Tsarevna Frog Description of the main character. Heroes of folk fairy tales in the evaluation of writers

Tsarevna Frog Description of the main character. Heroes of folk fairy tales in the evaluation of writers
Tsarevna Frog Description of the main character. Heroes of folk fairy tales in the evaluation of writers

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Presentation on the topic: Tsarevna-Frog The image of Vasilisa Wolly

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Opening conversation What is a fairy tale? Where does the fairy tale have such power over time? Did you like the fairy tale "Tsarevna Frog"? What kind of fairy tales does it applies? Prove your opinion. You can call the features of the folk fairy tale (sticking, staining, ending, repetitions, permanent epithets)? Give examples from text.

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Opening conversation name the main heroes of the fairy tales. Why is the fairy tale called "Tsarevna-frog", although not one is the heroine of this fairy tale? Why is Vasilisa call a premoter? The fairy tale is called so because the first and most importantly, the meeting of Ivan Tsarevich with the Vasilisa enchanted his own father. The angry blasting immortal turned his daughter in a frog, and she picked up the boom of the younger Tsarevich

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Retelling a fairy tales. The composition of the Fairy Tale Plan 1. Oaksa Tsar Sons of Watching 2. Watching Tsarevichi.3. Meeting Ivan-Tsarevich with frog. Junior test: a) bake a loaf of bread; b) cutting out the carpet per night; c) come to the royal PIR.5. Pier at the king.6. Meeting Ivan Tsarevich with an old man. Ivan-Tsarevich's meetings with a bear, hare, spleen, Pike.8. Ivan-Tsarevich in Baba Yaga.9. Ivan-Tsarevich Koshcheev Duba.10. Happy fairy tale completion.

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Work on episodes. Watching Tsarevichi 1. Expressively read the episode. 2. In which words, the expressions of the read text appear magic, mysteriousness, fabulousness? 3.What will change if the text sounds differently: "The king lived in the state ... Ivan was afraid, I wanted to escape"? 4. How long was Ivan-Tsarevich his arrow? Why did he want to "retreat from his find", "Run"?

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Of course, exterior appearance "Bolotny Beauty" scared Tsarevich. Where is it possible to marry frogs? It's impossible. Everyone will laugh, and Tsarevich comes out sadly: - How do I get married you? Me people wait! But the princess-frog is patiently and persistently insistently insists on his, repeats the request: - Take, Ivan-Tsarevich, you will not regret it! What made the hero make a change to the frog, retained from a quick decision to abandon the green " Beauty "? (The unusual character of the heroine, the ability to talk, the mystery of what happened, an unclear desire to find out what will happen next.)

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First test. "Baking bread for one night" reading episode on the roles. What feelings covered the princess-frog at the moment when Ivan-Tsarevich returned? Seeing the sad Ivan-Tsarevich, she understood what something serious happened. His affectionate speech tries to calm her husband. The words of it are sincere, warm: "Not Tougan, Ivan-Tsarevich. Little to sleep better, to rest: Morning in the evening wisen! "Why does she hide from Tsarevich the thought about how going to fulfill the order of the king?

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First test. "Baking bread for one night" What features of the character of the heroine opened to us in this episode? How does Vasilisa bread bakes? We re-read the strings of the fairy tales and hear their extraordinary rhythm and smoothness: she took white sieve, small sieves, asked wheat flour, kneaded white dough, baked a loaf - loose yes soft, squeezed with different patterns of trees: on the sides - cities with palaces, gardens yes tals From above - birds volatile, from below - animals Risks. It turned out to get bread from Vasilisa and wives of the Senior Tsarevichi. Prove that the heroine has unusual advantages. What? How does the people call Vasilis at that moment when she worries?

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Second test. "Fabric carpet for the night" Expressive reading Episodaming descriptions of how the fabrics of the wives of the senior Tsarevichi, and the description of the work of Vasilisa Promudra. Why are the shortcomings of older daunures exaggerated so much? What is the purpose of this done? (In order to emphasize the art of Vasilisa Promudra, the desire to surprise Ivan Tsarevich, to earn the praise of the elders. The wives of the senior Tsarevich rushed to help Mamukhuk and Nyanyushki, and Vasilisa worked herself.) Watch, how does Vasilisa work? Where the collapse of the needle times, the sets blooms, where the collee is another time-spicy patterns go, where the collee is the third-paper fly. Conclusion: Rhythm has changed again, the prose text is again similar to the poetic, again the magic sounds "What new character numbers of heroin are you saw in this episode? (Diligence, everything makes it with your own hands, it does not expend your magic, did not fail Tsarevich for the second time.) Is it possible to determine how it belongs to the work of Vasilisa Ivan-Tsarevich?

