What was in the first Easter egg? Faberge's eggs - what was inside. What was inside the first Easter egg made to

What was in the first Easter egg? Faberge's eggs - what was inside. What was inside the first Easter egg made to
What was in the first Easter egg? Faberge's eggs - what was inside. What was inside the first Easter egg made to

1. Queenji worked on the picture "Moonlight on the Dnieper" about six months. Even a few months before the completion of work in St. Petersburg, rumors were separated about the incredible beauty of this work. Under the windows of his workshop, long queues were built. Everyone wanted to take at least a look at this work of art. Quinji went to meet the Petersburgers and opened the mystery veil. Every Sunday the artist dissolved the doors of his workshop for everyone exactly for 2 hours.

2. During this time, many great people of that time have become the guests of his workshop - I. S.Turgenev, D.I. Mendeleev, Ya.P. Polonsky, I.N. Kramskaya, pp.cholystkov. In one of the resurrection, a modest marine officer came to the artist and asked the cost of paintings. Ivanovich's archup called the incredible at that time the amount - 5 thousand rubles. He did not expect him at all that he would agree. But the officer replied: "Good. Leave for yourself. ". It turned out that it was the Grand Duke Konstantin Konstantinovich Romanov, who acquired a picture for his collection.

3. The "Moonful Night on the Dnieper" was exhibited at a large sea street in St. Petersburg, in the Society for the Promotion of Artists. It is important that this was the first exhibition of one picture in Russia. And people stood for hours in the queues to see the work of the "Artist of Light". That was how the Quinji fans of his creativity began to call.

4. The archite Quinji responsibly approached the exhibition of his painting. The idea came to him in a dream: to achieve a greater effect, the artist asked to curtain all the windows in the hall and illuminated the picture focused on it. When visitors entered the parulfate, they could not believe their eyes - the sparkling silver-greenish disk of the moon poured the entire room with his deep fascinating light. Many of them looked at the picture in the hope of finding the lamp there to catch the author in the quantity. But it was not.

5. In this picture, Quinji managed to show all the beauty of the nature of the calm and serene Ukrainian night - the majestic Dnieper, the dilapidated Mazanka and the cold radiance of the lunar light. I.E. Repin recalled how dozens of people stood before the web "in prayer silence" with tears in their eyes: "So the poetic spells of the artist acted on selected believers, and those lived on such minutes with the best feelings of the soul and enjoyed the heavenly bliss of painting art."

6. There were rumors that Quinji draws "magic lunar" paints from Japan. Enviousness with contempt argued that they were not necessary to draw them - a big mind. The superstitious accused the masters in the fact that he is in collusion with the unclean power.

7. The secret of the "Artist of Light" was in the fantastic skill of the artist to play in contrasts and long experiments over color reproduction. In the process of creating a picture, he mixed not only paints, but also added chemical elements to them. In this, Queenji helped his close friend - D.I. Inendeev.

8. The picture so liked the new owner - the great prince Konstantin, that I decided not to part with her even on travels. He posted a cloth on his yacht and went to the navigation. I.Sturgenev came to the horror. He wrote D.V. Bigorovich: "There is no doubt that the picture ... will return completely destroyed." Even personally persuaded the prince to leave the picture, but he was adamant. Of course, dampness, wind and air impregnated with salt, adversely affected the state of the canvas. The paint cracked and faded. But despite this, the picture still fascinates the viewer.

9. The picture was of great popularity. It pushed Kindji to create two more author's copies of the Moon Night on the Dnieper. They were written after 2 years later - in 1882. The first is kept in the State Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow, the other - in the Livadia Palace in Yalta.

10. The glory embraced by Kindji after the "Lunar Night on the Dnieper" hardly did not "crushed" the artist. In the flourishing of their creative forces, the great Creator committed an unexpected step. He closed the doors of his workshop and stopped exhibition activities. I explained my deed like this: "... the artist needs to perform at exhibitions while he, like a singer, there is a voice. And as soon as the voice subsides - it is necessary to leave, not to appear, so as not to be ridiculous. " For 30 years, "silence" there was no day so that the artist did not take a brush or pencil. Even before death, he remained faithful to the cause of his life. Without having strength to climb from the bed, he lying on painted pencil sketches.

11. The Museum-Apartment of the Talented Master is located in the famous "House of Artist" in the Exchange Lane. With the initiative of the creation of the museum-apartment, the student of Kindji was made - Nikolay Roerich. Unfortunately, the exposition was opened only in 1991 - to the 150th anniversary of the artist.

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Archka Ivanovich Kindji. Born on January 27, 1842 in the family of a poor shoemaker. The surname Queenji was given to him on the nicknamed grandfather, that in Tatar means "Golden Affairs Master." In the 60s, the beginning of the artist 2 times "failed" the exam and entered the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts only from the third time. There he became friends with V.M.vasnetsov and I.E. Perepin, met I. N. Kramsky - an ideologist of advanced Russian artists. The early works of the artist are written under the influence of the style of Aivazovsky. Over time, he begins to think about themes, a letter of writing, independently studying paints, color, light effects and to forty years old becomes famous. In the early 1990s, Kindji begins the period of "silence" and almost 30 years old he draws "on the table". In the period 1894-1897, Queenji led the Higher Art School at the Academy of Arts. His disciples were A. Rylov, N. Roerich, K. Gogaevsky. In 1909, Queenji organized a society of artists. This organization he handed over his money, land and paintings. "Artist Light" died in St. Petersburg on July 11, 1910.

Faberge's eggs - the famous series of jewelry of Karl Faberge. The series was created between 1885 and 1917. For the Russian Imperial Family and private buyers. Everything is known about creating 71 pieces, of which the imperials are 54. The phrase "Eggs Faberge" has become a synonym for luxury and the emblem of the wealth of the Imperial House of Russia.

The manufacture of exquisitely decorated Easter eggs was both tradition and ancient craft in Russia. Long before Faberge began to create jewelry eggs for the imperial family, eggs from precious metals and stones were made for Russian kings. But only Karl Faberge and his talented team of artists, jewelers, kamnezes, model-making sculptors and miniaturists were able to bring the art of making jewelry Easter eggs to an unparalleled and unsurpassed grace, skill and creative fantasy.

Karl Faberge and the jewelers of his company created the first egg in 1885. It was ordered by King Alexander III as an Easter surprise for his wife Maria Fedorovna. The so-called "chicken" egg outside was smooth and enamelled, but when it was opened, inside the chicken was made inside. Inside the chicken, in turn, a small ruby \u200b\u200bcrown was hidden (CP. Tradition of folding matryors).

Egg Faberge "Chicken" 1885
The simplest and classic egg: white, inside the yolk, then a chicken, and inside her ruby \u200b\u200bcrown (not sax.)

The Empress was so fascinated by the gift that Faberge, turned into a court jeweler, received an order to produce in the egg annually; He should have been unique and contain any surprise, it was the only condition. The next emperor, Nicholas II, retained this tradition, every spring giving, in turn, two eggs are one Maria Fedorovna, his widowed mother, and the second - Alexander Fedorovna, New Empress.

The next egg, made by Faberge, was an egg "chicken with sapphire pandan", there is no information about it and images. First owner - Maria Fedorovna 1886. Location - Cleveland Museum of Art, Meeting of the Early Indian Collection of Minchell.

Egg Faberge "Clock with blue snake" 1887
Egg-clock made in the traditions of Sevres Porcelain. The stationary snake serves as an arrow.
The first owner of Maria Fedorovna. Collection of Prince Albert.

Egg Faberge "Cherub and Chariot" 1888
Malachite egg with carriage, deer and three cherubs inside. The stand is laid out and has two options.
The first owner of Maria Fedorovna. Location Unknown (since the 1930s) is probably the United States.

Egg Faberge "Nesser" 1889
Contained a manicure set of 13 items. Last famous price $ 3,000,000
The first owner of Maria Fedorovna. Location Unknown (disappeared)

Egg Faberge "Danish Palaces" 1890
Inside: 12 miniature pearl paintings - types of palaces in Denmark and Russia.

The manufacture of each egg took almost a year. As soon as the sketch was approved, a whole team of the firm jewelers was taken for work, the names of some of which were preserved (so it should not say that the author of all of them is Karl Faberge). The contribution of the master Mikhail Perchin is especially great. Augustus is also mentioned in Holstrom, Henrik Wigstrom, Eric Colleen.

Faberge Egg with a model of the cruiser "Memory Azov", 1891
Materials: gold, platinum, silver, diamonds, diamonds, felling rose, ruby, aquamarine, heliotrope, velvet. Egg length - 35/8 inches (9.3 cm); Model length - 7.0 cm; Model height - 4.0 cm. Execution technique: casting, chasing, engraving, stone carving. Inside: Model of the Frigate "Memory of Azov", on which the sons of Mary floated at this moment. Jewelers - Mikhail Perkhin and Yuri Nikolay. Made from jade, rococo style.
The first owner of Maria Fedorovna. Stored in the state museums of the Moscow Kremlin, Inv.No. MP-645 / 1-2.

A series of imperial eggs used such a fame that Faberge performed several products for private customers (aware of 15). Among them is a mansion series of 7 eggs donated by the gold miner Alexander Ferdinandovich Kielh his wife. In addition, there are 8 more eggs Faberge, made to order (for Felix Yusupov, the nephew of Alfred Nobel, Rothschilds, Duchess of Malboro and Unidentified persons). They are not so luxurious as imperial, and are not original, often repeating the type invented for royal gifts.

Egg Faberge "Diamond grille" 1892
The stand is lost in the form of a cherub's egg. Jade.
Lost Surprise - Elephant (Danish coat of arms).
The first owner of Maria Fedorovna. Private collection, London

Perhaps, for individuals, any other products were performed, but they were never documented (unlike royal eggs), which leaves some freedom for skillful falsifiers. An example of an unexpected discovery - "Egg Rothschilds in the fall of 2007", which was ordered by the clan representatives in Faberge and was kept among family property, not posted, the whole century.

Egg Faberge "Caucasus" 1893
Inside: Miniatures with the views of the Caucasus with places where the son of the Empress lived by V.Kn. Georgy.
The first owner of Maria Fedorovna. Art Museum of New Orleans.

Of the 71 famous eggs, only 62 came to this day. The overwhelming majority of them are stored in state museums. Imperial eggs are known 54: Up to our time, 46 pieces made on the royal order were preserved; The rest are known for descriptions, accounts and old photos and are considered lost.

Egg Faberge "Renaissance" 1894
Jeweler - Mikhail Pergin. Agate. Used type of Lars Le Roy 17th century, stored in Green Archings in Dresden, in the Motherland Faberge. Surprise is unknown, there is an assumption that they had a crystal egg "Resurrection"
The first owner of Maria Fedorovna. Collection of Letterberg

Virtuously painted or modest, painted by onion husks, as the grandmother, attacked the pictures from the supermarket, or with the hands of the KH's unevenly removed from the hand, is amazing, but the Easter egg is always at the head of the bright holiday. How did it turn out to be the focus of Christians and not only? And how he even in the 21st century it is possible to push us, who does not have a step without Waifai can't stand, abide by the old traditions - to paint, share, smoke? And in the end, why is there a whole world, full of meaning, legends, will turn around an ordinary egg? Want to know the whole truth about Easter egg? Then join!

At the beginning there was an egg

There are two most common parables among Christians explaining how the egg is associated with Easter (and that rarely happens in such affairs, the legends do not even contradict each other). According to the first, entrance to the tomb, where the body of Jesus Christ was resting, was closed with a huge stone, with his shape reminded the egg. As the Gospel tells from Peter, on the third day after the burial of Jesus, the guards, guarding the entrance to the coffin, saw the angels who came down from the heavens, with the appearance of which the stone had rolled himself. To this day, a small fragment of the sacred stone was preserved - it is kept in the chapel of the temple of the Mernel, in Jerusalem. So the egg became the symbol of the coffin, in whose departure the life was born, which is destined to be born in spite of any obstacles. They say that in Poland there is even such a proverb: "Christ rebelled alive from the coffin just like chicken hatched from the egg."

Another parable introduces us with a miracle that happened with an ordinary egg in the eyes of the emperor Tiberius, during the reign of the reign of Jesus Christ. After the ascension of Christ, the Holy Equal-to-Apostle Maria Magdalene went to preach in Rome. At that time, it was unthinkable to bring a visit to the ruler with empty hands: And if the rich brought gold, jewelry, disasters, then poor people gave the emperor the most simplest, but valuable things for them, for example, poultry eggs. Maria Magdalene brought not only an egg, but also an amazing news: "Christ is Risen!", "She said, handing Tiberius a chicken egg and talking about the events that occurred in Judea. The emperor, whom historians described as a person's insightful, but self-wired, doubtedly, said, they say, to no one to resurrect from the dead, like this very white egg is not under the power to become red. And only he said it as an egg changed his color. According to one of the versions, the affected emperor even replied: "Truly Risen!", Burning the tradition of Easter treatment of Christians to each other (Of course, it's randomly, because Tiberius believed in Jupiter, Neptune and the entire Sons of the Roman gods).

In general, the legend of Mary Magdalene with Tiberius, according to researchers, belongs to late Middle Ages and, of course, no evidence is supported. Well, even if she became, perhaps, the harmonious and poetic explanation of the presence of the egg on the Easter table. However, in one of the manuscripts of the Holy Anastasia of the Greek Orthodox Monastery of St. Anastasia, the church charter was described: after prayers for Easter, the monks followed a prayer for the blessing of eggs, cheese, and Igumen had to hand the eggs with the words "Christ Riseline ! ".

But not only Christians emphasized an egg with additional meanings. Man has always seen something more in it. There is no nor noise in folklore and beliefs, but an egg flashes - as a symbol of life, hope, cleanliness and starts began. Here, for example, Brahma, God Creator in Hinduism, was born of a golden egg, from the remains of which then sprouted the universe. In the ancient Egyptian book of the dead, too, there is a place shining egg: he was demolished by the heavenly geese, and it was from him that the God of the Sun of Ra appeared. And in ancient China it was believed that chaos oncewon reigned everywhere, and he was sharpened in a huge egg. Inside the egg, the Pan-Gu, who was broken by his ax directly inside the egg, was born in an ax directly inside the egg and separated Yin (Earth) from Yang (sky). In Buddhism, the egg shell also appeared and was identified with the "shell of ignorance" - to free themselves from it meant to be born a second time, to achieve enlightenment.

So there is no doubt, the egg - I'm sorry for the pun - the bird is important! And at Easter this importance is made to emphasize ...

Decorate and paint!

Easter is a holiday to which believers have always treated with special respect and love, scrupulously observing the customs even in the fact that the decoration of the main Easter symbol concerned. Obviously, the true color of the Easter egg is red. And the point here is not only in the parable of the wonderful conversion of the egg in front of the victim of the speech of the emperor Tiberius. Red symbolizes the sacrificial blood of the Savior, this is a color of fertility, joy, love, triumph of life.

In Malom, people learned to work wonders with their own hands and invented how to paint eggs and in red, and in general in all sorts of colors. In the Orthodox tradition, depending on the nature of the painting, the eggs were even divided into three types: pussy, painted and specks.

Krashenka - This is a single-color Easter egg. Orthodox prepared for a holiday thirteen sharders, according to the number of apostles with Jesus Christ, headed. The color of the painted became a separate message, and the work on the palette at first demanded ingenuity: red (decoction of onion husks or beets) - joy, yellow (birch leaves, calendula, apple bark) - sunlight, green (nettle, shoot young rye) - Spring and Hope, brown (oak bark, alder) - fertility, and Iscin-black (Petals of Malva) banned sorrow - these contradictory meanings of Easter as a celebration of life over the death of the painted was done to leave on the graves of close on the days of the commemoration.

Pianca Given greater space for fantasy, but also required special skills and artistic skills. This is an Easter egg with an applied ritual ornament or plot pattern. It is difficult to imagine that our ancestors spent time on the actual jewelry work on the egg, when the harness is in the household in pure Thursday (and painting the eggs is based on this day) and so was a whole WHO. Nevertheless, the creation of writankas became a separate type of decorative folk art, a sacral ritual, whose roots go back in pagan times.

The fact is that Pyanka is, in fact, the guard, in which a person invests a lot of personal, and that is why they were taken to do for themselves and loved ones, and not for sale ... Pysanka created family, children, for health and fertility , Military and economic. Women applied wax on the egg, cutting pictures on the frozen mass, stained the egg, then cut through again and again stained. And in the end, the wax was accomplished, leaving only the resulting bright pattern. Those who were cooled, used paper, beads, fabric, threads, live flowers in needlework. Eggs were not offered to the meal - there were more simple eggs. Consecrated in the church Pysanka carefully stored: the egg was placed in a wicker basket and suspended in the center of the hut. She not only guarded the house, with a pianca managed the field to attract the harvest, threw into the fire to avoid fires, rolled through a sick person for healing and even looking for treasure.

By the way, in the Ukrainian city of Kolomyya is located Museum Pianci, the exposition of which has over 6000 eggs. In addition to the Ukrainian and Russian, French, Swedish, Canadian, Czech eggs, there are vintage copies from Pakistan, Sri Lanka, India, Iran and other corners of the world, where the egg has a special honor.

Krapanka - This is another type of egg painting, also requiring significant skill. Her name comes from the Old Slavonic "drop": the Easter egg is painted with large color points, small spots, splashes or short strokes. In times, when a set of art accessories was limited, it was possible to make a wrap using the same wax. First, the egg was painted in one color, wax dripped on it, then in some places the wa wa waves, and the egg was repainted - and so several times. As a result, a very joyful and multicolored egg was obtained, as if everything was in highlights of light.

Today, of course, the painting of the Easter egg has become a whole direction in the needlework and in some sense even gambling. On the Internet you can find a lot of incredible ways to create works of home art: not only banal food dyes and thermofilms are going to move, but also acrylic, decoupage products, stencils, cereals, vegetable oil for imitation of divorces, moulin, lace ... yes that There, eggs are painted in Pop Art stylistics and in the spirit of cubism, they appear portraits of comic characters and cartoons, logos of well-known brands and even QR codes. Maybe it seems sometimes that the desire to achieve originality took the top over the initial meaning of the Easter egg, but the main thing is that it was made with love!

Egg all head

"Expensive Egg to Christ the day" - so says the Russian folk proverb, reminding that it is especially valuable what is done on time. Indeed, the Easter Egg in Bright Sunday is used in the mass of Christian and folk rituals. Without him, you can say nowhere!

First meal. A diligent degraded and consecrated egg is a mandatory part of the first Easter meal, when, coming from the buying service, believers sat down to talk after the Great Post. Enchant the egg in the morning for Easter - the key to the joyful holiday, happy life and health.

