History Starterk. Star Trek: Main Events of the Universe

History Starterk. Star Trek: Main Events of the Universe
History Starterk. Star Trek: Main Events of the Universe

We have collected all the serials and films of such a famous history as "StarTrek". All parts in order, but not in the chronological sequence of filming and entering the screen, and in the sequence of events that develop in the "Star Path" universe. Although the list is very difficult to build, as the heroes travel not only in space, but also in time.

Star Path: Enterprise (2001)

Original series. 22nd century. Previously, humanity was held by Vulcans, but now for people open spaces for the sunny system. Starship "Enterprise" is ready to take off for the conquest of open space. Captain Archer is headed by a brave crew, which is eager for research on new planets. But in attempts to learn the new crew will come down on hostile civilizations that they want to destroy the land.

Star Path (1966)

Original series. The second half of the 23th century. The research mission at the starship of the United Federation planets is sent to open space. Captain Kirk team will have been to spend 5 years and explore everything that comes across their way.

Star Way: Movie (1979)

Original film. An unidentified object is moving on Earth directly from the depths of the cosmos. From it, signals are based on the fact that he is a sievey. So far it is not known if there is living beings at the facility and if there is, what is their goal? But one thing is clear - the speed of the apparatus is huge, and only enterprises can intercept the ship. The mission trust the captain of Kirk and his team.

Admiral Kirk is a simple man, despite all his merits. So, he also threatens middle-aged crisis. Now he thinks that this concern is the only important thing in his life, but very soon he will understand that it is not. From the planet SETA Alfa Fi five comes a signal that one of his long-standing enemies appeared - he wants revenge and now Kirk must act very quickly to get ahead of the enemy and survive.

Cartoon series. Continuing events that develop in the original series "Star Wars", but already in the form of a cartoon. It is the last year of the Mission of the Starship "Enterprise", and Captain Kirk and his team crave to open new horizons.

Captain Kirk is not too sad with the news that his EntherPray stars is sent on scrap metal. He is more worried about the old friend Spock, which, trying to save the stripper, dies. At the same time, the other friend of Kirk - McCoy - almost loses the mind. From the father of Spock, Kirk learns that the death of Spock is not final and that his mind is sharpened in McCoy's head. Nadezhda to save friends still have it and for this you need to catch the "Enterprise".

Star Path 4: Road Home (1986)

After saving Spock, it's time to return home. "Enterprise" is completely destroyed, and Kirk with friends goes to Earth on the ship of Klingonsev. Bad thoughts do not leave the team, because they do not know that they are waiting for a violation of the order. In the meantime, strange signals from an unidentified object are sent to Earth - queries are made in the language of whales, and there are no longer on the planet for several centuries. It seems that this is the task just for Kirk and his team.

Star Way 5: Last Frontier (1989)

Planet Nizhbus is experiencing a crisis of power change. The steering wheel turns out the leader of the opposition forces - the Saibok volcano. He has his superpost - to cause complete confidence from any creatures. Saibok has a plan - to find God's God, and for this he needs the fastest starship. It was at this time that "Enterprise" appeared on Nimbus, and he liked Siboku and nobody could resist him.

Star Path 6: Unopened Country (1991)

At Kirk, a new secret task - his team should prepare negotiations between Klingones and earthlings. And while the Enterprise performs a new mission, the Chancellor kills the Klingonian ship. Klingones accused of all people, because only "Enterprise" was at this time nearby. McCoy and Kirk refer to the ice-covered asteroid until the end of their days, and the only chance to save these two is to prove their innocence, which are engaged in all the others on Enterprise.

Star Path 7: Generations (1994)

In the course of the new study, Captain Kirk was drawn into a funnel with unknown properties. Time here flows completely differently: the future, the present and past intersect in the most strange way. After 70 years, another ship turns out in the funnel. Captain Picard refused to immortality in order to save the human race and should fight a madman, sharpened in the same trap.

Star Way: Next Generation (1987)

From the times that have developed in the original film, 80 years have passed. The technologies have become more perfect, the crew has been updated and even found the replacement "Enterprise". However, as well as the name of the ship remains unchanged, the mission remained the same: the team goes to learn new spaces of space.

Star Way: Far Space 9 (1993)

The series tells about the events that occurred in the interval between 2369 and 2375. The Space Station "Far Space 9" is located in the orbit of Bejor, which has just been freed from the occupation of the Cardassian Empire.

Star Path 8: First Contact (1996)

Race Borg wants to destroy earthlings. The star fleet of enemies is getting closer to our planet and very soon will happen inevitable. However, the ship "Enterprise" as always ready to help. Captain Picar knows all the weakness of burgters and is ready to strike a crushing blow on them, but the enemies send the sphere to the past to destroy humanity at the moment when people have not yet been protected. "Enterprise" have to go behind.

Star Path 9: Rise (1998)

Very far from our planet, on the very edge of the universe, there is a planet Ba ku. It lives unusual little creatures - they are not aging and, if no one gets at them, can live forever. And these creatures have extrasensory abilities, thanks to which they look into the future. Earthlings decided to find out the secret of the Ba Ku Planet and sent their crew to them for this purpose.

Star Way: Voyager (1995)

Voyager has to go on a long expedition. They fly toward the dark galaxy, where no one has studied local expanses. Researchers do not yet know, with which they will have to encounter. Perhaps earthlings will find new friends, and perhaps the ship flies straight into the paws with a new enemy.

