How to make yourself a hero. How to come up with a character for a book? Man fictional - subspecies

How to make yourself a hero. How to come up with a character for a book? Man fictional - subspecies
How to make yourself a hero. How to come up with a character for a book? Man fictional - subspecies
How to create Persians.
You want to create your character, but do not know how?
Prepare leaf and record.
Here you know how you draw or not. It will be your personal hero. But if you have the ability, then the flag to you in your hands. Invent the heroes. Their story. And it is possible that you glorify it.
Here I will help you to modify it in detail. Including even his blood group. All this I will complement my examples.
1.This half your character.
3. Treaster.
This I consider the most basic in creating.
1.. Maybe either female or male. Unless of course you do not have a mutant.
2.Ind. It already depends on your imagination. It may be short, long, English, Japanese or Russian.
3. Due to the Hapnet's hand too. From 0 and indefinitely.

My examples.
1. Magic.
2. Stans Evans.
3.15 years.
Further will go more detailed description.

1. Treats of hair.
2. The color of the eyes.
3. Example growth, weight.
Okay. If you already imagine an image of a character, or orient the picture. You will be easier.
1. Hair Tools more often use standard: blonde, brunette, redhead. But do not forget about such colors as blond or black. You can also use non-standard rainbow colors. It will look interesting.
2. But with the color of the eyes, it is better not to hurry. It is important that it is combined with hair, but also if your hero has bright-salad hair. That is not worth doing the same eyes. It is better to leave them natural.
3. For growth and weight, if your Persian has an ideal figure, just take growth. Middle-170cm. And take away 110. The weight is obtained. I.e. Growth - 110 \u003d weight.
170 - 110 \u003d 60 kg.
4. If you act for this formula. You can safely write average. (There is still complete, thin, non-standard.)

My examples.
1. Fight.
2. Floor eyes.
3. FROM - 175, weight - 65kg.
4. More.
1. Items first it is worth choosing the temperature of the hero.
It is distinguished by increased excitability, the actions are intermittent. It is characterized by sharpness and swiftness of movements, strength, impulsiveness, vivid severity of emotional experiences. Due to the impassable, carried away, inclined to act with all his might, exhausted more than it follows. Having public interests, temperament manifests in initiative, energetic, principle. In the absence of spiritual life, the choleric temperament is often manifested in irritability, affectiveness, incontinence, flares, inability to self-control in emotional circumstances.
Quickly adapts to new conditions, quickly converges with people, sociable. Feelings are easily arising and replaced, emotional experiences, as a rule, shallow. Mimica is rich, mobile, expressive. Somewhat restless, needs new impressions, insufficiently regulates their impulses, does not know how to strictly adhere to the developed routine of life, the system in operation. In this regard, it cannot be successfully implemented, requiring equal strength, long-term and methodical stress, amplification, stability, patience. In the absence of serious goals, deep thoughts, creative activity produces superficiality and impermanence.
Phlegmatic person
It is characterized by a relatively low level of behavior activity, the new forms of which are produced slowly, but are persistent. It has slowness and tranquility in actions, facial expressions and speech, evenness, constancy, depth of feelings and sentiment. Persistent and stubborn, he rarely comes out of himself, is not inclined to affect, having calculated his strength, it brings the matter to the end, even in relations, in moderation is sociable, does not like to chat in moderate. Saves strength, they do not spend them. Depending on the conditions in some cases, the phlegmatic can be characterized by "positive" features - excerpt, depth of thoughts, constancy, thoroughness, in others - lethargy, indifference to the surrounding, laziness and bravery, poverty and weakness of emotions, a tendency to fulfill the usual action.
His reaction often does not correspond to the power of the stimulus, there is a depth and stability of feelings with weak expression. It is difficult for him to focus on something. Strong impacts often cause a long-term braking reaction from melancholic ("Hands down"). It is characterized by the restraint and muffling of speech and movements, shyness, timidity, indecision. In normal conditions, melancholic - a deep man, meaningful, can be a good worker, successfully cope with life tasks. Under adverse conditions, it can turn into a closed, fearful, alarming, vane, prone to severe internal experiences of such life circumstances that do not deserve this.