Give and disgrace. Today we continue the tradition, started by Maria Magdalina. Elegant eggs become a generous Easter gift, and the exchange of them occurs in the sign of love, hospitality and unity of believers. "Christ is Risen!" - They say, handing an egg to the close person to hear in response: "Truly Risen!". After that, you need to be treated - that is, it's three times to kiss cheeks. By the way, if you have done everything according to the rules, then a newer family member should be the first to pronounce the Easter greeting.

Bits. Where the tradition came to beat on Easter eggs, unknown. So it was started. Yes, and today do not you start an Easter day with a symbolic collision of two eggs - whose is stronger? But the interpretations of this custom are very interesting. The first version lies in the fact that there are good and evil among themselves: an egg, which, fortunately, was not broken, resulted against the obstacle, is the winner - he was kept in the house as an overawe. Another version is also quite truthful. In more conservative times, it was not accepted publicly, therefore, congratulating each other with Easter, people were disgraceed by whipping eggs. There is another explanation: the most successful one whose eggs broke, because when the shell is revealed, Christ himself appears out of the egg, as from the coffin. Be that as it may, the turns are a wonderful festive tradition that unobtrusively introduces children to the Easter History of Children, and adults do not get bored!

Riding eggs. In the course of the Orthodox there was another Easter fun - rolling eggs from a small slide. The meaning of the game was coming down to the rivals laid down under the hill egg - if the rolling egg hit someone from lying on Earth, playing this egg to himself. Or the victory was given to those whose egg rolled further, by passing the obstacles. Sometimes the fitted slides laid out painted eggs and any uncomplicated prizes. That of the items that had knocked out the gangway, and was winned. Experienced players were able to throw the egg especially deftly, for example, with a twisting or so that at the time of the collision it turned to the target with an acute end and certainly broke it. Easter skating eggs - generallycristian tradition. To this day, the game is a cheerful part of the holiday in Germany. And even the riding eggs at Easter, even on the lawn in front of the white house in Washington (this is called White House Easter Egg Roll) - But then the children ride eggs, hmm, cooks. In general, you need to try!

Easter bunny hunt

Despite the fact that the egg as an Easter attribute is common in Christians everywhere, Catholics the main symbol of Easter is rabbit. It is believed that his appearance in the history of Light Resurrection goes back to the ancient generman pagan traditions: the unchanging companion of the goddess of the fertility of Eosters, which was honored on the day of the spring equinox, was a rabbit, famous for his fecundity. The legend was documented in Germany in the XVI century - then the first story about the rabbit was published, which on the eve of Easter was postponed eggs (here is unprecedented!) And hid them in the garden as treasure. According to German referee, which spread then across Europe, and then to the migration and to North America, the Easter hare leaves as a gift a good kids nest with multicolored eggs, which must certainly find! Sometimes the children even "whip" is a hidden nest and wait, when the rabbit causes a visit (very similar to the expectation of Santa under the Christmas tree on Christmas Eve). Images of these wonderful, generous hares holding eggs, as well as their wood figures, porcelain, wax, dough and - the most desirable! - from chocolate with time became a symbol of Catholic Easter. "Hunting" on the Easter Rabbit and the search for the gifts surrounded by him turned into family entertainment, which adults and children are waiting for Easter. Toy rabbits today are the heroes of entire plots and compositions: they study at school, play, participate in the Easter feast, in general, all their views are given a good example!

Custom to dress up an Easter tree by analogy with the Christmas tree also came from Europe - this is a symbol of the Tree of Life, Spring Audios. Trees in the courtyards or home bouquets of twigs are decorated with ribbons, bows, Easter eggs. The most famous and most beautiful Easter tree grows in the garden in the German Kraft Folker (Volker Kraft), in the city of Zaalfeld: For the past 50 years, it decorates apple tree near his house with colored eggs - and their already more than ten thousand! The first Easter tree (in German Osterbaum) Kraft Volker saw in childhood, in 1945, and caught fire the idea to "grow" his own. In 1965, together with his wife, he began to translate a dream to life - first on the apple tree there were 18 plastic eggs, then, deciding that plastic jewelry was too expensive, the spouses took up her needlework. They began to paint eggs manually, and so that they were not too heavy for the tree, blew the contents of the egg, leaving only the elegant shell. For half a century, the collection, in the creation of which the whole family and friends took part, there was so much that I was simply stagnant. In 2015, the branches of the Easter tree, from which even the spirit of the spirit captures, decorated ten thousand eggs, among which, according to local residents, do not meet two identical. This is not a Christmas tree to dress - decorate the tree kraft family begins a few weeks before Easter! Hundreds of tourists come to admire them and, inspired by a wonderful Easter tradition, distribute it around the world.

Egg Maskolt

Painting, cinema, literature, design, even computer games - Easter eggs penetrated everywhere. And we decided to hunt them ...

In the famous novel of the Russian writer Ivan Schmelev "Summer Lord", the work on which he lasted in 14 years, the Easter is dedicated to several chapters. All of them are permeated with some skinny heart with warm, joy and not demanding explanations of faith - when you read, I want to return to childhood and wait for a bright Sunday for the fragrances of Kulukhai:

"Great Saturday, evening. In the house quietly, everyone faced the boat. I make your way to the hall - see what's on the street. There are few people, they carry Easter and cakes in cardines. In the hall Wallpaper Pink - from the Sun, it comes. In the rooms - Punchy lamps, Easter: were blue in Christmas? .. In the middle of the Easter carpet in the living room, with Punchy bouquets. Removed gray covers with burgundy chairs. On the images wreath from roses. In the hall and in the corridors - new red "tracks". In the dining room on the windows - painted eggs in baskets, Punchov: Tomorrow, the father will be Christ with the people. In the front - green quarters with wine: Brief. On down pillows, in the dining room on the sofa - so as not to fail! - Lose huge cakes, covered with pink yu, cool. It smells from them with sweet warmth souls. "

"I consider me the testicles of me. Here is a crystal-gold, through it - all the magical. Here is a tensile bold worm; He has a black head, black eyes-beads and a tongue from Scarlet Sukontsa. With soldiers, with clarops, carved bone ... And here, porcelain - father. Wonderful panoramic in it ... Behind the pink and blue florals of immortelle and moss, for the glaze in the gold rim, see in the depths of the picture: Snow White Christ with Horugwy Risen from the coffin. I told me a nanny that if you look at the glasses, for a long time, you will see a living angel. Tired of strict days, from bright lights and stons, I look at the glass. Mreets in my eyes, - and it mights, in colors, - Live, inexplicable and joyful, holy ... - God? .. Do not convey words. I pressed the testicle to the chest, - and the sleeping chime shakes me in a dream. "

But Alexander Kurpric the story "Easter eggs" (1911) turned out very ironic - but such a successful Easter had his main character ...

"Tomorrow we have a bright resurrection, and I am in all these kids, convulsions and cardboard see that you carry home festive gifts: different testicles there with snakes, composite testicles with rings, lambs, flower eggs. Well, here I will tell you how through one Easter egg I lost inheritance, relatives and support, and all this in the most adheral years. "The student's hero was awarded his rich, a stale and hot-tempered uncle, an unusual egg from a flower shop. If you write on that egg water, any letters and sprinkle with seeds of the Cress Salad, then over a week, good Easter words grow green on its surface. But by chance or by the oversale of the Seller, Uncle, who in his 70 years was very proud of his black champper, got an egg with an inscription from the sprouted Cress Salad: "I was lysm." So the hero was left without inheritance.

Of course, Easter eggs in religious painting are found. In the Orthodox icon painting, Maria Magdaline, revered as the Holy Equal-Apostles, is rarely depicted in separate plots, mainly as a myrrhosphere's wife with an incense vessel. But sometimes you can see her and with a red easter egg in the hands. The Easter plot already familiar to us is captured by the Russian painter Vasily Vasily in the picture "Visit Mary Magdalina to Emperor Tiberius" - she decorates the wall of the Church of Mary Magdalene in Jerusalem.

Faberge eggs Generally became the concept of a nominal, symbol of an expensive, exquisite gift. Meanwhile, Karl Faberge and the jewelers of his company created the first egg in 1885 by order of Emperor Alexander III precisely as an Easter surprise for his wife Maria Fedorovna. It was called "chicken" and was covered outside white, under the shell, enamel, and inside, in the "yolk" from matte gold, was placed made of colored chicken-made chicken. But on this surprise did not end - a miniature copy of the imperial crown of gold with diamonds and a chain with a ruby \u200b\u200bpendant was trampled inside the chicken. This is a written, so a written! However, the entire idea of \u200b\u200bKarl Faberge borrowed: at the beginning of the XVIII century, a similar egg was already made by European masters, several copies of which are stored in the Museum collections of Dresden, Vienna and Copenhagen. And yet Faberge so struck the empress with his creation, which was immediately recognized as a court jeweler and received an order to create on the egg annually. By the way, the work was so painstaking and thin, which was really left for one egg for almost a year. This tradition remained up to the reign of Nicholas II. From 1885 to 1917, 71 Egg of indescribable beauty was created, of which 52 are considered imperial.

In modern mass culture there is a metaphorical concept of "Easter" - some kind of riddles, a copyright hidden hidden inside the work, be it a series, book, comic, game or even computer software!

So where the symbolism of the egg is revealed to full! It is believed that the first "Easter" ("Easter egg", Easter Egg) intentionally used Warren Robintet in 1979, Programmer's computer game "Adventure". Then the authors of the game did not specify officially, and the vain robinnet decided to hide the mention of himself inside the game: to get into the room with the name of the developer, followed the invisible point in one of the parts of the labyrinth and transfer it to another end of the level. Gradually postmodern "secrets" with light hand director, programmers, multipliers began to appear in various genres. For fanatical and attentive audience, readers, gamers has become a special adventure and pleasure to look for author's hints. For example, in the film "Indiana Jones: In search of a lost ark" (1981), on the walls of an ancient temple, you can see hieroglyphs in the form of robots from "Star Wars" R2D2 and C-3PO! And on the cover of The Beatles SGT album. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band »There is a reference to The Rolling Stones - Doll Shirley Tamel with the inscription" Welcome the Rolling Stones ". By the way, several months later, The Rolling Stones responded with colleagues and released an album, on the cover of which the physiognomy of the Bitles look out of flower thickets. Easter eggs are taped in the "Fight Club", "Clock Orange", "Matrix", serials "stay alive", "in all grave", in the cartoons "Simpsons", "Alladin", most computer games, the UTorrent program and mass other works. Look for yourself, because if you were good boys and girls, the Easter rabbit necessarily prepared for you surprises!

This large egg investigation brought us to the idea that the Easter egg has a wonderful force to unite nations and denominations, children and adults, chocolate lovers and adventure seekers, ancient traditions and the most modernity. Custom Christ, "Chok" eggs for Easter, of course, is common and in Cyprus. We wish you a happy Easter and "καλά τσουγκρίσματα! (Cala Zugrismat), which means "good chocan"!

Text: Catherine Moshkin

Easter is the main holiday of Russian Orthodoxy. The tradition of giving Easter eggs in Russia for a long time: eggs, painted swellers or decoction of onion husks, we gave each other ordinary people; Those who are cooled - made from porcelain, glass, bronze, jasper, agate, malachite, etc.
Karl Faberge and the jewelers of his firm created the first jewelry egg for the imperial family in 1885. It was an Easter surprise Alexander III Female Maria Fodorovna. Egg "Chicken" has becomefree interpretation of eggs manufactured at the beginning of the XVIII century in Europe. Of these, three copies have been preserved: in the Rosenborg castle (Copenhagen), in the Museum of Art History (Vienna) and in the Private Collection. In all the products mentioned inside the egg, the chicken is hidden, opening, which can be detected by the crown, and in it - the ring. It is believed that the emperor wanted to please his spouse a surprise, who would remind her well-known jewel from the Danish royal treasury. The empress was so fascinated by the gift that Faberge, appointed by the court jeweler, received an order to make an egg annually. Unique and with a surprise - this was the condition of the customer.

The next emperor, Nicholas II, retaining the father's tradition, every spring gave two eggs - one Maria Fedorovna, his widowed mother, and the second - spouse, Empress Alexander Fodorovna.

The manufacture of one egg occupied almost a year. First, the sketch was approved. Then the whole team of masters was taken for work. The names of some designers and jewelers have survived, the contribution of Mikhail Perchin's master is especially great. Used as traditional materials (gold, silver, precious stones, enamels) and non-traditional (rhinestone, expensive wood varieties).The size of some jewelry eggs significantly exceeded natural: height with a stand up to 20 cm. Traditionally, each was placed unexpected surprise.The proof of the authenticity of the product is the stamp of Faberge.

Imperial jewelry eggs are known 52. Two more eggs do not have an accurate date of manufacture and data on who from family members they intended. 46 pieces have been preserved to this day, the rest are considered lost. Information about them draws from descriptions, accounts and old photos.
Only one egg, "Georgievskoe," left Bolshevik Russia together with the legal owner - the Empress Maria Fedorovna. In 1918, she took him to his homeland, in Denmark. Of those who remained in Petrograd, the rest disappeared in confusion, the rest, together with other imperial jewels, were transported to the new capital, to the future diamond storage of the Kremlin.

There they were kept translated about 1927-1930, while in search of funds the young Soviet Republic did not start selling cultural heritage, and 14 pieces were sold. The sale was engaged in the establishment called the "Antiques" office. The main part of the treasures acquired Armand Hummer and Emmanuel Snowumen Wartsky, English dealers Faberge.

№1. "Chicken" - 1885.

First jewelry egg from fifty-two Easter eggs manufactured by Karl Faberge for the Russian Imperial Family. It is the simplest on the plan: the outside is covered with a white, imitating enamel shell, inside, in the "yolk" from matte gold, there is a chicken-colored chicken, and a small ruby \u200b\u200bcrown is hidden (not survived).

Currently, his owner Victor Vekselberg Foundation "Communication of Times"

№2. "The chicken with a sapphire pendant" (lostabout) - 1886 year.
It is one of the lost eggs at the moment. It is unknown, because Photos or sketches are not preserved, and the descriptions are very contradictory.

The gift of Maria Fedorovna in the recording of the State Archive for 1886 was described as "chicken made of gold and diamonds, removing the sapphire egg out of the Lukushka." The sapphire egg is loose free in the beak of the chicken. The chicken and a basket covered with hundreds of the rose diamonds were made of gold. About the surprise eggs There are no documentary descriptions, and at the moment there is no information about its whereabout.

Until now, it remains a mystery, whether the egg was lost or is in one of the private collections.

Number 3. "Golden Egg with Clock" (considered lost ) - 1 887 year

Gift Maria Fedorovna from Emperor Alexander III. This egg was part of the lost, and for more century it was only considered on the only photo from the 1902 exhibition. It was described as follows: "Easter golden egg with a clock decorated with diamonds, three sapphires and a pink rose cut diamond." And in more detail: "The Golden Watch from Vacheron Constantin, made in a chopped housing in the form of diamond eggs, located on a sophisticated three-color gold stand of a rounded shape, decorated with a rings with a wave-like pattern. The stand has dual legs decorated with pink buton and small leaves. On the ring Stands are located three large sapphire-boaches, from which ribbons decorated with small diamonds, and garlands of roses and leaves, crown legs diverge.

In 2011, Anna and Vengen Palmadi found that in New York on March 6 and 7, 1964 in the Gallery of Parke Bernet, this egg was exhibited as a lot with number 259. This testified that the egg exists in our day and is in one of private collections. And in 2014, the world had shielded the news that the dealer from the United States almost sent the imperial "golden egg with a clock" to the smelter, having bought it on the occasion of 14 thousand dollars. Later it was sold in a private collection for 20 million pounds sterling.

№ 4. "Cherub and Chariot" (lost) - 1888


Gift Maria Fedorovna from Emperor Alexander III. It is one of the lost eggs at the moment.

There is a single fuzzy photography of eggs with blurred outlines, there is also a short description stored in the Russian State Historical Archive: "Angel, pulling chariot with an egg - 1500 rubles, an angel with a clock in a gold egg - 600 rubles."

In the inventory of precious items of the imperial property, compiled in 1917, contained a record: "Golden egg decorated with diamonds and sapphires; With a silver gold-plated stand in the form of a two-wheeled wagon. " Surprise - Angel with a clock.

It is assumed that at 1934 in New York, it was put up for sale and bought by Victor and Armand Hummer. Where it is currently unknown.

№ 5. "Nonsense"(lost) - 1889 year

Gift Maria Fedorovna from Emperor Alexander III. It is one of the lost eggs at the moment.

The egg was constructed in the form of a case containing the objects of a female toilet. Since the exact appearance of the product is not known, then it is possible to rely only on the information from the inventory of the imperial precious property of 1917.

It is possible that a surprise was a set of 13 objects of a female manicure set, inlaid diamonds, although there is no accurate confidence.

Since 1922, the fate of the product is unknown. Presumably, exhibited and was sold at auction in 1952

№ 6. "Danish Palaces" - 1890

Gift Maria Fedorovna from Emperor Alexander III. Currently, the egg is owned by the Foundation of Matilda Geddings Gray and from November 22, 2011, it is exhibited in the New York Metropolitan Museum.
Outside, decorated with pink-lilac enamel, separated by gold stripes for twelve sections. Six vertical lines and three horizontal lines are inlated with diamonds of rose cut. Each of the crossings of the lines are emeralds, and on the top of the eggs there is a medallion with leaves that bloom around the stars of the sapphire-cabochon. From the reverse side of the eggs are the leaves with ornaments made using the chasing.

The egg has an opening mechanism to obtain a surprise: a 10-panel screen made of multicolored gold with watercolors on a pearl. Panels are cut round golden crowns on top and Greek meander from below. All watercolors are made by Constantine Kryzitsky and dated 1889.
The miniatures show the imperial yachts Polar Star and Tsarevna, Bernstorf Copenhagen Castle in Copenhagen, Imperial Villa in Fredensborg Park near Copenhagen Copenhagen Palace, Copenburg Castle in Helsingør, Cottage Palace in Peterhof and Gatchina Palace near St. Petersburg.

In 1930, the Egg "Danish Palaces" together with 11 others were chosen for sale outside the CCCR, and in the same year Viktor Hammer bought it for 1500 rubles. Later, it was resold several times, and in 1971, the egg was discovered in the collection of Died Matilda Geddings Gray. Since 1972, Danish Palaces are owned by the Foundation of its name and are set in museums.