Star Path 10: Retribution (2002)

"Enterprise" caught a weak signal from the planet in the neutral part of the cosmos. Having left for this planet, the crew discovers the prototype of the Android, who created Dr. Sung. It is not known how Android came here, but "Enterprise" needs to be urgently removed from here, since the statever begins on Romule and the situation must urgently correct. But will the team cost?

Star Way (2009)

Prequel the original series. The galaxy is in danger, and its further fate depends on the two worst enemies. One - James Kirk - emotional and passionate, devoid of fear leader, the second - Spock - a volcanic, expelled from the planet for its receiving origin. They need to combine the forces to save the world. But will these enemies succeed? From the selection in his biography.

Startrek: Retribution (2013)

The members of the Enterprise crew return to Earth, where they learn that their entire organization of the star fleet is undermined from the inside. The world threatens complete chaos and an increasingly deep immersion in the abyss.

"Enterprise" is a spacecraft, furrowing expanses of the universe in search of reasonable civilizations. Due to the attacks of the aliens, the ship was destroyed, although a small part of the team manage to escape - they are planted on an unknown planet. She turned out to be inhabited, and the locals have negatively configured against unexpected guests. Now the crew has to be united by all the might to return home.

For 10 years, how Voyager returned home. The federation is in full crisis. Also, suppliers of crystals in the federation becomes the suppliers - any contacts are stopped. Obviously, this is not a natural phenomenon - someone wants war. A new team is going to deal with the investigation of the main perpetrators of what is happening.

Until the original story for another 10 years. Discovery NCC-1031 with the crew is sent to the depths of a distant space to explore something new, open up new galaxy expanses and make friends with new civilizations. From the selection.

It was the famous movie "Starter" - all parts in order where films and TV shows are included. The chronology is observed, according to events in the "Star Path" universe, and as for chronology on moving films, with this you can easily figure out, focusing on the dates. 😉

In September the Universe " Star Path»Complete 50 years. Over the years, the creation of Gina Roddenberry has repeatedly experienced a crisis and turned out to be on the verge of closure, but each time restrained from non-existence. Especially difficult was the beginning of the 2000s, when the last full-length film with actors from the series "failed at the box office" Next generation", And television series" Enterprise»Canceled due to low ratings.

However, now the works of the Star Route went uphill: thanks to the new series of full-length films, the Enterprise ship won popularity again. The other day in Russia " Alien Earth"In July, we are waiting for the film premiere" Startrek: Infinity"And in January on the CBS TV channel will begin showing a new television series.

Not so long ago, we published all the races of the "Star Route" Universe, be sure to read. Well, now we have made for you the chronology of the most important events of the Universe. Let's remember everything.

First steps in space

1960s. Businessman Ralph Offenhaus begins to secretly finance a group of scientists engaged in the removal of the race of superchard. Experiments are successful, and some Khan Nunien Singh, which will play a crucial role in the universe, among those who have appeared on the world.

1992-1996 years.The Evgenic Wars are unfolding on Earth, during which the overalls are trying to capture the planet. At the peak of power under the control of Khan was about a quarter of the earth's territory: from Southeast Asia to the Middle East. But people managed to win, and Han, along with the closest supporters, escaped from the ground on board the Botani Bay ship.

1999. The Voyager-6 research probe is sent to the flight. Through the "molding hole" he falls into the remote part of the galaxy. Communication with the device is broken.

2026 year. Start of the Third World War. According to historical documents, non-individual countries agreed in the third world, but entire factions. Conflict, then plugging, then fidgeting with a new force, pulled out for almost three decades and carried the six hundred million people.

2053 year. The third world ends, and post-nuclear horror begins on Earth: billions of people are forced to survive in difficult conditions for radioactive infection, lack of supplies and lack of a clear system of managing society. Poverty and hunger reign on the planet, rampant diseases. The active use of nuclear weapons led to the appearance of huge dust clouds and nuclear winters.

April 3, 2063. Scientist Zefram Kohrein makes the first successful piloted flight on a spacecraft with a warp engine. The opening of warp flights serves for the Vulcans by the reason for official acquaintance, and at the site of the landing of Kohrain, the Committee is at the meeting. The first official contact with alien races is first happened in the history of mankind.

Inventor Zefram Kohrein, in fact, discovered the galaxy for humanity.

The collective mind Borg from the future is trying to prevent this and sends one of its spheres into the past. To help Kohreun, Jean-Luke Picar and the crew of the Enterprise ship are in a hurry.

2063-2064 years. Cohrene's heads on board "Bonaventure" performs the first long-term warp flight to Alpha Centaur and back.

2068 year. The beginning of diplomatic relations between the land and volcano.

Great space discovery

The officer of the first "enterprise": the first terrestrial researchers of deep space.

2151 year. Thanks to the technological breakthrough in the production of warp engines, earthlings are able to move to a serious study of deep space. In the first research mission, the ENTERPRYZ NX-01 ship is sent under the command of Captain Jonathan Archer. The first contact of humanity with klingonds occurs.

Klingons, Vulcans and Romulants are the three most common races in the "Star Path" universe (besides people).

2152 year. The first contact of mankind with Romulants from the go almost disappear into the first conflict.

2156-2160 years. First war with Romulants. The Earth concludes a union with Vulcans, Andorians and Tellarites. In 2160, the Allied forces apply a crushing defeat to Romulants in the Battle of Battle, and the parties sit at the negotiating table.

The first space "enterprises" recognizable forms.

2161 year. The land and the Romulan Empire signed a peace treaty, known as Alfa Trianguli Agreement. A romulanamental neutral zone is created - a draw space at the turn of two states, the violation of the boundaries of which inevitably entails the announcement of the war. The winners are formed by the combined federation of the planets and the star fleet.

