Brief history of Russian literature. In which works of Russian literature created images of historical figures and what they can be compared with the assessment of thick real historical persons

Brief history of Russian literature. In which works of Russian literature created images of historical figures and what they can be compared with the assessment of thick real historical persons
Brief history of Russian literature. In which works of Russian literature created images of historical figures and what they can be compared with the assessment of thick real historical persons
Task number 718.

What makes the story of the "Son of Eagle" in the story of M. Gorky "Old Man Izergil" and what heroes of Russian literature were inherent in the sense of superiority over others?


The history of the son of an eagle from the story of M. Gorky "old woman Izergil" makes you think about the meaning of life, about the attitude towards people. "Proud" Larra is the highest manifestation of egoism. He is opposed to truly proud and strong Danko, for which the meaning of life is to serve people.

Another romantic hero for whom the opposition to the surrounding reality is characteristic is Pechorin. It has exceptional abilities, it is also characteristic of the superiority over others, as well as the Hero of Gorky.

The work is called, and its author is indicated, the work is compared with the proposed text in a given direction of analysis, the author's position is not distorted2
The work is called, or its author is indicated, the work is compared with the proposed text in a given direction of analysis, the author's position is not distorted1
The work is not named, and its author is not specified,

And / or not a comparison of the work with the proposed text in a given direction of analysis

Maximum score 10

Example 1.

The story of the Son of the Eagle makes think about how to love.

The examiner gave an answer that does not correlate with the task, there is no literary context in the answer.

Example 2.

The story of the "Son of Eagle" in the story of M. Gorky makes you think about a person torn off from society, and Lira turned into a shadow because of his egoism and pride. "The Son of the Eagle" commander to the death of his contempt for people, he put himself above other people and everything is allowed to him, he is the road only personal freedom. It was the approval of the right to dominance of the person opposing the mass. But free people rejected the individualist - the killer was condemned for eternal loneliness.

The graduate responds only to the first part of the question, pointing to such features of the identity of Larra, like egoism, pride, contempt for people who pushed people from him, but there is no depth of understanding the problem. The examiner was not able to include a work in a literary context, revealing the similarity features between Larroi and other heroes of Russian literature. In this paper, there are many grammatical errors - incorrectly used forms of words: "Man, torn off", "" Son of Eagle "Ark ...", "opposing mass." The name of the main character is distorted, the overall negligence in the issuance of a response to the question.

Rate this solution in points:

Example 3.

The story of the "Son of Eagle" in the story of M. Gorky "Staruha Izergil" causes the reader to recall such vices, characteristic of man, like pride, contempt, cruelty and sole. To a certain extent, similar sides of the nature can be noticed, looking at Andrei Balcony of Roman-epic "War and Peace", or to the Bazarov - a violator of the peace of mind "Fathers and Children".

The examiner answers on central questionBut in your answer allows a number of inaccuracies and errors. Arguing about human vices, a graduate confuses such concepts as "pride" and "pride". It highlights "sole" as a defect, but there is no such concept in Russian. The author includes a work in a literary context, comparing Larru with the hero of the novel "War and World" Andrei Bolkonsky (the name of the hero's name is distorted) and the hero of the novel "Fathers and Children" by Evgeny Bazarov. And although we can state that the pride is inherent in these characters, but the motives of their behavior are absolutely different. Both positions of comparisons are not justified. In the sentence: "... similar sides of the nature can be noticed by looking at Andrey Balcony of Roman Epopea

"War and Peace", or to the Bazarov - a violator of the calm of the novel "Fathers and Children" "- there are speech and semantic errors.

Rate this solution in points:

Example 4.

The legend of Larre from the story of M. Gorky "Staruha Izergil" affects the problem of human pride, feelings of superiority over the surrounding. The story of the "Son of Eagle" encourages the reader to think about the place of man in the world, about the place of man among people. Of course, a person must love, respect himself, to understand his own significance, but at the same time he must maintain respect and love for people around him, because a person is a particle of the world, and not detached from him. Towering over the surrounding, man invariably encourages himself for loneliness, and this is the most terrible share that can meet him

The sense of his own superiority was inherent in Raskolnikov ("Crime and Punishment" of F. M. Dostoevsky) and Pechorin ("Hero of Our Time" M. Yu. Lermontov) The fate of these literary heroes was very tragic, which is largely due to their separation from the world, individualism and arrogance.

The examiner is expanded by the question, relying on the author's position. It leads two positions of comparison, but not enough urgently justifies the choice of each of the works.

Rate this solution in points:

Task number 2174.

What Russian writers are close to L. N. Tolstoy in the image of spiritual search for heroes? (Argument your answer.)

Criteria for estimating taskPoint
1. Mapping the first selected product with the proposed text
The work is called, and its author is indicated, the work is compared with the proposed text in a given direction of analysis, the author's position is not distorted2
The work is called, or its author is indicated, the work is compared with the proposed text in a given direction of analysis, the author's position is not distorted1
The work is not named, and its author is not specified,

And / or not a comparison of the work with the proposed text in a given direction of analysis

2. Mapping the second selected product with the proposed text
The work is called, and its author is indicated, the work is compared with the proposed text in a given direction of analysis, the author's position is not distorted2
The work is called, or its author is indicated, the work is compared with the proposed text in a given direction of analysis, the author's position is not distorted1
The work is not named, and its author is not specified,

And / or not a comparison of the work with the proposed text in a given direction of analysis

3. Attracting the text of the work for argumentation
For the argument, the texts of two selected works are attracted at the level of analysis of important fragments, images, microthem, parts, etc., there are no actual errors4
To argument, the text of one selected product is attracted at the level of analysis of important fragments, images, microthem, parts, etc.; The text of another selected work is at the level of its recovery or general reasoning about the content,

And / or one actual error is allowed

For argumentation, the texts of two selected works are attracted at the level of reconnaissance or general reasoning about their content (without analyzing important to perform fragments, images, microthem, parts, etc.)

the text of the only selected product is attracted at the level of analysis of important to perform the task of fragments, images, microthem, parts, etc.

Or the text of one selected product is attracted at the level of analysis of important to perform the task of fragments, images, microthem, parts, and the text of another selected product is not attracted,

And / or two actual errors are allowed

For the argument, the text of the only selected product is attracted at the level of the recovery of the work or general reasoning about its content (without analyzing important fragments, images, microthem, details, etc.)

the text of one selected product is attracted at the level of the recovery of the work or general reasoning about its content (without analyzing important to perform the task of fragments, images, microthem, parts, etc.), and the text of another selected work is not attracted,

And / or three actual errors are allowed

For the argument of judgment, the text is not attracted by any of the selected works,

And / or four or more actual errors are allowed

4. Logistics and compliance with speech rules
Missing logical, speech errors2
Not more than one error of each type (logical, and / or speech) is allowed. Total no more than two mistakes1
Two or more errors of one species are allowed (regardless of the availability / lack of errors of other species)0
Maximum score 10

Example 1.

One of the closest Tolstoy writers was Dostoevsky. His work "Crime and Punishment" also shows us how the protagonist is looking for his life path. He gains independence from others and finds the meaning of his life. The second close to the Tolstoy Writer - Turgenev. The work of "fathers and children" talks about the spiritual quest for Bazarov.

The examiner answers the question, indicates the names of two works and their authors, but not in everything convincingly justifies their choice and unconvincingly compares these works with the proposed text. The commentary on the first position of the comparison, proposed in the answer, cannot be considered a substantiation, as it consists of common phrases and does not reflect knowledge and understanding by the text of the novel "Crime and Punishment". The thesis that Raskolnikov "acquires independence from others," is incomprehensible; It remains unclear how this thought is associated with the statement: the hero "finds the meaning of his life." The final response phrase is also too common and contains actual inaccuracy.

Estimation for the answer: 1 point.

Rate this solution in points:

Example 2.

Heroes of Roman L. Tolstoy "War and Peace" are looking for an answer to the question of the meaning of life, the role of a person in history, constantly doubt and reflect. Such thoughts worry and Turgenev Bazarov and the main character of the novel of Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment". Bazarov and Raskolnikov are looking for themselves, trying to solve philosophical issues and check the correctness of the answers in practice. Raskolnikov even goes to a crime to prove that he is not a trembling creature, and man. Something similar is in the hero of Roman Sholokhov "Quiet Don". Grigory Melekhov needs truth and is capable of internal changes, it is not satisfied with "simple" answers to time questions. All these heroes are close to the heroes of Tolstoy with their regime, the desire for the knowledge of life and themselves in it.

The examiner answers the question, indicates the names of the two works and their authors, convincingly justifies the choice of each work and convincingly compares these works with the proposed text in a given direction of analysis; A distortion of the author's position and the actual errors in the answer are missing.

A somewhat hard is presented with a market situation, which is characterized as a person, tirelessly "seeking herself", while the Turgenev Hero should tess already established beliefs, but as a person, honest with himself, he has an inherent ability to see his own wrongness, doubt, for example, in his own "Supply" for Russia. However, this deficiency as a whole does not reduce the high quality of the response, testifying to the good knowledge of literary material, the ability to examine independently build literary analogies, and competently express thoughts.

Answorthy score: 4 points.

Rate this solution in points:

Task number 2177.

Which of the heroes of Russian literature can be attributed to the Oblomovsky type? Agregate your answer.

Criteria for estimating taskPoint
1. Mapping the first selected product with the proposed text
The work is called, and its author is indicated, the work is compared with the proposed text in a given direction of analysis, the author's position is not distorted2
The work is called, or its author is indicated, the work is compared with the proposed text in a given direction of analysis, the author's position is not distorted1
The work is not named, and its author is not specified,

And / or not a comparison of the work with the proposed text in a given direction of analysis

2. Mapping the second selected product with the proposed text
The work is called, and its author is indicated, the work is compared with the proposed text in a given direction of analysis, the author's position is not distorted2
The work is called, or its author is indicated, the work is compared with the proposed text in a given direction of analysis, the author's position is not distorted1
The work is not named, and its author is not specified,

And / or not a comparison of the work with the proposed text in a given direction of analysis

3. Attracting the text of the work for argumentation
For the argument, the texts of two selected works are attracted at the level of analysis of important fragments, images, microthem, parts, etc., there are no actual errors4
To argument, the text of one selected product is attracted at the level of analysis of important fragments, images, microthem, parts, etc.; The text of another selected work is at the level of its recovery or general reasoning about the content,

And / or one actual error is allowed

For argumentation, the texts of two selected works are attracted at the level of reconnaissance or general reasoning about their content (without analyzing important to perform fragments, images, microthem, parts, etc.)

the text of the only selected product is attracted at the level of analysis of important to perform the task of fragments, images, microthem, parts, etc.

Or the text of one selected product is attracted at the level of analysis of important to perform the task of fragments, images, microthem, parts, and the text of another selected product is not attracted,

And / or two actual errors are allowed

For the argument, the text of the only selected product is attracted at the level of the recovery of the work or general reasoning about its content (without analyzing important fragments, images, microthem, details, etc.)

the text of one selected product is attracted at the level of the recovery of the work or general reasoning about its content (without analyzing important to perform the task of fragments, images, microthem, parts, etc.), and the text of another selected work is not attracted,

And / or three actual errors are allowed

For the argument of judgment, the text is not attracted by any of the selected works,

And / or four or more actual errors are allowed

4. Logistics and compliance with speech rules
Missing logical, speech errors2
Not more than one error of each type (logical, and / or speech) is allowed. Total no more than two mistakes1
Two or more errors of one species are allowed (regardless of the availability / lack of errors of other species)0
Maximum score 10

Example 1.

To the Oblomovsky type include such heroes of Russian classics, as: Nozdrev (" Dead Souls"N. V. Gogol), who did not want to do business and he was interested in entertainment, marmalands (" Crime and Punishment "F. M. Dostoevsky). This person, too, absolutely nothing useful for society did. He only knew how to cut the last money and completely did not care about his hungry children and an unhappy wife. He was the same egoist as bugs.

It follows from the answer that Oblomov, like Gogol Nosdreva, "interested entertainment", and that the basic quality of the nature of Oblomov (like Marmaladov) was "egoism". Such vulgar interpretation of images should be considered an actual error. The student does not understand the values \u200b\u200bof the expression "Oblomovsky Type" and therefore does not call any hero, which can really be attributed to this type.

The answer is estimated 0 points.

Rate this solution in points:

Task number 2179.

What are the fate of what heroes of Russian classics remind the fate of Chekhov ion? " Agregate your answer.

Criteria for estimating taskPoint
1. Mapping the first selected product with the proposed text
The work is called, and its author is indicated, the work is compared with the proposed text in a given direction of analysis, the author's position is not distorted2
The work is called, or its author is indicated, the work is compared with the proposed text in a given direction of analysis, the author's position is not distorted1
The work is not named, and its author is not specified,

And / or not a comparison of the work with the proposed text in a given direction of analysis

2. Mapping the second selected product with the proposed text
The work is called, and its author is indicated, the work is compared with the proposed text in a given direction of analysis, the author's position is not distorted2
The work is called, or its author is indicated, the work is compared with the proposed text in a given direction of analysis, the author's position is not distorted1
The work is not named, and its author is not specified,

And / or not a comparison of the work with the proposed text in a given direction of analysis

3. Attracting the text of the work for argumentation
For the argument, the texts of two selected works are attracted at the level of analysis of important fragments, images, microthem, parts, etc., there are no actual errors4
To argument, the text of one selected product is attracted at the level of analysis of important fragments, images, microthem, parts, etc.; The text of another selected work is at the level of its recovery or general reasoning about the content,

And / or one actual error is allowed

For argumentation, the texts of two selected works are attracted at the level of reconnaissance or general reasoning about their content (without analyzing important to perform fragments, images, microthem, parts, etc.)

the text of the only selected product is attracted at the level of analysis of important to perform the task of fragments, images, microthem, parts, etc.

