The image of the merchant in the works. History of merchant class

The image of the merchant in the works. History of merchant class

Anzhero-Sudzhensk, 2007
Department of Education

Administration of Anzhero-Sudzhensk

MOU "Secondary school № 20"

The image of the merchant

In the Russian literature of the XIX century
Performed: Kuryanovich Ksenia,

learning grade 11

Leader: Shikhrkina J. V., Russian language and literature teacher

Anzhero-Sudzhensk, 2007

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.

  1. History of merchant class. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . four

  2. The merchants in Russian literature to A. N. Ostrovsky. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

  3. The image of the merchant in the play of A. N. Ostrovsky "His people - to tear!" . . . . . . . . . . . . .13

  4. Images of merchants in the play by A. N. Ostrovsky "Nurendannica". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .twenty
Conclusion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23.


The history of the merchant class in Russia has not one hundred years. However, we are interested in the active phase, coming for the period from the 1840s. Until the end of the XIX century, when a powerful metamorphosis occurred with merchants and his representatives changed a low migrator status on very high. For half a century, "bearded men" rose to the top of the economy and partly politicians, became creators of domestic culture.

This topic is relevant today by the fact that in the last twenty years in Russia after a 70-year break, a trade and entrepreneurial class develops. In addition, in Soviet history and literary criticism, the consideration of the merchant images was biased, obviously abusive.

purpose Work is a compilation of an objective collective portrait of representatives of the merchant class in the era of the Poreframe Russia (from the 1840s until the end of the XIX century).


  1. studying the history of the merchant class through the analysis of historical and journalistic sources related to the description of life, activities, the values \u200b\u200bof merchant estates;

  2. analysis of the images of merchants in Russian literature to A. N. Ostrovsky;

  3. study of the image of the merchant Bolshaya in the play A. N. Ostrovsky: "His people - to tear";

  4. analysis of the images of "new" Russian merchants in the play "Naddannica";

  5. summing up work.
Research materials The works of fiction; literary critical work on this topic; Scientific articles on the history of merchant estates; Memoir literature, including memories of descendants of merchant birth.

Work consists of administration, four parts and imprisonment.

History of merchant class

Petrovsky time reforms marked the beginning of the administrative allocation of mercenary estates from the mass of the Posal population.

The merchants recorded in the guild received a number of very serious benefits, which posted the beginning of their allocation into a privileged estate.

Thus, Peter 1 conducted a clear policy for expanding the social burden. Instead of patronage with old closed top discharges - Guests and living room, Sotne - the government began to encourage the entire most wealthy top of the city. Representatives of "guests" and the living room hundreds, finally equalized in legal relations with the whole guild merchandise in 1728, part of it entered into it, partitioned and dropped out of the shopping class by turning into the inn. Merchants are now replenished with people from different layers of society. one

Belonging to the first two guilds increased the socio-economic status of the merchant - they had the right to the internal wholesale and retail bargaining, the device of factories and factories were released from government services. And the merchants of the 1st Guild were allowed to trade not only in the Empire, but also beyond what sea vessels could have; Members of the 2nd Guild - only river. The limits of the activities of the Treaspoles were limited to a petty bargaining, the content of restaurants, baths, born yards. 2.

In Russian pre-revolutionary conditions, the category of industrialists and even merchants did not coincide with the so-called merchant estate. Of course, the lengthy device of pre-revolutionary Russia knew the "merchant class", whose members consisted of merchants recorded in the guild, but these merchants from a professional point of view were not always merchants or industrialists - in terms of their classes. These were the people who paid the guild fees and subsidy, taken into account the merchant societies and those used by those advantages that for the previous laws were presented to people of merchant title. The merchants were the individuals who embraced the so-called fishing certificates, that is, we paid the main field tax and on the basis of these evidence or produced trade or industrial activity engaged. The urban position of 1892, and especially the Regulations on the State Fishing Tax of 1898, the merchant estate was doomed to undoubted dying. 3.

Detailed, almost documentary, certificates of life, insensus and even the appearance of merchants reached us in essays and stories of representatives of the Natural School. In particular, V. Belinsky wrote: "Population core is merchants. The nine-tenths of this numerous estate are Orthodox, from the ancestors a beard, a long-grade sutyuk of blue cloth, and bootfortes with a tassel, hiding the tip of plight or cloudy trousers, one tenth allows themselves to shave his beard and, in clothes, in the way of life, in general , to be on the differences and even the nobility of the middle hand. How many vintage venel homes passed now to the ownership of the merchants! And in general, these huge buildings, monuments that have already narrowed their own ages of morals and customs, almost all, without exception, has become or in state-of-government institutions, or as we have already said, they entered their own wealth of merchants. As it is located and how the "Fatural" palaces live in these wards and the palaces - about it, curious can cope, by the way, in the story of the city of Weltman "Peziziy from County, or a turmoil in the capital." But not in some princely and countrooms - they are good, these merchants and in expensive caters and strollers, which swirls carry on excellent horses that are brightened by Selfly Darling: in the crew sits "Podny" and quite satisfied with his beard; Near her, the dense and thumbnail mass of her shipyish half, squalled, depleted, burdens, sometimes with a handkerchief and braids from the temples, but more often in a hat with feathers, and there are sat on the stake in a long-term Zhiduyuk, in red boots with Tassels, a fluff hat and in green gloves ... The merchants of the Middle Hand and the Messenger passing by the merchants, looking at the dashing horses, and proudly sentences: "You're who are ours!", And nobles, looking out of windows, you think : "Damnant man - fell apart, as God knows who!". For a Russian merchant, a thick static horse and a thick static wife - the first benefits in life ... In Moscow, you meet merchants everywhere, and everything shows you that Moscow is the advantage of the city of merchant class. They are inhabited by China City; They exclusively selected Zamoskvorette, and they are also sisite even the most aristocratic streets and places in Moscow, what are Tverskaya, Tver Boulevard, Prechistenka, Ostozhenka, Arbat, Covarian, Myasnitskaya and other streets. four
With the entry of Russia on the path of capitalism, there was a phenomenon of "new" merchants who formed the nucleus of the indigenous Moscow bourgeoisie. Suites from merchants, thanks to their states easily adopted the lifestyle of the privileged class - nobles. "The attitude of merchants to the nobility, as a class of ruling, privileged, closed in itself and interested in the persecution of only its narrow-selling purposes, was, of course, fully distrust, envy, and ill-wishers. To meet the nobleman or nobility in a merchant medium was the same as rarity as a merchant or checkpoint in the noble. If this happened, it was excited by universal and moreover, sarcastic curiosity in relation to those who violated their customs of their castes. If the merchant received the nobles, it meant: it seeks a contract, ordinary or medal, strives for the daughter to give out of noble. " The nobility was not supposed to go out for the merchant otherwise, as not having a skirt for the soul. five

In Russia, they treated representatives of merchants or hostile or contemptuously or "top down" or ironically. For a start, we give a very correct, unflattering for nothing for the other side for the other side of the estimation of the pre-reform relations of landowners to the merchants who have not yet begun the process of losing economic power by the noble estate.

"I looked at the merchant," writes S. Atava, "not that with contempt, and so, somehow wonderful. Where, they say, you are up to us. You are the same man, like everyone else, only now, we carry a blue fruct, and he donated a little between the gentlemen, and it is impossible to land with him to lunch together - there is no reason to the napkin. I do not know if they understood whether or better to say whether merchants felt that they were looking at them, but if they understood, they still did not show it. They did their job, bought and sold, sat on the nearest chair from the door, got up from him every minute, smiled, sweated, fastened, being absolutely unable to understand our judgments about politics and any damn, which made the subject of our endless reasoning, as soon as We happened, we will ... "Look at any institution - you will certainly meet the merchant there, very often in uniform with the" aglitskaya fold ", with a French speech, but still a merchant with all his" Ordinko-Yakimon "properties that do not destroy No flows or from any civilization. 6.

In general, in the first half of the 19th century, despite the permanent attempts of the government to stabilize the composition and legal status of merchants, it, according to the expression of R. Pipes "was in a state of contradically change." The top of the merchants sought to combine their children with a marriage with nobles, as it gave a higher social status, access to public service and the right to buy serfs. The merchants who have not paid the annual guild duties were dropped out in the estate of Messen. Small entrepreneurs from the peasants, burghers and artisans, a sprouting minimum capital, necessary for the transition to a merchant estate, entered the guild, their grandchildren could become nobles. Thus, the merchants in a social plan was a kind of transshipment item for anyone who moved up or down the public stairs.

In the second half of the 19th century, significant changes occur in the legal position of merchants. Only a person who bought the guild testimony was right to refer to the merchant. Persons who not previously belonging to the merchant class and bought evidence could either rank merchants, or to preserve their former title. However, since the estate rights of merchants were significant, a few, mostly nobles enjoyed the right to preserve their former title.

On the relationship between the nobility and merchandise in Moscow at the end of the 19th century, curious thoughts expressed Nemirovich - Danchenko:

"The nobility envyed the merchants, the merchants flashed with her desire for civilization and culture, merchant wives received their toilets from Paris, went to the" winter spring "to the French Riviera and, at the same time, for some secret psychological reasons, they joined the highest nobility . The man becomes richer, the more flourishing his vanity. And it was expressed in a strange form. Recall one such merchant years of forty, very elegant, he dressed not otherwise, as in London, having a permanent tailor there ... He spoke of one aristocrat so: "He is very proud. He, of course, will invite me to the ball or Rauta - so that's what. No, you give me to invite you, let me show you how I can accept and treat. And he is more and more - a business card. " 7.

The most important source of replenishment of the rows of merchants throughout the XIX century was the influx of entrepreneurs from among the peasants and burghers. Naturally, the educational level of class was extremely low (as a rule, there was no formation at all). Over time, the educational level and the overall erudition of entrepreneurs have become increasingly important. If the founders of the merchant dynasties were illiterate or had an initial or home education, then their children and especially grandchildren they sought to give better education.

Until the 70s, the merchants did not have any serious political weight, since the main political role was played, of course, the nobility. "They did their job, bought and sold," Belinsky said about them. However, in the 70s, there was a serious increase in the activity of merchants in a public field. It was due to at least two reasons: 1) - the process of flowing capital and property from the nobles to the merchants after reform 1861; 2) - urban reform 1870s. On this reform in the cities were elected city dooms and councils. He headed the Duma and the city head of the city chapter. The range of voters was determined by the property valuable, and since the most rich more often were representatives of precisely merchant class, the share of merchants became more and more significant in the composition of the DUM (especially in shopping centers). The merchants all set out funds in favor of cities for a variety of goals. eight

Thanks to the promotion of merchants up the social staircase, in the last quarter of the XIX century, the process of rapprochement of classes begins (or, as the "mergers" said). This was then arguing about it. Footprints of these disputes we see in particular in the conversation of Levin and the Blond in the "Anna Karenina" L. Tolstoy. Levin witnessed the Forest Rakitin unprofitable for the Lubrican Sale of Forest.

"- however, how do you go with him! - said Oblonsky. - You did not give your hands. Why not send hands?

Because I will not give the lacquer, but a hundred times better.

What are you however Retrograd! And the merge of class? - said Oblonsky.

