Notebook the relationship between a speech therapist and a teacher in a dhow. Interaction of a speech therapist and educator

Notebook the relationship between a speech therapist and a teacher in a dhow. Interaction of a speech therapist and educator

Which are recommended to spend with children on this lexical topic. The teacher, at his discretion, distributes the proposed games for a week and conducts them with the children (it is advisable to carry out the same game several times a week to get the best result).

In addition, the speech therapist daily recommends carrying out articulation, breathing and other exercises with some children according to individual work plans (according to individual notebooks, fixing the exercises performed in the speech therapy lesson). The names (and surnames) of these children are indicated daily. If the teacher doubts the methodology for conducting a particular exercise, the speech therapist advises the educators.
Column "Mark of completion". In this column, the teacher assesses the level of the child's performance of the exercises (quality of performance) and records the result, for example: “done”, “failed”, “excellent”, “good”, “completed in full”, “coped”, “significant difficulties " and etc.

Lexical topic "Fruits"

  1. E. ball game "One - many" For example: orange - oranges - many oranges

  2. For example: apple - apple, pear - pear

  3. Di. "What can I say so about?" Children select words-objects for words-signs: tasty (what?) ..., fragrant (what?), Ruddy ..., juicy ..., healthy, vitamin, round, oval, smooth ...

  4. D. ball game "Greedy": For example: tangerine is my tangerine, pear is my pear ...

  5. Exercise "Count to five words": apple, pear, orange, banana, pineapple, peach, apricot, tangerine. For example: one banana, two bananas ... five bananas

  6. Game "Cooks"
Apple juice - apple, apricot jam -…, pear compote -…, grape juice -…, orange marmalade -…, banana chips -…, pineapple pie -…, peach compote -…

  1. D. game "Mine, mine, mine, mine": my (what?) - orange, ... my (what?) - ....
My (what?) - ... my (what?) - ...

  1. Repeat phrases:
Wa-va-va - plum Ko-ko-ko - apple Mon-mon-mon - lemon Sin-sin-sin - orange.

  1. What is it?

  2. What fruit does it taste like? How does it feel?

  3. What is the shape of the fruit?

  4. What colour?

For example: This Apple. An apple is a fruit. It is yellow and round. The apple is juicy, tasty, sweet, firm and smooth. The apple grows in the garden on a tree. Apples can be used to make apple juice, apple compote, apple jam, apple pie filling ... You can also eat apples raw.

  1. E. Guess the Object by Sound Game

  2. D. Whose Voice?

  3. Finger gymnastics "Fruit Garden"

Mon _________ Mark of completion






Lexical topic “Vegetables. Garden"

  1. Articulatory gymnastics: "Smile", "Tube", "Fence", "Swing", "Watch", "Spatula"

  2. E. ball game "One - many". For example: tomato - tomatoes, cucumber - cucumbers.

  3. E. ball game "Name affectionately" For example: potato - potato

  4. D. ball game "Greedy": For example

  5. Exercise "Count to five words": radish, carrot, potato, pumpkin, pepper, onion, beet, cucumber, zucchini.
For example:

  1. Game "Cooks"
Pumpkin porridge - pumpkin, pea soup - ..., potato pancakes - ..., cucumber salad - cucumber, cookies with carrots - ..., zucchini caviar - ...

my (what?) - ...

  1. Repeat phrases:
Ets-ets-ets - cucumber Ta-ta-ta - cabbage Ka-ka-ka - radish (carrot)

Ov-ov-ov - carrots Oshka-oshka - potatoes Chok-chok-chok - zucchini

  1. D. game "Living - non-living".

  2. Drawing up stories-descriptions about fruits based on a picture-graphic plan:

  1. What is it?

  2. Where does it grow (garden, vegetable garden, forest)?

  3. What kind of vegetable does it taste like? How does it feel?

  4. What is the shape of the vegetable?

  5. What color is the vegetable?

  6. What can be prepared from it?

  1. Finger gymnastics "Vegetable garden"


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Fri _________ Mark of completion



Lexical topic “Autumn. Harvest"

"Tube" - "Fence" - exercise for lips to switch

"We warm the tongue in the sun" (spatula) - exercise for the tongue (counting up to 5-7)

"This is the harvest!": A) inhale - smiling, spread your arms to the sides;

b) exhale - clap in front of the chest: "Ah!"

  1. E. game "Learn by description" (round, red, juicy, healthy, soft - tomato)

  2. D. ball game "Greedy": For example: cabbage is my cabbage, garlic is my garlic ...

  3. Didactic game "What can I say?"
The speech therapist invites children to listen and say what kind of fruits or vegetables they say so?

Delicious (what?), Aromatic (what?), Ruddy (what?), Juicy (what?), Healthy (what?), Vitamin (what?), Round, oval, crispy, crispy, bitter, healthy, spicy, edible ... etc.

  1. Exercise "Count to five words": radish, apple, potato, peach, pepper, onion, banana, pear, cucumber, zucchini.
For example: one radish, two radishes ... five radishes

  1. Game "Cooks"
Pumpkin porridge - pumpkin soup - ..., potato pancakes - ..., cucumber salad - cucumber, cookies with carrots - ..., zucchini caviar - ..., orange juice, apple jam, plum compote ...

  1. D. game "Mine, mine, mine, mine": my (what?) - zucchini, ... my (what?) - ...
my (what?) - ...

  1. "Tell me how they harvest the crops" What is dug up? What is being pulled out? What is being ripped off? What is being cut?

  2. Game "Listen and Count". The teacher pronounces the sentence, the children count the number of words in it. For example: The golden autumn has come. It often rains lightly. The ground is covered with leaves. The grass turned yellow. The sun shines less often. The days are getting shorter. A flock of migratory birds is visible in the distance.

  3. Game "Change the sentence" The teacher says a sentence of three words, the children complement it with a word-definition. For example: Dad is digging potatoes. - Dad is digging young potatoes.
- Petya picks tomatoes. - Petya picks red tomatoes, etc.
Mon _________ Mark of completion


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Lexical topic “Signs of autumn. Trees. Forest"

"Sound A".

  1. Articulation and breathing-sound exercises:
"Smile" - "Tube" - exercise for lips to switch

"Let's smell the leaves!": A) inhale - draw in air through your nose without raising your shoulders;

b) exhale - through the mouth: "Ah!".

  1. Exercise "What autumn?" Children should answer the question "What autumn?" (Gold, smart, colorful, early, late, rainy, cloudy, rich, fertile, etc.)

