Abstract Node OO "Artistic Creativity" on drawing in the preparatory group "Our city" (city landscape). Abstract Node on drawing in the preparatory group "Festive city Application of non-traditional drawing techniques: Night street

Abstract Node OO "Artistic Creativity" on drawing in the preparatory group "Our city" (city landscape). Abstract Node on drawing in the preparatory group "Festive city Application of non-traditional drawing techniques: Night street

Yulia Kashcheev


Secure the skill of B. drawing a city, streets, buildings, festive salute.

To form spatial views by the location of the depicted objects on paper.

Develop aesthetic perception.

Materials: album for drawing, Watercolor paints, wax crayons, brushes, cups, unpolivatives, photos cities Tuapse during various holidays, pictures pictures festive cities and salutes, composition « Festive melody»

Prior work: drawing a city, drawing salutereading poems about tuapse city, about holidays, conversations O. tuapse city and holidays in Russia, construction of the cityBuildings.

Sounds festive melody.

Good afternoon guys! Tell me please, and whether this week was some holiday? Right! And who will say, what exactly holiday celebrated in our country? That's right, the Day of People's Unity. And who will answer me whether it was about this the city is some celebration, event? All right! On this day and in our city Tuapse residents noted holiday of folk unity.

Let's listen with you a wonderful poem about it festival.

Day of folk unity

Do not argue with history

The story lives

She unites

On the feat and on labor

One state

When the people are

When a great power

He moves forward.

The enemy is wins

United in battle

And Rus frees,

And sacrifices himself.

In the glory of those heroes

We live with one destiny

Today is the day of unity

we celebrate with you!

So what does this poem say about this poem? Did you like it? What exactly did you like it?

But who knows what happens during holiday in the city? Is something very unusual and very beautiful? And to find out, I suggest you unravel my riddle:

Rushed thunder

Cheerful thunder

Split everything around!

Robed into the sky tirelessly

Multicolored fountains,

Spray of light pour through everywhere.

it festive ....

(Answer : Firework)

Well done! Guess my riddle! This is, of course, salute! Children, who of you saw salute? By what holidays in our city there are salute?

And you want to know what does the word salute mean? Maybe someone knows? Do not know? Salute is a greeting. But what does it look like that he reminds us? True, lights and flower. And in Japanese, this word is translated and translated. "Floor Floor".

And you know that and in our country the first salute was salute victory in honor of the troops of the Red Army. And from now on, on August 5, 1943 in our country, Salutes became a tradition, and they began to run during many important holidays.

As you already, for sure, guessed, guys, today we will be draw a festive city, and the main sign of our holiday in the picture will be a festive salute. But for this purpose, we need draw our city. What do we draw first? True, houses, trees, lights, roads, cars and people. And in some the city we live? That's right, in Tuapse. And what can we still dorisite with youwhat characterizes what we draw the holiday is in our city Tuapse? True, we draw the mountains and the sea. And so, first we will use wax pencils to portray city. And what we will draw after? That's right, salute. And only after we draw salute, we will use blue paint to portray the night sky.

Children are starting to work, drawing city and Salute. When half the drawing is ready, the fizminet is carried out.

Around everything was quiet (Stand straight, Hands dropped)

And suddenly - salute! Firework! (Hands up)

Rockets in the sky flashed (Reveal fingers fan)

And there, and here! (Masting with hands above your head with open fingers)

Over the area over the roofs (Sit down, stand, hands with open fingers)

Over festive Moscow

It is all the above

Lights fountain alive! Raise hands up.

Children are completing the drawing, dorifying mountains, sea, salute. At the end, paint blue watercolor paint night sky.

Well done! What wonderful all work! You created this holiday On a small sheet of paper! And now approach me, and together we organize an exhibition of our drawings.

Publications on the topic:

Abstract Node in the preparatory group "Festive salute" Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution Malinsky Center for Development of the Children - Kindergarten "Seagull" of the Stupinsky municipal.

Abstract Node on unconventional drawing in the second youngest group "Festive Salute" Objective: to acquaint children with a new unconventional image of drawing "Cutting drawing". Tasks: 1. Teach children to transmit impressions.

The abstract of the Node in the preparatory group "There is a city in the world, the southern city - my homeland particle." The abstract of directly educational activities in the preparatory group "There is a city in the world, the southern city - the partie of My Motherland."

Abstract Classes in the preparatory group "City of St. Petersburg, Favorite City" Purpose: Continue to acquaint children from the city of St. Petersburg, as with a hometown. Tasks: Fasten the knowledge of children about St. Petersburg, like.

Abstract Classes on drawing "Festive salute over the city" Drawing on the topic: "Festive salute over the city." The purpose of the use of non-traditional equipment in drawing \\ Cutting drawing \\. Tasks.

