Types of christmas trees drawing. How to draw a New Year tree with toys and garlands with pencil and paints in stages for beginners

Types of christmas trees drawing. How to draw a New Year tree with toys and garlands with pencil and paints in stages for beginners
Types of christmas trees drawing. How to draw a New Year tree with toys and garlands with pencil and paints in stages for beginners

You can draw the Christmas tree in different ways. Although "arranged" it is the same as the other trees (the trunk that leave him the branches), but this "skeleton" is disguised with fluffy spruce legs. Therefore, drawing a Christmas tree with children is generalized, it is convenient to take a triangle as a basis. By the way, such a triangular (or rather, cone-shaped) form of firings has a deep ecological meaning. Spruce grows in places with a harsh climate, with snowy winter. Such a form of the crown does not give snow in a large amount of accumulating on the branches of trees. He just rolls out of the Christmas tree, like from the mountain. And it helps the branches to survive, do not break from excessive snowy severity. People spied this "trick" from nature and build houses from a double roof - so that the snow was not fired there.
Coloring a New Year's Christmas tree with children is very comfortable by gouashe paints. First, we paint the green paint, and when the gouache serves a little, draw the balls and beads. These round decorations are very easy to draw with small children not with a brush, but with cotton chopsticks. Savit a cotton wand in the paint and press to paper. You get the imprint of a fairly correct round form. Then on the dried balls of white paint, you can make a glare-feed.
We offer seven drawing of the Christmas tree with children of different ages. They are arranged as complicated work.

Tree-triangle - phased drawing with children from 4 years.

This is the easiest Christmas tree. It is not even on the basis of a triangle is just a triangle. Add decorations - balls - and you are ready for a wonderful Christmas picture!

Tree-triangle - phased drawing diagram with children from 4 years.

Easy with children from 5 years.

This Christmas tree is a little more comprehensive. She already has characteristic branches-teeth. Such a Christmas tree can be decorated with balls or, just coloring green paint "put" in the forest.

Scheme of phased drawing of the Christmas tree with children from 5 years.

Tree based on a triangle - phased drawing

with children from 6 years.

This Christmas tree has more branches. You need to draw them as a fence, right away. The bottom of the Christmas tree is also openwork. It is already more like a real village. Draw decorations in advance makes sense, only if you are going to paint the Christmas tree with flompers or colored pencils. If you work with paints, you can write balls and garlands later, without preliminary drawing.

Scheme of phased Christmas tree drawing with children from 6 years.

Tree based on a triangle - phased drawing

with children from 7 years.

In this embodiment, the church for replacing the simple lines come broken, wavy. And the Christmas tree looks less schematic, even gains some volume. Although it is still the same flat triangle. The feeling of volume is achieved by the fact that we are planning not only side twigs, but also twigs in the middle of the tree. As well as not straight, but capricious and soared line of garlands.

Scheme of phased painting Christmas tree with children from 7 years.

Volta tree - phased drawing with children from 8 years.

When drawing this Christmas tree, we use a conditional skeleton. Its main feature is that here we draw branches that are addressed to us. They must be short, distorted perspective. After the drawing is made in a pencil, you can offer different options for designing and decorating the Christmas tree. Figure 4A - Summer Christmas tree in the forest. Figure 4B - Winter Tree, Non-Snow. For such work, gouache paints are very suitable. After the end of work with green paint, take the snow waves on the branches. Another idea - try to make a Christmas tree not green, but blue. Figure 4B - Christmas tree, dressed in beads and balls.

Scheme of phased drawing of the Christmas tree with children from 8 years.

Realistic Christmas tree - gradual drawing with children from 9 years.

This, of course, is a completely young Christmas tree. Such work is better to perform paints. The Christmas tree will be similar to the real living tree. Dressing on her in the New Year outfit is hardly possible.

Realistic Christmas tree - scheme of phased drawing with children from 9 years.

Tree based on the pyramid - phased drawing with children from 12 years.

This work is interesting to perform pastel, coal or sanguine. In the last two cases, the picture will be monochrome. The work is quite complicated and even for children of 12 years without artistic training it is better to choose another version of the Christmas tree.

