Encyclopedia of fabulous heroes: "nightingale". "Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale Robber": description, heroes, analysis of epics features of the character of the heroes of the Tale of the nightingale

Encyclopedia of fabulous heroes:
Encyclopedia of fabulous heroes: "nightingale". "Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale Robber": description, heroes, analysis of epics features of the character of the heroes of the Tale of the nightingale

Tale Andersen "Nightingale"

Genre: Fairy Tale Legend

The main characters of the fairy tale "nightingale" and their characteristics

  1. Nightingale, small, freedom-loving bird, possessing magic vote. Appreciated only sincerity.
  2. The emperor, loved everything beautiful, but did not understand that living nightingale is better than artificial
  3. Death, at first glance, cruel, but turned out to be sentimental, having heard the singing of nightingale
Plan of Recover Tales "Solovy"
  1. Beautiful garden near the palace
  2. Books about nightingale
  3. Searches for nightingale in the palace
  4. Little girl in the kitchen
  5. Courtful in the forest
  6. Nightingale gives a concert in the palace
  7. Nightingale lives in the palace
  8. Artificial nightingale from Japan
  9. Escape Solovya
  10. Frack of artificial nightingale
  11. Emperor's disease
  12. Death and evil deeds
  13. Return of Solovia
  14. The promise of the emperor
The shortest content of the fairy tale "nightingale" for the reader's diary in 6 sentences
  1. Solovy's imperial garden lived in the forest, whose singing admired all foreign guests and wrote about him in their books
  2. The emperor reads the book and orders to deliver to the Solovna Palace
  3. In search of nightingale helps a little girl and the courts are amazed by the voice of Nighting
  4. Nightingale gives a concert in front of the emperor and the emperor crying
  5. Artificial nightingaws replaces the present, but soon breaks
  6. The emperor is sick, but returned to the nightingale and drives death.
The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe fairy tale "nightingale"
The feigned admiration is not worth nothing, but real emotions are valuable in the world.

What teacher the fairy tale "nightingale"
This tale teaches us to love us and appreciate the beauty of nature, teaches to understand the beautiful, teaches the fact that no perfect car made by the hands of a person will never replace the work of nature. Teaches this fairy tale and gratitude.

Feedback on the fairy tale "Solovy"
I really like this tale. It tells about the celebration of the real nightingale, whose singing has always been different, above the mechanical toy that could only sing one melody, and which could break. The emperor of China realized his mistake, he could experience sincere feelings and therefore the nightingale forgave him and helped him when he fell ill. This is a very beautiful fabulous story.

Proverbs to the fairy tale "nightingale"
Minor nightingale, yes voice is great.
Small spool but precious
Home calf better overseas cow.

Summary, short retelling of the fairy tale "nightingale"
In the distant China near the Imperial Palace stood a wonderful garden, in which the magic bells grew. The garden was very big and even the gardener did not know where his end. And the garden in the forest lived a nightingale. And all foreigners who came to the garden were surprised by the beauty of the voice of Nightingale.
They returned home and wrote books about China, in which they said that the best thing is that there is a nightingale.
Once the emperor read one book and was surprised, because he never heard about the nightingale. He ordered the minister to deliver the nightingale to hear his singing.
The minister and the courtesy missed the entire palace, but no one heard about the nightingale. And only a little girl in the kitchen said that he knew where the nightingale lives.
She led the courtesy in the forest, and they took the soot of cows and drinking frogs for the nightingale singing. But they heard the singing of the nightingale and were amazed. They invited nightingale to the palace, sing the emperor, and the nightingale agreed.
He sang the emperor and he was amazed, he even cried, and Solovy said that these tears are the best reward for him.
Solovy began to live in the palace and the courtesy watched him to flew away. And all the people loved the nightingale.
But one day, an artificial nightingale was brought from Japan, who sang only one song. The real nightingale flew away, but no one was sealed. Everyone in the palace loved artificial nightingale.
But soon, an artificial nightingale broke. The skimmer receded him, but now the nightingale was allowed to start to start it once a year.
She passed 5 years and the emperor fell ill. Everyone believed that he died, and he just lay cold and sick on his bed.
The emperor saw death and his business - evil and kind. He begged the artificial nightingale to sing him, but it was necessary to start. And then flew a real nightingale. He sang his song and death retreated. The nightingale promised that he would fly to the emperor and sing his songs to him, because he saw tears in the eyes of the emperor.
And the emperor recovered and welcomed stunned courtiers.

Pictures and illustrations for the fairy tale "nightingale"

The epics "Ilya Muromets and the Solovy-Robber" is one of the works of the epic cycle on the exploits of the very revered in the Russian people of the hero. The episodes tell about two heroic events in which Ilya Muromets participates: Fight with the enemy's army - "silhoye", which was "black and black", and victory over the solo-robber.