Description of the material. I bring to your attention a summary of organized educational activities in the preparatory group on the topic "City Excursion". This material will be useful to teachers of kindergarten. This is an abstract classes on the formation of a holistic picture of the world aimed at raising patriotic feelings to a small homeland. purpose: To educate patriotic feelings in children, pride for your small homeland.
- Writing the presentation of children about architectural attractions, the main production of the city;
- Create the concept of the address; Teach children to navigate the streets of the city;
- Environmental culture, desire to keep their city clean
- thinking thinking, speech, communicative skills;
- Look for a desire to share impressions of your city
-Shipping interest and desire to learn more about your hometown

Materials for the lesson:
Map of Russia, the Republic of Bashkortostan, the plan of the city of Belebey, slides with the views of the city, the coat of arms of the city, the layouts of the dairy plant products, didactic games "Sluts
Methodical techniques:
conversation, demonstration of slides, reading poems, riddles, stories of children,
Didactic games "Sluts", "Fourth extra".
Preliminary work:
- I look at photos with views of the hometown, the capital of Russia and the Republic of Bashkortostan;
-tification of creative stories and descriptions of the city's attractions;
-bested with children "My route to kindergarten";
-thenium poems about the Motherland;
-Opovery "Favorite places in my city";
- management of home addresses;
- Drops in the city

The course of educational activities:

(Children stand in a circle, greet each other.)
Invented by someone just and wisely
When meeting to greet and say:
- Good morning! Sun and birds!
- Good morning! Smile people!
And everyone becomes good, gullible.
Let good morning last until the evening!
Educator. Guys, I have an interesting subject in the box. I suggest you to guess to my tip:
On the leg is one,
Right turns his head.
We show countries,
Rivers, mountains, oceans.
Educator. Well done! Guess, it is a globe. What do you think for what I brought a globe to the group? (Children's responses). That's right, I want to offer you to go on a journey. What can a person travel? (Children's responses). Yes, you can travel on any type of transport and even on foot.
On the horse drove, (walk on the spot.)
To the corner arrived.
Sat on the car, (running on the spot.)
Poured gasoline.
On the car we were driving
The river reached the river. (Squats.)
TRP! Stop! Turn. (Turn around.)
On the river - steamer. (Clap in your hands.)
Steamed rode
I got to the mountain. (Step on the spot.)
The steamer is not lucky
We must take a plane.
The plane is flying,
In it, the engine is buzzing. (Hands on the parties, "flee")
Educator.Today we go on a journey without leaving the group. All ready? Attention on the screen. (music sounds)
Show slides: Planet Earth, Map of Russia, Map of RB, City Map, Streets, Buildings.
During the show, questions for children: what is the name of our planet? What are the planets, which are located next to the planet Earth? What is the name of our country? What is homeland? Name words similar to this word. (Birth, Spring, Native, relative, Parent)
Educator. Listen to the riddle:
With the city of this
Others do not compare.
Chief in the country he
Call ... (Capital.)
Educator. What is the name of the capital of Russia? Which of you was in Moscow? What is the name of the capital of Bashkortostan?
So, we got to our hometown of Belebey. Traveling around the city guys guys will help us. But before, I would like to know what you know about our city.
The game "I will start, and you will continue"
We live in the city ... (Belebey).
Residents of the city name ... (Belebeevtsy).
Our kindergarten is on the street ...
In the city there are kindergartens ... (schools, shops, pharmacies, libraries, monuments, house of culture, TsA "Ural-Batyr").
On the streets of the city grow: apple trees, poplar ... (birch).
We love our own ... (city).
And we want it to be beautiful, cozy and ... (pure).

Educator. And here is another riddle:
Without him, not living in no day
My relatives live in it,
I always strive to him everywhere
I will not forget the road to him
Without him breathing with difficulty
My native, beloved ... (house).

Educator. Yes, everyone has a native home. What street do you live on? (Responses of children, pass the coat of arms of the city to each other).
Children view and describe the coat of arms.
Educator. And now our guys will hold us through the streets of the city. (Children spend excursions through the streets of Gorokhov, Pioneer, Amirov with a slide show). Consider the rest of the slides and go out on what street and about which building you took a picture of the parents. (Responses of children)
Educator. I propose to determine the best known city connoisseurs. We will hold a contest "Connoisseurs of the native city"
Conduct competitionThe group is divided into 3 teams. Task: fold the picture depicting the buildings of BELEBECH. Then show photos on slides. (Team answers.)
Educator. Duty, I also want to spend a tour of our city.
Showing the slide depicting the building of the dairy plant. Questions for children: What is the name of this company? What street is there? With difficulty with the answer, a hint: pictures with a picture of a cow, a package with milk. (Children's responses).
Educator. Guys, it is a Belebean Milk Combine. What do they produce on it? Does anyone from parents, relatives work? Where did you see these products? (Answers Children) I invite you to visit the store with products of our plant. Show windows with dairy products. I suggest you make purchases. ( Children explain why chose this product.) What dishes can be prepared from these products?
There is a conversation about the utility of dairy products.
I'm walking down the street,
Near Mommy goes.
I see: Pigeons fly,
I see the aircraft in the sky.
Here cars pass,
Puffy floats across the sky
Branches of trees are mahut
The birds sing singing!
Smiling counter persons
And they me. How glad I am!
Hello, the city is my favorite!
Hello, hello, kindergarten!
Educator. The guys, praying you will learn a lot of interesting things about the history of our streets, buildings, parks and of course about people who lived and live in this city. Look at these slides and determine which of these four images does not apply to our city?
The didactic game "Fourth extra" is held. Display slides with choosing the right answer. (At the slides depicted buildings, ponds, monuments)
Educator. Our short journey is over, but I am sure that each of you loved our city even more. You learned a lot about the city. Let us imagine that guests came to us. What would you like to show them in our city? What place is it especially expensive? (Children's responses).
Educator. And at the end of our journey, let's say about our city of good words: "My city ..." (children's answers)
Child Reads poem:
Belebey is rainbow paints!
Belebey is a sea of \u200b\u200bflowers!
As I love you, the city from the fairy tale,
City of the world, verse, masters (D. Michurin.)

