Consultation "Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten. Consultation for parents "Non-traditional drawing techniques in the joint activities of children and parents Materials and equipment

Consultation "Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten. Consultation for parents "Non-traditional drawing techniques in the joint activities of children and parents Materials and equipment

Prepared caregivers: Petrova E.A., Midashina N.Yu.

Children watching the world around the world are trying to reflect it in their activities - games, drawing, modeling, stories, etc. Rich opportunities in this regard represents visual activities.

The child gets the opportunity to reflect his impressions of the surrounding world, convey images of imagination, embodying them with a variety of materials into real forms.

Artistic creativity is one of the favorite types of children's activities.

In order not to limit the possibilities of kids in the expression of the surrounding world, not enough traditional set of fine means and materials.

In class practices, drawing by non-traditional techniques liberates children, allows them not to be afraid to do something wrong. Drawing with unusual materials and original techniques allows children to feel unforgettable positive emotions. Emotions are the process, and the result of practical activity - artistic creativity. Drawing using non-traditional techniques Images does not tire preschoolers, they maintain high activity, performance throughout the entire time allotted to perform the task. Non-traditional techniques allow the teacher to carry out an individual approach to children, take into account their desire, interest. Their use contributes:

  • intellectual development of a child;
  • correction of mental processes and the personal sphere of preschoolers;
  • develops confidence in its forces;
  • develops spatial thinking;
  • teaches children to express their ideas freely;
  • Develops a fine motor skill.

Given the age characteristics of preschoolers, mastering various skills in different age stages, for non-traditional drawing it is recommended to use special techniques and techniques.

So, for children of primary preschool age when drawing is appropriate to use the technique "Drawing with hands" (palm, palm edge, fist, fingers), print prints from potatoes.
Middle Preschool Children You can acquaint S. more complex techniques: Stitching a rigid semi-dry brush, printing foam rubber; Printing corks; wax chalk + watercolor; Candle + watercolor; Print leaves; Pictures of palm; drawing with cotton chopsticks; Magic ropes (nitkography).
BUT in senior preschool age Children can master more more difficult methods and techniques:

  • drawing sand;
  • drawing with soap bubbles;
  • drawing with crumpled paper;
  • cleaxography with a tube;
  • printing on stencil;
  • monotype subject;
  • cleaxography is usual;
  • plasticography.

Each of these technicians is a small game. Their use allows children to feel greedy, bolder, immediately, develops imagination, gives complete freedom for self-expression.

Consider each of these technicians.

During occupations drawing fingers Children reproduce a variety of palm movements (pricking, clogging, wrapping), fingers (wrapping, adjustment).
Acquaintance with technician "Ped Affairs" Begins after mastering the drawing of the drawing with palms: it is more difficult and requires more focused movements.
Children with curiosity, joy and pleasure smear traces from paint on her palms and on a sheet of paper. After several training games on paper, there is a motor rhythm, since the children repeat the movements of the palm and fingers many times. This rhythm attracts children, becoming an additional incentive for action with paint and strengthening interest in them. In the process of learning, you can offer children to draw images of animals (having dippeding your finger in the paint, draw eyes, spout, mouth, tail, while using ripple lines, horizontal, arcuate lines).

For drawing palm Children first leave a hand imprint on a sheet of paper, and then draw the image of a animal as an instructor. At the first stage, the teacher himself can be drawn, showing the image principle of the image with its example.
In the middle group, children can independently depict the animal from the palm, using their own memories and imagination. So, the bird can turn out of the palm, a cat, a rooster, elephant.
Drawing potatoes Attracts children with their unusualness. Normal in use material is used for animal images. To do this, the child presses the seal to the stamped pillow with paint and puts off the paper. For the result of another color, the boxes and seats are changing. The sector is one of the most interesting, accessible to the child's drawing methods.
This technique allows multiple times to portray the same item, making up different compositions from its prints. Before printing, you need to make the tools themselves - the seizures.
Initially, the teacher must help the child to make seats. To do this, they take potatoes, cut in half and shaky cuts are applied to a ball handle a picture of a sequence - a certain animal, then neatly cut out the shape along the contour.

One of the species the seal is tamping or writing. For this exciting occupation, you need to make a tampon of gauze or foam rubber, foam, crumpled paper. Stamped pillow will serve as a palette. Children are gaining paint, and a soft touch to paper draw something fluffy, light, air, transparent or spiny. This technique is best suited for animal drawing, as it transmits the texture of the fluffy surface of the object.

In the middle group is also often used schedule a tight brush. The proposed method of drawing does not require children from the skillful image of thin lines carrying an important artistic burden. It is enough to know and be able to draw geometric shapes in different combinations, and not necessarily the right shape and thin straight lines. In the process of stratching ink, these inaccuracies do not affect the perception of the pattern, and the drawn items are obtained more close to real. For coloring, needed: thick gouache and a rigid brush. The method of drawing a tych for younger preschoolers is as follows: the tutor in advance on the sheet in children draws a simple contour pencil. Children are first viewed and rub the contour with a finger, calling it out loud: head, ears, eyes, tail, etc. Starting to draw, they must make the stucks with a brush along the contour line from left to right, not leaving the gap between the chips; Then arbitrary tiles paint the surface inside the contour. The remaining parts of the drawing details are drawn by the end of a thin brush.

