Spiritual culture with simple words. Questions for self-test

Spiritual culture with simple words. Questions for self-test


1. The concept of spiritual bullure. Criteria spirituality

2. The right and science of the Essentience of Spiritual Culture

3. Religion in systemic culture




Culture - oblasting activities of a person who is objectified in lagging, signs and symbols; Its essence is detected in contused with nature (as a set of natural conditions of human existence) and civilization (level of material developmental or other society).

Primary Sphere of Sphere Spelvevevek - Mythology , which included the earliest knowledge from various areas, manifestations of the artistic development of the world, moral regulators, religious imaging views.

In the theological tradition, Svyazkulture and Cults are actualized, religion acts as the basis of culture. The project considers religion as one of the elements of culture, specific impact activities aimed at supernatural objects. IN various epochs Religion covered various areascultum.

Religion performs a cultural role, it will task the spectrum of universal cultural concepts, determines the meaning of life, the highest values \u200b\u200band norms of human existence, draws up the structure of the spiritual community. Religation is a statement of personality, the formation of personal consciousness; to exit it beyond the limit of narrow-seamless existence, religion also broadcasts culture, transferring one generation to another.

1 . The concept of spiritual culture. Criteroidovniv region

The concept of spiritual bullism:

· Contains in Cebel region of spiritual production (art, philosophy, science, etc.),

· Displays the political processes occurring in society (this is the vastaist structures of management, legal and moral norms, leadership styles, etc.).

Ancient was a classical triad of the spiritual culture of mankind: Truth - good beauty. Accordingly, the three most important value accuracy absolute spirituality were allocated:

· Theoretism, orientation for the truth and the creation of special essential being opposite to life;

· This, subordinative content of life, all other human aspirations;

· Aestheticism, reaching the maximum full of life with a support for emotional sensualization.

The abandoned people designated above found their embodiment in different areas People's activities: in science, philosophy, politics, art, right, etc. They are largely today to develop the level of intellectual, moral, political, aesthetic, legal development of society. Spiritual culture Positiveness aimed at the spiritual development of man and society, and also possesses the results of this activity.

Spiritual culture - the ethosity of intangible elements of culture: norms of behavior, morality, values, rituals, symbols, knowledge, myths, ideas, customs, traditions, language.

Spiritual cultures from the need to understand and figuratively sensual exploration. In real life, it is implemented in a number of specialized forms: morality, art, religion, philosophy, science.

All these formulasal life are interconnected and affect each other. The morality is fixed with the possession of good and evil, honor, conscience, justice, etc. These are the norms regulate the behavior of people in society.

Art includes inanetic values \u200b\u200b(excellent, elevated, ugly) and ways of icing and consumption.

Religion serves the records of the Spirit, the person draws his gaze to God. Science demonstrates the successful mind of man. Philosophy satisfies needs human spiritunity on a rational (reasonable) basis.

Spiritual culturePronizes all spheres social Life. A man assumes her through the tongue, upbringing, communication. Estimates, values, ways of perception of nature, time, ideals are laid into a person's consciousness by tradition and upbringing in process.

The concept of "spiritual culture" has a complex and confusing history. In the early 19th century, spiritual culture examined as a church-religious concept. At the beginning of the twentieth century, Unthuschovna culture becomes much wider, including not only religion, but inviary, politics, art.

IN soviet periodthe concept of "spiritual culture" was interpreted by the authors of superficially. Material production generates material culture - it is primary, and the cultural production produces spiritual culture (ideas, feeling, theory) - onventor. The origins of creativity, ideas were in industrial, labor.

In the twentieth century "Spiritual culture" is understood in different ways:

· As odibious (religious);

· As ineffective, which does not require explanation;

· Causter-esoteric.

Currently, still, the concept of "spiritual culture" is quite clearly defined and undeveloped.

The relevance of the problem of the human spirituality in the modern situation is due to the whole nearby. Let's call the most significant of them. Today, many defaults of socializes: crime, immoralism, prostitution, alcoholism, drug addiction and others - are primarily due primarily to the state of confusion in modern society, a state that causes seriously alarm and progressive from year to year. The search for overcoming these social deformities puts forward the problem of spirituality in the centergumanitarian knowledge. The relevance is also due to the reaches of economic nature: as social, economic, political reforms are exercised in society, the conditions and characteristic labor, its motivation, is rapidly changing; And this inherent on our eyes-economic situation makes new requirements for improvement, to its development, to such personal qualities as morality, responsibility, a sense of duty, which ultimately are the figures for human maturity.

True spirituality is the "trinity of truth, good and beauty" and the main criterion of spirituality are:

· Intertionism, that is, "the focus on something or someone, the orchelovka case, on the idea or personality." A person needs a lie, towering him over the individual being; So it is overcame and the generalization and limitation of its existence, and this in front of itself the ideal objectives is an indicator of spiritually developmental;

· Reflection with superior life values \u200b\u200bthat make up the meaning of the personality of the person and the creating guidelines in the situation of existential choice. Capacity to reflection, from the point of view of Teyar de Sharden, is the primary superiority of a person over the animal. The human spirituality, the character of the manifestation of "taste for reflection" is acquired, the proclamation of the specifics of individual being. One of the conditions of the formation of vessels to reflection is the recovery, expanding, voluntarily forced loneliness. "Exile and imprisonment, always so terrible fatal for a person are not so scary and fatal for the Spirit. He is a love-blooded pickup, loneliness of the cells and the care of the worldly bustle, the Nostol successfully uses the forced loneliness of the reference, prisoner ... without choosing himself, turning inside, in his loneliness, the conversation of a man does not begin in a blow. " All the greatness of the spirit of the Spirit - Jesus, Socrates - were exile. And this exile is a Kara, comprehending one who entered into the world of the Spirit, the tragic Kara for the courage to be Netakak, "like everything";

· Freedom, detectable self-determination, that is, the ability to act in accordance with the scene and values, and not under the oppression of external circumstances, as "acquired power, the resistance of the power of the world and the power of the Society of Society," Existentialness, Freedom, the existence of him - or its center of existence - recurring, from pressure, depending on the organic;

· Creativity, understood not only as an activity that generates something new, previously uncorrecting, but also as a spelling - creativity, aimed at the search itself, to implement its meaning of life;

· Developed conscience, which coordinates the "eternal, universal moral law with a specific situation of concrete individual," because the consciousness is open; conscience - what should exist; This is something before the person is a disappointment for the realization of his meaning of life;

· Responsibility for the implementation of your meaning of life and realization of values, and also all that is happening in the world.

These are the main criterion of personality in the understanding of Russian and foreign philosophers: N.A. Bardyaeva, V.Francla, E. Fromma, T. De Sharden, M. Scheler and others.

2. The right and science of the Essentience of Spiritual Culture

Science and are legally part of the culture, so any scientific picture Reflects interpretation of all elements of culture in one or another era. In the system of cultural and human culture consisting of material, social and spiritual culture, it is noted in the system of spiritual culture of mankind. Below are the definitions of the culture and its elements.

Culture is a system of human activity, thanks to which the activity of the individual, groups, humanity and their interactions with nature and among themselves is implemented and stimulated.

Material culture is a system of material and energy facilities of a person and society. A toy is included in such elements as tools of labor, active and passive equipment, physical culture, well-being of people.

