What problems solves galley for Oblomov. "Oblomov and Stolts" - an essay by Roman Goncharova I.A.

What problems solves galley for Oblomov.
What problems solves galley for Oblomov. "Oblomov and Stolts" - an essay by Roman Goncharova I.A.

The work of the "Fate of Man" Sholokhov was first published ten years after the Great Patriotic Wound ended, in 1956-1957. The topics of the story is atypic for literature of the time dedicated to the war. The author first spoke about the soldiers who were captured by the fascists.

Then we learn the fate of this character already from his mouth. Andrei with a random interlocutor is extremely frank - he does not hide personal details.

It can be safely argued that the life of this hero was happy. After all, he had a loving wife, children, he was engaged in his favorite thing. At the same time, Andrei's life is typical for that time. Sokolov is a simple Russian man, which in our country at the time there were millions.

Feat Andrei ("Fate of Man", Sholokhov)

The written "War in the Life of the Main Hero" can be built on the contrast to the attitude towards it Andrei and other people who are found on his life path. In comparison with them, it seems us more majestic and terrible feat, which, in fact, is his whole life.

The hero, in contrast to others, shows patriotism, courage. This confirms the analysis of the work of the "Fate of Man" Sholokhov. So, during the battle, he wonders to carry out almost impossible - to deliver shells to the Russian troops, breaking through the enemy barrier. At that moment he does not think about the threat of danger, about his own life. But the plan could not be implemented - Andrei enters the fascists captivity. But here he does not fall in spirit, keeps his own dignity, calm. So, when a German soldier ordered him to remove the boots, which were liked, Sokolov, as if mocking him, removes the ports.

In the work reveals various problems of Sholokhov. The fate of a person, any, not only Andrei, was tragic at that time. However, before her face, different people behave differently. Sholokhov shows the horrors taking place in captivity of the Germans. Many people in inhuman conditions lost their face: for the sake of saving the life or a piece of bread, they were ready to go to any betrayal, humiliation, even murder. The stronger, cleaner, the personality of Sokolov, his actions and thoughts appears above. Character problems, courage, perseverance, honor - that's what the writer is interested in.

Conversation with Muller

And in the face of threatening Andrey the deadly danger (conversation with Muller) he behaves very worthy than even the enemy causes respect. In the end, the Germans recognize the incremental character of this warrior.

Interestingly, the "confrontation" of Muller and Sokolov took place just at the moment when the battles were going under Stalingrad. Andrei's moral victory in this context becomes a symbol of the victory of Russian troops.

Raises other problems of Sholokhov ("the fate of a person"). One of them is the problem of the meaning of life. The hero was fully echoing war on himself: he learned that he lost his whole family. Hope for a happy life disappeared. It remains quite alone, who lost the meaning of existence, devastated. Meeting with Vanyusha did not allow the hero to die, go down. In this boy, the hero found a son, a new stimulus to live.

Mikhail Alexandrovich believes that resistance, humanism, self-esteem - features typical of Russian. Therefore, our people managed to defeat this great and terrible war, as Sholokhov believes ("the fate of a person"). The person's theme writer is revealed quite detail, it is reflected even in the title of the story. Turn to it.

Meaning of the name of the story

The story "The Fate of Man" is named so at all by chance. The name is, on the one hand, convinces us that the character of Andrei Sokolova is typical, and on the other, it also emphasizes his greatness, since Sokolov has a full right to be called a person. This product gave impulse to the revival of the classical tradition in Soviet literature. It is characterized by attention to the fate of a simple, "little man", worthy of respect fully.

With the help of different techniques, the story-confession, portrait, speech characteristic - the author reveals the character of the hero as fully as possible. This is a simple person, majestic and beautiful, having a feeling of self-esteem, strong. Its fate can be called tragic, since the share of Andrei Sokolov had serious tests, but we still unwittingly admire them. I could not break his either the death of loved ones nor war. "The Fate of Man" (Sholokhov M. A.) - the work is very humanistic. The main character acquires the meaning of life in helping another. This, first of all, demanded a harsh post-war time.

