Reflections on different topics. Biographies, stories, facts, photos Larancy noticed in all complains of

Reflections on different topics. Biographies, stories, facts, photos Larancy noticed in all complains of
Reflections on different topics. Biographies, stories, facts, photos Larancy noticed in all complains of


Born on September 15, 1613 in Paris, a notable representative. Before the death of his father, the title of Prince Marshiyak. From the 1630 appeared at the court, he participated in the thirty-year war, where he distinguished himself in the battle at Saint-Nikola. From youth, he was distinguished by wit and courage to judgments and, by order, Richelieu was expelled from Paris in 1637. But, while in his estate, continued to support the supporters of Anna Austrian, who Richelieu accused of connections with hostile France by the Spanish courtyard. In 1637 he returned to Paris, where he helped the famous political adventurist and a friend of Queen Anna, Duchess de Nevelrez, flee to Spain. It was concluded in Bastilia, but not long. Despite the military exploits in battles with the Spaniards, he reiterates independence and again takes away from the courtyard. After the death of Richelieu (1642) and Louis XIII (1643), he again at the court, but becomes a desperate opponent Mazarini. The feeling of hatred of Maazarin is connected with love for the Duchess de Longwil, the princess of royal blood.

The old Duke of Larancy buoyed for the son of the governor in the province of Poita, but in 1648 the son left his post and appeared in Paris. Here he became famous for saying in parliament. We are speaking printed under the headline of the apology of Prince de Marshika, who became a political sentence of nobility in the civil war. The essence of the declaration was to preserve the privileges of aristocrats - as the guarantor of the welfare of the country. Mazarini, who conducted the policy of strengthening Absolutism, was announced by the enemy of France. From 1648 to 1653 Larochefuco was one of the main figures of the Frond. After the death of the Father (February 8, 1650), he became referred to as the Duke of De Larochefuc. He headed the struggle against Mazarin in the south-west of the country, his bidor was the city. Protecting this area from the royal troops, Larancy has taken help from Spain - it did not constrain him, because according to the laws of feudal morality, if the king violated the rights of feudal, the latter could recognize the other sovereign. Larancy has shown himself as the most consistent opponent of Mazarini. He and Prince Konde were the leaders of the Fronds of the princes. July 2, 1652 Under Paris in St. Anto'an suburb, the Army of Froners suffered a decisive defeat from the royal troops. Larancy was seriously injured and barely not lost sight. The war brought Larochefucco ruin, his estates were looted, he moved away from political activities.

For almost ten years, he worked on memoirs who entered a number of the best memories of the Frond. Unlike many of his contemporaries, he did not praise himself, and tried to give a maximum objective picture of events. He was forced to admit that most of his associates against the protection of the rights of norful preferred the role of courteous propellers with certain feudal rights. It was relatively calmly moved his ruin, he tried with bitterness about the korestolubia of the princes. In memories, he gave tribute to the State Richelieu state and recognized his activities useful for the country.

Last two decades of their lives, Larancy has given literary activities and actively visited literary salons. He stubbornly worked on his main product by maximi - aphoristic reflections on morality. Master of the salon conversation, he polished his aphorisms many times, all the foliated editions of his book (there were five of them) carrying traces of this tense work. Maxims immediately brought fame to the author. Even the king patronized him. Aphorisms are by no means recorded express, they are the fruit of great erudition, ancient philosophy connoisseur, reader Descartes and Gassendi. Under the influence of the materialist P. Gassendi, the author came to the conclusion that the behavior of a person is explained by self, instinct of self-preservation, and morality is determined by the life situation. But Larancy is impossible to call the heartless cynic. The mind allows a person, he considered it, limit his own nature, restrain the claims of his egoism. For self-love is more dangerous in congenital fermency. Rarely, some of the contemporaries Larancy detected the hypocrisy and the cruelty of the gallant century. The court psychology of the era of absolutism is the most adequate reflection of Maximov Larochefuko, but their value is wider, they are relevant and in our time.


Francois VI De Laranco Franco (Francoucauld) was born on September 15, 1613 in Paris. Right from the ancient noble kind of Poitu. Before the death of his father (his father died in 1650), he wore the title - Prince de Morsiyak. His origin has determined further fate: he found himself in the center of the palace intrigues. Larancyfort brilliant court and french writer. Different with witty, courage of judgments and, taking part in the political life of his country, was in the party, hostile Cardinal Richelieu, his order from Paris in 1637. Then was briefly concluded in Bastilia. Despite military exploits in battles with the Spaniards, he again leaves from the courtyard, where he returns after the death of Richelieu (1642) and Louis XIII (1643), but again manifests its independence and becomes a desperate opponent Mazarini. The feeling of hatred of Mazarin was also connected with his love for the Duchess de Longville. She was called the inspirational of the Civil War (Fronds). And Larancy was forced to join the Front, existing in 1648-1653 (social movement against absolutism). This course was headed by Prince Konde, and it consisted of people of different public situation.

"Maxima" were one of the popular works for several years in a row. It is not surprising, after all, the aphoristic clarity of thinking, as well as the fact that Larancy did not disguise the desire to note the "universal" flaws. In 1665, Larancy published "Reflections, or moral sayings." And from 1665 to 1678 5 recycled and complemented publications were published.

Larochefucco received a considerable experience, becoming a participant of the frond. All these political games convinced him only in one thing: egoism - the main encouraging factor for man.

Poet died in Paris in 1680.


Larochefuco took an active part in the political life of France, was an opponent of Richelieu and Mazarini, played a prominent role in the movement "Fronds", stood in the center of large intrigues.

Participated in the thirty-year war, where he distinguished himself in the battle in Saint-Nikola. From youth, he was distinguished from the wit and courage of judgments and by order Richelieu was expelled from Paris.

After the death of Richelieu in 1642, he again at the courtyard, but becomes a desperate opponent Mazarini.

The feeling of hatred of Mazarin is connected with love for the Duchess de Longville, who for many years played an important role in Larancy's life, but the laurch-food disappointed in his attachment became a gloomy mizantropom; The only consolation was friendship with Madame de Lafayet, which he remained faithful to the very death.

In 1652, under Paris, the Army of Froners suffered a decisive defeat from the royal troops. Larancy was seriously injured and barely not lost sight. The war brought Larochefucco ruin, and he moved away from political activities.

The story of the pendants of the Queen Anna Austrian, which became the basis of the novel "Three Musketeers", Alexander Duma took Francois de Larochet from Memoirov.

The result of the extensive life experience Larancy was his "Maxima" - a collection of aphorisms is the fruit of a large erudition, ancient antique philosophy, reader Descartes and Gassendi. The first edition of "Maxim" was anonymously in 1665

Exquisite style, accuracy, conciseness made Maxima Larancyfo, the most famous and popular among collections of aphorisms. Their author entered the story as a thin observer, a witty and insightful philosopher, who has an impeccable style, but clearly disappointed in life.