Social culture is a system of human behavior rules in various types of communicating spheres public activities. The system includes elements like etiquette and varieties of regulatory activities (legal, religious, economic and other).

Spiritual culture is a system of knowledge, states of the emotional and volitional sphere of psyche and thinking of infidivides, as well as the immediate forms of their expressions, signs. The universal discrek is the language. The system of spiritual culture includes such elements, kakamoral, right, religion, worldview, ideology, art, science.

Science - the ethosystem of the consciousness and activities of people aimed at achieving objective knowledge and systematization of an affordable person and information of information. It can be divided into several basic types of sciences: humanitarian, anthropological, technical, social studies and natural science.

Humanitarianianenayuki is knowledge systems whose subject is the values \u200b\u200bof society. The books include: public ideals, objectives, norms and rules of thinking, communication, behavior, based on a certain understanding of the usefulness for the individual, groups of humanity of any subject action.

Anthropological launches are a combination of sciences about a person, the unity and the difference of its natural society properties. They include such sciences as physical strength, philosophical anthropology, pedagogy, cultural anthropology, medicine (300 specialties), criminology, etc.

Technologies are a system of knowledge and activities on the practical use of nature of nature in the interests of a person in technology. They study the laws of the Creation of the creation and functioning of complex technical devices used by individuals and humanity in various spheres of vital activity.

Social Studies is a system of sciences on society as part of being, permanently recreated by people. It studies the specifics of the macro and micro-communion of generality (sociology, demography, ethnography, history, etc.).

Announced definitions shows how difficult and diverse the relationship between cultural elements both horizontally and vertically. Definitions are also known as a special, vital phenomenon of society - its subsystem. CulturePresents a system of norms, values, principles, beliefs and aspirations of society is a regulatory system of society. Its features defined accuracy features of the natural science picture of the world in one or another era.
The integrity of the Christian worldview in the context of the diversity of culturally connected to its absolute benchmarks.

The Bolotherapist worldview lies know about the reasonable device of the surrounding Miratov and his cognizability in the framework that are necessary for the security of the physical, emotional and spiritual life of a person who is the Special Breast Creation. The Christian worldview is connected with the presentation of the perpendership of knowledge, its possibilities and value of knowledge, since, decryption, we know the Creator.

The foundation of the surrounding world by scientists with any worldview is a principle approach.

3. Religion in systemic culture

The role of religion in the history of mankind, there is a significant one, cannot be estimated unequivocal. Two vertices of religion on public development: Religion in the qualitabilizing factor and religion as a factor of change.

Analysis of the role of religion in the system of cultural community to be made taking into account following factors:

· The influence of religion can be carried out only in indirectlyVide (through the activities of religious individuals, groups, communities);

· Character and degree of impact are different for a particular religion for a particular historical era.

Religion status at various stages of development:

· Religious consciousness "is dominant, religious and ethnic generality. Religious institutions endowed with flowering power;

· Religious consciousness exists along with secular, the occurrence and differentiation of other spheres and institutions public Life;

· Religious consciousness moved to the background; Ethnicity no longer coincides with religious; The separation of secular and spiritual authorities is fixed.

The culture of Belarus is not monolized; It contained various ideological trends due to the level of social and spiritual development of society, the distinguishability of various social layers in certain forms of cultural education. During long period In Belarus, the dominant culture is a set of forms, manifestations, elements of spirituality (art, literature, architectures, journalism, rights, morality, philosophy, etc.), functioning in the framework of the religious worldview and filling the task of religious preaching. Sakral culture is specifically religious - sacred books, creeding, sacraments, rites, attacks, buildings that are within the sphere of religious cult. This is a rod, kernel religious culture.

Under secular culture, the rule of understanding is non-church, worldly (secular) culture, which is often-equergious state of the spirit, the devaluation of sacred concepts, culture liberated from religious influence. These definitions are in principle possible, bearing in mind that in secular culture you can allocate in extreme Mermetri directions: an indifferent culture claiming to autonomous non-delicate development; Volnodum culture aimed at criticizing religion and the history institutes; Products of secular culture containing religious-mystrustic and ideas. Religious cultratologists ambiguously decide the issue of the relationship between secular culture and religious culture, most often considering the relationship between religion and culture: some identify religion and culture, giving a religious meaning of cultural creativity products; Others consider religious culture with different plans of being (sacred and stranded); Third perceive the Religiusk "Zakvask" culture to be internally transforming a person.

In reality, the inter-autonomous secular culture and culture of the sacred, church, the existence of transitional forms, which are sometimes difficult to identify with religiously with secular culture. The use of religious plotes in cultural quality does not always indicate the religious nature of the latter: non-delicious culture for a long time can retain traditional religious terms and images, filling them with secular content. Those., Sport-sensation of the world can be carried out in the old iconic system, being with the cost of referential or critical to religion (so, biblical, karamic and ancient mythological images were used by A.S. Pushkin artistic expressiveness). It should also be borne in mind that the suggestions of the clergy in analyzing certain problems (including religious chakery) used objective, scientific research methods.

In Belarus, as well as in the antiquity, the presence of two spheres of culture -Religious and secular. Praslavyansky tribes Along with complex systemPolytetic beliefs possessed rational knowledge about nature, skills in building business, in crafts, in the manufacture of labor instruments, metalkers, in military art, etc., which was recorded in a developing language. Investing Christianity in his orthodox form In Russia, it was associated with the fraud of the Doharistian - the "pagan" culture, as a religious, so Iramskaya. Separate elements of the "pagan" religion were assimilated by Christianity. In the framework orthodox culture Over the centuries, magnificent temples were created, one of the world's wealth visual arts - iconographic, original agiographic literature, educational institutions giving religion education and upbringing. The best builders, architects, artisans, artists, connoisseurs of church literature were attracted. The activities of the Creators of Religious Culture Rearrangeed by the church canons, which, however, were not always implanted. The dogmatization of the language, concepts and images associated with the features of the monotheistic religions (Christianity, Islam, Judaism) has several windows holding the creation of new forces, more deeply and comprehensively reflective.

Elements of secular irigue culture were kept in folk creativity. People's religiousness refused in spiritual verses, legends (eg, in spiritual verses "about Christmylostiv", "Nikola-Saint", "about Maria Egypt"), oral beliefs, proverbs (for example, "live - to serve God", "from God Refuse - to Satnepriste "," Mind - in humility "). There was a rich non-zero folklore, which contained social and anticleric motives (for example, in the proverbs of the type "Holly rye in a stack, and the Barina in the coffin", "we are dancing on the mountain", "the world is dishonest, and they are fed by a pious monastery"). People's World Culture was also embodied by worsewoman, in historical songs, in the epic epic, where the poetic student is labor, the ideas about folk ethics were reflected, the raised valor, the ministry of the Motherland.


· Spiritual culture is a combination of intangible elements of culture: norms of behavior, morality, value, rituals, symbols, knowledge, myths, ideas, customs, traditions, language.

· Spiritual cultures from the need to understand and figuratively sensual exploration. In real life, it is implemented in a number of specialized forms: morality, art, religion, philosophy, science.

· Trueduchnation There are "Troubles of Truth, Good and Beauty".

· Science and legally part of the culture, so any scientific picture reflects the interdequance of all elements of culture in one or another era. In the system of cultural and human culture consisting of material, social and spiritual culture, it is noted in the system of spiritual culture of mankind. Below are the definitions of the culture and its elements.