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Make conclusions. Why does the people call Vasilis the Wovel? What qualities do the people glorify in the image of Vasilisa? Vasilisa Revinda - an image created by the people, he is collective, the best features of Russian are concentrated in it national Character. According to M. Gorky, Vasilis Promutra is characterized by majestic simplicity, soft pride for themselves, a non-free mind, deep, full of inexhaustible love heart. The main role of the heroine magic fairy tales - Be the assistant of your groom or husband. Only thanks to her, the heroes of fairy tales turn out to be together. Beauty - the connection of truth and good gives the wisdom in the image of beauty. IN AND. Distance

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Homework Find in the text examples of a special fairy tale warehouse and write 1-2 examples in a column as a poem. (Assistance will find on page 26, p. 27.) 2. Add reading in the faces of episodes "Meeting Ivan-Tsarevich with a Bear, Spiece, Zaita, Pike", "Meeting with an old old old man." .3. P. 26 Questions 5.6 (oral) .4. Prepare a story about Vasilis Promutrau. (According to the materials of the lesson.)

Continuing the work with the episode "How did Tsarevichi woven?", The teacher proposes to remember how long Ivan-Tsarevich was looking for him, as he first wanted to "retreat from his find", "Run". The teacher will continue to develop and complement the answers of the guys. Indeed, the appearance of the princess frog was afraid of Tsarevich, which confirm his own words: "How can I get married? Me people learn. "

But the princess-frog repeats his request for the second time: "Take, Ivan-Tsarevich, you will not regret!" The episode is extremely expressive and important to further understand the fairy tale. There is something to think about students. What kept Tsarevich? Why doesn't he leave? "The frog turns out to be unusual, she tells a human voice." This is amazing and conquers Tsarevich.

Schoolchildren read text on roles or retell, introducing a dialogue, trying to convey the main thoughts of the fragment. Working with the text helps schoolchildren answer the question: "What can we say about the princess frog and Ivan Tsarevich, reading the first episodes of the fairy tale?"

In the work on the episode "First Order of the Tsar" such questions are possible: What words do Zarevna-Frog Ivan-Tsarevich meet? How to pronounce them? ("What was so sealed? Or he heard the word nonlaskova from his father?") What features of the nature of the princess-frogs manifested themselves at the same time?

The tests to which the king of their daughters are subject to make sure that the unusual advantages of the princess frogs. Tsarevna immediately guesses that Tsarevich is saddened, and tries to calm him. We note what warmth, carelessly imbued with her words, as her speech sincerely: "Not tray, Ivan-Tsarevich. Long-ka better sleep, rest: Morning evenings wisely ... "

Students, during such a conversation, find out that princess was attentive, kind, caring and modest ("she carefully asks Tsarevich, immediately sees that he is saddened with something ..."; "She soothes him, herself thinks how to fulfill the orders of the king But until the pore does not say about this Tsarevich. This is also folk wisdom: "Do not run forward!";
"First do, and then say ...". So I am coming to Vasilis Wheel ").

We will pay attention to the fact that princess is called a premotion when they tell how she worries. Students reading and the retelling of this episode is celebrated real description labor characteristic of the Russian people and his life, and special rhythm, as if accompanying these labor processes:

She took frequent sieve,
Small sieves
Asked wheat flour,
Kneaded white dough
Baked loaf - loose yes soft.

Students talk about how the wives of the older brothers ordered the king. We note that the tale exaggerates the shortcomings of their work, the extreme degree of negative is taken (in one burned, in another raw). What is the purpose of introducing this exaggeration? Schoolchildren will be able to conclude that this exaggeration is emphasized by the art of Vasilisa Wastudra, which is surprised by Tsarevich and deserves a high estimate of the king: "This loop is only on big holidays!"

The retelling of the third episode is even more interesting for comparative work.

