships. Fiction develops the thinking and imagination of the child, enriches his emotions.

The value of reading fiction is that with its help an adult can easily establish emotional contact with a child. Treating fiction as cultural value oral creativity is the defining stance of my work. Many works have been devoted to the study of this issue, for example, teachers, psychologists, linguists K.D. Ushinsky, E.I. Tikheeva, E.A. Fleerina, L.S. Vygotsky, SL. Rubinstein, A.V. Zaporozhets, A.A. Leontiev, F.A. Sokhin, A.M. Shakhnarovich, L.I. Aydarova and others.

The novelty of this work lies in the fact that I propose to qualitatively change the attitude towards fiction for the formation of interest in preschool children in oral creativity. This work can be considered a search and inventive one, since it offers a new look at the use of fiction in work with preschool children.

By immersing children in the magical world of literature, I strive to achieve my goal:


To implement these tasks, certain psychological and pedagogical aspects must be observed:

  • Organization of the pedagogical process for the development of speech through familiarizing children with fiction;
  • An integrated approach to the development of fiction, combining oral folk art and pedagogical aspects;
  • Co-creation of children and adults, its social relevance;
  • Creation of an educational environment conducive to emotional-value, social-personal, cognitive, aesthetic development the child and the preservation of his individuality;
  • Providing children with the opportunity to make their own decisions on the use of the emotional background of choosing books in the context of working with fiction;
  • Focus on building personal and individual relationships between an adult and a child.

When choosing the content of fiction, I take into account individual characteristics children and their development, as well as the life experience of preschoolers. It is known that a child is interested in a particular book if it is interesting to him. When attracting children to reading fiction, I pay attention to the degree of familiarity of the family with traditional oral folk art.

For this purpose, I have done a lot of work: parent meetings - "The magic world of the book" , "The book is your friend, without it as without hands" , "On raising children's interest in reading" ; consultations - "Put Your Heart to Reading" , "The Child and the Book" ; Master Class "Let's make a book for a baby with our own hands" ; questionnaire - "Family Reading Traditions" , "A book in your child's life" , "Introducing children to children's fiction" - aimed at familiarizing children with the origins of fiction, awakening feelings of love, respect, involvement in the past, present and future. Involving parents in family reading with children, I proposed to create a family club "Read it" it became new effective form family work, which would provide an opportunity to stimulate interest in the life of children in preschool and increase parental involvement. The main activities of the club are providing psychological and pedagogical assistance to parents of pupils, promoting a positive experience of family reading, increasing the competence of parents in the development of preschool children.

For two years now, working in this direction, I have not stopped analyzing the course of my activities, because in the end, what I want to achieve is to raise and educate our children, in our traditions, instilling in them knowledge about the origins, introducing them to fiction rather than with a surface formation.

And when, while reading the next nursery rhymes, fairy tales, jokes, etc., I see the faces of children filled with delight and amazing joy, I understand, it's not in vain, because children's joy is expensive !!!

Software and methodological support

Improving the educational and educational process in a preschool educational institution requires improving the software and methodological support of the pedagogical process. The correct selection of educational and methodological support allows you to build the integrity of work in a preschool educational institution, increases the level of professional skill of teachers, provides theoretical, informational and practical assistance in organizing work with children. Our kindergarten uses in its work the basic general educational program of preschool education "From birth to school", edited by N.Ye. Veraksa, supplementing it with partial programs.

Chapter 1. Fiction in a modern preschool educational institution

1. 1. The book and its meaning in the life of a child

Works of fiction reveal to children the world of human feelings, arousing interest in the personality, to inner peace hero.

Having learned to empathize with the heroes of works of art, children begin to notice the mood of loved ones and those around them. Humane feelings begin to awaken in them - the ability to show participation in the life around them, kindness, protest against injustice. This is the basis on which adherence to principles, honesty, and real citizenship are brought up. “Feeling precedes knowledge; who did not feel the truth, he did not understand and did not recognize it " , - wrote V.G.Belinsky. The child's feelings develop in the process of assimilating the language of those works with which the teacher introduces him. The artistic word helps the child to understand the beauty of sounding native speech, it teaches him the aesthetic perception of the environment and at the same time forms his ethical (moral) representation.

A child's acquaintance with a book in my group began with miniatures of folk art - nursery rhymes, songs, then he listens to folk tales. Deep humanity, extremely precise moral orientation, lively humor, imagery of language - the features of these folklore works-miniatures. Finally, the child is read author's tales, poems, stories available to him. The people are an unsurpassed teacher of children's speech. In no other works, besides folk, you will not find such an ideal arrangement of difficult-to-pronounce sounds, such an amazingly thought-out mixing by a number of words that hardly differ from each other in sound. For example,: "There was a bull with stupid lips, a stupid bull, the bull had a dull white lip" ; "The cap is not sewn in Kolpakov style, it is necessary to re-cap it, whoever caps it, that half cap is a pea" ... And benevolent teasing, subtle humor of nursery rhymes, teasing, counting rhymes - effective remedy pedagogical impact, good "medicine" against laziness, cowardice, stubbornness, whims, selfishness.