· Science - Ethosystems of the consciousness and activities of people aimed at achieving objective knowledge and systematization of an affordable person and information of information. The translation can be divided into several basic types of sciences: humanitarian, anthropological, technical, social science and natural science.

· The role of religion in the history of mankind is generally very significant, cannot be estimated unequivocally. Two vector influence of religion public development are allocated: religion as a stabilizing factors religion as a factor of change.

· Under secretsculture, we usually understand the non-church, a worldly (secular) culture, often an unground state of spirit, the devaluation of sacred concepts, culture liberated from religious influence.

· Religious-agentologists ambiguously decide on the relationship between the secular culture of Ilodagiotic culture, most often considering it in terms of the ratio of Iculture Religion: Some identify religion and culture, giving religious sense products of cultural creativity; Others consider religion and culture in the Dyutricians of Genesis (sacred and stranded); Third perceive religion as a "soldering" of culture to internally transform a person.


1. Berdyaev N.A. Expostestial dialectic of divine and human // Berdyaev N.A. ONDAGE HUMAN. - M: Republic, 1993. - 458C.

2. Rogalevich N. Religovo. - Mall: New Knowledge, 2005. - 207 p.

3. Parhomenko I.T., Radugin A.A. Culturalology in matters and answers. - M.: Center, 2001. - 368 p.

4. Fedotova V.G.Practical and spiritual development of reality. - M: Science, 1992. - 384С.

5. Francan V. Mans searching for meaning. - M: Progress, 1990. - 486s.

6. Solleer M. Putting a man in space // Sherler M. Selected works. - M.: Gnosis, 1994. - 394c.


    Spiritual culture - definition.

    Spiritual culture - structure.

    Varieties of spiritual culture.

    1. Art.


    2. Ideology.


1. Introduction

The world community pays more attention to the state of culture. It is understood primarily as the content and process of human life, the result of their active and targeted, although not always expedient and successful, productive social activity. Culture speaks one of the leading signs of planetary civilization, distinguishes the life of people from the life of other living beings on earth and possible extraterrestrial civilizations.

Culture- (LAT) cultivation, upbringing, education, development.

This is a specific way to organize and develop human livelihoods, presentations in products of material and spiritual labor in, system of social norms and institutions, in the system of spiritual values, in the aggregate attitude of people in nature among themselves and to themselves.

In the broad sense of the word culture - a set of manifestations of life, achievements of creativity of the people or groups of peoples.

In the narrow sense of the word culture - Removing bodily, mental inclinations and human abilities.

Culture- Processing, design, spiritualization, enjoyment by people of others and themselves. This is a design that has a value meaning. Culture begins where the content acquires perfect form.

Culture is a holistic system object with a complex structure. At the same time, the Being Culture itself acts as a single process that can be divided into two spheres: material and spiritual.

Material culture divided into: - production and technological culture, which is the real results of material production and methods of technological activities of a public person; - reproduction of the human race, which includes the entire sphere of intimate relations between a man and a woman. It should be noted that under the material culture means not so much the creation of the objective world of people, how much activities to form the "conditions of human existence". The essence of material culture is the embodiment of a variety of human needs, allowing people to adapt to the biological and social conditions of life.

2. Spiritual culture - definition.

Spiritual culture - multilayer education, including cognitive, moral, artistic, legal, etc. culture; This is a combination of intangible elements: norms, rules, laws, spiritual values, ceremonies, rituals, symbols, myths, language, knowledge, customs. Any object of intangible culture needs a material intermediary, for example - a book.

Spiritual culture - Sphere of human activity, covering various sides of the spiritual life of a person and society. Spiritual culture includes the forms of public consciousness and their embodiment in literary, architectural and other monuments of human activity. Speaking with a qualitative indicator of the spiritual life of society, spiritual culture according to its structure is identical to the structure of the spiritual sphere of public life, which is the unity of such components as a system, spiritual needs, spiritual consumption, social institutions, spiritual relations and communication.

Spiritual production - the activities of the Company for the production, preservation, exchange, distribution and consumption of ideas, ideas, ideals, scientific knowledge and other spiritual values. In the distribution and development of spiritual values, spiritual production covers education, moral and aesthetic education and other forms of admission to spiritual culture. Spiritual development - the process of enriching the spiritual development of man and society, aimed at implementing the ideals of the spiritual development of culture: humanism, freedom, individuality, creativity, etc. The spiritual development of society is embodied in the development of the forms of public consciousness: morality, religion, philosophy, science, art, political and legal understanding of social progress.

The concept of spiritual culture: - contains all the areas of spiritual production (art, philosophy, science, etc.), - shows the socio-political processes occurring in society (this is the power structures of management, legal and moral norms, leadership styles, etc.). The ancient Greeks have formed a classic triad of the spiritual culture of mankind: the truth is good - beauty. Accordingly, the three most important value for human spirituality were allocated: - theoretism, with the orientation to the truth and the creation of a special essential being opposite to ordinary life phenomena; - This subordinates the moral content of life all other human aspirations; - Aestheticism, reaching the maximum fullness of life with a support for emotional and sensual experience. The above-mentioned parties of spiritual culture found their embodiment in various fields of people's activities: in science, philosophy, politics, art, right, etc. They are largely determined by the level of intellectual, moral, political, aesthetic, legal development of society. Spiritual culture implies activities aimed at human and society spiritual development, and also presents the results of this activity. Thus, all human activity becomes content of culture. Human society and stood out of nature due to such a specific form of interaction with the world around as human activity.

spiritual culture atheistic religious

Spiritual culture is a totality of intangible elements of culture: norms of behavior, morality, values, rituals, symbols, knowledge, myths, ideas, customs, traditions, language.

Spiritual culture arises from the need to comprehend and figuratively sensual development of reality. In real life, it is implemented in a number of specialized forms: morality, art, religion, philosophy, science.

All these forms of human life are interconnected and affect each other.

The morality is recorded an idea of \u200b\u200bgood and evil, honor, conscience, justice, etc. These ideas, the norms regulate the behavior of people in society.

Art includes aesthetic values \u200b\u200b(beautiful, elevated, ugly) and ways to create and consumption.

Religion serves the demands of the Spirit, a person draws his eyes to God. Science demonstrates the successes of the human mind.

Philosophy satisfies the needs of the human spirit to unity on a rational (reasonable) basis.

Spiritual culture permeates all spheres of social life. A man assumes her through the tongue, upbringing, communication. Estimates, values, methods of perception of nature, time, ideals are laid into a person's consciousness by tradition and upbringing in the course of life.

The concept of "spiritual culture" has a complex and confusing history. In the early 19th century, spiritual culture was considered as a church-religious concept. At the beginning of the twentieth century, an understanding of spiritual culture becomes much wider, including not only religion, but also morality, politics, art.

In the Soviet period, the concept of "spiritual culture" was interpreted by the authors of superficially. Material production generates material culture - it is primary, and spiritual production generates spiritual culture (ideas, feeling, theory) - it is secondary. The origins of creativity, ideas were in production, work.

In the 90s. Xx in. "Spiritual culture" is understood in different ways:

  • - as something sacred (religious);
  • - as something positive, which does not require explanations;
  • - as a mystical-esoteric.

Currently, still, the concept of "spiritual culture" is quite clearly defined and not developed.

