Father Ksenia Sobchak Biography. Li Ksenia Sobchak is a receptional daughter Anatoly Sobchak

Father Ksenia Sobchak Biography. Li Ksenia Sobchak is a receptional daughter Anatoly Sobchak
Father Ksenia Sobchak Biography. Li Ksenia Sobchak is a receptional daughter Anatoly Sobchak

Lyudmila Nastov, the former wife Anatoly Sobchak and Mother Ksenia Sobchak made a statement that her daughter was born from another man. According to Mother, Anatoly Sobchak could not have children.

According to Lyudmila, the birth of Ksenia from another person has become one of the most correct actions in her life. The first wife Sobchak knew about the peculiarities of her husband's body. His decision of Nastov explains what otherwise, the husband would not live with her for more than a year.

The most interesting is that the biological father of Ksenia is still alive, and Lyudmila learned about him details in 2002. To date, it is not known where this person is located. Lyudmila Nastov noted that Sobchak's family had no right to be offended. To date, Sobchak has been offended by Lyudmila for speculation of the surname.

It should be noted that before marrying Lyudmila, Anatoly Sobchak was a husband Nonny Stepanovna Sobchak. He lived together for 21 years. Today Nonna Stepanovna alive, she is now 72 years old. The only element that causes doubt throughout this situation is the presence of Mary's daughter from the first marriage among Anatoly Sobchak.

Maria Sobchak older than his sister for the past 16 years and lives at the moment in St. Petersburg. The daughters of the property after the death of the father were not divided. The eldest daughter of the former mayor of St. Petersburg became a lawyer. She does not give any interview with the press and does not like to go to the public. Mary differs from his sister cardinally and is an authority in a scientific environment.

Where is the older sister of Ksenia Sobchak

Maria Sobchak found work in the board of lawyers in St. Petersburg. In the higher educational institution, Maria was taught under the name of Petrova in order not to use the fame of the Father. Only after she achieved success in life, took her real last name. The direction of teaching a young girl was criminal law. Today, a woman is doing different directions: housing, family, criminal, broken-water.

Maria Sobchak argues that today with his sister does not communicate because of different views on life and worldview. A business woman has a husband and son. According to her, unpleasant for her personally is the fact that today the overall surname is associated with Russians only with Ksenia Sobchak and show business.

What implies the election program of Ksenia Sobchak

Recall, not so long ago, Ksenia Sobchak registered as a candidate for the position of president of Russia. She called "123 difficult steps" her election abstracts. First, Sobchak sees Russia by the Parliamentary Republic. In her opinion, the formation of the government should occur on the Will of Parliament.

At the same time, Ksenia Sobchak demands the burial of Lenin and prohibit the justification of the Stalinist repression of the first half of the 20th century. Also, the girl involves creating a new federal agreement, according to which the president cannot personally hold the appointment of governors. Regions should have rights to legislation.

Also, the pre-election program Ksenia Sobchak implies a change in the order of income distribution between the center and the regions, prohibit Russian officials to impede international trial and tribunals that are held over Russians abroad.

Ksenia Sobchak began his career on the Russian television screen as the leading scandalous show "Dom-2". Today she is no longer the scandalous blonde, which was in zero years. Now she knows how a witty publicist and an excellent interviewer. According to a joint rating of the "Echo Moskvy" radio station, the magazine "Ogonyuk" and the Agency "Interfax", published in March 2014, Ksenia Sobchak ranks 22nd among the most influential women in Russia.

She continues to transmit "Sobchak live" on the Rain TV channel, leads a blog in Instagram, and also takes the post of chief editor in the fashion magazine L'Officiel. In October 2017, Sobchak declared his intention to run into the presidents, replacing the voters to the Count "against all".

Childhood and youth Ksenia Sobchak

Famous TV presenter Ksenia Anatolyevna Sobchak was born in St. Petersburg on November 5, 1981. Father - co-author of the current Constitution of the Russian Federation, the first mayor of the post-Soviet St. Petersburg (headed the city from 1991 to 1996) Anatoly Sobchak (died in 2000). Mother - Senator from the Republic of Tuva since 2002, in the past, the State Duma deputy Lyudmila Nastov. But at the time of the birth of the daughter, the spouses were teachers who did not think about the political career: Anatoly Aleksandrovich - Law Faculty of Luge, Lyudmila Borisovna - the historical faculty of the Leningrad Institute of Culture. Krupskaya.

Sobchak has the eldest (for 16 years) Mary's sister, born in the first marriage Anatoly Sobchak with a philologist of Nonaya Gadzyuk. By education, she is a lawyer, worked in the St. Petersburg board of lawyers.