Drawing with children 6-7 years. Abstracts of Colddine Daria Nikolaevna

Theme of the Week "My City"

Theme of the Week "My City"

Lesson 43. Kremlin

(Drawing a gouache)

Software content.Rail interest in the history of the hometown. Learning to schedule a simple pencil silhouettes of towers and the walls of the Kremlin, passing their forms, the structure. Continue learning to use different shades of one color.

Demonstration material.The images of the Kremlin, the Spasskaya Tower, the Terman Palace, the Granovic Chamber, Tsar-Gun, King Bells, the bell tower of Ivan the Great, Assumption, Arkhangelsk and the Annunciation Cathedrals.

Handout.Listed sheets, simple pencils, gouache, brushes, jars with water, palettes, rags.

Structure occupation

Machine children with the history of the Moscow Kremlin with the help of illustrations. "The Kremlin is the central part of Moscow, acquired by a strong wall with towers. There are loopholes in the walls, through which it was possible to shoot enemies. And around the Kremlin - deep rally. On the Spasskaya Tower there are clocks with a battle - chimes. Previously, it was in the Kremlin who was boiling urban life. Inside the Kremlin, the king and the queen lived in a terman palace. The bell tower of Ivan the Great was the highest structure. From her vertex one could notice the approach of enemies.

At the Cathedral Square there are three cathedrals - Assumption, Arkhangelsky and Blagoveshchensky. In the center of the square is the Granovic Chamber. It used to be held solemn techniques. Inside the Kremlin, you can see the huge king gun and tsar-bell. "

Accompany the story with pictures. Consider with children Kremlin gear walls and towers. Consider the Spasskaya Tower - it is high, below - a large rectangular base, above - the square part on which the round clock is located. At the very top of the tower - the star. Offer the children with a simple pencil on a sheet to outline the silhouette of the Kremlin (towers and walls). And then make a job in color using different shades of red.

Lesson 44. Evening City

(Watercolor drawing)

Software content.Develop the ability to inscribe the composition into the sheet, draw different buildings, depict the front and background. Learning to draw a night city using dark colors (mixing paints with black color). Calculate paint erosion. Develop a sense of composition, colors.

Demonstration material.Images of the night city (including the picture K. Korovina "Night Paris").

Handout.Paper sheets for watercolor, simple pencils, watercolor paints, brushes, jars with water, palettes, rags.

Structure occupation

Consider with children image of the night city. Describe the color of the night city (dark), the feature of the contours (blurry). Please note that houses are different: large and small, high and low, long and short. Some houses are ahead and partially blocked at home behind them.

Read the children excerpts from the poem S. Marshak "Night Page":

Before you - Night page.

The capital is shrouded in darkness.

Go to rest trams

Trolleybuses rush home.

Slide lights along the alley,

Going away from the Moscow Hills,

And with every minute dim

Current windows of houses.

Meeting at all intersections,

Flaw lights through the bridge.

And the sky over the city - in sparkles

Far, slightly visible stars.

Invite children to outline the contours of the houses with a simple pencil, passing the front and back plan. Tell me the color solution of the pattern: Suggest using dark colors for the image of houses and bright - yellow, orange - for lanterns and windows. Celebrate children in mixing black paint with other colors, to produce dark shades. At the same time, black paint must be taken very little, the most tip of the brush.

From the book of modeling and appliqué with children 6-7 years. Abstract classes Author Colddine Daria Nikolaevna

Theme of the Week "Flowers" Lesson 8. Chamomile in a vase (color and white paper. Application of cut parts of the subject) Software content. Continue to teach cut symmetrical silhouettes of folded papers folded. Fasten the skill cut circles from squares and cut

From the book drawing with children 6-7 years. Abstract classes Author Colddine Daria Nikolaevna

Theme of the Week "My Home" Lesson 21. Building a house (laying from plasticine) Software content. To form in children the ability to sculpt a house from the rod bars, imposing them on each other and firmly connecting each other. Fasten the ability to use the stack. Develop

From the book drawing with children 4-5 years. Abstract classes Author Colddine Daria Nikolaevna

Theme of the Week "My City" Lesson 22. Kremlin (egg shell. Imitation of frescoes) Software content. Maxue children with the history of the creation of the Kremlin. Continue learning to independently invent the content of the work. Learning to schedule silhouettes with a simple pencil. Continue to learn

From the book modeling with children 3-4 years. Abstract classes Author Colddine Daria Nikolaevna