At the beginning of 1680, the state of health Larancy deteriorated, it became clear that he was dying. Madame de Lafayette held him every day. On the night of March 16 to March 17, in 1680 at the age of 66, he died in Paris on the hands of the eldest son.


Larancyfort? Vintage French nobled rod from the province of Poitu. Founder - Foucault de la Rosh - on family legends, grandson of the South II de Lusignan. Princes de Marsiyak with 1500, graphs with 1517, duke and peers of France from 1622.

Larancy Francois is a French writer. Duke and brilliant court. Larochefuco took the most active participation in the political life of France of that era, was an opponent of Richelieu and Mazarini, played a prominent role in the movement "Fronds", stood in the center of large intrigues.

In 1662 published Memoirs, and in 1665 "Maxims and Moral Reflections", first anonymously. From 1665 to 1678 5 reworked and complemented publications. The constant success of Maxim is explained by the aphoristic clarity of the author's thinking. The point of view of the aristocrat is not masked by the desire to note the "universal" disadvantages and characteristics of characters who served as an unchanged subject of discussions in the salons, whose visitors showed their wit in the discussion of the Morality, Religions and Nature of Emotions put forward by the Cartesian philosophy.

Personal experience of a challenging political game in McCaevelism The Front era identified the main views of Larospex, for whom the main incentive of human activity is selfishness: a person loves, because it's nice, if he himself loves, a man of mercy, because he is unpleasant to see suffering, and . D., Word, "All the virtues are lost in the calculation, as rivers in the sea," and "Vices are part of virtues, like poisons for medicines." The presents are highly valued to reduce the laurchiness to celebrate the thinnest shades of phenomena, find expressive and at the same time Extremely compressed ideological formulas, its accuracy in the characteristic of the subject, etc. The main intake of Larancy is correctly indicated by French criticism - it reduces the virtue of the disadvantage in question: generosity or courage - to vanity, honesty - to the desire to inspire confidence in self-follows. As a historical and cultural figure of Larospeck - a typical indicator of common fallen moments in the ideology of the French aristocracy of the XVII century. Duke Larancy understood that absolutism won the feudal nobility to be victory, which resisted him. Moreover, he was convinced that she would sell her claims to political power for the benefits that absolutism would provide her. Laroscpecific, during his turbulent life, had to be a witness to how these virtues turned out to be in new socio-political conditions. From here - extreme pessimism, Misanthropy Larancy, who summarized his disappointment in his class layer. The decomposition of the latter, the weakening of social relationships was determined by the extreme individualism of Larochefuko, the concentration of it on personal experiences, which are exposed to aggravated self-examination. The belief of Larancy in the spoilness of human nature is only formally connected with January, popular at that time a religious flow is essentially a product of the crisis of the worldview of the feudal-aristocratic groups against absolutism.


arzenfuco Francois de, French Moralist writer and brilliant court, born in 1613, in Paris in the duke family, the origin predetermined his further fate, throwing into the most thick of Palace intrigues. Larochefuco took an active part in the political life of France of that era, he found himself in the political party, hostile Cardinal Richelieu (only after the death of the last Larancy defico, began to play a prominent role in the court) and was forced to join the front - a wide public course against absolutism that existed in 1648 1653 and consisting of people of different social status led by Prince Konde.

For long years, the Duchess Longieville played a big role in his personal life, from the love of which he refused more than once from the motivation of ambition. Frustrated in his attachment, Larancy became a gloomy misanthrop; Its only his consolation was friendship with Madame de-Lafayette, which he remained true to the very death. After the courtyard, Larancy supported a close connection with Madame Sable salons and Madame De Lafayette. Last years, Larancy was dug, the death of the Son, and Diseases.

In 1662, he published "Memoirs", and in 1665 "Reflections, or moral sayings" (1665), more known as "Maxims". From 1665 to 1678 5 recycled and complemented publications. The constant success of Maxim for several years is explained by the aphoristic clarity of the author's thinking. The point of view of the aristocrat is not masked by the desire to note the "universal" disadvantages that served as an unchanged subject of discussions in secular salons. Personal experience of the political game of the Front era identified the main views of the author - the main prompting factor of man is selfishness: a person loves, since it is nice, if they love himself, etc. The main aphorism is Larancy: "All our virtues are hidden defects."

Larancy configured to be a witness to how these virtues were sometimes at once in new socio-political conditions. Hence its extreme pessimism and misanthropy, characterizing his disappointment in its class layer and the constant conviction in the corruption of human nature.

Larancyfo died in Paris in 1680

The story of the pendants of the Queen Anna Austrian, which was the basis of the novel "Three Musketeers", Alexander Duma took Francois de Larochet from Memoirs.


Francois de Larancyfort (09/15/1613 - 02/15/1680) - the famous French philosopher belonged to the ancient French genus Larancyfo. Larochefucco is an ancient aristocratic surname. This race begins with the XI century, from Fouco I Señora de Larosh, whose descendants still live in the family castle Larancy near Angouleme. Francois was brought up at the court and with his youth, he was noticed in different court intrigues. Hate from the father's hatred for cardinal

Richelieu often knew himself with the duke and only after the death of the latter began to play a prominent role at the court. For his life, Larancy was the author of a multitude of intircons. In 1962, "Central Supplies" in 1962 - Larancy Fucked work on his collection "Maxim". Maxima (Maximes) is a collection of aphorisms that make up the one-piece code of everyday philosophy. The release of the first edition "Maxim" was promoted by Larancy Fleet, Pereslav One of the author's manuscripts in 1664 in Holland, thereby leading Francois to rage. At the contemporaries "Maxima" made an indelible imprisonment: some found them cynical, other excellent. In 1679, the French academy suggested Larancyfo to become her member, but he refused, probably the dignity that the nobleman was unworthy of being a writer. Despite the brilliant career, the majority believed Larancy Crank and a loser.


French writer - Moralist. Participated in palace intrigues against Cardinal Richelieu. In his "memoirs", covering events 1624-1652, he opposed absolutism.

The main essay of Larochefuko - "Reflections, or moral sayings and maxims" -Flosofsky the result of his observations over the nrules of the French society. The main driving forces of human behavior considered selflessly and the egoistic calculation ("interest").

This idea expressed by T. Gobbs and is very common in many thinkers of that era, acquires a special novelty from the writer due to its subtle psychological analysis of the French aristocracy, and, above all, those conscious, and more often unconscious tricks, with which genuine motives and interests are masked fictitious ethical ideals.

Larancy food-machine aphoristic style.

