Gray plus brown What color will turn out. Majala himself: how to make a purple color with your own hands from gouache and other species of dyes

Gray plus brown What color will turn out. Majala himself: how to make a purple color with your own hands from gouache and other species of dyes
Gray plus brown What color will turn out. Majala himself: how to make a purple color with your own hands from gouache and other species of dyes

Mixing colors is one of the most complex procedures, with the need for the fulfillment of which a person who decided to make repair independently. The fact is that it is very important to know which colors to mix to create a certain tone. It should be immediately noted that it is better to purchase white paint and compose it in the store with a special machine, so the tone will be uniform. If you decide to do everything yourself, you can further familiarize yourself with how to mix color.

These materials are universal, they are used for a variety of purposes: With their help, you can simply paint the walls, paint the stainedures on the glasses, apply a pattern on the wall and ceiling. In general, the scope of their use is limited to fantasy. The compositions are convenient in operation, well held on the surface. But if you decide to draw a multicomponent image on the wall, then the purchase of paint of all necessary colors will cost too expensive, and after the completion of the work there will remain a large amount of unnecessary material. In this case, it is better to buy a basic row, and to create certain shades to mix acrylic paints.

Mixing the basic colors of paint makes it possible to get a lot of different shades, while you can save significantly on the purchase

Main color series

More from school bench to everyone knows: when connecting yellow and red it turns out orange, but if the same yellow add blue, green will come out. It is on this principle that the mixing table of acrylic paints was built. According to her, it is enough to purchase only the main colors:

  • white;
  • the black;
  • red;
  • brown;
  • blue;
  • yellow;
  • pink.

You can simply mix acrylic paints of these tones to get most of the existing shades.

Basics of mixing on the table

In order to mix the materials correctly, you can not do without a table. At first glance, it is easy to work with it: to get the desired result, it is enough to find the color and see which components will be required. But in the color mixing table, the proportions are not specified, so it is necessary to gradually add the caloring material to the main paint and apply a mixture to some unnecessary product: a sheet of plywood, plasterboard and so on. Then you need to wait until the material is dry. If the color corresponds to the necessary, you can start working on the main surface.

Technique COLOR

Now about how to get colors. By mixing acrylic materials, it is possible to achieve the formation of two main tones: light and dark. Basic tones: earthy, green, orange, purple. To create a color, it is recommended to adhere to certain rules:

  1. Light. In this case, the main material is Titanium Belil, to which one or two color compositions add. The less additional LKM will be used, the brighter will come out. So you can make most shades of light palette.
  2. Dark. For the formation of shades of this type, you should act on the contrary. Before mixing colors, it is necessary to prepare a base tone, the black dye is gradually introduced. Working with black paint, you need to be careful because it can make color not dark, but dirty.
  3. Green. In the main palette of this shade there, so you will need to mix yellow and blue. Accurate ratio can be found only in an experienced way.
  4. Purple. This is a cold color that is obtained as a result of mixing blue with pink or red. In some cases, it will also be necessary to add black to darken the material.
  5. Orange. To create this color you need to mix red and yellow. For more saturated orange, it is recommended to add more red and vice versa. If you want to create a soft color, for example, coral, then you need to clarify the material by Bellyl. Is it possible to add dark dyes? Yes, it is possible, but as a result of mixing the paints, a dirty tone can get.
  6. Earthy. Here is the main color is brown. By adding various shades to it, get a color from beige to dark wood.

Rules for working with palette

To begin with, a basic set of paints, brushes, water containers and a palette are required (you can take any surface, including school products for drawing).

In the center it is recommended to place Belil because they are used in creating most shades. In the deepening around (if there is) placed dyes of the main color row. Mix you need carefully, gradually adding the caloring material and constantly checking the result. After mixing the colors, the brush should be ringed in water tanks.

On a note! Working with the materials based on acrylic resins using the table and the palette is quite simple. The main thing is to practice more, every time the result will be better.