  2. Exercise "Choose the words-actions." Leaf (what is it doing?) - ... (turns yellow, falls off, grows, flies, whirls, etc.) Tree (what is it doing?) - ... (stands, sways, grows, falls)
Branches (what are they doing?) - ...

  1. D. ball game "Say the opposite" Winter - summer, spring - ..., warm - ..., wet - ..., fly away - ..., cloudy - ...

  2. D. ball games "Greedy" ( for example: aspen is my aspen); "One-many" ( for example: tree - trees - many trees, maple - maples - many maples)

  3. Exercise "Count": a tall tree, a pine branch, a yellow leaf, a birch branch, a red leaf, a young aspen, a mountain ash branch.
For example: one tall tree, two tall trees ... five tall trees.

  1. E. ball game "Whose leaf (branch?)": Spruce branch - spruce and I, pine branch -…, linden branch -…, birch leaf - birches th leaf, willow leaf - ..., rowan leaf - ..., maple leaf - ..., oak leaf - ..., chestnut leaf - ...

  2. For example:

  3. Game "Highlight the sound" The teacher pronounces the words, the children highlight the first sound in them: duck, Anya, cloud, needles, Olya, Ira, Inna, Ulya.

  4. Finger gymnastics "Leaflets"

Mon _________ Mark of completion


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Lexical topic “Autumn. Mushrooms"

"Sound A".

  1. Articulation exercises:
"Spatula" - "Needle" - exercise for the tongue to switch (counting up to 5-7)

"Cup", "Hill", "Painter", "We brush teeth" (from right to left and from top to bottom and vice versa)

  1. Exercise "Guess the mushroom" Children should answer the question: A mushroom that grows under a birch - boletus, under an aspen - ..., the name of the mushroom is similar to the name of a wild animal - ..., grow on stumps - ... and so on.

  2. D. Say the opposite ball game. The old mushroom is big, and the young mushroom is…, the boletus has a thick leg, and the honey mushroom has…, the russula is an edible mushroom, and the fly agaric is… and so on.

  3. Exercise "Count": boletus, small russula, poisonous fly agaric, pale toadstool, edible mushroom, mushroom leg, large boletus, etc.
For example: one small russula, two small russula, five small russula

  1. Exercise "Explain the word." Talk with children about polysemous words: HAT, LEG on the material of pictures. For example: A leg - by a child, by a mushroom, by a chair ..., Hat - by a mushroom, a headdress.

  2. D. game with a ball "Call affectionately": mushroom - ..., boletus - ..., boletus ..., mushrooms - ..., mushrooms - ..., russula ... etc.

  3. Didactic game "Choose, name, remember."
Various items are needed to process mushrooms. How does a person use these objects (pick and name as many action words as possible)? (With a knife, mushrooms are cut, peeled, cut ... etc.). The following items are discussed: frying pan, saucepan, barrel, can, knife. For the game, you can use pictures of dishes.

  1. Reading and retelling the work of V. Suteev "Under the mushroom".

  2. Game "Catch the Sound" The teacher pronounces various sounds, syllables, words, and the children clap their hands when they hear the sound A. For example: k, o, a, i, m, s, a, a, po, am, it, ka, shoes, quince, hurray, pineapple, smart, artist, England, autumn, turkey, lawyer, etc.

  3. Find the sound A game. The teacher pronounces the words, the children determine in them the presence / absence of sound A and the place of sound in the word: beginning, middle, end. Words: watermelon, duck, Anya, cloud, donkey, wasps, wasp, needle, Olya, Ira, antenna, book, mosaic, scooter.

  4. Finger gymnastics "Mushrooms".
Mon _________ Mark of completion

Interaction notebook uchspeech therapist with educators

(middle group)

The work is planned for the academic year, the tasks are performed in sequence according to the sections of speech.

Includes development:

Speech breathing,

Articulating apparatus,

Fine motor skills,

Phonemic hearing,


Coherent speech,

Higher mental functions.

Speech development work includes the following sections:

Development regood breath, the formation of a sense of rhythm, the development of the ability to onomatopoeia.

Correct speech breathing ensures normal sound production, creates conditions for maintaining normal speech volume, clearly observing pauses, maintaining speech flow and intonation expressiveness. When starting the development of speech breathing in a child, it is necessary first of all to form a strong, smooth oral exhalation.

Development of the articulatory apparatus.

In order for sound pronunciation to be pure, strong, elastic and mobile organs of speech are needed - tongue, lips, soft palate. Since all speech organs are composed of muscles, then, therefore, they are amenable to training. Gymnastics aimed at developing the organs of speech is called articulatory. Such gymnastics helps to strengthen the speech muscles and prepares the basis for pure sound reproduction.

The development of fine motor skills.

Body movements and speech motor skills have the same mechanisms, therefore, the development of fine motor skills of the hands directly affects the development of speech.

Formation of phonemic hearing.

It is also important to distinguish and analyze sounds. This skill is called phonemic hearing. A small child does not know how to compare sounds, but it can be taught to do so. The goal of phonemic hearing exercises is to teach your child to listen and hear.

Vocabulary development- the quality and quantity of a child's vocabulary largely determine the level of speech development in general. It is very important for the child to know what meanings a word has, to be able to use it correctly in independent speech.

Development of coherent speech.

Development of higher mental functions- memory, attention, visual and auditory perception, thinking.

They are closely related to speech. In the classroom, games are aimed precisely at the active development of these functions.

Development of general motor skills


Speech breathing

It is possible to start training the actual speech breathing only after the child has formed a strong, smooth exhalation. Speech breathing training is learning the fluent pronunciation of sounds, syllables, words and phrases as you exhale. We offer the following stages in the development of speech breathing:

Singing vowel sounds - A, O, U, I, E;

- pronouncing syllables on one exhalation;

- pronouncing words on one exhalation;

- pronouncing phrases of various lengths on one exhale;

- reading poems;

- singing songs;

It assumes a gradual development, movement from simple to complex. The listed games will teach the child to smoothly pronounce sounds and syllables as they exhale, which is the initial stage in the development of speech breathing.

In games for the development of speech imitation, the development of correct speech breathing is one of the goals of the games. An adult constantly makes sure that when pronouncing syllables, words and phrases, the child uses breathing correctly: he spoke only as he exhaled, did not breathe in while pronouncing a word, while pronouncing phrases, he made meaningful pauses.

Games for the development of speech breathing

« Sing with me!»

Target: development of correct speech breathing - singing on one exhalation of the vowels A, O, U, I, E.

Game progress: first, the adult invites the children to sing "songs" with him.