The famous Russian writer I. A. Goncharov in 1859 publishes its next Roman "Oblomov". It was an incredibly difficult period for Russian society, which seemed to be divided into two parts. The minority understood the need and told for the improvement of the life of ordinary people. Most of the same landowners, baryans and wealthy nobles, which were directly dependent on their peasants. In the Roman Goncharov offers the reader to compare the image of Oblomov and Stolz - two friends, absolutely different in temperament and the strength of the Spirit. This is a story about people who, despite the internal contradictions and conflicts, remained loyal to their ideals, values, their own way of life. However, sometimes it is difficult to understand the true causes of such trust proximity between the main characters. That is why it seems to readers and critics so interesting relationships of Oblomov and Stolts. Next and we will get to know them closer.

Stolz and Oblomov: General Characteristics

Oblons - Undoubtedly, the main figure, however, the writer pays more attention to his friend gallery. The main characters are contemporaries, nevertheless turn out to be at all similar to each other. Oblomov - a person aged just over 30 years. Goncharov describes his pleasant appearance, but emphasizes the absence of a certain idea. Andrei Stolz is the peer of Ilya Ilyich, he is much thin, with a smooth dark color of the face, almost without a rug. Green Expressive Eyes Also is also opposed to a gray and turbid gaze of the main character. Oblomov himself grew up in the family of Russian nobles, who owned not one hundred fortress shower. Andrei was brought up in a Russian-German family. Nevertheless, he identified himself with Russian culture, professed Orthodoxy.

Relationships of Oblomov and Stolz

Anyway, the lines connecting the fate of the characters of the novel "Oblomov" are present. The author was necessary to show how friendship arises between the people of polar views and temperament types.

The relationship between Oblomov and Stolz is largely predetermined by the conditions in which they were brought up and lived in young years. Both men grew together, in the guesthouse not far from the crushing. Half's father served there as a manager. In that village, Verlev, everything was impregnated with the atmosphere of "Oblomovshchina", unevenness, passiveness, laziness, simplicity of morals. But Andrei Ivanovich Stolz was well educated, reading Viland, taught poems from the Bible, recalculated the illiterate reports of peasants and factory people. In addition, he read fasteners of Krylov, and with his mother disassembled a sacred history. The boy Ilya sat at home under the soft wing of the parental guardianship, Stolz spent a lot of time on the street, in communicating with neighboring guys. Their personalities were formed in different ways. Oblomov was wards of nurse and caring relatives, while Andrei did not cease to do physical and mental labor.

Secret friendship

The relationship between Oblomov and Stolz is amazing and even paradoxical. Differences between the two characters can be found a huge amount, however, undoubtedly there are features that are united. First of all, bugs and galleries are connected strong and sincere friendship, but they are similar in their so-called "life dream." Only Ilya Ilyich is sleeping at home, on the sofa, and Stolz in the same way falls asleep in his rich events and impressions of life. Both of them do not see truths. Both are not able to abandon their own lifestyle. Each of them is unusually tied to their habits, believing that this behavior is the only right and reasonable.

It remains to answer the main question: "What a hero need Russia: in a broom and gallery?" Of course, such active and progressive individuals, as the latter, will remain in our country forever, will be its driving force, they will feed it with their intellectual and spiritual energy. But you need to admit that without broken Russia will cease to be such as our compatriots have known for many centuries. Oblomov needs to raise, patiently and unobtrusively awaken so that he benefit homeland.

