Where did the real Aryans come from. Where do "True Aryans" live

Where did the real Aryans come from. Where do
Where did the real Aryans come from. Where do "True Aryans" live

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The meaning of the word Aryans

aryans in the Crosswordist Dictionary

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


aryans, units. Arian, Aryans, m. (from Sanskrit. Arya is noble).

    General name for Indian and Iranian groups of Indo-European.

    The same as Indo-Europeans.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I. IGOV, N.Yu.Shvedova.


Ev, un. ARIET, - Yeah, m.

    The name of the peoples belonging to the eastern branch of the Indo-European family of languages.

    In the terminology of racism - the representative "of the highest racial type"White people. Ki. Arya, - and.

    arr. Aryan, - one.

A new intelligent-word-formational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


mN. Representatives, from the point of view of racists, Aryan - Nordic - race.

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


outdated name of Indoran peoples; See Aria.


Aryans (National Socialism)

Aryans or aryan Race (The term comes from the word "aria" (Dr.-ind. ārya-, Avest. Airya-, Dr.-Persian. Ariya-), which meant "worthy, dear, noble" in ancient Sanskrit) - a false term put forward The middle of the XIX century by the authors of racial theories and widely used by the German national socialists.

Initially, under the Aryan race was understood as the subtype of a European divider, more known as "Nordic Race". The term was introduced by Joseph Gobno in his "experience of inequality human races"(1855) ..

IN scientific literature The term was out of use in the first half of the 20th century and is no longer used. The fuel troops of the term is derived from the mixing of linguistic and anthropological characteristics, as in the Aryan language linguistics, the Indoran languages \u200b\u200bare called, and during the occurrence of the term - Indo-European languages \u200b\u200bat all; But the carriers of both those and others do not have common physical properties And do not form any race. So, carriers of Aryan languages \u200b\u200bare those different in the anthropological attitude of the peoples like Iranians and Indians. Anthropological diversity among carriers of all Indo-European languages \u200b\u200bis much higher.

According to fashionable on turn XIX-XX Theories, subsequently as the basis of the Nazi ideology, Pranodina "Aryans". So, Adolf Hitler wrote:

The "Aryan race" was opposed to the "Semitic race" in the face of primarily the Jews, from where the term anti-Semitism. At the same time, the "Semitic Race" was attributed to purely negative qualitieswho gave it in the representation of racists, the direct opposite of the Aryan race.

Aryans (values)

Aryans - multi-valued concept:

  • Aryans or aryan Race - a false scientific term, nominated in the middle of the XIX century by authors of racial theories and widely used by German national socialists.
  • Aryans or Aria - the name of the peoples speaking in the languages \u200b\u200bof the Aryan Group of Indo-European Family, which is coming from self-supplying historical peoples Ancient Iran I. Ancient India
  • "Aryans" - the conversational name of the members and fans of the Rock Group "Aria"

Examples of the use of the words of the Aryans in the literature.

at first aryans Appeared in the European zone of Scandinavia and Balticum, that is, mainly in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Finland.

Some Indians believed that aryans They came from the White Island, the lights-dvips, which, according to their ideas, was in the extreme north.

However, brilliant poetry, the wonderful imagery of thought and sublime philosophy of later epics, which inherited aryanswho won this country to rise to the concepts of cosmic wisdom acquired for countless centuries of study by the people of space.

While race Mediterranean Sea, Semity I. aryans They are recognized as those who stand almost at the same level, the Slavs are much lower than all others.

He is even ready to agree with I-SA-A-com De La Pereira that aryans Were created for one day earlier than semites.

Many European I. eastern languages Close to each other. All of them belong to a single "Aryan" or Indo-European language family. However, historians are still arguing whether "Arias" really existed.

Aryan etymology

Aria - the ancient peoples of India and Iran, who spoke in the Aryan languages \u200b\u200bbelonging to Indo-European language seven.. The etymology of their self-relocation is very mysterious. In the XIX century, a hypothesis was put forward that the ethnonym "Aria" occurred from the words "nomad" or "farmer". Already in the 20th century, scientists believed that the Indo-European AR-I̯-O- means "the one who is the hospital for ARI", and "Ari" can be translated from ancient Indian as "friend" or, on the contrary, the "enemy" (the opposite meaning of one and one The same words or related words are typical for ancient languages).

The combining value may also be a "tribesman from someone else's clan", as he could be a friend and the enemy. Thus, the concept of "Aria" denoted a person belonging to the ethnic totality of various tribes of Ariyev. The hypothesis confirms the presence in the Vedic Pantheon of the Ariamann god, responsible for friendship and hospitality.

Another vector of etymological surveys leads us to another value of the word "Aria" - "free-birth" and "noble", which came from Semitic languages. It is possible that the rudiments of this word were preserved in ancient Ringland, in which "Aire" is translated as "notable" or "free", as well as in some others.

Where came from Aria

Recent studies show that the ancient praari was initially a single people, and only in the second millennium BC was divided into two branches - Iranian and Indoary. The word "Iran" itself has a connection with the word "Aryan", and means "Land of Ariev". It is important to take into account that modern Iran is only a small area on the map of those huge territories that occupied the ancient Iranian peoples: Iranian plateau, Central Asia, Kazakhstan, steppes north of the Caucasus and the Black Sea and others. In addition, the community of Indoary and Iranian branches proves the similarity of the sacred texts - Iranian Avesta and Indian Vedas. To date, there are several several versions about where Aria came from.