A journey into the world of a fairy tale develops the imagination, the imagination of children, encourages them to write themselves. Raised on the best literary samples in the spirit of humanity, children in their stories and fairy tales show themselves just, protecting the offended and the weak and punishing the evil. Both aesthetic and especially moral (ethical) children should make representations precisely from works of art, and not from the moralizing reasoning of educators about the works read, prepared questions about questions. The teacher must remember: excessive moralizing about what he read brings great, often irreparable harm; "Disassembled" with the help of many small questions, the work immediately loses all charm in the eyes of the children; interest in him disappears. You need to completely trust the educational opportunities artistic text.

Here is what K.D. Ushinsky wrote about the power of words: “The child only learns not conventional sounds, learning his native language, but drinks spiritual life and strength from the dear breast of his native word. It explains nature to him, as no natural scientist could explain it, it acquaints him with the character of the people around him, with the society among which he lives, with its history and aspirations, as no historian could have known; it introduces it into popular beliefs, into folk poetry, as no aesthetician could have introduced it; it finally gives such logical concepts and philosophical views, which, of course, no philosopher could tell a child " ... These words of the great teacher indicate not only the expected result of mastering the native language, but also the method of learning it: trust "Language-teacher" , which the "Not only teaches a lot, but also teaches surprisingly easily, according to some unattainable facilitating method" ... Thus, helping children to master the language of a given work of art, the teacher also fulfills the tasks of education.

1. 2. The role of fiction in the development of speech in preschool children

Fiction accompanies a person from the first years of his life. A literary work appears before the child in the unity of content and art form... The perception of a literary work will be full only if the child is prepared for it. And for this, it is necessary to draw the attention of children not only to the content, but also to the expressive means of the language of a fairy tale, story, poem and other works of fiction. Gradually, children develop an inventive attitude towards literary works, and an artistic taste is formed. In older preschool age, preschoolers are able to understand the idea, content and expressive means of language, to be aware great value words and phrases. All subsequent acquaintance with the huge literary heritage will build on the foundation that we lay in preschool childhood. My main task was to instill in children a love for the artistic word, respect for the book. When analyzing any literary text, I observed a sense of proportion and correctly combined questions on content with questions on artistic form. The problem of perception of literary works of different genres by children of preschool age is complex and multifaceted. The child goes a long way from naive participation in the depicted events to more complex forms of aesthetic perception. Researchers drew attention to the characteristic features of preschoolers' understanding of the content and artistic form of literary works. This is, first of all, the concreteness of thinking, a small life experience, a direct relationship to reality. Therefore, it is emphasized that only at a certain stage of development and only as a result of purposeful perception is it possible to form aesthetic perception, and on this basis - the development of children's artistic creation... Based on the analysis of a literary work in the unity of its content and artistic form, as well as in the active development of funds artistic expression children acquire the ability to convey a certain content in a figurative word.

The culture of speech is a multifaceted phenomenon, its main result is the ability to speak in accordance with the norms of the literary language; this concept includes all elements that contribute to the accurate, clear and emotional transmission of thoughts and feelings in the process of communication. The correctness and communicative expediency of speech are considered the main stages of mastering the literary language. The development of figurative speech must be considered in several directions: as work on the mastery of children with all aspects of speech (phonetic, lexical, grammatical), the perception of various genres of literary and folklore works and as the formation of the linguistic design of an independent coherent statement.

Works of fiction and oral folk art, including small literary forms (proverbs, sayings, phraseological units, riddles, tongue twisters), are the most important sources of the development of the expressiveness of children's speech. An indicator of the richness of speech is not only a sufficient volume of the active vocabulary, but also the variety of phrases used, syntactic structures, as well as sound (expressive) the design of a coherent statement. In this regard, the connection between each speech task and the development of speech imagery is traced. So, lexical work aimed at understanding the semantic richness of a word helps a child find the exact word in the construction of an utterance, and the appropriateness of the use of a word can emphasize its imagery. In the formation of the grammatical structure of speech in terms of imagery, possession of a stock of grammatical means is of particular importance. If we consider the phonetic side of speech, then the intonation design of the utterance largely depends on it, and on this also the emotional impact on the listener. Connectivity (planning) the presentation of the text is also influenced by such characteristics of the sound culture of speech as the power (volume and correct pronunciation), clear diction, rate of speech.

The most important sources for the development of the expressiveness of children's speech are works of fiction and oral folk art, including small folklore forms (proverbs, sayings, riddles, nursery rhymes, rhymes, phraseological units)... The educational, cognitive and aesthetic significance of folklore is enormous, since, expanding knowledge about the surrounding reality, it develops the ability to subtly feel the artistic form, melody and rhythm of the native language. The artistic system of Russian folklore is unique. The genre forms of works are extremely diverse - epics, fairy tales, legends, songs, traditions, as well as small forms - ditties, nursery rhymes, riddles, proverbs, sayings, the language of which is simple, precise, expressive. The formation of the imagery of speech should be carried out in unity with the development of other qualities of a coherent statement, based on ideas about the compositional features of a fairy tale, story, fable, poem, a sufficient supply of figurative vocabulary and an understanding of the appropriateness of its use in the corresponding compositions.

