Drawing on drawing on the topic "Fabulous houses" in the older group. Three main colors.DOCX - An abstract lesson on the visual arts "Three main colors" (grade 4) "Journey to a multicolored country"

Drawing on drawing on the topic "Fabulous houses" in the older group. Three main colors.DOCX - An abstract lesson on the visual arts "Three main colors" (grade 4) "Journey to a multicolored country"

The fortress, such a problem arises: you need to protect yourself from external negative factors, but so that it is possible to go outself, it is ventured. The grille is the perfect option. Feel yourself as lemur in a cage, but safety is guaranteed. In a different way, we call such a way out of the gate situation, and now we will learn how to draw the gate with a pencil. Improved version of ordinary doors, this thing is destined for fate, in order to defend our houses from the invasions of the crushing sons and daughters. Durable gate consistency allows them to hold any power, even the absolute power of female logic. Moreover, a ten meter brand from steel looks much more promising than a wooden door.

The gates are known to man:

  • Hell Gate . The Coca-Cola and Cheeseburger Factory resets their goods there. McDonald-with this way retains its devil's Fastfud recipe. The sinful souls are the fiction of futurists, because no one has seen anyone, and Potatoes Friend more and more;
  • Star Gates . Created to quickly move smuggling and blackhead labor into intergalactic spaces. Widely used for cosmic races on scooters and extremely rarely for studying the phenomenon of movement at the speed of light.
  • . Manga about Japanese time gates for schoolchildren. Used to change the past by sending short messages (SMS-juice) on someone or telephone in the past. Thus, the temporary line changes its trajectory.

Let's go to drawing steps.

How to draw a gate with a pencil phased

Step one. We draw a model so that the goal from the side and the two columns are visible to which they are attached.
Step second. Stripping from the proceeded, fully align all sides and objects. Preferably without the use of the line.
Step Three. Decoratively leaving, we divide into several parts for the design of the drawings on them.
Step fourth. What are missing goal? Good and durable lattice with sharp tips. To this add a little decorative to the lower part in the form of diamonds.
Pitch fifth. We finally place the grid, we will make it tightly, paint bricks on the columns on the sides.
Let's try to draw other items.

Node number 1

Topic: "Ruffs for the Sun".

Objectives: Learning to distinguish the traces of a pencil on paper, keep a pencil in his right hand, distinguish yellow, draw strokes and short lines.

Equipment: box with pencils, easel, ½ Watman sheet with drawn yellow circle (sun), white paper sheets with yellow circle drawn, yellow pencils.

Children with the tutor stand at the window. Educator. See how light here today in the group. Do you know, why? (Answers of children.) The sunshine looked into our window, and his rays lit all around.

Educator. Look, my sun shines in my window also shines. (Draws the attention of children to the easel, on which a sheet of paper with a drawn yellow circle is attached.) Only, it seems to me that my sun is not enough. What do you think? (Children's responses). The sun forgot to stretch to us their rays. You will have to remind him about it. Now the rolling sun rays. How can this be done? (Children's responses). I have wonderful assistants. Here they are. (Shows children a box with pencils.) What do you think it lies here? (Children's responses). These are multicolored pencils. Admire them. (shows pencils). Each pencil has acute spout. This sharp nose can leave on paper a trail (demonstrates, conducting lines), so I can draw the sun with rays. Who knows what a pencil should I take for this? (Yellow pencil.) That's right, the sun is yellow, so and the pencil we choose yellow.

The tutor explains and shows work techniques.

But the pencils himself will not draw anything. He also needs our help. Take a pencil into the right hand, squeeze it with your fingers and paint the sun rays. You need to draw carefully, without pressing strongly on the pencil. Otherwise, he will break the spout and the pencil will not be able to draw. The rays at my sun will be directed in all directions. Let it shine to all people. This is what beautiful bright sun turned out to be with me. You have without rays in your sunshine. Help the sun purchasing rays and warming them all of us.

Children draw rays on individual billets (leaflets with a sun-racing sun). In the process of drawing, the teacher invests in the hand of each child a pencil and along with it lines, commenting on: "What a long beam turned out! And this ray is short! "

Children lay their work on the same table.

Educator. Sun, sunshine,

Looking in the window!

Waiting for you kids

Waiting youngsters!

Look at how our sun shine brightly. From this warm bright light and we are becoming more fun. Sun warms us and trees and flowers. And without any assistants we would not have such beautiful drawings? (children's responses) correctly, without pencils. Therefore, they need to say thanks for the help and neatly put in the cup. (Children remove pencils).

Node number 2.

Topic: "Petushka will feed, I will give me the grains to him."

Objectives: use the visual material (paints), apply the method of drawing a finger, rhythmically apply a print on paper.

Equipment: toy cockerel, paint in box, easel, white paper sheets, napkins, grain, yellow paints, jars with water.

Educator. Guess who came to our lesson? Our guest has a scallop, a beard, beak and a beautiful tail. And he still wakes up in the mornings, it mows loudly: "Ku-re-ku!". Guess? This is a rooster. (Shows the toy.)

Educator. What are the roosters? Of course, grain. Where do we take it? Maybe draw? Well, then we will get up for work.

Look, I have wonderful assistants. They lie in the box and are waiting for me to open them. (Shows the box with paints.) There is both blue, and green paint. With such assistants, we can draw everything we wish. What kind of paint do we need to take to paint the grains? I have a little millet. It is yellow. Do we have such paint in the box? Show. (Children perform a task; if it is difficult in choosing, you can offer only two colors, such as yellow and red.)

Educator. I have a white sheet of paper. Now I will scratch the grain on it. Look, I'm dipping my finger into a yellow paint and make prints on paper. They are obtained by the same round as millet. Here is one grain, here is another. (Displays drawing techniques and sentences.) Cockerel I will feed, I will give me the branches to him. Look, how much grain I scattered for a cockerel. Do you want to feed it?

Children begin to draw, the educator helps to make neat prints.

Why are the napkins lie on the tables? (Helps wipe fingers.)

The teacher lays the drawings of children on the table in front of a toy cock.

Educator. Many branches we poured a rooster? How does the cockerel thank us?

Children utter sound-speaking words: "Ko-Ko-Ko, Ku-Re-ku."

Node number 3.

Topic: "Coloring Republic".

Objectives: to learn to keep a silent to the paint, paint it into the paint, color inside the contour, find out and correctly called yellow color; Form the correct pitch when drawing.

Equipment: Illustrations for the Fairy Tale "Repka", Toy Mouse, Tassel, Paint, Easel, Glass with Water, Sheets of Paper with Painted Repka, Napkins.

Educator. Autumn has come. It's time to collect a harvest. Here are the heroes of the fairy tale, which I will tell you, also gathered in the garden.

Educator. Well, you know yellow. Can you find yellow paint among the colors? (Children perform a task.) Yes, we will paint this paint. Only we probably will need an assistant. Fingers we will not paint repka. Look, we brought a mouse. (Shows a toy mouse, in whose legs with a brush.) This is a brush - our assistant. She has a soft tail and a long handle. But the tassel must be able to keep right. Otherwise she is offended, and our drawing will be ugly, inaccurated. Let's learn how to take a brush in your hand.

Shows children, as it is necessary to keep a brush: slightly above the iron tip. Children take a brush, the teacher sends them to action.

Educator. Now everything has been prepared, you can paint the drawing. How to do it? Take our assistant - brush in your hand and perch her into a glass with water. Now, on a wet brush, you pick up the paint, having dipped it with all the pile in a jar with paint. Look, if I immediately start to draw, then it is necessary to ruin my drawing, because on the tip of the pile we have a droplet. How to fix it? I will rent an extra paint, touched by a pile to the edge of the jar. If I am now touching the pile to paper, then the paper will remain on the brush. So, by spending inside the pattern of the line, you can paint the repka in yellow. (The tutor on the easel shows the children of painting painting, drawing their attention to the fact that when painting cannot be outlined.) So my repka looked around. She became yellow, beautiful. Isn't it time to get your repanks?

Children start painting. The tutor puts a brush into each child and shows painting painting.

Educator. While our drawings dry out, we will rest. (Pronounces poetic lines and shows movements, children repeat.)

Potaging -Potyagushchy

From the socks to the Maxian,

We will pull out - they will dare

Little will not stay!

Here we are growing, we grow, grow ...

N. Piculeva

The tutor's drawings performed on the stand.

Look at how many repipes we have grown in the garden! What color are they? All recks are yellow, ripe. Let's admit them. I will give my repank the mouse, because it was she who brought us a brush, without which we could not do anything. And who will you give your recks? (children's responses.)

What should we do now with our assistant - a brush? After all, she is all in yellow paint ... so that it does not deteriorate, it needs to be washed, wipe the napkin and put into the cup. Then the tassel will help us to draw a lot of beautiful drawings.

Children help the educator to gather, wash and remove the tassels.

Node number 4.

Topic: "The grass in the meadow".

Objectives: Learning to distinguish green from other colors, draw short rippled touches, work with a pencil.

Equipment: sheets of paper, green pencils, plot pictures.

Educator. Autumn has come. Yellow leaflets appeared on the trees, began to dry grass, flowers. But most recently all around was green.

Educator. A green meadow is drawn in the picture, and our meadow is completely white, not a single bladeing. You need to grow beautiful grass on our meadow. For this we need a pencil. What color should it be? (Offers children to choose a pencil out of 3 - 4 colors.) We need a green pencil. And what else is green?

Educator. Green pencil will help me grow grass on my meadow. Once bladeing, two blades - and my meadow conceded. (Draws strokes of different lengths on a sheet of paper.) Who wants to put the grass in my meadow? (Calls to Easel 2 - 3 of the most trained children, and they draw touches in the figure.) Thanks for the help. My meadow became so beautiful, I would love to walk on him with pleasure. Do you want to have such meadows? Then take up for work.

Children begin to draw grass, in the process of drawing, the educator teaches the properly hold a pencil, draw the strokes of different lengths.

The teacher puts on the stand drawings of children and repeats the words of songs "like in a meadow, meadow ..."

Look at how much grass we planted! We did not have a small meadow, but a big meadow. What colour is he? Yes, green grass rose on our meadow. We will protect it, do not tear, not trample, and she will delight us until the winter.

Node number 5.

Topic: "Cellular grains".

