History. Belarusians in science

History. Belarusians in science
History. Belarusians in science

It doesn't like to many Belarusians when we are confused abroad with Russia and called Russians. But we do not like even more when the Russians themselves relate to our independence, culture and language. Mel Internet magazine, speaking for peace all over the world, decided to collect evidence of the differences of Belarusians from the Russians, ranging from genetics and an ethnos and ending with the size of the genital organ and the heroes of fairy tales.

Belarusians are Western Balts with an admixture of Slavic blood. Differences of genetic level

A couple of years ago, studies under the name "Russian Genofund" were conducted in Russia. The government even allocated a grant by scientists from the laboratory of the Center for the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. Scientists for the first time in the history of Russia were able to fully focus on the study of the gene pool of the Russian people. It turned out that the Russians are no east Slavs, and Finns. Thus, according to the Y-chromosome, the genetic distance between the Russians and Finns of Finland is only 30 conventional units (close relatives). And the genetic distance between the Russian man and the so-called Finno-Ugric peoples (Mari, Vepsami, Mordvoy, etc.), living in the territory of the Russian Federation, equal to 2-3 units. Simply put, genetically they are identical.

The results of DNA analysis have shown that another closest rod of Russians, except Finns, are Tatars: Russians from the Tatars are located at the same genetic distance in 30 conventional units that separate them from Finns.

The analysis of the gene pool of Belarusians showed that they are genetically very far from the Russians, are actually identical to the northeastern Poles - that is, residents of the Polish province of Mazaz. That is, the study of the gene pool only confirmed the historical realities: Belarusians are Western Balts (with some admixture of Slavic blood), and the Russians are Finns.

In 2005, the results of similar studies were published in Belarus. Publishing house "Teknalogiya" published the book of Alexei Mikulich "Belarusians in the genetic space. Anthropology of the ethnos. " The conclusions of the author are very similar to the opinion of Russian colleagues. Each of the three East Slavic ethnic groups, according to anthropological data, has its own uniqueness. They were formed in different geographical space, on special substrate praosnov. Placed in a book graphic interpretation The generalized characteristics of their gene pools can clearly see the degree of similarity and differences. "Ethnic clouds" [the ethnos of each people was represented by the cloud and, depending on the similarity, in contact with the "other clouds"] of Belarusians and Ukrainians are quite compact and on the attached diagram partially overlap. The Russian "cloud" is very blurred, and only a minor share is overlapped with the first two. While the Ukrainian "ethnic cloud" does not border at all with Finno-Ugrics, and Belarusian only concerns them - the center of the "ethnic cloud" of Russian populations is in one cluster with Finno-Ugrics, and not Slavic ethnic groups.

"Who to be Lithuania is the eternal dispute of Slavs." The differences in the ethnos of Belarusians and Russian

If you believe the "Belarus" encyclopedia, the Belarusian ethnos was formed in 13-16 centuries, passing the stage from the association tribal Unions through nationality to nation.

That is, he was formed before the aggression of the kings of Ivan the Terrible and Alexey Mikhailovich, and by the time of the Russian occupation incl. 1795 it was a long-established ethnic group with his centuries-old history national statehood. For in the speech of compulculation, inclues possessed by all state attributes: its authority (the chancellors of incl, not a single gem - almost all Belarusians, several Poles), their national Belarusian army, their laws of the country (the statutes of incl - in the language of Belarusians, have not yet been translated into The language of the jets and aukstilette), with their national currency (this is the Belarusian taler, who minted several centuries until 1794, when the last Belarusian Thaler has crossed the Grodno Mint), etc.
At the same time, speaking today about the Belarusian ethnicity, we must first understand what is in question. Belarusians (as an ethnos with such a name) appeared only in 1840, when they were renamed tsarism from Litvinov in Belarusian after the uprising of 1830-1831. After the uprising of 1863-1864, when Litvins appeared already by the "Belarusians", the Governor-General of the Muravyev forbade himself and itself invented by the ideologists of the tsarism and the secret office of Belarus, introducing "West-Russian Territory" instead. Therefore, the term "Belarus" and "Belarusians" - is extremely conditional, this is the production of tsarism, im and forbidden. And, for example, Litvini or Tuarey (local) continued to call all the villagers of the Minsk Region, even in the early 1950s, according to the polls of ethnographers.

