November. Prospective work plan for drawing and development of creative abilities in the middle group

November. Prospective work plan for drawing and development of creative abilities in the middle group

Perspective plan Works by fine activities and development creative abilities in medium group

Description of material: I propose a promising work plan for visual activities. This material will be useful to educators of the middle group and specialists leading the circle on the visual activity. The plan is aimed at the development of creative abilities.


« Autumn tree»
Tasks: to acquaint with printing taking prints. Develop a sense of composition and rhythm.
"Mushrooms in Lukshka"
Tasks: exercise in drawing objects of oval shape, printing printing. Secure the ability to decorate objects simple pattern (Strip out of points), using finger drawing. Develop a sense of composition.

Didactic game "What happened wrong?"
Tasks: Develop the observation of children, learn to highlight color properties, comparing one substantive image with others by submission.

Didactic game "Decorate the shawl"
Tasks: To form the ability to understand the laws of the composition, select a variety of combinations of colors using them in decorative appliqués. To bring children to understand the fact that the beauty of the pattern depends on the repetition of the same elements of the same color.

To attract children to the design of the bedroom for the car doll (drawing carpets on the wall; Palace on the floor; beautiful napkins on the table). Develop spatial imagination. Provide different variants With the right to choose the technique of incarnations.

Work with parents
Conduct parental survey on the topic: "What does your child draw?"
Folder-moving "The role of drawing in the life of a child"


Directly educational activities
"Autumn Forest" (collective work)
Tasks: to acquaint with the picture I. Levitan " Golden autumn", As the artist transmits beauty autumn Nature; consolidate the ability to draw trees, transmit the beauty of autumn nature, color; develop the ability to draw on one sheet of paper, creating collective work.

Tasks: Exercise in drawing with fingers. Forming the ability to draw stem and leaves in sunflower. Fix the skills of drawing a gouache. Develop a sense of composition.

Joint Actress with Children
Didactic game "Find the same"
Tasks: Fasten the ability to recognize and correctly call a blue color, distinguish between four shades blue color. Fasten the concept of "color", "Tint". Forming the ability to implement a sequential selection of shades of blue color in descending order of lightweight.

Thematic leisure: "Fairy Forest"
Tasks: Cause children interest in a fabulous image, develop imagination. Deliver joy from meeting familiar fabulous heroes. Develop the ability to use the survey and skills.

Independent activities of children
Move children to create decorations to the spectrum based on the fairy tale "Caprid" auth. T.N. Karamannko and Yu. G. Karamannko.

Work with parents
Consultation on the topic: "Attachment to non-collaboration drawing techniques"


Directly educational activities
"My favorite fish"
Tasks: Exercise in drawing objects of oval shape. To acquaint with the technique of combining wax chalk and watercolor. Develop the ability to tint sheet with different watercolor colors. Develop a color perception.

"Edible Kingdom"
(phytodesign in appliqué technique)
Tasks: develop a holistic perception of the subject. To form a skill to determine the touch different types of cereals. Learn make up a composition of different species croup

Joint Actress with Children
Didactic game "Magic paint"
Tasks: consolidate the knowledge of children about green. Develop the ability to receive green colorMixing on the palette two main colors: blue and yellow colors. Exercise in differentiating blue, yellow and green.

Didactic game "Find Excess Square"
Tasks: Exercise in solving tasks based on the ability to establish similarities and differences between visually perceived color images. Continue to form the ability to exclude the dark tone object from a plurality of light.

Independent activities of children
To support the desire of children to engage in phytodizayn. To do this, create conditions: harvesting grains and seeds from different plants and trees.

Work with parents
Conversation on the topic: "Art of Russian clay toys" (magazine " Pre-school education»№9, 1989, p.43)


Directly educational activities
"Christmas decorations"
Tasks: I exercise in drawing with wax crayons christmas tree toys. Secure the ability to tint the drawing with watercolor, printing the plug.

"Two cocks break down" (palm drawing)
Tasks: Improve the ability to make imprints with palms and draw them to a certain image (cock). Develop imagination, creativity.

Joint Actress with Children
Didactic game "Make the Pattern"
Tasks: To form the ability to create ornamental patterns using cold and warm colors. Exercise in differentiation of warm and cold colors when creating ornamental patterns from elements of four shades, choosing the desired shades from several proposed.

Didactic game "Mosaic"
Tasks: seek beautiful combination Elements in color in the game of the game with a mosaic. Promote the development of the artistic taste of children.
Independent activities of children
According to the plan
Tasks: Create conditions for improving skills and skills in free experimentation with the materials necessary for work in different non-traditional techniques. Promote the development of imagination, creativity.

Work with parents
Conversation on the topic: "The nature of color and the color of nature"
(Magazine "Preschool Education" No. 10, 2002, p.72)


Directly educational activities
"Christmas tree"
Tasks: Expand the ability to transmit the image of an elegant Christmas tree in the figure, evenly distribute decorations throughout the tree; Secure the ability to draw oval bead garlands with alternation in color and location; see beauty in combination of dark green spruce with bright and light colors.

"Snowman" (paper rolling)
Tasks: Secure the skills of drawing a gouache, the ability to combine in the work of rolling, climbing paper and drawing. To form the ability to draw a picture with a snowman (broom, Christmas tree). Develop a sense of composition.

Joint Actress with Children
Didactic game "Open dolls"
Tasks: Forming the ability to establish conformity between several items, focusing on the sign of the subject. Develop the ability to use the simplest techniques to establish the color of the color of homogeneous objects.

Tasks: Continue to learn to determine the pattern in which color elements are located in a row, completing it using all the proposed elements.

Independent activities of children
"Drawing by mood"
Tasks: Create conditions for the development of optical perception, imagination. Promote the development of fine motility hands, Sensotorika. Secure knowledge about the winter palette.

Work with parents
Consultation on the topic: "How to take a child" (Magazine "Pre-school education" №2, 1992. p. 68 and No. 5, 1992. p.47)


Directly educational activities
"Winter portrait"
Tasks: Secure the skill to draw with wax crayons, decorate details, tint a sheet in the colors of winter (blue, blue, purple). Develop a color perception.

"Ships in the sea" (familiar form - a new image)
Tasks: Forming the skill to draw ships using the feet as a template to circuit. Secure the ability to paint watercolor drawing. Relieve accuracy. Develop imagination.

Joint Actress with Children
Didactic game "Waving order"
Tasks: Forming the ability to determine the pattern of color items in a row, completing it using the proposed set in which excess elements are present.

Entertainment "Rainbow Travel"
Tasks: to acquaint children with a consistent arrangement of colors in the spectrum. Exercising in the layout of the colors of the rainbow in memory. Forming the ability to determine the missing color color.