Oil paints

If you compare this material with watercolor or acrylic, then the oil is more fluid. Because of this, it is necessary to mix the compositions of different colors very carefully. On the one hand, this is a flaw, but on the other - this feature allows you to get the following effects:

  • Subject to thorough mixing, a uniform tone will be. Such material is perfect for both complete staining of surfaces and for partial decoration.
  • If it is partially mixed, the coating will appear the differences.


Now about how to mix oil paints. A table is also used to mix colors of paints on an oil base. It indicates the colors obtained by connecting a variety of caloring components. In addition, here you can find such an indicator as a gloss combination. If you add a little gloss in the matte foundation, then the result will not be almost not, and if you come around the contrary, then the shine will be slightly muffled.

Mixing methods:

  1. Mechanical. In this case, we are talking about mixing two or more varnotonic materials in one container. Color saturation is controlled by the number of bright shades. The desired color is created even before processing the wall or ceiling.
  2. Color overlay. Phased applying several smears over each other.
  3. Optic. This is the most difficult method that is only available to those skilled in the art. It implies mixing glossy and matte bases while applying paint to the surface. You can mix colors of paints only on the surface being processed, otherwise it turns out a more even tone.


The first method fully meets data in the table. If it comes to applying color, then the result is unpredictable. One of the most simple options for optical illusions is the lesing: a dark tone is applied to the surface, after drying it, the paint is a little lighter, and then completely light. As a result, each color will be viewed through the upper layers.

Thus, there is no some specific scheme. To find out which colors you need to mix, not only take and look at the table, it is important to practice constantly and not be afraid of experiments. So you can create a new effect that will make the interior unique. It is also important to remember that the mixed shade is very difficult to repeat, so you should remember the proportions.

Now the question is how to make paint properly, does not seem so difficult.

Knowledge of mixing options can be useful not only in the professional activity of artists. The individual living space design often places the question of how to achieve one or another interesting halftone. The proposed combination options and the mixing table will help get the desired effect.

Casual life is filled with the widest range of all sorts of colors. To get the right, you need to know the subtleties of combination.

Blue, red and yellow paint are three whales on which a wide halftone palette is holding. To form these colors as a result of mixing other paints is impossible. At the same time, their combination of each other gives extraordinarily many combinations.

Important! Create a variety of shades due to mixing only two colors by changing their proportions.

Depending on the volume of one part of the paint added to the other, the resulting result approaches or another source color. One of the most famous examples is the mixture of blue and yellow, resulting in a green color. The resulting result when adding new portions of yellow paint will gradually change, as close as possible from green to yellow. You can return to Xena when adding a larger amount of the source element to a green mixture.

Mixing chromatic colors located closely from each other in the color circle, give paint, not possessing a clean tone, but having an expressive chromatic shade. The combination of colors in opposite sides of the chromatic circle will result in achromatic tone. An example is a compound of orange or purple with green. That is, the mixture close in the color circle of paints gives a saturated chromatic shade, the maximum removal of colors from each other during mixing leads to the receipt of a grayish tone.

Separate paints in the interaction give a unwanted chemical reaction, the result of which can be cracking the decorative layer. In some cases, the resulting background may be darken or serving. A clear example is a mixture of lead whiteline and red cinnabar. Attractive pink color with time darkens.

Optimally, when the impression of multi-stage is achieved by mixing the minimum number of colors. It is important to take into account which paints as a result of mixing with each other give a persistent result, and which combine is unacceptable. The knowledge gaineds make it possible to exclude from the work of burning or darkening in the future paint.

Reduce the risk of erroneous combinations will help the table of unwanted mixtures below:

Having tried in practice the above examples, future painters and investors will acquire a precious professional experience.

Methods for obtaining red and its shades

Red color enters the top three and necessarily present even in minimal sets. But for mass printing apply the tone of the Majer. The answer to the question of how to get red, is pretty simple: mix offered by Majer with yellow in proportion 1: 1. There are other options to get red when mixing paints:

The center is the main red. Next are the options for mixing. The next circle is the result of combining the first two colors. The conclusion presents colors when adding red, black or white paint to the last result.

Blue and its shades

Blue refer to primary colors, so blue paint will be required to form all its shades.

