An image of a folk nature in Shukshin's stories.

 An image of a folk nature in Shukshin's stories.
An image of a folk nature in Shukshin's stories.

Schukshin stories have been a row of vital episodes, dramatized scenes, externally resembling early Chekhov stories with their non-social necessity, brevity ("shorter than sparrow nose"), the elements of unlocked laughter. The characters Shukshina became the inhabitants of rural peripherals, who did not kill "in people", - in one word, those who externally, in their position quite fit familiar xIX literature century type " little man».

However, each character in the image Shukshina had his "highlight", resisted to averaging, was a special way of existence or turned out to be obsessed with one or another unusual idea. This is how Igor Damkov will write about this later. "The human manifold, the living wealth of Being is expressed for V.Shukshina, first of all, in the manifold of ways to live, ways to feel, ways to defend their dignity and their rights. The uniqueness of the answer, the uniqueness of the person's response to the call and calling circumstances seems to be a writer with the first value of life, of course, with the amendment that this uniqueness is not immoral. "

Shukshin created a whole gallery of memorable characters, united that they all demonstrate different faces of the Russian national Character. This character is manifested in Shukshin most often in the situation of dramatic conflict with life circumstances. Shukshinsky hero, living in the village and engaged in the usual, rustic monotonous work, can not and does not want to dissolve in the rural life "without a residue." He is passionately wanting to take a long time to escape from the ordinary, his soul is eager for his holiday, and the troubled mind recovers the "highest" truth. It is easy to see that with the external noise of Shukshinsky "Chudikov" on the "high" heroes-intellectuals of the Russian classics they, Shukshinsky "rural residents", do not want to limit the life of the "homemade circle", they are also a dream of a dream of a bright, made sense . And therefore they are pulling them outside the native oblasts, their imagination is employed by the problems not a district scale (the hero of the story "Microscope" acquires an expensive subject in the hope of finding a method of combating microbes; the character of the story "Persistent" is building his "perpetuum mobile").

Schukshina Collision is characteristic of the stories - the collision of "urban" and "rustic" - not so much reveals social contradictionsHow many dreams of dreams of dreams and reality in the life of the "Little Man" are discovered. The study of these relationships is the content of many works of the writer.
A Russian man in the image Shukshin - a person seeking, asks the life of unexpected, strange questions, loving surprising and amazing. He does not like the hierarchy - the conditional everyday "Tabel about ranks", according to which there are "famous" heroes and there are "modest" workers. By opposing this hierarchy, the Shukhinsky hero can be touching, naive, as in the story of the "Chudik", an incredible inventor, as in "Miles Pardon, Madame!", Or an aggressive debate, as in the story "cut". Such qualities as obedience and humility are rarely present in the characters Shukshina. Rather, on the contrary: they are characterized by stubbornness, self-employment, dislike for fresh existence, opposing distilled sanity. They can not live, not "sticking out."

"Cut" - one of the brightest and deep stories Shukshin. Central Character Story Gleb Kapustin owns " flame passion"-" Cut "," to heal "immigrants from the village, who achieved life success in the city. From the prehistory of the collision of Gleb with the "candidate" it turns out that she was recently defeated the Colonel to the village, who did not manage to recall the name of the Moscow Governor of 1812. This time, the victim of cabbage becomes a philologist, deceived by the external absurdity of the issues of Gleb, who failed to understand the meaning of what was happening. At first, Kapustin's questions seem to be funny, but soon the whole comism disappears: for the candidate this is a real exam, and later collision will develop in verbal duel. The story often meet the words "laughed", "grinned", "looked around." However, laughter in the story has little in common with humor: he expresses the condescension of the citizen to the "oddities" living in the village of countrymen, it becomes a manifestation of aggressiveness, reveals avenue, thirst for social revenge, which owns the mind of Gleb.

Debaters belong to different cultural Miraems, different levels social hierarchy. Depending on personal addictions and social experience, readers can read the story or as a domestic parable about how the "smart man" reached the "scientist Barin", or as sketching about " brutal nravakh"The inhabitants of the village. In other words, he can either take the side of the Gleb, or to sympathize with anyone who does not obey Konstantin Ivanovich.

However, the author does not share either the other position. He does not justify the characters, but does not condemn them. It only externally dispensing the circumstances of their confrontation. So, for example, already in the exposition of the story reported on ridiculous gifts brought by guests to the village: "Electric samovar, colorful bathrobe and wooden spoons." It is also noticed how Konstantin Ivanovich "rolled up by taxi," and the way he with a deliberate "sadness" remembered his childhood in his voice, inviting men to the table. On the other hand, we learn how Gleb "vestively pure eyes", as if the "experienced fist fighter," walked to the house of Zhuravlev ("Several ahead of the rest, hands in his pockets"), as he, "it was visible - he was selected To the jump. "

Only in the final, the author tells us about the feelings of the men who were present at the verbal duel: "Gleb ... They were still invariably surprised. Admired even. Although love, put it, there was no. No, there was no love. Gleb is cruel, and no one has ever loved cruelty yet. " So the story is completed: not by moraling, but regretted the lack of tact and the polling attention of people to each other, about a meeting that turned the gap. "Simple" man in the image Shukshin turns out to be quite "not easy", and country life - internally conflict, melting for everyday millet, serious passions.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
FGBOU VPO "Buryat State University"
Institute of Philology and Mass Communications.
Department of Russian Literature

The problem of national character in the stories of V. M. Shukshina.

(course work)


2. The problem of national nature in the stories of V.M. Shukshina ..................................................................................................... .four
2.1 Writer, film actor, director ............................................ ........................ 6.
2.2 Riddle of the Russian soul in the stories V. M. Shukshina ................................... 8
2.3 The concept of a Russian national nature in the stories V. M. Shukshina ...................................... .................................................. ....................fourteen
3. Conclusion ................................................... .............................. ... 24.
4. List of used literature ......................... ... ................... ........... 27.