The concept of spiritual culture contains in itself all areas of spiritual production (art, philosophy, science, etc.),

Shows the socio-political processes occurring in society (this is the power structures of management, legal and moral norms, leadership styles, etc.).

The ancient Greeks have formed a classical triad of the spiritual culture of mankind: the truth is -dobro-art. Accordingly, the three most important values \u200b\u200bof human spirituality were allocated:

  • -Toretisism, with the orientation to the truth and the creation of a special essential being opposite to conventional life phenomena;
  • -Itim, subordinating the moral content of life all other human aspirations;
  • -Esthetism, reaching the maximum completeness of life with a support for emotionally sensual experience.

The above-mentioned parties of spiritual culture found their embodiment in various fields of people's activities: in science, philosophy, politics, art, right, etc. They are largely determined by the level of intellectual, moral, political, aesthetic, legal development of society. Spiritual culture implies activities aimed at human and society spiritual development, and also presents the results of this activity.

Thus, all human activity becomes content of culture. Human society and stood out of nature due to such a specific form of interaction with the world around as human activity.

Activities are a form of socio-cultural activity aimed at converting reality.

There are two types of activities:

  • -practic (i.e., the material and converter, aimed at changing the nature and being of a person, and a socially converter, changing social reality, including the person himself);
  • - Humane (the content of which is the change in the consciousness of people).

Depending on the direction of human activity, sociocultural activities can be:

  • -Sidative (i.e., aimed at the formation of the "second nature": human habitat, labor instruments, machinery and mechanisms, etc.);
  • - Developed (associated with various wars, revolutions, ethnic conflicts, destroy nature, etc.).

In human activity there are certain benchmarks. They are called values.

Value is something that is significantly for a person, that he is expensive and important to which he is focused in its activities.

Society builds a certain system cultural valueswhich grows out of the ideals and needs of its members. It may include:

  • -Fine life values \u200b\u200b(ideas about the purpose and sense of life, happiness);
  • -The totality of interpersonal communication (honesty, goodwill);
  • -Temocratic values \u200b\u200b(human rights, freedom of speech, conscience, parties);
  • -Prigmatic values \u200b\u200b(personal success, enterprise, desire for material wealth);
  • -Mirovsky, moral, aesthetic, etc. Values.

Among the most important values \u200b\u200bfor a person, largely determining is the problem of the meaning of his life. A person's glance on the problem of the meaning of life is formed through the awareness of the limb of their being. Man is the only living creature that understands the inevitability of his death.

Regarding the problem of the meaning of human life, two unresponsive views of each other.

First-suitical. It has a long tradition and dates back, in particular, to epicurery. Its essence is that if the person is a mortal creature, then the meaning of life is in his life itself. Epicuri denied the significance of the phenomenon of death for a person, arguing that it simply does not exist, since the person is still living, and when he dies, he is not able to more realize the very fact of his death.

Assigning life to life as the meaning of life, the epicureans taught that the ideal of human existence is atraxia, or evasion from suffering, a calm and measured life, consisting of spiritual and physical pleasures, data in moderation. The end of this process and means the termination of the human being.

The materialistic philosophy that continues the ancient tradition of epicureism, in all its manifestations proceeds from the negation of the afterlife and orients the person to the maximum realization of itself in the existing reality. However, this does not exhaust the entire content of this concept.

Another point of view on the problem of the meaning of life -religious. Religion solves this problem quite simply, claiming the fact of the afterlife of man. In their various modifications, religion teaches the fact that earthly, human being is only preparation for death and gain eternal life. This is the necessary stage for cleansing and rescue the soul.

The highest form of human activity is creativity.

Creativity is human activity that creates qualitatively new, never previously existed, material and spiritual values.

Almost all types of human activity include elements of creativity. However, they are most brightly manifested in science, art and technology. There is also a special science -Evorism (gr. Heurisko -Not), with which you can not only learn creative activity, but also create various models of the creative process.

There are four main phases of creativity:

  • - Individual (this is the primary organization of the material, identifying the central idea, nuclei, problems, the stages of future work);
  • - Cutting ideas (the process of designing the "ideal subject" in the imagination of the Creator),
  • -preation (the decision is detected where it was not trying to search);
  • -Check (experimental or logical evaluation of the novelty of the found solution).

The process of creating a new brings the Creator a sense of satisfaction, stimulates his inspiration and relieves it to a new creation.

Art as aesthetic consciousness of society

Aesthetic consciousness in the system of forms of public consciousness occupies a special place. Having mediated into a special branch of spiritual culture, it at the same time performs synthesizing functions, since the structure of aesthetic consciousness includes such elements as aesthetic views, Ideals, ratings, tastes, aesthetic feelings, needs, aesthetic theory. Aesthetic consciousness is the one spiritual foundationwhich provides harmonious unity and the internal relationship of various manifestations of human spiritual life and society as a whole.

Synthetic role of aesthetic consciousness and aesthetic activity manifested itself in "syncreticity" (absentiance) antique culturein which works of art, and scientific, and religious, and philosophical works were sometimes created as artistic texts. Aesthetic consciousness is formed in the process of aesthetic activity and is defined as a holistic, emotionally rich reflection of reality. The objective basis of aesthetic consciousness is natural and social reality and social and historical practice. Aesthetic consciousness is one of the faces of spiritual and practical development of the world. Creativity "according to the laws of beauty" arises on the basis of labor activity and is its addition. In the process of work, the spiritual abilities of a person are formed, to the number of which include aesthetic consciousness. In the process of labor and aesthetic activity, human senses are formed, aesthetic needs arise that have a holistic impact on the identity.

With the division of labor, the separation of art from other types of human activities is the final formation of aesthetic consciousness. Aesthetic consciousness reflects the worldAll the diverse activities of people and its results in emotionally estimated images. The reflection of the surrounding world in it is accompanied by the appearance of special challenging experiences associated with the feelings of an elevated, beautiful, tragic and comic. But the peculiarity of aesthetic consciousness lies in the fact that it contains the complexity and expressiveness of emotional impressions and at the same time penetrates deep significant relations and relationships.

A feature of aesthetic consciousness is that human interaction with real Mir perceived, evaluated and experienced individually based on existing ideals, tastes, needs.

Aesthetic consciousness has a complex structure that includes needs, ideals, views, evaluations, feelings, theories that are very closely connected with each other and interdependent. The aesthetic attitude is equally estimated and the positive aspects of the world and negative.

Aesthetic consciousness is one of the ways of reflection, awareness of peace and impact on it. It arises on the basis of man's logistical activity, and with the development of this activity, a person's feelings are formed, freeing from the instinctive form, there are specific human needs, which, in turn, have an opposite effect on all parties to human life. In the structure of aesthetic consciousness, an important element is aesthetic needs, they are the beginning of aesthetic attitude to the world.

Aesthetic need can be considered as an objectively existing relationship of a person with a medium, as a result of which there is a need for the production, preservation, assimilation and distribution of aesthetic emotions, individual and social feelings, views, knowledge, values \u200b\u200band ideals and their objectification in human activity.

In the structure of aesthetic need, three interrelated elements can be distinguished: emotional, rational and active. This should be considered when determining the paths and means of its formation. Of course, you need a comprehensive impact on the emotional, and the rational scope of consciousness to develop the necessary beliefs and installations and for further consolidation of them in activities.