Or the text of one selected product is attracted at the level of analysis of important to perform the task of fragments, images, microthem, parts, and the text of another selected product is not attracted,

And / or two actual errors are allowed

For the argument, the text of the only selected product is attracted at the level of the recovery of the work or general reasoning about its content (without analyzing important fragments, images, microthem, details, etc.)

the text of one selected product is attracted at the level of the recovery of the work or general reasoning about its content (without analyzing important to perform the task of fragments, images, microthem, parts, etc.), and the text of another selected work is not attracted,

And / or three actual errors are allowed

For the argument of judgment, the text is not attracted by any of the selected works,

And / or four or more actual errors are allowed

4. Logistics and compliance with speech rules
Missing logical, speech errors2
Not more than one error of each type (logical, and / or speech) is allowed. Total no more than two mistakes1
Two or more errors of one species are allowed (regardless of the availability / lack of errors of other species)0
Maximum score 10

Example 1.

The fate of the ionchcha is strongly reminded of the life of Oblomov.

The answer is estimated 0 points.

Rate this solution in points:

Task number 2757.

In which works of Russian classics the topic sounds public service, military or civilian, and what these works can be compared with the "Captain Daughter" A. S. Pushkin?

I lived bastard, chasing the pigeons and playing a leaf with yard boys. Meanwhile, I have passed sixteen years old. Here, my fate changed. One morning, Matushka cooked in the living room honey jam, and I, licking, looked at kipheny foam. The window at the window read the court calendar, each year they received. This book had always a strong influence on him: he never reread it without special participation, and reading it produced in it always amazing bile excitement. Mother who knew all his shorts and customs, always tried to shove the unfortunate book as small as possible, and thus the court calendar did not come across his eyes sometimes for the whole months. But when he accidentally found him, then it happened, for the whole clock did not let out of his hands. So, the father read the court calendar, occasionally shrugging and repeating in a low voice: "General-lieutenant! .. He was a sergeant in my company! .. Both Russian orders of Cavalier! .. And long ago, we finally threw the calendar On the sofa and plunged into thought, not foreshadowed anything good. Suddenly he turned to Mother: "Avdota Vasilyevna, and how old is Petrush?" "But I went to the seventeenth nail," Mother answered. "Petrusha was born at that very year, as Nastasya Garasimovna got angry, and when it was still ..." Good, "the father interrupted," he is time to serve him. Fully to run on the girl and climb on the pigeon. " The thought about the ambulance with me so struck the mother, that she dropped a spoon in a saucepan, and tears flowed down her face. On the contrary, it is difficult to describe my admiration. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe service merged in me with thoughts about freedom, about the pleasures of the St. Petersburg life. I imagined myself an officer of the guard, which, according to my opinion, was the riding the well-being of the human. Batyushka did not like to change his intentions, nor postpone their execution. My day departure was appointed. On the eve, the Batyushka announced that he intends to write with me to the future to my boss, and demanded a pen and paper. - Do not forget, Andrei Petrovich, - said Mother, - to bow and prince b.; I, they say, I hope that he will not leave parsois with his Milosts. - What kind of nonsense! - I answered the father frowning. - What is the start I will write to the prince B.? - Why did you say that you will be expected to write to the chief of Petrushi? - Well, what? - Yes, because the head of Petrushin - Prince B. After all, Petrusha is recorded in Semenovsky regiment. - Recorded by! And what is the case, what is he recorded? Petrusha will not go to Petersburg. What will he learn, serving in St. Petersburg? Motion and hang? No, let him serve in the army, and it pulls the strap, yes, I'm powder, and there will be a soldier, and not Shamaton. Recorded in Guard! Where is his pashport? Feed it here. Mother found my passport, stored in her box with the sortiete, in which I was baptized, and handed it with a tremor hand. The father read it with attention, put his letter before him and began his letter. Curiosity tormented me: where do you send me if not in St. Petersburg? I did not give my eyes off the pen Batyushkin, which was moving quite slowly. Finally, he cumshot, sealed a letter in one pack with a passport, took off his glasses and, suspected me, said: "Here is a letter to Andrei Karlovich R., my old comrade and a friend. You go to Orenburg to serve under his boss. " So all my brilliant hopes collapsed! Instead of a cheerful Petersburg life, I was waiting for me to bored in the side of the deaf and remote. The service, which I thought about the minute with such a delight, seemed to me serious misfortune. But there was nothing to argue.

(A.S. Pushkin, "Captain's Daughter")


The topic of the public service was reflected in the comedy A.S. Griboedov "Woe from Wit" and the Roman-Epopea "Quiet Don" M. Sholokhov. In the monologues of the heroes of Griboedov: Chatsky and Famousov - reveals their attitude to the service. Words were the vital principle of Chatsky: "It would be glad to serve, to serve sissing," the hero wants to benefit the Fatherland, to serve with honor. The Father Petrushi Greenyowa also expresses the same position in relation to the service. He does not need a warm place for his son, he wants Peter to become a worthy person and therefore sends him to serve in Orenburg.

In the novel-epic "Silent Don" of the main character, Grigory Melekhov can be compared with Peter Grinev. Gregory, like Peter, tried to serve in honor, conscience and justice, it was this justice that I was looking for Melekhov, moving from whites to red. He more than once had to watch death in his eyes, he was ready to risk the sake of service. Petr Grinev also does not change the oath, with honor performs his duty, despite the fact that he could pay life.

Criteria for estimating taskPoint
1. Mapping the first selected product with the proposed text
The work is called, and its author is indicated, the work is compared with the proposed text in a given direction of analysis, the author's position is not distorted2
The work is called, or its author is indicated, the work is compared with the proposed text in a given direction of analysis, the author's position is not distorted1
The work is not named, and its author is not specified,

And / or not a comparison of the work with the proposed text in a given direction of analysis

2. Mapping the second selected product with the proposed text
The work is called, and its author is indicated, the work is compared with the proposed text in a given direction of analysis, the author's position is not distorted2
The work is called, or its author is indicated, the work is compared with the proposed text in a given direction of analysis, the author's position is not distorted1
The work is not named, and its author is not specified,

And / or not a comparison of the work with the proposed text in a given direction of analysis

3. Attracting the text of the work for argumentation
For the argument, the texts of two selected works are attracted at the level of analysis of important fragments, images, microthem, parts, etc., there are no actual errors4
To argument, the text of one selected product is attracted at the level of analysis of important fragments, images, microthem, parts, etc.; The text of another selected work is at the level of its recovery or general reasoning about the content,

And / or one actual error is allowed

For argumentation, the texts of two selected works are attracted at the level of reconnaissance or general reasoning about their content (without analyzing important to perform fragments, images, microthem, parts, etc.)

the text of the only selected product is attracted at the level of analysis of important to perform the task of fragments, images, microthem, parts, etc.

Or the text of one selected product is attracted at the level of analysis of important to perform the task of fragments, images, microthem, parts, and the text of another selected product is not attracted,

And / or two actual errors are allowed

For the argument, the text of the only selected product is attracted at the level of the recovery of the work or general reasoning about its content (without analyzing important fragments, images, microthem, details, etc.)

the text of one selected product is attracted at the level of the recovery of the work or general reasoning about its content (without analyzing important to perform the task of fragments, images, microthem, parts, etc.), and the text of another selected work is not attracted,

And / or three actual errors are allowed

For the argument of judgment, the text is not attracted by any of the selected works,

And / or four or more actual errors are allowed

4. Logistics and compliance with speech rules
Missing logical, speech errors2
Not more than one error of each type (logical, and / or speech) is allowed. Total no more than two mistakes1
Two or more errors of one species are allowed (regardless of the availability / lack of errors of other species)0
Maximum score 10

Example 1.

"In our literature there are a large number of works related to military topics. Consider the subject of public service on the example of two works: L. N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" and M. A. Sholokhov "Quiet Don".

In the novel-epic "War and Peace" of the military service, a significant part is assigned. Andrei Bolkonsky's main characters and Pierre Duhov devoted themselves to serving the state by different reasons: Andrei wanted feats and glory, Pierre just wanted to take himself something. However, the service has greatly influenced their worldview: the main characters rethought and understood all the importance and seriousness of serving the debris. For example, to Andrey Bolkonsky awareness comes during Austerlitsky battleWhen he, lying on the ground, looks at the "endless" sky over himself.

In the novel, the "Silent Don" tells about the Cossacks, for which the service of the state was obligatory, and it did not pass without a trace for the main character of Grigory Melekhov: he became a thieves, thought, but the war experienced did not broke away, but he ordered his character.

These works and the story A. S. Pushkin "Captain's daughter" are similar in that, passing through all the difficulties of the service, the main characters acquire that the tone in the character in the worldview. The service is for them a physical and mental test. "

Answering a question, a graduate indicates two works that can be compared with the Roman "Captain's daughter" according to the presence of the state service, and calls them authors. The examiner justifies the choice of works named by him, although it does not convincingly. Thus, in the first two proposals, the logic of reasoning is broken, since in the first sentence it is said about "military topics", and in the second - about the "civil service", and it turns out that these concepts are identified.

In the third and fourth sentences ("In the Roman-Epopea" War and Peace ", a significant part is assigned a significant part. The main characters of Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Duzhov devoted themselves to serving the state for various reasons: Andrei wanted feats and glory, Pierre just wanted himself That will take ") distorted distorted the position of the author" War and Peace ". The first of these proposals speaks of military service, in the second - about serving the state. By text logic, these phrases can be considered contextual synonyms. But in this context, Pierre Duhov, who did not deviate himself to serving the state at all, because "I wanted to take myself something," and never was in military service, although I was in captivity.

The attempt to compare these works is observed only in the last sentence, but the correct thought expressed in it about the influence of the characteristics of the characters is not argued, the examples of the comparated works are not supported.

Rate this solution in points:

Example 2.

"The theme of military service, reflected in the novel" Captain's daughter ", is present in the Roman-Epopea" War and Peace "L. N. Tolstoy and Roman-Epopea" Silent Don "M. Sholokhov. In the Roman-Epopea "War and Peace" presented hostilities in which historical individuals are present, such as Kutuzov and Napoleon. In the story of Pushkin A. S. historical personality is Emelyan Pugachev, who raised the riot and called himself by Peter III. Both works show the role of historical personalities in the fate of Russia and in the fate of the people. In the novel-epic "Silent Don" of the main character, Grigory Melekhov can be compared with Peter Grinev. Gregory, like Peter tried to serve on honor, conscience and justice, it was this justice of Gregory, moving from whites to red. "

The answer to the question shows the names of the two works and their authors, where the topic of public service is present, but the choice of these works is not substantiated.

The comparison of the "Captain's Daughter" with the "war and world" graduate produces without taking into account the specified direction of analysis: it is not about the reflection of the "theme of civil service, military or civilian", as required in the question, but compares these works on the presence of historical personalities in them.

Mapping Peter Greeneva with Grigory Melekhov ("Grigory, like Peter tried to serve on honor, conscience and justice") more correctly. As a proof, the graduate speaks only that Melekhov was looking for justice, moving "from whites to red."

Rate this solution in points:

Example 3.

"In the works of Russian classics, in which the topic of civil service, military, civilian studies sounds. For example: "War and Peace", "Quiet Don", "Peter I", "Sasha", "counter fight", etc. In these works, as well as the work of Pushkin "Captain's daughter", the carrying is clearly expressed and described military service and state. In each of these works, heroism and honor, kindness and morality, patriotism and love are well shown well. The hero is not a character in value, and its quality becomes an example readers. So that people read and put this person, as an ideal. "

Although there are 5 works in response to the question, in which, according to a graduate, the subject of public service sounds, work cannot be assessed as satisfactory for the following reasons:

The rationale for their choice is not convincing enough, since there are no arguments confirming the thoughts expressed, but a lot of general words;

Comparison of at least one of the named works with the novel "Captain's daughter" in the specified aspect of the analysis is absent.

The imperfection of speech design makes it difficult to understand the meaning of the written.

Thus, the work detects the inability of examined to relate your answer with the task set in the question.

Rate this solution in points:

Example 4.

"War, this is exactly what precedes the world. And it is about war that writers try to tell as much as possible. To capture the exploits and leave them forever in the memory of generations. In the work of the TVard "Vasily Terkin", in the Roman-Epopea L. N. Tolstoy "War and Peace", how much role the authors pay the topic of war. However, despite the fact that there are different stories everywhere, they are united by the topic of love. It was love that saved people more than once. Perhaps it would be the only topic, if not to take into account the fact that: "Our people, he is not as simple as it seems." We have always been present, that very, great Power The Spirit, because of which many were solved on the insane acts, because of which people never gone. "

Although the graduate calls two works that could be used to compare with the "Captain Daughter", a response is given, which is not consistent with the task.

The examiner replaces the answer to the subject specified in the question of the state service with general reasoning about the war in general and unreasonably refers to the topic of love. Meanwhile, it was necessary to show from the author of the work, as the subject of the civil service was reflected in the works specified by them, and compared the "Captain Daughter" with the "War and Mir" and "Vasilya Terkin" in this aspect.

Rate this solution in points:

Task number 2758.

In which works of Russian writers tells about the relationships of parents with children and what these works can be compared with Turgenev "fathers and children"?

Let me be curious: you have long been familiar with my Eugene? - From the present winter. - So-s. And let you ask you yet, - but do not sit down? - Let me ask you how to father, with all the frankness: What are you thinking about my Eugene? "Your son is one of the most remarkable people with whom I have ever met, Arkady answered with liveliness. Vasily Ivanovich's eyes suddenly revealed, and his cheeks looked poorly. The shovel fell out of his hands. "So, you believe ..." he began. "I'm sure," said Arkady, "that the Son of Your Son is waiting for the Great Future that he will glorify your name." I was convinced of this from the first meeting. - How ... How was it? - barely spoke Vasily Ivanovich. An enthusiastic smile spread his wide lips and no longer came from them. - Do you want to know how we met? "Yes ... and in general ... Arkady began to tell and talk about bazaareas with a big heat, with great passion than that evening, when he danced Mazurka with Odse. Vasily Ivanovich listened to him, he listened, washing his goat, picking his handkerchief in both hands, coughed, she crashed his hair - and finally I did not suffer: I fed to Arkady and kissed him in the shoulder. - You are completely ease me, - he said, without ceasing to smile: - I have to tell you that I ... my son's idol; I'm not talking about my old woman: I know - mother! But I do not dare to express my feelings with it, because he does not like it. He is the enemy of all outpouring; Many of him even condemn it for such a hardness of his insens and see in it a sign of pride or insension; But people like him do not have to measure the ordinary Arshin, isn't it? Yes, for example: the other in his place would have been pulling yes, he pulled from his parents; And with us, believe it, he did not take the outflow of an extra penny, to her! "He is disinterested, honest man," said Arkady. - It is disinterested. And I, Arkady Nikolayevich, not only to him, I am proud of them, and all my ambition is that with the times in his biography stood the following words: "The son of a simple headquarters, who, however, knew how to solve him early and nothing did not regret it for his upbringing ... "The voice of the old man was worried.