By 1840, a number of reprisals of tsarism followed against the captured people who dared to rebel the second time. The Uniate Church in Belarus was destroyed by the Decree of the Tsar, the Russian service in Belarusian and book publishes, the action of the statute of incl (acting, by the way, only in Belarus, not in the region - now the Republic of Lithuania) is prohibited, the word "Lithuania" itself is prohibited. Although earlier Pushkin, it was about Belarusians in his verses about the rebellion of 1830-1831. "Russian slanders": "With whom to be Lithuania is the eternal dispute of Slavs."

That is, from the point of view of science, speaking of Belarusians and Russians, we are not talking about the peoples and ethnic groups, but about the nations of the neighbors. This is a completely different category, where there are already inappropriate thoughts about the "merger of peoples" allegedly under the pretext of their some " ethnic generality" Nation can never merge with each other, because it is not predisposed by definition.

We always belonged to European culture. Mentality differences

"Belorus is not at all imperial man, he never will come to mind the idea of \u200b\u200bthe world revolution or third Rome," says the philosopher, essuraist and literary critic Valentin Akudovich. With the words of the famous Belarusian cultural representative, you can easily agree. Vladimir Orlov., By the way, also known belarusian writer And the historian, in one of the interviews, said "Belarusians historically and mentally - Europeans. It is very shocking everyone who is trying to get closer to the country. People are surprised by the fact that Belarusian cities had Magdeburg law, which in Belarus also had his own Renaissance. We always belonged to European culture, the border between Europe and Asia took place here. We lived in the empire - the Grand Duch of Lithuanian, - which stretched from the Baltic to the Black Sea, but it was not an empire. There were completely different principles of building a state, everyone was one people were tolerance and tolerance. Orthodox, Catholic and Uniate churches, a synagogue and mosque were peacefully on the squares of the Belarusian cities. Here we differ from Western Europe, we have never had religious clashes and such events as Warfolomeevian night. "

"Despite all the efforts of Russian historians, Muscovy The centuries were under the Golden Horde IG. In fact, then they did not free themselves from this oppression - mentally, of course. Even after the leaving of the Horde, everything remains the same: and the construction of the state, and military doctrine, the idea of \u200b\u200bdominance, if not all over the world, then on its significant part. From there, the Russian thought remained from the Russians that "if these lands do not take it, then our enemies will be captured and from there will threaten us." Events in Ukraine testify that such a mental situation exists now, "Valentin Akudovich also believes.

Double hit: more on centimeter and per unit IQ

We decided to compare two people in many indicators, and found a table of length of men's genitals of residents different countries. According to the latest data, at the average Belarusian sexual body - 14.63 cm. This is a very good indicator (Belarusians are part of the 10th largest penises in Europe). The eastern neighbors are going much worse - the average Russian may boast only a length of 13.3 cm.

It is difficult to speak about external differences. Although it is hardly able to distinguish an externally pole, Ukrainian and Belarusian too.

At the same time, experts derive such patterns: the longer the penis, the lower the level of intelligence. In this regard, Belarusians also have something to boast: the average IQ among representatives of our nationality is one of the high in the world: 97. The inhabitants of our oriental neighbor the point of intelligence is less than - 96.

"Putsuy Pіlnah - Budzu Vіlny!". Different fabulous hero

Most ordinary hero Russian fairy tales - Emely, who sits on the stove and wants to schuchy Venyu He got everything. Or Ivan-Durak, having a dad-king and do not understand than. The hero of the same Belarusian fairy tales: "Praceavіta duel Maul Yanka", working for whole days and the mockery of "pano-dyar". Lododr in Belarusian fairy tales is raised, children teach that real Hero. One who has long and hard works, despite the blows of fate. In general, Putsuy Pіlnah - Dwise Vіlnya! ". In Russian fairy tales, everything is absolutely the opposite. Exists interesting research Belarusian fairy tales written by the cultureologist Julia Chernyavskaya. In our fairy tales there is another injury: for example, the fact that we have no lucky hero, who has everything, and he will not be bad for it. Everything belorussian fairy tales - pro heavy workAnd if you find some treasure, then you are very sternly punished. Our fairy tales are not about laziness, but about work.

Completely different. Belarusian and Russian

IN lately The main difference between Belarusians from the Russians is gaining popularity in our country. Belarusian-speaking sports events are held, free courses of studying "Rodnai Mow" are opened. Of course, the Belarusian language is rather similar to Russian, but knowing the same Ukrainian or Polish, you can see that Mova is similar to them much more. To prove the fact that the Belarusian is an independent language and not the appendage of Russian, you can analyze several basic words. "Fortune" in Russian means "good". In the Belarusian "good" means "badly". When root basic words have completely different meanings, it says that languages \u200b\u200bare completely different.