Objectives: Improve the skill to draw with your fingers, distinguish with yellow color; Relieve interest in the visual activity.

Equipment: millet, toy - duck, yellow paints, easel, napkins, scarf, sheets of paper, water jars.

On the table under the handkerchief toy duck.

Educator. Today I came to occupation for us ... Stranger decided to hide, probably wants her to be guessed. (Shows the shawl.) Who is it? Do not know? I will tell you now. She loves to swim in the river and on the pond, dive. She has a big nose. And our guest loves to crack. How to crack the clarification? (Children pronounce oxide.)

Educator. Is it time for us to feed our clarops? What is the ducks today for lunch? (Children's responses.) Recently, we fed a duckling with bread crumbs. And today, let's treat them with grain. I have a little millet, but probably it will be not enough. We need to prepare more grains. Let's draw the grains. Tell me how color paint will we take for this? (Children or call color paint, or choose from the three proposed colors the desired color.) That's right, the grains are yellow, so we will take yellow paint. What form will our grains have? Look at the pshe bins. They are round, so we will draw circles.

The tutor shows and explains the techniques of work.

Draw today we will be with your fingers. To do this, fool your finger in the paint and then make them a print on a sheet of paper. (Shows the receptions of the drawing.) That yellow round grains turned out to be with me. Here is one more. Will you help me? Otherwise, I do not cope, I will not feed all the clarops.

Children begin to draw, the educator in the process of drawing helps children experiencing difficulties, drawing their attention to the fact that the grains need to scatter through the entire piece of paper.

Pictures of children fold out before the toy - duckling.

Educator. How many grains we prepared for our clarops! In my opinion, it is enough for dilks and other animals. Let's remember who else lives in our yard, who we did not feed?

The educator reads the text of the song, offering children to finish the phrases.

Node number 6.

Topic: "Yellow lumps".

Objectives: Learning to distinguish and call yellow, exercise in drawing rounded forms, improve the skill to draw with your fingers, work neatly.

Equipment: toys, scarf, napkin, easel, paper sheets, yellow paint.

On the table under the scarf toys are hidden: chicken and chickens.

Educator. Today, a large and friendly family came to the exercise. Look at her. (Removes a scarf with toys.) Who is it? (This is a mother - chicken and her kids.)

Educator. We have beautiful chickens! Let's draw them. But do you know what color they are? (Children's responses.) Chickens are yellow. (It offers to choose from the paints of different colors - yellow color.) Well done, you answered correctly. We chose the paint. Now we need to think about how we will draw chickens. If you carefully look at them, you can see that they look like small round lumps. (It offers to circle the figure of the figure with a finger. Then he asks to draw a finger through the air rounded form. Children perform a task.) Now we are ready to draw a chicken. Look, we have paint on the table, but there are no tassels. What do you think, what will we draw our drawing? (Children's responses.) Chickens we draw a finger.

The educator shows chickens drawing at sheet. Children begin to draw, in the process of drawing, the teacher controls the correctness of performing drawing techniques with each child, helping the least prepared children to draw a drawing, encourages children who have drawn additional details (eyes, nose).


Cute chickens

Yellow lumps,

Quickly gather

Near Mom - Cuchk!

All chickens came running to mom - chickens? Or someone lost? (Children's responses)

How does the chicken call his kids? And how do chickens answer her? (Children pronounce oxide)

Node number 7.

Topic: "Beautiful cup (in polka dot)."

Objectives: Develop Motoric Hands, Improve the skill to draw a finger, trying to evenly arrange the drawing (peas) inside the contour.

Equipment: tea cup in polka dot, circles from colored paper main colors, sample of pedagogical pattern, paint two - three colors, napkin, sheets of paper in the form of a cup by the number of children.

Reading Ladushki.

Educator. For the pattern, choose the most beloved paint. (Draws the attention of children to flannelugaph, which attached color paper of different color attached, and asks to show and call a favorite color. Children perform a task.) My favorite color is red. It is this paint that I will draw. Small mugs - Makers very comfortable to draw a finger. Look at how it is done. (Makes fingerprints on paper, drawing the attention of children to the fact that "Makers" should be located along the entire surface of the cup evenly. It offers children to help decorate a cup.) That's what a wonderful cup I got! Your cups will probably be even more beautiful.

Children begin to draw, in the process of drawing, the educator controls the correctness of the methods of drawing, the uniformity of the distribution of "pea" throughout the surface of the pattern.

Figures of children are exhibited on the stand.

Educator. What beautiful cups! Show me every kind of cup.

Children show cups. The educator asks to call the color of the peas and evaluates the drawing.

Node number 8.

Subject: "Wheels for cars".

Objectives: Learn to draw a round form, keep a pencil correctly, consider work.

Equipment: Pouch, cargo machine, sheets of paper, pencils by the number of children, easel.

Educator. I have a wonderful bag in my hands. It hid one toy with which the boys love to play. Who will try to know the toy without opening the bag? (Children feel the bag, the teacher helps them, highlighting the wheels, the car cab.) This is a cargo car. How to play this toy? (Children ride cars in group.) Oh - oh! Now cars face! How to file a signal so that there is no accident? (Children repeat after the tutor: "BIP - BIP!".)

Educator. Oh, how much we drove with you! I even broke the wheel. It would be necessary to replace it. Where can I take the wheel? Maybe draw it? How to do it? Let's see. (Shows the children of the car.) The wheel of the car is circular. Drive it with your finger. And now try drawing the wheel with a finger through the air. (Children paint the circle in the air, the teacher helps them.) And now draw the wheel for the car on paper. I have a big car, so I draw a big wheel. (Shows children to draw wheels drawing.) Now I can replace the broken wheel to the new one. Do you have spare wheels? Not? Then urgently take up for work!

Children begin to draw. In the process of drawing, the educator helps children, controls the correctness of the techniques for working with a pencil.

Figures of children are exhibited on the stand.

Educator. How many new wheels we have now! Here and for small machinery wheels, and for large. What do you want to choose!

Node number 9.

Subject: "Apples for the doll."

Objectives: Learn to draw a round form, improve the ability to work with a pencil.

Equipment: apple or apple doll, doll, pencils, paper sheets, easel.

Educator. Look at something our doll today is not fun. What happened to her? Maybe she got sick? And in order not to hurt, you need to eat apples. They are very helpful. Let's draw a lot of apples for doll. Let she eat them and does not suffer.

The educator shows the children of an apple. Look at the apple. It is round and looks like a little ball. Let's call his outline with a finger. (Children perform a task. Then the educator offers children to draw a circle with a finger through the air.) And what color is our apple? What color is the pencil we take to draw an apple? (Children's responses.) Today, our helpers will be pencils of green, yellow, red.

The tutor shows on the easel of a circle drawing techniques, then suggests the most prepared children to draw apples on the easel and asks the children to help the doll and draw apples for the patient doll on their leaves.

Children begin to draw, the educator in the process of work shows children to draw a circle drawing, controls the correctness of the pencil hold.

Drawings of children fold out on the table in front of a doll.

Educator. Look, what wonderful apples we have prepared for our doll! (The educator proposes to treat the doll with apples)

Kushai, Masha, apples and do not pain!

Children repeat this phrase.

Node number 10.

Topic: "Little and big traces."

Objectives: Continue to learn to draw a finger, rhythmically apply footprints, transmit tracks to the rhythm tracks, have them on paper in a specific sequence, form the correct pomp with drawing.

Equipment: Long sheets of paper, paint brown or black, napkins, easel.

The educator leads children to the window. All admire a bright sunny day. Educator. Look at what good day today! The sun shines brightly. There is no wind. See, the twigs on the trees do not pegs. Last leaves are quietly falling on Earth. In such weather, it is very good for a walk. Where can we go? (Answers of children.) You can go walk to the playground or around the kindergarten.

Reading Russian folk songs "Big feet walked on the road ..."

Educator. When we step, traces remain on Earth. In the footsteps it is easy to know where we walked. For example, now I am drawing tracks from my legs. (The tutor on the easel makes fingerprints, saying: "Top, TOP". ") Here are my traces. See, they are big. And who will leave small traces on my drawing? (The most prepared children draw their footprints with their finger. The teacher sentences: "That's what the path fled ...". Then the teacher re-reads the song, showing the tracks from large and small legs in the drawing.) And there are no traces on your tracks. Draw them.

Children begin to draw, the educator in the process of drawing controls their actions, helps children experiencing difficulties, activates their activities by phrases: "How far our Tanya left!" etc.

Pictures of children are folded on the same table.

Educator. What a long track turned out with us! Show where your tracks, and tell me where you walked.

Node number 11.

Subject: "Bird for the bird".

Objectives: Learn to keep brushes correctly, to upcape a brush to all the pile into the paint, exercise in the ability to rinse the brush, encourage you to think about the fact that the children draw, draw straight lines, pick up paint according to the sample.

Equipment: Colored Paper Circles (Brown, Yellow, Red, Blue), Brown Paint, Brushes, Paper Sheets, Flangegraph, Tree Spray, Toy Bird, Steel Water.

The game "Cat and birds". The educator plays the role of a cat, birds-birds. The cat is sleeping, the children are mashed with their hands, run through the group, imitating the movement of birds. The cat wakes up and begins to catch birds. Birds run away and sit down "on a twig."

Educator. Today we will draw a tassel. Here it is already waiting when we take her in hand. She really wants to draw something beautiful. And what kind of paint do we need to take to draw a branch? (The tutor attaches to the flannelegraph circle of 3-4 colors and asks the children to choose the one that will have the same coloring that standing in a vase.) The tree twig is brown, therefore, we take the paint brown. Now we are ready to draw? We have a brush, there is paint. Are we still needed? (Children's responses.) We need a sheet of paper on which we will draw. (The tutor distributes sheets of paper.) Now everything is ready for drawing.

The educator shows the drawing techniques with a brush, drawing the attention of children to how to keep the brush, dip the brush in the paint, conduct lines.

Children begin to draw. During drawing, the teacher helps children to take a silent into her hand, monitors drawing.

Figures of children are exhibited on the stand.

Educator. How many twigs are drawn! Now the bird is where to protect yourself from the cat. Thin sprigs, on them a big cat definitely not to get to the birds.

Node number 12.

Topic: "Coloring the tail of the tail."

