Styles of the leadership and pedagogical work of the teacher. Experienced work to determine the style of teacher's pedagogical leadership - Abstract

Styles of the leadership and pedagogical work of the teacher. Experienced work to determine the style of teacher's pedagogical leadership - Abstract

Consider the styles of pedagogical communication of the educator, teachers, teacher, pedagogical leadership style.

Pedagogical communication style

One of the factors affecting the development of the child's personality is the style of communication inherent in the educator. The style of the pedagogical manual can be defined as methods of educational impact, manifested in a typical set of requirements and expectations of the corresponding behavior of pupils. It is embodied in the characteristic forms of the organization and communication of children and has appropriate ways to implement the relationship of the teacher to the identity of the child related to the achieved level of professional-pedagogical activities.

Traditionally stand out Democratic, authoritarian and liberal styles.

Democratic style communication

The most effective and optimal is considered a democratic style of interaction. It is characterized by a wide contact with pupils, the manifestation of confidence and respect for them, the educator seeks to establish emotional contact with the child, does not suppress rigor and punishment; Positive estimates are dominated in communication with children. Democratic teacher experiences the need for feedback from children in how they are perceived by certain forms of joint activities; Able to recognize the mistakes made. In its work, such a teacher stimulates mental activity and motivation to achieve in cognitive activity. In groups of educators, for communication of which democratic trends are characterized, optimal conditions are created for the formation of children's relationships, a positive emotional climate of the group. Democratic style provides friendly understanding between the teacher and the pupil, causes positive emotions in children, self-confidence, gives an understanding of the value of cooperation in joint activities.

Authoritarian style of communication

Teachers with an authoritarian style of communication, on the contrary, show pronounced installations, selectivity towards children, they significantly use prohibitions and restrictions on children, abuse negative estimates; Logness and punishment are the main pedagogical agents. The authoritarian teacher expects only obedience; It is distinguished by a large number of educational influences in their monotony. Communication of the teacher with authoritarian trends leads to conflict, ill-quality in the relationship of children, thereby creating adverse conditions for the education of preschoolers. The authoritarianism of the teacher is often a consequence of an insufficient level of psychological culture, on the one hand, and the desire to accelerate the pace of development of children in spite of their individual characteristics - on the other. Moreover, teachers resort to authoritarian techniques from the most good motives: they are convinced that, breaking children and achieving maximum results from them here and now, rather, you can achieve the desired goals. A pronounced authoritarian style puts the teacher to the position of alienation from pupils, each child is experiencing a state of insecurity and anxiety, tension and insecurity. This is because such teachers, underestimating the development in children, such as initiative and independence, exaggerate their qualities such as non-examining, laziness and irresponsibility.

Liberal style communication

The liberal caregiver is characterized by misinterfidence, irresponsibility, inconsistency in decisions and actions, indecision in difficult situations. Such a teacher "forgets" about its previous requirements and after a certain time is able to present completely opposite, by him the same requirements themselves. She is inclined to let the case on samonek, overestimate the possibilities of children. Does not check the fulfillment of its requirements. Evaluation of children with a liberal caregiver depends on the mood: in a good mood, positive estimates are dominated, in poor - negative. All this can lead to a fall of the teacher's authority in the eyes of children. However, such a teacher seeks to not spoil relations with anyone, in the behavior of caresses and benevolent with everyone. Perceives his pupils as initiative, independent, sociable, truthful.

The style of pedagogical communication as one of the characteristics of a person is not congenital (predetermined biologically) quality, but is formed and brought up in the process of practice on the basis of a deep awareness of the teacher of the basic laws of development and the formation of a system of human relations. However, certain personal characteristics predict to the formation of one or another style of communication. For example, people are self-confident, proud, unbalanced and aggressive tend to authoritarian style. Democratic style predispose such features such as adequate self-esteem, equilibrium, goodwill, sensitivity and attentiveness to people.

Studies have shown that after the past teacher, the "autocrat" in the group it is not recommended to appoint "Liberal", and after Liberal - "Autocrat" - perhaps. Democrats can be assigned after any predecessor.

In life, each of the named styles of pedagogical communication in the "pure" form is rare. In practice, it is often found that a separate teacher manifests the so-called "Mixed Style" Interaction with children. Mixed style is characterized by the predominance of two of any styles: an authoritarian and democratic or democratic style with inconsistent (liberal). Rarely combined with each other the features of an authoritarian and liberal style.

Essence of folk pedagogy.

Folk pedagogy - The composite and integral part of the common spiritual culture of the people is an expression of the centuries-old pedagogical culture and the experience of family education of the people.

Popular Pedagogy -cumulative pedagogical knowledge and educational experience of the people.

Object and subject of folk pedagogy is the process of upbringing and learning process, and the main element Folk pedagogy is a combination of empirical knowledge, information accumulated by the people about the person and its upbringing, and the practical activity of workers on the upbringing of the younger generation.

People's pedagogy is the predecessor of scientific pedagogy, in the gnoseological, historical, logical, structural relationship

Her distinguishing features:

the collectivity of its creative foundations, communication with life, with the practice of learning and upbringing the younger generation.

Factors of folk pedagogy: Nature, religion, art, game, customs / traditions, life, work.

Methods of folk pedagogy: conviction, example, order, clarification, taming, exercise, spell, request, advice, hint, commandment, covenant, testament, ban, threat, curse, various forms of punishment.

SR-VA Education: Traditions, myths, legends, fairy tales, riddles, proverbs, sayings, counters, songs, lullabies.

In the center of the People's ped-Key lies labor.

Pedagogical manual style It is manifested in the positions of the teacher and pupils, in the prevailing methods of interaction with the person and the team, in the ratio of disciplinary and organizational impacts, direct and inverse relations, in estimates, tone, form of circulation.

The most common classification of manual style styles includes authoritarian, democratic and liberal (connivor) styles.

For authoritarian style of manual The teacher takes everything. Objectives of activity, the methods of its implementation are singlely asked by a teacher. He does not explain their actions, does not comment, it shows excessive demands, categorically in judgments, does not accept objections, with disregard refers to opinions, the initiative of students. The teacher constantly manifests its superiority, he has no empathy, sympathy. Pupils are in the position of the slave, in the position of the objects of pedagogical impact.

The official, ordinal, bosal tone of circulation prevails, the form of treatment is an indication, teaching, order, instruction, shock. Communication is based on disciplinary influences and subordination.

This style can be expressed by words: "Do as I say, and do not talk."

This style inhibits the development of the personality, suppresses activity, does the initiative, it gives rise to inadequate self-esteem; In relations, he erects an impenetrable wall, semantic and emotional barriers between the teacher and students.

For democratic style leadership Communication and activities are built on creative cooperation. Joint activity is motivated by the teacher, he listens to the opinions of students, supports the right of a pupil to his position, encourages activity, initiative, discusses the plan, methods and course of activity. The organizing effects prevail. This style is characterized by a positive-emotional atmosphere of interaction, benevolence, confidence, demanding and respect, consideration of the individual personality. The main form of circulation is the Council, recommendation, please.

This style of management can be expressed by the words: "together conceived, together we plan, we organize, sum up."

This style has pupils to the teacher, contributes to their development and self-development, causes a desire for joint activities, encourages independence, stimulates self-government, high adequate self-esteem and, especially significantly, contributes to the formation of trust, humanistic relations.

For liberal manual style There is no system in organizing activities and control. The teacher takes the position of a third-party observer, does not delve into the life of a team, in the problems of a separate person, is content with minimal achievements. The tone of the appeal is dictated by the desire to avoid complex situations, largely depends on the mood of the teacher, the form of appeal - exhortation, persuasion.

This style leads to panibrate or alienation; It does not contribute to the development of activity, does not encourage the initiative, the independence of pupils. With this style of guide, there is no targeted interaction of the "teacher-student".

This style can be expressed by the words: "As everything goes, so let him go."

In its pure form, one or another style of leadership is rare.

Most preferred democratic style. However, the activities of the teacher may also be elements of authoritarian management style, for example, when organizing a complex activity, when establishing order, discipline. The elements of the liberal style of the leadership are permissible when organizing creative activities, when it is advisable to the position of non-interference, providing a pupil of independence. The style of the teacher's leadership is characterized by flexibility, variability, depends on the specific conditions, from who he is dealing with - with younger schoolchildren or high school students, what are their individual characteristics, what is the nature of the activity.

47. Androgodka: concept, goals, tasks.

Andragoga (from Greek. Andros is an adult and Ago - leadership, education) is one of the designations of the educational of the pedagogical science, covering theoretical and practical problems of education, training and education of adults. Along with the term "Andragging" in the special literature, the terms "Pedagogy of adults" are used (internally contradictory), "the theory of adult education" and others.

