What is aware of the life of the family d Khvorostovsky. Passion and tenderness

What is aware of the life of the family d Khvorostovsky. Passion and tenderness
What is aware of the life of the family d Khvorostovsky. Passion and tenderness

Name: Dmitry Hvorostovsky (Dmitri HvoroStovsky)

Age: 55 years

Place of Birth: Krasnoyarsk

Place of death: London, Great Britain

Activity: opera singer

Family status: was married to Flowrans Ill

Dmitry Khvorostovsky - biography

Khvorostovsky is a classic opera singer.

Best concert platforms Compare for the right to invite Dmitry Hvorostovsky. PEOPLE magazine includes it in the list of fifty most beautiful people Planets. But the glorious vocalist is not at all similar to those lubricant young people who, with varying success, balance on the verge of classical and pop music. He is the successor of the great traditions opera singers Russia, having a talent and charisma idol of millions. Dmitry is one of the best baritons of modernity, brilliantly performing and opera classics, and Russian romances.

Dmitry Alexandrovich Hvorostovsky was born in 1962 in Krasnoyarsk, where he graduated from the pedagogical school. A.M. Gorky and Institute of Arts. From 1985 to 1990 he worked in the Krasnoyarsk State Opera and Ballet Theater. And already in 1987 won the first award at the All-Union Vocalist Competition. M.I. Glinka.

Two years later, international fame and international fame - after the triumphal victory in British Cardiff at the Television Competition of the BBC "Singer of the World", where he was awarded the title " Best voice" In the same year, the legendary debut of Hvorostovsky took place in the prestigious London Wigmore Hall, about which respectable Times wrote: "I came, sang, won!"

Dmitry Khvorostovsky - illness

At the end of June last year, Dmitry Hvorostovsky suspended his concerts, speeches for health. This became known from the message published on official page Popular opera singer. Dmitry is resolutely configured to defeat the terrible disease and all artist fans sincerely wish to quickly cope with this bad disease in order to again enjoy the presence of their idol.

Dmitry Khvorostovsky - personal life

The first marriage of Dmitry occurred in 1991 with former ballerina - Svetlana. Having lived together for eight years, the spouses broke up because of the treason of the spouse, despite the fact that they were born twins and a girl by this time.

With the second wife, Florans Illy Khvorostovsky was lucky, the warmth, love and peace killed in their personal life. Loving spouses raise two children: Maxim Son of Twelve and daughter Nina eight years.

Today, the concert schedule of the laureate of the State Prize and people's Artista Russia Dmitry Hvorostovsky is scheduled for several years ahead. Despite his extreme employment, the singer kindly agreed to answer our questions about creative biography artist, personal life singer, and much more ..

- Amazing baritone Dmitry Hvorostovsky - is it primarily a natural gift or the fruit of hard work?

Of course, the singer should have a hearing and a good voice. The presence of congenital talent is necessary, but opera Art There is its own specificity and numerous secrets that need to be mastering. Then the voice turns into an ideal tool, unique music. He not only acquires the ability to fill out all the acoustic space of the theater or concert HallBut it becomes truly emotionally saturated.

And how early it was originated in the Khivostovsky passion for classical music, to opera singing, tell me how creative biography began?

I sing about two or three years old, I remember. Since childhood, I listen to music and classical singing.

- Probably, when guests came, parents put little Dima On the chair and asked for something to sing?

Yes, it happened. My Father, Alexander Stepanovich, Pianist and Singer. He is not a professional in this area, but precisely thanks to him, I have listened to the classics from ornamental years, especially the piano. Opera and Symphony records sounded in our house. I absorbed this music with a soul and heart.

And representatives of the older generation of your family - grandparents - in their biographies there was some kind of attitude to music?

Highly musical man There was my grandmother, Maria Nikolaevna, who grown me. She was just a store folk songs, stories and fairy tales. Sometimes we sang with her two voices.

- Who taught you professional singing?

I mastered the vocals in the Krasnoyarsk Institute of Art under the leadership of Ekaterina Konstantinovna Ether. In my creative biography, she was my mentor from the first to last courses. I learned to her very much. First of all expressiveness and immediacy. Even by performing exercises, vocalization, I had to have to sing with an emotional promise.

It was interesting, but difficult. True, even before entering the institute I knew that you need not just to fulfill musical composition - you need to create finished at the same time artistic image.

Even on entrance exams I thought about it, and not about how to keep to the end and not forget the words. So the lessons of Catherine Konstantinovna fell on fertile soil - I began to develop very quickly. From the second course sang in opera House. First, as an intern, and then became the youngest soloist there.

By the time I was released, I was already enough famous singer. There is one more important thing, which I taught Ekaterina Konstantinovna: Control yourself and learn independently. Therefore, after the Institute, I don't do anything more specially, I work myself.