Independent activities of children
Encourage the desire of children on their own modeling, applying previously acquired knowledge and skills in practice.

Work with parents
Consultation on the topic: "Use various material In amtelligence "
"Drawing with children preschool age"Under. Red.T. Kazakova


Directly educational activities
"Spring Sun" (drawing with palms)
Tasks: Secure the ability to draw in the printing technique with palm, team skills. Forming the ability to mix different paints with a brush right on the palm.

"Postcard for Mom"
Tasks: Improve the ability to print on stencil and in drawing with fingers. Develop a sense of composition, rhythm.

Joint Actress with Children
Leisure "Gzhel Fairy Tale"
Tasks: to form a need for beautiful; bring up a sense of pride for the talent of their people; Respect for masters and the desire to create a collective work (decoration of a costume of Gzhel Beauty)

Didactic game "Water color"
Tasks: Secure the ability to recognize and correctly call three shades of brown. Enrich speech by phrases: "Brown object", dark (light) shade of brown. Forming the ability to get the shades of brown using the water coloring method.

Independent activities of children
Move the children to re-return to their works and improve them, decorating the pattern by drawing the details.

Work with parents
Individual conversation on the topic: "Lepim and paint in Gaggalli"
(magazine "Pre-school education" №1, 1997 p.22)


Directly educational activities
"Spring in the sounds of gentle, fragile" (drawing on wet)
Tasks: To form the ability to see the beauty of nature, allocate the main distinctive features. Develop the ability to draw in their plan to the music, reflecting their feelings in the spring tones of watercolors. Improve work skills in watercolor equipment.

"Beautiful flowers"
Tasks: continue learning to draw flowers with different techniques: adjusting to different areas, drawing round and oval forms. Develop observation and ability to perceive the beauty of the surrounding world.

Joint Actress with Children
Didactic game "Which circle does not fit"
Tasks: Exercise in solving tasks based on the ability to establish similarities and differences between visually perceived color images to continue to form the ability to eliminate the object of light tone from a plurality of dark.

Didactic game "Who will see more"
Tasks: Develop the ability to operate with ideas about color in real actions. Expand knowledge of objects, their parts that have a sign of white and black. To generate the ability to notice the color, the desire to detect as many objects of the specified color as possible.

Independent activities of children
To support the desire of children to make scenery to the fairy tale "Kolobok". Create the necessary conditions for this.

Work with parents
Conversation on the topic: "On the relationship of the game and visual activity" (magazine "Pre-school education" №6, 1997. p.25)
Directly educational activities
Tasks: Secure the ability of children to work with wax crayons and watercolor, printing in print. Learn to create expressive Dandelions. Develop a sense of composition.

"Birchings in the Polyana" (collective work on the fabric)
Tasks: cause a sense of joy from the perception of painting works; educate love for nature; Create a joyful, bright collective work on the fabric. Develop the ability to portray birch by different methods of drawing with a brush: a smooth trunk - all pile, thin twigs of the brush, foliage-adjustment.

Joint Actress with Children
Didactic game "Who is faster"
Tasks: Improve knowledge about white, black and gray. Develop visual differentiation in the perception of achromatic colors and their shades in a large space. Exercise in defining the color of remote objects.

Didactic game "Find and bring"
Tasks: Consider knowledge of cold and warm colors. To form the ability to group objects based on independently found common features and the designation of the educated group by a generalizing word: "Warm tones", "cold tones".

Independent activities of children
Cross children to create illustrations to the "Three Bear" fairy tale

Work with parents
Consultation on the topic: "Familiarization of preschoolers landscape painting. as
part of aesthetic and artistic
perceptions "(d / in №9, 1999 pp 69)


1. T. G. Kazakova "Classes with preschoolers for visual activities"
2. M.V. Trofimova "Study, game and image"
3. S. Corotkikh "familiarization of preschoolers with landscape painting, as part of aesthetic and art Education"(Pre-school education №9 / 99, p.69)
4. L.VESELINA, M. Fedyashina "We Learn to draw a stroke" (pre-school education number 10/97, p.71)
5. T.Komarova "On the relationship didactic games and visual activities
6. T.N. Doronova "Nature, Art and Fine Activity of Children"
7. N.Aleksakhin "We scratch and paint in Gzhelski"
8. O. Khrenova "Gorodetskaya Painting Soul We are fun"
9. Grigoriev "The use of game techniques in the guide of the visual activities"
10. Socomarova "Training of image methods" (pre-school education №3 / 91, p.51)
11. M.Shklyarova "Paint in unconventional techniques" (pre-school education №11 / 95, p.14)
12. L.Pateleeva "Decorative and Applied Arts of Russia" (pre-school education number 7/89, p.39)
13. L.A.REZova "Play with color"
14. A.A.Gribovskaya "Collective creativity of preschool children"
15. S. Ashikova "Nature of color and color of nature" (pre-school education number 10/02, p.72)
16. A. Listopad "Training of color perception" (pre-school education number 5/91, p.5)
17. L. Fokina "Abstract classes to familiarize preschool children with visual art" (pre-school education №3 / 90 p.26)
18. S.M. Vynerman, A.S. Bolynev et al. "Sensor development of preschool children in visual arts"
19. A.A.Gribovskaya " Folk art and children's creativity "
20. "Drawing with preschool children ( non-traditional techniques) "Under Ed.R.T. Zakova.

Maria Kupru (Lukinskaya)

Month the topic of the task

September 1. « Fabulous tree» (Subject painting; gouache) 1. Call a wish draw an imaginary tree; learn draw a tree(Transfer the structure of the tree, and everything is fabulous and unusual, which can grow on it).

2. Continue to teach children carefully to use the paints (pick up the paint on the whole pile, remove an extra drop of the edge of the jars, rinse a brush in water well).

3. To bring up the ability to experience surprise, rejoice.

2. Fruit (Subject painting; wax crayons) 1. Teach children to portray fruit (transfer their shape, color).

2. Continue to teach children to keep wax chalk (three fingers).

4. Empty independence.

3. Vegetables (Subject painting; wax crayons) 1. Teach children to portray vegetables (transfer their shape, color).

2. Continue to teach children to paint the subject without lumen.

3. Rail interest in classes on drawing.

4. « Checkered scarf.» (Decorative painting; gouache) 1. Teach children draw patternconsisting of vertical and horizontal lines on square paper paper.

2. Continue to teach children to carry out a line without opening brushes from the sheet (from top to bottom and left right); Master the habit to rinse the brush well and drain it about the napkin.