For the first time, the term "Andragoga" for the name of the special section of the pedagogy applied the German historian of Enlightenment K PAPP in the book on Plato's pedagogical views (1833). Against the separation of Andragogi, I. F. Herbart.

The systematization of Andragging refers to the period of the scientific and technical revolution of the second half of the 20th century, when the scope of formal and non-formal education of adults has significantly expanded, which required special research in the interests of improving the effectiveness of the educational process, to understand the traditional pedagogical issues in the light of continuous education ideas.

In the interpretation of theoretics, Andrahogic is designed to disclose regularities, social and psychological factors of effective education, training and education of adults, to develop a method, educational system of educational work with individuals and groups of individuals aged 18-20 years to a deep old age. Features of the development of issues are predetermined by the nature of the pedagogical leadership by adults: the formation of their personalities, the presence of life experience, cultural, educational, professional demands, predominance of self-education and self-education, etc.

Theoretics of Andragging distinguish between the total and comparative andragic, as well as the so-called private andragics: production, military, gerontological, etc. The connection between the physical condition, the health of people and their abilities is studied between the needs, motives and interests, the direction of the person and its learning and educationalness, between the lifestyle of an adult and his labor and public activity. The perception of educational information is being studied, orientation to various sources of its receipt, the role of libraries, museums, lecturing, radio and television, etc.

Pedagogy adults - A branch of pedagogical science that studies the patterns of education, training, education and self-education of adults in various organizational forms in which targeted pedagogical activities are carried out. In many foreign countries, pedagogy adults is called andragic.

Adult pedagogy includes, first of all, the activities of state and public institutions specially designed to teach adults (evening schools, secondary special and higher educational institutions, institutions of advanced training system, folk universities, courses). Adult pedagogy includes the activities of institutions leading to the dissemination of political, scientific and artistic knowledge. An important pedagogical task remains the development of the principles of choosing literature for self-education, rational methods and techniques of self-education and its effective organization.

Pedagogical communication is special communication, the specificity of which is due to various socio-role and functional positions of the subjects of this communication. The teacher in the process of pedagogical communication is carried out (in direct or indirect form)

subsequently, with the coming to power in Germany, the Nazis emigrated to the United States. In the same study, the classification of the guide styles was introduced, which is customary to use and today:

2. Democratic.

3. Connorative.

Bright examples of all these guide styles can be found in any literary work dedicated to the school life.

Thus, the main character of the novel F. Sologuba "Small Dev", a teacher of the gymnasium in advance - a typical authoritarian teacher. He sacred believes that the gymnasium can be curbed only by force methods, and the main means of exposure is subject to understated assessments and rugging. In the autobiographical story of the city of Black and L. Panteleeva "The Republic of Skid" in front of us goes through a variety of images of teachers who have to "select the key" to former universities with the criminal past. Those who hold the accretion of the style very soon leaves the walls of the School, who were shot by students. Especially indicative of the story with a young teacher fell by Arikov, who issued his Panibrate for a new word in pedagogy. Instead of literature lessons, the disciples chatted with him, as with equal, sang, loosely, but soon realized that such a "study" did not bring any fruits, and they themselves refused to alleged the "democratic" teacher. An authentic democratic style in the work was shown only by the director of the school, who firmly knew that the guys were needed and the opportunity to take the initiative, and the restraining of their brown gusts leadership. The image of this wise and patient teacher briefly embodied in the screening of the book Sergei Jurassic - a person who commensor the forces of students with their abilities and emotional splashes.

Often you have to hear that, although the leadership styles listed above were described and developed in relation to the production management and communication of the head with subordinates, they in principle can be transferred to the field of pedagogical communication. This statement is incorrectly in view of one circumstance, little mentioned in the work on social psychology. And the case is that K. Levin held his famous study by studying the features of the leadership of the adult group of schoolchildren. And this problem directly enters the subject area of \u200b\u200bsocial pedagogical psychology. So rather, on the contrary, the classification of pedagogical styles can be transferred to the guide styles in general, to the field of industrial social psychology.

During the experiment, K. Levin created several groups from decadent schoolchildren ("Circles"). The guys in these groups were engaged in the same work - making toys. In order to cleanliness, the group's experiment was completely identical to the age criterion, according to the physical and intellectual data of participants, according to the structure of interpersonal relations, etc. All groups worked, in addition, in the same conditions, according to the general program, the same task was performed. The only important difference, variable variable, was a significant difference in instructors, i.e. teachers. The difference was in the style of management: the teachers adhered to who authoritarian, who is democratic, and who are a connoisseable style. Each of them worked with one group of six weeks, and then exchanged groups. Then the work continued for another six weeks, and then a new transition to another group. Such a procedure made an experiment extremely correct: groups not only were identical initially, but also underclose the same influence of all teachers and, accordingly, all styles. In this way, group factori came down to zero, and the researcher had an excellent opportunity to trace the influence of the style of the guide to interpersonal relations in the group, on the motivation of activities, for labor efficiency, etc.

Before analyzing the impact of the management style of all these parameters, it is absolutely necessary to describe the features of communication of a teacher of a particular style with schoolchildren in the experiment K. Levin.

With an authoritarian stylea typical general trend towards hard management and comprehensive control was expressed in the following. The teacher is much more likely than in other groups, resorted to the tone of the order, did sharp comments. Non -actic comments were also characteristic of some participants and unreasonable, unreasonable praise of others. The authoritarian teacher determined not only the common goals of the activity and the task, but also indicated ways to fulfill it, hardly deciding who would work with whom. The tasks and methods of its implementation were given to students in stages. (Such an approach reduces the motivation of activities, as a person exactly does not know its endful goals.) It should also be noted that in a socially-perceptual plan and in terms of interpersonal installations orientation to the phased delimitation of activities and the phased control indicate the mistrust of the teacher to independence and responsibility Own students. Or at least it may mean that the teacher suggests that his group has very poorly developed. The authoritarian teacher hardly stopped any manifestation of the initiative, considering it as an unacceptable self-government. Studies of other scientists who followed the work of K. Levin showed that such behavior of an authoritarian leader is built on his ideas that the initiative undermines its authority and faith in its competence. "If someone from the students offers improvements at the expense of another job, it means that it indirectly indicates that I did not provide for this," the authoritarian teacher argues. In addition, it turned out that the authoritarian leader estimated the success of the participants subjectively, addressing reproaches (praise) by the Contractor as a person.

With a democratic stylefacts were assessed, not a person. But the main feature of the democratic style turned out to be the active participation of the group in the discussion of the course of the upcoming work and its organization. As a result, the participants developed confidence and self-government stimulated. At the same time in the group increased sociability and confidence of relationships.

main feature training style leadershipit was that the teacher was essentially self-interest from responsibility for what was happening.

Judging by the results of the experiment, the worst style was connoisseable. With it, the least of all work was performed, and the quality of it left much to be desired. It was also important that the participants noted low satisfaction with the work in the group of connamed style, although they did not carry any responsibility, and the work rather resembled the game.

The most effective was a democratic style. The group participants showed a living interest in work, positive internal motivation of activities. The quality and originality of tasks has significantly increased. Group cohesion, a sense of pride with common successes, mutual assistance and friendliness in relationships - all this of the Democratic Group developed in a very high degree.

Later research only confirmed the results of Levin's experiment. The preference of a democratic style in pedagogical communication was proved on different age groups, ranging from younger students and ending with high school students.

The subject of one of the studies (N.F. Maslova) was the study of the attitude of first-graders to school. At the same time, polls were conducted twice - the first time was recorded the attitude of future first-graders

Also during the experiment, it turned out that the authoritarian teachers had loosely self-satisfying students tripmore often indicate that their teacher loves to put two. The most remarkable lies in the fact that in reality in class magazinesthe number of bobs in teachers of authoritarian and democratic styles turned out to be the same. Thus, the learning style of the interaction of the teacher with students defines in this case and the features of how students perceive it. It is clear that interest in learning depends on children not so much from the difficulties of school life, as from the features of the teacher's appeal with students.

In another study, the relationship between the styles of pedagogical communication and the peculiarities of the teacher's teacher's personality (A.A. Bodaliev) were studied. As a result, it was found that authoritarian teachers underestimate the development of such qualities from students as collectivism, initiative, independence, and demanding to others. At the same time, they often responded about children as impulsive, lazy, undisciplined, irresponsible, etc. Note that such representations of authoritarian teachers are largely conscious or subconscious motivation, justifying their hard style of leadership. The formulas of this logical chain can be expressed as follows: "My students are lazy, undisciplined and irresponsible, and therefore absolutely necessary constantly controltheir activities at all its stages "; "My students are uninimitative and dissatisfied with such an extent that I am simply obliged take all the guidance on yourselfdetermine the strategy of their activities give them instructionsrecommendations, etc. " Truly, our behavior is a slave of our installations.

