Erich Maria Remarik: Interesting facts about the writer forbidden in Nazi Germany. Interesting facts from the life of Erich Mary Remarika

Erich Maria Remarik: Interesting facts about the writer forbidden in Nazi Germany. Interesting facts from the life of Erich Mary Remarika
Erich Maria Remarik: Interesting facts about the writer forbidden in Nazi Germany. Interesting facts from the life of Erich Mary Remarika

Remark interesting facts from lifethe German writer is set forth in this article.

Erich Maria Remarik Interesting Facts

Real name - Erich Paul Remark. After the death of the mother (Anna Mary Remark) in 1918 replaced his second name in her honor.

The German Writer Remark was the second of five children of the bookstart. As a child, the remark collect butterflies, stones and brands. I was interested in painting and music, playing the piano and organ. At 18 years old gave private music lessons to have pocket money to buy clothes. He believed that it was necessary to dress beautifully and elegant, and then success in society was provided.

Since 18 years old served in the army during the First World War

Elder sister of the writer Elfried Scholz was executed for anti-war and antihytler statements

It read a lot He loved Dostoevsky, Thomas Manna, Goethe, Pruts, Tsweig. From 17 years old began to write himself.

Remark preferred his works write acreled pencils.

REMARK considered his first published story so unsuccessful that bought all the circulation.

Remark bought for 500 brands Baron title at the impoverished aristocrat (there was a formally adopting Erich formally) and ordered business Cards With crown.

For your life remark managed to try a lot of professions, including the seller of gravestone monuments, an organist in a chapel at a hospital for mentally ill, teacher.

In October 1925 he married Ilzeat Zampon, former dancer. UTTA has suffered from consumers for many years. She became a prototype for several heroines of the remark, including Pat from the "Three Comrades" novel.

Roman "B. west Front without change "writer Posted in just six weeks. However, before this work saw the light, it lay down in the table half a year.

Hobby remark - Collecting carpets and painting impressionists.

At the time of mid 2009 remarket works were shielded 19 times. Of these, the most " On the Western Front without change"- Three times.

There is a version that Erich Remark and Adolf Hitler have repeatedly met during the war (both served in one direction, although in different shelves) and may have been familiar. In confirmation of this version, a photo is often given in which young Hitler is depicted and two more men in military formOne of which has some resemblance to the remark.

Favorite drink was a remark calvados.

Erich Maria Remarik was born in the family of a book twist, he was inclined from his youth to writing and offered to join the club of writers. Maybe it pushed him into writing, although neither immediately. He was a German writer, he was not called Ravik, and Bonnie, and Kramer, although his native nickname was also a paul. Here are some interesting facts related to his work:

  1. Relock worked by a body. In his youth, the writer lived in the Gypsy Tabor and wandered in life. After he fell in love with a girl who was the daughter of the editor of one of the newspapers. Although they were not allowed to meet, but still he got a job in this newspaper. Later, he will write about all these adventures in his novel.
  2. The very first of his works did not like the public. Relock was so offended that he immediately bought the whole circulation of novels "Woman with young eyes" and "Mansard Dreams".

  3. The third work "On the Western Front without Change" the most successful. The book made a real exterior. He concluded a deal with the publisher and if they did not bought it, he would have to work for a long time for a long time, but everything cost. The book was separated by a million copier.

  4. The writer was Antiquarian. He adored the objects of the antiquity, especially the paintings, constantly bought them and carefully cared for them, he transported them also personally.

  5. Erich was an eccentric person. Once he from nothing to do, bought the status of Baron on the cheap, he later printed a sign on his business card.

  6. For his novel, he received hard condemnation from the government. The Nazis did not support the anti-war views, which were in the book "On the Western Front Without Change" and everyone told everyone that it was not his manuscript, but he stole her.

  7. Remarika had to leave Germany due to the persecution of the Nazis. The writer moved to live in Switzerland, where he acquired a whole palace.