If you believe the linguistic hypothesis, the arias migrated to India and settled there in about 1700-1300. BC. The version is based on the study of ancient languages \u200b\u200band customs reflected in historical sources. Linguistics shows that India was not home to Ariyev - as a rule, in the region of origin of any language family there are many different languages \u200b\u200band dialects of the same family, and in India there are only one Indian branch of languages. In Central and Eastern Europe, on the contrary, there are hundreds of varieties of Indo-European languages. It is logical to assume that it was here that the Indo-European family of languages \u200b\u200band peoples originated. In addition, having come to India, the arias faced the indigenous population, talking in the languages \u200b\u200bof another family, for example, on the Munda (Austro-Asian family) or Dravidsky - languages \u200b\u200bfrom which archaic borrowings in Sanskrit were taken.

The most recognized by this moment - Kurgan hypothesis. According to her, the Pranodina Indo-Europeans were the Volga and Black Sea lands, on which the archaeologists recorded a yama culture. Her representatives were the first to build battle chariots, which allowed them to seize all large territories and spread their influence on the entire Eurasian mainland.

Pseudo-native speculation

In addition to academic versions there are dozens of fantastic: that arias, in fact, the inhabitants of the mythical hyperborei who came from the Polar region; that they are the immediate ancestors of the Germans, Russians or someone else. As a rule, such theories are in demand among nationalist communities to build the pseudoistory of a certain people, the main goal, "extend" the history of their country.

Culture Ariyev

Aria or Indoirans left rich cultural inheritance. In addition to the most important written heritage, such as Vedas and Avesta, more than Mahabharat and Ramayana, Aria left and monuments material culture. Initially, the semi-boring people, they focused on breeding cows and horses. The main weapons of Ariyev were arrows. This nations were familiar with irrigation systems, a forging of copper and gold products.

The Ariev family was Patriarchal, each family had other members, slaves and cattle in each family. Families were combined into childbirth, communities and tribes, sometimes warring themselves. That three class social systemThat was distributed in the ancient and Indian societies, it was not as much developed by Ariev, however, its main features were present. The top of the hierarchy was the priests, future brahmans, and the Aristocrats-Ksatriya, commanding the simple people. The arias were the militant people extracting land in search of new land and pastures.


The origin of the races until the XIX century was a historic mystery. However, at the beginning of the century, scientists have opened the community of many European languages \u200b\u200bwith the languages \u200b\u200bof India and Iran. All these languages \u200b\u200bwere called Aria language family - Subsequently, it will be called Indo-European. Self-sizing the peoples of Ancient India and Iran - Aria, was mistakenly understood as common name All Indo-European tribes, and archaeologists soon found the so-called yammy culture, which, thanks to the construction of combat chariots, quickly expanded its linguistic, cultural and political influence from a small plot within the boundaries of some lands modern Poland., Ukraine and the south of Russia to the scale of the whole empire - from Portugal to Sri Lanka. Despite the fact that no separate race of the Aryans existed, and the mixing of physiological signs with linguistic was falsely scientific (natives of Tajikistan, Persia, Roma, and even hides, which are Australoids) were considered to be very different among the natives of Indo-European languages. The community of languages \u200b\u200bis equal to the generality of racial. The famous error of the German researcher Max Muller, who was inappropriate to the non-existent "Aryan race", led to distribution in scientific World Opinions on the existence of the race of Aryans, and in the future and the emergence of Nazi racial theories.

In this book, Blavatsky told about the theory, which she managed to withdraw thanks to numerous spiritual sessions and numerous experiments with otherworldly forces. Her theory spoke about the arias. Aryans who are? - Mystically ill-wound people who have once inhabited our land and relative to the race.

She believed that the Hermann Ancient Ariyev occurred, and the first place where the Aryans appeared was Atlantis or Tula Island (the name of this island later became the name of the secret society "Tula"). After the death of Atlantis, the Aryans moved to the Podgorny Himalayas and Tibet.

According to Elena Blavatsky Aria, there were God-in-law, the vocation of which was to manage all living on Earth. Hitler immediately liked this theory. He understood that this is exactly what he was looking for so long. Thanks to this legend, he will be able to raise the morale broken in the First World War of the German People. After all, they are them, the Germans must rule all other peoples, and they are endowed with this right with the most antiquity.

Was there only a book by the ancestor of the future ideology of the National Socialist Party or something else affected the establishment of the foundation of the nationalist ideas of Adolf Hitler?

Hitler was a massone

Few people know that in 1919, Hitler entered one of the Masonic lodges. At that time he was very demanded a strong shoulder and support, both financial and spiritual power of this world. Subsequently, he will get rid of his former comrades, Masons - dissolving all their lodges in every country where his army will be.

No, he did not suit the total persecutions of the members of the lodges, but that they were going to society, especially those who like the sacraments and seek to power, to admit it in no case. After all, competitors have no right to exist.

