The murder of Andrei Burlakova is the desire to hide information about the embezzlement of funds from the budget with high-ranking government officials. - Let's return to your books

The murder of Andrei Burlakova is the desire to hide information about the embezzlement of funds from the budget with high-ranking government officials. - Let's return to your books

In the evening on Thursday in the metropolitan cafe "Khutorok", located at Leningradsky Avenue, House 37, Corpus 3, were shot by the former owner of the German shipyard Wadan Yards Andrei Burlakov and the Ex-Deputy Chairman of the Board of the World Bank Anna Etkina.

According to the press service of the State Ministry of Internal Affairs in Moscow, the victims were injured in the field of chest and abdomen.

According to the same way, Burlakova and Etkin were shot from traumatic weapons, on others - from the firearm. The attacker came up to the Burlakov and Etkin, who was talking at the table in Cafe, shot them several times, after which he disappeared from the scene, Interfax reports. Now in the "Khutorka" there is an operational investigative group. The police are looking for an alleged criminal - a man of average growth of Slavic appearance, which wears a black beard.

At about 20.00, the representative of the press service of the State Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Moscow reported that Burlakov died in the Botkin hospital, RIA Novosti reports.

According to the source in the medical circles of the city, the cause of the death of a man could be a stop stop. For the life of Etkina, surgeons of the 36th City Hospital are struggling.

Preliminary versions of the crime, voiced by the investigation: Household (about this, as sources in law enforcement officials say, may indicate the use of "trauma") and the possible conflict of Burlakova with former business partners.

It is known that against Burlakova and Etkina in July 2009 a criminal case was initiated on charges of fraud (Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), in December 2009 they were detained and placed in the SIZO. According to the data of the investigation, Burlakov, being a member of the Board of Directors of Financial Leasing Company OJSC (FLC), organized a criminal group, including its commercial partner Evgeny Zaritsky, who used to host the Director of the FLK, and the Deputy Chairman of the Board of the World Bank Anna Etkina . Together they developed a plan for theft of FLC.

In the period from February to August 2008, according to the investigation, they manufactured "non-executed internal loan agreements" in the amount of 1.8 billion rubles.

These funds were translated from the FLK accounts to the world-bank on the accounts of IK South LLC and the investment leasing company, controlled by Burlakov. For this money, in the same year, Burlakov, investigators say, acquired Wadan Yards in Germany. The Chairman of the Board of Directors was Burlakov, and Zarutsky - co-owner.

By buying shipyards, Zaritsky and Burlakov assured the Russian and German authorities, which will rely on the enterprise civil shipbuilding, will preserve half of 2.5 thousand jobs and will provide a lot of profitable orders. The seriousness of their intentions of the top managers under the controlled by the Russian authorities of the FLK proved immediately: from Norilsk Nickel Wardan Yards received an order to build four container carriers of the ice class. But soon financial difficulties began on shipyards. These problems even became the subject of discussion at the next meeting of German Chancellor Angels Merkel and Prime Minister of Russia Vladimir Putin. After the application of Wadan Yards, the shipping procedure was introduced on the shipyards, and on August 1, 2009, the administrative court of the city of Schwerin began their bankruptcy. As a result, the Swiss Nordic Yards, controlled by the ex-head of the Moscow office of the Nord Stream (the construction operator of the Russian-German gas pipeline) Vitaly Yusufov, acquired shipyard for 40 million euros for the temporary manager appointed by the Government of Germany.

Burlakov was dismissed from the SIZO Silence, which was 20 million rubles in July 2010. Already then the accused suffered by many diseases, including coronary heart disease. "It is heart diseases that served as the basis for the fact that he was released on bail. When he was in an insulator, he was getting worse and worse, "said the lawyer Burlakova Alexander Zamida. Relatives could not collect money, challenged the amount of collateral several times and eventually took a loan in the bank. A little earlier, in May 2010, Etkina was released on the security of 5 million rubles. The source of "Gazeta.Ru", close to the consequence, said that Etkin was released on bail, because it was pregnant from Burlakova.

