Features of the genres of the Old Russian literature. Specific features of the ancient Russian literature

Features of the genres of the Old Russian literature. Specific features of the ancient Russian literature

Any national literature has its own distinctive (specific) features.

Old Russian literature (DRL) is doubly specific, since in addition to national traits, the features of the Middle Ages (XI - XVII centuries) carrying the effects on the world-era and human psychology of ancient Russia.

You can select two block of specific features.

The first block can be called the general culture, the second most closely connected with the inner world of the person's personality of the Russian Middle Ages.

On the first block, let's say quite briefly. First, the ancient Russian literature was handwritten. In the first centuries of the Russian literary process, the writing material was parchment (or parchment). They produced him from the skin of calves or lambs and therefore it was called in Russia "Veal". Parchment was an expensive material, it was used extremely carefully and wrote the most important thing on it. Later, a paper appeared in return for Parchment, which partly contributed, saying by the words of D. Lihachev, "breakthrough of literature to massibility."

In Russia, three main types of letters were consistently replaced. The first (XI - XIV centuries) was called the charter, the second (XV - XVI centuries) - semi-supest, the third (XVII century) - Scroping.

Since the writing material was roads, book customers (large monasteries, princes, boyars) wished that under the cover the most interested in their works of various themes and the time of their creation were collected.

The works of the ancient Russian literature is customary called monuments.

Monuments in ancient Russia functioned in the form of collections.

Particularly should be highlighted in the second block of specific features of the DRL.

1. The functioning of monuments in the form of collections is due not only to the big price of the book. Ancient Russian man in his desire to acquire knowledge about the world around him sought a peculiar encyclopedicity. Therefore, in the ancient Russian collections, monuments of various subjects and issues are often found.

2. In the first centuries, the development of DRL, artistic literature has not yet been mediated as an independent area of \u200b\u200bcreativity and public consciousness. Therefore, the same monument at the same time was both a monument of literature, and a monument of historical thought, and a philosophy monument, which existed in ancient Russia in the form of theology. It is interesting to know that, for example, the Russian chronicles up to the beginning of the 20th century were considered exclusively as historical literature. Only thanks to the efforts of Academician V. Adrianovoy-penets, the chronicles became the object of literary studies.

At the same time, the special philosophical saturation of the Old Russian literature in the next centuries of Russian literary development will not only be preserved, but will actively develop and become one of the defining national traits of Russian literature as such. This will allow Academician A.Lostov with all certainty to say: "Artistic literature is a storehouse of original Russian philosophy. In the prosaic writings of Zhukovsky and Gogol, in the creations of Tyutchev, Feta, Lion Tolstoy, Dostoevsky<...> Often the main philosophical problems are developed, by itself, in their specifically Russian, exceptionally practical form-oriented form. And these problems are permitted here in such a way that an uncompressed and knowledgeable judge will call these decisions not just "literary" or "artistic", but philosophical and ingenious. "

3. The Old Russian literature was an anonymous (impersonal) character, which is inextricably linked with another characteristic feature - the collectivity of creativity. The authors of the ancient Russia (often called the scribes) did not seek to leave their names of the centuries, firstly, by virtue of the Christian tradition (the monk scribes often call themselves "unreasonable", "sinful" inquars who daring to become the creators of an artistic word); Secondly, due to the understanding of their work as part of the community, collective business.

At first glance, this feature seems to indicate a weakly developed personal beginning in ancient Russian author compared with Western European masters of the artistic word. Even the name of the author of the ingenious "word about Igor's regiment is still unknown, while Western European medieval literature can" boast "hundreds of great names. However, there can be no speech about the "backwardness" of the ancient Russian literature or her "impersonality". Speech can go about its special national capacity. Somehow, D. Lihachev very accurately compared Western European literature with a group of soloists, and ancient Russian - with a chorus. Is choir singing less beautiful than performances of individual soloists? Is it really no manifestation of a human person?

4. The main hero of the Old Russian literature is the Russian land. Agradiya with D. Lihachev, who stressed that the literature of the Domongolian period is the literature of one topic - the themes of the Russian Earth. This does not mean anywhere that the ancient Russian authors "refuse" from the images of the experiences of a separate human person, "loan" in Russian land, depriving itself individuality and abruptly limiting the "universal" significance of the DRL.

First, the ancient Russian authors are always, even at the most tragic moments of national history, for example, in the first decades of the Tatar-Mongolian yoke, they sought through the richest Byzantine literature to join the highest achievements of the culture of other peoples and civilizations. So, in the XIII century, the medieval encyclopedia of "Melissa" ("Bee") and "Physiologist" are translated into ancient Russian.

Secondly, this is the most important thing, it should be borne in mind that the personality of the Russian person and the personality of the Western Europee is formed on various ideological foundations: the Western European personality is individualistic, it is approved by its special significance, exclusivity. This is associated with the special course of Western European history, with the development of the West Christian Church (Catholicism). The Russian man due to its orthodoxity (belonging to Eastern Christianity - Orthodoxy) denies an individualistic (egoistic) beginning as a destructive and for the very personality, and for its surroundings. Russian classical literature - from the nameless scribes of ancient Russia to Pushkin and Gogol, A.OSostrovsky and Dostoevsky, V.Rasputina and V. Belova - depicts the tragedy of an individualistic personality and approves his heroes on the ways to overcome the evil of individualism.

5. Old Russian literature did not know the fiction. This refers to conscious installation for fiction. The author and reader are absolutely believe in the truth of the artistic word, even if we are talking about fiction from the point of view of a secular person.

Conscious installation for fiction will appear later. This will occur at the end of the 18th century during the exacerbation of the political struggle for leadership in the process of unification of the original Russian lands. The rulers will also appeal to the unconditional authority of the book word. So the genre of political legend will arise. Moscow will appear in Moscow: the eschatological theory "Moscow - Third Rome", naturally adopted a topical political painting, as well as the "Tale of the Princes of Vladimir." In Veliky Novgorod - "Tale of the Novgorod white hood".

6. In the first centuries, DRLs sought not to depict due to the following reasons. The first (religious): life of sinwood, his image prevents the earthly man to send his aspirations to the salvation of the soul. Second (psychological): life seemed unchanged. And grandfather, and father, and the son was worn out the same clothes, did not change weapons, etc.

Over time, under the influence of the system of secularization, life more and more penetrates the pages of Russian books. This will lead to the emergence in the XVI century the genre of household stories ("The Tale of Ulibia Osorgina"), and in the XVII century, the Genre of Domestic Tale will become the most popular.

7. For DRL, a special attitude to history is characteristic. The past is not only not separated from the present, but also actively present in it, and also determines the fate of the future. An example of this is the "Tale of Bygone Years", "the story of the crime of Ryazan princes", "the word about the regiment of Igor" and others.

8. Old Russian literature wore lessa character. This means that the ancient Russian scribes sought first of all to enlighten the light of the Christianity of the readers. In DRL, in contrast to Western medieval literature, there was never a desire to put the reader with wonderful fiction, to lead from life difficulties. Adventure translations will become gradually to penetrate Russia from the beginning of the XVII century, when Western European influence on Russian life will become apparent.

So, we see that the individual specific features of the DRL will be gradually lost with time. However, those characteristics of Russian national literature, which determine the core of its ideological orientation, will remain unchanged until the present.

The problem of the authorship of the monuments of literature ancient Russia is directly related to the national specifics of the first centuries of the development of the Russian literary process. "Copyright," said DS Likhachev, - was muffled in ancient literature.<…> The lack of great names in the ancient Russian literature seems to be a sentence.<…> We prejudice proceed from their ideas about the development of literature - submissions brought up<…> centuries when bloomed individual, Personal art is the art of individual geniuses.<…> The literature of ancient Russia was not literature of individual writers: she, like folk creativity, was the art of Nadindividual. It was the art created by the accumulation of collective experience and producing a huge impression by the wisdom of traditions and the unity of all - basically Unnamed - writing.<…> Ancient Russian writers are not architecting separate buildings. These are urban planners.<…> Every literature creates its own world that embodies the world of the ideas of modern society. " Hence, anonymous (impersonal) The nature of the creativity of the ancient Russian authors is the manifestation of the national originality of Russian literature and in this regard unnamed "Words about the regiment of Igor" is not a problem.

Representatives of the skeptical literary school (the first half of the XIX century) proceeded from the fact that the "backward" ancient Russia could not "generate" a monument of such a level of artistic perfection as "the word about the regiment of Igor".