№ 7. "Memory Azov" - 1891

Gift Maria Fedorovna from Alexander III. Currently, it is located in the Armory in Moscow and is one of the few Eggs of Faberge, who did not leave the limits of Russia.
Carved from a solid piece of heliotrope (dark green with bright red splasions of the mineral of a quartz group) Egg "Memory Azov" is made in the style of Rococo inherent in the era of Louis XV. It is covered with an openwork gold ornament, inlaid by diamonds and gold flowers. Wide Golden Cimea in place of two halves of eggs

decorated with ruby \u200b\u200band two diamonds. The inner part is finished with green velvet.

An egg surprise is a miniature model of the cruiser of the Russian Imperial Fleet "Memory of Azoza", made of red and yellow gold and platinum with small diamonds as a glass.

The model is installed on a plate of aquamarin, imitating water. The name of the ship is engraved on the stern. The stand has a gold frame from the loop for convenient extraction of the egg.

The egg is dedicated to Traveling Cesarevich Nikolai Alexandrovich and Grand Duke George Alexandrovich on the cruiser "Memory of Azov" in the Far East from October 1890 to August 1891. The journey took place on the advice of parents to expand the horizons of the future king and his brother, but had unpleasant consequences. At that time, the Grand Duke Georgy Aleksandrovich was sulking tuberculosis, and a long-term swimming was aggravated by the disease. Attention was committed to Cesarevich Nikolai in Japan, as a result of which he received serious injuries of the head from saber shocks. Although the egg was given to the Empress in April, even before that incident, apparently, it was not among the favorite jewelry eggs.

№ 8. "Diamond grid" - 1892

Gift Maria Fedorovna from Alexander III. Currently, the egg is located in a private collection in London.

The shell of the egg is carved from a translucent apple-green bovenite (not to be confused with the bavanet!) - Varieties of Serpentina. Externally, the material of the product resembles high-quality jade. Processing - Cabochon. The egg is braided with a diagonal mesh from platinum bands inlated with diamonds of the rose cutting on gold grounds. From above and below, in the connecting places, there are two large diamonds. The interior decoration is made with white atlas, there is a space to accommodate a surprise. The base was a round pale green slab from the Jadeite, on which there were three cherubs that support the egg. It was believed that they personify the three sons of the emperor: Nikolai (heir to the throne), George and Mikhail. At the moment, the foundation is lost.
Also lost a surprise - an elephant feature with a key for factory. According to descriptions, an elephant with a small gold tower is made of ivory, partially covered with enamel, and is inlaid with a faceted "rose" diamonds. Boca is decorated with gold patterns in the form of two crets, each with five white gems (?). The same were on the forehead of the elephant, and on the animals, trunk and the harness - small diamonds. The elephant intentionally had similarities with an elephant depicted on the royal coat of arms of Denmark, as a memoir from childhood Maria Fedorovna.

In the 1920s, the egg was sold through the "Antiques" office of the Michel Norman from Australian Pearl. Since then, it has been relegated several times.

№ 9. "Caucasus" - 1893

Gift Maria Fedorovna from Alexander III.
Now the egg is owned by the Foundation Matilda Geddings Gray and since November 2011, it is exhibited at the Metropolitan Museum, New York.

Egg-souvenir in the style of late Louis XV has four oval "windows", each of which is closed by an oval door with a border of pearls. From the outside in the center of each of the doors there is a diamond wreath, with a number inside. Together they make up the number 1893. On the sides of each window and the doors are gold rods with diamond stripes and with pearls at the ends. For each opening door there are miniatures on ivory with images of the types of Abastunumsk Palace in the Caucasus, in which Grand Duke Georgy Alexandrovich spent most of his life. Miniatures are written by the court miniaturist Konstantin critty.

On the top of the egg under a large "portrait" diamond is a miniature portrait of the Grand Duke George Alexandrovich. The portrait diamond is surrounded by diamonds of the cut "Rose" and a laurel wreath. At the base of the egg there is a smaller portrait diamond. In the upper and lower quarters of the egg - a pink garland of colored gold, tied by platinum bows, unisaled diamonds. The egg is located on a stand with twisted golden legs, imitating a bent tree.

Surprise Eggs was lost, and there were no documentary evidence about him.
In 1930, Armand Hammer from the New York Gallery of Hammer was sold in 1930, then until 1972 was in the Collection of Matilda Geddings Gray.

№ 10. Renaissance -1894

Faberge's last Easter egg, presented by Alexander Fedorovna Emperor Alexander III (he died in October 1894). The current owner is the Foundation Victor Vekselberg "Communication of Times".
The casket in the shape of an egg from a transparent bluish-milk agate lies horizontally on an oval gold base.

The upper part of the egg, which opens onto the golden hinge, is decorated with an overlap by a telling grid, made of white enamel with diamond and ruby \u200b\u200bcolors in the places of intersections. Diamonds are laid out the date "1894" in the oval from the strawberry-red transparent enamel framed by stylized shells made of green enamels and figures from the Red and White Enamel.

The underfield of the lid is decorated with transparent strawberry enamel shells in the intervals between white enamel curls with diamonds.
The edges of the inside of the inner side of the egg, visible with the open lid, are decorated with a vegetable border on a white enamele background. The lower sash is bordered on top of the strip of strawberry enamel and is covered from below the belts of leaves with berry and blue shells of "buckles". From both sides of Lartz placed pens in the form of gold sculptural lion's heads with rings in the teeth. The chased base was decorating with the leaves of transparent green enamel, alternating with the colors of red enamel.
The surprise was lost, but there is an assumption that it was a jewelry of pearls. According to another version, expressed by Christopher Forbes, it is believed that the surprise was an egg Resurrection of Christ, which is ideal for the size of the Renaissance egg and has similar performance and color gamut. In addition, they together were demonstrated in 1902.

Arms, Armanda Hammera was sold to the New York Gallery for 1500 rubles through the "Antiques" office in the New York Gallery for 1500 rubles, then resell several times.

№11. "Clock with blue snake" - 1895

The first of the Easter eggs of Faberge donated by Nicholas II of his mother, widowing Empress Maria Fedorovna. At the moment it belongs to the prince of Monaco Albera II.

The egg is located on a goldstore, decorated with patterns of opal white enamel. Three stand panels are covered with gold four colors, symbolizing art and science.

Golden Snake Incruited
Diamonds, wrapping a stand, connecting it with the egg, and rises to its middle.
The head of the snake and its language indicate the current hour displayed by Roman numbers on the rotating white panel. Most of the egg is covered with translucent blue enamel and gold strings with diamonds, as well as in its lower and upper parts there are elements of a clock bell. On each side of the eggs there are golden handles in the form of sculpted arches in the form of the letter "C" attached not far from the top and in the middle of the eggs. One of the interesting features is that the "Egg-clock with blue snakes" does not contain sapphires, and in Russian historical archives about the inventory of confiscated imperial property for 1917 and in the transfer documents of the collection from Anichkova Palace for 1922 in the Council, it is indicated that all Items contain sapphires.
Egg does not contain a surprise, because It is working hours. In 1927, Norman from Australian Pearl was sold to Michel. By changing several owners, in 1974 it was presented by the prince of Monaco Rainier III on the 25th anniversary of finding on the throne. Prince gave an egg his wife, Princess Grace.

It became one of the most beloved princess jewelry and kept on the table in one of her rooms. After the death of Grace, all the premises were sealed and the egg was not exhibited in public. Then, after the death of Rainier III in 2005, the egg was inherited by the new Prince of Monaco Albert II. Since 2008, the egg is dispersed by the general public at exhibitions.

№ 12. "Bud Rose" - 1895

Created by Mikhail Perchinov under the leadership of Karl Faberge for Nicholas II. It became the first egg donated by Nikolai Alexander Fedorovna.
Easter egg is made in the style of neoclassicism. It opens like a bonbonnieret, which is hidden inside a rose bud, covered with yellow enamel. Buton petals are moved out, opening a golden crown with diamonds and rubies and a pendant with a starred rubbing cabochon. Both of these latter surprise are lost.
The crown emphasized the new title of Alexandra Fedorovna as the Empress of the Russian Empire. Her native Darmstadt was famous for his rosary, and yellow roses were especially valued. Surprise has become a pleasant memory of his homeland.

In 1927, the egg was sold to Emmanuel Snowman from the Wartski jewelry house. It changed the owners several times, and since 2004, the Victor Vekselberg Foundation belongs.

No. 13. "Portraits of Alexander III (twelve monograms)" "- 1896

Created by order of Emperor Nicholas II and presented to them a mother, widowing Empress Maria Fedorovna, for Easter in memory of the Father, Alexander III. It became the first of the four imperial eggs made in memory of Alexander III. Currently is owned by the Hillwood Museum.
This jewelry egg is considered one of the most beautiful creations of Faberge. It consists of 6 panels covered with dark blue, guilloche enamel ornaments. They disseminate embossed hoops, encrusted with diamonds of the cut "Rose". In places of intersection, larger diamonds are installed, located in golden courts.

On each panel are MF monograms (Maria Fedorovna) and AIII (Alexander III), which are lined with diamonds, over which the imperial crown is from diamonds. In the upper half, the MF monograms are located, in the bottom - AIII. Above the upper and lower parts rose large diamonds installed on round golden areas. When the egg opens, the inner velvet finish is visible. The surprise was miniature portraits of Alexander III on a stand of gold, but they are lost during expropriation.

In the 1920s, egg №13 was sold to the Parisian jeweler, later it fell to the collector of Antiques Marjori Merrivsezer Post, who visited his collection of the Hillwood Museum, created in her estate.

№ 14. "Rotating miniatures" - 1896

This egg was created by order of Nicholas II for the Empress Alexandra Fedorovna. At the moment it is located in the collection of the Virgin Museum of Fine Arts.
The outer shell of rock crystal is limited to a thin gold strip covered with emerald green enamel inlaid by diamonds. The egg is crowned with a 27-carat Siberian Emerald, located on a gold substrate, covered with emerald green enamel. This Cabochon Emerald is one of the biggest gems used by Faberge in a series of imperial eggs.
The leg of the egg is located on a pedestal of rhinestone and consists of a colorful painted enamel of a gold double spheroid, surrounded by two circles from the rose cut diamonds. It is also decorated with monograms of Queen - Princess Alice Hesse Darmstadt to marriage and later Alexandra Fedorovna, Empress of the Russian.

Each monogram is crowned with a diamond crown of the corresponding royal house. These monograms form a continuous pattern around the base of the jewelry egg.
Inside the egg from rhinestone is a golden axis that supports twelve miniature drawings. They depict palaces and residences, which were meaningful for the young empress. Each of these places is a memorable for Nikolai and Alexandra, as the first moments of their acquaintance before marriage, held in 1894.
At the time of release of the emerald of the cabochone, located on top of the egg, the mechanism rotating miniatures attached to the central gold axis is driven. Down the hook is lowered, which shifts them like the pages of the book, thanks to which two miniatures can be observed at the same time. Each of them has a gold frame, topped with emerald.

In 1930, the egg was sold through the "Antiques" office of the Gallery of Victor Hammer since 1945. It was located at Lilian Thomas Pratt, President General Motors President John Pratta. After her death in 1947, an egg on the will was transferred to the property of the Virgin Museum of Fine Arts in the city of Richmond, where still remains in the open part of the museum

No. 15. "Pink-lilac egg with 3 miniatures" (lost) -1897

Created by order of Emperor Nicholas II for his mother, widowing Empress Maria Fedorovna. The egg is one of the missing jewelry eggs Faberge and at the moment its location is unknown. However, in the collection of Viktor Vekselbega there is its surprise - a frame with 3 miniatures in the form of a heart.
The exact design of the egg is unknown. In the score exhibited by Faberge, it is described as
"Pink-lilac enamel egg with 3 miniatures."
The surprise frame is made in a popular neoclassical style at that time. It has a heart shape bounded by diamonds covered with strawberry-red enamel in the guilloche background, with the Date of "1897" laid out by diamonds. The frame is located on a hexagoned leg made in the style of Louis XVI, covered with white enamel with painting in the form of a spiral vine silent.
The leg is mounted on a dome-shaped disclosure, covered with strawberry and red enamel and decorated with golden wreaths of laurel leaves, diamonds, engraved golden leaves of ackant, drawn by Lavra's twigs, as well as four large pearls.
When you press the leg, the heart is revealed, turning into a clovers shaft, covered with emerald-green enamel in a guilloche background, with a pattern in the form of diverging sunlight. In each petal there is a miniature portrait in a diamond framing: in one - Emperor Nicholas II, in the second - his wife Empress Alexander Fodorovna, in the third - the great princess Olga Nikolaevna in infancy. Clover petals are closed by pressing one of the pearls, fortified on the ground.

In the opposes of the confiscated imperial property of 1917 and 1922, the egg is not listed. Presumably, it was taken Maria Fedorovna until 1917. In 1978, an egg surprise was sold to Christis auction to the collection of Forbes magazine. In 2004, it, together with other jewelry, who was owned by the Forbes family, bought the Victor Vekselberg Foundation "Communication Times".

No. 16. "Coronation" - 1897

The most famous and one of the most exquisite Easter masterpieces Faberge is dedicated to the anniversary of the Coronation of Nikolai II, which took place on May 14, 1896. Given the emperor at Easter Spouse, Alexander Fedorovna. Currently is owned by the Victor Vekselberg Foundation "Communication of Times".
Through a greenish-yellow enamel with radical diamonds, the golden guilloche surface of the egg, covered by a false grating of green gold leaf, reproducing the fabric of the empertress dresses at the coronation ceremony. At the top it closes a wreath of diamonds. At the crosses of the lattice there are double-headed eagles from black enamel with diamonds on shields and blue enamel on ribbons. From above on the egg, under a large portrait diamond is the monogram of the Empress Alexandra Fedorovna, covered with diamonds and rubies of the cut "Rose" on a white enamel background. The base of the egg is made in the form of a cup of flower with a thin engraving of leaves and located in the middle of the black on white enamel of the date "1897", visible through a large diamond in a round framing of small.

The surprise is a tiny copy of Catherine's gold carriage of the Great 1793, used by the genus of Romanov during the transportation of the royal family at the coronation week. Faberge Master Georg Stein, wrote in his memoirs that he worked on the creation of this miracle of jewelry for more than 15 months to 16 hours per day.
Exceptionally accurately recreated not only the appearance of the carriage, but also its entire snap. The coach is equipped with springs, has a rotary circle, on both sides - opening small doors, a tiny footboard is thrown out of the bowel. Inside - Chairs, Baldahin and Folded under the Colecol, on which a large diamond was suspended in the form of an Easter egg. Most likely, the empress was removed and attached to his Easter necklace.

In 1927, an egg bought Emmanuel Snowman through the Antiques office for the Wartski gallery located in London. The egg changed the owners several times, now they own the Foundation Victor Vekselberg.

№17. Pelican - 1898

Created by order of Nicholas II for his mother, widowing Empress Maria Fedorovna. Currently is owned by the Virgin Museum of Fine Arts.
The egg is made of red gold, diamonds, pearls, gray, pink, opal and blue enamel with watercolors on ivory, and its stand is made of multicolored gold.

This egg is one of the few who do not have an enamel coating of its entire surface. It is covered with engraved red gold in ampir style and crowned with a pelican made of matte gray, blue and pink enamel. At Pelican, the symbol of self-sacrifice and mercy, encrusted with diamonds of the wings. He feeds his children in a golden nest, which symbolizes maternal care and love. On the egg, classic motifs are engraved, memorable dates from 1797 to 1897 and the inscription on both of its parties: "visit the grapes of this and you will be alive."
The egg is located on a round gold stand consisting of two rings, decorated with ornaments and having four legs, topped with heads of eagles with imperial crowns and resting on the animal paws. Also, it has a red velvet case, which is found only once among the entire series of imperial eggs.

Egg "Pelican" - a memorable sign of 100-year-old (1797 - 1897) of the patronage of charitable institutions by Russian Empress. Institutions based mainly to educate daughters of nobles are depicted on eight oval panels having a pearl frame. They can be seen after the transformation of the egg on 8 parts forming the screen. Miniatures are drawn by the court artist Johannes zengraf on ivory. From the reverse side, miniatures listed the depicted institutions. The "ninth panel" serves solely as the stand for the opening egg.

In 1930, Armanda Hammer from New York was sold in 1930. Between 1936 and 1938, Lilian Thomas Pratt, President of President General Motors John Pratta, acquired him. After her death in 1947, an egg was transferred to the Virgin Museum of Fine Arts in Richmond, where still in the open part of the museum's exposition still remains.

We will admire this work of art on video.

№18. "Lilnies" - 1898

Another Easter egg for Alexandra Fedorovna commissioned by Nicholas II. It became one of the most beloved by the Empress.
The egg is made of translucent pink enamel with a guilloche surface, and is installed on a gold support with four legs. It strengthened the valley, made of green enamel, gold and pearls.

The surprise appears when pressed on the side pearls: three medallons are put forward from the top of the top. On the upper medallion, the crown with diamonds and ruby-cabochon, is depicted Nicholas II in military uniform, on the left - the Great Princess Olga, on the right - Tatiana. Materials used: gold, enamel, diamonds, rubies, pearls, mountain crystal, ivory. Height 20 cm in disclosed form.

In 1927, the egg was sold by E. Snowman, after which the owners changed several times, and in 2004 acquired by Viktor Vekselberg at the Sotby Auction in New York.

№19. "Pansies" - 1899

A gift to Nicholas II Mother, widowing Empress Maria Fedorovna. Previously, the product was known as the "Egg of Spinach Jade". The egg is sharpened from a solid piece of jade and held by the stand in the form of gold-plated silver leaves with diamond veins, twisted in the bundle. Over the leaves rise five stems with flowers and buds of pansies, made of gold, colored enamel and diamonds.

The upper part of the egg opens, a surprise is hidden under it - a heart-shaped easel with eleven medallions. Oval medallion covers made from the strawberry guilloche enamel, decorated with personal monograms of members of the imperial family. The medallions are interconnected by a diamond vignette, forming the letter M. Molbert crowned with a wreath with a six-pointed Bethlehem star, in the center of which is shining a major diamond, from the bottom of the date - 1899.

Surprise materials: Gold, diamonds, pearls, strawberry, white and pearl color enamel. Height - 14.6 cm.