In fairness it should be noted that modern social psychology claims - there are such circumstances when the most fruitful and adequate can still be authoritarian style. Again, it is appropriate to recall the already mentioned novel "Republic of the Skid", where the only way to curb the "difficult" orphans, recent streets, in a critical situation was the authoritarian style, strict leadership, decisive measures. However, for situations of ordinary communication, especially pedagogical, it is rather an exception than the rule.

Knowledge of the personality of students

The problem of the knowledge of the teacher of the student's personality is traditionally relevant in practical terms. Another k.d. Ushinsky, who paid a significant attention to a psychological aspect in solving problems of pedagogy, emphasized that if the pedagogy wants raisea person in all respects, then she must first of all discoverhis in all respects. However, to move from the imperative and rather journalistic formulation of the problem to its scientific formulation, and even more so it is not easy to solve the methods of its decision.

Currently, the problem of the learning teacher of the student has acquired special significance, for it is directly related to humanistic trends that make up the core of modern

system "Subject-Subject", from a unilateral analysis process to bilateral. Despite the fact that in the psychology of the concept of "activity" and "communication" are considered as independent categories, there are areas in which they come closer. This is especially noticeable by the example of pedagogical disciplines, whose object ¾ is the activity that is based on the laws of communication. Communication as such always implies the parallel process of interpersonal knowledge. Therefore, the effectiveness of pedagogical communication largely depends on how fully and adequate to the teacher reflects the personality of the student.

The problem of the productivity of pedagogical activity and communication is one of the most up-to-date in pedagogy and pedagogical psychology. The high objective complexity of this problem is explained by a whole complex of factors affecting the final result of pedagogical activities. As for the subjective difficulty of its decision, it is mainly due to numerous, often disseminated approaches to analysis and even to the very formulation of the problem.

So, in relation to pedagogical activity, it is customary to talk about its productivity, efficiency, optimization, etc. All these concepts have a lot in common, but each of them reflects the specific aspect of the problem. The question of the productivity of pedagogical activities in a number of studies is placed in the context of an acmeological approach. In the works of B.G. Ananeva laid the foundations of a new section of age psychology ¾ acmeologywhich is considered as a science of the most productive, creative period of human life. Developing these ideas in relation to pedagogy and pedagogical psychology, N.V. Kuzmina experimentally and theoretically substantiated an acmeological approach to pedagogical activities. Since it is in this case a study of the features of the fruitful activity of the teacher, then the main criterion is not the age, but the professionalism of the teacher.

The concept of "productivity" of pedagogical activity is ambiguous. You can talk, for example, about functional and psychological productivity. Under functional products, activities are usually implied to the creation of a system of didactic methods and techniques, communicative skills, etc. Under the psychological ¾ neoplasms in the personality of the student. There is no tough dependency between functional and psychological products: a high functional level does not always correspond to adequate psychological.

In recent years, along with traditional attention to the problems of psychology activities, increasing attention is paid to the problems of psychology of communication. There is no need to consider here theoretical aspects of these concepts and their differences. We only note that in modern science, communication and activities are independent psychological reality with its own structure and their laws. There are organic ties between them. Moreover, communication is found, which is fundamentally constructed under the laws of activity (for example, acting), and on the contrary, there are activities that are built under the laws of communication.

Since the object of pedagogical activity is a person / person, it is built according to the laws of communication. The structure of communication usually distinguishes three components:

1. Cognitive (cognitive).

2. Affective (emotional).

3. Beneficial.

There are other models, however, in any classification, there is primarily a cognitive aspect of communication. In pedagogical communication, it acquires a special meaning. The effectiveness of pedagogical activity depends precisely from the depth of study by the teacher's teacher's student, from adequacy and completeness of knowledge. As applied from research S.V. Kondratyevaya and its employees (meaning first of all the work of V.M. Bournfully), teachers with a low productivity of activity usually perceive only external drawing. They do not deepen the true goals and motives, while the teachers of the high level of productivity are able to reflect the sustainable integrative properties of the individual, to identify the leading goals and motives of the behavior, the objectivity of estimated judgments, etc. Similar results were obtained during other studies (A.A. Bodaliev, A.A. Rean, etc.). Thus, the close relationship between the productivity of pedagogical activity and the effectiveness of the knowledge of the teacher of the personality of students is completely obvious. The mechanism of stereotypization, well known to us from the general theory of interpersonal knowledge, "works" and in the process of learning the teacher of the student's personality. Moreover, all its varieties are also obvious: social, emotional-aesthetic, anthropological.

Thus, the teacher under the influence of its own pedagogical experience there is a specific social stereotypes: "Excellent", "Dweller", "Activist", etc. For the first time, meeting with students, who has already received the characteristics of the "excellent student" or "Dweller", the teacher with a greater or less likelihood suggests that it has certain qualities. Of course, it is not necessary to think that this set of stereotypes is unchanged that all the teachers draw yourself the same image of the "excellent student", "two-street", "socialist-activist", etc. On the contrary, all estimated stereotypes are underlined subjective, individual character. This is not surprising, since each stereotype is a fixed experience of communication with students, the experience of this particular teacher. Imagine such a situation. Several teachers find out that an activist will learn in their group, a pronounced leader. They will be reacting differently. One, because of his stereotype, it may assume that it becomes easier to manage the group, the other, relying on the bitter experience of communication with the "activists", will decide that the newcomer certainly is a careerist, which behaves defiantly, etc.

Speaking about the individual content of pedagogical stereotypes, it is still impossible to forget about the general direction of the prevalence of many of them. It is well known that among the teachers the next stereotype is extremely common: good student performance is related to personality characteristics. One who is successfully learning is a priori perceived as a person who is capable, conscientious, honest, disciplined. Conversely, the "dual" is an inflamed unshakled lazy.

In a number of studies, as well as in pedagogical journalism, you can find descriptions and other pedagogical stereotype: Very often "unfavorable" children are considered "Brushy", restless disciples, those who can't sit in classes, silently, passively respond to comments, those who who invariably enters into the rancings. Practice shows that most often the teachers are asking for a psychologist to "work" with such "uncontrollable" children, considering them prone to asocial behavior. But students who willingly obey the teacher come according to its instructions and comments, are usually considered safe, do not belong to the category of "difficult". This phenomenon, although he deserves the most detailed consideration, nevertheless, in essence, it is associated with common, universal psychological laws. In this regard, the work of Indian psychologists P. Janak and S. Purima deserves special mention. Their experiments have shown how flattering and exaggeratedly reverent attitude to the instructions of the authorities lead to the fact that the head approves the "Lestiets". Interestingly, those managers who enjoyed the reputation of impassive, objective, are emphasized by the reputation of impassive, objective, are emphasized by the reputation of impassive, objective.

The fact that a professional assessment of the teacher's personal qualities of the student may depend on its external appeal, it may seem implausible. Nevertheless, this effect is manifested not only in the estimates of adolescents, but also kids. During one of the experiments, students of the university - future teachers were issued descriptions of misconducts committed by seven-year guys. These descriptions were attached photos of "culprits". Assessing their attitude to these kids and their behavior, students showed a greater condesception to the owners of a more attractive appearance (A.A. Bodaliev, 1983).

The history of the English king Richard of the Third, "Black Legend" of Britain is indicative. Judging by the historical data, the chronicles of Thomas Mora, who took advantage of Shakespeare in his play, the king, which rose on the throne on the corpses of his birth and opponents, including two young princes, was the sealing villain, and even a humpback chrome freak. But most recently, historians found that after the death of Richard, the clan wine clan was delivered not only a part of historical information, where the king was depicted by the villain and freak, but also forced the court artists to rewrite the portrait of Richard, "Iurbish" with the help of a brush and paints his face and figure.

As we see, the relationship of appearance with the internal qualities of a person for many irregularities. The enemies of the king, wanting to blame him in the eyes of the descendants, did not limit himself to slander his affairs, because they were not subject to doubt that an evil man ugly. Thanks to the brilliant tragedy of Shakespeare, the stereotype "ugly man angry" only strengthened in our consciousness. And on the contrary - in the "portrait of Dorian Gray" O. Wilde, a young man, from nature, endowed with extraordinary beauty, at first glance seemed surrounding good, attentive, separately. And even when his vicious behavior became known in society, many did not believe that such a handsome person is capable of such villains.

