Bass singing. Men's and women's singing voices

Bass singing. Men's and women's singing voices
Bass singing. Men's and women's singing voices

Bass - is the lowest male singing voice. The bass range is from the FA large octave to the FI (salt) first. True, the range of Central Bass and Bass Profundudo can capture lower notes. The most bright note at the high bass is before the first octave, the working middle is the SI bembre of a large octave - the first octave. The bass is a very expressive and rich voice, but unfortunately the singers with such a voice is extremely few, and a bit of opera parties for the bass is written. The range is distinguished high (bass cantato), medium (central) bass and low (bass professional). By the nature of the sound, a bariton bass, a characteristic bass or a comic bass (bass buffo) is distinguished.

High bass - This is a singeling bass, whether it is the brightest and bright voice. By character, the sound is similar to Bariton, especially in the upper handset. Its operating range ranges from a large octave salt to salt first.

Central Bassthis is a bass that has the capabilities of the range wider. He is inherent in solid, sonorous and formidable timbre. Working grayness in such voices is a large octave salt - to the first octave. The whole range of such a voice sounds well only in a breast resonator, in the head resonator bass loses the timbral color.

Low bass, bass professionalanother name of this is extremely rare male voices - bass octavist. Vocalists with such characteristics of the votes can sing the lowest notes (Fa-salt countercondes). It even seems that the human voice cannot remove such sounds. Bass-Profundooth often perform the parties in the opera or church choir. Low deep sound, resembling rokot or drowning fascinates. Such a phenomenon, according to critics and curricers of vocal, can be found only in Russia, they are called the "Russian Miracle", awarding such a voice of the unique phenomenon of nature.

Bariton Bassthis is a voice that has features like bass and baritone. It has good top and bottom, but without professional notes. Often bass-baritons have a very rich timbre and powerful sound, and can sing the repertoire of the baritons.

Bas-Buffoat aboutusually bass buffto executes the second plan. Often these are comic parties or parties of old men. From the owner of such a voice, the acting skills are required primarily, and they could not possess any singing features or beauty of the timbre. In the opera series of the XVIII century, bass were rarely used, and recognition came to them only with the advent of the Buff opera, where the bass was given a significant place.

By nature, the sieve voice of the bass meets less frequently of the male voices, it is often not manifested immediately, and for a long time the singer can count himself to Bariton, but in the investigation of classes over time Bariton, can grow into bass. The fact is that the signs on which one or another voice is determined, newcomers can be lubricated or not yet developed. An exception can only be the voices set by nature. Exercises for the voice of the bass are the same as for other singing voices only in their temps. So if you have bass, then you are a representative of very rare singing votes.

Singing voices have their own classification that is distinguished by a variety. Differences in classification systems can be based on a variety of factors: on the strength of the voice, on the degree of virtuosity and disclosure of execution, etc. However, experts note the need for all the possibilities of the vote of the performer of a powerful basis, which is supporting singing.

Quite often, the classification is based on the voting range of the performer and its sexuality. However, these two criteria give grounds to formulate a large number of classification varieties. Having a certain group of votes, professionals clarify the presence of more narrow groups.

Bass - Low Male Voice

A group of men's voices called Basy is united in the classification for the sound of a very low voice range, for which characteristic features are called: latitude, "darkness", the solution of the tone formed by the thoracic resonator.

By affecting the range of bass, specialists are ambiguous in conclusions. However, the traditional classical idea of \u200b\u200bthe Position occupied by the bass on a talnoy mill is that it is combined by the FA Large and first octave framework.

Bass timbre

In accordance with the high-quality side of the sound, bass are considered in three groups:

The bass is high, also called bass baritone or canthate: a voice for which the high sound of the operating range with the rolls of the high and the first octave is characteristic; The maximum similarity with the timbre of baritone is felt in the upper testicular; The timbre of this type of voting, in comparison with other bass, is characterized by kindness and radiant;

The bass is central or dramatic: characterized by the maximum expression of power, thunderstorms, wisdom and hardness of the bass timbre;

The bass is low, called the same professional or octavist.

Each subgroup has its own characteristics. For example, the peculiarity of the dramatic bass can be called the inability of the singer to take notes of the FA and salt of the first octave. However, the range of notes of a large and first octave takes confidently. It is connected with the ease of the sound of the range on the chest resonator. The percentage of the use of the head resonator decreases with a decrease in voice sounding.