Attention! No combination of other colors gives a shade of blue, so the presence of this paint is complete.

Even with the presence of a set of 12 colors, a question occurs, how to get blue. The classic tone is called the "Royal" name, and in a set of acrylic paints, it is often main in the ultramarine color, which has a bright dark shade with purple subtock. Achieve a lighter effect allows mixing of blue and white in a 3: 1 ratio. The increase in the white leads to the clarification of the tone down to the celestial blue. If you wish to achieve a moderately rich result, the dark blue paint is mixed with turquoise.

What colors should be mixed to get sounding blue, consider further:

  • The effect of dark blue-green tone is achieved by mixing blue and yellow paint in equal proportions. Adding white paint will lead to the formation of a lighter shade with a simultaneous decrease in brightness due to the combination of 3 elements.
  • The creation of "Berlin Lazuri" is carried out by mixing 1 part of the main blue and the addition of 1 part of the composition of bright green and gas-colored. Saturated and deep shade can be diluted with white, and its cleanliness will not change.
  • Combining blue and red in a 2: 1 ratio gives blue with a shade of purple. Lighten the dark and rich tone allows you to add white.
  • The brightness is distinguished by the Royal Blue, this effect is achieved by mixing the main blue with Manezheno-pink in equal parts. A mix of white traditionally brightens the result.
  • The combination with orange gives a gray mass. The replacement of orange on the brown in 1: 2 to the basic creates a dark color with a complex gray-blue tint.
  • The formation of dark blue goes with a black impurity in a 3: 1 ratio.
  • Self create a blue tone allows you to mix primary color with white.

A small table of combination options is presented below:

Green palette

Solve the task how to get green in the case of its absence in the set, quite simple: combine yellow and blue. The rich palette of green halftone is created by changing the proportions of the initial components and the addition of additional elements that perform the dimming function or clarification. In this role there is a black and white paint. The effect of olive and khaki is achieved by mixing two main elements (yellow and blue) and a slight impurity of brown tone.

Comment! The saturation of green completely depends on the quality of the components of the elements: intensive source tones guarantee a bright result.

If green is obtained by mixing, then all subsequent halftone will be more dull. Therefore, experimenting with a gamut green is better, having an initially ready-made color. There are many combination options:

  • The combination in equal proportions of blue and yellow gives herbal green.
  • An increase in yellow to 2 parts with the addition of 1 part of blue leads to a yellow-green effect.
  • Experiment on the contrary in the form of a blue-yellow proportion 2: 1 will allow to get a blue-green tone.
  • If you add ½ part of black to the previous composition to reach a dark green effect.
  • Light green warm tone is formed from yellow, blue and white paint in a 1: 1: 2 ratio.
  • For a similar light green shade, but cold tone, you need to take yellow, blue and white bases in the ratio of 1: 2: 2.
  • Dark olive color is formed when mixing in equal parts of yellow, blue and brown paint.
  • The gray-brown tone is obtained from similar elements in proportion 1: 2: 0.5.

The expressiveness of the green color is directly dependent on the source elements, respectively, the brightness of the halftone is repelled from the saturation of the green. A visual idea of \u200b\u200bmixing options gives a graphic palette:

As in the case of the red circle, the center is the main paint, then there are mixing options, then the result of experiments. The final circle is the shades of the previous level when adding main, white or black paint.

Other combination options

There are many other techniques to create the desired effect by adding any dye to the primary color. The answer to the question how to get the color of the ivory is multifaceted and depends on the surface where it is planned to apply paint. The easiest option is to mix the snow-white basic base with yellowish. For example, in Belil, yellowish sockets is added or the minimum strontium. In order to toned paper, a slight amount of manganese potassium is divorced in water. The light pink shade indicates a properly diluted solution. Watch tampon, brush or sponge wetted in the resulting composition, after which the surface of the paper is processed.

Tip! For a bilateral tinting, a sheet can be lowered for a couple of minutes into a container with a solution of manganese. After drying, it will acquire the desired ivory effect.