In the younger group, familiarization with fiction was carried out with the help of literary works of different genres. At this age, she taught children to listen to fairy tales, stories, poems, and also to follow the development of the action in a fairy tale, to sympathize with positive heroes. Observing my pupils, I noticed that they are attracted by poems characterized by clear rhyme, rhythm, and musicality. With repeated reading, children begin to memorize the text, assimilate the meaning of the poem and are affirmed in a sense of rhyme and rhythm. The child's speech is enriched with the words and expressions that he remembers.

In the middle group, children continue to familiarize themselves with fiction. The teacher fixes the attention of children not only on the content of a literary work, but also on some features of the language (figurative words and expressions, some epithets and comparisons)... After telling stories, it is necessary to teach children of middle preschool age to answer questions related to the content, as well as the most simple questions in artistic form. After reading the work, it is very important to correctly formulate the questions in order to help children isolate the main thing - the actions of the main characters, their relationships and actions. A correctly posed question makes the child think, reflect, come to the right conclusions and at the same time notice and feel the artistic form of the work. When reading poems, the teacher emphasizes the rhythm, musicality, melodiousness of poems, emphasizing figurative expressions, develops in children the ability to notice the beauty and richness of the Russian language.

In the older group, children are taught to notice expressive means when perceiving the content of literary works. Older children are able to more deeply comprehend the content of a literary work and realize some of the features of the artistic form that expresses the content. They can distinguish between genres of literary works and some specific features of each genre. The analysis of the tale should be such that children can understand and feel its deep ideological content and artistic merit, so that they will remember and fall in love with poetic images for a long time. When acquainting preschoolers with poetic works, you need to help the child feel the beauty and melodiousness of the poem, and deeper understand the content. Introducing the children to the genre of the story, the educator must reveal to the children the social significance of the described phenomenon, the relationship of the heroes, draw their attention to what words the author uses to characterize the heroes themselves and their actions. The questions offered to children should reveal the child's understanding of the main content and his ability to evaluate the actions and deeds of the heroes.

In the preparatory group, the teacher is faced with the task of instilling in children a love of the book, of fiction, the ability to feel artistic image; develop poetic ear (the ability to capture the sonority, musicality, rhythm of poetic speech), intonational expressiveness of speech: to educate the ability to feel and understand figurative language fairy tales, stories, poems. It is necessary to carry out such an analysis of literary works of all genres, in which children will learn to distinguish genres, understand their specific features, feel the imagery of the language of fairy tales, stories, poems, fables and works of small folklore genres. Reading literary works reveals to children all the inexhaustible wealth of the Russian language, contributes to the fact that they begin to use this wealth in everyday speech communication and in independent creativity. At the senior preschool age, children develop the ability to enjoy the artistic word, the foundation is laid for the formation of love for their native language, for its accuracy and expressiveness, accuracy, imagery.

Familiarization with fiction includes holistic analysis works, as well as the implementation of creative tasks, which has a beneficial effect on the development of poetic hearing, sense of language and verbal creativity of children.

1. 3. Fairy tale model high level abstractions

Modern programs for the education and training of preschool children provide for work with texts of fabulous content. Basically, this is an analysis of the texts of fairy tales, its retelling, and the compilation of new fairy tales based on changes in the known ones. In order to teach a child to compose a fairy tale without violating his individual abilities, it is necessary to acquaint him with the models on the basis of which the text is composed. This is the foundation upon which self-made content is built. It is necessary to figure out how a fairy tale differs from any other literary text. In order for the reader or listener to understand the topic and accept these life rules, their carriers are introduced. These are heroes, their actions, actions in a certain place, time. Distinctive feature carriers are a kind of fantasy. These can be magic items or heroes with unusual properties. Violation of the objective laws of nature, on the one hand, is a motive that allows you to interest and keep the attention of the listener or reader. On the other hand, the fantastic properties of objects make it possible not directly, but indirectly to generalize and deduce certain concepts as part of general morality. Therefore, in a fairy tale, life rules, edifications, wisdom accumulated by humanity can be put into the lips of the hero. And this edification looks quite natural, unobtrusive. The next feature of the fabulous text is such expressive means as repetitions in actions, the presence of spells. Exaggeration of any sign can also be attributed to expressive means. If the Princess is beautiful, then she is beautiful in every way. And if the hero is a villain, then this property is also taken to the extreme. As expressive means poetic texts, jokes appear, which play not only the role of the emotional color of a fairy-tale text, but also act as a feature in speech inherent only in such texts. The traditions of the beginning of the tale and the end, expressed in figurative phrases, are quite clearly spelled out. These are the words that make it possible to wind up time (long - short) or distance (not far - not close)... It is possible to teach children to compose fairy tales, namely, using Lull's technology, with the help of models. As a preparatory work for the assimilation by children of the models of composing fairy tales, their teaching of schematization is

In order for children to have the opportunity to independently compose a fairy tale, educators need to teach them to write down the invented text with diagrams. The work with children on the composition of fairy tales should be at first a collective nature, then a subgroup, then the children compose the text together or three together. Further, the child himself composes a fairy tale based on a certain model... Acquainted with the peculiarities of the work of Lulia's circles, we presented our own version of their use. This option does not contradict the possibilities of using Lulia circles (or as they are also called Leela rings), but represented by a wide variety of tasks performed with their help.