Objectives: Improve the ability to work with a brush: keep the brush slightly above the iron tip, pick up the paint, making it all the pile to the jar, remove the extra paint, touching the pile to the edge of the jar; Learn to the right taking paint paint, without leaving the contour, give the opportunity to choose the color yourself.

Equipment: Toy horse, flanvelegraph, figurines for flannelhemph (horses of different colors - brown, black), easel, paints, brush, glass with water, napkin, sheet of paper with a painted horse (with an unwashed tail), the same for each child.

The teacher holds in the hands of a toy horse. Many of you have a toy horse at home. This is a very beautiful toy. (Invites children to consider the toy, draws attention to long legs, beautiful big eyes, mane and tail.) Do you like to play with her? (Answers of children.) How do you play with a horse? (Children are shown.) Do you know how to jump like a horse jumping? (Children run, raising her knees, in group.) Here is such a wonderful horse toy!

Educator. What color are the horses? Look. (Shows horses of different colors or figures on flannelhemph.) Here are white, and black, and gray. There are also brown horses. (It offers children to show horses of brown color.) Horses have very beautiful tails. When the horse runs, the tail is fluttered in the wind. The tail in horses is usually the same color as the horse herself. But in my drawing, the horse does not paint the horse. This is not order. I will help the horse, paint her tail. Tell me, what kind of paint do I need to take? (Children's responses.)

The educator shows a picture coloring techniques, paying attention to the fact that it is impossible to go beyond the drawdrop.

Children begin to perform the task. The educator in the process of drawing shows children painting painting, explains that it is impossible to go beyond the contour, controls the correctness of the holding of the brush in the hands.

Figures of children are exhibited on the stand.

Educator. What beautiful tails we painted for horses! Koni from joy shouted: "And - go!" So, they liked our drawings. And you can speak the way Koni say?

Children perform an exercise on sound resistance.

Node number 13.

Subject: "Candles for kittens."

Objectives: Fasten the ability to work in a pencil: Learning to keep a pencil with three fingers above the honed end, draw objects of rounded shape; Learn to determine the color of the subject.

Equipment: Toy mouse and cat, multicolored balls, handkerchiefs, pencils, easel, sheets for each child.

Educator. I lived - there was a small mouse in the same house. (The tutor shows the children the mouse.) Lived, did not stead. And once the cat settled in this house. (Shows the cat.) And one day the cat and the mouse met. Listen to what happened after that.

The educator reads the poem to K. Chukovsky "Kotausi and Mausi".

The tutor shows on the easel reception of the ball drawing, drawing the attention of children to how to keep a pencil.

Children begin to draw. The educator invites children to choose the children that the pencil that they like more, controls the techniques of work, helps children difficult to fulfill the task.

Figures of children are exhibited on the stand.

What different balls will now have kittens! Katya painted a big green ball, and the pasha is a little red. But all the balls turned out with you just wonderful! And what is the ball better than everyone else? (Children's responses.)

Node number 14.

Topic: "Multicolored Gate".

Objectives: Fix the ability to work with a pencil, learn to spend arcuate lines, learn their outlines, view their work.

Equipment: Elephant toy, flanneluga, figurines for flannelhemph (house, gate), sheets of paper, pencils for each child, easel.

Educator. Elephant goes from Zoo! So he waves to us with his trunk. It is so elephant telling you "Hello!".

Educator. Elephant lives in warm countries. And we have cold in winter. Therefore, elephant built a big beautiful house. (Attaches the image at home to the flannelegraph.) Elephant is warm in it and cozy. But our guest really wants to make a beautiful gate in front of the house, such that under them and the elephant can pass, and drive the car. Let's see what kind of elephant do you like. (Attachs the image of the gate on the flanneluga.) Well, will you help him do them? Today we will draw a colorful gate for the house where the elephant lives. They have an unusual arcuate form. (Gesture outlines them and invites children to repeat this movement.)

The tutor on the easel shows the arc drawing techniques, pronouncing at the same time: "It turned out a big gate, but the gate is smaller." The teacher then suggests the most prepared children to draw next to the gate of another color.

Children begin to draw. The educator invites children to make a choice of a pencil, which they like more, controls the techniques of work, helps children difficult in performing the task, activates their activities, speaking, for example: "Dani gates are very small. The elephant will not pass under them. Draw a bigger gate. "

Figures of children are exhibited on the stand.

Educator. What beautiful gates you got! Here and red, and green, and blue. Both big and small. Big gates for elephant dad, small for elephant. Let our elephant choose any gate as he just like.

Node number 15.

Topic: "Christmas balls".

Objectives: Continue learning to paint your fingers using different colors, fix the knowledge of the main colors, develop the ability to see the image of the depicted, bring up the skill, work collectively.

Equipment: Christmas balls, easel, sheet of paper with drawn christmas, paints of different colors, napkins, glass with water.

Educator: Soon, very soon we will have a fun holiday-New Year. For the new year in each house dressing up a Christmas tree. On her spiny twigs, remaining green even in winter, people hang decorations: balls, beads.

Educator: What toys decorate the Christmas tree in the New Year's holiday? On fir branches there are such multicolored balls. (Shows children New Year's balls.) Look, and there is not a single toy on our Christmas tree, not a single ball. (Draws the attention of children to the easel, where a Christmas tree is drawn on a sheet of paper.) How do we draw balls? What are they like? (Children's responses.) New Year's balls are like small balls. They have a round shape. (Draws a circle on the air with the air, offers children to circle the ball of the ball, then draw a circle with a finger through the air.) Draw balls we will be paints. Therefore, first sinking your finger into a glass with water, and then in the paint and draw a ball on the Christmas tree. (The tutor draws a bowl on the Christmas tree.) Here is one ball already decorating the Christmas tree. Now your turn is to decorate a forest beauty.

Children alternately approach the drawing and under the guidance of the teacher draw a ball, choosing a color on their own. In the process of drawing, the educator controls the techniques of work, helps children difficult to fulfill the task.

Educator. How well we worked together! Look, our Christmas tree even had fun. She is very new Christmas outfit.

Node number 16.

Topic: "Drawing sticks".

Objectives: Continue to learn to draw with paints, hold the taste properly, spend straight rippled lines, passing a certain form in the figure, develop a desire to draw.

Equipment: Desktop Doll Theater "Teremok", flannelugaph, figurines to flannelular (logs, roof), paints, brushes, napkins, easel, sheets of paper, water cups.

Reading the fairy tale "Teremok".

Educator: Build a house not easy. First you need to prepare a lot of logs, sticks. Of these, the beasts will make the walls of the teremk. (Shows wands, logs and attaching them to flannelegraph, building the wall of the teremk. You can offer children to help build wall.) See how many logs need to build only one wall. Let's help the beasts and prepare for them wands - logs. We have paints and tassels. So sticks - logs we will draw. To do this, we will take the paint of brown color, we wonder in a glass with water, fooling the brush in the paint and draw the sticks - logs.

The teacher shows the receptions of the drawing of the sticks, drawing the attention of children to how they need to keep a brush and gain paint on the brush, remove the paint from the pile, touching the edge of the jar.

Children begin to draw. The educator controls the techniques of work, helps children impede in the task. The teacher activates the activities of children, saying: "Veronica such long sticks makes that they will have to cut. But Timofey draws too short sticks, their lengths are not enough on the wall, it will have to connect nails "etc.

Figures of children are exhibited on the stand.

Educator: Look at how many sticks - we painted the logs for animals. Now - then they will definitely build new terems.

Antonina Pushmintseva

"Journey to a multicolored country."

Abstract Classes for Fine Activities for Children 5 (6) years

in the center of development of the child "Fairy Tale".

Pushmintseva A. A.

The purpose of the lesson: to expand the presentation of students on the possibility of non-traditional healthy materials for creating an artistic image.

Development of interest in non-traditional drawing techniques.

Development of fantasy and imagination, independence, observation.

Education in children feeling beautiful, desire to help neighbor.

Expand knowledge of drawing methods and form the practical skill of the trees drawing by the method of connecting color spots located "steps".

Secure knowledge of basic colors, warm and cold colors, about mixing colors.

Training methods: verbal, visual, practical.

Form of study: group.

Age of children - 5 (6) years

Classes time - 30 min


Decorated board.

Poster "Rainbow".

King three oxvective, red paint, yellow paint, blue paint, wondrusa Cherdigilde, wondering a fearlessness, guard of a snowman.

Photos of winter nature, reproduction of paintings of different genres.

Colored glasses of paper.

Colored paper keys.

Flomasters of different colors.

Cards with the tasks of the "Find Animals".

Gouache white and brown.

Brushes for drawing.

Blue paper sheets.

Cardboard strips for spray.

Work plan.

1. Organizing stage.

2. Introductory conversation.

3. Statement of the problem situation

5. Practical work.

6. Outcome of classes - viewing works, reflection.

Travel course:

1. Organizing stage

Greeting teacher:

Hello Pasha. Dasha. Masha (called the names of all children!

Together with the sun we get up

Together with birds we get up:

Good morning!

With good afternoon!

That's how nice we live!

2. Introductory conversation, motivation for upcoming work.

Today I invite you to go on a trip to a multicolored country. You can get into it by opening the magic gate. What is this gate? Guess the riddle:

- "Multicolored gates

On the meadow built someone

But you are not easy to go through

Those gates are high.

Tried the master he

He took paints for the gate

Not one, not two, not three

Whole seven, you look.

How is the gate of these call?

The key to them should be chosen! "(Rainbow).

Game "Multicolored Gate"

Let's make a rainbow from the markers, decomposing them in the right order. What do we need to remember to fulfill the task?

The answer of children:

Saying "Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant is sitting." (Children work in a pair laying on the rainbow from markers).

Well done! You built a rainbow gate, and we can open them three main keys. What will they be color? Why?

Responses of children:

Blue, red and yellow, it is three main colors.

(Children choose 3 keys out of 7).

Right! You are great, and we correctly picked the keys. Let's close your eyes and say together:

"Once, two, three! You are a gate from, in a multicolored country log in!"

3. Setting the problem situation.

So we entered a multicolored country, and who meets us? (King Three-decent).

That's right, this is the king of three-fledged, and its three most important assistants. But why did the king himself come out to meet us? What could happen?

Responses of children:

He is very happy to see us. He thinks we are enemies. And wants to protect his country.