Rumulanets so sought their neutral zone that even on the floor of his Senate painted it.

2233 year. Birth of James Tiberius Kirk. It is this date that serves as a break point and becomes the beginning of an alternative universe " Star Path"In which the events of J. J. Abrams are developing. StarTerek"And" Star Trek: Into Darkness" In this universe, the father of Kirk dies immediately after the birth of the son, and Romulan Miner Nero, Movesely for the death of his native world, destroys the volcano.

It was this mining ship forever changed the Universe of the Star Route, by separating the entire star fleet. Clelli Romulants build!

In the initial universe volcano intake.

2244 year. At the shipyards of San Francisco and at the landing station of the Star Fleet in the orbit of the Earth, the construction of "Enterprise" begins. The construction ends next year, and the ship goes to the first five-year mission under the top of Captain Robert Eypril.

2250 year. "Enterprise" returns from his long flight. Captain Eypril receives an increase, his position gets Captain Christofera Payka, under whose command of the ship goes to the second five-year journey.

Where did not go a man's leg

The headquarters and the Star Fleet Academy are located in San Francisco.

2261 year. "Enterprise" returns from the second five-year mission under the start of Captain Skaika. The command of the ship goes into the hands of a promising young officer of Star Fleet James Kirk. The crew is replenished by Lieutenant Gary Mitchell, Lieutenant Natya Uhura, Dr. Leonard Makka, Lieutenant Hikaru Sulu and Cadet Ensin Pavel Chekhov.

2263 year. "Enterprise" goes to the first five-year study mission under the guidance of James Kirk.

2264 year. "Enterprise" stumbles in space on a ship, on board of which is in the state of Anabiosis there are Khan Nunhen Singh and his followers. After an unsuccessful attempt at the rebellion and the capture of power on the Khan ship and his supporters are planted at the not yet colonized planet Alpha China V.

2269 year. The five-year term of the research mission "Enterprise" comes to an end. James Kirk assign the title of Admiral, after which he, and the rest of the crew receive new appointments. Dr. Makka temporarily resigns.

Kirk during the crisis with "Vi-Jerome".

2271 year. From the depths of the cosmos to the ground, an unidentified flying object is approaching, calling himself "Vi-Jer". The only ship capable of acting in time is to meet "Enterprise". To the wise displeasure of the new captain of Villard Decher, the control over the ship goes into the hands of Admiral Kirk.

It turns out that "Vi-Jer" is actually a missing probe "Voyager-6", faced with a race of reasonable cars, which he has somewhat enhanced (according to one of theories, we are talking about borings, but there is no confirmation). On the way home "Voyager" gathered so much information that he found the mind. Now he wants to complete his mission and appear before the creator. Captain Decker sacrifices himself, merging with Vi-Jerome into a single whole, and Kirk leads "Enterprise" towards new adventure.

2278 year. "Enterprise" returns from the next five-year mission. Admiral Kirk passes the command captain Spock and joins the teaching staff of the Star Fleet Academy.

Khan in all its glory.

Well, who comes from the go, what does Captain Kirk scream?

2285 year.Star fleet reappears on Khan Nunhen Singha. They are doing it no matter: shortly after Kirk landed them on a uninhabited planet, the living conditions there were sharply worsened, and most supporters of Singha were killed.

Khan blames in the death of Kirk's friends and is trying to take revenge, but he fails the lack of skills of fighting in three-dimensional space. He almost managed to take enemies to the world along with him, but at the last moment Spock sacrifices himself, repaired by the WarP-engines "enterprise" and having received a deadly dose of radiation.

In the same year, the "Enterprise" team goes to a desperate step and finds the way to resurrect a deceased friend. However, the return of Spock is expensive by the crew: the son of Kirk dies in the process - Dr. David Marcus, and then the captain has to sacrifice its ship.

David Marcus, the son of Captain Kirk.

2295 year. In his first flight under the command of Captain John Harriman, Enterprise-B is sent. Behind the flight is watching Captain Kirk. When the team intercepts a disaster signal from two auuri ships, Enterprise is in a hurry to help. It turns out that ships attacked an unknown flying object. During the rescue operation, the "Enterprise" is getting: a taking shot of the ship demolishes the compartment in which Captain Kirk was. Kirk is considered dead in battle.

New generation

2308 year. The Cardassian Empire occupies the BJOR system, which will lead to a destructive war.

2310 year. The Federation and the Rumulanament Empire sign an agreement according to which the Star Fleet refuses to develop or apply masking devices on their ships.

2333 year. The Star Fleet Ship "Starvezer" goes to unprecedented on-scale twenty-one-year-old research mission. The first assistant on board the starship is Lieutenant Jean-Luke Picar. Almost immediately, he has to take the powers of the captain.

2344 year. The ship of the star fleet "Enterpraiz-C" dies, defending the Klingon colony from Romulan attack. The crew dedication leads to the warming of relations between the klingonds and the federation.

2351 year. In the meantime, the Cardassians are building a resource-producing station "Terok-Nor" in the Bajor orbit.

2363 year. Captain Jean-Luke Picar receives at his disposal the newest StarPraiz-D stars. Earthlings first come into contact with a powerful multidimensional alien q having the capabilities of the gods.

2365 year. Q introduces the Entherprise crew with Borg. Losing eighteen team members in a collision, Picar is aware of the danger emanating from this race.

