Learning to dance hip hop for girls. How to dance hip hop

Learning to dance hip hop for girls.  How to dance hip hop
Learning to dance hip hop for girls. How to dance hip hop

Collected in the Hip-Hop rubric free videos lessons on this dance. Hip-hop (hip-hop) is one of the most popular directions of modern youth dance. This style absorbed the street philosophy of African Americans, elements of funk, break, pop, jazz. Dance style Hip-hop emerged at the end of the last century as a dance for poor American neighborhoods. But the expression and creativity of hip-hop dance has gone far beyond the American streets, conquering the dance floors of many world clubs. Hip Hop provides an opportunity to express your emotions, feelings and aspirations. Teaching Hip Hop with video lessons online will be useful for both beginners and more experienced dancers. You can watch video lessons from the Hip-Hop category for free at any convenient time. Some Hip-Hop video tutorials have attached Additional materials for training that can be downloaded. Enjoy your learning!

Total materials: 6
Shown materials: 1-6

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Hip Hop training. Part 1. Warm up

This video focuses on the question of how to learn to dance Hip-Hop. Anna Deltsova, who teaches Hip-Hop, will show you several warm-up exercises that you need to prepare for learning another exercise for working your legs and arms at the same time. This cannot be called a bundle, it is precisely an exercise. There can be many such training movements, and having learned how to do them, it will be much easier for you to move on to teaching Hip-Hop dances. At the beginning of the video tutorial, Anna will show you some warm-up ...

Dance Link Hip-Hop

Lesson "Dance Hip-Hop Link" is devoted to the question of how to perform a movement in the style of Hip-Hop on the example of studying one interesting link in this style. The author of the lesson is Anastasia Burdienko. She will first show you each element separately in slow pace, and at the end of this video lesson you will see the performance of the entire dance to music at a working pace. Musical composition which is used during the lesson: LL Cool J - Mama Said Knock You Out. So let's get started. Let's analyze first ...

Hip hop new style

In that online lesson describes how to learn to dance Hip Hop New Style. Alexey Simba, who is a teacher of the RaiSky dance school, will tell and show you several Hip Hop moves. At the beginning of the video lesson, he will show you how the dance is performed in fast pace, and then will analyze and show each movement at a slow pace. So, let's get down to studying this choreography. In the first movement, work is done with the shoulders, we raise them, and then we lower them together with the chest down ...

Hip Hop training. Part 4. Bounce

Video “Teaching Hip-Hop. Part 4. Bounce (Kach) "is devoted to the question of how to dance in the style of Hip-Hop. This is a continuation of the lesson on learning the Hip-Hop link. The author of the lesson is Anna Deltsova, who teaches dances in this style. She will show you some of the moves to complete the dance pattern we learned in previous lessons. And at the very end, you will see the performance of the entire link at a working pace. So, let's begin. Legs are placed together, rise on toes, then lower and make a turn ...

Hip Hop training. Part 3. Bounce

This video tutorial explains how to do a Hip-Hop dance line. This is a continuation of the study of the bundle, which is more based on Bounce or in Russian Kach. The training is conducted by Anna Deltsova, who is a dance teacher in the Hip-Hop style. This part of this dance link begins with a jump on the right leg, to the toe. With the second movement, we lower ourselves onto the heel and slightly squat on the same leg. At the same time, the hands also perform two swings on the sides. Then we put our feet ...

Believe it or not, learning to dance hip-hop is not so difficult! Just a few workouts, and your movements will take on a certain style, keep practicing - and every day you will get better and better. Our instructors find an approach to everyone: don't worry, you can master this style too!

Every hip hop dance lesson in our school is special. Hip-hop (Hip-Hop) is perceived by many exclusively as a musical style, like rave, punk, ethnic or any other musical styles... In fact, this is far from exclusive Musical direction, it's a whole culture, for true fans it's a whole life.

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Hip Hop Dance Lessons - Even More Than Movement Plus Music

It will be interesting for beginners to know that African Americans were the first to dance hip-hop. If you look closely at the technique of performing "classical" hip-hop, you can immediately notice interesting moment: The key emphasis in hip-hop dance is on the movement of the body and legs. Movements on bent knees, they are directed downward - the dancers seem to want to be closer to the ground. And this is not an accidental fact. It turns out that in traditional culture Africans have a belief that the deities are in the earth and not in heaven. That is why the authentic dances of the Africans seem to be oriented towards the earth. In these dances, there is no craving for jumping, for active movements of the arms, as in European dance culture. Modern hip-hop, of course, differs markedly from what the famous Boogaloo Sam once danced in California, however, in general, hip-hop has retained this unique characteristic.