Let's sing some songs. Here is the first song: "A-A-A!" Take in more air - inhale the air. The song should be long. During the game, the teacher monitors clear pronunciation and exaggerates the articulation of sounds. First, we sing the sounds A, U, gradually the number of “songs” can be increased.

- Here is the second song: "Oooh!" Now “O-O-O!”, “E-E-E!”, “E-E-E!”

You can arrange a competition between the children: the one who sings the longest on one breath wins.

- Let's arrange a competition: we all start singing together, the one with the longest song wins.

Articulation gymnastics


The child performs various facial movements: puffs out his cheeks, sticks out his tongue, pulls out his lips with a tube th, opens his mouth wide. —– Clicking the tongue with the mouth wide open. Tongue clatter, lips stretched into a wide smile. Whistling, while the lips are pulled into a tube. After working out these elements, the child is invited to click twice in a row, click twice, whistle twice. - Oblinking lips, teeth, plate or lollipop. Spitting in croup. Rolling nuts in the mouth.

Gymnastics for the tongue: Movement in different directions, arching the tongue, squeezing and unclenching the tongue, curling into a tube, teasing, etc.

Fine motor skills

Dexterous fingers want

To be with all our guys

We will help our fingers now,

We will offer exercises:


Fingers reach forward

Which of them will push harder?

And then they bent down

As the lambs collided with their foreheads.

Phonemic hearing


Listen carefully to the poem.

Who is sitting in the tree?

Who swims in the ocean?

What grows in the garden?

Who lives under the water?

The words are messed up!

I command one-two

And I order you

Put everyone in their places ”.

Ask the child: “What words are messed up? Why? How are these words similar to each other? What is the difference?"

Vocabulary,coherent speech,thinking, memory,Attention

“Name as many words as possible for fruits, vegetables, trees, flowers.

General motor skills

We went out to a forest clearing,

Raising my legs higher

Through bushes and bumps

Through branches and stumps.

We walked for a very long time

Our legs are tired.

Now let's sit down, rest,

And then let's go for a walk.


"Sounds Around Us"

Target: development of correct speech breathing - chanting vowel sounds A, O, U, Y on one exhalation.

Game progress: an adult invites children to play such a game.

- A variety of sounds are heard in the world around us. How is the baby crying? "A-A-A!" And how does a bear cub sigh when his toothache hurts? "OOO!" The plane in the sky is buzzing: "U-U-U!" And the steamer on the river is buzzing: "Y-Y-Y"! Repeat after me.

An adult draws the attention of children to the fact that each sound should be pronounced for a long time, on one exhalation.

Articulation gymnastics


Target: formation of the skill of correct articulation of the tongue, teeth, muscles of the maxillofacial region at the stage of the initial impulse when swallowing.

Game progress:

The host says: “You've probably seen the jackhammers: miners work with them and road workers break up the asphalt. Now we will try to imitate this hammer. To do this, you need to pronounce the sound D-D-D-D-D for a long, long time.

Then the children try to do this exercise for 3-4 minutes.


Purpose: formation of the skill of correct articulation of the tongue, teeth, muscles of the maxillofacial region at the stage of the initial impulse when swallowing.

Game progress:

The presenter says: “The clock has hands that move in a circle all the time. At the same time, the hour hand moves very slowly, the minute hand moves faster, and the second hand runs very quickly.

So our tongue must learn to walk in a circle, like the hands of a clock. To do this, you need to open your mouth and make circular movements from left to right with your tongue along the inner walls of the upper and lower lips ”.

Children do exercises on command: “Like an hour hand - slower; as minute - faster; like a second - even faster. " It is necessary to ensure that the mouth is constantly open, and the lower jaw remains motionless.

Fine motor skills


We will weave our fingers like a wreath

We will stretch our arms later,

Your fingers will bend slightly

Do not forget to relax them.

Phonemic hearing

Where did they call- we determine the direction of the sound. This game requires a bell or other sounding object. The child closes his eyes, you stand aside from him and quietly call (rattle, rustle). The child should turn to the place where the sound is heard, and with his eyes closed, show the direction with his hand, then open his eyes and check himself. You can answer the question: where does it ring? - left, front, top, right, bottom. A more difficult and fun option is "blind man's buff". A child as a driver.

Vocabulary,coherent speech,thinking, attention, memory

The exercise"Who can not do without what"

Helps the child learn to highlight essential signs. An adult reads out a series of words. From these words it is necessary to choose only two, the most important ones, without which the main subject cannot do. For example, garden ... which of the words are the most important: plants, gardener, dog, fence, earth? Without which there can be no garden? Can there be a garden without plants? Why? .. Without a gardener ... a dog ... a fence ... a land? .. Why? "

Each of the intended words is analyzed in detail. The main thing is for the child to understand why this or that word is the main, essential feature of this concept.

Sample tasks:

Boots (laces, sole, heel, zipper, shaft)

River (shore, fish, fisherman, mud, water)

City (car, building, crowd, street, bike)

Game (cards, players, penalties, penalties, rules)

Reading (eyes, book, picture, print, word)

War (aircraft, guns, battles, guns, soldiers)

School (teacher, students, tables, chairs, books, notebooks)

Second option. We name the words and ask: what cannot be without this object, for what or who is it the most important thing?

For example: water, wire, pencil, glass, brick.

General motor skills

One, two - higher head (march)

Three, four - arms wider (arms to the sides)

Five, six - sit down quietly.


Speech breathing, the formation of a sense of rhythm, the development of onomatopoeia ability.

"The girls are singing"

Target: development of correct speech breathing - singing on one exhalation of vowels A, O, U, I, as well as combinations of two vowels - AU, UA, OU, OI, IA, etc.

Equipment: pictures of singing girls - articulation is clearly traced when pronouncing the vowels A, O, U, I.

Game progress: Prepare pictures of the singing girls' faces. Such pictures are easy to draw, the main condition is that the articulation must be clearly traced.

The game can be played by 2-4 children. First, an adult shows the children pictures of singing girls and asks them to guess which girl is singing which sound. Then he distributes one picture at a time and offers to sing the same sound.

After that, a common game is organized: the children line up, holding their pictures in their hands, the one at whom the adult points to sings.

- Now we will sing a common song. The one to whom I point with my stick will sing. Try to keep the songs long.

The next stage of the game is singing combinations of two vowel sounds. The teacher offers to repeat the following songs after him:

- Let's sing songs. Here is the first song: "A-A-A-U-U-U!" Take in more air - the song should be long. And here is the second song: "U-U-U-A-A-A!"