In 1990, Dmitry Hvorostovsky went out Soviet Union to the west. It is clear that the country was not until high artBut personally for you that served as the last impetus to the decision to leave the homeland?

And I did not leave it - at least for a long time. He continued to constantly come to Russia, for some time lived in the capital, working under the contract. But the work in the Krasnoyarsk theater I first postponed, and then I was forced to quit. I did not have time, nor the opportunity to come and sing performances. But I continued to give concerts. From the 89th, I will definitely perform two or three times a year in Moscow.

- But still, does Nostalgia do not torment you?

It is difficult for me to stay in one place for more than two days. Wherever I was - in Moscow, Krasnoyarsk or New York, - I am pulling me all the time on the road. Constantly thinking about future projects. Even when I am immersed in the current work, my thoughts are always addressed for two or three months ahead.

- Do you consider yourself a "citizen of the world"?

Of course. Staying Russian, Siberian, I have long been feeling comfortable almost everywhere. I don't just come to other countries, I come back there. For example, in New York I feel at home - I am very good there, because in this city I am even more often than in Moscow. I feel the same in London or Paris.

There are many Russians in London. Hvorostovsky do not have discomfort from obsessive attention from compatriots?

In London, as in other cities, I am only from time to time. Therefore, rarely communicate there with compatriots. Although Russian speech now sounds everywhere - not only in the center of London, and in the most unexpected places: alleys, parks ...

But in general, you do not burden the load of popularity? Do not occur to return to those times when the worldwide glory Dmitry Khvorostovsky was still ahead?

I look in the future, and not in the past. And I do not want to come back anywhere. Memories of some events cause trembling in me. I want to forget about what happened once. Perhaps this is not quite right, but I do not think about the past.

And yet, it would be about the past that I would like to ask the next question. Spouse Dmitry Khvorostovsky - Flores-Shweight singer of Italian origin. How did your relationship begins, the biography of personal life?

First time after our acquaintance I avoided it. At that moment I was already married. And although this marriage has long been rolling under Sunny, I still tried to save the family. Therefore, I ran from Flowrans like fire. But the fate is not to run away, and I am very grateful to her for the fact that she in the end we connected us. I am happy with Flowrans. Previously, I could not imagine that it was possible. She helps me in everything. We have two children: Son Maxim, and the daughter of Nina. We are very good and interesting.

You have two more twin children from the first marriage. Do they somehow manifest musical genes of Hvorostovsky? Do they also draw to elegant arts?

Yes. I have very musical children: playing the piano, sing in the choir. And make certain successes. Danya, for example, began singing solo. He is generally a talented boy: in eight years old plays the program for the third and fourth grades of the music school. Sasha's daughter also does not lag behind his brother. She has a good voice. True, everyone says that she sings quietly. But sing quietly - does not mean singing badly.

- Dmitry Hvorostovsky is a very charming man. Are women often explained to you in love?

In my life there were enough meetings with women. This is a profession - I am always in sight. And the attention of the best half I am not deprived.

- Do they write notes after the concerts?

Yes, sometimes.

In the creative biography of Hvorostovsky, much means the topic of Russia. Do you listen to old performers who are considered to be expressed by the Russian National Spirit? For example, Shalyapin?

I grew up under the singing of Shalyapin. It remains one of my favorite performers. And not only Russians. For me, he is an example of a real cosmopolitan in art. Shalyapin forced people in the West to pay attention to Russian culture as a whole. I listen to other domestic singers. I have a lot of records of Shanovna, Nezhdanova, Maksakova, Maksakova, Pirogov brothers.

- Recently, a wonderful Russian singer Boris Shtokolov passed away. How do you feel about his work?

I was not personally familiar with this artist, but I remember well, as I first saw him on the scene. I was still a boy when the stockwers came to Krasnoyarsk with a concert. He was then very popular. The genre of the Russian romance is obliged to shtokolov very much. He had a unique manner of performance. Whenever it comes to such works as "Gori, Gori, My Star ..." or "Ranger, do not drive horses ...", in memory, it is his voice.

- And how do you feel about your colleagues on the opera workshop - to Elena Exena, Irina Arkhipova? ..

I love them! I love them! Irina Konstantinovna Arkhipova at one time helped me very much in life, and in creativity. I always took and take an example with her as with wonderful man and professional. And Elena Vasilyevna Exodzova - amazing woman, in front of which I just bow. I was lucky to work with this artist and, I hope, in a short time, our cooperation will resume.

She is a unique singer. I have huge collection records of the exemplary seventies-eighties. At one of them, made in 1973 on the play "Aida" in Metropolitan Opera, heard, as after fulfilling its party, the hall does not shut down within fifteen minutes. Like anywhere, never happened to anyone. Most cold War - And they meet her! And it does not even be called singing. It's just a "tigrin" cry of the soul. Before this woman, I, at least, take off my hat.