Writing text:

In the novel of Oblomov I. A. Goncharov paints the traditional for Russian literature, the hero of the Russian Patriarchal Barina Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, who has an honest and faithful heart, but who failed to confront life and became one of the extra people in it. Oblomov is opposed to his friend, Andrei Stolz, the hero is very interesting and deeply intended. If the brooms are embodied by the patriarchal noblefish of Russian life, then in the form of the gallery, combine the blacks, characteristic and for Russia, and for European bourgeois civilization. Here are the views of I. A. Goncharov to the mutual differences of Russia and the West, and if the obcomments are Russian national character, which is characteristic of the kindness, honesty, naturalness and the depth of feelings, as well as laziness and misinitateness, the European mentality will embody the father of the gallery, Ivan Bogdanovich. It is characterized by hardworking, pedan and punctuality, misfortune in the manifestation of emotions, rationalism. His son Andrei, friend Oblomov, received from his father that is such a rational education: he was all allowed, but with him strictly demanded the fulfillment of his duties. Ount was not alarmed that the Son had disappeared from the house for a week, on the contrary, he himself kicked him out when he learned that he had returned, did not make a given Latin translation. The child since childhood was accustomed to work, to practical activity, and giving him an education, his father sent him from herself and warned him to help him no longer. The son justified the hopes of his father, having achieved well-being and a solid position in life, but the inferiority of such German education is shown in the Farewell stage of the Father and Son, when the feelings that did not receive exit when goodbye to the Father, breaking out from the words of the old woman, and Mainly the sickness of Andrei. His character came out not European due to the influence of the mother of the Russian nobility. She invested in her son's soul ability to feel, love and understand music, art, poetry. She died early, but in memory of her the son puts in his road bags not only hated by her working raincoat, presented by his father, but also elegant fracture, and thin shirts. Mother dreamed of an outstanding role in society, what will go to her son, and it was the influence of two trends of different nations formed the character of Andrei Stolz. They played a role and a crushing with her good, rudely crowded on the German boy, and the princely manor in Verlev, where the father served the manager, with a wide rise of Baroic life, and all this, according to the author's expression, turned the narrow German "Knee in such a wide The road, which did not even dream of German ancestors. Unlike Oblomov, Stolz leads an active lifestyle: serving in some trading company, often travel abroad, carries out different projects, it happens in the world, it reads a lot, aware of all the events and everything has time. He did not forget the Oblomov: they are firmly associated with childhood and adolescence, and Stolz always played the role of strong. So now he patronizes a friend, trying to disperse him, convince going together abroad, acquaintance of Oblomov with Olga. There is a complete trust between them, but in its own relation to life they are anaipods. If the bugs are lackless and lazy, then, according to gallery, work, the image, content, element and purpose of life. And he last tries to settle Oblomov, make him change his life and change himself: now or never. And indeed, having loved Olga, the bugs change internally, it leads an active lifestyle, it rises early, reads a lot. On either sleep nor fatigue, nor boredom. But Stolz left, and no one to support Oblomov when he gets marriage. He cannot but agree with the point of view of Olga that life is a debt, but he himself is not capable of such a tense constant self-dedication, lyric gust of his UGAS, disbelief in his forces aggravated by financial problems. Becoming Tarantyev and Mukhoyari fraudsters, Ilya Ilyich refused to fight, from the word given Andrei. And although Andrei is trying to help a friend and really helps him understand the financial situation, but he also abandoned the struggle, to awaken the live soul and thirst for life in Oblomov.
The image of the gallery is estimated, as a rule, negatively. Starting with N. A. Dobrolyubov, the crystances reproached him for egoism, dryness, rationality. But the case, rather, not in this. Stolz figure atypical for Russian life. Although the author and expresses his hope: how many galleries should appear under the Russian names! But the image of the hero is more declarative than Realen. Stolz is looking for an equilibrium of practical parties in his life with the subtle needs of the Spirit. Oblomov somehow said gallets, crying Petersburg society: or I did not understand this life, or she was not going anywhere. Stolz just embodies the author's ideal, who understood Eҭu life for which the main work, movement and, finally, love, the last happiness of the man, who became possible for Andrei, when he received the consent of Olga, married him. But it is precisely this declared happiness of the heroes suffering. They live in love and harmony, but Olga somehow sadness, feeling dissatisfaction, some strange Handra. Their house is a complete bowl, but life is closed, and it cannot be said that this is the happiness that they dreamed about. Even the author himself recognizes that the gallery is not alive, but just an idea, and the artistic embodiment of this idea far from perfection. Soft-hearted, inert Ilya Ilyich really did not understand this life, could not make sense in it, which would be impossible without manifestation of energy and will. But the volitional, decisive gallery failed to achieve the ideal of happiness for himself and for Olga. This problem of philosophical order is too complicated for an ordinary person. The author also understood the utopian idea of \u200b\u200bcreating an image of a harmonious person and the same love. In one of his letters, he comes to such a sad conclusion: between reality and ideal lying around ... the abyss, through which the bridge has not yet been found, can hardly be built when. For modern Goncharov reality, the problem turned out to be unresolved.