About Bas-Profundeo Talk below. In the meantime, it is worth noting that opera parties are being created for bass with sufficiently representative heroes, among which can be found representatives, royal, princely, boyars and other birth, wise men and other images for whom masculinity is characteristic of confidence. All this can be heard in the vote of the artist, who, in the opinion of experts, at the listeners, always causes confidence.

Another noteworthy fact is evidence that the championship of the state rich in beautiful bass is recognized in Italy. And Italy itself is famous for both the birthplace of excellent tenor votes.


Returning to this type of bass, it is worth noting that the translation of the word with Italian roots sounds like "deep". The owner of a similar voice is recognized as unique. The difference between this variety of male voices from others is the lowest possible soundtrack. Experts note the opportunity to go beyond the thought of human capabilities.

The exclusiveness that Bas-Profundo shows is recorded in all aspects of vocal art: on the timbre and range, by physiological structure and resonation and other parameters.

The timbre is deep, but quantitatively, within the framework of low sound, is limited in obhortona, that is, not excluding attractiveness, is characterized by the lack of timbre saturation. Bass-Profundudo almost never can be heard in soloing parties. A rare exception is a church choir. Oktavista bass often can be heard as part of choirs, while its sound is minimal, and is required to highlight the volume of the tone.

Another case of using Basa-Profundew - doubling the main tone of chords of sober major and minor. When merging the sound of the timbres of bass conventional and octavist taking place in choir bass parties, the latter acquire the nature of massiveness and monumentality. Such a reception is important in terms of exposure to the listener, who certainly have a feeling of concern and association with the sound of a vagate bell.

Staying on the question of the band for Basa-Profundew, it is worth noting that the facility can serve as a note of the counter Octave to the first octave.

Considering the resonation factor for Basa-Profundew, professionals point to the peculiarity of the process in which only the larynx and the chest resonator participate. The structure of the ligaments (long) and their characteristic (dense, elastic) eliminate the possibility of using the head resonator in this case.

Amanda Gardenaasa. Geek Basy үshіn Bailletіn Sadaқa, pіtir. Keshkilіlіktі Auyzashar, TāreteңGіlіktі Sәresі Daidі. Oraza Uatytynda Mäsylmanmdar FamilySynaң әrbіr Basyn B and C A M A N D S қ (Pіtіr) C A D A қ A C N TөLYDII (Ana Tіlі, 04/26/1990, 6). Bass ... ... Қазақ Тілінің ТүСінірма Сөздігі

BASS - Basque bactericidal activity of blood serum honey. Basque Source: bass bass battery anode dry bass dictionaries: a dictionary of abbreviations and abbreviations of the army and special services. Cost. A. A. Locks. M.: LLC ... Dictionary of contractions and abbreviation

bass - A, m. Basse f., IT. Basso. 1. Low male voice. Sl. 18. Bass, voice rapid in singing. LP 6. I got a voice with hoarse bass. Eleida Osipov 3 15. All possible soprano, counterprates, tenors, baritons, were elected from the fortress and taken into the courtyard of votes, ... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicalism Russian Language

BUT; MN. bass, s; m. [Ial. Basso low]. 1. The lowest male voice; The singing voice of such a tone. Speak, sing bass. Velvet, thick bass. 2. Singer with such a voice. 3. String or light musical instrument of a low register. Bass ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

- (Franz. Basse, from Bas Low). 1) The lowest, male voice. 2) a musical instrument similar to creaknu, but much more of it. A dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. Bass 1) The lowest male ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

See singer ... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions in terms of meaning. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. Bass (Low, Fat) (sound, voice), singer; Trombone, double bass, pipe, bass, octava, water dictionary Russian ... Synonym dictionary

- [Low tone, voices] SUB., m., Upatr. Infrequent morphology: (no) what? Bass, what? Bass, (see) What? Bass than? Bas, what? about bass and bass; MN. what? bass, (no) what? Basov, what? Basam, (see) What? Basa than? Basami what? About bass 1. Bass ... ... Explanatory dictionary Dmitrieva

- (1603-1694) The largest representative of the poetic genre "Haiku" (see); In Japanese literature, this genre is inextricably linked with his name. The present name of the poet Matsuo Tudzaon Munefus. According to the customs of the writers and artists of the Tokugava era (1603-1868) ... Literary encyclopedia

Bass - (from Ital. Basso Low) 1) Low Husband. Pevch. vote. Approximate range in solo batches: Fa1, in the choir to re 1 mi. Note in the bass key. Distinguish high, singeling (Basso Cantante), center. And Low (Basso Profundo) B. High B. Usually ... ... Russian Humanitarian Encyclopedic Dictionary