Borg is one of the most powerful races in the galaxy. Since any Borg, not counting the queen, deprived of individuality and there is a part of the whole, not quite correctly call the representatives of this race in the plural.

2366 year. "Enterprise" again faces Borg team. He kidnaps the pickup and assimilates it. Taking advantage of the knowledge of the captain, one-only cube Borg destroys the forty ships of the Federation in the battle of Wolf-359.

Queen Borg and Jean-Luke.

2369 year. The Cardassian Empire stops the occupation of the Bajor. The Terek-Nor station goes into the hands of the Star Fleet and gets the name "Deep Space-9". Formally, the Bajor is not part of the Federation, but the presence of a star fleet, according to the plan of the Baggents, should protect the planet from new capture attempts.

In addition, a meal Nora, taking this part of the galaxy with gamma quadrant, was found next to Bajor. She saw a very profitable trading route, so the "Deep Cosmos-9" station, which was next to the entrance to Nero, suddenly turned into an important trade departure and research center.

2370 year. After three years of negotiations, the Federation and the Cardassian Empire come to an agreement, according to which a demilitarized zone is formed between the two powers, and several colonies of the federation will depart Cardassians. Not all the colonists are satisfied with a similar decision and together with the stellar fleet disappointing in their leadership, it is based on the terrorist organization "Maki", fighting with Cardassians.

2371 year. The ship of the Star Fleet Voyager goes on the hunt for the vessel of the Maki organization. Both starship fall into the spatial anomaly and is transferred for seventy thousand light years from Earth to Delta Quadrant. Once away from home on unknown, and often dangerous and hostile territories, the crews of both ships begin to act together to survive and return home. Captain Picar in the role of Lokuts - Borg Accepted to Consciousness.

2373 year. Borg again attacks the land, and the star fleet suffers defeat, but the interference "enterprise-e" shifts the movement of the fight: Captain Picar, having marked with his life experience with Borg, orders focus on one particular point, and the Cube ship explodes. However, the planet has time to go to go a small sphere, which then jumps into a temporary funnel. "Enterprise" is sent afterwards, but before the ship goes to the funnel, the crew sees the earth, completely inhabited Borg. Picar understands that Borg went to the past and changed the course of history.

In the meantime, the Federation enters into an open confrontation with the dominion, an unusually dangerous union of militant races. "Deep Space-9" is in the epicenter of hostilities. The war touched all the major political forces of Alpha and beta-quadrants and turned out to be one of the greatest, cruel and large-scale conflicts in galactic history.

2374 year. Voyager faces a view of 8472 - creatures from another dimension living in "liquid space", space filled with organic liquid. After several conflicts, the crew "Voyager" manages to conclude the world.

Race 8472 first met the crew "Voyager".

2375 year. The war with the dominion ends the victory of the Federation and its allies.

2376 year. Star fleet restores the Space sector, affected during the war with the dominion. Picar learns Borg's ambulance at the federation. Klingon Empire is attacked. It begins a civil war.

Borg creates a new type of ships capable of instantly assimilating entire worlds. In the depths of the tachyon nebula "Enterprise" detects a huge transmarcha portal, which allows you to quickly and unnoticed all the fleets into other areas of the galaxy. Star fleet sends impressive forces in Delta Quadrant for attack on the central world Borg. The operation is successful, but most of the invasion forces due to destabilization of the portal remains cut from the house.

Taking advantage of the situation, Cardassians invade the territory of the Federation, but for the aid of the star fleet come with klingons.

2377 year. Starship "Voyager" returns home.

The date is not defined. The Federation and the Klingon Empire in the situation of strictest secrecy independently send small research fleets to explore strange quantum anomalies similar to those that created the view of 8472. However, the research mission quickly turns into a fight for survival when it turns out that the anomaly was a trap, an intention 8472 to better understand the strength and weaknesses of their new opponents from Alpha and Beta Quadrants of the Galaxy. The browser strategy is devoted to these events, which recently entered Russian.

"Deep Cosmos-9" sharply turned from a mining station to an important transport and shopping unit.

2387 year. The star of the chorus system suddenly begins to turn into a supernova. The leader of the Miner's Guild of Romulus Nero is trying to save the planet and appeals for help from the Ambock Spock. The volcano has technologies that allow the creation of black holes with the help of red matter, but the Vulcans are afraid to pass them into their hands of their distant relatives. Romulus dies, and Nero blames in the occurrence of Spock and the Federation. He decides to take revenge, moves into the past and gives the beginning of the chain of events that led to the emergence of the alternative universe of the Star Route.

Somewhere in the galaxy right now the mighty stars, giant planets and asteroids covered with sharp as a razor, rocks are rotated. Fly and do not suspect that in the inner edge of the Orion sleeve in the solar system, the inhabitants of a small blue ball have already invented all their inhabitants and everything that happens to them in the next four hundred years. And with such attention to detail it was done that you wish you do not want, but you need to match. So we are waiting for a meeting with klingonds, Vulcans and Mountains. In the meantime, it did not happen, let us remember that I was interested in the "Starter".

"Star Way: Original Series" (1966-1969)

When the scenario and producer Gina Roddenberry asked what his new series would be, he replied that it would be western about space. The heads of the NBC television channel were kept on the bait and gave the project green light. They did not suspect that Mr. Roddenberry conceived a small revolution. Only friends he talked about his true plans: to make the series similar to the "Adventures of Gullyer" Jonathan Swift, so that in each series was not only a fascinating plot, but also morality. It would seem who will surprise this? But Jean went on colleagues on the workshop and instead of classical morality - be bold, apply friends, do not take someone else's - stitching "StarTrek" alluzia on the surrounding reality.