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In childhood, they lived almost nearby - in the neighboring villages, - then, already being teenagers, they studied at the guesthouse for noble children. Throughout life, fate again and again reduced these people. Do you ask about whom is we talking about? Of course, about Ilya Oblomov and Andrei Stolz from Roman Ivan Potcharov "Oblomov" and their unusual friendship.

To delve into the essence of these diametrically opposite friends, you need to trace their life throughout the work.

The image of Oblomov: Immersed in thought

In order to understand how opposite the character were Andrei Stolz and Ilya Oblomov, it is necessary to first trace the character of the first hero, whose name is called the whole novel. Ilya Ilyich appears in front of readers a sloppy and extremely lazy middle-aged person. His favorite place is a sofa, and a homely bathrobe, which "was in the eyes of Oblomov to the darkness of unpleasant advantages: he is soft, flexible; The body does not feel it; He, as a obedient slave, conjugates the self-playing of the body ... "
The negligent decoration of the room, where, it would seem, the order was observed, but with a close look there was a lot of external flaws, the hero's infantality emphasized even more. He did not have a certain goal in life, nor any clear plans, looking at the surrounding scattered and thoughtfully.

Active and purposeful galleries

Andrei Stolz was completely different. With youthful heat, he explained the lessons to a slow and dreamy friend, sought to help Ilya find himself in life. But his aspirations were not justified, because the study "strangely worked on Ilya Ilyich: he had a whole abyss between science and life, which he did not try to go. His life was in itself, but the science in itself. "

Curious and very active little Andryusha was since childhood. Any hips, up to the point that the boy could leave for a few days, while not causing his father's concern, they were perceived by his parents without any panic. Without preventing her son to freely know the world around him, Dad contributed to the development of a holistic, very independent personality. Andrei Stolz is an amazing person to whom from the first rows penetrate sympathy. Hero of the novel, loving life and striving for the future. So it is depicted on the pages of the work.

The cause of friendship Oblomov and Stolz

The reader who brings into images of such absolutely opposite personalities may arise a fair question: how could they be friends? But, maybe some will be surprised, learning that at first Andrei and Ilya were similar in nature. But it is upbringing, an environment in which young friends lived, they made them so different as South and North. However, close comrades perfectly cope with their incomprehension and perfectly complement each other.

These two different human temperament were able to appreciate each other. Stolz sees his beautiful soul in the broom, and he, in turn, notices the best qualities of the present, devoted friend.

"... many people I knew with high qualities, but never met the heart cleaner, lighter and easier; I loved many, but no one is so firmly and hot, like Oblomov. Having learned once, it could not be obsessed ... "- Andrei Ivanovich responds about Ilya Ilyce.

He loves a friend for his sincerity, he considers a very good man, even despite his plumbing, apathy and laziness. Stolz hopes that someday may be able to remake Ilya Ilyich and trying to take appropriate measures. But will it happen to him?

Roman episodes: Druzhba Druzhba and Oblomov

In the continuation of the whole novel of Oblomov and Stolz go hand in hand, keeping his sincere attachment to each other. Consider some episodes from their lives.

Here Ilya and Andrey little children. One of them is brave and active, the other is a bit lazy, dreamy and fearful. Parents are immensely love their children, but raising them in different ways. Therefore, the fate of them are completely unequal ...