Like any person, the teacher almost never realizes the influence of many stereotypes on their own assessments of students. However, this circumstance does not cancel their actions, on the contrary, than less a person aware of the presence of stereotypes, the more susceptible to their influence. Any stereotypes have a huge impact on the perception exactly when we know little about a person - i.e. In the conditions of a deficit of identity information. As the teacher dating the teacher with students, interacting with them in the urgent and after-school time, in the process of observing their behavior in various situations the assessment is becoming increasingly individualized. And then begins to be determined by specific features of behavior and activity. Therefore, the pedagogical commandment formulated by V.P. is extremely important. Zinchenko in a joking form: "Do not be surprised when the student comes out of the image that you put it or built it or for him. This is normal".

So, pedagogical stereotypes exist and play a certain role in the knowledge of the teacher of the student's personality. Is it bad or good? This question is difficult to answer unequivocally. In scientific terms need to take into account the moment attributing certain qualitiesmediated and replacing knowledge as such. Meaninglessly evaluating the ascribing process as "bad" or "good"; It is necessary to comprehensively study it. The purpose of this study is to disclose the content and mechanism of these processes. This contributes to correction and self-correction in the field of perception and assessing others.

If you try to answer the question of pedagogical stereotypes from a practical point of view, then in their existence you can find "pluses" and "minuses". Negative side of stereotypes is clear and explained. It is believed that they lead to the restriction of "pedagogical vision", deprive the ability to adequately and comprehensively know the personality of the student. And this negatively affects the attitude towards it and reduces the effectiveness of the curriculum management. And what good in stereotypes? We think about what's the point we invest in the concept of "an experienced teacher."

One of its main qualities is considered to be the ability at the first meeting with students to identify their main features, challenge the distribution of roles in the team. An experienced teacher, for the first time entering a new group, notes: "This, most likely will give me a lot of trouble, a strong nut, and this one ..." What is it, as not to support pedagogical stereotypes, which are based on the experience of pedagogical work, Permanent cooperation with children? The cognitive function of stereotypes is obvious.

In the interpersonal knowledge of stereotypes play a negative role, if the teacher should hardly follow them and their effect becomes absolute. And the positive value of stereotypes are acquired if the teacher, relying on them, gives only a probable approximate assessment of the student's personality ("most likely he will give me a lot of trouble"); If the teacher is aware of the existence of subjective assessment stereotypes. The support for stereotypes ideally should be only one of the possible mechanisms of knowledge, which acts in the conditions of the deficit of information, and subsequently inferior to a targeted professional study of the individual.

Not a latter role in the knowledge of the student also plays a projection phenomenon. His essence lies in attributing its own personal characteristics to another. Projecting, as well as the effect of stereotypes, may also take place in the pedagogical process. However, during the knowledge of the teacher's personality teacher, the possibility of projection is limited by differences in the age, social status and role-playing positions of teachers and students. When these differences are objectively (for example, due to the youth of the teacher) and subjectively (installation on equality - the communary technique, pedagogy of cooperation) is not so significant, the action of the projection mechanism can be very substantial.

A special role in the process of knowledge of the teacher of the personality of students and communicating with him belongs empathy.The ability to empathy not only increases the adequacy of the perception of the "other", but also leads to the establishment of effective, positive relationships with students.

On the one hand, a deeper and adequate reflection of the personality of students allows the teacher to take its decisions more reasonably, and therefore increases the productivity of the educational process. On the other hand, the manifestation of empathy finds an emotional response from a student, and a positive relationship is established between it and the teacher. And this in turn also cannot but increase the productivity of pedagogical communication.

In the famous Roman J. Sallinger "Above the Absurement in Ries" the only person from the world of adults, to which the main teenager's head hero (entangled in problems and plunged into stress) is applied for help and support), is his former school teacher. Why, because Holden has not been learning for a long time? The fact is that Mr. Antolini expressesboy, while parents and other teachers only express anxiety and dictate their will. Moreover, Holden appreciates teachers not by their professional advantages, but depending on their mental qualities, the ability to empathize.

In working with "difficult" teenagers, the manifestation of empathy is of particular importance, since many of them experience a real lack of sympathy, empathy. According to one of the domestic studies, 92.2% of adolescents, registered in juvenile inspections, felt a lack of positive emotional contacts, were in a state of psychological isolation in their training teams. According to L.M. Zyubin, 35% of adolescent-offenders live in families for whom unhealthy relations between parents and children are characterized, the presence of pronounced asocial attitudes operating in the family. Research L.M. Zyubin, like a number of others, show that in recent years the influence of such a domestic situation in the family has increased. Numerous experimental and empirical studies have made it possible to establish that the development of a tendency to violence and its consolidation in the form of a person's life style is usually directly related to the lack of empathy both at the very person and its surroundings. The reasons caused by such behavior are rooted in early childhood. These studies convincingly indicate that the overwhelming majority of adolescents that differ in delinquent (illegal) behavior have experienced an emotional insulation: a lack of love, lack of parental care, etc.

No one denies the undoubted importance of empathy in pedagogical contact with such children. However, it is regretted to state that in reality, they not only have a deficiency of empathy from teachers, but exposed to even greater pressure than in the family. In some cases, the inability to the manifestation of empathy in combination with low pedagogical professionalism significantly aggravates the process of negative development of the personality of the teenager, directly leads to the dodictations. (Didactogenia is causing harm to neuropsychiatric learners due to non-professional actions of the teacher). We give as an example the case with which one of the authors had to face during the work on the study of the psychological characteristics of the personality of adolescents, registered in the juvenile inspections. A teacher who supervised one of the teenagers, noted that after removing from the record, he became uncontrollable, coarse, kept defiant, etc. But while he was registered, everything was fine, and she found a common language with him. What pedagogical technique was this teacher applied? It turns out that Comrades of the adolescent have not suspected about misconducts, which resulted in registration with the juvenile affairs inspectorate. And as soon as the behavior of the teenager once again went out for the established framework, the teacher invited him to an individual conversation, the rod of which was threatened by "all" to tell his comrades. This, no doubt, an effective way to maintain discipline was repeatedly used for almost two years. Think on: in the rank of pedagogical admission, blackmail was erected, the cynicity of which does not require psychological nor pedagogical evidence.

Mechanisms decentrationand identificationalso play a crucial role in the process of learning the student's personality teacher. The adequacy, completeness and depth of the knowledge of the student depend on the ability of the teacher to overcome egocentrism, take a look at the situation with the eyes of the student, to understand and take the point of view of the student, finally, stand up in his place and argue from his position. All this becomes possible due to not only the initial pedagogical abilities, but also special skills. Consequently, theoretical patterns and applied aspects of the knowledge of the teacher of students should necessarily be considered as a central element of professional-pedagogical training.


Having granted proper uniqueness of creativity of one or another teacher, it is necessary to emphasize that a scientific analysis of pedagogical activities is possible, built not on descriptions, but on the principles of a comparative study, qualitatively quantitative analysis. Prospecting in connection with this is the direction associated with the use of the principles of a systemic approach to the analysis of pedagogical activities and the construction of models of this activity. By definition, the system is a plurality of elements with relations and connections between them forming a certain integrity. With regard to pedagogical systems, it is possible to strengthen this definition and assume that the system can only be called such a complex of selective involvement of components, in which the interaction and relationship acquire the character relationscomponents aimed at obtaining a focused useful result. The structural components of the pedagogical system are: the subject and object of the pedagogical impact, the subject of their joint activity, the goals of training and the means of pedagogical communication. In the structure of the work of the teacher, the following components are allocated: professional psychological and pedagogical knowledge; Professional pedagogical skills; Professional psychological positions, the installation of the teacher required by the profession; Personal features providing teacher by professional knowledge and skills. Pedagogical activity - this activity is not individual, but joint. It is always joint already because in the pedagogical process there are two activesides: Teacher, teacher - and student, student. Pedagogical activity is jointly also because it is almost always "ensemble". A student, a student in the learning process simultaneously interacts not with one teacher, but with a whole group of teachers, teachers. And their pedagogical activities are most effective, and efforts leave the greatest trace in the personality of the student when the activities of teachers turn out to be joint, coordinated, "Ansembal". The highest criterion for such consistency is not just the interaction of teachers among themselves, but their interaction, aimed at achieving the ultimate goal, is not at all methodical perfection of the process, but personality student- His development, training and upbringing.