When the channel "Culture" on New Year Showed your concert with the "People's Songs" program, the operator snatched Alexander Gradsky's face from the hall, who listened to you with interest ...

Gradsky is a phenomenon and in our life, and in our art. This figure is noticeable for many years. I respect him very much.

We really have a lot of young talents. And they are already singing around the world. For example, soloist Mariinsky Theater. - one of the most popular singe in the world. In the West, this artist sings for ten years, but we, unfortunately, know her badly. Anya is also very beautiful woman - She even has a promotional contract with Rolex.

Or Katya Surin, for the fate of which I constantly follow and very carefully. This is a singer with unique data. She now speaks in almost all leading opera house theaters of the world. And the wife of Nikitin from Mariins is only twenty with a little, and he already sings "Boris Godunova"! You just need to know about these people, talk and write about them. So you, journalists, here and cards in hand.

And what do you think about modern pop music? You are not annoyed by endless "stars factory", which appeared on Russian television?

Everything has its place and time. "Star Factory" is a fairly curious project, it can be viewed. People are watching with interest as from all the "green" girls and boys with time something turns out. This is real television show. Time will show whether its participants will be the stars. To a certain extent, they turn into stars, simply melting on the screen. But still the game is worth the candle, and the appearance similar Shaw I welcome.

However, there is not only the "stars factory" on television. There are, for example, the Culp channel, who introduces the viewer with classical music. In the current world, this is a big luxury and a huge achievement. A similar channel should be supported in every way, you need to try to save it. Indeed, in other countries, the classic on television is rare - rather as an exception from general rules. In the US channels such as "culture", in my opinion, there is no.

Dmitry Hvorostovsky is not easy to work - you sing live, without a phonogram. How do you manage to keep yourself in uniform? Do you do sports or good physical data from nature?

From nature, of course, too. But you need to follow yourself. After all, the work of the opera singement is hard work. Many productions include physical exercise: Jumping, tricks, staged fights, fencing.

- Havorostovsky Dmitry never had a desire to play in a movie as a dramatic actor?

Five years ago I played in the Canadian film "Don Juan". At the same time, two roles are Don Juan and Lepogello. But the work in the cinema is, first of all, a huge time spent, which I have for gold weight. The production of one tape takes at least a few months. To make up such requirements your schedule is very difficult for me.

There are some suggestions, and I think over them. I can not say what happens, but what is not. Many people talk about what to be filmed. Yes, and I myself is interesting. But now I continue to do what I can best.

Modern opera lives according to the laws of show business. Speeches Jose Carreras, and Luciano Pavarotti collect stadiums. Do you feel yourself involved in this grand car?

Turning out a gnaw, lie in the body. I find it difficult to correct from modern realities. Such concerts collect millions of people and bring appropriate dividends. And, of course, participation in them became part of my work. I sing in stadiums, and on other large sites. Not used to, but I sing ... Thanks to the three tenors that you mentioned, an independent genre of the mass pop-classics has already been formed, which sounds on large TV channels.

The corresponding pop culture originated - externally beautiful, but, of course, retouched, resembling delicious chocolates. Perhaps these singers themselves did not expect a similar effect. But what to do? I have to put up with it. For such concerts, a more affordable repertoire is usually selected, which is easier to digest. But even in such a gilded wrapper classical music Anyway is better than Popes. After all, someone may eventually pay attention to a higher and interesting art.

- What awaits listeners performed by Dmitry Hvorostovsky in the near future?

Dmitry Shostakovich's cycle for Sonnet Michelangelo Buonotti. This is a complex and very interesting music for me. Connoisseurs classical ArtI hope you enjoy. Most recently, we first executed Suite from this cycle in Luxembourg. Plans are generally a lot. Soon I have to sing the "peak lady" in La Rock, where Yuri Temirkanov will conduct. But I want to fulfill something with him in Moscow.

I acted a lot with Temirkanov and abroad, and in St. Petersburg, but in Moscow there is never once. In addition, this year I plan to refline in Russia a meeting of my recordings on twelve disks. There will be one of my albums as "Russian romances", "Aria and Verdi", as well as things that I rarely fulfill at concerts - Russian spiritual music, folk songs And the ancient Aria "ARIE ANTICHE".

Dmitry Khvorostovsky has definitely ahead of many years of fruitful work. And yet, what are you planning to do at the end of the solo vocal career? Opened opera singing school in Moscow. Do you intend to create something like this in the future?

I can hardly open school. I don't think about it yet. I plan to sing on stage at least twenty years old, and then we'll see.

Khvorostovsky often performs Russian romances and folklore works, sing about war, recorded a plate of songs soviet composers. Your creativity for many has become a symbol of the revival of the Russian National Spirit. Is it difficult to comply with such an image?

I try not to think about it. But I do everything from clean Heart. And for each suite I answer.

- Dmitry Aleksandrovich Hvorostovsky - a believer man?