Theme of the Week "My Home" Lesson 41-42. Dominics of three piglets (part 1-2) (drawing with pastel shallow, santile, coal, wax shallow) software content. Continue learning to make illustrations to fairy tales. Develop the ability to place objects on a sheet of paper. Learn

From the book drawing with children 5-6 years. Abstract classes Author Colddine Daria Nikolaevna

Theme of the Week "Dishes" Lesson 9. Cup (drawing with cotton wands. Gouache) software content. Learn children to draw the object of dishes from nature with a simple pencil, having it on the whole sheet. Learn yourself pick up suitable colors

From the book Applique with children 3-4 years. Abstract classes Author Colddine Daria Nikolaevna

Theme of the Week "Furniture" Lesson 11. Blanket for Vanya (drawing with markers) Software content. Teach children decorate a rectangular shape with colored stripes, alternating them in color. Learn to understand and analyze the content of fun. Raise benevolent

From the book drawing with children 3-4 years. Abstract classes Author Colddine Daria Nikolaevna

Theme of the Week "Clothing" Lesson 12. My Winter Cap (Drawing Brush. Gouache) Software content. Teach children draw a cap with a simple pencil; Picture a gouache of different colors. Develop thinking, attention. Material. Large sheet with three caps (red, red,

From the book of the author

Theme of the Week "My Home" Lesson 21. Houses for Matryoshek (drawing with colored pencils) Software content. Teach children draw small and large objects consisting of a square and triangle. Continue learning to make a storyline. Relieve responsive

From the book of the author

Theme of the Week "My City" Lesson 22. Masters from the city (drawing with a brush. Gouache) software content. To acquaint children with the traditional fishery of the city, with elements and colorfulness, characteristic of the city painting on a tree; with products of Gorodetskaya masters.

From the book of the author

Theme of the Week "My Home" Lesson 22. The house for a bunny and a rooster (laying from plasticine) software content. Fasten the ability of children to bring the product to the desired image using plasticine. Learning to retell fairy tales, relying on illustration. Demonstrate material. Heroes

From the book of the author

Theme of the Week "My Home" Lesson 41. Ice hut (drawing pastel shallow) Software content. Continue to acquaint children with cold tones. Learning to transmit characteristic features of items using a cold color gamut. Meet opportunities

From the book of the author

Theme of the Week "My City" Occupation 43. On my street (drawing by coal pencil) software content. To acquaint children with the history of their hometown. Show kids features drawing with coal pencils. Learn to depict the coal pencil contours

From the book of the author

Theme of the Week "My Home" Lesson 22. House for a Bunny and Rooster (Color Paper. Application from the prepared parts of the subject) Software content. Relieve responsiveness and kindness. Teach children to make a whole of several parts; put glue to the item and stick

From the book of the author

Theme of the Week "My Home" Lesson 22. Fence near the house (painting with a brush. Gouache) goal. Continue to teach children to draw various items consisting of combinations of lines. Learning to retell fairy tales, leaning on illustration in the book. Develop speech, thinking. Demonstrate

From the book of the author

Theme of the week "Easter" occupation 32. Painted eggs (drawing on stencil with colored pencils) target. Teach children to draw with a stencil. To acquaint with the holiday of Easter. Demonstrate material. Painted Easter eggs. The diffuse material. Stencil in the form of eggs with

From the book of the author

Theme of the Week "Insects" Lesson 35. Bugs walk (drawing with a brush. Gouache) goal. Continue to teach children to draw familiar shapes, creating plot compositions. Develop thinking. Demonstrate material. Pictures with insects (ant, butterfly, beetle, bee, dragonfly, mosquito,

Painting. "Forests of our Motherland"
Software content
Learning to transmit the characteristic features of different species of trees, have trees in the figure in such a way that the painting of the forest is created.
Methodology for holding
Remember with children, what kind of tree species they saw in the forest, ask who wants to draw, what features of different trees they noticed (thickness and height of the trunks, their coloring, the location of the branches, the color of foliage or needles). Suggest telling how those or other trees in the forest grow - some often, close to each other (Christmas trees), others separately, at some distance (birch, oaks). Remember that glades are found in the forest.
Suggest to outline first trees trunks, find places where they are "in the forest", then draw branches, crown and, finally, shrubs, flowers, grass. To say that the trunks need to be a pencil, the rest is to draw with paints immediately. As the drawing is performed to ensure that the entire sheet is filled.
When work is completed, to offer children to tell about their drawings.
Preparation for the lesson
Show children paintings by artists who depict various forests. Chatting with children that our country is rich in forests, which in the middle lane, in the south and in the north there are various trees. Share that forests are guarded, new, young forests are planted. If you can, well attract the experience of children, their observations.