The concept of "aesthetic need" covers both the need for the perception of the aesthetic phenomena of the world and the need for art and aesthetic creativity. Aesthetic need acts as driving force The development of the consciousness and practical activity of the individual, as one of the main elements of aesthetic consciousness and is manifested in the desire to transform the world. A feature of aesthetic need is that it can be implemented in all spheres of human activity: in labor, in relation to nature, in attachment to art, in moral relations, in scientific knowledge. In terms of its content, the aesthetic need is universal, for its object is in all spheres of life.

The aesthetic need is manifested as the need for a high degree of orderliness, the harmonization of all types of human activity and the need for organizing all the products of it, aspiring to obtain spiritual joys. The aesthetic need is closely interconnected with moral, for the desire for excellent and kindly performs in unity. It is also connected with other spiritual needs, including with the need for labor and in the admission to knowledge.

The structure of aesthetic consciousness includes aesthetic feelings. Psychologists refer them to the category of higher feelings and indicate their connection with intelligence. Aesthetic feelings are based on the experience of mind and cause reflections themselves. That is why aesthetic feelings are called ideological. Aesthetic feelings are peculiar experiences of a person arising from the perception of specific lenses: the beauty of nature, labor items, works of art. These feelings stimulate the social activity of a person, have a regulatory impact on his behavior and on the formation of aesthetic and moral ideals. They help to perceive peace and art as close to us and stimulate creative activity. Their feature is the complex interaction in them aesthetic and ethical moments of mental life.

Elements of aesthetic consciousness are aesthetic taste and ideal, protruding by the human assessment regulators of objects of aesthetic perception and their own activities. Aesthetic taste is the ability to understand and evaluate the beautiful and ugly, elevated and lowland, tragic and comic in life and in art. Hegel wrote that the objective basis of taste is the perfect and that the taste is raised. Aesthetic taste is socially determined and has its own individual manifestation. It is determined by the worldview of the personality, so it is so important to form aesthetic taste based on scientific worldview and on ethical principles.

Aesthetic taste acts as the ability of the personality to assess the dignity (or disadvantages) of aesthetically significant phenomena based on its ideas about the perfect and elevated, about the ideal and to objectify these ideas in specific activities, for example, when organizing a subject-spatial environment, during leisure, in style Communication, in aesthetic expressiveness of the appearance. Aesthetic taste is manifested in any creative activity, in the behavior of people, in everyday life. The feature of aesthetic taste is that it is manifested directly as an emotional response of a person on what it interacts with. According to I. Kant, the taste is "the ability to judge the beauty."

In unity with aesthetic taste, as an important element of aesthetic consciousness, the aesthetic ideal is also performing regulatory functions, but on more high level. It contains an understanding of the essence of the beautiful, reflects the best features of the person, is a model on which people are oriented, he not only reflects the past and present, but also facing the future.

The aesthetic ideal is based on objective trends in social development and plays a binding role between the past, present and future. In conditions modern Development Societies should pay special attention to this moment, because it is impossible to violate the relationship between the past and modern, crossing the past of its country or to be trendy idealize it, blindly copying the experience of other countries, without taking into account the pattern of development of society. The aesthetic ideal is a leading reflection of the world, it stimulates practical activities and thinking of people aimed at improving the surrounding reality, performs a prognostic function, being an important ideological component that determines the personality thinking.

In aesthetic ideal, not only aesthetic problems are reflected, but also moral, legal, political, philosophical, for it is based on an understanding of the direction historical Development societies. Aesthetic ideal in concrete and holistic form represents harmonious personality In her relations with society and nature.

In the aesthetic ideal, the complexity of social relations is reflected, and it can not be shown in open formTherefore, sometimes there is an illusion that this ideal is specific and is isolated, for example, from politics and law. It should be noted that the process of forming a progressive aesthetic ideal is a very long and complex process in which the personal and social experience is organically merged when a significant impact has all the peace, art, measures of educational impact. And the formed aesthetic ideal is the most difficult level of aesthetic consciousness, high degree Generalizations and preserving at the same time visual and specific sense. The emerging aesthetic ideal is the criterion of aesthetic assessment for further perception of life, and any phenomenon, an act or about the execution of art are compared with the existing aesthetic ideal. It becomes a regulator of aesthetic consciousness of a person or society. But it should be noted that the ideal itself changes under the influence of a changing life.

The process of forming aesthetic ideal, as well as aesthetic consciousness as a whole, very contradictory, because life itself is complex and contradictory. In the formation of aesthetic consciousness, art is called a large role, it opens up wide opportunities for admiration for spiritual values, forms views on moral and aesthetic values, helps to turn knowledge into conviction, develops the aesthetic taste of feelings, develops creative personality's abilities, affects practical activities.

Art is a specific phenomenon: special view spiritual, practical development of the objective world. Each form of public consciousness fixes the world around the world inherent in specific means (in science - with the help of concepts, categories, in the right - in the form of laws, in religion - dogma, in morality - norms, etc.). Art is a means of reflection and expressing life in the form of artistic images. The source of artistic images is real reality.

The art is influenced by political consciousness. But the feature of the art is that it has ideological impact due to its aesthetic advantages. Any form of public consciousness is associated with reality through its functions. The force of art in direct impact on personality and society.

Art always played a big role in the life of society, performing an informative and educational function, so in history there was always an acute struggle around the question of how the direction of the work of art will bring up people how they will affect the human psychology, on his views and tastes, His needs. Works of art have an impact on all forms of public consciousness, especially for political and moral consciousness, on the formation of an atheistic or religious world of view. Through public consciousness, art affects practical activities, on the creation of material and spiritual values. At the same time, art itself feels the influence of social conditions and needs.

In art, as in the specific form of public consciousness, a system of social relations, developing in the process of material and spiritual production, refracted in ideals, needs, tastes.

The role of art and as a regulator of social activity of people and their personal behavior are essential. Efficiency of art consumption, i.e. The degree of its impact on the feelings and views of the person, on its creative development, depends directly from art Development Personality.

The most important feature of art is educational. Reflecting the world in his aesthetic peculiarity, showing the beautiful or ugly, tragic or comic, elevated or lowland, art enlishes the emotional world of man, raises feelings, forms intelligence, awakens best sides The souls of the man of the century, causes a feeling of aesthetic joy. Enrichment spiritual world The person largely depends on how fully the various types of art are affected.

The most important feature of art is hedonistic. Works of art deliver aesthetic joy to man, activate his spiritual and physical forces, satisfy the need for emotional and intellectual pleasure. Aesthetically acting on a person, spiritually enriching it and delivering aesthetic pleasure, art satisfies, therefore, various spiritual needs.

A great influence on the formation of social qualities of personality, the satisfaction of its aesthetic needs has communicative function Arts, spiritual communication with other people as a means of communication between people, generations, nations. Art serves as a means of admiration for a person to public, aesthetic and moral ideals. Communication with art, active empathy of viewers, readers, listeners enriches personal experience artistic perception World.

A high role in the life of people is played by compensatory and entertainment feature of art, satisfaction of those emotional needs that cannot be implemented in other spheres of vital activity. With the current level of the development of technical media, filling out a person's free time with art with art is a very valuable way to leisure.

Art has always played a big role in society. Therefore, in history there was always an acute struggle around the question of how the direction of art will affect the person. Art, affecting practical activities, on the creation of material and spiritual values, at the same time itself is experiencing the influence of social conditions.