Gradually, the number and variants of "songs" can be increased. Then the same game is repeated using images of girls singing. The teacher puts two pictures next to each other: the girl sings I, the girl sings A, and offers to guess which song the girls are singing - IA - and repeat it. This game should first be played individually. The combinations of pairs of vowel sounds can be very different.

Articulation gymnastics

Staticexercises for the tongue:

"Show language"

Our language needs to be shown

First, give the teeth free rein.

(bite cum tongue)

Teeth are already clogged

Let your lips stick out.

(slap the tip of your tongue).


Let our tongue rest

Let him take a nap.

(count to 10, tongue relaxed)

Fine motor skills


A finger comes to a finger,

He finds a friend for himself,

Fingers will be friends

Come to visit often.

Phonemic hearing

Listen, try how it sounds... Explore the sonic nature of any objects and materials at hand. Change the volume, the tempo of the sound. You can knock, stomp, throw, pour, tear, clap.

Vocabulary,coherent speech,thinking, attention, memory

"Living - non-living".

Introducing the child to the concepts “ animated" and " inanimate“.

First, we explain that we call all living things "WHO", and the inanimate "WHAT". Here are some examples.

Then we play questions and answers. You can use books with plot pictures.

What's growing? Who is growing?

Who is flying? What flies?

Who is swimming? What floats?

Who is the biggest? What's the biggest thing?

General motor skills

Clap, clap, clap, clap

Top, top, top, top

Black cat under the bed

(sit down to the beat of the words)

He crawled under the bed

(alternate movement of arms forward and towards the chest)

And prevents children from sleeping

(rhythmic waving with index finger)


Speech breathing

"Blow off the ball"

Target: development of correct speech breathing - prolonged pronunciation of the consonant sound F.

Game progress: invite the kids to play this game: standing on the carpet, spread your arms wide to the sides - you get a ball, then pronounce the sound F for a long time, while bringing your hands in front of you - the ball is deflated. At the end, hug yourself by the shoulders - the ball is deflated.

- Let's play balls! Spread your arms out to the sides - like this! Here are the big balls. Suddenly a small hole formed in the ball, and it began to deflate ... Air comes out of the ball: F-F-F! The ball is blown away!

Remind the children to breathe in more air while the balloon is inflating, and then gradually exhale it gradually using the F. Sound.

Articulation gymnastics

Breathing exercises:


The idleness has already ended,

There will be fun for the tongue

We will play with him now,

To score the ball into the goal.

The nose inhales deeply

"Mom comes home from work"

The teacher presents the children in a box (or on a table) with a room made up of toy furniture and dolls. Children need to remember where and what is located. Then the teacher, with the help of two dolls, plays out a scene about how a friend came to visit the boy. When playing, they break the order of things in the room. The teacher reads Ouspensky's poem "Everything is all right".

Mom comes home from work

Mom takes off her bots

Mom walks into the house

Mom looks around.

Was there a raid on the apartment?


Did a hippo come to see us?


Maybe the house is not ours?


Maybe not our floor?


Seryozha just came

We played a little.

The teacher asks the children to say what has changed in the room and put things in order in the room. In this case, children should not only arrange everything as it was, but also tell what they are doing.

Sample answer: The covers were on the chair, and now it's on the floor. I took an overturned chair and placed it beside the table.


The teacher presents the children with "drawings" (pictures) of the room (bedroom, playroom, etc.) and asks the children to determine where the "drawing" of a given room is, and where is the "drawing" of another room. In this case, children must prove their answer.

Sample answer: This is a picture of the playroom, because here all the items are as they should be (cabinet to the left of the window, table to the right of the window, etc.). You can also prove that another picture differs from the given one, because, for example, in this picture, the table is at the window, and in the other picture, at the door.

"It was - it was not"

The teacher tells what is located in a room (you can use a picture, in a real room, for example, a bedroom). And then he names a number of pieces of furniture and asks if they were in his story or in a picture.

"Hear the sound"

"Come up with more"

"Yesterday Today"

(according to the pictures)

What is this person doing? What he did?


The teacher invites the children to play in the furniture workshop. He shows the children the different furniture in the group and its parts and says: What is this chair made of? So what kind of chair is this?

Sample answer: This chair is made of wood. This chair is wooden.

The table is large - people eat at it. (Children show with their hands how big the table is, how they eat)

The chair is standing - they are sitting on it. (Squat)

I will hang things in the closet

So as not to crumple. (Raise their hands up and stand on their toes)

There are ticks in the suitcase

So as not to get lost. (They show they are opening a suitcase)

Nails, pliers,

And in the pantry there are skis.

(I ski in winter) (Show me how to ski)

I keep books on a shelf

I put the dishes up the hill. (Show with hands, lifting them up)

I sleep in a crib by the window.

Where my room is. (Both hands under the right cheek, pretending to be asleep).

Modeling, drawing, coloring, applique, outlining, paper cutting, shading, cell drawing, mosaic, design.

Spelling of syllables: NA, NI (for the older group) and the words sons (for the preparatory group).

Gorenskaya Alina Gennadievna
Interaction of a speech therapist and educators

Interaction between a speech therapist and educators

In our preschool institution there are speech center compensatory focus for children with speech problems. Work with children with speech impairments is carried out according to the "Program of preschool educational institutions of a compensatory type for children with speech impairments" TB Filicheva, GV Chirkina, TV Tumanova.

The main goal of this program is to build a system of correctional and developmental work of a kindergarten for children with OHR and FFNR, providing full interaction and the continuity of actions of all preschoolers and parents of preschoolers.

We have defined the functions speech therapist and educator:

Functions speech therapist:

Studying the level of speech, cognitive and individual-personal characteristics of children, determining the main directions and content of work with each child.

Formation of correct speech breathing, a sense of rhythm and expressiveness of speech, work on the prosodic side of speech.

Correction of sound pronunciation.

Improving phonemic perception and the skills of sound analysis and synthesis.

Elimination of defects syllabic structure of the word.

Formation post-word reading.

Development of new lexical and grammatical categories.

Learning coherent speech.

Prevention of violations of writing and reading.

Development of mental functions.

From September 1 to September 15, she examined children, enrolled in speech center with the speech conclusion of the OHR and the FFNR. Finishing the stage of the survey, I issued documentation:

Notebook number 1 - speech card for each child;

Notebook number 2 - for communication of work speech therapist and educators;

Notebook number 3 - workbook speech therapist for daily and weekly lesson plans;

Exercise book # 4 - homework notes for each child speech center;

Notebook No. 5 - a diary for each child, where I note the behavior of children in various play and non-play situations; make a work plan for the year.