Roddenberry wanted to show humanity, how could it be, do not ignore the people of their past lessons. Yes, the world of the Star Route is full of monsters and murderers, but opposes all this the combined federation of the planets - the utopian society of the future, in which there is no racism, and in the first place is the study of the dark corners of the Universe, where young civilizations are still waiting for the discovery. In 1964, the Entherpraiz ship went to his star path for the first time - a pilot episode was released on the screens. And two years later, the leadership of the TV channel finally came to his senses after shock (where it was seen that the crew of the spacecraft consistently consisted of the white men of middle ages alone?!), And the series finally settled on television.

In the second season, Enterprise crew complemented by Russian Navigator Pavel Andreevich Chekhov - a real patriot of his country. It was worth the members of the team about something to speak as Chekhov immediately inserted the remark: they were the first Russians in this. Sometimes he exaggerated and attributed to us what was not really: he settled by Adam and Eve in the Moscow region, and the invention of the Scotch (drink) was attributed to the old woman from Leningrad. But he himself is a good guy! No wonder he was sent to Admiral and subsequently headed the star fleet.

The battle of Cyrk Captain with Lizard Gorna was so epic that the tears came to her eyes from the unrestrained laughter

The original was also remembered by the most ridiculous fight on TV. It happened in the 18th series of the first season. The captain of Enterprise James Kirk is on the desert planet one on one with an anthropomorphic lizard from the race of Gornov. Opponents are forced to fall in a hand-to-hand fight. Passions are glowing. Only one can survive.

That's just why the audience is not worried, but, on the contrary, will put out laughter? Perhaps because the horn looks like a bodybuilder in the dinosaur rubber mask? Or because of strange sounds, which make heroes, hanged each other?

The tribbles, like gas, try to float all the free space

And maybe because of the absurdity of what is happening? Heroes move very slowly, the blows are applied like reluctant, and the effect of them is hardly more than from the handshake. In the end, representatives of two developed civilizations begin to rush into each other with stones. The brilliant allegory of what the Third World War can turn into, if the enemies do not find a common language, and only the sticks should remain from the weapons.

"Star path: next generation" (1987-1994)

In 1987, a new series started on the same universe. After a hundred years after Kirk and Spock, the space went to study Captain Picar, Navigator Krasher, Android Date and Klingon Vorph. The series created all the same Roddenberry, but after four years he died, having passed the baton to the producer Rica Berman. Fortunately, it did not affect the quality of the project.

The "next generation" brought the idea of \u200b\u200bthe original to perfection and finally formed the appearance of the universe, introducing a lot to it, without which the Startrette and submit it is impossible. It was the most popular project in the entire history of the franchise, and it was from him that the dating of the inhabitants of our country with "Starly" began. And with Borogi.

"You will be assimilated. Your biological and technical achievements will be added to our. Resistance is useless, "- the phrase, which loving roller boards welcomes guests. They appeared in the "next generation", and other serials began to refine their image. Race cyborgs with a single collective mind brought the bump not only appearance, but also an uncompromising position: you want or not, but we will drink to your gentle caller and appliances. Borgs are strong, they have the most developed technologies and an incredible desire to improve, dissolving in their biomechanical civilization of achievements (and representatives) of other races. Only units managed to escape from their silicon hell - for example, the captain of the pickup, which Bourges once turned into Lokuts, learned all the secrets of the star fleet through it and destroyed 39 ships.

Almighty Q and Captain Picar is like a rabbit and a turtle from a fairy tale. Where one is only sent, the other has long been visited

The series was also remembered by the race of Q - the most powerful in the "Star Route" universe. These guys can move planets and stars, change space and time. And all this is not for the sake of a high target, but just on joke, because they can, but others are not. Apparently, those who have reached the final stage of evolution, have nothing to do, except to mock less developed civilizations. So "Enterprise" became for one of the Q playground. By the way, it was Q who introduced the captain of the Pickare with Borgi, throwing "enterprise" to another part of the Galaxy. What for? One of them wanted to become a member of the crew - I decided to show that I could not do without it. An innocent anticipation of a few dozens of people.

Another remarkable character - Data, the first android in the Star Fleet service. He wants to become a man so much that his whole life is a series of unsuccessful attempts at least approach the ideal. Data is joking - no one laughs. Data falls in love - women leave him. Daeta creates a daughter, Android lal, - she dies, not to withstand the emotions, which her father endowed.

Only cat named Spot managed to stay in the life of the Android. For the first time he appeared in the 11th series of the fourth season. Date was so attached to the spot, which I composed in His honor of the ODU, and when the first "enterprise" of the Picar was destroyed, Daeta burst into tears from happiness, learning that Spot was alive.

After the death of Date for the cat began to care for Klingon Vorch, who, by the way, suffered from allergies. But what you will not do for good and glorious android.

"Star Way: Deep Space 9" (1993-1999)

"The next generation" gave life to two more TV shows, one of which is "deep space 9". There is talking about the same station in the orbit of Planet Bajor, next to which shells appeared, leading to Gamma Quadrant. This discovery automatically turned to anyone the necessary station to an important shopping unit and in the strategic object.

Many of the "next generation" characters appear here - for example, Klingon Vorph, Captain Picar and Q. "Deep Space 9" was not such a unambiguous hit as the "next generation", but he proved that the "Star Route" universe continues to live Even if it is removed from it, flying from one adventure to another.