"Burlakov was a serious businessman, and I suppose that, of course, he had enemies,

- said Gazeta.Ru. - To speak now about versions is quite difficult, because everything happened unexpectedly and strange. I thought we had the 90s long ago and businessmen were no longer killed in restaurants. "

Initially, the embezzles in which Burlakova was accused, the investigation requested attention after the statement by the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the National Reserve Corporation and Shareholder of the FLC Alexander Lebedev: he reported on the acquisition of non-core assets abroad through the FLC. "In the case file, Lebedev's letter appears, - confirmed" Gazeta.Ru "to face. "But officially a reason for the initiation of a criminal case was the statement by the Director-General of the FLK Naja Malyutina, and he was recognized as a victim." Get comments from Lebedev and Malutin in the evening on Thursday failed.

OJSC Financial Leasing Company was founded in 1997. The company worked as a state leasing company, the purpose of which is to intensify the sales of Russian aircraft. In 2008, control over the company transferred the United Aircraft Corporation. After that, the FLC began service checks. In 2009, the Business FLK checked the Accounts Chamber. According to auditors, in 2008 the company invests money in assets with a high risk of non-return of funds, participated in mediation transactions and bought real estate. These transactions accounted for more funds than at the profile business leasing of aircraft and the financing of their construction (project Tu-214) at the Kazan Aviation Industrial Association of the Nicknuny.

The Accounts Chamber focused on buying the Avangard Shipbuilding Plant FLC. On this transaction, intermediaries earned 580.2 million rubles. Also, the FLK concluded contracts for the purchase of aircraft with prepayment, but the technique did not come, took loans under 35%, etc. In 2009, the FLK could not pay off the Eurobonds issued in 2007 for $ 250 million. The total debt of the bank acrooked company amounted to about 9 billion rubles .

The businessman was in no hurry to return debts, including for a deposit of 50 million rubles, under which he was released from custody in the case of the embezzlement at FLC 1.8 billion rubles

Original of this material
© "Kommersant", 09/30/2011, businessman stopped the heart, photo: "No crime"

Alexander Zheglov

Yesterday in Moscow, a famous entrepreneur, the former owner of the German shipyard Wadan Yards Andrei Burlakov was killed. A businessman was fired at the traumatic gun when he dined in the company of his civilian wife - Ex-Deputy Chairman of the Board of the World Bank Anna Etkina, which also seriously suffered. According to one of the versions, Mr. Bralakov was shot from traumatic to scour it. The fact that the entrepreneur has a weak heart, the criminal did not know.

An attack on Andrei Burlakova and Anna Etkina was committed about six o'clock in the evening in the room of the restaurant "Khutorok" on Leningradsky Avenue. According to eyewitnesses, an unknown man, entering the institution, immediately passed to the table, followed by a businessman and his girlfriend, and opened fire from the gun. The attacker shot the whole hunt, after which the restaurant left unhindered. Administrators and waiters did not know that the attacker was armed not by combat, but by traumatic weapons, so they did not try to delay him. Eyewitnesses remember that the criminal had a thick black beard. It is possible that it was an invoice.

After 15 minutes, the police and ambulance arrived at the scene. The wounded immediately hospitalized. Anna Etkina, who was sitting face to the attacker, a rubber bullet was crushed by the jaw, in addition, she got a very strong bruise of the sternum. Andrei Burlakov got a penetrating wound in the region of the left blade. On the way to the hospital, he survived clinical death. A strong bruise from the rubber bullet provoked a stop of the heart, which was able to be bought again with a defibrillator. But an hour, already on the operating table in the Botkin hospital, the heart of the businessman stopped again. This time, the doctors could not reanimate. According to them, the wounded chance of them were practically not there - Mr. Burlakova had a very weak heart, a few months ago he even moved the operation of stenting aorta. The states of Anna Etkina, who had an operation on jaws, doctors are called satisfactory.