Biography (

Brought up at the court, with his youth, he was noticed in different intrigues, he was herself with the Duke de Richelo and only after the death of the latter began to play a prominent role at the court. He took an active part in the movement of the frond and was seriously injured. He held a brilliant position in society, had many secular intrigues and survived a number of personal disappointments, who left an indelible mark on his work. For many years in his personal life, the Duchess de Longwil played a big role, from the love of which he repeatedly refused his ambitious motives. Frustrated in his attachment, Larancy became a gloomy misanthrop; The only consolation was friendship with Madame de Lafayet, which he remained faithful to the very death. Last years, Larancy Fuses were overshadowed by various adversities: the death of his son, illness.

Literary heritage


The result of the extensive life experience Larancy was his "Maximes" (Maximes) - a collection of aphorisms that make up the whole code of everyday philosophy. The first edition of Maxim came out anonymously in 1665. Five editions, increasingly incremented by the author, appeared during Larochefuche's life. Larochefuco extremely pessimistically looks at the nature of man. The main aphorism of Larancyfort: "Our virtues are most often a skillfully rearranged vices." At the heart of all human actions, he sees a pride, vanity and persecution of personal interests. By depicting these vices and drawing portraits of ambition and egoists, Larancy has a predominantly in mind the people of their circle, the overall tone of his aphorisms is extremely poisonous. It is especially possible to be cruel definitions, the laid and sharp as an arrow, for example, saying: "We all possess a sufficient share of Christian patience to transfer suffering ... other people." Very highly pure literary meaning "Maxim".


His "memoirs d'Anne d'autriche) was no less important laurce (Memoires Sur La Regence d'Anne d'autriche), the first edition was 1662. The most valuable source on the times of the Frond. Larancy defectly describes in detail political and military events, he speaks about himself in the third face.

The story of the pendants of the Queen Anna Austrian, which became the basis of the novel "Three Musketeers", Alexander Duma took Francois de Larochet from Memoirov. In the novel "Twenty years later, Larancy densified under his former title - Prince de Morsiyak, as a person trying to kill Aramis, who also uses the favor of Duchess de Longville. According to Duma, even the father of the child of the Duchess was not Larancyfo (as persistently argued rumors in reality), namely Aramis.

Family and Children

Parents: Francois V (1588-1650), Duke de Larancy and Gabriella du Polshe-Liankur (mind 1672).

Wife: (from January 20, 1628, Milbo) Andre de Vivonne (Mind 1670), daughter Andre de Vivonne, Señora de la Berodier and Maria Antoinette de Breedry. Have 8 children:

* Francois VII (1634-1714), Duke de Larancyfo
* Charles (1635-1691), Knight of the Maltese Order
* Maria Catherine (1637-1711), is known as Madmoiselle de Larancyfo
* Henrietta (1638-1721), is known as Madmoiselle de Marsiyak
* Francoise (1641-1708), known as Madmoiselle d'Iville
* Henri Achille (1642-1698), Abbot de la See Die
* Jean Batist (1646-1672), known as Chevalé de Marsiyak
* Alexander (1665-1721), known as Abbot de Vertyl

Oil Communication: Anna Genevieva de Burbon-Konde (1619-1679), Duchess de Longwil, had a son:

* Charles Paris de Longville (1649-1672), Duke de Longwil, was one of the candidates for the Polish throne

Larancyfo, Francois de(La Rochefoucauld, Francois DE) (1613-1680). French politician XVII century. and famous memoirman, author of famous philosophical aphorisms

Born on September 15, 1613 in Paris, a notable representative. Before the death of his father, the title of Prince Marshiyak. From the 1630 appeared at the court, he participated in the thirty-year war, where he distinguished himself in the battle at Saint-Nikola. From youth, he was distinguished by wit and courage to judgments and, by order, Richelieu was expelled from Paris in 1637. But, while in his estate, continued to support the supporters of Anna Austrian, who Richelieu accused of connections with hostile France by the Spanish courtyard. In 1637 he returned to Paris, where he helped the famous political adventurist and a friend of Queen Anna, Duchess de Nevelrez, flee to Spain. It was concluded in Bastilia, but not long. Despite the military exploits in battles with the Spaniards, he reiterates independence and again takes away from the courtyard. After the death of Richelieu (1642) and Louis XIII (1643), he again at the court, but becomes a desperate opponent Mazarini. The feeling of hatred of Mazarini is connected with love for the Duchess de Longwil, the princess of royal blood, which was called the inspirational of the Civil War (Fronds). The old Duke of Larancy buoyed for the son of the governor in the province of Poita, but in 1648 the son left his post and appeared in Paris. Here he became famous for saying in parliament speech printed under the heading Apology Prince de Marshikawhich has become a political sense to know in the Civil War. The essence of the declaration was to preserve the privileges of aristocrats - as the guarantor of the welfare of the country. Mazarini, who conducted the policy of strengthening Absolutism, was announced by the enemy of France. From 1648 to 1653 Larochefuco was one of the main figures of the Frond. After the death of the Father (February 8, 1650), he became referred to as the Duke of De Larochefuc. He headed the struggle against Mazarin in the south-west of the country, his bidor was the city. Protecting this area from the royal troops, Larancy has taken help from Spain - it did not constrain him, because according to the laws of feudal morality, if the king violated the rights of feudal, the latter could recognize the other sovereign. Larancy has shown himself as the most consistent opponent of Mazarini. He and Prince Konde were the leaders of the Fronds of the princes. July 2, 1652 Under Paris in St. Anto'an suburb, the Army of Froners suffered a decisive defeat from the royal troops. Larancy was seriously injured and barely not lost sight. The war brought Larochefucco ruin, his estates were looted, he moved away from political activities. For almost ten years, he worked on memoirs who entered a number of the best memories of the Frond. Unlike many of his contemporaries, he did not praise himself, and tried to give a maximum objective picture of events. He was forced to admit that most of his associates against the protection of the rights of norful preferred the role of courteous propellers with certain feudal rights. It was relatively calmly moved his ruin, he tried with bitterness about the korestolubia of the princes. In memories, he gave tribute to the State Richelieu state and recognized his activities useful for the country.

Last two decades of their lives, Larancy has given literary activities and actively visited literary salons. He stubbornly worked on his main work. Maximi - aphoristic reflections on morality. Master of the salon conversation, he polished his aphorisms many times, all the foliated editions of his book (there were five of them) carrying traces of this tense work. Maxima Immediately brought fame to the author. Even the king patronized him. Aphorisms are by no means recorded express, they are the fruit of great erudition, ancient philosophy connoisseur, reader Descartes and Gassendi. Under the influence of the materialist P. Gassendi, the author came to the conclusion that the behavior of a person is explained by self, instinct of self-preservation, and morality is determined by the life situation. But Larancy is impossible to call the heartless cynic. The mind allows a person, he considered it, limit his own nature, restrain the claims of his egoism. For self-love is more dangerous in congenital fermency. Rarely, some of the contemporaries Larancy detected the hypocrisy and the cruelty of the gallant century. The court psychology of the era of absolutism is the most adequate reflection Maksimov Larancy, but their value is wider, they are relevant and in our time.

