Vasilyev and dawns here are a quiet analysis briefly. Analysis "And the dawns here is quiet" Vasilyev

Vasilyev and dawns here are a quiet analysis briefly. Analysis
Vasilyev and dawns here are a quiet analysis briefly. Analysis "And the dawns here is quiet" Vasilyev

Subject. "War is not a female business." (extracurricular reading according to B.L. Vasilyeva "And dawns here are quiet")


image systems;

conquered the happiness of victory.


Epigraph to the lesson

A. Tvardovsky, 1965.

During the classes

Didn't you want our death

It was just a choice for everyone:

I or my homeland.

The best and most expensive -

Your grief is our grief,

True yours - this is our truth,

Thank you - this is our fame,

I.. The word of the teacher.

What war is? (War is a mountain, tears, death, bloodshed, fires, destruction, hunger)

About Sigor V.O. War 1941-45 g. We, the new generation, judge only by the stories of our grandfathers, Pradedov, on the film dues, on books, and there are quite a few. ("They fought for their homeland" M. Sholokhov, dir. Bondarchuk; "20 days without war" K. Simonova - dir. A.German; "The fate of a person", "hot snow", "17 moments of spring", etc. .)

It so happened that our memory of war and all our ideas about the war are men. This is understandable, because they fought mostly men. But over the years we are increasingly comprehending the immortal feat of a woman in war, her greatest sacrifice brought to the Altar of Victory.

(reading epigraph lesson)


(episode's performance)

2) What is the originality of the nature of each of the five Zenitchian girls? (Zhenya Komelkova is a bright beauty that men and women, friends and even doctors are admired. The originality of the Rita is oxygen - in a pronounced sense of duty. Son Gurvich has a poem in combination with fragility and insecurity, which cause the desire to protect, protect. Main in Lisa Brichina is the proximity to nature, open cordiality. Special daw fourth is the ability to transform reality, imperceptibility)

Each girls have their own sort of score to the fascists. Rita is oxygen - death on the second day of the war of her husband. In Zhenya Komelkova - "Mom, sister, brother - all of the machine gun was laid." Sony Gurwich has a friendly and large family in the occupied Minsk. Lisa Brichkina has a failed "premonition of dazzling happiness."

Gali fourth - unfulfilled fantasies.

I am familiar with Vaskov, B. Vasilyev resorts to a direct characteristic, direct speech, excursion to the past Hero. The last senior explains a lot in it, today. First of all, considering "big noise that a person he is without education", although not his fault. At the end of the fourth (class) he has a bear father suffered. And he became from the age of 14 and the breadwinner and the headlock and the breadthrough in the family. Srod Vaskov felt older than it was. In the army, he was senior not only by rank, but also in the Starshin essence. In the seniority, the author sees a symbol. The symbol of supports on people such as Vaskov - conscientious workers, and in the military too.

The relationship of Vaskov and Zenitchits at first is difficult forces due to the fact that girls constantly violate the charter. At this stage, the girl for him is "Eh, warriors!", And he is "Suede Perek.",

IV. The outcome of the lesson.

Wars - whether they are even small, - for women are always great. A woman rejects death designed to love and continue life.

And who is addressed to the story of Vasilyeva? (The story is addressed to contemporaries. The guy - a tourist, having learned about the feat, assessed with his ignorance. This is seen from his letter. The final is very modest)

Thus, in war it was hard for men, what to talk about women. And they are not dying because the author of their fate decided, and simply: the war is not a female business.

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"" War is not a female business. " (extracurricular reading according to B.L. Vasilyeva "And dawns here are quiet") "

Subject. "War is not a female business." (extracurricular reading according to B.L. Vasilyeva "And dawns here are quiet")

purpose: To acquaint with the biography and creativity B.L. Vasilyeva;

expand and deepen the ideas of students about the essence of the feat

the forms of its manifestation, about the paths of man to the feat;

secure the character analysis skill (character);

be able to choose, select materials for analysis

image systems;

education in students feeling patriotism, comprehending what price

conquered the happiness of victory.

Equipment: Player, grampalis with the song "For that guy";

portrait of Vasilyeva, book show.

Epigraph to the lesson

Girlfriends, our sisters, nurses,

That went to death and met her

In different parts of Ile on someone else's side ...

A. Tvardovsky, 1965.

During the classes

The poem of R. Christmas "Requiem" sounds under the music "For that guy"

Did you dare to die

Life promised, love promised

Does children are born for death,

Didn't you want our death

Quietly said: "Get up to help ..." -

Nobody had a fame with you,

It was just a choice for everyone:

I or my homeland.

The best and most expensive -

Your grief is our grief,

True yours - this is our truth,

Thank you - this is our fame,

I.. The word of the teacher.

What war is? (War is a mountain, tears, death, bloodshed, fires, destruction, hunger)

About Sigor V.O. War 1941-45 g. We, the new generation, judge only by the stories of our grandfathers, Pradedov, on the film dues, on books, and there are quite a few. ("They fought for their homeland" M. Sholokhov, dir. Bondarchuk; "20 days without war" K. Simonova - dir. A.German; "The fate of a person", "hot snow", "17 moments of spring", etc. .)

It so happened that our memory of war and all our ideas about the war are men. This is understandable, because they fought mostly men. But over the years we are increasingly comprehending the immortal feat of a woman in war, her greatest sacrifice brought to the Altar of Victory.

And on the eve of the 70th anniversary of his Victory Day, I would like to bow low in front of women who kept the rear on their shoulders, who preserved kids and defended the country with men.

Today's lesson we dedicate to such women who brought the victory on a par with men.

(reading epigraph lesson)

Before we brought destiny, life, twisted by war, loss of loved ones, loss of health, women's loneliness unbearable remembers the war years.

You have read a wonderful story B.L. Vasilyeva "And dawns here are quiet." Let's talk about the originality of this work.

II.. Biography B.L.Vasiliev. Student performance.

Boris Lvovich Vasilyev was born in 1924 in Smolensk in the Military Family. In the summer of 1941, two weeks after the start of the war, rightly with a school bench, the volunteer went to the front. In 1943, he recovered after severe injury, Vasilyev entered the Academy of Armored Forces and received a specialty of a military engineer.

However, the thrust for creativity, the desire to tell about what he saw and experienced in war forced him to change his profession.

He began to be printed since 1954, but wider fame came to the writer in 1970, sometimes in g. "Youth" was published his story "And the dawns here are quiet .." Following this story B.L. Vasilyev creates a number of works dedicated to peaceful life. Of these, the greatest success is enjoyed by readers of the novel "Do not shoot in white swans" (1973), affirming the invincibility of the good, the need for compassion and love for all living things on earth. To the topic of V.O. Wars returned in the novel "Noted in the lists" (1974). One of the latest works of Roman about a pre-war school.

So, the story B.L. Vasilyeva "And dawns here are quiet." To understand the work, for analysis, we will help questions recorded on the board.

Sh. Analysis of the work "A dawns here is quiet."

1) How do you understand the name of the story? (During the story, it stresses silence in the forest. And the dawns here are quiet. In the story there is no fierce struggle, bombing, but only there are shootouts. Vasilyev wanted to understand that the zori was always quiet, the beauty of nature does not touch anyone, all Forces are given to the struggle.)

(episode's performance)

2) What is the originality of the nature of each of the five Zenitchian girls? (Zhenya Komelkova is a bright beauty that men and women, friends and even doctors are admired. The originality of the Rita is oxygen - in a pronounced sense of duty. Son Gurvich has a poem in combination with fragility and insecurity, which cause the desire to protect, protect. Main in Lisa Brichina is the proximity to nature, open cordiality. Special daw fourth is the ability to transform reality, imperceptibility)

Each girls have their own sort of score to the fascists. Rita is oxygen - death on the second day of the war of her husband. In Zhenya Komelkova - "Mom, sister, brother - all of the machine gun was laid." Sony Gurwich has a friendly and large family in the occupied Minsk. Lisa Brichkina has a failed "premonition of dazzling happiness."

Gali fourth - unfulfilled fantasies.

From the unique characters of five Zenitchic girls in the story, the capacious image of the Soviet woman, female patriot, protector of their homeland increases imperceptibly. Each of the five heroines becomes carrier of one of the essential qualities of this collective image.

What is generally concluded in all the Zenitian girls. What is it? (In the story, femininity, charm of young heroines.

With humor, the everyday life of the anti-aircraft battery is depicted, the life of the girl's division, as girls establish relations between themselves, sometimes violate the subordination, they are unanimously trying to sabotage the orders of Sukhhar Vaskov. With bitterness, Vasilyev emphasizes how the harsh reality of the war enters into irreconcilable contradictions with the prefabricated woman inherent, tenderness, kindness. (The contradiction is when, for example, Rita Osyanin kills his first German. The shock from the murder "I was shaking all night."

The same qualities are experiencing Zhenov Komelkova in hand-to-hand combat when the doctor should kill the doctor with a butt "live head", although Rita and Zhenya have their own bill to the fascists.

Combines all the heroines readiness without hesitation to enter into battle with enemies. Against a sabotage group of specially trained killers, extruded, armed before teeth, stood five girls with three years old. They do everything to stop the enemy, do not regret their lives.)

5) Is it possible to call the "heroic" death of each of the girls? (Each of us shook the death of all the girls, grated the heart of each. (Analysis of the scene of the death of J. Komelkova, Rita of the oxygen, L. Brichkina). Vaskov says goodbye to girls, sterning the sorrowful results, it doesn't build all five of his sorrow, to take revenge, perpetuate Memory about them.

The feat of each heroin becomes significant from the fact that they are women who made love for people intended by nature to give and continue their life on Earth, tender, fragile, enter into a merciless fight with cruel invaders and die protecting their homeland with the price of their lives.

6) What is the idea of \u200b\u200bheroism and a feat in VO War is given in the story? (Certificates of the author and the main character about incompatibility with a war of war, in which the most nature of the hate murder is laid, about the loss that the life and death of a woman, the future mother, which could give rise to the whole string "in the infinite yarn of mankind.")

7) How do you change the character of Vasque and attitude to the author of the author?

I am familiar with Vaskov, B. Vasilyev resorts to a direct characteristic, direct speech, excursion to the past Hero. The last senior explains a lot in it, today. First of all, considering "big noise that a person he is without education", although not his fault. At the end of the fourth (class) he has a bear father suffered. And he became from the age of 14 and the breadwinner and the headlock and the breadthrough in the family. Srod Vaskov felt older than it was. In the army, he was senior not only by rank, but also in the Starshin essence. In the seniority, the author sees a symbol. The symbol of supports on people such as Vaskov - conscientious workers, and in the military too.

Vaskov takes the fighters, seeks the execution of the charter, cares about the order.

The relationship of Vaskov and Zenitchits at first is difficult forces due to the fact that girls constantly violate the charter. At this stage, the girl for him is "Eh, warriors!", And he is "Suede Perek.",

The impression of the beauty of J. Comelkova, he says: "incredible eye strength as 152 mm. Gowbits gun)

The deadly fight with the saboteurs became the test in which the nature of Vaskov is revealed.

Learning girls-fighters He penetrates warm sympathy to the grief of each of them. Crushing with girls with common misfortune, losses, desire to win, he says: "What am I older than you, sisters? I now seem like a brother. " So the soul of severe Vaskov is spreading in battle. Girls penetrate with respect for him. Vaskov-performer, but in a situation in which it turned out, demanded the ability to decide on him to decide on their own. (Clean p.9.)

Each in its front of the front must make a possible and impossible for victory, so that the dawns are quiet.

J. Komelkova, R. Ojanina, L. Brichkina, g. Fast, Sonya Gurvich every could live, educate children, bring joy to people ... .. But there was a war. None of them managed to fulfill their dreams, live their own lives.

IV. The outcome of the lesson.

"Whatever we are a beautiful pair,

My dear, if there was no war. "

Wars - whether they are even small, - for women are always great. A woman rejects death designed to love and continue life.

(Student reads a poem of his own essay)

And who is addressed to the story of Vasilyeva? (. The story is written for contemporaries guy -.. Tourists to learn about the feat, ashamed of his ignorance This is evident from his letters final story is very modest)

Thus, in war it was hard for men, what to talk about women. And they are not dying because the author of their fate decided, and simply: the war is not a female business.




ChapterI. . The problem of studying the story B.Vasiliev "And the dawns here are quiet ..." in scientific and school lideonces.

    1. Biography B.L.VASILEVA ........................................................................................5

      Holistic analysis of the story B.Vasiliev "And the dawns here are quiet ..." in unity of content and forms. The image system ............................................. ............ ... 6

      The film S. Rostotsky on the story B.Vasiliev "And the dawns here are quiet ..." ............. ... ..11

      Serial film "The Dawns Here Are Quiet ..." Chinese director Mao Weining ............................................................................................. ..13

      Audiobniga B.Vasiliev "And the dawns here are quiet ..." ........................................... 15

      Narrative organization ............................................................. ... .16

      Tale B.Vasiliev "And the dawns here are quiet ..." in school study

Programs ........................................................................................................................... ... 17

Tutorials .............................................................................. ............ 21

1.8 Age features of perception by high school students of fiction ................................................................................................................................................

ChapterII. . Lesson extracurricular reading of Russian literature in the 11th grade on "B.Vasilev" The Dawns Here Are Quiet ... "................................................ .. ... ... ............. 24.


Bibliography ................................................................................ ... ............................


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    Audiobook B.Vasiliev "And dawns here are quiet ..." (Annotation author: Igor Yakushko, reads: Alexey Rossoshansky, duration: 4 h. 49 min. Record format: MP3, Quality: 64 Kbps, Volume: 130 MB., Number of files: 24 MP3 files in 6 file files).

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Changes in our society require the transfer of school education accent from learning knowledge to develop key competencies, that is, the ability to solve comprehensive vital problems.

Integration of items in school is one of the directions of active search for new pedagogical solutions that contribute to the transition to a competence model of education will update its structure and content.

Integration implies to eliminate contradictions between the rapidly growing volume of knowledge and the possibility of their assimilation. It contributes to overcoming fragmentation and mosaic of students' knowledge, ensures the mastery of complex knowledge, the system of universal human values, serves as a systemic and holistic view of the world.

In the conditions of rapid growth of information, the possibility of its perception and comprehension decreases sharply. The yield is seen in the assimilation of structured knowledge, which is a certain complex, system. The future of the school is associated with the synthesis of different training items, and above all the objects of the humanitarian cycle, the development of integrated courses, interconnection and interpenetration of all school disciplines. The ideas of integration are increasingly penetrated into school practice. Now it is no longer a surprise to see the lessons on which there are united of different items.

In accordance with the modern tasks of reforming secondary education, one of the priority objectives of the educational process is the formation of a person who can perceive the phenomena of culture is not as an object, but from the subject's position, that is, actualize the accumulated cultural potential in its own communicative practice.

The main value of the personality is the ability to develop, the presence of cognitive potential. The need to know is the main component of human spirituality along with the need to create good and compass. "The man is reasonable - and only he is able to optimally determine the future of mankind, and not to predetermine his death of its activities" (V. Vernadsky). The process of knowledge is infinite, and "modern achievements" of science is only the achievements of a particular period of time that are continued in the future.

The problem of integration of educational information in the teaching in this paper we consider the example of the story B.Vasileva "The Dawns Here Are Quiet ..." (as a sightseeing topic in class 11).

The relevance of the problem is that modern schools are very often used by integrative lessons (this is a special type of lesson combining training simultaneously in several disciplines when studying one concept, theme or phenomenon).

Analyzing literature on this issue, you can formulate the following integration definition: integration - it is a natural relationship between science, disciplines, topics and the subjects on the basis of leading ideas and leading positions with a deep, consistent, multi-faceted opening of the studied processes and phenomena. Consequently, it is necessary not to connect different lessons, but to fill the material of one subject with the material of the other, combining the selected parts into a single integer. Moreover, with any combinations of the material, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe subject is dedicated to the lesson, should remain leading, the main one.

Object Scientific study is the problem of integrating educational information. To do this, I reviewed the story B.Vasilyeva "And the dawns here are quiet ..." in the interpretation of S. Rostotsky (in the two-sector film of the same name), Mao Weinin (in the eponymous 20-serial series), Alexey Rossoshansky (in the audiobook) and school textbook for grade 11 .

Subject This study is the story B.Vasiliev "And the dawns here are quiet ...". The choice of this work is due to many reasons. First, this is a work of a great artist who know and value all over the world. The story is a "bunch" of ideas, personally significant for the writer. Secondly, in "A dawns here are quiet ..." The eternal, socially significant questions about the history of war, the meaning of being, about the responsibility of a person for society, considered the problem of a Russian national nature in the tragic context of the Epoch of the Great Patriotic War.

The topic of this work puts the following researcher target: To formulate students in the skills of a comprehensive analysis of the artistic text in the unity of content and form with the help of different integrated means - audio, video records and text of fiction.

For the realization of the goal, the following tasks.

    Analyze the story in unity of content and forms;

    Trace the relationship of a story with other art types (cinema, audio recording);

    Characterize the age characteristics of the perception by high school students of fiction;

    Develop a system of lessons to explore the story B.Vasiliev "And the dawns here are quiet ...".

In accordance with the object of the study, the following were used to solve the tasks methods:

    systemic analysis of scientific literature on the interdisciplinary level;

    design and modeling the pedagogical process.

Practical significance The work is that the use of this thematic planning to study the story B.Vasilyev "And the dawns here are quiet ..." will allow:

    increase the level of knowledge of students on creativity B.Vasiliev and - in particular - on the story "And the dawns here are quiet ...";

    to form the skills of the holistic analysis of the features of the artistic method of the writer on the example of the work "And the dawns here are quiet ...";

    establish the creative potential of the student of a schoolboy through the use of active learning methods.


The introduction of multi-level integration in teaching practice convinces us that the very idea of \u200b\u200bintegration in improving the educational function very fruitful.