Christmas tree based on the pyramid scheme of phased drawing with children from 9 years.
In addition to the Christmas tree, there are plenty of other trees that are interested in drawing with children. Look at the article about the phased drawing of trees with children. You will surely find the most interesting options for children of any age.

How to draw a Christmas tree in stages, we know since school bench. But honestly, in childhood, many lessons we missed past ears. It is not surprising that becoming older, on the requests of your child to draw a New Year tree we answer excuses. This article will teach to draw a beautiful spruce even those who do not have special artistic skills.

Drawing trees - On the very very simple and fascinating occupation. Unlike portrait painting, where it is important to put emphasis properly, the branches on the trees can be drawing in a chaotic order, and they will still look natural. Several tips on how to draw fir, will help us in work:

  • Use a bright soft pencil to create a sketch, since at the end of the work these lines will need to remove the eraser. Choose domestic pencils with marking "M", and European - with the letter "B".
  • So that in the process of work does not lubricate the drawing, put a piece of pure paper under the arm. So the wrist will remain clean, and the sketch does not have to correct.
  • If you put your fingers closer to the end of the pencil, then you will get an accurate drawing, but the touches will come out tougher.
  • When you draw fir on the sketch, do not be afraid to go beyond its frames. So the tree will turn out much more realistically, because there are no branches growing only to a certain length.
  • Working with paints is the most convenient, using a special palette. But if there is no one in your arsenal yet, you do not have the best idea from the bank. Then pour some paint on an extra blank sheet. So shades are not mixed with each other.
  • Make sure that the paint does not flow through the tassel. By typing an excess mascara, it is better to get rid of the brush about the edge of the jar or palette.

That's all, it's time to go to practice. Follow free time, pencils and pure paper.

Drawn fir - the tree is universal in all senses. It can be decorated with a postcard, make an applique or just hang a good picture on the wall. Always the green fir will perfectly fit into the summer landscape, and with toys and gifts on the branches will be the addition of the New Year's picture. As stages easily and beautifully paint the Christmas tree with a pencil, teach this photo turret.

Necessary materials:

  • simple pencil (you can use immediately color);
  • a4 paper sheet.

Process description:

It is believed that it is very difficult to work with paints, so inexperienced artists are reluctant for such drawings. This master class dispels all your doubts and tells beginners, as stages to draw a Christmas tree with paints.

Necessary materials:

  • angular brush;
  • white pencil;
  • paints of two colors: green and white.

Process description:

Master class on drawing for children 4-5 years old "Yelochka"

Author: Ostain Victoria Aleksandrovna, teacher MDOU DS KV "Raduga" SP "Silver Kopytz"
Description: Let's draw! This master class gives you the opportunity to take a gouache, brushes and start drawing! And what do we especially want to draw in the aprison's wonderful holiday of the new year? Of course Christmas tree! And what to do if it does not really work, but really want? I offer you a very easy and easy way to draw: the "Vault" method. Do not be afraid to try, start drawing!
Purpose: The master class gives a wonderful opportunity to teach children to draw a Christmas tree. Each educator, primary school teacher can safely introduce into its work drawing by the "Vault" method. And no-indifferent parents can draw small Christmas tree and big fir to painting with their children!
Materials: white sheet of paper, gouache, brushes, glass with water, fabric napkin.


Soon, soon comes to us
Bright holiday New Year!
We will dream of us
And choose gifts!
What would the holiday be brighter
I did not forget about the Christmas tree!
Here's toys with misher
We hung with you!
Let the good grazing grandfather
Our wizard red nose!
All guys in order
Spends around the chocolate!
This is probably precisely about this and dreams every boy and every girl under the New Year. So I want the holiday to come to us as quickly as possible! And what is needed for this? We need a Christmas tree! And the trees grow in the forest!

Right childhood remembered! Early bright morning, my grandfather always went to the forest behind the Christmas tree. We tried to choose the most beautiful!

And houses dressed her. Everyone tried to choose the most beautiful and beloved toy and tried to hang her on the most prominent
a place! This is such a beautiful woman.