Anatoly Kaplan.

Gratitude is just a secret hope for further approval.

As long as we strive to help people, we rarely meet with ungratefulness.

Nearby trouble is ungrateful, but a big misfortune - to accept the service from the scoundrel.

In the punishment for the original sin, God allowed a man to create an idol from myself, so that it torments him on all life paths.

Pretty many people who despise wealth, but little giving it.

What a boring disease is to protect your health too strict regime.

Why do we remember in all details that happened to us, but are unable to remember how many times have we told about this to the same person?

The petty minds have a gift to say a lot and not say anything.

Body pain is the only evil that may not be loosen or heal.

Marriage is the only war during which you sleep with the enemy.

The generosity is a reason for pride and the most faithful means of getting praise.

The generosity is quite accurately determined by their name; In addition, it can be said that it is common sense of pride and the most worthy way to good glory.

After overpowing to love, we rejoice when we change, thereby freeing us from the need to keep loyalty.

In serious affairs, it is not necessary to take care of not so much about creating a favorable opportunity, how much is to not miss them.

Our enemies in judgments about us are much closer to the truth than we ourselves.

Highly - this is, in essence, the same pride, in all theirs declaring his presence.

There is nothing more stupid desire to always be smarter than everyone.

There are no more endless fools than those who are not completely deprived of the mind.

Pride is peculiar to all people; The only difference is how and when they show it.

Pride always reimburses his losses and does not lose anything, even when he refuses vanity.

Gordinity does not want to be a donice, and the pride does not want to pay.

Gordiny, playing in a human comedy in a row all the roles and as if tired of his tricks and transformations, suddenly with an open face, arrogantly thoring a mask.

If we were not overwhelmed by Pride, we would not complain about the pride of others.

Not kindness, and pride usually encourages us to read the instructions to people who made misdeed.

The most dangerous investigation of the pride is blinding: it supports and strengthens it, preventing us from finding funds that would ease our sorrows and help to heal from vices.

At the pride of a thousand things, but the most skilled and the most deceptive one is humility.

Luxury and excessive sophistication predict the faithful death of the state, because they testify that all private individuals are baked only about their own good, not at all taking care of the good of public.

The highest prowess is to commit alone what people are usually solved only in the presence of many witnesses.

The highest prowess and insurmountable cowardice are the extremes that are found very rarely. Between them on extensive space there are all sorts of shades of courage, the same diverse as human faces and characters. The fear of death to some extent limits the valor.

The highest valor is to make something that people are driving only in the presence of many witnesses.

For a simple soldier, a valor is a dangerous craft for which he is taken to save himself to feed.

All praise their kindness, but no one is solved to praise their mind.

Where the end of good, there is the beginning of evil, and where the end of evil, there is good.

Praise for kindness is worthy only that person who has enough character hardness to be energous; Otherwise, the kindness most often speaks only about inactivity or about the lack of will.

Everyone looks at his duty, as on a rapid lord, from which he would like to get rid of.

Evil, which we causing, brings no less hatred and persecution on us than our advantages.

The most faithful sign of congenital high advantages is the lack of congenital envy.

Do not trust friends attendant than to be deceived.

Do not notice cooling of friends - it means little to appreciate their friendship.

Appreciate is not what kind of good make your friend, but appreciate his willingness to make you good.

The female friendship warms the heart, without burning it.

We are because it is so impermanent in friendship that it is difficult to know the properties of the human soul and easily know the properties of the mind.

Love for the soul of loving means the same thing that the soul is for the body that she is spiritual.

Pity there is nothing more than a rapid provision of disasters that can comprehend us.

A far-sighted person must define a place for each of his desires and then implement them in order. Our greed often violates this order and makes us pursue such many goals at the same time that in pursuit of trifles we miss substantial.

We are only afraid, as it should be mortals, and we all want, as if he was awarded immortality.

Before wishing himself a lot, it should be inquired, the current owner of the desired is very happy.

Women are more likely to overcome their passion than their coquetry.

There are a lot of such women in the world who in life there was not a single love connection, but very few people who had only one.

The woman in love is most likely forgiven a big indiscretion, rather than small infidelity.

There are in the life of the situation, it is possible to get out of which only with the help of a fair share of the recklessness.

Moderation in life is similar to the abbreviation in food: I would have eaten, and it is terribly sick.

Envy only to whom they do not hope to be equal.

Our envy always lives longer than the happiness we envy.

Enlighten even non-acceptance than hate.

What kind of boring disease is - protect your health too strict regime!

The misconception of stingy is that they consider gold and silver goods, while it is only means for acquiring goods.

The desire to talk about ourselves and show your drawbacks only on the side with which it is most profitable to us - this is the main reason for our sincerity.

Not so beneficial truth, as its visibility is malicious.

No smoothie flashes as skillfully as a pride.

Never pride does not hypocrishes as skillfully, as hiding under the liqueur of humility.

The highest dexterity is to know the true price everything.

For disgusting to lie, it is often a casual desire to give the weight of our statements and inspire a reverend confidence in our words.

As long as we love, we can forgive.

True love looks like a ghost: everyone talks about her, but few have seen her.

No matter how pleasant love, all its external manifestations give us more joy than she herself.

Love is one, but fakes under it - thousands.

Love, like fire, does not know peace: she ceases to live as soon as it ceases to hope and fear.

Love covers its name a wide variety of human relationships, as if related to her, although in fact it participates in them no more than rain in the events taking place in Venice.

Many would never fall in love if they were not heard of love.

It is equally difficult to please the one who loves very much, and the one who does not like at all.

The one who is heal from love is first is always cured fully.

All complain about their memory, but no one complains about their mind.

There are people with advantages, but nasty, and others, although with disadvantages, but cause sympathy.

There are people who are written on the clan to be fools: they make stupidity not only at their own desire, but also by the will of fate.

True deft people all their lives pretend that they are bent by cunning, and in fact they simply save it for exceptional cases that promise exceptional benefits.

Only people with hard character can be soft: the rest of the apparent softness is in reality just weakness that is easily turning into welders.

No matter how much people have the greatness of their acts, the latter often have a consequence of not great designs, but just an accident.

When people love, they forgive.

People who believe in their advantages are considered a debt to be unhappy, in order to convince others and themselves that fate has not rewarded them by merit.

People are sometimes called friendship a joint time. Transfer, mutual assistance in matters, the exchange of services. In a word - such a relationship, where selfishly hopes for something to give.

People could not live in society if they had not drove each other for her nose.

People not only forget blessings and resentment, but even tend to hate their benefactors and forgive offenders.

People often praise the most criminal passions, but in envy, passion with a timid and fit, no one dares to admit.

Human attachment has a feature to change with a variety of happiness.

Human quarrels would not last so long if all the wines were on one side.