Yes, in his own way believes. But absolutely not religious.

Hair ash color from Dmitry Khvorostovsky from nature or is this a consequence of experiences when lifting on the opera Olympus?

- (laughs.) Yes ... The higher the Olympus I climbed, the more saddles.

I'm asking seriously...

And I seriously and answer. It happened by itself.

- Would you like to express some wishes to fans and fans of Hvorostovsky?

I do not Lord God to handle my advice to such a number of people.
I can only wish everyone to wish everyone. When a person is healthy, he has the strength to seek the goal. Only then can he live full life. And this is the most important thing.

- And what words can you add to those who join the hard way of creativity?

As someone from the great, real talent Must go through suffering. Without sacrifices, without overcoming difficulties in creativity it is impossible to succeed. Of course, I do not want anything extra suffering to anyone, but it is precisely this experience that the person helps to take place. Just like compassion. After all, this is also one of the most important components of a creative personality.

I spoke Evgeny Danilov


On November 22, 2017, Opera singer Dmitry Khvorostovsky in the morning of 3.36 in London passed away. The cause of death is brain cancer. The singer struggled with this ailment since 2015, but the disease has not retreated, and in the 56th year Dmitry left this life. The country is grieving in the great opera genius. 23761.

The future opera singer was born in Krasnoyarsk. His father was a chemist engineer, and Mom worked as a gynecologist at the local hospital. However, the main passion of the dad was music. It was her who he gave all his free time. He wonderfully played the piano, possessed a deep magic baritone and collecting records with rare records for that time. In the phonothek of Hvorostovsky were Ettore Bastianini, Tito Gobby, Fyodor Shalyapin, Maria Callas. Among the father's dads, Dima quickly found himself idols.

Noticing that the child would gladly support his father's passion, parents, together with the usual secondary school, gave it to the musical. I must say that the latter was much easier for him. Pedagogues saw in the boy of the future pianist, and he surprised them, when he graduated high School And having received a disgusting characteristic, submitted documents not to the music school, but in the pedagogical one.

Dmitry Alexandrovich graduated from the choral faculty with a red diploma, becoming a music teacher. And only after that he decided to get musical educationMoreover, the Krasnoyarsk School of Arts during this time has acquired the status of the institute.

New teachers for Hvorostovsky educational institution characterize it like temperamental and non-dismantuous young manwhich was difficult to move from the Khmeuser to the soloist. "I, it turns out, I do not know how?!" - boiled a future singer. Only by the third course, Dmitry began to make those stunning successes, which from the very beginning were waiting for such a gifted musician.

Opera and ballet

In parallel with learning at the institute, he began to make a living in the Krasnoyarsk State Opera and Ballet Theater. There, the young artist, on the beginning, was given only secondary parties, but considered talent, quickly brought into solicists. For the year of work, he became the main voice of the theater. Everyone understood that an outstanding performer is bored, so no one was surprised when Hvorostovsky became one at one to take the awards at first All-Russian, then the All-Union Competition, and after the institute came to the international level, conquering France and Wales.

But the Krasnoyarsk Opera and Ballet Theater was not only the starting platform for professional activity future Star. He also presented the Bvorostovsky real first love.

No one approved this connection. His teacher, talented Ekaterina Konstantinovna Iofel, repeatedly told about the ballerina of the core land, Svetlana Ivanov, using the most unflattering epithets. Beautiful, able to truly conquer talents, the girl in two bills was surrounded by an inexperienced Khvorostovsky, which was engaged in art and did not do a personal life at all.

He was warned: the first marriage of Svetlana did not set himself because of her passions, which a woman can not keep inside. And men and women fell into bed to Dmitry's beloved, despite the fact that she still lived in the same apartment with a former husband and a little daughter. But Hvorostovsky was not to stop: his heart was burning, in an easy dark ballerina with a defenseless glance, he saw a real muse.


Having learned that Dmitry Alexandrovich on this lady serious plans, His teacher Ekaterina Ether even made an attempt to refuse him from home. The man was at first offended and left, having risen her chin, but he returned soon, he fell into the legs mentor and asked to allow him to marry Svetlana at least after studying. But who is Ekaterina Konstantinovna to prevent? "We will live to Monday," the wise woman answered, believing that, Moldov, Dima will cool. But as she was mistaken!

Two years later, passionate relations with Slutty Ballerina, Hvorostovsky transported it into his tiny room in communal apartmentAnd also took her daughter from the first marriage Masha.

A year later, the couple played a wedding. Once, wanting to please the beloved, Dmitry returned with tour a few days earlier. I bought a huge bouquet, I decided - the light will be reached by his appearance. But instead found his wife in bed with his own friend. Lounge found on an angry opera singer.

A fight broke out.

In their circle, everyone whispered: here it is, the end. But it was not there. Young people found the strength in themselves to forgive each other, and in the early 90s Dmitry received an invitation to work in the UK, took the family and left London.