2. It's good character traits.
3. And bad.

1. Hallery.
2. Combine and caring.
3. This is active in some situations when this is not at all necessary.

The remaining details.
1. Bloodgroup.
2. Draws.
3. Style in clothes.
4. Low things (food, beverages, color, etc.)
5. Click relatives.
7. Data birth.

1. In Japan, it is believed that character is determined by the blood group.
The first is the activity, leadership, courage. Strong personalities, hardy and authoritative.
The second is patient, perseverance, practicality. They carefully think over their actions.
Third - curiosity, creative mind, unpredictability and independence.
Fourth - emotionality, sensitivity, imagination.
2. Draws are also with you. For example: nibble nails, straighten clothes, bite your lip. Chain hair.
3. Stilated in clothing: sports, street, front, romantic. In addition, you can find a bunch of pictures with clothing. Or come up with and draw your own.
4.Thude as you wish.
5.Roders, brothers, sisters. Uncle, aunt. Etc.
6.Beller, drawing, football or maybe, there are no hobbies at all.
7. Well ... everything is clear here.

My example.
2. When nervous, nails nails. The lessons often challenges bangs so that it does not climb into the eyes.
3. Style in clothes prefers street. Ordinary T-shirt, jeans, sneakers and shirt over.
4. Low color - blue.
Food - hot dogs.
Drinks - cocoa.
5.Roders. Sisters, the brothers are not.
6. Single.
7.16. 03. 97.
I hope that at least something helped, waiting for your feedback. Maybe it's worth adding something.


This applies to all heroes - the main, secondary, episodic, any type and other things. Of course, I would like to name this article "How guaranteed to make a character interesting", but there are no universal techniques in any creativity - you can only schedule the edges of the road. These recommendations should help avoid classical mistakes, but success, alas, comes in a completely random way.

We must report in advance that there are often frankly "wrong" characters - just remember any charismatic protagonist of a famous film, books or games. But most ecoonish are already firmly occupied, and since human thinking is based on a comparison of a new one with the old, it is better not to copy anyone too clearly - to surpass the original hardly possible.

1) Planning. The character does not live in a vacuum, he is part of his surrounding reality, so it is forced to interact with it at least somehow. In the process of creating it, it must be submitted in different situations - purely household, unusual, absurd, and carefully watching that it will happen to him. This applies to everything that is written in the following items - every little thing should be checked.

2) accuracy. If you briefly, the pianos in the bushes rust and deteriorate, and nothing good will have nothing good. Any event should rely on something existing and only for it. This concerns the biography of the hero, and his future. Probability generators, clairvoyance and other ways to bypassing this restriction should be used carefully or look for such methods of compensation to actually think about - is it better to leave the piano alone and do without other means? In general, the owner of a black belt on two dozens of martial arts can easily be successful in the life of a physicist - for examples it is not necessary to go far, among the real celebrities a full typical "Mary Sue". The possibilities of the Alliance generally allow every employee to acquire any qualities and get rid of flaws, but all these achievements are the result of a long and intensive work, each step of which is easy to track. Similarly, with separate heroes - every success should be on something founded with at least minimal reliability. If there is no reason, then it is better to refuse the whole situation, so it is more reliable. Let's say, a scientist, in his free time, practiced in shooting and fencing, with the emergence of a serious threat, will be immediately evacuated and managing his fighting qualities will not be able - for this there are specially trained personnel, and a scientist, ready to risk his own head without necessity, is not smart enough to Work in the alliance. If he is obliged to hold out before the arrival of assistance, choosing a long time, fight, or hide - then it is quite another matter.