3. Develop Eyemer, Taste, Fine Motoric.

4. Educating the accuracy, feeling of harmony of colors.

October 1. "Little hedgehog walks in the forest" (plot painting; gouache) 1. Teach children to transmit characteristic features in the picture external view hedgehog: Oval body covered with spines, acute muzzle.

2. Improve the ability of children to paint the subject in one direction in shape, draw needles at hedgehog.

3. Develop a shallow motorcy, attention, a sense of rhythm.

4. Educating diligence, respect and caring attitude towards everything alive on Earth.

2. "Autumn tree with yellow leaves" (Subject painting; gouache)

1. Teach children to depict a tree (transfer in the figure its structure - barrel, branches, leaves).

2. Learning to depict the leaves by the reception "Printing".

3. Develop a feeling of color, shape, fine motility of fingers.

3. "Decorate the flower pot" (Decorative painting; gouache) 1. Teach children paint pattern on silhouette pot straight horizontal lines, Decorate dots.

2. Secure the ability to carry out a brush line quickly and boldly; Be able to wash the brush well and dry it out about the napkin.

3. Develop in children a shallow motorcy, feeling, colors.

4. Educate the neatness, independence in choosing contrasting colors.

4. "Fairytale house" (Subject painting; colour pencils) 1. Teach children paint fairytale house with one window using different lines (vertical, horizontal, inclined).

2. Continue to teach children to combine four-degree and triangular shapes in the figure, paint an item without lumen.

3. Develop a creative imagination, the ability to fantasize.

4. Brief interest in fairy tales.

November 1. "Fish float in aquarium" (plot painting; gouache) 1. Teach children to create a simple storyline - depict several fish that are sailed in different directions.

2. Exercise B. drawing oval shapes; Picture an object in shape, depict details.

3. To bring up intelligence, caring attitude to the fish.

2. "Multicolored balls" (Subject painting; gouache) 1. Teach children draw balls, different in shape and color.

2. Improve the ability of children to paint the subject in shape, pick up paint for the entire pile, rinse a good brush in the water.

3. Develop a feeling of color, fine motility fingers.

3. "The bird is small" (Subject painting; colour pencils) 1. Teach children draw bird, betraying her features (body structure, tail, etc.).

2. Continue to teach children to paint the subject without lumen, to keep the pencil correctly, it does not very much squeezing it.

3. To bring up a benevolent attitude towards our smaller brothers.

4. Drawing according to plan 1. Teach children to conceive the content of their drawing.

3. To bring up independence.

December 1. "Snow Maiden" (Subject painting; gouache) 1. Teach children paint Snow Maiden in a definite sequence (head, shoulders, fur coat, extended book, hands from shoulders).

2. Fix technical skills in drawing to all Vors., paint the image of the subject with wide lines without leaving the contour.

3. Develop a fantasy, fine motility fingers.

4. Educating independence, interest in drawing.

2. "Gloves and kittens" (Subject painting; wax crayons) 1. Teach children to depict gloves (Drive your palms - right and left).

2. Continue to teach children to independently create an ornament - on the presentation or on the plan; Picture an object without lumen.

3. Develop imagination, creative activity.

4. Educating the intelligence.

3. "My doll"

(wax crayons) 1. Continue to teach children paint A man in long-clothes --rafane, decorating a doll sundress pattern.

2. Develop fine motility of hands.

3. Relieve accuracy when painting.

4. "On the Christmas tree, gifts for Zaine" (Subject painting; gouache) 1. Exercise children in drawing tree, decorated with hotels for a bunny.

2. Continue to teach children to portray rounded, pointed forms (Apple, Carrot).

3. To educate sympathy for the wintering animals, the desire to help.

January 1. "Snowman in a hat" (Subject painting; gouache) 1. Continue to teach children draw a snowmanconsisting of three circles.

2. Improve technical skills in drawing: Pick up paint for the whole pile, rinse the brush well in the water, dry it out about the napkin.

3. Relieve confidence, accuracy.

2. "Like pink apples on branches of bulk" (Subject painting; colour pencils) 1. Teach children paint Snegia on snowy branches, betray the peculiarities of the appearance - the structure, painting.

2. Fasten the ability to properly keep a pencil - three fingers, not strongly squeezing it.

3. Railing careful attitude To birds.

3. "Dymkov's patterns" (Decorative painting; gouache) 1. Continue to acquaint children with a Dymkovsky toy (teach draw patternconsisting of horizontal and vertical lines, rings.

2. Fasten the ability of children to carefully use the paints.

3. Rail in children a desire to learn draw Drykov patterns.

February 1. Acquaintance with architecture. 1. To introduce children with a view visual arts - Architecture.

2. To form an idea that the architecture of each building depends on its purpose.

3. Teach children to portray one-story houses and multi-storey.

4. Develop a feeling of form, composition.

2. "Kolobok" (Subject painting; wax crayons) 1. Call your interest in the image of a kolobkin.

2. Fasten the ability to keep wax chalk correctly, paint an object without clearance.

3. Rail interest in Russian folk tales.

3. "Tank" (Subject painting; wax crayons) 1. Teach children draw tank(transmit form, color).

2. Improve the ability of children to keep the wax chalk correctly (three fingers, not very squeezing it, paint the subject without cleansing.

3. Develop fine motility fingers.

4. Rail a patriotic attitude towards the Motherland.

4. Drawing according to plan 1. Continue to teach children to conceive the content of your drawing.

2. Develop imagination, creative activity.

3. Relieve intelligence.

March 1. "Merry Matryushki" (Decorative painting; gouache) 1. Continue to acquaint children with Matriotka, as a kind of folk toys.

2. Teach children on the silhouette of Matryushki make a pattern, hold a brush perpendicular to the sheet.

3. Develop attention.

4. Rail interest in decorative drawing.

2. "Bear" (Subject painting; colour pencils) 1. Continue to teach children draw a bear(transfer its characteristic features - color, shape).

2. Improve the ability of children to paint the subject without lumen.

3. Develop imagination.

4. Educating the preferabity, accuracy when painting.

3."Grache on Mountain -weave in the yard" (Subject painting; wax crayons) 1. Teach children draw bird(HRR, Using round shape To transmit body shape and head.

2. Develop attention, creativity.

3. To educate interest in the world around.

4. "Owl - big head» (Subject painting; wax crayons) 1. Teach children draw owltransmitting it characteristic signs: (big head, eyes like headlights, body of oval shape, wings, etc.)

2. Develop a feeling of shape and composition.

3. Rail interest in the image of birds.

April 1. "Spring has come - Krasnaya" (plot painting; gouache) 1. Teach children to depict spring landscape (Grass, Flowers, Birds, etc.) 2. Fasten the ability of children to paint the items in shape, paint typped on the whole pile, rinse the brush in the water well, breathe it about the napkin.

