Literary examples on the topic of experience. Essay on experience and mistakes

Literary examples on the topic of experience.  Essay on experience and mistakes
Literary examples on the topic of experience. Essay on experience and mistakes

A good subject for writing, especially for the younger generation. Young people and their parents, and older experienced acquaintances and family friends are always in an unspoken confrontation. Young people want to go forward, try, develop, get emotions and embark on adventures. Whether they are ready to be wrong with all this is a big question. Do they think about the likelihood of mistakes, about how they will experience them or correct them? Perhaps the most responsible - yes, but for the most part young people are confident that they are right and do not think about possible mistakes.

Such recklessness just alarms their parents and loved ones, who climb up to them with what? With experience. Most often their own. To which the young are sure that "I will not be like this." But this is the law of life, and alas, such an invaluable and important experience is the result of actions and mistakes. It is impossible otherwise. As wise people say, "He who does not do anything does not make mistakes." Pretend to be a stone and you won't be wrong. What about life? Well, life will pass you by, this is the lot of stones.

Of course, there are quite a few works on this topic in the literature. This is for you both “Fathers and Sons”, and a Dog's Heart. ”I remembered not such a great work but by AP Chekhov.“ Ionych. ”To be honest, it intrigued me at school for the simple reason that the main character in the work turned out to be my ... namesake. How exciting it turned out to read my surname in the book. And the attitude to the main character was as if to a person, as if not a stranger, as if he was a distant relative to me. Well, this was my teenage perception.

What is the essence of the story and how can the theme "Experience and mistakes" be attributed here? Yes, the most direct. If you remember the story, then what is it about? A young doctor finds himself in a small town. This is certainly not the limit of his dreams, but the doctor himself is young, he has that very youthful enthusiasm, some kind of lively and real emotions. He meets a local family whose daughter becomes dear to him. Throughout the story, a series of events follows, after a year, after 2, after a few more years we see our hero and those unhappy changes that are happening to him.

Perhaps, being afraid to make a mistake once, to seem ridiculous, not to surrender to feelings, the hero makes the main mistake of his life. Afraid to do something wrong, thinking about what others will say, he gradually loses in himself what is so valuable in his youth - the desire for movement and development. In a certain sense, we can say that Ionych is developing, but this is more likely not upward growth, but breadth growth, and sometimes in the most direct sense of the word. Over time, the young doctor becomes an outwardly not very pleasant person - overweight, fat, stuck ... without any special joys in life.

Well, of course, you can blame Catherine for not immediately discerning in Startsevo a person who turned out to be sweet to her not immediately, and then. And this is already some other mistake, already hers. She chased the crane in the sky, dropping the titmouse from her hands. It turns out that a series of mistakes shapes the life of both characters. And after all that is strange. Startsev prefers not to do anything (draws conclusions, let's say, from someone else's experience), and is mistaken. Catherine decides to leave and is also mistaken. Life is like a series of mistakes that form an experience that guides a person further. The problem is that if the conclusion based on the error is made incorrectly, then the formed experience will continue to lead the person down the wrong path.

And finally, I would like to recall one more line on the topic Experience and mistakes - "If youth knew, if old age could." One is inseparable from the other, but it must be remembered that it is important to separate fatal mistakes from those that can be rethought and corrected.

Thematic direction


Universal introduction

According to D. Ushakov's dictionary, a mistake is an error in actions, deeds, statements, thoughts, error. And in the same dictionary we read: “Experience is the totality of practically assimilated knowledge, skills, and abilities.” As you can see, there is a very close connection between these concepts. Indeed, our life is a series of various actions, decisions, it is an everyday choice, as a result of which we are not immune from mistakes. But, making them, analyzing the reasons for failure, we gain valuable life experience.

Possible entry

  • A person during his life tries to achieve certain goals, although he often makes mistakes and blunders. People endure difficulties in different ways: someone gets depressed, another tries to start all over again, and many set new goals for themselves, taking into account the sad experience in achieving previous ones. In my opinion, this is the meaning of human life.
  • Life is an eternal search for oneself, a constant struggle for one's destiny. And if “wounds” and “abrasions” appear in the struggle to achieve the goal, then this is not a reason for despondency, because these are our own mistakes, to which we have the right and, overcoming which, we gain invaluable life experience.