Recall that I wanted to know the king ("the king wanted to know how the wives can need an needlework. He ordered the wives of the sons" with their own hands "crawling" to the punishment on the carpet ").

What is the difference between Vasilisa Warlis? She is a place itself, the wives of other sons convene daubs, nyanyushki and red girls. Mother and Nyanyushki Tkut who is silver who is gold, who is silk. The fairy tale does not talk about what Vasilis's template is led, but everyone comes to life at the hands of a skillful master. When describing its work, the rhythm changes again. Students even for rumors determine that these lines sound like a poem. This text can be written in advance on the board and work on the expressive reading of the passage so that the children felt his special rhythm:

Where the collapse of the needle time -
Flower blooms.
Where the collee is another time -
Clear patterns go.
Where the collee is the third -
Birds fly.

Recall the episodes in which the admiration of Tsarevich's work is gradually increasingly increasing the work of Vasilisa Promudra. If in the first case the bread was that he "never didn't see", and Tsarevich "Diva was given", then in the second case, the carpet turned out to be such, "there is neither thinking about it, unless to say in a fairy tale," and Tsarevich said. There is not only the skill of the princess, but also the ability of Ivan Tsarevich to appreciate this skill.

As by the apotheosis of the wisdom and beauty of the princess frog is its appearance on the royal feast. In order to put her hands, the residues of food turn into lakes and swans, and then unexpectedly disappear. The art of printed frogs becomes extraordinary, magical. The beauty of Vasilisa Promudra opened to everyone.

By this time, schoolchildren will easily answer the question of the textbook: "What true beauty Vasilisa Promudra? "

Work hole artistic retelling The episode "PIR" is advisable to combine with the review of the reproduction of the painting of V. Vasnetsov and the illustration of I. Bilibin.

Picture V. Vasnetsova creates a generalized image beautiful princess: Next to her Houchrs, people. Illustration of I. Bilibina specifically depicts the episode of the Pir: in the center - Vasilisa is disgraced, on the manual of the hands of which miracles occur; Around people affected by what is happening. Here are possible different types Works:

1. Describe orally what you see on each of the pictures (heroes, furnishings, the appearance of the surrounding people, their mood, prevailing paints).

2. Compare the image of Vasilisa to Vasnetsov and Bilibin. Do you imagine the main character of the fairy tales?

After that, schoolchildren explain why Ivan-Tsarevich is so in a hurry to burn the skin of the princes. Tsarevna was saddened, but she does not scold Ivan Tsarevich, but only grantly reproaches him and at the same time helps the Council.

The last time the words of Vasilisa will sound at the very end of the fairy tales: "Well, Ivan-Tsarevich, I managed to find me, find, now I will be your whole century."

What appears before us Vasilisa to do? What is surprising and conquering everyone? These questions will be in conversation with students and bring them to the appropriate conclusions about the integrity of the nature of Vasilisa, the wise, beautiful, heart, modest, smart, patient, caring, hardworking and good.

What is Vasilis imagine the studiils of grade 5? The class listens to the stories and appreciates them.

Vasilisa is removed, which, according to Gorky, is characteristic of a majestic simplicity, contempt for the position, soft pride, a non-free mind and deep, full of inexhaustible love heart, focused on themselves the best features of Russian folk character.

To summarize the work, you can use questions: What did the king ordered his daughters? What did he know about them? Why did Vasilisa named the Wovere? What was the true beauty of Vasilisa Promudra?

For the next lesson, schoolchildren are preparing expressive reading In persons (episodes of Ivan-Tsarevich's meetings with a bear, spleen, hare, pike).

In the third lesson, work is completed on the fairy tale "Tsarevna-Frog". The lesson begins the conversation ("What was after Ivan-Tsarevich burned to the skin?") In which the teacher comes from the findings of students about the nature of Vasilisa Wasili to the question: "Dosto, Ivan-Tsarevich Vasilisa Wolves?" If some students say that it is hardly possible to consider it worthy ("After all, he burned to the skin," "He wanted to run, retreat"), the conversation will go even more and more directly, because other schoolchildren will definitely convince their comrades that Tsarevich hoses his guilt. At the same time, the guys remember the path of Ivan-Tsarevich, talk about him.