The sage is happy, I can satisfy a little, and a fool of everything is not enough; That is why almost all people are unhappy.

Sometimes such coups that change his fate and the tastes of people are committed in society.

What people call a virtue is usually only a ghost created by their lusts and carrying such a high name so that they can follow their desires impunity.

The moderation of happy people stems from the tranquility given to the unchanged luck.

Although the fate of people is very uncomfortable, but some equilibrium in the distribution of goods and misfortunes as it equalizes them among themselves.

The world rules fate and whim.

Youth changes its tastes due to hot blood, and the old man retains his habit.

Young people often seem that they are natural, whereas in fact they are just not strong and rude.

If a great art is required to speak on time, then a considerable art consists in keeping in time.

To the one who does not trust themselves, the most reasonable to be silent.

Wisdom for the soul is the same as body health.

To show wisdom in other people's affairs much easier than in their own.

The collapse of all human hopes is nice and his friends and enemies.

In everyday life, our drawbacks seem sometimes more attractive than our advantages.

The impotence is the only drawback that cannot be corrected.

Glife is an incomprehensible body property, invented in order to hide the lack of a mind.

Interactive importance - a special manner of herself, invented for the benefit of those who have to hide the lack of mind.

If we have no shortcomings, we would not be so nice to notice them from neighbors.

The secret pleasure of consciousness that people see how we are unhappy, often reconciles us with our misfortunes.

With my distrust we justify someone else's deception.

We love to condemn people for what they condemn us.

Nowhere to find peace of one who did not find him in itself.

Higher sanity is the least sensible people consist in the ability to submore to follow a reasonable pointer of others.

Having multiple vices prevents us from going to go all the place.

Our actions seem to be born under a lucky or unhappy star; She is obliged to her mostly praise or censures falling on their share.

Do not be offended by people who have trapped us truth: we ourselves constantly pull it away from ourselves.

Betrayals are committed most often not by the deliberate intention, but by weakness of character.

It is easier to challenge the benefit than abandoning whims.

Our whims are more freaky fortune.

The wind blows a candle, but inflates the fire.

Nature, in care of our happiness, not only intelligently arranged the organs of our body, but also gave us pride, - apparently, in order to save us from the sad consciousness of our imperfection.

It is never harder to speak well as when to be silent.

The separation relaxes a lung passion, but enhances a large passion, just like the wind extinguishes the candle, but he blows the fire.

What only praise do not accept prudence! However, it is not able to protect us even from the insignitive vaging of fate.

All complain about their memory, but no one complains about their mind.

Jealousy to some degree intelligent and fair, for she wants to keep us our orphan or what we consider that, while the envy is blindly indifferent to the fact that there are some kind of property and our neighbors.

Jealousy feeds on doubts; She dies or goes into frenzy, as soon as doubts turn into confidence.

Jealousy is always born with love, but not always dying with her.

Modesty - The worst shape of the vanity

Few people are given to comprehend what death is; In most cases, it does not go on a deliberate intention, but in stupidity and according to the custom, and people most often die because they cannot resist death.

Neither the sun, or death can not be viewed.

It is better to laugh, not being happy than to die without letting it.

You can give advice, but you can not give the mind to use it.

Most often, compassion is the ability to see in other people's misfortunes their own, this is a premonition of disasters that can comprehend us. We help people so that they, in turn, helped us; Thus, our services are simply reduced to the benefits that we have to provide ourselves.

The justice of a moderate judge testifies only to his love for its high position.

Most people have love for justice - it's just afraid to undergo injustice.

Love for justice was born of a living concern, no matter how those who did not take our heritage from us; It also encourages people so carefully protect the interests of the neighbor, so respect them and so diligently avoid unfair deeds. This fear forces them to be content with the benefits given by him on the right of birth or the whims of fate, and not be it, they would inconsistency would make raids on other people's own possessions.

The old people are because they like to give good tips that no longer capable of submitting bad examples.

Old age is the underworld for women.

The power of all our passions depends on how cold or hot our blood is.

Passion is the only speakers, the arguments of which are always convincing.

Everything that fate sends us, we estimate depending on the location of the Spirit.

Decently behave when fate favors, harder than when she is hostile.

Fate suits everything to the benefit of those who are patronized.

Fate is sometimes so skillfully picks up various human misconducts that virtues are born of.

The fate is considered to be blind mainly by those whom it does not give good luck.

Only knowing its destiny, we could vary voyage for our behavior.

The happiness and misfortune of man depends on his in the same degree, as from fate.

How can we demand that someone keep our mystery if we ourselves cannot save it?

Varieties of vanity so much as it should not be considered.

Confidence in itself is the basis of our confidence in others.

The mind serves us sometimes only in order to boldly do nonsense.

The courtesy of the mind lies in the ability to think adequately and sophisticated.

Good taste speaks not so much about the mind, how much about the clarity of judgment.

Stubbornness was born by the limitations of our mind: we reluctantly believe what goes beyond our horizons.

Philosophy triumphs over the sorrows of the past and the future, but the sore of the present is triumph over philosophy.

We do not have enough character forces to submore to follow all the rules of reason.

You can have a cunning of the other, but you can not be cunning all.

In the human heart there is a continuous change of passion, and the extinction of one of them almost always means the celebration of another.

It is much easier to find out a person in general than anyone in particular.

Whatever the advantages of nature did not have a person, it can create a hero from him, only calling for the aid of fate.

Can a person say with confidence what he wants in the future if he is not able to understand what he wants now?

The merits of a person should be judged not by his great advantages, but by how he applies them.

Assistrate is the love of a person to himself and to everything that makes him good.

The person never happens so happy or so unhappy as it seems to him himself.

A person who is incapable of a great crime, with difficulty believes that others are quite capable of it.

Hide our true feelings are harder than to portray non-existent.

on other topics

Facility - the least important debt, but is stricter than others.

It is afraid of contempt only the one who deserves it.

Thirst to deserve crushing praise us strengthens our virtue; Thus, the praise our mind, valor and beauty make us smarter, valiant and more beautiful.

The elegance for the body is the same as common sense for the mind.

We usually pushes us to new acquaintances from old or love for change, as displeasure that people are well familiar with us admire us, and hope for the fact that few familiar people will admire more.

Who is not capable of great, he is scrupulous in trifles.

Sustainability stems more often from the vain mind, which is looking for the gloomy, rather than from a pure heart.

We have a little possessing outstanding qualities, we must still be able to use them.

We marry yourself only to praise us.

We are always afraid to seem on the eyes of the one who loves, after we happened to drag on the side.

Our pride suffers more when they blame our tastes than when our views condemn.

It is mistaken to believe that you can do without others, but even more mistakes to think that others could not do without us.

Truly deplete one who knows how to hide his dexterity.

Praise is useful if only because it strengthens us in virtuous intentions.