And even once in the "Star Path", cosmic battles did not look so cool. Fights have become more dynamic: ships are rushed as caustic, shy away from the enemy "bullets", come down from the course, scatter into pieces. Erety and scale. In the final seasons, the station turns out to be advanced in the war and dominion war, which is why dozens of heavy ships converge in the battle. And thanks to the competent work with the camera, each battle looks like a report from the combat zone.

Another important detail in the new series is attitude to religion. Faced with the underdeveloped civilization, the Entherprise crew was in a hurry to overtake their gods, explaining what a starrel is and why science is not magic. "Deep space 9" has changed the approach. His heroes look at religion in terms of cultural studies and sociology. Their chief enemy is the dominion state, the powerful leaders of which position themselves is not otherwise like gods. Try to say someone from their subjects that all their religion is only a set of fears and neurosis. Enclose.

"Star Path: Voyager" (1995 - 2001)

Despite the general progenitor, the series about the "Voyager" was still a branch of the "deep cosmos 9", and not the "next generation"

"Deep space 9" has not yet ended, when another branch of the "next generation" was on the air - "Voyager". It was a return to the origins: the star fleet ship falling into adventures was again in the center of the events. But if the crews of Enterprise sought to get to the remote corners of the space to study them, the Voyager team tried to return home from a distant Delta-Quadrant, where the spatial anomaly rushed. And already for this it is necessary to appreciate the series.

There is a version that exactly so Duene Johnson and received a role in the series - fascinated the producer of Richard Bermana with his strong hugs

The fact is that the galaxy in which the series takes place is divided into four fragments. Inhabitants of the three of them were shown in the first three series. But Delta-Quadrant remained a dark spot on the map. What is there? Who lives there? "Voyager" opened the curtain of secrecy. There Borg! And they are so much that it is not clear where to run and hide. And if you like the next generation in the "next generation", then "Star Way: Voyager" created for you. It is noteworthy and the fact that the captain's chair for the first time got a woman, and among the members of the crew for the first time, Borg-Tekhushka seventh-from-nine. It is worth mentioning a hologram doctor suffering from the same existential crisis as date.

In Voyager, we finally showed how the place where Q lives, it turned out, this is the road among the desert, on the side of which the house with two inhabitants stand - an old man reading the magazine "old" and a girl reading "new". Here you have a dwelling of multidimensional creatures. It is clear that the authors were simply saved on special effects, but they came up with the appropriate excuse: they say, humanity has not yet matured to see the Q-continuum in all its magnificence. In general, the "video card" we have outdated.

View 8472.

In this series, we first encountered a race view of 8472 - creatures from a different dimension flying on organic ships.

Once the Bourges came across them and tried to assimilate. An attempt, to put it mildly, came out for them sideways: the view of 8472 is not amenable to assimilation. Moreover, their cells themselves assimilate and implore anyone. In a hand-to-hand representative of the type 8472, a pair of blows is painted with several borings, and their ships easily destroy entire planets. The rules of the game have changed, and now to survive, Borogs have to ask for help from people. For some time, the crew "Voyager" helps them, but only until it becomes clear that Borogi, in general, they themselves asked.

"Star Path: Enterprise" (2001-2005)

If the "Next Generation", "Deep Space 9" and "Voyager" told about one era and had common heroes, then Enterprise became an independent work. His plot unfolds over a hundred years before the adventures of Kirk and Spock and shows the time when humanity still made the first timid steps in the development of deep space. In this series, there is not even a united federation of the planets, only the United Earth, and Enterprise, on which heroes fly to the stars, - the very first one. Because of this, the significance of each character and each event increased. Jonathan Archer is the first captain of the starship of mankind in deep space. Subkomander T'Pol - the first Vulcan officer on the ship of earthlings. Not that neither the guest on board, so necessarily the first contact with other civilization. For the fan of the "Star Path" to skip this series - it means to leave yourself without the history of the formation of your favorite universe.

It seems that the role of Captain Archer went to Scott Bakula deliberately. The former star of the "quantum jump" "travels in time

Moreover, it is the "enterprise" competently associated all the inconsistencies of previous projects. Take at least a warlike race of the klingon. In the first series, they externally do not differ from people. In subsequent projects, their characteristic growths suddenly appear on the forehead. LDAP? For a long time it was thought. But Enterprise explained this oddity to the genetic program of the Klingon, with which they wanted to become like people. Later they were disappointed in humanity and returned their former look.

The same with Borgi. According to the TV series "The next generation", a full-length film "First Contact", in which the burlors came to the ground. The attack was repulsed, but a few boards survived, moving into the past. The heroes of "Enterprise" face them, as a result of which aggressively tuned androids are sent to space a signal for which in two hundred years and flew the same cube from the film. For such details "Enterprise" and appreciate. It is a pity that he was closed after the fourth season.

When all the serials approached the end, the fans were sad for a long time: already in 2009, the film was released by Jay Jay Abrams "Starterk". He re-told the history of Kirk, Spock and Uhura, and did it very ingeniously.

In order not to repeat the old storylines and not to break the canon, the scripts went to the cunning trick - moved the old Spock during the time of the young Spock to a couple with a wagon ship of Romulants. This changed the temporary line and actually created an alternative universe. It seems that all old elements in place, but are already in a different order and provoke other events. So, for example, a native Planet of Spock Vulcan died (which was not in the "original series"), and in the second film - "Star Trek: Into Darkness" - The heroes met the superhuman Khan somewhat earlier and in other circumstances than in the series. Both paintings were warmly met by the public and inhaled the new life in the franchise. Now the third film is prepared for the exit - « » - which promises to be no less spectacular and fascinating.