Philologist-orientalist O.I. Senkovsky, for example, was confident that the creator of the "Words" was able to samples of Polish poetry of the XVI - XVII centuries, which the work itself cannot be ancient times of Peter I, that the author of "Words" - Galichanin, transferred to Russia or educated in Kiev. The creators of the "Words" were called A.I. Musin-Pushkin (holder of the collection with the text "Words"), and Ioli Bykovsky (one who has acquired a collection), and N.M. Karamzin as the most given Russian writers of the late XVIII century.

Thus, the "word" was represented by a literary hoax in the spirit of J. Macherson, allegedly opened in the mid-XVIII century the composition of the legendary warrior and singer Celts Osian, who lived by legend in the III century AD. in Ireland.

The traditions of the skeptical school in the 20th century continued French Slavist A. Mazas, originally considered that "the word" was created alleged A.I. Music-Pushkin to justify the conquest politics of Catherine II on the Black Sea: "We have a case when history and literature are in the right time bring your testimonies." In many respects, the Soviet historian A. Zimin, who called the creator of the "Words" of Iolia Bykovsky, was solidary with A. Mazon.

Arguments of the supporters of the "Words" authenticity were very convincing. A.S. Pushkin: The authenticity of the monument is proved by the "spirit of antiquity, which is impossible to fake. Which of our writers in the XVIII century could have a rather talent? " V.K.Kyhehelbecker: "By giving, this deceiver would be superior to almost all the then Russian poets, and thereby taken."

"" Skepticism's docks, "V.A. fairly emphasized Chivihin, "they were to some extent useful - they revived a scientific and public interest in the" Word ", encouraged the scholars of Zurce to look at the depths of times, spent studies made with scientific care, academic objectivity and a detail."

After disputes associated with the time of creating the "Words" and "Zadonshchina", the overwhelming majority of researchers, even, ultimately, and A. Mazon, came to the conviction that "the word" is a monument of the XII century. Now the search for the author "Word" focused on the circle of contemporaries of the tragic campaign of Prince Igor Svyatoslavich, which took place in the spring of 1185.

V.A. Chivihin in the Roman Essay "Memory" gives the most complete list of the alleged authors of the "Words about the regiment of Igor" and indicates the names of the researchers who put forward the data of the assumptions: "called some" Ginchi "(N. Asksakov), Galician" Promotroid scribe "Timothy (N. Golovin), "People's Singer" (D. Lihachev), Timofeya Raguilovich (writer I.Novikov), "Writing singer Mitusa" (writer A.Yugov), "Thousands of Raguil Dobrynich" (V.Pedorov), some unknown court The singer, an approximate Great Princess of Kievan Maria Vasilkovna (A.Solovyev), "Singer Igor" (A.Petrushevich), "Mergility" of the Grand Duke Svyatoslav Vsevolodovich Chronicle Kochka (American researcher S. Tarasov), an unknown "Wandering Book Singer" (I. Malyshevsky), Belanoda Prozovich (Anonymous Munich Translator "Words"), Chernigov Voivod Olstina Aleksić (M. Sokol), Kiev Boyarova Peter Borislavich (B. Rybakov), the likely heir of the Generic Singer (A.Robinson), Unnamed Boyan's Grandson (m .Bpkin ), as applied to a significant part of the text - Boyan himself (A.Nikitin), mentor, adviser Igor (P. Ohrimenko), a unknown Polovtsovsky Saucer (O. Suleimenov)<…>».

V.A. himself Civivichin is confident that the creator of the word was Prince Igor. At the same time, the researcher refers to long and, in his opinion, the undeservedly forgotten report of the famous zoologist and at the same time specialist in the word "N.V. Chalmemannya (1952). One of the main arguments V. Chivivikhina is the following: "It was not a singer and not a vigor to judge the prince's princes, indicate that they should be done; It is the prerogative of a person standing on one public step with those to whom he addressed "

Option 5.

Read the text and execute Tasks 1 - 3

(1) Studying the features of the ancient Russian literature, the researchers repeatedly paid attention to the fact that in different works close to the content of episodes are transmitted using the same literary techniques, and sometimes almost alone and the same words. (2) Some scientists in different monuments of the ancient Russian literature

they explained the scanty fantasy of medieval authors who could not clearly and originate the events in the work. (3)<…> Academician D.S. Likhachev in his works convincingly proved that medieval authors deliberately sought to imitate, confess the so-called "aesthetics of identity": they saw the artistic dignity of the literary work in the fact that his author follows an authoritative pattern.

1. Specify two proposals in which the main information contained in the text is correct. Write down the numbers of these proposals.

1) Researchers of the Old Russian literature believed that the monotony of the artistic techniques of medieval authors was connected with the fact that these people were not able to state the material with the original way.

2) One of the most important features of the ancient Russian literature is that its authors sought to create their works on a single template.

3) D.S. Lihachev, refuted by the opinion of a number of scientists, proved that in different works of the Old Russian literature, similar episodes are transmitted with the help of the same funds intentionally, since the authors are consciously oriented on the well-known samples.

4) The fact that the reader finds a set of constantly repeating arts in the works of ancient Russian literature, became the subject of the study of Academician D.S. Likhacheva.

5) The use of the same techniques in the transmission of similar episodes in the ancient Russian literature is not explained by the poverty of the fancy of medieval authors, as some scientists believed, and the desire to follow the authoritative model, which prove the work of DS Likhacheva.

2. Which of the words below (words combinations) should stand at the place of passing in the third (3) text offer? Write this word (combination of words).

Therefore, so however, is definitely moreover

3. Read the fragment of the vocabulary article in which the values \u200b\u200bof the word follow. Determine what value this word is used in the third (3) text offering. Write down the figure corresponding to this value in the listed vocabulary fragment.

TO FOLLOW - I think, - you think; Nesov.

1) go, move, move after the next, directly for someone.Follow me.

2) go, go, move.The train follows to Moscow .

3) guided by something., To do like someone.S. Fashion.

4) to be the result of something., To flow from anything.Hence the conclusion.

5) Bearing. It must be necessary.It is widely distributed by the experience of transit production.

4. In one of the words below, an error is made in the staging of the emphasis: the letter denoting the shock vowel sound is incorrectly highlighted. Write this word.





5. In one of the proposals below, the selected word is incorrect. Correct the error and write this word correctly.

The most amazing thing I can not write his verbal portrait.

His face is very expressive: aristocratic, predatory, long and hunchbacked, the most eagle nose, high cheekbones, deep socies.

Infection weakens the resistance of the body and increases the risk of a new disease.

Mercy is a big topic that finds an eye in the heart of any person.

Crimea did not distinguish between Dobrolyuboy and Lassalem, Cherno Shevsky and Engels.

6. In one of the above words, an error is made to form a word form.Correct the mistake And write down the word correctly.

Assist of hand

six sorts

Best way

Seven answers

curtain tulle

7. Set the correspondence between the grammatical errors and suggestions in which they are allowed: to each position of the first column, select the appropriate position from the second column.


A) improper use of the core form of nouns with the pretext

B) incorrect construction of a sentence with a certain turnover

C) violation of communication between the subject and faithful

D) violation in building a challenge

E) violation in building a sentence with homogeneous members

1) Vasily Blessed Cathedral has not only a rich decor, but also an unusual overall composition.

2) I sincerely admired and loved this picture of Surikov, an unknown force came from her.

3) Generation of our fathers and grandfathers with distrust perceived reforms.

4) Tired of a long walk, we wanted to get to the camp sooner.

5) In 1871-1872, the sixth Roman Dostoevsky with the defiant symbolic name "demons" comes out.

6) Seeing this clearing, you will not be able to forget it.

7) At the Assembly of the Group discussed the issues of attendance and the fact that there is no possibility to pass the tests ahead of schedule.

8) Gorky could brightly depict the life of Bosyakov, as the life of these people from the inside knew well.

9) Contrary to expectations, the service in the regiment was full of surprises, often pleasant.

8. Determine the word in which the unstressed checked vowel root is missed. Write this word by inserting the missed letter.

pl ..Vchikha

rel ..



nonfashers .. Remark

9. Determine the range in which one and the same letter is missing in both words. Write these words by inserting the missed letter.

pr..el (temple), etc.

in .. Igue, out of ..

p. Hotel, Nar .. SPEV

s..el (apple), over ...

before .. Higher, vz..mal

10. Write down the word in which the letter E.

growing ..



de-seater..t (line)

11. Write the word in which the letter I. is written on site


posil .. in hand)

oblast..the (passerby dog)

expect ...

immediately ..