According to the representative of the main investigative department of the SCR in Moscow, Victoria Tsiplenkova, the criminal case was initiated under Art. 30 and part 2 art. 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation ("Attempt on the murder of two and more persons"). The investigation has not yet decided on the main motive of the attack. For the familiar businessman, he is obvious.

One of the former lawyers of the entrepreneur, who asked not to call his behalf, in a conversation with "Kommersant" suggested that Andrei Burlakova may not want to kill. "I do not exclude that someone tried to give it to this way to understand that if he did not solve the problem, then next time the arrows would already be with a martial pistol," said the lawyer. And the problems of the businessman, according to the lawyer, was enough. According to him, Andrei Burlakov was too many should, but did not hurry to return debts. He owed, in particular, even for a deposit, which was released from custody.

Andrei Burlakov and Anna Etkina received fame due to criminal case About fraudulent embezzlement 1.8 billion rubles. OJSC "Financial Leasing Company" (FLC). As part of this case, they were arrested And for a long time kept in the detention facility, from where they were released by the court on the mains of 50 million rubles. and 5 million rubles. Accordingly, only in June 2010. This criminal case is still investigated - the accusations of the final edition of the Lord Burlakov and the Etkina did not have time to prevent.

According to the materials of this inspection, a criminal case was initiated under Part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (fraud in particularly large size). According to the investigation, Andrei Burlakov, being a member of the Board of Directors and the First Deputy General Director of OJSC FLK, organized a criminal group in addition to the "unidentified persons" from among the leaders of this company in February 2008, its civilian spouse Anna Etkina. With her, he developed a plan for the embezzlement of FLC. Using company controlled by him, registered including in Luxembourg, accused Burlakov and Etkin with "other unspecified persons" produced five "non-executed internal loan agreements" in the amount of 1.8 billion rubles. At the same time, loans, according to signatures on contracts, were approved by the Meeting of Shareholders of the FLC. The borrowed funds were translated from the FLC accounts to the world-bank on the accounts of LLC IK South and the investment leasing company, controlled by the Entrepreneur Burlakov, in the same bank. In the same year, Wadan Yards were acquired using data from these funds in Wismare and Vernameunda and a shipbuilding plant in Nikolaev (Ukraine).

However, soon on the shipyards there were financial problems, which even became the subject of discussion at the next meeting between the German Chancellor Angels Merkel, whose constituency is Vimar and Warnemünde, and Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. As a result, in August 2009, the Swiss Nordic Yards, controlled by the ex-head of the Moscow office of Nord Stream (the construction operator of the Russian-German gas pipeline) Vitaly Yusufov,

Andrei Burlakov - 50 years old. 30 years have passed since the first publication on the local history topic. Not so long ago, the 20th Book of the famous Gatchina Lioweed was published, and the 8th issue of Lukomorye magazine was released, they were founded.

- Andrei, it is known that interest in the history of the native land you started to show at school age. What was caused so atypical passion for a teenager?

- Hard to say. Perhaps the place itself, where I was born and lived. Suid, you know! .. But, perhaps, the most powerful impact on me was the museum in Christmas. Of course, then the museum was completely different. And the exhibits are less, and about the forbidden Naboka - not a word. But how interesting things were told about the history of the collective farm and villages! I came to the Christmas Museum by bike and almost lived there. That's from there everything went: the first excursions I spent, excursions ... Already then I understood that it was mine.

- Did you feel the support of others?

- How to say! That period is comfortable for the work of the local historian. In the 80s, when I started, many still remembered political repression and were afraid to frank. People did not want to talk about war or about the occupation, not to mention relatives - fists or landowners. I was a little easier, because I was my own, Suidinsky, I knew my ancestors well in the village, so I probably trust me.

"But you were very young, I would even say Yuna."