It also explains why hip-hop dances look exactly the way they look, and the second point: it consists in musical accompaniment, under which hip-hop is performed. Various percussion instruments served as "classical" African instruments: tom-toms, various drums, etc. That is why even modern hip-hop dances in Moscow are focused on rhythmic music. Today hip-hop is based on established music: if earlier it was mainly funk, nowadays hip-hop is danced to house, rap, and r'n'b. Hip-hop lessons are held to a different accompaniment, because you should not remember that there are many directions within the hip-hop direction itself.

Beginning dancers should also be aware that hip-hop is usually divided into two main streams: Old School and New Style.

Old School was finally determined in the 80s, it was then that some movements that developed parallel to hip-hop became part of it. Locking and Popping is unthinkable today without hip-hop. It was at that time that the "Robot" style became especially popular (remember Michael Jackson), in which only the lazy did not try to dance, and in addition, the Waving styles (remember such wave-like body movements?), Ticking (broken, intermittent movements) and a lot others. All this is included in the concept of Old School.

Dance hip-hop in the 90s has already experienced a real evolution. The music of this style has become tougher, therefore the hip-hop dance itself has changed. Old School was gradually replaced by New Style, which also includes many directions: harlem shake, krump, c-walk, booty popping - and this is far from complete list what you can learn today by attending Hip Hop lessons at our school.

The man is looking for different ways self-expression. He will be able to perform at popular venues, since he will learn to dance hip-hop like no one else, if that was what he aspired to.

Hip Hop is an individual dance dance. The rules of this style are unique and the teaching methods are individual. This is probably the only dance style in which important role the acting skills of the dancer play, and not the clarity of movements. In hip-hop, it’s not the music or the performance that should attract attention, but the dancers themselves.

Anyone can learn hip-hop.

Learn hip hop yourself

So now more about how to learn how to dance hip-hop at home. First you need to worry about equipment, equipment. For hip-hop, loose-fitting clothing is great. Shoes should be comfortable. The most comfortable thing to do hip-hop is in sneakers. You will also need a music player.

It is recommended to start training with swaying. You need to spread your legs, your arms should be lowered, it is important to listen to the music. To maximize concentration, they close their eyes and delve into the world of music.
You must learn to listen to the beat. If it's hard to grasp, then hip-hop will be hard enough to learn. This can be done by swinging, which is considered the main movement. When the "wave is caught", you can move on to complex elements.

To practice hip-hop at home, you need to meet several conditions: the floor must be free of carpet and a large mirror must be installed against the wall. With its help, it will be possible to control and evaluate your movements.

Some rules to know

To understand how to learn how to dance hip-hop, you need to familiarize yourself with the following rules.
You need to do hip-hop several times a week. You need to hone your skills as often as possible. Many professional dancers work on their dance technique every day.

To practice hip-hop, you yourself need to develop ear for music, catch the bass you want.

It is required to learn the technique, the simplest dance patterns.

You also need to learn to express yourself through dance.

When you manage to learn all the basics, you can start improvisation and create individual style execution.

Hip-hop is considered to be a very mobile form of dance. For this reason, it requires being in shape.
The direction of hip-hop dance is based on 2 main elements: step and quality. It is with them that they begin to study dance.

Basic dance moves

Anyone can learn to dance hip-hop if they can master its basic elements.

Place your feet next to each other, then push your right leg to the side with your toe out. The right hand needs to be raised up. The right knee bends, the weight of the body is transferred to it. The arm that was raised is lowered to shoulder level. Feet should be pressed to the floor surface. The body turns to the left. The left knee bends right leg stands on his toes. Body weight should be on the left leg. Bend the body back a little, making it a smooth wave. Hands are extended downwards, with the tips of your fingers you need to reach the surface of the floor.

Legs shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent. Fingers right hand spread out, palm on chest so that the elbow is parallel to the floor surface. The body must be bent back, the pelvis must be in front. Turn first to the right, then to the left. During the turns, slide your hands over the body, starting from the chest area and ending in the waist area. The pelvis is thrown forward again.

Stand on left leg, the right one should be bent and the thigh should be parallel to the floor. The arms are bent at the elbows and are at chest level. Twist sharply with the left leg, the right is thrown forward and straightened. Keep your back rounded at all times. Then straighten up, deflect the body and throw out your hands like this: one forward, the other up. Balance must be maintained.

Now we know what hip-hop is for beginners. Take advice, learn the basic movements, work on your skill and dance technique, and then you can become a professional hip-hopper. Good luck with your dance!