Ksenia studied first in the "English" school number 185, she received the certificate already at school at the RGPU named after Herzen. In parallel with the study, the girl was engaged in a ballet studio and attended the art school of the Hermitage. Teacher Vladislav Uspensky, who was engaged in musical education, and who gave her to the piano, came home to Sobchakov. He studied Ksyusha on perfectly, but was a purely humanitarian: physics and chemistry were given to her with difficulty. She read a lot, including the works of ancient Greek historians: Svetonia, Plutarch, Tacita, he knew all sculptures in the summer garden.

Close girls noted that she was extremely naughty and bolded child, often disrupted the lessons. In addition, Ksyusha has always been Ortre in the language. For example, when Anatoly Sobchak once tried to throw a disobedient daughter, she shouted: "To me, Democrat!". However, with the father of Ksyusha always easily found a common language, but with mom the relationship was tense.

Interview with 11-year-old Ksenia Sobchak

Ksenia Sobchak since childhood is familiar with the second president of Russia Vladimir Putin. In his youth, Vladimir Vladimirovich was an adviser to Sobchak on external relations.

In 1998, she became a student of the Faculty of International Relations of the St. Petersburg State University, but literally three years later, due to the move to Moscow, she had to be translated to a similar specialty in MGIMO. A year later, having received a bachelor's degree (her graduation work was represented by the analysis of the presidential regime in Russia and France), Sobchak received a magistracy at the politicalological faculty, which graduated from 2004, after which he went to the graduate school, which she never graduated.

Scandalous features and secular lioness

Fame came to Ksenia Sobchak for 16 years - it was then that she first hit the pages of the Russian Tabloid "Express Courier", which reported that the daughter of the mayor of St. Petersburg was kidnapped. In 1998, 17-year-old Ksyusha attributed a novel with a 43-year-old entrepreneur Umar Dzhabarilov, then with the publisher Vyacheslav Labemann, after - with Alexander Schustorovich, also publisher. In 2001, the media reported on the girls stolen from the apartment (according to documents allegedly owned by Labman) jewels in the amount of about $ 600 thousand.

All scandalous video Ksenia Sobchak

And although their relatives tried to protect her daughter from such attacks of the press, it seemed that the attention of journalists only heated by the passion of Ksenia to public provocations. The girl was frequent of all secular parties, her name often appeared in drug-related scandals, she also managed to play in a photo shoot for a male gloss.

Lyudmila Nastov, said that the shocking Ksenia was rooted in childhood, and was sure that such a daughter's behavior is a temporary phenomenon and will soon pass.

Ksenia herself later recognized that it was horrified by the "cocaine glamor" zero years, but reconciled and mimicated under fashion trends, because the image of the "blonde in chocolate" walked with a bang.

I was terrified from all this. But to live and survive in fashionable Moscow somehow necessary? Soon I was already trying to reconcile with reality with the help of silicone liners in Wonderbra and pink corsets.

House-2 and other TV projects

In 2004, Ksenia Sobchak became the co-host Ksenia Borodina on the scandalous project "Dom-2". It should be noted that the daring, not climbing the girl in a pocket in his pocket, but the format of an ambiguous realistic show, which brought Ksenia not only fame, but also a huge amount of criticism. So, in 2005, the Duma Health Committee sent a statement to the Prosecutor General's Office with a request to attract Sobchak to criminal liability (with the wording "for pimp and pension").

At the dawn Career Sobchak led the scandalous show "Dom-2"

With increasing popularity and interest in her Person Ksenia began to invite other TV channels as leading. Later, she led the transfer "Who does not want to become a millionaire" on TNT, "the last hero" and "two stars" on the first, "blonde in chocolate", "Top model in Russian" on MUZ-TV.

In 2008 and 2010, Ksenia Sobchak, together with Ivan Urgant, was the leading award of MUZ-TV. Thanks to the communicability and eloquence of Ksenia, the transmission with its participation has always been the genuine interest of the audience, although it is often with the "minus" sign.

Ksenia Sobchak reads verse about inflatable version of herself

By this time, her style has changed from glamorous to a more gentle and feminine - "A La Russe". Not the last role in changing the image played her friendship with the designer Ulyana Sergienko.

Soon Ksenia Sobchak became the leading radio broadcasting of the "Baubea Barabaki" (later renamed Barabak and Gray Wolf) on the radio station "Silver rain". In the spring of 2010, the girl's talk show "Freedom of thought" on the fifth canal, but after several issues left the project, since, according to her, "everything was rolled to the discussion of utility tariffs." Then for six months, it was the most co-hosting entertainment transfer of the "Girl" on the TV channel "Russia-1" created as an alternative to the project of the first channel "ProjectorParisHilton". Ksenia was Marina Blya, Alla Tytlatova and Olga Rustle. After 24 release of the first season of Ksenia left the program after the scandal with Vladimir Solovyov in the literal air.