First, the knowledge gained on integrative lessons acquire systematicity, becomes generalized, complex.

Secondly, increasing ideological orientation of cognitive interests of students, more effective forms of belief and achieved all-round development of the personality.

Third, integrative lesson creates an atmosphere of cooperation and research, encourages dialogue and promotes the formation of students' creative thinking.

Fourth, integrative lessons demonstrate the student unity of processes occurring in the world around us, allow them to see the interdependence of various sciences.

In this paper, a pedagogical model of a review topic "Integrative lesson of literature and cinematography in grade 11 was created. An image of a female woman in war in the story B.L. Vasilyeva "And the dawns here are quiet ...", implementing the cultural approach to the literary work and aimed at forming the skills of the holistic analysis of artistic text. The philol-methodical model is universal, that is, it can be applied to the design of the system of lessons in any other epic product of the XI XX century. Its introduction to the educational process will improve the quality of the oral responses of students, will help students understand the material to intensify the material, to activate thinking, increase the motivation to fulfill the tasks of a creative nature, it is easier to assimilate and memorize theoretical concepts, aware of the logical and conceptual relations between them, improve the skills of classification and Systematization of information, develop associative thinking, creative skills.

Philologic-pedagogical tasks for the formation of practical skills of working with artistic text are solved with a support for the last achievements of literary and methodological science and are represented by modern, relevant, promising.

Chapter I.. The problem of studying the story B.Vasiliev"And the dawns here are quiet ..." in scientific and school lideonces.

    1. Biography Vasilyeva Boris Lvovich.

Vasilyev Boris Lvovich

(r. 1924)

Vasilyev Boris Lvovich - Prose, film Sanitary, playwright. He studied in the city school, without having special success. In the summer of 1941, two weeks after the start of the war went to the front right from school bench. At the front was hardly injured, but by 1943 the state of Boris Vasilyeva improved, he recovers. After the end of the war, I decided to go in the footsteps of my father and entered the Academy of Armored Forces, but the thrust for creativity took the top. Member of the Great Patriotic War. By profession - a military engineer test. Demobilization (1954) remained a personnel military. The experience of the war lay down the basis of almost all of his works, starting with the play "Officer" (1955), put in the Central Academic Theater of the Soviet Army and the story "And the dawns here are quiet ..." (1969), which brought him wide fame and became a kind The "classic" work in prose about the Great Patriotic War (awarded the state award was decorated in 1972; director - S. Rostotsky). Before this story (and after it), Vasilyev worked a lot to the cinema, creating several filmcenerers, including on their own works. Since 1960, he is a member of the Union of Cinematographers of the USSR.

B. Vasilyev's granted is most brightly revealed in the theme of the Great Patriotic War. The novel "Noted in the lists" (1974) - about the last, remaining unlucky defender of the Brest Fortress; The lyric-dramatic narration "Tomorrow was war" (1984) - about the young generation, plunged into the puchin of suffering.

Tragism is characteristic and works dedicated to peacetime - the novel "Do not shoot in the White Swans" (1975) and the autobiographical story "My horses fly ..." (1984), the story "there was a claus" (1986) and others.

Peru Boris Vasilyeva belongs to works not only about the past war, but also about the last past. The quest and path of the Russian intelligentsia in the context of the domestic history of 19-20 centuries. - The main content of the novels "was not to" (1977-1980), "and was evening, and it was morning" (1987), "Hello from Baba Lera ..." (1988; other name - "Rough Century"), "My sorrow" quench "(1997)," Game and Breater, Player and Duelist: Notes, Prapraded "(1998)," The house that Grandfather built ", (1991), in many respects built on the facts of the collective biography of the family of Vasiliev himself.

Problems of "troubled time" (historical "dead end" and the search for exit from it) - Central in the historical novels of Vasilyeva "Veus Oleg" (1996) and "Prince Yaroslav and his sons" (1997), "Olga, Queen of Rusov" (2002) , "Prince Svyatoslav", "Alexander Nevsky". Similar issues raises the writer and in their numerous journalistic articles of 1980-1990s, calling for the establishment of a priority of national culture over politics.

In 1997, the writer was awarded the award. HELL. Sakharov "For Civil Consumers", Prize of the President of the Russian Federation (1999), "Niki" in the nomination "For the honor and dignity" (2003), a special prize "For the honor and dignity" of the Literary Prize "Big Book" (2009).

Boris Vasilyev - Honorary Citizen Smolensk (1994); He was awarded the Order "For merits to the Fatherland" of II degree (July 14, 2004) - for outstanding achievements in the development of domestic literature and many years of creative activities; The Order "For Merit to Fatherland" III degree (May 21, 1999) - for an outstanding contribution to the development of domestic literature.

In response to the criticism of the story "And the dawns here are quiet" B. Vasilyev writes: "I am not vaskov, although it looks like a lot." Undoubtedly, the writer reflected their feelings in the dialogue:

While the war is understandable. And then, when will the world be? It will be clear why you had to die? Why did I not let the frenses of these further, why did the decision accepted this? What to answer, when asked: what are you, men, mums from the bullets could not protect? ...

No need, she said quietly, - the Motherland because not from the canals begins. Not at all from there. And we defended it. First, she, and then - the channel. "

1.2. Holistic analysis of the story B.Vasiliev "And the dawns here are quiet ..." in unity of content and forms. Character system.

Squeezing rye uncompressed

Walk fighters on it.

Walk and we, the girls,

Similar to guys.

No, it's not hut

Then my youth in fire ...

Go in the war of the girl,

Similar to guys.

Y. Drunina "Eh, Roads"

Woman and war - Are these concepts compatible? Feat, his face, his humanistic essence is the purpose of my research.

"Our right thing. The enemy will be broken. Victory will be ours!" With this faith, Soviet people held the most terrible war, which humanity has ever been experienced. For the right thing, for ensuring that the Soviet people were free and happy, millions of Soviet people gave their lives. They all wanted to live, but they died so that people could say: "And the dawns here are quiet ..." Silent Dawns cannot be consonant with war, with death. They died, but they won, not a single fascist missed. We won because they loved their homeland.

Great Women's role in war. Women - doctors and nurse under the shelling and shots endured from the battlefield of the battlefields, provided their first help, sometimes the price of his own life was saved by the wounded. Organized individual women's battalions. My work fighters and devoted to the girls of harsh time.

It is no coincidence that the girls did Boris Vasilyev the heroes of his story to show how hard the war. After all, in women - the beginning of any life. The murder of women is more than a crime.

The story B.Vasiliev "And the dawns here are quiet ..." about war and ruthless battles, in which the bodies of thousands of soldiers fell on the crude land, singing the "divine voice to the farewell vote of the ODA."

On the horizon of a quiet dick, the enemy is waiting for the enemy: Rita Osyanina, Zhenya Komelkova, Galya Foul, Lisa Brichkin, Sonya Gurvich and their courageous foreman of Vaskov. Enjoying a cool calm evening, heroes are not suspected that they will be the last in their lives. And these historical sunsets will lie in bright rows in their biographies, because they showed a seven, when they played the role of lumberjacks and ordinary villagers ... who would know that these workshops would become the first wins jerks ...

Each of the heroes had their own life path, fate, unconcerned dreams, aspirations, but they had a terrible strength of the war.

In this story, the author illuminates the most wounded heart question - the problem of war. But is it just enough? Not! First, we often pronounce: "War! As it is scary and cruel, "and at the same time, we walk on the Smire Earth, do not remember our defenders and defenders. Secondly, what was happening in their wounded souls, what emotions were burning in that exciting moment of battles? The author offers our consideration by the problem of the psychological state of heroes during the war. Let's go back to the pages of the past: the girls said goodbye to life alone, as if everything was decided by one moment ... When Sonya died, the fourth painting stood before the eyes of the eyes: "Gray, the punished Sony's face, semi-closed, her dead eyes and hardened blood Gymnaster. And ... two holes on the chest. Narrow, like blade. " Fire battle broke out in the thoughts of Gali: the struggle of revenge and grief on the already close and native girls. Her heart beat with an incredible speed, creating a melody of fearlessness and combat readiness. Here on the battlefield there was no place to tears, because from now on these five fragile girls - fighters and defenders.

Time of actions - May 1942. Place - the unknown 171th travel. In a quiet junction, the soldiers of the anti-aircraft machine gun battalion are serving. These are fighters - girls. "And the dawns here are quiet ..." And here in this quiet, beautiful, where it would seem that there are no wars, five girls are killed, protecting their homeland.

What is the originality of the nature of each of five girls, what makes each unique?

Lisa Brichkin grew up in the forest, understands nature, spiritual girl.

Galya FOOT - Thin, romantic nature; Always thought that in the war, people and feats. Great duty, capable of transforming reality.

Sonya Gurwich is a fragile, unprotected, smart and talented, reading "Naraspov, exactly prayer" poems of the block.

Zhenya Comlkova - Desperate, brightly beautiful, her beauty admired men, women, friends and even enemies.

Rita Osyanina is the only girl who has known the happiness of a married woman and mother. The sense of duty is pronounced in it.

Girls are different, but they are united by one - the protection of the Motherland. They are not created for the war, but forced to shoot.

Each of the girls has its own account with the fascists: the rita of oxan on the second day of war in the morning counterattack dies. In the fiance - "Mom, sister, brother - all from the machine gun laid. Family Komostava captured - and under the machine gun. " At Sony, the family was in the occupied Minsk. Lisa Brichkin lived in anticipation of happiness, and here it seemed to find it - Lisa feels it. But everything destroyed the war began. Galka Fourth believed in their fantasies, and perhaps they would be a reality, but it was prevented by war.

It is important to see and that in general, that after all, it is concluded in all the Zenitian girls. What is this? It is necessary to consider the arrival stage on the travel and arrangement: ("And swear ... for the last month.", "And the Zenitchitsy began gambling ... Giggle will be until the fall.").)

Femininity. Kindness, vitality, charm, tenderness - common features that are peculiar to girls.

Many examples can be brought, where the above qualities are given:

Rita Osyanin got off the German plane and shot parachutes. "Girls, shouting from delight, kissed Rita, she smiled with a glued smile. At night, she was shaking. "

Zhenya Komelkova, pursuing together with Vask's saboteurs, saves him, killing the fascist with a rifle butt. "Zhenka suddenly threw a rifle and, shuddering, went for the bushes, staggering as drunk. Fell there on his knees: it was sick, turned out, and she, sobbing, all someone called - Mama or something ... "

These episodes show that girls are hard to experience the death of enemies. The enemy for them is primarily a person. They are forced to kill - war is. They have no doubt if they come correctly, expressing the willingness to act on the territory where there are no frontal action. After all, it is common that they are united.

The feat make not only girls, but also a foreman of Vaskov. The concept of "evolution" is applicable to this hero.

Familiar to the reader with Vaskov, B.Vasiliev resorts to a direct author's characteristic ("Srod Vaskov felt older ... in a worldship"), and to improper-direct speech ("Still a big interference that ... Is that the bear is impolite"), And to the excursions in the past Hero ("Shortly before the Finnish ... for guessing"). The past of the elderly explains a lot in it, in today's. First of all, he considered "a big noise that he is almost without education," although it's not him of wine: "Correct at the end ... The fourth (class) his father's bear broke and he became from the 14th year" and the breadwinner and Podice and earfed "in the family." "Srod Vaskov felt older than was." And this explains in turn. Why he in the senior army was not only on the rank, but in his "Starshinsky essence", which became a kind of line of his worldview. In the seniorcy of Vaskov, the author sees a kind of symbol. The symbol of the supporting role of such people as vaskov, conscientious workers, harvesting in military life and in peaceful. The author writes: "... In the punctual execution of someone else's will, saw the whole point of its existence." He must be the charter, it gives the limitations of the foreman, puts often in a funny position. The relationship between the elder and zenithicz is first folded precisely from the fact that from the point of view of Vaskov, girls constantly violate the charter, and, from the point of view of girls, that Vaskov should be a charter without taking into account life. For them, he is "Slame Penc: in the reserve of twenty words, and those from the charters." The word Charter and other military terms do not go from the language of Vaskov. Even expressing his impression from the piercing beauty of the groom Komelkova, he says: "Incredible eye strength, like a stopping-mallimeter powder, a warmness." The deadly fight with the saboteurs became the test in which the nature of Vaskov is deeper. To support the vigor of the Spirit of the Girls, he must "smile with all his strength to the lips to adapt." It penetrates sympathy and warm to the grief of each, having learned them closer. Compared with them a misfortune, the desire to win, Vaskov says: "Yes, what am I forever you, sisters? I now seem like a brother. " So in battle the soul of severe Vaskov, and girls penetrate with respect.

But even more substantially another change in character. We see that Vaskov in habits, in the warehouse of thinking - a conscientious performer. Sometimes ridiculous in his pedantry. And the situation in which he was, demanded from him the ability to independently make decisions, guess about the ideas of the enemy, to warn them. And overcoming the initial confusion, opask, wascot acquires determination, initiative. And does the fact that in his position could be the only right and possible. He argues: "War is not just someone who shoots. War is who who will change his mind. The charter is to be able to release you head so that you think you could think, on the other side, for the enemy. "

Boris Vasilyev sees the basis of the spiritual transformation of the senior in its original moral qualities, first of all, in an inexperienced sense of responsibility for everything in the world: for the order for the drive and for the safety of government property, for the mood of subordinates and for compliance with the statutory requirements. So in the story "And the dawns here are quiet" reveals the relationship between the good faith, the laundry of the man-worker and its ability to high civil activity.

The story is conducted on behalf of the commandant of the Vaskov. The whole story is built on his memories. Within the framework of the post-war time, there is a story about the horrors of inhuman war. And it plays an important role in ideological and artistic perception of a story. This story is written by a person who has passed the whole war, so all it is written is plausible and exciting, with the vivid allocation of all the horrors of the war. The author devotes his story to the moral problem of the formation and transformation of the character and psyche of the individual in the conditions of war. The sore theme of war, unfair and cruel, behavior of different people in its conditions is shown on the example of the heroes of the story. Each of them has their own attitude towards war, their motives to combat fascists, except the main, and all of them are different people. It is these soldiers, young girls, to prove themselves in the conditions of war; Someone for the first time, and there is no one. Not all girls show heroism and courage, not everyone remains solid and resistant after the first fight, but all girls die. Only the foreman of the Basque remains alive and brings the execution of the order to the end.

The topic of war is relevant at any time, because people die there. And the author with his talent and skill was able to prove once again its relevance. All the author, injustice and cruelty, the author describes with inimitable simplicity and shortness. But it does not harm the perception of the story. Scenes from the life of girls of tanks and brief, but give a complete picture of each heroine. In his heroes, the author shows various types of people, their behavior, and this is Vasilyev, in my opinion, it turns out particularly well. Vasiliev is not just a writer, but a writer-psychologist. And this he studied not by books, but his life itself, more precisely, has taught the war and helped to understand the psychology of people.

In my opinion, the work is written interesting and convincingly, everything is truthfully and naturally. Each item, starting with the description of the road, forests, roads and ending with the heroes and scenes of their death, is important for a single, whole perception of the story. And Boris Vasilyev, it seems to me that I have not exaggerated anywhere.

The whole story is written easily, conversational language. Thanks to this, you can easily understand the thoughts of the heroes and what they do. Against the background of the horrible events of May 1942, this concern looks like a resort. At first it was really like this: the girls were sunk, they sat down dancing, and at night "gambling from all eight trunks along the fluttering German aircraft."

Very interesting image of nature. Beautiful views. Drawn by the author. Share all what is happening. Nature seems to look at people with regret, participation, as if by saying: "Unreasonable children, stop".

"And the dawns here are quiet ..." everything will pass, and the place will remain the same. Quiet, silent, beautiful, and only the marble grave stoves will be white, reminding that it has already passed. This work serves as a magnificent illustration of the events of the Great Patriotic War.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe story of Vasilyeva is the invincibility of people fighting for the freedom of their homeland, for the right thing.

    1. The film Stanislav Rostotsky on the story B.Vasiliev "And the dawns here are quiet ..."

Continued from one time to another, turning from epic genres to lyrical, from the pages of prose on the screen and the scene - this theme poured into a modest score of Boris Vasilyeva. She caused great readers and artistic interest. The play of Yuri Lyubimova in the theater on Taganka, the film of Stanislav Rostotsky, their original source - the story itself - formed the Union of different arts, enclosed on the front-line patch, on the plot material from the second echelon. Obviously, it was something that explained this interest and spent efforts.

The conflict of films about the war is not exhausted by the firing frontier. It goes deep into characters subjected to harsh tests. This general moral problem is inextricably linked with the choice of a directorial concept. Let's say - a temporary composition ...

The film "And the dawns here is quiet ..." was put by a film studio. M. Gorky under the direction of the director S. Rostotsky in 1972.

In the film "And the dawns here are quiet ..." One series is called "in the second echelon", the other is the "battle of local meaning." The headlines are clearly polemic. The front is summarized to a small northern village, where the platoon of Zenitchits girls is. Five of them give their last battle on the narrowestrian between the lake and the forest. The scale of geographic is emphatically small.

In one of the interviews, Stanislav Rostotsky said that, working on the picture, he wanted to escape from the magic of large numbers, which are calculated by the victims incurred by the people. Every deceased had his own fate, his battle, his last line, and for everyone in this small, the whole war was fitted.

"And the dawns here are quiet ..." Not accidentally divided into two series. The first is the world, the second is the war. Chronologically, this is not the case: the action of the picture takes place in May 1942. And in the first series there is a fight ...

Fire tracks go up up, fiercely knocking machine-gun "quadrup", the sleeves roll with a ringing, and the smoke track of the fallen aircraft stuck the sky. The battle is colorful, enchanting, not similar to that war, which will begin for Zenitchitz not in the sky, but on swamp ground. In the story of Boris Vasilyev, this "peaceful" prehistory takes a little more than twenty pages. The director turns it into a detailed image, when one line or replica turn into an episode into an assembly fragment.