1. Introduction.
The twentieth century is an age of the emergence of new trends in the literature, where a new look at Russian literature is being formed, an idea of \u200b\u200bthe values \u200b\u200bof this world is changing. In the twentieth century, many events took place, especially influenced the formation of a national character. We will look at a few historical events, We will define their influence on the literature. We will change the influence of revolutionary shocks. Russia began the beginning of the twentieth century, as is known, three revolutions (1905-1907, February and October 1917) and the preceding war-Russian-Japanese war (1904-1905), the first world (1914-1918) and civil War. Three tridentia and terrific time were configured political positions: supporters of monarchism, defenders of bourgeois reforms, ideologues proletarian revolution. Russian literature has always been alien to the ideas of any violence, like bourgeois practicalism. They were not accepted and now. L. Tolstoy in 1905 premeditated that the world "stands on the threshold of a huge transformation." The change in the "formal life" he presented, however, the spiritual self-improvement of the person. "Higher questions", thoughts. Bunin, "On the essence of being, about the appointment of a person on Earth" has acquired rare drama. The writer realized his "role in the human limitless crowd."
The path to art was lying through the comprehension of the multifaceted relationship of people, the spiritual atmosphere of time. And where concrete phenomena somehow linked with these problems, a living word was born, bright image. Writers sought to the creative transformation of the world. And the path to genuine being was lying through the artist's self-earliering. Thus, it is through the authentication of the artist a new image is created, reflecting the actual reality. And in these images reflects the character of a person. In my opinion, the problem of a national character is very important and interesting, since over the years she has worried the minds of many writers and scientists. I chose this topic to understand what he is, the Russian man, and, possibly, for the purpose of self-identification. In addition, I would like to relate my character, the nature of the people around me with the nature of the whole Russian people.
2. The problem of national nature in the stories of V.M. Shukshina.
I would like to begin with the definition of the concept of a national character. In philosophy, under the word, it is understood: "a holistic and sustainable individual warehouse mental life A person who is manifested in individual acts and states of his mental life, as well as in his manners, habits, a warehouse of mind and a person inherent in a circle of emotional life. The character of a person acts as the basis of his behavior and constitutes the subject of studying the characterology. " As a special area of \u200b\u200bpsychological research, the study of nature was developed mainly in German psychology on the 1st half of the 20th century, which was largely from the ideas of the philosophy of life, phenomenology, etc., and the term "character" often performed as a synonym for a person.
In psychology, under the term "character" is meant: "1. Initial value translated from the Latin "inscription" or "marking, distinguishing one thing from others" with the purpose of its identification. Although this value still exists, more preferably here are the synonyms "features" or "characteristic". When this term is used in psychology, it means: 2. The total number or integration of all such characteristics (damn), as a result, giving a combined integer, which shows the essence (character) of situations, events or humans.
Modern psychology, based on the Marxist understanding of a person as a totality public relations, emphasizes the socio-historical conditionality of character and considers it as a complex unity of individual and typological, as a result of the interaction of hereditary deposits and qualities produced in the process of developing the identity of its education. "
Translated by S. greek, the word character means "imprint, sign."
Thus, the national character is treated as distinctive trait Nation inherent only to her. Moreover, this character is historically and socially determined.
Literature 1960-1970 and all modern prose It's impossible to imagine without Vasily Shukshin, without his heroes.
The simplicity of the artistic handwriting of the writer makes it possible to include its works in various paradigms of critical systems. However, it was now obvious that a unilateral approach, a problem, genre, thematic and others, with respect to this writer, detect their insufficiency, so it is necessary to continue the study of creativity V.M.Shukshina.
My work is devoted to the development of some aspects of the concept of a national nature on the material of the stories of this writer. This is the main goal of our work. It involves a solution of a number of tasks:
1) to highlight the features of the Russian national nature, which Shukshin considers the main for our people, consistently embodies them in their heroes;
2) to identify the typology of characters in Prose Vasily Shukshin. The relevance of this work is determined by the need for a holistic approach to Prose V. Shukshin and, in particular, to the problem announced by us. The novelty of our study is to identify as much-detailed typology of characters in the work of the writer, in the description of each type in terms of its relationship to the concept of a Russian national nature in Shukshina prose.
Our hypothesis is that all the variety of character types in the stories V.Shukshina merges into one. All these characters together are different verge of a single Russian national nature. The works of Shukshina attracted me with their extraordination. His heroes seeato circling their world in a different way, not as everything, they have a special behavior, habits. She was interested in Shukshin.
As the starting material protrudes literary heritage Vasily Shukshina. For analysis, the stories of the writer (mainly in the 1970s) are taken.
2.1 Writer, film actor, director ....
3. Conclusion.
From the foregoing it follows that the Russian character is multifaceted and mysterious. Time passes, changing the life of the news, the literature itself changes and literary life. But the character of a person practically does not change, the old problems remain, the main of which is the problem of studying secrets human soul. Changes the worldThe literary process is changing.
Making conclusions, we understand that the Russian character is contradictory. In man at the same time can be combined well and evil, love and hatred, etc. Sometimes, we ourselves do not guess what secrets hides the human soul, every person is individual in itself, and you can not judge the nature of other people in your own way. The Russian character is unpredictable, it cannot be understood by the mind, you can only wonder how unusual it is.
Based on its hypothesis, making the necessary observations, I realized that a variety of writers was engaged in a national nature problem. And they all see and evaluate the human soul in their own, because everyone looks at the world with their own eyes, therefore, all the surrounding, including the character of a person, each writer perceives in different ways.
Thus, the concept of a Russian nature can be found not only in reference materialsbut also in many literary sources, including in fiction, where you can reveal a reflection of a Russian nature through artistic images.
On the pages of books of Russian writers, a Russian man appears mysterious person, a little extraordinary, but mostly writers describe such features of a human nature that can be proud of, thanks to which the human relationships are holding, and maybe even a whole nation.
Now the next step is possible in search and acquiring a new look at the "country of the native last fate", and the fate of a human character. The main thing is in awareness of the greatest responsibility for the education of the human personality, for the possibility of its worthy being.
The work done allows us to conclude that the special gift Shukshin, who combined the writer, director and actor, allowed him to widely implement new artistic trends in his work, led to the entry of his work to the Foundation for Universal Values.
Vasily Makarovich Shukshin is a unique phenomenon of Russian culture. "If Vasily Shukshin was only an actor, only the director, only a screenwriter and playwright and, finally, only by the prose, then, in this, in this case, we would have an outstanding talent," said S.P. Sadigin.
The testimony of Shukshin himself is perhaps the most convincing confirms that the meaning of all spirituality is that it allows you to measure the growth of human in every person. At the same time, spirituality is not something calm, sustainable (quality or property). At Shukshin, the validity of life is always in contradictions and dissonances. It seems that about the life of a flat, linear, programmed and reasonable arranged is not worth writing, so he writes about the time when "hard in the soul ...", when a person works before losing the appearance, because "does not know where to give ourselves. "
The shower is most often considered as flour as pain, like longing, as "something", from which you can not get rid of without losing yourself. So, substantially Shukshinsky vision of the soul as a reality of a special kind, which is in complex, dialectical connections with the objective reality of human being, as a controversial process of realizing the lives of consciousness and subconscious. Search XX century in sphere scientific knowledge Spirituality is extremely contradictory and little fruitful. The proof of this can serve attempts to find spirituality in the field of psychic, in space, religiosity, "call of blood", etc. Maybe therefore Shukshin in 1974 in an interview with the newspaper "True" will say: "In comprehend complexity - and inner world Human, and his interaction with the surrounding reality - the experience and mind of humanity is gained. It is not by chance that art in all centuries intently examined the confusion of the soul and - necessarily - the search for the exit from these confusion, these doubts. "
To speak our time about Shukshin - it means to talk about those life values \u200b\u200bthat grown and cherished all Russian literature and who fed her, as a great tree of life nourish the forces of the mother - raw land ... Talk about Shukshin - to talk about Russian man with His sick conscience and a great soul. It is difficult to talk about Shukshin, because there is already a lot of things. But if we will not speak, with Ivan who, who are not remembered by the kinship, who gave, by expressing Shukshin, "For Thorough Tobacco", all our Russian culture. People of my generation of this "Our grandfathers, our children, our grandchildren are not told" ...
Every year in fragments, on a picket grief, thousands of people are going to different corners Rossi and not only Russia to worship the land, where a man was born and grew up, who all his life was looking for the truth that could not put up with indifference, worn,: a lie, who with an exacerbid sense of justice asked people a little to be kinder.
And it remains in us a little tired, deaf voice V. Shukshina: "We would not forget about the soul. We would be a little kind to be ... We once happened, we live on Earth. Well, so if you are more close to each other, others. "
4. List of references
1. Shukshin V.M. Stories // He's. Collected Works in 6 books, KN.1-3. M., 1998.
2. Apukhtina V.A. In the mirror Satire Shukshin // Literary Study, 1981, No. 1.
3. Apukhtina V.A. Prose V.Shukshina. M., 1986.
4. White G.A. The artistic world of modern prose. M., 1983.
5. Bilichenko I.A. Hero Shukshina in assessing critics // Russian literature, 1980, № 2.
6. Gorn V.F. Characters of Vasily Shukshina. Barnaul, 1981.
7. Gromov E. Poetics of kindness // Moscow, 1978, No. 12.
8. Emelyanov L. V. Shukshin. Essay of creativity. L., 1983.
9. Study of Creativity Shukshina at school. St. Petersburg., 1998.
10. Clutko A. Vasily Shukshin and his heroes // Focus depth. M., 1981.
11. Korobov V. Vasily Shukshin. Creation. Personality. M., 1977.
12. Ozhegov S.I. Dictionary of the Russian language. M., 1989.
13. Tolchova N.P. Word about Shukshin. M., 1982.
14. Shukshini Porshisvitov. Folk characters Shukshin // Our contemporary, 1988, No. 12.
15. Purse of E. pass around the edge. M., 1989.
16. Philosophical encyclopedic Dictionary - m. ,: " Soviet Encyclopedia, 1983.
17. Large Industrial Psychological Dictionary - M.: "Ast