Under pedagogical communication, professional communication is usually understood teacher with students inthe process of learning and upbringing aimed at solving certain pedagogical problems and the implementation of pedagogical functions. There is a dialectical relationship between the categories "Communication" and "Activities". Moreover, it can be argued that there are activities that are fundamentally based on the laws of communication. Obviously, pedagogical activity is one of them. Interpersonal relationships in the educational group should be formed by a teacher purposefully in the process of pedagogical communication. At the same time, at certain - the highest-stages, the leading source becomes self-developmentteam. But at the initial stages, the central place in the formation of a high level of interpersonal relations belongs to the teacher. Emparically established differences in the structure of communication of teachers of various levels of pedagogical skills. So in the structure of the impacts of the high-level teachers in the first place are the impact of the organizing nature, and the low-level teacher has a disciplining. At the same time, the organizing effects in the structure of the interaction of low-level teachers occupy the last rank place. The latitude of the repertoire of the verbal influences of the teacher on students is also associated with the level of activity of the teacher and with the level of understanding of the student's personality. The ratio of the duration of the teacher's speech to the duration of speech students during the classes varies from 2.3 to 6.3, and the average value of this relationship is greater than 4. The higher level of the teacher's professionalism, the less the disproportionality of this relation. Effective pedagogical communication is always aimed at the formation of a positive I-concept of personality, on the development of a student self-confidence, in their power, in its potential. By

Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus

Belarusian National Technical University

Engineering and Pedagogical Faculty

Department of "Vocational Training and Pedagogy"

Pedagogical position of the teacher and styles of pedagogical leadership


student group 309340 D.V. Yurevich

Checked: Associate Professor of the Department of L.N. Aksenova




Pedagogical manual is a specific form of communication, which has its own characteristics, and at the same time subject to general psychological patterns inherent in communication as a form of human interaction with other people, including communicative, interactive and perceptual components.

Pedagogical communication is a set of funds and methods that ensure the implementation of the goals and objectives of education and training and determining the nature of the interaction of the teacher and students.

Studies in the field of pedagogical psychology show that a significant part of pedagogical difficulties is due not to so many disadvantages of scientific and methodological training of teachers, how much deformation of the sphere of professional - pedagogical communication.

Whether the pedagogical leadership is optimal depends on the teacher, on the level of its pedagogical skills and communicative culture. To establish a positive relationship with students, the teacher must show benevolence and respect for each of the participants in the educational process, to be involved in victories and defeats, successes and mistakes of the student, empathize with them. Studies show that teachers who focus their own "I" show formalism in relation to students, superficial interact in training situations, authoritarianism, emphasize their own superiority and impose their behavioral methods. Pedagogues with the centers on the "friend" manifests itself unconsciouslying to students who reach self-awareness.

Pedagogues with the centers "I - the other" identified a steady desire to build communication at an equal basis and develop it in a dialogic form.

Such interaction objectively contributes to the humanization of the relationship "Lecturer - Student" and the whole training in general.

The process of communicating a teacher with students can develop in two extreme versions:

Understanding, coherence implementation of training activities, the development of the ability to predict each other's behavior.

Disorder, alienation, inability to understand and predict the behavior of each other, the emergence of conflicts.

Achieving a positive result of communication and interaction is associated with the accumulation and correct generalization of information about each other depends on the level of development of communicative skills of the teacher, its ability to empathy and reflection, to observation, "sensory severity", the establishment of "rapport" and the ability to take into account the representative system of the interlocutor Depends on the ability to listen, understand the student, to influence it through the conviction, suggestion, emotional infection, changes in styles and positions of communication, the ability to overcome manipulations and conflicts.

Psychological - pedagogical competence of a teacher in the field of psychological characteristics and patterns of communication, interaction is played important role.

Purpose of the study - study of the pedagogical styles of the leadership, the allocation of advantages and disadvantages of the various styles of the teacher's leadership, identifying the characteristics of the pedagogical position of the teacher at the modern educational stage.

Research tasks:

1. Reveal the essence of the concept of "pedagogical guide", "pedagogical style of manual".

Disclose the essence of the democratic style of the teacher's leadership.

Disclose the essence of the liberal style of the teacher's leadership.

Essence of the style of the teacher's leadership based on wiping joint creative activity.

The value of the individual style of the teacher.

1. Essence of the Pedagogical Guide, Pedagogical Style of Manual

In the organization of activities, teachers play a leading role. Pedagogical guide is aimed at bringing students' activity, independence and initiative among students. Hence the importance of the principle of combining pedagogical management with the development of the initiative and independence of pupils.

One of the first and most famous classifications of the leadership styles is proposed by the American social psychologist K. Levin. He highlighted authoritarian, democratic and passive guide styles.

Pedagogical management is designed to maintain useful beginnings of students, teach them to fulfill certain types of work, give advice, encourage the initiative and creativity. It depends on the development of independence and self-education of students. At a certain age stage, the student fully begins to manifest itself as a subject of activity, including to improve itself as a person. A prerequisite for the development of the initiative and independence of schoolchildren is the development of self-government.

Before the teacher is the priority task - to form educational activities of students. Without learning to learn independently, without knowing how to "live by your mind", the student will constantly hope to receive ready-made knowledge from, teacher, focus on memorizing and mechanical memorization of scientific provisions from books and will not make a single attempt to apply these provisions in practice.

Governed byit is customary to understand the process of organizing any impacts aimed at implementing pursued purposes.

Guide - This is only part of management activities, and it is precisely that part of which various management issues are resolved by influence on subordinates.

Under the style of the leadership, we will understand the totality applied by the head of the impact methods on the subordinates, as well as the form (manner, character, etc.) of the execution of these methods. Specific methods of management impact there are a great set.

An authoritarian style teacher has a typical trend on rigid and comprehensive control. It is expressed in the fact that the teacher is much more often about his colleagues resorts to an ordinary tone, makes sharp remarks. There is an abundance of non -actic attacks against some members of the group and non-indemnified praise of others.

Authoritarian teacher not only determines the common goals of the work, but also indicates ways to perform the task, it hardly determines who who will work with whom, etc. Tasks and methods of their execution are given by the teacher in stages.

This testifies to the disbelief of the teacher in the positive opportunities of students. Authoritarian teacher, as a rule, subjectively assesses the successes of his students, saying not so much about the work itself, how much about the personality of the performer.

At the same time, teachers of this type are prone to evaluate students as impulsive, lazy, undisciplined, irresponsible, etc. The author believes that in all likelihood, such ideas serve as authoritarian teachers of a conscious or subconscious motivation, justifying their hard style of leadership.

T.N Malkovskaya Indicates the teacher of an authoritarian style refers to the methods of impact, based only on management relations - subordination. He is committed to the sole and unconditional class management and establishes strict control over the fulfillment of the requirements presented to them.

Such a teacher comes from those rights that the teacher gives him the position of the teacher, but often uses these rights without taking into account the situation, without justifying its actions before students. These teachers are usually distinguished by an overestimated self-esteem. They are very critical and often unfairly belong to the experience of colleagues, they themselves very painfully perceive critical comments.

For authoritarian teachers, there is a low satisfaction with the profession and professional instability. Pedagogues with this guide style are more attention to a methodological culture, and in the pedagogical team often leading. Often in the classroom, the authoritarian teacher, students lose their activity or exercise it only with the leading role of the teacher, revealing low self-esteem, aggressiveness. Pupil forces are aimed at psychological self-defense, and not to master knowledge and own development.

The authoritarian teacher is learning a passive position, the teacher seeks to manipulate the class, putting the task of organizing discipline at the head of the corner. He subordinates students of his power in categorical form, does not clarify the need for regulatory behavior, it does not teach to manage his behavior, has psychological pressure.

Authoritarian style puts the teacher to the alienated position from the class or a separate student. Emotional coldness, depriving the student's closeness, trust, quickly disciplines the class, but causes students a psychological state of abandonment, insecurity and anxiety. This style contributes to the achievement of training tasks, but disconnects students, as everyone has tension and uncertainty in itself.

Students, the behavior of which is regulated by an authoritarian style, remaining in the class without the supervision of the teacher and not having the skills of self-regulation of behavior, it is easy to disturb the discipline.

The authoritarian style of the leadership speaks of a solid will of the teacher, but does not carry the student of love and calm confidence in good terms of the teacher to him. Students fix their attention on negative manifestations of an authoritarian teacher. They begin to be afraid of him. All experiences associated with sharp forms of adult manifestations are in the soul of the student, remain in his memory for life.

3. Essence of the Democratic Teacher's Guide

Pedagogue with this style primarily assesses facts, not a person. The group takes an active part in the discussion of the entire course of the upcoming work and its organization. Initiative increases, sociability and trust in personal relationship increases. A democratic style assumes that the teacher relies on the student team, encourages and raises independence among students. He discusses the student problems together with them and does not impose his point of view, but seeks to convince her correctness. He tolerates the critical comments of students, seeks to understand them.

Teachers who are peculiar to democratic style seek to attract students themselves to address learning and education tasks. Therefore, in conversations with students, teachers analyze various events together with them, find out their point of view on what is happening, their assessments. With direct interaction with students, the authoritarian teacher does not use so much direct as indirect forms of encouraging to action.