Who is nice to merge - on health, and I disgust. "

At the end of the XIX century, this process acquired a very visual character. Merchant mansions were constructed by famous architects in traditionally noble areas - on Vozdvenik, Prechistenka, Cow, Nikitskaya. Ancient noble nests passed into the hands of Millionaire merchants. New inhabitants began to appear in these mansions - kids kids. Not as an example of fathers and all the more grandfathers, they received education in the best gymnasiums, in Russian and foreign universities, brought up under the supervision of the governers and externally did not differ from representatives of the birth nobility.

Next, the merchants were increasingly included in the system of economic management of the country, becoming the deputies of the Dum, the Office, city heads and even the governors, they never engaged in politics. Through the practical, and not a philosophical mindset, pushing them to practical forms of management of cities. And it was not only financial management, control over the turnover of the city budget and the competent distribution of money into the promising industries of urban economy. There was another powerful tool - charity. The generosity of Russian merchants amazed with their scope and compatriots, and foreigners. The merchants, gymnasiums, colleges, hospitals, charity houses, theaters, exhibition galleries opened for money. The merchants established nominal scholarships with the best students, students, paid the training of the most gifted abroad, sponsored performances and tours of dramatic and ballet corpses. Merchal surnames decorated the frontones of the most beautiful buildings in the city.

The question of the reasons for such generous charity was repeatedly discussed and there are many opinions here. It has also affects the vanity of merchants, who have recently recently formed simple men, who did not give any nobles: "That's, they say, and we are not flashed with a flasher", and the competitiveness - who will give a sacrifice, who reconses the most dizzying project, and the like . The impressive amounts of donations that became known to everyone gave merchant a huge weight in society and helped from a social incredality complex. But there was another important reason. This is an increased religiousness of merchants who, in the desire, grace in the life of the eternal followed by the gospel formula: "Who dressed naked, fed hungry, visited the prisoner, he dressed me, I fed me, I was visited."

Thus, in the economic heyday of the Russian Empire by 1913, a huge, if not decisive, the role of entrepreneurs and industrialists played, in the main mass of merchants, and in much less, from the nobles and the differences.

In 1917, merchants ceased to exist due to the abolition of class division, and in subsequent years either dissolved in the total mass of communism builders or emigrated. Just as the Russian intelligentsia in the face of writers, artists, philosophers retained cultural unity in the situation of emigrant dispersion and carelessness, Russian merchants continued their activities abroad. The activities of Russian commercial banks around the world were hoping with hope for a quick return, the opportunity to serve even their fatherland.

Merchants in Russian literature to A. N. Ostrovsky

In general, Russian literature gives an irreparable picture of merchant dishonestness and ptumps. It should be noted that until the middle of the XIX century, the merchant image, a description of merchant life and morals was not particularly interested in Russian writers. The main characters were, as a rule, nobles (Chatsky, Onegin, Pechorin, Gogol landlords), peasants (Pushkin, Turgenev, Nekrasovsky) or those who came up with the name "Little Man" (poor Liza, Evgeny from "Copper Rider", Kovalev, Bashmachkin, girls, etc.). But the merchant appeared rarely.

One of the first works depicting a merchant medium was almost forgotten comedy P. A. Madelikova "Sydereman" 9, where the Moscow merchant Hariton Avdulin, along with his fellows - merchants, wants to deceive and tell his pet serving him by Sidelts. But an honest policeman virtue interfers (!), And everything ends safely.

W. I. A. Krylova there is fableand entitled "Merchant". It takes about the instructions that I gave a merchant to my nephew: "Trading in my opinion, so you will not be at Vacant." A merchant teaches to sell rotten cloth for good English, but the merchant himself turns out to be deceived, since the buyer pays false money with him. Very indicative of the words Basni:

Deceived the merchant: there is no diva;

But if anyone is

Higher shops look, -

He will see that and there on the same thing goes ...

N. V. Gogol About the merchants says a little. Positive merchant types, like other Russian writers, no, but some of their characteristics entered the saying. Granified in "Revolution"Names merchants" Samovarniki "," Arshiniki "," protobes "," inflatable by sea ". "Samovarnik" and "Archik" - literally glued with the mild of Gogol to the merchant.

The merchant gets the same short and tank characteristic. a. N. Nekrasov in "Who lives well in Russia":

Kupchina Tolstopuzoma! -

They said the Rubins brothers,

Ivan and Metrodor ...

In the poem "Railway" we find and describe the external appearance of the merchant:

In the blue caftan - a venerable labaznik,

Thick, additive, red, like copper,

Driving contractor on the holiday,

Drives your work to see.

Celebrated people are broken by Chinno ...

Sweat otirate

And he says, occupying picture:

"Okay ... Neshto ... Well done! .. Well done!

At Saltykov-Shchedrin, the people of the shopping class occupy a slight place. However, he has interesting information. Let us give an excerpt from the monologue of the merchant Izhbdddin:

"Before we traded? I will bring you, it happened, a peasant of a cooler a dozen, well, they dumped, and come for money, they say, in a week. And he will come in a week, and I do not know him, I do not know who, who is. There will be a poor fellow, and there are no guides for you, because both the Greadchard, and the whole of the Jiacense brothers your hand pulls. Such something came in and found capital, and under the old age of sins before God was soared. "

P. A. Buryshkin in his book "Moscow merchant" about the inimitable comic storytellor, artist of the Alexandrinsky Theater in St. Petersburg I. F. Gorbunov. He himself wrote monologues for his stage performances, which mostly not survived. The scenes from the merchant life occupied the main place in his repertoire. He had a larger thing - the comedy "Samodor", where, in the memories of those who read it and saw it, he surpassed the Ostrovsky himself in the corpse of merchant dishonest and crime.

Melnikov-Pechersky in their chronicle "in the forests" and "on the mountains" pays a lot of space to the description of the merchant life in Nizhny Novgorod, its surroundings and in remote areas (the Fair to the Fair was going to the Nizhny). These are almost always splitters, opponents of the Nikonian Church (Pechersky Melnikov was a deep connoisseur of Russian split and religious issues make up the main content of his chronicles). It is very busy with these questions from a merchant environment, but it does not prevent them from building their job on deception and fraud, which indicates some kind of inviolability of these qualities in merchant characters, regardless of faith. There are one amazing episode in the chronicle "in the forests". Amazing because of its exclusivity (difficult, it may even be impossible to find similar reviews about merchants on the pages of Russian literature). In a conversation with the main hero of Chapurin, his future son-in-law tells him about the beginning of a textile business in the Kostroma province:

And how it started. An intelligent man with good prosperity was launched, our consent was, in ancient pious. Konovalov got sad. I got a small weaving establishment, with my mind my hand went, yes went. And the people grow rich, and now lives better than the local one. Yes, you never know such places in Russia. And the wiser is a good deed one hurt. We would have a bigger Konovalov, it would be nice to people. "

This quote is still an exception from the extensive gallery of Samovarnikov, Archnikov, Tolstopus Kupchin, Pluts and Scammers.

The greatest number of images from the merchant medium gave Russian literature A. N. Ostrovsky. He is talking about.

Images of merchants in creativity a. N. Ostrovsky

The "merchant theme" appears at the island already in its earliest etudes to the "memorization of the Zamoskvoretsky resident." A part of the earliest essays of this collection was devoted to the life of officialhood, in subsequent (such as "Zamoskvorechye on the holiday" and "Kuzma Samsonich"), he refers to a merchant medium, especially the conservatism and ignorance. In these essays, the characters of his famous comedy "His people are already well guess!"

Comedy "Your people - to think!" It is considered first in the work of Ostrovsky. However, the first completed play is the one-acting work of the "picture of family happiness". It is a scene from the life of a merchant family, her group portrait. It is already clearly visible to two topics that will become dominant in the work of the Ostrovsky - the theme of the power of money and family despotism. Already in this play, a favorite reception of the playwright was used - to give the heroes "speaking" names (the chief hero called Antip Antipovich Pozatov). We do not stop in detail on this play due to the fact that it is a "peculiar prologue" 10 to the subsequent - "His people will tear!" And because it "there are a lot of deposit, which is fully and brighter revealed in subsequent comedies." 11

The first full-acting play of Ostrovsky, which appeared in the press - this is "their people - to tear!". She wrote in 1846-1849. Under the name "bankrupt", and came out under the well-known title in the magazine "Moskvatik" for 1850 this is one of the most famous Pieces of Ostrovsky. "Merchant theme" and related themes of money, samorament, ignorance here are fully presented. This play is interesting to us as an artistic evidence of an eyewitness of a merchant life, customs, the language of the second half of the forties of the XIX century, that is, in the pre-reform Russia. It is known that the Moscow Mercury on the release of the play demanded the "case" on Ostrovsky. The comedy was prohibited, its printing was recognized as an error. Ostrovsky five years after that was under the special observation of the police. What did the Moscow Mercury indisputated so much?

According to the initiators of the "case" of Ostrovsky, the playwright distorted the positive image of the Moscow merchant, making "well-integral and respected" people with fraudsters and criminals. They also argued that malicious bankruptcy depicted by the playwright as a phenomenon is regular and typical for a merchant medium, was not at all. However, not all readers and critics were considered so. G. V. Granovsky, for example, responded about the play as "Devilish Good luck" 12; T. Shevchenko recorded in his diary: "... ... as if the comedy is Ostrovsky" His people to tear! " It is prohibited on the stage at the request of the Moscow merchants. If this is true, then satire, as it can not more reached its goal. "13 Among the benevolent critics of the play were V. F. Odoyevsky, who called the comedy tragedy and put it in one row with the "adolescent", "grief from the mind" and "Auditor" 14.
Drama is a very specific nature of literature. Poster, a list of actors with a brief characteristic, short remarks - the only possibility of the author's direct appeal to the reader, the only way to express its attitude to what is happening. Then everything falls on the shoulders of actors and the author, as it were, is eliminated from the action, without giving him any interpretations and comments that the authors of the epic genres enjoy.

Although the poster and remarks open a drama of a certain opportunity to tell the reader something about the heroes of his play (the fact that Pushkin called "alleged circumstances"), usually posters of playwrights are very stupid.

Not the island. In all his plays, posters are meaningful. It begins with the name of the play - "His people will tear!" Calculation between your? Paradox. Only not for a merchant circle, where everyone is used to measuring by market concepts. All the actors of the play are "their own people", relatives or as if employees now said. But not only therefore they are "their own." Ostrovsky wants to show that they are all equally immoral and are calculated with each other with one "coin" - betrayal for money. So itself the name of the play "His people will tear!" turns us to the topic of familyhood and to the topic of money.

Then poster gives the names of the actors. Ostrovsky loved to endow heroes by the "speaking" names. These names are directly related to the unchanged internal qualities of the heroes (the tradition is well-known in Phonon, Pushkin, Dostoevsky, etc.). For such "straightness", Ostrovsky has repeatedly listened to the reproaches of critics, who considered this technique to the old and naive (his roots in classicism), but until the end of the life he did not refuse this reception.

