Oblomov's creative history of the novel is brief. The history of the creation of the novel "Oblomov"

Oblomov's creative history of the novel is brief. The history of the creation of the novel "Oblomov"

The novel Oblomov was published in 1858 and made a tremendous impression on the then society. It fell like a bomb on the intelligentsia just at the time of the most intense social excitement, three years before the liberation of the peasants, when a crusade against sleep, inertia and stagnation was preached in all literature. Society was invited to boldly and energetically strive forward along the path of progress, and the novel echoed this call in all its images.

On the other hand, due to the fact that generalization reached the highest degree in the novel, no one could relate objectively to Oblomov's type; everyone compared himself to Oblomov and found some Oblomov traits in himself. The well-known critic Dobrolyubav quite rightly equated all the heroes of the past with Oblomov, starting with Onegin and ending with Rudin.

Twelve years after the publication " Ordinary history"Goncharov's second novel, Oblomov, was published. It was the result of a huge and intense creative work writer. The idea of ​​the novel, apparently, matured a long time ago and was partially realized much earlier ("Oblomov's Dream" was published in a separate chapter in 1849). but only at the end of the 1950s Goncharov was able to finish his work, when the images of the outgoing local Russia and the new, awakening one became quite clear to the writer. This decade revealed with even greater clarity the vital bankruptcy of the inhabitants of the estates, showed the need to transform Russian life.

The Russian public, represented by its best representatives of the 1950s, saw in the novel a "waste" of landlord serfdom; the grandeur and power of artistic generalizations, the deep veracity of the novel captured the attention of the reading masses. The famous critic Dobrolyubov devoted one of his best articles("What is Oblomovism?").

The novel spread widely in the reading circles. In a short time it became almost a mass book. The magazine "Library for Reading" spoke about this all-Russian fame of "Oblomov". “Despite all the obstacles, Oblomov triumphantly captured all the passions, all the attention, all the thoughts of the readers ... All literate people read Oblomov. Crowds of people, as if waiting for something, rushed to "Oblomov". Without any exaggeration, it can be said that at the present moment all over Russia there is not a single state-of-the-art city where Oblomov has not been read and where Oblomov has not been argued.

Oblomov and Oblomovism have spread all over Russia for a reason and have become words that are forever rooted in our speech. " Goncharov called the impression made by the novel on readers huge and unanimous. Years later, he recalled the appraisal of the novel, given by Turgenev: "As long as there is at least one Russian left, they will remember Oblomov until then."
"Oblomov" is close in topic and arrangement actors to the novel "An Ordinary Story". Both here and there are interpreted about passivity and work, about rest and work. But unlike previous work in Obpomov, the conflict is depicted sharper and deeper, the fate of the hero is shown in the closest dependence on the conditions of patriarchal life.

Goncharov's novel "Oblomov" is one of the iconic works Russian literature of the 19th century. It is included in a trilogy with two other books of the writer - "An Ordinary History" and "Break". The history of the creation of the novel "Oblomov" by Goncharov began long before the appearance of the idea of ​​the work - the idea of ​​"Oblomovism" as an all-encompassing social phenomenon appeared with the author even before the appearance of the first novel of the trilogy - "An Ordinary History".

Chronology of the creation of the novel

The prototype of "Oblomovism" in early work Goncharov, researchers consider the story "Dashing to Sick", written in 1838. The work described a strange epidemic, the main symptom of which was "blues", patients began to build castles in the air and indulge themselves with empty dreams. Manifestations of a similar "disease" are observed in the protagonist of Oblomov's novel.

However, the very history of the novel "Oblomov" begins in 1849, when Goncharov published in " Literary collection with illustrations "one of the central chapters of the work -" Oblomov's Dream "with the subtitle" Episode from an unfinished novel. " During the writing of the chapter, the writer was in his homeland, in Simbirsk, where, in the patriarchal, preserved imprint of antiquity, Goncharov's life gleaned many examples of "Oblomov's dream", which he portrayed first in a printed excerpt, and then in a novel. At the same time, the writer had already prepared a briefly sketched plan of the future work and a rough version of the entire first part.