12. Determine the proposal in which it is not written with the word. Open brackets and write this word.

People came to the help of the city, memory, the art of the art, (not) who wanted to obey the mitigation of indifference.

He presented himself with a martyr and partly even with pride thinking that the bowl was still (not) to guide to the bottom, that he would still suffer for his honesty.

Two times shook her hand; For the second time she pulled it out, (not) speaking a word.

The French were reflected at all points, but we (not) took the forces to switch the river on the same day and trust the defeat.

Let it be (not) in my opinion, I am ready to make a compromise.

13. Determine the proposal in which both highlighted words are picked. Open brackets and write these two words.

(C) the continuation of the maritime travel we (not) once fell into the storm.

Cure Chekhov in the political party was not so (that) simply: he expressed his protest against injustice and cruelty (by) to his own.

(C) the difference from others, Zelensky was ready to perform, although he knew perfectly that I had (c) the mind of Rybin when I appointed a meeting.

"(From) What are you so sad?" - With excitement in a voice, bowing his head (for) side, asked Maria.

What (if) neither told the guest, he knew how to light the truth, inspire the interlocutor ..

14. Specify all the numbers in which the NN is written.

I patiently examined the sand (1) Jello and fresh lashing pebbles in search of interesting pebbles; The light breeze was blowing, the waves were cakes and humming (2) s. I was might that I wander in the sacrament (3) OM, Osta (4) Om all the world.

15. Put the punctuation marks . Specify two sentences in which you need to putOne comma. Write down the numbers of these proposals.

1) With the image of a plush in the "dead souls" of Gogol, the motive of launching and rotting death and degradation is closely connected.

2) The revolution and civil war not only changed the socio-political situation in the country, but also influenced the thoughts and mindset of people.

3) On the appearance of a stranger in the city spoke the next day and in a week and even in a month.

4) Every day I tried to learn something new did not want to lose one hour not one minute.

5) And in the morning, everything is also roaring the gray and myglisted sea and flew to the embankment heavy splashes of the surf.

16. Establish all punctuation marks:

In the evening, Grandfather Trophim (1) Nadiva Tulupchik (2) came out of the hut and appeared on the threshold only in a couple of hours with knitting firewood; Covered (3) SIZY IPEY (4) It was similar to Santa Claus.

17. Establish all the missing punctuation signs: Specify the number (s), on the site of which (s) in the sentence should stand the comma (s).

I am a presentiment, "said the doctor, - that (1) Poor Grushnitsky (2) will be your victim ...

Princess said that your face is familiar to her. I noticed her that (4) True (5) She met you in St. Petersburg, somewhere in the world ... I said your name ... it was known to her. It seems (6) Your story has done a lot of noise there ... Princess began to talk about your adventures, adding (7) Probably (8) to secular gossiping their comments ...<…>If (9) you want, I will imagine you ...

18. Establish all the signs of punctuation: Specify the number (s), on the site of which (s) in the sentence should stand the comma (s).

Late German romance represented passion like external, often deceptive and hostile forces (1) toy in her hands (2) (3) He is (4) and liked the love of rock.

19. Establish all the punctuation marks: Specify the number (s), on the site of which (s) in the sentence should stand the comma (s).

We did not know (1) that in these coarse hearts is pretty space (2) to serve as a field of battle between God and the Devil (3) and (4) that the idea of \u200b\u200bmerging with the people or convergence is important from it only for us (5) and not for

social consciousness.

20. Edit Offer: Correct the lexical error,excluding too much word. Write this word.

Then the steppe opened a distant and silent, then low, twisted with blood clouds, or even people, and a steam room, and thump drowned in the black darkness.

Read the text and execute tasks 21 - 26

(1) The sky clouded with evil clouds, the rain sadly pounded into the glass and caught up for a melancholy. (2) In a pensive posture, with an eclipsed vest and laid his hands in his pockets, stood at the window and watched the master of the urban pawnshop Polycarp Semenovich Judene at the glory street.

(3) "What is our life? - He argued in unison with a crying sky. - (4) What is it? (5) A book is some kind of pages that are written more suffering and grief than joys ... (6) What is she given to us? (7) After all, God is not for the seals, the good and almighty, created the world! (8) And coming out the opposite. (9) Less more than laughter ... "

(10) Judene took the right hand out of his pocket and scratched the head.

(11) "H-yes," he continued thoughtfully, - in terms of the universe, obviously there was no poverty, sales and shame, but in fact they are. (12) They created them very much. (13) It spoiled this Beach itself. (14) And for what, it is asked, for what? "

(15) He took out his left hand and sorrely spent her face.

(16) "But how easily it would be possible to help the human grief: it would be worth it to move the finger. (17) Here, for example, there is a rich funeral procession. (18) Horses gear in black abacks carry a magnificent coffin, and the back rides almost on the vest of the Verena Kareet. (19) Treaks are important to perform with lanterns. (20) Cardboard coat of arms hang on horses: an important person is buried, a died died. (21) Does he have done a good deed for all his life? (22) Has the poor man? (23) Of course, no ... Mishura! "

- (24) What do you, Semen Ivanych?

- (25) Yes, I find it difficult to appreciate the costume. (26) In my opinion, it is impossible to give more than six rubles. (27) And she asks seven; Says, kids are sick, it is necessary to treat.

- (28) and six rubles will be too many. (29) Do not give more five, otherwise we are so ruble. (30) Only you can't look good, there is no holes and whether there are no stains ...

(31) "NDA-C, so here is a life that makes think about the nature of man. (32) In the rich dogging, the flow of the supply to which the pine coffin was hampered. (33) From behind it rushes, slamming on dirt, only one old woman. (34) This old woman, perhaps stacked in the grave of the Son-Kormiltsy ... (35) And ask if she would give her a penny here that lady that sits in the carriage? (36) Of course, it will not give, although, maybe express its condolences ... "

- (37) What else is there?

- (38) The coat of the old woman brought ... How much to give?

- (39) Fur Zaire ... (40) Nothing, strong, 5 rubles costs. (41) Give three rubles, and interest, of course, forward ... (42) "Where, in fact, people, where are their hearts? (43) The poor digest, and there are no business ... "

(44) Judene pressed the forehead to the cold glass and thought. (45) In front of him, heels were made - large, brilliant, crocodile tears.

(by A.P. Chekhov *)

* Alexander Pavlovich Chekhov (1855-1913) - Russian writer, prose, publicist, elder brother Anton Pavlovich Chekhov.

21. Which of the statements correspond to the content of the text? Specify response numbers.

1) City Lombard is on the verge of bankruptcy, so Judene, the owner of this pawnshop, can not afford to be engaged in charity.

2) The lady in the carriage gave one penny to the old woman, buried his son on that day.

3) Funeral processions are rich and poor - Polycarp Semenovich for reasoning about the poor and the rich.

4) The owner of the pawnshop, despite his streaming arguments, strictly reluctance of the financial interests of the institution.

5) Polycarp Semenovich is convinced that it is very easy to help people.

22. Which of the listed statements areloyal ? Specify response numbers.

Figures indicate in ascending order.

1) In Proposition 2, a description contains.

2) The proposals 11-14 presents the narration.

3) Proposition 23 contains an answer to the question formulated in sentences 21-22.

4) The sentences 34-36 presents the argument

5) Proposition 45 explains the reason why it is said in sentence 44.

23. From Proposals 39-45, write antonyms (antonymic pair).

24. Among offers 15-23 find such (s), which is connected (s) with the previous one with the help of writing union and personal pronouns. Write the number (s) of this (s) offers (s).

25. "Chekhov stories are compact in form and deep content, and the author avoids direct estimated judgments - his voice sounds quietly, but at the same time firmly and clearly. This contributes to a complex composition and, of course, the competent selection of fine-expressive means. In the presented fragment, it is worth noting the trop - (a) __________ ("evil clouds" in sentence 1, "Grinding Street" in Proposition 2), lexical remedy - (b) __________ ("Clean" in sentence 20, "Promarim" in Proposition 29 , "Weave, slap ..." in sentence 33), syntactic agent - (c) __________ (offers 3, 14, 21). It is worth paying attention to such a reception, as (d) __________ (proposal 11), which becomes, perhaps, one of the main ones when building this text. "

List of terms:

1) phraseological units

2) Antiteza

3) epithets

4) Spoken vocabulary

5) rows of homogeneous members of the sentence

6) Questions

7) lexical repeat

8) hyperbole

9) Sineeko

26. Write an essay on the read text.

Word one of the problems supplied by the author of the text.