- "The trouble happened, in the fall of the evil sorcerer of Cenerilde, he envied the brightness and beauty of the autumn forest, and burned it, turning it into black coals. The beasts of this forest were caught by the workers of Cenerildren and gave the invaliduny a fearlessness, which they won them and made them colorless. Previously at this time In the country, the snow-white winter was defended. But evil witches were enveloped and whipped the winter. I spoiled the exhibition "Winter Landscape", mixing all the pictures in the royal palace. The inhabitants of this country can not resist the evil sorcerers, and ask us to save their country. "

4. Technology performing work.

Well, what guys agree you to help residents? What should we do?

Responses of children:

Help the king of three-fledged and fix the actions of the sorcerer, save the inhabitants of the country.

Well done! You are very bold guys, and be sure to handle all the difficulties. I will help you.

Let's give order at the exhibition "Winter Landscape", and we will remove all the extra paintings.

Game "Winter Landscape".

(Children are cleaned with paintings of other genres and landscapes of other seasons).

What a beautiful winter was in a multicolored country, and now she sleeps. Let's wake it up, guessing the riddles about winter phenomena.

It flies a white flock. And sparkles on the fly.

He is a star of cool melts, on the palm and in the mouth,

He and white and shaggy

And fluffy as a bear

Spread it with a shovel,

Call it now.

How the winch is spinning

Along the track is stele

The trail is noticed


Not snow and not ice

And silver the trees will remove.

What are you great! We coped with the task. Feel the winter wakes up and began to cold. I suggest before going further, strengthen my body with a vitamin medicine so as not to get sick. Oh, the medicine for us was done three-fledged, but evil sorcerers spilled them. Now we have to make them themselves.

The game "Colored Examples".

Red strawberry + yellow pear \u003d oranjoy juice.

Red strawberry + blue plum \u003d feoolete juice.

Yellow pear + blue plum \u003d green juice.

Well done! We perfectly coped with this task and now full of strength and are ready to go on the road, to the kingdom of a fearlessness, save enchanted beasts. But where are they hidden?

Let's find them and warm with warm colors. What colors from the rainbow will help us? (Red, yellow, orange).

The game "Find enchanted animals."

(Trees are drawn on cards, hidden silhouettes of forest animals).

Well done! We saved and warmed forest animals from a fearlessness. But where will they live, because the forest burned down? The winter has already woke up and without houses in the forest, the beasts will die! What do we do? What will help beasts?

Responses of children:

Draw a forest.

5. Practical part.

Each of you draws one tree, and all together we will make a beautiful, fairy forest. Helping us will be snow clouds and magic frost, who gave us the winter. But we need to hurry has become very cold, there is no place to hide the forest animals.

1. Place the snow on the ground with white smears in the form of a cloud and sprinkle (salt).

2. Draw higher cloud smaller, sprinkle it.

3. We draw higher cloud even less, we sprinkle with it.

4. Draw at the top the smallest cloud and decorate the items.

5. Now we take our little magic tassel and say:

- "Once, two. Three-voices in the trees turn!".

Take a brown paint and draw a tree trunk and twigs, connecting the clouds and turning them into a fabulous tree.

6. Falling snow, we draw with a brush for glue, in the "spray" technique. To do this, brush dip in the paint and spend on the edge of the plate from top to bottom.

(Ready-made children engaged on the board, and get a fabulous forest).

What an extraordinary and fabulous forest turned out, everything sparkles and overflow. Beasts are very happy to such a new home and grateful to us for the help. We are time to return home. So that the evil sorcerers do not get into the forest, let's make snow guards. Who will it be?

Responses of children:


Game "We sculpt the snowman."

One-hand and two hand,

(Children pull one hand forward. Then another)

We sculpt the snowman.

(Imitate the smelting of snow).

We ride a snowball

(Palms make circular motions on the beads)

Here is one!

(Break hands to the sides, showing a large amount of coma)

And then smaller com,

(Triturated chest palms)

Here is one!

(Show your hands with a smaller coma)

And we will put it up

(Stroke palms cheeks)

Little lump.

(Join the fingers of the hands together, holding the palm at the distance)

So the guards of our snowman came out!

(Put hands on the sides and make turns of the hull to the right and left).

Now the forest has reliable defenders, and we return home from a multicolored country. What keys will we take to get out of the cold forest?

Responses of children:

Cold: Blue, blue, purple.

Right! Let's close your eyes and say together:

"Once, two, three! You are the goal from, and go home soon!"

(Children speak together with the teacher).

6. Final part. Reflection lessons, summing up.

So we are at home! But we will definitely return to the multicolored country in the spring. Let's share your impressions from our journey.

What new and important did you find out in the lesson? What is interesting learned? What was easy for you? And what turned out to be difficult? What do you remember most? (Children's responses).

Today you are all well done, thank you for your great journey. Goodbye, guys.

List of used literature.

1. Kartushina M. Yu. Logritic for kids. -M. : TC Sphere, 2004.

2. Trofimova M. V., Tarabarina T. I. and student, and the game: Fine art - Yaroslavl: "Academy of Development", 1997.

Sources of illustrations.

1. Photos from a personal archive.

Card number 1.

Topic: "Ruffs for the Sun".

Software content (targets and tasks): Learning to distinguish the traces of a pencil on paper, keep a pencil in his right hand, distinguish yellow, draw strokes and short lines.

Preliminary work: children with an educator stand at the window. Educator. See how light here today in the group. Do you know, why? (Answers of children.) The sunshine looked into our window, and his rays lit all around.

Equipment: box with pencils, easel, ½ Watman sheet with drawn yellow circle (sun), white paper sheets with yellow circle drawn, yellow pencils.

Content of educational activities: tutor. Look, my sun shines in my window also shines. (Draws the attention of children to the easel, on which a sheet of paper with a drawn yellow circle is attached.) Only, it seems to me that my sun is not enough. What do you think? (Children's responses). The sun forgot to stretch to us their rays. You will have to remind him about it. Now the rolling sun rays. How can this be done? (Children's responses). I have wonderful assistants. Here they are. (Shows children a box with pencils.) What do you think it lies here? (Children's responses). These are multicolored pencils. Admire them. (shows pencils). Each pencil has acute spout. This sharp nose can leave on paper a trail (demonstrates, conducting lines), so I can draw the sun with rays. Who knows what a pencil should I take for this? (Yellow pencil.) That's right, the sun is yellow, so and the pencil we choose yellow.

The tutor explains and shows work techniques.

But the pencils himself will not draw anything. He also needs our help. Take a pencil into the right hand, squeeze it with your fingers and paint the sun rays. You need to draw carefully, without pressing strongly on the pencil. Otherwise, he will break the spout and the pencil will not be able to draw. The rays at my sun will be directed in all directions. Let it shine to all people. This is what beautiful bright sun turned out to be with me. You have without rays in your sunshine. Help the sun purchasing rays and warming them all of us.

Children draw rays on individual billets (leaflets with a sun-racing sun). In the process of drawing, the teacher invests in the hand of each child a pencil and along with it lines, commenting on: "What a long beam turned out! And this ray is short! "

Expected results: takes an active part in productive activities (drawing rays for the sun), at the request of an adult can tell about the picture shown in the picture.

Methodical support: Comprehensive classes on the program "from birth to school" edited by N. E. Veracs, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. First junior group / auth. - Sost. O. P. Vlasenko (et al.) - Volgograd: Teacher, 2012.

Card number 2.

Education area: artistic creativity (drawing).

Topic: "Petushka will feed, I will give me the grains to him."

Software content (goals and objectives): use the visual material (paints), apply the method of drawing with your finger, rhythmically apply a print on paper.

Preliminary work: tutor. Guess who came to our lesson? Our guest has a scallop, a beard, beak and a beautiful tail. And he still wakes up in the mornings, it mows loudly: "Ku-re-ku!". Guess? This is a rooster. (Shows the toy.)

Equipment: toy cockerel, paint in box, easel, white paper sheets, napkins, grain, yellow paints, jars with water.

Look, I have wonderful assistants. They lie in the box and are waiting for me to open them. (Shows the box with paints.) There is both blue, and green paint. With such assistants, we can draw everything we wish. What kind of paint do we need to take to paint the grains? I have a little millet. It is yellow. Do we have such paint in the box? Show. (Children perform a task; if it is difficult in choosing, you can offer only two colors, such as yellow and red.)

Educator. I have a white sheet of paper. Now I will scratch the grain on it. Look, I'm dipping my finger into a yellow paint and make prints on paper. They are obtained by the same round as millet. Here is one grain, here is another. (Displays drawing techniques and sentences.) Cockerel I will feed, I will give me the branches to him. Look, how much grain I scattered for a cockerel. Do you want to feed it?

Children begin to draw, the educator helps to make neat prints.

Why are the napkins lie on the tables? (Helps wipe fingers.)

Expected results: takes part in productive activities (drawing grains for a cockerel), copes with the task.

Card number 3.

Education area: artistic creativity (drawing).

Topic: "Coloring Republic".

Software content (targets and tasks): learn to keep a brushes correctly, to dying it into the paint, color inside the contour, find out and correctly called yellow color; Form the correct pitch when drawing.

Preliminary work: tutor. Autumn has come. It's time to collect a harvest. Here are the heroes of the fairy tale, which I will tell you, also gathered in the garden.

Equipment: Illustrations for the Fairy Tale "Repka", Toy Mouse, Tassel, Paint, Easel, Glass with Water, Sheets of Paper with Painted Repka, Napkins.

Content of educational activities: tutor. Well, you know yellow. Can you find yellow paint among the colors? (Children perform a task.) Yes, we will paint this paint. Only we probably will need an assistant. Fingers we will not paint repka. Look, we brought a mouse. (Shows a toy mouse, in whose legs with a brush.) This is a brush - our assistant. She has a soft tail and a long handle. But the tassel must be able to keep right. Otherwise she is offended, and our drawing will be ugly, inaccurated. Let's learn how to take a brush in your hand.

Shows children, as it is necessary to keep a brush: slightly above the iron tip. Children take a brush, the teacher sends them to action.