3) practicality. This applies mainly to appearance and equipment, which, contrary to common misconception, can be anyhow. The only thing to take into account is that there is a sense in one detail. Batman's raincoat is not just a spectacular part of the costume, but also a simple deltaplane and a refractory "shield." But, as you know, there may be a lot of problems from such a thing, because it can be easily and relaxed for something to cling - and this already imposes certain restrictions on the actions of the character. If the benefit is doubtful, it should be discarded from the element at all, and without a difference, it is harmful or neutral. Batman suit is emphasized by frightening - and its owner uses as efficiently as fists. Will there be a black helmet with ears helpful to someone else? Hardly, it turns out rather ridiculous than scary. Hanging on the wall of the gun should shoot, and if it is made of pure gold and snapped with rubies - shoot as often as possible and for different purposes, and not worse than the usual, otherwise it will be sad. The Alliance almost does not limit its employees in terms of how it looks like, but uniforms, amulets and other mandatory parts of the equipment are needed for specific, everyday tasks. With anomalous and other subjects, the situation is exactly the same - every feature of appearance or is carrying a certain practical function, or works for perception, or spoils the picture. If there is no need, but I want - no attention to it.

4) rationality. Despite all the abundance of thinking types, cultures and individual characteristics of character, the actions of the character must correspond to its status. Rustic fool is free to make any nonsense, but to earn old a serious reputation, whether he is at least three times talented, he is incredibly hard. A classic successful businessman is even having fun "solid", tasteful, and the tenth road bypasses the Kabaki, and if circumstances will still be forced - it will try to maintain status by all the might, sometimes even for harm. But a representative of any biological species, if he is mentally healthy and realizes his actions, will never intentionally create serious problems to itself and others, if without it you can easily do. An ordinary adult will not act like a teenager, and will not throw his head into the thick of the events, but at first it will think whether it is impossible to solve the problem with smaller losses and is not better not to interfere. In addition, the situation when "everything is not what it seems," in real life only a little less often is happening than in the world of the Alliance, therefore it is always necessary to measure seven times before cutting. It is also relevant only in three cases: strong emotions, too little time to think or obsession with demons. Errors are often expensive, and anyone who has been seriously buried several times, it will become much more careful - and the alliance means allow you to immediately configure behavior in the right way, because the status of an employee of this organization requires logical actions in any situation. Yes, the failure of logic to achieve the goal is also part of this.

5) ambiguity. There is nothing completely bad and absolutely good. It looks steeper what you can look at both bells - it concerns the characters, and events with their participation, and everything else. Even Rorsakh from the "Guardians" with their black and white, uncompromising thinking, in this regard can be considered as a hero, and as a peaneta. The alliance is also not entirely white and fluffy, although dark dishes in it are very small - precisely because it acts reasonably. In general, than the character of the character multifaceted, the better, and even the Krestomaty Paladin is not difficult to turn from the "robot with one thought" in a full-fledged person.

Actually, that's all you need to know. No, really - all the other "rules" are broken completely and next to the smallest damage.

The character is the main figure of any animation, so he should pay a rather large amount of attention. In this article you will find tips from professionals to help you create a bright and plausible, and you can also take a look at the Pixar Studio create cartoon characters.

1. Focus on facial expressions

Tex Avery, the creator of Duffy Daqa, Bagza Bunny and other characters belonging to us, never neglected the facial expressions, developing their heroes, and it made them popular.

Depending on the character of the character, his emotions can be both pronounced, and a little hidden, so, developing your hero, think about his personal qualities and, pushing away from it, work on his facial expressions. An excellent example of the work of the legendary Tex Avery can be called a wolf, from whom the eyes flew out of the skull when he was extinguished. On the other hand, you can put Drupi, which seems to have no emotions at all.

2. Make your characters special

When Matt Greining created "Simpsons", he knew that he had to offer the audience something special, something that would differ from the other TV shows. Therefore, he decided that when the viewer will flip the channels and stumble on a cartoon with yellow-skinned heroes, he will not be able to not be interested in them.

Whoever is your character, try to make it as far as possible on all the characters that preceded him. He must have interesting visual qualities that will be unusual to the viewer. As yellow leather and four fingers on their hands instead of five, for example.

3. Experimental

The rules are designed to violate them. At least, so thinks YUCK. When he creates his characters, he does not know who he draws. "I listen to music and drawing a result that depends on my mood: strange or cute characters. I always want to draw what I wonder. Later I graduate with the hero, "he says.