Applique. "New city district"
Software content
Teach children to create a simple composition in the appliqués. Fasten the skill in different ways in the building space of buildings. Learning to beautifully select images of images, complement the composition with characteristic details (trees, benches, etc.). Exercise in neat cutting and sticking.
Methodology for holding
Chatting with children about what the new district of the city looks like, what the building there. Suggest the children to think about how they depict a new area, what height will be at home, how to cut them, how to arrange on a sheet. Pick up paper for cutting houses so that the work is beautiful in color. As the painting (cutting and gluing houses is created), remind you that it can still be in a new area (trees, benches, shops, cars); Allow those who have time to cut and stick some additional items.
At the end of the work work, put on the board, to propose to choose the most interesting. Call children, ask to explain why they believe that a new district is drawn.
Those who do not have time to finish the picture allow you to do this in your free time.
Preparation for the lesson
For walks and excursions to watch the construction of new buildings. Tell children how many buildings are built (in the city, in the village where children live), what great construction goes throughout our country. Choose an illustration with the image of modern buildings, a new city district, consider them with children, leave for a while in the group room.
Prepare colored soft papers (for image houses) and brighter (for individual parts); paper in size in two scribes, scissors, glue.
The occupation can be carried out as a collective one, then the children cut down and glue the details of individual images (for example, windows, doors and roof of the house), and then all buildings are placed on a large sheet, creating a collective composition. You can agree with children who will cut residential buildings, and who shop, kindergarten or cinema.
The task of the teacher is still to fix the ability to participate in the creation of a collective composition, the ability to find a place for its work among others.
Application (collective). Decorative composition with flowers and birds
Software content
Teach children cut parts for teamwork, find a place for their work in the overall composition, take into account the combination of colors, shape, magnitude. Rail a aesthetic perception, feeling of composition, colors, artistic taste. S ---
Methods K "A P ~ P Outcomes
Consider with children various decorative compositions, clarify the location of individual items, possible options, to agree, which composition will create children who will cut birds, and who are flowers, leaves, etc. Calculate that you need not only cut the bulk, but also decorate the flower. , cutting the middle, separate petals, mustaches, well-like color, or stick to large petals slightly smaller, darker or light shade of the same color.
Birds cut separate wings, separate feathers for wings, tail, khokholka of another shade, etc. As the details are ready to offer children to stick, discuss with each place its work in the overall composition, given the magnitude, shape and color of cut flowers, leaves, birds, birds .
Preparation for the lesson
Prepare a large sheet of paper for a general composition, in advance proto-saw in a light golden color (it is important that the sheet is covered with color exactly). To do this, it is necessary to pinch a sheet with buttons to the horizontal plane so that it does not twist, and fast movements from top to bottom, to the end, a large tampon, moistened in the paint, to cover the sheet with color. Tampon does not need to press, it must be saturated with paint; The covering of the sheet pressed the tampon will lead to the appearance of the strips.
Folk decorative compositions for viewing, consisting of flowers and birds (Ukrainian painting, Gorodetskaya, etc.).
Cut flowers and birds can be additionally painted (then small parts are not glued), for example: on the image of the bird to apply a plumage, designate wings, tail, eyes, beak; On the smooth background of the colors, apply darker or brighter contours of petals, light mustache. It is better to make it better before creating a collective composition, then it is easier to determine its color system: because the painting can change the original background or in the direction of the evilution, or towards the dimming of the composition. In one occupation and cut and paint, children will not be able, so two lessons can be distinguished on this job: on one, children cut one major part, they paint it on the second, and then stick to the overall sheet in their free time.
Painting. "City (village) in the evening"
Software content
Teach children to transfer the picture of the evening city, its color flavor: the house is a lighter night sky, multicolored lights light in the windows.
Fasten the ability to design a plan compositionally, respectively. Having images on a sheet of paper.
Methodology for holding
Suggest children to remember how the city happens in the evening, what looks at home. Remind about the variety of houses for proportions and location.

At the end of the occupation, consider drawings, discuss with children, why it can be seen that the evening came, who from the children it turned out more successful.
Preparation for the lesson
Ask parents Show children evening city. Conduct such surveillance in the garden. Pick up and consider with children relevant illustrations; Leave them for a while in the group room.
Prepare dark paper, watercolor, gouache.
Modeling decorative plates
Software content
Teach children to create decorative drawings on clay plates, master the new technique for them.
Methodology for holding
Show children how to apply clay with a layer of 1-2 cm on cardboard or skidding, smoothing it, wetting finger with water. Explain and show how to apply a drawing stack stack; The background around the drawing can be enclosed, then the drawing will be convex. Calculate that the unsuccessful drawing can be erased and apply new.
Those who have time to give the opportunity to make drawings on two plates. Finished plates decompose on the tables and consider choose different in content and location of drawings. To agree on the subsequent coloring of them.
Preparation for the lesson
Prepare 10x15 cm packs, clay, stacks. Pick up photos of vintage tiles or other decorative compositions with simple images.
It is possible not to smear clay, but make clay plates with a thickness of 3-4 cm, smooth the surface and apply a stack pattern on them; In the upper corners of the plate to do the holes so that the dry plate can be hung on the wall.
If in kindergarten there is a furnace for firing clay products (muffle), you need to burn the plate, and then paint them.
Drawing on the fairy tale "Konk-Gorbok"
Software content
Teach children to transmit in the figure The content of the episode of a familiar fairy tale: the interaction of the characters, the movement of figures surrounding the environment. Fasten the ability to place the drawing on the sheet in accordance with the content of this episode.
Methodology for holding
Recall the main episodes of the fairy tale. Suggest thinking and quietly say to the educator, what an episode from a fairy tale would like to Nariso