Proverbs that can be used in the introduction

"Learn from mistakes"

"Everything that is done is for the better",

"Only the one who does nothing is not mistaken",

“If you know where to fall, you must have straws

would spread "

Possible theses

  • Bitter experience. Fatal mistakes. The cost of mistakes.

(Sometimes a person commits acts that lead to tragic consequences. And, although he eventually realizes that he made a mistake, nothing can be corrected. Often the cost of a mistake is someone's life)


Let's turn to the story A.Mass "Trap". It describes the act of a girl named Valentina ...

Let's remember the story "Holidays" Ray Bradbury , whose heroes wished to be alone in the world. What came of this? ...

And in the story K.G. Paustovsky "Telegram" it is about the girl Nastya, who is too busy with business and hardly remembers her mother, who is living out her days in the village.

Nikolay Dmitrievich Teleshov "White Heron" (fairy tale)

Possible theses

2. Mistakes without which it is impossible to move along the path of life. By making mistakes, one gains experience.

(Is it possible to live life without making mistakes? I think not. A person walking along the path of life is not immune from a wrong step. And sometimes, thanks to mistakes, he gains valuable life experience, learns a lot)


  • Let's turn to the story V. A. Oseeva "Why?" . It talks about a little boy who….
  • Sometimes it takes a long time to figure out your mistake, and it’s good if it happens before it’s too late to fix it. The heroine of the story B. Ekimova "Speak, Mom, Speak" it took years to realize how important her daughter's attention was to her mother.

Possible arguments

3. Experience that prevents mistakes.

( Life is the best teacher. Sometimes difficult situations arise when a person must make the right decision. Making the right choice, we gain invaluable experience that helps to avoid mistakes in the future)


In the story B. Ekimova "Night of Healing" the author tells about the teenager Grisha, who comes to his grandmother for the holidays ...

The author seems to want to tell us: it is necessary to listen to the voice of the heart, to act in harmony with good feelings. This is exactly the life experience that guides us on the right path, helps to avoid many mistakes.


In the story A.Mass "Difficult exam" it is about a girl named Anya Gorchakova, who managed to withstand a difficult test ...

It was this incident that taught the heroine to control herself, her feelings. The first experience of overcoming difficulties helped the girl achieve her goal - she later became a famous actress.


Making a choice, we learn a lot. However, not only our own experience is valuable for us, other people play an important role in our life, whose actions influence our worldview. So, in the story V. Rasputin "French Lessons" talking about the teacher ...

It seems that such a life experience will help the boy grow up to be a sensitive person, save him from indifference.

Possible theses

4. The experience of humanity. Historical experience. War.

(People who know their history also know about the great tragedy of war. The bitter experience of the harsh war years teaches us not to forget how much grief and suffering a war can bring. We must remember this so that the tragedy does not repeat itself over and over again)


The tragedy of the war is shown in the story M.A. Sholokhov's "The Fate of a Man" ...

Andrei Sokolov, recalling the recent past, says: "There was a family, my own home, all this was molded for years, and everything collapsed in a single moment, I was left alone." Thus, war interferes in a person's life, destroys his home, his destiny.


  • The basis of the story B. Vasilyeva "The Dawns Here Are Quiet" an episode is laid that is insignificant on the huge scale of the Great Patriotic War, but it is told about it in such a way that all its horrors arise before our eyes in their ugly, terrible inconsistency with the essence of man. It is emphasized both by the fact that the work is called "The Dawns Here Are Quiet" and by the fact that its heroes are girls forced to take part in the war.


  • Leo Tolstoy "War and Peace" (episode of the death of Petya Rostov)
  • B.Vasiliev "Not included in the lists"

Possible theses

5. The experience of humanity. Attitude towards nature.

(What does the experience of mankind teach us, our entire history? One of the most important lessons is a lesson in respect for the Earth, for nature.)


NN Nosov "Doll";

VP Astafiev "Tsar-fish";

VG Rasputin "Farewell to Matera";

Ray Bradbury "GREEN MORNING"

Homework (by Monday) - optional

  • How do you understand the statement of Heinrich Heine: "Morality is the mind of the heart"?
  • What helps in difficult times to choose between honor and dishonor?
  • What impact do the victories and defeats of his country have on a person?
  • Is life possible without mistakes?
  • Parents and children: friendship or enmity.