Educator. Now everything has been prepared, you can paint the drawing. How to do it? Take our assistant - brush in your hand and perch her into a glass with water. Now, on a wet brush, you pick up the paint, having dipped it with all the pile in a jar with paint. Look, if I immediately start to draw, then it is necessary to ruin my drawing, because on the tip of the pile we have a droplet. How to fix it? I will rent an extra paint, touched by a pile to the edge of the jar. If I am now touching the pile to paper, then the paper will remain on the brush. So, by spending inside the pattern of the line, you can paint the repka in yellow. (The tutor on the easel shows the children of painting painting, drawing their attention to the fact that when painting cannot be outlined.) So my repka looked around. She became yellow, beautiful. Isn't it time to get your repanks?

Children start painting. The tutor puts a brush into each child and shows painting painting.

Expected results: takes an active part in productive activities (coloring of repka), copes with the task.

Methodical support: Comprehensive classes on the program "from birth to school" edited by N. E. Veracs, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. The first youngest group /Art. O. P. Vlasenko [and others] .- Volgograd: Teacher, 2012.

Card number 4.

Education area: artistic creativity (drawing).

Topic: "The grass in the meadow".

Software content (targets and objectives): Learning to distinguish green from other colors, draw short rippled touches, work with a pencil.

Preliminary work: tutor. Autumn has come. Yellow leaflets appeared on the trees, began to dry grass, flowers. But most recently all around was green.

Equipment: sheets of paper, green pencils, plot pictures.

Content of educational activities: tutor. A green meadow is drawn in the picture, and our meadow is completely white, not a single bladeing. You need to grow beautiful grass on our meadow. For this we need a pencil. What color should it be? (Offers children to choose a pencil out of 3 - 4 colors.) We need a green pencil. And what else is green?

Educator. Green pencil will help me grow grass on my meadow. Once bladeing, two blades - and my meadow conceded. (Draws strokes of different lengths on a sheet of paper.) Who wants to put the grass in my meadow? (Calls to Easel 2 - 3 of the most trained children, and they draw touches in the figure.) Thanks for the help. My meadow became so beautiful, I would love to walk on him with pleasure. Do you want to have such meadows? Then take up for work.

Children begin to draw grass, in the process of drawing, the educator teaches the properly hold a pencil, draw the strokes of different lengths.

Expected results: shows an interest in the world around the world, takes an active part in productive activities (drawing grass in the meadow).

Methodical support: Comprehensive classes on the program "from birth to school" edited by N. E. Veracs, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. The first youngest group /Art. O. P. Vlasenko [and others] .- Volgograd: Teacher, 2012.

Card number 5.

Education area: artistic creativity (drawing).

Topic: "Cellular grains".

Software content (targets and tasks): Improve the ability to draw with your fingers, distinguish with yellow color; Relieve interest in the visual activity.

Preliminary work: on the table under the handkerchief toy duck.

Educator. Today I came to occupation for us ... Stranger decided to hide, probably wants her to be guessed. (Shows the shawl.) Who is it? Do not know? I will tell you now. She loves to swim in the river and on the pond, dive. She has a big nose. And our guest loves to crack. How to crack the clarification? (Children pronounce oxide.)

Equipment: millet, toy - duck, yellow paints, easel, napkins, scarf, sheets of paper, water jars.

Content of educational activities: tutor. Is it time for us to feed our clarops? What is the ducks today for lunch? (Children's responses.) Recently, we fed a duckling with bread crumbs. And today, let's treat them with grain. I have a little millet, but probably it will be not enough. We need to prepare more grains. Let's draw the grains. Tell me how color paint will we take for this? (Children or call color paint, or choose from the three proposed colors the desired color.) That's right, the grains are yellow, so we will take yellow paint. What form will our grains have? Look at the pshe bins. They are round, so we will draw circles.

The tutor shows and explains the techniques of work.

Draw today we will be with your fingers. To do this, fool your finger in the paint and then make them a print on a sheet of paper. (Shows the receptions of the drawing.) That yellow round grains turned out to be with me. Here is one more. Will you help me? Otherwise, I do not cope, I will not feed all the clarops.

Children begin to draw, the educator in the process of drawing helps children experiencing difficulties, drawing their attention to the fact that the grains need to scatter through the entire piece of paper.

Expected results: takes an active part in productive activities (drawing of grains for the clarification), copes with the task.

Methodical support: Comprehensive classes on the program "from birth to school" edited by N. E. Veracs, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. The first youngest group /Art. O. P. Vlasenko [and others] .- Volgograd: Teacher, 2012.

Card number 6.

Education area: artistic creativity (drawing).

Topic: "Yellow lumps".

Software content (targets and tasks): Learning to distinguish and call yellow, exercise in drawing rounded forms, improve the skill to draw with your fingers, work carefully.

Preliminary work: on the table under the scarf toys are hidden: chicken and chickens.

Educator. Today, a large and friendly family came to the exercise. Look at her. (Removes a scarf with toys.) Who is it? (This is a mother - chicken and her kids.)

Equipment: toys, scarf, napkin, easel, paper sheets, yellow paint.

Content of educational activities: tutor. We have beautiful chickens! Let's draw them. But do you know what color they are? (Children's responses.) Chickens are yellow. (It offers to choose from the paints of different colors - yellow color.) Well done, you answered correctly. We chose the paint. Now we need to think about how we will draw chickens. If you carefully look at them, you can see that they look like small round lumps. (It offers to circle the figure of the figure with a finger. Then he asks to draw a finger through the air rounded form. Children perform a task.) Now we are ready to draw a chicken. Look, we have paint on the table, but there are no tassels. What do you think, what will we draw our drawing? (Children's responses.) Chickens we draw a finger.

The educator shows chickens drawing at sheet. Children begin to draw, in the process of drawing, the teacher controls the correctness of performing drawing techniques with each child, helping the least prepared children to draw a drawing, encourages children who have drawn additional details (eyes, nose).

Expected results: takes an active part in productive activities (chickens drawing), copes with the task.

Methodical support: Comprehensive classes on the program "from birth to school" edited by N. E. Veracs, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. The first youngest group /Art. O. P. Vlasenko [and others] .- Volgograd: Teacher, 2012.

Card number 7.

Education area: artistic creativity (drawing).

Topic: "Beautiful cup (in polka dot)."

Software content (targets and objectives): Develop a motor's motility, improve the skill to draw a finger, trying to evenly arrange the drawing (pea) inside the contour.

Preliminary work: Reading Ladushki.

Equipment: tea cup in polka dot, circles from colored paper main colors, sample of pedagogical pattern, paint two - three colors, napkin, sheets of paper in the form of a cup by the number of children.

Content of educational activities: tutor. For the pattern, choose the most beloved paint. (Draws the attention of children to flannelugaph, which attached color paper of different color attached, and asks to show and call a favorite color. Children perform a task.) My favorite color is red. It is this paint that I will draw. Small mugs - Makers very comfortable to draw a finger. Look at how it is done. (Makes fingerprints on paper, drawing the attention of children to the fact that "Makers" should be located along the entire surface of the cup evenly. It offers children to help decorate a cup.) That's what a wonderful cup I got! Your cups will probably be even more beautiful.

Children begin to draw, in the process of drawing, the educator controls the correctness of the methods of drawing, the uniformity of the distribution of "pea" throughout the surface of the pattern.

Expected results: takes an active part in productive activities (drawing a cup with a pattern).

Methodical support: Comprehensive classes on the program "from birth to school" edited by N. E. Veracs, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. The first youngest group /Art. O. P. Vlasenko [and others] .- Volgograd: Teacher, 2012.

Card number 8.

Education area: artistic creativity (drawing).

Subject: "Wheels for cars".

Software maintenance (targets and tasks): Learn to draw a ring of a round shape, keep a pencil correctly, consider work.

Preliminary work: tutor. I have a wonderful bag in my hands. It hid one toy with which the boys love to play. Who will try to know the toy without opening the bag? (Children feel the bag, the teacher helps them, highlighting the wheels, the car cab.) This is a cargo car. How to play this toy? (Children ride cars in group.) Oh - oh! Now cars face! How to file a signal so that there is no accident? (Children repeat after the tutor: "BIP - BIP!".)

Equipment: Pouch, cargo machine, sheets of paper, pencils by the number of children, easel.

Content of educational activities: tutor. Oh, how much we drove with you! I even broke the wheel. It would be necessary to replace it. Where can I take the wheel? Maybe draw it? How to do it? Let's see. (Shows the children of the car.) The wheel of the car is circular. Drive it with your finger. And now try drawing the wheel with a finger through the air. (Children paint the circle in the air, the teacher helps them.) And now draw the wheel for the car on paper. I have a big car, so I draw a big wheel. (Shows children to draw wheels drawing.) Now I can replace the broken wheel to the new one. Do you have spare wheels? Not? Then urgently take up for work!

Children begin to draw. In the process of drawing, the educator helps children, controls the correctness of the techniques for working with a pencil.

Expected results: takes an active part in productive activities (drawing wheels for the machine), copes with the task.

E. Veracs, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. The first youngest group /Art. O. P. Vlasenko [and others] .- Volgograd: Teacher, 2012. Methodical support: Complex classes on the program "from birth to school" edited by N.

Card number 9.

Education area: artistic creativity (drawing).

Subject: "Apples for the doll."

Software content (targets and objectives): Learn to draw a round form, improve the ability to work with a pencil.

Preliminary work: tutor. Look at something our doll today is not fun. What happened to her? Maybe she got sick? And in order not to hurt, you need to eat apples. They are very helpful. Let's draw a lot of apples for doll. Let she eat them and does not suffer.

Equipment: apple or apple doll, doll, pencils, paper sheets, easel.

Content of educational activities: The educator shows the children of an apple. Look at the apple. It is round and looks like a little ball. Let's call his outline with a finger. (Children perform a task. Then the educator offers children to draw a circle with a finger through the air.) And what color is our apple? What color is the pencil we take to draw an apple? (Children's responses.) Today, our helpers will be pencils of green, yellow, red.

The tutor shows on the easel of a circle drawing techniques, then suggests the most prepared children to draw apples on the easel and asks the children to help the doll and draw apples for the patient doll on their leaves.

Children begin to draw, the educator in the process of work shows children to draw a circle drawing, controls the correctness of the pencil hold.

Expected results: takes an active part in productive activities (modeling apples for doll), copes with the task.

Methodical support: Comprehensive classes on the program "from birth to school" edited by N. E. Veracs, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. The first youngest group /Art. O. P. Vlasenko [and others] .- Volgograd: Teacher, 2012.