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Mikhail Malash

To the issue of identity

Belarusians have no signs of intentional ethnocultural identity. And the intervention of politics mixed with the skillful manipulations of the media and the absence of the Population of the post-Soviet space of knowledge on the history of Belarus makes a necessary immersion in the history of the formation of Belarusian identity. Otherwise, stop the tree of myth-making about the Belarusians is impossible.

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Belarusians have no signs of intentional ethnocultural identity. And the intervention of politics mixed with the skillful manipulations of the media and the absence of the Population of the post-Soviet space of knowledge on the history of Belarus makes a necessary immersion in the history of the formation of Belarusian identity. Otherwise, stop the tree of myth-making about the Belarusians is impossible.

Difference as a factor in the Slavic Balt

Slavs ahead of the Baltic peoples neighboring themselves in socio-economic development: the Russians already had early refortel statehood, cities, handicrafts and writing. At the Balt, there was nothing of it, they were at the primitive level of tribal communities. Balts, adjacent to the Slavs, were assimilated by them. This process began in approximately the VI century.

Less developed people are always assimilated more developed. This is clearly visible on the example of the Celts in Western Europe and Finno-Ugrome in Eastern. People perceive at first higher material culture, and gradually tongue and religion. Assimilation was stimulated by the active interaction of peoples caused by their reconnaissance due to various levels development.

Primitive Balts were a favorable market for old-Russian artisans, as they appreciated their products higher than compatriots. The goods are higher than being appreciated where it is not produced, on this and built all trade. The main consumer of craft products is the most operating part of society. As a rule, it is a different kind of elite. They also need a real designation of their position. Bridal expensive goods always fulfill the attribute feature of social status.

Balt know, therefore, being the most active consumer of handicraft products, was interested in the physical relocation of Russians on their lands to the Neman River Pool. This causes the emergence of ancient Russian cities in the Balt settlement. The cities of Grodno (Gorode), Volkovysk (Volkovscise), Slonim (Rail), Novogrudok (Novogorod) are known from the XI-XIII centuries.

There were no shortage of arable land and pastures and, accordingly, no serious land conflicts between nations could not be in principle. Trade between people engaged in hunting, collecting and fishingAnd the sellers of craft products were carried out in the form of a natural exchange in the equivalent, much more profitable for the latter. Such a situation takes place and now in the deaf depressive areas of Siberia and Far Eastwhere Russian merchants swallow local residents Cranberry, cedar nuts, fur for industrial products. Trade was moneyless because the Balts had no statehood or money.

One of the places of such an exchange was on the border of the Baltian and Russian lands, not far from the city of Salad on the banks of the river, called the Menka. Later, a permanent settlement was formed there, known since 1067 as Mensk. Under the influence of Polish language, the name was transformed into Minsk.

Subsequently, with the appearance of an external threat (Crusaders and Tatar-Mongols), a joint defense added to trade mutual interest. Matureness implies not only the division of labor in economic activity, but also the separation social roles. Thus, military-security functions are much more willing to make less secured people. And for this reason, the Balts were also of interest to more advanced Russians, especially since they themselves showed the initiative. All this has changed the Russification and the justiflement of the Balts. From the chronicles, we are not aware of the presence of any problems in language communication between the Baltami and Slavs. This suggests that XII centuryWhen the first written sources appeared, the rusification of the Balts was already essential enough.

Not a nation and empire

By the middle of the XIII century, when the region was exposed to the invasion of Tatar-Mongols from the East and German Crusaders from the West, the Russian principalities and the Balt tribes were united in the early refortion state "Grand District Lithuanian, Russian and Zhiskoe" (incl). To the XIV-XV centuries, it occupied the territory of the current Lithuania, Belarus, Halves of Latvia and most of the current Ukraine. It was no longer a state-nation, but the State Empire, since, unlike Kievan Rus Or the Kingdom of Hungary, was not mono ethnic, but polyethnics and, accordingly, multicultural. TO XIV century The region began to be subjected to Polish influence. In 1385, the inclination entered into an alliance with Poland.

Polish culture has provided powerful impact on the whole region, but the Russian population turned out to be sustainable. Russian population In the vicinity of Brest (Berestye), despite the immediate proximity to the Polish territory, as was Russian-Orthodox, and continued to remain. Balts, by that time, not completely Russified and superficially expected, even living at a distance of 400-500 km from Polish lands, began to be omitted gradually. It so happened that today's Catholics in the Republic of Belarus live not along the Polish border, but along the Lithuanian and even Latvian. There is no Catholics in the Old Russian Brest.