Ksenia Sobchak in the program "Girl": Scandal with Vladimir Solovyov

In addition to the role of leading Ksenia, with great pleasure I tried myself in new endeavors, for example, I participated in the show "Circus with the stars" and starred in the video of Timati on their joint song "Dance".

In early July 2012, Ksenia Sobchak left the Dom-2 project, saying the following:

I left because internally turned this stage, and also because I consider it impossible to combine social activities with the maintenance of a similar show. I used to think that it is enough to reflect reality, and people will be horrified themselves, and now I understand that this is not enough, you need not just reflect - you need to create a reality to enlighten those who are still included in the disgusting matrix of lies and indifference of our society.

Actor career

The first role in the movie Ksenia Sobchak received in 2003, playing a journalist in the film "Thieves and Prostitutes". In 2006, the film "Blonde in Chocolate" came to the screens, the main role in which Paris Hilton was played. Ksenia duplicated the replicas of her character into Russian. In 2007, Sobchak got the role of a prostitute in the film Garik Harlamov and Mikhail Galusto "The Best Movie."

In 2008, Ksenia starred in the Rent "Hitler Cuput" as the mistress of Adolf Hitler's mistress. In the same year, such films came to the screens as "beauty requires ...", "no one knows about sex 2", "Europe-Asia" and "artifact", where the TV presenter lit up in episodic roles. In 2012-2013, it was involved in such paintings as the "short course of a happy life", Rzhevsky against Napoleon, "term", "Roman with cocaine" and "corporate party".

Ksenia Sobchak crashed into Euroset

With Euroset, the girl also connects the fact that in 2010 she acquired from the owner of Alexander Mamut 0.1 percent of the shares per million dollars. She is also one of the three co-owners of the Bagel cafe on Tver Boulevard in Moscow. In this institution, she invested about 17 million rubles.


Ksenia Sobchak wrote five books, one of them - in co-authorship from Oksana Roby (Zamuzu for a millionaire, or the marriage of the highest grade "(2009). The first printed work was the book" Stylish things of Ksenia Sobchak ". In the same year the book was published under The name "masks, shine, curiosity. Alphabet of beauty."

In 2010, the "Encyclopedia of Loch" was issued - a book defining "Loha" as "a person for whom self-sustaining above all." In the same year, together with Ksenia Sokolova, a collection of interviews, compiled on materials of articles for the magazine "GQ" - the book "Philosophy in Bouare" was released.


Ksenia Sobchak has repeatedly became a culprit or a participant in various scandals in the media. In 2008, she was died on Radio Radio "Mayak" with the leading transfer of the "cult of personality" Katya Gordon. During the interviews between them, a combination occurred, which continued on the Internet, as a result of which Gordon was fired from a radio station.

Ksenia Sobchak vs. Kati Gordon on Radio Radio "Lighthouse"

In 2011, Sobchak clung (in the figurative sense) with Anastasia Volochkova. Sobchak participated in the shooting of the transfer "Let them say" dedicated to the anniversary of the ballerina. This transfer was the starting point, after which Anastasia came out of the United Russia party, uniniefing and United Russia, and Sobchak.

Conflict Ksenia Sobchak and Anastasia Volochkova

Political activity

Until a certain point, the name Ksenia Sobchak was associated with the majority exclusively with the "yellow" scandals and "home-2", while in 2006 the girl did not declare the creation of youth movement "all free!". According to the design of Sobchak, the main goal of the organization was to become "funny and casual conduct of the struggle for rights", but these plans remained unrealized.

Actively show its civil position of Ksenia Sobchak since 2011. In December 2011, she actively rally against the falsification of the elections in the Duma, in March 2012 participated in the rally "For honest elections", and on May 8, the girl with Alexey Navalny was detained in Nikitsky gates. After that, her career leading on state channels rolled under the slope. The first thing was excluded from the list of the leading jubilee bonus "MUZ-TV". In the summer of 2012, in the apartment of Ksenia Sobchak, a search was made with the withdrawal of significant monetary amounts, but the investigation did not find anything illegal in the origin of funds, so they were returned to the girl.

The experience gained by Ksenia over the years of work on television has helped with the public expression of its political views. So, in 2012, the first edition of the Talk show "State Department with Ksenia Sobchak" came out on the MTV-Russia channel, which was called "where Putin is leading?". It was attended by the "Left Front" coordinator Sergey Udaltsov, a member of the Solidarity Movement Ilya Yashin and the head of the movement "In defense of the Khimkinsky Forest" Evgenia Chirikov. After the first release of the show was closed by channel decision, although low ratings were announced the official reason for the cancellation. Two weeks later, the first series of the Gosdep-2 program was published within the Internet version of the Snob magazine.