Older kids must independently draw contours of items with a simple pencil or immediately with a brush. The technique of painting is the same.

Quite complicated technology is spray . Instead of a brush, you can use a toothbrush and stack. Toothbrush in the left hand score a little paint, and we will spend the stack on the surface of the brush - fast movements, towards yourself. Splashes fly on paper. At the same time, it is possible to change the direction of the movement of the hand (vertically, horizontally, obliquely, wave-like, circles), change the values \u200b\u200bof the vertex, approaching or removing the splashes from the blank plane. Use simultaneously several colors, which helps create a multicolor pattern.

One of the modern methods of non-traditional drawing is drawing soap bubbles . For this you need shampoo, gouache, water, paper sheet and cocktail tube. Shampoo is added to the gouache, some water, stirring and blowing into the tube until the foam is formed. Then make a sheet of paper to the foam, draw the items.

This technique developed from one interesting visual technology - cleaxography . This will require paper, mascara or liquid gouache. In the center of the sheet you need to drop the klyaks, the paper must be tilted in one direction, then to another or pour into a klyaksu. In this way, you can get the original image of the animal, the child's fantasy will tell you to whom it looks like.

Monotypia Can also be used for animal image. The first method is a symmetrical addition of a sheet in half. On a sheet, you can depict the reflection of a bear in the mirror stroking of water. To do this, we take a landscape sheet and fold it in half, the upper part is tinted with light - yellow (heaven), and the bottom - blue (water). When drying the leaf, we apply a pencil drawing a bearboard, and then cover the gouache, then on the fold line we fold a pattern and stroke so that it turns out an imprint on the bottom of the sheet, we get a mirror reflection of a bear in water. The second method - to the plastic boss, apply the paint, then with a wooden stick or cutlets of the tassels, turn the image of objects - figurines of birds and animals, put the sheet of paper from above, slightly press and remove, it turns out the sheet on the sheet.

Drawing Strochik It allows you to focus on the form, structure of animals, their movements. With the help of the stroke, you can talk about the nature of the animal, transfer it to the thrust or softness, kindness or aggressiveness, express your personal attitude towards the animal. The hatching is remarkably suitable for the image of the heroes, dickening.

There is also a technique "Drawing by threads" (nitkography) . Simple threads are used, gouache in different colors, drawing paper, paint sockets, tank for used threads. It is necessary to make segments from threads (2-5 pcs.) 7-10 cm long. One segment of the thread to dip in the paint and drive them along a sheet of paper for drawing in different directions. To use the gouache of another color to take a clean thread. You can also suck the paint thread, put it on one half of the sheet (chaotic), then the second half to cover it, i.e. Collapse a sheet in half and carefully pull the thread from there. Then the sheet is revealed and describing the resulting image.

In technique "Drawing cardboard edge" cardboard strips are used (height - 2 cm, length from 2 cm to 6 cm, it depends on the value of the item, which will be depicted; cardboard width is about 2 mm), drawing paper, gouache, paint sockets, brush. Here the edge of the cardboard needs to be painted with a gouache, lean to paper and spend on the sheet, leaving the trail from the paint. Depending on which item is depicted, the movement of cardboard can be direct, arcuate, rotational.

For technology "Crumpled Figure" . Drawing technology: on a sheet of paper draw colored shallow object, around the object with wax shallow make a background. The sheet of paper should be completely painted. Drawing gently to smith, so as not to break the paper, then straighten, paint the background and picture of the gouache. Without waiting until the paint is driving, with the help of a sponge under running water, the gouache washed off. Paint should stay in paper cracks. "Printing paper" . Drawing technology. Gouashevy paint to dissolve water to the consistency of liquid sour cream. A piece of tight paper to smith in a small lump, omit in the paint. With this lump of paper to put paint on the landscape sheet.

Many of the above techniques can be used in one - collage . In general, the following is: Well, when the preschooler is not only familiar with various images of the image, but also does not forget about them, but to the place uses, performing a specified goal. For example, the child decided to draw a summer in the village, and for this he uses a point drawing (grass), and the sun drew a finger, fluffy animals will draw a foam rubber, other animals it will cut out of the postcards, the fabrics will depict the sky and clouds, etc. There is no limit to improving and creativity in visual activities.

It is worth noting that the success of learning to non-traditional techniques depends largely on what methods and techniques use a teacher to convey to children a certain content. So, in teaching drawing, a wide variety of techniques and a wide variety of materials can be used.

Consultation for educators.

"Non-traditional drawing techniques and their role in the development of preschool children"

"Art is to find in an unusual ordinary and ordinary in unusual." Denis Didro.

Preschool age is the period when the visual activities can become more often sustainable hobbies not only "especially" gifted, but also of all children. Communication with art gives great pleasure in the life of preschoolers.