It seems that Russian assimilation was replaced by the Polish due to the fact that by the time the Balts generally pulled up to the level of Russians in their socio-economic development and the latter have lost the assimilation resource. Poles, on the contrary, began to possess excellence in development.

Like the varying of the Balts in late Middle AgesThe pioneering of them in the new time had a very uneven depth of different groups of the population. In the cities and the nobility, it had the maximum degree - until the fact that people directly called themselves the Poles and spoke Polish, albeit the local dialect. The most characteristic example is the poet Adam Mitskevich. The rural population spoke to the "Simple Move" - \u200b\u200bthe peasant show of this dialect - and called himself "Tanga", which in Polish means "local". By the way, in the Orthodox regions, people said: "We are the people of the tube." And "the tube", and the "Tirstiece" lived relatively conflict. Some serious conflicts between simple people There was no in Belarus.

Bienice people

The initiative to associate Catholics with Orthodox proceeded from the West interested in the separatist weakening of the Russian Empire. The attachment of the Catholic minority, which was in 1898, 24% of the population, created a hybrid people to the Orthodox majority, highlighting it from Russian and making only the "fraternal" people in relation to Russian. Having in its composition Catholics, Belarusians are already ceased to be Russian and turn into a convenient workpiece to create a buffer-limitan state between Russia and the West.

This initiative was actively supported by the elites of Catholics, a pioneering gentle, which acutely felt its marginality due to non-integnation in the elite of the RI, unlike other ethnobroups. Protest discontent with the pionatic gentry against the Russian authorities was previously expressed in support of Napoleon and the uprisings of 1830 and 1863. Now she was given the opportunity to become a national elite.

In the prewar years, many writers appeared, which literaryly processed the language ("Carapportii Simply MOV"), the rare texts of which have existed in Latin. The result was transferred to Cyrillic and called the Belarusian language. But a particularly powerful splash of their activity came to soviet yearswhen these "pіsmennіkі", literally on a scratch, created national literature. The absolute majority of them were Catholics.

Before end XIX. A century did not exist any sustainable concept of "Belarusian language", since there were no reliable texts proving the fact of its existence. If we serve the content analysis of the Belarusian language, we will see that those of his words that are not like Russians, 90% of lexically coincide with Polish. The words similar in it to the Russians, just sound and in Polish. The main difference in these languages \u200b\u200bis syntactic and phonetic. Even this can be concluded that the Belarusian language is rather the result of some Russification of the Eastern Dialect of Polish, rather than the polonization of the West Russian dialect. In the Russian Empire "Pretty Mova" was officially considered a dialect of Polish.

One way or another, but the politician adventure of the rejection of Belarusians from the Russian people by applying them to the artificially fabricated language failed. To date, there is no districts where the population used to compactly lived in everyday communication. That is, not only the Orthodox Belarusians did not move to the language of Catholics, but also the Catholics themselves forgot the language of their ancestors.

In addition, the percentage of Catholics themselves decreases. In 1990 there were 15% of the population, now 14%. In catholic areas in countryside There are the remains of that dialect, which was previously called "simple Mova", the remains of the Belarusian dialect of the Russian language in Orthodox districts are called "Tryska".

Thus, the Belarusian language does not exist as social phenomenon And does not serve as a means of communication. It is an exceptionally ideological concept. "Svadyayaya" (conscious) intelligentsia tries to shake the Belarusians for the fact that they forgot their native language by replacing him with Russian.

The initiative of such hybridization of Orthodox and Catholics in unified nation Call "Project of Belarusian nationalism." This initiative has received practical implementation, since subsequently was supported by the Bolsheviks, since the idea of \u200b\u200binternational and self-determination of Nations was at the heart of their political platform. For the Bolsheviks, the more peoples were in the Soviet country, the better.

In order to solve the problem of the purity of the understanding of the identity of the Belarusians, it is necessary to eliminate the conditions in which the problem exists, that is, to consider the people of Belarus not as a mono-ethnic nation, but as a biecar political people following the example of Belgium or Canada. Accordingly, the independence of the state should be based on an ethno-cultural basis, but on the socio-economic, as is the case in Switzerland, Singapore, Canada.

Why is it profitable for us to "break the template" of Litvino-Belarusian nationalism and stop considering Orthodox and Catholics as a single ethnos?

FirstlyThis is an elementary restoration of historical justice, returning to the natural position of things. Neither Orthodox Belarusians, nor Catholics in the current boundaries have never been a separate nation - neither separately, nor together, but always only as part of the empire: incl, Ri, USSR. And everywhere Belarusians were either the title people or part of the political nucleus. The BSSR in the perception of its inhabitants was more an administrative unit. Her population has identified itself rather soviet peoplethan with any ethnocultural education. For this reason, the Belarusian-Catholics-Litvinami-Catholics ethnidentification was not established by Belarusians.