Photo Grigory Kalachyan / ITAR-TASS /

His plans included to make a spouse with his director, but she resolutely refused to learn the language and help her husband. Did not support his desire to develop and wanted only to enjoy secular life In the strict and solemn capital of Great Britain.

Dmitry, at first, these rules of the game accepted: let the wife storing the focus and go out into the world, what's wrong with that? In 1996, the Hvorostovsky family replenished: Svetlana gave birth to a twin - a boy Danya and a girl Alexander. The singer was happy and thought that not in vain did not listen to the gossip and did in his own way.

However, it turned out very soon that Svetlana did not feel calmer after the appearance of children. The family had permanent scandals that the artist was exhausted. On the nervous soil he opened an ulcer. To join physical pain and mental suffering, Dmitry was addicted to alcohol. He declares without a rustle that he really misused in that marriage, so that at any time he could lose his job.


But while his concert activity did not stop. At one of the speeches, Hvorostovsky flew to Geneva. There he had to fulfill the batch of Don Juan with a charming 29-year-old Florans Illy. She found that the famous Russian baritone is also a real handsome man and went to the attack. They had a real kiss on stage. From him she started. The sensuality of the singer of Italian-Swiss origin was not disappeared from Dmitry. "IM married!" - He immediately stated. "So what?" - I completely sincerely answered Flo.

This woman seems to be returned to Dmitry Alexandrovich himself.He again realized that such tenderness and romance, what love and care was, what quiet happiness and pleasure to each other - without quarrels and scandals.

Returning to London, the singer raised the question of divorce. Svetlana could not believe: her dimochka, who all rustled, so long tolerated her, presented two beautiful kids suddenly spoke about the divorce himself?! She was offended and disappointed and did not expect that this could happen. But it is difficult to be a genius wife - he needs to fit on the one hand and develop with him with another. Light seems to have coped with this task.

In the rustling of furious, a woman sued him all that he had at that time: real estate, cars, as well as huge alimony for children and their own content (more than 8 million per year, if we consider in rubles). But Khvorostovsky was not already with her, and Flowrans was able to survive all this.


With the advent of Fłosh, as Dmitry calls her, his life began to be improved. He was able to abandon alcohol and become an even more famous and invited opera singer. New wife Everywhere followed him, helping, inspiring, taking care. In 2003, a couple had a son - Maxim, after another four years - the daughter of Nina.

Florence quickly pulled into the life of the Russian singer and became his indispensable companion. In the first year life together With Khvorostovsky, Fleosh learned the colloquial Russian, now he drives him the world, and sometimes they perform together.

When the life of the Khvorostovsky has improved, Svetlana again came to the arena and the court won up to raise the amount of alimony by twice. Until the end of his days she lived at the expense of these alimony. In 2015, learning that former husband Diagnosed cancer, Svetlana for the first time in 15 years called him. But this conversation turned out to be the last: a few months later, from complications after meningitis, Svetlana Khvorostovsky died.

It turned out that the first wife of the genius was a man believer, a lot helped orthodox church In London and her care turned out to be sensitive to the parishioners of this temple. Dmitry did not throw children from Svetlana, and engaged in raising her elder daughter Masha, as well as their common children - Sasha, who became an artist and Dani, who is engaged in music.

Opera singer Dmitry Khvorostovsky died on the night of November 22 at home in London at the age of 55. This was reported to his relatives in Facebook.

Hvorostovsky sang B. best theater World: from London Covent Garden and Milan La Rock to Metropolitan Opera in New York and Mariinsky Theater.

In June 2015, Dmitry Khvorostovsky was diagnosed with a brain tumor. The artist canceled the speeches for two months and passed several chemotherapy courses in one of the oncological centers of London.

Biography Dmitry Khvorostovsky

Dmitry Khvorostovsky was born in 1962 in Krasnoyarsk in the family of a chemical engineer and a gynecologist. Since childhood, engaged in music.

He studied B. music school, then graduated from the Music Branch of the Krasnoyarsk Pedagogical School named after the Gorky and Vocal Faculty of the Krasnoyarsk State Institute of Art. Singing voice - Bariton. In adolescence joined the local rock group of the Rainbow.

In 1988, Hvorostovsky debuted on the European scene - in the formulation Peak lady Opera House Nice.

Next year he won the IV International Competition Vocalists peace singer in Cardiff. After that, Hvorostovsky began to receive suggestions to perform on the most famous global scenes. This victory brought him wide fame.

Hvorostovsky performed the main parties in the operations of Evgeny Onegin, Iolanta, peak lady, Traviata, Othello, love drink, Figaro wedding, Don Juan and many others.

In 1991, Hvorostovsky married the ballerina of the Krasnoyarsk Opera and Ballet Theater Svetlana Ivanova. Marriage broke up in 1999. Couple had two children.