Andrei, "Often, breaking away from or from a secular crowd, from the evening, from the Bala goes to sit on a wide sofa of Oblomov and in a lazy conversation to take and calm the alarmed or tired soul." In the presence of Oblomov, a friend calms down, feels like a person who came "from the magnificent hall under his own modest shelter."

Here they are a dialogue among themselves, and Andrei can not convince Ilya to become more alive, go into society, tear away from his convenient sofa, change the image of thoughts, leave passivity, apathy and lazy, to become a full-fledged person ... "Exactly a test, curled and curled You are lying "Strokes Oblomov, but he does not respond to comments. However, Andrei is adamant to change the situation in his decision. "No, I will not leave you so, he is indignant. A week later you do not know yourself. In the evening, I will inform you a detailed plan that I intend to do with me and with you, and now dress ... "

Smart gallets behind a veil indifference and laziness managed to see in a philosopher's friend, because he sometimes speaks very correct speeches. "Life: Good life! What is there to look? Interests of the mind, hearts? Says broom to a friend. You look where the center, about which all this rotates: there is no it, there is nothing deep, hiding behind the living. All this is the dead, sleeping, worse than me, these members of light and society! .. "

"You argue, as if an ancient, makes the gallets. And however, it is good, at least argue, do not sleep. "

Everything is tired of the insightful breakdown, because he tried to close in the shell of his ridiculous dreams and dreams and restrict ourselves to the stay in his own house, where everything is so familiar and familiar, where there is no fuss and intake fun. But it is also extremely hard for living in terms of a friend's plan ...

And here is another scene. "Now or never" says gallets, and the bugs make a lot of effort on themselves, deciding to follow the advice of a friend and get a French passport. However, at that time he is never leaving. But in personal life there are unexpected changes: the bugs fall in love with Olga Ilinskaya, a woman is simple and at the same time noble. With trepidation, his friend Andrei belongs to it.

But the approach to the girl in Ilya Ilyich is original: not wanting to flatter, he also shows some clumsiness, indifference to pompous phrases, and maybe even ignorance, saying: I should not say anything: "Ah! I am very happy I will be happy, you, of course, go great ... It will deliver it ... Yes, don't it need it? "

Finally, Olga Pozhek, and brooms, could not resist from the enthusiastic "ah". "Hear? Told her gallets. Tell me on conscience, Ilya: how long didn't it happen to you? " He asked his friend in love. Unfortunately, the infantal of Oblomov over time took over his bright feelings to Olga Ilinskaya. He could not, and did not want to overcome his natural laziness and become her husband of this beautiful woman. In the end, Olga picked up Andrei Stolz, who, it turns out, was also in love with her, but did not want to interfere with the happiness of a friend.

The time of change comes, and the brooms marry Agafier, the widow of the college secretary of Pshenitsyn, a woman of economic, kind and short, which looked at him during the times of illness and depression. His life goes again and smoothly. Agafia surrounds husband care and supports full order in the house. Well, what gallets?

Unfortunately, the last meeting of friends five years later was very sad. "Died!" - Andrei Ivanovich crushed about each other, seeing him in an extremely serious mental state. He shocked him and the fact that Agafia is Ilya's wife. At the same time, the unexpected news is as if the stone wall opened between friends, and Stolz realized that he would never leave his comrade. But still he won the requests of Ilya Ilyich "Do not forget his son Andrei." And he gave himself a word to the story of the boy completely different, and with him "bring into the case of their youthful dreams."

Such friendship is very important

Following the relationship of Oblomov and Stolz, it can be concluded: such a friendship is also needed and useful, because they surprisingly complemented each other and supported in difficult moments of life. It is a pity, of course, that Ilya Oblomov died, failing to cope with the inner apathy and a lazy way of life, but after him there was a son who took the best and loyal friend - Andrei Ivanovich. He and this time helped Ilya - now hearing his native monitoring and giving the child a chance for a full-fledged, meaningful life. But could it happen otherwise? After all, the friendship of Ilya and Andrei has always been real.