Comment on the formulated problem. Include in the comment two examples-illustrations from the read text, which, in your opinion, are important to understand the problem of source text (avoid excessive citation).

Word the position of the author (narrator). Write, agree or disagree with the point of view of the author of the read text. Explain why. Agregate your opinion, relying primarily on readership experience, as well as knowledge and vital observations (the first two arguments are taken into account).

Operations volume - at least 150 words.


1. Answer: 35|53.

2. Answer: but.

3. Answer: 3.

4. Answer: mosaic.

5. Answer: response.

6. Answer: Tulle.

7. 94372

8. Answer: irreconcilable

9. Answer: Ate unexperary

10. Answer: man

11. Answer: Parading

12. Answer: lacking

13. Answer: Why Naboka

14. Answer: 234.

15. Answer: 12

16. Answer: 124

17. Answer: 345678

18. Answer: 14.

19. Answer: 1235.

20. Answer: black | black.

21. Answer: 345

22. Answer: 134.

23. Answer: 21

25. Answer: 3462


1. The problem of human doubles, hypocrisy. (What an assessment is worthy person, networking on human defects and the same creative evil itself?)

1. A hypocriser, a two-room person worthy of mockery and contempt.

2. The problem of true and false compassion, mercy. (How does True and false compassion manifest?)

2. True compassion is not always worth a true compassion for beautiful compassionate speeches. Compassion, mercy is demonstrated by actions, not words.

* To formulate problems, the examiner can be used vocabulary, differing from the one that is presented in the table. The problem can also be quoted on the source text or is specified using links to the suggestions in the text.

Old Russian literature, like any medieval literature, has a number of features that distinguish it from the literature of the new time. A characteristic feature of the literature of medieval type is the broad interpretation of the concept of "literature" as a written word with the obligatory inclusion of functional genres in it, which usually perform religious ritual or business functions. Attention should be paid to the fact that in the Middle Ages the basis of the genre system makes up the functional genres that have special extraphirate functions. On the contrary, genres with weakened functionality are on the periphery of this system. In the transitional period from the Middle Ages to the culture of the new time, a reverse process arises: genres with weakened functionality are moved to the center of the system, and the functional genres are pushed out to the periphery.

In this way, DRL is a complex conglomerate of art and business monuments (1). This feature was due to a close relationship with history, Christian religion and writing at all.

The handwritten nature of the existence of works of DRL (2) fundamentally distinguishes it from the literature of the new time. The work, as a rule, was not in one, but in several lists. The correspondence sometimes just copied the manuscript, creating a new listBut often changed its ideological orientation in accordance with the requirements of time, reduced or expanded the text, changed the monument style. In this case, we are talking about a new editorial Works. The author's list is called autograph. In the process of processing the work arise its editorial. Since the essay in DRL existed for several centuries and in different regions, then the editions could be several. The list that turns out to be the basis for recycling is called program. They can not always be the author. Researchers of the movement and development of texts in DRL - textologists and paleographs - Consider the types of handwriting scribes, characteristics of spelling, grammar, individual language differences, and on the basis of this are a hypothetical diagram of the development and dissemination of the editions of the monument. Textology and paleography - These are auxiliary disciplines that help in the study of handwritten texts. Textology is engaged in the study of the actual text, and Paleography considers the material on which with which a handwritten monument was created.

Anonymity (3) Most of the works of DRL are another distinguishing feature associated with the Christian concept of a person's personality, according to which Gordiny was revered by one of the greatest sins, and humility - riding virtue. Because of this, the individual features of the writer's personality in medieval literature did not receive such a bright manifestation as in the literature of the new time. However, anonymity cannot be confused with impersonality. It has long been proven that the individual copyright in the DRL existed, but the forms of his expression were other than in the usual literature. The attitude to the copyright in DRL was completely different. Anonymity allowed the authors to use the parts of "other people's" texts to compile their own. Exceptions were made only for the works of authoritative - texts of the Holy Scriptures and legends, the writings of the fathers of the Church, state documents. On the names of their creators, references were made. However, authoritative church texts were recognizable due to broad fame.

Medieval historicism (4). DRL began as literature, devoid of fiction. The scribe strictly followed the fact, tied his work with a specific historical event or face. Even when it comes to the phenomena of supernatural, about persons and events, from our point of view of those who have not existed or impossible in real reality, anyway, the compiler of the work, and the reader in ancient Russia perceived everything written as actually former. And such an attitude to the written text remained a very long time. Perhaps only in the XVII century, this tradition was destroyed.

The principle of historicism is associated with providencyliament (5), That is the idea of \u200b\u200bpredestination. So, any hero of the agiographic literature is still a tendency to holy life. If he begins his life sinful, his assurance, the change in the quality of the spiritual state inevitably, in advance is predetermined. Also predetermined by the suffering of the Russian people "For our sins" in the titles about the Tatar-Mongolian invasion.

The features of the worldview of the medieval person is due to the authoritarianism of thinking of the ancient Russian scribe and authority (6) Like the feature of the artistic method of DRL. A link to historical, literary or political authority is very important for an ancient Russian person (this has already been mentioned above). Often, new essays subscribed to the names of the fathers of the church, the hierarchs of the past years for only to give them a greater weight. The reader first acquainted with the DRL monuments, draws attention to the abundance of direct quotes and indirect references to the texts of the new and dilapidated covenant, numerous references to the creations of authoritative church writers. In these quotations, the author as it would fix its moral and didactic, political and aesthetic assessment of the fact, events, persons, argued its general security and generally acceptedness.

With authoritarianism thinking is closely connected principle of a retrospective historical analogy (7) , which is the most important means of authoring an assessment of a historical event. This is what the V.V. writes about this Skuskov: "A retrospective historical analogy allows you to deeper the meaning of a historical event deeper, to assess the behavior of its participants, to glorify them or condemn, establish a kind of typological community of events of ancient Russia with events of world history and thereby indicate on their specific patterns." On the material of the monuments of the Kulikovsky cycle, the researcher shows how a continuous chain of victories survived by Russian princes Yaroslav Wise, Alexander Nevsky, Dmitry Donskoy, is established. "Traditional reception, - continues V.V. Scoops, - a retrospective historical analogy with biblical characters in the "Tale of Mama Boy" emphasizes the importance of the victory on the field of Kulikov. She equates to the victory of Gideon over Madiam, Moses over Amalik and Pharaoh, David over Goliath. Moskovsky Prince's troops are similar to Alexander Macedon's troops, the courage of Russian warriors is similar to the Gidoneon Allies. And heavenly forces help Dmitry just as once helped King Konstantin in his struggle with wicked. Dmitry Volyntz shelves are similar to David's departures, "I also from the heart of the property, Aki Lwov, Aki Lutia Vlzi on the sheepdie of the herd of Podzosh." In his prayers, Dmitry asks God to help him just like Ezekia, - to tame the heart to the fierce beast Mama. "

Authority dominated and in the field of artistic form. DRL can be called the literature of the sample, the literature of a sustainable etiquette. Traditional (8) It covers not only the content of works, but also their form: the principles of the image of a person, the plot, composition, language. The traditional of medieval literature can not be perceived as a result of "children's immediacy", inability or "ineptness" of a scribe. This is the phenomenon of the era, the urgent need of time, the fact of the moral consciousness of a person, without which he could not explain the world and navigate it.

Authority DRL reflects the current corporate principle of the existence of an ancient Russian person. A clear awareness of the inability to break the currently corporate start imposes a fingerprint on the literature. If you are a prince, then you must be them and behave in accordance with the idea of \u200b\u200ba worthy princely behavior. "As a boiler can not be overwhelmed with blacks and burnings, so the holope can not be overwhelmed by the Haldness" ("Praying" of Daniel Sharpet "). The behavior of a person in a medieval society is determined by the rank. Likhachev called this trait of life with etiquetry. But it is more accurate to use themescency and shortage. Even medieval man's clothing is a sign of rank. Gennia is an order. Bessenism, desirelessness - a mess. A person should take his place in the general row. Order, robes become indicators of the device of the world. In the composition of the XVII century, the Sokolnichnaya Way Distribution, which was created not without the participation of the king Alexei Mikhailovich, clearly formulated the Credio of human behavior, order. Ancient Russian "Chin" as a literary concept corresponds to some extent the current concept of "rhythm", for it is precisely measured by order, genuine that creates the life basis of the ceremoniality of Russian literature.