In 1994, the artist moved to London. The second wife of Hvorostovsky became Italian opera singer Florence Ill. Couple had two children. Also at the Khvorostovsky there is a adopted child.

In 2006, the artist created the Hvorostovsky and Friends project. He spoke with the stars of the world scene - Sumi Yo from Korea, american singer Sandra Radvanovski, German tenor Jonas Kaufman, italian tenor Marcello Jordani and others.

Hvorostovsky received many premiums, including the Golden Orpheus Academy of Opera Gramisa in Paris. He was awarded the Opera News Award Award of the American Opera News magazine, published by the Metropolitan Opera Guild, international Prize Bravo.

"I always walked my own way, grunted stereotypes, I could like or not to like, make mistakes - but it was my mistakes and my victories. Caruso also sang a song written by contemporaries. The whole question is how to perform them," said Hvorostovsky about his work .

Felt that it should get sick

In the summer of 2015, an announcement of the abolition of speeches was made on the official site of the opera star due to the tumor detected from him in the brain. Hvorostovsky was treated in the London clinic.

It was noted that the disease did not affect the vote of Hvorostovsky, but he has problems with equilibrium.

At the end of September of the same year, the singer resumed concert activityLeaving the stage with Anna Netrebko in the New York Metropolitan Opera.

In one of the interviews, Hvorostovsky told that "I could feel sick to illness."

"I had apathy, very black perception of the world, there was no joy, nor enjoyed his work. I was very tired, pessimistic. I already didn't like to live. I felt psychologically. Naturally, when you start fighting, then Another one is perceived by life and I already want to survive. And the incredible love of the public wondered me, "the singer disassembled.

In December 2016, Hvorostovsky left theatrical scene And focused solely on treatment.

"I had problems with a balance in connection with my illness, so I was quite difficult to perform in the performances. I will continue to give concerts, as well as record new albums. Singing is my life!", He wrote.

During his continuing treatment, the opera singer said he did not believe in God, and afterlife, according to his conviction, no and "can not be."

On October 10 of this year, the media mistakenly reported the death of Hvorostovsky, which soon denied his family.

On November 22, the composer and artist Dmitry Malikov said first on November 22. Later he deleted this post, but as a result, the press confirmed the information about the death of the singer.

According to Malikova, the last days Hvorostovsky was already in a coma.

The family of Hvorostovsky reported his death on his Facebook page a few hours ago.

Dmitry Alexandrovich Hvorostovsky was born on October 16, 1962 in Krasnoyarsk, and died in London, November 22, 2017, at the age of 56

Dmitry Khvorostovsky - Opera singer recognized worldwide, who possessed Bariton, People's Artist of Russia, Laureate of the State Prize of the RSFSR named after Glinka.

Family and education

His father Alexander Stepanovich Hvorostovsky is a chemist engineer, and Mother, Lyudmila Petrovna Kvorostovskaya - a gynecologist. Despite the scientific profession, his father played the piano, collected the plates of stars of the world opera and loved to sing.

He graduated from the Krasnoyarsk Pedagogical School named after A.M. Gorky and Krasnoyarsk Institute of Art


After graduation, for five years (1985-1990) was a soloist of Krasnoyarsk state Theater Operas and ballet.

The world recognition of Dmitry Hvorostovsky received in 1989 after the victory at the BBC television competition, the "singer of the world", where he received the "Best Voice" award.

After that, since 1990, he regularly performed on the best world opera platforms:

  • Royal Theater Covent Garden (London),
  • Bavarian state opera (Munich State Opera)
  • Berlin State Opera, La Scala Theater (Milan),
  • Vienna State Opera,
  • Colon Theater (Buenos Aires),
  • Metropolitan Opera (New York),
  • Lyrical opera in Chicago,
  • Mariinsky Theater of St. Petersburg,
  • Moscow Theater "New Opera",
  • Opera scene of the Salzburg Festival.

Disease and death

In the summer of 2015, it became known about the brain tumors, and the singer decided to undergo a course of chemotherapy. Treatment took place in London, where he lived since 1994. Three months later, he again went on stage - along with Anna Netrebko in the opera "Troubadur" Giuseppe Verdi, who was held in New York on the Metropolitan Opera scene.

The concert schedule was interrupted for treatment, but the singer did not plan to part with the scene and continued touring.

Recent concerts

On May 27, 2017, Dmitry Hvorostovsky spoke in St. Petersburg, at a concert dedicated to the Day of the City, and at the same time injured his shoulder as a result of an unsuccessful fall on stage. At the beginning, the singer did not plan to seek help to doctors, but the pain did not subside. Nevertheless, despite the injury, on June 2, 2017, he spoke in his native in Krasnoyarsk with a large concert hall.

"I had to come back. Because I love you, because it is my hometown," said Dmitry Khvorostovsky after speaking and cry.