All children love to draw when they are good. Drawing with pencils, brush requires a high level of drawing technique, formed skills and knowledge, work techniques. Very often the lack of these knowledge and skills quickly disgusts the child from drawing, because as a result of his efforts the drawing is incorrect, it does not correspond to the child's desire to get an image close to his plan or a real object that he tried to portray.

Observations on drawing efficiency in kindergarten lead to the conclusion about the need to use non-traditional techniques who will create a situation of success in pupils, will form a sustainable motivation to drawing.

Dear caregivers, what do you think, what can mean the word non-traditional? (Answers of the educators) Nontraditionally - not based on traditions. Because due to the established tradition, having arranged not according to the manual custom. Differing originality. Without adhering to traditions.

Pick the words synonyms for the word "unconventional" (Answers of educators) Words are synonyms: individually, on a new way, an extraordinary, unique, non-standard, nontrivially, original, in a new way, in its own way, originally, independently, peculiar, and universally.

What is meant by the phrase "non-traditional drawing"? (Answers educators)

Unconventional drawing is art, not based on tradition.

Drawing with unconventional methods, fascinating, fascinating activity, which surprises and admires children.

Objectives of non-traditional visual activities:

1. Wear artistic creativity, imagination, fantasy preschoolers. Form individual, intellectual creative abilities through the use of non-traditional techniques and materials in the visual activities;

2. Develop the ability to independently create, apply, use various non-traditional material and non-traditional techniques in artistic creativity.


1. To bring and maintain interest in non-traditional drawing techniques: to create an object and developing environment for artistic creativity;

2. To acquaint preschoolers with non-traditional drawing techniques; find non-standard (creative) ways of image objects and phenomena;

3. Wear visual skills, skills, systematize the knowledge gained;

4. Wear technical artistic skills and skills on the principle: from simple to complex (transition from simple unconventional images of the image to more complex);

5. To develop a feeling of color, shape, composition, spatial imagination, artistic and aesthetic taste;

6.Ship view of an excellent through observation in nature, viewing beautiful interior items, artists reproductions, illustrations in books, albums, listening to classical music, visiting beautiful and cultural places in the city: art salons, exhibitions.

7. Powered children's team by joint creativity.

8. Write the desire to experiment, showing bright cognitive feelings: surprise, doubt, joy from recognizing new.

9. Flow and enrich children's knowledge about different types of artistic creativity;

10.Shipure hard work and the desire to achieve success with their own difficulty.

11.Look attention, accuracy, purposefulness, creative self-realization.

When organizing an educational process, the most effectively educational area "Artistic creativity" is integrated with the following educational areas:

"Communication" - the development of free communication with adults and children on the process and results of productive activities, practical mastering by pupils of speech standards;

"Cognition" - sensory development, the formation of a holistic picture of the world, expansion of the horizon in a series of visual arts, creativity, formation of elementary mathematical representations;

"Reading fiction" - the use of artistic works to enrich the content of the region, the development of children's creativity, the introduction to various kinds of art, the development of artistic perception and artistic taste;

"Physical Culture" - the development of small and large motility, use on the educational activity of the artistic and creative cycle of physical cultural minutes, motor tasks, the formation of proper posture;

"Music" - the use of musical works to enrich the content of the region, the development of children's creativity, an introduction to various types of art;

"Labor" is the formation of labor skills and skills, upbringing of hard work, upbringing the value attitude towards their own work, the work of other people and its results. The formation of the ability to prepare and remove its workplace, carefully refer to benefits and materials, to restore order after games and educational activities;

"Safety" - the formation of the basics of safety of its own vitality in various types of productive activities;

"Health" - color therapy, formation of initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle when an image on the themes of health. Use on the educational activity of the artistic and creative cycle of eye gymnastics, finger games, self-massage techniques;

"Socialization" - the formation of gender, family affiliation, patriotic feelings, feelings of belonging to the world community, the implementation of the partner cooperation "adult is a child."

Unusual materials and original techniques attract children to the fact that the word "impossible" is not present here, you can draw than you want and how you want and you can even come up with your unusual technique. Children feel unforgettable, positive emotions, and by emotions, you can judge the mood of the child, that he pleases that he is sad.

Creative artistic activities using non-traditional techniques:

Contributes to the removal of children's fears;

Develops confidence in its forces;

Develops spatial thinking;

Develops in children to freely express his idea;

Encourages children to creative search and decisions;

Develops the ability of children to act with a variety of material;

Develops a sense of composition, rhythm, flavor, sense of texture and volume;

Develops fine motility of hands;

Develops creative abilities, imagination and flight of fantasy;

During activity, children receive aesthetic pleasure.

Do you use non-traditional drawing techniques in your activities? What non-traditional drawing techniques do you use? (Answers of educators).

Non-traditional techniques: finger painting, drawing palm, drawing with various prints, monotype, routine, nitcographic, drawing with candle, coal, point drawing (Pointelism), drawing on fabric, kleaxography, blowing, etc.