Politician and mayor of St. Petersburg Sobchak Anatoly Aleksandrovich, the cause of the death of which still periodically becomes the theme of publications in the media, has lived saturated events and bright life. He was a model of decency and political principle, he had a unique ability to see the potential of people and promote its implementation. Sobchak's activities left a significant mark in Russian history, and the descendants will still remember his name for a long time.

Origin and family

Anatoly Sobchak himself has always defined its nationality as "Russian", but his family had a very complex ethnic origin. Grandfather on the father's line Anton Semenovich Sobchak was Pole, took place from the impoverished. In his youth, he happened to passionately in love with the Czech girl named Anna from a rather wealthy bourgeois family. Her parents categorically did not want to see the son-in-law poorly shylychich and Anton had nothing left, how to steal the bride, especially since she herself did not object. To hide from the chase, the couple leaves for an unknown country to Russia. The marriage turned out to be very happy, but Anna dreamed of doing his own business all his life, a couple went down the money for many years, when the goal was already close, Anton Semenovich in one sat losing the entire accumulated amount in the casino. He was very fond of gambling. In addition to passion for the game, he with great fire was indulging in political activities - was a member of the Cadet Party. Before his death, as the family legend of Sobchakov says, the grandmother called on Anatoly and tolded to swear that he would never play a casino and politics. A little boy did not understand anything about politics, so I solemnly brought an oath that I would not play, but I said about politics. And all my life, he never sat down at a playing table. But with politics did not come out, he clearly surpassed his grandfather in political passion. According to the maternal grandfather Anatoly was Russian, and the grandmother - Ukrainian. Sobchak's father was a transport network engineer, and Mama is an accountant. The marriage was successful, but the times have fallen uneasy.


Anatoly Sobchak was born in Chita on August 10, 1937, besides him in the family there were still three children, one brother, however, died in a 2-year-old age. The family lived in Kokand, the conditions were very heavy. In 1939, Santa Anton was arrested. In 1941, Anatolia's father went to the front, and Mom alone pulled the family, in which there were three young children and two old grandmothers. At the same time, children were brought up strictly, but never punished and did not shout on them. Sobchak recalled that they always called parents on you, although it was alien to the environment in which they lived. But the origin gave itself to know, the dignity and decency at Sobchakov was in the blood. With the beginning of the war, an order came into their city urgently all Poles to send to Siberia. The neighbors and friend came to the head of the family, the head of the local administration and said that he had a passport form, and he would help them change nationality. So they became Russian. Although Anatoly Alexandrovich later always talked about what he considers himself Russians and not only in tongue, but in his love for this country. As a child, the boy read a lot, the good of the book was given to him a professor who was evacuated from Leningrad, he hesitated his special love for the northern capital.


At school, Anatoly studied very well, he always participated in public life, heard teachers and parents. He had two nicknames. One thing is a professor due to the fact that I knew a lot and loved to read. The second is the judge, because from childhood he was inherent in a strong sense of justice. In the certificate at the end of the school he had only two fours: according to geometry and Russian language. After the school, Anatoly Sobchak, whose biography began in Uzbekistan, enters the Faculty of Law. But later he decided to go to Leningrad. And in 1956, he translated into the University of Leningrad. The Sobchak student was beautiful, he showed a great diligence and received the Lenin scholarship. Professors loved Anatoly for a serious attitude to study and diligence.

Legal career

After the University of Sobchak Anatoly Alexandrovich, whose biography for many years was associated with jurisprudence, the distribution leaves to the Stavropol Territory. Despite the fact that he studied well, he failed to host to Leningrad. In Stavropol Sobchak began working as a lawyer. He lived in a small village, accommodation had to be removed. Local grandmothers went to his processes to listen to how he is "puzzled" says. Later he goes to work with the head of legal advice. But such work was clearly small for such a strong lawyer.

Career scientist

In 1962, Anatoly Alexandrovich returns to Leningrad. He entered the graduate school and in 1964 defended his master's dissertation on civil law. In parallel, he begins to work at the Militia School, where legal disciplines teach. In 1968, he goes to work at the Institute of Cellulosen and Paper Industry, where he was posted. In 1973, he replaces the place of work, this time he returns to his native University. In the same year, he is trying to defend his doctoral thesis, but does not undergo the procedure of approval in VAC. Later, Sobchak will still become a doctor of law and professor. He becomes Dean Jurfak, later heads the department of economic law. In Luge, he worked for more than 20 years. All these years he led an active scientific activity, led the writing of dissertations, published scientific articles and monographs. In 1997, Sobchak had to return to his scientific and teaching activities. He lived in Paris for almost two years, where he taught in Sorbonne, wrote articles and memories, published several scientific works.