4. Understand who you draw

Think of your audience. For adults and children need to pick up completely different interaction tools, colors, and characters.

"A character to order usually implies more frameworks in which I need to enter it, but this does not mean that creativity here is less. Customers have specific needs, but they also want me to make my job. Usually I start with the main features and character character. For example, if the eyes are important, then I will build a design around the face so that the main part is standing out, "says Nathan Jurevicius.

5. Explore

"Never work without materials, always look for something, from what you can push off. Make photos of people who can become a good basis for your work. For example, their clothes, hairstyle, face. Even if your character is not a person, think from where he got his DNA and push out from it. As soon as you begin to work with examples, your work will become clearer and involve. " - Gal Shkedi.

6. Start with a simple

"Always start with simple forms. Squares are good for strong and hard characters, and triangles will be perfect if you want to make a hero frightening. Well, and if you want a friendly character, then use smooth lines. " - JORFE.

It is worth remembering that no matter how difficult was the character, it consists of simple elements. Starting with a simple, you will gradually lay it elements and eventually get a holistic image.

7. Technique - not the most important thing

Drawing skills will help you strongly if you want to present a character in various poses and from different angles. And this skill requires practice. But to create a reliable and atmospheric character, these skills are not so important.

"I try to delve into the character, highlighting his oddities, combining them and working on them. I draw a lot of different options for one character until I stay pleased with one of them. " - Nick Sheehy.

8. Come up with history

"If you want your character to exist not only in a cartoon or comic, then you should spend time and come up with a story. Where he came from, as it appeared that it was happening in his life - all this will help create integrity. Sometimes the story of the character is more interesting than today's adventure. " - Pixar.

9. Take the character

An interesting appearance does not always make and character interesting. His character is the key, the character should be consistent in its emotions and actions. In the studio Pixar believe that the character should be pronounced, unless you specifically do your character boring.

10. Surroundings

Another rule Pixar is the work on the surroundings of the character.

"If you want your character to be plausible, then do the world around it believable. Think over the environment and make it work for the benefit. "

And in this video you can follow the process of creating Characters Characters and Ellie:

When I started writing my first work, the question of how to create a character for the book, I did not have anything. I have not searched for tips and tips on the Internet, I did not read books dedicated to the writing craft, but naively relied on my strength.

In this article, I will share with you what not worth it Do to save yourself time and nerves, as well as advice who worked personally for me.

How many characters should be in the book?

The answer is obvious: just as much as you can reveal.

If you are sure that each of the heroes will play an important role in the general plot, it is not lost in the crowd of characters, they can be at least a hundred. However, do not rush to take the reader with the number of heroes.

3 reasons why not enter a lot of characters

When you start writing a book - especially in the genre of fantasy or fiction - there is a burning desire to inhabit your story with many charismatic and unique characters. Moreover, there is a positive example: there are whole series of books, where the author managed to manage with a large number of heroes. But here are 3 reasons why I do not advise it to do it:

  1. Huge spending forces

    You are spraying. Instead of creating 3-4 interesting and worked characters for the same amount of time, you are inventing 20 and rushing between them.

    Here it is necessary to ask yourself a question:

    Are you ready to spend a huge part of the forces to reveal the N-number of heroes, instead of writing another book or more detail to work the plot?

  2. Huge spending of time

    Creating characters is not easy. And the time you devoted to the disclosure of heroes could be sent to solving other, equally important tasks.

    Are you ready for the fact that you can ultimately be unhappy with the result, and the time spent is no longer returning?

  3. The reader did not remember / confused / forgot

    On your experience, I will say that about 80% of readers who unsubscribed under the first chapters of my book, they said that it is difficult for them to memorize a large number of heroes.

    Are you ready for the fact that some part of the readers does not want to understand in many heroes and takes off at the very beginning?

If at least one of the three questions you answered "no" - it is worth leaving this idea at least as long as you don't have a hand.

And how many characters need?

It is believed that three main characters are quite enough. The reader will definitely not forget who has someone who does not bother. Such a number of characters on hand and author himself - more opportunities, time and effort to develop the fate of the heroes on the pages of the book.