This reception is not so straightforward, as it seems. The meaningful last name never determines the whole image, "it serves only one of the means of characteristics, pointing to some kind of image property." 15 In many cases, the island features and features of the acting persons are far from being covered by their names and surnames in the sense that the qualities accentuated in the name are not always unchanged. In "His People - Treat!" A catastrophic change is depicted, shift in human relations, in the social position of the main characters. These events fully change the social position of heroes (who was "nobody" - becomes "to all"). The hero is changing, and the name remains. I. S. Turgenev, for example, in this play above all the effectiveness of this reception. He admired the "final stage", where the father of the family is no longer Samson, not the power, no longer, is no longer Samodor at all, but a miserable person who is remaping and daughter and son-in-law. And the son-in-law in the finals in the cruelty does not yet fit in anything with a distorting surname of Podkhaluzin, nor with the mascara name and patronymic Lazar Eliarych.

So, pay attention to the poetics of names. The protagonist Samson is powroad. The name Samson patronymic Power and the surname is mostly talked for themselves. They transferred the evaluation of the hero of the environment corresponding to his self-esteem. The name is read literally like a bogatyr - great power. Such a semantic ultrastone (each of these words already expresses the necessary meaning), three-time repetition of the hyperbolus of the Hero power and at the same time make it comic. If we carry out a small cultural analysis, then we will see that Samson on the Old Testament legend is defeated, blinded bogatyr, defeated by cunning. Thus, only the name of his hero on the poster, the playwright already determines the outcome of the conflict for him.

At the beginning of the play in front of us, the omnipotent owner, in the heyday of years, forces and business. At the end - coated with a shame, accompanied by convoy, hides his face from the townspeople, on which without quite recently looked from above.

Wife Bolshaya - Agrapan Kondratyevna. The name and patronymic indicates the origin of the peasants. Even Ustynia Naumovna calls Bolsharly Panevice.

In the name of the clerk of Lazar, Elizarovich Podkhalyuzina can be heard: Superior, Pokhalim, Yurule, Swan. But so it is only at the beginning of the plays. Favoring money and becoming a merchant, he no longer needs to use his skills. But the last name is left. She as a reminder of how much the money was mined.

Ustinya Naumovna, Swaha. The name resembles something narrow, slippery, agriculture, and the surname that she herself on his mind (she really, by the nature of the classes you need to obey your interest - from whom the handkerchief, who has matter on dress, etc.). Being "herself on his mind", "she comes out of any situations." Dry "

Strank, Sysh Psech Rispalinsky. With the name of the Sysh PSOCH, Psi, Lysins, "Still!" etc. Wonderful about this name, Agraphen Kondratyevna summarizes (act. I, Yavl. 8): "And Pinzica so Pinsic! Well, that's nothing! And it happens worse, bragistic! ". In the last name we hear "Location and False". Benefitness manifested itself in his resale services from one customer to another.

The servants in the house of the majorship: the keys of Fominichna (it is called for the patronymic of the peasant manner); Tishka, boy (quiet quiet, but Plutovskaya skill begins to show - "in the still waters ..."). Fominichene and Tishke are in the house from top to bottom, although Bigs have recently been the same peasants as they. "You, Fominichna, born between men and legs stretch a peasant," says Lipochka, feeling his unconditional superiority.

A mansion in the series of these names is the name of the daughter of the Bolshaya - Samsonovna Olympiad. Where in an uneducated family such an original foreign name? As we have talked above, the merchants in their desire to get rid of the Menzitsky complex of inferiority tried to move habits, manners, of the nobility in their life. The name of the daughter is a tribute to the eternal envy of merchants to the noble origin of the nobility. It seemed to talk in the whole family: here, they say, and we are no worse than you, noble. Such a screaming name together with ignorance of its carrier creates a comic effect. But it is impossible to forget about his etymology: Olympus, a victorious top hears in it. And indeed, after the events who put everything from the legs on the head, Samsonovna Olympiad - one of all the participants still "upstairs". At the beginning of the play, she at Batyushkaya Money, at the end - with man.

Thus, despite the brevity, the poster of the play is very informative, and attentive attitude to the poetics of the names allows you to deeper the idea of \u200b\u200bthe play.

In the text of the play itself, the playwright (unlike the author of the epic work) is almost deprived of the possibility of explaining the actions of his hero, to catch up with something for him or explain its copyright position in detail. All these features transmit speech of heroes. In dialogues and monologues, a dramatic action is developing and therefore the speech speech in the drama is the main way to create a character. The analysis of the speech makes it possible to see the social position of the hero, and the level of education, and pupils, and the level of claims.

From the conversations of the heroes, we will learn the prehistory of the Bolshev family. Both husband and wife are coming from the most peasant bottoms. That is, all the actors in this respect "one berry field". Rispalinsky da Ustinya Naumovna from the urban meshmansky class, which does not give them any advantages. But if the social origin of the heroes is equally, the social situation is no. Most - a big man, Tolstosum, one of the owners of the city. He looks over with his environment. He feels his right to it, after all, everyone either live on his money, or is waiting for the hand from him. In the subordinate position from him and wife with his daughter. The wives depends on his whim and mood. Even the fate of his only daughter he decides for Samoram: "For what I and Father, if not to order? Dive. What, I fed it? And you will not sit, so forcibly putting and make it make it possible to be cheerful. Vella and for the janitor will leave! " (action. III, Yavl. 4).

The behavior of the majority in the family for him is absolutely natural - he has not seen other samples, the subtleties of the etiquette are not familiar to him. It is also natural for him and behavior in affairs: fraud in the name of the benefit is not perceived by him as a crime, on the contrary - is the only possible path of the pinning capital. Therefore, he so easily agrees on the adventure with deception of creditors and pseudobanstum. For no problem, put the law. For him, it is rather a question of Azart, as in a card game: a risk or not to take a chance, throw a map or not? And most of the phenomenon is not a single, but quite typical. The author specially provided for the proof of this - reading the newspaper, where the list of specially declared themselves by bankruptcies of merchants is such that there is not enough patience to read it.

Therefore, giving an assessment to the merchant Bolshev, and in his face and all merchants of the sample 1846-1849, we must understand that its moral appearance is not a conscious choice, but an unconscious subordination to behavioral stereotype. He is sincerely sure that he does not make anything reprehensible. Money changed its appearance, housing. They gave him the opportunity to have a servant and thereby radically change their life towards comfort. The money allowed to train the daughter of fashionable things, like dances, piano, buy her steam dresses. But the money did not lay the moral obstacles, because moral appearance can only change as a result of serious internal work on themselves. Most of this is not capable. It is too uneducated, ignorant for this. He does not know how to think any categories except the benefit. It is diveged, but this piousness is a primitive understanding of religion and church as a way and the place of soaring sins. The presentation of this environment about the truth Christianity clearly expressed fominishna in a conversation with Lipochka: "Yes, what did these noble? What is in them for a special skist? Naked on his goal, and there is no Christianity, there is no one: it does not go to the bath, no pies on holidays do not bake ... "(Action. I, Yavl. 6)

Most cruel, Azarten and naive at the same time, and the reason for this is ignorance.

It would seem that the problem of ignorance, uneducation in the younger generation can be removed by money. There is no problem to give any education with Samsonovna Olympiad, and she really learned something. Even the closer Ustiny Naumovna understands that Lipochkina "Enlightenment" is not worth a penny: "The upbringing is also not God knows what: he writes how the elephant believes, in French Ali on the pianshaughs too, there, yes, and there is nothing ; Well, the dance will break down - I and the dust itself in the nose in the nose "(act.II, Yavl.7). But no formation (and lipochkino, all the more), not supported by family traditions, culture of relations and everyday communication, can not "extort the girl. She is a little different from their parents. In something she is even worse than them. In the fourth act there is a terrible scene, when the sticky, looking out the window, chewing out: "There is no one as aunt of the pit - Look, Lazar Elizarych!" (Dayt. IV, Yavl. 3). In our opinion, this is the main moral play, expressed not in the didactic form, and in the form of a brief, as if nothing of meaningful replica, which strikes the inconsistency of someone who says how he says: Daughter speaks about the liberation of the parent as a rank Event.

"The dream of the mind creates a monster" - and the sticky - the monster generated by ignorance of the father and the environment. Neither the French nor the piano nor dances made it "noble". She is a drawing, unprincipled and is not able to love. Love is a spiritual connection of two people. It does not possess any spirituality, and only the calculation is able to combine his life - yesterday she did not want to hear about the "non-financial" podhaluzin, and the next day perfectly feels in union with him and his money.

So, in the play "His people will be thrown!" We see the portrait of the merchant sample 1946-49. With the inherent people of this class by Azart in making a profit, primitively understood by religiosity, self-employment, naivety. These qualities are due to his ignorance: it is not at all able to rise over money and reflect on moral categories. Calculation, and even more excitement, pushing it to one criminal adventure - to deal with all creditors. But the attorneys in his affairs of Podkhalyuzin and the Rispalinsky find their calculation and, without thinking, betray the majority. All of them stand each other - live with a calculation and do not stop before the crime, they are their people. And they framed - one moral crime pulled the chain of others.

The most from the "his people" is a daughter - also calculated with her father. On his proprietary attitude towards her ("My diet - for whom I want, for him and give") she answered cold indifference to his fate.

Images of merchants in the play A. N. Ostrovsky "Nonmennica"

In the "Nurendannian", representing the top of the late creativity of Ostrovsky, presented, according to L. M. Lotman, "Careful development All shades are complex psychology of the representative of the middle layer of society, his inner contradictions writer seems to consider this hero at a closer distance, sees it more "close-up than before." sixteen

This is a play of 1879 and from the play "His people will be thrown!" It separates 30 years. During this time, there was a cancellation of serfdom, the urban reform of 1870, the process of the noble "sunset" was steadily developed, the merger of classes. As we have already spoken in the first part of our work, a trading and industrial estate or bourgeoisie, as they began to call him to the French manner, was a dead picture: the main mass in it, of course, represented merchants, a smaller part - nobles and allocations that took commercial activities . Their, former representatives of different estates, still recently separated by an insurmountable obstructure of the estate morality, now united the occupation of classes, and often the mainstreaming. "Didnote" gives the reader a very visual understanding of this period of Russian history.

The Ostrovsky presents us the heroes that found themselves in the situation of the shift of entire social layers faced with the need to change their household habits, a circle of communication, and often moral beliefs. In front of us, enterprising merchants with a wide range in cases - curls and pebels, an energetic and active nobleman of the parata, "noble" (ie, noble origin) Larisa Ogudalov and a small official of the Meshchansky class of Karandyshev.

In the form of a millionaire Knurova, we see the type of "New Russian", in modern language. Judging by the age of Knurova, he began his business activities about thirty years ago, i.e. It is quite "suitable" in the kids merchants of the older generation - Samson to Golov. In his names, we hear "Knut" and "Norov", which, apparently, corresponds to its nature and method of doing business. But his name is a mound of parmerty - reminds of its "low" origin. This is already a completely different type of merchant, rather than a generation of Most. The money and the freedom acquired during their account played a role: he despises the provincial public and "talking to Moscow, Petersburg and the border".

History - a representative of an even more younger generation of merchants. He is one of the owners of a very large trading company, it is not a problem for him to buy a steamer and "in the costume it is European." Both are having fun to travel to Paris to the World Exhibition, and in the native Volzhsky city of Bryakhimov, they experience a terrible boredom and are ready to pay expensive for entertainment.