Put. Suggest that children start drawing, and when they will finish and put drawings on the board, it will be necessary to guess who portrayed. Remind that the paper must be taken depending on what episode they will draw. In the process of classes, encourage children to a more complete reflection of the chosen episode of the fairy tale, offering to remember some details (for example, a tent that stands on the shore, where Ivanushka expects princess, etc.). Monitor the equipment of the drawing.
Preparation for the lesson
Pick up books with illustrations to magical fairy tales, picture with whale image.
On the eve of the classes, it is necessary to remember the content of fairy tales, individual episodes that children will be able to portray them, re-read them (for example, a mare flies over the forests, over the mountains with Ivanushka on his back; or Ivanushka is going to jump into the boiler, and everyone stands and watch; or Ivanushka is enough Bird for the tail; Or the wonder-yudo Fish-Keith lies across the sea, on his back at his house; or whale releases from the mouth of the ships, etc.).
Suggest the children to think who wanted to draw, record the episodes that the children will name. Then, with some children, talk individually about how they draw a conceived. Help them to identify what can well add a drawing.
Watercolor paints, Belil, gouache, simple graphite pencil, soft colored tones.
Such work is advisable in all cases when the drawing (or modeling) is proposed for fairy tales and children determine the content of the pattern (modeling). The stories of children in their drawings can be transferred to speech development.
Drawing with colored pencils on the topic "Our army is native"
Software content
Fasten the ability to reflect the experience of the surrounding life using images of poem. Exercise in the ability to transfer the figures of people in motion, the features of the clothes in accordance with the belonging to certain types of troops. Teach Thinking the composition of the picture and the sequence of its execution. Reliable and love for soldiers of the Soviet Army.
Methodology for holding
Ask children, what holiday will soon be celebrated our country (day of the Soviet army) that children know about our army, what kind of troops are what they are characterized, to offer children to tell than the Soviet Army in peaceful days. Remember with the children of the poem, ask for two or three children to read them. Clarify what they say. Suggest the children to draw a picture about the Soviet Army, about some kind of good troops (who wanted about which he knows about). Remind children what you need first

Think of where and what everyone draws, where will it begin. In the process of occupation, remind of receptions of drawing with a simple pencil (not strongly press it, do not draw small details to them, do not paint it), about receiving a neat painting with colored pencils. Direct attention to a more accurate characteristic of images in Figure: Transfer of movements, soldier clothes, sailors, etc.
At the end, all the drawings put it on the board and consider. You can invite children to tell about their drawings, causing 5-6 people to this chalkboard.
Preparation for the lesson
In class languages, children are learning poems about the Soviet Army, listen to stories about parades, about how young soldiers learn to protect our homeland. The tutor in the conversation emphasizes that our state is committed to the world around the world.
Prepare white paper, color pencils, simple graphite Karl Idash.
Drawing with paints. "Colors of rainbow"
Software content
Fasten the ability to create a picture of the surrounding life in the figure, express in color the character of a phenomenon based on poetic form * Call of poem. Learning to select paper for the picture of the desired format and the value in accordance with the design, think over the sequence of drawing.
Methodology for holding
Anyone of children on the instructions of the educator gets up and reads the first storm of the poem "Rainbow Colors"; Behind him rises the second and reads the second storm, etc., to the end of the poem. Then everyone starts to draw. The content of the drawing is chosen by each and thought out in advance. Children perform a drawing on their own, but if anyone has a question or doubt, he is advised to the educator; Sometimes the educator, by a group, can advise without a child request. But it is best to provide children with the opportunity to draw yourself, think, remember, evaluate your work in the process of its implementation. Who considers that he finished the drawing, raises his hand. The educator advises something to supplement, improve or puts a drawing on the stand.
When all the children finished drawing, a newly few children (not those who read poems at the beginning of the classes) go to the stand and say one after another stanza of the poem, pointing to the drawings of a color.
Preparation for the lesson
This lesson is preceded by a number of others on which children get acquainted with the colors of the rainbow and paint them. The children then teach the poem of V. Czyrova "Rainbow Colors" (from the book "Olennok"). The first two stains are lowered (they are good to use when children absorb the order of flowers in the rainbow).
Children learn and alternately read the following lines:

Znamers - red, brighter in the world there is no color. This is May Zarya, it is the October flags.
Color orange - fire, this color hand is not tric!
Yellow - his neighbor,
This crop color.
The color is green - the color of the spring, he is a favorite color of plants.
If there is no Tuchuk in the sky
Blue sky color.
In blue color we see the height and depth.
Purple color ridges in dawn clock. White color - winter outfit, on white paper we painted our sky with a thin brush, ours were given.
In speaking lessons, when children get acquainted with verses and teach them by heart, the teacher talks about their content: finds out whether it is clear to children, whether they are clearly imagined, says about how in the picture to convey the harvest, what is blue depth explains to children that purple there are clouds in front of a thunderstorm, and not just ridges of the mountains. Well, if the teacher picks up and shows the children of reproduction from paintings and illustrations in which children will clearly see the color images and feel them.
Every child is invited to choose what color it will draw and tell what and how to portray. On small sheets of paper, children can outline what they drew. To practice drawing in children, there must be clear ideas and a clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe picture that each will perform. You can also think over the size and shape of paper in advance to prepare them for the lesson. It is good to discuss with children, in what sequence they will perform a drawing.
Children themselves prepare watercolor paints and everything you need for drawing in class.
After such preparation, the occupation is successful: children are busy from the first minute, they know that they will have to do, calm, organized, are collected, drawing with pleasure. Colorful drawings give them joy. This kind of long-term training for the lesson can be practiced in the group preparatory for school.
Drawing paints "all year round"
Software content
Independently find the content for the image of the characteristic features of one or another month (optional), select suitable colors, well have pictures on the sheet, use various technical techniques in working with paints.