Political activity

In 1989, Anatoly Sobchak, whose biography makes a turn, is actively involved in political change in the country. He participates in the elections and becomes a people's deputy. During the first congress of the People's Deputies, he is chosen to the Supreme Council of the USSR, where he was engaged in a familiar sphere - economic legislation. Also included in the interregional group of deputies, representing the democratic opposition of the current party. In 1990, Sobchak becomes a deputy Lensovet and at the first meeting it is chosen by the chairman of Lensovet. He performed a lot in the media, defending the left-liberal views, actively criticized the Soviet power and its form of management. At that time, it was very popular slogans and on this Sobchak began to quickly make a career. In 1991, he became one of the initiators of creating a movement of democratic reforms.

Mayor of St. Petersburg

In 1991, Sobchak becomes the first mayor of Leningrad. Anatoly Alexandrovich, as the mayor, enjoyed very popular among the inhabitants of the city. The last name Anatoly Sobchak has positive associations from most Petersburgers, because he began positive transformations in the city, held it from the chaos of lawlessness and poverty, which at that time was struck by many cities of the country. He attracted humanitarian aid from abroad to prevent hunger, which really threatened the city. The activity of the mayor did not cause everyone to be delighted, he was much reproached and accused. His personal character and the management style did not everyone liked, and he began to arise conflicts with local lawmakers.

Sobchak national team

Working mayor, Anatoly Alexandrovich was able to collect around him a unique managerial team. He led to the power of the whole Phariad of students, comrades, who today make up most of the ruling elite of the country. So, it was he who led to the Government of St. Petersburg former his student, Sobchak's graduate student Dmitry Medvedev actively helped his supervisor to conduct a pre-election campaign to the People's Deputies in 1989. Later, Anatoly Alexandrovich took him to work in the mayor's office for the post of Assistant Deputy Mayor for External Relations. And this head was not anyone else as Vladimir Putin. Sobchak began to cooperate with him back in 1991 in Lensovet. Anatoly Alexandrovich led a young reformer to the Government of St. Petersburg, he worked as an economic advisor to the mayor. Another Sobchak graduate student, Herman Gref also received a position in the city hall, he was engaged in the management of property. Also in the team of Anatoly Aleksandrovich worked such famous characters as Alexey Miller, Vladimir Mutko, Alexey Kudrin, Victor Zubkov, Sergey Naryshkin.

Political intrigues

Anatoly Sobchak, biography, whose personal story is full of takeoffs, knew and great defeats. In 1996, the elections of the mayor were held in St. Petersburg, who were accompanied by a fierce struggle. In the Sobchak, tons of compromising poured, he was accused of all sorts of sins: from diamonds and spouses to possessing some unprecedented real estate and receiving bribes. In those elections, Vladimir Putin was in the headquarters chapter. Anatoly Alexandrovich lost the election to his comrades and the deputy Vladimir Yakovlev. Immediately after this Fiasco against the Sobchak team began a real war. He began to truly strive, many former friends turned away from him. In 1997, he was attracted first to witness in the case of bribes in the city hall, and then he was charged with exceeding the powers and receiving bribes. The enemies were called bribes what was the help of the city from various organizations and businessmen.


Anatoly Sobchak, and whose political career still interests the public, remembered to many, as a person who returned St. Petersburg his historical name. But, in addition, he made a great contribution to the creation of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, much did for the formation of a democratic opposition in the country. He returned St. Petersburg the status of the cultural capital, laid the beginning of the tradition of holding many city festivals and holidays, led to Peter Game Goodwill.


Anatoly Sobchak, whose biography and life are an example of a selfless service to their Fatherland, received a lot of prizes and premiums, but the state awards from him, except for the medal to the 300th anniversary of the Russian fleet, was not. He was an honorary professor of 9 universities in the world, an honorary citizen of 6 different territories of the world.


The lost elections, unfair accusations led to the fact that in a short period, three infarction had happened to Anatoly Sobchak. This, apparently, allowed him to avoid arrest. In 1997, he leaving to Paris, where he corrects his health, and then remains to work. In 1999, the criminal prosecution of Sobchak was discontinued, and he returned to Russia. He again randle into the mayors, but again did not pass. In 2000, Anatoly Aleksandrovich became a trustee to Putin's presidential candidates. He needed on business in Kaliningrad, but he did not have time to reach. On February 20, 2000, he died in the town of Svetlogorsk. About how Anatoly Sobchak died, there were a lot of rumors and speculations. But the investigation has proved that neither poisoning nor intoxication was, he simply could not stand the heart.