After the royal pyr - culminated episode Fairy tales when Ivan-Tsarevich burns a frog of the skin, it comes a sharp turn in the plot: the action is diminishing, the fairy tale becomes more dynamic. Ivan-Tsarevich will be forced to make independent decisions and act independently.

Does he decide to go in search of the princes? Let us remember the text: "Ivan-Tsarevich tanned unprecedentedly. Equipped, took the bow of the arrows, put on the iron boots, put three iron bread in a punched bag and went to look for his wife, Vasilis wisely. " Students, retelling this episode, noted that Tsarevich does not attend a minute, he decides to go in search immediately after the disappearance of the princes.

Reading on the roles of the episode of the meeting with an old man, students agree that Tsarevich hurried to burn the skin, did not appreciate the wisdom of the princess-frog and was punished for it. This is also talking about the old man, although he helps Ivan-Tsarevich in his further difficult way. Reading in faces or retelling episodes of Ivan-Tsarevich's meetings with a bear, spleen, hare, pike, schoolchildren answer questions: "Why did he want to kill them?" ("He was very hungry"); "How does he speak about it?"

The path of Ivan-Tsarevich ends with the Koshcheev oak, the description of which is extremely interesting. To help schoolchildren understand the meaning of this description, the teacher puts an auxiliary question: "Was the help of Tsarevich?" Here you can suggest read by heart the oak description. The question "Why is it important for a detailed description of the Koshcheev oak?" gives food for new thinking pupils (" Detailed description Oak need to show how difficult it was to defeat Ivan Tsarevich "; "If the oak of Koschev was not so terrible, then the beasts would not have to call ...").

So, in the nature of Tsarevich, we celebrate courage. He gained respect for himself what is fair, kind, fights against Koshiya, whom even Baba Yaga is afraid, calling him a villain.

Ivan-Tsarevich likes students. And they have their own ideas about him, which they express in the stories.

Analysis of the fairy tale "Tsarevna-Frog" Let's start with the exchange of impressions of the read, and then say: the heroine of the fairy tales "Vasilisa beautiful" and "Tsarevna-Frog" is the name of the same, but they look differently: one is called the beautiful, the other - Whatever, why?

Instant answer: one beautiful, and the other -Un ...

So, after all, Vasilisa recreed - Beauty, and Vasilisa will not refuse the mind! It turns out, in each case, the nick is important in particular. Vasilisa excellent wonderful mental qualities helped become happy, although at first she had to survive a lot of trouble and testing. Vasilisa Wolly, her natural mind created problems: I had to live a frog, and then languish in the wicked kingdom.

What is more important - to be a premotion or beautiful?

The question is not easy, but let we reflect on it. First, everyone talks about the advantage of wisdom, including in this concept and mind, and the art of bread maker, and weaving, and skill

Compare lexical meaning Words are beautiful and led. Which one is wider in meaning?

Comparing them, children understand that the meaning of the word is the wonderful meaning of the word Words, because the concept of the wonderful can include the mind, beauty, and kindness, and various skills and talents, and in general the best in man. But the concept of dispenser is connected only with the mind. The mind, of course, is good, but in combination with spiritual qualities (kindness, mercy, honesty, courage and other, without which there is no real person), otherwise the mind can serve as an evil. Therefore, it is better, probably a woman to be beautiful than just a woven ...

Probably, therefore, the creators of the cartoon on the fairy tale "Tsarevna-Frog" were entitled His "Vasilisa beautiful". Today we will see fragments from it.

Next to Vasilisa Promutoray another one the main character - Loving Ivan-Tsarevich.
Ivan-Tsarevich is the traditional name of the hero of Russian folk fairy tales. Let's try and he will come up with a nick, in which his essence will express.

(Kind, merciful, loyal, patient, stubborn, loving.) In a weak class, we ask from the names of the nickname to choose one thing and justify your choice.

- What is the most accurate of the proposed nickname?

(The guys choose between loving and faithful and stop on the first, because the loving is always true.)
- Is it possible to say that Vasilis Wovel and Ivan-Tsarevich fell in life
Difficult trials? Justify.

Yes, life is experiencing them quite severely. Vasilisa paid for his wisdom. "Vasilisa led his father-wise father's father, the won immortal, it was crushed, he was angry and ordered her to be a cube for three years," says Ivan Tsarevich an old man.