The main, secondary, episodic: what is the difference? Why do nexicual characters need?

When you figured out how many characters are planning, it's time to divide their three groups:

Main Secondary Episodic
Who it? The character tells the story. The main characters can be several The character is not key in this story, but affects the plot or / and GG. His life and relationship are described, but not so detailed The character flashed against the background of the main character, which entered with him in a non-long interaction. Often such heroes do not have a name
How often appears? Most of the book is assigned key characters Occupy approximately 20-30% of book time Usually one or two times
Example. Book "Call" Kodi Suzuki The main characters are two: Asakawa and Ryuji - it is they who find the damned video tape and investigate the murders. A secondary character can be called MAI Takano. About her not so much is known, but it is connected with Ryuji, and Asakawa, and also plays in the second part of the book a significant role in the plot, not being the main character An old-headed administrator who finds a Villa B-4 damned video tape, and then gives it to the main hero

The role of secondary heroes

If the main character is increasingly more or less clear, I propose a little more consideration of the tasks of the heroes of the second plan.

Task number 1 - Disclosure of the main character

The relationship between people and in real life helps to learn about the person a lot of new things that talk about books where the author specifically puts accents so as to present the main character as long as possible and versatile. The role of secondary heroes is usually assigned to friends and colleagues, a little less often to parents and acquaintances.

Task number 2 - disclosure of the past and present

With the help of a minor hero, you can open the veil of the past. Talk about what even the main character knew.

Example №1 (Far past): Marge from the book "Nightmare on Elm Street". It is with the help of Marge and the reader, and the main character learns that many years ago Kruger shook into the boiler and set on fire.

Example number 2. (recent past): In the same book, the race witnessed the murder, which Kruger made. This crime hung on the genus, who later told the main character that at the time of the murder in the room was someone else. Someone invisible, who killed them with a common girlfriend. And then the main heroine begins his investigation.

Also a minor character can also tell the reader, and the chief hero about what is happening in the present - at a particular moment.

Example: The film "Host" of 2007. According to the plot, the daughter of the main character is kidnapped. While they are attacked with her friend, the daughter (secondary character) speaks with his father by phone. So the audience, and the main character, without being nearby and without seeing what happens with his own eyes, learn about the abduction of young girls, which takes real time.

Task number 3 - influence on the plot

This item is somewhat similar to the previous one. But here the role of a secondary hero is not to clarify the situation, but to some extent, the fateful influence on the plot.

Example: Stephen King "Shine". Holloran, as well as Danny (the protagonist) has a gift that in the book is called shining. It was Holloran who warns Danny about the hotel and says that he, in case of what, called him with all his might with his gift. This conversation eventually played a huge role at the end of the book. Danny, after the Father tried to kill them, calls to help Holloran, and he saves them with her mother.

Task number 4 - to be just humans

Sometimes the role of a secondary character is to just be a person. Sometimes it is ridiculous - for comic inventory, sometimes stereotypical to make a deeply fallen convictions. You can often meet in the books, and in the films of stereotypes of Russians or Americans who are not key characters, but do a story more voluminous and entertaining.

What are episodic heroes for?

The tasks of secondary and episodic characters can overlap each other. An episodic hero can also help in:

  • the disclosure of the hero

    Example: If a key character goes to a taxi and a chatter of his driver too annoying, the reader at least concludes about the temperament of the main character. As a maximum - if you put accents correctly - it will give an understanding that the hero is a sadist: he represented the whole trip how in the literal sense she sews the chatter driver's mouth.

  • creating Background and Atmosphere

    If the hero comes into the bar, people must surround it. At least a bartender, as a maximum - the crowd of contented and not very life of people. Episodic heroes will help in descriptions of the site. The bar may be noisy, stuffy from the cluster of the people. Such a reception with episodic (background) characters will help make the scene volume.

  • promotion plot

    Often and episodic characters pushing the main character to what he will have to deal throughout history.