So, the aesthetic consciousness and its highest product - arts are a necessary element of public consciousness, providing its integrity and focus to the future. In the present, some decrease in the level of artistic assessment and requirements imposed on both the organization of industrial and household media and the works of individual Art types, such as applied, design. Sometimes the reality is filled with kich instead of truly artistic samples, which is not affordable, unfortunately, and architectural buildings, small architecture, decorative-investigative and even visual arts.

It seems that it is not true that such a change in the level of aesthetic taste is the result of its degradation, a sharp deterioration due to external circumstances. Radio and television, book publishing, theaters, concert halls and museums provide today to every large opportunity to form artistic taste and the choice of aesthetic landmarks. The case, apparently, in the fact that the freedom of personal manifestations and self-exploitation at the present time has exposed, revealed and showed a real level of artistic and aesthetic consciousness without sticks aesthetic education Russian population. The reason for this is in a fundamentally incorrect approach to aesthetic education young generation, students and students, and in particular to raising art.

It is time for us to abandon the propaganda "popular" and "artistic and amateur" approach to aesthetic education and look at it as a complex psychological and pedagogical task, requiring a serious creation of a didactic system, implemented throughout the educational process and able to ensure the implementation of systematic aesthetic-artistic Education and upbringing.

Perennial admission to serious classic art The wide masses and the upbringing of love for him most convincingly justify the point of view on art as an elite phenomenon. However, this does not mean that art is in principle not available to everyone for perception. The perception of art inevitably requires deep special systematic preparation for it.

Deciding art as special way and the form of reproducing validity in artistic images, we also assume that the perception of the work of art is to understand the artistic image as an abstract idea in a specific sensory form (by Hegel) and the material means, the techniques of its creation, i.e., the means of artistic expressiveness, language art. Already from this it can be seen that the main condition of understanding the art is a special development of a very specific artistic perception.

The condition for the formation of true artistic perception and taste, an understanding of the artistic image - this is the creation of a system of learning and the development of the ability to perceive artistic content works (including comprehended the essence of the phenomenon, the main idea), artistic and organizational means: the form as a material structure and composition, rhythmic organization, the logic of links between the internal and the outside, finally, the perception of artistic and expressive means and their role in creating the image and mood as a whole - the content of the work.

For example, in order for the viewer to fully perceive, evaluate and enjoy the product of fine art, it must be learned to silence and, it is especially important, to determine the meaning of each element of the entire system of the forms and styrene-forming agents: the nature of the line and drawing, color, light, such as color, Compositions (spatial or on plane), textures, as well as see and understand the purpose of using one or another material, execution techniques. To prepare for the perception of architecture works, it is important to form a skill to evaluate the work in the trinity: a function - a design - form, analyze ways to organize space and mass, composition and in general creation of architectural, image.

It seems that this system of training and the organization of the development of artistic perception and aesthetic education will be able to lead to an adequate aesthetic assessment of the reality, aesthetic interests and needs of each person, to the correct reading of any work of art and aesthetic pleasure in the perception of truly artistic. This path leads to the creation of the foundation of the spiritual culture of the person, since it is able to expand the horizons of the worldview, to change the system of thoughts and images, see the world in other dimensions, to highlight the perfect-shaped and spiritual.

- its production, distribution and preservation. In this sense, the artistic creativity of musicians, writers, actors, painters often understand the culture; Organization of exhibitions and director performances; Museum and library activities, etc. There are even narrower values \u200b\u200bof culture: the degree of development of something (labor or food culture), the characteristics of a certain era or the people (Scythian or ancient Russian culture), the level of pupils (culture of behavior or speech), etc.

In all these interpretations of culture, we are talking about both material objects (paintings, movies, buildings, books, cars), gas and intangible products (ideas, values, images, theories, traditions). Material and spiritual values \u200b\u200bcreated by man are called a material and spiritual culture, respectively.

Material culture

Under material culture Usually artificially created objects that allow people with the optimal way to adapt to natural and social conditions of life are usually understood.

Material objects are created to satisfy various and therefore are considered as values. Speaking about the material culture of a native people, traditionally mean such specific objects, like clothing, weapons, utensils, food, decoration, dwelling device, architectural facilities. Modern scienceExploring such artifacts capable of reconstructing the lifestyle even long disappeared peoples that are not mentioned in writing sources.

With a broader sense of material culture, there are three main elements in it.

  • Actually subject world Created by man, - buildings, roads, communications, devices, art and life objects. The development of culture is manifested in constant expansion and complication of the world, "domestication". The life of a modern person is difficult to imagine without the most complicated artificial devices - a computer, television, mobile phones etc., which lie at the base of modern information culture.
  • Technologies - Funds and technical algorithms for the creation and use of objects of the objective world. Technologies are material, since embodied in specific practical ways of activity.
  • Technical culture - These are concrete skills, skills,. Culture retains these skills and skills along with knowledge, broadcasting from generation to generation both theoretical and practical experience. However, in contrast to knowledge, skills and skills are formed in practical activities, usually in cash. At each stage of the development of culture, along with the complication of technologies, skills are complicated.

Spiritual culture

Spiritual culture Unlike material is not embodied in objects. The scope of its being is not things, but the ideal activity associated with intelligence, emotions ,.

  • Ideal forms The existence of culture does not depend on individual human opinions. This is scientific knowledge, language, established rules of morality and, etc. Sometimes this category includes the activities of education and mass media.
  • Integrating spiritual form Cultures combine the scattered elements of public and personal consciousness in solid. At the first stages of human development, the myths performed by such regulatory and unifying form. In modern times, its place was taken, and to some extent -.
  • Subjective spirituality It is the refraction of objective forms in the individual consciousness of each particular person. In this regard, we can talk about the culture of a separate person (his luggage of knowledge, the ability to morally choose, religious feelings, culture of behavior, etc.).

Connection of spiritual and material forms general space of culture As a complex interconnected system of elements that constantly turn into each other. So, spiritual culture - ideas, the artist's ideas - can be embodied in material things - books or sculptures, and reading books or observation of art objects is accompanied by a reverse transition - from material things to knowledge, emotions, feelings.

The quality of each of these elements, as well as close relationships between them determine level moral, aesthetic, intellectual, and in the end - cultural development of any society.

The relationship of material and spiritual culture

Material culture- This is the whole area of \u200b\u200bhuman logistics and its results - the person surrounding the person.

Things - the result of human material and creative activities - are the most important form Her existence. Like the human body, the thing simultaneously belongs to two worlds - natural and cultural. As a rule, things are produced from natural materials, and part of the culture becomes after handling by man. That is how our distant ancestors acted, turning the stone in Rubil, a stick in a spear, the skin of the murdered beast in clothes. At the same time, the thing acquires very important quality - the ability to satisfy certain human needs, be useful person. It can be said that a useful thing is the initial form of being a thing in culture.

But from the very beginning, the stuff from the very beginning were also carriers of socially significant information, signs and symbols that bind the human world with the world of perfumes, texts stored by the information needed to survive the team. It was especially characteristic of primitive culture with its syncretism - the integrity, the absence of all elements. Therefore, along with practical usefulness, there was a symbolic utility that allowed the use of pasta in magical rites and rituals, as well as give them additional aesthetic properties. Another form of things appeared in ancient times - a toy intended for children, with the help of which those mastered the necessary experience of culture, prepared for adult life. Most often, these were miniature models of real things, sometimes had an additional aesthetic value.