"Yes, I still had to serve in the army." By the way, in Mongolia, where my service passed, I did not leave my local lore zamask - managed and organize a museum there. After serving in the army, I returned to Sude and began to work in the House of Culture, not leaving thoughts about creating a museum. And in the 86th year, the public museum was opened. The story of its creation is almost detective. A small beautiful house was built under the library, which I literally seized under the pretext of holding the first regional Pushkin holiday. The holiday passed, but "to smoke" me from the house was impossible. We settled there with the whole asset. The authorities came, demanded to free the room, even electricity was cut down. We have surlant. Tourists soon went - 8 buses per day! And private traders walked just a string!

I then led a detailed diary, which I wrote down and how power scolded us, and what feedback tourists leave. You can not imagine how much grateful words we then heard! Sudyda mail came with letters with an address on the envelope: "In the museum. Andrei. " And I got these letters! In the next issue of Lukomorye magazine, I want to publish entries from my diary.

- What was the most valuable museum?

- Of course, the finds belonging to the descendants of Hannibalov. The museum cannot exist at the expense of some photos, you need genuine items that will attract tourists. I met Pushkinovdami, got the addresses of living descendants of the poet. I remember how I learned that in one Moscow family there is a spoon of Pushkin with his monogram. Russed into the capital and bought a spoon for 210 rubles. It is necessary to clarify that my salary then was 92 rubles. But I could not give up this unique relic. In total, our museum is now more than 10 genuine objects owned by Hannibalam.

- Do you miss that time?

- Yes, I miss. I really lack it very much. Then I, of course, did not think, for which it was all done. Why did I work without a weekend, why did I spend my money on the purchase of rare things? Now I understand that the museum in Suide existed today. Love now a diary and surprise myself: I spent 15 excursions a day! But it was still necessary to clean the room - also myself, of course, I did not have any state. The boy helped - my asset.

I was a man very free looks. In the 87th year (4 years before the collapse of the USSR), the crosslinked Russian tricolor with a white ribbon was hanging over our museum. It was just a Pushkin holiday. The authorities came and demanded to remove this fascist flag. The magazine "Change" published a publication in which I was called a provocateur. But it seemed to me a little. On November 7, I hung the same flag, only with a black ribbon. We decided to honor the memory of Sydinsky victims of political repression. Of course, I was called in all instances, the direct text was told that I was crying or a prison, or Kashchenko. Cost. Every year I continued to post over the museum a tricolor flag. In June 91st, one representative of the authorities (I will not call him the name) I shouted that instead of the flag you need to hang me, and already in August, after the GCCP, the same power sacrifted everywhere in tricolors.

In general, you understand what the Suydinsky Museum means for me. The only thing I regret that I left there. It was probably necessary to stay, fight for Sudeur further.

- But you never went out of the landmarks?

- Of course not. I was called me in Gatchina, to lead the museum of the city's history. These years were also very rich and fruitful in terms of work.

"Andrei, it doesn't seem to you that the time of revival of interest in local history will come?"

- I would like it to be so, but, alas, the science, which is devoted to local historians, now again not in Favor. A splash of interest was in the 90s, moreover, then very few serious books were published. But people then bought even black and white brochures, because they were really interested in roots. I do not think that this topic does this topic seems worthy of attention. If someone needs information, let's say, for the course, it is looking for online. What is rooted incorrectly. Want to know the truth - search for the original sources.

- However, today many people call themselves by Liures.

- That's bad. The word "local history" in recent years somehow "washed". In fact, real local historians - those who scrupulously check each information - very little. In addition, there is no program that supports local historians. Everything that is published is usually published at the expense of the authors. In any case, I have this way. Last year, published a book, perhaps the most important for me dedicated to the occupation of Gatchina. It is a pity that even such a topic did not find a response in the city administration. Posted there 5 letters there. The meaning of the answer discouraged: "The topic is irrelevant. Now, if it were written about the heroes, and not about those who were in the occupation ... ". Help Anton Igorevich Boyko helped - a month before the Victory Day, the book was published. 8 presentations took place! And today this book is in great demand, many are asked where it can be purchased? And nowhere can not be over. To repeat the circulation, you need 200 thousand rubles. Well, I have no such money. In general, I print my books in debt - I believes. I give the money after the books "go to the people."