Secondly, Accession to the Orthodox Belarusians of Catholic "Tanseykh" and applying to them by the Nedopol "Simple Move", named after the literary processing by the Belarusian language, destroys the idea of \u200b\u200bthe trinity of the Russian people. This deprives the Belarusians of equity rights to the greatness of Russian culture, reducing their international status, since the world-wide culture belonging is a powerful resource in world politics. On the other hand, it also confirms the usurpation of the Velikorsovs of the "Russian" brand and the rights to the communional culture.

Two approaches to Belarusians: Litvinism and Western

Prior to World War I, the population in Belarus was completely clearly shared on Orthodox Belarusians and Catholics-Poles. Moreover, Belarusians were officially considered as a branch of the Triune communional people and were part of the title people of the Empire. This is reflected in the census of 1898.

The situation has changed before the beginning of the First World War. Catholics and Orthodox began to be considered as a single people. Appeared new approach By consideration of the Belarusian history, conventionally called Litvinism. In a more or less radical form, it is inertially exists so far. His rather soft form was in the Soviet years the official version of history. She remains her today. It is based on demagogue, based on the substitution of concepts, in particular Litvini as an ethnonym and as a politicalime.

Radical Litvinists argue that the Old Russian people were not, Old Russian oral language There was no, the Belarusian Territory was not part of the Kiev Rus, and when the ancient Belarusians called themselves Russians, they meant Orthodox affiliation. It is argued that Belarusians were always the European people, and the inhabitants of the Moscow state are the essence of Asian - Turks and Finno-Ugra, imitating Slavs. Litvinists are considered Catholics and Orthodox united.

The version of the history of the Belarusians and their identity, set out here, is called Westrusism. This historical school Considers Belarusians as a western variety of Russians as the subethnos of the community super ethnic. The founders of this teaching were scientists M. Koyavovich and E. Karavsky. Today, the weak destination of most scientists-Westerists is the inability and unwillingness to separate the ethno-cultural from political and administrative.

A number of modern Westernists openly call for the elimination of Belarusian state independence and therefore are in the radical opposition to power. Politicians, exploiting the topic of the trinity of the Russian people to combat the Belarusian authorities and a model of socio-economic development, marginalize itself. Litvinists accuse Western Russianists in the fact that they act in the interests of the Kremlin. The logic of the accusation is this: since Belarusians are part of the Russian people, it makes no sense in the existence of a separate Belarusian state. Belarus's independence is a historical misunderstanding, which must be corrected, and Belarusian state property, accordingly, should be privatized for a traffic spot with Russian oligarchs.

Western commissists of the national-chauvinistic sense of this position and do not hide, and academic scientists, being the Cabinet theorists, only dismiss these accusations, without perceiving them seriously. They, in their idealistic naivety, do not understand that history serves to substantiate today's political interests, and not a self-sufficient thing in itself. It turns out that the procentworous Westerns are more enemies of the Belarusian government than pro-Western Litvinists. Litvinists suggest a puppet dependence on the West, and Prokenkeevian Western Universityists generally call for the elimination of sovereignty and Belarus.

Special wisdom of the peoples of Belarus

Belarusian society is not just multiculturally, as in Switzerland, Belgium, Latvia or Kazakhstan. His multiculturality is historically conjunctural. The dominance of the East and the West was changed, the self-perception of indigenous people changed next. Grandfather considers himself a Pole, Father by Belorus Catholic, and Son is already an Orthodox Belarusian. By virtue of the evidence of this, the Taste Catholics, as well as Orthodox Belarusians, are perfectly understood at the level of mass consciousness, this conjunctural nature of ethnic crops. This understanding and underlies what is called the tolerance of our people, and clearly shows local inhabitants that culture is only an external shell of the inner essence of a person. And this shell, as it turns out, is quite interchangeable. Apparently, this is the fundamental reason for the special wisdom of the Belarusian people, which is the foundation of its comparative well-being.

The worldview of a person hinders from ethnic culture. It is impossible, for example, for the Chinese and Jews, they do not see (and have never seen) their collective being outside of their culture. They have the ability to abstract from culture only small people, thinker philosophers. And in the Belarusian land, any inhabitant shows the essence and purpose of a person in the form cleared of conventions. And this purpose is creative creativity and infinitely free choice between good and evil. And the scoundrel and decent person, as you know, may be Catholic, and Orthodox.