Traditionality becomes the type of medieval creativity, the most important factor in the intellectual development of reality. She rests on a deep conviction that in the world there is the only correct worldview - Christian ideology. The traditionalism of ideological and artistic thinking, reflecting the medieval ideas about the new as heretical, did not allow a different approach to the evaluation of the phenomenon, regarding any other point of view as the devil from the devil.

The ancient Russian writer creates within a certain tradition. The true value of medieval art is seen in the exact consequence of the sample. The highest sample and the highest truth is, of course, the authority of the Holy Scriptures.

D.S. Likhachev introduced the concept literary etiquette (9) under which we will understand the system of canonical literary techniques - composite, systems of images, language, stylistic clichés, etc. necessary to create works of certain genres, images of certain characters.

An essential feature of the DRL is its direct and more stable communication with ideology (10) . A.N. Robinson explains this by the fact that in the Middle Ages, "Artistic Literary Creativity did not develop independently (as a special form of ideology), but no matter how" inside "or in different practically purposeful writing genres (for example, in chronicles and in solemn preaching , in agiography, etc.) ... Such united and practically targeted literature functions detained the allocation of artistic creativity from writing and caused more directly (than in the literature of the new time) the dependence of aesthetics from ideology as a whole. " From here it follows I. didacticism DRL. The author has always put practical and didactic purposes before its work, because the medieval literature is utilitarian, it is created for the benefit of the soul. Even the story is always an outdate teaching.

The process of creating a literary work in ancient Russia was closely associated with the process of knowledge, which in turn was due to the peculiarities of the worldview of a medieval person. For the worldview of the ancient Russian scribe is characteristic binarity, opposition to the real surreal, temporary - eternal. These features of the vision of the world and have affected the theory of knowledge: the surrounding reality, things are everyday scribe comprehends the "bodily sick". The mysters of the perfect world open a person through spiritual insight, divine revelation, so the knowledge of the mountain is possible only by the "spiritual purple."

From the point of view of a medieval person, the divine forces could manifest themselves in life either directly or indirectly, with various hints. Perceiving reality as a symbol of the perfect world, a person perceived any phenomenon, any subject of the real world as a sign expressing the sacred essence of this phenomenon or subject. On the soil of this vision of the world actively develops symbolism (11) - One of the most characteristic features of medieval literature. The emergence of symbolism in the DRL should not be born exclusively with the domination of the Christian ideology. He is inherent in art and pre-Christian eras. So, A.N. Veselovsky distinguished the pagan symbolism and symbolism of Christian. In his opinion, in paganism, "the symbol came out of life", while in Christianity "life begins to be determined by mental material made in it."

Medieval literature and art built on symbols. Dionysius Areopagitis argues: "Things are shown the essence of the images of the invisible." Each thing - the symbol of the invisible. In the medieval consciousness, the world doubles. Real, Dolia World There is a symbol and prototype of the world of perfect, mountain. Only the one who gained perfection can be penetrated into the world of mountains by inner contemplation, then the inner eyes are open and prophets are born. Note that the literature does not forget. Based on the principle of doubling the world in a romantic aesthetics, images of poets of prophets appear.

Events are also doubled. They have analogues in the past, first of all in the biblical and evangelical history, which is thinking as a reality. In the historical event it is important to find a hidden meaning. God is a smart and wise mentor who is trying to bring up humanity with his battle. Please note that symbolism is also, as well as the DRL historicism, turns out to be associated with the idea of \u200b\u200bpredestination, pridentialism. Symbolic items. Sword - a symbol of power and justice, shield - protection, defense. The church is the symbol of the sky, the earthly sky, the ark of salvation (as nov saved God in the ark, so the temple saves a person). Gold symbolizes Eternity and Christ. Cross - Salvation, Cross Flour. It should be noted that the symbolism of DRL gave rise to the predominance of the genre of parables, which was the first-axis genre systems.

Of course, all these trail features could not remain unchanged for seven centuries, they gradually transformed as the literature develops.


  • Life Feodosia Pechersk. Theme pilgrimage literature, 616.19kb.
  • Background of the emergence of the ancient Russian literature, its periodization, genre system. , 195.8KB.
  • Questions for the exam in the course "Russian literature XVIII century" , 69.41kb.
  • References for reading in summer. 6th grade. From the ancient Russian literature, 22.38Kb.
  • The program to the state examination of literature, 543.12kb.
  • 1. The emergence of ancient Russian literature, 730.2kb.
  • Questions to the State Exam on Folklore and the History of Russian Literature, 49.18KB.
  • Objectives: 1 will get acquainted with the theoretical justification of the genres and styles of the Old Russian, 411.57kb.
    1. The conditions for the emergence and features of the study of the ancient Russian literature.

    The conditions for the emergence of the ancient Russian literature.

    There was a period when there were no literature. There was an oral folk creativity.

    Conditions for creating literature:

    • The existence of the state (consisted in the 9th century). In 862, the tribes for termination of wars decided to encourage foreign rulers. It was called for 3 brothers. The name of their Sineus, Trour and Rurik. It was proved that only one Rurik existed. He created his dynasty in Novgorod. After his death, the throne took Oleg. Varyagi declared their right to power, but there was little evidence, because There are few oral legends. Written legends were required.
    • The adoption of Christianity (his first adopted Igor Olga's wife). In 988, Vladimir adopted Christianity by state religion. We needed church books. Christianity assumed to stop believing in paganism. After the adoption of Christianity began canonization to the face of saints.
    • Writing (ancient Russian language Variant Bulgarian). Oleg, Olga, Svyatoslav knew how to write, but not the current Russian (not Cyrillic).
    Periodization of ancient Russian literature:
    1. End X - the beginning of the XII century. Literature Kiev Rus, Chronicle (Kiev and Novgorod).
    2. The end of the XII is the first one third of the XIII century. A single rus splits on the principalities. A single chronicle is destroyed, in individual principalities are created their chronicles.
    3. The second third of the XIII is the end of the XIV century. 1240 - 1380. - Tatar-Mongolian IHO (almost no literature - "The Word about the killed Russian land." The author cries about the died of Russia).
    4. The end of the XIV is the first half of the XV century. Combining lands around Moscow. Again, one common chronicle appears ("Zadonchina"; "On the fight against the Tatars" - one of the few chronicle).
    5. The second half of the XV is the middle of the XVI century. The centralized state (the rulers glorify in the chronicles). Published appears.
    6. Mid XVI - the end of the XVII century. The transitional stage from the ancient Russian literature to the Novorusskaya, the system of genres changes, begin to think about the relationship and power.

    Features of studying the ancient Russian literature.

    • Manuscript (1564 - "Apostle" - church book. First printed book. Prices - Ivan Fedorov). Usually the books were rewriting. The one who rewritten the book considered himself co-author. He had the right to rewrite the text as he liked it. "Zadonshchyna" - the rewritten "Word about the regiment of Igor". Most of the texts were formed when rewriting completely from other texts.
    • Anonymity (writers did not sign their works. The authors were educated monks). The monks viewed their books as serving God.
    It is not possible to dating works (under the works of dates were not put and therefore people cannot determine the date of writing a book).
    1. Genres of Old Russian literature.

    Genres - groups of works, the same in shape and close in content.

    The church books were brought from different countries, but with them the other works were attached to Russia. According to the translation of these works, the original Russian books (the lives of the Saints "Life Boris and Gleb" began to be written. There was a genre of apocryon opposite. These are stories about the saints, but the saints are represented there like live people who can also make sins. Written apocryphas and Jesus Christ. "The walking house of the Mother of God" - the Virgin of the kind, and Christ is angry. The Mother of God asks forgive sinners, but Christ refuses. People begin to doubt that the Bible is written true. Walking (Hoggling). People rarely traveled. Mostly traveled only merchants. They were struck by the life of foreigners. This genre noticed about other lands ("walking in three seas" - Athanasius Nikitin is written about his travels). Chronicle. Originated from the genre of the chronicle (chronograph). The chronicles wrote from the creation of the world. It was written about different countries (appeared in Byzantium). At first, the Russian monks were translated them, but then they began to complement them. Oral legends were recorded in the chronicle. All chronicles begin also from the creation of the world and the Byzantine chronicles. Now publish the chronicles from the creation of Russia. In the XVII century, a genome breakthrough will begin at the junction of ancient and new literature when new genres appear. There will be an end to ancient Russia.

    1. Sources, editors and the main ideas of the "Tale of Bygone Years".

    Sources and editors of the Tale of Bygone Years.