Before we devote your heart to achieve any goal, let's see how happy those who have already achieved this goal.

The moderation of the one who favors fate is usually or afraid to be commemmed for the cvtism, or the fear of the loss of the acquired.

Moderation is a fear of envy or contempt who become a lot of anyone who is blinded by their happiness; This is a bustard of the power of the mind.

To justify oneself in your own eyes, we often convince ourselves that you cannot achieve the goal. In fact, we are not powerless, but softless.

I want to eat and sleep.

Francois VI de Larochefo (September 15, 1613, Paris - March 17, 1680, Paris), Duke de Larochefuky - the famous French moralist, belonged to the ancient French genus Larochefuc. Before the death of the Father (1650), the title of Prince de Marsiyak was carried.

It was brought up at the courtyard, with his youth, he was involved in different intrigues, he was herself with the Duke of de Richelieu and only after the death of the latter began to play a prominent role at the court. He took an active part in the movement of the frond and was seriously injured. He held a brilliant position in society, had many secular intrigues and survived a number of personal disappointments, who left an indelible mark on his work. For many years in his personal life, the Duchess de Longwil played a big role, from the love of which he repeatedly refused his ambitious motives. Frustrated in his attachment, Larancy became a gloomy misanthrop; The only consolation was friendship with Madame de Lafayet, which he remained faithful to the very death. Last years, Larancy Fuses were overshadowed by various adversities: the death of his son, illness.

Our virtues are most often skillful flames.

Larancy Francois De.

Life-friendly Francois de Larancyfort:

The time when Francois de Larochetuk lived, is usually called the "grand age" of French literature. His contemporaries were Cornel, Rasin, Moliere, Lafonten, Pascal, Baual. But the life of the author "Maxim" did not care about the life of the creators of Tartuf, Fedry or "Poetic Art." And he called himself only a joke with a professional writer, with some fraction of irony. While his counterparts on Peru were forced to look for noble patrons to exist, the Duke de Larochefuche often had a special attention that had a king-sun. Getting a big income from extensive places, he could not worry about remuneration for his literary works. And when writers and critics, his contemporaries were absorbed by hot spores and sharp clashes, defending their understanding of dramaturgical laws, - not at all about those and not about literary fights and battles remembered on the rest and reflected our author. Larochefuco was not only a writer and not only a philosopher-moralist, he was a military leader, a politician. His life itself, complete adventures, is perceived now as an exciting story. However, he himself told her - in his "memoirs." The genus Larancy was considered one of the most ancient in France - he led his beginning from the XI century. French kings are more commonly called senorov de Larancyfoku "their dear cousins" and entrusted them with honorable posts at the courtyard. Under Francis I, in the XVI century, Larancy is a county title, and with Louis XIII - the title of duke and peer. These higher titles were made by the French feudal permanent member of the Royal Council and Parliament and the full owner in their possessions, with the right of legal proceedings. Francois VI Duke de Larochefuku, to the death of the Father (1650) by tradition, who was named Prince de Marshiyak, was born on September 15, 1613 in Paris. His childhood was held in the province of Angumum, in the castle of the merchandise, the main residence of the surname. The upbringing and training of Prince de Marshika, as well as the eleven of his younger brothers and sisters, was quite careless. As it was relied in provincial nobles, he was mainly engaged in hunting and military exercises. But afterwards, thanks to the classes of philosophy and history, the reading of classics, Larancy, according to the reviews of contemporaries, becomes one of the most scientists in Paris.

In 1630, Prince de Morsiyak appeared at the courtyard, and soon took part in the thirty-year war. Careless words about the unsuccessful campaign of 1635 led to the fact that, like some other nobles, he was sent to his estates. There for several years he lived his father, Francois V, who fell into opal for participating in the meant of the duke of Gaston Orleans, "permanent leader of all conspiracies." The young prince de Marsiyak recalled with sadness about his stay at the court, where he accepted the side of Queen Anna Austrian, which the first Minister of Cardinal Richelie suspected connections with the Spanish courtyard, i.e. in state treason. Later, Larancy will tell about his "natural hatred" to the Richelieu and the rejection of the "terrible image of his rule": it will be the result of life experience and formed political views. In the meantime, he is full of knightly loyalty to the Queen and her persecuted friends. In 1637, he returns to Paris. Soon he helps Madame de Nevelres, a friend of the Queen, a famous political adventurerist, flee to Spain, for which he was concluded in Bastilia. Here he had the opportunity to communicate with other prisoners, among which there were many noble nobles, and received the first political upbringing, having learned the idea that the "unfair reign" Cardinal Richelieu was able to deprive the aristocracy from the century of data of privileges and the former political role.

On December 4, 1642, Cardinal Richelieu dies, and in May 1643 - King Louis XIII. Anna Austrian is appointed rentherat at the releger at the Minor Louis Louis XIV, and at the head of the Royal Council, the Cardinal Maazarini is unexpectedly for everyone, the continuer of the Richelieu. Taking advantage of political troubles, feudal to know requires the restoration of the past and privileges taken away from her. Marsiyak enters into the so-called plot of arrogant (September 1643), and on the disclosure of the conspiracy again goes to the army. He fights under the first prince of blood, Louis de Burbron, the Duke of Engine (from 1646 - Prince Conde, who was subsequently the great for victory in the thirty-year war). During the same years, Marijiyak meets the sister of Conde, the Duchess de Longwil, which will soon become one of the inspirational of the FronDa and for many years will be a close friend of Larochefuc.

Marsiyak is seriously wounded in one of the battles and is forced to return to Paris. While he fought, his father bought him the position of governor of the province of Poitu; The governor was the governor of the king in his province: all military and administrative governance were concentrated in his hands. Even before the departure of the new governor, the Cardinal Mazarini tried to attract him to his side the promise of the so-called Louvrian honors: herd to his wife (i.e. the rights to sit in the presence of the queen) and the right to enter the Louvre courtyard.

Province of Poita, like many other provinces, Bunning: Taxes lay on the population by an unbearable burden. Bunzarev and in Paris. Fronte began. The interests of the Paris Parliament, who headed the Fron at its first stage, largely coincided with the interests of the nobody joined to the rebel Paris. Parliament wanted to return to himself for her own freedom in the performance of his authority, aristocracy, using the king's childhood and universal discontent, sought to seize the supreme positions of the state apparatus in order to manage the country. The unanimous was the desire to deprive the Mazarini of the authorities and send it from France as an alien. At the head of the rebels nobles, who began to be called fronds, turned out to be the most famous people of the kingdom.