At the beginning of the school year, I suggested educators of all groups starting with the second youngest, monitoring the speech development of children. According to the monitoring results at the beginning of the academic year, the second junior group has a 100% low level of speech development; in the middle group - 91.7% low, 8.3% medium; in the older group - 64, 26% low level, 35, 74% middle level; in the preparatory group for school -73.6% low, 26.4% average level of speech development of children.

Groups Low level

speech development Intermediate level

speech development High level

speech development

2 younger 100%

Average 91.7% 8.3%

Senior 64.2% 35.74%

Preparatory school 73.7% 26.4%

From the table we see that in each group there are children with speech disorders, not only purely in pronunciation, but also in other sections. programs: vocabulary formation, grammatical structure of speech, coherent speech and literacy training in the preparatory group. Based on the results of monitoring, from which it is clear that the lowest indicators for speech development are in the second junior and middle groups, therefore we planned to work with educators of these groups... We paid special attention to this age, taking into account their individual and psychophysical abilities, both in frontal and subgroup lessons, and individually with each child. Children from the middle group were enrolled in speech center: 5 people, after speech monitoring educators, preventive work was planned with children of the second junior group.

Each group has a folder of the interaction of the teacher with a speech therapist, which contains all the necessary information: as an introductory for educators(consultations, memos, recommendations, etc., and necessary when working with children in various sections of speech development (approximate work plans, articulatory gymnastics, exercises and tasks for automating the sounds set, etc.). In November educators groups suggested the following documentation: "Functions of preschool educational institutions in the organization of correctional and developmental work", "The main directions of correctional work educator» , "Requirements for a unified speech mode", "List of working contacts speech therapist and educators» , "Screen of work on sound pronunciation", "The content of the work educator and speech therapist» etc.

It's no secret that pledge the success of correctional work is the joint work of the teacher speech therapist and educators... And one of these forms interactions are classes of the teacher on the instructions of a speech therapist(they are held daily in the afternoon)... But, given that we have a preschool educational institution speech center, and not speech groups, the work is built according to the sections of the program education and training"From birth to school" edited by N. Ye. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, but with additional elements according to the "Program of preschool educational institutions of a compensatory type for children with speech disorders" TB Filicheva, G. V. Chirkina, T. V. Tumanova.

Classes contain:

1. Games and exercises for the development of articulatory, fine and general motor skills (finger gymnastics, games for the development of coordination of movement with speech).

2. Tasks for repetition and consolidation of material on the studied lexical topic, worked out with children speech therapist, for example, to improve the skills of grammatical structure speeches:

Formation of nouns with diminutive suffixes (exercise "Name it affectionately",

Formation of the plural form of nouns (exercise "One - many",

Coordination of numerals with a noun (game "Count") etc.

3. Difficult material to digest children:

Selection of antonyms (exercise "Say the opposite",

Selection of cognate words (game "Gather a family",

Selection of verbs (exercise "What is he doing?",

Formation of adjectives (exercise "Which? Which? What kind?");

Drawing up descriptive stories according to the scheme, etc.

4. Individual work with children on the automation and differentiation of sounds, as well as assignments in all sections of the program, with those children who find it most difficult to master new material. If necessary, preliminary work with them.

It happens that, due to some circumstances, it is not possible to complete the entire volume of the lesson, in such cases, educator you can postpone some tasks to the next day. For example, to conduct finger and outdoor games in the classroom in the form of a physical minute or for a walk, as an outdoor game. In the morning, organize individual work with those children who, for some reason, were absent from the evening class.

All of the above suggests that educator from the very beginning of the school year, she is engaged in the current educational and pedagogical process, constantly works with all the children of her group. For an individual examination, he has neither the time nor the conditions. But educator constantly observes children in their various manifestations, various situations: in the classroom, in the game, work, everyday life. That is, at educator there is an opportunity to compare the skills, abilities, abilities, etc. pupils in the course of daily communication with them. And the character traits and behavioral features of children are best manifested in the team. Therefore, who is better educator can examine them? In addition to the entire spectrum of behavioral features, educator... like no one else has the opportunity estimate: personality traits of each child, the state of his general movements, learning in group lessons, etc. a comprehensive examination of each child an educator is necessary in order to minimize learning difficulties and parenting, and maximize work efficiency. In other words, by spending some effort on examining children at the beginning of the school year, educator makes its corrective educational work in the next few years more predictable, clear and effective.

Unlike speech therapist, educator conducts examination not in individual, but in group forms, that is, by observing children during all regime moments.

Some qualities of preschoolers educator can evaluate in the course of the so-called included observation, that is, with joint play, work and household activities.

Besides, educator assesses the abilities of children, their inclinations, capabilities and characterological characteristics in the course of daily conversations.

The picture is complemented by communication with parents pupils and their relatives, performance of tests and special tasks at diagnostic sessions organized at the beginning of the academic year. Thus, educator at the beginning of the school year, makes an idea of ​​each child in the group.

On log station sliding schedule: 2 - 3 lessons per week. These classes can be individual and subgroup. (6 children). Educator conducts daily classes in the morning and evening with all children. In the frontal classes provided for "Program from birth to one year"(development of speech, acquaintance with the environment and nature, classes in drawing, modeling, application, design, the skills of using independent speech are consolidated in children.

Speech therapist and educator, each in his own lesson, solve the following correctional tasks:

- perseverance education, attention, imitation;

Learning to follow the rules of the game;

- nurturing fluency, duration of exhalation, soft voice, a feeling of relaxation of the muscles of the limbs, neck, trunk, face;

Element training speech therapy rhythmics;

Correction of violations of sound pronunciation, the development of the lexical and grammatical side of speech, phonemic processes.

In the classroom, it was planned to use physical education minutes, didactic games, games with singing, elements of dramatization games, outdoor games with rules. Solving correctional tasks, speech therapist and educator reveals the features of the behavior of children, the degree of impairment of motor skills, sound pronunciation, etc.

In an individual lesson educator implements the program developed speech therapist for each child, where are included:

Exercises for the development of the articulatory apparatus;

Exercises for the development of fine motor skills of the fingers;

Exercises to automate and differentiate the set speech therapist sounds, and control over them;

Work on speech breathing, on the smoothness and duration of exhalation;

Lexico-grammatical tasks and exercises for the development of coherent speech.