I want to say with the words of Elena Ilyina:
In the door clock -
You'll see
Our Christmas tree.
Our Christmas tree
Pulls out
Before the ceiling.
And on Ne.
Hang toys -
From the stand
Before Makushka ... "
But now in our modern developing world you do not need to go to the forest, it is worth only to stand on the chair and get a magic box from the closet, in which an artificial tree is stored.

And now toys ...

Now I dress the Christmas tree.

And no hike in the forest, no magic. But you can make the world brighter without destroying any Christmas tree! How do you ask? Simply! You need to plant a Christmas tree under your window! And dress it every year!

And I suggest you to draw a forest beauty. Make it easy and simple! I propose to use a simple drawing method for work - the "Vault" method.
Basic Rules for drawing by the "Vault" method:
1. Draw a rigid semi-dry brush. This means that we do not lower the brush into the water before a set of gouache on the brush.
2. After washing the paint with the brush it is necessary to miss the brush about the tissue napkin. It is necessary that the brush remains semi-dry.
3. To apply the drawing, we do not apply it to traditional strokes, and the paper is in a sheet of paper, holding a brush vertically. Hence the name - the "Vault" method.
4. After the paint kit on the brush, the first "post" should be made on a spare sheet of paper, as this will allow the drawing to be more uniform painting. The first "post" always leaves a brightest trail, which is not always needed in work.
5. When drawing a large object, such as an animal body, it is important to go through the contour first, and then start filling the middle.
After reading the basic rules, you can proceed to work.
Draw a Christmas tree:
1. Let's start working from the image of the tree barrel. To do this, we need a brush №3 of protein.
First, draw the barrel itself. Makushka make a thorough, and to the bottom of the trunk we make a thickening, catching smears close to each other. I start every smear from the top and smoothly leading to the niza himself, spreading to the sides. Now we draw twigs - small sevendoux, ranging from the barrel and spreading to the sides.

2. Now we draw the needles we make it an unusual and interesting way - the "Tick" method. Do not forget about the rules.
We start work from the base of the branch.

And so continue until its tip. And so with a part side of the twig making her fluffy with each "twitch".

3. We do the same with each branch. First on one side of the tree,

Then the second side, trying to do the same parallel twigs.

4. Now we will add bright colors on the bottom of each twig.

5. Each Christmas tree in the Winter Forest falls under the snowfall, and snowflakes remain on her legs and even a lot of fluffy snow. It is for this that we need a white gouache and a hard semi-dry brush. Again, the "Vault" method draw fluffy snow on the top of each twig.

Christmas tree is ready. We will make a frame. To do this, we use the blue gouache and the "Vault" method with the framework. Having "Sticks" tightly to each other near the edge of the sheet. Try not to hurry so that the framework turns out to be dense and bright. Now our Christmas tree is ready.

It will become a decent decoration of our house in the forecashere to the most beloved holiday of the holiday.

Whatever place we did not find her, she will delight us necessarily!

Even a child will be able to draw such a Christmas tree. So I saw and painted the Christmas tree Vanya, 5 years old.

You can decorate our Christmas tree, hanging on her drawn tinsel and balls.

Or draw whole forest.

Show your fantasy. Do not be afraid to experiment!

A real Christmas tree with garlands and toys looks beautiful not only live, but also in children's drawings. Depicting it in the lessons at school, garden or home guys may not limit their fantasy and beautify the tree toys, balls, garlands. You just need to choose a simple instruction with photos and videos and follow these steps when the Christmas tree image. For example, with the help of the following master classes, even novice artists will be able to easily and beautifully portray the New Year's beauty. They are stated as described in them how to draw a Christmas tree with pencils or paints, which techniques can be used to create the most realistic picture.

How to draw a Christmas tree with a pencil stepmate easily and beautiful - master class for beginners

Simple drawing of the New Year tree with the help of pencils allows children, and novice artists without difficulty creating funny drawings on the eve of the holiday. At the same time, painting the picture can be carried out not only with pencils, but also watercolor, gouache. Colorful drawing can be used to decorate the house for the New Year 2018 and will become a great gift for loved ones, friends. Find out how easy and beautifully you can draw the Christmas tree in stages with the help of pencils will help the next master class for beginners.