Methodology for holding
The occupation begins with reading the poem of Marshak "January" from the book "All Year". Then the children on the call of the teacher call months in order, one by one, simultaneously remember the corresponding poems. Everyone chooses what month he wants to draw, remembers that he is stated in the poem. Conducting a conversation with children, it is necessary to ask which agricultural work is characteristic of one or another month. So, in April, in the middle lane, Pahota, North, in July-Senokos, begins, the cleaning of breads, and in September - the collection of vegetables and fruits is completed. All these children can reflect in their drawings. Before starting work, the teacher says: "Think from what you will start and in what sequence to perform a drawing, which shade paper you need (children are chosen from the table unfolded on the table), what kind of paints you will need first." Then reminds like liquid diluted paint cover large surfaces: the sky, grass, ground.
At the end, all the drawings are packed at the stand in the order of the months of the year and are considered. The discussion should be short, as the children have done difficult work, tired, and the lesson can delay. Attention should only be paid to the selection of colors, to fill the sheet, the overall expressiveness of the pattern. A detailed discussion of the depicted is better to transfer speech development and acquaintance with others.
Throughout the year, children get acquainted with different phenomena of nature, with a sequence of months in a year, their names and main signs, and also learned poems about the years, about months. With children are organized observations of changes in nature. A few days before the classes, drawing should be held a final conversation, clarifying the characteristic signs of each month and a typical agricultural work for him, remember the poems of months. At the end of the conversation, you need to offer everyone to think about what month it will draw and what he wants to portray.
Prepare large sheets of colored paper soft shades (for background), watercolor, whiten gouache, the brushes of two sizes.
Conversation with children in the painting "Forest in winter"
Software content
To acquaint children with the image of the winter forest in various pictures and illustrations and with the description of the same phenomena in verses. Test children to understand the various ways of image and means of expressiveness.
Methodology for holding
Pictures on one put in front of children to the easel. For a few seconds, children consider them silently, then the teacher reads poems and spends a conversation.
The first is the picture from the book "Native Pictures", P. Basmanov Pictures.
The teacher reads the verses I. Surikov:
White snow, fluffy, and in the morning snow
The field is spinning in the air.
And on earth quietly exactly pellen
Falls, falls. All his dressed.
Dark Forest that the cap was laid wonderful and fell asleep under her hard, incombustible ...
"Let's see," she turns to children, "what a painter depicted?" Children say the field and forest are drawn, it is winter. "Everything is in the snow," the teacher clarifies, "and here is close, in the glade, and far from snow, snow and snow. And what can be seen away? " Children say it is a forest. "He is all in the snow and slightly visible. Now look at the sky: what it is bright, slightly blue. Silence. Everything seems to sleep. And who did you notice in this picture, who does not sleep? " Children answer: "Bunny, forty". The teacher continues: "The artist showed that life in the forest and winter is. Look carefully: the snow is painted only white? " The children find that the snow is drawn bluish. "What else are there colors in this picture?" - "Light yellow, light-lilac, greenish, gray, white." - "You see, all the colors are bright. And the forty dramatically stands out by its dark plumage on the white snow. "
The second picture from the book of V. Bianki "Tales of Zverlyov", drawings of A. Ry-Lov.
"In the first picture, we were with you in the glade, and the forest was seen in the distance. And in this picture we are in the forest. Who can say about this picture? " Children see the Christmas trees in the snow and snow on the ground; A chanterelle ran on the road, and a squirrel sits on a log. "The road goes into the depths of the forest," says the teacher, "and the forest is dark, thick. What color fir in winter? " - "Dark green, dark brown." "And the sky is yellow, and the tops of the trees are far away-pinkish. In the snow, dark blue shadows. Probably coming soon, the evening will come, "the teacher clarifies," therefore, the sky is yellowish, and the shadows on the snow are dark. Look carefully: the artist fully painted all the trees? " Children notice that the tops of the trees did not paint the artist. They are so big that they did not fit.
The third picture from the book "Snow and Snow", the pictures of Nikolsky.
Educator reads Poems S. Yesenin:
Enchanted invisible, riding a horse, just a lot,
Dorming forest under sleep fairy tale. Withes snow, and a stellet shawl.
Like a white weaving an endless road
Covered pine ... runs away to the ribbon in the distance.
"Look, how do you think quiet weather or windy?" - asks the teacher. Children say that on bent trees it can be seen how the wind blew and chasing snow, this is a blizzard. Some person rides riding a horse. It is difficult for him to go: the wind and snow interfere. "Did you notice what dark sky?" - "All sky in clouds."