I believe (even based on monitoring the speech development of children in groups that the development of speech in kindergarten should be one of the first tasks in planning work with children. Therefore, the importance of contact, continuity in work speech therapist and educators is explained by the fact that the elimination of speech disorders is possible only with an integrated approach. This means that joint work is required to correct the entire spectrum of violations and features. group educators, speech therapist and parents and the work is not formal, but thoughtful, serious, painstaking and systematic.

The work of a speech therapist teacher with educators in the senior group of a compensatory orientation. In accordance with the program N.V. Beggar.

The interaction of the speech therapist with the group educators is one of the most important components of correctional work. The list of mandatory documentation of a speech therapist includes a notebook for interaction with educators. Typically, this notebook contains the following 3 sections:

Speech therapy five minutes

Games and exercises

Individual work with children

Speech therapy five minutes can be used by educators in any class. They should be short, varied, interesting and must necessarily correspond to the topic of the week, contributing to the development of all components of speech and non-speech mental functions in children. The speech therapist indicates the tasks of each five-minute session and gives methodological recommendations for their implementation. Speech therapy five-minutes serve for speech therapy of the joint activities of the teacher with children and contain materials on the development of vocabulary, grammar, phonetics, coherent speech, exercises to consolidate and differentiate the sounds set, to develop the skills of sound and syllabic analysis and synthesis, the development of phonemic representations and non-speech mental functions, coherent speech and communication skills, that is, to repeat and consolidate the material worked out with children by a speech therapist.

The games and exercises recommended by the speech therapist can be used by educators as physical exercises in the classroom or as dynamic minutes on walks and in the afternoon. They are necessary for the development of general and fine motor skills, coordination of movements, the development of imitation and creativity. They must be consistent with the lexical topic. It is in the games that the child's emotional attitude to the meaning of the word is revealed.

For individual lessons of the teacher with children in the afternoon, 30 to 40 minutes are allotted. Every day, the speech therapist recommends classes with three children to the educator, including general and special articulatory gymnastics, tasks for the automation and differentiation of sounds, tasks for those sections of the program that are learned with the greatest difficulty. Their speech therapist paints separately for each child.

The experience of successful work of educators and speech therapists in the 2017/2018 academic year in the senior speech therapy group of kindergarten No. 15 in Dolgoprudny, Moscow region. (1 year of study)

Starting from the first week of October 2017, a separate notebook was opened, in which the speech therapist teacher entered tasks for educators throughout the year. The teachers used them to work with children and to consolidate the material passed in speech therapy classes. Every Friday, the speech therapist teacher gave the teachers new tasks in accordance with the upcoming lexical topic and gave oral recommendations. Many tasks were performed in the morning, starting at 7 o'clock in the morning, when there were still few children and there was an opportunity to study with the child in a quiet environment. Early in the morning, children come to kindergarten, as a rule, rested, after a night's sleep, they did not have time to get tired of tasks and outdoor games. Classes with a teacher were well received by the children, the children were happy to do them in the morning.

It should be noted that educators need to be trained in all exercise techniques. Repeated demonstration and control of educators is required when performing tasks of a speech therapist throughout the year. Teachers sometimes misunderstand the task, bring their own adjustments to it, not taking into account its specifics and the importance of performing it in a certain way.

In the second half of the day, during the paid circle classes in the children's institution, there were fewer children in the group than in the daytime. Here, the teacher also had the opportunity to conduct a small individual or mini-group lesson for children. The teachers sat in a group at the tables, and the rest of the children were given board games for a quiet pastime. Children who are not studying in a speech therapy group learned to behave quietly, not to interfere with their comrades, and not to demand constant attention to themselves.

Most of the speech therapist's classes were performed on the street or were woven into other basic classes of educators - in mathematics, speech development, etc. Exercises for the development of motor skills or outdoor games easily fit into a dynamic pause in a group lesson. Often, dynamic pauses and speech therapy minutes were spent by the teacher before meals, when the children had to gather everyone on the carpet and wait a few minutes for the younger teacher to invite the children to the table.

It is important to note that the group is equipped with all the necessary didactic materials for conducting classes. Not all lexical topics had the necessary images and pictures for retelling. This must be taken into account when preparing for the start of the school year in the summer. It is necessary to purchase and prepare the necessary didactic materials and games on time for both the speech therapist and the group educators.

When the teachers of the group learned how to correctly perform the tasks of the speech therapist, when they began to find time to complete them and began to strive for full participation in the correctional process, the speech development of many children went at an accelerated pace.

1st quarter. October. Week 1

Autumn. Signs of autumn. Trees in the fall.

    Speech therapy five minutes

    Games and exercises

Educator's mark

Control. "What's superfluous?" Development of auditory attention. Consolidation of knowledge of the signs of different seasons.

The teacher calls 4 signs of different seasons:

Birds fly south

Snowdrops bloomed

The leaves on the trees turned yellow

Harvesting in progress

Children listen, name an extra sign, explain why it is superfluous.

Control. "Living Letters". Strengthening the skills of sound-letter analysis.

The teacher attaches cards with letters to the children's chests, shows a picture, the children name it and line up so that they get a name. (Words: poppy, whale, cat, cook, com).

Finger gymnastics "The rain came out for a walk"

The rain came out for a walk.

He runs down the alley, Drumming on the window, Frightened the big cat, He washed the umbrellas of passers-by, The rain washed the roofs too, The city immediately became wet. The rain is over. Tired. Control. "Autumn".(Coordination of speech with movement, work on the tempo and rhythm of speech.) All of a sudden, clouds closed the sky, and a thorny rain began to drip. The rain will cry for a long time, Will spread the slush everywhere. Dirt and puddles on the road, Raise your feet higher.

They step on the table with the index and middle fingers. Bend one finger for each line.

They shake their palms as if shaking off water from them. They put their palms on the table.

They rise on tiptoes, raise their crossed arms up. They jump on toes, hands on the belt. Squat, hands on the belt. They walk in a circle raising their knees high.

Album "All year round"

I. Ostroukhov "Golden Autumn"

I. Levitan "Golden Autumn"

Y. Podlyansky "Silence"

N. Sladkov "Autumn on the doorstep"

V. Zotov "Oak", "Maple" (from the book "Forest Mosaic")

Weekly tasks of a speech therapist for educators

1st quarter. October. 2 week

Vegetables. Garden

    Speech therapy five minutes

    Games and exercises

3.Illustration material and fiction

Educator's mark

Control. "Magic bag" Development of touch, coherent speech.

The bag contains dummies of various vegetables. The teacher calls the child, who, putting his hand into the bag, finds one of the vegetables, feels it and composes a story about it according to the model suggested earlier by the teacher:

This is a vegetable. It grows in the garden in the garden. It is green, oval, pimpled, crispy, aromatic, very tasty. I love to eat it with salt.