Yet, long before the National Socialists acquire power, Hitler considered Masons with their brothers and they shared his opinion. It is in the bed of Hitler for the first time hear old legend On the secret history of the Earth, which in the future and will take as the basis of ideological beliefs, thanks to which will go to the top of power in Germany.

Legend Ariv

The legend says. Overall on Earth lived two races. Some had dark skin color, and were endowed with extraordinary power. They had a highly developed culture and science. All their cities were preferably located in the south. People lived in the north. Their development compared to the "black race" was not great, so they were obliged, subordinate to the "black gentlemen." But one day everything changed. Among the white people, a brave and wise Arian Ram, who no longer wanted to obey "black gentlemen". He was able to convince representatives of their race to raise uprisings in the northern lands. It happened about eight thousand years before the Nativity of Christ.

Aryans who are? People of the "White Race" under the leadership of the frame were able to win over the "black gentlemen" overwhelmed them. This circumstance subsequently affected the representatives of the "Black Race" in the fact that they were very far behind the development of white people. The frames managed to create an empire of an extraordinary force that united many people of the world. But everything is not forever.

After the death of the frame, his heirs could not agree among themselves and for many years unleashed the bloody interference. As a result, small uprisings were turned into rebellion, and then in civil WarThe prince of the prince of Irshu. Moreover, the struggle for power and legacy of the frame had not only political importance, but also determined the further ways of the development of all mankind.

In this struggle, Aria suffered defeats, and all subsequent revolutions, socialist utopian teachings and losses of spirituality people are a consequence of this.

After these events, another legend remains. As if somewhere in Asia, there is high in the mountains, on the border of Afghanistan, Tibet and India, there is a country of Agarti-Shambhala, which is inhabited by the medium wise men who managed to survive after the rebellion of Ishi, hiding in inaccessible caves of secret laboratories, libraries, warehouses storing all scientific The experience of many ancient civilizations. Who can agree with the inhabitants of Shambhala and will postpone the key to secret knowledge - he will post the world and will reveal all the secrets of the universe!

Hitler in search of Shambhala

Hearing this legend and reading the book Blavat, Hitler becomes just obsessed with the idea - find these secret Knowledge. In their search, he relies on the location indicated by Elena Blavat. The first place where you need to look for is the city of Agadi, located underground on the site of the former Babylonia, and the second is the legendary Shambhala, where there is a key from all secrets of the universe.

After 1925, Adolf Hitler officially recreates his National Socialist Party in August of the same year, Henry Himmler joins it, with whom Hitler is already familiar with the time of the "beer coup". It was the gimmler in 1923 that the "fighting banner of Reich". As soon as the devotee Henry Himmler becomes a member of the party, Hitler immediately appoints Gauleteer Bavaria. After some time, Adolf tells Heinrich an ancient legend and asks the comrade to help in search of the most valuable knowledge.

In 1926, first in Munich, and then in Berlin begin to appear quite numerous colonies of Tibetans and the Hindus, with whom specialists from the SS, trying to get at least some information about Shambal and Black Faith Bond.

Middle and the Middle East were also not forgotten. There are "archaeological" expeditions, consisting of sympathetic Nazis scientists and SS employees who are trying to find the underground city of Agadium by all means.

Heinrich Gimmler tries with all their might as soon as possible and better to fulfill the task entrusted to him as a search for the ancient knowledge and sources of Ariev. In other matters, his efforts were rapidly rated. On January 6, 1929, Heinrich Himmler was appointed to the post of the PS Reichsfürera. Thus, Hitler not only thanked Himmler for his efforts, but also acquired true friend And the "right hand".

Since the beginning of 1931, Himmler has been creating its independent secret Service CD named. Initially, all the same 30 gimmler begins to show interest in the retired sailor Rainhard Heydrich.

Beautiful, musically gifted, blonde, athletically folded young man, recreated, according to Himmler, the image of the true Aryans. But not only this in Heydrich was interested in Reichsfürera SS.

First of all, Himmler paid attention to his education and deep knowledge of culture: this could not boast every Nazi functioner or SS officer. And Reinhard was born and grew up in the family director of the conservatory, where the cult of culture reigned.

Reinhard so virtuoso owned the violin that he could easily make a musical career, but he chose the way sea officerBut I could not hold back there because of my weakness to women. He had to leave the fleet after the trial of the officer's honor because of the scandalous love Story With a daughter of one of the senior officers.

Project "Legacy of ancestors"

As a result, Heydrich was invited to the Himmler's office where he was offered to lead the secret service of the SD to which was the new program for the search for ancient knowledge, referred to as the "legacy of ancestors".

Himmler believed that only Reinhard Heydrych, possessing enviable erudition and deep knowledge of world culture, will be able to move away from a dead point, thoroughly held in a deadlock. Reinhard gladly accepted the proposals of the SS Reichsfürera and left the office.

After some time after the appointment of Rhinehard Heydrich, a classified structure was organized as part of the SS, called the "Legacy of ancestors". The main task of this organization is to be found in culture, science, and the history of the whole world, confirmation of God-in-law and claims to the world domination of the Aryan race in the face of Germans.