- What do you think, why Vasilisa, who is wiser and cunning his father Koshi, did not take advantage of the wisdom and did not come out of the frog image?

Children answer immediately: Because Koschey is her father, and she does not dare not to fulfill his order ... Ivan-Tsarevich needs to be married to the frog, to endure all the ridicule, then see the beauty of his wife and immediately lose her, then in the trials and works return.

- Which of them are harder, in your opinion?

It's hard to both: difficult it is the tests, they require patience and perseverance, but
I still got to Ivan Tsarevich - how much you had to overcome, to find Vasilisa! Then why is a fairy tale called "Tsarevna-Frog", and not " Ivan Tsarevich And the princess-frog "?

Why, all his life focused on this princess, for the sake of it, he endured, sake it strange and did it because he loved ...

- Recall the first reaction of Ivan-Tsarevich on a frog with an arrow in the legs. (Includes a fragment from the cartoon "Vasilisa beautiful", 1954)

- What made him take a frog? Maybe her promise: "Do not you regret ..."?

The first reaction of Tsarevich is a confusion and horror: "Ivan-Tsarevich wanted to escape and retreat from his find ..." In the cartoon there is a touching item: a big tear in front of a small frog, from which Ivan-Tsarevich is ready to refuse. But he becomes sorry for him. And he remembers the skills of the father - to marry that near the house of which will fall the arrow - and does not dare to leave the parent will. Just like this can do this Vasilisa ...

- Ivan was right, not doubting that he was laughing in the palace?

Rights: "We have laughed brothers over him." Only Father laughed.
- What do you think: why?

He himself gave such an order. And then, probably, the father knew something that he had not yet known his sons in his youth. What could he know this? Let's try to guess, and for this think: why did the king staged the test for the daughter-in-law? (The daughter-in-law is the wife of the Son.) What did he want to know about them?

He wanted to know what they knew if they were good in family life.

- Are these skills important - oven, weave, dancing?

Of course, important: Wife should be able to delicious to feed her husband and take guests, weaving the canvas and sew, please the dance yes singing ...

- How did senior daughters have done with the tasks of the king?

"... the boyars's daughter burned the bread, the merchant - raw and comfortably turned out." The carpet, woven the wife of the senior Tsarevich, can be "only from the rain of horses to cover." Middle Tsarevich's Wife Carpet "Only at the gate ... to strive."

But the princess-frog did everything better. We re-read how Vasilisa baked loaf. "She took frequent sieve, minor sieves, asked wheat flour, kneaded white dough, baked a loaf - loose yes soft, squeezed a loaf with different patterns of trees: on the sides - cities with palaces, gardens yes towers, top - birds, beasts ... "

- What do you think, did he quickly come out?

No, Vasilisa spent the whole night on him, worked not to downtrend, to please Ivan Tsarevich. Therefore, I got it a loaf of the highest rating: "This bread is only on big holidays!"

- As you think, why is it so detailed about the work of the princess frogs and does not say anything about the work of the senior brothers?

Tsarevna-Frog tried, put the soul to his work, wanted to make a loaf not only delicious, but also beautiful, and the wives of the older brothers did everything somehow: they are not used to, you can see, work ...

You can still bake bread in one night, but the carpet will weaken ... This is a miracle, it is necessary for a special wisdom. Senior daughter-in-law stunned and let's collect yourself: "They became worse to click Mamushem, Nyanyushki and Red Girls - to allowed them to have carpets. Immediately Mamuhki, Nyanyushki Yes Red Girls gathered and began rugs weave yes to embroider - who are silver who is gold,
Who is silk. "

- How does Vasilisa work?

"Where the rolling of the needle - the flower will bloom where the cringe of another time - the cunning patterns go, where the cringe of the third - birds fly ... the sun has not risen, and the carpet is ready."

- What do you think helped her make it a miracle? Is it just in her wisdom here?

Probably, she loved her husband and wanted not to bring, please the beauty of the man-made and, maybe, once again remind you that it is not only an appearance to surprise the world ... Obviously, this secret knew the king-father, not in vain, he gave the tasks of the days: It is known that there is no external beauty family happiness goes ...

- What do you think, after these tests, could older daughters understand that the youngest is better and more artistic?