3. Develop a sense of beautiful.

2. "On the rocket, I am to the stars of distant"

(Subject painting; gouache) 1. Teach children to portray the rocket (transmit form, color).

2. Develop composite skills.

3. To educate interest in the visual activities.

3. Easter egg» (Decorative painting; gouache) 1. Continue to teach children to draw up a pattern on the silhouette of the eggs.

2. Develop a color feeling.

3. Rail interest in Orthodox holidays.

4. "Rainbow - Arc" (Subject painting; wax crayons) 1. Continue to teach children on their own and creatively reflect their ideas about beautiful natural phenomena.

2. Develop a feeling of color, sequence, attention.

3. Rail a aesthetic taste.

May 1. "Ducklings float on the lake" (plot painting; gouache) 1. Learn to create a not complicated plot composition by placing items on all sheet (ducklings float on the lake).

2. Learning draw ducklings, based on oval.

3. Develop creative abilities.

2. "Two girlfriends" (plot painting; wax crayons) 1. Teach children to transmit in the figure figure (two girlfriends).

2. Continue to fix the ability of children paint figure of man sequence (head, shoulders, sundress, then hands from shoulders, legs).

3. Rail a friendly attitude towards his friends.

3. "Filimonovsky motives" (Decorative painting; gouache) 1. To introduce children with a Filimon toy; learn paint Painting elements on the silhouette of a piglet in a certain sequence (Strips - Red, Yellow, Green).

2. Develop a feeling of color, fine motor skills.

4. Game "Pick up patterns" 1. Teach children to a certain painting pick cards with patterns (Dymkovskaya and Filimonovskaya).

2. Develop attention, aesthetic taste.

3. To educate interest in decorative - applied art.

Perspective planning for educational activities By drawing Average group 2015 - 2016 academic year


september 1. Operation on the plan "Draw a picture about summer"

P. 27 TS Komarov teach children affordable means to display the impressions of the gouache different colors Or wax crayons, landscape sheets, brush, water with water, napkin.

2. "Beautiful flowers"

P. 31 TS Ushakov develop observation, the ability to choose an image for color pencils or wax crayons, album sheets.

3. "Apples slept on an apple tree"

P. 29 TS Komarov continue to teach children to draw a tree, transmitting its characteristic features - the trunk, diverting long and short branches. Colored pencils or colored wax crayons, landscape sheets, photos of flowers.

4. "Golden autumn"

P. 35 T.S. Komarov teach children to portray autumn, autumn foliage. Labiths, paint gouache, brushes, can with water, napkin.

5. "Fairy Tree"

P. 37 T.S. Ushakova teach children to create in the drawing fabulous image. Pencils, album sheets 12 sheet of paper.

october 6.Investment on the plan "Fall"

P. 42 T.S. Ushakova to teach children to choose the topic of the drawing, bringing conceived to the end.

White paper 12 sheets, color pencils for each child.

7. "Little gnomic"

P. 46 TS Komarov Teach Children to transfer the image of a small little man - Forest Dwarf, making up an image of simple things - a small head - a round, cone-shaped shirt. Gnomic - toy, size paper 12list, gouache paints, brushes, water with water, napkin.

8. "Fish float in aquarium"

P. 47 TS Komarov teach children to portray fish floating in different directions, correctly transfer their shape - tail, fins. Toy fish, landscape sheets of paint watercolor, diluted to a light shade, colored wax chalk, can with water, napkin.

9. "Who lives in which house"

("Who has some kind of house" )

P. 49 TS Komarov to develop the ideas of children, where insects, birds, dogs and other living beings live. 12 sheet format paper,

Colored pencils for each child, illustration with animal houses.

november 10. "The house in which you live"

P. 81 TS Komarov learning children to draw a big house, transmit a rectangular shape of walls, rows of windows. Light - brown paper, soft shades gouache, brushes, can with water, napkin.

11. "Festive house decorated

P. 82 T.S. Komarov teach children to transmit the impression of festive city In the picture. Paint or markers, white paper.

12. "Draw what you want a toy"

P. 60 T.S. Komarov to develop the ability in children to conceive the content of the pattern, create an image. Low album sheets, gouache, brushes, water with water, napkin.

13. "Girl dances"

P. 64 T.S. Komarov teach children to draw a person's figure, passing the simplest movements (Hand raised, hand on belt). Illustration with the image dancing girlpaper. Brushes, gouache, napkins, jars with water.

december 14. "Decorate doll dress"

P. 72 TS Komarov teach children to draw up a pattern, from familiar elements - circles, points, stripes.

Carved out of colored paper dresses, paints, brushes, jar with water, napkin for each child.

15. "Colored balls"

P. 34 T.S. Komarov continue to acquaint children with the receptions of the image of items of a rounded and oval form, allocate their differences. Balloons Rounded and oval forms, pencils, landscape sheets for each child.

16. "Snow Maiden"

P. 51 TS Komarova to teach, children to portray Snow Maid in the fur coat, fix the skill to draw with a brush and paints, impose one paint to another when drying. Toy Snow Maiden, paper, cans with water, paint, napkin.

17. "Drawing greeting cards"

P. 52 T.S. Komarova to teach children to independently determine the content of the picture and depict the conceived. Available on the contents of the postcard about winter, christmas tree, new Year's holiday, paper, paint, brushes, water cans, napkin.

18. "Our elegant Christmas tree"

P. 54 TS Komarov Teach Children to transfer the image of the New Year tree in the picture. To form the ability to draw a Christmas tree with an elongated book branches. Christmas tree, paper, brushes, water with water, napkin.

january 19. "Swim Tree"

P. 56 TS Komarov teach children to use push on a pencil, for the image of a tree with thick and thin branches. Paper sizes 12 sheets, graphite pencils for each child.

20. "Little Christmas tree is cold in winter"

P. 55 T.S. Komarov teach children to pass a simple plot, highlighting the main thing, teach to draw a Christmas tree with an elongated book by branches. Fasten the skill to draw with paints. White paper sheets, paint -ong, dark green, light green, and dark brown, brushes, water with water, napkin.

21. "Drawing on the plan" - Winter

P. 42 T.S. Komarov teach children to choose the topic of drawing, white paper, 1 2 album sheets, color pencils.

february 22. "Decorate striped flags"

P. 62 T.S. Komarov fasten the ability to draw objects of rectangular shape, create the simplest rhythm of images.

Album sheets, 12, cut in half, color pencils for each child.

23. "Airplanes fly through the clouds"

P. 84 T.S. Komarov teach children to depict airplanes flying through the clouds using pressure on a pencil paper size 12, aircraft toy, color pencils.