    Example: Codisi Code "Call". The main character of Asakawa rides in a taxi and finds out from the driver about the strange death on the road. The author himself sweeps: "If at that day Asakawa, she decided to go home on the subway, he would not have come to seek the connection between two different incidents. However, no matter how looking, the novel tie is always a confluence of circumstances. "

How to create a main character for the book?

Discussed secondary and episodic characters, now I propose to deal with key characters. So how to create a hero for the book?

Appearance: Do I need to describe it?

Answering the question above, I will say: describe the appearance of the hero or not - to solve only the author. I do not assume to say that without it, but in most books the authors really describe the appearance of characters. At least in general terms.

I don't really like to describe my heroes to describe in part: if it is possible to harmoniously entertain the features of the character in history - excellent. Specially, because "I need to tell how the hero looks like," I do not do it.

I will share some secrets that I personally use when I describe the appearance of the hero:

  • Comparison of characters among themselves.

    For example: The main character sits in front of the TV and looks at some gear. On the screen, he notices the lead, which is more or less like him. GG begins to compare himself with a character on the screen. It is possible to even imagine himself not his place and think that if she's harsh and slightly rumped nose, they look like, the figure at the main character would be better - the costume would sit on it as it should, and the hair would be glistened under Sofita much brighter and without any Either laying.

  • Interaction with nature and the outside world. Task: Ensure Together Action and Description of Appearance.

    For example: Kais turned around and, removing the strands fallen on her face, looked at Greg in anticipation of a response. He, having seen the movement of the young man, grinned and involuntarily spent his palm on short hair, which could not touch the wind.

    For example: Gaby hits a fist on the table, tears flow along with paint on a round spring glazed physiognomy to wrinkles near the mouth.

  • Through other heroes. It may be dialogues and thoughts. Often it turns out that in other people's eyes, we do not look like it seems to us. Usually, other people immediately allocate basic, the brightest features of our appearance - this can be taken as the basis of the character description.

With the following teaching descriptions of appearance, we advise you to be careful. They have a place to be, but advise them at all:

  • Connected comparisons. For example: Ocean color eyes, chocolate color hair and similar. In the description, the appearance using comparisons is nothing bad, but try not to use too beaten expressions.
  • Description of appearance in reflection. Such a reception takes place to be, it is used in the "50 shades of gray" book, but is already considered a stamp. And if the ordinary reader can still be as described by appearance, the reader-author or a very integral reader can make negative premature conclusions about the history as a whole.
  • Unrealistic, highly, exaggerated appearance description. For example: Her skin was like a velvet, I inhaled the amazing smell of her chic fiery hair, which as a silk, as the real sun was overflowing in the sun. Her teeth are exactly the pearls, and the eyes of the color of the emerald. Her gait, figure, everything was perfect: from long legs I could not tear the eye.

Character character

It is no secret that the reader remembers the character in nature, and not by appearance. The failure is when everything is different than your heroes with each other, hair color and eyes.

Character (Greek χαρακτηρ is a sign, a distinctive feature, a sign) - a combination of sustainable mental characteristics of a person who determine his behavior in life circumstances and first of all - when interacting with the surrounding people. The nature is closely associated with other sides of the person's personality, in particular, with temperamentwhich determines the external form of character expression.

For the accuracy of the character description, you can:

Method number 1. - To ask questions:

  • Is the hero irritable?
  • What can he withdraw him?
  • How will he react to betrayal?
  • Is it a matter of fundamental?
  • For a hero debt first of all?
  • Is the hero conscientious?
  • Are the hero first in a fight?
  • How belongs to violence?
  • How does conflicts solve: cry or words?
  • How does it say loud?
  • Is the hero talking?
  • Does it really trust people?
  • For the hero, the glass is half full or empty?

The rest questions can be invented by analogy.

Method No. 2. - put the heroes in ambiguous situations

Also, it will not be superfluous to put all your heroes in the same delicate situation and think about how they behave in it.

For example: The hero has those about whom he needs to take care, but he is on the mel. The profitable, but illegal business: distribute drugs, abduct people, etc. Will your hero go for it? And if, provided that it is never for sure?