Of course, but they do not want to understand. Why? They appreciate a person not by skills and art, but in appearance. Therefore, on the feast, they are spoiled, diluted. Explain the values \u200b\u200bof these words. Speed \u200b\u200b- mean
Well, elegantly dressed or mean something else?

Fifth-graders say that smasted, diluted are dressed with frills, shriekingly, maybe excessively painted.

- Why are they so dressed?

In order to attract attention, show your superiority over others, and maybe emphasize your wealth.

- What were the worshi of the older brothers?

What is already here, on the feast, they will be better than the frog-cake! Where is she to them?!
But it was on the feast that the final temper of older daughters occurs. Ka-

First, Vasilisa striking all his beauty. "Vasilisa disperse itself as the sun is clear glowing. Everyone is missed for her, admire, from surprise the words can not express. "

Secondly, everyone conquers the dance of Vasilisa. Let us show a fragment of a cartoon where in the dance of Ivan Tsarevich and Vasilisa Wolly, in what the heroes look at each other, the whole strength of their love is tangible.

What did you see in dance fabulous heroes? What did you manage to feel?

An option may be working with the reproduction of the painting V.M.vasnetsov "Tsarevna-

How does the artist pass the mood of the total fun, joy that is created by the dance of the princess-frog?

Tsarevna Grazical, beautiful, she dances with pleasure and joy, its joy is transferred to musicians, and guests.

- And how did the older daughters show themselves?

Senior daughter-in-law is only stupidly monkey, repeating everything for Vasilisa, everything that she did - and as a result disgraced and were expelled from the palace.

"Why did Ivan-Tsarevich, without waiting for the end of the pyr, ran home and burn a frog skin?" Do you condemn it? Is it possible to understand his act?

Ivan-Tsarevich so delighted the surprise of his wife's beauty unexpectedly, which is afraid: suddenly it will disappear and he will see a frog again instead of beautiful ...

Of course, he suffered as much time ridicule, it is possible to understand it and it is difficult to condemn it ... But Vasilisa, not finding frogs, "Wrapped with a white swan and
flew into the window. " So Ivan-Tsarevich is punished for impatience, and maybe for the fact that at least for a moment the external beauty was more important for him.
Ivan Ivan-Tsarevich. But if he loves, must certainly find his wife ...

- What qualities showed Ivan-Tsarevich during the search for his wife?

Patience, perseverance, purposefulness, desire to find a favorite wife.

- Find the proof of this in the fairy tale.

He passed the huge distances, suffered all sorts of deprivation: "The tangle is rolling high mountains, rolls dark forests, it rolls on green meadows, rolls on the frying swamps, rolls along the deaf places, and Ivan-Tsarevich everything goes and goes behind him - will not stop at either an hour. "

- Why did he all help him?

To all those opposed, he is respectful and welcoming; Good and responsive: no matter how much it wants, he does not touch any animal or a bird or fish. On his good, everyone is responsible for good and come to the rescue good young people in a difficult moment.

Why did Ivan-Tsarevich managed to find and return his wife?

He loved her, sought to her with all his heart, understood that he had made a mistake when he was burned with a frog, showed impatience and his ware in his wife for a long tomression in the Koscheyev kingdom. But there is nothing insurmountable for loving. So says the Russian proverb, and the fairy tale once again proves it ...

Brief characteristic of the heroes of the fairy tale "Tsarevna Frog" is set out in this article.

The fairy tale "Tsarevna - Frog" is folk and carries a certain meaning - she teaches Good, faith in the victory of good evil. Like everyone else magic leads, there is a happy ending And the main characters.

Characteristics of the main characters of Tsarevna Frog

In this fairy tale, there are two main characters - Ivan Tsarevich and Vasilisa to recover, around which all its plot twisted. So we made up for you short description The heroes of the tales of the princess frog.

Characteristic Ivan Tsarevich

He is most junior Son. Tsar and, moreover, idle. It can be seen from the fairy tale that he has respectful and trusting relationships with his parents, because at the insistence of his father he put an arrow in order to find his wife. And even when Ivan Tsarevich fell into the frog, he still married her on the advice of his parents.