There are also several ways to get black:

  • by mixing three basic colors of red, blue and yellow;
  • when combining blue, purple and yellow;
  • the compound of green and red, but the result will not be 100% clear, but only approximate to the desired effect.

We will try to answer the most popular questions about mixing options:

  • How to get a raspberry color: the basis serves blue with the addition of red, white and brown tone.
  • Get a turquoise color, the second name of which aquamarine can be mixed with blue and green. Depending on the proportions, the tone of the new shade varies from soft pastel to intense and bright.
  • How to get yellow? It refers to the main and get it by combining other paints is impossible. Something similar to the yellow can be created with watercolor paints when connecting green and orange or red. But it is impossible to achieve tone purity.
  • How to get a brown tint? To do this, you will need basic paints: red, yellow and blue. At first, a small amount of yellow is added to the red (in an exemplary ratio of 10: 1), then the volume gradually increases until the orange tone is obtained. After that, they go to the introduction of the blue element, 5-10% of the total volume will be enough. Minor adjustments of proportions will give a wide variety of brown effects.
  • Combining in the various ratios of the black and white element give a variety of gamut of gray tones.

As you can see, the options to achieve the desired effect in the creative process of design are incurred by many. Additional information setled table with colors and video options:

In this article, we will look at what you need to mix to get brown in paints.

Such a noble and calm color, like brown, always dominated the clothes of rich and noble representatives. By the way, its basic characteristic is stability and stability. But often in the palette there is no such color or its necessary shade. Yes, and young or even experienced artists should be able to pick up the right colors to independently create a brown spectrum color gamut. And our recommendations will help in this aspect.

As with mixing, get brown: 3 ways

Before rushing to the carrier and brush, you need to remember what colors are. They are divided into two groups - basic and additional. Also allocate two more subgroups are composite and complex. All of them make up the design of four groups of basic coloring.

Remember - primary colors It is impossible to get by combining any palette. By the way, they become the basis for creating other colors. Moreover, having a black and white at hand, you can remove absolutely any color.

IMPORTANT: Brown color refers to a group of complex colors.

We offer three basic methods, getting brown.

Green (blue + yellow) with red

  • Even schoolchildren know that brown leaves, if you mix together two colors - green and red. This is if we talk about the main and composite color.
  • But the task is still worth making a green shade. As easy as pie! Take two basic colors - yellow and blue.
  • You need to take an equal number of different shades. But consider and your wishes.
    • If you want to get in the end, the color is darling, then add a little blue, but already in the finished green color.
    • If, on the contrary, you want to make a more transparent hue, then initially take a little more yellow.
  • After receiving the secondary color, we proceed to the manufacture of tertiary. In that green color that you have turned out, you need to add on a slightly red tone.
  • It is important to introduce red paint, and not the opposite! After all, it is the basic tone that regulates the degree of darkness and the saturation of the brown shade. If you add overly unnecessarily red color, then you will get more brick tint.
    • But also consider that the red color makes brown with so warm (in large quantities there may be a rust effect at all), but the green, on the contrary, will make it even a bit grayish and cold.

Orange (yellow + red) with blue

  • First of all, you need to take a red color. And already add yellow to it. By the way, it must be administered gradually and in small quantities.
  • On average, yellow should be only 10% of the volume of red. It is important to get dark orange. But consider that a lot of red color will create a reddish brown color.
  • Blue paint will need even less - 5-7% of the total volume. Also need to be added gradually, in small portions and well stirring components.
  • Of course, adjust the tone and saturation of brown with a blue shade.

Purple (red + blue) with yellow

  • Red and blue color must be taken in equal amounts. Then you can get a noble, and even the royal shade of purple color, which will have the desired saturation and warmth.
  • Then, you need to enter a little yellow color. It will clarify the resulting purple, so follow the amount. If the yellow color is preferably, then brown and warmer will be brown. Purple tone acts in the opposite way.

Important: Too much yellow paint will create a shade of ocher.

How to make a light brown color from paints, guaishes when mixing?

To get a light brown, you need to provide the predominance of yellow color. But! Repeat that too, its large amount will make a color similar to Ohru. And, of course, it all depends on the desired lightness.