Of course, in the relevant situation, such a teacher can resort to an unconditional order, but this is not typical. The main ways of interaction are the request, advice, information. The student is considered as an equal partner in communication, a colleague in a joint search for knowledge. The teacher takes into account not only the performance, but also the personal qualities of students.

In teachers with a democratic style of leadership, students more often experience the states of calm satisfaction, high self-esteem. Teachers with this style more pay attention to their psychological skills. Such teachers are characterized by a great professional sustainability, satisfaction with their profession.

Democratic style is most fruitful. In it, the demandingness is harmoniously combined with trust, and there is no predominance of one over the other. Based on the optimal mobilization as readiness and desire to interact with students, an extension is manifested by the "alongside" and practically all verbal actions, which in accordance with the situation and the content of interaction affect the will, intellect, memory, imagination and the emotional state of joint activity partners.

Democratic style provides a child an active position: the teacher seeks to put students in relation to cooperation in solving training tasks. At the same time, disciplined behavior is not as an end in itself, but as a means that ensures active work.

Democratic style puts teachers and students to the position of friendly understanding. This style causes positive emotions in children, self-confidence, gives an understanding of the value of cooperation in joint activities and provides comprehension when achieving success. This style combines children: gradually they appear the feeling of "we", the feeling of involvement in the general case. At the same time, it is this style that attaches the importance of the special importance of personal activity, everyone wants to independently perform the task of the teacher, and it is possible to discipline itself.

Democratic style does not exclude alienation as temporary admission to the work of the teacher with the class. But it is the temporary element of work against the background of mutual good friendliness. This style involves the inclusion of all children in monitoring the general order. It is designed to ensure the activity of the position, moral attitudes of the child, gives him the opportunity to realize his rights and obligations, involves the development of the motivation of targeted management of his behavior. Democratic style creates favorable conditions for the successful development of targeted discipline, learning motivation. This style gives self-government experience with the motive of creating and maintaining the valued environment - the working state of the whole class. Children raised in a democratic style of communication, remaining in the class without supervision of the teacher, try to discipline themselves.

The democratic style of the leadership speaks of the high professionalism of the teacher, his positive moral qualities and love for children. This style requires a teacher of large mental costs, but it is he who is the most productive condition for the development of the child's personality. It is in the conditions of a democratic style of the leadership in the child develops a sense of responsibility.

4. Essence of the liberal style of teacher's leadership

Liberal manual style is the result of insufficient attention to the problem of discipline in the lesson. The teacher subordinates the elements of communication; The nature of communication depends not from himself, but from students under which he is adjusted. The style of his leadership has a direct impact on the development of the skill of self-regulation of behavior in younger students. Authoritarian style develops teacher's submission skills. Since the skills of self-regulation of behavior are not developing, then in the conditions of removal of control of discipline in children disappears. The democratic style of interaction contributes to the successful development of self-controlling behavior skills. Liberally, the consigning style of the leadership does not develop neither the skills of submission to the teacher, nor the skills of self-regulation of behavior.

The teacher's communication style directly affects the emotional state of younger students. Authoritarian style reduces the mood, contributes to the appearance of emotional alarms, concerns, remedies, dislike. Democratic style increases the mood, gives rise to emotional joy, feelings of satisfaction and confidence in their abilities. Liberally accommodating style, on the one hand, generates groundless fun, on the other, - feelings of dissatisfaction, restrictions, indifference, indifference. Teachers of such a learning style (then they are very soft, plowing students, when they feel that power from them leaves, very tough) children do not like most, because it is difficult to adapt to it.

For any teacher (primary school teachers, especially important, the internal awareness of its style of communication or will be prepared, predisposition to undesirable forms of interaction with students. There are many different tests, questionnaires for self-diagnosis of communication style and interaction. Systematic exercises in the ability to watch themselves as it were from the side, to be impartial and objective in self-analysis, to suppress the subconscious desire to issue the desired for the real - will certainly have a beneficial effect on the system of relations "teacher - student".

5. Pedagogue management based on hobbies joint creative activities

At the heart of this style - The unity of the high professionalism of the teacher and its ethical installations. After all, enthusiasm together with students with creative search - the result is not only a teacher's communicative activity, but to a greater degree of his relationship to pedagogical activity as a whole.

This style can be viewed as a prerequisite for successful joint educational activities. Interest in common business is a source of a friendship and at the same time friendly, multiplied by the work of work, creates a joint enthouached search.

Speaking about the system of relationships of the teacher with pupils, on the one hand, he must be a senior comrade and mentor, and on the other - an accomplice of joint activities. It is necessary to form friendly as a certain tone in the relationship of the teacher with the team. Underlining the fruitfulness of such a style of the relationship between the teacher and pupils and its stimulating nature, causing the highest form of pedagogical communication - on the basis of enthusiasm joint creative activities, it should be noted that friendlyness, like any emotional mood and pedagogical installation in the communication process, must have a measure.

Often, young teachers turn a friendly friendly relationship with students, and this adversely affects the entire course of the educational process (often on such a path of a novice teacher pushes the fear of conflict with children, complications of relationships). Friendly must be pedagogically appropriate, do not contradict the general system of relationship between the teacher with children.

Communication Distance

This communication style is used both experienced teachers and beginners. Its essence lies in the fact that in the system of relations between the teacher and students, the distance is the distance. But here you need to observe the measure. The increase in distance leads to the formalization of the entire system of socio-psychological interaction of the teacher and students and does not contribute to the creation of a truly creative atmosphere. The distance must exist in the system of mutual relations of the teacher and children, it is necessary. But it should flow out of the general logic of the relationship of the student and the teacher, and not to dictate the teacher as the basis of relationships.

The distance acts as an indicator of the leading role of the teacher, is built on his authority. The transformation of the "remote indicator" in the dominant of pedagogical communication sharply reduces the general creative level of collaboration of the teacher and students. This leads to approval of an authoritarian principle in the system of relations between the teacher with children, which, ultimately, adversely affects the results. What is the popularity of this style of communication? The fact is that novice teachers often believe that communication distances helps them immediately approve themselves as a teacher, and therefore use this style to a certain extent as a means of self-affirmation in a student, and in a pedagogical environment.

But in most cases, the use of this style of communication in pure form leads to pedagogical failures. Authority should be conquered not through the mechanical determination of the distance, but through mutual understanding, in the process of joint creative activity. And it is extremely important to find both the general style of communication and a situational approach to man. Communication-distance to a certain extent is a transitional stage to such a negative form of communication, as a dismissolution.


This style of communication, which is also sometimes referring to novice teachers, is mainly due to the inability to organize productive communication on the basis of enthusiasm joint activities.

After all, such communication is difficult to form, and the young teacher often comes along the least resistance line, choosing a failure or a distance in the extreme manifestation. In creative relationship, disfigure is generally unpromising. In essence, it does not only do not create a communicative atmosphere that provides creative activities, but, on the contrary, regulates it, since it does not orient children not to do what it is necessary, but what can be done, deprives the pedagogical communication of the friendship, which is based on Understanding, so necessary for joint creative activity.


Again, characteristic, mainly for young teachers and the associated inability to organize productive pedagogical communication. Essentially, this type of communication meets the desire to conquer false, cheap authority in children, which contradicts the requirements of pedagogical ethics.

The emergence of this style of communication is caused, on the one hand, the desire of a young teacher to quickly establish contact with children, the desire to like the class, and on the other hand, the lack of the necessary common-breeding and communicative culture, skills and skills of pedagogical communication, experience of professional communicative activities.

Communication-flirting arises as a result: a) lack of understanding by the teacher facing responsible pedagogical problems facing him; b) the lack of communication skills; c) fear of communication with the class and at the same time desire to establish contact with students.

In pure form styles do not exist. Yes, and listed options do not exhaust all the wealth of spontaneously developed in the long-term practice of communication styles. Its spectrum is possible the most different nuances that give unexpected effects that establish or destroy the interaction of partners. As a rule, they are empirically. At the same time, the found and acceptable style of communication of one teacher turns out to be completely unsuitable for the other. In the style of communication, the individuality of the personality is pronounced.

6. Value for individual teacher style

The psychological atmosphere, emotional well-being depends on style. A certain role is played by ignorance of communication technology, the lack of the teacher of the necessary techniques of communication. Such styles of communication, like frustration, flirting and extreme forms of communication distance, are also dangerous because in the absence of a teacher, professional communication skills can be rooted and "enthusiastically" in the creative personality of the teacher, and sometimes become stamps complicating the pedagogical process and reduce it Efficiency.