P. 86 TS Komarov teach children to conceive the content of the picture. Paint gouache, jars with water, landscape sheets, napkin.

march 25. "My (Yours) Favorite doll »

P. 79 TS Komarov teach children in the drawing to create an image of a favorite toy. Paper, 12 Color pencils, or wax crayons.

26. "Beautiful flowers bloomed"

P. 68 TS Komarov teach children to draw beautiful flowers using a variety of forming movements. Paper for drawing yellow color, and greenish tone, sheet 12 sheet, gouache paints, brushes, water with water, napkin.

27. "Decoration Apron"

P. 38 T.S. Komarov learning children to make a simple pattern of elements on a paper strip folk ornament. Aprons and finishes, paints gouache, brushes, jar with water, napkin.

28. "Eggs are simple and golden"

P. 40 T.S. Komarov consolidate knowledge of oval shape, the concept of stupid, and "acute" . Continue learning children to draw oval objects. Gouache white, and yellow, paper, brushes, can with water, napkin.

april 29. "Decoration Rod"

P. 61 T.S. Komarova

Based on the Dimkov toys to acquaint children with the painting of Dymkovsky toys, the lady, to learn to distinguish patterns, straight, intersecting, points, smears. Drykovsky toys, gouache paints, square sheets of paper, 1818, brushes, water jars, napkin.

30. "Beautiful bird"

P. 65 T. S. Komarov Teach children to draw a bird, passing the body shape (oval form), parts, beautiful plumage. Colored pencils, or wax crayons, markers and paper, 12 album sheets. Toy bird.

may 31. "My lovely sun"

P. 78 TS Komarov to develop figurative views, the imagination of children, fix the learned techniques of drawing and painting images.

Square sheets 12, gouache paints, brushes, jar with water, napkin.

32. "Draw a picture about the spring"

P. 85 T. S. Komarov Teach children to transmit impressions from spring in the drawing. A4 Paper Sheet Gouache 7 - 8 Colors, Brushes, Water Bank, Napkin.

33. "Goat swung walking on a green meadow"

P. 73 TS Komarov continue to teach children to draw four-legged animals. Toy goat, sheets of paper and 4, green tone, gouache paint, brushes, napkin.

34. Drawing "How we played the rolling game" Homeless Hare "

P. 75 T.S. Komarov to develop the imagination of children, continue to form interest in a variety of creative activities. Paper sheets A4 light - green, gouache, jars with water, napkins for each child, brushes.

literature 1. Sample secondary program preschool education GEF "from birth to school.

2. Classes in the pictorial activities in the middle group kindergarten TS Komarov.

3. Educational classes with children 4 - 5 years old Gos L.A. Paramonov

MBDOU Kindergarten 26

Educator: N.N. Shishkin

city District Korolev

Moscow region

2016 year

Fine activity is one of the most important means of knowledge of peace and development. aesthetic educationassociated with independent practical and creative activity Baby. The child in the picture lives and feels, expresses his desires and interests. Scene drawing on the topic proposed by the educator is a creative reflection of the impressions of reality, at the same time it summarizes the knowledge acquired in the subject drawing.

Drawing on his own intention of children gives a child's need to portray everything, including what has not included in the subject and plot drawing.

More extent than substantive and plot drawing, drawing on their own intention develops independence and initiative of children, contributes to the manifestation of their individuality.

The drawings on their own intention of the child show that the training of children with the image of objects helps relatively fully and convincingly express their impressions and thoughts about the surrounding in the drawings. Most often, pencils and paints are used in the practice of kindergartens. Each of the materials has its own advantages, features and opportunities, and caregivers should be thought of which one needs to be offered when performing a drawing, which material will help achieve the greatest expressiveness of the image.

Children in the fifth year of life are inquisitive, their interests go beyond the family and kindergarten, the world Attracts them. Working with children, it is necessary to rely on the skills and knowledge gained by them in the previous year.

If, when viewed by objects with three-year-old children, teachers were isolated two or three signs - the ball is round, red, blue, long and short ribbons, the attention of children of four years can be attracted to more Signs. This increases interest in the view, the image of the subject becomes brighter, fully. The words that the educator describes the signs of the subject is remembered and gradually enter into an active dictionary of children.

Tasks learning to plot drawing in the middle group.

Form in children skill draw separate subjects and create scene compositions, repeating the image of the same objects (trees in winter, at home on our street, etc.).

Expand the theme of children's work; Maintain a desire to portray familiar items: dishes, vegetables, fruits, flowers, trees, transport, animals. Nature phenomena: rain, snow. Learn to independently find simple plots in the surrounding life, artistic literature.

Encourage children to implement artistic form your ideas, experiences, feelings, thoughts; Maintain a personal creative start.

Create conditions for independent artistic creativity.

To acquaint S. color gamut, with options for compositions and different location of the image on a sheet of paper.

Teach to notice the general outlines and individual details, contour, flavor, pattern; show from which details multifigure compositions are folded, as it looks different from different sides the same object.

Topics of classes.

"Draw a picture about summer."
Learn accessible tools to reflect the impressions.
"Shot in the sky multicolored balls».
Continue to acquaint images of oval and round-shaped items.

"Apples looked at the apple tree."
Learning to draw a tree, transmitting its characteristic features. Transmit a fruit tree image in the figure.

Drawing on the representation of "Brave Cockerel"
Drawing a rooster of a gouache. Improving the technology of possession of the brush: freely and confidently lead a brush on the pile, repeating the general outlines of the silhouette.

"The chicken was entered."
Learn to draw a chicken, passing the body shape (oval). Develop fashionable perception, imagination.


Drawing "Hedgehog with an apple"
Purpose: Learn to draw a hedgehog advanced features. Secure the skill to draw round shape items.

"Autumn, leaves from the tree fly"
Learn to transfer the painting of autumn. Continue learning to draw a tree.
"Fabulous tree".
Learning to create a fabulous image in the figure. Exercise in the transmission of the proper structure of the tree.


Drawing on the plan.
Learning, independently choose the theme of your drawing, bringing conceived to the end, to keep the pencil correctly, paint small parts of the picture.
Drawing based on motivations literary work "Mouse and Sparrow"
Creating simple graphic stories based on fairy tales. Understanding the generalized way to image different animals (mouse and sparrow).

"Fish floats in aquarium."
Learning to depict fish floating in different directions; Properly transfer their shape, tail, fins.


"Little Christmas tree is cold in winter."
Learn to transfer a simple plot in the picture.

"Our Elegant Christmas Tree."
Painting new Year tree Gouache with the transfer of the features of its structure and placement in space.