Among the negative features of his character, impatience is distinguished, susceptibility and very often he has no opinion. You just remember when Ivan Tsarevich before the desired time burned to the frog of the skin Vasilisa Wolly, due to the fact that the older brothers laughed at him. But at the same time, the main character has iron Volay, He is purposeful and not timeting before difficulties (Tsarevich Izgzhaz 3 Iron bread and extended 3 pairs of iron boots), kind and merciful not only towards people, but also to animals. From this it should be concluded that Ivan Tsarevich is positive Character. He did nothing wrong with anyone.

Reading the fairy tale can be observed for its transformation: Initially, the hero was home and capricious, but coming out of the care of the parents, he passed a long way of complex tests and revealed as a brave, bold man.

Characteristic Vasilisa Promudra

Vasilisa Revinda is the main female Character. It has a majestic pride and simplicity, mild character and flexible mind, as well as full heart inexhaustible love. The girl is focused on the best features of a Russian nature. No wonder it was called the hell. She mastered the magical wisdom in perfectness and in this business surpassed even his father - a powerful sorcerer. Vasilisa also showed himself as a needlewoman, hostess and wizard. Main trait Her character is the ability to make the right decisions and keep calm in any trials.

Russians folk tales taught that the main thing in man is not an appearance, but his inner world and actions. You need to be kind, help other people, hardworking. All these qualities have a princess-frog whose characteristic is presented below.

Brief character character

The characteristic of the printed frog is worth starting with the history of the heroine. For the first time, the reader meets with her when Ivan-Tsarevich's Arrow falls into the swamp. Of course, Tsarevich is upset by the fact that his bride should become a frog. After all, he did not know that she was enchanted princess. But the frog persuaded to take her with me. The king decided to test his daughter in what they are needlewomen. Ivan was upset because he thought his frog would not cope with the tasks. But while he slept, she fulfilled all that the king demanded.

One day, all Tsarevichs needed to go on a feast with their brides. And then the Tsarevna-Frog dropped his skin and turned into Vasilis wisely. Everyone was amazed by her beauty. Ivan burned a frog skin, because of what the girl was forced to leave him. Then Ivan-Tsarevich goes to look for the blasphemy of the immortal and frees his bride. So the Tsarevna-Frog became Vasilisa Will.

Exterior of heroine

The characteristic of the printed-frog needs to be given and a description of its appearance. Most The narration of the heroine is in the appearance of the frog. This emphasizes the moral of the fairy tales: the main thing in man is not a beauty, but its inner world, hard work, mind. If you remember, in fairy tales from Vasilisa there are two additions to the name: Wheel and beautiful. In the case of the printed-frog, the first option was selected. That is, in this fairy tale, the main emphasis is on the fact that a person must appreciate the first mind.

When she turns into a girl, then her appearance becomes the one that all Russian beauties was: Static, with a slim mill, long oblique. But still, more attention is paid to the actions of the princesses.

Inner world of heroine

The characteristic of the printed frog needs to be told about the character of the character. main character Good, intelligent and precisely thanks to his wisdom and a smelter she copes with the royal tasks. At the same time, Tzarevna has a tendency to artistism. It appears on the peer in the box accompanied by thunder and lightning. There also demonstrates tricks.

But it does it, rather, not to attract attention, but as a mockery over lazy and stupid brides of the brothers. Vasilisa dispenser is the ideal of Russian beauty - a beautiful and wise, ready always and to help her husband.

Vasilisa and Ivan-Tsarevich

You can briefly write the characteristic of the heroes of the "Tsarevna Frogs". King is shown as smart manThat understands that a lazy and stupid man can be behind a beautiful appearance. And Ivan-Tsarevich is shown as a person who is important to the opinion of the Company. After all, so he was upset that his bride should be an ugly frog. And when he saw Vasilis, then hurried to burn the skin with frog. And it shows that he was more important than the appearance than the inner world of the bride. But during the search, Ivan becomes brave and learns to appreciate the mind and smelting.

The characteristic of the printed frog from the fairy tale "Tsarevna-frog" shows that a person should be able to appreciate the inner world of near, his willingness to help others, courage and intelligence. On the example of Ivan Tsarevich, it is shown how the views of a person can change, he learns to appreciate important things.

Vasilisa recruited is the embodiment of the ideas about the Russian girl. It combines beauty, mind and kindness. After all, thanks to his wisdom, she has Tsarevich to him. And Ivan-Tsarevich is an example of the fact that a person who can appreciate not only external, but also inner beauty, finds happiness.