In 1850, Goncharov created a final version of the first movement and worked on a continuation of the work. The writer writes little, but thinks a lot about the novel. In October 1852, the history of "Oblomov" was interrupted for five whole years - Goncharov, in the post of secretary under Admiral E. V. Putyatin, went on a round-the-world voyage on the frigate "Pallada". Work on the work resumed only in June 1857, when, while in Marienbard, the writer finishes almost the entire novel in seven weeks. As Goncharov later said, during the journey, the novel had already fully developed in his imagination, and it just needed to be transferred to paper.

In the fall of 1858, Goncharov completely finished work on the Oblomov manuscript, adding many scenes and completely revising some chapters. In 1859, the novel was published in four issues of the journal Otechestvennye zapiski.

Prototypes of the heroes of the novel "Oblomov"


The creative history of the novel "Oblomov" originates in the life of the author himself - Ivan Goncharov. For the writer, according to him, it was important to portray the true reality without leaving the "thinker's soil". That is why Goncharov wrote off the central character, Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, from himself. According to the memoirs of the writer's contemporaries, there is a lot in common between the author and the character of the novel - they both come from the Russian provinces with an outdated patriarchal way of life, both are slow and at first glance lazy, while they have a lively mind, artistic imagination and some kind of dreaminess, which cannot be said from the first impression.


The prototype of the main female image - Olga Ilyinskaya, Goncharov also drew from own life... According to the researchers, the prototypes of the girl are the writer's acquaintances - Elizaveta Vasilievna Tolstaya and Ekaterina Pavlovna Maikova. Goncharov was in love with E. Tolstaya - both Olga for Oblomov and Elizaveta Vasilyevna was for him the ideal of a woman, cordiality, feminine intelligence and beauty. The correspondence between Goncharov and E. Tolstoy presents a parallel with the events of the novel - even the theory of love between the creator and the hero of the book coincides. The author endowed Olga with all those beautiful features that he saw in Elizaveta Vasilyevna, transferring his own feelings and experiences to paper. As Olga in the novel was not destined to marry Oblomov, so E. Tolstoy expected a marriage with cousin A. I. Musin-Pushkin.

The prototype of the married heroine, Olga Stolts, is Maikova, the wife of V. N. Maikov. Ekaterina Pavlovna and Goncharova were connected by a strong and long-term friendship, which began at one of the evenings of the Makov literary salon. In the image of Maikova, the writer drew on a completely different type of woman - constantly seeking, striving forward, unsatisfied with nothing, for whom gradually family life became painful and cramped. However, as some researchers point out, after the last edition of the novel Oblomov, the image of Ilyinskaya more and more resembled not E. Tolstaya, but Maikova.


Second important female image the novel - the image of Agafya Matveevna Pshenitsyna, was written off by Goncharov from the memories of the writer's mother - Avdotya Matveyevna. According to researchers, the tragedy of the marriage between Agafya and Oblomov was a reflection of the life drama of Goncharov's godfather, N. Tregubov.


The image of Stolz is not only a prefabricated character of the German type, a carrier of a different mentality and a different perception of the world. The description of the hero is based on the history of the family of Karl-Friedrich Rudolf, the father of Elizaveta Goncharova, the wife of the writer's elder brother. This connection is also indicated by the fact that in the draft editions the hero has two names - Andrey and Karl, and in lifetime editions in the scene of the first appearance of the character, his name appears as Andrei Karlovich. However, there is a version that Stolz is also one of the personifications in the novel of one of the sides of the writer himself - his youthful aspirations and practicality.


The history of the creation of "Oblomov" allows you to better understand ideological meaning the novel, its inner deep and special importance for the author. "Nurturing" the idea of ​​the work for more than ten years, Goncharov created a brilliant work, which even today makes you think about true sense life, love and the search for happiness.

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The history of the creation of the novel "Oblomov"

In 1838, Goncharov wrote a humorous story called "Dashing Sick", which dealt with a strange epidemic that arose in Western Europe and ended up in Petersburg: empty dreams, castles in the air, "blues". This "dashing pain" is a prototype of "Oblomovism".

Completely the novel "Oblomov" was first published in 1859 in the first four issues of the journal "Otechestvennye zapiski". Getting started on a novel is more early period... In 1849, one of the central chapters of "Oblomov" was published - "Oblomov's Dream", which the author himself called "the overture of the whole novel." The author asks the question: what is “Oblomovism” - the “golden age” or death, stagnation? In "Dream ..." motives of static and immobility, stagnation prevail, but at the same time the author's sympathy, good-natured humor, and not just satirical denial, are felt.