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  1. introduce students with a multifaceted personality and creativity V.M. Shukshina;
  2. the concept of the traditions of Russian classical literature in the works of Writers of the 20th century;
  3. develop the skills of ideological and artistic analysis of literary works;
  4. secure the ability to give comparative characteristic and see copyright;
  5. call interest in creativity V.M. Shukshina, his heroes, identify the originality of the story of the writer.

Educational tasks of the lesson: The formation of the ability to independently explore the artwork.

Developing tasks of the lesson: Develop the skills of creative reading literary work, based on its specifics - the art of the word.

Educational tasks of the lesson: To form moral qualities of the individual, instilling love for the Word, to bring up patriotism, interest in "small homeland."


  1. Texts of stories V.M. Shukshina
  2. Portrait of a writer
  3. Exhibition of books V.M. Shukshina
  4. Decorated board
  5. Video Footage K / F "Kalina Red"
  6. Musical fragments (Recording bell tongues)
  7. Information Technology.


  1. Anninsky L. Comments // Shukshin V. Satr. cit. In 3 tons. M., 1985.
  2. Analukhina V.A. Prose V. Shukshina. M., 1986.
  3. Gorn V.F. Vasily Shukshin. M., 1993.
  4. Korobov V.I. Vasily Shukshin. Creation. Personality. M., 1977.
  5. Kaplin V., Belukhov V. from the height of the Shukshinsky flight. Barnaul, 1998.
  6. MG Dorofeeva, L. I. Konovalova, S.V. Fedorov, I.L. Sholpo "Study of creativity V.M. Shukshina at school. "
  7. Literature at school 5'99.

Epigraph to the lesson:

"We would not forget about the soul ..."
V.M. Shukshin

During the classes

Org moment. Teacher's introductory word

We write the topic of the lesson. Today we have a lesson-holiday and, I hope the opening lesson. Holiday, because it is impossible to be everyday, we can talk about the great writer. Opening, because through the poetics of the stories "Master" and "Strong Guy" we entrusted to the work of V.M. Shukshina.

Not only literature of the 60s-70s, but also modern prose is impossible to imagine without Shukshina. Behind his non-standard approach to man, the uniqueness, brightness, depth of the artist's personality seems to see his understanding of the origins of peculiar characters.

Message Topics and Lesson Goals

Probably, you had to hear the name of Vasily Makarovich Shukshin, watch the films in which he participated as an actor and director.

Vasily Makarovich Shukshin once said: "The goal of art, in my opinion, is to help a person to know the life and himself, to make people humane, elevated, noble. Genuine art is always calling for perfection, always truthfully and modern."

Today we will have

  1. get acquainted with a multifaceted personality and creativity V.M. Shukshina;
  2. find out the main problems of the stories "Master" and "Strong Guy";
  3. mark the traditions of Russian classical literature in the works of Shukshina

You have tests on the tables on the topic, you can answer questions in them along the course of the lesson, and we will check this work at the end. Be very careful.

Art should teach good. Shukshin in the ability of pure human heart The most expensive wealth has seen good. "If we are in something strong and really smart, it's in a good act," he said. I lived with this, I believed Vasily Makarovich Shukshin.

The word about the personality and work of V.M. Shukshina

Vasily Makarovich Shukshin - a unique phenomenon: the actor starred in 24 paintings, the famous director, director, screenwriter, writer ..