You can synthesize work with such a method of composing fairy tales as "Catalog" ... The method was developed by a professor at the University of Berlin E. Kunze in 1932. Its essence is applied to the synthesis of fairy tales: the construction of a related text of a fairy tale content is carried out using randomly selected carriers (heroes, items, actions, etc.)... The method was created to remove psychological inertia and stereotypes in inventing fairytale heroes, their actions and descriptions of the place of what is happening.

Purpose: to teach the child to tie into a single storyline randomly selected objects, to form the ability to compose a fabulous text according to a model in which there are two heroes (positive and negative) having their own goals; their friends helping to achieve these goals; a certain place.

A small group of children is invited to compose a fairy tale (history) using some book:

  1. The leader asks a question to the children, the answer to which the child “finds” by specifying a word on the open page of the selected text.
  2. The answers “found” in the book are gradually collected into a single storyline.
  3. When the tale is composed, the children come up with a name for it and retell it.
  4. The teacher asks the children to remember what questions they answered with the help of the book (derivation of the algorithm of questions).
  5. Productive activity of children according to an invented plot: drawing, modeling, application, construction or schematization (recording the actions of a fairy tale using diagrams).
  6. Ask the children to tell the story at home in the evening.

This method can be used already in work with three-year-old children.

How do you combine this method and Llull's circles? We have resolved this issue in the following way. As a basis, we chose several fairy tales known to children: “Masha and the Bear”, “Winnie-the-Pooh and All-All-All”, “Geese-Swans”, “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”, “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka” , “Sivka-Burka”, “Silver Hoof”, “Lukomorye”. The following components were identified from the content of each fairy tale: - the main characters; - scene; - time of action; - an item corresponding to the hero (for example, Little Red Riding Hood's basket of pies)... Circles of different sizes were divided into sectors. Each circle determined one or another component of fairy tales. For example, on the first large circle, the images of the main characters of the selected fairy tales were drawn, on the second - the objects that distinguish them, etc. Thus, both collective and individual activities of children in the composition of fairy tales are organized. Children move arrows themselves, choose heroes, place of action, etc. Note that the results of the work carried out in this form turned out to be higher than we expected. Children's attention and interest in writing is maintained for several tens of minutes. In addition, the children came up with assignments for each other, swapped Lull's circles in places. It can be noted that, working with this technology, children's fantasy increases significantly when telling. Here's an example of one of the many stories children invented using these circles:

“Once upon a time there was a little Bunny in a red caftan. He walked through the forest, collecting flowers for Winnie-the-Pooh's birthday. And suddenly the Wolf bit him on the leg. He was crying very loudly. But doctor Aibolit came to the forest to examine the animals and cured the paw. The bunny recovered and gave flowers to Doctor Aibolit. He was very grateful to Aibolit, but since then he walked with a cane ”.

Note that the form of working with such circles can have an infinite variety of options. This is limited only by the desire and creativity of the teacher himself. In this case, dramatization techniques are very effective. As in the case of circles, it is possible to invent and theatricalize a fairy tale that does not really exist, a synthesis of fairy tales, heroes, and actions. The main thing is that these forms of work determine children's thought to creativity and reflection. And in conclusion, I want to agree with many famous psychologists and teachers that a fairy tale is - special form fantasy. But every fantasy must have a base. Otherwise, children's fantasy turns into absurdity. It is important to teach children to fantasize, it is important to teach them to fantasize not only in a group, in a special lesson, but also in everyday life.

Thus, motives and objects for fantasizing can be found at any moment and any variety if desired. Special knowledge of the technique is not assumed here. This means that this form of work can also be recommended to parents. More creativity appears in children if you integrate speech development classes with the subjects of the artistic and aesthetic cycle. When using fiction in educational process it is necessary, first of all, to bear in mind the intrinsic value of works for the development and education of children.

Chapter 2. Methods of working with fiction in a preschool educational institution

2. 1. Methods of artistic reading and storytelling for preschool children

The method of working with a book in kindergarten has been researched and disclosed in monographs, methodological and teaching aids. Let us briefly dwell on the methods of acquaintance with fiction.

The main methods are as follows:

  1. Reading the teacher from a book or by heart. This is a verbatim transmission of the text. The reader, preserving the language of the author, conveys all the shades of the writer's thoughts, influences the mind and feelings of the listeners. A significant part of literary works is read from the book.
  2. The teacher's story. This is a relatively free flow of text. (possible rearrangement of words, their replacement, interpretation)... Storytelling provides great opportunities to grab the attention of children.
  3. Staging. This method can be viewed as a means of secondary acquaintance with a work of art.
  4. Learning by heart. Choosing a method of transferring a work (reading or telling) depends on the genre of the work and the age of the listeners.