Fourth picture from the book "Forest Shores", Pictures Ya. Krestovsky. "Look now to this picture. What is drawn here? What is it dark? " Children say that stumps covered with snow as big caps are drawn. "More like mushrooms with thick legs. Here is snowed. And look, - the teacher continues, - what bright blue shadows in the snow. Do you think on a sunny day painted an artist or in a cloudy? " Children answer that in Sunny: Snow glitters, it is bright white, so the shadows are so bright, blue. "How do you think, from afar I painted the artist or near everything I saw?" "He came close and even saw traces on the snow." It ranged some kind of animal. "- "And why else can you guess that the artist drew at close range?" "From high trees, only the lower parts of the trunks are visible."
Fifth picture from the book E. Trutneva "Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn", Pictures of S. Kupriyanov.
The teacher shows the picture and asks: "Who can tell me about this picture?" Lucy: "Winter. Forest. Everything is covered with snow. Recently there was heavy snowfall. At each branch, a thick layer is snow. Everything is lit by the sun. It can be seen because the sunlight lies in the snow, on the birch trunk. The sky is light, where yellow, where blue, where is purple. Trees and thick, so the tops are not visible, and thin. The Christmas trees, and ahead of the birch. "
In conclusion, the teacher says: "We looked at the pictures of different artists. Each of them depicted a forest in its own way: one painted him away (remember the first picture?), And the other exactly entered the forest and saw animals there; The third artist drew only their traces. In some pictures, good weather, the sun shines, and in others - clouds and there is snow. We will also draw a forest in winter. Everyone may think that he will draw, what will tell in his picture. "
Conversation in the paintings (reproductions from paintings by artists) on the topic "Early Spring"
Software content
Teach children carefully consider paintings, telling about their content, to see and understand the expressive funds that the artist uses, feel the beauty of the work of art.
Methodology for holding
Children show reproductions from the picture A. Savrasov "Graci flew" and from the painting I. Levitan "Spring - Greater Water". A conversation is held: "Children, tell me what time of year is depicted in these pictures?" - Spring .- "Early or Late Spring?" - "Early." - "Let's look at this picture. How did an artist showed early spring in his picture? " - "Snow is dirty, protaly. Grachics flew. "- "Yes, Gracchi arrive at the end of March. How did the artist painted the rules that they do? " - "Graci takes the old nests and build new ones. "-" What trees love the griece nests? " - "On Birch" .- "True. The artist drew Berez Group. On their tops - right sockets. And what sky did the artist drew? " - "Blue and a little yellowish" .- "Savrasov artist painted a spring day in the town. The whole picture is filled with fresh breath of spring. We see a darkened snow with protaly. Light shadows slide on Earth. Regnant rags cotton near their nests. How can I call this picture? " - "Spring. Early spring. Protalinki appeared. Snow melts. "- "The artist of Savrasov called his picture" Graci flew ". Well, he called? " - "Good. "-" But the picture of another artist is Levitan. He called her "Spring - big water." Why did he call her so much? " - "Because birchs are in the water, the river spread. Water flooded the shore. "-" That's right, Levitan depicted spill. What weather is depicted in the picture? " - "Sunny day" .- "Why do you think that the day is sunny?" - "The artist drew a blue-blue sky, light clouds float on it, and the water is also blue and transparent: all trees are visible in it." - "On the picture is bright, sunny day. The blue sky is reflected in the water, and therefore it seems blue. And the trees from sunlight became golden. They fall shadows from them.
You saw today, as artists showed signs of early spring in their paintings. And now remember the poem of the poet A. Pleshcheev about the spring:
Snow melts, the streams are running, the window has been raised in the window ... they will witness soon nightingales, and the forest will dress foliage!
Chista Heavenly Azure, warm and brighter the sun has become, the time of the blizzards of evil and storms again passed for a long time.
Take a look at the pictures again and think about how you painted early spring. "
When children will draw on the topic "Spring", they need to remind them that they considered paintings by artists on this topic, emphasize that the artists reflected spring in different ways, beautifully, everyone found some interesting moment. Suggest both children think that they will draw. Ready drawings should be set in the group, consider them, note their diversity, interesting finds, aesthetic qualities: color solution, composition. After that, again consider the reproductions from the paintings of the artists used by them expressive tools for transmitting the image of spring.

Located with abbreviations.

Software content.
Teach children to transfer the picture of the evening city, its color flavor: the house is a lighter night sky, multicolored lights light in the windows.
Fasten the ability to make out its plan compositionally, respectively. Having images on a sheet of paper.
Methodology for holding.
Suggest children to remember how the city happens in the evening, what looks at home. Remind about the variety of houses for proportions and location on the street.
At the end of the occupation, consider drawings, discuss with children, why it can be seen that the evening came, who from the children it turned out more successful.
Preparation for the lesson.
Ask parents Show children evening city. Conduct such surveillance in the garden. Pick up and consider with children relevant illustrations; Leave them for a while in the group room.
Prepare dark paper, watercolor, gouache.

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