The most fruitful process of upbringing and learning is ensured precisely a reliablely built relationship system. Such a system should be characterized by:

interaction of statement factors and cooperation in the organization of the educational process;

the presence of schoolchildren feeling a psychological community with teachers;

orientation to an adult with high self-consciousness, self-esteem;

use as a factor for managing education and training of students' interest;

unity of business and personal communication;

including students in an appropriately organized system of pedagogical communication, including through a variety of forms of activity: mugs, conferences, disputes, etc.

As a result of numerous studies and experiments, psychologists and teachers advise teachers for the development of communicative abilities as follows:

It is necessary to realize that the school is part of society, and the attitude of the teacher to children is the expression of public requirements.

The teacher should not openly demonstrate the pedagogical position. For children, the words and acts of the teacher should be perceived as a manifestation of his own beliefs, and not only how the execution of debt. The sincerity of the teacher is the key to durable contacts with pupils.

Adequate assessment of his own personality. The knowledge of themselves, the management of themselves should be the constant concern for every teacher. Special attention requires the ability to control their emotional state: the educational process harms irritable tone, the predominance of negative emotions, a cry.

Pedagogically appropriate relationships are built on the mutual respect of the student and the teacher. It is necessary to respect the individuality of each schoolchildren, to create conditions for his self-affirmation in the eyes of peers, maintain the development of positive personality traits. The teacher must take care of a favorable self-testing: to show the guys the power of their personality, hobbies, swelling, latitude of erudition, but unnecessary.

The development of observation, pedagogical imagination, the ability to understand the emotional state, to completely interpret behavior. A creative approach to the analysis of the situation and decision making is based on the teacher's ability to take the role of another - a student, parents, colleagues, to become on their point of view. The increase in the speech activities of students by reducing the speech activity of the teacher is an important indicator of teacher's communication skills.

Even with the insignificant success of students to be generous on praise.

It is necessary to praise in the presence of others, and the porrip is better alone. Teacher's speech should be expressive. And if you don't even have a voice, you can help gestures, mimic, look. Make parents of their students allies of pedagogical intentions. The content of the conversations should be interesting to both sides. If the teacher follows these tips, then avoid many problems and difficulties in communication.


Conscious formation of its style is possible at a certain level of development of the ability to self-analysis of professional activities. In this case, teachers in the course of professional interaction with children are purposefully looking for, the means and methods of communication are selected and accumulated, which ensure optimal performance in cooperation with children and correspond to their individuality. This in turn brings emotional satisfaction, leads to the experience of psychological comfort.

Gradually, the stabilization of the composition of the funds and methods of implementation of communicative activities is, there is a certain sustainable holistic structure, namely, the individual style of pedagogical communication. In the course of the elemental style of style, the teacher also uses well-known means and methods of communication that seem to be the most effective, individually convenient.

In the future, there are stabilization of these funds and communication methods, the spontaneously applies the individual style of communication, subjectively convenient, but not always professionally optimal, since the educator does not pay due attention to the analysis of the feasibility of the funds used and ways of activity in terms of activities. The earlier the teacher is aware of the need to form its style, the greater the possibilities for the formation of a positive style, the more effective will be the process of becoming it as a professional.

List of sources used

1. Stolyarenko, ld Pedagogical communication / ld Stolyarenko - Pedagogical Psychology for students of universities. - Rostov N / D: Phoenix, 2004.247c.

2. Kukushin VS Theory and Methodology of Education / VS Kukushin. - Rostov N / D: Phoenix, 2006. - 508c.

Mudrik, A.V. Education: A.V. Mudrik / M.: Russian Pedagogical Encyclopedia: in 2 tons. T.1.1993. - 233c.

Markova, A.K. Pedagogy Labor Teacher / A.K. Markova - M.: Enlightenment, 1993. - 145c.

Belukhin, D.A. Basics of personality-oriented pedagogy / D.A. Belukhin - M.: Drop, 2004. - 149c.

Selivanova, N.L. Education / N.L. Selivanova. - M.: New School, 1996. - 118С.

Badmaev, B.TS. Pedagogy in the work of the teacher / B.TS. Badmaev M.: New School, 2000. - 98C.

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Pedagogical communication is special communication, the specificity of which is due various The socio-role and functional positions of the subjects of this communication. The teacher in the process of pedagogical communication is carried out (in direct or indirectly) its socio-role and functional responsibilities for the management of the learning and education process. From what the style of this communication and leadership, the effectiveness of training and education processes, features of the development of the personality and formation of interpersonal relations in the study group, significantly depends.

Pedagogical communication is a special communication, the specificity of which is due to various The socio-role and functional positions of the subjects of this communication.

The first experimental psychological study of the styles of the leadership was held in 1938 by the German psychologist Kurt Levin, subsequently, with the coming to power in Germany, the Nazis emigrated to the United States. In the same study, the classification of the guide styles was introduced, which is customary to use and today:

2. Democratic.

3. Connorative.

With an authoritarian style A typical general trend towards hard management and comprehensive control was expressed in the following. The teacher is much more likely than in other groups, resorted to the tone of the order, did sharp comments. Non -actic comments were also characteristic of some participants and unreasonable, unreasonable praise of others. The authoritarian teacher determined not only the common goals of the activity and the task, but also indicated ways to fulfill it, hardly deciding who would work with whom. The tasks and methods of its implementation were given to students in stages. (Such an approach reduces the motivation of activities, as a person exactly does not know its endful goals.) It should also be noted that in a socially-perceptual plan and in terms of interpersonal installations orientation to the phased delimitation of activities and the phased control indicate the mistrust of the teacher to independence and responsibility Own students. Or, at a minimum, it may mean that the teacher suggests that his group has these qualities very poorly developed. The authoritarian teacher was strongerly stopped by any manifestation of the initiative, considering its unacceptable self-government. Studies of other scientists who followed the work of K. Levin showed that such behavior of an authoritarian leader is built on his ideas that the initiative undermines its authority and faith in its competence. "If someone from the students offers improvements at the expense of another job, it means that it indirectly indicates that I did not provide for this." So talks authoritarian teacher. In addition, it turned out that the authoritarian leader estimated the success of the participants subjectively, addressing reproaches (praise) by the Contractor as a person.

"The kings look at the world very simplistic: for them all people are subject." A. De Saint-Exupery

With a democratic style Facts were assessed, not a person. But the main feature of the democratic style turned out to be the active participation of the group in the discussion of the course of the upcoming work and its organization. As a result, the participants developed confidence and self-government stimulated. At the same time in the group increased sociability and confidence of relationships.

main feature training style leadership It was that the teacher was essentially self-interest from responsibility for what was happening.

Judging by the results of the experiment, the worst style was connoisseable. With it, the least of all work was performed, and the quality of it left much to be desired. It was also important that the participants noted low satisfaction with the work in the group of connamed style, although they did not carry any responsibility, and the work rather resembled the game.

The most effective was a democratic style. The group participants showed a living interest in work, positive internal motivation of activities. The quality and originality of tasks has significantly increased. Group cohesion, a sense of pride with common successes, mutual assistance and friendliness in relationships - all this of the Democratic Group developed in a very high degree.

Later research only confirmed the results of Levin's experiment. The preference of a democratic style in pedagogical communication was proved on different age groups, ranging from younger students and ending with high school students.


1. What is understood under pedagogical communication?

2. What are the features of pedagogical communication among teachers of various levels of professionalism?

3. What is the role of pedagogical communication in the development of a positive "I-Concept"?

4. What is the "Pygmalion Effect" and what is his pedagogical meaning?

5. What styles of pedagogical leadership do you know and what are their features?

6. How do various guidance styles affect the effectiveness of pedagogical activities and communication?

Section 4. Ethnopedagogy

Topic 4.1. Item and objectives of ethnopedagogy

Ethnophedagogic could be generally generally represented as a history and the theory of popular (natural, ordinary, informal, non-school, traditional) education. Ethnopedagogy - Science on the empirical experience of ethnic groups in the upbringing and education of children, on moral and ethical and aesthetic views on the original values \u200b\u200bof the family, kind, tribe, nation, nation. Ethnopedagogic explains the folk pedagogy and offers ways to use it in modern conditions, collects and explores the experience of ethnic groups based on centuries-old, naturally developing the compound of national traditions. The objective area of \u200b\u200bethnopedagogic does not remain unchanged: the tasks are formed and specified depending on changes in the social order associated with the movement of public self-consciousness.

Ethnopedagogy studies the process of social interaction and social impact, during which it is brought up, the personality learns social norms, values, experience; Collects and systematizes folk knowledge about the upbringing and training of children, folk wisdom, reflected in religious teachings, fairy tales, tales, epics of parables, songs, riddles, proverbs and sayings, games, toys, etc., in family and communal mistake, life, traditions , as well as philosophical, ethical, actually pedagogical thoughts and views, i.e. The entire pedagogical potential affecting the process of historical and cultural formation of personality.