Control. "Raise the signal." Isolation of sound [b] from a number of sounds, syllables, words (beginning and middle of a word).

B t k b m n b p t b pa boo no moo ba bo poo boo bun stick beans tok flour fish gingerbread man puma

Finger gymnastics "The hostess once came from the bazaar" The hostess once came from the bazaar, the hostess from the bazaar brought home Potatoes, cabbage, carrots, Peas, Parsley and beets. OH! Here the vegetables of the dispute were brought up on the table - Who is better, tastier and more needed on earth. Potatoes? Cabbage? Carrot? Peas? Parsley or beets? OH! The hostess, meanwhile, took the knife And with this knife she began to chop up Potatoes, cabbage, Carrots, Peas, Parsley and beets. OH! Covered in a stuffy pot Potatoes, Cabbage, Carrots, Peas, Parsley and beets were boiling, boiling in boiling water. OH! And the vegetable soup turned out to be good! Control. "In the garden". Development of coordination of movements. Let's go to the garden, we'll start a round dance. In a round dance we take a radish, With it we sit down low and low. We take a carrot in a round dance And we will dance with a carrot deftly. Stretch upward with an onion, Run for a zucchini. And let's ride along the path, Like green peas.

(They walk with their fingers on the table.) (Bend one finger on both hands.) (Cotton.) (Alternating blows with fists and palms.) (Bend the fingers on both hands.) (Cotton.) (They knock on the table with the edge of each palm.) (They curl their fingers.) (Cotton.) (The palms are folded crosswise on the table.) (They bend their fingers.) (Cotton.) (They show how to eat soup.)

(children walk in a circle, hold hands) (squat) (dance, hands on a belt) (stretch up, standing on their toes) (run in a circle one after another) (jump in a circle one after another)

Van Gogh "Potato"

A. Krupin "Still life with zucchini in a basket"

Russian folk tale "Tops and roots"

Weekly tasks of a speech therapist for educators

1st quarter. October. 3 week

Fruits. Garden.

    Speech therapy five minutes

    Games and exercises

3. Illustrative material and fiction

Educator's mark

Control. "Apples", Development of auditory attention, elementary mathematical concepts

Three apples.

One pulls a hand and stretches.

"Hedgehog and Apples".

The hedgehog brought three apples from the garden

I gave the most ruddy squirrel.

Squirrel received a gift with joy

Count the apples on the hedgehog's plate.

Control. "Think and guess." Guessing and interpreting riddles about fruit based on pictures. Development of thinking, coherent speech.

Round dance game "Apple tree". Coordination of speech with movement, work on general speech skills.

Finger gymnastics "In the store"

The metro has a glass house. We buy in the house, tomatoes and cabbage, Onions and peppers are delicious, juice, bananas, oranges, kiwi, beets, tangerines. This place is just a warehouse, vitamins for the guys.

Walking in a circle, holding hands. Bend one finger on the left, then on the right hand. Walking in circles again.

Subject pictures on the topic, the album “Wildlife. In the world of plants "

Van Gogh "Basket with apples"

A. Lyapin "Picking apples" (from the album "Illustrative material ...").

L. Tolstoy "Stone"

Weekly tasks of a speech therapist for educators

1st quarter. October. 4 week

Forest. Berries. Mushrooms

    Speech therapy five minutes

    Games and exercises

3.Illustration material and fiction

Educator's mark

Control. "Multi-colored baskets" Determination of the place of the sound [d] in words. Development of skills of phonemic representations, visual attention.

On the typesetting canvas in front of the children there are brown and yellow baskets and a set of pictures with the sound [d] in the names: house, oak, firewood, fishing rod, smoke, bucket, frying pan, bear, pipe, door. The teacher invites the children to look at the pictures and place in a brown basket only those pictures whose names begin with a sound[д], and in the yellow basket - pictures, in the names of which the sound [д] in the middle. Children silently lay out pictures. The teacher stops the game so that the children help the person who made a mistake if a mistake is made. In conclusion, the teacher emphasizes that the sound [d] is never at the end of a word, because it is sonorous, therefore there were no pictures, the names of which end with the sound [d]. It is imperative to emphasize that a picture with a picture of a pipe can be put in both baskets. Why?

Control. "Give me a word." Development of auditory attention, a sense of rhyme

Control. "For the berries." Coordination of speech with movement

We walked, walked, walked

Found a lot of cranberries

One, two, three, four, five,

We go looking again


They walked along the path, found a boletus! Borovik borovoy buried his head in the moss. We could pass it! It's good that we walked quietly!

Finger gymnastics "We're going to the forest for a walk"(see appendix for cf. gr.)

1,2,3,4,5, We are going for a walk into the forest. For blueberries, for raspberries, for lingonberries, for viburnum. We will find the strawberries and take them to the little brother

Marching, hands on the belt Bent over, with the right hand touched the toe of the left leg, without bending the knees. Marching

They walk in a circle Squat with their heads down Shake their heads Go in circles

The fingers of both hands greet each other, starting with the thumbs, and both fingers move across the table. Bend the fingers, starting with the thumb.

Subject pictures on the topic, the album “Wildlife. In the world of plants "

V. Zolotov "Lingonberry", "Strawberry", "Raspberry," Chanterelle "," Amanita "," Birch "(from the book" Forest Mosaic ").

"Wonderful Berries" (from the "Book for Reading").

Learning a poem by N.V. Beggar "Berries"

On bushes and bushes On large bog bumps. Berries grow in the forest. Ripen quickly.

Weekly tasks of a speech therapist for educators

1st quarter. November. Week 1


    Speech therapy five minutes

    Games and exercises

3.Illustration material and fiction

Educator's mark

Control. "Listen and Count"

Alyosha put a mitten on his hand, And his fingers - the craftsmen were in prison.

They would sit quietly locked up, But they can't find a big brother. He lives separately in his chamber,

And the brothers do not know the way to him. How many brothers does your thumb have?

Granny gives the fox
Gloves for three grandchildren:
"This is for the winter, grandchildren,
mittens, two pieces.
Take care, do not lose
How many are all, count! "

Control. "Guess the riddles." (riddles about clothes)

Control. " If". Coordination of speech with movement

Ah, if elephants would wear pants

What kind of materials would they need?

Not a marquisette or cambric, no, no!

Damn leather, matting and corduroy.