  8. At the beginning of the Second World Writer leaves in the USA. In Europe, it was completely unsafe, his books began to burn, and he with Marlene Dietrich moved.

  9. He saved his first wife. In a fictitious marriage, he managed to take his wife from Germany. However, the sister could not be saved, he even sent an account for the costs of her execution, later he would write a book about this.

  10. He wrote a book about the life of emigrants in America. The book was called "Shadows in Paradise", she in particular a little biographical.

  11. He loved Marlene Dietrich. However, she is not, no matter how much it would not do her offer, everything was to no avail, and he was very sidewrked because of this.

  12. The writer married the second time. After an unrequited love with Marlene Remark was desperate, but soon he met the year director. She became a real salvation for him, later the writer himself admitted. By the way she was former wife Charlie Chaplin.

  13. Remarik was sentimental. The writer constantly collected various souvenirs, toys, small angels. All this he kept, later such a trait of his character was displayed in his works.

  14. Erich was alcohol dependent. He could not do without alcohol and constantly abused them. Perhaps because of the alcohol he had constantly good moodHe was called a merry.

  15. Remarik wrote until the end of his days. In old age, he suffered from heart attacks, he was sick, but it didn't stop him at all, and he was constantly worked in any condition.

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From the birth of a writer was the name of Erich Paul Remark, but over time he changed the second name to Mary in honor of his mother. Therefore, everyone is known full name The writer sounds Erich Maria Remarque. The senior sister of the writer was the name of Elfried Scholz. In 1943, living in Germany, she boldly spoke out against fascism and war, for which he was arrested. The court of Hitler Germany decided to recognize it guilty and execute on the guillotine.

According to the memories of eyewitnesses, the judge directly announced to her that even though her brother managed to leave the country, becoming now for them inaccessible, but she does not avoid execution. His novel "Spark of Life", who saw the light in 1952, Remark dedicated to his sister. After a quarter of a century in her hometown Osnabruck, one of the streets received the name of the bold woman.

After the edition of the first novels of the writer, the Nazis began to dissolve obviously false rumors that the remark is not remark at all, but the French Jew. And the surname is Kramer. This word is obtained, if you read the word Remark on the contrary. The fascists were easier to pursue the Jew, rather than the German, who was actually a writer.

Erich Maria Remarik bought almost the entire circulation of his first book, as she was ashamed. He was fond of reading the works of Dostoevsky. The remark wrote his book "On the Western Front", the remark wrote incredibly quickly, in just six weeks. After that, six months the novel lay in his table. And only then was published.

From drinks remark preferred Calvados. For five hundred stamps, the writer bought the title of Baron from one broken aristocrat. Remark provided its business cards with the image of the crown.

With his wife, Eita Erich Maria Relark lived for about four years. They made a divorce, but in 1938 registered marriage. It was done to eat Utata to leave Germany to Switzerland, where the writer lived at the time. After a while, they went together to the United States. In 1957, a repeated and final divorce was decorated. REMARK all his life helped materially and left her 50 thousand dollars to her.

After the end of the war, in just one year in Germany, the novel "On the Western Front without Change" broke up in the amount of more than one and a half million copies. Remarik had a collection of carpets, impressionist paintings and angels, who, as he believed, defended him from adversity.

Only by fifty years REMARK found, finally, American citizenship, because there too long studied him moral appearance. The writer was nominated for Nobel Prize. But the League of the German officers made a protest, and this prevented the Writer to become the Nobel laureate.

The remark was accused of stealing the manuscript and writing novels by order of the Entente. He was called by the traitor of the Motherland, a cheap celebrity. The idols of the writer Thomas Mann and Stefan Tsweig did not approve of his literary works.

From strong words, the remark preferred the word "ass". For your life, the writer worked in different spheres. He sold tombstones, in the hospital for mentally ill was playing in the chapel on the organ.