Materials for drawing a beautiful Christmas tree novice artists with the help of pencils

  • sheet of paper A4;
  • the pencils;
  • eraser;
  • line.

Photo by Master Class Drawing Beautiful Christmas Tree Pencils for Beginners

  1. On the sheet of paper, depict the pyramid line using the lineup. Its center to mark the vertical line. Down to add a small oval.
  2. Draw on the Christmas tree asterisk. On one of the extreme lines of the pyramid and in its lower part, draw fir sprigs.
  3. Take fir branches from the opposite side. Draw garlands and balls. At the bottom of the tree barrel and the snow surrounding it.
  4. Remove the auxiliary lines, paint the Christmas tree and add a color background.

How to statenly draw a Christmas tree with paints - a video lesson for novice artists and children

Drawing with paints is considered a rather complicated process, since the paints can be spread, mix when the figures appear. Eliminate the task and easily draw a Christmas tree with garlands can be bright gouache. Thick paints will help create an original drawing without much difficulty. To learn how to paint the Christmas tree in a gentle artist in stages, will tell the next video lesson.

Master class with video of phased drawing of the Christmas tree with the help of paints for a child and a novice artist

Using instructions and beginner artists proposed below, and children of any age will be able to easily draw a beautiful Christmas tree. You only need to follow these instructions and carefully listen to the tips and recommendations of the author.

How to draw a New Year tree with a toy pencil - a phased master class with a photo

Typically, children on the eve of the new year give a task to draw a thematic drawing to school or kindergarten. And to surprise all classmates and teachers, caregivers of the child only need to portray the unusual and most realistic picture. For example, using the instructions below, you can find out how to draw a New Year tree with toys and balls. If desired, such a picture can be painted with pencils or paints: gouache, watercolor.

List of materials for drawing pencils of a New Year tree with toys

  • pencils;
  • sheet of paper A4;
  • eraser.

Master class with phased photo image of a pencil Christmas tree decorated with toys

  1. Conditionally portray the Christmas tree, hiking the edges of the fir branches. At the bottom, note the land line (for ease of drawing the background). Also under the Christmas tree conditionally depict toys and gifts.
  2. Draw several layers of fir branches, then remove the auxiliary lines. Draw on the Christmas tree toys, balls, bow and asterisk above. Clearly draw toys and gifts under the tree, the auxiliary lines will wipe.
  3. Coloring the picture and draw snow.
  4. Sharing the left part of the drawing to impart a picture of realistic.
  5. Coloring the background, and then using light pencils to highlight balls, some sections of fir branches.

How to draw a Christmas tree gradually child pencil - a simple master class for children

Picture a beautiful Christmas tree with garlands and balls literally in 20 minutes is quite real. And under the power such work even kids in kindergarten and students in elementary school. Using the proposed master class, each child will be able to easily and quickly depict a real New Year's beauty. To do this, you only need to explore a simple instruction and find out how a gradually child can draw a Christmas tree with festive decorations.

Materials for gradual drawing with a pencil church by a child

  • paper A4;
  • eraser;
  • ordinary and color pencils.

Stock Foto Master class for gradual Christmas tree drawing by a child with pencils

  1. Draw a small triangle-Christmas tree.
  2. Pail with a Christmas tree trunk and a bucket.
  3. Draw on the top of the Christmas tree star.
  4. In the triangle-christmas tree draw balls and garlands. Coloring the picture with colored pencils.

Using the proposed master classes with photos and videos and children, and novice artists will be able to easily and beautifully draw on the new year 2018 the elegant Christmas tree. At the same time, children can work with pencils and paints. Simple instructions will help to understand how to properly depict the foundation of the picture, how it is better to paint. For example, on the lessons proposed above, you can learn how to draw a Christmas tree with colorful balls, garlands and toys. It remains only to choose the appropriate instruction and proceed to work.