Stanislav Rostotsky translates small volumes of prose into a major cinematic form.

From here - the world and war, a layer of one life to another. True, not exactly the usual "world", where the river was splashing in the morning fog, dries underwear, knocking the ax and eyes of the soldier charts the only man here, the foreman of Vaskov. Together with the actors, the director found a common denominator for different characters: Zenitchitsy do not live according to the charter, but how they live in the village, where it is difficult to hide from the eyes and protect yourself from rumors, where they sit on Zavalinka, drown the bath, but the evening the dances are arranged in urban. Semi-minute-semi-mederenensky life. And its halfness itself, the shift justifies the carefully discharged household entourage, a leisurely, colorful tag manner. On the late Babi Passion of the hostess huts to the guest, about the first girlish love ...

In the multifigure composition, the central place belongs to Vaskov. He played by a young actor A. Martynov, he went more than others to the intonation and to the thoughts of the author of the story, where he was said about his hero: "And the foreman - a foreman and there is: He is always old for fighters ... Therefore, and the girls who had to command He looked as if he was from another generation. As if he was a member of the Civil War and personally drank with Vasily Ivanovich Chapaev under the city of Lbischensky. "

No matter how joking intonation, but the thought itself about generations is serious, thanks to her, the addition coordinates of time, hidden this time in the actor's game appear.

The foreman of Vaskov is an active, economic, always busy, in a peasant, a thorough, who knows how the hunter - does not have realism within the boundaries of the image. The feeling of soldiers and male responsibility, which he experienced, for the first time, saw the Shinga sent under his team girls, is the feeling of the source of the moral disturbance of the young guy. Then the feeling resulted in unequivocated, painful thought: he did not save the girls in a terrible war ... How to answer for it before their mothers and children who will never bearing? From here, Vaskov's deeds go from thought, a large-sized chamber of a large body is born in a moment of danger, an insensible rage of hand-to-hand.

In the story of Vaskov and is elevated, feeling behind Russia, and is reliable when it represents his war with German as a card game: who has trumps to whom to walk. In the film, this inner monologue is derived to the surface. Behind the figures of people are visible forest, boulders, lake. Northern Karelian landscape, in which since ancient times there is something epic, connects to the character of the hero.

The director deliberately relies on the emotional memory of the audience. One of the on-screen compositions reproduces quite accurately "over the eternal peace." The cultural layer made to the film is not limited to this frame that looks like a canvas I. Levitan. Sit under the romance romance Larisa from the "Nonmennica". The poems of A. Bloka, E. Bagritsky, M. Svellova sound. The plan that takes into account the perception is traced in the adventure element, which does not reduce the heroic-romantic style, but as if from the inside controls the viewer's attention.

The director provided for the open - declarative - exit outside the military calendar. The life-like frame of frames is suddenly interrupted by the flames, which grows out from under the lower edge, and in clean, bright colors arise on the screen of the pre-war happiness of each of the five heroines.

The image is similar to the luba.

It is rather an imagination that took the visual shape with the help of the Camera V. Shumsky. Filmed in the manner of cinematic "primitive" (if you use the term from the painting dictionary), the personnel caused a lively discussion and were not taken by a number of critics, highly appreciated as a whole "and dawns here are quiet ...".

The point here is not only in the stylist drop, although he cut. The psychological process gave way to the sonorous, open color, red tongues broke out like eternal flame at the foot of the frame, the motive of Requiem sounded in film stitches. It seemed that the living girls played by actresses O. O. Otrumova, E. Drepeko, I. Shevchuk, I. Dolganova, E. Markova, with a feeling of youth, his own and heroin, did not fit on this cinematic pedestal.

Retrospection has long been no news in movies. A mental return to the past, the memory materialized in the frames looked at first an unusual, raising reception, but soon they were given. In their commodity began to disappear aesthetic necessity.

Stanislav Rostotsky experienced such a need. He considered that his film's heroine had the right to count on holistic destinies, starting with peaceful days. Boris Vasilyev supported him: "... the difficulty was that each character does not have a lot of winning drama material. Each character should have been recreated so that it would be complemented," the "all others" received.

In the story, the youngest, Galya fourth, closing his head with his hands, rushes under the fire of German automata. "She always lived in an imaginary world more actively than in valid .." - writes the author, telling about the emission girl from the orphanage, about her dreams, with ghosts or solo parties in long dresses. The death in the eyes of the girlfriend, Sony Gurvich, and the horror born to this death pushed her to a desperate act. Between one and other heroines, tragic proximity arose.

The director inherits the story and the semantic motive, but decides it in his own way - in these bright film stresses.

The fate of five girls as if concluded in a single contour of the feat. Zhenya Kamelkova, who caused fire on himself. Lisa Brichkin, hurrying for the help and failing to be careful in a swamp bog. Quiet Schwar Sony Gurwich, who warned their own. Shot of Rita Osyanina, I did not want to get a living enemy. Each death, as it, continues on the last border, the one, the sole life.

The war material concludes a moral criterion that the thoughts and actions of contemporaries are often observed. Obviously, in the very position of the artist, the same moral beginning should be concluded. Boris Vasiliev spoke about the film director: "In Rostotsky, an amazing ability to compare, feel someone else's pain ... He put a film about himself and about his peers who did not live to victory, about his friends. He set a very personal picture."

The memory of 1941-1945 gives birth to a special artistic speech. Stanislav Rostotsky made a lot to ensure that the memory of the military straightener is imprinted in the consciousness of the audience of different generations. And the audience responded by him recognition. "And the dawns here are quiet ..." I looked at 135 million - the figure is unthinkable, especially against the backdrop of post-transfection rates. The picture received the Major Prize of the All-Union Film Festival (1972), the USSR Mr. (1975) and the "Memorable Prize of the Festival" in Venice (1972).

1.4. The multi-sieuled film "A dawns here is a quiet" Chinese director Mao Weinin.

Director: Mao Weinin

Producers: Alexander Lyubimov, Alexander Chaalbandan, Zhang Guangbey

Country: China, Russia

Year: 2006.


Actors: Tatyana Ostap, Daria Charusha, Elena Maltseva, Alexander Tereyaeva, Snezhana Gladneva, Lyudmila Kolesnikova, Andrey Sokolov (II)

Genre: Military film

The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a picture "A dawns here is quiet ..." based on the same name of the story-Frontovik Writer Boris Vasilyeva was born on central television (CCTV) of the People's Republic of China on the eve of the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the victory over fascism. The producers decided to make a remake of the Soviet film of the director Stanislav Rostotsky in China of the Soviet film of Stanislav Rostotsky in China of the Soviet film in 1972. The preparatory period lasted two years. The script written by Chinese scenarios edited the author of Boris Vasilyev's story. Russian and Ukrainian actors were invited to all roles in the film. The shooting period lasted 110 days. The shooting was held both in China in Hay He, and in Russia - in Moscow, St. Petersburg and in the Amur region. The most significant shooting facility "Railway Track in the North-West of the RSFSR in 1942" was built from scratch next to the city of Hayhe Hoe from Amur, right next to the border.

In the version for displaying in China, 19 episoders, in the version for Russian spectators - 12 episodes (scenes were subjected to the reduction, where the human dramas are deliberately and meaningfully played, as well as episodes, which for the Russian viewer looks implausible). The remake of the film "And Zori here is quiet" in 1972, the artistic decisions of Stanislav Rostotsky are largely used. The material of Boris Vasilyeva's story was lacked on a 19-serial picture, and it had to be supplemented. In editing a remake scenario, Writer Boris Vasilyev took part.

The television series "A Dawns here is quiet", which came out after the demonstration of the telepostanovka "How Steel harvested", filmed at the initiative of the cinematography department of the main international television company China, was also removed and mounted by the efforts of Chinese filmmakers, and exclusively foreign actors are engaged in it. The difference between this television series from the previous one is that in addition to several athighted filming in Russia, in Moscow and the Amur region, most of them took place in the Chinese province of Heilongjiang, in Heihe. In order for as realistic to recreate the unique appearance of the Russian village of the Second World War, the efforts of the film crew for approximately 1.5 months from Russia, a wood party was brought to the banks of the Amur River, which flows in China's Takes, at a distance of approximately 700 meters from the Russian city Blagoveshchensk recreate the real appearance of the Russian village of the 40s of the last century. In this village there were more than 30 wooden lines, a repository, a small church, as well as a strengthening band - an old narrow scene.

Due to its peculiar beauty of the set, at present, the administration of the province of Heilongjiang has turned the place of shooting a television series to one of the sights of the province.

The plot of the television series tells about the touching history that occurred during the Great Patriotic War. In the summer of 1942, a group of complete young zador of young Zenitchits was translated into 171 battalions. To such a "female" replenishment was very surprised by their future commander, the foreman of Vaskov, because shortly before that he constantly asked Lieutenant Rostov to translate to him to the battalion of soldiers "Nepi-and Not Fabniki". However, what was his surprise when he saw that a new replenishment consists of young girls! Young Zenitchitsy brought many joy on the weekdays of a small battalion, but there were many funny cases with them, since each of them had their own unique story. One day it became known that in the terrain where the battalion was located was landed by a group of German landing. The commander Vaskov decided to send girls to intelligence. No one could think that this task will be fulfilled by the price of the life of Zenitchits ...

In the 70s of the last century, according to the story of Boris Vasilyev, "Dawns here are quiet" Soviet director Stanislav Rostotsky shot the same-sized film; The whole world literally slept on the screens of this movie. In the 80s. This movie met with Chinese spectators and caused a huge resonance among them. But, for various reasons, on this outstanding work of the literature was not filmed a television series. Until today, the fact that Russian cinematographers could not make, the Chinese made the Chinese for the first time. It is not particularly mentioned in order to clearly depict those harsh deprivation in the series, which brought a gripful war with them, scenes during swimming, in which there is a naked nature, in the television series they received a real embodiment.

Since 2002, the department of cinematography has repeatedly addressed the explanations to the author of the novel, 81-year-old Boris Vasilyev, who ultimately acquired copyright to decreep. The film crew also received hot support from the author. However, to make from the novel, the volume of 70 thousand words, a 19-serial television series demanded some storytelling. Therefore, the general producer of television series Wei Ping and the author of the scenario of Lan Yun specially traveled to Moscow to show the draft Scenario Vasilyev, ask his opinion about the script. On the eve of the filming director of Jia Xiaochhen and other membership teams again went to Moscow to Vasilyev, where the script told him in detail. After listening to Chinese filmmakers, Sedoy Vasilyev exclaimed exclaimed: "So much time passed, I didn't even think that you, the Chinese, decide to shoot my story. Be calm when you arrive to shoot me, I will be in great shape! ". Now, when telepostankovka successfully goes on the screens of the country, Vasilyev probably feels deep appreciation.

The entire cast of the television series, including the crowd, consists of Russians. Samples on the main roles of the television series - five actresses and one actor - passed through careful selection among numerous applicants in Moscow and the Amur region. A student of the Moscow Institute of Cinematography, Andrei Sokolov, was approved to the main male role of the "Starshina Vaskov", and on the main female role "Zenitchitsy Zheniya" -Miloid, talented Russian actress Daria Simonenko. Students of the Moscow Institute of Cinematography and Artists of Amur Academic Theaters are occupied in the rest of the roles. There is a battle scene in the television series when the soldiers swear a red banner. More than 200 people are employed in this scene, it is noteworthy that all these 200 people are Russians. In the history of the teldramaturgy of our country, this is for the first time.

The shooting of the television series in Russia attracted close attention of ordinary Russians. People expressed their hopes that they will soon and they will be able to see the television series on the screen, in which Russian actors are busy. At the moment, the department of cinematography of the main international television company China is working to implement this proposal.

All roles in the film are performed by Russian actors. The foreman Fedot Vaskova played Andrei Sokolov, Rita Oshanina - Tatiana Ostap, Zhenya Komelkovo - Daria Simonenko, Sonya Gurvich - Elena Maltseva, Lisa Brichkina - Snezhana Gladneva, Gali Fourth - Alexander Tereyaeva, Sergeant Kiryanov - Lyudmila Kolesnikova.

The director of the film Mao Wayinin highly appreciated the skill and talent of Russian actors. According to him, they "worked very selflessly and stubbornly." At first, communication on the set went through the translator, but after a few weeks the actors began to speak a little in Chinese, and the director learned some Russian words. During the television series in China, in May 2005, it was watched by more than 400 million people.

    1. Audiobook Boris Vasileva "And dawns here are quiet ..."

Audiobook is a book voiced, as a rule, a professional actor (and sometimes a whole group), which is recorded on an audio cassette, a CD or other sound carrier. Audiobooks This is a kind of kind of radio show. There are programs for automatic transformation of e-books in audio books, by synthesizing speech.

Currently, the most popular audio books in OGG, MP3 format. They can be bought on disks in a bookstore, order in the online store or download to on-line.

Audiobooks exist very long ago and first produced on audio cassettes. They have always been popular in the West, where the rhythm of life does not allow to find time for reading ordinary books, and people listen to them in the road on the road to work.

In the catalog submitted, you can find the famous works of domestic and foreign writers in such an affordable format - audiobook.

As far as possible, the audiobook base is constantly in the online stores, new works are added, new authors. In addition to links for jumping audio books, information about the writers themselves, their biographies, photos; There are accompanying texts to books, illustrations.

Audiobooks about war are not a frequent guest with a modern listener. Too much "combat" seems to us today's restless life. But if you think about, the best samples of military literature are not at all about the explosions and shots. They, like any real art, above all - about a person. About the man, looking at which, becomes conscientious and for himself, and for our petty "battles" ... The author of this audiobook is writer Boris Lvovich Vasilyev.

Audiobook "And Zori here is quiet" - the story of the Russian writer Boris Vasilyeva. This is a penetrating, piercing, soul-hiding the work tells about the feat of the five Zenitchian girls who, led by his commander, Vaskov had to resist the group of enemy paratroopers during the Great Patriotic War. Once in the deaf forest, in full insulation from the outside world, all five sacrificed themselves in the name of the Motherland, victory on the enemy and the future of their country.

Despite the entire tragity of the narrative, the audiobook "And the dawns here is quiet" is impregnated with a powerful lyrical feeling that does not allow the listener to fall into the despondency and go to the sadness: the power of this work is that it gives a clear understanding of important truths. Above this story is often crying, but learn to understand that there are tears that cannot be ashamed. It is difficult to tear away from this book, but, competing her heroes, realize that the work of the soul is the real cause of what is happening, and the events are only the consequences of this work. Thinking over the read, they understand what a moral choice is and that actually mean words: "The war is not a female face." In a word, unnoticedly from the pages of this book, the battle is moving into the soul of the reader, and if that soul of Yuna, he temper her; If the drawing - softens the soul. Isn't that the sense of art itself?

Every year, the event of the distant war is retreating into the past. But for some reason, the war itself continues to be reality. Glowing cities, shoot snipers, mines explode. Soldiers return home in coffins, violence rushes into the consciousness of children, and the crowd still craves blood. Do you voluntarily gave your lives five innocent girls? Of course not. The feeling of shame generated by a treasure conscience is another reason maybe the main reason why such books should not be dressed on the shelves. Conscience should burn, if only the reader is important, so that someone says about him: "So you read the necessary books in childhood." That is why the audiobook "And the dawns here is quiet" listen to the heart, and not reason.

Download free Audiobook Boris Vasilyeva "And Zori here is quiet here on the site There is also an opportunity to express your opinion, leave your comment on audiobook heard for other lovers. It is possible that your advice will open for someone your favorite audiobook.

    1. Narrative organization

Recreasing the image of a simple Russian man, B.Vasiliev seeks almost a complete fusion of the copyright and speech of the hero.

It is characteristic that in this story the writer uses reception of infirm-direct speechwhen the narrative speech is not separated from the inner monologue of the hero ("Waskov closed the heart from the breath of this. Ah, you stop the sparrows, forces, forces the grief on your hump, then you would be able to cover the war now in Twenty-eight steps with interruptions. Yes, at the same time, the major is that the girls in the chase died, rinse in lying. You look, and it would be more left, and instead you need a smile with all your strength to the lips to fix "). Thus, narration often acquires intonation taleand the point of view on what is happening takes the features characteristic of the national understanding of the war. During the story, the Speech Speech itself changes: First, she is temporary and resembles the speech of ordinary warriors, abounding with the statutory phrases and army terms ("In the reserve of twenty words, and those from the charters" - characterize his girls), even his relationship with the mistress he comprehends him in Categories of the military ("reflection, he came to the conclusion that all these words are only measures taken by the hostess to harden their own positions: she ... sought to strengthen in the conquered turns). However, approaching the girls, Vaskov gradually "pulls out": care for them, the desire to find each of his approach makes it softer and humane ("In Love, again, this word jumped out! Because it is from the charter. Forever Vrused. Bear You , Vaskov, ceremonic bear ... "). And at the end of the story of Vaskov becomes just Fedya for girls. And most importantly, being the once diligent "performer of orders", Vaskov turns into a free person, on whose shoulders lies the burden of responsibility for someone else's life, and the awareness of this responsibility makes a larger more and more independent. That's why Vaskov and saw his personal guilt in the death of girls ("I put you, I put you all five, and for what? For a dozen fries?").