As Goncharov later argued, in 1849 a plan for the novel Oblomov was ready and a draft version of its first part was completed. “Soon,” wrote Goncharov, “after the publication of“ Ordinary History ”in Sovremennik in 1847, I already had Oblomov's plan in mind.” In the summer of 1849, when Oblomov's Dream was ready, Goncharov made a trip to his homeland, to Simbirsk, whose life retained the imprint of patriarchal antiquity. In this small town, the writer saw many examples of the "dream" with which the inhabitants of Oblomovka, fictional by him, slept.

Work on the novel was interrupted due to Goncharov's trip around the world on the frigate Pallada. Only in the summer of 1857, after the travel essays "Pallas frigate" were published, Goncharov continued to work on "Oblomov". In the summer of 1857, he left for the resort of Marienbad, where he completed three parts of the novel within a few weeks. In August of the same year, Goncharov began working on the last, fourth, part of the novel, the final chapters of which were written in 1858. “It will seem unnatural,” Goncharov wrote to one of his friends, “how did a person finish in a month what he could not finish in a year? To this I will answer that if there were no years, nothing would have been written in a month. The fact of the matter is that the novel was taken out all the way down to the smallest scenes and details, and all that remained was to write it down. " Goncharov recalled this in the article “ An extraordinary story":" In my head, the whole novel had already been finalized - and I was transferring it to paper, as if under dictation ... " made some cuts. After completing work on the novel, Goncharov said: "I wrote my life and what I grow to it."

Goncharov admitted that the influence of Belinsky's ideas influenced Oblomov's idea. The most important circumstance that influenced the concept of the work is Belinsky's speech on Goncharov's first novel, An Ordinary History. In his article "A Look at Russian Literature of 1847" Belinsky analyzed in detail the image of a noble romantic, " extra person", Claiming a place of honor in life, and emphasized the inactivity of such a romantic in all spheres of life, his laziness and apathy. Demanding the merciless exposure of such a hero, Belinsky also pointed out the possibility of a different completion of the novel than in Ordinary History. When creating the image of Oblomov, Goncharov used a number of characteristic features, outlined by Belinsky in the analysis of "Ordinary history".

Oblomov's image also includes autobiographical traits... By Goncharov's own admission, he himself was a sybarite, he loved the serene peace that gave birth to creativity. In the travel diary "Frigate" Pallada "" Goncharov admitted that during the trip most spent time in the cabin, lying on the sofa, not to mention the difficulty with which it was generally decided to circumnavigation... In the friendly circle of the Maykovs, who belonged to the writer with great love, Goncharov was given a polysemantic nickname - "Prince de Laz".

The emergence of the novel "Oblomov" coincided with the time the most acute crisis serfdom. The image of an apathetic landowner, incapable of activity, who grew up and was brought up in the patriarchal atmosphere of a lordly estate, where the gentlemen lived peacefully thanks to the labor of serfs, was very relevant for contemporaries. ON. Dobrolyubov in his article "What is Oblomovism?" (1859) praised the novel and this phenomenon. In the person of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, it is shown how the environment and upbringing disfigure the beautiful nature of a person, giving rise to laziness, apathy, and lack of will.

Oblomov's path is a typical path of provincial Russian nobles of the 1840s, who came to the capital and found themselves outside the circle public life... Service in the department with the indispensable expectation of an increase, from year to year the monotony of complaints, petitions, establishing relations with the clerks - this turned out to be beyond Oblomov's strength. Moving up the career ladder, he preferred lying on the couch colorless, devoid of hopes and aspirations. One of the reasons for "dashing sick", according to the author, is the imperfection of society. This idea of ​​the author is transmitted to the hero: "Either I did not understand this life, or it is worthless." This phrase Oblomov makes you remember famous images"Superfluous people" in Russian literature (Onegin, Pechorin, Bazarova, etc.).

Goncharov wrote about his hero: "I had one artistic ideal: this is an image of an honest and kind, sympathetic nature, a highly idealist, struggling all his life, seeking truth, meeting lies at every step, deceiving and falling into apathy and powerlessness." In Oblomov, the dreaminess that was torn out in Alexander Aduev, the hero of "An Ordinary History", is dormant. In his soul Oblomov is also a lyricist, a person who knows how to deeply feel - his perception of music, immersion in the captivating sounds of the aria "Casta diva" testify that not only "dove meekness", but also passions are available to him. Each meeting with childhood friend Andrei Stolts, the complete opposite Oblomov, brings the latter out of a sleepy state, but not for long: the determination to do something, to somehow arrange his life takes him over a short time while Stolz is next to him. However, Stolz does not have enough time to put Oblomov on a different path. But in any society, at all times, there are people like Tarantiev, ready to always come to the rescue for selfish purposes. They determine the course along which the life of Ilya Ilyich flows.