Or other situations, such as this:

Method number 3. - Association

Associations are the links between mental phenomena, in which the appearance of one of them in the consciousness of a person entails the almost simultaneous appearance of others.

At the request of "Association" you will find a lot of interesting ones on the Internet. Asking people ordinary words, you can learn a lot about them. Play in the Association with the heroes. Find on the Internet or come up with the words list yourself and answer your characters on them.

For example:

family - Love
House - Fortress
Mother - native
Father - betrayal
betrayal - pain
Money - Glory
Power - Violence
Man - cruelty
Woman - sacrifice
Children are not needed

And now think what can be said about the character who conducted such associations?

5 ways to reveal the character

  • Through action / inaction

    In the same situations, the characters, behind which they have their own experience, past and motivation will flow in different ways. Their reactions to the current circumstances are also dictated by temperament.

    Example: "Ten Negreat" Agatha Christie. Ten people locked on the island. After the first murder on the villa begins real chaos: everything is frightened, but behave differently. Someone in rage and wants to get out, someone crying and prevents all ambulance death.

  • Through descriptions

    You can open the hero through description of the surrounding environment. His house, Cabinet, life: Does the hero keep the order? Is his refrigerator empty, because it constantly works and just does not have time to go to the grocery? Is it placed on the house of the photo frames with family photos? etc.

    Also description weather or joys of current year of year Can you help more talk about the character: Does the hero like heavy rain like, because there is almost no one on the street? Does it like snow? Does the leaffall cause any memories of childhood? Happy or not?

  • Through thoughts

    This may thoughts like the hero itself, which it is necessary to reveal and reasoning about him another character.

  • Through dialogs

    Dialogues are a very important part of any story. When they come out alive, reliable and interesting - this is already a great achievement. It would seem: what is difficult in the description of the dialogues? Just argue the mouth of the heroes about the current situation. So there is, but it is important how you do it.

    It is clear that artificially stretched conversations will make the reader bored. So long exchanges with courtesies (if it does not carry some hidden meaning) it is necessary to omit. The phrases of heroes for the most part must be informative:

    • show the ratio of the hero to the situation,
    • to the person with whom he is talking
    • his mood
    • desire to make compromises, etc.

    Write a good dialogue - absolutely real, most importantly practicing and learn from those authors who do you think are good in this.

    When you start writing a dialogue, ask yourself a question:

    Dialogue from what book or movie can I remember? What feelings did he cause me? What exactly did you attract and like it? What way of the person's personality the author discovered with the help of the memorial conversation?

    Analyze the answers. As practice: Try to remake the same dialogue only with the mouth of your heroes (in draft). Well done? Think what techniques used the author.

    The speech manner will also give individuality to your heroes. It may be:

    • Accent;
    • Crown phrases, sustainable expressions. Example: The hero almost after each phrase adds: "I think so" or "maybe not";
    • Habit of giving people nicknames;
    • Speech defects;
    • Tempo speech.
  • Through interaction with other people

    It can be a relationship with both episodic characters and the main. How does the hero behave in society? Are you polite with service personnel, doesn't passelaish, what relationship with neighbors? How does he relate to people in general? Are they annoying him? How does it behave with colleagues? With parents?

How to come up with names for book characters?

The easiest way is to open lists of men's and female names on the Internet, choose the country in which actions will occur, and choose the ones that you like. What names should be avoided: longx I. hardly worn.

If you decide to come up with names yourself, I recommend to make them as harmful and memorable.

Bad example: Mahtranstenbach
Good: Herus

If the heroes are a lot, try to do without surnames - it will greatly facilitate life to the reader and help avoid confusion.

If you decide to come up with names yourself, think about making some similar names for people of one race or those who are associated geographically. For example: All names are one of the races enemy on "y".

In the "brilliance of the rim" all the names of the nomadic tribe ends at Tang: I-Tang, Miu Tang, Ark-Tan, etc. The names of all cyturines - on "O": AKO, Nino, Jogo, Fleeve, etc.

How to come up with the name of the chief hero of the book?