According to UNESCO, Belarusian language in a catastrophic state. "It is under the potential threat of disappearance," it was this diagnosis that received the language of the country's indigenous population, which was even marked on a symbolic map called "world languages \u200b\u200bin danger". Why does he disappear? The answer is simple: they almost do not use in domestic communication. The small share of the intelligentsia, part of conscious youth and old people - these are the main speakers of the language, which millions used another 50 years ago.

"Our Niva" counted five dozen reasons why in Belarusian does not want to speak the current youth. To do this, we interviewed about 300 students of the country's main universities ( comesed by someone personally, someone answered twitter and others social networks ).

We have chosen 50 of the most interesting answers: some of them are quite substantiated, other primitive, but sincere, there are small and even offensive. But it is these answers that the best reflects the "achievements" of the authorities in the development of language culture and national consciousness.

In this material you will not find explanations - only 50 answers to the question "Why are you not talking in Belarusian?" Make conclusions yourself.

one). I do not know completely Belarusian.

2). Since childhood did not teach.

3). Nobody talks to me in Belarusian, so I'm the same.

four). I do not know so much so that I could easily understand it.

five). Lack of time to study.

6). I am a lot of time outside Belarus. Belorussian is simply not needed.

7). If I start talking, I will not understand me.

eight). School, university, family - everything in Russian.

nine). Despite the fact that the language is beautiful, there is an opinion that only collective farmers speak on it. It is unclear to seem as the same in the eyes of society.

10). I do not fully feel myself Belarus as a representative of the nation.

eleven). Parents never insisted that I seriously belonged to the Belarusian language.

12). Do not know much. I am a perfectionist. Or do it perfectly or not doing at all.

13). I have basic knowledge, I can even support the conversation. But I somehow in English easier to communicate.

fourteen). There is no need and meaning.

fifteen). This language is more suitable for grandparents, but not for young people.

sixteen). No patriotism.

17). It has long been established a communication system in Russian or English, it does not matter that it is a store or office.

eighteen). I like the Belarusian language, but it is not the lead (existing or alive) for me.

nineteen). I like Russian more.

twenty). At school, he was allowed to walk.

21). I'm afraid we will put.

22). Do not like the sounds "g" and "h".

23). Received in honey and stopped.

24). Waiting for Apple to release IOS in Belarusian.

25). Shy.

26). Talked about 2 months. Tired. Heavy.

27). Parents will not understand me if I suddenly begin to speak Belarusian. They bring me up all his life in Russian, and I'm here "on Mov Penisoў."

28). As soon as you join the EU - so immediately.

29). Today is the language of the opposition. If you say in Belarusian, then you go against the system.

thirty). I grabs him and in the subway.

31). Little literature is modern, it's nowhere to draw knowledge.

32). I do not know! I envy the Ukrainians a bit. They helped Austro-Hungary, so they still say in the West. And from us for a long time weathered.

33). Politically unsafe language.

34). And what will change if I start talking?

35). It is a little funny.

36). He became artificial today.

37). Language did not fit in modern society, Personally, I speak in the language of the majority.

38). Tsyanka does not recognize for the tongue, but I do not know how much.

39). Belorussian language is the Polish Anti-Russian project. To the Belarusian people, he relates to a little more than no.

40). It is difficult to speak Belarusian when everything around in Russian.

41). Because no one is simple.

42). I often use obscene vocabulary, but it does not have it in Belarusian. If seriously, I just don't know.

43). Speaking in their native language, as its use is minimal, and some look at you as an aliens.

44). To his shame, I do not know how to normally. I think in Russian.

45). I know badly, but it's not entirely decent to talk on the semi-Russian-half-selling.

46). I do not want to stand out, and there are few practices.

47). Understand right, but I somehow feel more Russian from birth, although the Belarusian himself polish last name. Somehow I'm closer to the right direction.

48). We have already had 300 years old as part of the Russian Empire. How can you speak Belarusian in this situation?

49). It's more comfortable for me.

fifty). Does anyone need it?

Leave your comment. Let's formulate 50 methods of how you can return the life of the Belarusian language!



Who are Belarusians?

Belarusians (Belarusian: Belarusians; Russian: Belarusians) - East Slavic ethnic group, which resides mainly in the territory of modern Belarus and in related regions. The total number is more than 9.5 million people in the world, the overwhelming majority of Belarusians live in Belarus, as well as in neighboring countries, where they are an autochthon minority.

Where are Belarusians settle?