When you click on the button, the medallions open, showing portraits of all members of the royal family. Portraits of the first row vertically: Tsarevich Georgy Alexandrovich, the younger brother of the king, and the Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich, the husband of the Great Princess Ksenia Alexandrovna, sisters of the king. The second row on the vertical: King Nicholas II, Princess Irina, daughter of the Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich and the Grand Princess Ksenia Alexandrovna. The third row vertically: daughters of Nicholas II Great Princess Olga and Tatiana, Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich, the younger brother of the king. The fourth row vertically: Queen Alexander Fedorovna and Prince Andrei Aleksandrovich, Brother Prinyagini Irina. The fifth row vertically: the great princes Olga and Ksenia Aleksandrovna, sisters of the king.

In 1930, the "Antiques" an egg was sold at auction in New York, since then is located in private collections. Location Currently, New Orleans.

№20. "Bouquet of Lilies" - 1899

Egg-clock (the common name "Lily Madonna") was created by order of Nicholas II as a gift for the empress Alexandra Fedorovna. Materials: Multicolored gold, platinum, diamonds, onyx, white and yellow translucent enamel, opaque white enamel. Height 27 cm.

The egg has the appearance of the ancient French watches of Louis XVI. The ovoid clock and the rectangular stand are decorated with a transparent yellow enamel on the guilloche background and an overhead pattern of colored gold. Watch watches a bouquet of snow-white lilies (Madonna lilies) in a rosette of roses. Lilies are cut out of onyx, pestles end with three small diamonds, leaves and stems of tinted gold. The rotating dial with 12 roman numbers decorated with diamonds, covered with white enamel. The clock arrow is made as a cupid boom released from onion. On the pedestal of the Diamonds -1899. The clockwork was started with a golden key.

In the language of colors of lily symbolize cleanliness and innocence, roses - love. Cupid torches (near the clockwise), the flame of which is depicted as a floral ornament around the circumference of the clock, symbolize family love.

Surprise is lost, in the early photos, it is captured as a ruby \u200b\u200bpendant with diamonds.

At the moment, the egg is located in the Armory of the Chamber in Moscow and is one of the few imperial Easter eggs who did not leave the limits of Russia.

How the Eggs of Faberge are arranged - a look from the inside

Faberge Easter Eggs - 5 Videos

Starting from 1885 to 1916, the court jeweler of the Tsarist family, Karl Faberge, presented to the king on one masterpiece per year. The total number created by Faberge for the imperial family of Easter eggs is 50.

Easter before the revolution was the favorite holiday of people in Russia, since coincided with the arrival of spring, heat and the awakening of nature. At the end of the XIX century Easter acquired universal importance: a whole branch of applied art was formed, which was engaged in the release of Easter products. Easter eggs were produced in a huge amount, and they were made from a variety of materials - glass, porcelain, wood, various diverse materials, stones, and colors.

Ballerina Matilda Kshesinskaya at one time told how a big egg was presented at Easter, and a miniature precious egg was attached to him, which could be worn as a key chain. Once she was presented with a simple straw egg, inside of which lay packed wonderful things from Faberge.
Imperial Easter Eggs Faberge

Jewelry Easter Eggs Charles Faberge was considered the top of the genre of Easter applied arts, they became a kind of era symbol.

Tsar Alexander III gave Easter eggs Faberge to his wife Mary Fedorovna, Tsar Nicholas II presented as his mother's gifts, and his wife Alexander Fedorovna. Presumably that the emperors gave Easter eggs produced by Faberge and other members of the royal family. Currently, only 42 preserved Masterpieces Faberge is known.

The order for which Faberge did eggs for the king, contained the execution of three conditions: the egg-shaped form; Surprise, containing communication with any event of the royal family and the third condition - that the work does not have a repetimate.

Thus, these Easter gifts were created decorated with royal monograms or dates, some had miniature portraits of children and emperor themselves or the image of royal residences, two of them contained the models of ships on which the last Russian emperor.

The egg was solemnly presented to the king either by Karl Faberge himself, or his son Eugene and invariably met with a great delight, because at the same time everyone could see a surprise hidden in a gift.

Technique of execution of YIITS

The eggs made were fastened with clasps and loops so that if necessary, they could be easily disassembled to care or repair. In turn, the use of such equipment and this design of the product, removed many limitations in the choice of materials. Faberge combined the use of precious materials with inexpensive materials, but convenient for processing.

The "shell" eggs enamelled in the famous Faberge technique. If the egg consisted of two drop-down halves, the design was developed so that the finish carefully masked the closed edges of both halves.

Decorative lining, fastened to the surface of Easter eggs, not only determined the features of the artistic style, but also contributed to the creation of plots that anticipated or emphasized the meaning of inside surprises. The choice of material for the manufacture of decorative finishes depended on their purpose.

In the manufacture of Easter eggs as a gold substitute, having beauty, and durable, gilded bronze was used, gold-plated silver. Silver was also used to make a framework of miniature portraits-surprises, since he had the most shiny surface of all materials. For purely decorative purposes, Faberge often used colored gold. Selecting the ratio of pure gold and other pure metals, it received a set of shades of various saturation.

Many Easter eggs are decorated with a solid decorative grid (Cagework), which was made of very diverse materials.

Most of the parts of the exterior decoration, starting with the frames and festers of the gold of various shades and ending with leaves and stems of flowers on the Easter egg "Lilies", was attached to the shell of eggs with miniature fasteners. The fasteners soldered to the back of the details were inserted into the holes in the shells. Then they fucked along the inner surface of the shell to firmly fix the decorations. During the drilling of holes in the enameled shell, the egg was immersed in water so that the drill was not overheated and the enamelled coating was damaged.

Surprises in Faberge Eggs

Among the "surprises" Faberge hidden in many Easter eggs are miniature models made of precious materials, jewelry, as well as images of people, events and places that have importance to the imperial family. Some surprises are essentially separate works of art that can be seen or, as in some cases, lead in motion, only when extracting from the egg. Other secrets can be observed through the transparent sheath of the egg.

The opening parts of the eggs were attached to the hinges. The upper part of the egg shell performed the role of the lid. The side parts were sash, opening up or down depending on the location of the hinges. Detail of an external egg body hiding a surprise is usually fastened on spring hinges, which are designed in such a way that when you press a button or a dog, it opened smoothly.

There was no object, an object or plant, which would not be able to reproduce the Master Faberge as a surprise for an Easter egg. The layout of the Gatchina Palace with surrounding territories, with trees, lampposts, was made of gold of four colors. The layout of the monument to Peter I, made Falcone on request Catherine Great, also found an embodiment in the "surprise". Faberge's Easter Egg is located in Baltimore, Merilend, USA, Water Art Museum Museum (The Walters Art Museum).

Simple mechanisms applied in some Easter eggs have been designed specifically for each case. A simple transmission mechanism raised and lowered three miniature portraits of King Nicholas II and his senior daughters, Olga and Tatiana in the Easter Egg "Lilisha". Some eggs have a clock, the mechanisms of which are harvested by keys that are usually inserted into the hole in the rear of the case, but there are mechanisms that start using the handle. On some Easter eggs, the clocks have a horizontal tape with numbers rotating opposite the fixed mark. Inside the special eggs, the bird figures appear each hour from the top of the egg.

Perhaps the most famous "surprise" is a coronation carriage from the Easter egg "coronational" - a miniature layout of 3 and 1/6 inch long (8cm), made of gold and enamel - an accurate copy of the carriage that was used in the coronation of Nicholas II and his wife 1896 G. "Curtains" engraved right on end of a mountain crystal. Decorated door handles, size less than rice grain, rotate, opening and closing the doors on the latch. The case of the carriage is resting on the straps that amortize how real leather is thus stripped and the chassis on the chassis when the crew is moving.

The most hitromed secrets are driven by clockwork mechanisms. The basis for creating these mechanisms was the Swiss automata XVIII century; However, the train layout in the Easter Egg "The Great Siberian Way" is an exact copy of the real locomotive and trans-space express cars. The acting model of the train develops a section of a section in a vulgarized case inside the egg. The map of the railway route and the crowned all-round heraldic eagle serve also a hint of a surprise, hidden inside the egg.

The Easter Egg "The Great Siberian Way" Easter Egg "The Great Siberian Way" and his "surprise" includes the number of works of art that they please the eye, capture the imagination and warm the soul.

Nine eggs returned to Russia

February 4, 2004 Sotheby's auction house announced the sale on a private agreement of the Faberge collection of Forbes to the Russian industrialist Viktor Vekselberg, who returned the eggs to Russia. Before returning to Russia, a collection that includes the legendary Nine Imperial Easter eggs was presented at the social exhibition in Sotby in New -It. This part of a collection consisting of nine eggs was estimated at 90 million dollars, the final amount of the transaction was not disclosed. Sotby's auction house carried out this private transaction on behalf of the Forbes family.

Based on the materials: Imperial Easter Eggs Faberge

Easter eggs Faberge from the collection of the Moscow Kremlin (Armory)

One of the oldest and most rich museums of the Moscow Kremlin is a weapon-made chamber with a wonderful meeting of monuments
decorative and applied art. The collection of the national treasury is presented products of Russian jewelry firms XIX and early XX centuries. Among them are the works of the famous Faberge company: hours, cigarette, jewelry, silverware, tea and coffee sets, crystal vases, miniature sculptural figures from colored diverse stones.

The pride of the collection is the ten imperial Easter eggs with surprises, which are the top of creative inspiration and the captured skill of the whole pleiades of outstanding jewelers and artists under the leadership of Karl Faberge, who at the beginning of the 20th century in Paris was recognized as a master of the best jewelers.

The manufacture of exquisitely decorated Easter eggs was tradition and
ancient craft in Russia. Long before Faberge began to create jewelry eggs for the imperial family, eggs from precious metals and stones were made for Russian kings. But only Karl Faberge and his talented team of artists, jewelers, kamnezes, model-making sculptors and miniaturists were able to bring the art of making jewelry Easter eggs to an unparalleled and unsurpassed grace, skill and creative fantasy.

In total, from 1885 to 1917, about 56 Easter masterpieces (accurate digit unknown) were created on request of Emperors Alexander III and Nikolai II. Eggs made in the workshop of Mikhail Parchina, which after his death He headed Heinrich Wigstrom, was distinguished by an unprecedented luxury, an amazing fantasy, an unsurpassed perfection of the study of details, a virtuoso combination of various techniques. Never repeating, they were especially impressive by surprises contained in them - miniature copies of royal yachts and cruisers with the finest gears, palaces, with a "fluffy" gold, monuments, werepiled by stones, flowers or buds.

Jewelry Easter eggs-souvenirs were a surprise not only for those who were intended as a gift, but often for the emperor who ordered them. "Your Majesty will be pretty" - such an answer usually gave Faberge to the question about the plot of the next egg.

Egg with a model of the cruiser "Memory Azova", 1891

On the armadarous ship "Memory of Azova", built at the Baltic Plant in the late 80s of the XIX century, Cesarevich Nikolay Alexandrovich (the future emperor Nicholas II) in 1890-1891 made a trip to the east, during which he was attacked by a Japanese samurai - fanatic In the city of Otsu and the miracle stayed alive. Swimming ended in Vladivostok, where Zesarevich and the heir to the throne laid the beginning of the construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway.

The egg was presented with Emperor Alexander III Empress Maria Fedorovna for Easter 1891

Egg-clock, 1899

The clock arrow resembles an arour arrow released from a bow; It is surrounded by torches whose flame turns into lush vegetable curls. Together with a bouquet of lilies, "germinating" through a wreath of roses from multicolored gold, they symbolize a virtuous flame of family love. This Easter egg made in the form of ancient French watches in Louis XVI, is a kind of empty recognition of Nicholas II in love with his wife, Empress Alexandra Fedorovna.

Egg with a model of a Siberian train, 1900

This Easter egg is a characteristic sample of a memorable gift product created on a company in honor of an important historical event - the construction of a Trans-Siberian highway inspired by Emperor Alexander III and continued to the reign of Nicholas II. The road joined the European and Asian parts of Russia, the largest industrial cities with the military port of Vladivostok, which gave impetus to the intensive development of the extensive Siberian outskirts.

The egg was presented by the emperor Nikolai II Empress Alexander Fedorovna.

Egg-clover, 1902

On the openwork rim eggs - an image of the imperial crown, the date "1902" and the monogram of Empress Alexandra Fedorovna in the frame of the colors of clover. Surprise is lost. But the museum staff managed to find a unique archive document from which it follows that a precious four hundred and 4 miniatures were reinforced inside. Probably, portraits of royal daughters (Olga, Tatiana, Mary and Anastasia) were depicted on the petals of a surprise (Olga, Tatiana, Mary and Anastasia), therefore he was a symbol of the happy marriage of Nicholas II and the empress Alexandra Fedorovna, a symbol of the connection of two loving people. According to belief it was believed that the four-fledged clover was highly rare and luck. The egg is made in the style of "modern" with its floral motifs and elegant outlines, which is not suitable for the embodiment of an intimate family topic.

The egg was presented with the emperor Nikolai II Empress Alexander Fedorovna for Easter 1902

Egg "Moscow Kremlin", 1904-1906

This Easter egg was made in memory of the stay of the king with the queen in the first-hearth zlato-head capital during the Easter celebration in 1903, which enthusiastically was perceived by all Russian society and, in particular, Muscovites. Performing this extraordinary work on the plan, the masters of Faberge sought to create the image of the ancient Kremlin - at the same time majestic and fabulously elegant. We have a peculiar, virtuoso variation on the theme of the Kremlin architecture.

The egg was presented by the emperor Nikolai II Empress Alexander Fedorovna for Easter 1906

Egg with a model of the Alexandrovsky Palace, 1908

The Alexander Palace was a country residence of Tsar Nicholas II and his family, which rarely left the walls of the palace and led a rather closed way of life, for which they were called "Tsarskoye Herkers".

The egg was presented with the emperor Nikolai II Empress Alexander Fedorovna for Easter 1908

Egg with a model of the yacht "Standard", 1909

The yacht "Standard" was a beloved Yacht Nicholas II. On her, the king's family spent a lot of time in the Schkers of the Finnish Bay, until the yacht was crashed in coastal schrahs.

The egg was presented by the emperor Nikolai II Empress Alexander Fedorovna for Easter 1909

Egg with a model of the monument to Alexander III, 1910

The model inside the egg reproduces the monument of the sculptor P. Trubetsky, erected on the Znamenskaya Square of St. Petersburg near the Nikolaev station according to the rescript of Nicholas II in memory of his father.

The egg was presented with the emperor Nikolai II Empress Maria Fedorovna for Easter 1910

Egg "300th anniversary of the house of Romanov", 1913

The egg made to the three hundred dollars of the house of Romanovs, decorated with eighteen miniature portraits of representatives of the reign dynasty. Flat diamonds are strengthened at the top and at the bottom of the egg, through which the dates "1613" and "1913" are visible. Inside the egg, a rotating steel bladed globe is strengthened, on which the Golden Patch image of the Northern Hemisphere twice is placed: the territory of Russia is marked at one - color gold, in the borders of 1613, on the other in the borders of 1913 in the decoration of the egg dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the ruling Dynasties, magnificently noted in the empire, elements of state symbolism are used abundantly.

The egg was presented with the emperor Nikolai II Empress Alexander Fedorovna for Easter 1913

Egg with miniature on Molbert, 1916

The steel egg was created during the First World War - heavy time and for Russia, and for the royal family. Therefore, his appearance is strict, and the decor is official and dry. Since the egg was created in honor of the awarding of the king by the Order of St. George IV degree, the gold frame of the miniature was decorated with a black and orange ribbon and a white enamel cross of this order.

The egg was presented with the emperor Nikolai II Empress Alexander Fedorovna for Easter 1916

Napoleonic. 1912. By the central anniversary of the war with Napoleon. Gift Maria Fedorovna. Surprise - Shirma with six miniatures depicting representatives of the regiments whose honorable colonel was Empress .

The symbol of the era and the disappeared of the Russian Empire, its wealth and prosperity, the top of the Russian jewelry skill rightfully considered the Easter eggs of Faberge. It was they who made the name of the Russian jeweler famous worldwide, the name, which, with a condemnation, is pronounced today in Europe and America.

Faberge's eggs are a miracle not only jewelry, but also mechanics: each egg has its own surprise. They were either hours, or music boxes, or small trains who were passing several meters, or Peacock, imitating the gait of real birds, or walking maurs, or miniature paintings.

The history of the creation of the imperial collection of Easter eggs, their loss, acquired, and then - numerous fakes overtook legends, secrets, criminal stories and names, more and more European and American. About these miracle eggs for millionaires wrote volumes of scientific and art historical studies and dozens of criminal novels and detectives.

But today, even the brand of Faberge does not have Russia for a long time, and all attempts by Victor Vekselberg redeemed him in vain. The famous Russian jeweler with German-Danish roots Karl Faberge thirty-two years (1885-1917) made famous Easter eggs for the imperial family of Romanovs - one per year, and besides them also for other rich private customers.

The beginning of the famous jewelry dynasty leaves roots to France (hence the French surname), to distant ancestors of Huguenots. The most first Easter egg (1885) was made by Karl Faberge at all not to Easter (albeit in the shape of an egg), and to the twentieth anniversary of the engagement in 1866, Alexander III with the daughter of the Danish king Maria Dagmar, when baptized in Orthodoxy, the name of Mary Fedorovna in Orthodoxy.

Hen. 1885. Gift Maria Fedorovna. Surprise - chicken with crown and ring. The crown is lost

The egg was made according to the easter gift of the XVIII century in the form of a simple chicken egg, inside of which there was a surprise: a chicken, in which there was a crown, and in the crown - ring. In a word, a gift-surprise in the form of a Russian nesting. One of these eggs of the XVIII century can be seen today in the castle Rosenborg in Copenhagen.

Eggs turned into festive Easter with the easy hand of the Empress Dagmar, who was so delighted with a gift that I ordered Karl Faberge every year to produce one Easter egg with a prerequisite, so that none of them repeated the previous ones and necessarily had a surprise.

This was the beginning of the imperial tradition, which existed until the renunciation of Nicholas II from the royal throne. Alexander III, for ten years, ordered only one egg - for his wife, and after the death of the emperor, his son, Nicholas II, ordered two eggs: one for her mother - Mary Fedorovna, the widow Alexander III, the second - for his wife, the current Empress Alexandra Fedorovna .

Cherub and chariot. 1888. Gift Maria Fedorovna. Surprise - in the egg - Cherub with a clock

Maria Fedorovna has a total of thirty out of fifty-two imperial eggs, but to take it to her native Denmark in 1919 only one - Georgievskoe, the last of her presented for Easter-1916. On him - the Order of St. George, and inside the surprise: a miniature portrait of Nicholas II. Twenty eggs were donated by Alexander Fedorovna and the last two (for Easter 1917) were not finished.