The combination of the basis for the technician of traditional drawing and non-traditional techniques of visual activity gives positive results, children receive true satisfaction from artistic activities.

Do your students in unconventional visual activities apply? What use non-traditional material, technology? (Answers educators)

With kids junior preschool Age is recommended to use:

drawing with fingers;

prints from potatoes, carrots, foam;

drawing with palms.

Children middle preschool age can be acquainted with more complex techniques:

stick of hard semi-dry brush.

stamp foam rubber;

printing corks;

wax chalk + gouache

candle + watercolor;

print leaves;

pictures of palm;

drawing with cotton chopsticks;

magic ropes;

monotype subject

IN senior preschool Aged children can master even more difficult methods and techniques:

drawing salt, sand, semolina;

drawing with soap bubbles;

drawing with crumpled paper;

cleaxography with a tube;

monotype landscape;

printing on stencil;

cleaxography is usual;



An important role in the development of the child is played by a developing creative environment, which should stimulate the child for active activities.

When organizing a subject - developing creative environment in the visual activity, you need to take into account the needs of children. And the need for them is that they can freely, independently and accessible to traditional and non-traditional fine materials in the group, it is also necessary to take into account individual characteristics, level of knowledge, skills and skills in drawing, the age of preschoolers.

Tasks of the corner of creativity: development in children of interest and desire to engage in visual activities; consolidation of skills and skills in drawing, modeling, appliqués; expanding ideas about color, properties and qualities of various materials; Development of finger motility, creative imagination, creative fantasy.

What is the objective and developing environment for non-traditional artistic creativity of children created in your group? (Answers educators)

The objective and developing environment for visual activities in the kindergartal group should contain:

Beauty Corner:

Reproduction with painting works, sculpture of small forms, works of graphics, books with beautiful illustrations, genuine products of masters of folk applied art; children's encyclopedias on visual activities; Discs with a beautiful calm melody, classical music, tape recorder.

Corner of visual activities:

Coloring books; card file of non-traditional drawing techniques; albums for viewing "Gorodetskaya toy", "Khokhloma painting" and others; Albums with different images of grass, trees, sun, houses, etc., didactic games for the development of creative abilities, imagination;

Gouache, watercolor paints, wax pencils, pastel crayons, wax crayons, markers, markers of different thicknesses, colored pencils, graphite pencils, set of ballpoints, wool, cotton wands, foam sponges, stumps, coal, Sangin, Candles, cocktail tubes, prints different forms, threads, dry leaves, etc.; clay, plasticine, dough, materials for decor; paper of various textures and size, cardboard, PVA glue;

Tools: Brushes nylon or with a natural pile of No. 2 to No. 10 (depending on age and tasks in drawing) and bristles № 7, 8, scissors, palettes, modeling boards, seats, roller, sticks, stamps, foam rubber, stencils by topics; panel for children's work, magnetic board, easels; Adhesive tablecloths, double banks, stands under a cyst.

Thus, the artistic objective environment should ensure the principle of accessibility and the most comfortable state of preschoolers in the group.

Do you provide freedom to choose visual materials in artistic activities? (Answers educators)

In artistic work, it is necessary to provide children with freedom to choose visual materials. It is necessary to use different materials: paints, color pencils, crayons. This makes it possible to choose art material at will, independence is developing in work, cognitive and experimental activity, creativity.

Finished works are necessarily exhibited on a blackboard or laid out on the table, carpet at the end of the lesson. Analysis of artistic activities is important for the development of children's creativity, primarily the fact that children see the results of their activities, learn to solve fine tasks. Children love to see their work with pleasure, talk about them. This teacher's activity must support, develop. The analysis of the work is necessarily associated with the visual task. It is estimated not to the child himself, but its drawing.

In order to interest the children, the teacher can offer them to show the favoring work, tell why they like. In another case, the teacher appeals to the author himself so that he explain why he chose such a form, in the third - offers each performer to evaluate his work. The result brings the whole group.

Success in the development of interest in unconventional techniques depends largely on what methods and techniques use a teacher to convey to children a certain content, to form knowledge, skills and skills in the visual activity. It is important, before you show children a certain non-traditional technique, the teacher must examine all the subtleties of this technique, its technique. The result will depend on the correctly selected material, equipment, accessibility of explaining the sequence of actions. The teacher must be chosen and explored the literature on non-traditional drawing, pick up the material, taking into account the hygienicness and safety of the material, planning, taking into account the age of children, their individual features and skills in drawing, to be a creative person, to love to draw.

Methods that need to be applied in the visual activities:

Informationally recipe; reproductive; research; heuristic; Problem statement of material.

The information and receptive method includes the following techniques: viewing; observation; excursion; conversations; listening to musical works; reading fiction; Show tutor.

The reproductive method is a method aimed at consolidating the knowledge and skills of children. In other words, this is the ownership of drawing technique. Drawing technique is the language of the artist, do not own drawing technique, mean not to be able to transmit your impressions and sensations in the picture. This method of exercises, bringing the visual skills to automatism.