    Sources - those documents from which they took information (vaults - "Taken about the adoption of Russia." 1039 - Yaroslav Wise. The adoption of Christianity Rus.

    Editorial - a variant of the text that occurred by rewriting.

    1050 - "Novgorod chronicle". Also the adoption of Christianity.

    1095 - The "Second Kiev-Pechersky Arch" ("initial arch") was compiled on the basis of the two previous ones.

    1113 - PVL (author - Monk Nestor). The first edition of PVL: The text of this chronicle is lost. Drawing up the chronicles - the task of the political chronicle. Task: to glorify the princess at this time. When the first PVL printed with Svyatopolk. The chronicle has not yet finished, and the Svyatopolk died and on the throne joined monomah. The chronicle had to rewrite, because Vladimir took her from Nestor. Kiev-Pechersk Monastery ceased to be the main thing. The vydubitsky monastery took his place. 3 years rewritten PVL, and in 1116 the second edition appeared. Her compiler was a sievester. This chronicles have reached us. The third edition of PVL: 1118 - the son of Monoma Mstislav is entering the throne. He took the chronicle from the monastery and returned it to the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery. She did not differ much from the second edition. Mstislav ordered to include "teaching Chadam" his father. She also reached our time.

    The main ideas of PVL.

    You can highlight two main ideas:

    1. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe unity of the Russian Earth (fragmentation).
    All the gifts begin with Varyag's vanity. In the plots glorify the princes. In the "teachings of Chadam" there is a letter to Oleg.
    1. Independence of the Russian Church. Many plots about campaigns on Tsargrad.
    1. History of publication, the problems of authenticity and authorship "Words about the regiment of Igor".

    Publication history.

    In the 90s of the XVIII century in the city of Yaroslavl in the Savior-Pria-Monastery A.I. Musin - Pushkin found the chronicle "Word about the regiment of Igor". Mention of find began in the press, but this chronicle was not real. On the throne, then was Catherine II. In 1796, she asked to take a copy from the chronicle. The copy received the name "Catherine List". In 1800, the chronicle was published for the first time. In 1812 there was a war with Napoleon, and Moscow burned \u003d\u003e the chronicle too. When the war is over, they began to express doubts about the "Word about the regiment of Igor." Only a few copies came to us.

    Causes of disputes:

    1. The word is written in a very bright language. The chronicle is a dry list of facts, and there is a artistic understanding of the text.
    2. In the chronicles there are many incomprehensible places. Specialists cannot read some places. Or maybe this work was written not Russian? In the XIX century, "Zadonchina" was found. She repeats the "Word about Igor's regiment". The society insisted that Musin - Pushkin himself wrote "the word about the regiment of Igor". Called Zhukovsky, and Karamzin. We cannot say for sure, this text is ancient or this fake XVIII century. The only way is to find the original, but we still consider it ancient.
    1. Satirical creativity Antioch Kantemir.

    In the XVIII century, informal literature arises. The first was Antiha Dmitrievich Kantemir. He was Greek. His father was the ruler of Moldova. He believed that Moldova should be free. He concluded a contract with Peter. 1711 - Peter loses the battle for the liberation of Moldova and awards Dmitry. The son of Dmitry received a very good home education. Antioch was familiar with Feofan Prokopovich - the fourth court poet. After the death of Peter in 1729, he wrote "on hulad teachings. To my mind. " This satire was not published. His close was called the "scholar of a friend." Kantemir and Prokopovich were for Anna and against the nobles. Feofan Prokopovich wanted to become a courteous poet again, but Anna deceived their expectations. She decided to teach Cantemir. 1735 - He is an ambassador in England and France. In 1744, he died. One edition of his satir in Paris in French was published, and in 1784 - in Russia in Russian. He wrote eight satir. They are divided into two groups: Russian and overseas.

    1. Creativity M.V. Lomonosov (reforms of Russian poetry, stylistic teaching, uniform creativity).

    (1711 - 1765) He was a peasant, but not serf. His father was rich. He was a fisherman. Owned his own ship. Born in the village of Denisovka, located on the North Dvina River. 200 km from the village was the city of Arkhangelsk. Lomonosov's father was not visible, like mother. She died when his son was five years old. Since childhood, Lomonosov helped his father. He was a sailor on the whaling ship. Suddenly he wanted to learn. He quickly learned to read from Deca in the local church, then reread all the church books, and then decided to escape to Moscow. In 1730, when he was 19 years old, he escaped. Then it was December. On the way it was picked up fishermen. They brought him to Moscow, but there was only one educational institution where the peasants did not take. Lomonosov had to fake documents in order to take it. A year later, the deception revealed, but he was not kicked out. Father, having learned that his son escaped to Moscow, did not give him money for training. Lomonosov lived difficult. His classmates were small children who were much younger than him. He studied five years. He was the best student. In 1735 he was sent to study in St. Petersburg. In 1736, he went to study in Germany, Marburg. He was a chemist, engaged in a mountain matter. He was a man not degenerate. Wrapped with my teacher, he left. Two years tried to return home. In Germany married. He had two children. In 1741, he returned to Petersburg and entered the service. In 1745 he became an academician chemistry. In the same year, Tremakovsky became an academician of Elokventry. Lomonosov became the court poet of Elizabeth. Made friends with Shuvalov. Together with him in 1755, he founded Moscow University. He was not only a master in all matters, but also by the artist. He was easier to learn how to us in our time. When he studied, he thought about the reform of the poems. Leaving to Germany, he took the treatise of Tremakovsky with him. Lomonosov has not agreed with much. For example, with restrictions. He wrote another treatise "Letter about the rules of the Russian poem" - 1739. It really was a letter he sent to Russia, but it was not published. It was printed only in 1742.





    Syllabo tonic system; rhyme equal fee; Yamb is the best size.

    Lomonosov's letter was a verse that was written by a 4-stop jamb.

    "Ode for taking Khotin" (written in Germany, Turkey is dedicated). After this ODD switched to Syllabic to the Syllabo Tonic System.

    Odich creativity Lomonosov:

    Lomonosov wrote ODD, who were shared on the solemn and spiritual (the main sense is delight). "Ode for taking Khotin" - he was not a witness to the battle, did not know what was actually happening. The events learned from the German newspaper. Poetic mess, mythological geography, the case takes place on Olympus, the actors mostly gods. He wrote mainly on the face of the whole people. All his ODD is symbolic.

    He addresses the monarch, which is deprived of personal traits (is a symbol of Russia). In his oodas, Lomonosov criticized only the dead monarchs.

    Three calm theory.


    The doctrine of the types of rivers.


    Commonly used



    The doctrine of the shine




    The doctrine of genres

    High (spiritual, solemn OD; heroic poem; tragedy)

    Medium (other lyrical poems;

    Low - include all comic works (bass, satire, comedy, epigram)

    - Sustained - "Elevative" - \u200b\u200bcurses and dialects

    Was proposed in the article "Preface

    About the benefits of books

    Church in Russian "

    1757 year.

    1. Poetic innovation of Derzhavin.

    G.R. Derzhavin was born in Kazan. He was from the poor noble Tatar race. His ancestor was Murza Bagrim. They had a small estate under Kazan with ten serfs. When Derzhavina was five years old, his father died, and the mother had to sell the estate. He did not have education. Mother hired him teachers, but they were bad teachers. They barely taught him to read it. For three years he studied in the Kazan gymnasium, but then she threw it. In 1762, he entered the soldier in the guard to the service, where she served as a soldier for 10 years, since it was necessary to pass the exam for increasing, but he could not pass it. Drozhavina had a complex character. Finally, he received officer Chin, where he served six years, then he became secretary in the Senate. Up to 35, he did not even think to become a poet. In the 1770s, when he served in the Senate, he met with the St. Petersburg writer N.A. Lviv. He was an amateur. Lviv was still an artist, architect, etc. He was a man inspiration. He liked to raise talents. When Derzhavin met him, Lviv decided to make a poet from him. In 1779, Derzhavin published three of his poems: "Key", "on the birth of a parfiraidal period" and "to the death of Prince Meshchersky." In 1782, he wrote OED "Felitsa". This soda was devoted to Catherine. In 1782 they were published, and Ekaterina saw this ODU. Derzhavina was prescribed by the governor in Olonetz, and then in Tambov. Each governor ended in collapse, because He quarreled with the boss. In 1785 he was transferred to the court, but he was justified and sent to resign. Derzhanin wrote several more Catherine. She decided to patronize him. In 1791, he became a secretary and court poet, but he was not suitable for this position. He believed that troubles in Russia occur from the fact that Catherine does not know about them. Derzhavin at the reports allowed himself to swear. Catherine was tired of the behavior of Derzhavin. He stopped glorifying it, because He stopped to get it. In 1793, he was removed from the office of the secretary, but after the resignation he remained at the highest position. His last post was the Minister of Justice. Then Alexander I was already ruled. In 1803, he sent himself to resign, but he was awarded and therefore became rich. He became a classic. He participated in solemn events. In 1815, he is present in the Tsarskostsky Lyceum, where he meets with Pushkin. Dies in 1816.