In the image of Zenitchitz girls, the typical fates of women of pre-war and military years were embodied: various social status and educational level, different characters and interests. However, with all the life accuracy, these images are noticeably romanticized: in the image of the writer, each of the girls is beautiful in its own way, each worthy of his lives. And the fact that all the heroines are dying, emphasizes the inhumanity of this war, affecting the life of even the most distant people from her. Fascists taking contrast Councils of romanticized images of girls. Their image of groteski, intentionally reduced, and this is expressed in this the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe writer about the nature of a man who staging on the path of murder ("After all the animals separately separates: an understanding that he is. And if there is no understanding of this - the beast. About two legs. O Two hands and - beast. Lyut's beast, worse than terrible. And then nothing really exists in relation to it: neither humanity, nor pity, nor mercy. To beat. Beat, while it does not ask for a lair. And there you will not be remembered That man was, as long as this will not understand this. " The Germans are opposed to girls not only outwardly, but also how easily they are killing, whereas for girls the murder of the enemy is a heavy test. In this B. Vasiliev follows the tradition of Russian battle prose - the killing of a person is unnatural, and the way a person who kills the enemy is experiencing, is the criterion of His humanity. Especially alien War Nature Women: "The war is not a female face" - the central thought of most military works B. Vasilyev. This idea with particular clarity illuminates the episode of the story, in which the death cry of Sony Gurwich sounds, broken, because the knife hit was meant for a man, and fell in a female breast. With the image of Lisa Brichkina in the story introduced the line of possible love. From the very beginning, Vaskov and Lisa attracted each other: she is a figure and musciness, he is a male thoroughness. Lisa and Vaskov have a lot in common, however, sing together, as the foreman promised, the heroes did not succeed: the war ripped to the root of nascent feelings.

The final of the story reveals the meaning of her name. The letter creates a letter, judging by the language written by a young man, who became a random witness to the return of Vaskov to the place of death of girls along with the adopted son Rita Albert. Thus, the return of the hero to his place is given by the eyes of the generation, whose right to life was defended by people like Vascue. This is the approving idea of \u200b\u200bthe story, and no wonder, as well as the "fate of a person" M.Sholokhova, the story is crowned with the way of the Father and the Son - a symbol of eternal life, the continuity of generations.

1.7. Boris Vasilyeva's story "And the dawns here are quiet" in school study

Overview of school programs on literature

The basis of literary education in schools of the Russian Federation is the reading and study of Russian and foreign literature. Artworks included in the literature of the V -X I classes are distributed over three sections.

The first section is works for a thorough study (or, as they say for textual analysis) in the classroom. They are put in headlines of software topics.

The second section is works for additional reading, also specified in the program. They expand the representation of students about the work of the writer, allow you to talk about the direction and the problematics of his work, about the creative way. Reading these works is required, and the nature of the analysis is determined by the teacher, depending on the plan of studying the topic.

Third section - works for independent extracurricular reading. In order to send independent reading of students in the XI class, the program includes overview topics on modern Soviet and foreign literature.

IN I X-XI classes The historical and literary principle is the main thing in building a course. It is achieved not to complete the presentation of the history of literature, but the consistent application of the principle of historicism.

Artwork works are considered as a generation and reflection of a certain era with its social, moral, aesthetic problems - and this allows you to perceive them as artistic values \u200b\u200bthat will not lose their importance in the distant future.

The writer acts as a living person with his unique biography and at the same time as the son of the people, an expressant of his ideals and aspirations; We see in it the features of his time and at the same time we understand that he is a participant in today's life, impact on the spiritual world of all new and new reading generations.

Software themes of the i xi classes are clearly divided into two types: overview and monographs.

Overview topics illuminate leading course problems, the main periods of the development of Russian literature or the development of literature on a certain segment of history. The main task of review topics is to show the continuity and internal lines of development of the literary process, so that the school course does not become a study of individual, not related to works.

The main task of monographic topics is to create a real basis for understanding the specifics of the literature and the laws of its development.

Overview and monographs in relationships should gradually expand the historical and literary rate of the course, to form fundamental scientific concepts passing through all themes (literature and liberation movement, the art specificity of the literature, the artistic method, the nationality of literature, etc.).

The nature of the organization of the material in the XI class contributes to the awareness of the historical and literary process. The correlation of the universal and specifically historical approach makes it possible to refer to the "eternal topics." This allows you to bring the work of the past to modernity, strengthen their moral and aesthetic effects on students.

The cycle of lessons devoted to the understanding of the military theme in the literature of 50-90 years is a review topic. This topic includes the authors: Y. Bondarev, V. Bogomolov, Baklanov, V.Nekrasov, K. Vorobiev, V. Baby, B. Vasilyev. The teacher himself determines which author to study.

The name of this writer first appeared when studying Soviet literature in the 8th grade of the story "in the lists did not mean," therefore the task of the teacher is to give a more complete characteristics of the personality of the author himself in correlation with a specific - historical period and analyze its main works. Here the teacher can choose which of the works require a deeper analysis, and with what - just to familiarize students as a review topic.

The purpose of our further research is to familiarize with the programs on literature of different author's teams.

1. Literature program (V. -H.I. classes). Scientific editor T.F. Kurdyumova.

Compilers: T.F. Kurdyumova, S.A. Lonov, E.N. Solokoltsev, O.B. Maryina.

The purpose of literary education is the formation of a human spiritual world, creating conditions for the formation of the internal needs of the person in continuous improvement, in the implementation and development of their creative opportunities. At the same time, the student seizes the skill of the reader, free and bright self speech.

These goals are subject to the structure and content of the literature course program.

The structure and content of the program are divided into two parts: the main school (V -i x classes) and senior classes (xi) (course on a historical and literary basis).

1) The content of the middle class program is determined by the world of adolescent student interests.

The circle of the studied works is significantly enriched: the composition of the folklore genres (fairy tales, riddles, epics, proverbs, sayings, legends, myths, folk songs, etc.) are included, works that are firmly included in the circle of children and youth reading, but previously not studied at school . The inclusion of new and interesting works for the young reader will help more emotionally and at the same time consciously perceive native Russian literature in the context of world culture and literature.

2) The content of the course on a historical and literary basis is primarily reading and studying for artistic works. The nature of the organization of the material contributes to the awareness of the historical and literary process. The correlation of the universal and specifically historical approach makes it possible to refer to the "eternal topics." This allows you to bring the work of the past to modernity, strengthen their moral and aesthetic effects on students.

The course of literature X-XI classes includes review and monographic topics, a combination of which allows not only to introduce students with outstanding artworks, but also show their place in the historical and literary process.

Monographic topics give a fairly complete picture of the life and creativity of the writer. Some of them allow to reveal the life and creativity of the writer in more detail, others are more brief, but they all include a textual study of artistic works.

Review topics introduce the peculiarities of a era, literary directions and various creative groups of writers.

This author's team proposes to explore the review of the Great Patriotic War. The selection of the teacher is studied by the authors of the 50-90s of the Secondary Warm, where the work of B.Vasilyeva "And the dawns here is quiet here". [Software-Methodical materials 2006, p.75].

2. Literature program (V. - H.I. Classes) for schools and classes with in-depth study of literature, gymnasiums and lyceums of the humanitarian profile. Edited by M.B. Zhangina.

    "To form an idea of \u200b\u200bliterature as a form of art, to teach to understand his internal laws, apply the knowledge gained in the process of creative reading, to distinguish with genuinely artworks from the phenomena of" mass culture ".

    Teach a schoolboy to analyze a literary work as an objective artistic reality.

    Develop an idea of \u200b\u200bthe artistic world of the literary work, the patterns of creativity of the writer, about literature and the world literary process.

    Show a specific feature of literature as poetic memory of the people. Based on the principle of historicism to determine the dialectical relationship between tradition and innovation, the continuity of literary eras.

    Determine the national peculiarity and global importance of Russian literature.

    Explain the phenomenon of "Classics", allowing the work of art to be the fact of different historical eras, while maintaining its aesthetic, cognitive and educational value for different generations of humanity.

    To identify the nature and principles of the interaction of literature with other types of art and the general patterns of development of artistic culture of mankind.

    Rail a stable artistic taste of students.

    Work out the skills of competent oral and written speech.

    Establish the potential creative abilities of schoolchildren "[program-methodical materials 2001, p.207-208].

Literary education at school consists of three main stages. Literature training in x - xi classes is the third stage. "The main objective of this stage is the study of the literary process in Russia of the XI X - XX centuries. (Including Soviet literature), the development of Russian literary classics, mastering elements of historical and functional analysis.

Selection of material for the program is subordinate to several basic principles.

First, literary education should be based on the study of artistic works with undoubted aesthetic value; Moreover, works should be read and study in full (without a conjunctural distortion of text, including adaptation).

Secondly, the works selected for study should be accessible to the reader's perception of students, comply with the interests and age of schoolchildren.

Thirdly, the works must comply with the educational goals of this section of the Program, to promote the solution of the tasks marked in the program "[Program-Methodical Materials 2001, p.209].

This methodological manual discusses the topic: Heroic-tragedy motifs in the literature on war, the artistic truth about the fighting people, about the man in the war, about the difficult victory; Humanistic pathos of literature, the search for genuine moral values \u200b\u200b(a review with the generalization of the studied, read and analysis of works, chapters and pages). [Software-methodical materials 2006, p.293].

3. Literature program (V. - H.I. classes). Edited by A.G. Kutuzova.

"The content and structure of this program is based on the concept of literary education based on creative activity. In general, the program is focused on the basic component of the literary education, developed in the Ministry of Education of Russia, in accordance with which two concentrates were allocated in the literary formation (V - I X classes and x - xi classes), which corresponds to the stage of the main middle and full secondary school, as This is envisaged in the Law on Education.

Under literary education means the development of literature as the art of the word. The literary work is studied as a result of creative activity, as a cultural and iconic phenomenon, as aesthetic transformation of reality.

In accordance with this purpose, the purpose of literary education becomes the formation of a reader capable of a full perception of literary works in the context of the spiritual culture of mankind and prepared for independent communication with the art of the word.

The tasks of literary education are determined by its goal and are associated both with the readership of schoolchildren and with the aesthetic function of literature:

    formation of ideas about literature as a cultural phenomenon occupying a specific place in the life of the nation and man;

    understanding of literature as a special form of mastering the cultural tradition;

    the formation of a system of humanitarian concepts constituting an ethical and aesthetic component of art;

    formation of aesthetic taste as a reference point of independent readers;

    formation of emotional culture of the personality and socially significant value attitude to peace and art;

    the formation and development of the skills of competent and free possession of oral and written speech;

    the formation of basic aesthetic and theoretical and literary concepts as the terms of full-fledged perception, analysis and evaluation of literary and artistic works.

The means of achieving the goal and objectives of literary education is the formation of a conceptual apparatus, emotional and intellectual spheres of thinking of a young reader, so a special place in the program is given the theory of literature "[program-methodical materials 2004, p.133].

This program offers to consider the following topic when studying the story "And the dawns here is quiet": "Problems of the historical truth and human justice in the story of Vasilyeva" and the dawns here are quiet "and" a person in the war in the literature of the XIX -XX BB. " [Program and methodological materials 2007, p.86].

4. The literature program (V. - H.I. classes). Edited by V. Ya. Korovina.

"The course of literature at school is based on the principles of communication of art with life, unity of form and content, historicism, traditions and innovation, the understanding of historical and cultural information, moral and aesthetic ideas, assimilation of the main concepts of theory and history of literature, the formation of skills to evaluate and analyze artwork , mastering the richest expressive means of the Russian literary language.

The purpose of studying literature at school is the introduction of students to the art of the word, the wealth of Russian classical and foreign literature. The basis of literary education is reading and studying for artistic works, familiarity with biographical information on the masters of the Word and the historical and cultural facts necessary for understanding the works included in the program.

Objective: to introduce students with classic patterns of global verbal culture with high artistic advantages expressing the vital truth, generalized ideals raising high moral feelings in a person reading.

The content of school literary formations is concentric - it includes two large concentrates (5-9 classes and 10-11 classes).

In grades 10-11, the study of fiction on a historical and literary basis, a monographic study of the creativity of the classics of Russian literature.

In this program in the XI class, it is proposed to consider the following topic: "A new understanding of the military theme in the literature of 50-90 years. Y. Bondarev, V. Bogomolov, Baklanov, V.Nekrasov, K. Vorobyev, V. B. B. Vasilyev (works on the selection of the teacher). " For the study of the literature of the Great Patriotic War in 11th grade, two hours are given, which are conducted in the form of a seminar. [Programs of general education institutions 2007, p.247].


Thus, when analyzing four programs in literature, their main objectives and objectives were revealed, as well as the structure and content of the section "Comprehension of the military theme in the literature of 50-90 years in the XI Class", which is allowed to study 2 hours.

1 lesson. "The Great Patriotic War in literature of the 50-90s. Y. Bondarev, V. Bogomolov, Baklanov, V.Nekrasov, K. Vorobiev, V. B. B. B. Vasilyev (works on the selection of the teacher) "(lecture).

Overview of school textbooks.

    Russian literature of the twentieth century. Grade 11. Textbook for general education institutions. In 2h. Part 2. // Ed. V.P. Zhuravleva. 2006, p. 269-275.

This tutorial does not provide a specific topic about the work of B.Vasilleva. The works of the Great Patriotic War, features of the language manners of writers, artistic images of characters are analyzed in detail. The works of V. Babyova and B.Vasiliev are also compared. In addition, additional materials are given: the circle of concepts and problems, questions and tasks, themes of abstracts, we advise you to read (references).

    Russian literature of the twentieth century. Grade 11. Textbook for general education institutions. In 2h. Part 2. // Ed. V.V. Agenosova. M.: 2006, p.362-366.

In the chapter on the Great Patriotic War, such topics on the work of B.Vasiliev "A dicks here are quiet ..." as features of the military prose B.Vasiliev, the action of the story, the image of Vaskov, the reception of infirm-direct speech, the images of women Zenitchits, the final of the story, meaning titles, symbolization. Additional doedactic materials include: tasks and questions for repetition, themes, recommended literature.

The textbook briefly described the main stages of the biography and analyzing the creativity of writers of the Great Patriotic War. The minimum narrative organization is given, the system of artistic images of the story of B. Vasilyev "And the dawns here are quiet ...".

    Russian literature of the twentieth century. Grade 11. Textbook for general education institutions. In 2h. Part 2. // Ed. V.Ya. Korovina. M.: 2007, p.233-236.

The overview theme of the Great Patriotic War is revealed most fully. The facts of biography B. Vasilyev are given, the narrative organization of the story "And the dawns here is quiet ...", the system of characters, an art organization.


So, in the review of state school programs and school textbooks on literature, we paid special attention to the study of the story B.Vasiliev "And the dawns here are quiet ...", and the following problem was identified: Nget compliance between the tasks of state programs on the literature and the content of school textbooks. Thus, in these textbooks, the topic "The image system as the basis of the image of a public device in the work" is almost not covered, only small characteristics of the heroes of the story are given, and in some textbooks and benefits the story B.Vasilleva is not considered at all.

1.8. Age features of perception by high school students of fiction

According to the observations of psychologists, a student in its development takes place a number of stages: the younger (early) adolescent age (10-12 years old), the eldest (mature) adolescent age (13-14 years old) and the period of early adolescence (15-17 years), which correspond Various levels of analyzing the literary work. So, students of the period of early adolescence (15-17 years, IX -XI classes) of the "era of links, awareness of causes and consequences" [res 1977, p.96].

With all the relativity of age characteristics, motion and even contradictory of the general picture of the development of students of one age group at schoolchildren of one age and one classthere is a lot in common. About these common trends in the literary development of students of early adolescence and will be discussed.

During the occurrence of early adolescence (IX -XI classes), everything might look decent: students sit quietly, listen (or pretend what they listen), they say and write not always what they feel and think, but what they want from them hear. At the same time, high school students can love and appreciate art, but do not correlate it with what is being done in the literature lessons. In such cases, the literary development of students becomes unmanageable at the moment when they most need to be skillful and tactful leadership.

Early youth - the time of the spiritual and physical heyday of the person, the period when the worldview is particularly intensively formed, the system of views, beliefs develops. Despite the less intense than in the VIII class, the growth of literary development, the interest of high school students to the art is done deeper and constant. Along with the literature, music is becoming music, the music is growing in interest in the theater, especially dramatic (Opera and ballet, use noticeably smaller love of students). And reading for many is a need, although due to lack of time schoolchildren IX -Xi classes read less than, say, seventh graders.

In early youth, aesthetic attitude towards art in general and literature in particular is fixed. Reading, high school students are aware, "that moving in the field of view images - lifestyles, and understand that this is not life itself, but only its artistic mapping" [Asmus 1969, p.57].

A qualitatively new stage in the literary development of high school students affects the fact that in the IX -XI classes are extremely rare cases (or even completely absent), when the work serves only the impetus for the expression of their own thoughts and feelings. Such a turn to the objective perception of art psychologists explain the change in the directionality of the personality during the transition from adolescent age to his youth.

"Unlike a teenager who is largely addressed to the knowledge of Himself, his experiences," writes L.I. Borovich, - unlike the youngest schoolboy, who is entirely absorbed by the attention to the outside world, students of high school schools seek to know this external The world in order to find its place in it, as well as to get a support for their views and belief "[Bowovich 1968, p.384].

High school students are able to perceive a variety of forms of artistic convention, complex socio-psychological conflicts, difficult compositional and stylistic solutions. In short, in the graduation class, the literary development of the student rises to a new stage, it is prepared for independent reading of complex works.

At the final stage of literary education, the disadvantages of the literature of all previous years are especially clearly manifested, and the level of literary development of students of various IX -Xi classes is sometimes different from each other.

If in the previous years, the teaching of the literature was mainly reported, the works of schoolchildren of the IX -XI classes suffer from dryness, schematics. Individual uniqueness of the artistic image The majority of high school students do not pass, they tend to formulate the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work, to reduce all the wealth, the entire multidimensionality of the artwork to the logical conclusion. And individual disciples are even trying to interpret the artistic image as an allegory. This trend is especially tangible when analyzing lyrics. The complexity of software works, their saturation of philosophical, moral, and aesthetic problems leads to an increase in the senior load classes on the thought. The development of abstract thinking during these years is particularly intense and sometimes suppresses emotions and shaped student vision. However, if the intellectuality of perception accompanies at least a bit of emotionality and aesthetic feeling, it leads to a deeper comprehension of the copyright and ideological and artistic content of the work.