Published in 1859, the novel was hailed as a major public event. The Pravda newspaper wrote in an article dedicated to the 125th anniversary of Goncharov's birth: "Oblomov appeared in an era of social excitement, several years before the peasant reform, and was perceived as a call to fight against inertia and stagnation." Immediately after its publication, the novel became the subject of discussion in criticism and among writers.

Roman I.A. Goncharov's "Oblomov" became a kind of appeal to contemporaries about the need to change the inert image of judgment. This work is the second part of a trilogy, which in addition to him included such novels as "An Ordinary History" and "The Break".

The history of the creation of the novel "Oblomov" will help the reader unravel the idea of ​​the great writer and trace the stages of writing the work.

"Oblomov's Dream"

The first idea for the novel "Oblomov" appeared with Goncharov in 1847. He gets to work and hopes to finish his new work very quickly. Goncharov promises N.A. Nekrasov, editor literary magazine"Contemporary", to provide him with a manuscript for publication by 1848. The work on the novel is going on slowly and hard. In 1849 Goncharov published an excerpt from it under the title "Oblomov's Dream". It reveals the author's reflections on the essence of Oblomovism and the role of this phenomenon in social life Russia. Critics took the passage quite favorably.

The editor of Sovremennik was delighted, but due to the fact that the novel was not completed by the promised date, the relationship between Goncharov and Nekrasov slightly went wrong. For this reason, Ivan Aleksandrovich turns to the journal Otechestvennye zapiski, promising to provide the manuscript by 1850.

Trip to Simbirsk

In 1849 Goncharov went to hometown, Simbirsk. He tries to work on the novel, but only manages to finish the first part. Simbirsk was a cozy small settlement, in which the way of patriarchal Russia was still alive. Here Goncharov meets many cases of the so-called Oblomov dream. The landowners live a measured, unhurried life, not feeling the urge to progress, their whole life is based on the labor of serfs.

A break during work

After a trip to Simbirsk, Goncharov took a break from work on his novel Oblomov. The writing of the work was delayed for almost seven years. During this time, the writer took part in a trip around the world in the position of assistant secretary E.V. Putyatin. The result of this trip was the collection of essays "Frigate" Pallas "". In 1857, Goncharov went to Marienbad for treatment. There he resumed the deferred work on the creation of the novel Oblomov. The work, which he could not complete in any way for almost a dozen years, was completed in a month. During a long creative break, Goncharov managed to the smallest details think over your story and mentally complete the novel.

Ivan Andreevich admitted that a huge impact the critic Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky has contributed to his novel. In his article devoted to the first part of the trilogy of Goncharov's novels "An Ordinary History", Belinsky said that a completely different ending could be used for a nobleman, subject to the excessive influence of romance, than in this novel. Goncharov listened to the critic's opinion and used some of his key remarks when creating Oblomov.
In 1859 Oblomov was published on the pages of Otechestvennye zapiski.

Hero prototypes

Oblomov. It is known that in many ways the image of the protagonist was written off by Goncharov from himself. Sybarism and leisurely thoughtfulness were his distinctive features... For this reason, his close friends nicknamed him "Prince de Laz". Much converges in the fate and characters of Goncharov and his hero Oblomov. Both belong to an old family with patriarchal foundations, leisurely and dreamy, but at the same time they have a sharp mind.

Olga Ilyinskaya. The prototypes of Oblomov's beloved, Olga Ilyinskaya, are considered by the researchers of Goncharov's work to be two women at once. These are Elizaveta Tolstaya, for whom the writer had the most tender feelings, considering her the ideal of femininity and intelligence, and Ekaterina Maikova, his close acquaintance, who amazed Goncharov with her dedication and active life position.