Consider photos Shukshina. Try to answer the questions that you are in front of you.

How do you think where this person comes from?

- How much did he happen to survive in life, did the obstacles have to overcome?

- What do you think, what character is hidden behind this appearance?

Indeed, the face is ordinary, of those that we call "simple." Only here the eyes, sad, thoughtful, and rigid folds at the mouth indicate a huge spiritual voltage.

He grew up, how all the village boys grow in Russia: ran along the street of his native village, played in Napta, fished, happened, fought, defending good and justice

Thin and low
The term of the boys is always a hero,
Often, often with a broken nose
I came to my house
And towards a frightened mom
I needed through the bloody mouth:
"Nothing! I stumbled about a stone,
It will heal everything to the crawler "

These Yesenian lines can be attributed to Vasily Makarovich Shukshin.

But next to the boy was another: grave labor, nonsense fatigue, eternal malnutrition and inappropriate.

Now we will get acquainted with V.M. Shukshin closer, listening to the story about his difficult fate, try to answer the following questions, they are in front of you:

How can Shukshina come in handy professional experience?

- How did Shukshina come in handy professional experience?

- How are the two professions in the fate of Shukshin - the actor and writer?

And now let us put our main questionTo which we will try to find the answer:

What is he - the Russian national character - in understanding V.M. Shukshina?

Conversation according to the story "Master".

Entering permanent rollback, Shukshin stories are disclosed in a real only in conjugation and comparison with each other.

Consider the story "Master."

- How does the story begins?

The hero of the story Semes Lynx is represented by us in the first lines of two definitions: "Unsurpassed carpenter" and "Zabuldig"

- Why in the village of Hero called reduce name Symka?.

- What is the cause of sequid drunkenness?

- What is the case helped to "see", over true beauty, After all, he knew the Talitsk Church since childhood?

"Why, knowing the church from childhood, he began to look at her only after he visited the writer?"

We look closely and we are to the photo of the famous Church of the Pokrov to Nerl under Vladimir. Later, the story says that Talitsky looks like her.

Message student about the church of the cover on the nerve

- What struck the seed in the Talitsky church? Appeal to the exhibition of drawings.

Let's find a description of this church in the text.

- What is the admission of Shukshin to emphasize the feature of this particular church?

- Find this episode in the text, let's comment on it.

- How does such a comparison emphasize the originality of the Talitsky church?

- What did seme thinking about, looking at the church?

Reading a passage by heart

"Silence and peace around. ... So asked the soul. "

It sounds an amazing, thin motif: there is a faith at the bottom, formal, and there is a one that is "from the inside", clean, bright, which creates the true beauty of the human soul. The image of the church is so light, clean and beautiful that it is simply impossible not to imbued with deep love for him. It just symbolizes true beauty.

Find and comment on the metaphorical series in the description of the church.

"The girl of unprecedented beauty", the "white stone fairy tale", "like a song", "stands in the green beauty", "Beautiful Unusual". We write it.

In these rows, huge gratitude sounds for the church, for faith, for the love of peace and people, for amazing kindness - a source of beauty.

Writing synissive.

Of particular importance in the story "Master" acquires the theme of beauty. She repeatedly sounds in other works by V.M. Shukshina. "In Russians national trait - Addiction to beauty. " In the "Tale of Bygone Years", Nestor writes that Christianity in Russia took for beauty.

- What are the means artistic expressiveness Help the author to transfer their feelings?

Natasha reflected on this, let's listen to how conclusions she came.

Message in advance of a prepared student (Appendix 3)

- With whom from Russian writers, Shukshin is sitting in understanding true beauty?

View fragment from k / f "Kalina Red".

I suggest you see the frames from the K / F "Kalina Red", where main role Playing Shukshin, and the feelings transmitted to them are very close to the feelings of the Symptus, think what is experiencing the main character Film.

- Guys, how do you understand the phrase "Holiday of the Soul"?

So, the "holiday of the soul" is the moment of takeoff, joy, liberation. When I want to push the borders, get rid, to penetrate something unknown and beautiful.

- How does Shukshin describe the church from the inside?

- What spreads this cell in the text?

Also, the heroes Shukshina are always looking for opportunities to break out the soul for the rigid framework of rectangles, which pushes their lives, fry.

The soul needs moments of takeoff, joy, liberation

Clean sound of the soul, like a bell.,. After all, it was the bell - the voice of the people, spoke in Russia.

Listen to bell ringing, look at the illustration of the belfry on the sky.

What did you feel when they listened to the bell ringing?

Why did his shiny polished stone struck on the eastern wall?

- What is caused by the desire of seven renovating the church?

These two points emphasizes Shukshin when he writes about the seed:

"Concerned Beauty and Mystery"

- What makes the secession?

Why no one agreed to help the seed?

- What is common in the view on the problem of the Church and the authorities?

Igor Alexandrovich says the seed, which was deceived just like him. But wasn't the seven deceived? He otherwise looks at the church, therefore continues to persist: "We must! Well, let's say a copy. So what? Beauty - that did not bother it. "

- Who else is trying to seek support for the scene?

Do you think why Shukshina episode with a writer needed?

- Why is the story called "Master"?

It is very important that in the story Shukshin, the creator of the Talitsky church is not unwritten by the architect, he is a builder, master, architect.

Work with dictionaries to clarify the meaning of words.

This nuance helps to understand the very scene, which is probably working "in inspiration", as given from God. And let the fate of the church remain indifferent and "priests", and "native Soviet power". Their arguments are dictated by common sense: historical and architectural value The church does not represent. So it turns out that no one is needed, except simple manexperiencing an acute need for faith, beauty and joyful tranquility of the soul, which gave the church. And this need is not a priestly san, not education, not the authority of power. She just is in the shower or not it.

- Who is this master who means Shukshin: Septy or Unknown Old Russian Arch Republic?

- Guys, what do you think, why did you stop looking at the Talitsky church?

- What kind of course "Zagrebal" is a singlestream?

- Do you understand what a fate awaits the hero?

- With the hero of which writer turns the fate of the secess?

- What is common in their destinies?

You are absolutely right. Not only fate, the characters characteristics, but also themselves stylistic features Shukshinsky story, more like a tale, make you remember to remember the tag of N.S. Leskova.

- Did it died in him a sense of beauty, what do you think?

- What moral qualities attract us the protagonist of the story?

- What did this story enriched with spiritually?