(I. S. Turgenev, "Fathers and Children")


Recomposing the problem of relations between parents and children, the question arises about the dispute of two different generations: "Jr." and "Senior". Nikolai Petrovich and Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov - representatives of a liberal nobility, who was once considered progressive, but gradually losing their position before the new emerging misconduct. They both belong to the camp "Fathers", opposed in the novel "Children", whose representative is the niHist of Bazarov. For him, the person of the case, the principles of "fathers" is empty, unnecessary progress, which is not necessary for anyone.

The conflict of "fathers and children" is shown Griboedov on the pages of the comedy "Mount from the mind." Chatsky, who personifies the emerging new generation of enlightened nobles, who wants a life to pay for the benefit of Famousov, opposes the stagnant Society of Famusov, in which ignorance reigns, obscurantism, idleness and sinoplace.

In Drama A.N. The Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm" Domostroy gradually collapses the reluctance of "children" to obey the samotor of the older generation. main character Katerina does not fit into order " dark kingdom" Despite the courtesy and the external subordination of Kabanova, Katerina does not want and cannot live in the way, as he has been headed in Kalinov: a lie, deception, submitting to the undivided power of self-made. This is exactly what caused Katerina protest.

Thus, the problem of "fathers and children" traditionally in Russian classical literature goes beyond the household framework, becoming a conflict with social, and sometimes political.

Criteria for estimating taskPoint
1. Mapping the first selected product with the proposed text
The work is called, and its author is indicated, the work is compared with the proposed text in a given direction of analysis, the author's position is not distorted2
The work is called, or its author is indicated, the work is compared with the proposed text in a given direction of analysis, the author's position is not distorted1
The work is not named, and its author is not specified,

And / or not a comparison of the work with the proposed text in a given direction of analysis

2. Mapping the second selected product with the proposed text
The work is called, and its author is indicated, the work is compared with the proposed text in a given direction of analysis, the author's position is not distorted2
The work is called, or its author is indicated, the work is compared with the proposed text in a given direction of analysis, the author's position is not distorted1
The work is not named, and its author is not specified,

And / or not a comparison of the work with the proposed text in a given direction of analysis

3. Attracting the text of the work for argumentation
For the argument, the texts of two selected works are attracted at the level of analysis of important fragments, images, microthem, parts, etc., there are no actual errors4
To argument, the text of one selected product is attracted at the level of analysis of important fragments, images, microthem, parts, etc.; The text of another selected work is at the level of its recovery or general reasoning about the content,

And / or one actual error is allowed

For argumentation, the texts of two selected works are attracted at the level of reconnaissance or general reasoning about their content (without analyzing important to perform fragments, images, microthem, parts, etc.)

the text of the only selected product is attracted at the level of analysis of important to perform the task of fragments, images, microthem, parts, etc.

Or the text of one selected product is attracted at the level of analysis of important to perform the task of fragments, images, microthem, parts, and the text of another selected product is not attracted,

And / or two actual errors are allowed

For the argument, the text of the only selected product is attracted at the level of the recovery of the work or general reasoning about its content (without analyzing important fragments, images, microthem, details, etc.)

the text of one selected product is attracted at the level of the recovery of the work or general reasoning about its content (without analyzing important to perform the task of fragments, images, microthem, parts, etc.), and the text of another selected work is not attracted,

And / or three actual errors are allowed

For the argument of judgment, the text is not attracted by any of the selected works,

And / or four or more actual errors are allowed

4. Logistics and compliance with speech rules
Missing logical, speech errors2
Not more than one error of each type (logical, and / or speech) is allowed. Total no more than two mistakes1
Two or more errors of one species are allowed (regardless of the availability / lack of errors of other species)0
Maximum score 10

Example 1.

"Revealing the problem of relations between parents and children, the question arises about the dispute of two different generations:" Jr. "and" senior. " In the work of Griboyedov "Woe from Wit" traced a dispute of different generations, misunderstanding each other. Chatsky, like Eugene Bazarov, alone in their views, understanding of the world, positions. Both main characters actively defend their positions and are not retreating from them. Therefore, the heroes of other views arise confrontation. In the comedy "grief from the mind", the main character enters the conflict with the so-called "Famovskoy society", and in the novel "Fathers and children" - with the representative of the Aristocracy Pavlom Petrovich Kirsanov.

If you turn the question of the relationship between the "fathers" and "children" from the other side, then in the novel "Fathers and Children" in addition to the bright disputes of Eugene and Pavel Petrovich, you can recall the relationship between Eugene and his father. At the very end of the novel, their relationship is built on trust, warmth to each other, softness. Great love of Vasily Ivanovich to Bazarov is traced. This relationship can be compared with the work of Sholokhov "The Fate of Man". The relationship between Andrei Sokolova and Vanya are built on mutual understanding, huge love, care, even despite the fact that Vanyushka is not native blood, but he is native to the soul. "

Responding to a question that requires the attraction of context, a graduate calls two works - Comedy A.S.Griboyedov "Woe from Wit" and the story M.A.Sholokhova "The Fate of Man".

Comparing Roman I.S. Romangenev and Comedy A.S.Griboyedov, the examiner writes about the dispute of two generations ("misunderstanding each other"), the loneliness of the heroes (Chatsky and Bazarov) associated with their life position ("Actively defend its position and not Receive from them "in disputes with" Famovsky Society "and" Representative of the Aristocracy of P.P. Kirçanov "). In this case, the rationale for the choice of material for comparison and itself comparative analysis It turns out in close cooperation, which does not reduce the quality of the response.

The choice of the story "The Fate of Man" for comparison with the source text is justified, but the self comparison is fully implemented.

Rate this solution in points:

Example 2.

"In many works of Russian literature, writers reflected the relationship between parents and children. For example, in the novel by I.S. Romegenev "Fathers and Children" Nikolai Petrovich with an incredible trepidation takes care of his son, Arkady, worried about his health, study and personal life. Also, despite the fact that he and his son from different generations, Nikolai Petrovich tries to keep up with hobbies and interests of his son; For example, he begins to read a book that reflects the interests of his Arcadia and probably quite interesting for the younger generation.

Subsequently, Arkady becomes an excellent family man, he finds his happiness in marriage, as well as Nikolai Petrovich and watches carefully behind the estate.

With the work of "fathers and children" comparable to the creation of D.I.Fonvizin "Nepal". Mitrofanushka, who, thereby inexpensive, imagined the character traits, attitude to life and acquired values, the qualities that His Mothers have - Mrs. space-like, strong, purposeful and primitive hostess. As a result, Mitrofanushka began to interest things material, so he scored learned and realized that he wanted to marry. His attitude towards him to him nurse, servants - no different from the maternal. In his speech, when referring to people, insults are dominated, which in most cases are unfounded.

Thus, Russian writers reflecting in their works of the relationship of parents and children, as in the novel "Fathers and Children" and dramatic work "Cheap" show that in the formation of a person's personality, the upbringing given by his parents play a huge role, because it is in the family of a child formed human qualities. "

In the response of the graduate, there is only one position of comparison (Piez D.I.Fonvizin "Lady"). At the same time, the arguments for selecting the work are given, but there is no full-fledged text matching.

The examiner characterizes the relationship between Arkady Kirsanov with his father (Nikolai Petrovich cares about the Son, seeks to understand his interests and hobbies), and then talks about how Mitrofan becomes influenced by Mrs. Prostacova ("I scored learned and realized that he wants to marry" ).

All this indicates a misunderstanding by a graduate of the specifics of the task and the inability to compare literary facts As part of a given problem. Hence the inaccuracy of the withdrawal: "In the formation of a person's personality, the upbringing given by parents is playing a huge role."

Rate this solution in points:

Task number 2759.

What works of Russian classics lead "case" lifestyle and what are they different or similar to Chekhov Belikov?

At the very edge of the village of Mironositsky, in Sarah, the heads of prophyology are located for the night of late hunters. There were only two of them: Veterinarian Ivan Ivanovich and Gymnasium Teacher Burkin. Ivan Ivanovich had a rather strange, double surname - Chimsuha-Himalayan, who did not go to him at all, and he was called him in the whole province by name and patronymic; He lived near the city at the Konsky Plant and was now hunting to breathe clean air. The teacher of the Gymnasium Burkin was held every summer at the counts of P. and in this area had long been his own man. Did not sleep. Ivan Ivanovich, a tall, thin old man with long mustache, sitting outside at the entrance and smoked a pipe; His lighted the moon. Burkin lay inside on the Seine, and it was not visible in the floor. Tell me different stories. By the way, they said that the wife's headlights, the MAURA, a woman healthy and unlouded, in his entire lives did not have anything further than his native village, never seen a city, no railway, and in the past ten years I was sitting outside the oven and only At night went outside. - What's amazing here! Said Burkin. - People, lonely by nature, who, like crap or snail, are trying to go to their shell, there are quite a few light. Perhaps here is the phenomenon of atavism, return by the time when the ancestor of man was not still a public animal and lived lonely in his Berorgan, and maybe it's just one of the species human character - who knows? I am not a natural line and not my case to touch such questions; I just want to say that people like a maura, the phenomenon is often. Yes, here, not far from searching, two months ago we died in the city of a certain Belikov, a teacher of the Greek language, my comrade. You heard about him, of course. He was remarkable by the fact that he always, even in very good weather, went out in Kalosh and with an umbrella and certainly in warm coat on the cotton. And he had an umbrella in a case, and the clock in the case of a gray suede case, and when he took out a penny knife to clean the pencil, then he had a knife in the cover; And the face seemed also in the case, since he hid him all the time into the raised collar. He wore sunglasses, Fufayka, the ears laid by cotton, and when he sat on the cabin, he ordered to raise the top. In a word, this person had a permanent and insurmountable desire to surround himself with a shell, create a case, so to speak, who would quit him would protect him from external influences. The reality annoyed him, frightened, kept in a constant alarm, and, perhaps, in order to justify this his timidity, his disgust to the present, he always praised the past and something never happened; And the ancient languages \u200b\u200bhe taught were for him, in essence, the same Kalosh and an umbrella, where he was hiding from a real life.

(A.P. Chekhov, "Man in a case")


Many Russian writers in their works depicted the heroes leading the "case" lifestyle. For example, the hero of the fairy tale Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov-Shchedrin "Wombar Pescar" very reminds Belikov. And Pescar, and Belikov try to protect themselves from the outside world, their vital principle was the words: "How wouldn't anything happen?" Pescar "lived - trembled, and died - trembled," and Belikov just looked quite satisfied with his next case. The heroes of both works die. This proves that the "party" does not protect, but leads to an imminent death.

Another hero leading the "case lifestyle" is Plushkin from the poem N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls". Plushkin - "Standing in humanity." He is stingy, leads the recovery lifestyle, noticeable. All this makes him look like a hero of Chekhov's story.

And Gogol, and Saltykov-Shchedrin, and Czechs condemn their heroes: it is impossible to live like that.

Criteria for estimating taskPoint
1. Mapping the first selected product with the proposed text
The work is called, and its author is indicated, the work is compared with the proposed text in a given direction of analysis, the author's position is not distorted2
The work is called, or its author is indicated, the work is compared with the proposed text in a given direction of analysis, the author's position is not distorted1
The work is not named, and its author is not specified,

And / or not a comparison of the work with the proposed text in a given direction of analysis

2. Mapping the second selected product with the proposed text
The work is called, and its author is indicated, the work is compared with the proposed text in a given direction of analysis, the author's position is not distorted2
The work is called, or its author is indicated, the work is compared with the proposed text in a given direction of analysis, the author's position is not distorted1
The work is not named, and its author is not specified,

And / or not a comparison of the work with the proposed text in a given direction of analysis

3. Attracting the text of the work for argumentation
For the argument, the texts of two selected works are attracted at the level of analysis of important fragments, images, microthem, parts, etc., there are no actual errors4
To argument, the text of one selected product is attracted at the level of analysis of important fragments, images, microthem, parts, etc.; The text of another selected work is at the level of its recovery or general reasoning about the content,

And / or one actual error is allowed

For argumentation, the texts of two selected works are attracted at the level of reconnaissance or general reasoning about their content (without analyzing important to perform fragments, images, microthem, parts, etc.)

the text of the only selected product is attracted at the level of analysis of important to perform the task of fragments, images, microthem, parts, etc.

Or the text of one selected product is attracted at the level of analysis of important to perform the task of fragments, images, microthem, parts, and the text of another selected product is not attracted,

And / or two actual errors are allowed

For the argument, the text of the only selected product is attracted at the level of the recovery of the work or general reasoning about its content (without analyzing important fragments, images, microthem, details, etc.)

the text of one selected product is attracted at the level of the recovery of the work or general reasoning about its content (without analyzing important to perform the task of fragments, images, microthem, parts, etc.), and the text of another selected work is not attracted,

And / or three actual errors are allowed

For the argument of judgment, the text is not attracted by any of the selected works,

And / or four or more actual errors are allowed

4. Logistics and compliance with speech rules
Missing logical, speech errors2
Not more than one error of each type (logical, and / or speech) is allowed. Total no more than two mistakes1
Two or more errors of one species are allowed (regardless of the availability / lack of errors of other species)0
Maximum score 10

Example 1.