The heuristic method is aimed at independence in the performance of the drawing, the manifestation of creativity, fantasy in artistic activities;

The research method is aimed at developing in children of cognitive activity and the ability to experiment with artistic materials and technicians in visual creativity;

The problem of the problem presentation of the material is to find decisions in a problem situation or in the matter. This problem situation is creating a teacher in front of children.

The development of artistic activities with the help of non-traditional drawing techniques occurs in stages:

from drawing individual items to drawing plot episodes and further to plot drawing;

from the use of the simplest types of non-traditional image techniques to complex;

from the use of finished equipment, material to use that you need to make;

from the use of the method of imitation to self-fulfillment;

from use in the figure of one type of technology to use several non-traditional techniques for use;

from individual work to the collective image of items, plots in non-traditional drawing techniques.

The creative process is a real miracle. Each of the non-traditional techniques is a small game. Their use allows children to feel freely, bolder, immediately, develops imagination, gives complete freedom for self-expression. Children reveal their unique abilities, feel the joy that creates them. Here they begin to feel the benefit of creativity and believe that mistakes are just steps to achieve the goal, and not an obstacle, both in creativity and in all aspects of their lives. Children are better to inspire: "In the work, there is no right path, there is only your own way"

In many ways, the result of the child depends on his interest, therefore it is important to intensify the attention of the preschooler, to encourage him to artistic activities with the help of additional incentives. Such incentives can be:

the game (didactic, the experimentation game, creative), which is the main activity of children and motivates them.

Games for the development of art imagination: "On what it looks like," "Let's declare", "continue drawing", "Magic pictures", "Dorisui", "What our palms look like", "Magic Blots", "Magic Thread", "What the music told", "non-existent animal or plant", "colored fairy tales", "draw the mood", "barn", "continue drawing", "imagine", "point, point".

    surprise moment - a favorite hero of a fairy tale or a cartoon comes to visit and invites the child to go on a journey;

    request for help, because children will never refuse to help, it is important for them to feel significant;

    creating a problem situation;

    musical accompaniment, reading an artistic word, etc.

    emotional explanation for children of methods with unconventional materials and showing different techniques of non-traditional image.

Are you experiencing difficulty using non-traditional techniques in drawing in class? What problems arise?

Difficulties in the use of non-traditional drawing techniques can be concluded:

in planning and building a system of classes, taking into account age and individual characteristics of children;

in the selection of equipment and materials;

in the application of methods and techniques for working with children, based on their individual characteristics;

in the development of criteria for tracking the level of knowledge, skills and skills of children.

Unconventional drawing is closely related to the development of visual effective and clear-shaped thinking, also with the development of analysis, synthesis, comparison, comparison, synthesis. Working on the drawing, preschoolers learn to allocate features, quality, external properties of objects, main and secondary parts, to properly install and relate one part of the subject on the other, to transmit proportions, to compare the value of parts, compare your drawing with kindness, with peer works.

In the process of drawing, children learn to reason, draw conclusions. There is enrichment of their vocabulary. When drawing from nature in children, attention is developing, when drawing on the presentation - memory.

In artistic activities using non-traditional techniques, children develop tentatively - research activities, fantasy, memory, aesthetic taste, cognitive abilities, independence. The child uses the color as a means of transmitting a mood, experiments (mixes the paint with soap foam, to the depicted item with colored small shames causes gouache). With direct contact of the fingers of the hands with paint, children learn its properties: density, hardness, viscosity. In the image of fabulous images, the ability to transmit signs of unusual, fabulousness.

Working with non-traditional image techniques stimulates a positive motivation of painting activities, causes a joyful mood in children, removes the fear of paint, fear of not cope with the drawing process. Many types of non-traditional drawing contribute to an increase in the level of development of visual - motor coordination. For example, drawing the glass, the painting of the fabric, drawing with chalk on velvet paper.

These technicians do not tire preschoolers, they have high activity, efficiency throughout the entire time allotted to perform the task. The use of unconventional techniques of images contributes to cognitive activities, correction of mental processes and the personal sphere of preschoolers in general.

Many types of non-traditional drawing contribute to an increase in the level of development of visual - motor coordination. If an excessively active child needs an extensive space for turning out activities if his attention is scattered and extremely unstable, then in the process of non-traditional drawing the area of \u200b\u200bits activity is narrowed, the amplitude of movements decreases. Large and inaccurate leaders are gradually becoming thinner and accurate. Unconventional techniques of images contribute to the development of cognitive activity, correction of mental processes and the personal sphere of preschoolers in general. Artistic creativity is very important when preparing a child for school learning, thanks to the picturesque activity, children learn to keep a certain position of the hull, hands, a pencil, brushes, brushes, adjust scope, pace, push strength, fit at a certain time, to evaluate the work, to bring to the end. By participating in the creative process, children show interest in the world of nature, color harmony and forms. This allows for a special look at all their surroundings, instilling the love of everything.

In the work you need to use such forms of organization as: Target Walking, Photo Exhibitions, Exhibitions Figures, Competitions, Entertainment.