From a teacher of high schools, a large literary culture is also required, and large pedagogical skills. High culture of analysis, differentiated approach to different groups of students, tacty, ability to spare youthful pride and at the same time the desire to raise self-esteem and awaken the love of art is a path that helps the teacher to overcome emerging difficulties and maximize the opportunities laid out in the youthful age.

The teacher is important to know what psychological features are characteristic of high school students. This will allow him to be flexibly, tactfully, skillfully manage the moral, "human" development of its pets in the process of teaching literature.

Chapter II. Integrative literature lesson and cinematography in grade 11.

An image of a female woman in war in the story B.L. Vasilyeva "And the dawns here are quiet ..." in the movie S. Kontotsky and TV series Mao Weinin.

Objectives lesson:

    training: In the process of analyzing the story B.Vasiliev "And the dawns here are quiet ..." to bring students to understanding the images of women Zenitchits and Vaskov as a Russian national nature;

    developing: develop logical thinking, the ability to make syncuine, give a detailed answer to the teacher's question;

    railing: Help students understand the meaning of such moral concepts as kindness, mercy, sensitivity, humanity, conscience; think about the meaning of human life.

Tasks lesson:

1. Wear cognitive abilities, communicative and information competence; disclose the creative potential of students.

2. To become the formation of the ideological position of students. Relieve the feeling of patriotism and pride for the country and her people.

3. Sign the ability to analyze the text, reason, reflect.

Type of lesson: Explanation of the new material.

Type of lesson: Mixed (text reading and analysis).

Equipment: Films of the same name (for analyzing the story of Boris Vasiliev "And the dawns here are quiet ..."), the texts of the work.

Methods and techniques:reproductive (Teacher's word, correct conclusions of records in the notebook), creative (commenting, expressive reading, viewing and commenting on video phrases, compilation of synissive), heuristic (analytical conversation).

Study path: Problem-thematic.

Program: The program on literature (V - XI classes). Edited by A.G. Kutuzov.

Textbook:Russian literature of the twentieth century. Grade 11. Tutorial-workshop for general education institutions. / / Ed. Yu.I.Lussoy. M.: Mnemozina, 2003, p. 450-461.

You burn, dawn a narrow strip,

On the ground crawling fire smoke ...

We are you, native land, Russian,

Never give ends!

I. Molchanov

The war has no female face.

S. Aleksievich

During the classes

1 .The word teacher about the topic and objectives of the lesson (reproductive).

- "Why do we write about the Second World War again? Not therefore, it is probably that the weakness of human kind is the fear of death, and not because the instinct of self-preservation dominates the mind. No, we remember about the war because a person is the greatest value of this world, and his courage and freedom it is liberation from fear, from evil that people disconnect. "


Writers showed us that honest, bold and fair people are valuable in war, that friendship in war is something more than just friendship is an inseparable connection bonded by blood. Writers showed us that the mistakes in the war are something more than just mistakes, because they lose their lives and fate of people.

2.Bested on questions: (Heuristic).

A) Name the works about the Great Patriotic War and their authors.

B) Your associations with the word "war".

War is a grief, tears, the suffering of mothers, hundreds of dead soldiers, hundreds of orphans and families without fathers, terrible memories of people, horror, wildness.

C) Do you agree with the approval of the war not a female face?

A woman for me is embodied harmony of life. And war is always disharmony. And a woman in war is the most incredible, incompatible combination of phenomena. And our women walked to the front and fought on the front side next to men ...

(Boris Vasilyev)

D) In \u200b\u200bwhich works is told about the participation of women in the war?

3.Rextbook student about life and creativity B. Vasilyev, the history of the creation of the story "And the dawns here are quiet ..." (creative).

Boris Lvovich Vasilyev was born on May 21, 1924 in Smolensk in the family of a military personnel. Refers to the generation of young men who were destined to step into the battle of war with a school bench. He fought in airborne troops.

After the war, he graduated from the military academy of armored troops (1948), served in the army, was a test engineer of transport vehicles in the Urals. The literary debut B. Vasilyeva took place in 1955, when the play "Officer" was published, then the following - "knock and open" (1939), "My step-in, Russia" (1962).

In 1969, the story appears in the press "and the dawns here are quiet ...", which brought a broad fame to the author. The story was staged, and in 1972 the film was released on the screens, which had enormous popularity and the classics of Soviet cinema. Many theaters included the same performance in their repertoire.

The following works B.Vasilyev invariably caused the interest of the public, confirming the writer's talent: the story "the last day" (1970); Novel "Do not shoot white swans" (1973); The novel "did not mean in the lists" (1974). All three works were fused, Peru B.Vasilleva belongs to the historic novel "were not unprecedented" (1977-80), the autobiographical story "My horses fly ..." (1982), Books "Unfaith Kupina" (1986) and " Evening, and was morning "(1987).

In 1991, two tales of the "drop behind the drop" and "Carnival" are published, next year - a new work - "House that Grandfather built", in 1990 - Essay "There is such a profession." Recently finished a new historical novel "Yaroslav and his sons", dedicated to Alexander Nevsky's time. Currently, it works to work on the work of "my sorrow". Lives in Moscow.

Teacher: The longest day of the year

With his cloudless weather

We gave us a common trouble

At all, for all four years.

She was so pressed a trail

And so many land put

That twenty years and thirty years

Alive I can not believe that alive ...

(K. Simonov).

The war left a trace in the history of many states, in the fate of the people and each family. I had a huge influence on public consciousness. What is the role of your families in the Second World War? (creative)

Speeches of students (students talk about their relatives who participated in the Second World War).

Teacher: You got acquainted with many works, films about the war. What footage left your literal lessons about the Great Patriotic War?

1. Of course, the heroism and the courage of ordinary soldiers amaze our imagination, but even more my feelings affect the stories about those situations when a person stands before moral choice when he discovers himself in good and evil, courage and fear, loyalty and betrayal.

2. In order to defeat everyone, it was necessary to defeat each separately. Helped to learn a sense of responsibility when everyone considered the war with his personal matter. The love of the Motherland did no longer in each other in one friend, helped to stand and defeat. Everyone tried to do everything for victory.

3. It's amazing, much can make a person if he knows in the name of what he is fighting for. The topics of the tragic fate of Soviet people will never be exhausted. No one wants to repeat the horrors of war. Let the children grow peacefully, not frightening bomb explosions, let Chechnya will not happen again so that the mothers do not have to cry for the dead sons. Human memory keeps in itself the experience of many generations who lived before us, and the experience of everyone. "Memory opposes the terrifying strength of time," said D. S. Likhachev. Let this memory and experience teach us good, peacefulness, humanity. And let none of us forget, who and how fought for our freedom and happiness.

4. Teacher's story about the history of the creation of the story "And the dawns here are quiet ..." (reproductive).

In 1969, Youth Journal published a story "And the dawns here are quiet ...". The story was read then and read today, the eponymous film was put on the story, which was successful on the screens of many countries. The story B. Vasilyeva became my desk book, because she told me the truth about the war of the mouth of a man who saw a lot of grief on the roads of war, losing his front friends. But the episode that B. Vasilyev recalls:

"... the idea of \u200b\u200bthe story was born from" push of memory. " I got to the front, barely finish 10 classes, in the first days of the war ... As part of a fighter battalion, we went to the task in the forest. And there, among the living green forest glade, such a peaceful in his silence, ... I saw two dead rustic girls killed by the fascists ... I then seek a lot of grief, but I could never forget these girls ... ".

5. Creative work class in groups: (creative).

Talk about the life of the girl before the war, during the war, on participation in intelligence, about death. Create a characteristic, express your attitude to the heroine of the story. Describe Vaskov

Work of students in the 1st group:

Boris Vasilyev himself never ceases to admire Zhenya: "High, redhead, white and baby's eyes: Green, round, like a saucer."

Family Zhenka: Mom, grandmother, brother - Germans killed everyone, and she managed to hide. In a female battery, she fell for a novel with a married commander. Very artistic, emotional, she always attracted male attention. Girlfriends talk about her: "Zhenka, you would be in the theater ...". Despite the personal tragedies, Komelkova remained cheerful, mischievous, sociable and sacrificed her life for the sake of others, for the sake of saving the wounded girlfriend. Cheerful, mild, beautiful, misantyur, desperate and tired of war, from pain, from love, long and painful, to a distant and married man.

About the death of Zhenya read the passage from the story: "She wanted to help Rita, wounded deadly, and Vascue, who had to bring the case to the end. Zhenya understood that, by leading the Germans to the side of her military comrades, she thus saves them from loyal death. "

Zhenya Komelkova is one of the brightest, strong and courageous representatives from the composition of the girls - fighters shown in the story. The most comic, and the most dramatic scenes are connected with Zhenya in the story. Its benevolence, optimism, cheerfulness, self-confidence, irreconcilable hatred of enemies involuntarily attracts attention to it and cause admiration. To deceive the German sabersans and make them go far expensive to bypass the river, a small detachment of girls - the fighters arranged a noise in the forest, depicting lumberjacks. Zhenya Komelkova played a stunning scene of a careless bathing in icy water in sight of the Germans, ten meters from enemy machines.

Here Zhenya "... stepped into the water and, screeping, noisy and fun to splashing. The splashes sparkled in the sun, rolled over an elastic warm body, and the commandant, not breathing, waited with horror the queue. Now, now I will hit and shifts Zhenya, splashed hands ... "

Together with Vaskov, we see that Zhenya "smiles, and eyes, woven open, the horror are full, like tears. And the horror of this alive and heavy, like mercury. "

In this episode, heroism was fully manifested, courage, desperate courage.

In the last minutes of the life of Zhenya caused fire on himself, just to take the threat from seriously wounded Rita and Fedot Vaskov. She believed in herself, and, by the Germans from the midst of oxan, had no doubt for a moment that everything would be completed safely.

And even when the first bullet hit the side, she was just surprised. After all, it is so stupid that it was not enough and implausible to die at nineteen years ...

"And the Germans wounded blindly, through the foliage, and she could be laid before, and maybe leave. But she shot until the cartridges were. He fired lying, no longer trying to run away, because with blood and the strength was bored. Might would be hidden, wait and, maybe leave. And did not hide, and did not leave ... ".

The work of students in the 2nd group:

Lisa Brichkin lived all nineteen in the feeling of tomorrow. Each morning it was fought by an impatient premonition of dazzling happiness, and immediately the mother's emulsive cough moved this date with a holiday for tomorrow. Did not kill, did not crumble - moved away.

Wearing your mother, "the father warned strictly, five years old on the day he welcomed it with these words. Lisa went to the courtyard to set the feed of a pig, sheep, the old cassenny merin. Washed, disguised and fed a mother from the spoon. She prepared lunch, he clicked out in the house, passed the father's squares and ran into the nearcelm for bread. Her girlfriends have long finished school: who left learning, who has already married, and Lisa Kormil, soap, scraper and fed again. And waiting for tomorrow. Tomorrow, this day has never contacted her mind with the death of the mother. She hardly remembered her healthy, but in Lisa itself, so many human lives were invested that the idea of \u200b\u200bdeath simply lacked the place. Unlike death, the father with such a tedious rigor, life was a real and tangible. She was hiding somewhere in shining tomorrow, while he went around the parties lighted in the forests of Cordon, but Lisa knew firmly that this life exists, that it was intended for her and that it was impossible to bear it, as impossible not to wait for tomorrow.

"Total per step to the side. And the legs immediately lost their support, hung somewhere in the widget in the brief, and squeezed the hips with soft vice. For a long time, the horror suddenly splashed out to the outside, acute pain giving away in the heart. Trying to stay, scatter on the path, Lisa all the severity fell on the pole. Dry Tremina Khruznetul, and Lisa face down fell into cold liquid dirt. There was no land. The legs slowly, scary slowly dragged down, the hands without rowing the row. And Lisa, choking, choking, wriggled in a liquid massif. And the trail was somewhere nearby: a step, half step, but these half had no longer possible to do ... "

Working student 3rd groups:

Sonya Gurvich from Minsk. Her father was a district physician. They had a very friendly and very large family: children, nephews, grandmother, unmarried Mine sister, still some distant relative, and there was no bed in the house, on which one person would sleep, and the bed on which three was sleeping .

She herself studied a year at Moscow University, knows German.

Even at the university Sonya stopped the dresses, made from dresses of sisters - gray and deaf, like chain mail. And for a long time did not notice their gravity, because instead of dancing ran into the reader and in MCAT, if you managed to get a ticket for the gallery.

Sonya is "the worst, like spring rag", her boots for two rooms more, she is tolerates them; On the back - a storm. In the hands - rifle. She is "very much, as much as the floor looked around." And "Lichiko" "sharp, ugly, but very serious." Vaskov thinks about her "porrid" and unwittingly asks her the question like a child: "Tyching with Mamani you are alive? Or are it litely? " And after the answer and sink Sony "closed Vaskov to the heart from the breath of this. Ah, you Zamoryshe, are you a sparrow, forces by the grief on your hump, then you? .. "

"The Germans were waiting for a Sonya or she accidentally beaten on them? Fucked without fear of twice the path traveled, rushing up to him, the ears of Vascue, Machorku. Three times blotch. Fucked, rejoiced, and did not have time to understand, where he fell on the fragile shoulders of the sweaty severity, why the piercing bright pain suddenly rushed. No, I managed. And I managed to understand, and shout, because I did not pull the knife to the heart from the first blow: the chest interfered. Or maybe not so everything was? Maybe she was waiting for her? "

Sonya Gurwich - "Translator", one of the girls of the group Vaskov, "urban" Pigalitsa; Witing like spring rag.

The author, telling about the past life of Sony, emphasizes her talentedness, love for poetry, theater. Boris Vasilyev recalls: "The percentage of intelligent girls, female students was very large at the front. Most often - first grasses. For them, the war was the most terrible ... somewhere among them fought my Sonya Gurvich. "

And so, wanting to do something pleasant, as a senior experienced and caring comrade, German, Sonya rushes behind a brush forgotten on hemp in the forest, and dies from the strike of an enemy knife in the chest.

The work of students of 4 groups.

Galka - the worse "Vashryshka", "She did not resemble the army standards, neither growth or age." Imagine it, small ("Quarter"), also with a rifle. With stub, without boot, "in one stocking. In the hole thumb sticks out, blue from the cold. " "With its growth," Waskov thinks, "and the bucket - the blade." The attitude towards her Fedot Evgrafycha identified "with indignation" herself Galka: "As with a little you ..." He wants to hide her, to protect her, he takes her on her hands so that she would not be knocked out once again his feet. She cries like a little: "Gorky, offended - like a toy with a child broke."

Endowed with the nature of a bright, figasive fantasy, Galya "always lived in an imaginary world more active than in a valid", so now (when the boots were killed by Sony) "It is physically, to faintness, felt the knife penetrating into the tissue, heard the crunch of torn flesh, felt Heavy blood smell ... And it gave birth to stupid, cast-iron horror ... "And next to the enemies, death.

"- The Germans walked silently, silent and putting automata.

A bushes rang out with noise, and suddenly suddenly jumped out Galya. Having arched, having gone his hands behind his head, he darted through the glade to be in advance to saboteurs, no longer seeing anything and not thinking.


Briefly hit the machine. With a dozen steps hit thin. Intense in the run, and Galya, with an effervescence, crumpled into the ground, and without removing the hands fragmented in horror. The last cry was launched in a bugger swear, and the feet were still fled, still fought, stuck in the moss with socks of Sonin's boots. I froze everything in the glade ... "

Gali quartes - orphan, pupil of the orphanage, dreamer. Endowed from nature with a bright figasive imagination. Huddy, the little "zamuhryshka" daw did not fit the army standards or growth or age.

"The reality with which women faced in the war," says B. Vasilyev, "there was a lot more difficult than everything they could come up with the most desperate time for their fantasies. Tragedy Gali fourth about it. "

The work of students in 5 groups:

"Rita knew that her wound was deadly and that would die for a long time and difficult. While the pain was almost no, only stronger baked in the stomach and wanted to drink. But it was impossible to drink, and Rita just uringed in a puddle a rag and applied to her lips.

Vaskov hid it under Fir-tranuled, threw branches and left ...

Rita shot in temple, and there was almost no blood. "

Courage, cloak, humanity, a high sense of debt in front of the homeland distinguish the commander of the branch of the younger sergeant Rita Osyanin. The author, considering the images of Rita and Fedot Vaskov Central, already in the first chapters talks about the last life of the okey. School evening, familiarity with the lieutenant - the border guard is oxygen, lively correspondence, registry office. Then - border ward. Rita learned to bandage the wounded and shoot, ride a horse, throw grenades and defend against gases, the birth of a son, and then ... War. And for the first time, the military days was not confused - saved other people's children, and soon he learned that her husband died at the outbreak on the second day of the war in the counterattack.

She more than once wanted to send to the rear, but every time she appeared again at Strevilon's headquarters, took a nurse, and six months later they sent to the tank anti-aircraft school.

Rita learned to quietly and mercilessly hate enemies. In position, she hit the German aerostat and the thrown adjustment.

When Vaskov and the Girls counted the Germans who came out of the bushes - sixteen instead of the expected two. The foreman told everyone at home: "Bad, girls, it's."

It was clear for him that against the teeth of the armed enemies, they did not hold out for a long time, but here the solid replica Rita: "What, watch, how will they pass by?" - Obviously, a little strengthened Vaskov in the decision. Twice Syannina helped Vaskov, taking fire on himself, and now, having received a deadly wound and knowing the wounded Vaskov, she does not want to be a burden to him, understands how important it is to bring their common cause to the end, to delay the fascist saboteurs.

The work of students 6 groups.