  • To whiten brown color, you need add white. Yes, everything is simple. The more add it, the lighter will be the final color.
  • But do not overdo it, brown color refers to warm shades, and white color will neutralize this characteristic. Therefore, we enter very carefully, gradually and in small portions (literally, 1% of the total mass of paints).
  • Although correcting the situation will help add the previous color.

How to get a dark brown when mixing paints, Guasi?

If we talk about previous mixing options, then more blue or green will make a darker brown color. But they will make their own shade. There is another, simpler and fast way to get dark brown.

  • Simply add black paint. But it is necessary to work extremely carefully, since a small dose of extra paint will simply turn it into a black gamut.
  • Therefore, enter paint with tiny portions and take a note on one rule - carry out experiments with a small amount of paints.

  • By the way, not to guess with the desired color, mix a little black with white. But leave the predominance of the first shade. Just make it a little softer, because it can quickly "eat" brown color.

How to get a chocolate when mixing paints, Guaashi?

To create a chocolate color, you need to tinker a little. The most unfounded scheme is to choose the right tones of orange and blue. But there is another possible option.

  • Combine yellow and blue paint to get dark green. In another dish, connect the red and drop of yellow tone to create an orange.
  • Now combine two colors obtained. And in the end, get the color of green grass or herbal green.
  • Now you need to create a bloody - red. To do this, combine the same orange and red palette.

  • In conclusion, it remains to connect two complex colors obtained.
  • And as a result, we get the color of the real chocolate.
    • If you want to get milk chocolate, then add a drop of white paint
    • A mixture of white and yellow color will give an extra golden shade color
    • Black chocolate turns out again by adding black paint
    • But yellow color with chocolate will help get a beautiful and smooth brown

How to get a coffee when mixing paints, guaashi?

  • Coffee color can be obtained by adding the same black gouache. Also, you need to mix on technology - orange paint plus blue color. In this case, you can achieve the desired tone.

Getting a coffee color
  • Alternatively, you can reach the desired color with the composition of purple and orange paint. If necessary, you need to add a drop of black shade.

Mixing Colors: Table

For visual perception, we want to provide you with a table in which all possible versions of the brown color and its gamma will be shown. To get a brown color, you need to mix composite colors, reducing the main shade to them. True, there are other options where the composition is not just the secondary color, but even complex palettes.

Choosing paint for the interior, even for watercolor drawings, is easy to make a shade. Paper testers may not coincide with the tone in reality.

Do not worry, there is an output to achieve the necessary shade! Read on, what kind of paints mix to get blue.

In contact with

Creating a classic shade

Unfortunately, which components did not mix, without the most primary tone, it would not even get closer to the creation of the required shade .

The same rule is subject to red and yellow kel.

If the color is too dark in your palette, the white paint will help to clarify the white tones.

If on the contrary, it is necessary to darken the shade, then in the mixture it is necessary to add more dark tones - black, gray or brown.

Important! If you mix the kokes to create a small drawing in the interior, then you can mix them in a small dishes manually. If you want to paint the whole wall, tonue the ingredients in the bucket using a building mixer.

How to comply with proportions

How to get a blue color when mixing:

  1. Get a gentle ultramarin, mixing the blue and white parts in the 3: 1 ratio.
  2. To create a shade with light blue light, increase the portion of a white flatter. The ratio of blue to white - 2: 1.
  3. To obtain a more transparent, easy tone, stir them in equal proportions.

FROM owl! Heavenly color is perfectly suitable for painting a boy's children's room.

Get a more rich heavenly helps turquoise tone.

A complex recipe from three ingredients will help create a sea wave color.How to make blue color with turquoise and white? Take 2 pieces of blue paint, 1 part white and turquoise. Enjoy sea blue.

It is interesting! Red, blue, yellow - called primary, because by mixing other tones it will not be possible to achieve the desired shade. What should I know what colors should be mixed to get blue? To achieve shades and original texture game, create art masterpieces.