"Many Russian writers in their works depicted the heroes leading the" case "lifestyle. For example, the hero of the fairy tale Michael Evgrafovich Saltykov-Shchedrin "Wheel Pescar" leads the "trembling" lifestyle, which is similar to the lifestyle of Belikov. And Piskary, and Belikov try to protect themselves from the outside world with their "case" shell. The heroes of both works in the end die. This proves that the "party" does not protect, but on the contrary leads to an imminent death. Another hero, the leading "case lifestyle" is Plushkin from the poem N.V.Gogol "Dead Souls". Plushkin - "Stand on the body of mankind." He is stingy, leads the recovery lifestyle, noticeable. All this makes him look like a hero of Chekhov's story. Thus, we see that A.P.chekhov in the story "Man in the case" depicted an image that had previously existed in the works of the authors of the XIX century. "

Responding to a contextual question, a graduate turns to two works, whose heroes can be attributed to the type of "case" people: Wovel Piskary from the fairy tale M.E. Saltykova-Shchedrin ("Piskary and Belikov are trying to protect themselves from the outside world") and Plushkin from Gogol's "dead souls" ("leads the recovery lifestyle, noticeable").

At the same time, there is no detailed matching of these characters with Belikov: there are only the most general aspects of comparison.

The work allowed actual errors:

A quote ("knife not a body of humanity");

Rate this solution in points:

The literature covered widely, especially in soviet timeSince many authors shared personal experience and experienced all the horrors described along with simple soldiers. Therefore, it is not surprising that first the military, and then the post-war years were marked by writing a number of works devoted to the feat of the Soviet people in brutal struggle with nazi Germany. Past of such books cannot be passed and forget about them, for they make us think about life and death, war and peace, past and present. We offer to your attention list. best booksdevoted to the Great Patriotic War, which should be read and reread.

Vasil Bykov

Vasil Bulls (books are presented below) - an outstanding Soviet writer, public figure and participant of the Second World War. Probably one of the most famous authors of military novels. Bykov wrote mainly about a person during the most severe tests dropping out on his share, and about the heroism of ordinary soldiers. Vasil Vladimirovich challenged the feat of the Soviet people in his works of the Great Patriotic War in his works. Below we will look at the most famous novels of this author: "Sotnikov", "Obelisk" and "live to dawn".


The story was written in 1968. This is another example of how described in artistic literature. Initially, the magnitude was called "liquidation", and the basis of the story was the basis of the author with the former fellow soldier, whom he considered the dead. In 1976, on the basis of this book, the film "Climbing" was shot.

The story tells about the partisan detachment, which strongly needs provisions and medicines. The fisherman and intellectual Satnikov, which is sick, but is called to go, as there were no more volunteers. Long wandering and searches lead partisans in the village of Lasina, here they rest a little and get a carcass of the sheep. Now you can return back. But on the way back, they stumble on the squad of Politsaev. Sotnikov turns out to be seriously injured. Now the fisherman must save the life of his comrades and bring the promised province to the camp. However, he does not succeed, and together they fall into the hands of Germans.


Many wrote Vasil Bulls. Writer's books were very often fascinated. One of these books was the story "Obelisk". The work is built by the type of "story in the story" and wears a pronounced heroic character.

The hero of the story, whose name remains unknown, comes to the funeral of Pavel Miklashevich, a rural teacher. On the commemoration, everyone recalls the deceased goodwalk, but here it comes to the frost, and everyone is silent. On the way home, the hero asks her fellow traveler, what kind of refinery has something to go to Miklashevich. Then he is told that Moroz was a teacher of the deceased. He treated children as a native, cared for them, and Micklyshevich, whom the father had oppressed, took to live to himself. When the war began, the frost helped the partisans. The village was occupied by polysya. One day his disciples, including Miklashevich, squeezed the supports of the bridge, and the police chief, along with his infringement, was in the water. Boys caught. Frost, who fled to the partisans, gave up to free the students. But the fascists decided to hang both children and their teachers. Before the penalty, Moroz helped Miklashevich run. The rest hung.

"To live to dawn"

Tale of 1972. As you can see, the Great Patriotic War in the literature continues to be relevant and after decades. This confirms that for this story, the bulls was awarded the State Prize of the USSR. The work tells about the daily life of military intelligence and saboteurs. Initially, the story was written on belorussianbut only then translated into Russian.

November 1941, the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. Lieutenant of the Soviet Army Igor Ivanovsky, the main character of the story, commands the sabotage group. He will have to hold his comrades for the front line - on the Earth of Belarus, occupied by German invaders. Their task is to blow up a German ammunition warehouse. Bykov talks about the feat of ordinary soldiers. They are, and not the staff officers, became the force that helped win in the war.

In 1975, the book was fused. The script for the film wrote the bulls itself.

"And dawns here are quiet ..."

The work of the Soviet and Russian writer Boris Lvovich Vasilyeva. One of the most famous front-line stories is largely due to the selection of 1972. "And the dawns here are quiet ..." Boris Vasilyev wrote in 1969. The work is based on real events: during the war, soldiers who serve in the Kirov railway were prevented by the German saboteurs to blow up the railway canvas. Alive after a brutal battle, only the commander remained soviet Groupwho was awarded the medal "for military merit."

"And the dawns here are quiet ..." (Boris Vasilyev) is a book describing the 171st travels to Karelian wilderness. Here is the calculation of anti-aircraft installations. Soldiers, not knowing what to do, begins to be drunk and idle. Then Fedor Vaskov, the commandant of the road, asks to "send nonbeid". The command sends two branches of Zenitchitsa girls to him. And somehow one of the newcomers notices in the forest of German saboteurs.

Vaskov is aware that the Germans want to get to strategic objects and understands that they must be intercepted here. To do this, he collects a detachment of 5 Zenitchitsa and leads them to a Siyukhina ridge through the tinted path to him. In the course of the campaign, it turns out that the Germans are 16 people, so he sends one of the girls for reinforcement, and himself pursues the enemy. However, the girl does not reach his own and dies on the swamps. Vaskov has to join the Germans in an unequal battle, and as a result, the remaining four girls with him are dying. But still, the commandant manages to capture enemies, and he takes them to the location of the Soviet troops.

The story describes the feat of a person who himself makes a decision to resist the enemy and not allow him to go with impunity native land. Without the order of the authorities, the main character himself goes into battle and takes 5 volunteers with him - the girls called themselves.

"Tomorrow was war"

The book is a kind of biography of the author of this work, Boris Lvovich Vasilyeva. The story begins with the fact that the writer is talking about his childhood, that he was born in Smolensk, his father was the commander of the Red Army. And before becoming in this life, at least someone, choose your profession and decide on a place in society, Vasilyev became a soldier, like many of his peers.

"Tomorrow was war," a work of pre-war time. The main characters of his heroes are completely still young students of the 9th grade, the book tells about their mature, love and friendship, idealistic youth, which was too short due to the beginning of the war. The work tells about the first serious confrontation and choices, about the crash of hopes, about the inevitable growing up. And all this against the background of the hungry threat, which is impossible to stop or avoid. And after a year, these boys and girls will be in the bake of a cruel battle, in which many of them are destined to burn. However, for its short life, they will find out what honor, duty, friendship and truth is.

"Hot Snow"

Roman Writer-Frontovik Yuri Vasilyevich Bondarev. The Great Patriotic War in the literature of this writer was presented particularly and became the main motive of all his creativity. But the most famous work of Bondarev is the novel "Hot Snow", written in 1970. The work of the work unfolds in December 1942 near Stalingrad. It was founded by a novel on real events - an attempt by the German army to discharge the sixth army of Poils, surrounded by Stalingrad. This battle was deciding in the battle for Stalingrad. The book was fused by G. Egyazarov.

The novel begins with the fact that two artillery platforms under the command of Davlatian and Kuznetsov will have to gain a foothold on the Music River, and then keep the offensive of German tanks, hurrying to revenge the Pouryus army.

After the first wave of the offensive from the platoon of Lieutenant Kuznetsov, one weapon remains and three fighters. Nevertheless, the soldiers continue to reflect the onslaught of enemies in the course of day.

"The Fate of Man"

"The fate of a person" is a school work, which is studied within the framework of the topic "The Great Patriotic War in Literature". The story wrote the famous Soviet writer Mikhail Sholokhov in 1957.

The work describes the life of a simple driver of Andrei Sokolov, who had to leave the family and native home With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. However, he did not have time to get to the front, as he immediately gets injured and turns out to be in the Nazi captivity, and then to the concentration camp. Thanks to his courage, Sokolov managed to survive the captivity, and at the end of the war it is possible to run. Hitting his own, he gets a vacation and goes on small homeland, where he learns that the family he died, only the son was left alive, which went to the war. Andrei returns to the front and finds out that his son was shot by sniper on the last day of war. However, this is not the end of the history of the hero, Sholokhov shows that, even having lost everything, you can find a new hope and gain strength in order to live on.

"Brest Fortress"

The book of the famous and journalist was written in 1954. For this work, the author was awarded in 1964 by the Lenin Prize. And this is not surprising, because the book is a result of a decade of work of Smirnov over the defense story Brest Fortress.

The work of the Brest Fortress (Sergey Smirnov) is the part of the story itself. Writing literally in the grains collected information about the defenders, wanting their kind names and honor to be forgotten. Many of the heroes were in captivity, for which after the end of the war they were convicted. And they wished to protect Smirnov. In the book, many memories and testimonies of participants in battles, which fills the book with true tragedy, full of courageous and decisive actions.

"Live and Dead"

The Great Patriotic War in the literature of the 20th century describes life ordinary peoplewho, by the will of fate, turned out to be heroes and traitors. This is the cruel time of many grinding, and only units managed to slip between horse mills.

"Alive and Dead" is the first book of the famous trilogy of Konstantin Mikhailovich Simonov. The second two parts of the epic are called "soldiers are not born" and " Last Summer" The first part of the trilogy was published in 1959.

Many critics consider the work as one of the brightest and talented examples of the description of the Great Patriotic War in the literature of the 20th century. At the same time, Roman-epic is not a historiographic work or a chronicle of war. Characters of the book - fictional peopleAlthough possessing certain prototypes.

"The war is not a female face"

The literature dedicated to the Great Patriotic War usually describes the feats of men, sometimes forgetting that women contributed to the general victory. But the book of the Belarusian writer Svetlana Aleksievich, it can be said, restores historical justice. The writer collected in his work the stories of those women who took part in the Great Patriotic. The name of the book was the first rows of the novel "War under the roofs" by A. Adamovich.

"There are no lists"

Another story, the theme of which became the Great Patriotic War. In Soviet literature, Boris Vasilyev, about which we have already mentioned above, was rather known. But this fame he received this thanks to his military work, one of which is the story "in the lists does not mean."

The book was written in 1974. The action takes place in the most in the Brest Fortress, besieged by fascist invaders. Lieutenant Nikolai Plugs, the main character of the work, before the beginning of the war falls into this fortress - he arrived on the night of June 21st. And at dawn already begins the battle. Nicholas has the opportunity to get away from here, since his name is not in any military list, but it is decided to stay and defend their homeland to the end.

Babij Yar

Documentary Roman Babij Yar Anatoly Kuznetsov published in 1965. The work is based on the Children's memories of the author, who during the war was in the territory occupied by the Germans.

Roman begins with a small author's preface, a brief introductory chapter and several chapters that are combined into three parts. The first part describes the withdrawal of the retreating Soviet troops from Kiev, the collapse of the south-western front and the beginning of the occupation. Scenes were also included here, the scenes were shot by the Jews, the explosions of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra and Khreshchatyk.

The second part is fully devoted to the occupying life of 1941-1943, the hijacles of Russian and Ukrainians as workers in Germany, about hunger, about the underground production, about the Ukrainian nationalists. The final part of the novel tells about the liberation of the Ukrainian Earth from the German occupiers, the flight of policemen, the battle for the city, about the uprising in the concentration camp of the Babi Yar.

"Tale of this man"

Literature about the Great Patriotic War includes the work of another Russian writer who has passed the war as a military journalist, Boris Polevoy. The story was written in 1946, that is, almost immediately after the end of hostilities.

At the heart of the plot - an event from the life of the USSR military pilot Alexei Meresyev. Its prototype became a real character, the hero of the Soviet Union, Alexey Maresyev, who, like his hero, was a pilot. History tells about how he was shot down in battle with the Germans and is seriously injured. As a result of the accident, he lost both legs. However, his power was so great that he managed to return to the ranks of Soviet pilots.

The work was awarded Stalinist Prize. The story is imbued with humanistic and patriotic ideas.

"Madonna with soldering bread"

Maria Glushko - Crimean Soviet writer, who went to the front at the beginning of the Second World War. Her book "Madonna with Okiv Bread" - about the feat of all mothers, whose share fell out to survive the Great Patriotic War. The heroine of the work is a very young Nina girl, whose husband goes to war, and she at the insistence of his father goes to evacuation to Tashkent, where stepmother and brother are waiting for her. The heroine is in the last period of pregnancy, but it will not protect it from the thread of human misfortunes. And for a short time, Nina will have to know the fact that before it was hidden for the well-being and tranquility of pre-war existence: people in the country live in the country, what their life principles, values, installations, which differ from it, grew up in Heavyness and delight. But the main thing is that the heroine has to be done is to give birth to a child and save him from all the war of war.

"Vasily Terkin"

Such characters as the heroes of the Great Patriotic War, literature drawn the reader in different ways, but the most memorable, non-merging and charismatic, undoubtedly was Vasily Terkin.

This poem of Alexander Tvardovsky, who began to be published in 1942, immediately received popular love and recognition. The work was written and published throughout the Second World War, the last part It was published in 1945. The main task of the poem was to support the fighting spirit of soldiers, and Tvardovsky successfully managed to fulfill this task, largely due to the image of the chief hero. Delete and cheerful terkin, which is always ready for battle, conquered the hearts of many simple soldiers. He is the soul of the division, merry and balagen, and in battle - an example for imitation, resourceful and always achieving a warrior. Even being in the hairs of death, he continues to fight and already enters the fight with the death itself.

The work includes a prologue, 30 chapters of the main content, divided into three parts, and an epilogue. Each chapter is a small front story from the life of the main character.