The most valuable of the fifty-two eggs Faberge is considered the first ten times of Alexander III, and the most controversial and sheedy secrets are the last two, which did not reach the addressees. All previous Easter eggs handed the emperor - always in Good Friday - personally the owner of the company Karl Gustavovich, accompanying a gift for his value. Later it was precisely for these accounts to establish how much the imperial Easter eggs of Faberge was manufactured.

St. George Cross. 1916. Gift Maria Fedorovna. Surprise in Egg - Portrait of Nicholas II

With the latest Easter eggs, Faberge happened an incredibly confusing story. The order for their making to Easter seventeenth, as always, the company received a firm for a year ahead - in the spring of 1916 immediately after presenting eggs for Easter-1916, but there is a testimony of the main artist of the company that the eggs were not completed. He wrote about this in 1922 about the Egg "Constellation Cesarevich", intended to Alexander Fedorovna:

"... a blue glass egg, which was built by the constellation of the day in which the heir was born. The egg was maintained with silver amours and matte rock crystal clouds. If I'm not mistaken, inside there were hours with a rotating dial. The manufacture of this egg was interrupted by the war. Amuras, clouds were ready, the egg with inlays and the pedestal was not over ... ".

Cesarevich's constellation. 1917. Gift Alexander Fedorovna. Last egg. Unfinished. Surprise - Hours inside the egg

To establish how much the royal eggs were made, it was possible only at the beginning of the nineties, but the last egg "constellation" 1917, which was mentioned above, was accidentally found in the Mineralogical Museum of Ferssman in Moscow in 2001 in a disassembled form.

Each Easter Egg Faberge was filled with meaning, told about any event associated with the history of Russia: War of 1914, Journey Cesarevich Nikolai to the Far East, the opening of the Transsiba, the anniversary of the war of 1812 and so on. Unfortunately, in Russia there is a smaller part of this unique collection: ten of the fifty-two eggs are stored in the Armory Chamber, eleven - at the Faberge Museum (St. Petersburg).

He was opened by Viktor Vekselberg specifically for the collection, which he managed to redeem the whole (without separation into separate tubular trading) in 2004. True, two of them are not the exactly established year of creation, no accurate addressee and therefore experts pacify their belonging to the royal collection. One Easter egg ("CESSAREVICH CONSTRUCTION") is located in the Mineralogical Museum of Fersman.

Birch. 1917. Gift Maria Fedorovna. The last egg, unfinished. Surprise - mechanical elephant from precious materials. Not found

The rest, most, in private collections, often unknown, or in the museums of Europe and America. The location of the six royal eggs is unknown, including three, made by order Alexander III.

In a word, over the past hundred years, a unique collection of part was stolen into a revolution, part of the nineties. Part of it is sold in the Stalin's times for a bargaining, and part - and completely disappeared without a trace.

This happened because the great value of Faberge Easter eggs from the point of view of Soviet power, nationalizing the property of the royal family, was not provided. Alexey Maksimovich Gorky, for example, wrote that it was just a well-processed silver.

In 1917, A.F. Karensky ordered the chests with the property of the Empress to translate to Moscow and place them temporarily in the Armory of the Ward, where they were prolonged with the unreacted five years. In 1922, the sale of artistic values \u200b\u200band the national wealth of the country began. The royal eggs of Faberge are subject to sale.

But at that time, the market was oversaturated, the eggs went for a scentual, after five years 24 eggs returned to their homeland, because They did not find the buyer. Three years later, in 1927, the Commissarfin demanded eleven of 24 eggs to try to sell them again. The delay of the execution of this decision on the part of the director of the Armory Chamber was perceived as an open sabotage.

Then the most valuable eggs were sold, which were bought mainly by the Americans: Hummer, the wife of the American ambassador, the wife of "General Motors" and other millionaires. The next and last sale took place six years later, in 1933.

Then one egg from the Imperial Collection "Mosaic", presented at Easter-1914 Alexander Fedorovna, acquired the English Queen of Elizabeth II, in whose collection, consisting of three Eggs Faberge, it is up to this day.

Mosaic. 1914. Gift Alexander Fedorovna. Surprise - Cameo with children's profiles.

The egg mimics the embroidery with a cross and has a surprise - came with the profiles of the imperial family, decorated with diamonds, pearls and the imperial crown. Long unknown remained the last two eggs that were preparing for Easter-1917.

The renunciation occurred, as is known in March. Consequently, the manufacture of Easter imperial eggs was almost completed. Fortunately, it was possible to find sketches of the last eggs, and recently find the eggs themselves. What was intended as a gift Alexander Fedorovna was found in the Mineralogical Museum, intended by Maria Fedorovna, made from Karelian Birch, was also found in the same 2001.

It had a small mechanical elephant as a surprise, a symbol of the Danish kingdom. But the elephant, made of diamonds, gold and silver disappeared without a trace. Preserved from it only a clockwork. So the story with the Easter eggs Faberge is not over and the point in it is not delivered. There is hope that someday white spots in this semi-criminal history will be filled, and the disappeared eggs are found.

Red Cross. 1915. Gift Alexander Fedorovna. Surprise - inside the eggs of miniatures with 5 portraits: in the form of sisters-mercy Two daughters, sister, wife and cousin Nicholas II

Tina Guy.

Faberge's eggs is a famous series of jewelry made by Karl Faberge from 1885 to 1917. Each egg is unique both in appearance and by content. The company worked several outstanding masters who worked on jewelry masterpieces for the imperial courtyard, among them were Mikhail Perchin, Henrik Wigstrom, Albert Holmestr.

Egg Faberge "Dryer"

The history of the creation of these eggs began with the fact that Emperor Alexander III ordered the Easter gift with a surprise for his wife in the jewelry company Charles Faberge - Empress Maria Fedorovna. The first egg was manufactured in 1885 and was called the "chicken".

The gift fell on the soul of Empress, and Alexander III himself was so pleased that he ordered Faberge and his masters every year to do one jewelry egg. Gift eggs for the emperor's wife were supposed to be unique, original and contain inside a gift-surprise. This was born a series of jewelry, which were intended for Empress Mary Fedorovna, and later, Nikolai II asked for the throne, Faberge began to produce two Easter eggs: one for his mother and one for his wife, Empress Alexandra Fedorovna.

Egg Faberge "Aleksandrovsky Palace"

Over the creation of each egg, I worked personally by Karl Faberge himself, as many mistakenly believes. More than 10 jewelers engaged in the manufacture of Easter masterpieces were listed in the company. All eggs have different sizes and, of course, different design and original surprises inside: models of palaces and ships, clocks and chariots, as well as much more. These are real jewelry masterpieces, which, unfortunately, turned out to be scattered around the world.

Faberge Egg "Diamond Mesh"

At the moment, it is known about creating 71 egg-shaped jewelry, which were manufactured by the masters of the company Karl Faberge. Most of them - 54 (according to other 52) gift Easter eggs were made specifically for the royal family, and the remaining part belonged to private collectors. After the revolution of 1917, many copies of the imperial collection or the contents-surprise eggs were lost, and their search resemble a plenty detective.

Egg Faberge "Pansies"

The preserved eggs are in museums and private collections worldwide. The greatest number of exhibits possess: Museum of Faberge (St. Petersburg, Russia), Museum of Armory (Moscow, Russia), Virgin Museum of Fine Arts (Richmond, USA), British Royal Collection (United Kingdom).

Egg Faberge "Gatchina Palace"

And here are some more photos of famous jewelry masterpieces made by Karl Faberge for the imperial family.

Faberge Egg "Catherine Great"
Egg Faberge "Danish Palaces"

Faberge Egg "Coronation" Egg Faberge "Mosaic"

Egg Faberge "Memory Azov"
Egg Faberge Pelican
Faberge Egg "Peter Great"
Egg Faberge "Egg with rotating miniatures"
Egg Faberge "Trans-Siberian Highway"
Egg Faberge "With a Bud Rose"
Egg Faberge "Yacht" Standard ""

Eggs are one of the most ancient varieties of human food.

They enter the sacred symbolism, myths, fairy tales and sayings of most peoples of the world and in many cultures are a symbol of life.

This is the most valuable food product containing almost everything except vitamin C, the vitality of the human substance: vitamins A, D, E, H, K, PP and Group B, phosphorus, chlorine, sulfur, potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper, fluorine, manganese, iodine.

At the same time, it is low-calorie food: in one average instance of approximately 75 calories. They are ideally combined proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, while in one thing can be up to 14% of the daily protein rate.
Eggs - the only form of food, which is absorbed by 97%, which is why (as well as thanks to the richest composition) yolks are introduced into a children's attitude one of the first.

How to find out, fresh egg and why the egg pops up in water; Whether chicken breathes in the egg; What is the danger of raw eggs; At what temperature, Salmonella dies; How to prepare and store chicken eggs; Is it possible to store eggs in the freezer; Why there are two yolks in the egg, as well as other interesting facts about the eggs.

1. What is the chicken egg?
The formed egg consists of protein, yolk, shells and shells. In the chicken egg, 10-12% mass is a shell, 56-61% - protein and 27-32% - yolk. In the liquid content of the egg without a shell, the protein accounts for about 64%, and the yolk is 36%.

2. What is the egg shell?
According to the studies of Hungarian doctors, it was proved that egg shell is 90% composed of calcium carbonate (calcium carbonate). In addition, the shell still contains magnesium (0.55%), phosphorus (0.25%), silicon (0.12%), potassium (0.08%), sodium (0.03%), copper, iron, sulfur, fluorine, aluminum, manganese, zinc, molybdenum and many other elements (only 27). Interestingly, the composition of the eggshell is very similar to the composition of the bones and teeth of man.

Outside, the shell is covered with a layer of dried mucus - a supreme shell, which protects from evaporation of moisture from eggs and penetration of microorganisms. Inside there is a superal shell, which does not miss the protein, delays the penetration of bacteria, but passes air, moisture and ultraviolet rays. And behind it should be an elastic protein film.

3. How to breathe chicken in the egg through the shell?
The egg breathes due to the peres in the shell. At first glance, the shell seems dense, but in fact it has a porous, permeable for gases structure. If you look at the surface of the shell through a magnifying glass, you can see a plurality of small pores through which air for chicken passes. Through the pores, oxygen comes into the egg, and carbon dioxide and moisture are displayed out. Chicken egg shell has about 7500 pores! On the blunt end of the pore egg more and less on acute.

4. What is the thickness of the chicken egg shell?
The shell thickness of chicken eggs ranges from 0.3 to 0.4 mm, with the entire surface of the egg it is unequal. At the sharp end of the egg, the shell is a little thicker than in the stupid. It is worth noting that the eggs of the same bird can have a different shell thickness. The shell is thicker at the beginning of the egg laying, usually in winter, and from March to September is thinner. One of the reasons for the reduction of the strength of the shell is the exhaustion of calcium stocks in the body of the bird by the end of the masonry season.

5. What is the color of the egg shell depend on?
The color of egg shell depends on the breed of nurser chicken. Interestingly, in most cases, chickens with white ear dots carry white eggs, and chickens with red ears carry brown eggs.

6. What eggs are better - white or brown?
This question is interested in many owners. At the self, there is no difference between brown and white eggs. The color of chicken eggs does not affect the nutritional value of the egg, his taste and quality. He also has nothing to do with the freshness of eggs. However, it should be noted that the brown eggs of the shell thicker, but blood spots are more often falling in them. Due to the stronger shell, brown eggs are stored a little longer and easier to transport themselves without damage. Therefore, they are valued by poultry farms.

7. How to distinguish fresh eggs from nonstable?
You need to put an egg into the water. If it is fresh, it will lie on the bottom of the dishes in a horizontal position. If the egg is more than one week, then its stupid end will pop up. The egg, vertically depended in the water, has an age of 2-3 weeks, and the pop-up - 6-7 weeks.

8. Why are the lay eggs pop up?
Floating eggs depends on its freshness. The fact is that in the blunt end of the egg between the subflip and protein shells, the air chamber (punch) is gradually formed. In the process of storage, moisture evaporates from the egg through the pores, contributing to an increase in airspace. Therefore, the longer the egg is stored, the greater the size of the air chamber. That is why when buying should choose eggs with a matte surface, and not with shiny - it says about the degree of their freshness. If the eggs are large, but lungs, then they have a big air chamber and their shelf life approaches the end. To determine the freshness of the eggs in the store, you can shake it. If the contents are hanging out of side to the side - such an egg is already spoiled and it is impossible to buy it.

9. Why are eggs sometimes difficult to clean from the shell?
It turns out that it depends on the freshness of eggs. The contents of the recently demolished eggs are more densely adjacent to the shell film, so fresh eggs are cleaned more difficult. And if they lie in the refrigerator a week or two, then after cooking it can be cleaned easier and faster.

10. Why did the eggs welded, sometimes happen sulfur-green yolk?
It happens if, as a rule, it is not very fresh egg to cook for too long or in time not to cool it after cooking. Urban eggs, the membranes of the yolk becomes greenish. This is due to the reaction of iron and sulfur, which are contained in the eggs. When the eggs are heated, the sulfur from the protein comes into contact with the iron from the yolk and at the junction between them the iron sulfide is formed, due to which gray-green appears around the yolk. The older the eggs, the faster it happens. Prolonged cooking and high temperature also accelerate this reaction.

11. Can I eat eggs with green yolks?
Yes, such eggs are quite edible. A greenish color on the shell of the yolk does not affect the taste of the egg and does not mean that it is spoiled. However, very digested eggs deteriorates the quality of the protein, so do not boil them for more than 10 minutes. To avoid greening yolk, use more fresh eggs and cool them immediately after cooking.

12. Why are blood spots in chicken eggs?
Sometimes in the eggs you can see small blood specks. They appear due to the fact that blood vessels and blood bursts are bursting and blood hits the yolk during the separation from the ovary. Blood stains are more common in brown eggs. Do not confuse these blood inclusions with the embryo. It happens that the eggs have a blood ring in the yolk. This means that the embryo began to develop in the egg and the chicken circulatory system was formed (if the egg was stored at high temperature), but the embryo died at an early stage of development.

13. Can I have eggs with blood stains?
Yes, such eggs are quite suitable for use. Blood droplets in the egg do not pose health threats and do not affect the taste. But the red spots on the surface of the yolk look neappety, so before cooking it is better to remove the knife with the tip. However, eggs with a blood ring, in which the embryo has already begun to form, cannot be used in any form.

14. In which country do the most eggs eat?
The first place in the world in the consumption of eggs per capita is occupied by Mexico. According to Mexican specialists, each resident of the country eats 21.9 kg of eggs per year, which is on average and a half o'clock a day. Mexicans eaten more eggs every day than in any other country. Previously, Japan was considered the world leader in the consumption of eggs per capita. Each resident of this country consumes 320 eggs annually, that is, about one egg per day.

15. Why is the yolk keep in the same position in the middle of the eggs?
The chicken egg protein consists of three layers: exterior and internal - liquid, and medium - more dense. The protein around the yolk is more dense than under the shell. In this layer, which is around the yolk, on both sides of the yolk between the blunt and sharp ends of the eggs, elastic twisted codes are formed. It is these protein rods that are so-called grades or chalaza (Chalazae), hold the yolk in the center of the egg, but do not interfere with it turn around the axis. The chalazes are formed from a dense protein, they can be considered on the egg, pouring into a saucer. Their ends are freely floating in protein - the curl with a stupid side of the egg floats in the surrounding layer of a more liquid protein in the surrounding layer, and the curl with the sharp side of the egg penetrates with a denser medium protein layer.

16. Why is the protein sometimes opaque?
The blunt-white color of the protein is explained by the presence of a large amount of carbon dioxide CO2 in the egg. Muddy protein is a sign of freshness of eggs, as carbon dioxide has not yet managed to get out of it. In the old eggs, this element evaporates through the pores of the shell.

17. What kind of yellow and greenish crystals are in egg yolk?
This riboflavin (lactoflavin or vitamin B2) is one of the most important vitamins. Riboflavin is yellow crystals, poorly soluble in water. Egg yolk is one of the food sources of riboflavin. In 100 grams of eggs contain 0.3-0.8 mg of riboflavin (vitamin B2).

18. Can there be raw eggs?
No, raw eggs should not be used and even more so give them to children. They may be causative agents of many diseases, for example, Salmonella bacteria, which cause food poisoning from humans, and sometimes heavy forms of salmonellosis with complications. Raw or non-hatched eggs, as well as dishes with them (home mayonnaise, pudding, some sauces and creams, egg cocktails) are potential sources of infections. Unpleasant consensus can be used by eggs schitzka or not enough rooted eggs-glazing with a liquid yolk. But the boiled windscreen eggs, omelette or well roasted fried eggs will not cause salmonellosis or food poisoning. Bacteria can be both on the shell and inside the egg, so it is important to cook it correctly. Thermal processing kills microbes. It should be noted that more than 400,000 people become victims of poisoning eggs in large countries, of which about 200 cases end with a fatal outcome. In addition, raw eggs do not bring benefits for the body, as they are absorbed much worse than boiled.

Egg before the moment of demolition is a sterile product. Nevertheless, after a few seconds after a demolition, having so impressive shell protection, its content is amazed by microorganisms of the environment.
What happens to him?
To begin with, we note that when driving, the egg has a layer body temperature - 41-42 ° C. Obvious to the external environment, it cools up to the ambient temperature for two hours, while declining in volume. Through the numerous smallest pores, which are more in the dull end of the egg, due to the difference in osmotic pressure, air is drawn inside the egg. Along with the contents, the protein shell is reduced, due to which a bundle is formed between the last and superal shells and an air chamber is created - Pig.
Along with the air, household and pathogenic (pathogenic) microflora penetrates into the egg. Here she finds a graceful environment for its development and distribution.
So the purity of raw eggs directly depends on the purity and sufficient air exchange in the poultry house and nests.

20. What are the signs of food poisoning?
The main symptoms of food toxicoinfection are pain in the abdomen, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or constipation, an unpleasant taste in the mouth, headache and dizziness, often an increase in temperature, sharp weakness, and in severe cases - loss of consciousness. In acute poisoning, after 1-2 hours, the temperature increases, a strong vomiting and a liquid chair, dizziness and weakness appear, the pulse is highly studied, the skin leather whites, the lips color changes, and when the botulip can be choking and stopping the breath. Therefore, when such symptoms, such symptoms need to immediately call "ambulance".