    Poetry Derzhavin.

    He destroyed the Lomonosovskaya ODU. Derzhavin did it not specifically.

    1. There are common ideas between Lomonosov and Derzhavin. Derzhavin wrote solemn OD. Lomonosov believed that a person should be always A citizen, and Derzhavin believed that a person should be a citizen only in the service. During the rest of the time he could do anything.
    2. Drozhina in verses had a lot of household specifics. He had a monarch not only a symbol, he was and just a man. 1800 - "Snegir" - Dedicated to Suvorov. It was called, because Derzhadran had a bullfinch (according to him). Derzhavin was friends with Suvorov. Derzhavin taught the "bullfding" to sing a military song. When he, returned from the funeral, saw bulging, he sang march. It was unfair, because Suvorov has already died. In Snegire, Derzhavin wrote that Suvorov was a man with oddities. He traveled on the old horse, ate cruck and slept on straw even out of a hike.
    3. Derzhavin broke the theory of three calm. For example, the ode "Welcome".
    4. He made changes to the image of the author. The author became a concrete person.

    "Felitsa" - 1782 year.

    Felitsa - a year before the publication of this Oda, Catherine wrote a fairy tale "On Tsarevich Chlorine". Chlorine searched for a rose without spikes. There was a heroine Felitsa (Lat. Happy). There was a negative character - laminate. Chlorine found a rose without spikes.

    1. Felitsa is taken from this fairy tale. Felitsa - Catherine. Derzhanin describes its specific features. She loved walking on foot. Murza is a satirical image (the courtiers are ridiculous). For example, ridicules Potemkin. Oda is written on behalf of Murza, because He was the ancestor of Derzhavin. He wants to become good, so goes to Catherine.
    8) The main stages of the development of Russian journalism of the XVIII century.
    1. The first Russian newspaper appeared - "Vedomosti". He founded her Peter I. On December 15, 1702, a decree was published about the release of the newspaper. January 2, 1703 the first number was released. He took into account the experience of his father Alexey. Quarants - handwritten books (excerpts from foreign newspapers). They talked about life in the West. Written for the king. Peter I wanted to make this newspaper publicly available. He wanted to make readers allies in reform. There were no big articles in this newspaper. Basically there were short notes. They wrote on small leaves. The newspaper it was written about the opening of new schools, about raising the fertility, that they found minerals that the Indian king presented the king a gift, the Russians beat the Swedes, etc. Peter himself wrote and edited the newspaper. She cost one penny, but more often it was distributed simply for free. The circulation was about 100 copies, but did not disassemble it, because Almost all people were illiterate.
    2. The emergence of the first Russian magazine is "monthly writings, to the benefits and enters the employees." Published at the Academy of Sciences. The editor was G.F. Miller is the author of the Norman theory. This magazine printed the best writers of the 50s. The magazine was divided into several sections. There it was written almost about everything, and Miller tried to do it not political. Power did not affect the magazine. There was a controversy.
    The release of the first private journal is "hardworking bee". This magazine published Sumarokov only one 1759. This magazine introduced a new form to Russian journalism. It was "monozyrnal." He was written by Sumarokov himself. It was a political magazine. There, Sumarokov criticized the courtiers, who were engaged in only personal enrichment.
    1. Golden age. He lasted 1769 year. There was satirical journalism. The beginning of it was given Ekaterina II. She wrote out a lot of foreign magazines, where they wrote that in England and other countries there were satirical magazines. Ekaterina wanted to do the same in Russia. She wanted to put a very rigid framework and explain what could be written about, and what could not be. January 2, 1769 - "Everybody". On the cover stood the name of one of Catherine's secretaries. The first room was placed an article that all writers followed her annex and published satirical magazines. This magazine was a "grandmother of Russian magazines." They appeared 7, but they were questionable quality. But one magazine was competition - "TRUTEN". Published him N.I. Novikov. This magazine led a dispute with Ekaterininsky about satire. Catherine II explained that there is a satire, and called on to make no specific people, the power and "storing humanity" ("smiling satire"). She served their examples. Newly offered Satira Social: aimed at concrete people. For a whole year, they competed. And 6 magazines joined this dispute. In the "Trutne" a peasant question was put. Novikov wrote that they were unhappy. Satyrian journalism began to go beyond. The magazine was closed along with other satirical logs.
    2. The 90s - the beginning of the XIX century. This time is associated with N.M. Karamzin. He published two magazines. 1791 - 1793 - Moscow Journal. The idea of \u200b\u200bcultural convergence of Russia with Europe. There were many translations to Western culture. He was sentimentalist. Karamzin wrote a lot to this magazine, like other writers. The magazine was very popular.
    1802 - "Journal of Europe". Karamzin went out early, but he was closed only in 1918. The magazine existed 116 years! There was a system of permanent columns.
    1. Classicism as a literary direction.

    Russian drama of the 18th century is associated with such a literary direction as classicism.

    1. Classicism has developed in France back in the 16th - 17th centuries, they used many countries. The 18th century - fading, but it only appears in Russia. 16 - 17 V. In Europe, the time of absolutism. Monarchy. The man in the state had no meaning. He is a servant of the state. Servant ruler.
    2. At the heart of classicism lay the teaching "rationalism" (CartEziance). Ratio (Lat.) - Mind. The founder was French philosopher Rene Descartes - Cartesies (Lat.). So he tried to prove the existence of God. Proof - Human Mind. All human society is designed wisely (rationalist). Classicists considered the same way. From this there is a conflict between passion and mind (feeling and debt). Positive characters obeyed debt. Negative - emotions. Classicism was imitated (even name - "Classic" - antique literature). Classicists borrowed the construction of works from the ancient literature. Aristotle wrote the book "Poetics" (a set of rules for writing works). He formulated the rules of literature. Classicists on it and focused.
    1. The rule of three unity. This is unity of the place, time, actions. In antiquity there was no possibility for changing the scenery. The action could not last more than a day. There was no difference between the scenic and normal time. The play should have been one plot.
    2. A scheme of building a play was borrowed. It was five parts. 1 - exposure; 2 - conflict tying; 3 - development of action; 4 - climax; 5 - an omission (another part of an indefinite junction was included in the fifth - Deux Ex Mahina - God from the car. The highest strength interfered in the final).
    In Russian literature, classicism entered the XVIII century, when in other countries he faded.

    Classicism - 1747 year. A.P. Sumarokov wrote two treatises:

    "Epistole about poem"

    "Epistole about Russian"

    He was a poet and journalist - "Singer nobility." He believed that the noble gods are the most important.

    "Satire about nobility."

    He was an opponent Lomonosov. Sumarokov believed that it was necessary to write clearly and simply. He was a classic of medium genres. Classicist - playwright. He was called Russian Racinese.

    The first play was written in 1747 - "Heores" (names taken from PVL). First play of classicism. The main character of Kii and his brother Horiev. There is a Girl of the Oldel. She is the daughter of the ruler who killed cue. Heorev is in love with the Oldel, and the cue sees the betrayal of his brother and orders it to kill her. Because of this, Heores cums the life of suicide, and the cue after that is very strong.

    One canon is absent (unity of time). She was put on the school theater scene under the Cadet Corps. The production was very good.

    The verbal art of the Middle Ages is a special world, in many ways "hidden" for a modern person. He has a special system of artistic values, its laws of literary creativity, unusual forms of works. Open this world can only be dedicated to his secrecy, who knew his specific features.