Finger gymnastics "At Matryoshina's sister"

Matreshina's Sister In the Village Fables : A duck walks in a skirt, In a warm sheepskin coat, Chicken - in a vest, Cockerel - in a beret, Goat - in a sundress Zainka - in a caftan And all of them are good-looking Cow in a mat

(Perform rhythmic hand clapping exercises.

Rhythmic cams are performed.

Alternating rhythmic claps and punches)

Rhythmic beats with the fingers of the right hand, starting with the index, along the left palm. Rhythmic strikes with the fingers of the left hand, starting with the index, on the right palm. For each name of the animal, fingers are bent. Rhythmic alternating hand clapsand cams

Subject pictures on the topic. N.Nosov "Live hat", "Patch". Watching the cartoon "Pants with pockets" Drawing up descriptive stories on the picture-graphic plan about clothes

What is it?

What colour?

What are the parts?

What material is it made of?

What time of year are they worn?

Who wears: men, women, boys, etc.?

How to care / what can you do?

Weekly tasks of a speech therapist for educators

1st quarter. November. 2 week


    Speech therapy five minutes

    Games and exercises

3.Illustration material and fiction

Educator's mark

Control."RED BLUE". Differentiation by sound [d], [d "]. Development of phonemic hearing, skills of phonemic analysis. Each child has red and blue signals. He is educated, pronounces words with sounds [d], [d"]. Children raise a red signal if they hear a sound [d], a blue signal - if they hear a sound | d "| Words: oak, frying pan, woodpecker, Thumbelina, water, wonder, swans. bucket, bucket, pyramid.

Control. "FOURTH EXTRA." Differentiation of clothing and footwear or footwear by seasons. Development of thinking, visual attention, coherent speech.

Picture sets: boots, sneakers, raincoat, shoes; sandals, sandals, slippers; felt boots, fur boots, high fur boots, bo sonozhki; rubber boots, boots, sandals, boots.

Control. "Walkers". Coordination of speech with movement

Here are the knees all in green

At Alyonka's little sister.

So as not to fall, not to roar

We must look under our feet

Finger gymnastics "New sneakers"

Like our cat has boots on its feet,

Like our pig has boots on its feet.

And the dog has blue slippers on its paws.

And the little goat is putting on his boots.

And son Vovk has new sneakers.

Like this. Like this. New sneakers.

Rhythmically step forward with the fingers of both hands.

Rhythmically step back with the fingers of both hands.

(bend your fingers, starting with the thumb)

("Step" on the table with the middle and forefingers of both hands)

Subject pictures on the topic.

E. Permyak “How Masha Got Big”.

Weekly tasks of a speech therapist for educators

1st quarter. November. 3 week


    Speech therapy five minutes

    Games and exercises

3.Illustration material and fiction

Educator's mark

Exercise "WHO HAS MORE?" Development of phonemic representations. Selection of words with sounds [b], [d].

Children are divided into two teams. One chooses words with the sound | b |, the other - with the sound [d].

Exercise "WHAT IS LOST?" Development of visual attention. Improving the grammatical structure of speech, the use of nouns in the genitive case.

On the magnetic board - pictures of toys: an airplane without a wing, a car without a wheel, a stroller without a handle, a bear without a paw, a bunny without an ear, a table without a leg.

The teacher explains to the children that the kids have broken toys, and offers to examine them and think, what without what? When the kids tell you what without what, the teacher invites them to "fix" the toys. Children add missing details.

Control. "Ball". Coordination of speech with movement

One, two, jump the ball

One, two and we'll ride

Girls and boys

Jump like balls

Finger gymnastics "Toys"

On a large sofa in a row

Katina's dolls are sitting:

Two bears, Pinocchio,

And cheerful Cipollino,

Both a kitten and a baby elephant.

One, two, three, four, five.

We help our Katya

Two jumps on toes for each row, hands on the belt

(They alternately clap their hands and knock with their fists.) (Bend all the fingers in turn.) (Extend the fingers alternately.) Alternately clap their hands and knock with their fists.)

Subject pictures on the topic.

Poem by B. Zahader "Toys"

Painting by O.R. Hoffman "Mother's Daughters"

"About the girl Masha and the doll Natasha" (T. Tkachenko "Speech therapy notebook").

"Game" (T. Tkachenko "Speech therapy notebook"),

"Friends" (T. Tkachenko "Speech therapy notebook").

Painting by Y. Kugich “On Saturday. A family"

"Our kindergarten" ("We play")

“Series of pictures for teaching storytelling to preschoolers. Issue 2 "(" Pants for a bear ").

Weekly tasks of a speech therapist for educators

1st quarter. November. 4 week


    Speech therapy five minutes

    Games and exercises

3.Illustration material and fiction

Educator's mark

Exercise "LISTEN AND READ". Development of auditory attention, elementary mathematical concepts (see appendix).

Five cups lay on the shelf. Tea was poured for Nikolka. Now how many cups are there? Think and answer yourself.

Our Vovka has carrots on a saucer Our Akulka has a pot of potatoes in a saucepan Our Natasha has currants in a cup Well, Valya's Mushrooms are in a plate And now don't yawn And name the dishes

Exercise "WHAT IS EXTRA?" Differentiation of dishes (what is made of what material). Development of visual attention, thinking, coherent speech.

Picture sets: saucepan, kettle, glass, ladle(three metal objects, one glass); cup, spoon, saucer, sugar bowl(three items are porcelain, one is metal);

fork, knife, spoon, wooden spoon.

Control. "Kettle". Coordination of speech with movement

I am a teapot grumpy, troublesome, madcap.

I flaunt my belly

I boil tea, bubbling and shouting;

Hey people I want to drink with you

Finger gymnastics "Machine porridge"

Masha cooked porridge,

( Masha fed everyone with porridge.
Masha put porridge
For a cat - in a cup, To the bug - in a bowl,
And for the cat - in a big spoon.
In a bowl for chickens, chickens
And in a trough for piglets.
I took all the dishes
I handed everything out to the crumb.

Children stand with one hand bent like the spout of a teapot, the other is held on the belt. The tummy is inflated. Stomp with both feet. Make invocative movements with the right hand.

With the index finger of the right hand, children interfere in the left palm.)
(Bend one finger on the left hand.)
(They open the cam.)

(Blow off the "crumb" from the palm.)

Subject pictures on the topic.

Poem by E. Blaginina "Lunch"

Consideration of the painting "We are duzhurim" and compilation of the story. Reading with discussion: KI Chukovsky "Fedorino's grief", "Tsokotokha's fly".

Compilation of descriptive stories about tableware items: "Teapot", "Pan", etc. M. Matveeva's story "Blue Cup".