21. How to avoid food poisoning when eating eggs?
When buying eggs, check the shelf life. It is better to buy eggs in the store - there is usually the date on the shell. Check that the eggs are not cracked or broken - such eggs are better not to use. If the egg turned out to be unsaveable or has an unpleasant smell, it must be immediately thrown away and in no case can not be used and not to give animals, otherwise you can get severe poisoning. In more fresh eggs, there is less likelihood of Salmonel's reproduction. The natural protective mechanism holds back their growth in eggs for 20 days. It is better not to risk and not drinking raw eggs, do not cook eggs or scramble eggs. Recipes should be avoided using raw eggs.

Bacteria can be both inside the eggs and on the shell, so before cooking the eggs you need to thoroughly wash with hot water (temperatures of 80 ° C) at least 7 seconds. The fact is that Salmonella bacteria can get into the egg from the surface of the egg shell when it is broken. In addition, the bacteria are very easily applied to arms, dishes, table, other products and items, so you need to wash your hands before and after touching the eggs, as well as after cooking, wash everything that concerned eggs. After you break the raw egg for cooking, be sure to wash your hands. When cooking never put on the same plate of raw, and then ready-made products. Even properly cooked food can be infected with bacteria if drops or small particles of raw foods will accidentally fall into it. Make sure that the fried egg or the omelet is well helped and have not remained raw. Boil cooking or splashing semi-finished products (dumplings, cutlets and others). Food processing to complete readiness is the only way to kill potentially dangerous bacteria and avoid severe food poisoning.

22. What is the most famous bacterium in the eggs?
This is Salmonella, which lives in poultry eggs, meat, milk and dairy products. Salmonellosis (or paratif) is an acute intestinal disease caused by various types of salmonella, a very common form of food poisoning. The main way of infection with salmonella - through food. These bacteria will quickly multiply in food products (especially warm), but do not change their taste and appearance. Salmonella accumulates in animal products, it is well tolerated drying, freezing, survive in water up to 2 months. They are resistant to smoke, salting, marinadas, but quickly destroyed when boiling. The incubation period lasts from 2-6 hours to 2-3 days. Salmonellosis is characterized by the damage to the gastrointestinal tract and the development of intoxication and is accompanied by diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, gastric spasms, headache, ailment, high temperature. In this case, immediately consult a doctor. Salmonella Enteritidis (Salmonella Enteritidis) is the most common view of such a bacterium in many countries.

23. How many minutes should I cook eggs?
Salmonella is very stable and die only with long-term heat treatment. They multiply at a temperature of +7 to + 45 ° C, and the best temperature for them + 35-37 ° C. At temperatures below + 5 ° С Salmonella ceases. At + 70-75 ° C, salmonella dies for 5-10 minutes, and when boiling instantly. Therefore, only eggs boiled by hard can be completely safe. Eggs should be boil 8-10 minutes from the moment of water boiling, and the scrambled eggs or omelet fry to dry state.

24. At what temperature do the protein and yolk in the eggs harde?
The protein thickens at a temperature of + 60 ° C and harden at + 65 ° C. The yolk begins to thicken at + 65 ° C and becomes solid at + 73 ° C.

25. At what temperature should I cook and store dishes containing eggs?
Dishes containing eggs when cooking must be heated to a temperature of at least + 70 ° C to kill bacteria. Re-heat the food, which was stored for a while, you also need to a temperature not lower than + 70 ° C. Keeping dishes follows at temperatures or above + 60 ° C, or below + 10 ° C. Cooked food can not be stored at room temperature. At + 20-40 ° C every 20 minutes, the number of bacteria doubles and the risk of poisoning increases. The favorable medium for the reproduction of microbes is warm and wet. And the cold stops their growth. Therefore, after meals, the remaining products need to be immediately removed in the refrigerator.

26. How to store chicken eggs?
Immediately after buying, the eggs should be put in the refrigerator. Eggs are recommended to store in the coldest place of the refrigerator (closer to the rear wall) separately from other products and in special packaging. Despite the fact that in most refrigerators on the door there is a special compartment for eggs, storing eggs in the refrigerator door incorrectly. This is the warmest place, in addition, the refrigerator often opens and eggs are subjected to frequent temperature fluctuations.

27. Why are the eggs better to store in the package?
In the eggshell there are thousands of pores, through which different odors can penetrate, as well as bacteria. Therefore, eggs must be kept in special trays and away from the products with a strong smell, so they stay freshly longer. In addition, storage in egg trays will avoid the spread of bacteria from eggs to neighboring products.

28. How best to keep eggs - sharp or blunt ending down?
Eggs are better stacked with a sharp ending down so that the yolks are located in the center. In such a position, the eggs will be able to "breathe" and retain their freshness longer, since there are more pores on which oxygen comes into the egg and carbon dioxide comes into the egg. In addition, on the dull end of the egg there is a airspace, in which there may be bacteria and when turning into a stupid end, they float upstairs and fall into the egg.

29. Is it possible to store eggs in the freezer?
No, you should not store eggs in the freezer - there they will freeze. The ideal temperature for storing eggs - + 4 ° C.

30. How long is the eggs stored in the refrigerator?
Fresh eggs are stored in the refrigerator 4-5 weeks from the date of manufacture. Store eggs for more than 6 weeks is not recommended even in the refrigerator. Eggs are stored for quite a long time due to the fact that there is a protective film on their surface. Therefore, it is desirable to wash them immediately before cooking.

31. How much can boiled eggs can be stored?
Welded boosted eggs in the shell can be stored in the refrigerator up to 7 days, but it is better to eat them for 3 days. When boiling, the protective film on the shell is destroyed, which helps the egg is stored longer. Dishes with eggs necessarily need to be stored in the refrigerator. Egg salads are kept 3-4 days, stuffed eggs - 2-3 days.

32. Is it possible to store eggs at room temperature?
It is possible, but it is better not worth it. Without the refrigerator, the eggs are spoiled very quickly, even in one day at room temperature, they lose their freshness. One day of storage of eggs at room temperature is equal to a whole week of storage in the refrigerator.

33. How much is one chicken egg weigh?
The mass of the egg ranges from 35 to 75 grams. The average weight of the chicken egg is 50-55 grams. So, a dozen medium eggs can weigh 500-550 grams, and kilograms will be about 20 eggs.

34. How many eggs are weeding and yolk separately?
The weight of the yolk is approximately 1/3 of the weight of all eggs, and the weight of the protein is 2/3 of the weight of the egg. That is, on the middle egg yolk weighs 17 grams, and the egg whites weighs 34 grams. And in one kilogram there will be 59 yolks or 30 proteins.

35. What does the color of the yolk depend on?
The color of the egg yolk is light yellow or bright orange - depends on the nutrition of chicken. Carotinoids in the stern of carotenoids give yellow yolk. Carotenoids are very common natural pigments of yellow, orange or red. They give the color to many plants, including vegetables and fruits. The more the chicken eats feed containing carotenoids (corn, alfalfa, herbal flour), the brighter the color of the yolk is obtained. However, not all carotenoids give the color of the yolk. For example, cantaxantine and lutein give the golden yellow color of the yolk, and beta-carotene does not affect the color. It should be noted that the color of the yolk does not affect the quality, food value and taste of eggs.

36. What does marking on eggs mean?
On each egg produced on the poultry farm and selling in the store, there must be marked. Eggs are divided into dietary and canteens. Eggs are considered dietary first 7 days after they were demolished. Therefore, it is important to look at the date of manufacture. Such eggs are suitable for dietary and baby food. Dietary eggs after 7 storage days are considered table.

The first markings sign means a permissible shelf life:
- The letter "D" means a dietary egg that is implemented within 7 days.
- Letter "C" means a table egg, such eggs are implemented within 25 days.

These timelines are valid provided that the eggs are stored at a temperature of from 0 to + 20 ° C.

The second mark in the marking indicates the category of eggs depending on its weight:
- "B" The highest category is 75 grams and more.
- "O" Selecting Egg - from 65 to 74.9 grams.
- "1" The first category - from 55 to 64.9 grams.
- "2" The second category - from 45 to 54.9 grams.
- "3" third category - from 35 to 44.9 grams.

If the eggs are sold at all without any designation, do not risk health and buy them. Eggs of different categories differ only in weight, and the color of the shell can be different. In addition, some eggs are with two yolks.

37. And what does chicken egg size depend on?
The mass and size of eggs depend on various factors. The main of them is the age of chicken nose. Young chickens are more often postponed by little eggs, and older chickens carry more large eggs. First, the mass of eggs can be 40-50 grams, and by annual age, the chicken increases to 57-65 grams. The size of the eggs also depends on the breed and weight of chicken-navels. Kura, weighing norms, carry small eggs. Conditions of detention, bird feeding, climate, season of the year and time of the day of demolition also affect the size of the eggs. For example, with warm weather, the chickens eat less, which often leads to a decrease in the size of the eggs. Although sometimes young chicken also carry large eggs or even eggs with two yolks. And it happens that a larger amount of yolks are found in the egg!

38. Why are the chickens carry two eggs?
According to experts, eggs with two yolks are an anomaly. Two-coded eggs are obtained if two cells are matured at one time and pass through the reproductive chicken system together. Typically, such eggs are carried or young nurseries, who have not yet been established reproductive cycles, or mature birds (approximately one-year-old age). The greatest number of two chicken eggs are postponed in the first weeks of the egg layout. The ability of the chicken to postpone two-yolk eggs can be inherited. However, sometimes eggs with two yolks can be a sign of bird disease. If the chickens have problems with ovulation, inflammation of the egg, then they can carry eggs with two yolks, without yolk, too small or with different defects. The diseases of the eggs in the chickens may occur due to violation of the feeding conditions and the content of non-bumps, dampness and dirt indoors.

Eggs with two yolks in nature are quite rare and are not viable. Chickens are never taken out of them. Previously, such eggs were considered non-standard and processed on egg powder. But then they began to use the demand from buyers, because to taste they do not differ from ordinary, and weigh more - 70-80 grams (while selected eggs weigh 65-75 grams). Therefore, now on the poultry farms, they are specifically derived chickens who carry eggs with two yolks. Eggs with two yolks are completely harmless and suitable for use.

39. How many eggs carries chicken per year?
In one year, the non-drying chicken lay down about 220-250 eggs, and some chickens demolish up to 300 eggs and even more. The chicken takes about 24-26 hours to carry an egg. After half an hour after the chicken was demolished, a new egg begins to form in her body. It is noted that white chickens per year carry on average per 45 eggs larger than red or dark.

40. What does egg stage depends on the eggs?
The number of eggs obtained from the chicken for a certain period of time, that is, the egg production, depends on the breed of chicken, its age, conditions of detention, nutrition, bird health, and from hereditary properties and individual characteristics. For example, chickens of eggs are laid by 10-12% more eggs than meat chickens and almost twice as much as the chickens of meat breeds. Chickens of egg braids are beginning to carry the first eggs aged 5-6 months. Chicken are capable of carrying eggs for about 10 years. But the increased eggs is observed in the first year of the egg layout during which the chicken can carry 250-300 eggs. With the age of birds, the egg production decreases by 10-15% per year compared to the first year of the egg layout. Therefore, industrial farms are economically beneficial to use chickens only during the first year of the egglading, and in breeding farms - 2-3 years. And on the second or third year, only the best non-bumps leave. Usually, the tribal flock consists of 55-60% of young chicken, by 30-35% of biennium and 10% of three-year. Petukhov use up to 2 years old, the most valuable - up to 3 years.

41. What does the egg protein consist of?
The egg block consists of water (85%), proteins (12-13%), carbohydrates (0.7%), fats (0.3%), glucose, various enzymes, group vitamins B. The protein is focused half of the protein contained In the egg. It has all the amino acids necessary for the construction of a human body protein, as well as lysozyme - a protein substance that kills and dissolves microorganisms, including rotary. But the protective properties of the protein decrease with long-term storage. Liquid protein near the shell and more thickness around the yolk. Egg protein is the most easily-friendly and full of proteins in food. It is considered a reference protein and other proteins are estimated relative to it. Egg protein contains approximately 17 calories.

42. What is the eggs about the egg?
An egg yolk consists of water (50%), fats (more than 30%), proteins (16%), carbohydrates (0.2%), cholesterol and mineral substances. However, eggs are not a fat product, since the yolk contains more harmless unsaturated fats (70-75%), and saturated fats - approximately 28%. The egg yolk is rich in vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, D, E, PP and others, and also contains phosphorus, potassium, calcium, chlorine, sulfur, iron, manganese, iodine, copper, cobalt. In addition, the egg yolk is lecithin, which participates in the metabolism and is necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system. The yolk is covered outside the thin transparent sheath and consists of alternating concentric dark and light layers. The yolk contains about 60 calories, which is three times more than in protein.

43. What is the benefit of chicken eggs?
Eggs contain all nutrients necessary for normal human body activities. This is an indispensable food product that is quickly prepared and is inexpensive. In the eggs, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals are perfectly combined. Eggs are a valuable source of protein. One egg contains 12-14% of the recommended daily consumption of proteins for an adult. In an average chicken egg, an approximately 6.5 grams of protein (protein), as well as 5.8 grams of in-friendly fats rich in phospholipids, which participate in the transport of fats in the body, are part of all cell membranes. The proteins and fats of chicken eggs are well absorbed by the body. Eggs are the only product that is absorbed by 97-98%. By nutritional value, one chicken egg is equivalent to 200 ml of milk or 50 g of meat. For young children, this is the second most important product after breast milk. Low-calorie eggs - one middle egg contains 75 calories.

Chicken eggs are rich in vitamins, minerals and microelements needed in a daily basis of a person. There are vitamins A, D, E, H, K, PP and vitamins of group B. There are no vitamin C. They also contain phosphorus, chlorine, sulfur, potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper, Fluoro, manganese, iodine. Phosphorus is part of all tissues of the body, participates in the exchange of substances, affects the activity of the heart and kidneys, is necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system. Calcium is the basis of bone tissue, contained in the skeleton and teeth, affects blood coagulation. Iron participates in blood formation processes, it is necessary for the formation of hemoglobin, ensures the transportation of oxygen in the body. Magnesium maintains normal brain performance, takes part in the formation of bones and regulation of blood sugar levels. Potassium regulates the acid-alkaline balance of blood, participates in the transfer of nerve impulses, improves the work of the heart and kidneys.

Eggs are a valuable source of folic acid, biotin, as well as choline, which is contained in egg yolks. Folic acid (vitamin B9) normalizes the operation of the circulatory system, supports the immune system. Biotin (vitamin H) is part of the enzymes regulating protein and fat exchange. It improves the condition of the skin, hair and nails. Holine (vitamin B4) prevents the formation of fats in the liver, reduces cholesterol levels, activates the brain operation, improves memory.

44. Is there no eggs because of cholesterol content in them?
Previously, it was recommended to limit the number of eggs consumed due to the presence of cholesterol in them. But after many studies, it turned out that the main reason for the increased level of cholesterol in the blood is to use products with a high content of saturated fats (mainly meat and dairy products). Eggs also contain relatively slightly saturated fats, there are more useful fats in the egg yolk, which helps the cells to function correctly. Of the 5 g of fats in the egg, harmful rich fats that contribute to the production of cholesterol are only 1.5 g. And harm, even on this minor amount of saturated fats, is compensated by the useful substances that prevent the assimilation of cholesterol and contribute to its elimination. Choline reduces cholesterol content in the blood, prevents cholesterol deposition on the walls of blood vessels. Choline is part of the lecithin phospholipid, which is an important component of the cell cells, contributes to maintaining cholesterol levels, prevents the development of liver cirrhosis and cardiovascular diseases, and still from lecithin consists of 50% of the liver. The daily need of the body in lecithine is about 5-6 grams. The egg yolk contains approximately 3.5 grams of lecithin per 100 grams of the product (and in 100 g of lamb, beef or pea there are only about 0.8 g of lecithin).

45. How many eggs can you eat or a week?
In one egg, and it is in an egg yolk, it contains approximately 215 mg of cholesterol, and the daily rate of cholesterol is about 300 mg. Therefore, people with a normal cholesterol level can safely use 1 egg per day. With an elevated level of cholesterol or certain diseases (atherosclerosis, cholecystitis, liver diseases), it is necessary to limit the consumption of eggs to 3 pieces per week. When using oil, sour cream, fatty meat, sausages or nuts should also be reduced by the amount of eggs eaten up to 2-3 pieces per week. With an elevated level of cholesterol, you can use proteins, and refuse yolks, because it contains cholesterol. Interestingly, it is in Japan, which is considered one of the world leaders in the consumption of chicken eggs per capita, lives a record number of long-livers and there is the lowest level of cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, a popular previous prejudice on the dangers of eggs due to the content in them cholesterol has long been outlined itself.

It is interesting! What was before: chicken or egg?

Scientists and philosophers believe that the first egg, argue with this theologians. Total - 2: 1 - in favor of the egg. From the point of view of scientists, the egg appeared long before the appearance of the chicken in the process of evolution, besides, everyone knows the fact that the birth of life occurs in the egg cell.

From Aristotle to Darwin
The first problem "Egg or Chicken" (or, more specifically, "Egg or Bird") raised Aristotle. He believed that the bird and egg appeared simultaneously. More than 2 thousand years ago, Aristotle argued as follows: the egg could not be the first to give the beginning of the birds, for it must be demolished by her, and can not be the first bird, since the egg itself appeared - it means they appeared at the same time (??? ).

Later, this problem was widely discussed by philosophers of ancient Greece, including Plutarch, who formulated the question in the usual version for us - "Egg or Chicken". Actively engaged in this problem and medieval scholars, who took the basis of their philosophy, the teachings of Aristotle - and came to much more complex conclusions, rather than reading the Bible, from which the primacy of chicken should seem to:

"And there was evening, and it was morning: the day is the fourth. And God said: May Water reptiles, the soul is alive; And the birds can fly over the ground, according to the firm heavenly. And the god of fish of large and every soul of animals reptiles, which produced water, by the family of them, and every bird feathers on her. And I saw God that [this] is good. And God blessed, saying: Move and breed, and fill the water in the seas, and the birds are breeding on Earth "(Gen. 1: 19-22).

From the point of view of the theory of Darwin, the first egg was. Since the egg is the biggest cage, and the world, according to Darwin, arose from the smallest "self-nominated" cells.

Philosophical look at the egg
In turn, to get an answer, modern philosophers have tried to find a logical error in the question. The first idea is that the "egg" and "chicken" concepts themselves have a fuzzy volume, and in nature there may be objects that cannot be clearly to say, they enter or are not included in the concepts of "eggs" or "chicken".
There are different types of eggs, from eggs to eggs, which some people can attribute to the concept of "egg", and others - no.

In the process of evolution, there were many intermediate forms of birds, which cannot be unambiguously said, chicken it or not. The chicken was an intermediate form of a bird, which also carried the eggs, and at some point this bird began to call chicken, and her eggs were chicken.

