What is installation: subtleties of choice and parameters of certain models. What is a toilet installation and how to choose the right model Installation history

What is installation: subtleties of choice and parameters of certain models.  What is a toilet installation and how to choose the right model Installation history
What is installation: subtleties of choice and parameters of certain models. What is a toilet installation and how to choose the right model Installation history

In the period of the "post-picture" existence of art, when instead of rectangles on the walls, museums offer something completely different, works of art are often called installations - this is an ubiquitous concept that I want to talk about today.

Installation(from english installation- installation) is a set of objects united by a common idea. The first installations were made by surrealists and Marcel Duchamp - his "Bicycle Wheel" (1913) and "Fountain" (1917) is now known to everyone. This led to the emergence of the term "read-maid", meaning the introduction of a ready-made object, made by someone else's hands not for art, into the museum. The first installation in Russia (correct me if that) appeared in 1973: "Paradise", created by Komar and Melamid, is an apartment filled with symbols of existing and fictional religions (to music, by the light of a lantern).

There are several distinctive features of installations:

1. Installation is a composition of space elements and things

If you are suddenly entering an unusually equipped room, or if the toe of your boot has caught on some debris, this is probably a new installation. These can be things from the past that restore the picture of everyday life, or modern objects that are losing their utilitarian function - in any case, these are quite real objects with texture, shadows, reflections that are played out, and meanings that they acquire anew.

2. Installation is a combination of different arts

In addition to fine art, which is always the starting point and pillar of museums, the installation includes music, video, reality - so you can listen to it, touch it, smell it, taste it, and therefore the installation is three-dimensional.

3. Installation is a mandatory interaction with the viewer

The property that follows from the previous point is that the installation always directly involves the viewer, so often no one forces the child's grasping reflex to be held back (on the contrary - sometimes the meaning of the works is to stimulate it), so you can poke your fingers at the images and irritate the caretakers by changing the position of objects.

4. The installation must be in a museum

Sometimes it is the museum that makes art out of art, so one of the properties of an installation is that it belongs to a closed place, which presupposes a stage structure. Dmitry Prigov writes about this: “The installation is something erected in a closed room. The size of the latter varies from extremely small, where you can only look with one eye, to several rooms in large museums. The installation, in contrast to flat paintings and single objects, focuses on the organization of the interior space ”.

At the same time, many things outside museums can be called installations.

5. Installation is not sculpture

A sculpture is a structure (figure, object) that has a three-dimensional shape and is made of some material. An installation can resemble a sculpture, while it is distinguished, first of all, by the heterogeneity of materials - that is, instead of bronze or granite or clay (in sculpture) - an installation can have all this mounted together.

6. The installation lives little and is almost never stored

Most often, museums cannot preserve an installation in the form in which it is exhibited, because no one knows how to store it: it is impossible to put it like a sheet of paper, a painting, or pack it in a box like a sculpture. The installation, following other forms of contemporary art, is preserved in side documents - photographs, videos, sketches, sketches, and is only sometimes recreated anew.

7. Installation - magic art

The main effect that artists strive for is the creation of an illusion - by changing the appearance of the familiar, a feeling of a magical or even mystical experience arises. It is as if a person finds himself in a space that has been completely altered, different. Margarita Tupitsyna, in a conversation with Ilya Kabakov, said: “The installation space is also a surrogate for a cave. And if, according to the generally accepted version, art was born in caves where rock paintings were first made, then in this sense it seems to me that the installation metaphor can really be perceived as some very archaic type of creative manifestation, and in particular, as a return to the origins art "

Do not be alarmed when you are in a museum and do not know what to call what is in front of you - if this is not a painting or sculpture or a performance, most likely it is an installation.

The word "installation" appeared in the Russian language relatively recently. It is borrowed from English vocabulary and has a variety of meanings.

Installation art

In the visual arts, this is the name for a modernist work in which ready-made parts or objects are used. For example, plastic bottles, buttons, old magazines.

They are combined in a special way and placed in space. As a result, familiar things take on new meaning.

An installation is also called an artistic method of composition. When an exhibit or their combination is placed in a hall, creating a certain structure, similar to a stage one.

Installation should not be confused with environment. Installation is just a technical moment in the creation of an exhibition composition. And environmental is a modern art form.

This is one of the most "advanced" art practices. In which a team of artists, architects, engineers creates an integral, non-utilitarian art space.

Term for programmers

For those who use a computer, the word "installation" is also familiar. This is the name for the time during which the software is installed on the computer. The installation is started using a special program recorded, for example, on a CD-ROM.

The installation process is automatic. The user only makes a choice of some settings and the computer disk on which the program will be stored. Installation includes placing and creating files necessary for the normal operation of the program.

Installation and service

The word "installation" is also used by those who are engaged in the installation and maintenance of equipment. It can be different: medical, drilling, refrigeration.

When the equipment is complex, it must not only be delivered and installed, but also brought into working order. Make adjustments and adjustments. The specialist must be well versed in the equipment itself, have extensive knowledge in the field of its application.

Installation for the "white friend"

This technical term takes on a slightly different meaning when it comes to plumbing fixtures. In particular, about toilets.

Recently, toilet bowls, which are not attached to the floor, but to the wall, are in great demand. They are more practical to use, take up little space, and are hygienic. Toilet wall mountings are also called installations.