The work does not have copyright affiliation and is a sample of the folk epic. The creation time of the epics can be determined by approximately the people were in orally in the period before the XIV century. The episodes have undergone many changes for all the time of its history, gained new characters, enriched with poetic images. The first references to Ilya Muromster, as a defender of Russian lands, were found in the XVI century in the correspondence between one of the commodities of the compulculated by the king. Bogatyr in it is called Ilya Muravlenin. Twenty years later, the traveling foreigner mentioned in his notes that he saw the power of the Russian hero of Ilya Morovlin in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra Morovlin. This indicates that the time was, as well as its protagonist, was already widely known in the people.

Analysis of the work

Description of content

The effects of the episodes begins with the fact that Ilya Muromets is going on the road: after installing "Southwestering in Murom," he wants to dinner to sleep "to the solar Kiev-hail". Before Chernigov, he is encountered by the enemy army, which he splits. Chernihiv "Men" ask him to become a governor in the city, but Ilya Muromets refuses and goes on along a dangerous direct road to Kiev, despite the warnings about the nightingale-robber living there - he is ruining the travelers by the "Nighting Solovyim" and "Imbirik Zeorin".

Bogatyr wounds and takes off the robber, and then, having arrived in Kiev, leaves him on the princely courtyard connected. Prince Vladimir does not believe in the story that Guest drove on a straight road to Kiev and defeated the nightingale-robber. Surprised by the fact that the Terrible enemy, indeed, the captive, the prince asks him to obey it. When he produces destruction in the city, Ilya Muromets takes it into a purely field and execute.

main characters

The two main characters of the work personify one - the absolute good, the other - evil. Ilya Muromets is fearless and judged. Warned about the danger that lies in the way, he does not turn off him, and boldly comes into battle with the robber and wins it. The bogatyr appoints himself to the defender of the Russian Earth and the people from enemies and responsibly, skillfully carries his service. The image of Ilya Muromets is partially written off from fabulous, fictional characters, but has a historic prototype - St. Ilya Pechersk Chebot. Many of the racy features speak of his connection with the mythical Perun and Veles.

The origin of the enemy's image of the main hero of the nightingale-robber is not entirely clear. If you argue largely, it replaces the other famous villain in the episodes, the snake of Russian people. However, it can be assumed that this is not a mythical image, but an ordinary robber, characterized by an outstanding force to produce whistles.

There is another hero in the work - Prince Vladimir. Judging by the time of action, Vladimir Krasno Sunny is depicted. The prince is shuddered and not very reasonable man. He suddenly angry with suspected that in the words of Ilya Muromets can be a mockery over him, asks for the robber to comprehend, although he has heard about the destructive strength of his whistle. The image of the prince is described in traditional for the folk epic of mocking tonality of the description of the kings.

Analysis of the structure of the work

The effect of epics develops progressively. Much attention is paid to the details and conversations, descriptions of the heroes and the circumstances of actions. The same action is transmitted in concise and accurate, but figurative expressions: "The Taper tightened the taper", "Arrow Kalenoye", "shot" and "knocked out the right of the eye."

In the eponym, the dream of the people about the faithful defender, Grozny for the enemy, is faithful and fair for their own. Ilya Muromets is equally independent of the requests of the people if they do not respond its main goal - to protect the entire land of Russian, not individual cities, and from the attitude towards him, he is polite and respectful to him, but it is not afraid to argue and defend his human dignity.

The work is written in a peculiar "epic" syllable, with repetitions and a leisurely subject of the plot. All heroes have a pronounced individuality, the motives of their actions are clarified by the direct speech of the heroes, and not a teller. The direct speech itself is poetic, replete with figurative expressions.

The epic "Ilya-Muromets and the Nightingale-Robber" is one of the best samples of the epic epic. Heroes and plot were reflected in some non-Slavic epos.

Genre. Literary magic fairy tale

Heroes. Emperor, Live Nightingale, Artificial Nightingale, Death

Subject - Power of this art, his power over death

Idea - Victory of real art over artificial and death. Only a soul, mercy, compassion, become evidence of real beauty

the main Thought - real beauty in a sincere, merciful and sympathetic soul.

Conflict. Contrasting of artificial and real nightingale

Plot elements

- Exposure: the interests of people with garden, forest, palace of the Chinese emperor. But the singing of nightingale is the best.

- Tie - the emperor orders the nightingale to sing, live in his palace

- development of actions - a) singing living nighting and singing of artificial bird; b) Nightingale leaves the emperor palace

- Culmination - the singing of the living Solovna saves the emperor from death

- Delivery - the recovery of the emperor

What does the Tale of "Nightingale" teach? You need to be able to forgive, it is kind to treat people, to help them in a difficult moment, be faithful. People always have to be able to distinguish real beauty from not real. Beauty, connected to good, is a big power. Present art has an amazing, miraculous impact on man

The author's design of the fairy tale K. Andersen "Nightingale" is to oppose the true beauty and artificial beautifulness, approval of the all-configuration forces of art and ridicuing ignorance, the lack of understanding of nature and art, silent and low-alphabones in front of princes.