When Sobchak Anatoly Aleksandrovich died, the biography of which was full of tests and strong solutions, people understood how people they lost, and suddenly the wave of honors to him stuck. The monument established on his grave created Mikhail Shemyakin. In honor of Anatoly Alexandrovich, several memorial boards are installed, a monument in St. Petersburg, a postage stamp is produced, its name is the square in St. Petersburg.

Personal life

Anatoly Sobchak, biography, whose personal life and today interests many people, was married twice. With the first wife of Nonaya, he met in Kokand. They got married when Sobchak was a student. The wife lived with him the most difficult years of formation, poverty, homelessness. They lived together for more than 20 years. The second wife, supported her husband in his political ambitions. She also realized several public projects in St. Petersburg, held several different positions at the mayor's office. Sobchak was so naughty and charismatically that women very much stretched to him. Even when he worked as a teacher, the student often wrote to him letters with confessions in love. Solva attributed to him many novels, right up to Claudia Schiffer. He himself just laughed in response.

Children Anatoly Sobchak

Anatoly Sobchak, whose biography was filled with work and politics, was a good father. He was born in his daughter in every marriage. Anna's eldest daughter gave him the grandson of Gleb, whom Sobchak adored. Junior daughter Ksenia today is known as a TV presenter and a journalist.

Anatoly Sobchak was born on August 10, 1937 in Chita, like many children born in the country, children had a bunch of nationalities. The grandfather's grandfather was a Pole, Grandma Czech; by Mother Grandfather Russian, Grandma Ukrainka. In addition to Anatoly in the family there were three more children. Father worked as an engineer on the railway, the mother worked as an accountant.

Despite this diversity, Sobchak always considered himself Russian - "For me, to be Russian is to think and speak Russian, be proud of your country and its contribution to the world heritage, and is ashamed of the Chechen war, Chernobyl, abandoned collective farm fields and poverty of the people, Whose country owns indispensable natural resources. Remember the victims of Stalinist repression and inter-ethnic conflict. But first of all, we are talking about faith! Vera in the world, democracy and prosperity of Russia, which we must leave our children and grandchildren.

Anatoly was one of the four sons. When he was only two years old, the whole family moved to Uzbekistan. In 1941, Sobchak's father went to the front, and all the children's content and raising children lay on his mother's shoulders. This poverty and half-starving existence had a great influence on the young Sobchak.

"When I was a small, rare and precious thing was food. I had many friends, good parents and pets, but I never had enough food. I still remember this is a constant feeling of hunger. Our only salvation was our goat, as we could not afford to keep a cow. My brothers and I went to collect grass every day. One day someone hit our goat stick, she fell ill and died. You know, I never cried so much in my life, as it was on that day, "said Anatoly Alexandrovich.

He went through hungry years and continued his studies, won the authority and popularity among peers. Even when he was a child, the peers gave him a "professor" and "judge" nicknames, because he had a wide range and was fair in resolving disputes. In wartime, Professors of the University of Leningrad, actors and writers were evacuated. Some Of these, they turned out to be the neighbors of Sobchak. The stories about the Leningrad and university life were impressed so impressed the boy that he decided that he would definitely go to LDU.

Student times

After graduating from high school, Sobchak entered the Faculty of Faculty of Tashkent University. He studied one year there, and then received a translation to the Leningrad State University. He loved to learn and very quickly was awarded the Lenin scholarship. At the same time, he married Nonn Gandzyuk, who also arrived in Leningrad to get an education. The young couple was very poor, however, what was missing in food or material benefits was compensated by the abundant cultural life of Leningrad, who Sobchak loved like a hometown. After some time, Sobchak and his wife had a daughter Mary, who later followed the footsteps of his father and became a lawyer. However, the marriage was unsuccessful and ended in divorce in 1977.

After the University of Sobchak, the distribution was sent to work as a lawyer to the Stavropol Territory. Sobchak worked there for three years, and three years later, in 1962 he returned to Leningrad to protect the candidate thesis and continue to work as a lawyer and teacher.

In 1973, he submitted a doctoral thesis, in which he put forward the ideas of liberalization of the socialist economy and closer ties between the state economy and the private market. His ideas were quite risky, and his thesis was rejected. Sobchak later learned that he was placed on the university's black list because of his support for his former professor who was fired after his daughter emigrated to Israel. Sobchak decided to postpone the protection of his doctoral. When he felt that the situation had changed, he wrote another dissertation, successfully defended it in Moscow and became a doctor of law in 1982.

In his Alma Mater, Sobchak founded and headed the first branch of economic law in the USSR. He worked there until 1989, when he went to politics. Sobchak's knowledge, wisdom and teaching manner made it very popular among students, and even when he became the mayor of St. Petersburg, he continued to lecture at the university.

Sentor Lyudmila Nastovova

In 1975, Sobchak met with Lyudmila's disorders, which was destined to become his second wife.