Thus, we see that the feats of the Great Patriotic War literature of the Soviet period widely covered. It can be said that this is one of the main topics of the middle and the second half of the 20th century for Russian and Soviet writers. Conducted by the fact that the whole country was involved in battle with German invaders. Even those who were not on the front, worked unless in the rear, providing soldiers with ammunition and provisions.

The epics about Ilya Muromster

Heroilee Muromets, son of Ivan Timofeevich and Efrosiny Yakovlevna, the peasants of the village of Karachair, under Murom. The most popular character of the epics, the second in force (after the Siberian Federal District), the Russian Bogatyr and the first domestic superman.

Sometimes S. eliminous Ilya The real man is identified by the real man, the Rev. Elijah Pechersky on nicknamed Chobotok, buried in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra and canonized in 1643.

Years of creation. XII-XVI century

What is the essence. Until 33 years old Ilya lay, broken by paralysis, on the furnace in parental Houseuntil it was miraculously healed by wanderers ("Kalikov overlooking"). Having gained strength, he has equipped his father's economy and went to Kiev, along the way, taking captain of the terrorizing neighborhood of the nightingale-robber. In Kiev, Ilya Muromets joined the squad of Prince Vladimir and found the hero of the Siberian Sea, who handed him a sword to Kladenian and mystical "real power." In this episode, he demonstrated not only physical power, but also high moral qualities, without responding to the flirting of the wife's wife. Later, Ilya Muromets broke "the greatness of the Great" under Chernigov, dismissed the direct road from Chernigov to Kiev, inspected the roads from Alatyr-stone, tested the young hero of Dobryna Nikitich, saved the hero of Mikhail Pota from captivity in the Saratiqing kingdom, won idolis, together with his buddy won To Tsargrad, one broke the Calina-king's army.

Ilya Muromstsu was not alien and ordinary human joys: in one of the episodes, he walks in Kiev with the "heads of Kabataki", and his sibling Sokolnik was born out of marriage, which later leads to a fight between his father and son later.

What looks like. Superman. The epics describe Ilya Muromets as "Delivent Dorodic Good Well done," he fights the Palcers "in Ninety Pood" (1440 kilograms)!

For what fights. Ilya Muromets and his squad extremely clearly formulate the purpose of his service:

"... stand up one for faith for the Fatherland,

... stand up one for Kiev-hail,

... stand up one behind the church for the cathedral,

... Be careful by the prince yes Vladimir. "

But Ilya Muromets is not only a historicist - he is at the same time one of the most democratic wrestlers with evil, as it is always ready to fight "for widows, for orphans, for poor people."

Way of struggle. Duel with an enemy or battle with superior enemy forces.

What result. Despite the difficulties caused by the numerical advantage of the enemy or dismissive attitude of Prince Vladimir and Boyar, invariably wins.

Against what fights. Against the internal and external enemies of Russia and their allies, violators of law and order, illegal migrants, invaders and aggressors.

2. Protopop avvakum

"The Life of the Avvakum Protopopa"

Hero. The Avvakum Protopop did the way from the rural priest to the leader of the resistance of the church reform of Patriarch Nikon and became one of the leaders of the Old Believers, or Raskolnikov. Avvakum is the first religious figure of such a scale, not only affected by his beliefs, but also the one himself described.

Years of creation. Approximately 1672-1675.

What is the essence. The native of the Volga region, Avvakum from his youth was distinguished by both piety and a violent temper. Having moved to Moscow, took an active part in church-educational activities, was close to the king Alexey Mikhailovich, but sharply opposed church reforms, which was carried out by Patriarch Nikon. With an inherent temperament, Avvakum led a fierce struggle against Nikon, speaking for the old order of church rite. Avvakum, not at all embarrassed in expressions, led public and journalistic activities, for which he repeatedly went to prison, was cursed and deprived of Sana, referred to Tobolsk, Transbaikalia, mezzan and empty. From the spot of the last link continued to write appeals, for which it was sharpened in the "Earth pit." Had many followers. Church hierarchs tried to persuade Avvakum to abandon the "delusions", but he remained adamant and eventually burned.

What looks like. One can only guess: Avvakum did not describe themselves. Maybe, as the priest looks like on the painting of Surikov "Boyaryn Morozova" - Theodosius of Prokopyevna Morozova was the faithful convergence of Avvakum.

For what fights. For the purity of the Orthodox faith, for the preservation of tradition.

Way of struggle. Word and business. Avvakum wrote inductal pamphlets, but he could pursue the screamers to break into the village and break their musical instruments. Considered self-immolation of the form of possible resistance.

What result. The passionate preaching of Avvakum against the church reform did the resistance to it by mass, but he himself was executed in 1682 in 1782 in 1782.

Against what fights. Against desecration of Orthodoxy "heretical novelivers", against all someone else, "external wisdom", that is, scientific knowledge, against entertainment. Suspects the speedy coming of the antichrist and the welling of the devil.

3. Taras Bulba

"Taras Bulba"

Hero. "Taras was one of the number of indigenous, old colonels: it was all created for a blooming alarm and was distinguished by a rough straight line. Then the influence of Poland began to appear on the Russian nobility. Many admiralized Polish customs, started luxury, magnificent servants, falcons, cutechs, lunches, yards. Taras was not a heart. He loved the simple life of the Kozakov and rebounded with those from his comrades who were inclined to the Warsaw side, calling them the Hops of Polish Panov. Always restless, he considered himself a legitimate defender of Orthodoxy. Self-important was part of the village, where they complained about the oppression of tenants and for the increase of new duties with smoke. Himself with his Kozakov made a reprisal over them and put himself a rule that in three cases should always be for a saber, it was: when the commissioners did not respect in what the elders and stood before them in the caps, when they were undelivered over Orthodoxy and did not honor the alert law and, Finally, when the enemies were beursmans and Turks, against whom he considered in any case, permissive to raise the weapon into the glory of Christianity. "

Year of creation. The story was first printed in 1835 in the collection "Mirgorod". The editorial office of 1842, in which, in fact, we all read the Taras Bulbu, differs significantly from the initial option.

What is the essence. Little Kozak Taras Bulba is fighting for the liberation of Ukraine from the oppressors. He, Nice Ataman, is unbearable the idea that native children, flesh from flesh, may not follow his example. Therefore, Andria Taras, who has changed the sacred cause of the son of Andria, kills without thinking. When another son, Ostap, is captured, our hero is specially penetrated into the heart of the enemy mill - but not to try to save the Son. The only goal is to make sure that the Ostap under torture did not show a bit mass and did not reject high ideals. Taras himself dies like Jeanne d'Ark, pre-giving the Russian culture an immortal phrase: "There are no ultrasound holy partnership!"

What looks like. Extremely heavy and thick (20 pounds, in terms of 320 kg), the eyes of gloomy, exhausted white eyebrows, mustache and chub.

For what fights. For liberation Zaporizhia SewFor nochness.

Way of struggle. Military actions.

What result. With deplorable. All died.

Against what fights. Against Lyakhov-oppressors, ingenic Yarma, police despotism, Starlavetian landowners and court satraades.

4. Stepan Paramonovich Kalashnikov

"Song of the king Ivan Vasilyevich, young scramble and remote merchant Kalashnikov"

Hero. Stepan Paramonovich Kalashnikov, merchant sucks. Silks are selling - with varying success. Muscovite. Orthodox. Has two junior Brothers. He is married to Beauty Alain Dmitrievna, because of which the whole story came out.

Year of creation. 1838

What is the essence. Lermontov was not fond of the theme of Russian hero. He wrote romantic Poles About the nobles, officers, Chechens and Jews. But he was one of the first to find out that the XIX century is rich, except that the heroes of his time, but the heroes at all times should be sought in the deep past. There, in Moscow, Ivan Grozny, I was found (or rather, invented) the bogatyr with the names of the name of Kalashnikov. A young Ochrichnik Kiribayevich falls in love with his wife and attacks her at night, persuading surrender. The next day, an offended husband raises an ryrichnik on a fist fight and kills him with one blow. For the murder of a beloved Ochrichnik and for the fact that Kalashnikov refuses to call the reason for his act, Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich tells the execution of a young merchant, but does not leave the grace and care of his widow and children. Such is the royal justice.

What looks like.

"The eyes of his falcony are burning,

On the scrambler looks intently.

Against him he becomes

Combat mittens pulls

Mighty shoulders straightens. "

For what fights. For honor of his woman and family. Cyribyevich's attack on Alain Dmitrievna saw neighbors, and now she can't seem eye honest people. Although, going to battle with the Ochrichnik, Kalashnikov solemnly declares that he fights "for the Holy Trouble-Mother." But the heroes sometimes distort.

Way of struggle. Cutting Fight S. fatal outcome. In fact, murder in broad daylight in front of thousands of witnesses.

What result.

"And penalized Stepan Kalashnikov

Death with luteu, shameful;

And badge inflated

In the blood rolled in the blood. "

But but Kiribyevich buried.

Against what fights. Evil in the poem personifies the scramction with foreign patronymic Kiribayevich, and also a relative of Malutes Skuratov, that is, the enemy in the square. Kalashnikov calls his "Basurman's Son", hinting in the absence of a Moscow registration from his enemy. Yes, and the first (he is the last) blow, this face of Eastern Nationality does not cause a merchant in the face, but in the Orthodox cross with relics from Kiev, which hangs on the youth breast. Alena, Dmitrievna, he says: "I'm not a thief of what, the ruin of the forest, / I was a king's servant, the king of Grozny ..." - that is, hides the highest grace. So that heroic deed Kalashnikova is nothing but a deliberate murder on the basis of national retail. Lermontov, who he himself participated in the Caucasian campaigns and wrote a lot about wars with Chechens, the topic of "Moscow for Muscovites" was close in her antibasurman.

5. Danko "Old Man Izergil"

Hero Danko. Biography unknown.

"We lived in the light of the old people, impassable forests surrounded from the three sides of the tabor of these people, and from the fourth there was a steppe. There were funny, strong and bold people ... Danko - one of those people ... "

Year of creation. Novella "old woman Izergil" was first printed in the Samara Gazeta in 1895.

What is the essence. Danko is the fruit of the irrepressible fantasy of the oldest Izeregil, whose name is Namella Gorky. The sultry Bessarabian old woman with a rich past tells a beautiful legend: during the days, he occurred redistribute property - there were disassembly between two tribes. Without wishing to remain in the occupied territory, one of the tribes went to the forest, but there the people had a mass depression, because "nothing work, no woman exacerbate the bodies and souls of people in the way the dwarf dooms are exhausted." At the critical moment, Danko did not allow his people to go to the conquerors to the conquerors, and instead he proposed to follow him - in an unknown direction.

What looks like. "Danko ... Young handsome man. Beautiful - always bold. "

For what fights. Look to know. In order to get out of the forest and thereby ensure their people freedom. Where guarantees that freedom is where the forest will end, it is not clear.

Way of struggle. An unpleasant physiological operation indicating the masotic warehouse of the personality. Self-depletion.

What result. With dual. From the forest got out, but immediately died. A sophisticated mockery over his own body is not passed. Thanks for your feat did not get a hero: his own self-torn out of his chest, the heart was trampled by a heartless heel.

Against what fights. Against collaboration, conciliatory conciliation and low conquerness.

6. Colonel Isaev (Stirlitz)

Corps of texts, from "diamonds for the dictatorship of the proletariat" to the "bomb for the chair", the most important from the novels - "Seventeen Moments of Spring"

Hero. Vsevolod Vladimirovich Vladimirov, he is Maksim Maksimovich Isaev, he is Max Otto von Stirlitz, he is Estilic, Brune, Brunn. An employee of the press service of the Kolchak's government, a cheeky underground, intelligence officer, a professor of history, exposing the conspiracy of the followers of Nazism.

Years of creation. The novels about Colonel Isaev were created for 24 years - from 1965 to 1989.

What is the essence. In 1921, Chekist Vladimirov frees the Far East from the residues of the White Army. In 1927 it decides to send it to Europe - it is then that the legend is born about the German aristocrat Max Otto von Stirlice. In 1944, he saves Krakow from the destruction, helping the group of Major Vortex. At the very end of the war, he was committed to the most important mission - disrupting German separatic negotiations with the West. In Berlin, the hero pecks his hard thing, passing the Radine Kat, the end of the war is already close, and the Third Reich collapses for the song Marika Rekk "Seventeen Moments of April". In 1945, Stirlitz was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union.

What looks like. From the party characteristics of a member of the NSDAP since 1933, the background of Stirlitz, SS Standentenfürera (VI Department of the RSH): " True aric. Character is nordic, weathered. With comrades for work supports a good relationship. Imcorrusive performs official debt. Ruthless to the enemies of Reich. Excellent athlete: Berlin champion in tennis. Single In the links that flashes it, was not seen. Marked by the awards of the Fuhrer and thanks to the Richsführera SS ... "

For what fights. For the victory of communism. It is unpleasant to admit to this, but in some situations - for the homeland, for Stalin.

Way of struggle. Intelligence and espionage, places deductive method, seducker, skill-disguise.

What result. On the one hand, he saves everyone who needs it, and successfully leads subversive activities; Receives regularly speaking agent networks and defeats the chief enemy - Chief Gestapo Muller. However, the Soviet country, for the honor and victory of which he fights, thanks his hero in his own way: in 1947, he had just arrived in the Soviet ship, they were arrested, and by order of Stalin, he was shot by his wife and son. Stirlitz comes out of prison only after the death of Beria.

Against what fights. Against white, Spanish fascists, German Nazis and all enemies of the USSR.

7. Nikolai Stepanovich Gumilev "Look in the eyes of monsters"

Hero Nikolai Stepanovich Gumilev, poet symbolist, Superman, Conquistador, Member of the Order of the Fifth Rome, Soviet History and Fearless Dragon Shrouder.