    Ancient Russian literature is the literature of the Russian Middle Ages, which has passed in its development a long, sevenway, path, from the XI to the XVII century. The first three centuries it was common to Ukrainian, Belarusian and Russian peoples. Only by the XIV century differences between the three East Slavic peoples, their tongue and literature are scheduled. During the formation of literature, its "apprenticeship", the focus of political and cultural life was Kiev, "Mother of the Russian cities", so the literature of the XI-XII centuries is customary to be called the literature of Kievan Rus. In tragic for Russian history of the XIII-XIV century, when Kiev fell under the blows of the Mongol-Tatar Horde and the state lost independence, the literary process lost its former unity, his current was determined by the activities of regional literary "schools" (Chernihiv, Galico-Volynskaya, Ryazan, Vladimiro - Suzdal and others). Since the XV century, a tendency towards the unification of the creative forces is manifested in Russia, and the literary development of the XVI-XVII centuries goes under the sign of the elevation of the new spiritual center - Moscow.

    Old Russian literature, like Folklore, did not know the concepts of "copyright", "canonical text". The works were in handwritten form, and the correspondence could act as a co-autler, to create a reinforcement, exposing the text of the sample, stylistic editing, including a new material borrowed from other sources (for example, chronicles, local legends, monuments of translation literature). So there were new editions of works, differing from each other ideological and political and art installations. Before publishing the text of the work created by

    in the Middle Ages, it was necessary to do a huge draft work on the study and comparison of various lists and editions to identify those closest to the initial type of monument. These goals are the special science of textology; The task also includes an attribution of the work, that is, the establishment of its authorship, and solving issues: where and when it was created, why was his text exposed to?

    The literature of ancient Russia, as the art of Middle Ages, was based on the system of religious ideas about the world, the religious and symbolic method of knowledge and reflection of reality was based on it. The world in the minds of an ancient Russian person seemed to be split: On the one hand, this is the real, earthly life of a person, society, nature, which can be known with the help of everyday experience, with the help of feelings, that is, "Temptum of Cum"; On the other hand, this is a religious and mythological, "mountain" world, which, unlike the "Dolly", is opened by the chosen, pleasing to God for people in minutes of spiritual revelation, religious ecstasy.

    The ancient Russian scribe was clear why certain events occur, he never suffered questions, on whom the Russian classics of the XIX century will think: "Who is to blame?" And "what to do?" To change for the better person and peace. For a medieval writer, all that is happening on Earth is the manifestation of God's Will. If the star was "star, the rays of the bat bloody, then served Rusychi a formidable warning about the coming tests, Polovtsy raids and princely straightening:" CEE is not deer. In the seven, Kyshl Dysokia / L Multi and the invasion of the fasteners on the Rus land, si to the star, the bloody across, manifest blood. Nature for a medieval person has not yet gained its independent aesthetic value; An unusual natural phenomenon, whether the eclipse of the sun or the flood, performed as a symbol, the connection sign between the "mining" and "lobby" worlds was interpreted as an evil or kind omen.

    The historicism of the medieval literature of a special kind. Often, two plans are intertwined in the work in the most bizarre: the actual historical and religious fiction, and the ancient man believed in the existence of demons as well as the fact that Olga's princess traveled to the Tsargrad, and Prince Vladimir Bestil Rus. Demons in the image of the ancient Russian writer "Cherni, Krilat, Tails of the Writer", they ended with the ability to perform human actions:

    scatter flour on the mill, raise logs to the high shore of the Dnieper for the construction of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery.

    Mixing fact and fiction is characteristic of the ancient part of the "Tale of Bygone Years", the origins of which in folklore. Talking about the journey of Princess Olga to the Tsargrad and the adoption of Christianity, the chronicler comes after a folk legend, according to which Olga, "Wise Virgo", "shifted" (reheat) of the Byzantine emperor. Her "Lepotodi", he decided to "catch" Olga for himself, that is, to take into his wife, but after the baptism of Investrocks (the marriage, nominated by Olga), was forced to abandon his intention: the godfather could not become a husband of goders. Recent studies of this chronicle fragment, comparing it with data of translation chronicles, testify that the princess Olga at that time was in a very old age, the Byzantine emperor was much younger and had a wife. The chronicler used the people's version of this historical event in order to show the superiority of the Russian mind over inrogen, to raise the image of the wise government, who understood that without a single religion, the formation of a single state was impossible.

    By glorifying the strength of the Spirit and the wisdom of the Russian people, the medieval writer was an expressive idea of \u200b\u200ba hardest thing, a humane attitude towards the injectors. In the XI century, Peterosius Pechersky in the message to Izyaslav Yaroslavich, pouring the "wrong Latin faith," nevertheless calls on the prince: "Alms of Millu, not a Tokmo on" Like, n and MJ, whether NLHD is Hungry, whether Whether in winter, whether "Lyubi-ml doesn't go, whether Zhidovii is somewhat so much, whether, Volgdrin, whether heretic, whether Latnane, whether from the day, - all sorts of mercy and from E * Lyadvi, and Majda from E * Eahd is not a pogr-byshi. "

    Old Russian literature distinguishes high spirituality. The life of the human soul is the center of gravity of the literature of the Middle Ages, the upbringing and improving the moral nature of the person is the main task. External, the subject retreats here to the background. As on the icon, where the "lyric" and "eyes" are given close-up, the fact that reflects the inner essence of the saint, the "light" of his soul, in the literature, especially zeal, the image of a person is subordinated to the glorification of due, perfect, forever beautiful moral qualities: mercy and modesty, mental generosity and nonstusting.

    In the Middle Ages, there was more than our time, the system of artistic values, the aesthetics of similarity was dominated, and not aesthetics of uniqueness. By definition D.S. Likhacheva, Old Russian

    the writer proceeded in his work from the concept of "literary etiquette", which was stagnant from the ideas about whether one or another course of events should have been committed, "as a valid person should have behaved," "What the writer should be described. Before us, therefore, the etiquette of the world order, the ethricted behavior and etiquette of verbal. "

    Old Russian literature treated the general, repeating, easily recognizable, avoiding a private, random, unusual for the reader. That is why there are so many "common places" in the XI-XVII centuries in the monuments in the image of the military or monastic feat, in the wrong characteristics of Russian princes and in the praise words holy. Comparison of the heroes of domestic history with biblical characters, citing the books of the Holy Scriptures, imitating the authoritative fathers of the Church, borrowing entire fragments from the works of the preceding epochs - all this in the Middle Ages indicated a high book culture, the skill of the writer, and was not a sign of his creative powerlessness.

    For the literature of ancient Russia, a special system of genres is characteristic. She is more in the literature of the new time, is associated with extractive circumstances, with the practical needs of ancient Russian society. Each literary genre served a certain sphere of life. For example, the emergence of the chronicles was due to the need of the state to have their written history, where the most important events (the birth and death of rulers, war and peace treaties, the foundation of cities and the construction of churches would be recorded).

    In the XI-XVII centuries, several genre systems were actively interacted: folklore, translation literature, business writing, liturgical and secular, artistic and journalistic literature. Of course, the genres of liturgical literature ("Prolog", "Character", the "apostle", etc.) were more closely connected with the sphere of their existence, they differed more static.

    The basis of the highlight of the genres in the literature of ancient Russia lay an object of the image. Rolling feats of Rusich were depicted in military agendes, traveling to other countries first only with pilgrimage, and then with trade and diplomatic goals - in walking. For each genre, there was a canon. For example, for the agiographic work, where the object of the image was the life of the saint, the three-part composition is required: rhetorical accession, the biographic part and praise to one of the "History of Christ". A type

    the narrator in life is a conditionally multi-sided person, "thin and unreasonable", which was necessary for the elevation of the hero - the righteous and the wonderworker, so for this genre the main thing was the idealizing method of the image, when the behavior of the hero was freed from all temporary, sinful and he appeared only in the parade The moments of your life as a "positively beautiful person." The style of the monuments of the aographic literature, unlike the chronicle, Vitivat and verbally decorated, especially in the introductory and final parts, which are often called the "rhetorical mantia" of life.

    The fate of the ancient Russian genres was different: some of them left the literary consideration, others adapted to the changed conditions, the third continue to actively function, folling with new content. Essaying literature of the XIX - XX centuries, literary travels of the XVIII century rise to the traditions of ancient Russian walking - one of the most stable genre formations of the Middle Ages. The origins of the Russian novel researchers see in household ages of the 18th century. The poetics of ODA in the literature of Russian classicism, of course, was under the influence of the works of the oratory of ancient Russia.

    Thus, the Old Russian literature is not dead, who has gone phenomenon, she did not go into oblivion without leaving the offspring. This phenomenon is alive and prolit. She passed the inheritance of Russian literature of the new time a high spiritual mood and "teacher" character, ideas of patriotism and humane attitude towards people regardless of their religion. Many genres of literature of ancient Russia, underwent evolution, gained a second life in the literature of the XVIII - XX centuries.