Gradually, during the millennium, the utilitarian and value properties of things began to be separated, which led to the formation of two classes of things - prosaic, purely material, and meanings used in ritual purposes, for example flags and coat of arms of states, orders, etc. Between these classes has never been an irresistible barrier. Thus, a special font is used in the church for the ceremony of baptism, but if necessary, it can be replaced with any suitable pelvis. Thus, any thing retains its own iconic function, being cultural text. Aesthetic values \u200b\u200bof things have become increasingly important, so beauty has long been considered one of their most important characteristics. BUT B. industrial society Beauty and use began to separate. Therefore, many useful, but ugly things and at the same time beautiful expensive baubles, emphasizing the wealth of their owner.

It can be said that the material thing becomes the carrier of spiritual meaning, since it consolidates the image of a person of a particular era, culture, social status, etc. So, the knightly sword can be a way and a symbol of medieval feudal, and in modern complex household appliances it is easy to see a person early XXI in. Portraits of the era are toys. For example, modern technically complex toys, including many models of weapons, quite accurately reflect the face of our time.

Social organizations Also are the fruit of human activity, but one form of material objectivity, material culture. The formation of human society took place in close connection with the development of social structures, without which the existence of culture is impossible. IN primitive society Due to the syncretism and uniformity of primitive culture, there was only one social structure - a generic organization that provided all the genesis of a person, its material and spiritual needs, as well as the transfer of information to the following generations. With the development of society, various social structures that were responsible for everyday practical life People (work, public administration, war) and for the satisfaction of his spiritual needs, primarily religious. Already in the ancient East, the state and the cult are distinguished clearly, at the same time schools appeared as part of pedagogical organizations.

The development of civilization associated with the improvement of technology and technology, the construction of cities, the formation of classes, required more effective organization public life. As a result, social organizations appeared, in which economic, political, legal, moral relations, technical, scientific, artistic, sports activities have been determined. In the economic sphere, the first social structure was the medieval workshop, in the new time, replaced by a manufactory, developed today to industrial and trading firms, corporations and banks. In the political sphere, in addition to the state, political parties and public associations appeared. The legal sphere created the court, the prosecutor's office, the legislative bodies. Religion has formed an extensive church organization. Later, the organizations of scientists, artists, philosophers appeared. All existing cultural spheres today have a network of social organizations and structures created by them. The role of these structures is raised by the holding of time, as the importance of the organizational factor in the life of humanity increases. Through these structures a person carries out management and self-government, creating a basis for life together People, to preserve and transfer the accumulated experience to follow the m.

Things and social organizations in aggregate create a complex structure of material culture, in which several most important areas are distinguished: agriculture, buildings, tools, transport, communications, technology, etc.

Agriculture Includes derived from the selection of plants and rocks of animals as a result of selection, as well as cultured soils. The survival of a person is directly connected with this area of \u200b\u200bmaterial culture, as it gives food and raw materials for industrial production. Therefore, a person constantly cares about the removal of new, more productive plant and animal species. But the proper processing of soil, maintaining its fertility at a high level, is a mechanical processing, fertilizer with organic and chemical fertilizers, amelioration and crop rotation - a sequence of cultivation of different plants on one piece of land.

Building - habitats of people with all the variety of their activities and being (housing, premises for management activities, entertainment, learning activities), I. Construction - the results of construction, changing the conditions of farm and life (premises for production, bridges, dams, and so-called). Both buildings and structures are the result of construction. A person must constantly take care of maintaining them in order that they can successfully fulfill their functions.

Tools, adaptation and equipment Designed to provide all types of human physical and mental labor. Thus, the tools directly affect the material being processed, the devices serve as adding to the tools, the equipment is a complex of tools and devices located in one place and used for one target. They vary depending on what kind of activity they serve - agriculture, industry, communication, transport, etc. The history of mankind testifies to the constant improvement of this area of \u200b\u200bmaterial culture - from the stone chopper and the sticking sticks to modern most complex machines and mechanisms that ensure the production of everything necessary for a person.

Transport and Message paths ensure the exchange of people and cargo between different areas and settlements, contributing to their development. This area of \u200b\u200bmaterial culture includes: specially equipped routes of messages (roads, bridges, mounds, runways of airports), buildings and structures necessary for normal operation of transport (railway stations, airports, ports, harbor, gas station, etc.), All types of transport (manpiece, automotive, rail, air, water, pipeline).

Communication Tightly related to transport and includes mail, telegraph, telephone, radio and computer networks. She, like transport, connects people, allowing them to exchange information.

Technologies - Knowledge and skills in all listed areas of activity. The most important task is not only further to improve technologies, but also the transfer of the following generations, which is possible only through the developed education system, and this indicates a close connection of material culture and spiritual.

Knowledge, values \u200b\u200band projects as a form of spiritual culture. Knowledgethey are a product of cognitive activity of a person who records the information received by the person about the world and human itself, his views on life and behavior. It can be said that the level of culture of both a separate person and society as a whole is determined by the volume and depth of knowledge. Today, knowledge is acquired by a person in all spheres of culture. But receiving knowledge in religion, art, everyday life, etc. It is not a primary task. Here knowledge is always associated with a certain system of values, which they justify and protect: In addition, they are figurative. Only science as a special sphere of spiritual production is aimed at obtaining objective knowledge of the world around. It originated in antiquity when there was a need for generalized knowledge about the world around.

Values \u200b\u200b- Ideals, to achieving a person and society, as well as objects and properties that satisfy certain human needs. They are associated with a constant assessment of all items and phenomena surrounding the person, which it produces on the principle is good-bad, good-evil, and arose as part of primitive culture. In the preservation and transfer of values \u200b\u200bto the following generations special role The myths played, thanks to which the values \u200b\u200bbecame an integral part of rites and rituals, and through them a person became part of society. Due to the collapse of the myth with the development of civilization, value orientations began to be fixed in religion, philosophy, art, morality and the right.

Projects - Plans for future human actions. Their creation is associated with the essence of a person, its ability to produce conscious targeted actions to transform the surrounding world, which is impossible without a pre-drawn plan. This is implemented creative ability Human, his possibility of free conversion of reality: first - in his own consciousness, then in practice. This person differs from animals that can act only with those objects and phenomena that exist to the present and are important for them to this time. Only a person has freedom, there is nothing inaccessible and impossible for him (at least in fantasy).

In primitive times, this ability was fixed at the level of the myth. Today, projective activities exist as specialized and shared in accordance with the projects of which objects should be created - natural, social or human. In this regard, the design is distinguished:

  • technical (engineering), inextricably linked with scientific and technical progress, which occupies an increasingly important place in culture. Its result is the world of material things creating the body modern civilization;
  • social for the creation of models of social phenomena - new forms of government, political and legal systems, methods of managing production, school education, etc.;
  • pedagogical to create human models, ideal images Children and students who are formed by parents and teachers.
  • Knowledge, values \u200b\u200band projects make up the foundation of spiritual culture, which includes in addition to the mentioned results of spiritual activities and the very spiritual activity for the production of spiritual products. They, as well as material culture products, satisfy certain human needs and above all the need to ensure the lives of people in society. For this, a person acquires the necessary knowledge about the world, society and itself, for the same purpose, valuables are created, allowing a person to realize, choose or create approved by the society of behavior. This is how the current varieties of spiritual culture have been formed - morality, politics, law, art, religion, science, philosophy. Consequently, spiritual culture is a multi-layer formation.