Knowledge that children acquire are folded into the system. They learn to notice changes arising in visual arts from use in the process of working non-standard materials. By purchasing the appropriate drawing experience in non-traditional techniques, and thus overcoming the fear of failure, the child will continue to enjoy work, freely move to mastering all new and new techniques in drawing.

Successes in the development of creative abilities from your pupils!

Nomination " Methodical piggy bank teacher preschool institution "

Recently, in his group, I spent a master class with parents and children on unconventional drawing. Came 10 families who gladly took part!

Experience with children in kindergarten has shown that they are drawing with unusual ways to cause positive emotions in children. Unconventional drawing is fond of children, children with a huge desire, create and compose something new. Drawing with unconventional ways, children are not afraid to be mistaken, as everything can be easily corrected, but something new can be invented from the error.

The child acquires self-confidence, overcomes "fear of a blank sheet of paper" and begins to feel like a small artist. The child develops interest and desire to draw. You can draw anything, and as you like! During drawing, children get aesthetic pleasure.

Non-traditional techniques:

  • contribute to the removal of children's fears;
  • develop confidence in their forces;
  • develop spatial thinking;
  • teach children freely express their idea;
  • teach children to work with a variety of material;
  • develop a sense of composition, color, color perception, rhythm;
  • develop small motility of hands;
  • encourage children to creative search and decisions;
  • develop creative abilities, flight of fantasy and imagination.


  • form creative thinking, sustainable interest in artistic activities;
  • develop artistic taste, fantasy, ingenuity, spatial imagination;
  • desire to experiment, showing bright cognitive feelings: surprise, joy from recognizing new.
  • fasten and enrich the knowledge of children about different types of artistic creativity; acquired skills and skills and show the breadth of their possible application.
  • to acquaint children with various types of visual activities and techniques for working with them;
  • educate hard work and the desire to succeed with their own work;

First technique -

Materials: White cardboard, black gouache, brush, wax pencils, clip.

Wax pencils paint the cardboard with different colors without white spaces.

Gouache and brush cove your entire sheet. The brush in the water is not surrounding. Apply a thick layer of gouache.

The job was postponed. While the gouache dries, we began for another technique.

Materials:Threads 3 pcs. Long 15 cm, gouache 3 x colors, 1/2 sheet folded in half.

Lower every thread in the gouache, so that threads of 3-colors, paint the thread, to help use a brush. The painted threads freely drawing, as desired to put on the floor of the sheet, cover the sheet with the second half, cover the palm. Carefully pull the string on one.

Open work!


This technique is similar to the previous one, just draw on one side of the paper with a tassel. This technique is used to draw symmetric patterns.

The following technique has become a kleaxography

Materials: paper, mascara, tube.

On paper I drip a few drops of carcasses, sing it on the plan of the tube. This technique develops breathing.

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We take the clips and draw on top of Gaisy that drawing that wants the child. And that's what we did!

GDDOU "Kindergarten № 91 combined species"

Consulting Center

Performed educators

higher category

Korshova E.V.


Consultation for parents "Drawing with unconventional ways"

Performed the educator of the highest category Korshunova E.V.

The development of the creative potential of the individual should be carried out from early childhood, when a child under the guidance of adults begins to master various activities, including artistic.

Great opportunities in the development of creativity concludes visual activities and, above all, drawing.

Drawing is an important means of aesthetic education: it allows children to express their idea of \u200b\u200bthe environment, develops fantasy, imagination, makes it possible to consolidate knowledge about color, form. In the process of drawing, the child is performed by observation, aesthetic perception, aesthetic emotions, artistic taste, creative abilities, the ability to create a beautiful means available to the means available tools. Classes drawing develop the ability to see beautiful in the surrounding life in the works of art. Own artistic activities helps children gradually approach understanding the works of painting, graphics, sculptures, decorative and applied arts.

The image in the figures is created using a variety of materials. Artists in their work use various materials: a variety of small paints, coal, sangu, pastel and much more. And in children's creativity it is also necessary to include different paints (gouache, watercolor, mascara, chalk, teach children to use these visual materials in the ratio with their means of expressiveness.

Work experience shows: drawing by unusual materials and original techniques allows children to feel not forgotten positive emotions. Emotions, as you know, is the process, and the result of practical activity, primarily artistic creativity. By emotions, it is possible to judge that at the moment I am glad, interests, it turns into a despondency, carefully the child, which characterizes its essence, character, personality.

Preschoolers for their nature are able to sympathize with the literary hero, playing emotional various states in a complex role-playing game, but to understand that there is beauty, and learn how to express yourself in the visual activity - a gift that you can only dream about, but this can be taught.

We are adults, you need to develop a sense of beauty in the child. It is from us that the rich or poor - will be his spiritual life. It should be remembered: if the perception of the wonderful will not be supported by the participation of the child in the creation of beauty, then, according to the child, "infantile enthusiasm" is formed.