Year of creation. 1997

What is the essence. Nikolai Gumilev was not shot in 1921 in the dungeons of the CC. From the shooting, he was saved by Yakov Wilhelmovich (or James William Bruce), a representative secret Order The fifth Rome created in the XIII century. Having gained the gift of immortality and power, Gumilev steps on the history of the 20th century, generously leaving its traces in it. Marilyn Monroe stacked in the bed of Kura Agate Christie, gives the valuable advice to Jan Fleming, asked the nature of the character with Mayakovsky and, throwing his clad corpse in Lubyansky passage, running, providing militia and literary critic to the version of suicide. Takes part in the congress of writers and sit on the xerion - a magical dope based on dragon blood, which gives members of the Order of immortality. Nothing - problems begin later when evil dragon forces begin to threaten not only the world at all, but the Gumileev family: the wife is Annushka and the son of the steppe.

For what fights. First for good and beauty, then he becomes no longer high ideas - He just saves his wife and son.

Way of struggle. Gumilev participates in the unthinkable number of battles and battles, owns meals with hand-to-hand combat and all kinds of firearms. True, to achieve a special agility of hands, fearlessness, omniplication, invulnerability, and even immortality he has to be thrown by Kserion.

What result. No one knows. The novel "Look in the eyes of monsters" breaks up, and without giving a response to this burning question. All the continuations of the novel (and the "hyperborean plague", and the "march of ecclesiasts"), firstly, where to a lesser extent recognized as fans of Lazarchuk - Assumption, and secondly, and this is the most important, also do not offer the reader of the attendant.

Against what fights. Having learned about the real causes of disasters who fell on the world in the 20th century, he struggles primarily with these misfortunes. In other words, with the civilization of evil lizards.

8. Vasily Terkin

"Vasily Terkin"

Hero. Vasily Terkin, ordinary stock, infantryman. Come from under Smolensk. Single, children are not. He has a reward on the totality of exploits.

Years of creation. 1941–1945

What is the essence. Contrary to popular belief, the need for such a hero appeared before the Great Patriotic War. The Tvardovsky came up with Terkina during the Finnish campaign, where he, together with pulls, mushkina, protircanic and other characteristics of newspaper felloons, fought with Belofinnes for their homeland. So in 1941, Terkin entered an experienced fighter. By 1943, Tvardovsky from his unspexed hero was tired and wanted to send him a resignant on the injury, but the letters of readers returned Terkina to the front, where he spent two years, was contused and hit the surroundings three times, retavated large and small heights, led Fights in the swamps, dismissed the village, took Berlin and even spoke with death. His rustic, but sparkling wit invariably saved him from enemies and censors, but here it did not attract the girls strongly. Tvardovsky even turned to readers with a call to love his hero - just like that, from the heart. Still, the Soviet heroes of Snorzka James Bond do not possess.

What looks like.Beauty was endowed not he was excellent, not high, not so much, but the hero is a hero.

For what fights. For the case of the world for life on Earth, that is, the task of him, like any soldier-liberator, global. Terkin himself is confident that fighting "for Russia, for the people / and for everything in the world," but sometimes it also mentions Soviet power - no matter how it happens.

Way of struggle. In war, as you know, any means are good, so everything goes into the course: tank, automatic, knife, wooden spoon, fists, teeth, vodka, power of belief, joke, song, harmonica ...

With what result . Several times was in the hairs of death. It was supposed to get a medal, but because of the typos in the list, he did not find the hero.

But it was found to find imitators: by the end of the war, in almost every company, there was already his "terkin", and in some - and two.

Against what fights. First against the Finns, then against the fascists, sometimes against death. In fact, Terkin was called up to fight with depressive moods at the front, which was successful and did.

9. Anastasia Kamenskaya

A series of detectives about Anastasia Kamenskaya

Heroine. Nastya Kamenskaya, Major Mura, the best analyst of Petrokes, a brilliant operative, in Miss Marple's manner and Erkulya Poirot Increased grave crimes.

Years of creation.1992–2006

What is the essence. The work of the operative suggests difficult weekdays (the first testimony of this is the television series "Streets of broken lamps"). But Nastya Kamenskaya is difficult to wear around the city and catch bandits in dark alleys: she is lazy, weak the weak and most of all loves peace. Because of this, it periodically arises difficulties in relationships with leadership. Only the first her head and the teacher for the nicknamed Kolobok believed in its analytical abilities infinitely; Other things have to prove that it is best investigating bloody crimes sitting in the office, drinking coffee and analyzing, analyzing.

What looks like. High thin blonde, facial features inexpressive. Never uses cosmetics, clothes prefers a little, comfortable.

For what fights. Definitely not for a modest police salary: Knowing five foreign languages And having some connections, Nastya can leave with a palate at any moment, but does not do it. It comes out, fights for the triumph of law and order.

Way of struggle. First of all, analyst. But sometimes Nastya has to change their habits and independently go to the war path. In this case, acting abilities, the art of reincarnation and the female charm.

What result. Most often - with brilliant: criminals are exposed, caught, punished. But in rare cases, some of them manage to hide, and then Nastya does not sleep at night, smokes one cigarette after another, goes crazy and tries to reconcile with the injustice of life. However, so far prosperous finals are clearly more.

Against what fights. Against crime.

10. East Fandorin

Romanov series about Erast Fandorina

Hero. ERAST PETROVICH FANDORIN, nobleman, son of a small landlord, losing a family state in the card. He began his career in the rapid police in the rank of college registrar, managed to visit the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878, serve in the diplomatic corps in Japan and cause Nicholas II. Rested to the Stat adviser and resigned. Private detective and consultant at various influential persons since 1892. Phenomenally lucky in everything, especially in gambling. Host. It has some children and other descendants.

Years of creation. 1998–2006

What is the essence. The turn of the XX-XXI centuries was again the epoch, which is looking for heroes in the past. Akunin found his defender of weak and oppressed in the gallant XIX century, but in the professional sphere, which is becoming particularly popular now, in the special services. Of all the styling undertakings of Akunin, Fandorin is the most charming and therefore lively. His biography begins in 1856, the action of the last novel dates back to 1905th, and the end of the story is not yet written, so that Petrovich's Erast can always be waiting for new achievements. Although Akunin, as before Tvardovsky, since 2000, everything rustles to donate with their hero and write a last novel about him. "Coronation" wears the subtitle "The Last of Romanov"; Written after her "Death Lover" and "Lover of Death" were published as a bonus, but then it became clear that the readers of Fandorin would not let go. Needed, the people need an elegant detective who knows the languages \u200b\u200band enjoyed by frantic success in women. Not yet "cops", in fact!

What looks like. "It was a very milled young man, with black hair (which he was secretly proud) and blue (alas, it would be better too black) eyes, pretty high height, with white leather and damned, indestructible blush on the cheeks. " After the experience of misfortune, his appearance acquires the intriguing ladies the part is gray whiskey.

For what fights. For an enlightened monarchy, order and legality. Fandorine dreams of a new Russia - an arranged Japanese manner, with firmly and intelligently established laws and their scrupulous execution. About Russia, who has not passed through the Russian-Japanese and first world war, a revolution and civil war. That is, Russia, which could be if we had enough good luck and common sense to build it.

Way of struggle. The combination of the deductive method, methods of meditation and Japanese martial arts with almost mystical successfulness. By the way, a female love has to and, which Fandorin enjoys in every sense.

What result. As we know, that Russia, which Fandorin dreams of, did not happen. So globally, he suffers a crushing defeat. Yes, and in small things, too: those whom he is trying to save, most often dying, and the criminals do not fall behind the bars (die, or bother off from the court, or simply disappear). However, Fandorine himself invariably remains alive, as well as hope for the final celebration of justice.

Against what fights. Against the unenmended monarchy, revolutionaries-bombers, nihilists and socio-political chaos, which in Russia can come at any time. In the course of the case, he has to fight with bureaucracy, corruption in the highest echelons of power, fools, roads and ordinary criminals.

Illustrations: Maria Sosnina

1. The influence of the Patriotic War of 1812 on the development of historical theme in Russian literature

The Patriotic War of 1812 caused the national-1812th year patriotic rise in the folk masses and in the circles of the progressive noble intelligentsia. The war left a deep and bright footprint and in the development of Russian literature. Patriotic moods and war topics of the 1812 war were directly reflected in a number of Basen Krylov, in which Napoleon, who fell into a hopeless position ("Wolf on Psarn"), and the fate of the French, hungry in Moscow ("Crow and Chicken"). Basin "Toms" approves the clever slowness of Kutuzov in the fight against Napoleon. The admiration of Admiral Chichagov, who failed to cut off Napoleon the path of retreat across the Berezin River, ridiculous in the Basna "Pike and Cat".

Under the impression of the Borodino battle, Zhukovsky creates the famous ODU "Singer in the Fish of Russian Warriors", in which glorifies the wonderful Russian commander of 1812. The participant of the war with Napoleon, Batyushkov in the poetic message "Dashkov" (1813) declares that he does not want to sing "love and joy ... carelessness, happiness and peace" to victory over the enemy. People's character The war of 1812 is depicted in the prosaic works of the participants of the war, in the "Diary of Partizan Action 1812" Denis Davydov, in the "letters of the Russian officer" Fyodor Glinka. At the same time, reactionary journalism and poetry responded to the war in the spirit of the podasny ultra-patriotism and pseudo-patenity. Such were the manifestos written by Shishkov, the solemn ODD "on the defendant of the enemy" of the Glenchev-Kutuzov, etc.

The valor of the Russian people in the Patriotic War inspires Griboedov to the plan of the People's Tragedy "1812". The deep trail of the Public War of 1812 left Pushkin in the works of Pushkin, who considered it " the greatest event newest Story", And in the victory over Napoleon and in liberation by Russian troops of Western Europe from Napoleonic Iga, saw the" high draw "of the Russian people. Later, Herzen, the successor of the Decembrists, said: "Stories about the fire of Moscow, about the Borodino battle, about the capture of Paris were my lullaby song, children's fairy tales, my Iliaia and Odyssey."

The meaning of the Patriotic War of 1812 for the development of literature is not reduced, however, to the emergence of a number of works on war topics.

"The twelve year who shook the whole of Russia, from the end to the end, awakened her sleeping forces and opened new, Dotol, unknown sources of forces ... opened the people's consciousness and popular pride, and promoted the birth of publicity as the beginning of public opinion," - Pointing Belinsky. After the Patriotic War of 1812, "All Russia entered a new phase," Herzen notes. Enters the new phase and Russian literature.

2. Historical topic in the work of Pushkin

Pushkin is thinking over the "eternal contigray of materiality", characterizing the development of life, over complex and contradictory inner world man in his conditional social environment. Having learned the idea of \u200b\u200bpatterns, Pushkin does not become a fatalist in understanding the historical process. And the recent Russian past (Peter 1) and the modern poet's life of Europe, in the fate of which Napoleon played such a big role, convinced Pushkin in the meaning of outstanding personalities during history. However, in understanding the content of the historical process, its driving power Pushkin remains on the positions of historical idealism inherent in the enlightenment. The main role in the development of society the poet will take enlightenment, political ideas, legislation, public ingredients, upbringing.

The artistic mapping of the National Past People in its specific historical development is aware of Pushkin as an important task of Russian literature. "The history of the people belongs to the poet," he writes in February 1825 by N. I. Gallet. In the winter of 1824/25, Pushkin's strengthened work is underway over the Russian historical theme. He studies the "history of the state of the Russian" Karamzin, the Russian chronicles, asks Brother to send him the materials about the life of Pugachev, is interested in the personality of another leader of the peasant uprisings in Russia -Stepan Razin, which in 1826 he writes a few songs in the spirit of folk poetry. A tragedy "Boris Godunov" is created with a big creative lift.

In the tragedy "Boris Godunov" the poet set his task to show "Fate People, the Fate of Human." Boris Godunov is remarkable deep realism, poetic penetration into the nature of Russian history, historical loyalty and a wide scale of the Russian life of the late XVI-early XVII century painted in it. The image in the tragedy of this era, indicates Belinsky, "so deeply imbued with the Russian spirit, so deeply true the historical truth as soon as it could only do the genius of Pushkin-Truly National Russian Poet."

In Boris Godunov, Pushkin, he said, sought to "resurrect the past century in his entire truth." In the tragedy, all segments of the population are shown: the people, boyars, clergy, revealed the political struggle inside the booze. The poet managed to recreate the features of the Russian culture of Dopererovskaya Rus, as well as in a number of scenes, the culture of feudal-shine Poland.

With great sharpness, the problem of the relationship of the people and the royal power is set in the tragedy. Pushkin showed the enmity of the people to the boyars, his antipathy to the king, who became in power as a result of the crime and was rejected by the people. The tragedy is penetrated by the denial of autocracy despotism. No wonder Pushkin himself wrote himself about the political nature of his tragedy, Vyazemsky: "I could not stubcate all my ears under the coat of whistle - sticking out!", But it is an oarrious manner in the tragedy of Tsar Boris.

The scene of the election of the king is full of irony. One Moscow resident advises to completely grate his eyes onions to make it looks like. This comic council Pushkin emphasized the indifference of the broad masses to the election of Boris King. The poet shows the people and as "the element of rebellion." One of the heroes of the tragedy. Another expressed "on the opinion of the people" as a decisive political force.

Pushkin shows great value In major historical events of popular opinions, the role of the masses. He embodies in the tragedy the idea of \u200b\u200bthe continuity and infinity of the historical life of the people, despite all the storms and the peripetics of the political struggle, in which the people himself can not accept direct participation. There, in the "tops", there is a struggle and change of earthly Lords, Boyar groups, etc., "below" the life of the people flows still, but it is the basis of the life and development of the nation, the state; People and belong to the last word.

The 19th-century enlighteners believed that there was enough a monarch to communicate her policy with the requirements of the enlightened mind and humanity, as happiness and contentment in people's Life. Pushkin shows the inconsistency of educational subjectivism in the understanding of history.

In Boris Godunov, the people won, but he again turns out to be defeated: a new tyrant appears and the usurper. It is impossible not to see in such a interpretation of large historical events of reflection of the course of history in the era of Pushkin himself. The people overthrew the old order in France and won the freedom, but a new usurper appeared, a new despot, and "newborn freedom, suddenly onmen, lost his strength." This collision between freedom and necessity, the "secret will of Providence" Pushkin permits in the poem "Andrey Shhennoy" written after Boris Godunov. In Boris Godunov, a new, immeasurably higher historical thinking than the soil was historic genre In the work of Karamzin and Decembrists.