Belarusians are East Slavic ethnic groupinhabiting most of the Republic of Belarus. Part of the Belarusians inhabit the territory related to Belarus: Ukraine, Poland (especially Podlaska Voivodeship), Russia and Lithuania, where they are a national minority. At the beginning of the 20th century, Belarusians were actively settled settlements Around the city of Smolensk in Russia.

A significant number of Belarusians emigrated to the United States, Brazil and Canada at the beginning of the 20th century. IN soviet time (1917-1991) Many Belarusians were deported or migrated to various regions of the USSR, including Siberia, Kazakhstan and Ukraine.

After the collapse of the USSR in 1991, several hundred thousand emigrated to the Baltic States, USA, Canada, Russia and the EU countries.

Belarusian language

In Belarus, two official language: Belarusian and Russian. Russian language most used in spoken Speech - It enjoys about 72% of the population, while only about 11.9% of the population is talked in Belarus everyday life. According to research, in one degree or another, the overwhelming majority of residents speak Belarus: 29.4% - they own freely, can read and write on it, 52.5% - can speak and read in language, 8.3% - understand But cannot speak or read on it, and another 7% - only those words of the Belarusian language can understand, which are similar to words in Russian. Belarusian language is one of the group of East Slavic languages.

The origin of the name "Belarus"

The name "Belarus" can literally translate as "White Rus", which was the historic region in the east of the modern Republic of Belarus, called Ruthenia Alba in Latin (White Rus). This name was used for some time mainly in Western Europe, Belarusians themselves called themselves "Rusins", "Belarusians" (should not be confused with the political group of "White" Russians who opposed the Bolsheviks during civil War In Russia), as well as other similar forms of words showing their belonging to the people of Russia.

The term "Belarusians" spread mainly during the 19th century, when Belarusian lands were part of the Russian Empire. For example, this can be traced in the studies of the folklorist Ivan Sakharov, in the publication of which in 1836 Belarusians are named "Litvini", while in the publication of 1886 the words "Lithuania" and "Litovtsi-Russa" (Rusins) are replaced by the words "Belarus" and "Belarusians".

History of Belarusian people

The original culture of the Belarusian people began to form at the time of the existence of the Grand Principality of Lithuanian, and earlier during the times of Kievan Rus and Polotsk Principality. Most Belarusians are descendants of the East Slavic tribes of Dreshechi, Curvic and Radmich, as well as the Baltic Tribe of the Yatvägi, which inhabited the West and the North-West of modern Belarus.

Belarusians like a nation began to appear within 13-14 centuries in the Grand Duch of Lithuanian. Basically on the lands in the upper basins of the Rivers of the Neman, Dnipro and Western Dvina.

In the 13th and 18th centuries, Belarusians were mainly known as Litvini / Lithuanians and Rusins, which belonged to the eastern region of the Grand Duchy of Lithuanian (Lithuania, Great Lithuania). In the 13-14th centuries, the lands of white Russia, black Russia and Polesia were part of the incl, in which Rusinsky language developed and gradually became the dominant written language in the Grand Duch of Lithuanian, replacing Latin. The litter of Casimir 1468 and all three editions of the Statutes of the Grand District of Lithuania (1529, 1566 and 1588) were written in Rusinsky (Starobalorussky). Since the 1630s, he has been replaced polish Language, acquiring increasingly authority in the speech by compulcilable as a result of the emergence of Polish high culture.

Based on the domination of the Rusin language (which was subsequently transformed into modern Belarusian and ukrainian languages) and cultures in the eastern parts of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, some "modern" Belarusian scientists and residents of Belarus believe that inclination, during its existence, was part of the Belarusian state.

In the period from 1791 to 1917, most Belarus, with its Christian and Jewish population, became part of Russian Empire As a result of conquests and diplomatic maneuvers, and became part of the region known as the "Damage of Smeal".

After World War I, Belarusians began to revive their statehood with varying degrees of independence - first as a short-lived BNR under German occupation, and then as the Belarusian SSR from 1919 to 1991, which united with other republics to become part of Soviet Union in 1922. Belarus has received complete independence with the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991.

Belarusian cuisine

Belarusian cuisine has some roots with kitchens of other Eastern and northern Europe countries. Its foundation is predominantly meat and various vegetables whose cultivation is characteristic of the region.

One of the central moments of the Belarusian official propaganda is traditionally the myth of "Russian oligarchs". It is assumed that these oligarchs of all their might seek to seize Belarusian state property, after which Belarus should turn into a certain semblance of the Russian Federation of the 90s of the 20th century, and only one Alexander Lukashenko stands on the way of their destructive expansion, Holy Store "People's" good.