Agafya Pshenitsyna. The prototype of Agafya Matveevna Pshenitsyna, the "ideal" Oblomov woman, with whom the main character found peace and comfort, became own mother I.A. Goncharova, Avdotya Matveevna. After the death of the father of the family, he took care of the upbringing of the boy. Godfather Ivan Andreevich, and Avdotya Matveyevna plunged into household chores at home, providing a well-fed and comfortable life for her son and his teacher.

Andrey Stolts. The collective image contrasted in the novel with the Russian national character Oblomov. Stolz becomes a kind of catalyst for the protagonist, which awakens in him inquisitiveness, liveliness and interest in life. But this effect does not last long, as soon as Stolz is left alone, a touch of drowsiness and laziness returns.


The novel "Oblomov" was completed by I.A. Goncharov in 1858, shortly before the abolition of serfdom. He showed the crisis of patriarchal Russia, leaving the reader to independently decide which path is ideal for a Russian person: a sleepy and peaceful existence or striving forward into the world of transformation and progress.

In 1838, Goncharov wrote a humorous story called "Dashing Sick", which dealt with a strange epidemic that originated in Western Europe and ended up in St. Petersburg: empty dreams, castles in the air, "blues". This "dashing pain" is a prototype of "Oblomovism".

Completely the novel "Oblomov" was first published in 1859 in the first four issues of the journal "Otechestvennye zapiski". The beginning of work on the novel dates back to an earlier period. In 1849, one of the central chapters of "Oblomov" was published - "Oblomov's Dream", which the author himself called "the overture of the whole novel." The author asks the question: what is “Oblomovism” - the “golden age” or death, stagnation? In "Dream ..." motives of static and immobility, stagnation prevail, but at the same time one can feel the author's sympathy, good-natured humor, and not just satirical denial.

As Goncharov later argued, in 1849 a plan for the novel Oblomov was ready and a draft version of its first part was completed. “Soon,” wrote Goncharov, “after the publication of“ Ordinary History ”in Sovremennik in 1847, I already had Oblomov's plan in mind.” In the summer of 1849, when Oblomov's Dream was ready, Goncharov made a trip to his homeland, to Simbirsk, whose life retained the imprint of patriarchal antiquity. In this small town, the writer saw many examples of the "dream" with which the inhabitants of Oblomovka, fictional by him, slept.

Work on the novel was interrupted due to Goncharov's trip around the world on the frigate Pallada. Only in the summer of 1857, after the travel essays "Pallas Frigate" were published, Goncharov continued to work on "Oblomov". In the summer of 1857, he left for the resort of Marienbad, where he completed three parts of the novel within a few weeks. In August of the same year, Goncharov began working on the last, fourth, part of the novel, the final chapters of which were written in 1858. “It will seem unnatural,” Goncharov wrote to one of his friends, “how did a person finish in a month what he could not finish in a year? To this I will answer that if there were no years, nothing would have been written in a month. The fact of the matter is that the whole novel was taken out to the smallest scenes and details, and all that remained was to write it down. " Goncharov recalled this in his article "An Unusual Story": "In my head, the whole novel had already been processed completely - and I transferred it to paper, as if under dictation ..." However, preparing the novel for publication, Goncharov rewrote it in 1858 "Oblomov", supplementing it with new scenes, and made some reductions. After completing work on the novel, Goncharov said: "I wrote my life and what I grow to it."

Goncharov admitted that the influence of Belinsky's ideas influenced Oblomov's idea. The most important circumstance that influenced the concept of the work is Belinsky's speech on Goncharov's first novel, An Ordinary History. In his article "A Look at Russian Literature of 1847" Belinsky analyzed in detail the image of a noble romantic, a "superfluous person" claiming an honorable place in life, and emphasized the inactivity of such a romantic in all spheres of life, his laziness and apathy. Demanding the merciless exposure of such a hero, Belinsky also pointed out the possibility of a different completion of the novel than in Ordinary History. When creating the image of Oblomov, Goncharov took advantage of a number of characteristic features outlined by Belinsky in his analysis of The Ordinary History.

There are also autobiographical features in the image of Oblomov. By Goncharov's own admission, he himself was a sybarite, he loved the serene peace that gave birth to creativity. In his travel diary "Frigate" Pallas "" Goncharov admitted that during the trip he spent most of his time in the cabin, lying on the sofa, not to mention the difficulty with which he generally decided to sail around the world. In the friendly circle of the Maikovs, who treated the writer with great love, Goncharov was given the ambiguous nickname - "Prince de Laz".