Tips that I described above can also help in selection name for a key character. Home Recommendation: Let the name be as remembered as much as possible. You can find a name:

  • in her head. What name do you think congestive? Maybe you still infected some name for games in the yard and do you like it so far? And most importantly: it fits perfectly into the plot and place of action?
  • in the list of names on the Internet.
  • in another word using the permutation or replacement of letters. For example: Silence - Channy Mag, tags - taks (tequet), etc.

I want to remind you that there are no rules and standards that would dictate what a name should be. Only recommendations, tips, observations. Do you want the main character with the most common name? Let. With unusual? Also normal. Just remember that your history will read other people who can either remember Carnodizava Mahmarkhatov or not. Have this in mind.

I hope the article turned out to be useful for you and you have learned something new for yourself. Thanks for attention!

There are different approaches to the creation of a hero, algorithms, how to make a character interesting for the reader. When we prepared this post, we remembered Alexander Molchanova, who wrote in his "scriptwriter's letter", that the hero should be: a mystery, lack, treasure and goal. And if the hero has these qualities - we want to be like it and is a good hero for the film.

Or, for example, James N. Fry in the book "How to write a brilliant detective" indicates that the hero of the detective must have the following qualities: courage, professionalism, special talent, inventiveness and mind; And besides, he should have a wound, he must be outlined and commit selfless actions.

You can remember other lists of this kind.

However, all of them have a key vice: they are aimed at formalization of qualities the main thing The hero of the work and they are inflexible. When I look at such a listing, I want to exclaim: "What, all 62 hero in the novel should be so?" Does not ignite ... However, without a technique, it is not necessary to do at least if a structured approach to the development of the work is close to you. (Somehow let's tell about the cards of the characters that we use ...)

The answer was found at the Lecture of Paul Brown.
He suggested that the hero should have five bright qualities. This quantity is enough to create a hero volume. Quality can be any. But, Kagda you put yourself a challenge to come up with five qualities for any, even a secondary character, you will specify and understand the wilts of this character and understand.
Paul Brown offers to go on. Any character is interesting when he has a "second bottom," when he hides something. A person never places his present "I," he hides him under the mask. Well, and a scenario approach: It is always interesting to follow a person when he has some oddity, an amazing bright feature.

So we have five qualities:
- quality 1;
- Quality 2;
- mask (the fact that the character places others);
- hides (this character is hiding from everyone);
- Weirdness.

The system is flexible and defined at the same time.

"Can a hero have more than 5 bright features?" "Yes. Especially at the main characters. Five is a minimum that gives depth. "
"Is it necessary to define with a mask, strangeness hidden by the feature?" - "No ... and yes. In this case, the character will be more psychologically credible, which means it is interesting. And his oddity will ensure that we are remembered. "
"Are these features affect the characters' interaction?" - "Yes. When two characters communicate, they prevent each other masks; We are nervous when it seems to them that their hidden damn will be killed ... "

Examples from our development:
Character 1:
Soberly assesses, without unnecessary illusions. And generally honest.
Deep not by age understanding of people (wisdom not by year). Including Does not let him get involved in adventures.
Mask: obedient son.
Hides: a categorically negative assessment of the solutions of power (father).
Strange: Despite the fact that he is older than the rest of adolescents, he does not take command of himself (including because in battle, thought will make it a bad commander).

Character 2:
Performs a role, instructions, exactly in the prescribed framework.
Ignore your wife (required-distant relationships), but all the time refers to the family status, the presence of children when something does not want to do.
Mask: Externally very calm, reasonable, serious.
Hides: Sensitive-sensitive, that I knocked out my father and knocked out quite early.
Strange: behaves as if he is very older in age (it goes leisurely, says "right").

Character 3:
Furious charismatic (Iron Following the law is a consequence of self-restraints).
Mask: The law is all subject to the law (so painfully perceived the option "You are the king, go around the law").
Hides: Humanism if possible (it hides it carefully, but looking for loopholes in the laws).
Strange: Thin high sensitivity with external state rigidity.

Good luck in using the approach and interesting characters to you!