This secret structure combined over its roof more than fifty scientific institutions and closed laboratories different profileWhere high-class specialists were studying:

  • Symbolism
  • Roong letters
  • Applied linguistics
  • The story of Ariyev
  • Knowledge of the ancient peoples with translations from Sanskrit

All sorts of myths and legends of various tribes and peoples were carefully analyzed, ethnographic issues were discussed, the anthropometric features of various races, etc. were detected.

In parallel with the research engaged in the laboratories and institutes of Germany, there are searches and in the East and Tibet, where expeditions are very often sent, which includes professional scouts, saboteurs and masty scientists.

Subsequently, no report or reports have been found by the countries of the anti-Hitler coalition anything about one expedition. That managed to find in the Middle, Middle East and Tibet, the Germans remain a mystery forever.

The origin of the Aryan race

But some information is still preserved. Specialists and "Heritage of the ancestors" managed to find out where the Aryan race originated. According to their data, these places were supposed to be somewhere in Central Asia In the area of \u200b\u200bthe Gobi desert, in Pamirs and Eastern Europe.

It is also known that the CC was believed that the Gobi Desert was not always lifeless, but turned into such as a result of using the most powerful weapons not yet known to people of the 30s of the last century. And it happened on their estimates about four thousand years ago.

At the same time, the Ariye tribes after environmental catastrophe Disamed in different directions in the world. Nordic Arias led to the North-West (later became the main deity of the ancient Scandinavians and Germans), where the rest went - left unknown.

It is not known how the Gimmler's request motivated when he told Hitler at the end of the 30s that sacrifices are required, but Adolf immediately gave good to this matter. A year later, the head of the SD Rainhard Heydrych also becomes the head of the system of concentration camps and, creating the first ghetto - he began to solve the problem of "sacrifices" by unknown "powerful".

The victims were visible to the gods that Gitler brought them to them, because he won the victory with one slam, while the luck did not turn from him in the winter of 1941 and he did not "stumbled" near Moscow.

Many scientists still crave to find out what information the organization "Heritage ancestors" was kept and still seeking to understand Aryans who are? Occasionally float here, then there are different fragmentary data on the activities of this powerful organization, for example one of them.

There is evidence that the "legacy of ancestors" managed to understand what an energy information system and a single energy-information field of the Earth, in which the Tibetans believes so. Maybe it was for this reason that allied troops numbered thousands of Tibetan corpses dressed in the form "Waffen-SS" without identifying signs, so Yaros protect Berlin, to the last cartridge, to the last drop of blood.

Is this or not, and that Tibetans did in the Nazis service will remain a mystery story. Aryans who are? To the end it is also unknown.

All expedition participants died in strange circumstances

Good luck turned away not only from Hitler in its conquests, but also from its close.

Here, for example, the fate of Reinhard Heydrich has developed very prosaic. He was already under the "cap" of English intelligence. On May 27, 1942, the Deputy Reichpotecutor of Heydrich in the open "Mercedes" returned to the narrow streets of Prague from his country house to the residence, cool turn Two dressed men dressed in working overalls of men jumped to his car. One opened fire by the driver, and the second threw a grenade under the car. As a result of the explosion, Reinhard Heydrich was heavily injured by fragments in the chest and stomach and died suddenly on June 4 of the same year.

It is now difficult to say who organized an attempt - the British or Hitler himself. After all, the day before, one of the expeditions sent to Tibet, which was safely returned and brought the most valuable information, with which Rainhard Heydrych familiarized himself. For the reductions of a number of sources, all members of the expedition died under strange circumstances, and the materials delivered by them would disappear without a trace ...

As you know, the leaders of the Third Reich seriously believed that the True Aryans were Germans. Or at least, made the view that they believe in it. And in 1939, Himmler sent a large-scale scientific expedition to Tibet.

What did the Germans looking for there? Gold? Emeralds? No, they measured the width of the Tibetans, the face angle, filmed gypsum masks from them, calculated the cephalization coefficient ... hoped to find the most mythical "nordic" Aryans in Tibet, which, according to their idea, had once left Germany and went east. But not found. For the most part They dealt with indigenous Tibetans - representatives of the Mongoloid Group.

Who are Dirda?

More lucky to the French researcher Michel Pesely. In 1975, he still found a small people of Mini-po, who had all the features of the European anthropological group in his snow-covered Himalayas. Some of his representatives were even similar to the "Nordic" Aryans.

This mysterious people To this day dwells in Western Himalayas, in Ladakhe - a peculiar eve of Tibet. The area is located where the borders of the three countries are in contact with India, Pakistan and China. Of course, Bessel discovered in Tibet not at all "Nordic" Aryans, but the descendants of the Indo-Europeans, who in 1400 before new era They came to India from Central Asia and were subsequently by Indoaria.

Minaro is not the only Europeans, from time immemorial those living in the Himalayas. People having European appearance, residents of Tibet are conventionally called Darda.

Europeans from the depths of centuries

In the province of Nursan in Afghanistan, as well as in the Pakistan mountains on the border with Afghanistan, one of amazing peoples Darus group - Kalashi. His number is about 6 thousand people.
Sellia are located at an altitude of 1900-2200 meters above sea level. Kalashi inhabit three side valleys formed by the right (Western) tributaries of the Chitral River (Kunar): Bumbert (Calash Mumret), Rumba (Arm) and Birier (Biro), at a distance of approximately 20 km south of Chitral.