- Books are well bought up?

- Let's return to your books. Are they written in one way?

- Of course not. All books are very different. Here, let's say a series of books dedicated to the individual settlements of the district. The book "The Kosborn" describes not only the history of the settlement, but also the history of many Kobrin families. People are sometimes suitable for me and say: I didn't know that my grandfather did so much for our village!

The book "According to the southern surroundings of Gatchina" is popular with tourists - more than once watched people loosely, looking for the necessary information.

I was glad that I managed to reprint a unique edition, which was lost even in the public library. The book "Sieve country countryside in the Warsaw Road" was published very small circulation in 1910. Released this book, no matter how surprisingly, Sivev voluntary fire society. Reprinting the book, I supplied it with illustrations and links to the archives. In addition, added a list of dachensons who lived at the time. Our contemporaries find the names of their grandparents in this book.

- Is it possible to meet completely unexpected information in your books?

- How much please! Now I work on a book called "Dog's joy of the Great." All our kings, ranging from Paul I, had dogs. Why there are kings! - All famous people, at different times living in Gatchina, were dogs. Nekrasov, Scherbov, Kuprin, the surrounding landlords were all the avid dogs. I raised a large number of letters, found photos of many dogs. At the moment it has already gained 200 with extensive dogs with the Gatchina "history". There are even information about dogs of modern Gatchinsev, in particular, about the taxes of the mayor of Stanislav Semenovich Bogdanova. So the book is very voluminous, with plenty of illustration. I think how to publish it ...

- Have you ever had to work on request?

"The only book I did on request is" 100 years in the history of Gatchina. " I was ordered to me our Gatchina Furniture Factory for your 100-year anniversary. It turned out that the factory has a very rich history, closely connected with Gatchina. I sat in the archives, excavated a lot of interesting things. Once this factory thundered to the whole country. Many still remember her famous walls "Ordezh", "Priorat". It was the only experimental factory in the USSR, which used in the production of varnishes and paints obtained by experienced way.

- My pride is "notes of the Gatchina Liurea." I decided to publish my best work in some books. Today came two, I think about the third.

Andrei Burlakov businessman, wounded on Thursday evening in a cafe in the north of Moscow, died towards the hospital. How the RIA Novosti was accomplished by the source in the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Northern District of Moscow, Burlakov - the former owner of the German shipyard Wadan.

Russian businessman, the former owner of the German shipyard Wadan, Andrei Anatolyevich Burlakov was born on August 22, 1963 in the GDR.

In 1985 he graduated from the Military Institute of the USSR Ministry of Defense with a specialty translator from English and Japanese. He served in the armed forces, in particular on the Pacific Fleet.

Since 1992, he made a founder of a number of companies: the non-state pension fund "Vityaz-Guarantee", Zavtair LLC (food trade), Alex LLP (repair of buildings), OOO "Oilpost" (wholesale trade of fuels).

In 1999-2001, the deputy general director of the Industrial and Finance Corporation "Rus-Alpha".

Since 2002 - the first vice-president, since 2005 - the first deputy general director of OJSC Financial Leasing Company (FLC). Burlakov entered the Board of Directors of the FLK, headed her Luxembourg "daughter" FLC West Holding.

In December 2009, Andrei Burlakov in particularly large sizes.