Card number 10.

Education area: artistic creativity (drawing).

Topic: "Little and big traces."

Software maintenance (targets and tasks): Continue learning to draw a finger, rhythmically applied a print on paper, transmit tracks to the rhythm tracks, position them on paper in a specific sequence, form a correct pomp with drawing.

Preliminary work: The teacher brings children to the window. All admire a bright sunny day. Educator. Look at what good day today! The sun shines brightly. There is no wind. See, the twigs on the trees do not pegs. Last leaves are quietly falling on Earth. In such weather, it is very good for a walk. Where can we go? (Answers of children.) You can go walk to the playground or around the kindergarten.

Reading Russian folk songs "Big feet walked on the road ..."

Equipment: Long sheets of paper, paint brown or black, napkins, easel.

Content of educational activities: tutor. When we step, traces remain on Earth. In the footsteps it is easy to know where we walked. For example, now I am drawing tracks from my legs. (The tutor on the easel makes fingerprints, saying: "Top, TOP". ") Here are my traces. See, they are big. And who will leave small traces on my drawing? (The most prepared children draw their footprints with their finger. The teacher sentences: "That's what the path fled ...". Then the teacher re-reads the song, showing the tracks from large and small legs in the drawing.) And there are no traces on your tracks. Draw them.

Children begin to draw, the educator in the process of drawing controls their actions, helps children experiencing difficulties, activates their activities by phrases: "How far is our left (...)!" etc.

Expected results: takes an active part in productive activities (drawing tracks). Changes with the task.

Methodical support: Comprehensive classes on the program "from birth to school" edited by N. E. Veracs, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. The first youngest group /Art. O. P. Vlasenko [and others] .- Volgograd: Teacher, 2012.

Card number 11.

Education area: artistic creativity (drawing).

Subject: "Bird for the bird".

Software maintenance (targets and tasks): Teaching the right tassel, to dip the brush to all the pile into the paint, exercise in the ability to rinse the brush, encourage you to think about the fact that the children draw, draw straight lines, pick up the paint on the sample.

Preliminary work: the game "Cat and birds". The educator plays the role of a cat, birds-birds. The cat is sleeping, the children are mashed with their hands, run through the group, imitating the movement of birds. The cat wakes up and begins to catch birds. Birds run away and sit down "on a twig."

Equipment: Colored Paper Circles (Brown, Yellow, Red, Blue), Brown Paint, Brushes, Paper Sheets, Flangegraph, Tree Spray, Toy Bird, Steel Water.

Content of educational activities: tutor. Today we will draw a tassel. Here it is already waiting when we take her in hand. She really wants to draw something beautiful. And what kind of paint do we need to take to draw a branch? (The tutor attaches to the flannelegraph circle of 3-4 colors and asks the children to choose the one that will have the same coloring that standing in a vase.) The tree twig is brown, therefore, we take the paint brown. Now we are ready to draw? We have a brush, there is paint. Are we still needed? (Children's responses.) We need a sheet of paper on which we will draw. (The tutor distributes sheets of paper.) Now everything is ready for drawing.

The educator shows the drawing techniques with a brush, drawing the attention of children to how to keep the brush, dip the brush in the paint, conduct lines.

Children begin to draw. During drawing, the teacher helps children to take a silent into her hand, monitors drawing.

Expected results: takes part in productive activities (drawing branches for birds). Changes with the task.

Methodical support: Comprehensive classes on the program "from birth to school" edited by N. E. Veracs, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. The first youngest group /Art. O. P. Vlasenko [and others] .- Volgograd: Teacher, 2012.

Card number 12.

Education area: artistic creativity (drawing).

Topic: "Coloring the tail of the tail."

Software content (targets and tasks): Improve the ability to work with a brush: keep a brush slightly above the iron tip, pick up paint, making it all the pile into a jar, remove excess paint, touching the pile to the edge of the jar; Learn to the right taking paint paint, without leaving the contour, give the opportunity to choose the color yourself.

Preliminary work: The tutor holds a toy horse in the hands. Many of you have a toy horse at home. This is a very beautiful toy. (Invites children to consider the toy, draws attention to long legs, beautiful big eyes, mane and tail.) Do you like to play with her? (Answers of children.) How do you play with a horse? (Children are shown.) Do you know how to jump like a horse jumping? (Children run, raising her knees, in group.) Here is such a wonderful horse toy!

Equipment: Toy horse, flanvelegraph, figurines for flannelhemph (horses of different colors - brown, black), easel, paints, brush, glass with water, napkin, sheet of paper with a painted horse (with an unwashed tail), the same for each child.

Content of educational activities: tutor. What color are the horses? Look. (Shows horses of different colors or figures on flannelhemph.) Here are white, and black, and gray. There are also brown horses. (It offers children to show horses of brown color.) Horses have very beautiful tails. When the horse runs, the tail is fluttered in the wind. The tail in horses is usually the same color as the horse herself. But in my drawing, the horse does not paint the horse. This is not order. I will help the horse, paint her tail. Tell me, what kind of paint do I need to take? (Children's responses.)

The educator shows a picture coloring techniques, paying attention to the fact that it is impossible to go beyond the drawdrop.

Children begin to perform the task. The educator in the process of drawing shows children painting painting, explains that it is impossible to go beyond the contour, controls the correctness of the holding of the brush in the hands.

Expected results: takes part in productive activities (coloring), copes with specified.

Methodical support: Comprehensive classes on the program "from birth to school" edited by N. E. Veracs, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. The first youngest group /Art. O. P. Vlasenko [and others] .- Volgograd: Teacher, 2012.

Card number 13.

Education area: Artistic creativity (modeling).

Subject: "Rolling one ball for a snowman."

Software content (targets and tasks): Fasten the ability to roll out plasticine between the palms, make the balls with circular movements, learn to lay the finished products on the plank, admire the finished product.

Preliminary work: tutor. Good in winter on the street. You can ride on sleds from a slide, play snowballs. And the children love to sculpt snowmen in winter. (The tutor attaches a snowman figure on the flanneluga.) Look, the children made a snowman of two balls: big and small. What is the nose of a snowman? (Answers of children.) And eyes? Pens? (Children's responses.) Let's learn how to make such snowmen and we.

Equipment: flanneluga, figures for flannelhemph (snowman, circles of different sizes from white paper), plasticine, plank, napkins.

Content of educational activities: tutor. What is the work on the manufacture of a snowman begins? You need to roll two balls. It is necessary to take plasticine for them ... (What color?) White, because the snow is white. Balls to be different sizes: one big, another small. Here I have two circles. Which one more than the other? (Answers of children.) Big ball will put down, and a small put on top. (The tutor shows the process of assembling a snowman on the flannelhemph and invites children to repeat the actions.) And do you remember what the balls do? Show,. (Children perform circular movements with palms.)

Expected results: takes an active part in productive activities (modeling balls for a snowman), copes with the task.

Methodical support: Comprehensive classes on the program "from birth to school" edited by N. E. Veracs, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. The first youngest group /Art. O. P. Vlasenko [and others] .- Volgograd: Teacher, 2012.

Card number 14.

Education area: artistic creativity (drawing).

Topic: "Multicolored Gate".

Software content (targets and tasks): Fix the ability to work with a pencil, learning to carry out arcuate lines, learn their outlines, consider your work.

Preliminary work: tutor. Elephant goes from Zoo! So he waves to us with his trunk. It is so elephant telling you "Hello!".

Equipment: Elephant toy, flanneluga, figurines for flannelhemph (house, gate), sheets of paper, pencils for each child, easel.

Content of educational activities: tutor. Elephant lives in warm countries. And we have cold in winter. Therefore, elephant built a big beautiful house. (Attaches the image at home to the flannelegraph.) Elephant is warm in it and cozy. But our guest really wants to make a beautiful gate in front of the house, such that under them and the elephant can pass, and drive the car. Let's see what kind of elephant do you like. (Attachs the image of the gate on the flanneluga.) Well, will you help him do them? Today we will draw a colorful gate for the house where the elephant lives. They have an unusual arcuate form. (Gesture outlines them and invites children to repeat this movement.)

The tutor on the easel shows the arc drawing techniques, pronouncing at the same time: "It turned out a big gate, but the gate is smaller." The teacher then suggests the most prepared children to draw next to the gate of another color.

Children begin to draw. The educator invites children to make a choice of a pencil, which they like more, controls the techniques of work, helps children difficult in performing the task, activates their activities, speaking, for example: "Dani gates are very small. The elephant will not pass under them. Draw a bigger gate. "

Expected results: takes an active participation in productive activities (drawing a gate), copes with the task.

Methodical support: Comprehensive classes on the program "from birth to school" edited by N. E. Veracs, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. The first youngest group /Art. O. P. Vlasenko [and others] .- Volgograd: Teacher, 2012.

Card number 15.

Education area: artistic creativity (drawing).

Topic: "Christmas balls".

Software content (targets and tasks): Continue learning to paint your fingers using different colors, fix the knowledge of the main colors, develop the ability to see the image of the depicted, bring up the skill, work collectively.

Preliminary work: Educator: Soon, very soon we will have a fun holiday-New Year. For the new year in each house dressing up a Christmas tree. On her spiny twigs, remaining green even in winter, people hang decorations: balls, beads.

Equipment: Christmas balls, easel, sheet of paper with drawn christmas, paints of different colors, napkins, glass with water.

Content of educational activities: Educator: What toys are decorated with Christmas tree in New Year's holiday? On fir branches there are such multicolored balls. (Shows children New Year's balls.) Look, and there is not a single toy on our Christmas tree, not a single ball. (Draws the attention of children to the easel, where a Christmas tree is drawn on a sheet of paper.) How do we draw balls? What are they like? (Children's responses.) New Year's balls are like small balls. They have a round shape. (Draws a circle on the air with the air, offers children to circle the ball of the ball, then draw a circle with a finger through the air.) Draw balls we will be paints. Therefore, first sinking your finger into a glass with water, and then in the paint and draw a ball on the Christmas tree. (The tutor draws a bowl on the Christmas tree.) Here is one ball already decorating the Christmas tree. Now your turn is to decorate a forest beauty.

Children alternately approach the drawing and under the guidance of the teacher draw a ball, choosing a color on their own. In the process of drawing, the educator controls the techniques of work, helps children difficult to fulfill the task.