Their wooden houses are prayed alone over another along the steep mountain slopes and somehow resemble Georgian sacli with a flat roof. Between the dwellings are laid by Mostijah and steep forests, according to which the guys are happy with pleasure. A number of ruins of the ancient stone fortresses - possibly erected by the ancestors of the current residents.

Neighbors consider kalashai by the aborigines - and scientists confirm this. In joint research of the Institute of General Genetics named after Vavilov, the University of Southern California and Stanford University Kalasham dedicated to a separate paragraph, which states that their genes are really unique and belong to the ancient European group.

As in the Russian north

Kalash, despite all the oppression, managed to save their pagan faith. Interestingly, the neighbors having the same European appearance as they confess Islam. Kalash rites are very similar to the ancient-Slavic and Baltic. They worship the sacred fire in three horses: the sun, lightning and fire of the hearth.

They have surveillance of twin cult, typical of all the ancient Indo-Europeans. In the temple premises for ritual dancing on wooden support-columns, you can see the carved figures of the hugged twins and a stylized image of the sun. In the middle of the temple room, blown by all winds, is a sacred pillar with carved solar signs.

Some signs, symbolizing the sun, are similar, which is still found in the Archangel Wooden Thread! Not far from the ritual post Altar: Two carved horse heads cut from wood.

The horned deity

On holidays on a special altar in front of a pagan idol from a solid large tree trunk installed on the mountainside under open sky, Sacrifice the goat. His grazing on mountain pastures are engaged in unmarried shepherds.

The local folklore is replete with fairy tales associated with totem ideas about this animal. For large holidays, a fair floor representative is clothed in colored outfits, resembling traditional costumes Slavic and Baltic women draw a mountain goat silhouette with curly horns.

Often during the holiday play the scene, where the goat horns depicts unmarried girl, and the shepherd is a non-native guy. This action is quite reminded by the rite of squamous richness under New Year. Harvest holidays and holidays of love are arranged, similar to Ivan Khapov: then dance, sing songs.

Wooden horned idols are preserved and a man's deity on the throne with a carved massive staff in the left hand. Inseparably remember Russian hell with a poker.

As in native provence

Kalashi cultivate Wheat, millet and barley fields on irrigated fields. Climb crop sickles. Grow walnut and mulberry. Today, they appeared exotic agricultural culture for these places - corn.

Be stensel at one time struck that representatives of the people of Minaro, externally similar to the French, just like Tyroleans or residents of Provence, grow in the mountain slopes of Western Himalayas grapes and preparing wine from it. When in his book "Gold Muravyov", published in 1984 (in Russian published in 1989), Bessel published a photo of a smiling Minaaro man, outdoor smoking on the Frenchman, and even with a bunch of grapes in one hand and with a cup of wine in another , not everyone believed him. Someone even accused the scientist in the scuffle.

Nevertheless, today this has already been proven: people who do not distinguish between Europeans live in Himalayas; And they lead a lifestyle relating to them with European peasants.

Combat past

Women of Kalashi at leisure Mastery of the jewelry from beads, resembling Russian and Baltic. On the chest, for example, there is a symbolism in the form of two horse heads looking in different directions, and solar signs. Similar in the XIX century could be found in the Russian north in the thread on the outstands, bark and gates. At the Baltov, these plots and soased have been preserved in a rustic life.

In the Pakistan Museum of National Antiquities, wooden statues of equestrian riders in helmets and lats are kept. At one time, they were "expropriated" by the authorities of Pakistan in Kalash. Those probably in the past were a very militant people: their folklore survived the legends about the grip to the neighboring lands. During military seals, the innings were taken captured. From the slaves, a caste of artisans, stirred in rights, was subsequently accepted by Islam. There are much fewer blondes in their composition and a mongoloid and australoid admixture is noticeable.

In pristine cleanliness

At the cemetery on the graves of Kalashi, vertically wooden boards are installed with solar signs cut on them. The center of the generic cult is the carved board, which personifies the goddess Jeshfort, the patronage of the related links, or the "Temple" ("House Jeshsh") - the room for dancing and assembly.
Symbolic plots on grave boards Partly similar to South Ossetian grave stones XVIII century. Let me remind you that Ossetians are the descendants of the nomads-alans, accustomed in the mountains of the Caucasus from the Gun invasion.

All this makes it possible to assume that Alans, Slavs and Kalash were common ancestors. However, Kalashi, perhaps, the only in the world retained in the original purity not only appearance Typical European views, but also the culture of pagan ancestors, Pyranceo-Europeans. They believe in the resettlement of the souls in the same way as they believed in this ancestors of all Indo-Europeans, including Slavs, not excluding Russians. Many of the features of life and rituals are explained by this.

And yet the cultural impact on the side of the Inactive neighbors is undoubtedly felt. Men adopted a typical clothing and headdress for Muslims. Gradually forgotten the names of the generic deities. It goes into the past holiday merit - honoring respected people. But those who went out of this life and who should be born again in a new body, do not forget.