Prepared by the teacher MBOU "Roshchinskaya secondary school" Vyborg district of the Leningrad region

Fedorova Tamara Ivanovna

Site materials used

Do I need to analyze my mistakes? In order to reveal the topic set, it is necessary to determine the definitions of the basic concepts. What is experience? And what are errors? Experience is the knowledge and skills that a person has received in each of life situations. Errors - incorrectness in actions, deeds, statements, thoughts. These two concepts, which I cannot exist without each other, are tightly linked. The more experience, the less mistakes you make - this is a common truth. But you cannot gain experience without making mistakes - this is a harsh reality. Every person in his life stumbles, makes mistakes, does stupid things. We cannot do without it, it is the ups and downs that teach us to live. Only by making mistakes and learning from problematic life situations can we develop. That is, it is possible and even necessary to be mistaken and go astray, but the main thing is to analyze mistakes and correct them.

Very often in fiction world literature, writers touch on the topic of mistakes and experience. For example, in the epic novel War and Peace, L.N. Tolstoy, one of the main characters, Pierre Bezukhov, spent all his time in the company of Kuragin and Dolokhov, leading an idle lifestyle, not burdened with worries, sorrows and thoughts. But, gradually realizing that panache and secular promenade are empty and aimless activities, he realizes that this is not for him. But he was too young and ignorant: to draw such conclusions, you need to rely on experience. The hero cannot immediately understand the people around him, and very often makes mistakes in them. This is clearly manifested in relations with Helen Kuragina. Later he realizes that their marriage was a mistake, he was deceived by the "marble shoulders". Some time after the divorce, he enters the Masonic lodge and, apparently, finds himself. Bezukhov is engaged in social activities, meets with interesting people, in a word, his personality acquires integrity. A beloved and devoted wife, healthy children, close friends, interesting work are the components of a happy and full life. Pierre Bezukhov is exactly the person who, through trial and error, finds his meaning of existence.

Another example can be found in the story "The Enchanted Wanderer" by NS. Leskov. The main character, Ivan Severyanich Flyagin, had to drink a bitter cup of trial and error. It all started with an accident in his youth: the mischief of a young postilion cost the life of an old monk. Ivan was born "the promised son" and from the very birth was destined to serve God. His life leads from one misfortune to another, from trial to trial, until his soul is cleansed and brings the hero to the monastery. For a long time he will die and will not die. Many he had to pay for his mistakes: love, freedom (he was a prisoner in the Kyrgyz-Kaisak steppes), health (he was recruited). But this bitter experience, better than any persuasion and demand, taught him that one cannot escape fate. The calling of the hero from the very beginning was religion, but a young man with ambitions, hopes and passions could not consciously accept the dignity, which is required by the specifics of the church service. Faith in a priest must be unshakable, otherwise how can he help the parishioners find it? It was a careful analysis of his own mistakes that could lead him on the path of true service to God.

Reflecting on the fates of different heroes, we understand that it was the mistakes made and their correction that helped them find themselves. Without them, they would not have received invaluable life experience, which taught them to better understand people, events and, most importantly, allowed them to know their individuality and understand themselves. Thus, I can conclude that you should always analyze your mistakes, applying the knowledge gained in practice.

Interesting? Keep it on your wall!

Human life is complex. It is full of serious situations, difficult decisions, because of which a person can stumble, commit a bad deed. How should you deal with your mistakes? D.S. proposes to think about this problem. Likhachev, the author of the text proposed to me for analysis.

The author, arguing his position on the stated problem, says that "no one is free from mistakes in our life." D.S. Likhachev draws the reader's attention to the fact that even a person who does not do anything against his will can stumble. The author writes with concern that a person who has made a mistake may become desperate. D.S. Likhachev, proving the inadmissibility of such a situation, says that it is important "to find courage and admit mistakes." He cites the example of a man who committed a bad deed in his youth, but admitted his mistake, changed. The sins of youth did not prevent this person from becoming someone who is admired and appreciated. Talking about this, the author seeks to convince the reader that the ability to admit one's guilt does not spoil, but beautifies a person.