The deepest interest of Pushkin caused the image of an ancient Russian chronicler, derived in the tragedy. "The character of Pimama is not my invention," wrote a poet. "I gathered the features that captured me in our old chronicles: a comfortable meekness, simpleness, something infant and wise together ... It seemed to me that this character is all together and sign for the Russian heart. " Belinsky admired Pimen's way. "There is a Russian spirit, here Russia smells," "wrote a great critic. In his tragedy Pushkin, according to the fair remark of Zhukovsky, showed "many deepest and knowledge of the human heart." Contrary to the classic tradition in Boris Godunov, the tragic mixed with comic.

In the "Captain daughter" Pushkin deepens the realistic method of an artistic image of the historical past people. The life of the people is shown by Pushkin in its national historical originality, in its socio-class contradictions. Drawing activities of outstanding historical personalities, Pushkin shows the reflection of the "Spirit of Time" in this activity. Wonderful that in last years Pushkin's creativity His Realism acquires sociological pointedness. In "Dubrovsky", "Captain her daughter", in the "scenes from the knightly" poet begins to portray the struggle of classes, contradictions and collisions of the peasantry and nobility. "Captain's daughter", after "Arapom, Petra Great" laid the beginning of the Russian historical novel.

It is indisputable that the experience of the historical novel Walter Scott relieved Pushkin to create a realistic historical novel on a Russian theme. However, Pushkin in the depths of its realism went far ahead from the Scottish novelist. In the "Captain daughter" Pushkin deeper relying social contradictions than Walter Scott in his novels. The originality of Russian history, the latitude and the greatness of the national life of the Russian people, so pronounced, for example, in the era of Peter 1, the scope and the tragic nature of the natural peasant movements in Russia, such heroic events of Russian history, as the struggle of our people almost with all armed europe, led by Napoleon, in 1812, finally, the sharpness of class contradictions in the serfdom of Russia "Pushkin - all this was the source that had fed a higher level of the historical novel of Pushkin compared to Walter Scottovsky Roman, although some important artistic principles Walter Scott was taken by Pushkin as outstanding in the development of realism in the field of historical genre.

The originality of Russian historical reality was a special reflection in the composition of the Pushkin historical novel, in the nature of use. Especially realistic fiction of the "Captain Daughter". The entire history of the adventure of Greeneva is strictly and truthfully motivated by the circumstances of the first meeting of Greeneva with Pugachev during the storm. The novelist story without. Thenium included in the frame of the extensive incident of historical.

The poetic synthesis of history and fiction in the novel is reflected in his very plot about the fate of the noble family in the situation of the peasant uprising. Pushkin followed here not for the plots of Romanov Walter Scott, as stated by some researchers, but was based on Russian reality. Dramatic fate Many noble families are very typical during the antipodeal, peasant movement. The plot of the story itself reflected the essential side of this movement.

The content of the historical novel Pushkin is always truly historical conflict, Contradictions and collisions, which are truly significant for this epoch, historically defining. Both in Arape Peter the Great ", and in Roslavleva, and in the" Captain daughter "Pushkin covers the essential aspects of the historical life of the nation, depicting its moments that contributed large political, cultural and psychological changes to the life of the masses. This is primarily determined by the epic character, clarity and depth of the content of the historical novel Pushkin, and at the same time and its huge cognitive value. The nationality of the historical novel Pushkin is not only that Pushkin makes the hero of his novel the masses. Only in the "Captain daughter" people act directly as an active member of the events depicted. However, in Arape Peter the Great ", and in Roslavleva, the people's nationalist, the historical fate of the nation are felt in" Roslavle "for events and fate, the image of Russia arises: under Peter 1 -" a huge master ", a mighty patriotic force - in Roslavlev. As genuine people's writerPushkin depicts life not one of any public group, but the life of the entire nation, contradictions and the struggle of its tops and the bottom. Moreover, the final result of the historical process of Pushkin sees in the change in the fate of folk.

An image of a historic figure as a representative of certain public circles is the mighty strength of Pushkin as an artist-realista. In the historical novel, Pushkin we always see and the conditions prepared by the emergence and activities of an outstanding historical personality, and the public crisis that this person expresses. In the "Captain's Daughter", Pushkin reveals the reasons and circumstances that caused the movement of Pugachev, and only then the Pugachev himself appears in the novel as the historic hero. Pushkin traces the genesis of the historic hero, shows how the contradictions of the epoch give rise to great people, and never takes how romantics did, the nature of the era from the nature of her hero, an outstanding personality.

3. Historical Roman in Russian Literature

By the 30s, there are the emergence of a historical novel, whose successes reflected the development of the national historical identity of the Russian society, the rise of his interest in the domestic past.

The first such novel about "his" was "Yury Miloslavsky, or Russians in 1612" Zagoskin, which appeared in 1829. His success was unheard of Russian literature in the chronicles. In the next few years, many historical novels appear, of which "Roslavlev, or Russians in 1812" (1830) Zagoskin, Dimitri Samochvan (1829) of Bulgarine, "oath under the coffin of the Lord" (1832) were played in the development of the genre . Field, "The Last New Year, or the conquest of Liflandia under Peter 1", published in 1831-1833, "Ice House" (1835) and "Basurman" (1838) I. I. Lazhchchnikova. In 1835, he comes out the story of Gogol "Taras Bulba". In 1836, "Captain's daughter" appears Pushkin. Russian historic novel was created.

The success and the rapid development of the historical novel caused a lively controversy around his problems in journals and literary circles of the first half of the 1930s. "At this time, they talked a lot about the local flavor, about historical, the need to recreate history in poetry, in the novel," the attentive observer of the development of Russian literature of this time Adam Mitskevich testifies. The controversy around the problems of the historical novel was an important point in that struggle for realism in Russian literature, which Pushkin began from the mid-20s, and then continued Belinsky.

For Belinsky, the development of the historical novel in Russian literature was not the result of the influence of Walter Scott, as said to Shevyrev and Senkovsky, and the manifestation of the "spirit of time", "universal and can be said by the World Direction." Attention to the historical past, reflecting the growth of the national self-consciousness of peoples, at the same time testified to the increasingly deep penetration of reality and its interests in art and social thought. Belinsky indicates that all further activities Advanced thought will and should be based on history, grow from historical soil. According to Belinsky, the meaning of Walter Scott was that he "did the connection of art with life, taking the story to the mediators." "The art itself has now become the advantage of a historical, historical romance and a historical drama of all and everyone more than works in the same childhood belonging to the sphere of pure fiction," the critic noted. In the attention of the story, to real reality, he saw the movement of Russian literature to the realism.

Among the authors of historical novels of the 30s prominent and. and. Paristers place is occupied by Ivan Ivanovich Lazhchnikov, who, according to Belinsky, acquired a wide fame and "loud authority" from his contemporaries. The son of a rich enlightened merchant, communicating back with N. I. Novikov, he received a good home education. Captured by a wide rise of patriotism in 1812, he escaped from the house, participated in the Patriotic War, visited Paris. Subsequently, in their "hiking notes of the Russian officer", published in 1820, the marriages sympathetically noted the progressive phenomena of European culture and protested, although restrained, against serfdom. In the future, he served as director of school; By the 60s, his moderate liberalism managed to run out, weakened and his giving of a novelist, only published by him memories of life meetings (with Belinsky and others) imaginary interest.

Each of the Lazhechnikov novels was the result of a thorough work of the author over the sources known to him, attentive to study the documents, memoirs and the locality, where the events described occurred. With these features, the first novel Lazhechnikova "Last New Year" is different. The main place of the margin of marriage elected Liflandia, a familiar well, and possibly attracted his imagination to the ruins of old castles.

The plot "Last New-Novika" is romantic. The author resorted to an unsuccessful fiction, making the hero of the novel with the son of the princes of Sophia and Prince Vasily Golitsyn. In the young years, he almost became the killer of Tsarevich Peter. After the overthrow of Sofia and removal from the Golitsyn authority, he had to flee abroad, fleeing from execution. There, he matured and he looked at the situation in Russia in a new way. He followed Peter's activities with sympathy, but he considered his return to his homeland. When the war arose between Russia and Sweden, the Novik secretly began to help the Russian army who invaded Liflandia. Entering confidence in the head of the Swedish troops Shlippenbahu, he reported his forces and plans to the commander of the Russian army in Sheremetyev's Liminity, contributing to the victory of Russian troops over the Swedes. So there was a dramatic situation in the romantic spirit. The last new year-at the same time the hero and the criminal: he is a secret friend of Peter and knows that Peter is hostile to him. The collision is allowed by the fact that the last Novik returns to his homeland secretly, receives forgiveness, but no longer feeling the strength to participate in Petrovsky transformations, goes into the monastery, where he dies.

The novel is refused by the hypocritical, covered mask of patriarchalism, the soulless serfdom of the Liflyand Barons to the peasants and their needs. The author at the same time could well expect that the reader would be able to apply the images of the Lifelands of serfs to Russian reality. Their black world is opposed in the novel noble people: Jealous of Enlightenment and Genuine Patriots I. R. Petkul, doctor Blumen-Cost, Pastor Glitch and his pupil - Future Catherine 1, Nobles - Officers Brothers Traufert, Scientist Librarian, Lover of Natural Big and Others. Most of them are historical faces. These characters are in the novel by carriers of historical progress. All of them admire the personality of Peter 1, sympathize with his activities, wish the rapprochement of Liflandia with Russia.

In the bright tones of the marriage paints the image of Peter himself, combining the simplicity and greatness, which are given in two scenes "Arap Peter the Great" Pushkin. But if Pushkin clearly imagined contributable Peter's activities, then in the novel Lazhchchnikova Petrovskaya Epoch, Peter himself and his associates are extremely idealized. Lazhchnikov does not show any social contradictions and political struggles, passes by the barbaric management methods used by Peter. The appearance of Peter is given in the spirit of the romantic genius theory.

The most significant novel Lazhechnikov is the "Ice House" (1835). Creating it, the novelist was read in the memoirs of the pores of Anna John - Manstein, Miniha and others, published at the beginning of the XIX century. This allowed him to recreate with sufficient accuracy of the atmosphere of the court life of the days of Anna John and the images of some historical figures, although in the sketch of them he considered it possible, according to his views, something to change something compared with reality. This applies primarily by the Hero of the Roman Cabinet-Minister Art. Volyn, slandered by the pet's favorite by German Biron and a devoted terrible execution. His image of the writer in many respects exposed idealization. The historical role of Volynsky, boring against the ingenian-temporar, was undoubtedly progressive. But in historical Volynsky positive features Comes with negative. For the Lucchychychy, it was repeatedly called Peter 1. Like other venels of his time, Volynsky was not alien to low-stones, vanity, careerism. All these features of his personality are eliminated by a writer. Volynsky in the novel is full of care for the welfare of the state and the people intensified by severe charges; In the fight against biron, it only comes in the name of the good of the depreciation.

Rival Volynsky - the arrogant temporary and oppressor of the people of Biron is drawn by a writer much closer to the historical appearance of the Favorite of the Empress. With all the caution of Lazhchnikov, the drawn the image of the Anna Ioannovna itself testified about its limitations, a braveness, the lack of any spiritual interests. The construction of an ice house, which consisted of a wedding of a judovo couple, is shown by a writer as expensive and cruel entertainment.

The plot presented Lazhechnikov the opportunity to reveal deeply plight People. For the holiday, conceived by Volynsky for the fun of the Empress, from all over the country brought young couples, creating the image of multinational Russia. In fear and humiliation, experienced by the participants of the play in an ice house, the theme of the suffering of the Russian people under the yoke of bironovshchina sounds in fate of the bironous clutters of the Ukrainian. Mrs. Culkovskaya's dreams of crackers about how she, the "future post noble", will "buy in his name of the peasants and knock them out of his hands," and in case of needing to resort to the assistance of the executioner, the marriages open the curtain over the serfs, expressing Rights to the fastener right, its position of the humanist writer.

Historically, the image of Tremakovsky turned out to be wrong, which was noted by Pushkin in a letter to Lazhchnikov. Trediakovsky Lazhchchnikova more like her caricature in the comedy Sumorokov "Tressotinius" caused by fierce literary disputes mid XVIII Century, than on the historical reformer of the Russian verse and the person of the tragic life, over which Velmazby mocked.

In the Fabule Roman all the time political and love intrigue, the romantic love of Volynsky to the beautiful Moldavanka of Marioritz is intertwined. This line of development of the plot sometimes interferes with the first, relaxing the historicism of the "Ice House". But it does not go beyond the scope of life and the morals of the Moscow noble society that time. Not always skillfully gossip two main motive scene development The novel, the marriage, unlike most historical fiction of their time, does not comply with the history of fiction: the main situations and the finals of the novel are determined by Volyn's political struggle with Biron.

Reproducing in the novel "Local Coloring", some curious features of the morals and life of that time, the writer truthfully showed how public affairs intertwined at the time of Anna Ioannovna with the palace and homemade houses of Tsaritsa and her surroundings. Historically, the scene of the fright of the people with the appearance of a "language", when they say a terrible "word and case", which entailed torture in the secret office. Saty fun girls, faith in sorcerers and fortune-ups, images of gypsy, palace jesters and jokes, a jokes with an ice house and the court entertainment of the bored Anna, which the Cabinet itself was to be engaged, - all this picturesque and true features of the morals of that time. In historical and domestic paintings and episodes, in the image of the horror of Bironovshchina continues his current realistic jet in the work of the writer.


1. A.I. Herzen, about the development of revolutionary ideas in Russia.

2. A.I. Herzen, Purchase and Duma, Part 1.

3. V. G. Belinsky, about the Russian stories and Hogol's posts. N.

4. N.G. Chernyshevsky, Essays from the Gogol period of Russian literature.

5. A.I. Polyzhaev, Full collection poems. Entrance article

6. N. F. Belchikova, ed. "Soviet Writer", 1934 ("Poet Library". Big Series).

7. V.G, Belinsky, Poem, Polezhaev. N "A. Dobrolyubov, poem A. Polezhaev.

8. And, Voronin, A. I. Polezhaev. Life and creativity, Goslitizdat, M., 1954.

9. V. G. Benediktov, poem. Opening article L. Ya. Ginzburg, ed.

10. "Soviet writer", L., 1939 ("Poet Library". Big Series).