If you applaud and admire hip-hop performers when watching dances on TV, then you probably want to be in their place. Why not. We suggest you study the quick guide,how to learn to dance hip hop at home.

Watch videos of famous dancers and define for yourself: what is hip-hop. Choose videos that have typed a large number of views.

Use video tutorials for beginners. Study elementary movements and try to repeat them.

After learning the basics, move on to more difficult lessons with music.

Once you feel like you already knowhow to dance hip hop,choose the appropriate rhythmic song and dance to it.

Don't worry if something goes wrong. Everything can be learned, the main thing is patience.

  • From the first time, no one succeeds, do not despair.
  • Be relaxed and as natural as possible in your dance. The tension will only get in the way.
  • The more workouts, the better the result.
  • Let the dance be fun for you, a game. Don't take it too seriously.
  • See how the pros dance and find out which direction of hip-hop you like best.


  • Choose and prepare a place to train. Hip hop dancing takes a lot open space... Remove any objects that you might accidentally hit. You can use the street as a place to rehearse.
  • Be sure to stretch before exercising to avoid injury.
  • Rest between sets. Hip-hop dancing takes a lot of energy. Drink plenty of water or other drinks.
  • Dancing should be fun!
  • Do not exercise on an empty stomach. This can lead to fainting.

Each of us can become an excellent dancer, because human body made for dancing. Many people have a sense of rhythm, the emotions corresponding to the music help to create a mood, and regarding the movements, they can always be diversified. Those simple steps that we give out in clubs - this, as a rule, is not enough to express ourselves through dance, impress those who are nearby and just get a huge positive charge. So let's start learning hip-hop! Why hip hop? Because it's easy, pleasant, interesting, and it's also cool to be able to dance no worse than Beyoncé or Justin Timberlake.

Hard in training, cool in battle

Usually dancers working in the field demonstrate their skills in open combat. The so-called battle is an opportunity here and now to prove that your style is cooler. And battles contribute to the improvement of technique, the search for new movements and sequences, the general steady growth of the dancer's skill. This technique works great in. All students, overcoming shyness at first, go to the center of the hall face to face with the "enemy" and show him, the teacher and themselves (first of all) that the lesson has been learned and progress is evident. Such "pair" performances help to painlessly fix their mistakes and shortcomings, and at the same time to borrow something new from colleagues.

This is why learning to dance hip hop at home is more difficult. Results are not achieved so quickly alone. But get to know his basics at home selfeducation allows well.

Screen instead of a mirror

So, let's learn to dance hip-hop at home. To begin with, we free up space, dress more comfortably, put on sneakers. What for? The muscles of the legs unaccustomed from regular loads can fail at the most unexpected moment, and sneakers will help to avoid sprains, in them the legs will warm up faster, therefore, there will be less injuries. Of course, hip-hop is no more traumatic than any other modern dance! Problems can only arise with the corners of the furniture in the room or with uneven floors. This is another reason why it is preferable to study in a special gym.

But if we started, we don't stop. There are a lot of video tutorials on the Internet, choosing the best one is quite difficult. So take our word for it and stay with the lessons from Alexander the Dragon. This is not just a set of movements, but complexes developed within the framework of the author's "Quick Start" methodology. To begin with, let's warm up. Let the monitor be like a mirror, repeat the movements in a mirror image. Remember that a good warm-up is the key to the result. Let's get started!

First - to rock

Hip-hop is dominated by the concept of "groove" (in Russia it is also called "kach"). It is a drive from music, rhythm and body movement to the beat. It doesn't matter what the mirror shows at first, the main thing is that you enjoy it and do not intend to stop. The easiest way to catch a groove is by bending your knees to the beat. Try it! And now you can get acquainted with the uncomplicated basic movements dance hip hop. How to study at home? Just. See from the Dragon!

Unity of styles

When we learn hop-hop at home, a lot of questions arise. Do I need popping or is it difficult and not relevant? Is it cool or not to move like a robot? And in what order to comprehend all this? Yes, it is very difficult to comprehend the depth of the cultural layer of hip-hop on your own, without a mentor. After all, you need to learn the basics, penetrate the history of movements, understand what happened from what, what has already left the dance floor, and what is just coming.

The whole palette of styles within the framework of teaching hip-hop can be comprehended at the "Dragons" school. In the hall, under the guidance of experienced dancers-teachers, you can resolve all your questions and immediately get on the wave. And if after reading this text you have a desire to rock with us - wait, come! Your age, height, weight and level are not important to us physical fitness! Everyone can enjoy the dance!