Expected results: takes an active part in productive activities (drawing christmas balls), copes with the task.

Methodical support: Comprehensive classes on the program "from birth to school" edited by N. E. Veracs, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. The first youngest group /Art. O. P. Vlasenko [and others] .- Volgograd: Teacher, 2012.

Card number 16.

Education area: artistic creativity (drawing).

Topic: "Drawing sticks".

Software content (targets and tasks): Continue to learn to draw with paints, to keep the tassel, to carry out straight ripple lines, passing a certain form in the figure, develop the desire to draw.

Preliminary work: reading the fairy tale "Teremok".

Equipment: Desktop Doll Theater "Teremok", flannelugaph, figurines to flannelular (logs, roof), paints, brushes, napkins, easel, sheets of paper, water cups.

Content of educational activities: tutor: Build a house not easy. First you need to prepare a lot of logs, sticks. Of these, the beasts will make the walls of the teremk. (Shows wands, logs and attaching them to flannelegraph, building the wall of the teremk. You can offer children to help build wall.) See how many logs need to build only one wall. Let's help the beasts and prepare for them wands - logs. We have paints and tassels. So sticks - logs we will draw. To do this, we will take the paint of brown color, we wonder in a glass with water, fooling the brush in the paint and draw the sticks - logs.

The teacher shows the receptions of the drawing of the sticks, drawing the attention of children to how they need to keep a brush and gain paint on the brush, remove the paint from the pile, touching the edge of the jar.

Children begin to draw. The educator controls the techniques of work, helps children impede in the task. The teacher activates the activities of children, saying: "Veronica such long sticks makes that they will have to cut. But Timofey draws too short sticks, their lengths are not enough on the wall, it will have to connect nails "etc.

Figures of children are exhibited on the stand. Educator: Look at how many sticks - we painted the logs for animals. Now - then they will definitely build a new home.

Expected results: takes an active part in productive activities (drawing sticks), copes with the task.

Methodical support: Comprehensive classes on the program "from birth to school" edited by N. E. Veracs, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. The first youngest group /Art. O. P. Vlasenko [and others] .- Volgograd: Teacher, 2012.


I quarter

Main tasks: Teach children emotionally perceive the image in paintings, illustrations; introduce various materials, new activities; understand that the lines are the simplest elements of the drawing; find in lines, shapes similarities with objects, phenomena of the surrounding; Learn to draw pencils, paints, sculpt from clay.

Learn the rhythmic application of strokes, smears, lines to transmit the phenomena of the surrounding.
About k t i b r b
1. Lesson (1)

"What are these chopsticks?"

Software content. Calling interest in children to materials, drawing process, notice traces from a pencil on paper, learn to keep a pencil in his right hand.

Material. Paper of landscape format, color pencils and several pencils with matures of dolls or bunnies at the end (see color drawings).

Methodology for holding . The tutor attracts the attention of children to multi-colored pencils, at the end of which matures of the matryoshk. On a large sheet of paper (on the easel), it shows several drawing actions with a pencil. Draws attention to how traces appear on the pure sheet. He holds a pencil several times, leaving straight lines, closed ("Matryoshka rides on the track", "Matryoshka is spinning"). Invites all children to repeat these movements on their sheets. The method of passive movements activates the actions of the child. At the end of the occupation, you can consider how much it turned out the tracks, the glomers, and the nepheuska is pleased that they helped the children to draw.
"What kind of sticks are

Not simple, but non-ferrous?

It is only in hand to take -

Begin to draw. "

2. Lesson (2)

Drawing pencils "Grass for Run"

Purpose: learn to draw grass with short strokes, freely locked the touches on the entire surface of the sheet; introduce green color;

Material: color pencils, paper (1/2 sheet), toys are swearing.

Preliminary work: Consider on the grass grass, pay attention to her color.

Methodology for holding . The teacher asks if children know how to draw herbs well, and proposes to teach them to this.

The image of the image is made in an individual image in an individual.

The educator draws the attention of the kids to the need to fill the strokes of the entire sheet of paper, shows and explains how to rhythmically apply strokes.

Watching the work of children, the educator encourages children to draw as much herbs as possible. To do this, in the process of drawing, it invites children to feed herbal, praises herbage from the face of animals and asks her more.

Children who did not master the way of rhythmic application of strokes, the teacher says that smooth grass is tastier, and, taking a child's hand in his own, draws several blades with him.
3. Turning (1)

"Rain Cap-Cap-Cap"

Software content . Calling an emotional response from children, the rhythm of the strokes to transmit rain droplets, learn to keep a pencil in his right hand.

Material. Easel, a large sheet with a cloud image, landscape format paper with cloud silhouette, blue pencils.

Preliminary work . Watch the rain droplets, clouds in the sky, puddles. Remember poems and songs about the rain.

Methodology for holding . The teacher sings with children a song "Rain" (rus. Nar. Chalk, arr. G. Lobacheva), plays on a metalfone, retreating the rain song. On the easel shows how the clouds walk out of the clouds (draws the droplets with strokes). Then every child draws rain (tuchka is drawn in advance or applucatives). After that, everyone is considered, what a strong rain.

Cap! Cap! Cap! Cap! Cap! Cap! We can not go for a walk,

Rain, rain cap da cap! We rush legs.

Wet tracks. Cap! Cap! Cap! Cap! Cap! Cap!
4.1 Lesson. (1)

"Learning to draw paints"

Software content . Calling an emotional response to the bright colors of the paints, bring strokes onto the sheet, rejoice at the color stains.

Material. Molbert, pastel papers, paint three colors (red, yellow, blue), to put different colors on each table.

Preliminary work . Consider colored pictures. To entertain you, kids, paints and pencils.

Methodology for holding. On the easel, the teacher shows the children the process of drawing with a brush (on the tip of the brush, a small bunny figure) attracts attention to bright paints. Uses gaming techniques - "Bunny steps top top" (traces on paper). Causes associations in the form of a color stain. Invites children to draw brush strokes.

4.2 Lesson (6)

"Sky" or "Water"

Software content. To acquaint children with the properties of paints (recruited on the pile of the brush, leaves tracks on paper); Learning to keep a brush and right hand, hold a sheet of paper with your left hand, keep the brush freely, it is easy to touch the paper; Develop a figurative perception, find out the image of the sky and water in blue strokes.

Preliminary work. Watching OL sky with water.

Material : Paint gouache blue, brushes number 10, paper 15x15 cm white, water for playing and viewing, cord for hanging all drawings, place on the floor for a "stream" (the rods are drawings of children, smeared with blue paint, laid on the floor in the form of a stream ).

Methodical techniques. Showing the method of drawing a brush; Evaluation of children's drawings in the game "Who will overstead the stream" or "that we we will see in the sky. "
5. Turning * (4)

Mix the paints

Purpose. Continue to acquaint children with paints; learn correctly use the tassel; consolidate knowledge of basic colors, acquaint with new colors and shades; To form interest and positive attitude to drawing.

Material. Gouache; transparent plastic cups of medium sizes 4-5 pieces per child; palette; paper; Round brushes; water; Rods, napkins.

Methodology for holding. Mixing is a compound of 2-3 paints of different colors in a glass with water or on a sheet of paper to get a new color. There are three colors that cannot be obtained when mixing other colors. This is yellow, blue, red. Color derivatives are obtained as a result of mixing pair of basic colors: green - from yellow and blue, orange - from yellow and red, purple - from red and blue. By changing the proportions of the mixed paints, you can get different colors. The variety of other colors can be obtained by mixing three basic colors in different ratios. Without teaching children theory of color, you can give them the opportunity to experience the magic of new colors.

Drawing by paints optional (6)

Software content. Call in children a desire to draw beautiful bright colors, find out in bright stains familiar subjects, play with they; Fasten the ability to keep the right brush.

Material. Paints gouache different colors, brush N10, paper 15 x 20 cm.

Methodical techniques. To hang several images on a long cord, to offer children to draw something and hang around.

N o i b r b

1.1 Lesson (3)

Hid in the grass

Software content. Learn children to draw brush short lines from top to bottom on the entire plane sheet, learn to analyze the content of the fairy tale.

Material . Album leaf, on which a fly, bugs, butterfly, mosquito and other insects are drawn; Green gouache, brush, jar with water, rag.

Preliminary work. In advance, introduce children with a fairy tale K. Chukovsky "Muha-Codotha".

Methodology for holding. At the beginning of the classroom, together with the guys, remember the content of the fairy tales, ask: "Who came to visit the fly? Who grabbed Muh? Who saved Mukhu? "

Show children a landscape sheet, on which a fly, bugs, butterfly, mosquito and other insects are drawn, and tell me: "Look, guys, on the picture and tell me who is drawn here. How can you call them all in one word? That's right, insects. Let's hide insects in the grass so that the spider does not find them. "

Show babies, how to draw grass with short lines from top to bottom on the entire surface of the sheet.

1.2 Lesson (6)


Software content . Teach children to create bright strokes, lines, stains on paper, recognize the image of a herbushk; Fasten the skill to draw with paints.

Material : Gouache paints, brushes number 10, paper 15x20 cm, illustration, place on the floor for drawings.

Preliminary work . Viewing the grass on the plot and in the picture.

Methodical techniques . Showing the method of drawing herbs: smears and insensible movements; Fitting the drawings "We walk around the clearing", listening to poems about the herbushka.
2.1. Lesson (4)

Leaf fall

Purpose. Continue to teach children to draw paints using a brush; clarify and consolidate knowledge of colors; To form interest and positive attitude to drawing.

Material. Paints - gouache or watercolor; sheets of paper for drawing paints of A4 format (by the number of children); Tassels; Water in banks; rags, napkins; Autumn leaves (dried).

Technics . Drawing with a tassel (adjustment).

Methodology for holding. Before the class, prepare red, yellow and orange paints - gouache to spread sour cream and pour a small amount in the lid. Prepare unpleasant banks with water and large brushes (by the number of children).

Show children autumn leaves. Pay attention to the fact that the autumn leaves are of different colors: red, yellow, orange. Offer to draw leavefall.

Show kids, how to keep a brush, wasting it in the water, remove the water over the edge of the jars, take paint to the tip of the tassel and draw a sheet, adjusting a brush to paper; How to wash the brush before you take another paint.