Drawing "We blind snowmen."
Secure the ability to portray the objects of a round shape of different quantities.
Drawing with paints (by submission)

"Snowman in a hat and in scarf"
: Drawing of elegant snowmen in a hat and scarf. Development of the eyelash, color, shape and proportion.

Drawing "Mouse and Bear"
Independent selection of drawing content, solving a creative problem: the image of contrasting the size of images (mice and bears) with the transmission of the relationship between them. Obtaining gray For drawing a mouse.


Drawing "Owl on a branch sits."
Creating a simple composition. Transfer Features of the appearance of a particular bird - owl - body structure and painting.

"Houses on our street."
Learning to create an image of objects consisting of rectangular, square forms, rows of windows.


"Beautiful bouquet for mom."
Learn to draw beautiful flowers.
Painting " Beautiful doll for Mom".
Teach children to pass the image of toys to portray the figure of a person advanced main parts. Develop fantasy and imagination.

"My lovely sun".
Develop a figurative representation, imagination.


"Fabulous house - teremok".
Learn to transfer a fairy tale in the picture.
Drawing "By seas, by waves"
Learning to create an elementary plot advanced characteristic features of the sea and a boat.

"Airplanes fly through the clouds."
Purpose: Learning to depict airplanes flying through the clouds using different pressure on a pencil. Develop a figurative perception, figurative views.

Drawing "Chickens in the meadow"
Painting simple plots, free selection of fine-expressive means, to transfer the character's mood.

"Draw a picture about the spring."
Purpose: Learn to transfer the impression of spring in the picture.


Fine activities for children of 4-5 years visiting kindergarten continues to evolve. This is due to development mental processesacquired by the experience of knowledge of the surrounding reality, the formation of shaped presentations in different games, design, drawing, modeling, appliqués. Due to this, images, ideas about objects and phenomena, become more detailed.
At this age, children continue to develop imagination. On the one hand, this contributes to the visual activities, and on the other hand, developing imagination leads to enrichment of images created by children in drawings, modeling, appliqués and design.
In 4-5 years, the sensority experience of preschoolers is expanding. This, in turn, leads to the development and improvement of graphic and visual skills and skills.
However for successful development Fine activities bringing to children sense of satisfaction causing wish draw, sculpt, cut and stick, need focused pedagogical guidewhich includes systematic performance of drawing, modeling, applique; Selection of interesting children and accessible to the image of the sessions; formation of skills and skills; The development of aesthetic perception, shaped presentations, imagination, artistic and creative abilities and much more.
This book proposes a system of drawing, modeling and appliqués, developed on the basis of the provisions and tasks of the "Program of Education and Training in Children's Garden" edited by MA Vasilyeva, V. V. Herbova, T. S. Komarova.
Fine activity is part of all educational work in the DOU and should be interconnected with all its directions. Only at the same time, it will be successful and can bring satisfaction and joy to children.
Special important For the upbringing and development of the preschooler, there has been a link to painting, modeling and appliqué with a variety of games (plot-role, didactic, movable, etc.).
At the same time, it is necessary to use various forms of communication: creating images and products for the game ("Vegetables for the game in the store", "Considerable for your favorite toy animals", etc.); the use of game methods and techniques; The use of game situations and surprise moments, the organization of game situations (Mishutka comes to visit the guys, says that the toys would like to arrange a festive dinner, but they lack dishes, and asks: "Guys, help us, blind dishes, because You can all know! ", so p.); Drawing, modeling, appliqué on the themes of games ("How we played in the moving game" Hunters and hares "(" Sparobushki and Cat ")" and others).
Such a versatile relationship increases the interest of children and to the visual activities, and to the game. Drawing, modeling and appliqués are related to work on familiarization with the outside world: creating images, children reflect their impressions about the subjects and phenomena of the social and natural environment. Plots drawings and modeling becoming images of works fiction, folklore (fairy tales, sweeters, mysteries), as well as images musical works.
For development children's creativity It is important to create an aesthetic educational environment, gradually including in this process of children, causing joy from them, pleasure from the cozy, beautiful setting of the group, game corners; Using in the design of the group created by children individual and collective drawings, Appliques. Great importance has aesthetic design of classes, thought out selection of materials for classes, visual manuals, paintings, toys, items, etc.
Special meaning Has an emotional well-being of children in the process of classes created by interesting content for them, a friendly attitude of teachers to each child, the formation of confidence in his capabilities, respectful attitude of adults to the results of children's artistic activities, using their work in the design of group and other premises. children's institution, upbringing in children a positive friendly relationship to each other, etc.
The development of any abilities of children of preschool age is the experience of direct knowledge of objects and phenomena. It is necessary to develop all types of perception, to include in the process of mastering the shape and size of objects, their parts, alternate movements of the brushes of both hands (or fingers) so that the image of the movement of the hands is fixed and on its basis, the child subsequently created images; Generalized ways of action and features of creativity were formed. This experience should be constantly enriched, developing, forming shaped ideas about already familiar subjects.
In order to develop in children the freedom of creative decision, you need to teach them to the formative movements of hands aimed at creating images of objects a variety of shapesFirst, simple, and then more complex. This will allow children to portray a variety of subjects and phenomena of the surrounding world. Than better baby It will master the formative movements, the easier and freer it will create images of any items, showing creativity. It is known that any targeted movement can be made on the basis of the presentations of it. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe movement produced by the hand is formed in the process of visual, as well as the kinesthetic (motor-tactile) perception. Forming hand movements in drawing and modeling are different: the spatial properties of the images depicted in the figure are transmitted by the loop line, and in the modeling - mass, volume. The movements of the hand during drawing differ in character, pressure of push, sweep, duration.
It is important to remember that all types of visual activities should be interrelated, because in each of them children reflect objects and phenomena of the surrounding life, games and toys, images of fairy tales, flops, mysteries, songs, etc. Creating images in drawing, modeling, appliqués And the formation of creativity is based on the development of the same mental processes (perceptions, shaped ideas, thinking, imagination, attention, memory, handmade skullhood, etc.), which are also developing in these activities.
All classes are important to develop the activity and independence of children. You should encourage the guys to remember that they saw an interesting thing around what they liked; learn to compare items; Ask, intensifying the experience of the guys, what they have already drawn, sculpted, how they did it; Call a child to show the rest of how you can depict one or another item.
As in the second junior group, Claims abstracts are compiled by the following structure: software content, methodology for holding classes, materials for classes, communication with other occupations and activities.
In some cases, classes are offered, and the educator can choose the option that seems to be more relevant to its group, working conditions. At the same time, if the teacher has the opportunity to spend more than 10 lessons in one or another month (and it is so planned classes for each month a year), then it can use the proposed options or conduct classes at its own discretion.
Children's drawings and appliques are placed in the book; Their appointment is to show the options for a visual solution of a particular topic (or the option of the subject of classes, for example, "drawing objects of oval shape"). In this case, one occupation can illustrate 2-3 children's work.
We hope that the book will assist in working with children teachers. preschool institutions, Group additional education, managers of circles and studios.