They are constantly improving. Designs have appeared that allow you to adjust the height of the toilet.

10 weirdest installations from around the world.

Installation in Miami "I Like Pigs and Pigs Like Me".
For this installation, Mira Kim overcame her fear of germs and agreed to spend 104 hours in the pig pen. The action took place in one of Art Basel Miami's galleries, where visitors could watch her eat and sleep next to the animals.

Installation "Klunk Garden".
This original installation was created by the Austrian art group "Gelitin". In fact, these are stone sculptures of various parts of the human body. The scandalous installation was exhibited in 2009 in Tokyo, where it made a lot of noise.

Installation "Twinkle Twinkle Baby".
Twinkle Twinkle Baby is a relatively mouth-watering installation by sculptor Andrea Canalito. Its relativity lies in the fact that figurines of deer are placed in delicious muffins. These sculptures were part of her dissertation and were exhibited at the MFA Thesis Solo Show in 2008.

Installation "Knitting is for Pus ****".
In 2010, the Christopher Henry Gallery proudly presented the first installation by New York-based Polish-born artist Olek entitled "Knitting is for Pus ****". All figures here are knitted by hand.

Installation "The Vandenberg - life bellow the surface".
Austrian photographer Andreas Franke has transformed an old sunken ship resting at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean into an underwater gallery. Along the starboard side of the ship, he placed a series of photographs covered with plexiglass. His works are attached to the ship using ordinary magnets.

Installation "WasteLandscape".
This original sparkling installation, which looks like a huge sea creature, is housed in the Centquatre Gallery in Paris. The WasteLandscape installation is made up of 65,000 CDs.

Installation "Complex Shit".
The "Complex Shit" installation, created by American artist Paul McCarthy as a giant house-sized sculpture of inflatable dog shit, is exhibited in the garden of a Swiss museum. The heartbreaking story happened when a gust of wind blew away the loose sculpture from the exhibition and it flew in the direction of the city center, tearing power lines in its path and shattering the glass of greenhouses. She eventually landed near the center of Bern, in the courtyard of an orphanage.

Installation "Tape Vienna".
A design team called For Use / Numen created a cobweb-like installation. The project was created entirely from packing tape, which was spent over 35 kilometers.

Installation "The Truvia Voyage of Discovery".
The original pea river installation on the roof of the Selfridges building in London is part of Bompas & Parr's marketing campaign to launch new natural sweeteners in the UK market. All visitors can enjoy boat trips and cocktails at the local bar.

Installation "Mind Your Step".
Eric Johansson created this original 3D installation, painted in Stockholm's central shopping plaza.

Installation (installation installation, placement, installation) is a form of modern art, which is a spatial composition created from various elements. Entering into extraordinary combinations, a thing is freed from its utilitarian function, acquiring a symbolic function. Changing contexts creates semantic transformations, a play of meanings.

The installation is widespread in postmodern culture and takes its origins from the avant-garde of the early twentieth century. Its founders were the Dadaist Marcel Duchamp and the Surrealists. Artists from different directions created installations, among them one can name: Robert Rauschenberg, Jim Dine, Ilya Kabakov, Joseph Beuys, Yannis Kounellis and many others. The main goal of the installation is to create, in a certain amount, a special artistic and semantic space, built on an extraordinary combination of trivial things, revealing in them new semantic meanings and sensual qualities hidden from ordinary perception. The development of scientific and technological progress, the possibilities of video technology, computer technologies have helped to develop new types of installations, including video installations.

Types of installations An installation can be characterized as a self-valuable symbolic decoration created at a certain time under a certain name. It is important that the viewer does not contemplate the installation from the outside, like a painting, but finds himself inside it. Some installations are close to sculpture, but differ from the latter in that they are not sculpted, but assembled from dissimilar materials, often of industrial origin.

Performance Performance (English performance performance, performance, performance) is a form of contemporary art in which a work is composed of the actions of an artist or a group in a certain place and at a certain time. the artist, using the environment, objects, people, performs some action, the purpose of which is to draw into the world of abstract art and dissolve in it.

Performance can be defined as any situation that includes four basic elements: time, place, the artist's body, and the relationship between the artist and the viewer. This is the difference between performance and such forms of fine art as painting or sculpture, where the work is defined by the exhibited object. Sometimes such traditional forms of artistic activity as theater, dance, music, circus performances, etc. are called performance. For the first time the word “performance” was applied to his work-action by the composer J. Cage in 1952, who performed “433” on the stage ” (4 minutes 33 seconds of silence.) The playbill of this concert included a performance by a viewer of fine arts painting sculpture theater dance music circus performances by J. Cage 1952

There are words that have not one but several meanings. For example, the word installation is what? What exactly does it mean? Sometimes we hear that somewhere there was an exhibition at which installations of such and such an artist were presented, and then, on the computer, we see the inscription on the screen "Installing the program". We call the master home to replace the plumbing and again hear from him the mysterious word installation; we are looking for work on the Internet and suddenly we come across such a field of activity as installation and service ... Well, your head is spinning from this universal word! Meanwhile, everything is simple and clear if you know its meaning.

Light installations

Recently, light installations have become especially popular all over the world. Such unusual art objects are found in many capitals and major cities of the world.

Glowing objects of a wide variety of shapes and colors give city streets and squares a fantastic festive look. Apparently, this art form has a great future.