According to the book of the writer "Time to live and time to die", the same name was created, where he played the role of Polmann. In the film Emir Kusturica "Black Cat, White Cat" is interesting scenewhere the lady, which was called Black Obelisk, snaps upside down from the poles. It turns out that this unusual plot moment of Kusturians spied in one of the books remark. A similar unique ability possessed a certain Frau Beckman than helped her friend Carlo Breech to earn money.

By 2009, the number of shields of the remark novels reached the number of nineteen. Only the book "On the Western Front without Change" was put in the cinema three times. The authors of the Scenario of the Military Epika "The longest day", in which it was about the landing of the Allied Troops in Normandy, turned to the remark for advice.

IN soviet times There was a rock band "Black Obelisk". The musicians borrowed this name from the Roman Remarik. Later group broke up. Part of the rockers gathered in another team, calling themselves "Triumphal Arch".

Today we are studying the novels of Erich Mary Remarik at school. And in the life of the book of the writer ritually burned, he was deprived of German citizenship. But the remark had novels with many famous women The epochs of the twentieth century. Learn a lot of interesting things about the remark from this material.

Erich Maria Remarque. The author of the literary concept "Lost Generation"

Erich Maria Remark brought with him the concept of " lost generation" He belonged to the group of "angry young people," the horrors of the First World War and writing their first books shocked by the Western public. Ernest Hemingway, Francis Scott Fitzgerald and others also belonged to this group of writers.

Erich Maria Remarque. The best romance about the war in history

Fame he brought partly biographical Roman "On the Western Front without change", which he wrote in 1929. On the front, Erich hit at 18, he received a lot of wounds and told the book about all nightmares of war, about all the misfortunes and losses that soldiers saw. Remark wrote a lot of works, but it was this first novel that became a standard and eclipsed by his other works. The novel was sold with a circulation of 1.2 million copies for the first year. Many critics consider him best Roman About the war in history. For him, Remark was nominated for the Nobel Prize in the literature of 1931, but the proposal was rejected by the Nobel Committee.

Ilze Tsambonn, on which Remark was married twice

Erich Maria Remarque. Forbidden pacifist

So far, the Nazis had the Nazis in Germany, the remark was accused of pacifism, his novel "on the Western Front without Change", as well as the film filmed on it, were forbidden and burned. And at the premiere of the film soldiers of the German army staged a pogrom. The film returned to the rental only in the 50s.

Erich Maria Remarque. Executed sister

In 1943, the older sister remark Elfried Scholz was arrested for anti-war and antihytler statements. The court recognized her guilty, and on December 16, 1943, she was executed. A remark learned about the death of sister only after the war. He dedicated her to her Roman "Spark Life."

Erich Maria Remarque. Not only writer

Erich Maria Relark was born in the banging family in Lower Saxony. Father earned a little, and Erich had to work a lot. After the war, he worked as a teacher at school, a bricklayer, a test driver, a professional car drivers, a journalist, a delivered tombstone, an organist in a chapel with a clinic for mentally ill and not only.

Erich Maria Remarque. Knife

In 1938, the remark was deprived of German citizenship. He lived in Switzerland and in the USA, where he received citizenship and met his second wife, actress and the former wife Charlie Chaplin Flight of Goddard, with which they got married in 1958. After World War II, remark returned to Switzerland, bought a house there and lived until the end of his life.

Flight Leadard - Second Wife Remarika

Erich Maria Remarque. Invalid husband

Remark was twice married to Ilzeat Tsambon. This marriage was free. Among the mistress, the remark was the director of the propagandist films about Hitler Lie Riephental. She was the prototype of the heroine of some books remark. The longest novel at the remark was with Marlene Dietrich. Nevertheless, Ilze Remark paid the allowance to the end of his life and bequeathed 50 thousand dollars.

Lazy Ryphenshthal

Erich Maria Remarque. Death and recognition

Erich Maria Remark died after several months of treatment from the aneurysm on September 25, 1970, aged 72 years in the city of Locarno. Buried on the Swiss cemetery Ronko. Flight Goddar buried next to him twenty years later. During the lifetime, criticism refused to recognize his skills, despite the wide popularity of his works from readers.