Fine activity program

Continue to develop the interest of children to visual activity. Call a positive emotional response to the offer to draw, sculpt, cut and stick.
Continue to develop aesthetic perception, figurative views, imagination, aesthetic feelings, artistic and creative abilities.
Continue to form the ability to consider and examine objects, including with the help of hands.
Enrich the ideas of preschoolers about art (illustrations for the works of children's literature, reproduction of painting works, folk decorative art, sculpture of small forms, etc.) as the basis of the development of creativity. Teach children to allocate and use the means of expressiveness in drawing, modeling, appliqués.
Continue to form the ability to create collective works in drawing, modeling, appliqués.
Fasten the ability to maintain the right pose when drawing: do not hurt, do not bend low above the table, to the easel; Sit freely, not straining. Acquire children to be neat: keep your workplace In order, after completing the work, remove everything from the table.
Learn to show friendliness when evaluating the works of other children.
Call the desire to consider created images.

Continue to form in children the ability to draw individual items and create plot compositions, repeating the image of the same objects (nevaleshka walk, trees on our plot in winter, chickens are walking along the grass) and adding others to them (sun, falling snow and so on. ).
Forming and securing ideas about the form of objects (round, oval, square, rectangular, triangular), size, location of parts.
Assate when transmitting the plot to have images on the entire sheet in accordance with the content of the action and the objects are activated. Direct their attention to the transfer of the ratio of items in size: the tree is high, the bush is below the tree, the flowers are lower than the bush.
Continue to fix and enrich the ideas of children about the colors and shades of surrounding items and objects of nature. To the already famous colors and shades add new (brown, orange, light green); To form an idea of \u200b\u200bhow you can get these colors. Learning to mix paint to get desired flowers And shades.
Develop a desire to use in drawing, appliques a variety of colors, pay attention to the bruising of the surrounding world.
Fasten the ability to properly hold a pencil, brush, felt-tip pen, color chalk; Use them when creating images.
Teach children to paint the drawings with a brush, a pencil, conducting lines and strokes in only one direction (from top to bottom or left to right); rhythmically apply strokes, strokes in all form, without leaving the limits of the contour; Wide wide lines with all the brush, and narrow lines and points - the end of the pile of the brush. Fasten the ability to purely rinse the brush before using paint of another color. By the end of the year, to form in children the ability to get bright and dark shades of color, changing pressure on a pencil.
Forming the ability to correctly transmit the location of the parts when drawing complex objects (doll, bunny, etc.) and relate them in magnitude.
Decorative drawing. Continue to form the ability to create decorative compositions based on Dymkovsky, Filimonian patterns. Use Dymkov and Filimon Products for the development of aesthetic perception of the beautiful and as samples to create patterns in the style of these paintings (for painting can be used toys and silhouettes of toys cut from paper).
Introduce children with city products. Learning to highlight the elements of Gorodetskoy painting (buds, bathing, rosana, leaves); See and call the colors used in the painting.
Continue to develop the interest of children to the modeling; Improve the ability to sculpt from clay (from plasticine, plastic mass). Fasten the waveforms mastered in previous groups; Learning pinching with a slight pullback of all edges of the flattened ball, stretching individual parts from a whole piece, pinching small details (ears at a kitten, beak in birds). Learn to smooth out the surface of a winged subject, figurines.
Learn to teach pressing the middle of the ball, the cylinder to obtain a hollow form. Make an introduction to the use of stacks. Encourage the desire to decorate the fashioned products with a stack with a stack.
Fasten the techniques of neat modeling.
Educating interest in applique, complicating its content and expanding the possibility of creating a variety of images.
Forming the ability to properly keep scissors and use them.
Teach cutting, starting with the formation of cutting skill in a straight first short, and then long strips. Learning from strips of images of different items (fence, bench, ladder, tree, bush, etc.). Learning cut round shapes from a square and oval from a rectangle by rounding the corners; use this technique for the image in the applixation of vegetables, fruits, berries, colors, etc.
Continue expanding the number of objects depicted in the application (birds, animals, flowers, insects, houses, both real and imaginary) from finished forms. Teach children to convert these forms, cutting them into two or four parts (circle - on semicircles, quarters; square - on triangles, etc.).
Fasten the skills of neat cutting and sticking.
Encourage the manifestation of activity and creativity.
By the end of the year, children can
Allocate expressive means Dymkov and Filimon toys, show interest in book illustrations.

In drawing
Picture objects using the ability to transmit them by creating a distinct forms, color pickup, neat painting, use different materials.
Transmit a simple plot, combining several items in the figure.
Decorate the silhouettes of toys with elements of Dymkov and Filimonovsky painting.
In layer
Create images of different items and toys, combine them into the collective composition; Use all variety of assimilated techniques.
In appliqués
Proper to keep scissors and cut them in a straight line, diagonally (square and rectangle); Cut a circle from a square, oval - from a rectangle, smoothly cut off and rounded the corners.
Gently stick images of objects consisting of several parts.
Make patterns of vegetable forms and geometric shapes.

Approximate distribution software per year


Lesson 1. Implock "Apples and Berries"
("Peaches and Apricots")

Software content. Fasten the ability of children to sculpt the objects of round shape of different magnitude. Learn to transmit impressions from the surrounding. Educating a positive attitude to the results of its activities, a friendly attitude towards the drawings created by peers.

Lesson 2. Drawing on the plan "Draw a picture about summer"

Software content. Teach children with accessible tools to reflect the impressions. Fasten the reception of drawing with a brush, the ability to keep the brush properly, rinse it in water, dry about a rag. Encourage drawing of different items in accordance with the content of the picture.

Lesson 3. Lapk "Large and Small Carrots"

Software content. Learn children to sculpt the lengthening items, tightening to one end, slightly pulling away and narrowing the end of the fingers. Fasten the ability to sculpt large and small items, carefully handle the material.

Lesson 4. Appliqué "Beautiful checkboxes"

Software content. Learn children to work with scissors: it is properly to keep them, compress and squeeze rings, cut the strip along the narrow side to the same segments - checkboxes. Fix the techniques of neat sticking, the ability to alternate images in color. Develop a sense of rhythm and a feeling of color. Call a positive emotional response to created images.