Fedot Vascov thirty two years old. He graduated from four classes of the regimental school, and for ten years he served before the Starinsky title. Vaskov survived a personal drama: after the Finnish war, his wife threw him. His son Vaskov, I rebound through the court and sent to the mother to the village, but the Germans killed him there. The foreman always feels older than his years. He is executive.

"Srod Vaskov felt older than was." And this explains, in turn, why in the army he was senior not only by rank, but in his "Starshinsky essence", which became a kind of line of his worldview. In the seniorcy of Vaskov, the author sees a kind of symbol. The symbol of the supporting role of people such as Vaskov, conscientious workers, work and in peaceful life, and in the military. As a "senior", he fears the fighters, cares about the order, it seeks strictly fulfilling the task. The author writes: "... .. in the punctual execution of someone else's will saw the whole point of its existence." He must be the charter, it gives the limitations of the foreman, puts often in a funny position. The relationship between the senior and zenithchizes first add up difficult precisely because, from the point of view of Vaskov, girls constantly violate the charter, and from the point of view of girls, that Vaskov should be the charter, does not take into account living life. For them, he is "Slame Penc: in the reserve of twenty words, and those from the charters." The word Charter and other military terms do not go from the language of Vaskov. Even expressing his impression from the piercing beauty of the Zhenya Komelkova, he says: "Incredible eye strength, like a stopping-like-lummy-mellimeter Gaubitz gun." The deadly fight with the saboteurs became the test in which the nature of Vaskov is deeper. To support the vigor of the Spirit of the Girls, he must "smile with all his strength to the lips to adapt." It penetrates sympathy and warm to the grief of each, learning them closer. Crimmering with them a misfortune, the desire to win, Vaskov says: "Why are you a foreman, sisters? I now seem like a brother. " So in battle the soul of severe Vaskov, and girls penetrate with respect.

But even more substantially another change in character. We see that Vaskov in habits, in the warehouse of thinking - a conscientious performer. Sometimes ridiculous in his pedantry. And the situation in which he was, demanded from him the ability to independently make decisions, guess about the ideas of the enemy, to warn them. And overcoming the initial confusion, opask, wascot acquires determination, initiative. And does the fact that in his position could be the only right and possible. He argues: "War is not just someone who shoots. War is who who will change his mind. The charter is to be able to release you head so that you think you could think, on the other side, for the enemy. "

6.Bested on Tale: (Heuristic).

The title emphasizes the whole horror, all the wildness of this war

The Zenitsky girls returned the silence of the zorms, and the dawns, in turn, keep the memory of the events that took place, keep sacred, as before, silence.

We call B.Vasiliev expressed the main thought that passes through the entire story: the girls died in the name of a bright future, in the name of our country to always have a clean sky, quiet dawns.

2. To characterize Vaskov. How shows Boris Vasilyev this hero in the story? Under the influence of what events does he change? (the evolution of the hero)

- Meeting of Zenitchitz: Stern, dry, cold, secretive, adhering only to the charter, small, not able to make decisions.

- German capture: deeply worried, suffering, able to be solid.

7. View Film Fragments. (creative, heuristic).


Director-Frontoviki leaves, their films remain - the best thing that has been said from the screen about the war. In one year, the 2001, following Gregory Chukhray, the creator of "ballads about a soldier," graduated from his life and creative path Stanislav Rostotsky, film director "And the dawns here are quiet ...".

War, measured by a female fraction - this topic was not interrupted in the movies. It was characterized by a special humanistic tonality, sometimes elevated to tragedy, sometimes reduced into life and still preserving poetic spirituality.

Conversation according to fragments from the film S. Grostotsky:

View fragment (start of the film - Landscape) - 30 seconds.

Here in these places, Karelian forests, and the events described in the story took place. How do you understand the name of the story? How does the landscape help to reveal the meaning of the name of the work? (Beautiful Karelian landscape: green forests, clean rivers, calm smooth water, high deep sky. Silence. Quiet dawns. And all this is destroyed by the automotive queues. The war should not destroy a peaceful life. And everyone should remember and save the land. Earth, where Zori quiet. Remember about those who have retained the world).


In the film "And the dawns here are quiet ..." One series is called "in the second echelon", the other is the "battle of local meaning." The headlines are clearly polemic. The front is summarized to a small northern village, where the platoon of Zenitchits girls is. Five of them give their last battle on the narrowestrian between the lake and the forest. The scale of geographic is emphatically small.

What do you think the director shared a film on the "world" and "war"? ("And the dawns here are quiet ..." Not accidentally divided into two series. The first is the world, the second - war. Chronologically, this is not: the picture is happening in May 1942. And in the first series there is a fight ... peace and war , Laying from one life to another. True, not exactly the usual "world", where the river was splashing in the morning fog, dries underwear, knocking the ax and eyes of the Soldiers accompany the only man here, German Vaskov. Together with the actors, the director found a common denominator for different characters. : Zenitchitsy do not live according to the charter, but how they live in a village, where it is difficult to hide from the eyes and protect yourself from rumors, where they sit on Zavalinka, heat the bath, but the evening the dances are arranged in urban. The life of the semi-semi-mederenenskaya. And its half The slide justifies the carefully discharged household entourage, a leisurely, colorful tag maneer. On late Babi Passion of the hostess huts to the guest, about the first maiden love ...)

How is the war in the film Rostotsky? (Fire tracks go up, fiercely knocking machine-gun "quadrup", the sleeves roll with the ringing, and the smoke track of the fallen aircraft watches the sky. The fight is colorful, enchanting, not like that war, which will begin for Zenitchitz not in the sky, but on swamp earth. In the story of Boris Vasilyev, this "peaceful" prehistory takes a little more than twenty pages. The director unfolds it into a detailed image, when one line or a replica turn into an episode into an assembly fragment. Every deceased had his own fate, his battle, his last line, and For everyone in this small, the whole war was fitted).

The central place in the story and the film occupies the figure of Vaskov. How is the inner monologue of Vaskov in the film and in the story? (In the story of Vaskov, feeling behind Russia, and is reliable when it represents his war with German as a card game: who has a trump card, whom to walk. In the film, this inner monologue is derived to the surface. Behind the figures of people are visible forest, boulders, lake. Northern Karelian landscape, in which since ancient times there is something epic, connects to the character of the hero).

How is the peaceful life of girls shown? (The director provided for the open - declarative - exit outside the military calendar. The life-like frames are suddenly interrupted by the flames, which grows out from under the bottom edge, and in clean, bright colors arise on the screen of pre-war happiness of each of the five heroines).

And now I will look at the fragments from the film of the Chinese film director and compare these two films.


The script written by Chinese scenarios edited the author of Boris Vasilyev's story. Russian and Ukrainian actors were invited to all roles in the film. The shooting period lasted 110 days. The shooting was held both in China in Hay He, and in Russia - in Moscow, St. Petersburg and in the Amur region.

The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a picture "A dawns here is quiet ..." based on the same name of the story-Frontovik Writer Boris Vasilyeva was born on central television (CCTV) of the People's Republic of China on the eve of the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the victory over fascism.

What is the main difference between the movie S. Rostotsky's eponymous from the series Mao Weinina "And dawns here are quiet ..."? (Rostotsky's film is divided into two series, and the series of the Chinese director is 20 episodes).


The difference between this television series from the previous one is that in addition to several athighted filming in Russia, in Moscow and the Amur region, most of them took place in the Chinese province of Heilongjiang, in Heihe.

In the telepostalovka, filmed based on the famous novel (Boris Vasilyeva) was manifested by a cruel fate who fell to the share of young girls during the war, which broke the beauty of life. All television series will penetrate the strong feelings of the hatred of ordinary people to fascist invaders.

Did you like the movie of the Chinese director? Why?

Compare the story and movies on the work.

Creator of the film S. Rostotsky strengthened emotional returns. The means of cinema managed to deepen the contrast between a peaceful happy life and war, the death underlying a story.

Why in the film War in a black and white image, and the peaceful life of girls (remember the fragments of the first part of the film, viewed earlier) and modern - in color? (The presence of color reminds that the beauty of nature does not touch anyone, does not hurt. All the forces are given to the struggle).

In the film, our contemporaries are paid more space than in the book. Therefore, the topic of memory has become more significant.

View fragment from movies (epilogue) - three minutes.

8. Creative work: Make a Sinwen with the word "patriotism". (creative).

Listening to the song "Do Russian Wars want?"

9. Summing up the lesson.

Boris Vasilyev sees the basis of the spiritual transformation of the senior in its original moral qualities, first of all, in an inexperienced sense of responsibility for everything in the world: for the order for the drive and for the safety of government property, for the mood of subordinates and for compliance with the statutory requirements. So in the story "And the dawns here are quiet ..." reveals the relationship between good faith, the larger of the man-worker and its ability to high civil activity.

At the end of the story, the author raises his hero to the height of conscious heroism and patriotism. The author's intonation, merging with Vaskov's voice, reaches Pattics: "One knew Vaskov in this battle: not to retreat. Do not give the Germans to the Germans on this shore. No matter how hard it is, no matter how hopelessly to keep.

. And he had such a feeling, as if all of his back all Russia agreed, as if he, Fedot Evgrafovich Vaskov, was now her last son and defender. And there was no one all over the world: only he, the enemy and Russia. "

A single feat - the defense of the Motherland - is equalized by the worst of Vaskov and the five girls who "hold their front, their Russia" on Siniukhina Ridge. This is how another motive arises: each in its front of the front should make a possible and impossible for victory, so that the dawns are quiet. This is a measure of heroic, according to Vasilyev.

Who is addressed to the story?

(The younger generation, to remember - this is stated in an epilogue).

    Homework: Write a review "Artistic means, product language." (creative).

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Analysis of the work "And dawns here are quiet ..."

war Poems Character Tale

Recently, I read the story of Boris Vasilyeva "And the dawns here are quiet ...". Unusual topic. Unusual because it is written about the war so much that there is not enough one book if you remember only the names of books about the war. Unusual because there will never cease to worry people, beyond old wounds and soul. Unusual because the memory and history in it merged together.

I, like all my peers, do not know the war. I do not know and I do not want war. But after all, she did not want those who died, without thinking about death, that they would not see anymore, no grass, no leaves, no children. Those five girls also did not want war!

Boris Vasilyeva's story shook me to the depths of the soul. Rita Osyanina, Zhenya Komelkova, Lisa Brichkin, Galya Faucet. In each of them, I find a little from myself, they are close to me. Each of them could be my mom, could tell me about the beautiful, learning to live. And I could be on the spot of any of them, because I also like to listen to silence and meet such a "quiet-quiet zori."

I don't even know who of them is closer to me. They are all so different, but such similar. Rita oxanine, volitional and gentle, rich in spiritual beauty. She is the center of their courage, she is a cement feat, she is a mother! Zhenka ... Zhenya, Zhenya, cheerful, mild, beautiful, misanty, desperate and tired of war, from pain, from love, long and painful, to a distant and married man. Sonya Gurvich - the embodiment of student student and poetic nature - "Beautiful Stranger", published from Tomika Pychov Alexander Blok. Lisa Brichkin ... "Eh, Lisa-Lizaveta, to learn to you!" Learn, to see the big city with its theaters and concert halls, his libraries and art gallery. And you, Lisa ... War prevented! Do not find you your happiness, do not write to you lectures: I did not have time to see everything I dreamed about! Galya FOOTA, and not matured, ridiculous and clumsily children's girlfriend. Notes, Escape from the orphanage and also dreams ... Become a new Love Orlova.

None of them managed to fulfill their dreams, they simply did not have time to live their own life. Death was all different, as different were their fate: Rita - the effort of will and shot in the temple; Zhenya is a desperate and a little reckless, she could hide and stay alive, but not hidden; Sonya has a dagger strike in poetry; At Gali - the same painful and merciless, as she herself; Lisa - "Ah, Lisa-Lizaveta, did not have time, could not overcome the quag of war ..."

And the foreman of the Basque remains, which I have not mentioned yet, one. One among pain, flour; One with death, one with three prisoners. One? Fiero he is now forces now. And what happened in him the best, humane, but hidden in the shower, all revealed suddenly, and what survived, he listed for himself and for them, for his girls, his "sisters".

How the foreman is crushed: "How to live now? Why is it so? After all, they should not die, but they give birth to children, because the mother is! " Trears are attracted when you read these lines.

But it is necessary not only to cry, you need to remember, because the dead do not leave the lives of those who loved them. They are just not aging, staying in the hearts of people forever young.

Why is it all the same this work memorious me? Probably because this writer is one of the best writers of our time. Probably because Boris Vasilyev managed to turn the topic of war to the unusual face that is perceived especially painfully. After all, we, including, accustomed to combine the words "war" and "men", and here women, girls and war. Vasilyev managed to build a plot so much, so everyone tied together that it is difficult to distinguish separate episodes, this story is a single whole, a fusion. The beautiful and inseparable monument: five girls and a foreman who were inserted in the middle of the Russian Earth: forests, swamps, lakes, against the enemy, strong, hardy, mechanically killing, which in the number significantly exceeds them. But they did not miss anyone, stood and stand, poured out of hundreds and thousands of similar fate, exploits, out of all the pain and strength of the Russian people.

Women, Russian women who won war and death! And each of them lives in me and other girls, we just do not notice it. We go through the streets, we say, we think we dream, as they, but the moment comes, and we feel confidence, their confidence: "There is no death! There is life and struggle for happiness and for love! "

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The events of the Great Patriotic War continue to go further into the past. But years do not erase them in our memory. The historical situation has prompted the great feats of the human spirit to live. The authors of the books about the war investigated the military weekdays, reliably portrayed battles, they also spoke about the courage of their native land, about the pricelessness of human life, about how ordinary people having a conscience and a sense of debt in front of their homeland sacrificed themselves. One of these writers is Boris Lvovich Vasilyev.

At seventeen, he went to the front volunteer. In 1943, after the contusion, he entered his studies at the Military Technical Academy of Armored and Mechanized Troops. After graduation in 1948, he worked in a specialty engineer testing of combat vehicles. In 1954, he left the army and took up professional literary activities. B.L.Vasiliev began typing his works in 1954. Fame he brought the story of 1969 "And the dawns here are quiet." For books and scenarios, Boris Vasilyev experienced more than 15 films.

The war in the image of Prosaikov-Frontovikov is not so much the heroic exploits, outstanding actions, how much tedious hard and bloody work, vital, and from how everyone will be performed in his place, and the victory depended.

The essence of the war contradicts human nature, and even more so female nature. There was no single war in the world, which women would have unleashed, never participating in the war in the war is normal and natural. Woman in war is an inexhaustible topic. It is this motive that takes place through the story of Boris Vasilyeva "And the dawns here are quiet ..."

The purpose of this work to determine the artistic peculiarity of the work of B.L.Vasilyev "And the dawns here are quiet ...". To achieve it, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

Explore the literature relating to this topic;

Reveal the tools with which images are created;

Release the genre features of the work.

The topic studied is relevant due to the necessary attitude to this problem. Reading readers of this kind of literature. It is important to understand the significance of this topic as a literary unit in the general cultural process. The novelty of this work is due to not sufficient research by B.L.Vasiliev. The object of work is the story "And the dawns here are quiet ...". The subject of work will be the artistic peculiarity of the story.

1. The plot and the system of images of the story "And the dawns here are quiet ..."

vasiliev Tale Art Genre

"The war is not a female face" is the thesis over long centuries. Survive the horror of the war is capable of very strong people, so it is customary to be a war of men. But tragedy, the cruelty of the war is that together women who go to kill and die.

Five completely different maiden characters, five different destinies. Zenitsky's girls go to intelligence under the command of the Vaskow's senior who used to live according to the Charter. Despite the horrors of the war, he retained the best human qualities. He is aware of his guilt in front of them for not saving girls. The death of five girls leaves a deep wound in the head of the senior, he cannot find excuses to her even in his soul. In the sorrow of this simple person, the highest humanism is concluded.

The behavior of girls is also a feat, because they are absolutely not adapted to military conditions.

According to the author, the story is based on a real episode during the war, when seven soldiers, after the injury that served on one of the nodal stations of the Railway Adler - Sakhalin did not give the German sabotage group to blow up the railway on this site. After the fight, only a sergeant remained alive, the commander of the Soviet fighters, who, after the war, was awarded the medal "for military merit". "And I thought: here it is! The situation when a person himself, without any order, decides: not to go out! They have nothing to do here! I began working with this plot, already wrote pages seven. And suddenly realized that nothing would come. It will just be a special case in war. There was nothing fundamentally new in this plot. Work got up. And then suddenly he was invented - let my hero in submission will not be men, but young girls. And all - the story was immediately lined up. After all, women are most difficult in war. They were on the front was 300 thousand! And then no one wrote about them. "

The story is conducted on behalf of Vaskov. The whole story is built on his memories. And it plays an important role in ideological and artistic perception of a story. She is written by a man who passed the whole war, so all she is believable. The author dedicates its moral problem of the formation and transformation of the character and psyche of the individual in the conditions of war. The sophisticated topic of the war is shown on the example of the heroes of the story. Each of them has its own attitude towards war, their motives to combat fascists. And it is these young girls to prove themselves in the conditions of war. Each Character Vasilyeva has its flavor and its gamut of feelings. The events occurring are forced to empathize each hero. As they talked to war, life alone and death alone. And all the girls can be equally called genuine heroes of war.

For a more complete disclosure of Vasilyev images uses such an artistic technique as a retrospective. A retrospective review is an appeal to the past. Receiving retrospection in fiction literature (inclusion in the narration of the events of the past).

It is from the memories of the heroes of the story we learn more about their lives before the war, their social correlation and characters. The heroine of this story is very different. Each of them is unique, has an inimitable character and unique fate, broken war. These girls unites what they live for the sake of one goal. This goal is to protect their homeland, protect your families, protect loved ones. And for this you need to destroy the enemy. For some, destroy the enemy means to fulfill your duty, revenge for the death of people close and relatives.