The criminal case on the 159th article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (fraud) was initiated on June 2, 2009 at the request of the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the National Reserve Corporation, the shareholder "Ilyushin Finance Co." and OJSC FLC Alexander Lebedeva, who reported to the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Yuri Seak about acquiring non-core assets through the FLC abroad. According to the case of the case, the Entrepreneur Burlakov, being a member of the Board of Directors and the First Deputy Director General of OJSC FLC, organized a criminal group in addition to the "unidentified persons" from among the leaders of this company in February 2008, the deputy chairmen of the Board of the world-Bank Anna Ekin. With her, he developed a plan for the embezzlement of FLC. According to the investigators, using the companies controlled by him, including in Luxembourg, accused Burlakov and Etkin with "other unspecified persons" produced five "non-executed internal loan agreements" in the amount of 1.837milliards rubles. At the same time, loans, according to signatures on contracts, were approved by the Meeting of Shareholders of the FLC. The borrowed funds were translated from the FLC accounts to the world-bank on the accounts of LLC IK South and the investment leasing company, controlled by the Entrepreneur Burlakov, in the same bank. In the same year, Wadan Yards were acquired using data from these funds in Wismare and Vernameunda and a shipbuilding plant in Nikolaev (Ukraine).

However, soon on the shipyards there were financial problems, which even became the subject of discussion at the next meeting between the German Chancellor Angels Merkel, whose constituency is Vimar and Warnemünde, and Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. As a result, in August 2009, the Swiss Nordic Yards, controlled by the ex-head of Nord Stream (the construction operator of the Russian-German gas pipeline) Vitaly Yusufov, acquired a shipyard for 40 million euros.

In February 2011, Vitaly Yusufov took advantage of him with the shares of Nordic Yards to obtain a loan in the bank of Moscow; The shipyards of the company were previously estimated at $ 950 million, and the loan was granted 1.1 billion.

At the moment, it is difficult to say exactly why Andrei Burlakov was shot and his civilian wife Anna Etkina; Atkina's lawyer, Mikhail Halilulin, however, claims that the cause of the death of a businessman was the previously nominated accusation against the Son of the former Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation (and, part-time, members of the Board of Directors Gazprom) Vitaly Yusufov.

Burlakov accused Yusufov in the raider seizure of the German shipyard "Wadan Yards".

With controversial shipyards of Burlakov contacted 2008; It was in July 2008, Andrei - along with business partners - acquired shipyard in Warnemünde and Wismard (Wismar). Unfortunately, the special benefits of the purchase of Andrei did not succeed - the company stubbornly pursued financial difficulties, and no one charged on particularly profitable orders.

The launched protection procedure from creditors did not change anything to the 1st of August 2009 to order the court of the city of Schwerin (Schwerin) a bankruptcy procedure was launched.

In August, the Swiss company Nordic Yards entered the game - by rumors, which is only a tool in the hands of Vitaly Yusufov. "Nordic Yards" held talks with the creditors of "Wadan Yards" and the temporary state manager and bought a bankrupt shipyard for 40 million euros.

Certain doubts caused the deal then - so, by no means it was clear to everyone, where Yusufov took these 40 million. Vitaly himself argued that the money was earned by them by absolutely honest - competent investments in the shares of the father's enterprise.

Andrei Burlakova and Anna Etkina, however, about what had happened another theory was, the spouses claimed that they were victims of a banal raider capture. The reasons suspect the wrong with Anna and Andrei were already a month before the transaction - precisely then, according to Etkina and Burlakova, the shaped surveillance began behind them. Suspicious cars and no less suspicious people pursued businessmen with unpleasant perseverance.

Shortly before the assassination of Etkina contacted the relevant authorities and provided them with a new interesting fact for reflection - in June, the Luxembourg company FLC-West Holding bought 70% of the shares of the Norwegian company Aker Yards for 290. It is "Aker Yards" later and were renamed "Wadan Yards Group"; The company was at the disposal of two German and one Ukrainian shipyard. Called Andrei and Anna and those who, in their opinion, stood for a transaction; It was assumed that part of the funds were provided by the already named "FLC", and the second part was provided by another company Yusufov, "TAMPLESTOWE".

In February 2011, Vitaly Yusufov took advantage of him with the shares of Nordic Yards to obtain a loan in the bank of Moscow; The shipyards of the company were previously estimated at $ 950 million, and the loan was granted 1.1 billion. In all respects, one unpleasant fact - Burlakov and Etkina threatened a strong deposit and still did not leave hope to prove the fact of raider capture and, as a result, cancel the package.