The drama begins on the holiday, and from the first replicas of the character, the viewer learns that on such days, the pastime of ordinary Bryakhimovtsev consists of a visit to the dinner, satisfying meals, seven-hour "recreation" and tea drinking "to the third longing". The merchanet aristocracy is entertained by the mione and drink champagne under the guise of tea. The rich bored and only the appearance of Paratov forces them to shake them. On the appearance of Parathov heralds a gun shot. Even since the XVIII century, Velmazbi was accompanied by his stormy entertainment with cannon shots. Paraty - "Barin", nobleman, and this gun is a public reminder of his Bar. For merchants, in all wanted to resemble the nobles, this is a sign of honor, the significance of the face. 17 Another sign of disintegration - the presence of a journey purchased by Paratsham's paratsya on nicknamed Robinzon, whom he is a wide gesture, as a thing, on the old Barskaya habit, learn to the brass.

The parata arrives in Bryakhimov beautifully and with a scope to celebrate parting with their freedom, which he sold for several million dowry. Holiday, noise, borrowed boric generosity as if poured on the urban embankment with his arrival. The bored merchants are poured into Sergey Sergeich. Today they are people of one circle: merchant money and the need for nobleman to engage in entrepreneurship equalized them. But the memory of the recent estate disunity is deeply sits in them.

Solid merchants, for example, condemn the theatrical behavior of Parathov, seeing the demonstration of his hereditary Barity in it: "What is the other, and pretty shik". The character of the parariage is controversial, it is the embodiment of the fracture era of the merge of the estates. Nobleman, forced to do business, he should become "his man" among merchants, otherwise he just will not be able to do business. He should divide their tastes and pleasures, their "commercial" look at life values. Externally, it fits quite easily into this system, but the words about the "celebration of the bourgeoisie" and the upcoming "golden age" still sound from his mouth parody.

The paratos combines the features of an energetic and merciless entrepreneur and a wide non-painful Barin. He complied with his favorite "swallows", he says: "What a pity, I don't know that. I have nothing cherished; I will find benefits, so everything sells anything. And now, gentlemen, I have other things and other calculations ... ". At the same time, the noble traditions dictate the need for "boric behavior", which was established in the consciousness of the inhabitants, as an ideal: he shows generosity, openness, behaves with confident ease of a person belonging to a chosen circle. That is why Larisa does not allow comparison of pararatov with anyone. She tells Karandyshev: "With whom you are equal! Is such blinds possible! Sergey Sergeich ... This is a man's ideal. Do you understand what is the ideal? Perhaps I am mistaken, I'm still young, I do not know people; But this opinion is impossible to change in me, it will die with me. "

Parats of time victim. He is forced to constantly catch up with merchants in the ability to multiply capital (even the price of marriage for money), but at the same time cannot forget his noble origin and is forced to put up with the internal discomfort in the society of merchants and officials. His forced behavior "and yours and our" can not make it happy. Tightening this life, Parats gradually loses the noble concepts of nobility and honor. The course of history does not stop and such as the parats, they will never be able to return to the golden age of the nobility and this is the Ostrovsky shows clearly: hesitations between love and money is sympathetic and allowed in favor of money, and the symbol of the left noble epoch - a noble Larisa - dies, having beloved In the grave, the irrevocative ideal of a man-nobleman.

If the images of the noble - Paratov, Larisa, her mothers are full of drama, then from the images of merchants - Knurova and Welsh - on the contrary, itifies calmness and calmness. In the advantage, they bored. It is only calculations of profits. Even the presence in the human drama does not deprive them of this calm. They and in this situation are able to solve cardiac cases by lot, bargaining. They live all the same interests as their fathers and grandfathers thirty years ago, only the business horizon became wider, more money, Blue Sutuk replaced the European dress. They already communicate with nobles on equal and those even fall into material dependence on them, but they are not able to rise to the concepts of noble nobility and honor.


Russian literature to A. N. Ostrovsky left quite some examples of appeal to the image of the Russian merchant. The benefit is the comic or satirical portraits and sketches of merchant life and morals. A truly, the image of this class is presented in the work of A. N. Ostrovsky, covering the complex and rich period of Russian history - the 40s - the 80s. XIX century.

This time is customary to call the flames: the abolition of serfdom, Zemskaya, judicial reforms of the 60s, the city reform of 1870 was very much changed by the social appearance of Russia. The process of the so-called "noble cloak" and the rapid development of the merchant estate began. These processes led to a phenomenon known as the "merge of class".

Today, A. N. Ostrovsky's play is one of the most important evidence of that era, the testimony is no less significant than the documents. Ostrovsky's plays are sketches from nature, designed for a very fast idea on the stage (it is known that for the time a regular period for the setting of fresh plays was a week - two). The naturalness of the playwright presented by the playwright is proved by the responses of contemporaries and memories of descendants of merchant birth.

The work considered the first full-acting play "His people - to think!" And one of the last plays of Ostrovsky "Dosperinnica". The choice of material is due to the possibility of seeing internal changes in psychology, behavior, habits, in the value system of representatives of the vehicle.

Analysis of the play "Your people - HOLD!" Presented to us the picture of a merchant family, which reflected the brightest trends in the development of the merchants of that era. We see the portrait of the merchant sample 1946-49. With the inherent people of this class by Azart in making a profit, primitively understood by religiosity, self-employment, naivety. We see how the merchant daughter wanted to marry a noble, albeit even a very rich bride. Big money can not be allowed to resolve the complex "Men's inferiority" and the merchants dream of encouraging with nobles. In the older generation, the family of large education is almost completely absent, with the exception of primitive literacy (reading the newspaper). Education here replaces the non-Sithua Science "Inflating" the buyer, which is not considered immoral. In the younger generation, represented by the only daughter of the Olympiad, we also see only the surrogate of education: "The upbringing is also not God knows what: writes, as an elephant belly crawls, in French Ali on the pianos, too, there, yes, and there is nothing ... "

Ostrovsky clearly gives us to understand that, despite the sharp desire of the young merchant generation, it is still impossible to breed with nobles, it is still impossible, these estates are too closed, while these people are completely different circle. The fate of the sticky is confirmed - she still connects his fate with a man of its circle and level. But still, the very fact that the merchant daughter seriously dreams about it, talks about the fracture of the man's psychology. Despite the fact that Mother "Panewnuca", and Tyatnaka recently traveled by the fish himself, this family already enjoys a servant, trying to follow the novelties of fashion in the highest light and in general, "etching" in itself the memory of his origin.

In the play "Dustpannica", written after 30 years, we see a completely different image of the merchant. We have adventurous people with a wide scope in business - curls and sovereigns. True, the name of the older of them is the mound of Parmerych - reminds of its "low" origin, but it is already a completely different type than the generation of the majority. The money and the freedom acquired during their account played their role: they despise the provincial public and "talk to Moscow, Petersburg and abroad." For a young merchant, I was not a problem to buy a steamer and "in the costume it is European." Both are having fun to travel to Paris to the World Exhibition, and in the native Volzhsky city of Bryakhimov, they experience a terrible boredom and are ready to pay expensive for entertainment. These images are particularly interesting in connection with the appearance of an offacarious nobleman in one circle with them. It happened what the older generation of merchants dreamed of. Now the nobles and merchants are the people of one circle, they are united by entrepreneurship, common things. For nobleman, it is still humiliating, and this is felt in the irony of pararatov speaking about the "golden age". Feel the persistent differences and merchants who are familiar to the nobleman. The final merger of the estates has not yet happened, but the fact that two classes were so firmly, the concept of noble nobility and honor - the nobility is lost (refusal to the beloved woman for money), and merchants are not adopted. All this is due to the fact that the birth of entrepreneurial activity is dictated by the Paratov, and Knurov with the Welcome to put the calculation at the head of its value system, and not the nobility.

Unfortunately, after the Ostrovsky, who has left life in 1886, Russian literature did not work so carefully to the fate of the trade and entrepreneurship. Separate images appeared in Chekhov, Gorky and other writers, but they were minor. Literature was more interested in non-merging classes, but revolutionary cataclysms. After 1917, the merchants dissolved, like all other estates.

1Ulyanova N. G., Shazillo M. K. Prepared. to the book: Buryshkin P. A. Moscow Kuppesky: Memoirs - M.: Higher. Shk., 1991- p. 15

2 ibid - p. 17

3Ulyanova N. G., Shazillo M. K. Prepared. to the book: Buryshkin P. A. Moscow Kuppesky: Memoirs - M.: Higher. Shk., 1991- S. - P. 102 - 103

4 Belinsky V. G. Articles and Reviews 1841 - 1845. - M.: Oziz, 1948 - pp. 778-779

5 Ulyanova N. G., Shazillo M. K. Prepared. to the book: Buryshkin P. A. Moscow Kuppesky: Memoirs - M.: Higher. Shk., 1991 - pp 19.
16 Lotman L. M. Dramurgy A. N. Ostrovsky / History of Russian Dramaturgia: The second half of the XIX is the beginning of the 20th century (until 1917). - L.: Nauka, 1987. - P. 149.

17 In the comedy is the "hot heart", a rich contractor acquires a cannon, the shots of which accompanies their kits and entertainment. The merchant son Vasya Chuster says about it with admiration and envy: "The gun bought the necessary thing for his capital. How drinks a glass, now they shoot another die, I won't wait for honor. "

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For Soviet, and Russian, historical science, weak attention to such an important source in the study of domestic history, as artistic literature, the personality of an entrepreneurial type did not fit into the usual norms of Russian culture. This predetermined the rejection of merchants, which is characteristic of Russian society. There is no doubt that literature reflected the moods that existed in society regarding entrepreneurship and the fate of capitalism in Russia as a whole. Back in the mid-1860s. A. Ushakov wrote with regret that the merchant is depicted in the literature as "or Social Society, or Plut, or Merge, is in this form, he says in such a language as if he is completely from another world. According to the merchant, unwittingly think about this strange phenomenon in our, and it is only in our Russian society. Itself, of course, that we yourself are more to blame, blame for the disadvantage of education, not the gloss of education, not secularity, and the main thing - the lack of developing self-esteem "(here and then on the text, all quotes are taken from this source). Thus, the merchants in Russian society was evaluated at the lowest scale of morality. Entrepreneurship in Russia has always been evil.

According to I.V. Kondakova, in Russia, it was the literature that the most "adequate national originality of the Russian culture and the essence of Russian life was the most" adequate national nature. " Literature in Russia was a form of expression of public consciousness. For many years, she took over the role of a kind of "parliament", condemning or claiming certain forms of life, creating or destroying certain authorities, which inevitably entailed the emergence of new topics, ideas, images. Literature has become the only tribune, from the height of which questions raised, who worried the whole society. Yes, and the writers themselves looked at their creativity as a kind of service to society. The need to write was the moral nature. M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, noting the special position of literature in Russian society, called her salt of Russian life.

In the second half of the XVIII century. In Russia, satirical magazines were widely widespread, on the pages of which works were printed, "to the correction of employees' morals." Among them in the 1760-1770s. They appeared in a significant number of comedy, many of which were the "decline" of Western European morals into Russian. However, as P. Berkov noted, the Russian comedy XVIII century. It was not so "imitated" - her strength was in her connection with a folk life, in her grieving appeal to sick parties of the people's life. " One of these urgent issues of the late XVIII century. There was a discussion of the problems of the formation of the formation of the "third class" in the country.