Shard of antiquity

In the public service Kalashi, as well as the residents of neighboring Nuristan, are divided into ranks. Chapter family Clan.Who wishes to increase their prestige, scores several goats and treats their fellow tribesmen. The day has the right to come anyone.

Thanks to a welcoming reception and a fear for the whole world, the head of the clan receives one voice in the Council of Elders and the right to install after his death in the generic cemetery of a personal carved statue from the tree. Of course, this is not a Greek and not a Roman statue, but still remote similarity with antique images in these masks and figures you can see.

Russhnikov relatives

The highest lobby in Kalash possesses mountains and mountain pastures, where the gods live and graze "their cattle" - wild goats. Saints Altari and Goat Glev. Sanctures are located, as a rule, in the open sky. This is mostly altars built from juniper or oak. They are furnished with ritual carved boards and idols of higher deities.

Indoor wooden halls for religious mysteries and dancers are specifically erected.
Kalash's ritual life takes place in collective festivals, feasts and games that gods are invited as full participants. At the wedding ceremony, which precedes the wedding, you can see the woven with tied wedding towels, decorated with embroidery and very reminiscent of the towels!

In the legs of the gods

Kalashi, like all Darius peoples, live in close proximity to the greatest vertex of the world, called climbers K2, and the local population - Choiri.

It is located in Kashmir, in the north of Pakistan, at the border with China and it looks like a giant snow-covered pyramid. The second in the world after Everest. Its height is 8611 meters above sea level.

There is reason to believe that it is Choir who appears in the Hindu Vedas as a sacred mountain, and in the main book of Zoroastrianism Avesta - as a great Hara. According to ancient Aryan view, the sun, the moon, stars and planet rotate around this mountain.

Perhaps the ancient arias or their descendants are European-like Scythian nomads - because of religious views climbed so high in the mountains and chose these alignment edges as a residence? According to the Vedas, the great gods dwell on Mount Mere. And to live at the foot of the monastery of the gods - is not the greatest honor?

Alexander Belov, Paleoanthropologist

Scientists of the whole world are still lost in trying to find out who are the Aryans and where they came from. Aria (Arest. Airya-, Dr.-ind. Arya-, Dr.-Pers. Ariya- or Aryans) These names have peoples that are explained in the languages \u200b\u200bthat are included in the Aryan (Indoirans) group belonging to the Indo-European family. The name is related to what is happening to self-espowing some of the historical peoples of the ancient Iran or Ancient India, which existed approximately in the period of the II-I millennium BC. e. The similarity of the language and cultural affiliation in these nations is set some research circles before the need to nominate the assumptions about the existence of the initial Paraarian community (ancient Aryans-Ariyev).

According to the majority of researchers, direct precursors of this generality include a set of almost all historical and modern Iranian and Indoary peoples and nationalities. Linguistic science under the arias (or indoirans) implies exceptionally two groups of Indo-Europeans. In these groups, most peoples speakers in the languages \u200b\u200bof the Indoary Group and a large number of other Iranian peoples. However, there is such a group of scientists who declare the false-scientific terms "Aryans", in their opinion, it would be right to say "Arias".

First Aryan civilizations

According to individual scientists, the first civilization arose 350 centuries ago, and the last civilization completed its education 300 centuries ago. Thirty-five thousand years ago, protoarians, the progenitors of Vedic knowledge founded the Pranodine of the modern, in their opinion, humanity - Arctica and Hyperboree.

As a result of a certain global catastrophe, which could occur about 30 thousand years ago, the Aryan civilization died. However, the Aryan peoples living in it managed to save individual signs of their ancestors. So, over the next 25 thousand years, leaving all south and south, they sought to recreate the images of the Pramateria civilization, while mixing with the aboriginal peoples. As a result, Aryan civilizations in the Urals began to arise, in India, as well as in Iran.

Aryan civilization of Arctica

The legends of the ancient Ariyev says that the Arctic inhabitants have high growth, a superbly developed and harmonious body, blond hair and bluish skin color and the blue eyes of the Aryans. They had extraordinary memory, high intelligence, incredible intuition, as well as clairvandal abilities. With such qualities and power, they were given the deepest aspiration in search of a connection with God, as well as the knowledge of the laws, in accordance with whom everything is living in the universe.

Due to the global space catastrophe of the Praodine of the ancient Ariii and the continent itself, it was necessary to plunge into the marine bunch. It could happen approximately 30-32 thousand years ago. The researchers cannot say exactly what actually could happen. They put forward a lot of hypotheses, among them there may be the most incredible and exotic.

For example, the displacement of the earth's magnetic poles due to the death of the mythical planet Phaeton, or due to the collision of the Earth with some major space object of the asteroid or comet. Perhaps a change in the orbit of our shone could occur, which naturally could lead to changes in the slope of the earth's axis.

No matter how it was there, but normal accommodation in the former Arctic territories was not possible. In those days, the territory of modern Eurasia has already begun to be covered with glaciers, and the sublime location of the Ural Range has become a single faithful road at which those who were lucky enough to escape during the catastrophe. It is possible that the hyperborers managed to dispense both in other areas of the Earth.