I could not get out on bis artist. After he was awarded the title of Honorary Citizen of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Thank you for this reward, for respect, for love. Performances make me move forward ... Goodbye! - said Dmitry Hvorostovsky after speaking

On October 11, in general, a number of media appeared false information about Dmitry Khvorostovsky's death, after which the refutation was followed.

On November 22, 2017, information about the death of a people's artist appeared in the media, and in connection with the recent events, when the information was untested, many were wondered if Dmitry Khvorostovsky was alive. After some time, the family of the singer confirmed his departure from life.

Farewell to the opera singer Dmitry Hvorostovsky will be held in Moscow, but exact date The events are still unknown, reports with reference to the poetess and a close friend of the artist Lily Vinogradov RIA Novosti.

Singer Joseph Kobzon said that Hvorostovsky bequeathed to cremate his body, and the dust divide into two parts and buried in Moscow and at home in Krasnoyarsk. The decision on the place of funeral in Krasnoyarsk will be accepted on Thursday, November 23.

Personal life

Dmitry Khvorostovsky was married twice.

The first spouse was the ballerina of the corps, Svetlana Ivanova. They got married in 1991. Dmitry focused Maria, the child from the first marriage Svetlana. In 1994, the spouses moved to London and the twins have rusted: the son of Danil and the daughter of Alexander. In 2001, the spouses divorced.

The second spouse of Hvorostovsky - Florans Illy, gave Dmitry Two more children - the son of Maxim (2003) and daughter Nina (2007). They met during the speech in Geneva, where Hvorostovsky performed the role of Don Juan.


The singer has released many plates who are popular among fans of his work and opera lovers

  • 1990 - Tchaikovsky and Verdi Arias
  • 1991 - Pietro Maskanya. "Rural Honor." Philips.
  • 1991 - Russian Romances
  • 1993 - Peter Tchaikovsky. "Eugene Onegin". Philips.
  • 1994 - Songs and Dances of Death
  • 1994 - Rossini, Songs of Love And. Desire
  • 1994 - Dark Eyes
  • 1995 - Tchaikovsky, My Restless Soul
  • 1996 - Dmitri.
  • 1996 - Credo.
  • 1996 - G. V. Sviridov - "Despairing Rus"
  • 1997 - Giuseppe Verdi. "Don Carlos". Conductor - Bernard Heitink. Philips.
  • 1997 - Russia's War
  • 1998 - Kalinka.
  • 1998 - Arie Antiche
  • 1998 - Arias & Duets, Borodina
  • 1999 - Nikolay Rimsky-Korsakov. " Tsarist Bride" Conductor - Valery Gergiev. Philips.
  • 1999 - Peter Tchaikovsky. Iolanta. Philips.
  • 2000 - Don Giovanni: Leporello's Revenge, 1CD
  • 2001 - Verdi, La Traviata DVD
  • 2001 - From Russia With Love,
  • 2001 - Passione di Napoli
  • 2002 - Russian Sacred Choral Music, 7cd
  • 2003 - Petr Tchaikovsky. "Peak lady." RCA.
  • 2003 - "Songs of the War Years", DVD
  • 2004 - George Sviridov. Petersburg. Delos.
  • 2004 - Dmitry Khvorostovsky in Moscow DVD
  • 2005 - Songs and Dances of Death Symphonic Dances
  • 2005 - "Light Berez": Favorite soviet songs. CD
  • 2005 - Peter Tchaikovsky. "Peak lady", the best fragments. Delos.
  • 2005 - I Met You, My Love
  • 2005 - Verdi Arias
  • 2005 - Moscow Nights
  • 2006 - Portrait.
  • 2007 - "Evgeny Onegin", Valery Gergiev (Onegin)
  • 2009 - Hay 2CD + DVD
  • 2010 - Tchaikovsky Romances 2CD
  • 2010 - Pushkin Romances

Performances (video)

Listen to Dmitry Hvorostovsky can not only acquire a disk from its discography. The network has many of his speeches and concerts, and you can familiarize yourself with Bariton, which was recognized worldwide.

Sources: RIA Novosti, mk.ru, rg.ru

How many wives and children have Dmitry Khvorostovsky?

The world famous opera singer Dmitry Hvorostovsky has always performed the impression of a superhero: the perfect laying, a strong torso, a predatory look, strong hands... It is not surprising that he and his personal life interests women. Recently, the singer discovered the brain tumor. Who supports Hvorostovsky in difficult moment? And how are the relationship of the singer with children and ex-wife?

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Photo Gallery: How many wives and children have Dmitry Hvorostovsky?

Who was the first wife of the Hvorostovsky

Bariton met his first love in the Krasnoyarsk Opera Theater, where he worked after graduating from the university. Ballerina Svetlana, blonde with a sharp figurine, conquered young singer. Colleagues hinted that she was a walking woman, but Dmitry's in love was not worried. He was not embarrassed even that Svetlana was divorced, but continued to live in the same apartment with his child and her first husband.