Frame from the film "Start Parek: Infinity." The new embodiment of the "Enterprise" team was already fought with Romalants from and klingonds. There are still so many iconic characters and races that they will not have to rest in the coming years

For fifty-years, the "Star Path" universe covered in such a number of details as they would not have enough magazine for their listing. Books, games, comics, animated series and simply serials - "StarTere" lives and feels great. Three new full-length films that collect excellent cash register, and preparing to the release of the next series of this proof. And it's great, because while we cannot explore the depths of space yourself, you can at least explore the depths that they are generated by love for science and rich imagination. Engage!

WikiHow works on the principle of wiki, which means that many of our articles are written by several authors. When creating this article on its editing and improvement, they worked, including anonymous, 33 people (a).

If you are a new "Star Path" fan or are an old fan and want to refresh your knowledge, this is a guide for you! Being a "Star Route" fan means to watch movies and serials, collecting souvenir products and attend thematic events where fans of this franchise are collected. From this article you will learn how to become an avid fan of the Star Route, and discover various ways to meet your interest!


    Decide how you will be called in the midst of the "Star Path" lovers. You can just be a "Star Path Fat", however, it will be useful for you to know that the "Star Path" fans are called two names: tracks and trackers. Now there are disputes about a more appropriate term and many fans are indignant over the application of the "wrong" name. The title of this article includes the name "Trackers" due to its greater prevalence, but you yourself can choose a term for yourself using the following information.

    Check out the series and movies, if you have not done this yet. Even if you are obvious tracks, having gaps in knowledge, now is the time to catch up with the rest!

    • Check out the serials of the star. The original series (TOS) is still shown on some channels, it depends on your place of residence. However, the surest way to catch up with the rest of the fans is to watch the TV series on DVD, so you will be sure that the series go in the right order. Keep in mind that special effects are not comparable to those that we see now, as the series started low-budget in the distant 1966! Hold your criticism!
      • There are 3 TOS seasons, they can be viewed free of charge on the CBS channel site in the Classic Show section (CBS Classics).
    • Look at the "Next Generation". Again, the best way is DVD, so you can see the series in the correct order. The series "Star path: the next generation consists" of 178 episodes!
    • Look at the following films:
      • Star Way I-VI (1-6)
      • Star path: generation
      • Star Way: First Contact
      • Star path: uprising
      • Star Way: Retribution; and
      • The new film "Star Way" (2009) and its continuation of the "star journey in darkness" (in the Russian version "Start of Start: Retribution" (2013)). Even if you are not in freaks with new movies, they still belong to the label of the star path, although they do not correspond to the original history.
    • See other screenplay. "Deep space 9", "Voyager" and "Enterprise". Pay attention to technology, terms, creatures and characters.
  1. Read books. They are still published in a rather wide assortment. Maybe, first, you should pay your attention to the books to figure out the favorite TV series. To prove to yourself that you are a real fan of the Star Route, not the "amateur", you must read several books.

    • One of the books, the one you owe it to the Encyclopedia of the Star Path. It contains detailed information about the entire Universe "Star Path". It can be called the Bible of the Star Way. And if you are going to become a full fan, you will need a reference book, for those cases when in the middle of the night you will be "undoubtedly necessary to check in which episode was attended by a certain ship or in what year Harry Kim was born.
    • Look for supported books in local bookstores in the Science Fiction section or use Internet auctions for this.
  2. Join the wiki community of the Star Path to Memorie Alpha. This is a joint project to create the most accurate, detailed and affordable encyclopedia and reference book all over, which relates to a star path. It can be found at http://ru.memory-alpha.org/wiki/Nagal. It contains more knowledge than the encyclopedia of the star path, due to the availability of constant relevant updates. She will need you if you want to deepen your knowledge on the fifth season "Voyager". Being part of the wiki community gives you the opportunity to cooperate with other fans of the Star Path.

    • On the Internet, how the pseudonyms of the Star path are used correctly, such as KlingonscienceOfficer7777777 (Klingon Scientific Officer).
  3. Use phrases from the Star path in the daily communication. This is necessary for an old fan. Track-chatter is a fast "technoboltnya" which is capable of understanding only true tracks. You should not be lost, speaking of all these things from the future. Some key phrases that will give acute to your dialogue:

    • "Pick up me beam, Scotty!"
    • " Do this."
    • " Live long and prosper."
    • "It is illogical."
    • You are late for work, because you had to go to the optics. When you appeared at work, you called you the boss to ask where you were. You can inform him that you conducted the diagnosis of your multifunctional visual senses and proper adjustment measures have been implemented. You will produce a strong impression on his mind.
    • Know the reduction in the names of the series, such as STV, TOS, TNG and others. You will look unfair, if you say "I do not catch the essence in all this chatter about the future," instead of "tracked-chatter for me - to spit."
    • Be smart and pronounce long offers as date.
    • Learn star dates. Then, if someone asks "when a cinema" you can amaze it, calling the star date. See "Tips" to understand how to use the Star Date.
    • Take into the habit of saying the "Universe" instead of the "World". Instead of saying "You are the best mom in the world," say "You are the best mom in the universe"!
    • There is a Klingon language and it is useful to learn. Do not create your version of the Klingon, there is a dictionary of the Klingon language compiled by Mark Okrand. He will teach you the basics of language. This is a great opportunity to impress people who doubt the truth of your hobbies to the star.
  4. Learn to show the "Vulcan Salut". You can read more about this on the WikiHow's website.