This is confirmed by the synquins written by you (Appendix 2)

L.N. Tolstoy once noticed that the loss of the meaning of life is sometimes tantamount to death. Title this statement with the fate of the sham of the Talitsky Church, her dying beauty, her mystery, shook the soul of the soul, because he was a master, unsurpassed carpenter. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe revival of beauty helped him to find the meaning in the life, which he was not allowed to realize, "killed" in him the life rod and now in his soul he has a wound, which bleeds and hurts, he can no longer look at the church, from pain and powerlessness, seven "Disputes, silent and smokes"

He clearly understands that every person must remember the past, his thoughts echo with the words of Orthodox philosopher I. Ilina: "... everyone answers not only for themselves, but for the fact that he handed over to others that he sent them, poured In them, what he infected them or enriched. "

However, this very deep dramatic story fully opens to the reader only in comparison with another story "Strong Guy", with which it forms a kind of diptych.

- What comes closer to this story with the story "Master"?

- Find the words in the story "Master" in which the story of the story "Strong Guy" is scheduled?

Conversation by the story "Strong man."

In the story "Strong Guy" Shukshin shows the hero, taking away from the roots, lost contact with the spiritual sources of the Russian man.

- What did we learn about him? Who is Nikolai Shurygin?

- Why did the brigadier Nikolai Shurygin decided to blame the church?

Such examples are enough in our history. Recall at least the destruction of the Chisty of Christ the Savior in Moscow. This temple was built on folk money collected throughout Russia, and destroyed in soviet time, and destruction it turned out to be filmed on a film film - day by day, step by step. Proud of something? Stayed memories of the chronicle of Vladislav Mikoshi. He writes about how hard the temple died: "The workers battalions were bought in the walls, but the walls were resistant. Locked jackhammers, neither crowds nor heavy sledgehamps, nor huge steel chisels could overcome stone resistance.

The same resistance has an old one - on the century - masonry and in the story of Shukshin.

- Find this episode in the text .

The culmination scene of the story is the scene of the fall of the church, which cannot leave the reader indifferent. Pay attention to how Shurygin talks about the death of the church

An insert with italics on the screen reads a student (Appendix 4)

What associations do you have when reading a passage?

- What is the use of Shukshin to achieve such a feeling from readers?

- How does the people relate to what is happening?

"Why didn't people who stopped Shurygin, then turn away from him?"

- How did Shurygin come to this?

- What was the church for people?

Appeal to the epigraph of the lesson

That is why the theme of the temple - raised in these stories - special from Shukshina.

I. Golden wrote: "Prose V.Shukshina begins in a life, originates in life, but it stretches to the mountain snow",

Shukshina has one very important detail in the story: bricks, from which an old building was folded, strong, like casting; Even when the church collapsed, they scattered not separately, but sir - several pieces. Also strong and spirituality, uniting people start.

And not just on the old building he sewers "strong man" Shurygin, and on the foundations human life, What is difficult to choose a name in the Word, - on the roots, origins, faith.

And therefore the hero is strikingly alone and in his village, and even in hometown.. And the crowd sounds disapproving voices, the saleswoman does not want to sell him a bottle, call him "idol", "Devil", his wife does not prepare dinner and goes to the neighbors and even the mother is scorn, and the same words that others are women on the street At the store: "Idol", "Devilina" ... to her, old, conscientious and scary for his son.

Indeed, faith, traditions - this is what people unites. And the one who neglects the uniting principle remains in full of loneliness. It was about this that many of you wrote in writings on the topic: "What is family for you?" I want to read very short, but such important words are now. I wrote them for myself:

Family is the highest value of society. This is a reliable corner where everyone returns with joy. Only in the family, a person can be truly happy, to gain the world of soul, balance, silence of the heart. Personality matures here. The world of spiritual values \u200b\u200bis revealed in the family world.

Without a family, it is impossible to fully raise a person. Family is a small world, a small society, and our Orthodox ancestors gave it to her "little church."

Why even closest people - wife and mother - turned away from Shurygin?

- How do you understand the final of the story?

Summing up the lesson

Let's compare the main characters of the stories "Master" and "Strong Guy", their relationship with others.

- What is he - the Russian national character?

Quite right, guys. There is such a geometric figure - Ellipsis, so on the thought of G. Fedotov, in these stories Shukshin masterfully, deeply and rightly identified the essence of the Russian national nature, these heroes - standing by the mansion, not understood and not accepted by other people just represent extreme manifestations, Two poles whose polarity is Russian national character.

Appeal to the epigraph of the lesson

According to V. Rasputin, to Shukshina "no one in our literature stated with such

impatiently the right to ourselves, no one managed to make him listen in such inner case. In the case of a fashioning soul ... The soul is, it is necessary to believe, the essence of the person who continues in it the life of a permanent, historical mannot broken by temporary adversities. "

Test work (Appendix 1)

From the pages of Shukshinsky books, his heroes look at us: chasters, collective farmers, ferryrs, film mechanics, guard, priests - our big Russia. His writing Credo handled in his poem "Memory Shukshina" Evgeny Yevtushenko

In art cozy
be fed by bun
But so do not feed
Neither widows nor cripples nor orphans.
Shukshin was a humpback
with Kalino Red Instrupe
Chernyashko that
Without which the people are unthinkable ...
When we rose
on a heavy break man man
We are pulling to nature,
To the Eseninsky pure poems.
We don't have a lie with a lie,
In the comfort, you can't get along,
And heart like falcon
Like related times Stepan.

Stories V.M. Shukshin hold us to captivity for a long time. He was right when he wrote: "It seems to me that the easiest case, episode, the meeting can be the subject of art, and the simpler episode, the case, the greater the scope for the artist." So, for the reader. Read his books. Carefully, leisurely. And think, look in the face of his heroes. I think the appeal of Shukshina, which we took as an epigraph, "we would not forget about the soul. We would be a little kind to be. We would not forget with our big speeds that we are people ... ".


Written answer the question

  1. What attracted the Talitsky Church of the Hero story V.M. Shukshina "Master"? "
  2. How do you understand words from the text: "Can be happy - rejoice, can you please rejoice - please ... "?

An excerpt from the story of Shukshina "Master", which we read today, enters the texts for presentation for the course of 9Klass, so as a homework, I suggest you to answer the questions offered in the collection to prepare for the exam. You can choose one of the questions.

As a writer, actor and director Vasily Shukshin found himself right away: he appeared in the literature and cinema with his themes, heroes and style. It is possible to immediately notice that the characters of the Shukshin works are some unusual, "strange" people: "Cranks", "psychopaths", "Shiza".