"I was divorced, and my husband did not want to give up the apartment for which my parents paid. It was a difficult situation, and someone recommended a lawyer who taught at the university. I was told that he was engaged in complex affairs and has a non-standard image of thinking. I went to the university to meet him, and ultimately had to wait for a very long time. Then I saw how after a lecture, young cute student students were commissioned around him, who asked him questions and tried to flirt with him, and thought that he would not help me. At that time I had no idea that he also survived the divorce and does not know about it.

We went to a cafe to discuss my situation. I was so upset that I began to tell him everything about myself and my life, and I cried all the time. He listened to me and decided that he needed to talk to my husband. He had a gift of conviction, and as a result, my husband retreated.

To thank the lawyer for help, I bought him a bouquet of chrysanthemums and prepared three hundred rubles in the envelope. These were money-monthly payroll. He took flowers and returned the money saying - you are so pale. Why don't you go to the market and do not buy fruit yourself. I was very offended by it. Three months later we met at some party, and he did not even remember me. And it was even worse. I made every effort to make sure that he would never forget me again! We started to meet, but we had a rather large age gap between us, he was thirty-nine, and I was only twenty-five. We met for 5 years, and he seemed at all in no hurry to make an offer. However, in 1980, we finally got married and in a year our daughter Ksenia, "recalls Lyudmila Borisovna.

Hardly a happy father guessed that several decades later, his daughter would surpass him in popularity and even would be a presidential candidate. However, when he took her from the hospital, everything that he dreamed of was to live long enough to celebrate her eighteen years old and did not guessed that he would die, just a couple of months after Ksenia Anatolyevna would celebrate his 18th birthday.

It was a second marriage, and Late-Sobchak adored his wife and admitted that she had to her life. She became not just his wife; She was his companion, struggling for the work of her husband and even for his very existence. Later he wrote that during his harsh persecution, her loyalty, courage and support won her great respect even from his enemies. Living and working so close to Sobchak, Lyudmila also joined politics, having wandered by the State Duma deputy in St. Petersburg in 1995.

From university life to politics

Meanwhile, Mikhail Gorbachev becomes the leader of the Soviet Union, as a result of the total reform of the country - restructuring, which marked the beginning of the democratization of power. In 1989, Sobchak was elected People's Deputy of the USSR in the first democratic elections in the country.

A talented lawyer and professor was talented and in politics. He was appointed head of parliamentary investigation of the shooting of peaceful demonstrators in Tbilisi, in 1989 - his report exposed gross misconduct staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and KGB for people. His direct issues during cross-interrogation of the then Soviet Prime Minister Nikolay Ryzhkov regarding orders and actions of all government officials broadcast across the country, which was unheard of just a few years ago.

Mayor of St. Petersburg

In 1990, Sobchak was elected chairman of the Leningrad City Council. Next year, on the general election of the head of the city, he was elected the first mayor of Leningrad. On the same day, a referendum was held on the return of Leningrad historical name St. Petersburg.

Sobchak quickly collected a strong team of young professionals, who were also talented managers. Most people from his team are now making up the political elite of Russia. One of his assistants was the former student Dmitry Medvedev, and the post of vice-mayor Vladimir Putin. Sobchak sincerely loved St. Petersburg, sought to improve his image worldwide and return the status of the cultural capital of Russia.

Meanwhile, the coup committed by the supporters of the Communist Party in August 1991, gave Sobchak the opportunity to enter the story. While Boris Yeltsin, President of Russia, gathered and coordinated the opposition in Moscow, Sobchak did the same in St. Petersburg. He boldly opposed the security forces and convinced them not to introduce the army into the city.

The coup failed, the Soviet Union broke up at the end of 1991, and Sobchak was the second most popular after Yeltsin by the political leader of Russia. His legal education and experience allowed him to practically write a new constitution of post-Soviet Russia. Nevertheless, Sobchak was probably too mild and could not use his immediate popularity after the coup to go to a higher level of politics. Instead, he hit the local policy of St. Petersburg and began to lose popularity after he failed to curb organized crime in the city. Soon, accusations of corruption and financial uncleanuriness began to appear in the press.

From the peak of popularity to criminal prosecution

In early 1996, Sobchak's competitors launched a complete campaign for his discredit, it was organized by his assistant Vladimir Yakovlev. Scandals with the participation of Sobchak and his team appeared in the press-they accused of inept management of urban resources, which led to the loss of hundreds of millions of dollars. Sobchak accused of illegal privatization of property in prestigious areas of St. Petersburg. Some believed that Sobchak and his popularity were too uncomfortable for Boris Yeltsin, whose second presidential term would be threatened if Sobchak rose decided to run away.