At the same time, spiritual culture is inextricably linked with material. Any items or phenomena of material culture are based on the project, embody certain knowledge and become values, satisfying human needs. In other words, material culture Always the embodiment of a certain part of spiritual culture. But spiritual culture can exist, only being an extractable, defined, who received this or that material embodiment. Any book, painting, musical composition, like other works of art, which are part of spiritual culture, need material carrier - paper, canvas, paints, musical instruments, etc.

Moreover, it is often difficult to understand what kind of culture is material or spiritual - one or another subject or phenomenon belongs. So, we will most likely take the material of the furniture to material culture. But if we are talking about the 300-year-old chest, exposed to the museum, you should talk about it as an object of spiritual culture. The book is an indisputable subject of spiritual culture - can be used for the furnace tolerance. But if cultural items can change their purpose, the criteria should be introduced to distinguish between the items of material and spiritual culture. In this capacity, an assessment of the meaning and purpose of the subject can be used: the subject or phenomenon that satisfies the primary (biological) human needs relate to material culture if they satisfy the secondary needs associated with the development of human abilities, it is considered the subject of spiritual culture.

There are transitional forms between material and spiritual culture - signs that represent something excellent because they themselves are, although this content does not relate to spiritual culture. The most famous shape of the sign is money, as well as a variety of coupons, tokens, receipts, and so on. Applied by people to designate all sorts of services. So, money is a universal market equivalent - you can spend money on the purchase of food or clothing (material culture) or purchase a ticket to the theater or a museum (spiritual culture). In other words, money acts as a universal mediator between the objects of material and spiritual culture in modern society. But this is a serious danger, since the money is equalized by these objects, insulating the objects of spiritual culture. At the same time, many people are born the illusion that everything has its price, that everything can be bought. In this case, the money disaggregate people, detain the spiritual side of life.

Spiritual culture - This is a system of knowledge and ideological ideas inherent in specific cultural and historical unity or humanity as a whole.

The concept of "spiritual culture" goes back to the historical and philosophical ideas of the German philosopher, linguist and state Worker Wilhelm von Humboldt. According to the theory of historical knowledge developed by him, the World History is the result of the activities of the spiritual force lying outside the knowledge, which manifests itself through the creative abilities and the personal efforts of individual individuals. The fruits of this creativity constitute the spiritual culture of mankind.

Spiritual culture arises due to the fact that a person does not limit himself only with sensually external experience and does not dismiss him preferential importance, but recognizes the main and leading spiritual experience from which he lives, loves, believes and evaluates all things. This inner spiritual experience of a person determines the meaning and the highest goal of external, sensual experience.

Spiritual culture - Sphere of human activity, covering various sides of the spiritual life of a person and society. Spiritual culture includes the forms of public consciousness and their embodiment in literary, architectural and other monuments of human activity.

Spiritual culture Unlike material is not embodied in subjects. The sphere of its being is not things, but the ideal activity associated with intelligence, emotions, feelings.

The ideal forms of existence of culture do not depend on individual human opinions. These are scientific knowledge, language, established rules of morality and law, etc. Sometimes this category includes the activities of education and mass media.

The integrating forms of spiritual culture combine the scattered elements of public and personal consciousness into a whole worldview. At the first stages of human development, the myths performed by such regulatory and unifying form. In modern times, her place was taken by religion, philosophy and to some extent - art.

Subjective spirituality is the refraction of objective forms in the individual consciousness of each particular person. In this regard, we can talk about the culture of a separate person (his luggage of knowledge, the ability to morally choose, religious feelings, culture of behavior, etc.).

The combustion of spiritual and material forms the general space of culture as a complex interconnected system of elements that constantly turn into each other. So, spiritual culture - ideas, the artist's ideas - can be embodied in material things - books or sculptures, and reading books or observation of art objects is accompanied by a reverse transition - from material things to knowledge, emotions, feelings.

The quality of each of these elements, as well as the close relationship between them, determine the level of moral, aesthetic, intellectual, and in the end - the cultural development of any society.

Knowledge, values \u200b\u200band projects as a form of spiritual culture. Knowledge is a product of human cognitive activity, fixing the person gained information about the world around the world and the human itself, his views on life and behavior. It can be said that the level of culture of both a separate person and society as a whole is determined by the volume and depth of knowledge. Today, knowledge is acquired by a person in all spheres of culture. But receiving knowledge in religion, art, everyday life, etc. It is not a primary task. Here knowledge is always associated with a certain system of values, which they justify and protect: In addition, they are figurative. Only science as a special sphere of spiritual production is aimed at obtaining objective knowledge of the world around. It originated in antiquity when there was a need for generalized knowledge about the world around.

Values \u200b\u200b- ideals, to the achievement of which a person and society seek, as well as objects and their properties that satisfy certain human needs. They are associated with a constant assessment of all items and phenomena surrounding the person, which it produces on the principle is good-bad, good-evil, and arose as part of primitive culture. In the preservation and transfer of values, the following generations played a special role played by myths, thanks to which the values \u200b\u200bbecame an integral part of rites and rituals, and through them a person became part of society. Due to the collapse of the myth with the development of civilization, value orientations began to be fixed in religion, philosophy, art, morality and the right.

Projects are plans for future human actions. Their creation is associated with the essence of a person, its ability to produce conscious targeted actions to transform the surrounding world, which is impossible without a pre-drawn plan. This is realized by the creative ability of a person, his possibility of free transformation of reality: at the beginning - in his own consciousness, then in practice. This person is different from animals, which are capable of acting only with those objects and phenomena that exist to the present and are important to this time. Only a person has freedom, there is nothing inaccessible and impossible for him (at least in fantasy).

In primitive times, this ability was fixed at the level of the myth. Today, projective activities exist as specialized and shared in accordance with the projects of which objects should be created - natural, social or human. In this regard, the design is distinguished:

technical (engineering), inextricably linked with scientific and technical progress, which occupies an increasingly important place in culture. Its result is the world of material things that create the body of modern civilization;

social for the creation of models of social phenomena - new forms of government, political and legal systems, methods of managing production, school education, etc.;

pedagogical to create human models, ideal images of children and students who are formed by parents and teachers.

Knowledge, values \u200b\u200band projects make up the foundation of spiritual culture, which includes in addition to the mentioned results of spiritual activities and the very spiritual activity for the production of spiritual products. They, as well as material culture products, satisfy certain human needs and above all the need to ensure the lives of people in society. For this, a person acquires the necessary knowledge about the world, society and itself, for the same purpose, valuables are created, allowing a person to realize, choose or create approved by the society of behavior. This is how the current varieties of spiritual culture have been formed - morality, politics, law, art, religion, science, philosophy. Consequently, spiritual culture is a multi-layer formation.

At the same time, spiritual culture is inextricably linked with material. Any items or phenomena of material culture are based on the project, embody certain knowledge and become values, satisfying human needs. In other words, material culture is always an embodiment of a certain part of the spiritual culture. But spiritual culture can exist, only being an extractable, defined, who received this or that material embodiment. Any book, painting, musical composition, like other works of art, which are part of spiritual culture, need material carrier - paper, canvas, paints, musical instruments, etc.