Attention to the "average human race" was noticeably increased due to the activities of the Commission to compile new deposits. Mercury made a number of requirements. The merchants were worried, first of all, purely practical issues: the provision of exclusive rights to own factories, putting equal with nobles by the rights to ownership of serfs. Thus, in one, and in another case, the merchants took over the noble prerogatives. However, in the conditions of the absolutist system, the hopes of Russian merchants were not destined to come true. In a class society, where the promotion of social status is closely linked to the transition to a higher estate, among the merchants, the desire for banding increased. Merchant youth sought to imitate the highest class; Merchable families were eager to breed with noble. True, even then, among the merchants there were people imbued with the estate pride, confident in the utility of their estate for the state. All this, of course, exacerbated the attention of society to merchants, his problems, which was reflected in comedies and comedian operas depicting this estate.

Images of merchants were first bred by V.Lukin. His merchants are predominantly leaning. The best was considered the comedy "satherer" of Palavilyzikov. The most significant "merchant" play includes the accusatory comic opera M.A. Maatinsky "St. Petersburg Seating Yard" (1779), where the main place occupies merchants. Moreover, the author catches the process of the onset of the "middle kind of people" to the nobility. The main character, Squalugin, is depicted by the author as a capacity of all sorts of human defects: engaged in trading, owning the plants, he also did not neglect the despicable contempt in Russian society. The moralizing withdrawal of the play is about to live on conscience; About this, the stove and honest merchants. The play was a great success. The viewer attracted a household flavor, the truth of life. Thanks to Matinsky, a new social mainland was opened. The author showed how interesting looks on stage a merchant and boupes of life, which characteristic figures are found in the guesthouse. A good start was laid, imitators appeared.

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After the death of Pilsudsky "Sanation" remained without his ideologue and the leader. The President of Poland remained I. Moscitsky, the military minister with significantly expanded rights became General E. Rydz-Smigla., Who became a kind of "Pilsudsky ...

Great Migration of Peoples Gunns
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Indicates the strengthening of the role of trade-grade and bourgeoisie in the life of the Foreign Russia.

Keywords: creativity Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, Russia, merchants, entrepreneurship

Already in the first more in many respects naive and simple humorous stories A.P. Chekhov, who printed in 1880 - 1884. Under the author's pseudonym Antosha Chekhonte, there are information about merchants, a merchant theme begins to be developed. Mention of merchants are still very rare and fragmented, although, as you know, the writer was born in a merchant family and the life of the merchants knew not to be larger. For example, in a well-known story "Joy", more reminiscent of Faken, mentioned "The Second Guild of the Moscow merchant Stepan Lukov", the percussion Sanya moved through dried, as it turned out, the college registrar Mitu Kuldarov, who was outside of happiness, what's about him A note appeared newspaper.

The focus during this period of Chekhov pays a "little man", simple and inconspicuous, at first glance, people: small officials, artisans, merchants, Kuchersham, janitor, working and other democratic segments of the population. It makes it briefly, talented and ridiculous, so it's time to envy readers of those newspapers and magazines, where he printed ("Spectator", "Shards", "Observer", "Entertainment", Almanaci "Northern Flowers", "Dragonfly" and others) . The genre of a short story and feuethmon was very popular in the private press of the late XIX century, including in Siberian newspapers, which the authors of this article are familiar well, but here in Siberia, they are long, boring, heavy in style and moral on the tone of the narration .

In the story "Help", the main actors, minor biscuing officials who, without a certain MZDA (not a ruble or two, and certainly three) do not notice the seekers "in the emphasis" facing them and asking them to give them an insignificant certificate. Moreover, to give seriousity to their classes, they mention their important affairs: "Ivan Alekseevich! - shouted the official in the air, as if noticing Voldirev. - Check out the merchant Yalikov, when it comes to a copy from the statement to the police testifies! A thousand times told him! " . Thus, the cry is pissed by a casual inadequate friend, the landowner, by the way that the merchant guessed to give a bribe, and his work was decided. However, after receiving the agreed MZDA, the posture and face of the official instantly changed to the pleasing, and the certificate was issued. In a well-known story, the Swedish match, which Chekhov himself called the parody of the detective, in humorous colors they tell about the imaginary murder and its investigation. The old investigator, when examining the crime scene, recalls the "murder of merchant portrait", which some "burgers killed and pulled out the corpse through the window. However, the story ended happily, and Mark Ivanovich Klauzov's missing cornet was found alive and healthy, unlike many merchants who are quite often in the stories of A.P. Chekhov was displayed as victims of robbery and the subsequent murder, as it was actually at the immense expanses of Russia. In another story, "Order", written in the same inimitable humorous spirit, a master of military deflection of the lion of trifles, hesitates the order of the Leddly Order of his friend to go to the merchant to the merchant: "Today, you see, I dine from the merchant. And you know this scoundrel of Spikina: he is terribly loved by the Order and almost the bastards consider those who do not hang on her neck or in a loop.

And besides, he has two daughters ... ". All of the humor of this story was that the teacher met his colleague on the festive dinner, the teacher of the French language, who also had a chest led by someone else's Order. At first, they were confused each other, but then they already regretted that they did not have a higher rank of themselves. But for merchants, it was in fact deep respect to the ranks and orders and even at weddings were often invited to the generals of military and civilians, with the Orenniy Stars and without them, and for all these signs, the differences were a special price. Did not miss A.P. Czechs Opportunities Show typical arithmetic textbooks Tasks related to merchant business: "The merchant bought 138 ARSH. black and blue cloth for 540 rubles. It is asked how many Arshin bought it to both, if the blue cost 5 rubles. For Arshin, and black 3 rubles. ". Neither the student, Petya Udodov, neither the tutor, the gymnasium of the VII class Egor Wiekers, could not solve this simple, at first glance, the task, while the father of the boy makes it jokingly on the old manner in the accounts. In fact, in the textbooks and in Russian literature it is reflected, quite often the merchants appeared as the characters who sold something or bought, somewhere we went, did something and students represented these processes more realistic than water tanks, who were filled and empty, trains who went towards each other, and other rather abstract tasks.

But the merchant benches were at each student at the side, and they often ran there for different purchases, knew which goods what it cost and when you can bargain, and when not. Perhaps, in one of the most famous stories of Chekhov "Chameleon", the action unfolds from the episode, when a dog jumping from the woodwood warehouse, jumping on three legs, a dog runs behind her, and a man in a stem starch shirt and an unbuttoned vest. It turns out golden affairs Master Khryukin, whom this dog, or rather, Borzoy Puppy, bitten. Along the way, the reader finds out that Khryukin came to the wood warehouse in the case, to agree "about firewood with the Mithritrich", i.e. With the owner of the warehouse, and the market square, where this warehouse is located, in this daytime hour of the desert: "Open doors of shops and kabaks look at the light of God sadly like hungry grazing; There are no even beggars about them. " A typical picture of provincial Russia, when boredom is poured over a small county town and any event becomes interesting here and significant, especially if it describes such a talented writer as A.P. Chekhov. In another story, "appropriate measures", merchant commercial institutions and their owners are already in the center of the narration, because The "Reid" of the Sanitary Commission on these institutions, and the measures of merchants, their owners, to prevent them from themselves are described.

In the end, members of the Commission, already semi-mans, find themselves in the audible wine cellar, where the fun continues, and requisited applied apples were used as a snack. And again in their conversation, the names of the rolled merchants sound: Demyan Gavrilych Collars, Golabenko, Shibukin and others. Gradually, a merchant theme in Chekhov's stories is becoming increasingly important and significant. Now they already appear in them new masters, major rounds and Deltsi, to which you need to show respects and respect for ordinary people, whatever the affairs of those. The "Mask" story describes the situation when "a wide squat man dressed in a Kucher costume and a hat with peacock feathers, in a hat with peacock feathers, appears during the Bala Masquerade in the reading room of the public club. The reading, seemingly an intelligent public with indignation, meet this mask and his companions, accompanied by a lacquer with champagne and snacks, especially since the mask begins readers to do and rude. But soon, the honorable readers in the root change their attitude to a man who dreamed of disrupting their peace when "In Buyan, everyone learned the local millionaire, the manufacturer, the hereditary honorary citizen of Pyatigorov, known for its capital, charity and how more than once said in the local messenger - love of enlightenment " Thus, a great Russian writer A.P. in the 1880s Chekhov, well knowing the merchant medium, until it shared these his knowledge and observations with readers, because Too fresh there were negative impressions of their life experience in Taganrog, where he himself helped the father to trade in the shop and received from him reprimanding and punishment.

Grandfather Chekhov, Yegor Mikhailovich, was a fortest of Voronezh province and was able to buy out his family to the will and served at the end of the life of the managing estate. Children's impressions of the trip to grandfather through the Priazovskaya steppe are reflected in the story "Steppe", which also reflects merchant types and about which we will talk in this article below. Chekhov's father, Pavel Egorovich, owned a small grocery bench in Taganrog, where tea, sugar, cereals and other food products were sold. A description of such shops is found in many stories and the pending of Chekhov, and it transmits their internal environment to the most subtle details. Like any merchant, the Father Chekhov had a desire to expand his work, but lacked practicality, business center and tricks, which were reimbursed by his artistic talent. He was the regent of the Church Choir and, as he recalled later Chekhov, "When it happened, I and two of my brothers, among the church, sang a trio" yes will correct "or" Arkhangelsky Glas, we looked at us with a moutigation and envied my parents, we are at that time Felt themselves with small peaks. " The domineering and despotic father resorted to the traditional methods of education, and punishment by rugs, family despotism early developed a disgust for injustice and violence, a sharpened sense of self-esteem. These feelings supported his mother, Yevgeny Yakovlevna, who was also his granddaughter who bought off the serf peasant, but she brought softness and humanity. "Talent on our father, and the soul from the mother," said Chekhov later.

In the following periods of his creativity A.P. Chekhov shows merchants more realistic and convex, they often make up the background of the narrative, are a link between the heroes of its stories and the place of action. The merchant names and surnames are present at Chekhov as the names of houses and streets, industrial and shopping institutions, warehouses, etc. The merchants become in his works by the indispensable elements of urban life, without which the city is unthinkable. For example, the tailor of Merkulov from the story "Captain Mundir" bitterly complains of the fate that climbed him in Gorodishko, filled with one merchants and shots. He is proud that he fulfilled the order of the garrison captain and sewed his uniform, although he did not receive a fee for work and materials. The merchants in the first stories of Chekhov often have anecdotic or water watery color, i.e. Funny in their mindset or actions. For example, Makar Tuamach Peshkin, apparently, a small shopkeeper, can not marry his daughter because of his indecision, as it cannot get the grooms to decide to go under the crown. Each time at the last moment of the groom is scared or asked to increase the size of the dowry. In the example, he takes the merchant Klyakina "" He also stubbornly stubbornly, in addition, noticed something wrong, so he, Klyakin, started him in the pantry, locked, took out, you know, from the pocket, a big revolver with bullets, As it should be charged, and says: "Become, says, in front of the way that you marry, otherwise, he says, kill this minute, a scoundrel. This minute! " Saved and married a young man. You see. And I would not be able to ". Cehov-playwater, already in its first serious work of "Ivanov" boldly combined an ample or even tragic with melodramatic, that is, ridiculous. These are the images of the unlucky Deltsy, managing the estate of Borkin, offering all his insane commercial projects; This is the daughter of a rich merchant, the young widow of Marfa Egorovna Babakina, who succumbed to the influence of Borkin and decided to become a Countess, having married the Elderly Graph Shabelsky; This is a buying hostess of Zinaida Savvishna with her "glowing jam" and others.