Hvorostovsky tremblely cared for Svetlana, tasked with flowers, and two years later the couple got married. Dmitry even agreed to adopt Svetlana daughter - Masha. None of his friends and colleagues did not approve this marriage. Soon the first wife showed her true essence: Dmitry caught her in bed with her friend. The emotional singer attacked the grant and her lover, without sparing both.

Despite treason, the couple have risen. They say, after the Hvorostovsky beat his wife, she could not get pregnant for a long time. Apparently in London, she made the procedure of artificial fertilization and in 1996 gave birth to two twins - Alexander and Daniel.

Dmitry Khvorostovsky and wife Flowrans

After moving to London, the singer began to actively build a career, and Svetlana's wife was sitting with children. But in the soul, Dmitry could not forgive her treason: his male pride suffered a full collapse! This pain Walubostovsky began to "treat" alcohol, which was poorly reflected in his voice and career, and soon the singer received an ulcer.

When the twins were three years old, Dmitry spun a novel with a singer and actress Flowrans. He met her at the Geneva Theater, where he performed the party ... Don Juan. According to Dmitry and Flowrans scenario, passionately kissed on the stage, and this passion moved from theatrical layoffs to life. The burning brunette did not worry that the singer was married and he had little children, she aggressively sought his love. And Bariton could not resist. Later he admits to the press that it was Flowrans who helped him cope with the inner crisis and alcoholism. She became his "rescue vest."

The divorce with Svetlana passed very difficult. An offended woman decided to take away all the property from the singer. As a result, she knocked out for the maintenance of himself and children about 200 thousand pounds sterling a year. And 10 years after the divorce increased this amount almost twice! Now Dmitry is doomed to pay the first wife until it is officially married to her and his children from the first marriage have not experienced material difficulties.

How the second wife managed to keep Hvorostovsky

The second Bariton's wife immediately showed that the temperamental Italian woman was ready for the sake of his beloved man. She learned Russian, read Dostoevsky and Chekhov, learned to cook her husband's favorite Russian dishes. She stated that it was ready to devote himself to home and family so that the favorite Dima was always fed and was pleased with the homemade house.

In 2003, the wife of Florence gave birth to the singer of the Son Maxim, and in 2007 a daughter Nina. This time, Holvorostovsky enjoyed her fatherhood. Still, Nevat Svetlana could not give him what Florans gave, namely, care, loyalty and reliable rear. In the photo of that period, the singer looked probably the most happy man in the world. For 15 years of living, Flowrans became his muse, mistress, wife and best friend.

How many children have a khvorostovsky and what do they do?

All four singer's native children live in London, they support friendly relations between themselves. Since the divorce with the first wife was scandalous and painful, Hvorostovsky is rarely seen with the twins from the first marriage. They still live in the British capital with Svetlana and occasionally attend the rehearsals of the singer. But for concerts ex-wife Children does not allow, motivating it by the fact that they have not been frightly. " In an interview, the singer avoids the topic of communicating with children from the first marriage, calling it very painful.

But the wife of Flowrans and the children of the singer are supporting him. They not only attend concerts and rehearsals, but also often accompany Dmitry on tour. The singer is proud that Maxim and Nina are already talking in three languages! He tries to raise children in love and does not even increase voices on them. As the singer admitted in one of the interviews, now he seeks to get home as quickly as possible so that the whole family is together. Next to children, an expressive and irritable man with a complex character becomes gentle and sentimental. And once Dmitry even cried, having heard how ninchochka sings his daughter. The singer calls his children very talented and artistic. Who knows, maybe they will go in the footsteps of the famous Father!

In an interview with Hvorostovsky always speaks with love about all children, not highlighting someone from them. "I have four children, for them, I am ready for everything. Whatever difficulties arose with your child, the children are the most beautiful and gentle, which is in life, "said Dmitry in one of the interviews.

How did children and wife affect the disease of the Hvorostovsky

Having learned a terrible diagnosis, Bariton immediately began the course of treatment. In the hospital, it is supported by Flowrans, Maxim and Ninochka. The singer does not observe a strict bed mode, so tries to walk more with his family fresh air. By the way, on June 25, Hvorostovsky first brought a family to his native Krasnoyarsk. Apparently, knowing about his illness, he decided to make such a symbolic trip so that, first of the mouth, to tell his relatives about his small homeland and about what conditions he became on his feet.

The singer is very optimistic, moreover, on July 5, Hvorostovsky performed at the Russian Embassy in the UK, which was very pleased with the singer's fans. After a concert, a solemn reception was held in honor of Dmitry. We hope that support loving wife And the children will help Dmitry Hvorostovsky to overcome the disease, and in the fall he will return to a saturated tour of the tour!