Some strange inexplicable deviation from the norm, from the adopted standards of behavior, the desire to rise above the dull daily daily, even if self-december. Being immersed in everyday everyday life, in the boring monotony of everybody, Shukshinsky characters are driving on any out of a number of extending a deed, so that at least one instant is lifting both over commonness, and on themselves.

Vasily Shukshina, first of all, was interested in the soul of man in her sudden awakening, at the moments of insight. Everything that precedes this moment, the writer is descended. Hence the laconism of its stories, the compression of the material, the dynamism of the narration.

Heroes Shukshina often make decisions and make actions, at first glance, incommensurable with real reasons, caused them. So in the story "Give your heart!" Welfeldsher Kozulin salutes shots from a gun, shocked by news of the first transplant heart. Sasha Ermolaev, offended by the saleswoman (the story of "Abdomen"), ready to "break down with the hammer" to the truth. From the insult of "jaws", Sasha "shakes" on it "No face."

Why is such a stormy reaction? Roughness - the usual phenomenon in our life and have already accustomed to her? The fact of the matter is that the "woundings" and "psychopaths" cannot be used to get used. They are psychologically unstable, "explosive", and the reasons for their "strange" behavior, the author saw in instability, disorder of their lives.

A sufficiently small push from the outside so that confusion, spiritual unpleasuries, internal discomfort spilled out the outside of the explosion of hatred, resentment and recklessness. "I hate you all, reptile!" - Spot in the hearts of the hero of the story "Snake Poison", desperate to find a medicine for his mother. In this cry, everything was concentrated: and the feeling of their powerlessness, unpleasution, and the desire to break through the indifference in others, but the main thing - he was painful, which overwhelmed the heart of the hero and was so well familiar to the author himself.

The actions of Shukshin's heroes are sometimes unexpected, often unpredictable, but they make not only wonder the oddities of a human nature (although it is not important), but respect the personality, to reckon with her. The origins of the conflict, to which Sasha Ermolayev, are so easily going, Alyosha is an infinite or seed trot, not in the dirt or the pickly of their natures. The spiritual requests of the personality are much higher than that can give a man life. And this hard-time conflict with reality becomes drama characters, which often goes into a tragedy.

Shukshinsky hero seeks to fill in the inner emptiness: one writes the treatise about the state, another creates picturesque cloth, the third composes the pop up. ... Do not stand the soul, which does not know how to live a void, requiring the meaning that do not comprehend immediately: "Well, you live, well, children norodiate - why? Provided themselves with urgent, thought they became not worse peopleAnd it came out - then ... "" I would be born again! BUT? Let it not be considered - that he lived ... "- Maxim Yarikov argues, a worker, in the story" I believe! "

Works Shukshina penetrated great love to people. Egor Prokudin in Kalina Red - the image of a person deeply worried. From the dark thieves world, he stepped into a new and bright. His soul remained clean, he does not want to return to the past. The author shows that true kindness and morality cannot disappear. The hero of the work "lives such a guy ..." is striking with the immediacy and kindness. He can naive something naive, but in the shower it is beautiful. So, in the variety of types of characters Shukshin works is presented in essence, national character.

20. Literary process of the 80s. "Returning" literature. Analysis of one piece of choice

The "returned" literature was very inhomogeneous, it can be distinguished by the following components: works of classics of the 20th century, for one or another political reasons forbidden by the Soviet regime, is the Russian religious philosophy of the beginning of the 20th century, N. Gumilev's poetry, " Picky days"I. Bunina," Undime thoughts"M. Gorky," We "E. Zamyatina," Dog's Heart "and" Fatal Eggs "M. Bulgakov," Suicide "and" Mandate "N. Erdman," Kotlovan "and" Cheving "A. Blotonova," Requiem " A. Akhmatova, Many Poems O. Mandelstam, "Doctomento" B. Pasternak; works of the period of "thaw", which came beyond the "thawing" liberalism: "Life and fate" and "all flows" Grossman, the novels of Solzhenitsyn and his "Gulag Archipelago "," By the right of memory "A. Tvardovsky, Memoirs N. Ya.

Mandelstam and L. K-Chukovsky; "Fantastic stories" A. Sinyavsky and Y. Daniel. The works launched during the "thaw" (or inspired by "thawed" hopes), but completed when the publication of works about Stalinskin, or simply antito-totalitarian in their pathos, was impossible for political reasons - here in the first The queue must be called "Children of Arbat" A. Rybakov, "White Clothing" V. Dudintsev, "New Appointment" A. Bek, "FacultyNews" Y. Dombrovsky, "Cool Route" E. Ginzburg, "Historical" Novella V. Tencilakova, "Moscow Street" B. Yampolsky, "Disappearance" Y. Trifonova, Poetry A. Galich and V. Vysotsky, full text "Sandro from Chegema" and "Rabbits and Fleavings" Iskander, "Pushkin House" Andrei Bitova; The literature of Russian emigration is primarily the legacy of V. Nabokov, Vl. Khodasevich, Ivanova, B. Poplavsky, Gazdanova, and also

the literature "Third Wave", presented mainly by the works of I. Brodsky and A. Solzhenitsyn, V. Aksenov ("Burn" and "Island of Crimea") and Yu. Aleshkovsky, Vladimov ("Ruslan"), V. Worthanovich, A. Gladilina, F. Gorenstein, S. Relativova, A. Zinoviev, E. Limonova, V. Maksimova, Sasha Sokolova, B. Khazanova ("King's Hour") and many others; Finally, the publication of works, mainly written in the 1970 -1980s, but prohibited by virtue of their "avant-garde", experimental nature, is primarily the prose of veins. Yerofeyev, poetry Sun. Nekrasova, I. Kholina, Sapgira, D. Prigova, L. Rubinstein, I. Evnova, A. Eremenko, E. Schwartz, A. Parshchikova, Dramaturgia N. Sadur.