Distribute to the kids paper, tassels and paint and offer to draw leaves yourself. This occupation can be carried out in different ways. Offer children to draw a leaf fall on one big sheet of paper (they take part 3-4 children). In this case, the paper should lie on the table, and children sit or stand around without interfering with each other. You can offer each child to draw the leaves of paint one of the proposed colors, and then swap paints.

Offer each child to draw leaves on a small piece of paper: first paint one color, then the number of colors used can be increased.
2.2 Lesson (1)

"Autumn leaf fall"

Software content . Create a desire to participate in joint activities, the rhythm of smears to draw the image of trees.

Material . Two Easels, two sheets of paper (60x80 cm), paints (red, yellow, orange, green), brushes.

Preliminary work . To admire the leaf fall, play with the leaves. Consider illustrations in books.

Methodology for holding . The educator invites children to consider on the Molbert drawing with the image of trees (without leaves), herbs. Together with the children of "pour" on the trees and show the brush, as the leaves flew from the breeze (see color drawings). Children draw on easel leaves in different places (on the grass, trees, in the air). In the process of drawing, the teacher repeats: "Fall, fall leaves, in our garden Falls." Children admire the painting of the leaf fall.
Blowing wind blowing, and fly leaves

Blowing, blows, from the branches on the tracks

Yellow leaflets and run on leaves

From the tree breaks. Small legs.

3. Lesson (5)

"Multicolored Gate"

Software content . Cut the curved stripes. Pay attention to the brightness of color paint, its combination with a paper background.

Material. Paper size 30x40 cm of different colors and paints of contrasting colors. For example, the background is light yellow, the gate is blue or green, red gates, etc.

Preliminary work. The tutor conducts the game with children: builds a gate from the construction material or makes them from dense cardboard, decorating a decorative pattern (according to the type of popular painting), then considers the gate with children, reads folk fun.

Methodik conducting . The educator invites children with hand in the air arcuate movements, as if drawing a gate, draws their attention to the fact that there are beautiful paper and paints on the tables. Together with the children, the teacher is bypassed around the tables, it looks like paint. Then the children get at the tables and the educator invites them to draw a big gate. On the easel, it shows how to carry out the brush arcuate lines.

Children take a brush. The educator asks them to show how to keep a brush in his right hand. Kids draw paints multicolored gates.

"Here is the red gate, here is the Gate of Blue, here's yellow gates," says the teacher, watching the work of children, and rejoices with them how multicolored arcs appear on a sheet. After class, the teacher considers drawings with children, puts some work on the stand.

4. Turning (1)

"Multicolored gloves"

Software content. Teach children with circular movements

Draw balls of thread.

Material. Molbert, album paper paper with branded kittens silhouettes, color pencils.

Preliminary work. Consider with children pictures in books, coloring albums.

Methodology for holding. The educator is used to use the tangle and the kitten's toy: "Kittens love to play with glomers. That's how they play. " Offers views. Then shows on the easel, how to draw a tangle. Each child depicts the clusters for their kitten (it is pasted in advance). After that, everyone considers drawings where funny kittens play a ball.

5. Lesson * (1)

"I'll light the lights"

Software content . Teach children rhythmically apply
dark paper strokes of contrasting colors, notice where dark,
and where light.

Material. Paper album format (dark blue, black tone), paint (red, orange, yellow), brushes.

Preliminary work . During the walk to watch the lights in the dark windows of the houses.

Methodology for holding . The educator draws the attention of children to the dark paper background: "nothing can be seen, there is not a single light." It proposes to draw (freeze) a lot of lights, immediately will be lighter. Encourages the desire of children to act on their own brush and draw lights in different places of the paper sheet.
Drawing at will (6)

Software content . Develop independence in drawing; Fasten the ability to use paints, find out in color stains familiar items, beat them.

Material. Paints gouache (on each table there are several colors to choose from); cord for hanging drawings; Brushes.

Methodical techniques . Show on cord, where drawings are usually hanging; Ask for children to draw what they want and hang to show everyone.

II. quarter

The educator continues to teach children to consider images in paintings, illustrations, causes them the joy of recognizing familiar characters.

In drawing classes, teaches the phenomena of reality in contrasting color stains, having them in certain parts of the sheet.

Children rhythmically rolled clay lumps, tinted simple objects. The educator continues to teach them to find similarity with objects. The kids lay out ready-made silhouettes on flannelhemph, which helps them create an image in the picture.

  1. Lesson (3)
"Traces from snails"

Software content . Learn the children to keep the brush correctly, pick up the paint onto the pile; Conduct long intersecting lines, without leaning the brushes from paper. Develop fine motility fingers. Exercise in the order of up to 2.

Material . Album leaf on which two snails are drawn; Yellow gouache, diluted with water; Brushes, rag.

Methodology for holding. Start a lesson with finger gymnastics. Read the poem D. Rosalieva:

Crawled snail on the track,

Drank in a puddle legs.

And where it goes

Behind the track leads. (Children open the left palm, index finger of the right hand "draw" a spiral from the middle of the palm to the base of the fingers.)

Put the album leaf before each child, on which two snails are drawn, and offer to calculate how much snons crawls on the ground. (One snail, two. Two snails.)

Tell your children: "When the snails are crawling, they leave traces. Let's draw long traces of tracks. "

Show children how to keep the brush in the right hand between the flax and middle fingers, holds on top of the indicative, behind the iron tip, to dip the brush in the gouache and spend arbitrary long lines on the sheet, possibly intersecting. To the lines obtained without breaks, you should conduct a brush without taking your hand from the sheet.
2. Turning (4)


Purpose. Teach children to draw a tassel on top of the sketch (drawing straight lines); To form interest and positive attitude to drawing.

Material . Gouache green or black; sheets of paper with drawn pencil horizontal lines (by the number of children); Tassels; Water in banks; Rods, napkins.

Technics. Drawing with a tassel over pencil sketch.

Methodology for holding. Before you begin, prepare sketches for drawings; Green, black or brown gouache, spread to the depletion of sour cream and pour a small amount into the covers. Prepare unpleasant jars with water and large brushes by the number of children.

On one of the sketches, show the kids as you can draw straight, smooth tracks on the finished sketch.

Distribute to children paper, tassels and paint and offer draw tracks yourself.

3. Lesson (1)

"Top Top"

Software content . Teach children emotionally respond to music, transmit tracks to the rhythm tracks, have them on the paper strip in a certain sequence.

Material. Paper (10x20 cm), paints (brown, black), brushes.

Preliminary work. Games with toys.

Methodology classes. The tutor puts a cat-toy on the floor and invites someone from the children to like. The child walks, the teacher sentences:

Go from the road, cat! Our tanya is coming.

Top top, top top!
Our Tanya is coming

For nothing will fall.

Top top, top top! N. Frenkel

The music director sings the song "Top Top" M. Krasov. By singing songs, children alternately walk around the room. At the same time, the teacher calls the name of the child: "Our Masha (Olenka, Svetka)". Then all the children go through the group. The educator pays attention to the tables on which long strips are lying. It offers children to sit down and draw, as a tanya goes along the track. Children rhythmically draw a brush on the trace strip. In the end, the teacher considers drawings with children, asks everyone to find his path.

4. Lesson (1)

"Bear, bunny dancing at the feast of the Christmas tree"

Software content . To develop in children a plot-gaming plan, contrasting in color to smears to draw traces of bears and bunnies.

Material. Toys, painting - Figure Christmas tree, paper strips, brown paint, brushes.

Preliminary work . Play, show how the beasts danced on the holiday.

Methodology for holding. The teacher takes the toys and says: "Bear and hare we invited to the New Year tree (the image of the Christmas tree, which the children were decorated at the last lesson, is on the easel). Bear and bunny danced, they were very fun. " Shows on a sheet of paper, like a teddy bear, and the bunny is jumping (draws large and small traces). It offers children to draw big traces and small (animals are dancing).

5. Lesson (1) *

"New Year's Eve"

Software content . Create a joyful mood to light on the branches of the Christmas tree lights using paint colors

Material. Easel, paper sheet (60x80 cm) with a Christmas tree, paint (yellow, blue, white, red, orange, blue), brushes.

Preliminary work . To admire the Christmas tree in the group, consider her image in the picture. Winning songs about the New Year tree.

Methodology for holding . The educator sings the song "Fir-tree" N. Bakhutova, invites them to consider the image of the Christmas tree on the big sheet: "Why no lights on branches? They need to be lit. " Bright smears kids draw on the Christmas tree lights, lanterns. "It became a fun of our Christmas tree. Babies, Christmas tree, sleep, Sent, "says the teacher.
I n in a r b
2. Enter (6)


Software content . Teach children draw a Christmas tree, using skills to carry out straight vertical and inclined lines; Fasten the ability to draw a brush.

Material . Christmas tree toy for viewing and examination, green pencils or colored crayons, markers, green paint gouache and brushes; Paper 15x30 cm tinted, cord for drawing displacement.

Preliminary work . Listening songs about the Christmas tree; Consider the Christmas tree outside the classes;

Methodical techniques. Showing the method of her drawing in class; The viewing of children's drawings in the gaming situation ("We take a walk around the Christmas tree, take them; ah, rally! Whole forest of the Christmas tree. Who runs in the forest? Bunnies. How do they jump around the Christmas tree?").

Note. Classes of type "Christmas tree decorated with lights", "Many Christmas Forests" (two or three lessons) on drawing are planned after clamping, where children make up a Christmas tree from real parts - sticks, columns. After each lesson on the task, you can plan drawing at will.
3. Lesson (2)

"Combs for dolls"

Software content. W. conduct straight lines: long horizontal and short vertical; Learn to draw cloves with combs rhythmous holding short vertical lines at close range from the other, with the same pressure manner on the pencil.

Material: colour pencils; 1/2 sheet of paper for each of the children, a doll to play a situation.

Methodology for holding. The teacher tells the children that the dolls gathered on the visit, but they all disappeared and they had nothing to be combed and invited to children to help the dolls, draw a combs for them. Display of drawing methods is carried out after the children consider several comb of different types. Each child, the teacher gives sheets of paper and shows how to portray that comb, the kid liked the baby.

Watching the work of children, the teacher asks them to make teeth in comb rubs.

When the drawings are ready, the children give them a doll, that thanks them and asks if children know how to use combs? Children respond and show how they themselves are able to be combed.