It is worth noting that any objections of the Russian side on this occasion are sinned by the lack of systematic. Mostly replica experts and individual politicians are reduced to the fact that, firstly, there are no "oligarchs" in Russia for a long time (this is true, in its original value of the oligarch is not just a major businessman, but a subject of political power), and, in - Former, serious Russian players, Belarusian assets really do not interest, especially on the conditions on which Lukashenko is ready to give them.

Thus, the possibility of mass acquisition of Belarusian enterprises in Russian owners, and, most importantly, the most importantly, how is it known in the position of simple Belarusians, which is known to, Alexander Lukashenko, is the most in the world.

According to the version that the Belarusian propaganda is uninterrupted, "Russian oligarchs" for years accurate teeth on Belarusian factories and factories, which Lukashenko, unlike their Russian vesati, "did not discharge." At the same time, the Belarusian leader, well, can not give them to the zelokoznaya oligarchs, for "folk".

Here, again, there are two points. The first is how the one-only person has expanded himself to the whole people (in Belarus, all that is denoted as "national", in fact it owns a permanent guarantor of the Constitution). And the second is a natural question that occurs in this situation: Why should residents of Belarus should live poorly?

Yes, the question is exactly the case, because the usual Belarusian working on the "folk", where nothing belongs to him at all, with the current state of affairs is doomed to poverty. The situation in the Belarusian economy is such that she has no chance of improvement. The state simply does not have the opportunity to change the position for the better - it is not enough money to it.

The lack of money is trying to compensate for administrative measures bordering an absurd basis - for example, a few years ago, Lukashenko issued a decree prohibiting workers to dismiss from woodworking enterprises in the process of modernization. The decree was instantly dubbed "Decree of the Federal Law", while the modernization of the Belarusian woodworking by most experts is recognized completely failed.

What happens when "Russian oligarchs", deceiving overcoming heroic resistance, still penetrate Belarus? For example, when Gazprom acquired Beltransgaz, then one of the first orders of the new leadership concerned the increase in salaries to employees three times.

At the same time, the oligarchs can build their goats and because of the border, as, for example, the Russian billionaire Andrei Melnichenko, in 2016, which bought 28 Belazes for the needs of his coal company, whose manufacturer's profit last years fell about 150 times.

Thus, BELAZ was able to be in winnings - in contrast, for example, from Maz, which is no longer the first year is one of the most unprofitable enterprises in Belarus.

Yes, he was refused to give "Russian oligarchs" - the proposal of Moscow to unite MAZ and KAMAZ, which was one of the "five integration projects", was sabotaged by the Belarusian authorities. As a result, MAZ not only works in a hopeless minus, but also rapidly loses its position on its main market - in Russia.

Perhaps "Russian oligarchs", if they still do the "folk" Belarusian factories and factories, simply close them and open their shopping and entertainment centers in their place? Probably, it is for this purpose that the Russian side showed interest in the Minsk plant of wheel tractors, which produce a unique chassis for missiles, which in the post-Soviet space can not do anywhere else?

But this strategic enterprisewhose products are extremely important for the Russian defense industry.

However, it does not want to sell him Lukashenko. In addition, the MZKT employees could receive a completely different salary from Russian owners, another moment arises - to do this type of chassis and the platform in Russia sooner or later will learn (and rather early), and then several thousand workers and engineers will remain not .

The same applies to the Belarusian OJSC "Integral", "Perelege" and others. But it is possible to recall that when Russian fighters arrived at one of the Belarusian military airfields, Russian fighters arrived, information about the fact that the Belarusian command was actually insolved in the media. His pilots from contacts with Russian colleagues - precisely because of the difference in salaries.

It is possible to further scare the Belarusian ordinary people with "Russian oligarchs", but this will not cancel that indisputable fact that for a simple Belarusian the emergence of the Russian owner will mean mainly the emergence of Russian money. While the preservation of Belarusian assets in the present "folk" status will mean guaranteed poverty.

Thus, Lukashenko, as a guarantor of this status, is a guarantor of poverty. And, of course, the preservation of such a state of affairs will lead to the fact that instead of the "Russian oligarchs", effective smiling Europeans will appear sooner, who will close the entire "Belarusian model" once and for all, because no separate production in the small post-Soviet republic needs them And for nothing.

The Belarusian power of the years urgently talked his citizens to the idea that their lot was a "modest" life without a hint of any prospects - speaking easier, banal stagnation. But we are here in Russia, we do not believe that Belarusians deserved poverty. +