1. To justify yourself in their own eyes, we often confess that you are powerless to achieve something; In fact, we are not powerless, and dry

2. Read the instructions to people who committed actions, as a rule, forces us not kindness, and pride; We are not even in order to correct, but only in order to convince our own infallibility

3. Excessively diligent in small usually becomes unable to great

4. We lack the nature of the nature to submore to follow all the rational

5. We are not happy what surrounds us, and our attitude to it, and we feel happy when we have what we ourselves love, and not that others consider worthy love

6. No matter how proud people are with their accomplishments, the latter often have a consequence of not great ideas, but the usual case

7. The happiness and misfortune of man depends not only from his fate, as from his character

8. The grace for the body is the same as sanity is for the mind

9. Even the most skill pretense will not help long to hide the love when it is, or depicting it when it is not

10. If you judge love on the usual manifestations, it looks more like enmity than friendship

11. No one, having ceased to love, can not avoid a feeling of shame for past love

12. Love bears people as much of the best, how many troubles

13. All complain about their memory, but no one complains about their mind

14. People could not live in society if they had no opportunity to drive each other

15. The one who managed to earn the praise of his enviousness was endowed with the most unusual qualities.

16. With such generosity, as we give advice, we do not give anything more

17. The stronger we love a woman, the stronger tend to hate her

18. Pretending that we hit the trap prepared for us, we show really sophisticated trick, as the person to deceive the person easier when he wants to deceive you

19. It is much easier to manifest wisdom in other people's affairs than in your own

20. We are easier to manage people, how to prevent them from manageing us

21. Nature gives us virtues, and helps them to show fate

22. There are people repelled with all their advantages, and there are attractive, despite their shortcomings

23. Festival is a fake coin having a circulation only because of our vanity

24. Enjoy many advantages - it is important to be able to use them

25. Decent people respect us for our virtues, the crowd - for the favor of fate

26. Society often awards the appearance of advantages than the dignity themselves.

27. It would be much more useful to apply all the forces of our mind to readily worrying unhappiness who fell on our share than to predict unhappiness that can only happen

28. The desire for glory, fear of shame, chase for wealth, thirst to arrange life as convenient as possible and pleasant, the desire to humiliate others - that's what often undergoing valor, so praised by people

29. The highest valor is to make it alone, but that people are solved only in the presence of many witnesses

30. Praise for kindness is worthy only the person who takes the hardness of character to be more angry; Otherwise, the kindness most often speaks only about integrity or about the lack of will

31. To cause people evil in most cases is not so dangerous how to make them too much good

32. Most often, those people who believe that they are not a burden

33. Real Lovkach is the one who knows how to hide their own dexterity

34. The generosity of everyone neglects to take possession of everyone

36. Real eloquence is the ability to say everything you need, and no more than you need

37. Anyone whoever he would be trying to impose such a look at himself and wear such a mask so that he was taken by who he wants to seem; Therefore, it can be said that the society consists of them only masks

38. Glife is a tricky body trick, invented in order to hide the shortcomings of the mind

39. The so-called generosity is usually based on vanity, which we are more expensive for all that we give

40. People because so willingly believe bad, not trying to peel into the bottom that they are vain and lazy. They want to find the guilty, but they do not seek to bother themselves with the analysis of the perfect misdeed

41. Whatever a person would be turned off, he is not given to comprehend all the evil that he creates

42. Sometimes a lie so deftly prevents the truth that it would not give in to deceive to change common sense

43. Showing simplicity is a sophisticated hypocrisy

44. It can be argued that human characters, like some buildings, several facades, not all of them have a nice view.

45. What do we actually want, we understand extremely rarely

46. \u200b\u200bThe gratitude of most people is caused by a secret desire to achieve even greater blessings.

47. Almost all people pay for minor favor, most are gracious for minor, but almost no one feels gratitude for the largest.

48. What kind of praise we heard in our address, we do not find anything in them for yourself

49. Often we relate to condescendingly to those who are about us, but never be indulgent to those who are themselves

50. Exalt your virtues alone with themselves as reasonably as stupid to touch them in front of others.

51. There are such situations in life, it is possible to release from which only with the help of a considerable share of the recklessness.

52. What is the reason that we remember in all the details what happened to us, but not able to remember how many times have we told about this one and the same person?

53. Huge pleasure with which we are talking about ourselves would have to donate in our souls suspicion that his interlocutors do not at all share

54. Conscious of small disadvantages, we are thereby trying to convince the Company that we do not have more significant

55. To become a great man, you need to know how to deftly enjoy the chance that fate offers

56. We consider sensible we consider only those people who agree with us

57. Many disadvantages if they skillfully use, brighter than any advantages

58. People of small mind are sensitive to small insults; Large mind people all notice and do not take offense

59. With no matter how distrust we treat our interlocutors, we still seem to us that they are more sincere with us than other

60. Cowards, as a rule, do not appreciate the strength of their own fear

61. Young people usually it seems that their behavior is natural, while in fact they behave rudely and unprecedented

62. People of the shallow mind often discuss everything that goes beyond their understanding

63. True friendship does not know envy, and true love - coquetry

64. Middle can be given a good advice, but you can not teach it reasonable behavior

65. All that ceases to get, ceases and interest us.

67. If vanity and does not break up to the base all our advantages, then, in any case, it is hesisy

68. It is often easier to move deception than to hear about yourself the truth

69. The merits are not always inherent in the greatestness, but the magnifier is always inherent any advantages.

70. Glife is the same to face virtue, like a precious decoration to face a beautiful woman

71. In the most ridiculous position, those older women who remember that were once attractive, but forgot that they had long lost their former beauty

72. For his most noble deeds, we often had to blush if others knew about our impulses

73. It is not possible for a long time to like the one who is one way for one way

74. The mind usually serves us only in order to boldly do nonsense

75. Both the charm of novels and the long habit, with all the opposites, the same interferes with us to see the shortcomings of our friends.

76. The loving woman will rather forgive greater indispensable than little wrongfulness.

77. Nothing hinders the naturalness as a desire to seem natural

78. Framely praise good deeds - it means to some extent to participate in them

79. The most famous sign of high virtues - from birth not to know envy

80. It is easier to know people in general than one person in particular

81. The virtues of the person must be judged not on his good qualities, but by how he uses them

82. Sometimes we are too grateful, sometimes paying off with friends for your good, we still leave them in debt

83. We would have found very few passionate desires if we knew exactly what we want

84. Like in love and in friendship it is more likely to enjoy what we do not know than what we know what we know.

85. We are trying to immediately infiltrate the disadvantages that do not want to correct

87. In serious affairs, it is necessary to take care of not so much about creating favorable opportunities, how much to not miss them

88. What our enemies think about us is closer to the truth than our own opinion

89. We and I can not imagine what our passions can push us

90. The sympathy of the enemies that fell into trouble is most often caused not so much kindness as vanity: we sympathize with them in order to show our superiority over them

91. Great talents often add up of disadvantages.

92. Note The imagination is not able to come up with such a set of contradictory feelings, which usually get along in one human heart

93. Genuine softness can show only people with a solid character: the rest of their apparent softness is, as a rule, the usual weakness that is easily becoming