Aryan hyperborean civilization

Scientists also believe that in fact, the inhabitants of the mythical hyperborei, who came to the Eurasian continent from the territory of their territory, immersed in the sea bunch of the continent, could move deep into the continent simultaneously in several directions. They were fortunate enough not only to escape, but also to spread their influence on the culture, which was inherent in the native nations and tribes.

Aryan Indian civilization

Arias, moving in one of the directions, were able to descend from the Ural Range and approach the Middle East region. Actually, there, in the Middle East, they were able to create what is now called Avestian culture. Its successors are Persians, together with other peoples who inhabited this area. While part of the others, Arihov, chose to go to the areas of Southeast Asia.

In the process of moving along the Ural Range from the location of its now former Pranodina, the Aryan had an opportunity for resettlement in plain locality. This happened because of the melting of the tremendous size of glaciers (one - in the European territory, and the other in the Siberian region), when, on both of the ridge, the parties began to form a lengthy swamp country. Separate groups The Ariuses proceeded to the formation of small colonies in the path of paths where they were moving. By the way, currently archaeologists can find the remains of the villages erected.

Approximately from the II millennium BC. e. Movement of mountain passes in the North-West of Industan Peninsula, steppe tribes, carriers of Aryan civilization managed to penetrate the territory of India. But this was preceded by a long process, the so-called crossing of peoples who communicated with the help of Indo-European languages. Real causewhich forced them to part with their ancient pranodina, scholarships today's day have not figured out. Yes, and the question itself about the location of their pranodina, everything also remains debating.

Collisions of Aryans with Dravidians

Having come to Southeast Asia, the Aryans found there with Dravidians, who at that time had already had time to leave their sunken mainland and settled along the coast of the new homeland. At the time when two civilizations met, the Dravidians had already lost their former power, due to the loss of most of their technical potential. They had to migrate to the areas of Southeast Asia, partly Australia, Indonesia and North Africa, where the Egyptian state appeared in that period.

Between two different civilizations and two different worldviews often had small clashes, which were granted into long-term combat clashes, information about which came to us from ancient Indian eposa "Ramayana" and later - "Mahabharata". Martialctions It lasted for a long time, but it all ended in that two civilizations had to merge into a single whole.

The culture, science and art in the newly formed Aryan community was given a new impetus to the beginning of intensive development in a new homeland. Now the Aryan civilization began to call Bharata-Warsha or Ariavart.

Despite this it is believed that predominantly, the ancient arias had to wadered in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Ural and Caspian steppes. One group of about III millennium BC. e. I managed to get to the unfamiliar land in search of new land. These places are now treated to modern Afghanistan. Then, a little later, they moved to India and downtime there at about the same time. It is from the moment that the long historical process of the formation of Ariii India began.

In the area of \u200b\u200bthe Valley of the Indian River, as well as on her tributaries, where the Aryans got, at that time it was a period of graciousness of the Haratpian civilization. At the time of the invasion of the Aryans, it has already passed the period of maximum heyday (approximately 2700-2100 BC) and leanned towards his decline. Among other things, Race Aryans brought completely different from their own, now the southern neighbors of religious ideas.

Collision of two religious views

Inomers came with their ancient gods. They were made to make complex ritual sacrifices. It was the so-called Yajna. In the process of holding the ritual of the Divine, generous impositions are predominantly made of fried beef meat and a drinking drink - soma.

According to the statements of some researchers, the invasion of some nomadic tribes, whether barbarians, or the Aryans, or from the Central Asian region, or from Eastern Europe, served as complete destruction highly developed civilization Dravids. It was the people who inhabited in those days of modern Indian territory. Others put forward the assumption that the history of the origin of the indigenous Indo-European leads originates from the Indus Valley. After that, the ancestors of the Aryans, who were able to preserve their tongue and spirituality, turned to the extensive territories of Indian and Lankansky, as well as the English and Irish territories, where they were able to spread.

The formation of sacred

Everyone who is engaged in finding ancient knowledge is aware that the Vedas created, if not themselves, the descendants of the Aryans. In its classification, the source of the Vedas can be traced from the class of shructs - "heard". From centuries in the century Vedas were transferred to many generations orally, their keepers were priests.

Brahmans (priests) was developed a complex system Cobbing texts that excludes the slightest errors. Moreover, the Vedas were still kept in such a form even with the appearance of writing in India. The Vedic culture itself, described by the Vedas, is based on sacrifices accompanied by complex rituals. Among the most revered gods in the Vedic Pantheon can be noted Indra, Varuna, Agni and Some.

Vedas formed the kernel in the Holy Canon and captured most of the Aryan knowledge of the pore about them themselves and that they were surrounded.

There are four types of Vedas:

  • Rigveda (hymns);
  • Samaved (pitfalls, sacred melodies);
  • Yajurveda (sacrificial formulas);
  • ATKARVABED (magic spells). It is also called samba - a collection.

The Aryan civilization in the Epoch was the appearance of a very highly developed society. For example, medical knowledge captured in Ayurveda (parts of one ancient philosophical teaching) reached its perfection.

The religious principles of the Vedic Ariyev were imposed on part of the ancient beliefs of the population in Proto Indian cities. They formed an unusually deep and solid foundation on which all modern Hinduism is based. Nevertheless, a lot of things from the Vedic traditions turned out to be over time, and something on the contrary had to rethink.