Traditionally, in the method of developing speech, it is customary to distinguish two forms of working with a book in kindergarten: reading and telling fiction, and memorizing poems in the classroom and the use of literary works and works of oral folk art outside classes, in various activities.

Consider the technique of artistic reading and storytelling in the classroom. M.M.Konina distinguishes several types of activities:

  • Reading or reciting one piece.
  • Reading several works, united by a single topic (reading poems and stories about spring, about the life of animals) or the unity of images (two tales about a fox)... You can combine works of the same genre (two stories with moral content) or several genres (riddle, story, poem)... In such classes, new and already familiar material is combined.
  • Consolidation of works belonging to different types arts: reading a literary work and viewing reproductions of a painting by a famous artist; reading (better than a poetic work) combined with music.

In educational activities, the power of the influence of works on the emotions of a child is taken into account. There should be a certain logic in the selection of material - an increase in emotional saturation by the end of the activity. At the same time, the characteristics of children's behavior, culture of perception, emotional responsiveness are taken into account.

  • Reading and storytelling with visual aids: reading and storytelling with toys (re-telling the tale "Three Bears" accompanied by a show of toys and actions with them); table theater (cardboard or plywood, for example, according to a fairy tale "Turnip" ) ; puppet and shadow theater, flannelgraph; filmstrips, transparencies, films, television broadcasts.
  • Reading as part of educational activities for the development of speech: it can be logically related to the content of the lesson (in the process of talking about school, reading poetry, making riddles); reading can be an independent part of the lesson (repeated reading of poetry or a story as reinforcement of the material).

The methodology should highlight such issues as preparation and methodological requirements for educational activities, conversation about what was read, re-reading, the use of illustrations.

Preparation includes the following points: informed selection of the work in accordance with the developed criteria (artistic level and educational value) , taking into account the age of the children, the current educational educational work with children and the time of year, as well as the choice of methods of working with the book; definition of program content - literary and educational tasks; preparation of the teacher for reading the work. It is necessary to read the work so that the children understand the main content, idea and emotionally experience what they listened to (feel it)... For this purpose, it is required to conduct literary analysis literary text: to understand the main idea of ​​the author, the nature of the characters, their relationship, the motives of their actions. Next comes work on the expressiveness of the transfer: mastering the means of emotional and figurative expressiveness (main tone, intonation); placement of logical accents, pauses; development of correct pronunciation, good diction. The preparatory work also includes the preparation of children. First of all, preparation for the perception of a literary text, for understanding its content and form. Even K. D. Ushinsky considered it necessary "To preliminarily bring the child to an understanding of the work that is supposed to be read, and then read it, without weakening the impression with unnecessary interpretations" ... To this end, you can activate personal experience children, enrich their ideas by organizing observations, excursions, viewing pictures, illustrations. Explaining unfamiliar words is a mandatory technique that ensures a full-fledged perception of the work. It is necessary to explain the meanings of those words, without understanding which the main meaning of the text, the nature of the images, the actions of the characters become unclear. Explanation options are different: substitution of another word while reading prose, selection of synonyms (bast hut - wooden, upper room - room); the use of words or phrases by the teacher before reading, during the acquaintance of children with the picture ("Milk flows along the toe, and from the tock to the hoof" - when looking at the goat in the picture); a question for children about the meaning of a word, etc. At the same time, when analyzing a text, one must remember that not all words require interpretation. So, reading the tales of A.S. Pushkin, there is no need to explain the concepts "Columnar noblewoman" , "Sable dushegreika" , "Printed gingerbread" , as they do not interfere with the understanding of the main content. It is a mistake to ask children what they do not understand in the text, but the question about the meaning of the word must be answered in a form accessible to the child.

The methodology for conducting educational activities in artistic reading and storytelling and its construction depend on the content of the literary material and the age of the children.

Expressive reading, the interest of the teacher himself, his emotional contact with children increase the degree of influence of the artistic word. While reading, children should not be distracted from the perception of the text with questions, disciplinary remarks, it is enough to raise or lower the voice, a pause. At the end of the reading, while the children are under the impression of what they have listened to, a short pause is necessary. Should I go straight to the analytical conversation? E.A.Flerina believed that it is most expedient to support children's experiences, and to strengthen the elements of analysis during repeated reading. A conversation initiated by the teacher will be inappropriate, as it will destroy the impression of what you read. You can ask if you liked the fairy tale, and emphasize: "Good goldfish, how she helped the old man!" , or: “What a Zhikharka! Small and smart! " ... In general practice, reading is accompanied by an analytical conversation, even in the case when the work strongly affects the emotions of children. Often conversations do not respond to what they have read. methodological requirements... Characterized by such shortcomings as the random nature of the questions, the teacher's desire for detailed reproduction of the text by children; lack of assessment of the relationship between the characters, their actions; analysis of content in isolation from the form; insufficient attention to the peculiarities of the genre, composition, language. Such analysis does not deepen the emotions and aesthetic experiences of children. If understanding the work makes it difficult for children, immediately after reading it, a conversation is possible.