To instill love for fine art, cause interest in drawing from younger preschool age, it is necessary to use unconventional image methods. Such unconventional drawing gives children a lot of positive emotions, reveals the possibility of using well-known objects as artistic materials, surprises its unpredictability.

Unusual methods of drawing so fond of children, which, figuratively speaking, the present flame of creativity flames in the group, which is completed by the exhibition of children's drawings.

What non-traditional drawing methods can be used at home? Cleaxography, drawing salt, drawing with fingers. Soap bubbles, splashing, etc. Do you not interest you to find out what happens if you draw with a cloth or crumpled paper?

You can draw as you like and anything! Lokia on the floor, under the table, on the table. On a piece of wood, on the newspaper. A variety of materials puts new tasks and makes something invent something all the time. And from the Karakul and Mazni eventually a recognizable object is evaporated. Unmocant joy of satisfaction from the fact that I did it - all this is my! "

Having learned to express your feelings on paper, the child begins to better understand the feelings of others, learns to overcome timidity, fear of drawing, before anything happens. He is sure that it will turn out, and it will turn out beautifully.

Mastering various materials, ways to work with them, an understanding of their expressiveness allows children to more effectively use them when reflected in the drawings of their impressions from the surrounding life.

The variety of visual materials makes the visual activity more attractive, interesting, and as many materials are mastered by various materials in children, its manner is formed.

One of the favorite children of non-traditional drawing methods is drawing salt. It possesses not only interesting decorative possibilities, but also very convenient in circulation.

They love to draw and ... soap bubbles. You can draw in the way of blowing.

But you can draw a toothbrush, and cotton, and finger, palm, swab, mint paper, driving paint (drop) on a sheet of paper, printing with different objects, create compositions with a candle, lipstick, feet ...

Dare, fantasize! And the joy will come to you - the joy of creativity, surprise and unity with your children.

Drawing art has a variety of techniques and they must be used in working with children. The use of various materials enriches children with knowledge of ways to work with them, their pictorial opportunities, will make pictures of children more interesting, increase the aesthetic side of the picture.

Why and why do our children paint? Yes, because the visual activity is hardly the most interesting type of preschoolers. It allows the child to reflect their impressions of the world around the world, express their attitude towards them. At the same time, the visual activity is invaluable for the comprehensive aesthetic, moral, labor and mental development of children.

But, teaching a child drawing, should not overdo it. Do not constantly force a child to draw. It is necessary to create a positive motivation to drawing, the desire to be a creator.

Summarizing your experience with children in this direction, I can confidently say that the most interesting forms of visual activity for children are non-traditional drawing techniques. Such non-standard approaches to the organization of visual activity surprise and admire children, thereby causing the desire to engage in such an interesting business.

Dear Parents! I suggest you to get acquainted with the unusual drawing techniques. Your child will get a lot of pleasure and will expand its capabilities if you offer it new, unusual materials and techniques for visual creativity.

Cheerful splashes

Try at first yourself, and then show the child what to do. You pick up a full paint brush, keep it above the paper, and hit the brush with the other hand. So you can get an interesting background for the future drawing. And it is possible to put templates on paper, cuttings cut from cardboard on paper. For example, silhouettes of stars, crescent, colors, leaves, animals. The resulting "white spots" can be left blank or painted.

Prints of leaves

For a walk, collect the leaves of a wide variety of forms along with the child. At home, inject paint in paper cups so that they are sufficient density. Cove the surface of the paint sheet and press it with a painted side to paper. From above, put another sheet of paper and arrange with hand or rolling. Remove the top paper and see what happened. Maybe you will have to first stretch a little, and then the child will be able to make a whole composition of the leaf prints.


Very interesting effects are obtained if you create an image using your own fingerprints or palms. Of course, the paint needs to be easily flushing, for example, gouache. With watercolor patterns from prints, it turns out not as contrasting and expressive. You can start with simple images - flower, grape brush. And the necessary details can then be drawn with a pencil.


Together with the child, in turn, draw the straight lines and curves on the paper sheet, crossing each other. Then you can paint the plots bounded by these lines, pencils or markers of different colors, fill them with strokes, specks, cells.

Potato stamps

Cut in half the raw potatoes and on the spot. Cut. Cut the simple relief - flower, heart, fish, asterisk. Soak paint stamp pad and show the child how to make prints. If there is no special pad, you can take a piece of sponge or apply paint directly to the cutting surface. If you prepare several different stamps, the baby will be able to create even scene pictures with them or make a beautiful wrapping paper for a gift. This lesson is a good pretext to introduce a child with various geometric shapes: a circle, square, etc.

Drawing sponge

You will need a few sponges - for each color separate. First, try yourself: dip the sponge into the paint, squeeze a slightly to remove the surplus. Now you can work on a sheet with light touches. Light the new technique yourself - teach the baby.


By this, of course, they themselves were engaged in childhood. It remains only to show your baby, as is done. The sheet of paper is folded in half, on one side of the sheet we draw paints or simply applied stains, blots, then cover the drawing of the second half, slightly carry out the hand on top. You can use several colors, you can add a bit of sequin. Reveal - what happened: butterfly, a marvelous flower. Beautiful occupation for the development of imagination.