  5. Examine the planning of Enterprises. Any respected tracks should know her nazubok!

    • You need to know what Jeffrey pipes are.
    • You need to know how the warp core works.
  6. Play games about the star path. In addition to single games, there are games for two, as well as special games for thematic parties:

    • Remember how many times does Dr. McKoy pronouncing "Doctor I or not?" This is a good exercise to improve memory and observation!
    • Remember the little things from the stall path to arrange competitions at parties with other loyal fans!
    • Remember movies row per line. To have fun, you can call another trackcker to the "Quote War". The first who could not remember the name of the episode loses. You should also know what episodes are taken popular quotes.
    • A similar situation with the names of episodes. To begin with, learn the names of the episodes of TOS, there are few them enough. Then try TNG. It's not easy, but it will simplify the fan life.
    • Play in "Stone, scissors, paper, lizard, spock".
  7. Construct enterprises and other known spacecraft. Look in the Internet on the Internet if you yourself can not design the model.

    • Purchase a set If you want to collect a spacecraft from scratch or another model from the stall path.
    • Try to make a phaser or other equipment. (Wear protective equipment!)
    • Make the Enterprise model from the floppy disk.
  8. Collect souvenirs and boast them. Souvenir products of the star journey are sold on various sites and Internet auctions. It can also be found in this auction. Always be alert to supplement your collection ..

    • Stand the thematic posters on the walls.
    • Get a special shelf for souvenir products from a star road
    • Lay out the photo of your collections in the Internet, so that the rest of the tracks allow drooling from envy ..
  9. Visit the Star Route Convention. A visit to the conventions of partially or fully dedicated to the star path gives you the opportunity to meet with other fans and truly enjoy the spirit of the star journey.

    • Come in the costume. It's necessary. Real fans are uniform or other appropriate suits. They can be found on the Internet or make himself.
    • Get on the image of the character. For example, read the articles "Act as Mr. Spock", "Act as Diana Troy" and "Act as Julian Bashir."
  10. Bake. If you are well able to baking, creating cakes and cookies in the form of characters or items from the Star path will be for you a pleasant pastime. Load photos of your culinary creations on fan sites so that other fans are appreciated.

    • Learn to perceive motivations underlying a star path, with respect to other cultures and external differences. The star path has long been preaching tolerance and latitude of views.
    • You can imitate a specific character, but another person can do the same. The star path is open for everyone and in one place there may be more than two imitators of Scotty. Do not be envious and jealous, you can gather together and have fun. There are many sites and groups dedicated to a specific character.
    • Despite the differences, you can communicate with them. Treat the fans of star warrior and other science fiction respectfully and politely. We agree to disagree. Be tolerant when a person far from science fiction says that the star road and star warriors are the same or "In which of them is Skyvoker's hatch?" Inform ignorant population!
    • Record the thematic message for the answering machine. It will greatly surprise a person who does not know about the star path.
    • "* Using a star date. This information is taken from the 2009 movie. You cannot use it to determine the date of events in the TV shows and other films. Part of the star date to the tenth is a year, part after - day per year. For example, 2010.11 is January 11 2010; 2010.38 This is February 7, 2010; 2233.4 This is January 4, 2233. If you have created your group, you can introduce your version of the Star Date. Remember that you need to extend this way to know other tracks!
    • Register on the maximum possible number of thematic sites and games about the star path.
    • Think of registration at the Academy.Http: //academy.sfi.org/.
    • If you can't find a good game, try the version of ELITE FORCE. It can be found on Startrek.com.


    • Get ready for criticism. People do not understand the uniform, manners of behavior and quotes, they even cause laughter. They suffer due to the fact that they do not belong to such a friendly group as the world of tracks. Just smile and scold them in the Klingon. And when you return home to your DVD, models of ships and weapons, know, you better than them. Always.
    • When the rate of competition is growing, the real tracks do not give up.
    • Star soldiers are not evil. Many "paths" fans are also loved by "warriors." Most collisions occur on in SNL transmission, due to the popularization of the thesis of the thesis "as the insane tracks." Do not believe it. Scientific fiction chista. Sci-fi multifier full of great NF universes, includes a huge number of writers and creators of films and serials. Learn about them in more detail and enjoy them.
    • Some tracks behave terribly on the Internet. And contact with them does not bring pleasure. For example, you like a character, and they are not and they are furious. Fans must be collected together and have fun. Exchange views does not imply the death of other people. Beware of such people and remember the "Report to the moderator" button and do not feed the trolls.
    • If you are real tracks - throw away the formalities, you will be understood. Call characters by name. Exception - Mr. Spock.
    • Also, know that there are tracks that your favorite TV shows do not like. Continue and love the starprises, but do not be surprised if someone criticizes it.
    • This is a reliable description of the life of the track. If you do not like the star path, do not love it. Do not make yourself watch the screenplay. And do not buy a costume if its application is limited to a campaign to the toilet. If after viewing the star path you realized that this is not yours - do not be discouraged. Trackers come in different shapes, sizes and classes. See the link for details
    • Get ready for greater criticism of the film 2009. Many believe that he destroyed everything that Roddenberry created. Do not listen to them if you like it, because they will do everything to make you hate him, they will criticize him and call "brainless action."
    • As with any hobby, do not overdo and avoid negative in relation to those who do not understand you. Ask yourself when you tried to "understand" their passion, you felt offended, due to the fact that they have no matter to your hobbies and vice versa. This is a stick about two ends!