"I would not even want my enemies to experience what I and my family have survived over the past four years. From a person with an unmail reputation, I turned into a corrupt official, I was pursued and accused of all mortal sins, "Anatoly Sobchak wrote me later in his book.

He lost the election a little more than 1%, but the persecution did not stop. Sobchak had two heart attacks, and he felt very bad. In 1997, the investigators of the prosecutor's office tried to force him to question - he had to witness in the case of corruption. His wife insisted that Sobchak was too sick, so that she was interrogated, but the investigators did not believe her and triot him by force. She aroused an ambulance, and doctors diagnosed the third heart attack from Anatoly Alexandrovich.

After the hospital in November 1997, Anatoly and his wife leave for France. He lived in Paris for 2 years, he was treated, taught in Sorbonne and worked with archives.


Sobchak returned to Petersburg in July 1999. His most prosecutors were either fired or arrested in criminal charges. In October 1999, Sobchak received an official notice from the Prosecutor General's Office on the closure of a criminal case against him. All accusations published by the press were recognized by unreasonable. Sobchak restored his honor by winning the case against those who published slanderous materials about him.

In December 1999, Sobchak was running into the State Duma. However, the lack of support has played a decisive role, and tough competition with the city authorities-Sobchak lost, giving up only 1.2%.

On December 31, 1999, Boris Yeltsin is resigned, Vladimir Putin, the former Sobchak's Protege was appointed to the President of the President before the Martov elections. In turn, Putin appointed Sobchak his confidant in Kaliningrad, where he went on February 15.

Death and heritage

Five days, February 20, 2000, Sobchak was found dead. Immediately, in the press, the views of the Sobchak's wife and loved ones were the murder, but the autopsy found that the cause of death became acute heart failure.

Rumors of the murder appeared immediately, but the criminal case on the fact of killing (poisoning) the prosecutor's office of the Kaliningrad region opened only in May. An autopsy showed in St. Petersburg showed the absence of both alcohol and poisoning. In August, the prosecutor's office stopped the case. Although Native Brother Anatoly Alexander Aleksandrovich is still sure that the brother was killed.

Sobchak was a representative of a generation that pursued a political stage both in the Soviet and in the post-Soviet Russia. Woning massive popularity during restructuring, it became one of the ideologues and a political leader of capitalist reforms. In some sense, Sobchak's death coincided with the end of the presidency of Yeltsin, closed the romantic period of democratization of Russia.

Name: Ksenia Sobchak (Ksenia Sobchak)
Date of Birth: November 5, 1981
Zodiac sign: Scorpio
Age: 37 years
Place of Birth: St. Petersburg
Height: 167 cm
Weight: 58 kg
Activity: Politician, leading, journalist, public figure, actress
Education: SPGSU-MGIMO
Family status: Married to Maxim Vitorgan

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Ksenia Sobchak and Borodin
If you carefully examine the biography of Ksenia Sobchak, you can understand that, despite the fact that this decision of the project "House 2" was given hard, but it was right at that moment, because it began to grow further and show all the verge of their creative potential . And the talented is in many areas.

Since 2007, Ksenia Sobchak is trying to realize himself as a singer. She not only sang on his own, but even removed several clips from Timati, who immediately caused a lot of rumors about their difficult, but rather "warm" relationships.

In 2010, Ksenia becomes the leading multiple programs. So, on the fifth canal, she becomes the leading program "Freedom of thoughts", led and the transfer "Who wants to become a millionaire" on the TNT channel, on the MUZ - TV transmission "Blonde in Chocolate". It is worth noting that this list is big. But Sobchak's scandalous reputation should have followed him everywhere, and Ksenia had to often change the next place of their work.

In 2015, Sobchak becomes the leading program of the "Battle of Restaurants", which comes out on the Friday canal. As leading it could greatly use his audacity, and their scandalous character to correctly evaluate the work of restaurants.

For all his career, Sobchak starred in several filmmakers, and wishes at present to continue his actress career. Since 2008, she writes and publishes its books, which reflect the worldview of Ksenia Anatolyevna.

Personal life Ksenia Sobchak

The personal life of Ksenia has always passed to the general public. So, everyone knows that in 2005 Sobchak was going to marry a businessman from America Alexander Schusterovich, but suddenly 5 days before the wedding ceremony, this event was canceled. It is believed that the initiator of the parting was made by Ksenia Anatolyevna.

In 2010, Ksenia begins to meet Sergey Kontamov, who was at that time the head of the Moscow Department of Culture. He, being on the program "Let them say", was publicly recognized by Ksenia in love. But these relationships were able to exist only another year.

Immediately after parting with Sergey Drove Sobchak began to meet with Ilya Yashin, a politician. Together they appeared at events, and in secular parties, and on television gears. This relationship was destined to hold out only six months.