Another approach suggests that there is a strict paradox decision - a clear line between "chicken" and "non-smoke". In this case, the decision of the paradox depends on the exact definition of what is a "chicken egg". If this is the "egg that brought a chicken", then first was a chicken, and if the "egg, from which the chicken hatches," the first was the first egg.

A beautiful decision was suggested by the British philosopher Spencer in the XIX century: "Chicken is only a way that one egg produces another egg," thus eliminating one of the objects of the riddles.

Modern view of biologists
Modern biologists believe that the egg as an object occurred earlier than chicken, as the egg laying appeared much earlier than the chicken and in general a bird (for example, in dinosaurs, archeopteryks). That is, tens of millions of years ago, long before the appearance of birds, the eggs already existed.

If we talk about the chicken egg, our modern knowledge of genetics come to the rescue. It is known that in the process of life, the genetic material is maintained unchanged, i.e., an adult bird - the ancestor of the chicken could not mutate in a chicken after hatched from the egg.
This means that the mutation that led to the emergence of a new biological species could only occur at the embryo stage - inside the egg. Thus, the chicken could hatch out of the egg, which demolished a bird-no-related chicken. Therefore, in an evolutionary sense, the first egg was.

However, nature always turns out to be amazing than our modern ideas about it. In 2012, BBC television channel reported on the curiosity case on Sri Lanka, where the chicken gave birth to a chicken without laying the egg. The chicken was born healthy and fully formed, but the chicken died from the internal injuries obtained during childbirth. According to veterinarians, fertilized eggs for 21 days developed in a full-fledged chicken.

Before the egg began to tie with the Christian Easter, it was a symbol of many holidays among various nations. Ancient people considered him a symbol of the universe and the process of the spring revival of the Earth. With the advent of Christianity, the eggs began to be associated not with the awakening of nature, but the birth of man.

Christians compared this symbol with the cave, in which Christ was risen. Saint Augustine first described the resurrection of Christ from the dead, as the appearance of chicken from the egg. This symbol was adopted in the celebration of Christian Easter. Since then, at the end of Easter liturgy, believers exchange gifts in the form of eggs, and the priest blesses them.

Legend of the appearance of an Easter egg

According to the tradition, the Holy Maria Magdalene (which was an aristocratic, and not the harlot, according to later sources) met in Rome with the emperor after the execution and resurrection of Jesus. During the conversation, she condemned the Pilate for sentencing Christ and began a dispute with Caesar about his resurrection.

She took a chicken egg from the table to demonstrate his point of view of the process of raising from the dead Son of God. Caesar was unperturbed and answered that the mortal is able to resurrect as the egg - to become red. The egg instantly reddenished in the hand of a woman! According to the official legend, it is after that, Christians exchange red eggs for Easter.

Other Christian traditions

Vintage Christian legends mixed traditional beliefs and tightly tied eggs with the celebration of the Resurrection of Christ. One of the European legends tells how Maria Magdalene came to the tomb to see the body of Jesus. With you, she took a basket with eggs that had to serve her with meals. When she opened a basket in the tomb, the Whiselie Egg Shell suddenly began to play with all the colors of the rainbow.

Another legend claims that the Most Holy Deva Maria gave eggs to the soldiers guarding the cross, at which Christ was slowly died. She begged servants to complicate and cried. Her tears fell on the treat, painting them with bright colors.

Faberge eggs or what was in the first Easter egg?

The most famous painted Easter eggs were created by the famous Jeweler Peter Carl Faberge. In 1883, the Russian king, Alexander, instructed Faberge to make a special Easter gift for his wife, Empress Mary.

Taking a gift in the palm of his face, Maria Fedorovna launched a skillfully performed halves of precious eggs and saw the hidden golden yolk under them. But it was not yet the main intrigue - the secret was hidden inside the yolk. It was a multicolored chicken with ruby \u200b\u200beyes. But this is not a major surprise. The hinge mechanism in the tail plumage opened access to a miniature imperial crown, decorated with diamonds and a chain with a ruby \u200b\u200bpendant.

This special product Faberge liked the queen so much that the king immediately ordered such gifts for every Easter. In subsequent years, Nicholas II, the son of Alexander, continued the custom. In total, 57 eggs were created, and only the overthrow of the royal system could interrupt this tradition.

History of Easter eggs Began to biblical times. According to the legend, Maria Magdalene presented a simple egg as a gift to the Roman Emperor Tiberius. At the same time she said: "Christ is risen!". The emperor did not believe the words about the resurrection of Christ from the dead and stated that the same as the white egg could not become red and the dead were not resurrected. Immediately after these words, the emperor presented to him the egg was painted red. It was evidence of the true Resurrection of Christ.

Painted in the color of life and victory egg, as a symbol of Easter, has become a mandatory attribute from the XII century.

Included in the temple of the Easter egg attributed magic properties. According to the beliefs of our ancestors, the eggs put in the red corner of the huts were protected by households from diseases, and the house itself - from fires. According to another belief, it was possible to extinguish the fire, if a fijaris of the "Christ is risen!", Holding the egg in the hands of the egg in the hands of the Egg. But this man should be a true righteous.

An illuminated egg had a special force, which were exchanged on Easter's Day with the first meeting on the street, man. He was given to eat the patient.

In the Soviet times of my childhood, we, children, were not particularly told about the history of Easter eggs and traditions with him connected. I did not even tell me even my grandmother who was a believer man. In his own way, the grandchildren defended, because I remembered very well the Stalin's times and repression towards believers.

But Easter lived! Our beloved fun at Easter and the entire Easter week was "riding eggs." The fun was as follows: on the trades specially made for this, whose one end was raised above the ground, we rolled down, every one, painted egg. And at the bottom in front of the tray on Earth, other eggs were already lying. If my egg threw a neighbor's egg, he took mine. Adults were happy to take part in this riding.

Already later, becoming an adult, I became interested in the history of this custom and found out that the skiing of eggs people walked the earth from winter sleep. Once for this game, they chose the place where there was a small elevation, so that the eggs rolled. Already later, for convenience, they began to make trays with sides.

The custom exchange eggs exists today. And in some villages they arrange "Bounds" - beating with painted eggs.

The painted eggs were called "shards", and painted - "writings". History Easter eggs It suggests that the most common way of painting eggs in Russia has always been a way of coloring with a onion husk. The color of eggs is obtained different depending on the time of cooking and the amount of husk. So that it was more saturated, folk wisdom advises first for half an hour to boil the onion husk, and then boil eggs in it. In order for the shell during cooking, you can put a tablespoon of salt into the water. Ready eggs are allowed to dry and rub with sunflower oil for glitter. Although this final chord is not required. He is an amateur.

To obtain a beautiful yellow color, our ancestors used the decoction of birch kidneys. When rice appeared in Russia, it began to apply it for the color of eggs "in Krapinka". Wet eggs fell in a dry rice, wrapped in a cloth and tied with thread. Figure at the same time firmly gone to the egg. Cooked them as usual in the onion husk or birch kidney.

History of Easter eggs continues. Today there are special souvenir inedible Easter eggs made from different materials: wood, glass, crystal, porcelain, precious metals. There are edible, sweet chocolate.

Nevertheless, a truly Easter egg, in my opinion, the most painted chicken egg chicken, which returns us to the time of the tradition of tradition. Everything that is worth the sources is always more close to the truth.

"Faberge Eggs" is a nominal name. This symbol of luxury, once sold out by the Bolsheviks for a scentual, today there is a fabulous money. Private collectors are laying out for the right of possessing millions of famous treasures.


It can be said that Karl Faberge is a hereditary jeweler. His father in 1842 opened his company in St. Petersburg. The family came to Russia from Estonia, and the ancestors of the famous jeweler were French gugougins who fled to Germany from the unfriendly politics of the Sun King (Louis XIV). Nothing outstanding workshop Faberge-Father did not: brooches and tiarata, generously swept off precious stones, enjoyed the demand from representatives of rich merchants, but only.

Gustav, with all his might, tried to learn and provide her firstborn, so Karl Faberge studied in the prestigious educational institutions in Europe, he studied jewelry skill in Frankfurt, and then returned to Russia and he headed the family enterprise in 24 years. Part of the researchers argue that it was extremely gifted in jewelry, others are confident that the outstanding talent of Karl Gustavovich was purely administrative. But but the manager, as they would say, he was from God.


When in 1882 the artistic and industrial exhibition took place in Moscow, Faberge was lucky: the enterprises of the enterprise paid attention to his wife. From this point on, the fruitful cooperation of the jeweler with the Monarch family began. I must say that the emperor crossed the expensive decorations not that kilograms - tons. It was required to present gifts during official visits to the rulers of other countries, and here it was used artfully made sets, caskets, decorations and a variety of trinkets with stigma Faberge.

Soon the company received international recognition, won at the exhibition in Nuremberg (1885). Judges chose products that copy gold jewelry of Scythians. In the same year, the first Faberge Egg for the House of Romanov was made.

Emperor family

The Empress favored to the jeweler since 1884: they presented a souvenir, depicting a gold basket with pearl valley. Maria Fedorovna found a charming thing, and it can be said that thanks to this Karl Faberge opened a new direction in the activities of the enterprise. Since then, a variety of fantasies embodied in stone, gold or bones became his branded feature.

It must be said that the famous jeweler has most appreciated the artistic side of the question, and not all of his products were precious. In its enterprises, a variety of useful trifles were manufactured, such as pens for umbrellas, calls or stone seals. According to some sources, the firm did even and the Silver services of Faberge and really were famous for all Russia (and not only).

Art side

The jeweler introduced the fashion to use not only precious stones and metals, but also materials simpler: crystal, bone, malachite, Yashma, etc. At first, the staff did not have enough qualified personnel to fulfill all the ideas that Carl Faberge was crowded. Works had to be ordered to Ural masters. But gradually many talented jewelers, engraments and artists became staff members of the enterprise. Among them were the Masters of the highest class, Faberge allowed them to put their own stigma on his works.

The working day of the staff was just a slave: they had to work from seven in the morning until eleven in the evening, and on Sundays - to the hour of the afternoon. An amazing thing, but at the same time Karl Faberge used the location of the subordinates: he did not leave him, did not organize competing firms, although many had such an opportunity. I must say that the salary of the famous jeweler paid generous, old and sick workers to the mercy of fate did not throw, did not bother on praise.

The company had its own recognizable style. Another feature has become a variety of enamels that please the eye with more than 120 shades, and the technique of the so-called guilloche enamel has not been reproduced.

Eggs of the Imperial Collection

The greatest fame and posthumous glory of Karl Faberge received thanks to which his company was manufactured every year for the imperial family. The beginning of the tradition laid the case. The king asked the jeweler to make a surprise gift for her majesty Mary Fedorovna. Faberge was granted freedom of choice - the first egg of the Imperial Collection appeared.

The first sample was a golden egg covered outside with white enamel. Inside it was placed yolk and colored chicken. She, in turn, was also a secret: inside the bird there was a tiny imperial crown and a ruby \u200b\u200begg, which was subsequently lost.

The idea was not original: such souvenirs are stored among the exhibits of several European museums still (perhaps, there is Carl Faberge and scream inspiration).

Empress came to the delight. From that moment on, Faberge had to represent a new masterpiece for the yard every year, but with two conditions. First, the egg with a secret could be made only for royal surname. Secondly, it should have been absolutely original.

When Nikolai II joined the throne, the tradition continued, but now Faberge created two souvenirs: for the monarch's spouse and for the enormous empress.

Bypassing the royal ban

Many years later, it became known that the jeweler was still the ban of his August patron: seven eggs, very similar to originals from the Tsarist Treasury, were the property of the wife of a kind of gold industryman. What was the fault - the fabric wealth of Mrs. Kelch or her adorable eyes are not known for certain. In addition to them, there is still at least eight eggs Faberge, made on private orders. The fact that this fact is not documented is an excellent cover for scammers.

For the manufacture of each masterpiece, Karl Faberge's house spent almost a year. To create thumbnails, the most talented artists were attracted, and the view of the future gift was kept in the strictest secrecy.

In the process of manufacturing the royal surprise, Faberge did not chase his profit: in different years, Easter eggs managed to the emperor in different amounts and were made from different, sometimes inexpensive materials. So, in 1916, the monarch received a steel egg, a stand for which four cartridges served.

The owners of the preserved treasure

They say about 50, 52 and even about 56 copies, which made Faberge for the imperial family, but some of them turned out to be lost. Bolsheviks, having come to power, not enough that the imperial treasury was robbed, so also sold it for a snot. Now is the location of only 46 of them.

In 2013, a truly royal gift in the residents of St. Petersburg made Russian Oligarch Maxim Vekselberg. He bought at the family of Forbes the biggest collection of eggs in the world and opened the Faberge Museum, where every 15 copies can see anyone. 10 more masterpieces are among the exhibits 13 are in the museums of the United States of America, 2 - in Switzerland and 13 more scattered on private collections (several belong

Another Museum of Faberge opened in Baden-Baden, there are 1917 manufactured eggs: from (designed by the widowed Empress) and glass and crystal (for Alexandra Fedorovna). The authenticity of the latter causes some doubts, since the same was found in the member of the Mineralogical Museum in Moscow, but the masterpiece owner, another Russian billionaire Alexander Ivanov, assures that he is the owner of the original.

Starting from 1885 to 1916, the court jeweler of the Tsarist family, Karl Faberge, presented to the king on one masterpiece per year. The total number created by Faberge for the imperial family of Easter eggs is 50.

Easter before the revolution was the favorite holiday of people in Russia, since coincided with the arrival of spring, heat and the awakening of nature. At the end of the XIX century Easter acquired universal importance: a whole branch of applied art was formed, which was engaged in the release of Easter products. Easter eggs were produced in a huge amount, and they were made from a variety of materials - glass, porcelain, wood, various diverse materials, stones, and colors.

Ballerina Matilda Kshesinskaya at one time told how a big egg was presented at Easter, and a miniature precious egg was attached to him, which could be worn as a key chain. Once she was presented with a simple straw egg, inside of which lay packed wonderful things from Faberge.
Imperial Easter Eggs Faberge

Jewelry Easter Eggs Charles Faberge was considered the top of the genre of Easter applied arts, they became a kind of era symbol.

Tsar Alexander III gave Easter eggs Faberge to his wife Mary Fedorovna, Tsar Nicholas II presented as his mother's gifts, and his wife Alexander Fedorovna. Presumably that the emperors gave Easter eggs produced by Faberge and other members of the royal family. Currently, only 42 preserved Masterpieces Faberge is known.

The order for which Faberge did eggs for the king, contained the execution of three conditions: the egg-shaped form; Surprise, containing communication with any event of the royal family and the third condition - that the work does not have a repetimate.

Thus, these Easter gifts were created decorated with royal monograms or dates, some had miniature portraits of children and emperor themselves or the image of royal residences, two of them contained the models of ships on which the last Russian emperor.

The egg was solemnly presented to the king either by Karl Faberge himself, or his son Eugene and invariably met with a great delight, because at the same time everyone could see a surprise hidden in a gift.

Technique of execution of YIITS

The eggs made were fastened with clasps and loops so that if necessary, they could be easily disassembled to care or repair. In turn, the use of such equipment and this design of the product, removed many limitations in the choice of materials. Faberge combined the use of precious materials with inexpensive materials, but convenient for processing.

The "shell" eggs enamelled in the famous Faberge technique. If the egg consisted of two drop-down halves, the design was developed so that the finish carefully masked the closed edges of both halves.

Decorative lining, fastened to the surface of Easter eggs, not only determined the features of the artistic style, but also contributed to the creation of plots that anticipated or emphasized the meaning of inside surprises. The choice of material for the manufacture of decorative finishes depended on their purpose.

In the manufacture of Easter eggs as a gold substitute, having beauty, and durable, gilded bronze was used, gold-plated silver. Silver was also used to make a framework of miniature portraits-surprises, since he had the most shiny surface of all materials. For purely decorative purposes, Faberge often used colored gold. Selecting the ratio of pure gold and other pure metals, it received a set of shades of various saturation.

Many Easter eggs are decorated with a solid decorative grid (Cagework), which was made of very diverse materials.

Most of the parts of the exterior decoration, starting with the frames and festers of the gold of various shades and ending with leaves and stems of flowers on the Easter egg "Lilies", was attached to the shell of eggs with miniature fasteners. The fasteners soldered to the back of the details were inserted into the holes in the shells. Then they fucked along the inner surface of the shell to firmly fix the decorations. During the drilling of holes in the enameled shell, the egg was immersed in water so that the drill was not overheated and the enamelled coating was damaged.

Surprises in Faberge Eggs

Among the "surprises" Faberge hidden in many Easter eggs are miniature models made of precious materials, jewelry, as well as images of people, events and places that have importance to the imperial family. Some surprises are essentially separate works of art that can be seen or, as in some cases, lead in motion, only when extracting from the egg. Other secrets can be observed through the transparent sheath of the egg.

The opening parts of the eggs were attached to the hinges. The upper part of the egg shell performed the role of the lid. The side parts were sash, opening up or down depending on the location of the hinges. Detail of an external egg body hiding a surprise is usually fastened on spring hinges, which are designed in such a way that when you press a button or a dog, it opened smoothly.

There was no object, an object or plant, which would not be able to reproduce the Master Faberge as a surprise for an Easter egg. The layout of the Gatchina Palace with surrounding territories, with trees, lampposts, was made of gold of four colors. The layout of the monument to Peter I, made Falcone on request Catherine Great, also found an embodiment in the "surprise". Faberge's Easter Egg is located in Baltimore, Merilend, USA, Water Art Museum Museum (The Walters Art Museum).

Simple mechanisms applied in some Easter eggs have been designed specifically for each case. A simple transmission mechanism raised and lowered three miniature portraits of King Nicholas II and his senior daughters, Olga and Tatiana in the Easter Egg "Lilisha". Some eggs have a clock, the mechanisms of which are harvested by keys that are usually inserted into the hole in the rear of the case, but there are mechanisms that start using the handle. On some Easter eggs, the clocks have a horizontal tape with numbers rotating opposite the fixed mark. Inside the special eggs, the bird figures appear each hour from the top of the egg.

Perhaps the most famous "surprise" is a coronation carriage from the Easter egg "coronational" - a miniature layout of 3 and 1/6 inch long (8cm), made of gold and enamel - an accurate copy of the carriage that was used in the coronation of Nicholas II and his wife 1896 G. "Curtains" engraved right on end of a mountain crystal. Decorated door handles, size less than rice grain, rotate, opening and closing the doors on the latch. The case of the carriage is resting on the straps that amortize how real leather is thus stripped and the chassis on the chassis when the crew is moving.