The concept of "returned literature" appeared at sunset soviet eraand it is connected with not the most best sides Our story. As you know, before the revolution, the Bolsheviks actively advocated the freedom of speech and democratic rights. Having come to power and fearing counter-revolution, they cruelly suppressed any resistance, stopped a public demonstration of discontent and created mechanisms for controlling literature, much superior to the rigidity of the royal censorship. (In 1917, the infamous "decree on the press" was introduced, in the 1920s there was the General Directorate for Literature Affairs, later total control was carried out by party leadership of all levels). Entering a ban on freedom of speech, the Bolsheviks claimed that this measure is temporary. However, in the future, the pressure of the authorities did not weaken. Under these conditions, many writers who did not accept Soviet power or its methods wrote almost without hope to be heard contemporaries. Only from the second half of the 1980s (and partly in the 1960s) in connection with the warming of the political climate, these works began to return to the reader. Among them are genuine masterpieces, and all the return literature was for people who herald the bitter truth. Let us turn to the main topics of the return literature. First of all, this is the topic of the revolution and construction of a new world. Being witnesses of cruel revolutionary breaking, many writers doubted her need or satirically portrayed her results. In this regard, you can point to Roman B.L. Pasternak "Dr. Zhivago" (1955), for which he was excluded from the Union of Writers and forced to refuse nobel Prize. If Pasternak allowed himself to doubt the revolution, then MA The Bulgakov denied it unconditionally in the story of the "Dog's Heart". The story of Andrei Platonova "Kotlovan" (1930) is similar to " Dog heart"His philosophical and allegorical character. At the same time, it was published almost simultaneously with the work of Bulgakov in his story, the writer indicates the impurity of the socialist paradise, built on the suffering of innocent victims. The second main topic of the returned literature is the Stalinist repression. It is most brightly disclosed in the work of Varlam Shalamov (" Kolyma stories") And A.I. Solzhenitsyn. Both writers passed through the horror of Stalin's camps. After the death of Stalin, he was rehabilitated, and working as a teacher, created in full mystery Your works. In the 1960s, during the Khrushchev thaw, the best of them were printed ("Matrenin Dvor", "One day of Ivan Denisovichak 1971 Solzhenitsyn ends the Roman-study of the GULAG Archipelago, which reflects its camp experience. However, after the overthrow of Khrushchev Systematic persecution begin, and from 1975 to 1994 the writer was in emigration. The Soviet leadership was trying to erase the memory of him and his works. However, now they entered the Golden Fund of Russian Literature and Journalism.

Public and political and economic changes in the USSR, which began in 1985 and called the restructuring, significantly affected literary development. "Democratization", "publicity", "pluralism", proclaimed from above as new norms of public and cultural life, led to reassessment of values \u200b\u200band in the literature.

Tolstaya magazines started an active publication of works soviet writerswritten in the seventies and earlier, but on ideological reasons are not printed. Thus were published novels "Children of Arbat" A. Rybakova, "New appointment" A. Bek, "White clothes" V. Dudintsev, "Life and fate" V. Grossman, and others. Camp theme, the topic of Stalinist repression becomes hardly the main. Stories V. Shalamov, Prose Y. Dombrovsky is widely published in periodicals. " New world"Printed" Gulag Archipelago "A. Solzhenitsyn.

In 1988, again, the "New World", thirty years after the creation, printed a support novel B. Pasternak "Dr. Zhivago" with Preface D.S. Likhacheva. All these works were attributed to the so-called "detainee literature." The attention of critics and readers was riveted exclusively to them. Journal circulations reached unprecedented sizes, approaching millions of marks. "New World", "Banner", "October" - returned Lit-Ra in these magazines.

Another flow of the literary process of the second half of the eighties amounted to the works of Russian writers of the 20s and 30s. For the first time in Russia, at that time, "Big things" A. Platonova were published - Roman "Cheving", the story "Kotlovan", "Juvenile Sea", other works of the writer. OBEERUTU, EI, are published. Zamyatin and other Writers of the XX century. At the same time, our magazines reprinted themselves in samizdat and published in the West such works of the 60s and 1970s, as the "Pushkin House" A. Bitov, "Moscow - Petushki" veins. Yerofeyev, "Burn" V. Aksenova, etc.

Just as powerful in modern literary process The literature of Russian abroad was presented: the works of V. Nabokova, I. Shmelev, B. Zaitseva, A. Remizova, M. Aldanova, A. Averchenko, Vl. Khodsevich and many other Russian writers returned to their homeland.

Very precisely defined the essence of the concept of the personality in the show of Shukshina of the first half of his path of A. N. Makarov. Reviewing the collector's manuscript "There, away" (1968), critic wrote about Shukshin: "... He wants to awaken the reader of interest in these people and their lives, show how, in essence, kind and good is a simple person living in an embrace With nature and physical labor, what kind of attractive life is, not comparable to the urban, in which the person is spoiled and cries "*. Indeed, such a summary impression was created when reading works written by Shukshin at the turn of 1950 of the 1960s. And this impression is not without the help of criticism - it became canonized.

However, a common tone in the works of Shukshina written in last years His life, became other, here it outweighs the new poetic pathos.

If earlier Shukshin admired the wholeness of his guys, now, now, recalling the life of Uncle Yermolaya, the collective farm brigadier, and other such eternal workers, good and honest people, the hero of the narrator, a very close to the author, thinks:

What was in this, in their life, some great meaning? That's exactly how they lived. Or there was no point, and there was one job, work?. . Worked, yes children gave birth. I saw other people later. . . It is not at all rods, no, but. . . They understood his life otherwise. Yes, I myself understand her now otherwise! But only when I look at these hilmiks, I do not know: which of us is right, who is smarter?

The statement once taken as an axiom was changed in doubt. No, the hero-narrator, a person, apparently, a modern, educated, urban, does not prefer his understanding of life before they lived uncle Yermolai, grandfather of him, grandma. He does not know, "which of us is right, who is smarter." He most doubts makes the object reflection, tries to draw the reader into it.

The hero of mature shukshin is always at the crossroads. He already knows how he does not want to live, but he still does not know how to live. Classic drama situation.

The life put the hero of the Shukshinsky story (or he himself, so to speak, "experimentally" puts) above the cliff, then - death. Lives the last days of "wallet," romains the old man, mourns his paraskin grandfather of Nechaev, summarize the results of the great life of the kvass brothers and Matvey Ryazantsev. And "the owner of the bath and garden", he asks with the "cheelling": "I will tell you how to bury me?" - And really accepts to tell. The eighth grader of YURRA is only then wins in the dispute of his grandfather Nauma Evstigneich, when he tells about how the Academician Pavlov was dying. In short, the hero Shukshin is here on last bore, determines its attitude to the most capacious, final categories of human existence - to being and non-existence. It is this conflict dictates a form.