The method of using illustrations depends on the content and form of the book, on the age of the children. The main principle is that showing an illustration should not violate the overall perception of the text. E.A.Flerina admitted different options using a picture to deepen and clarify the image. If the book combines a series of pictures with small captions that are not related to each other, the picture is shown first, then the text is read. An example is the books by V. Mayakovsky "Every page is an elephant, then a lioness" , A. Barto "Toys" .

Thus, when acquainting preschoolers with fiction, different methods of forming a full-fledged perception of a work by children are used: expressive reading by the teacher, conversation about what he read, repeated reading, examining illustrations, explaining unfamiliar words.

At the younger preschool age, children are raised to love and interest in books and illustrations, the ability to focus on the text, listen to it to the end, understand the content and respond emotionally to it. The kids develop the skill of joint listening, the ability to answer questions, and respect for the book. With these skills, the child better understands the content of the book. Starting with the youngest group of children, they lead to the distinction of genres. The teacher himself calls the genre of fiction: "I'll tell a story, read a poem" ... After telling a fairy tale, the teacher helps children remember interesting places, repeat the characteristics of the characters ("Petya-cockerel, golden comb" , "A big-big turnip has grown up" ) , name recurring calls ("Goat carcass, children, open up, open up!" , "Terem-teremok, who lives in the terem?" ) and actions ("They pull, pull, they can't pull" ) ... Helps to remember this material and learn to repeat it with different intonations. Children are able to understand and remember a fairy tale, repeat a song, but their speech is not expressive enough. The reasons may be poor diction, inability to pronounce sounds correctly. Therefore, it is necessary to teach children to pronounce sounds clearly and distinctly, to repeat words and phrases; create conditions for new words to enter the active dictionary.

In the middle preschool age, the work on educating children of the ability to perceive a literary work, the desire to emotionally respond to the described events, deepens. In the classroom, the attention of children is drawn to both the content and the easily distinguishable by ear (poetic, prosaic) the form of the work, as well as to some features of the literary language (comparisons, epithets)... This contributes to the development of poetic hearing, sensitivity to figurative speech. As in the younger groups, the teacher names the genre of the work. A small analysis of the work becomes possible, that is, a conversation about what has been read. Children are taught to answer questions if they liked the fairy tale (story), about what it is told, with what words it begins and with what it ends. Conversation develops the ability to reflect, express your attitude towards characters, correctly assess their actions, characterize moral qualities, makes it possible to maintain interest in the artistic word, figurative expressions, grammatical structures.

In older preschool age, there is a steady interest in books, a desire to listen to their reading. Accumulated life and literary experience gives the child the opportunity to understand the idea of ​​the work, the actions of the characters, the motives of behavior. Children begin to consciously relate to the author's word, notice the peculiarities of the language, figurative speech and reproduce it.

There is a need for systematic purposeful work to familiarize children with the genre of prose and poetry, with the content of fairy tales and stories, with their compositional and language peculiarities... At the same time, verbal methodological techniques are used in combination with visual ones: conversations after familiarization with the work, helping to determine the genre, main content, means of artistic expression; reading excerpts from the work at the request of children (selective reading); conversations about previously read favorite books by children; acquaintance with the writer: demonstration of a portrait, a story about creativity, examination of books, illustrations to them; viewing filmstrips, films, transparencies of literary works (possible only after reading the text of the book); listening to recordings of the performance of literary works by masters of the artistic word. Children express their attitude to fairy tales, stories, fables and poems in drawing, therefore plots of literary works can be offered as themes for drawing.

2. 2. The technique of memorizing poems

In the methodology of speech development, a special place is occupied by work aimed at instilling in children a love of poetry, familiarization with poetic works, development of the ability to perceive and expressively reproduce poetry. Memorizing poems is one of the means of mental, moral and aesthetic education of children. The issue of memorizing poems by children should be associated with the development of the aesthetic perception of poetry, the artistic word. At preschool age, it is important to teach children to perceive and evaluate a poetic work, to educate artistic taste. Perceiving poetic images, children receive aesthetic pleasure. V.G.Belinsky, referring to teachers, wrote: "Read poems to children, let their ear become accustomed to the harmony of the Russian word, their hearts be filled with a sense of the graceful, let poetry act on them in the same way as music" ... Poems act on the child with the power and charm of rhythm, melody; children are attracted to the world of sounds. The poem considers two sides: the content of the artistic image and the poetic form. (musicality, rhythm)... It is necessary to teach the child to understand and perceive these two sides in their unity.