Occupation 5. Drawing "Apples slept on an apple tree"

Software content. Continue to teach children to draw a tree, transmitting its characteristic features: the trunk, long and short branches. Teach children to pass the image of a fruit tree in the figure. Fasten the reception of drawing with pencils. Learn rapid reception of foliage. To bring children to an emotional aesthetic assessment of their works.

Lesson 6. Lrack "Cucumber and Beet"

Software content. To acquaint children with the techniques of modeling objects of oval form. Learn to transmit features of each subject. Fasten the ability to roll the clay with direct movements of the hands when modeling objects of oval shape and circular - when pushing the objects of the round shape. Touch your fingers to delay, round the ends, smooth out the surface.

Lesson 7. Applique "Demgement of stripes and make some of them what items you want"

Software content. Learn children to cut a wide paper strip (approximately 5 cm), it is properly to keep scissors, to use them correctly. Develop creativity, imagination. Empty independence and activity. Fasten the techniques of neat paper, glue.

Lesson 8. Drawing "Beautiful Flowers"

Software content. Develop observation, the ability to choose an image object. Learn to transmit in the figure of a part of the plant. Fasten the ability to draw a brush and paints, keep the brush properly, rinse it well and dry. Improve the ability to consider drawings, choose the best. Develop aesthetic perception. Calling a feeling of pleasure, joy from the created image.

Occupation 9. Impression on the plan
(Option. Lrack "Crack what you want vegetables and fruits")

Software content. Teach children to determine the content of their work, use familiar receptions in the modeling. Form the ability to choose from the most created interesting works (on the topic, by execution). Empty independence, activity. Develop imagination, creative abilities of children.

Lesson 10. Application "Decorable a napkin"

Software content. Teach children make a pattern on a square, filling the elements of the middle, corners. Learning to cut the strip in half, after pre-laying it; Proper to keep scissors and actually act. Develop a sense of composition. Fasten the ability to gently stick the items. To sum up for aesthetic evaluation of work.

Lesson 11. Drawing "Colored balls (round and oval form)"

Software content. Continue to acquaint children with the receptions of images of oval and round items; Teach to compare these forms, allocate their differences. Learn to transmit in the drawing distinctive features Round and oval shape. Fasten the skills of the painting. Exercise in the ability to paint, easily touching a pencil paper. Rise up the desire to achieve a good result.


Lesson 12. Drawing "Golden Autumn"

Software content. Teach children depict autumn. Exercising in the ability to draw wood, trunk, thin branches, autumn foliage. Fasten the technical skills in paint drawing (omit the brush to all the pile into a jar with paint, to remove an extra drop about the edge of jars, rinse the brush in the water, before you dial another paint, getting it about a soft cloth or paper napkin, etc.). To bring children to the shaped transmission of phenomena. Empty independence, creativity. Cause a sense of joy from bright beautiful drawings.

Occupation 13. Music modeling "Mushrooms"

Software content. Fastening the ability of children to sculpt familiar objects using previously ledging techniques (rolling clay with straight and circular movements, flattening palms, modeling with fingers) to clarify the form. Take a shaped evaluation of work.

Lesson 14. Drawing "Fabulous Tree"

Software content. Teach children to create a fabulous image in the figure. Exercise in the ability to transmit the correct structure of the tree. Learn to paint. Develop imagination, creative abilities, speech.

Lesson 15. Applique "Decoration Rod"

Software content. Teach children to highlight the corners, the sides of the square. Fasten knowledge round, square and triangular shape. Exercise in the selection of color fabrics. Learning to convert the shape, cutting the square on triangles, the circle to semicircles. Develop composite skills, color perception.

Lesson 16. Decorative drawing "Decoration of apron"

Software content. Teach children are a simple pattern of elements of the folk ornament. Develop color perception, figurative views, creativity, imagination.

Lesson 17. Impressive "Calling for dolls"

Software content. Develop in children figurative views, the ability to choose the image content. Learning to transmit the selected object in the modeling, using the previously learned techniques. Continue to form skill work carefully. To bring up the desire to do something for others, to form the ability to combine the results of their activities with the work of peers.

Lesson 18. Appliqué "Boats float on the river"
("Fishing boats came to the sea", "Yachts on the lake")

Software content. Teach children to create an image of objects, cutting corners from rectangles. Fasten the ability to make a beautiful composition, gently stick images.

Lesson 19. Improke "Fish"

Software content. Fasten the knowledge of the methods of manufacturing objects of oval shape (rolling with the straight movements of palms, modeling your fingers). Fasten the receptions of pulling out, flattening when transmitted characteristic features Fish. Teach children denotes a stack of flakes, covering the body of the fish.

Lesson 20. Drawing with paints "Eashes Simple and Golden"

Software content. Secure the knowledge of oval shape, the concept of "stupid", "sharp". Continue to learn how to draw an oval form. Exercise children in the ability to carefully paint the drawings. Test to the figurative expression of the content. Develop imagination.

Lesson 21. Impretch "Tellets Want toy as a gift to a friend (brother, sister)"

Software content. Continue to develop figurative views, imagination and creativity. Fasten the ability to use when creating a variety of modeling techniques learned earlier. Educating attention to other children, the desire to take care of them.


Lesson 22. Drawing on the plan

Software content. To teach children to choose the topic of your drawing on their own, bringing the end to the end, to hold the pencil correctly, paint small parts of the picture. Develop creative abilities, imagination.

Lesson 23. Applique "In our village built a big house"

Software content. Fasten the ability to cut the paper strip in a straight line, cut the corners, to form an image from parts. Learning to create in appliqués image of a big house. Develop a sense of proportions, rhythm. Fasten the techniques of neat gluing. Teach children when viewing work to see the image.

Lesson 24. Lrack "Plums and Lemons"

Software content. Continue to enrich the ideas of children about the objects of oval shape and their image in the modeling. Fasten the techniques of modeling objects of oval shapes, different in size and color. Develop aesthetic perception.

Lesson 25. Decorative Drawing "Sweater Decoration"
(Option. Drawing "Decoration of the Dymkov Baryshni skirt")

Software content. Fasten the ability of children to decorate the piece of clothing using lines, strokes, points, mugs and other familiar elements; decor decorated clothes cut out of paper. Learning to pick up paints according to the color of the sweater. Develop aesthetic perception, independence, initiative.

Lesson 26. Application "How we all got the full basket of mushrooms"
(Collective composition)

Software content. Learn children to cut the corners of the square, sprawling them. Fasten the ability to keep the scissors correctly, cut them, gently stick parts of the image in the appliqué. To sum up to a shaped solution, a shaped model of the results of work, to their estimate.