Dramaticism of the Shukshinsky story: "Freak" and his mind

In the story, Shukshina dominates dialogue. This is a dialogue in his classic form - as the exchange of remarks between the characters ("the owner of the bath and the garden", "Hunting to live!", "Cut", "Cosmos, nervous system and Shmat Sala") or as the attempt of the hero of himself ("Duma "," The suffering of young Vaganov "). This is a dialogue in a monologue - as an explicit or implicit controversy of the hero with a stranger consciousness, represented in the voice of the hero in the form of a zone of someone else's speech ("Strokes to the portrait", "Alyosha is infinitive"), or as a difference in the speech of the hero himself, exposing the incomprehensibility of his own Consciousness ("Raskas", "Postscript", "Two letters", "Miles Pardon, Madame!"), Sometimes in one story, several forms of dialogue are intertwined ("I believe!", "Letter", "Countrymen").

All-encompassing dialogic of the Shukshinsky story creates the feeling that we are talking About our common thought that lives in a tight node of the positions of all who is clearly or implicitly participating in the philosophical dispute. Truth is somewhere there, inside the general reflection. Hero she does not give in hand. Moreover, the more confidently, any old man Baev or N. N. Knyazev, "citizen and man", about the meaning of life, the farther from this meaning he will be.

Favorite Heroes Shukshin, Nature Strong, morally sensitive, are in a state of cruel inner disorders.

In the flour of the Shukhinsky Hero, in his question, the peace was expressed by the incompleteness of the philosophical search, which he himself crowded himself.

But this flour is special.

Comprehensive and endless dialogic creates a special atmosphere of the atmosphere of thinking, of that painful holiday, when the soul is overwhelmed with anxiety, it is fond of expressing pain, it is a response, but it is anxiously with a hibernation, it hurts because it feels all around, and in search of the answer strains, internally Reaching force, focusing of will, bright thirst for an immense. The old Matvey of Ryazantsev, the hero of the story of "Duma", calls this fortune "Hvor." But what? "Desired"! "Without it, something is missing." And when Maxim Yarikov, "Sorrowless Light Men", complains that he has a "soul", then in response he hears: "... Soul hurts? Good. Good! You have moved it, erex my mother! And then you would eat The stoves do not pull with the equilibrium.

The pain and anxiety of thought is the most human flour, evidence of the tense life of the soul, rising above pragmatic concerns. People who have a soul does not hurt who do not know what longing is, they are thrown into the Shukshin's story for the dialogue, nothing to argue with them.

The main measure of spirituality at Shukshin is the distance, the second separates the position of the hero, its world-upsion from the objective law of being, on the meaning of life. In Shukshinsky story, this distance reveals the act that the hero makes it in accordance with its position. This is exactly an act: one-only step, even a gesture, but such a step that all the fate is watched.

The act of Shukshinsky Hero is extremely extreme. Sometimes it is kind and ridiculous, like decorating a baby stroller with cranes, flower, grass-animal ("Chudik"). But not always these "kids" harmless. In the collection "Characters" for the first time, the warning of the writer regarding strange, destructive capabilities, which are taught in a strong nature that does not have a high purpose is clearly called. Shukshin gave rise to a conversation about the consequences of a spiritual vacuum.

It turns out that the unrealized soul, an unfulfilled personality comes up with illusion, looks like a surrogate, which is trying to fill the spiritual vacuum, compensate for their human deficiency and thereby approve themselves in their own eyes and in general opinion.

The act of the Shukhinsky Hero is most often demonstrated, on the same time he is far from really the highest sense. That is why he is "Freak": not an eccentric living in the perfect world And far from reality, namely the wounder - a man from reality, who believed the perfect and not knowing where to look for him where to give the power to accumulating in his heart.

The dramaturgical nature of the act in the story Shukshin does not get proof. By forming unity with a dialogue, implementing a dialogue into action, checking the idea of \u200b\u200bthe result, the extremity becomes a special style of the Shukshinsky story, his spectacular, theater extravagance. * 45.

But not just a stylist. The fact is that the Function of End Country from Shukshin is not limited to an assessment of the vital position of the hero. Through the elderly, the Schukshin is manifested by the elements of the People's Breaking, carnival sensation of the world as a dialectic unity of high and low, laughter and tears, birth and death.

Act of the Shukshinsky "Food" Carnivalon in the very original meaning of this word: he craves to create good, but brings evil, his ridiculous and kind of common sense turns out to be wise and kind (remember Serge Dukhanin with boots), he is looking for a holiday, and comes to trouble He is engaged in a completely hopeless case, like the invention of the perpetual engine, and in fact lives joyful, cheerful thirst for creativity.

Peace is one of key images In the artistic world of the Shukshinsky story. He opposes bustle. But the rest here does not have anything in common with the stagnation, he means the inner way, equilibrium, when a "some integrity, majority, clarity - life became understandable" in the soul of a person.

As you can see artistic world Shukshinsky story is a figurative model of the universe, not a household or psychological, social or historical world, namely the universe. The function of its two: it excites the thought of being and itself is the embodied meaning of being.

And in principle, the structure of the milkboard in the story of Shukshin Paradoxical. In the center of the world - a hero, a leading philosophical dispute (with his opponent or with himself) on the meaning of life, and around him, the universe, "built" in his meaning, embodying the very truth of being, which is so painfully looking for a hero.

The typical of this state of the hero and the world is accentuated by the insurgency and finals framing the story. "The wrestler possessed one feature: he constantly happened to him. He did not want it, suffered, but that and the matter was in some stories - small, however, but annoying. Here are the episodes of one of his trip" - so begins the story " Crank. " Similarly, the stories "Mount", Alesha Bestless, "Miles Pardon, Madame!". Moreover, the stains and the finals of the stories sounds discrepancies. And the "incident" appears as one of those countless, similar to each other, about which "bate", gather anywhere somewhere, rural residents. And the stories erect most often some household, some kind of "optional" phrase of the hero. Cumshot Maxim Dumunov Agnecia of his nephew chosen by the chairman of the collective farm, goes out "and on the porch loudly hesitated and said himself: - Eca's darkness! In the eye, if..". " Everything, the conversation is over, it's time to go back to everyday life. Such a "conversational" framing the story, of course, serves as a motivation of a choice of a single fragment from the stream of life, but even more importantly, it sets the homogeneity of this fragment with all life: the incident is pulled out by a conversation from the flow of everyday life, it was exposed to the tentary drama of everyday life. And he again goes into the flow of life, dissolving in it without a residue.

As a whole, as a complete image of the world, Shukshinsky story carries the most striking content. Here the drama in the "Oleole" epic, drama, which can only be resolved in the epic, it is directed to the epic, but so it does not become.