Consider each character individually. Let's start with Commandant Fedot Epgrafovich Vaskov. In this character, we see a lonely person for whom in life except the statutes, orders of the authorities and entrusted to him the branch. All war took away. He lived strictly according to the charter and imposed this charter to everyone who surrounded him. In the life of the Commandant, everything changed with the advent of the sentenced zenithic. In addition to the enjoyable appearance, the newly arrived were also sharp in the language. Despite the noticeable coarseness, Vaskov shows the concern about all five zeniths. The image of Vaskov has been reborn through the story. But not only the foreman himself is the reason. The girls, each in their own way, contributed a lot. Fedot Efgrafovich is hardly experiencing the death of girls. He is mentally attached to each of them, each of the deaths left the scar on his heart. Vasque had a hand straightened, but his heart hurt more than stronger. He felt guilty to the death of each of the girls. Without losing a plea, he may have avoided the death of Sony Gurwich; Without sending an empty stomach to Brichkina and convincingly forcing her to stay on the island in the swamp, it would also be possible to avoid her death. But couldn't you know everything in advance? Nobody will not return anyone. And the last request of the Rita of Osyanina became a real order, to disobey the vasks simply did not dare. There is a moment in the story when Vaskov together with the son of Rita lays flowers to a memorable board with the names of all five Zenitchitsa girls. The thirst for revenge ruled the consciousness of Vaskov after the death of Rita Osyanina, who asked to take her little son to him. Vaskov will subsequently replace his father.

The story of Elizabeth Brichina, who accepted the ridiculous, but terrible and painful death. Lisa is silent, a somewhat closed girl. In the story of Lisa - dreamy and calm, but at the same time a serious girl. She lived with her parents on the cordon in the forest. With a sense of hope for happiness and waiting for a bright future, she went through life. She always remembered the farewell of parents and promises her happy "tomorrow." Once in the squad of Zenitcitz, Lisa was calm and restrained. She liked Vaskov. Lisa, without thinking, asked together with everyone in a detachment for the search for German saboteurs. Vaskov agreed. For all time the path of Lisa more and more attracted the attention of Vaskov. He told her: "You note everything, licable, you have a forest man ..." (178). Realizing all the danger of the situation when, instead of two saboteurs, sixteen appeared on the horizon, Vaskov immediately understood who would send for a beggar. Lisa was very rushing. She wanted to give help as soon as possible. All the way she thought about the words Fedot Evgrafovich and warmed herself the thought that they would definitely fulfill the order and sing. Passing through the swamp, Lisa experienced an incredible fear. And this is understandable, because when she went with everything with everyone, in the case of which it would be sure to help, and now she is alone, in the dead, a deaf swamp, where there is not a single living soul that could help her. But the words of Vaskov and the proximity of the "cherished stump" (201), which was a landmark for Lisa, which means a solid land under his feet, lazed the soul of Lisa and raised her mood. But the author decides to make the tragic turn of events. Attempts to get out and writhing cries about help are in vain. And at that moment, when the last moment in Lisa's life came, the sun appears as the promise of happiness and a symbol of hope. All knows the saying: Hope die last. So it happened with Liza. "Lisa has ever seen this blue beautiful sky. Wasting, shoved dirt and stretched, stretched to him, stretched and believed ... And until the last moment she believed that it would be tomorrow and for her ... "(202)

The death of Sony Gurwich was unnecessary, which, striving to make a good deed, dies from the enemy blade. A student who was preparing for the Summer Session is forced to fight German invaders. She and her parents were a Jewish nation. In that group, which Vaskov scored, Sonya fell because he knew German. Like Brichkina, Sonya was quiet. She also loved poems and often read them out loud, or to themselves or their comrades.

Vaskov dropped his memorable pain with tobacco. Sonya understood his experiences about the loss and decided to help him. Remembering where she saw this pussy, Sonya ran to his searches. Vaskov whisper ordered her to return, but Sonya no longer heard him. Grably her German soldier stuck her knife in her chest. Deciding to make a good deed to his boss, Sonya Gurvich left his life.

The death of Sony was the first loss of the detachment. That is why everything, especially Vaskov, took her very seriously. Vaskov vinyl himself in her death. But it was impossible to do anything. She was buried, and Vaskov took off her nippers from her jelly. He will remove the same loops in the consequence of all the nods of the dead girls.

The following three characters can be considered simultaneously. These are the images of the Rita of Osyanina (Music Surname Muskakov), Zhenya Komelkova and Gali fourth. Three these girls always held together. Young Zhenya was incredibly good. "Hercutushka" had a heavy history of life. The whole family was killed in her eyes, a loved one was killed, so she had her personal accounts with the Germans. She, together with Sonya, was available to Vascue a little later than the rest, but nevertheless they immediately joined the team. With Rita, she also did not immediately come out friendship, but after the spiritual conversation, both girls saw good girlfriends in themselves. Zhenya with the last cartridges began to pass the Germans from the wounded girlfriend, giving time to Vascue to help Rita. Zhenya took heroic death. She was not afraid to die. Her last words mean that killing one soldier, even if the girl would not turn the entire Soviet Union. Zhenya literally cut off before his death, having posted everything that she was stupid.

Increased galoi, they also took to themselves in the "company" not immediately. Galya showed herself as a good person who will not betray and the last piece of bread will give a comrades. Saves to keep the secret of Rita, Galya became one of them.

Young Galya lived in an orphanage. At the front, she fell in deception, owing his age. Galya was very timid. From early childhood, devoid of maternal heat and care. She came up with stories about her mother, believing that she was not an orphan, that his mother would return and take her. Everyone laughed with these stories, and the unfortunate Galya tried to come up with other stories to recover others.

The death of Gali can be called stupid. It is frightened, she breaks off and runs with scream. The German bullet instantly overtakes her, Galya dies.

Rita Osyanina in his nineteen times managed to be married and give birth to a son. Her husband died in the first days of the war, but she did not know about it and waited for him all the time. Rita herself went to Zenitchitsy, wanting to take revenge on her husband. Rita at night began to run away into the city to the son and sick mother, returning in the morning. Once in the morning of Rita and stumbled upon the saboteurs.

The death of Rita is a psychologically the most difficult moment of tale. B. Vasilyev very accurately conveys the condition of the young twenty-year-old girl who perfectly aware that her wound was fatal and that, apart from torment, she was not waiting for her. But at the same time she cared only one thought: she thought about a little son, realizing that her timid, painful mother could hardly grow her grandson. Fedot Vaskov's strength is that he knows how to find the most accurate words at the right moment, so he can be believed. And when he says: "I do not worry, Rita, I understood everything" (243), it becomes clear that he really will never throw a little Alik Osyanin, but most likely he will adopt him and raises an honest person. The description of the death of Rita Osyanina in the story takes only a few lines. First, the shot was quietly sounded. "Rita shot in temple, and there was almost no blood. Blue poreschiki densely turned the bullet hole, and for some reason I looked at them for some reason. Then he took Rita to the side and began to dig a pit in the place where she had lying before. "(243)

Tragism and the absurdity of what is happening emphasizes the fabulous beauty of Lemongtov Skita, located next to the lake. And here, among death and blood, "The silence of the grave stood, already ringing in the ears." War is an unnatural phenomenon. The war is doubly, when women die, because it was then, according to B. Vasilyeva, "threads are broken" (214). Future, fortunately, it turns out not only "eternal", but also grateful. It was not by chance that the student had arrived at the Epilogue to relax on the Legilogo lake wrote in a letter to a friend: "Here it turns out, fought, an old man. They fought when we were not in the world yet ... We found the grave - she is behind the river, in the forest ... And the dicks are quiet here, only today I saw. And clean-clean, like tears ... ". (246) In the story B. Vasiliev, the world triumphs. The feat of the girls is not forgotten, the memory of them will be an eternal reminder that "the war is not a female face."

B.L. Vasilyev in his story "And the dawns here are quiet ..." created a figurative system of characters. The image of the chief hero of the foreman of Vaskov is revealed when interacting with the heroines of the story. These comparison allows the inner world of heroes.

2. Artistic peculiarity of the story

By genre definition "And the dawns here are quiet ..." - a story. Most often it is the story of one human life, in contactful inevitably with the fate of other people, told on behalf of the author or hero himself. The life of the main character we learn from his own memories that the Duma convulsed him after arriving at his order of young Zenitchitsa. The author describes the life of Vaskov is more unlikely, indicating only certain life events. Fedot Efgrafovich early lost his father. It was forced to go to work, graduating only 4 class schools. Despite all the burden "resistant." He married, gone to fight in Finnish. Vaskov considered his life calm, here on the 171st drive. But everything has changed with the new arrival: "Deadly Lady Vaskov lived. Almost until now calmly. And now ... Sigger sighed. "(148). Having met in his life of young Zenitchitz, watching them and realizing that their place was not at war, Fedot Efgrafovich became more sentimental. Only once Vaskov remembered something gentle, kind and happy from childhood. More precisely dreamed. And it was associated with the way the mother "And it seemed that he was lying on the furnace ... And Mama saw: Qureak, a little, that he slept a lot of years, somehow, as if he was fighting their peasant life" (176)

In his story, Boris Lvovich often uses the use of opposing unions "A" and "But". Even the name of the story begins with "a". This gives us to understand that in the work it will be about what is contrary to the quiet summer zorma. "And the dawns here are quiet-quiet ..." repeated in the text repeatedly. So the 3 chapter begins, which describes the night return of rita. It was on this night that she saw the saboteurs that he served as a reason for the group of the group at the disposal of Vaskov. Next time we can see this combination in the period spending the heroes in the forest "Introduce with raw here, and the zori quiet, and therefore hear already in five wool" (178). For this phrase, we can judge all the tension, the pumping atmosphere. We understand that there is no distant fatal outcome of events. The story ends with the words of the student's letter "And the dawns here are quiet-quiet, just now and saw ..." (246). Of these, we understand how among such peace could fight. How to unnaturally violate the harmony created by the nature of violent and barbaric acts.

There is something opposing and in the fate of each of the heroines. Before the war, they all dreamed, lived, loved ... But the war came. And they, completely different, the will of fate turned out to be here on the 171st drive. On the other hand, the use of the Union "A" gives us the opportunity to consider the fate of the heroes in detail. The author, masterfully using this technique, for the lowest possible excerpt of the text shows the internal experiences of the characters. This is especially brightly visible in the scene after swimming the girls in front of the saboteurs on the example of Zhenya Komelkova: "Zhenka pulled his hand, he sat down next and suddenly saw that she smiles, and her eyes, woven, horror were full, like tears, and the horror of this alive and Heavy like mercury. "(193)

At the same time, B.Vasiliev uses "a" as a particle, with which the tragedy and the awareness of the inevitability increase. The author, using this inconspicuous part of speech, artificially imparts any situation, emphasizing the reader's attention on it. So, for example, the pre-war life of the Rita Osyanina "Rita was not from the bobbies ... Just they with Lieutenant ascribed accidentally turned out to be near ... And then school clatters organized the game ... And then there was a general phanta ... and then stood by the window. And then ... Yes, then he went to accomplish her. "(148) Here, as if the author shows the planned everyday course of the pre-war rita life, and with her and many other girls, similar to her. And it becomes clear that this girls had to face the terrible reality of war. "And the shore was silent." (192), "And the time went ..." (218), "And the submember did not go and did not go" (221) - so the author transmits painful and long expectations of the junction of this story, the hope of heroes for salvation .

A special role in the system of artistic expressiveness B.L.Vasiliev gives the portrait of his heroes. Portrait - a description of the appearance of a character who plays a certain role in its characteristic; One of the way to create an image. Usually, the portrait illustrates those sides of the character of the hero, which seem to be particularly important to the author. Girls, he describes the eyes of the foreman of Vaskov, a launched warrior, who lived all his life "according to the Charter." We understand how gently and touching and the author himself refers to the Zenitians. From the pondays of Vaskov, we can see that girls are not ready to fight, they are not created for the war, since "the boots on a thin stock" (162) and "the ports are wound like scarves" (162), and this "Guard" (162) went: "The rifles almost do not do the rifles" (162). Special place the author dismides such a portrait feature as his eyes, uses a variety of epithets. Eyes reflect the inner world of the hero, its spirituality and determine the character. So at the Commelkaya on the one hand, "Children's eyes: Green, round, like saucers" (151), and on the other - "Hazardous Glazes, like Omuts" (177), "incredible eye strength, like a stopping-like-chimmer metering gun" (177) . If the first definition belongs to girls when familiarizing with Zhenya, even before arriving at the 171st travel, then the other two are Vaskov's notes at the time of danger. The author shows as the eyes of the same person change in different periods of life. It can be seen how a young girl becomes a woman, and then in a minute danger is a deadly weapon. And this is confirmed when it spreads with the German who killed Sonya Gurvich "And then the woman on a living head butt Baila, Baba, the mother, in which the most nature of the murder is laid down" (212). Also, in the eyes, you can judge Eugene, as about nature the desperate, open soul and unfading spirit. The whole family was shot in her eyes. Zhenka remained alive thanks to one Estonian, which hid it. But, despite all the life of the peripetics, Evgenia Komelkova has always remained sociable and mischievous.

Interesting the image of Gali fourth "and the eyes are sad, like Tölushki: anyone accompanied" (179). She grew up in an orphanage, but it did not want to conscious. Galya constantly lived in the world invented her, was constantly in dreams, the rest of the girls supported her without exposing a girlfriend in lies. Only once Rita said sharply that they knew about Gully all the truth. It was at the moment of the funeral of Sony, and Galya "I cried. Gorky, offended - like a toy from the child broke ... "(215). B. Vasilyev shows how else the child was naive and sensitive was the Galya Faud. How she wanted to be happy, having his home and her relatives to her. Life at the front she saw some romantic and interesting, which is why she sought it there. But the little hali did not immediately take it to the front, she did not despair and resolutely went to his goal. But hitting the 171st travel, on this campaign, seeing the first death, she realizes this reality and does not want to take it "She always lived in an imaginary world more active than in the actual, and now I would like to forget everything, delete from memory, I wanted to forget - and could not. And it gave birth to stupid, cast-iron horror, and she was under the nest of this horror, nothing would not mind "(222).

The author actively uses all sorts of expressive means in its prose. One of them is the artistic part (FR. Detail - part, detail) is a particularly significant, dedicated element of the artistic image, expressive detail in the work carrying a significant semantic and ideological-emotional load. The item is capable of transferring the maximum amount of information using a small text volume, with the help of a part one or more words, you can get the most striking idea of \u200b\u200bthe character (its appearance or psychology), the interior, setting. So in the story to disclose the characters of the Heroes of Vasilyev uses a suit. The costume is the thinnest, loyal and unmistakable indicator of distinctive signs of society, a small particle of a person, lifestyle, thoughts, classes, professions. "He lived tightened with a belt. On the most last hole tightened. " So the author writes about Rita Osyanina. And immediately seems a person who is strict with himself and others. So it turns out. Rita, having lost her husband, went to the front to avenge "and hate it learned quietly and mercilessly" (150). It feels emotional restraint, it is even angry when others are having fun, because it considers the girlfriends "green" (150), which have not yet seen nothing in life.

Evgeny Komelkova is completely different. Zhenya is always in a welcoming mood, it is open to all soul and very optimistic. "Beautiful lingerie was giant weakness. Young, lung, flirty ... "

According to Sony, Gurvich is immediately understood that it is modest, shy, grew up in the family of intellectuals "wearing dresses, spent from the dresses of the sisters. Long and heavy, like chain mail ... not long, though, wearing: just a year. And then the form was dressed. And the boots are two sizes more "(206). This author shows that Sonya is not ready to fight at all. This is emphasized by how Vascue perceives it. His attitude to Sony is read in lines: "Ah, you Zaporchi, you, forces, do you have a grief on the hump?"

In his story, B. Vasilyev, describing the heroine, shows his reverent attitude towards them, respect and regrets each of them. A completely different attitude of the author to the image of the enemy. Here it is not chosen. The enemy of Vasilyeva is unnumber, and hence the soulless, just "gray-green figures" (183), "... Saves itself, fascist skins. I don't care about the dying, on the order, on friends ... Yes, not the hero of Fritz turned out to be when death looked into his eyes. Not at all the hero ... "(233). A very different way is described during the battleship of girls who were not afraid to die "beat - means alive. So hold your front, our Russia. Hold! .. "(237). All these words are impregnated with a sense of pride and love of the author, both to their heroes and to their homeland. Reading these lines, imagine how much you need to have internal forces, so that, overcoming the fear of death, protect yourself and neighbors.

"Behind the pineage lay mossy, all in the boulders gently gest head of the Lake Lake. Bohr began, retreat from him, on the swamp, and it was a clouded birch and rare dance of the Christmas tree "(203). So I saw Vaskov the place where the saboteurs were, where the Zenitian girls were destined to die. The fog "helped" (227) to hide in the evenings with the heroes from the saboteurs, while "Introduce the raw here, and the zori quiet, and therefore hears already in five wool" (178). An annoying mosquitoes, who constantly annoyed Vascue in the ambush, "fought mosquitoes, drank the blood, and he was even afraid of blinking" (232). The description of nature enhances the emotional heat, both heroes and the reader. A picture of a spring cold forest is visible. Especially the bright characteristic of the swamps, when Lisa Brichkina dies: "a terrible lone cry has long ringing over an indifferent rusty swamp."

The author uses elements of sentimentalism. The hero in sentimentalism is more individualized, its inner world is enriched with the ability to empathize, sensible to respond to what is happening around. The landscape in the works receives an emotional characteristic - this is not just an impassive background, on which events are deployed, and a piece of wildlife, as if re-opened by the author, who felt, perceived, not mind, not with her eyes, and heart.