The outstanding teachers of the past paid a lot of attention to the study of the pedagogical views of the people and his pedagogical experience. Classic teachers believed that folk pedagogy enriches the science of education, serves her support and the basis. Ya.A. Komensky on the basis of summarizing the experience of home education in labor families nominated and developed the idea of \u200b\u200b"maternal school", the purpose of which is all families to raise the level of the best families, where the most reasonable to upbringing. With the substantiation of the principle of naturalness, the great teacher also took into account the people's experience. Some didactic rules are given to them in the form of folk aphorisms, and in some cases, popular aphorisms are some kind of element of didactic provisions. It is significant that the Father of Pedagogical Science has begun its educational activities as a collector of works of the oral creativity of the Czech people, as a researcher of its traditions and customs. The first work, conceived by him, is the "Treasury of Czech language" in which he dreamed of collecting all - the honed granites of words, the pearls of sayings, the subtle consonance of expressions and revolutions of speech. And a miracle from the wonders of people's pedagogy - "Wisdom of old Chekhov"?!

Pestozzi in his works "How Gertrude teaches his children", "Book for mothers", "Lingard and Gertruda" gives pedagogical conclusions in the form of folk pedagogy, as a result of generalizing the pedagogical experience of the uneducated peasant family; As an embodiment of your dreams about such a school that would fit the needs of the people. Pestalotski all the time appeals to the popular pedagogical experience and folk view of education. Human house he calls the school of morals. In his opinion, the folk school of folk school should draw in the life of the people.

Folk pedagogy K.D. Shushinsky considered one of the most important factors, under the influence of which the domestic pedagogical science was evolved. He expressed the most important and most important for all pedagogical science: "People have their own special characteristic system of upbringing ... Only national education is a living body in the historical process of national development." Tales and stories of Ushinsky is the best example of using folk pedagogy in education both in the family and at school. People's pedagogy is not science, but the subject of science ethnopedagogy.

In folk pedagogy, there is a living experience of upbringing. People's pedagogy, reflecting a certain level of pedagogical knowledge, a specific historical stage in the spiritual progress of humanity, serves as the basis for which pedagogical science originated and developed. But in the subsequent, both the emergence of fiction did not destroy oral creativity, and the pedagogical science did not force out from the everyday life of the people his pedagogical views. Pedagogical science and folk pedagogy entered into complex interactions with each other and mutually favored the development of each other, creating a single space that could be called pedagogical culture.

In the people, the impact of centuries was developed by its own, original moral structure, his spiritual culture. All nations had many customs and traditions, referring to the life of workers. They also manifested in relation to nature and in the poetry of agricultural labor, and in oral folk creativity, and in amazing folk crafts, and in the beauty of clothing, and in the Orthodox laws of hospitality, and in good customs of good tone and the rules of decency.

The foundations of the people, especially the old village life, should not be ideal: they are a lot of contradictory, sullen, black, casual. These contradictions generated by historical conditions, imposed their imprint and folk pedagogical traditions. However, the spiritual life of the people has always determined labor, spiritual talent and humanity, they contributed to the upbringing of truly folk characters. So, for example, a lot of meaning in the thousand-year-old Chuvash tradition, when hardworking is called only one who disliked work with love.

Reducing the difference between the city and the village does not mean the destruction of spiritual traditions of the village, in a number of which the tradition of education of the younger generation has always occupied an important place. The successful development of culture, the system of public education is possible only on the natural centuries-old foundation of folk traditions. Pedagogical science and practice that ignore the collective pedagogical experience of the people cannot become an essential element of mass pedagogical culture.

The task of studying folk traditions is to trace how they are formed, why the conditions are preserved, what are the conditions and what requires that leads not only to preservation, but also to constant and, one can say, the natural processing of these traditions, and finally What is the secret of their existence, in which continuous dying is inseparable from the eternal rebirth.

Ethnopedagogic finds out the pedagogical possibilities of old customs in modern conditions and determines the feasibility of new customs that promote human education. She makes teachers in the educational experience of many nations. A comparative analysis of pedagogical achievements makes it possible to allocate the most rational, the most objective and valuable for pedagogical theory and practice. Thus, the ethnopedagogic faces person to practice, it serves her, arming teachers with pedagogical means, proven centuries-old educational practice.

The object of ethnopedagogics includes the following problems: family domestic pedagogy; sayings and proverbs of the peoples of the world and their importance and the transfer of moral experience to the younger generations, riddles as a means of mental education; Folk songs and their role in the aesthetic education of children and young people, homemade toys and creativity of children; children's and youth environment, its pedagogical functions; Lullabous songs of the peoples of the world as an outstanding achievement of maternal poetry, maternal school and maternal pedagogy; The community of pedagogical cultures of different nations and their national originality, etc.

The study of the problem of the community of pedagogical cultures convinces that in many cases it is generality in the best way emphasizes the identity of cultures of different nations. Therefore, it is constructive only the dialogue of cultures, because no culture, including the greatest, cannot be self-sufficient.

Ethnopedagogy shows that all peoples, including disappearing, in ancient original culture a lot of such that is able to enrich world civilization.

The ethnopedagogical overview of the peoples of Russia, starting with Chukchi and ending with Russian Old Believers in Latvia, gives unique information about the Great Country - about Russia, which unites more than a hundred nations and nationalities. For centuries while in friendly relations, they mutually enrich each other ethnopedagogical acquisitions. And they are all great and ingenious. Peoples, combined with common goals, rise to an even higher level of culture and morality. As all non-Russian peoples have achieved tremendous success in their development with the support of the Russian people, and the Russian people rose to the top of their greatness and fame for disinterested material and spiritual assistance of all other peoples. The greatness of individual peoples is the inseparable harmonic part of the most common depreciation of friendly peoples and in material, and in spiritual relationship, including in pedagogical.

So, ethnopedagogic studies:

1) the main pedagogical concepts of the people (care, upbringing, self-education, re-education, instruction, training, teaching);

2) child as an object and a subject of education (native child, orphans, foster, peers, friends, other people's children, children's environment);

3) the functions of education (preparation for work, the formation of moral and volitional character traits, the development of the mind, care for health, the impulse of love for the beautiful);

4) Education factors (nature, game, word, communication, tradition, business, life, art, religion, example - ideal (identity characters, events-symbols, ideas symbols);

5) Methods of upbringing (belief, example, order, clarification, teaching and exercise, wish and blessing, spell, oath, request, advice, hint, approval, reproach, reproach, persistence, commandment, Believe me, Covenant, Rasskowning, repentance , sermon, testament, ban, threat, curse, brand, punishment, beatings);

6) means of education (sweatshirts, counters, proverbs, sayings, riddles, epos, fairy tales, legends, legends, myths, etc.);

7) organizing education (labor associations of children and young people, youth holidays, nationwide holidays).

Inside each of these topics, a large number of issues and problems requiring the close attention of the teacher, the study of which will help you to dend the features of folk pedagogy and culture.

Unlimited expansion for research represents the Word as a factor of education. Maternal language is the basis of a developing personality. The mother, who deprived his child's native language, spiritually breaks with him that later develops a complex of human and ethnic inferiority in it. As a result of deethning, a person, losing the best features and properties of the native people, does not acquire anything in return. The people say: "It's not that mother who gave birth, and the one who brought up." There is no full-fledged education outside the sphere of spiritual culture of the native people. New historical conditions put forward a lot of new questions, require other solutions to old problems. It is difficult to interact the upbringing and religion. This is another extensive area of \u200b\u200bethnopedagogical studies.

Folk ethical and pedagogical traditions are currently so betrayed by the oblivion that their creative revival is quite fairly perceived as a kind of innovative phenomenon. Their dialectic adaptation to new social conditions leads to pedagogical finds, sometimes - to unexpectedly productive innovations.

Questions and tasks:

1. Give examples and facts of the influence of folk pedagogy on your own education: edification of grandmothers, suggestion of the father, the advice of the mother, the wishes of the senior comrades.

2. Record the folk proverb, the first one who came to mind.

3. Name a folk song that has the greatest personal meaning for you.

4. Cosmonaut A.G.Nikolaev says: "Together with the father, Paled, sowed, springs in the field, mowed meadows ... Father did not force. Just in our village it was so necessary - the boys were early for labor. "

Comment on this statement using two suggestions: "Let a three-year-old helps the father, a three-year-old - mother," Russians talk about Chuvashah: "They have a child - one foot in the cradle, the other - on the smelting in the field."