The widow of Babakina although it is funny in his claims for nobility, but in commerce it is understood very well and always in the course of stock business, however, life understands, like most merchants, too financially, i.e. Everyone sees its benefit and commercial interest. In the 1880s, psychologically accurate and realistic portraits of merchants in Chekhov's works are not yet found, although individual approaches to this large and urgent topic have already been planned. One of the first stories dedicated to the characteristic of the Russian merchant, became the story of the writer, which speaks about the young merchant-chain merchant, who ordered advertising of Chinese teas who entered the warehouse three years ago, but serve the buyer as freshly accurate and the highest quality. Here is the appearance of this merchant on the surname of Ershakov - "... a young man, in fashion, dressed, but remembered and, apparently, who lived in his century. Judging by his sweeping handwriting with curls, cappul and a thin cigar smell, he was not alien to European civilization. " As a result of the joint work of the merchant and the elderly writer, an enviable advertising was turned out to be enviable for competitors, but after the end of these works, "both felt awkwardly, as if they made some kind of dirty."

Completed for the work of the advertiser, the merchant suggested the goods of his store, tea and sugar, as, however, he acted with everyone who hired a temporary job. As the crepe and developed the writer talent A.P. Chekhov, as the form of the narrative and the plots of his stories became complicated, and then the ages and dramatic works, the merchant theme is becoming more serious, thorough and psychologically outlined. Already individual characters from the merchants become the main characters of its stories and the lead, which testified not only to strengthen the role of merchants and bourgeoisie in the life of the Foreign Russia, but also more interested in Chekhov and other Russian writers in the coverage of this topic. For example, the story "Bed", who in the first edition was the name "Baran", where the serene, full and drunk life of the merchant Avdeev was suddenly interrupted by arrest of the director of the city bank, accountant and members of the Board. He was a member of the Audit Commission of this Bank and, without reading, signed the reports that he brought directly to his shop. As a result, gradually accusations for the merchant Avdeev take more and more real outlines, although he tried to prove his innocence in conversations and at the interrogations, but did it so stupid and naive, which only aggravated his guilt: "Avdaev has hot enough and assured that he has long been Already premeditated this collapse and twice a year ago I knew that the bank was not quite clean. " But the prosecution ring was compressed, although the conscience of the merchant was Clea. And he considered his position a mistake and misunderstanding, the verdict of the court discouraged him - reference to the settlement in Tobolsk province.

For a person who during the investigation and the court stood up health and there were no funds left to maintain the remaining houses of his wife and the Son-Gymnasian, it was a heavy blow, but who knows, maybe in Siberia he will be able to fix his works and stand up like It was more than once really life. More detailed and intently examines the Chekhov merchants of the south of Russia in the story "Steppe: the story of one trip," where the talented and reliably conveys its children's and adolescent impressions of his trip along the steppe. As you know, in this story of the boy, Egoroshka is sent to his studies in the gymnasium in the provincial city, and accompanies him at this trip by his native uncle - Ivan Ivanovich Kuzmichov, who traded wool and other agricultural products, that is, was Prasol in the traditional understanding of this word. However, his appearance was no longer merchant, but rather, the official, "shaved, in glasses and a straw hat," smoked cheap cigars and loved to argue on "scientists" themes. He was a fanatics of his business and always, even in a dream and for a prayer in the church, "I thought about my affairs, I could not forget about them for a minute ...". The merchant Kuzmichyev and his satellite, the priest Father Christopher, were lucky with him quite a lot of money and at the inn of the courtyard for a long time and carefully recalculated, and then carelessly disassembled into the bag and for preservation on the way this bag was used instead of a pillow. This money was intended to the major local Delta Semen Alexandrovich Varlamov, who did not stand out in the eyes of the boy first among other merchants: "In Malorosl, a gray little man, a shirt in big boots, sitting on a ugly horse and talking with men at such a time when all decent people sleep, It was difficult to recognize the mysterious elusive Varlamov, whom everyone is looking for, which always "spins" and has much more money than Danitskaya Countess. " However, looking after, the neighbor saw that "his face with a small gray beard, a simple, Russian, tanned face, was red, wet dew and covered with blue veins; It expressed the same business dryness as Ivan Ivanich's face, the same business fanaticism. But still, what the difference was felt between him and Ivan Ivanovich!

At Uncle Kuzmichov, near the business dryness, there was always on the face of care of fear that he would not find Varlamov, late, misses a good price; Nothing like that, peculiar to people with a small and dependent, was neither on the face or in the figure of Varlamov. This man himself created prices, did not look for anyone and did not depend on anyone; No matter how urgent was his appearance, but in everything, even in the manner to keep Nagika, the consciousness of the strength and usual power was felt over the steppe. " On the way, the travelers were hit by two large wooden cross, who were standing on both sides of the path in memory of the robbed and killed merchants. At the prival, one of the waves told the real robbery and murder: "The merchants, the father and his son drove the image to sell. They stopped here in the unpleasant yard ... The old man drank more superfluous and began to boil that he had a lot of money with him. The merchants, it is known, the people are boastful, God forbid ... will not heal, so as not to show themselves in front of our brother at its best. And at that time, at the inn of the yard, Kosari spent the night.

Well, they heard this, as a merchant boasts, and they took into account ... On the other day, a little light, the merchants gathered on the road, and Kosari got involved with them ... The merchants, to do not beat the images, go to the hand to his hand ... Everything was nothing, but as soon as the merchants reached this place, Kosari and let's clean their braids. Son, well done, snatched from one braid and also let's clean ... Well, of course, those overcame, because there were eight people. " The story, of course, is tragic and terrible, because the merchants have found a bit, a hundred rubles, and the robbers themselves paid the lives of three of their comrades, but at the same time there were a lot of such stories and the legends of the failed murders and wonderful salvations of merchants were among the people. We were mostly fiction and myths. Myths, as you know, heroize the past, so the merchants in this case become heroes that come according to their codes of honor, i.e. Brave and always ready for the exploits. It is hardly every trip merchants for their affairs was associated with a certain risk, and it was necessary to venture on these trips. The story "Three Years" first appeared in the magazine "Russian Thought" at the beginning of 1895 with the subtitle "Story", although Chekhov himself called her "Roman from Moscow Life".

Aleksey Fedorovich Laptev, a representative of the old merchant kind of Laptev, who were engaged in a wholesale trade of a haberdashery product: "fringe, tape, agramant, knitting paper, buttons, and so on, was delivered in the center of the narration. Gross revenue reached two million per year; What was the net income, no one knew, except the old man. " The old man, that is, the father of the main character, was a merchant of the old swarza: "Fedor Stepanovich was high growth and extremely strong addition, so, despite her eighty years and wrinkles, still had a kind of healthy, strong person. He spoke heavy, dense, buzzing bass, who left his wide chest, like from a barrel. He shaved his beard, wore a soldier trimmed mustache and smoked cigars. Since he always seemed to be hot, then in a barn and at home, at all times of the year he went to a spacious canal jacket. " The main character itself received a good university education, spoke French well, Moscow theaters, exhibitions, musical evenings were visited, but the appearance was unenvisible: "He was low in height, Hood, with a blush on his cheeks, and his hair had a lot, so What the head was headed. In the expression, it was not at all that elegant simplicity, which even coarse, ugly face makes pretty; In the society of women was awkward, excessively talkative, manner. "

The main intrigue is that Alexey Laptev married an intelligent girl, the daughter of a famous doctor, and all the time doubted her love for himself, although he himself was in love sincer and gently. He felt that his love was becoming more stronger, but there was no reciprocity, and the essence was the one that he bought, and she was sold. Nevertheless, passing through the coldness and alienation, losing the child, Alexey Laptev and his wife Julia Sergeyevna became, in the end, after three years, well-loving and loving spouses, together began to enter the commercial affairs of the family and to engage in charity. Interest A.P. Chekhov to the new owners of life, to Russian entrepreneurs and their activities, in the 1890s affected some other works of the writer - "Babia Kingdom", "case from practice", "in the ravine", in the play "Cherry Garden" and some others . Gradually, in his work there is a transition from the characteristics of merchants as people of coarse, greedy and low-cultural, which are ready to perform strange actions. For example, in the story "Gooseberry", where the main character is struck by the scopeidism to accumulate money and buy the estate, unexpectedly there is an image of a merchant, who supposedly before death "ordered himself to a dish of honey and ate all his money and winning tickets to anyone did not get ".

It is unlikely possible, it is possible to physically, but the characteristic of the greedy and stupid merchant is given, although it is not quite so. Representatives of major capital, and this is predominantly merchants, harvesting the factory, where hundreds and thousands of workers who produce goods necessary for people are building railways, wagons, steam locomotives and steamers, with which many loads and passengers transport are concentrated in their hands. Million capital . All this is not from a natural or acquired propensity to korestolobiya, but the characteristic signs and symbols of the capitalist era, where big money becomes real strength, and many people seek them to take possession. You can condemn them or iron about their low culture and rudeness, but in order to make themselves capital, we need certain talents, dedication, energy and power, and these qualities are inherent in the heroes of the late works of A.P. Chekhov.


1. Chekhov A.P. Collection of Op.: In 8 tons. - M.: True, 1970.

2. Chekhov A.P. Encyclopedia / Sost. and scientific ed. VB Kataev. - M.: Enlightenment, 2011. - 696 p.

V.P. Boyko

On weekdays, the merchants wore a card (a type of capped), long, warmed, out of thick cloth fructuk, high-top boots. Sirtuchi merchants preferred black or dark blue crepe, castor or cloth. Buttons on merchant futures were small, size with a two-fiber coin, flat, covered with silk. Wide pants were refueling in boots. Often wearing pants in a small cell or striped. In the winter wearing fur coats. Small merchants were warmed by a warmed species, which was called "Siberian". Siberian at the same time served as a summer coat and a representative costume.

On holidays, the merchants followed the European fashion, put on shoes, vests, shoes, and sometimes Thraits and cylinders.

In order to stand out the merchants combined various styles in their clothes: the chinel could be wound with the cylinder. Gradually, traditional Russian clothing in the wardrobe of the merchant to earth to the European - Thraits, business cards, costumes, often sewn from the capital masters.


The wives of merchants were, as a rule, younger husbands. Involve marriages were widespread. For example, at the end of the XVIII century in Tomsk and Tyumen, about 15% of merchant marriages were intrastormal. The wives of the rest of the merchants occurred, mostly from the peasants and burghers. In the first half of the 19th century, the merchants began to marry more often on mesh, and the number of intra-slim marriages increased to 20% - 30%.

A family

Merchal families - patriarchal type, with lots of children. The families of merchants of the Jews and Old Believers were larger.

The merchant family was also a form of a merchant company, a family business. Some of them became the largest companies in Russia, for example "Avenue AF. Owl with sons."

After the death of Muga, Puchikhi often continued to trade business, despite the presence of adult sons. The daughters of the merchants in marriage could receive a merchant testimony on their name, and independently conducted their affairs, and even concluded deals with their own husband.