Working in the traditions of Russian military prose, Vasilyev enriched the topics with new plot collisions, first introducing its front-line heroes in the framework of the time of historical, showed the dialectical unity of time and space, thus expanding the framework of the problems. The author is almost the first, using elements of sentimentalism and romanticism in the literature of the end of the 20th century, achieves the effect of catharsis, when, cleaning with tears, indigrant in many respects from the unexpected death of the hero, Istovo mourning about him, the reader ultimately comes to the thoughts that good non-futilely , and good people are still the majority.

The temporary space of Vasilyevsk prose often organizes the causal and psychological relationship of events, forming a complex interweaving. The writer purposefully expresses the continuity of the chain of temporary layers in the fate of a person, the relationship of macro and micromirov, shows and explains both the person in time and the time in it. Through the artistic "autobiographical space", the author fixes the swiftness and depth of the events of events, the dialectics of the senses, the inner experiences of the heroes, their spiritual and moral insight. Copyright is an effective form of expression of the internal concept and artistic and aesthetic position.

B.L.Vasiliev with the help of a manifold of artistic means, through the image system created by him in his story "And the dawns here are quiet ..." showed an impact on the human fate of the tropism of war. Inhumanity and unnaturalness is emphasized by a quiet dawn, symbolizing eternity and beauty in the very edge, where the thin threads of female lives are torn, "I put you, all five plays ..." (242). Vasilyev "kills" girls to show the impossibility of the existence of women in the conditions of war. Women in war make feats, lead to the attack, save from the death of the wounded, sacrificing their own lives. They do not think about themselves, saving others. To protect their homeland and take revenge for people relative to them, they are ready to give the last forces. "And the Germans wounded blindly, through the foliage, and she could hide, wait and, maybe leave. But she shot until the cartridges were. He shot lying, no longer trying to run away, because along with blood and the strength and the strength "(241).

Each of these girls "could tell the kids, and the grandchildren and great-grandchildren, and now there will be this thread. Little string of endless yarn of mankind, cutting knife "(214). This is the tragedy of the fate of a woman in war.

B.L. Vasilyev, remembering the first years on the front, told in an interview with the newspaper "World News": "In the morning, we woke up a deafening roar, the city was buried ... We rushed to the forest, from nine children fastened four ... began to bomb and shoot people. I saw a picture that continues to torment me in nightmarish dreams and today: women and children, pressed against Earth, who have her hands trying to hide ... ". Doesn't in these words reflect the attitude of the Frontovik writer, and just a person to all the monstrous essence of the war? We must know which price it was conquered by our happiness. Know and remember about those girls from the story of Boris Vasilyev "And the dawns here are quiet ...", who watched death in the eyes, defending their homeland.

Many generations reading this story Vasilyeva will remember the heroic struggle of Russian women in this war will feel pain. The story B.Vasiliev "And the dawns here are quiet ..." was translated into 26 languages \u200b\u200bof the world, which indicates a high reader interest. Immorted the feat of those who fought and defeated fascism. The memory of their feat will be forever to live in the hearts and literature.

List of used literature

1. Vasilyev B. And the dawns here are quiet ... -M.: Eksmo, 2011.

3. B.Vasiliev. To remember // World News, 2003.- 14 (1005)

4. Bakhtin M. M. Questions of literature and aesthetics. M., 1975.

5. Bakhtin M. M. Tetralogy. M., 1998.

6. Belaya G. A. The art world of modern prose. M., 1983.

7. Leather 3. Poetics of military prose B. Vasilyev in the historical and literary context of the 60--70. --Thesis. --L., 1990. - P. 19.

8. Poles M. Rhetoric and literature. Theoretical aspects. - In the book: Questions of poetics and artistic semantics. - M.: OV. Writer, 1978.

9. Timofeev L.I. and Turaev S.V. Brief dictionary of literary terms. Manual for secondary school students. - M.: Enlightenment, 1978.

10. Small academic dictionary. - M.: Institute of Russian Language Academy of Sciences of the USSR Evgeniev A. P. 1957--1984

11. Literary studies: reference materials. - M., 1988.

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The story "And the dawns here is quiet", the summary of which is later given in the article, talks about the events taking place during the Great Patriotic War.

The work is devoted to the heroic feat of Zenitchits, unexpectedly surrounded by the Germans.

On the story "And the dawns here are quiet"

The story was first published in 1969, she approved the editor of the journal "Youth".

The reason for writing the work was the real episode of wartime.

A small group of recovering after the wounds of a soldier of 7 people pretended to undermine the Germans of the Kirov Railway.

As a result of the surviving operation, only one commander remained, who later received a medal "for military merit" at the end of the war.

The episode is tragic, however, in the realities of wartime, this event is lost among the horrors of a terrible war. Then the author remembered 300 thousand women who have been carrying front-line taps along with male fighters.

And the story story built on the tragic fate of the Zenitchian girls who die during the intelligence operation.

Who is the author of the book "And dawns here are quiet"

The work is written by Boris Vasilyev in the narrative genre.

When the Great Patriotic War began, he barely graduated from the 9th grade.

Boris Lvovich fought near Smolensk, received a contusion, and therefore he knew about front-line life not at all.

He was fascinated by literary work in the 50s, engaged in writing plays and scenarios. For the prosecical story, the writer took only 10 years later.

The main characters of the story "And dawns here are quiet"

Vaskov Fedot Evurgachich

The foreman, whose command was received by Zenitchitsy, held a commandant position at the 171th railway journey.

He is 32 years old, but the girls gave him the nickname "old man" for a non-consistency.

Before the war, there was a conventional peasant from the village, had 4 class of education, at the age of 14 forced to become the only breadwinner in the family.

The son of Vaskov, whom he sued the ex-wife after the divorce, died before the start of the war.

Gurvich Sonya

A simple shy girl from a big family was born and grew up in Minsk. Her father worked as a district doctor.

Before the war, she managed to study the year in Moscow State University on the translator, flew to German. The first love of Sony was a student-Clackar, who was engaged in the library at the next table, with whom they timidly communicated.

When the war began, in connection with an excess of translators on the front, Sonya got to school for Zenitchikov, and then into the squad Fedot Vaskov.

The girl loved the poems very much, her cherished dream was to again see his numerous households. During the intelligence operation, Sonya killed a German knife blow to the chest.

Brichkin Elizabeth

Rustic girl, forester daughter. From the age of 14 was forced to leave her studies and care for an incurable sick mother.

Dreamed to enter the technical school, so after the death of Mom, following the advice of one of the father's friends, was going to move to the capital. But its plans were not destined to come true, they corrected the war - Lisa went to the front.

The gloomy sergeant Vaskov immediately called great sympathy in the girl. During the collaboration, Lisa was sent through a swamp behind the hell, but too rushing and drowned. After some time, her skirt on the swamp will find Vaskov, then he will understand what he was left without a subsession.

Komelkova Evgenia

Merry and beautiful red-haired girl. The Germans shot all the members of her family, a merciless russeau occurred right on the marriages.

I lost the girl from the death of her neighbor. Growing the desire to take revenge on the death of relatives, Zhenya was served in Zenitchitsy.

The attractive appearance of the girl and the prisoner made it with the object of caressing a colonel of a nuddle, so the bosses to interrupt the novel, redirected Zhenya in the women's squad, so she fell under the command of Vaskov.

In exploration, Zhenya twice showed fearlessness and heroism. She saved her commander when he fought with German. And then, substituting himself under the bullets, the Germans led from the place where the foreman and her wounded girlfriend Rita were hidden.


A very young and susceptible girl, he was distinguished by low growth and habit to compose stories and non-residents.

Grew up in the orphanage and did not even have its last name. Because of her little growth, an elderly zehomet, who treated Gale in a friendly, came up with her surname of the fourth.

Before the call, the girl almost managed to finish the 3rd course of the library college. During the intelligence operation, Galya could not cope with fear and jumped out of the cover, hitting German bullets.

Osyanina Margarita

The senior face on the platoon, Rita differed seriousness, was very keen and rarely smiled. In the greatness, she wore Moshtakov's name.

At the very beginning of the war, her husband died, Lieutenant Oxanin. Wanting to revenge for the death of a native person, Rita went to the front.

Albert's sole son, she gave to the upbringing of the mother. The death of Rita became the last of five girls in intelligence. She shot himself, realizing that was mortally wounded and is an unbearable burden for his commander Vaskov.

Before his death, she asked the elder to take care of Alberta. And he kept the promise.

Other characters "And dawns here are quiet"


He was a senior military comrades Rita, promoter. Before serving on the border participated in the Finnish War. Kiryanov, together with Rita, Zhenya Komelkova and Galya fourth were redirected to the 171st travel.

Knowing about the secret shooters of Rita to his son and mother while serving Vaskov, she did not give out a long-standing colleague, standing for her in the morning when the girl met the Germans in the forest.

A brief retelling of the story "And the dawns here are quiet"

The events of the narrative are strongly reduced. Dialogues and descriptive moments are omitted.

Chapter 1

The action took place in the rear. On an invalid railway junction, a few surviving houses remained at number 171. There were no longer bombing, but for precaution with the command, anti-aircraft installations were left here.

Compared to other parts of the front, the resort was on the drive, the soldiers abused alcohol and flirted with local residents.

The weekly reports of the commandant of the elderly of Vaskov Fedot Evgrafycha on the zenithovers led to a regular change of the composition, but the picture was repeated again and again. Finally, after analyzing the situation, the command sent the team of Zenitchitsa girls under the leadership of the foreman.

There were no problems with drinking and rampant in the new composition, however, for Fedot, Evugrafycha was an unusual command of the female blowing and trained team, since he himself had only 4 class of education.

Chapter 2.

The death of her husband made Margarita in Surov Surov and closed in himself. Since the loss of a loved one, in her heart, a desire to take revenge, because she remained to serve on the border near those places where the oxanin was killed.

For the replacement of the deceased puzzle sent Kolkovo Evgenia - a naughty red beauty. She also suffered from fascists - she had to see the Germans of all family members from her eyes. Two unlike girls became friends and the heart of Rita began to drain from the experience of grief, thanks to the cheerful and open moral zhenya.

Two girls took on their circle with shye gale fourth. When Rita finds out that it can be translated to the 171st travels, it immediately agrees, since her son and mother live nearby.

All three Zenitchitz arrive under the command of Vaskov and Rita with the help of his girlfriends takes regular nightly tags to their relatives.

Chapter 3.

Returning in the morning after one of his secret crashes, Rita collided into the forest with two German soldiers. They were armed and carried something heavy in bags.

Rita immediately announced this Vaskov, who guessed that these were saboteles, the purpose of which is to undermine a strategically important railway site.

The foreman betrayed important information to the telephone command and received the order to play the forest. He decided to go to the lake a gamba shortly by the Germans.

Evugraphych took five girls led by Rita with him to explore Fedot. These were Brichkina Elizabeth, Komelkova Evgenia, Galina Faud and Sonya Gurvich as a translator.

Before sending fighters, you had to teach it right to shift, so as not to erase the legs, and also make clean the rifles. The conventional danger was cracking the spleen.

Chapter 4.

The shortest path to the forest lake was walking through the bustle swamp. Almost half a day, the team had to go on the belt in a cold swamp fat. Galya Fourth lost his boots and port tunic, and part of the swamp on the swamp she had to go with a bare foot.

Reaching the shore, the whole team was able to rest, wash the dirty things and eat. To continue the campaign of Vaskov, I chisser for Galya Chuna from Beresta. I just got to the desired point in the evening, it was necessary to arrange an ambush.

Chapter 5.

When planning a meeting with two fascist soldiers, Vaskov did not worry much and hoped that to capture them in captivity would succeed with the advanced position he placed among the stones. However, in an unforeseen case, the foreman provided the possibility of retreat.

The night passed calmly, only the fighter walked very much, walking barefoot in the swamp. On the morning, the Germans reached out to the Sinai ridge between the lakes, the enemy detachment consisted of sixteen people.

Chapter 6.

I realized that he was calculated, and that the big German squad would not stop him, Vaskov sent Elizabeth Brichkina for the help. He chose the Lisa because she rose in nature and very well focused in the forest.

To detain the fascists, the team decided to portray the noisy activity of lumberjacks. They raised fires, Vaskov had grilled trees, girls ahucked and mercy merrabiously. When a German squad was 10 meters from them, Zhenka ran straight to the river, so that, bathe, distract the attention of enemy intelligence officers.

Their plan worked, the Germans went around, and the team managed to win the whole day of time.

Chapter 7.

Lisa was very in a hurry for the help. Without instructing the lands on the passage on the island in the middle of the swamp, she, tired and frozen, continued the path.

Almost reaching the end of the swamps, Lisa thoughtfully and was very frightened by a large bubble, which took off right in front of her in the dead silence of fop.

Instinctive girl rushed to the side and lost his support under his feet. The pole, which was trying to rely on Lisa, broke. The last thing she saw before death is the rays of the sun.

Chapter 8.

The foreman did not know exactly about the trajectory of the German movement, so I decided to go for exploration with Rita. They discovered the halt, 12 fascists rested near the fire and dried underwear. Where were the other four, it was not possible to install.

Vaskov makes a decision to change the location of the deployment, and therefore directs Rita for girls and at the same time asks to bring him a nominal pain. But in the turmoil, the Krasset forgot in the old place, and Sonya Gurvich, without waiting for the permission of the commander, ran after the expensive thing.

After a short time, the foreman heard a barely distinguishable cry. As a valid fighter, he guessed that this cry means. Together with Zhenya, they went to the direction of sound and found the body of Sony, killed by two knife blows in the chest.

Chapter 9.

Leaving Sonya, the foreman with Zhenya recovered in chase for the fascists so that they did not have time to convey their incident. Rage helps the elder clearly think about the action plan.

One of the Germans worst killed quickly, to cope with the second helped him Zhenya, stunning the Fritz butt on the head. This was the first hand-to-hand fight for the girl she was very hard for him.

In the pocket of one of the Frieces, Vaskov found his pussy. The whole team of Zenitchitsi, headed by the elder, gathered near Sony. The body of colleagues durablely buried.

Chapter 10.

Breaking through the forest, the team of Vaskov unexpectedly ran into the Germans. In the fraction of a second, the foreman threw forward a grenade, the machine-gun queues were glad. Not knowing the enemy forces, the fascists decided to retreat.

During a short battle of Galya, the fourth could not overcome fear and did not participate in shooting. For such a behavior, the girls wanted to condemn it at the Komsomol Assembly, however, the commander stood up for a confused Zenitchitsa.

Despite the strong fatigue, the perplexed reasons for the delay of the subsemore, the foreman goes to exploration, taking Galina to educational purposes with him.

Chapter 11.

Galya was very frightened by real events. The fantasy and writer, she often plunged into the fictional world, and therefore the picture of the real war knocked her out of the rut.

Vaskov and Fourth soon discovered two bodies of German soldiers. In all grounds, the fighters were wounded in a shootout were made by their own comrades. Not far from this place continued to explore the remaining 12 Fritz, two of which came very close to Fedot and Gale.

The foreman reliably hid Galina behind the bushes and hid himself in the stones, but the girl did not cope with his feelings and jumped out of the shelter from the shelter right under the Germans. Vaskov began to pass the Germans from the remaining fighters and ended up to the swamp on which she hid.

During the chase, he was wounded in his hand. When dawn, the foreman saw lysine a skirt, then he realized that she could no longer count on his profog.

Chapter 12.

Being under the gift of heavy thoughts, Starin went to search for Germans. Trying to understand the course of the enemy's thoughts and exploring the traces, he climbed into the leggings of the monastery. He observed from the shelter, as a group of fascists from 12 people hid in an old explosive.

For the protection of the saboteurs left two soldiers, one of which was injured. Vaskov managed to neutralize a healthy guard and take possession of his weapon.

A foreman with Rita and Zhenya met on the banks of the river, in the place where they portrayed lumberjacks. Having passed through terrible tests, they began to treat each other in fraternal. After the prival, they began to prepare for the last battle.

Chapter 13.

The Team of Vaskov held the defense of the shore as if he had all the Mother's Motherland. But the forces were unequal, and the Germans still managed to cross their shore. Rita hardly wounded with grenades explosion.

To save the foreman and the wounded girlfriend, Zhenya, shooting, fleeing farther into the forest, leading to saboteurs. The girl wounded in the side blind shot of the enemy, but she did not even think to hide and wait.

Already lying in the grass, Zhenya fell so far, until the Germans shot her in the emphasis.

Chapter 14.

Fedot Evurgrafych, having driven by Rita and torn it with spruce paws, wanted to go in search of the frank and things. For calm, he decided to leave her Nagan with two cartridges.

Rita understood that she was mortally wounded, she was afraid only that her son would remain orphan. Therefore, she asked the elder to take care of Alberta, told that it was from him and from his mother she was returning to the morning when she encountered German soldiers.

Vaskov gave such a promise, but did not have time to move away from Rita a few steps, as a girl shot himself in the temple.

The foreman buried Rita, and then found and buried his wife. The wounded hand blew greatly, the whole body was burning from pain and tension, but Vaskov decided to go to the skit to kill at least one German. He managed to neutralize the sentry, five Frieces slept at the skete, one of whom he shot at once.

Forcing them to tie each other, barely alive, he led them to captivity. Only then, when Vaskov saw Russian soldiers, he allowed himself to lose consciousness.


After some time after the war, in a letter to his comrade, one tourist describes the amazing quiet places in the area of \u200b\u200btwo lakes. In the text, he also mentions one old man without a hand, which came here along with the son of Albert Fedychich, the captain-racket.

Subsequently, this tourist, together with his new comrades, installed a marble slab with names on the grave of the Girls Zenitchits.


A piercing story about feminine heroism in the times of the Great Patriotic War leaves an indelible trace in the hearts. The author repeatedly emphasizes in his narration about the unassinal participation of women in hostilities by nature, and wine in this lies on who unleashed the war.

In 1972, the director Stanislav Rostotsky removed the film. He dedicated him to that nurse who took him from the battlefield, having relived him from an imminent death.