For the technique of memorizing poetry, knowledge of the peculiarities of the perception and memorization of poetry by children is essential. The love of children for sounds and playing with them, for repetition, a special sensitivity to rhyme, facilitates the perception of poetry and the process of memorizing poems. It is easier to remember verses with bright, specific images, since the child's thinking is imaginative. Perceiving the poem, the children mentally "Draw" its content. Therefore, poems in which there is imagery, objectivity, laconicism are well remembered. Poems by A. Barto, S. Kaputikyan, S. Marshak and others meet these requirements. Kids quickly memorize short poems, in which there are many verbs, nouns, where concreteness, imagery are combined with the dynamics of action. In older groups, children memorize poems that are much larger in volume (two quatrains) with epithets and metaphors. The nature of memorization is positively influenced by interest in the content of the poem. Rapid memorization depends on the memorization mindset, motivation (what is it for?)... It can be reading poetry at a matinee; reading to mom and grandmother to please them; perform in front of the kids and other motives. Installation mobilizes memory, attention; the child tries to remember the text faster and better. It should also be borne in mind that in involuntary activity, when the task is not posed to memorize a poem, children easily assimilate and memorize whole pages. In voluntary activities, in the classroom, when the task is to memorize a poem, children experience difficulties. It has been established that the ability to voluntary memorization can be formed in children from 4–5 years of age. The task of the educator is to lead children from involuntary to voluntary memorization. It is necessary that children know how to set a goal - to remember. Characteristic feature the memory of young children is its mechanical nature. But even three-year-olds reveal a semantic memory that needs to be developed, since meaningful memorization is much stronger than mechanical memorization. Therefore, it is important to bring to the consciousness of children the meaning of the work, to prepare them in advance for perception. Consequently, the memorization and reproduction of a poem is influenced by the psychological, age and individual characteristics of the assimilation of the material, as well as the content and form poetic text... On the other hand, the methods of teaching the memorization of poetry and the quality of their artistic performance by adults are essential.

Memorizing poetry includes two interconnected processes: listening to a poem and reproducing it, that is, reading the poem by heart. As mentioned above, the reproduction of a poetic text depends on how deeply and fully the child understands the work, feels it. At the same time, expressive reading is an independent, complex artistic activity, in the process of which the child's abilities develop. The task of preparing the child for the perception of the poem, reading the poems so that the children feel and understand them, presents a certain difficulty for the teacher. If children are given the opportunity to figure out the content of the poem for themselves, they do not always cope with it and often do not realize the meaning. The preliminary preparation for their perception, which is disclosed above, helps the deeper impact of the verses on the child. (explanation of incomprehensible words, viewing pictures, excursions, observations in nature, etc.).

When memorizing poetry with children, the teacher has two tasks:

  • Achieve a good memorization of verses, i.e. develop the ability to long-term retention of the poem in memory.
  • Teach children to read poetry expressively.

Both tasks are solved at the same time. If you first work on memorizing the text, and then on expressiveness, the child will have to be retrained, since he will acquire the habit of reading inexpressively. On the other hand, the text keeps the child captive. Therefore, the task of memorizing a poem comes to the fore, then - its expressive reading.

It is not recommended to memorize poems in chorus, as the meaning of the poem is distorted or disappears; speech defects appear, incorrect pronunciation is fixed; passive children remain passive when reading choir. Choral repetition of the text interferes with expressiveness, leads to monotony, unnecessary ductility, distortion of the endings of words, causes children to quickly tire of noise. “Reading in chorus,” wrote EI Tikheeva, “children chop, chant poetry, beat off rhymes, acquire the same manner of loud, meaningless reading that kills any individuality” .

You should not require complete memorization of the poem in one lesson. Psychologists note that this requires 8 to 10 repetitions, which should be distributed over a period of time. For a better remembrance, it is recommended to change the form of repetition, read by role, and repeat verses under suitable circumstances.

In the process of memorizing poetry, the individual characteristics of children, their inclinations and tastes, and the lack of interest in poetry in individual children should be taken into account. Silent children are offered rhythmic poems, nursery rhymes, songs. Shy - it's nice to hear your name in a nursery rhyme, put yourself in the shoes of the character. Attention is demanded by children with a weak sensitivity to the rhythm and rhyme of verse. It is necessary to create "The atmosphere of poetry" in kindergarten when poetic word sounds on a walk, in everyday communication, in nature. It is important to read poems to children, to memorize them not from time to time, not only for holidays, but systematically throughout the year, to develop the need to listen and memorize.

Memorizing poetry at different age stages has its own characteristics.

In the younger preschool age, short nursery rhymes and poems are used for memorization (A. Barto "Toys" ; E. Blaginina "Ogonyok" ; D. Harms "Ship" and etc.)... They describe well-known toys, animals, children. In terms of volume, these are quatrains, they are understandable in content, simple in composition, the rhythm is dancing, cheerful, with a pronounced rhyme. There is often a moment of game action. These features of the verses make it easier to memorize them. The presence of playful moments, a small amount of verses make it possible to often repeat the text and use playful techniques in the process of memorizing poetry. Since the ability for voluntary memorization is not yet sufficiently developed in children under four years of age, the task of memorizing a poem is not posed in the classroom. At the same time, verses are memorized in the process of repeated reading. Educator several times (5–6) repeats the text using different techniques. Reading is complemented by play activities that children perform. So, reading a poem by E. Blaginina "Checkbox" , the teacher invites the children to walk around the room with a flag; when the teacher reads a poem by A. Barto "Horse" children depict how they ride a horse. In the future, reading poetry is included in other activities, in didactic games, in examining toys, pictures.