Divorces were extremely rare. Divorce resolution issued Holy Synod.

Children from an early age began their career. From 15-16 years, they went to other cities to make transactions, worked in shops, led office books, etc.

Many merchant families had "pupils" - receiving children.

The image of the merchant in Russian art

The image of a merchant in Russian art was often bright negative. For the first time in Russian art, the merchant appeared in the second half of the XVIII century.

Operas and plays were known: Opera M. A. Matinsky "St. Petersburg Seating Yard" (1779), comedy "Pooring merchant" V. P. Kolycheva (1780), "Ketaikaya company" O. Chernyavsky (1780) , "Funny gathering, or a meshchanskaya comedy" thanks (1787), anonymous comedy "Change in the nravakh" (1789). The best was considered the comedy "Sydereman" P. A. Madelikov (satherer - a worker of a Kabak, which trades excisable goods).

The main hero of Opera M. A. Matinsky "St. Petersburg Seating Dvor" was a merchant by the name Soclaigin. Opera acquired great popularity. For the first time on the scene, the life and the "third class" morals were shown.

In the plays "Ketaikaya company" and the "butlaring merchant" show the desire of merchants to purchase a nobility, or simply imitate nobles.

In the comedy "Sadder" P. A. Plavelikova shows a new type of merchant - striving for education, knowledge and culture. In this work, the merchant is depicted as a keeper of virtue and honest in the lava.

In the works of the XVIII century, the main topic remains the relationship between merchants and nobility: the disassembled nobles marry on the merchant daughters for the sake of the dowry, the merchants seek to breed with nobles. The merchant is depicted with greedy, cunning and little educated.

Proverbs and sayings about merchants

  • Do not deceive - you can't sell
  • The merchant comes, but to repel
  • That the edge, then the custom; that the people, then faith; that a merchant, then measure
  • The merchant that Sagittarius: hit, so with the field; And did not get, so the charge disappeared!
  • Fart drinking tea drinks, but no merchant pays
  • On rotten goods blind merchant

see also

  • holy merchant - Righteous Vasily Mudnov


  • Berlin P. Bourgeoisie in Russian Artistic Literature // New Life. 1913. N1.
  • Levandowskaya A., Levandovsky A. The corner of refraction. Russian entrepreneur in the mirror of fiction // Book Review "EX LIBRIS NG". Weekly application to an "independent newspaper." 2000. N45 (168). 30 Nov.
  • Ushakov A. "Our merchants and trade with a serious and caricature side." Moscow, 1865.
  • Berekov P. "Russian Comedy and Comic Opera XVIII century // Russian comedy and comic opera XVIII century." Moscow, 1950.
  • Vsevolozhsky-GuernSross V.N. "The Russian Theater of the second half of the XVIII century // History of the Russian Drama Theater." T. 1. Moscow, 1977.
  • Gukovsky G.A. "Comic Opera // History of Russian Literature." Tom IV: Literature of the XVIII century. Moscow, 1947.
  • Bryantsev M.V. "The culture of Russian merchants: upbringing and education." Bryansk, 1999.
  • Goncharov Yu. M. "Family life of citizens Siberia second half of the XIX - early XX century." Barnaul, 2004. ISBN 5-7904-0206-2

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

  • Kuppetov Valentin Alexandrovich
  • Cuppened (village, onguday district of the Republic of Altai)

Watch what is "merchants" in other dictionaries:

    merchants - Naughty (Corinthian); The merchants of Tolstosuum (gardeners) epithets of the literary Russian speech. M: The supplier of His Majesty's courtyard partnership Jerupprite A. A. Leenson. A. L. Zelenetsky. 1913 ... Eptetov dictionary

    Merchants - merchants. In the Middle Ages, C. could only be people belonging to the Kkpeanian guilds. Now in Zap. Europe K. is represented by inconsistency, and the class, the corporate organization of which is expressed by the second chambers. By Franz. trading. Codex 1807 g ... Encyclopedia Brockhaus and Ephron

    Merchants - (IS.23: 2). One of the oldest types of trade was undoubtedly a caravan. The merchants who were sold by Joseph belonged to caravan merchants. The oldest trade with India, which we have several information was also caravan ... ... Bible. Old and new covenants. Synodal translation. Biblical encyclopedia ARH. Nikifora.

    merchants - 1. In the historical sources of the initial period of the Middle Ages, Ky. Mentionably relatively rarely. This does not mean, however, that they did not play any role in economic and public life. Trading tie in the Mediterranean area is not ... ... Dictionary of medieval culture

    Merchants - In the Middle Ages, C. could only be people who belonged to merchant guilds (see the merchant guilds.). Now in Zap. Europe K. is not a class, but class (see class.), Which is a corporate organization of which is expressed in trade chambers ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

    The merchants on the threshold in the shop do not stand. - (buyers eating). See Trade ... IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian nation


^ Merchants in Russian literature to A. N. Ostrovsky

In general, Russian literature gives an irreparable picture of merchant dishonestness and ptumps. It should be noted that until the middle of the XIX century, the merchant image, a description of merchant life and morals was not particularly interested in Russian writers. The main characters were, as a rule, nobles (Chatsky, Onegin, Pechorin, Gogol landlords), peasants (Pushkin, Turgenev, Nekrasovsky) or those who came up with the name "Little Man" (poor Liza, Evgeny from "Copper Rider", Kovalev, Bashmachkin, girls, etc.). But the merchant appeared rarely.

One of the first works depicting a merchant medium was almost forgotten comedy P. A. Madelikova "Sydereman" 9, where the Moscow merchant Hariton Avdulin, along with his fellows - merchants, wants to deceive and tell his pet serving him by Sidelts. But an honest policeman virtue interfers (!), And everything ends safely.

W. ^ I. A. Krylova there is fableand entitled "Merchant". It takes about the instructions that I gave a merchant to my nephew: "Trading in my opinion, so you will not be at Vacant." A merchant teaches to sell rotten cloth for good English, but the merchant himself turns out to be deceived, since the buyer pays false money with him. Very indicative of the words Basni:

^ Deceived the merchant: there is no diva ;

But if anyone is

Higher shops look, -

He will see that and there on the same thing goes ...

N. V. Gogol About the merchants says a little. Positive merchant types, like other Russian writers, no, but some of their characteristics entered the saying. Granified in "Revolution"Names merchants" Samovarniki "," Arshiniki "," protobes "," inflatable by sea ". "Samovarnik" and "Archik" - literally glued with the mild of Gogol to the merchant.

The merchant gets the same short and tank characteristic. a. N. Nekrasov in "Who lives well in Russia":

^ Kupchina Tolstopuzoma ! -

They said the Rubins brothers,

Ivan and Metrodor ...

In the poem "Railway" we find and describe the external appearance of the merchant:

In the blue caftan - a venerable labaznik,

Thick, additive, red, like copper,

Driving contractor on the holiday,

Drives your work to see.
Celebrated people are broken by Chinno ...

Sweat otirate

And he says, occupying picture:

"Okay ... Neshto ... Well done! .. Well done!

At Saltykov-Shchedrin, the people of the shopping class occupy a slight place. However, he has interesting information. Let us give an excerpt from the monologue of the merchant Izhbdddin:

"Before we traded? I will bring you, it happened, a peasant of a cooler a dozen, well, they dumped, and come for money, they say, in a week. And he will come in a week, and I do not know him, I do not know who, who is. There will be a poor fellow, and there are no guides for you, because both the Greadchard, and the whole of the Jiacense brothers your hand pulls. Such something came in and found capital, and under the old age of sins before God was soared. "

P. A. Buryshkin in his book "Moscow merchant" about the inimitable comic storytellor, artist of the Alexandrinsky Theater in St. Petersburg I. F. Gorbunov. He himself wrote monologues for his stage performances, which mostly not survived. The scenes from the merchant life occupied the main place in his repertoire. He had a larger thing - the comedy "Samodor", where, in the memories of those who read it and saw it, he surpassed the Ostrovsky himself in the corpse of merchant dishonest and crime.

Melnikov-Pechersky in their chronicle "in the forests" and "on the mountains" pays a lot of space to the description of the merchant life in Nizhny Novgorod, its surroundings and in remote areas (the Fair to the Fair was going to the Nizhny). These are almost always splitters, opponents of the Nikonian Church (Pechersky Melnikov was a deep connoisseur of Russian split and religious issues make up the main content of his chronicles). It is very busy with these questions from a merchant environment, but it does not prevent them from building their job on deception and fraud, which indicates some kind of inviolability of these qualities in merchant characters, regardless of faith. There are one amazing episode in the chronicle "in the forests". Amazing because of its exclusivity (difficult, it may even be impossible to find similar reviews about merchants on the pages of Russian literature). In a conversation with the main hero of Chapurin, his future son-in-law tells him about the beginning of a textile business in the Kostroma province:

And how it started. An intelligent man with good prosperity was launched, our consent was, in ancient pious. Konovalov got sad. I got a small weaving establishment, with my mind my hand went, yes went. And the people grow rich, and now lives better than the local one. Yes, you never know such places in Russia. And the wiser is a good deed one hurt. We would have a bigger Konovalov, it would be nice to people. "

This quote is still an exception from the extensive gallery of Samovarnikov, Archnikov, Tolstopus Kupchin, Pluts and Scammers.

The greatest number of images from the merchant medium gave Russian literature A. N. Ostrovsky. He is talking about.

^ 3.

Images of merchants in the work of A. N. Ostrovsky

The "merchant theme" appears at the island already in its earliest etudes to the "memorization of the Zamoskvoretsky resident." A part of the earliest essays of this collection was devoted to the life of officialhood, in subsequent (such as "Zamoskvorechye on the holiday" and "Kuzma Samsonich"), he refers to a merchant medium, especially the conservatism and ignorance. In these essays, the characters of his famous comedy "His people are already well guess!"

Comedy "Your people - to think!" It is considered first in the work of Ostrovsky. However, the first completed play is the one-acting work of the "picture of family happiness". It is a scene from the life of a merchant family, her group portrait. It is already clearly visible to two topics that will become dominant in the work of the Ostrovsky - the theme of the power of money and family despotism. Already in this play, a favorite reception of the playwright was used - to give the heroes "speaking" names (the chief hero called Antip Antipovich Pozatov). We do not stop in detail on this play due to the fact that it is a "peculiar prologue" 10 to the subsequent - "His people will tear!" And because it "there are a lot of deposit, which is fully and brighter revealed in subsequent comedies." 11

The first full-acting play of Ostrovsky, which appeared in the press - this is "their people - to tear!". She wrote in 1846-1849. Under the name "bankrupt", and came out under the well-known title in the magazine "Moskvatik" for 1850 this is one of the most famous Pieces of Ostrovsky. "Merchant theme" and related themes of money, samorament, ignorance here are fully presented. This play is interesting to us as an artistic evidence of an eyewitness of a merchant life, customs, the language of the second half of the forties of the XIX century, that is, in the pre-reform Russia. It is known that the Moscow Mercury on the release of the play demanded the "case" on Ostrovsky. The comedy was prohibited, its printing was recognized as an error. Ostrovsky five years after that was under the special observation of the police. What did the Moscow Mercury indisputated so much?