The author's position is expressed openly: he believes that a person can be wrong, but he must admit his mistakes. The author is convinced that mistakes are not a path to despair and disappointment. He believes that good deeds, once committed, will not interfere with a person in life, if he admitted his guilt, repented.

I agree with the position of the author. I think everyone has the right to make a mistake, it is only important to admit this mistake. A person who realized that he was wrong deserves a good attitude towards him from others. The main thing is to improve in the future.

Mistakes can be too serious, but even then there is room for remorse. A person who has committed a crime can get better. In the work of F.M. Dostoevsky's "Crime and Punishment" we see the path of the spiritual resurrection of Rodion Raskolnikov, who committed murder. He completely changed his views on the world, became better, cleaner. There is no doubt that the hero deserves a good life in the future. His crime is a grave sin, but the main thing is that he repented.

The way of life of a person, his view of the world can be erroneous. Ivan Bezdomny, the hero of M. Bulgakov's "The Master and Margarita", lived and did not think whether he was doing the right thing, writing poems of no value. A conversation with the Master forced him to reconsider his attitude to his own works, to recognize them as disgusting. The hero realized that he was wrong. This is his great victory. But what is it worth changing your worldview!

Everyone makes mistakes. It simply cannot be otherwise. But mistakes can be a reason for improvement, so in some cases their presence is more good than bad. The main thing is to repent, to admit a mistake, and in the future to strive not to allow anything of the kind.

The work was written according to the text of the 2017 version of Statgrad

Life is a long road to excellence. Everyone goes through it independently. This means that he grows up on his own, gets acquainted with the changes that occur inside a person, learns the world with its unpredictable, like the movement of atmospheric masses, the course of history. But humanity does not want to learn from the mistakes of previous generations, and stubbornly stepping on the same rake again and again.

The novel "Quiet Don" by Mikhail Aleksandrovich Sholokhov took agonizingly long time. The tragic story of several generations of one family, caught in a whirlpool of terrible destructive events, gives an idea of ​​the mistakes that lead to the collapse, death of almost all members of the Melekhov family. The explanatory dictionary gives the concept of the word error:

unintentional deviation from the right actions, deeds, thoughts.

It seems to me that the main word in this definition is "unintentional". Nobody wants to make mistakes on purpose, to spite everyone and everything. More often than not, a person, making a mistake, is confident in his righteousness. This is what Grigory Melekhov does. Throughout the entire novel, he does everything somehow "out of mind." Against a reasonable, logical rejection of love for married Aksinya, he achieves a reciprocal feeling:

He stubbornly, with boogey persistence, courted her.

When the father decides to marry his son to a girl from a wealthy family, having no feelings for Natalya, only obeying the will of Panteley Prokofich, Grigory makes another mistake. Returning to Aksinya, then leaving her, returning to Natalia, Gregory rushes between two differently beloved women. The mistake ends in tragedy for both: one dies from an abortion, the other dies from a bullet. So it is in determining his path in the revolution: he seeks harmony, the highest truth, truth, but does not find them anywhere. And the transition from reds to Cossacks, and then to whites, a new transition to reds also brings him neither freedom, nor justice, nor harmony. “Blessed is he who visited our world in fatal moments,” FITyutchev once said. Gregory - a saint in a soldier's greatcoat - a great warrior who so passionately wanted peace, but did not find it, because he got such a share ...

But the hero of the novel by A.S. Pushkin, Eugene Onegin, gained rich experience in communicating with girls and women. “How early could he be hypocritical, conceal hope, be jealous ...” - and always achieve his goal. But the experience played a cruel joke on him. Having met true love, he did not give the "cute habit" a move, "his hateful freedom" he did not want to lose. And Tatiana married another. Onegin, not finding a modest country girl in a society lady, regained his sight! An attempt to return Tatiana ends in failure for him. And he was so confident in himself, in the correctness of his actions, of his choice.

No one is immune from mistakes. As we live our lives, we will make mistakes over and over again. And when we gain experience, maybe we will lose all interest in life. Everyone makes their own choice: deliberately makes another mistake or sits quietly in their shelter and calmly enjoys the experience ...