Vedic culture in India had a chance to be approved extremely slightly, despite the persistent efforts of the ancient Aryans. By the way, the gods and mythology, which treated Vedic culture, when contacting the Old Indian land with autochthonous Dravidic deities, had to be modified in local deities. Some old Aryan deities had to go off the scene at all, while others were fortunate enough to gain the second birth in the Pantheon of Hinduism. The vigor of the gods with demigods (both local and came and came) expanded, and formed almost countless Hindu Pantheon of the deities.

Ancient Arias in India absorbed all the latest local views for them. They also studied at local residents The cultivation of cultural plants suitable for the local climate, mostly millet, rice, oats and flax. In addition, learned to build channels for artificial irrigation of fertile lands and the other.

Resistance of the population and nature

From time to time there were collisions with hostile local tribes, which were called the Riguewy Dasa or letting. The latter can have uninvited guests fierce resistance. They could leave them away in the mountains, and could take way of life on the rights of winners, becoming part of their community.

The Aryan society gradually became more complicated until a custom system was formed. In the future, this system has become a social basis, the basis in Hinduism. Social layers, differences and rules were consecrated by religion. The distinctions that existed in the then society also preserved the inviolability of the religious foundations.

Nannunical Vedas - Atharved

When promoting east, closer to Gangu, some branches of the Aryanians faced not only with the dismissed of the local population, but also with hostile nature. The local jungle was extremely intense. Then the priests had to deal not only with the rituals of sacrifice, but also with the treatment of people from mysterious, unknown diseases.

Atharvans were especially displayed on this basis. They were the magicians who knew many spells from ailments and evil eyes, from evil spirit And dashing people. They were taught how to make conspiracies, how to attract climbed girls or handsome guys, how to establish peace in the family and consent to relatives, how to achieve improved welfare and give birth to healthy offspring.

The presence of conspiracies and was the main content of Athar Serviceov - later book with Vedas about the most ancient religious ideas. Obviously, actually because of this ATGRAVABED pretty long time Not recognized as canonical Vedic texts.

Step by step from the national-cultural homogeneity in the mass of its Vedic Arias formed a national-social heterogeneous, a hundred and Indian peoples and tribes, with different stages in their development except strangers, with different stages in their development.

End of Monopoly Brahmanov

Disposable from the religion of the Veda Brahmin did not seem to be possible for a long time to respond to Indian society with his multipleness. Already in the V century BC e. New religions like Jainism and Buddhism began to appear in India. They were able to undermine the authority and exclusivity of brahmanov claims in the intellectual and spiritual component of society. New religious flows They attracted many segments of the population, which was not satisfied with custom affiliation.

Trying to keep in their positions, Brahmins began to adapt to new circumstances, by attaching their beliefs previously alien to them. Mythology, the Cult, the laws of Arii have been recycled under the influence of both doaria beliefs and new teachings - Buddhism and Jainism. As a result, at the end of the I millennium BC. e. Diverse religious representations have been formed, which did not enter into obvious contradictions with the Vedas, but responded to new trends.

At the same time, the importance of the ancient Indian deities and beliefs, which was still harapping civilization, began to grow. Thus, the flows, schools, groups, rites and gods began to form form, which later entered Hinduism.

Aryan Indoran civilization

Indoiran tribes with Aryan origin in the Bronze Age lived in the Eurasian steppes. However, in the II millennium BC. e. They decided to move to the territory of Iran and India. Nevertheless, some of the eastern Iranians decided to stay, and the Persians called their Turans.

According to one version, both in Sanskrit and Persian, the word "Aria" denoted noble people. The ancient Indoran peoples called themselves the Aryans to allocate themselves as full-fledged citizens among their neighbors or enslaved peoples. Even in the very word "Iran", known for the inscriptions of the achemenids, given its etymology, follows from the name "Aria", meaning the "country worthy".

Aryan Severoural Civilization

Ural "Russian" Aryans word "AR" made the land. Thus, the word Aria was denoted by the man in the so-called "clan" of farmers. By the way, the ancient Russian word "oratay", "orats" may be coming from Arii. Northern Urals is only a small area of \u200b\u200bthe Russian territory, where the Aryan civilization was raised approximately 16 thousand years ago.

Aryan civilization: brief results

The Aryan civilization was fragmented nomadic tribes, based on their cities-states throughout the territory of the Eurasian continent, consulting in many European and eastern destinations. The greatest number of villages of the ancient Aryans was found in Russia, on the territory oddly enough to the Southern Urals.

According to one version, the historic Pranodina Aryans had the Black Sea, Volga and South Uralsk Steppe. According to another version, Aryan civilization originated in the Northern Urals about 16 thousand years ago.

The Aryans were formed on Andronovsky culture. The Basnovaya Ancient Indian system with three highest Varna - Brahmins, Kshatriyami and Vaisya - was considered the Aryan. Another carriers were Indoiran tribes that lived in the Bronze Epoch in the Eurasian Steppes. They moved to the II millennium BC. On the territory of Iran and India, but some of them decided to stay.

Thus, the question of the existence of the Aryans, their origin, further fate And the impact on the formation of the world map remains open, and many researchers continue to look for the truth.

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