In the middle preschool age, work continues to foster interest in poetry, the desire to memorize and expressively read poetry, using natural intonations. Memorizing poetry is carried out as a special lesson or as a part of it, where the task is to memorize a work. Poems that are more complex in content and form are recommended, the volume increases (E. Blaginina "Mother's day" , "Do not bother me to work" ; S. Marshak "Ball" and etc.)... The memorization methodology becomes more complicated, a uniform structure of educational activity for the middle and senior groups is introduced. Of course, the content and form of analysis, methods of teaching expressive reading at each age stage are different. In the middle group, especially at the beginning of the year, playful techniques occupy a large place; visual material is used. The older the children are, the more it is necessary to rely on understanding and conscious mastering of memorization and expressive reading techniques. When reading a poem in the middle group, you can brief analysis to draw children's attention to artistic images, elements of comparison, metaphors, epithets (in the poem by E. Serova "Dandelion" - figurative epithets: white-headed dandelion, fragrant wind, fluffy flower)... We must try to bring to the child an understanding of the meaning. When he understands what he is reading a poem about, then naturally he copes with the arrangement of logical stresses. Otherwise, the habit of highlighting rhymed words arises, which may distort the meaning of the work.

In the senior preschool age, the ability to read poetry meaningfully, clearly, clearly and expressively is improved, showing initiative and independence. For memorization, verses that are rather complex in content and artistic means are recommended (A.S. Pushkin "Spruce grows in front of the palace" ; I. Surikov "Winter" ; E. Blaginina "Let's sit in silence" ; E. Serova "Forget-me-nots" ; S. Yesenin "White birch" ) ... In the preparatory group for school, the group is given to memorize the fables of I.A.Krylov "Dragonfly and Ant" , "A Crow and a fox" , "Swan, Cancer and Pike" ... The teaching methods are basically the same as in the middle group, but for better reproduction it is appropriate to help children, create a poetic mood, imagine pictures of nature or the circumstances to which the poems are dedicated. At this age, preparatory work is of great importance, providing a full-fledged perception of the work. The lesson is complicated by a deeper analysis of the verses. At the same time, one should not get carried away with the work of understanding the poetic text. This reduces the artistic image, its influence on children's emotions. The aesthetic impact is also reduced when figurative expressions are explained. It is also impossible to explain humor. You cannot approach poetry only from the cognitive side, forgetting about the power of charm that lies in the artistic form.

Chapter 3. Interaction with narrow specialists in the framework of the use of fiction outside of educational activities

Acquaintance with fiction cannot be limited to studies. In the course of my work, I organize reading and telling books in all moments of the life of children in kindergarten, I associate it with games and walks, with everyday activities and work. The list of works of oral folk art and fiction is recommended by the program, and the forms of activity in which the fiction word is included, I use more diverse than classes.

When using literary works outside of educational activities, I solve the following tasks:

  • implementation of the program for familiarization with fiction;
  • fostering a positive aesthetic attitude to a work, the ability to feel the figurative language of poems, fairy tales, stories, fostering artistic taste;
  • comprehensive education and development of the child with the help of works of literature and folk art.


The problem of introducing preschool children to fiction takes one of the central places in modern pedagogy and psychology. By introducing children to fiction, we develop the personality of each child, who, we hope, will be the bearer of the traits of the Russian character, the Russian mentality. Due to insufficient attention to fiction, children suffer, first of all, losing connection with family reading. In this regard, pedagogy is faced with the problem of rethinking the value orientations of the educational system, especially the system of upbringing of preschool childhood.

So, summing up, it can be noted that fiction is a universal developmental and educational tool, taking a child out of the directly perceived, immersing him in possible worlds with a wide range of models of human behavior and orienting a rich linguistic environment into them.

Speech function is one of the most important human functions. In the process of speech development, higher mental forms of cognitive activity, the ability for conceptual thinking, are formed. Mastering speech contributes to awareness, planning and regulation of behavior. Verbal communication creates the necessary conditions for the development of various forms of activity and participation in collective work... It is known that the main functions of speech are communicative and generalizing and regulating. The communicative and generalizing functions of speech are formed in close unity: with the help of speech, a person not only receives new information but also assimilates it. At the same time, speech is also a means of regulating the higher mental functions of a person. Normally, the regulatory function of speech is formed by the end of preschool age and has great importance for the transition of the child to schooling. The formation of the regulatory function of speech leads to the emergence of the child's ability to subordinate his action to the speech instructions of an adult.

The book has always been and remains the main source of formation of the correct developed speech... Reading enriches not only intelligence, vocabulary, it makes you think, comprehend, forms images, allows you to fantasize, develops a personality in a multilateral and harmonious way. This should be realized, first of all, by adults, parents and teachers who are engaged in raising a child, and instill in him a love of fiction, teach a child to love the very process of reading.

Good luck in raising your baby!


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