According to the initiators of the "case" of Ostrovsky, the playwright distorted the positive image of the Moscow merchant, making "well-integral and respected" people with fraudsters and criminals. They also argued that malicious bankruptcy depicted by the playwright as a phenomenon is regular and typical for a merchant medium, was not at all. However, not all readers and critics were considered so. G. V. Granovsky, for example, responded about the play as "Devilish Good luck" 12; T. Shevchenko recorded in his diary: "... ... as if the comedy is Ostrovsky" His people to tear! " It is prohibited on the stage at the request of the Moscow merchants. If this is true, then satire, as it can not more reached its goal. "13 Among the benevolent critics of the play were V. F. Odoyevsky, who called the comedy tragedy and put it in one row with the "adolescent", "grief from the mind" and "Auditor" 14.
Drama is a very specific nature of literature. Poster, a list of actors with a brief characteristic, short remarks - the only possibility of the author's direct appeal to the reader, the only way to express its attitude to what is happening. Then everything falls on the shoulders of actors and the author, as it were, is eliminated from the action, without giving him any interpretations and comments that the authors of the epic genres enjoy.

Although the poster and remarks open a drama of a certain opportunity to tell the reader something about the heroes of his play (the fact that Pushkin called "alleged circumstances"), usually posters of playwrights are very stupid.

Not the island. In all his plays, posters are meaningful. It begins with the name of the play - "His people will tear!" Calculation between your? Paradox. Only not for a merchant circle, where everyone is used to measuring by market concepts. All the actors of the play are "their own people", relatives or as if employees now said. But not only therefore they are "their own." Ostrovsky wants to show that they are all equally immoral and are calculated with each other with one "coin" - betrayal for money. So itself the name of the play "His people will tear!" turns us to the topic of familyhood and to the topic of money.

Then poster gives the names of the actors. Ostrovsky loved to endow heroes by the "speaking" names. These names are directly related to the unchanged internal qualities of the heroes (the tradition is well-known in Phonon, Pushkin, Dostoevsky, etc.). For such "straightness", Ostrovsky has repeatedly listened to the reproaches of critics, who considered this technique to the old and naive (his roots in classicism), but until the end of the life he did not refuse this reception.

This reception is not so straightforward, as it seems. The meaningful last name never determines the whole image, "it serves only one of the means of characteristics, pointing to some kind of image property." 15 In many cases, the island features and features of the acting persons are far from being covered by their names and surnames in the sense that the qualities accentuated in the name are not always unchanged. In "His People - Treat!" A catastrophic change is depicted, shift in human relations, in the social position of the main characters. These events fully change the social position of heroes (who was "nobody" - becomes "to all"). The hero is changing, and the name remains. I. S. Turgenev, for example, in this play above all the effectiveness of this reception. He admired the "final stage", where the father of the family is no longer Samson, not the power, no longer, is no longer Samodor at all, but a miserable person who is remaping and daughter and son-in-law. And the son-in-law in the finals in the cruelty does not yet fit in anything with a distorting surname of Podkhaluzin, nor with the mascara name and patronymic Lazar Eliarych.

So, pay attention to the poetics of names. The protagonist Samson is powroad. The name Samson patronymic Power and the surname is mostly talked for themselves. They transferred the evaluation of the hero of the environment corresponding to his self-esteem. The name is read literally like a bogatyr - great power. Such a semantic ultrastone (each of these words already expresses the necessary meaning), three-time repetition of the hyperbolus of the Hero power and at the same time make it comic. If we carry out a small cultural analysis, then we will see that Samson on the Old Testament legend is defeated, blinded bogatyr, defeated by cunning. Thus, only the name of his hero on the poster, the playwright already determines the outcome of the conflict for him.

At the beginning of the play in front of us, the omnipotent owner, in the heyday of years, forces and business. At the end - coated with a shame, accompanied by convoy, hides his face from the townspeople, on which without quite recently looked from above.

Wife Bolshaya - Agrapan Kondratyevna. The name and patronymic indicates the origin of the peasants. Even Ustynia Naumovna calls Bolsharly Panevice.

In the name of the clerk of Lazar, Elizarovich Podkhalyuzina can be heard: Superior, Pokhalim, Yurule, Swan. But so it is only at the beginning of the plays. Favoring money and becoming a merchant, he no longer needs to use his skills. But the last name is left. She as a reminder of how much the money was mined.

Ustinya Naumovna, Swaha. The name resembles something narrow, slippery, agriculture, and the surname that she herself on his mind (she really, by the nature of the classes you need to obey your interest - from whom the handkerchief, who has matter on dress, etc.). Being "herself on his mind", "she comes out of any situations." Dry "

Strank, Sysh Psech Rispalinsky. With the name of the Sysh PSOCH, Psi, Lysins, "Still!" etc. Wonderful about this name, Agraphen Kondratyevna summarizes (act. I, Yavl. 8): "And Pinzica so Pinsic! Well, that's nothing! And it happens worse, bragistic! ". In the last name we hear "Location and False". Benefitness manifested itself in his resale services from one customer to another.

The servants in the house of the majorship: the keys of Fominichna (it is called for the patronymic of the peasant manner); Tishka, boy (quiet quiet, but Plutovskaya skill begins to show - "in the still waters ..."). Fominichene and Tishke are in the house from top to bottom, although Bigs have recently been the same peasants as they. "You, Fominichna, born between men and legs stretch a peasant," says Lipochka, feeling his unconditional superiority.

A mansion in the series of these names is the name of the daughter of the Bolshaya - Samsonovna Olympiad. Where in an uneducated family such an original foreign name? As we have talked above, the merchants in their desire to get rid of the Menzitsky complex of inferiority tried to move habits, manners, of the nobility in their life. The name of the daughter is a tribute to the eternal envy of merchants to the noble origin of the nobility. It seemed to talk in the whole family: here, they say, and we are no worse than you, noble. Such a screaming name together with ignorance of its carrier creates a comic effect. But it is impossible to forget about his etymology: Olympus, a victorious top hears in it. And indeed, after the events who put everything from the legs on the head, Samsonovna Olympiad - one of all the participants still "upstairs". At the beginning of the play, she at Batyushkaya Money, at the end - with man.

Thus, despite the brevity, the poster of the play is very informative, and attentive attitude to the poetics of the names allows you to deeper the idea of \u200b\u200bthe play.

In the text of the play itself, the playwright (unlike the author of the epic work) is almost deprived of the possibility of explaining the actions of his hero, to catch up with something for him or explain its copyright position in detail. All these features transmit speech of heroes. In dialogues and monologues, a dramatic action is developing and therefore the speech speech in the drama is the main way to create a character. The analysis of the speech makes it possible to see the social position of the hero, and the level of education, and pupils, and the level of claims.

From the conversations of the heroes, we will learn the prehistory of the Bolshev family. Both husband and wife are coming from the most peasant bottoms. That is, all the actors in this respect "one berry field". Rispalinsky da Ustinya Naumovna from the urban meshmansky class, which does not give them any advantages. But if the social origin of the heroes is equally, the social situation is no. Most - a big man, Tolstosum, one of the owners of the city. He looks over with his environment. He feels his right to it, after all, everyone either live on his money, or is waiting for the hand from him. In the subordinate position from him and wife with his daughter. The wives depends on his whim and mood. Even the fate of his only daughter he decides for Samoram: "For what I and Father, if not to order? Dive. What, I fed it? And you will not sit, so forcibly putting and make it make it possible to be cheerful. Vella and for the janitor will leave! " (action. III, Yavl. 4).

The behavior of the majority in the family for him is absolutely natural - he has not seen other samples, the subtleties of the etiquette are not familiar to him. It is also natural for him and behavior in affairs: fraud in the name of the benefit is not perceived by him as a crime, on the contrary - is the only possible path of the pinning capital. Therefore, he so easily agrees on the adventure with deception of creditors and pseudobanstum. For no problem, put the law. For him, it is rather a question of Azart, as in a card game: a risk or not to take a chance, throw a map or not? And most of the phenomenon is not a single, but quite typical. The author specially provided for the proof of this - reading the newspaper, where the list of specially declared themselves by bankruptcies of merchants is such that there is not enough patience to read it.

Therefore, giving an assessment to the merchant Bolshev, and in his face and all merchants of the sample 1846-1849, we must understand that its moral appearance is not a conscious choice, but an unconscious subordination to behavioral stereotype. He is sincerely sure that he does not make anything reprehensible. Money changed its appearance, housing. They gave him the opportunity to have a servant and thereby radically change their life towards comfort. The money allowed to train the daughter of fashionable things, like dances, piano, buy her steam dresses. But the money did not lay the moral obstacles, because moral appearance can only change as a result of serious internal work on themselves. Most of this is not capable. It is too uneducated, ignorant for this. He does not know how to think any categories except the benefit. It is diveged, but this piousness is a primitive understanding of religion and church as a way and the place of soaring sins. The presentation of this environment about the truth Christianity clearly expressed fominishna in a conversation with Lipochka: "Yes, what did these noble? What is in them for a special skist? Naked on his goal, and there is no Christianity, there is no one: it does not go to the bath, no pies on holidays do not bake ... "(Action. I, Yavl. 6)

Most cruel, Azarten and naive at the same time, and the reason for this is ignorance.

It would seem that the problem of ignorance, uneducation in the younger generation can be removed by money. There is no problem to give any education with Samsonovna Olympiad, and she really learned something. Even the closer Ustiny Naumovna understands that Lipochkina "Enlightenment" is not worth a penny: "The upbringing is also not God knows what: he writes how the elephant believes, in French Ali on the pianshaughs too, there, yes, and there is nothing ; Well, the dance will break down - I and the dust itself in the nose in the nose "(act.II, Yavl.7). But no formation (and lipochkino, all the more), not supported by family traditions, culture of relations and everyday communication, can not "extort the girl. She is a little different from their parents. In something she is even worse than them. In the fourth act there is a terrible scene, when the sticky, looking out the window, chewing out: "There is no one as aunt of the pit - Look, Lazar Elizarych!" (Dayt. IV, Yavl. 3). In our opinion, this is the main moral play, expressed not in the didactic form, and in the form of a brief, as if nothing of meaningful replica, which strikes the inconsistency of someone who says how he says: Daughter speaks about the liberation of the parent as a rank Event.

"The dream of the mind creates a monster" - and the sticky - the monster generated by ignorance of the father and the environment. Neither the French nor the piano nor dances made it "noble". She is a drawing, unprincipled and is not able to love. Love is a spiritual connection of two people. It does not possess any spirituality, and only the calculation is able to combine his life - yesterday she did not want to hear about the "non-financial" podhaluzin, and the next day perfectly feels in union with him and his money.
So, in the play "His people will be thrown!" We see the portrait of the merchant sample 1946-49. With the inherent people of this class by Azart in making a profit, primitively understood by religiosity, self-employment, naivety. These qualities are due to his ignorance: it is not at all able to rise over money and reflect on moral categories. Calculation, and even more excitement, pushing it to one criminal adventure - to deal with all creditors. But the attorneys in his affairs of Podkhalyuzin and the Rispalinsky find their calculation and, without thinking, betray the majority. All of them stand each other - live with a calculation and do not stop before the crime, they are their people. And they framed - one moral crime pulled the chain of others.

The most from the "his people" is a daughter - also calculated with her father. On his proprietary attitude towards her ("My diet - for whom I want, for him and give") she answered cold indifference to his fate.