Painting reliefs

We take a sheet of paper, put the coin under it, paint the soft pencil or wax chalk on top. The relief is manifested on paper. You can find any other solid surfaces with an interesting texture: the leaves with thick streaks, the bark of trees embroidered with the cross tablecloth, a metal icon. - Just look around. It will not only hobble the child, but will help develop its thin hand skills.

The use of non-traditional methods can instill children desire to draw, make a child an interesting and cognitive occupation.

Do not expect from the baby masterpieces: the goal of any visual activity is to enjoy. Do not get fond of criticism, even fair, otherwise you risk distracted by the baby from this classes. But try and not capture, otherwise it will stop perceiving praise seriously.

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  • Details Published: 05/27/2016 00:37 Views: 1869

    Dear Parents!

    I invite you to play with paints, water and paper. I hope that these games will be interested in not only children, but also adults. You, as well as children, will want to take part in exciting experiments. Games of this kind will help each child more to learn more about paints, remember the names of the colors and their shades, learn about warm and cold colors, how color affects the mood.

    It is important that the children feel joy from games with paints, so attentive and patient look of an adult, involving a child in new fun games.

    Show children new non-traditional drawing techniques. Try to diversify their leisure and captivate them with drawing on allowed surfaces and affordable materials.

    Non-traditional drawing techniques for children:

    1. Drawing with fingers. In order to draw a drawing with the help of this technique, it is enough just to dip your finger into a liquid gouache and leave the print on paper. With the help of such equipment, flowers, beads, rowabine branches, leaves, fish and other drawings are obtained.

    2. Cleaxography. It is to teach children to make blots (black and multicolored). Then a 3-year-old child can look at them and see images, objects or individual details. "What is like yours or my blossom?", "Who or what does she remind you?" - These questions are very useful, because Develop thinking and imagination. After that, without hosting a child, but showing, we recommend proceeding to the next stage - Circuit or Dorivovka Kleks. As a result, a whole plot can be obtained.

    3.Ronolate drawings. I advise you to make a variety of different small geometric figures from it, and then attach them to thin wire to a stick or pencil (not sharpened). The instrument of labor is already ready. Now it can be dipped into the paint and the method of stamps to draw red triangles, yellow mugs, green squares (the whole foam in the difference from the wool is well clean). Initially, children will draw geometric shapes chaotically. And then offer to make the simplest ornaments from them - first from one species of figures, then from two, three

    4. Address drawings Mysterious drawings can be obtained as follows. Cardboard is taken in size about 20x20 cm. And folded in half. Then the half-walled or woolen thread is selected with a length of about 30 cm, its end is 8 - 10 cm is dipped into thick paint and clamping inside the cardboard. It should then be taken inside the cardboard with this thread, and then remove it and open the cardboard. It turns out a chaotic image, which is considered, dreamed and draw adults with children. It is extremely useful to give names to the resulting images. This complex mental speech work in combination with the visual will contribute to the intellectual development of preschool children.

    5. Method of Magic Fraction The angle of wax candle on white paper is drawn image (Christmas tree, house, and maybe a whole plot). Then brush, and better by cotton or foam rubber, the paint is applied on top to the entire image. Due to the fact that the paint does not fall on the fat image of the candle - the drawing seems to appear suddenly before the eyes of the guys, manifest.

    6. "As an artist artist" The kid falls on a large sheet of paper, and you will blast it! Of course, it is better that he gets all (glue two or three watman leaves). And now let him try to decorate silhouette: draw eyes, mouth, hair, decoration, clothes.

    7. Survey of shallow Preschoolers love diversity. These opportunities provide us with ordinary shames, Sangin, coal. Smooth asphalt, porcelain, ceramic tile, stones - this is the foundation that chalk and coal goes well. So, the asphalt places to the capacious image of the plots. Them (if there is no rain) can be developed the next day. And then according to the stories to make stories. And on the ceramic tiles (which sometimes are stored in the residues somewhere in the storeroom) we recommend depicting patterns or coal patterns, small objects. Large stones (type of boulders) are asked to decorate them under the image of the head of the animal or under the pecks.

    8.Text of leaves. Take dried but not risen, leaves. Cover their paint from the side of the residences and attach to paper. Dorisinate the necessary details, and you will have a beautiful forest or aquarium with fish.

    9. Flooring from vegetables . Take carrots, radishes or potatoes. Draw on their end any shape and make a seal from it, cutting everything unnecessary. Pulk the vegetable seafridge in the paint and press the paper tightly. Create a beautiful original pattern or drawing.

    10. Draw using a stencil. From dense cardboard you need to cut stencil. It can be contours of colors, butterflies of leaves or others. Attach the stencil to the sheet of paper and press it tightly. Then a small piece of foam rubber plunge into a liquid watercolor or gouache and frester the stencil with light touches so that the silhouettes are filled with paint.


    Yakhmena Larisa Ivanovna, tutor