The most hitromed secrets are driven by clockwork mechanisms. The basis for creating these mechanisms was the Swiss automata XVIII century; However, the train layout in the Easter Egg "The Great Siberian Way" is an exact copy of the real locomotive and trans-space express cars. The acting model of the train develops a section of a section in a vulgarized case inside the egg. The map of the railway route and the crowned all-round heraldic eagle serve also a hint of a surprise, hidden inside the egg.

The Easter Egg "The Great Siberian Way" Easter Egg "The Great Siberian Way" and his "surprise" includes the number of works of art that they please the eye, capture the imagination and warm the soul.

Nine eggs returned to Russia

February 4, 2004 Sotheby's auction house announced the sale on a private agreement of the Faberge collection of Forbes to the Russian industrialist Viktor Vekselberg, who returned the eggs to Russia. Before returning to Russia, a collection that includes the legendary Nine Imperial Easter eggs was presented at the social exhibition in Sotby in New -It. This part of a collection consisting of nine eggs was estimated at 90 million dollars, the final amount of the transaction was not disclosed. Sotby's auction house carried out this private transaction on behalf of the Forbes family.

Based on the materials: Imperial Easter Eggs Faberge

Easter eggs Faberge from the collection of the Moscow Kremlin (Armory)

One of the oldest and most rich museums of the Moscow Kremlin is a weapon-made chamber with a wonderful meeting of monuments
decorative and applied art. The collection of the national treasury is presented products of Russian jewelry firms XIX and early XX centuries. Among them are the works of the famous Faberge company: hours, cigarette, jewelry, silverware, tea and coffee sets, crystal vases, miniature sculptural figures from colored diverse stones.

The pride of the collection is the ten imperial Easter eggs with surprises, which are the top of creative inspiration and the captured skill of the whole pleiades of outstanding jewelers and artists under the leadership of Karl Faberge, who at the beginning of the 20th century in Paris was recognized as a master of the best jewelers.

The manufacture of exquisitely decorated Easter eggs was tradition and
ancient craft in Russia. Long before Faberge began to create jewelry eggs for the imperial family, eggs from precious metals and stones were made for Russian kings. But only Karl Faberge and his talented team of artists, jewelers, kamnezes, model-making sculptors and miniaturists were able to bring the art of making jewelry Easter eggs to an unparalleled and unsurpassed grace, skill and creative fantasy.

In total, from 1885 to 1917, about 56 Easter masterpieces (accurate digit unknown) were created on request of Emperors Alexander III and Nikolai II. Eggs made in the workshop of Mikhail Parchina, which after his death He headed Heinrich Wigstrom, was distinguished by an unprecedented luxury, an amazing fantasy, an unsurpassed perfection of the study of details, a virtuoso combination of various techniques. Never repeating, they were especially impressive by surprises contained in them - miniature copies of royal yachts and cruisers with the finest gears, palaces, with a "fluffy" gold, monuments, werepiled by stones, flowers or buds.

Jewelry Easter eggs-souvenirs were a surprise not only for those who were intended as a gift, but often for the emperor who ordered them. "Your Majesty will be pretty" - such an answer usually gave Faberge to the question about the plot of the next egg.

Egg with a model of the cruiser "Memory Azova", 1891

On the armadarous ship "Memory of Azova", built at the Baltic Plant in the late 80s of the XIX century, Cesarevich Nikolay Alexandrovich (the future emperor Nicholas II) in 1890-1891 made a trip to the east, during which he was attacked by a Japanese samurai - fanatic In the city of Otsu and the miracle stayed alive. Swimming ended in Vladivostok, where Zesarevich and the heir to the throne laid the beginning of the construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway.

The egg was presented with Emperor Alexander III Empress Maria Fedorovna for Easter 1891

Egg-clock, 1899

The clock arrow resembles an arour arrow released from a bow; It is surrounded by torches whose flame turns into lush vegetable curls. Together with a bouquet of lilies, "germinating" through a wreath of roses from multicolored gold, they symbolize a virtuous flame of family love. This Easter egg made in the form of ancient French watches in Louis XVI, is a kind of empty recognition of Nicholas II in love with his wife, Empress Alexandra Fedorovna.

Egg with a model of a Siberian train, 1900

This Easter egg is a characteristic sample of a memorable gift product created on a company in honor of an important historical event - the construction of a Trans-Siberian highway inspired by Emperor Alexander III and continued to the reign of Nicholas II. The road joined the European and Asian parts of Russia, the largest industrial cities with the military port of Vladivostok, which gave impetus to the intensive development of the extensive Siberian outskirts.

The egg was presented by the emperor Nikolai II Empress Alexander Fedorovna.

Egg-clover, 1902

On the openwork rim eggs - an image of the imperial crown, the date "1902" and the monogram of Empress Alexandra Fedorovna in the frame of the colors of clover. Surprise is lost. But the museum staff managed to find a unique archive document from which it follows that a precious four hundred and 4 miniatures were reinforced inside. Probably, portraits of royal daughters (Olga, Tatiana, Mary and Anastasia) were depicted on the petals of a surprise (Olga, Tatiana, Mary and Anastasia), therefore he was a symbol of the happy marriage of Nicholas II and the empress Alexandra Fedorovna, a symbol of the connection of two loving people. According to belief it was believed that the four-fledged clover was highly rare and luck. The egg is made in the style of "modern" with its floral motifs and elegant outlines, which is not suitable for the embodiment of an intimate family topic.

The egg was presented with the emperor Nikolai II Empress Alexander Fedorovna for Easter 1902

Egg "Moscow Kremlin", 1904-1906

This Easter egg was made in memory of the stay of the king with the queen in the first-hearth zlato-head capital during the Easter celebration in 1903, which enthusiastically was perceived by all Russian society and, in particular, Muscovites. Performing this extraordinary work on the plan, the masters of Faberge sought to create the image of the ancient Kremlin - at the same time majestic and fabulously elegant. We have a peculiar, virtuoso variation on the theme of the Kremlin architecture.

The egg was presented by the emperor Nikolai II Empress Alexander Fedorovna for Easter 1906

Egg with a model of the Alexandrovsky Palace, 1908

The Alexander Palace was a country residence of Tsar Nicholas II and his family, which rarely left the walls of the palace and led a rather closed way of life, for which they were called "Tsarskoye Herkers".

The egg was presented with the emperor Nikolai II Empress Alexander Fedorovna for Easter 1908

Egg with a model of the yacht "Standard", 1909

The yacht "Standard" was a beloved Yacht Nicholas II. On her, the king's family spent a lot of time in the Schkers of the Finnish Bay, until the yacht was crashed in coastal schrahs.

The egg was presented by the emperor Nikolai II Empress Alexander Fedorovna for Easter 1909

Egg with a model of the monument to Alexander III, 1910

The model inside the egg reproduces the monument of the sculptor P. Trubetsky, erected on the Znamenskaya Square of St. Petersburg near the Nikolaev station according to the rescript of Nicholas II in memory of his father.

The egg was presented with the emperor Nikolai II Empress Maria Fedorovna for Easter 1910

Egg "300th anniversary of the house of Romanov", 1913

The egg made to the three hundred dollars of the house of Romanovs, decorated with eighteen miniature portraits of representatives of the reign dynasty. Flat diamonds are strengthened at the top and at the bottom of the egg, through which the dates "1613" and "1913" are visible. Inside the egg, a rotating steel bladed globe is strengthened, on which the Golden Patch image of the Northern Hemisphere twice is placed: the territory of Russia is marked at one - color gold, in the borders of 1613, on the other in the borders of 1913 in the decoration of the egg dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the ruling Dynasties, magnificently noted in the empire, elements of state symbolism are used abundantly.

The egg was presented with the emperor Nikolai II Empress Alexander Fedorovna for Easter 1913

Egg with miniature on Molbert, 1916

The steel egg was created during the First World War - heavy time and for Russia, and for the royal family. Therefore, his appearance is strict, and the decor is official and dry. Since the egg was created in honor of the awarding of the king by the Order of St. George IV degree, the gold frame of the miniature was decorated with a black and orange ribbon and a white enamel cross of this order.

The egg was presented with the emperor Nikolai II Empress Alexander Fedorovna for Easter 1916

Faberge eggs - The famous series of jewelry firm Karl Faberge. The series was created between 1885 and 1917. gg For the Russian Imperial Family and private buyers. Everything is known about creating 71 copies, of which the imperial are 52.
Karl Faberge And the jewelers of his firm created the first egg in 1885. It was ordered by King Alexander Third like Easter surprise for his wife Mary Fedorovna. The so-called "chicken" egg is covered with a white, imitating shell, enamel, and inside, in the "yolk" from matte gold, - made of colored gold chicken. Inside the chicken, in turn, a small ruby \u200b\u200bcrown is hidden.

The Empress was so fascinated by the gift that Faberge, turned into a court jeweler, received an order to produce in the egg annually; He should have been unique and contain any surprise, it was the only condition. Next emperor, Nikolai second, I retained this tradition, every spring giving, in turn, two eggs - one Maria Fedorovna, his widowed mother, and the second - Alexander Fedorovna, New Empress.

1887 year. Golden egg with a clock. The first owner of Maria Fedorovna. This owner is unknown.

1888 year. Cherub and chariot. Two-wheeled chariot, controlled by Cherub, on which the egg lies. Surprise in the egg - Cherub with a clock.The first owner of Maria Fedorovna. This owner is unknown.

1890 year. Danish palaces. Inside: 12 miniature pearl paintings - types of palaces in Denmark and Russia.The first owner of Maria Fedorovna. Currently located in the USA , Foundation Matilda Geddings Gray, Metropolitan Museum.

1891 year. Azov's memory. Inside: Fregate Model"Aziz's memory"where the sons of Mary swam at this moment.Made from jade, Rococo style. The first owner of Maria Fedorovna. Currently is located in Moscow in the Armory Chamber.

1892 year. The stand is lost in the form of a cherub's egg. Jade. Lost Surprise - Elephant (Danish coat of arms).The first owner of Maria Fedorovna. Currently is located in the UK in the Private Collection.

1893 year. Caucasian egg. Inside - miniatures of the Caucasus sites, where the son of Empress lived Grand Prince Georgy Alexandrovich.The first owner of Maria Fedorovna. Currently located in the USA , Foundation Matilda Geddings Gray, Metropolitan Museum.

1894 year. Renaissance. The first owner of Maria Fedorovna. Victor Vekselberg. "Communication Times."

1895. Egg-clock with blue snake. The first owner of Maria Fedorovna. Currently is located in Monaco in the collection of Prince Albert.

1895. Egg with a rose bud. The first egg presented by Alexander Fedorovna. Surprise - Rose (in memory of Darmstat, the Motherland of the Empress, who was proud of her colors). Inside the crown flower, inside which pendant (lost). Neoclassicism style.Currently located in Moscow in the Foundation Victor Vekselberg. "Communication Times."

Portraits of Alexander the Third. The egg was ordered by the new emperor for his mother, accustomed to a decade to similar gifts. The product is decorated with the initials of Mary Fedorovna and the deceased Alexander III, which are 6 times repeated. Surprise lost. Probably contained 6 portrait miniatures.

1896 year. Egg with rotating miniatures. Egg from a mining crystal with 12 miniatures - types of memorable places for Empress Alexandra Fedorovna. The first owner of Alexander Fedorovna. Currently located in the USA, Richmond, Virgin Museum of Fine Arts.

1897 year. Pink-lilac egg with three miniatures. Wound. Presumably, a surprise inside is a heart with three portrait medallions, which has been preserved and is now in the collection of Vasselberg.

1897 year. Coronation. A copy of the imperial carriage at the coronation of Nicholas II. Jeweler - MikhailPerchin , Georg Stein. The most famous eggs. The first owner of Alexander Fedorovna.Currently located in Moscow in the Foundation Victor Vekselberg. "Communication Times."

1898. Pelican. The egg unfolds at 8 miniature plates with institutions based on the widow of the Empress Maria Fedorovna. Pelican is a symbol of charity. The first owner of Maria Fedorovna.Currently located in the USA, Richmond, Virgin Museum of Fine Arts.

1898. "Lrangessi". Three medallion with portraits of the emperor and the two senior daughters of Olga and Tatiana. Master Mikhail Pergin. Modern style. According to the most favorite egg empress. The first owner of Alexander Fedorovna. Collection of billburg.

1899 year. "Pansies". From jade. Inside "Molbert" with medalons in the form of opening hearts - a genealogical tree with portraits. The first owner of Maria Fedorovna. Currently is located in a private collection in New Orleans.

1899 year. "Clock (lilies bouquet)".

1900 year. Petushok. Singing hours with a poprowing root.The first owner of Maria Fedorovna. Currently is in the collection of billbourg.

1900 year. "Trans-Siberian Magistral". Surprise - train model.The first owner of Alexander Fedorovna. Currently is in the Armory Chamber.

1901 year. "Gatchina Palace". Image of the main country residence Widdling empress.The first owner of Maria Fedorovna.Art gallery Walters, Baltimore, Meriland, USA.

1901 year. The first owner of Alexander Fedorovna. Currently is in the Queen Collections Elizabeth second.

1902 year. "Clover". Surprise is lost, presumably, portrait miniatures of the great prinjon.The first owner of Alexander Fedorovna. Currently is in the Armory Chamber.

1903 year. "Peter the Great". Inside the model of the copper rider . 4 miniatures on sides with views of St. Petersburg. To the two hundred dollar base of the city. Rococo. The first owner of Alexander Fedorovna. Currently is located in the Art Museum of Virginia, Richmond, USA.

1906 year. "Swan". The first owner of Maria Fedorovna. Currently is in the Foundation Eduard and Maurice Sandoz, Lausanne, Switzerland.

1906 year. "Kremlin". The largest eggs. Depicted the Uspensky Cathedral.The interior of the temple is visible through the windows. Clockwork. The first owner of Alexander Fedorovna.

1907 year. "Cradle with garlands." The first owner of Maria Fedorovna. Currently in private collections of Robert M. Lee, USA.

1907 year. "Egg with lattices and rose". Surprise is lost, presumably medallion with a portrait of Tsarevich Alexei.The first owner of Alexander Fedorovna. Currently located in the art galleryWalters, Baltimore, Meriland, USA.

1908 year. "Peacock". The first owner of Maria Fedorovna. Currently is in Foundation Eduard and Maurice Sandoz, Lausanne, Switzerland.

1908 year. "Aleksandrovsky Palace". Surprise - model of the Alexandrovsky Palace In the royal village. Miniatures - five portraits of daughters. The first owner of Alexander Fedorovna. Currently is in the Armory Chamber.

1909 year. "Memorial Alexander the Third."Surprise is a miniature bust.The first owner of Maria Fedorovna. Currently, the location is unknown.

1909 year. "Yacht" Standard ". An image of the Yacht Emperor Alexander III. The first owner of Alexander Fedorovna.Currently is in the Armory Chamber.

1910. "Equestrian Monument to Alexander III." The first owner of Maria Fedorovna.Currently is in the Armory Chamber.

1910. "Colonnade". An image of a love temple. Cupid symbolizes Cesarevich Alexei.The first owner of Alexander Fedorovna.

1911. "Lavra Tree". Also known as the "orange tree". Inside - a clockwork bird.The first owner of Maria Fedorovna.Currently is in the collection of billbourg.

1911. "15th anniversary of the reign." Miniatures - 7 portraits of family members and 9 scenes of reign, including coronation, discovery of museums and monuments, acquiring the relics of Seraphim Sarovsky.The first owner of Alexander Fedorovna.Currently located In the collection of billbourg.

1912 "Napoleonic Egg". To the 100th anniversary of the Patriotic War. Surprise - Shirma with 6 miniatures depicting representatives of the regiments whose honorable colonel was an empress.The first owner of Maria Fedorovna.Currently is inArt Museum of New Orleans, USA.

1912 "Tsarevich". Surprise - Diamond double-headed eagle with a miniature portrait of Tsarevich Alexei.The first owner of Alexander Fedorovna.Currently is inUSA.

1913 year. "Winter". From crystal, opal and diamonds. Surprise - Snowdrops Basket. Designer - Anna Pich. The most expensive from eggs paid by Romanov (24 thousand rubles). The first owner of Maria Fedorovna. Currently is in the collection of Emir Qatar.

1913 year. "300th anniversary of the house of Romanov". Inside - a globe with the marked territory of the Russian Empire. In the egg - 18 miniatures with portraits of representatives of the reign dynasty. The first owner of Alexander Fedorovna. Currently is in the Armory Chamber.

1914. "Mosaic." Surprise - Cameo with children's profiles.The first owner of Alexander Fedorovna.Currently is in the Queen Collections Elizabeth second.

1915 year. "Red Cross with portraits." Surprise - 5 portraits of two daughters, sisters, wives and cousins \u200b\u200bof the king in the form of a nurse. The first owner of Maria Fedorovna. Currently locatedArt Museum of Virginia, Richmond, USA.

1915 year. "Triptych Red Cross." Outdating egg. Portraits led. Princess Olga and Tatyana. Inside the image of the descent in Hell and the images of Saints Olga and Tatyana. The first owner of Alexander Fedorovna. Currently is in the artisticmuseum of Cleveland, USA.

1916. "Order of St. George." In honor of the award of Tsarevich Alexey Medal. Surprise - Portrait of Emperor Nicholas. The last egg received by Maria Fedorovna, and the only one she managed to take away. Currently is in the collection of billbourg.

1916. "Military steel". Surprise is a miniature picture depicting the visit of the emperor and the heir to the troops. The lack of luxury is the result of the fact that many of the masters of Faberge were called to the front, and the ban on jewelers to work with precious metals in the crisis. The steel egg is the simplest of the imperial eggs, and the latter, obtained by Empress Alexander. Currently is in the Armory Chamber.

1917 year. "Birch". According to some versions, this egg was made in 1917. Made from Karelian Birch. Surprise - a mechanical elephant of gold and silver, decorated with roses and diamonds, and a golden key to it - lost. First exhibited in 2001, Maria Fedorovna was intended. It is from May 2009 in the permanent exposition of Faberge Museum in Baden-Baden.

1917 year. "Constellation". "Blue Constellation Tsarevich". Not finished, not presented. There are no precious stones, only a blue glass and a crystal stand. Engraving - the position of the stars in the sky during the birth of Alexei. The clock and diamond stars disappeared or were not made. Detected in 2001 in the funds of the Mineralogical Museum, which apparently got due to the insufficient value of raw materials. Alexandra Fedorovna was intended.

According to Wikipedia.