Dark tint

In the case when you want to make a color more dark, the mixing recipe is a bit more complicated. It all depends on what the final result and how saturated tone are you trying to achieve. How to successfully mix different colors to get a dark blue color:

  1. You need two paints: black and aquamarine. If the tone is made to decorate parts, then stir the mass with a tassel or a wand in a small container. For painting walls, the tint is needed by a construction mixer, a special nozzle on the grinder.
  2. There are no proportions. Add a black kel to the main paint or a few milliliters.
  3. The resulting mixture is best tested on a sheet of white paper and let dry. If the shade is satisfied with you, stop the tinting. If not - add even more black.

Tip!Overhemked? Lighten up a few tones with a white color. Interfere gradually so that I don't have to add black again.


Ultramarin looks like an artificial, which is not found in nature. Purple will help create a damp sky color paint. Magical color will help create an interesting tone that you can paint the ceiling in the nursery, and bright glowing star stickers will create imitation of the night sky. How from purple get blue:

  1. Mix blue paint with purple in proportions 3: 1.
  2. For the ceiling, dye dress up for about 10 minutes by a building hook.
  3. Take a ready-made mass on a small segment of the wall. Do not forget that you need to apply interior kel in 2-3 layers.

Favorite female shade - Royal Ultramarine.

To get such a noble tone on the verge of night blue and sea waves, you need acid purple kel or pink. The recipe is similar to the previous tinting:

  1. It will take 2 tones: acid purple (pink) and ultramarin.
  2. The proportions of blue and pink - 3: 1. Sometimes pink needed a little more.
  3. Rate the result, causing a dye to a small area.

Tip! To get violet, mix red with blue in equal proportions.

From yellow

To create an emerald-blue ultramarine, you need yellow. The resulting shade is similar to the glitter of precious stones. It is appropriate to apply for decorating small elements to make a fantastic picture. How to get blue from yellow:

  1. Mix yellow and ultramarine kokes in equal shares.
  2. To obtain a pastel version, add white. The recipe for proportion depends on the desired degree of pallor.

Tip! To create a fantastic color with overflow, do not stir the paint carefully. Lazy method of caller will create an interesting pearl effect.

From green

Berlin Azure - Pet designers not only interior, but also clothes.

Deep color is associated with the depths of the sea and the distant galaxy. How easy it is from green to get blue:

  1. We connect two kolas: aquamarine and green in equal shares.
  2. Mix with technology for homogeneity texture.

Surprisingly, when adding a third white ingredient, the kel will not be pale.

How to make the paint of the desired shade

How to be if there is no main kole, but you need to make a blue paint? An interesting tone, similar to sapphire shine, is obtained by mixing red and green. Such a tinting will not give pure ultramarine, but when adding black and white paint, you can achieve interesting and unusual shades.

Useful video: how to mix colors

Combine the combinations of warm shades with gentle pastel, blue tones - with cold. Change the proportions to your taste, competent tinting is the key to successful repair. Experiment and create your own color gamut!

Red and green in combination give a dark brown color. But its shade and intensity depends on the selected proportions. The main role in this combination belongs to green. What it is darker and is used in a greater proportion, the more intense is brown, right up to black.

If mixing blue and green, what color will

Blue and green - we get the color of turquoise or sea wave. The more intense the blue tone, the more in the shade he will prevail, approaching the turquoise. The predominance of green makes the shade of the sea wave in greenish. With an equal proportion of colors, a saturated blue shade is obtained.

If you mix yellow and green, what color will

Combining yellow and green - we get a light green or salad tone. With that it turns out, the proportions of the paints should be the same. By adding green to yellow, we get olive shade, if the yellow will be very small - it turns out a deep green with a blue tint, that is, it all depends on the proportion.

In addition, the main colors can give many other shades. For example, with a combination of red with blue, purple color is obtained. Which, depending on the proportion, which we use can be from a light, almost transparent lavender shade to a saturated purple. Yellow and red give a bright orange shade.

Tip! If you try to mix all three main shades at the same time, it turns out an indefinite dirty-brown with a blue tint color, it is called complicated.

Experimenting with basic colors, given the basic rules of color, you can achieve any desired shade.

How to mix colors - video