94. The calm of our soul or her confusion depends not so much from the important events of our life, how much from successful or unpleasant to us combinations of everyday details

95. Not too wide mind, but common as a result is not so tedious for the interlocutor, rather than the mind is extensive, but confusing

96. There are reasons for which you can feed disgust for life, but you can not despise death

97. Do not cost to think that death and near will seem to us the same as we have seen it

98. The mind is too weak so that when we meet with death we could rely on it

99. The talents owned by God for people are as diverse as the trees that he decorated the earth and everyone has special properties and one inherent in it inherent fruits. Therefore, the very best pear tree will not give birth to even stray apples, and the most talented person will grazen before the case, albeit ordinary, but giving out only to the one who is capable of this case. For this reason, writing aphorisms when you don't have to this lesson at least a small talent is no less ridiculous than to expect that in a garden where bulbs are not planted, tulips will bloom

100. We are because ready to believe any stories about the lack of our neighbors, that everything is easier to believe the desired

101. Hope and fear are inseparable: fear is always full of hope, hope is always full of fear

102. Do not be offended by people who have hidden from us truth: we ourselves constantly pull it away from ourselves

103. The end of good marks the beginning of evil, and the end of the evil is the beginning of good

104. Philosophers blame wealth only because we are poorly disposed of. It depends on us how to acquire how to let it go into the course without serving at the same time. Instead, with the help of wealth, to maintain and feed the atrocities, as with the help of firewood they feed the flame, we could give it to the ministry to virtues, giving them the shine and attractiveness

105. The collapse of all human hopes is nice to everyone: and his friends, and enemies

106. Finally busting, we stop bored

107. Only one who does not report this to the authentic self-adhesiveness; Otherwise, everything is facilitated by vanity

108. The wise man is happy, happy with small, and the fool of all is not enough: that's why all people are unhappy

109. Clear Mind gives the soul that health is the body

110. Lovers begin to see the shortcomings of their mistresses, only when their feeling comes to an end

111. Prudence and love are not created for each other: as love grows, decreases prudence

112. A wise man understands that it is better to ban himself a passion, what then to deal with him

113. It is much more useful to study not books, but people

114. As a rule, happiness finds happy, and misfortune - unfortunate

115. Who loves too much, he doesn't notice that he himself no longer love

116. We marry yourself only for us to praise us

117. Hide our true feelings much harder than to portray non-existent

118. Much unhappy that one who does not like anyone than the one who does not like anyone

119. A person who is aware of what troubles could hit him, thereby already to some extent happy

120. To the one who did not find peace in itself, not to find it anywhere

121. The person never happens so unhappy as he would like to

122. Not in our will love or disappear, so neither lover is not entitled to complain about the frivolity of his mistress, nor she is for impermanence

123. When we stop loving, it gives us the joy that we change, as we will be released from the need to keep loyalty

124. In the failures of our loved ones, we find something even pleasant for ourselves.

125. Losing hope to detect the mind from others, we already do not try to keep it.

126. Nobody hurts others like Lazy's: Decavoring your own laziness, they want to seem zealous

127. We have the same reason to complain about people who help us know ourselves, like the Athenian madness to complain to a doctor who cured him from false confidence that he is rich

128. Selfish by our such that it is not capable of sharing no smoothie

129. All of our virtues can be said to the same thing that once said a certain Italian poet about decent women: most often they just skillfully pretend to be decent

130. In own vices, we are confident only under pressure from vanity

131. Rich funeral rites are not so much perpetuating the advantages of the dead, how much the vanity of alive is chewed

132. To organize a conspiracy, you need unshakable courage, and to steal the dangers of war, quite ordinary courage

133. A person who has never suffered a danger can not be responsible for his own courage.

134. People are much easier to limit their gratitude than their hopes and desires.

135. Imitationity is always unspecious, and fake to us are unpleasant those diameters that are so captivated in the original

136. The depth of our grief about lost friends is no longer so many advantages as our own need for these people, as well as how highly they evaluated our virtues

137. We are hard to believe in what lies outside our horizons

138. TRANSFER - Here is the primacy and the essence of beauty and perfection; Fine and completely only what, having everyone, what should have, truly, what should be

139. It happens that beautiful works are more attractive when they are imperfect than when too finished

140. The generosity is a noble effort of pride, with the help of which a person mastering himself, thereby receiving and all around

141. Lenosta is the most unpredictable from our passions. Despite the fact that her power is imperceptible to us, and the damage caused by it is deeply hidden from our eyes, there is no passion more fervent and malicious. If we carefully look at its influence, I will be convinced that it is invariably managed to take possession of all our feelings, desires and pleasures: it is like a fished sticking, stopping huge ships as a dead calm, more dangerous for our most important things than any reefs and Storms. In the lazy, the soul finds a secret mustland, for which we instantly forget about the most ardent of our aspirations and the most solid intentions. Finally, to give a true idea of \u200b\u200bthis passion, add that tape is such a sweet world of the soul, which consoles it in all losses and replaces all the benefits

142. Everyone loves to learn others, but no one loves to be learned

143. What is this boring disease - to protect your own health too strict regime!

144. Most women are noted because their passion is so strong, but because they are weak. For this reason, enterprising men always have such success, although they are not at all attractive

145. The most faithful means to ignore the passion - it is to keep cold

146. The top of healthy is the least sensible people lies in the ability to continuously follow a reasonable pointer of others

147. People seek to achieve everyday benefits and pleasures at the expense of their neighbors

148. Most likely she is bored by one who is convinced that he can not bother anyone

149. It is unlikely that several people have the same aspirations, however, it is necessary that each of them do not contradict each other

150. All of us, for small exceptions, we fear to appear before your neighbors, what are we really

151. We lose a lot, assigning a manner, we are alien

152. People try to seem other than it really is, instead of becoming as they want to seem

153. Many people are not only ready to abandon their inherent manners to keep the sake of the one that the corresponding position achieved and the san is considered, they, they still dream about the elevation, begin to behave in advance, as if they were already sublined. How many colonels behave like Marshals of France, how many judges are put on the view of the chancers, how many townskens play the role of duchess!

154. People think not about those words that they listen, but about those who crave to pronounce

155. Talk about yourself and put yourself in an example you need as less as possible

156. The one who does not exhaust the subject of the conversation itself and makes it possible to come up with others.

157. Everyone needs to talk about objects close to him and only when it appropriate

158. If you say the right word at the right moment - great art, then silent on time - art is even greater. With eloquent silence, you can sometimes express consent, and disapproval; there is a silence mocking, and happens and respectful

159. Usually people become frank due to vanity

160. In the light of little secrets stored forever

161. Great samples spawned a disgusting number of copies

162. Old people like to give good advice, because there can no longer file bad examples

163. The opinions of our enemies about us are much closer to the truth than our own opinions