11. V. G. Belinsky, writings V. F. Odoyevsky.

12. M. N. Zagoskin, Yuri Muloslavsky, or Russians in 1612. Opening article B. Neymanan, Goslitisdat, M., 1986.

13. M. N. Zagoskin, Roslavlev, or Russians in 1812. Entrance article

14.I.I. Lazhchnikov, full collected works in 12 volumes, ed. "Wolf", St. Petersburg, 1899-1900.

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I continue once the series "Literary heroes" ...

Heroes of Russian literature

Almost every literary character has its own prototype - a really existed person. Sometimes this is the author (Ostrovsky and Drop Korchagin, Bulgakov and Master), sometimes - a historical person, sometimes familiar or a relative of the author.
This story is about the prototypes of Chatsky and Taras Bulba, the Osta Bender, Timur and other heers of books ...

1. Pachatsky "Mount from Wit"

The main character of Comedy Griboyedov - Chatsky- most often associated with the name Chaadayev (In the first version of the comedy, Griboedov wrote "Chadsky"), although the image of the Chatsky is largely a social type of era, "time hero".
Peter Yakovlevich Chaaadaev(1796-1856) - A participant in the Patriotic War of 1812, was in an overseas campaign. In 1814 he entered the Masonic Life, and in 1821 he agreed to join the secret society.

From 1823 to 1826 Chaadaev traveled in Europe, compiled the latest philosophical teachings. After returning to Russia in 1828-1830, he wrote and published the historical and philosophical treatise: "Philosophical letters". Views, ideas, the judgments of the thirty-sest philosopher were so unacceptable for the Nikolaev Russia, that the author of "philosophical letters" suffered an unprecedented punishment: he was declared the highest decree crazy. It so happened that the literary character did not repeat the fate of his prototype, but predicted her ...

2.Taras Bulba
Taras Bulba is discharged so organically and brightly that the reader does not leave the feeling of his reality.
But there was a person whose fate is similar to the fate of Hogol's hero. And this man also wore the name Gogol!
Ostap Gogolwas born in beginning of XVII century. On the eve of 1648, he was a Rotmistrome of "Panzer" Cossacks in Polish troops, deployed in Uman under the command of S. Kalinovsky. With the beginning of the uprising, Gogol, together with his heavy cavalry, switched to the side of the Cossacks.

In October 1657, Hetman Vyhovsky with General Stashina, whose member was left Gogol, concluded the Korsun Agreement of Ukraine with Sweden.

In the summer of 1660, the regiment of Ostap took part in a wonderful campaign, after which the Slobodishchey Treaty was signed. Gogol became on the side of the autonomy inside the commitor speech, they made a gentry.
In 1664, an uprising against Poles and Hetman broke out on the right bank of UkraineTetteri. Gogol first supported the rebels. However, he again switched to the side of the enemy. The reason for this was his sons, which Hetman Pototsky held hostages in Lviv. When Hetman became Doroshenko, Gogol moved to his beolava and helped him a lot. When he fought with Turks under Ochakov, Doroshenko at the Rada suggested recognizing the supremacy turkish SultanaAnd it was accepted.
At the end of 1671, the Crown Hetman sorely took Mogilev, the residence of Gogol. In the defense of the fortress, one of the sons of Ostap died. The colonel himself fled to Moldova and from there sent companion about his desire to obey.
In a reward for this, Ostap received the village of Wildhovets. A diploma of the wisest of the estate was the grandfather of the writer Nikolai Gogol as a testimony of his nobility.
Colonel Gogol became the hetman of the Right Bank of Ukraine on behalf of King Yana III Sobykoye. He died in 1679 in his residence in Diffront, was buried in the Kiev-Mezhigorian monastery near Kiev.
Analogy with taleobvious: both heroes - Zaporizhia Colonels, both had sons, one of which died on the hands of the Poles, the other turned to the side of the enemy. In this way, the distant ancestor of the writer and was the prototype of Taras Bulba.

Orlovsky landowner Spiridon Matsnevit was up to the extremes of a stingy, walked in a fearful bathrobe and dirty clothes, so few people could identify a rich barin in it.
The landowner had 8000 souls of peasants, but Moril's famous not only them, but also himself.

This miser landowner N.V.Gogol and brought out in the "dead souls" in the form of a plush. "If Chichikov met him, so unfolded, somewhere among church doors, then probably would give him a copper penny" ...
"This landowner had a thousand with a blind souls, and would try to find someone else with a grain, fluff and simply in the bedding, who would have pantry, barns and dried were cluttered with such many canvases, Sukon, sheepskin isolated and raw ..." .
The image of Plushkin became a nominal.

4. Silvio.
"Shot" A.S. Pushkin

Prototype Silvio - Ivan Petrovich Liprandi.
Friend of Pushkin, prototype Silvio in the "Shot".
The author of the best memories of the South Link Pushkin.
Son of the russian Spanish Grand. Participant napoleonic Wars Since 1807 (from 17 years). Collector and buddy of the Decembrist Raevsky, a member of the Union of Benencies. Arrested in the Decembrist case in January 1826, sat in the chamber with Griboedov.

"... the personality of him was undoubted interest in his dating, fate and an original lifestyle. He was gloomy and sullen, but he loved to collect officers and a widely treat them. Sources of its income were covered for all mystery. Thank youth and a book, he was famous for his brare, and a rare duel was held without his participation. "
Pushkin "Shot"

At the same time, Liprandi, as it turned out, was a military intelligence officer and a secret police.
Since 1813, the head of the secret political police under the Army of Vorontsov in France. Closely communicated with the famous Voc. Together with the French gendarmerie, he participated in the disclosure of the anti-government "society" Pins ". Since 1820, the main military intelligence officer at the headquarters of Russian troops in Bessarabia. At the same time, it becomes the main theorist and practice of military and political espionage.
Since 1828, the head of the highest secret passage police. Since 1820 - in the immediate submission of Benkendorf. Provocation organizer in the circle of Butashevich-Petrashevsky. Organizer Arrest Ogarev in 1850. The author of the project on the establishment of the universities of the School of Spies ...

5. Andrey Bolkonsky

Prototypes Andrei Bolkonskythere were several. His tragic deathwas "written off" lion thick with the biography of the real prince Dmitry Golitsyn.
Prince Dmitry Golitsyn He was recorded for the service in the Moscow Archive of the Ministry of Justice. Soon, Emperor Alexander I complained him to the chamber-junkers, and then in real chambers, which was equal to the general rank.

In 1805, Prince Golitsyn entered military service and, together with the army, did the campaign of 1805-1807.
In 1812, he filed a report with a request to enroll him to the army
, became Akhtyr Gusar, in the same shelf served and Denis Davydov. Golitsin participated in border battles in the 2nd Russian army of General Bagration, fought on Shevardinsky, and then he was on the left flank of Russian orders on the Borodino field.
In one of the skimps, Major Golitsyn was heavily injured by a fragment of grenadesHe was taken from the battlefield. After the operation in the wildlife of the wounded, it was decided to carry further to the east.
"Bolkonsky House" in Vladimir.

In Vladimir, they made a stop, Major Golitsyn was placed in one of the merchant houses on a steep hill on Klyazma. But, almost a month after the Borodino battle, Dmitry Golitsyn died in Vladimir ...

Soviet literature

6. Assol
The Slean Dreamer Assol was not one prototype.
The first prototype - Maria Sergeevna Alonkin, Secretary of the House of Arts, almost all living and extinguishing in this house were in love with her.
Once, climbing the stairs to his service, Green saw a low dark-skinned girl, who was talking to the corner of Chukovsky.
It was in her appearance something unearthly: flying gait, radiant look, ringing happy laugh. It seemed to him that she was similar to Assol from the story " Scarlet Sails", Over which he worked at this time.
The image of a 17-year-old Masha alonkin occupied the imagination of the Green, reflected in the stakeholder.

"I do not know how much years will pass, only one fairy tale will bloom in Kapern, a memorable for a long time. You will be big, Assol. Once in the morning in the sea gave, the scarlet sail will sparkle under the sun. The shining romance of scarlet sails of a white ship will move, cutting waves, right to you ... "

And in 1921, Green meets with Nina Nikolaevna Mironovawhich worked in the newspaper Petrograd Ekho. He, gloomy, lonely, was easy with her, he was amused by her coquetry, he admired her in love. Soon they played a wedding.

The door is closed, the lamp is lit.
In the evening she will come to me
There are no more aimless, dull days -
I sit and think about her ...

On this day she will give my hand,
Trust quietly and quite.
The terrible world is rapid around,
Come, beautiful, dear friend.

Come, I'm waiting for you for a long time.
It was so sad and dark
But winter spring has come,
Light knock ... my wife came.

She, his "winter spring", Green dedicated to the enjoyment of "Scarlet Sails" and the Roman "Shine World".

7. Ostap Bender and Children of Lieutenant Schmidt

A person who has become a prototype of Bender's Ostap.
It - Osip (Ostap) Veniaminovich Shor(1899 -1979). Shore was born in Odessa, there was an employee of the throat, a football player, a traveler .... Was a friend E.Bagritsky, Yu. Oleshi, Ilf and Petrov. His brother was a poet Futurist Nathan Violet.

The appearance, nature and speech of Bender are taken from Osipa Shira.
Almost all the famous "Bender" phrases - "Ice started, gentlemen jurors!", I will "command the parade!", "My dad was Turkish ..." And many others were asked by the authors from the vocabulary of Shor.
In 1917, Shor arrived at the first course of the Petrograd Institute of Technology, and in 1919 he went to his homeland. He got home to home almost two years, with a lot of adventureI told about authors "Twelve Chairs".
Telted historyabout how he, without knowing how to draw, settled on the agitation steamer by the artist, or how he gave a session of the simultaneous game in some deaf town, introducing himself to an international grandmaster, reflected in the "12 chairs" practically unchanged.
By the way, the famous leader of Odessa bandits, Bear japanesewith whom the employee of the Ugro Shor fought, became a prototype Benie Cryfrom " Odessa story stories"I. Babel.

But the episode that has given the soil to create an image "Children of Lieutenant Schmidt."
In August 1925, a man with an Eastern appearance appeared to Gomel's Gubspolk, decently dressed in American glasses and introduced himself chairman of the CEC of the Uzbek SSRFile Khojaev. The Chairman of the Gubspolcom Egorov said that he was riding from the Crimea to Moscow, but his money and documents were stolen on his train. Instead of a passport, there was a certificate that he is really Khodzhaev, signed by the Chairman of the CEC of the Crimean Republic Ibrahimov.
His warmly accepted, gave money, began to carry into theaters and banquets. But one of the police chiefs decided to compare the identity of Uzbek with portraits of the CEC chairmen who found in the old magazine. Thus was amused Lzhahodzhaev, who turned out to be a native of Kokanda, who followed from Tbilisi, where he served the term ...
In the same way, issuing himself for high-ranking official, the former zack has fun in Yalta, Simferopol, Novorossiysk, Kharkov, Poltava, Minsk ...
It was a fun time - nEP time and such desperate people, adventurers, like Shor and Lzhodzhaev.
Later I will write separately about Bender ...

Timur - Hero of the Kinoscena and Tale A.Gaidar Timur and his team.
One of the most famous and popular heroes Soviet children's literature of the 30s - 40s
Under the influence of the story of A.P. Gaidar "Timur and his team" in the USSR arose among the pioneers and schoolchildren in the beginning. 1940s "Timur Movement". Timurovtsy assisted the families of military personnel, the elderly ...
It is believed that the "prototype" of the Timurov team for A. Gaidar served skautov group, operating in the 10th year in the country's suburb of St. Petersburg. At "Timurovtsev" with "scouts" really much in common (especially in the ideology and practice of the Knight's concern for children about people around people, the ideas of performing good actions "secret").
The story told by Gaidar turned out to be an amazingly consonant mood of the whole generation of the guys: the struggle for justice, the underground headquarters, a specific alarm, the ability to rapidly assemble "chain", etc.

Interestingly, in the early editors the story was called "Duncan and his team" or "Duncan rushes to the aid" - the hero of the story was - Vovka Duncan. Obviously the effect of the work Jules Verna: yacht "Duncan»On the first alarm, went to help captain grant.

In the spring of 1940, while working on the film on another afflicted story, the name "Duncan" was rejected. In the Cinematography Committee expressed bewilderment: "Good Soviet boy. Pioneer. I came up with such useful game And suddenly - "Duncan". We consulted here with comrades - you need to change the name "
And then Gaidar gave the hero the name of his own son, which in his life called the "small commander." According to another version - Timur- Name of a neighbor boy. But the girl Zhenyareceived the name OT reception daughter Gaidar from the second marriage.
The image of Timur embodies the perfect type of adolescent leader with his desire for noble actions, secrets, clean ideals.
Concept "Timurovets" firmly entered everyday use. Until the end of the 80s, Timurovs called children who have disinterested help in need.

9. Captain Lunnershel
From the story Andrei Nekrasov "Adventures of Captain Lunned".
The book on the incredible marine adventures of the resourceful and nonsense captain of Lunner, his senior assistant scrap and sailor Fuchs.

Christopher Boniffatyevich Lunner- The protagonist and the narrator, on behalf of whose narration is conducted. An old experienced sailor, with a solid and reasonable character, is not deprived of ingenuity.
The first part of the last name uses the word "lies". Lunner, whose name has become a nominal - marine analog baron Münhhausen, telling non-residents about their adventures in swimming.
According to Nekrasov's stories, the prototype of Lunned was his friend with the name Vronsky, A amateur telling the marine stories of non-residents with their participation. His last name was so suitable for the main character that the original book was originally called " Adventures captain Vronsky"However, from fear of offending a friend, the author chose another name for the main character.