  • Bass guitar for teapots (+ audio and video course), Pfeiffer Patrick, bass guitar is used in almost any musical genre - from Hard-rock and country to jazz and funk. No matter what musical style you are a connected future, in this book ... Category: Music Publisher: Dialectics,
  • Baso, Basy Matsuo, Matsuo Baso - the great Japanese poet, theorist of verse. Born in 1644 in the small castle city of Weno, the province of Iga (Honshu Island). Died on October 12, 1694 in Osaka. Feeling ideological ... Category: Literary criticism. Prose. Poetry. Drama Series: Publisher: Eyo Media,

All singing voices are divided into women's, male and children. The main women's voices are soprano, mezzo-soprano and counterfeitand the most common men's voices - tenor, baritone and bass.

All the sounds that can be felt or played on a musical instrument. high, medium and low. Musicians when they talk about height of sounds, use the term "register", implying whole groups of high, medium or low sounds.

In the global sense, women's voices sing the sounds of a high or "top" register, children's voices - the sounds of the register of the average, and the men's sounds of a low or "lower" register. But this is true only in part, in fact everything is much more interesting. Inside each of the groups of votes and even within the range of each individual voice, there is also a division into a high, medium and low register.

So, for example, a high male voice is tenor, Middle Bariton, and low - bass. Or, another example, the singers have the highest voice - soprano, the middle voice of vocalists is mezzo-soprano, and low - contralto. To finally assimilate the division of male and female, well, at the same time both children's voices for high and low, this sign will help you:

If we talk about registers of any one vote, then each of them has low sounds and high. For example, tenor sings low breast sounds, and high fake sounds, not affordable bass or baritone.

Women's singing voices

So, the main types of female singing votes are soprano, mezzo-soprano and contralto. They differ primarily by the range, as well as timbar. The timbre properties can be attributed, for example, such as transparency, lightness, or, on the contrary, saturation, voting force.

Soprano - Female the highest singing voice, its usual range - two octaves (entire first and second octave). In the opera performances, the parties of the main characters are often performed by singers with such a voice. If we talk about artistic images, then the best high voice characterizes a young girl or a fantastic character (for example, Fairy).

Soprano in the nature of the sound is divided into lyric and dramatic "You yourself can easily imagine that the party's party is very gentle and the girl is strongly passionate, can not fulfill the same performer. If the voice with ease copes with fast passages and fioriths in its high register, then such a soprano called coloratur.

Contralto - It has already been said that this is the lowest of female votes, moreover, very beautiful, velvety, besides, is very rare (there are no contralto in some opera theaters). The singer with such a voice in the operations is often entrusted by the party of teenage boys.

Below is the sign, in which examples of opera parties are called, which often perform certain women's singing voices:

Let's listen to how female singing voices sound. For you - three video examples:

Soprano. Night Queen Aria from the Opera "Magic Flute" Mozart performed by Bella Rudenko

Mezzo-soprano. Habanner from the opera "Carmen" Bizeta performed by the famous singer - Elena Exena

Contralto. Aria Ratmir from the Opera "Ruslan and Lyudmila" Glinka performed by Elizabeth Antonova.

Male singing voices

The main male voices of only three are tenor, bass and baritone. Tenor Of these, the highest, its high-altitude range - notes of small and first octave. By analogy with the timbre of soprano, performers who have this timbre are divided into tenors of dramatic and tenor lyrical. In addition, sometimes they mention such a kind of singers as "Characteristic" tenor. "His character" is attached to some federal effect - for example, silverness or rattling. Characteristic tenor is simply indispensable where it is required to create an image of a gray-haired old man or some singers.

Baritone - This voice is distinguished by its softness, dense and velvet of sound. The range of sounds that the baritone can sing is within the large octave of the first octave. Performers with such timbre are often charged with courageous parties of the characters operas of the heroic or patriotic plan, however, the softness of the voice allows you to disclose and lovingly lyrical images.

Bass - The lowest voice, can sing sounds from Fa Large Octave to the first one. Basa are different: some rolling, "buzzing", "bell", other hard and very "graphic". Accordingly, the party characters for bass are distinguished by a variety: it is heroic, and "fatherly", and ascetic, and even comic images.

Probably, you can find out what kind of male singing voices is the most low? it bass-Profundew, sometimes singers with such a voice also call octavistamiSince they "take" low notes from counter-testes. By the way, we have not mentioned about the highest male voice - this is tenor-altino. or counterThat completely calmly sings almost feminine voice and with ease reaches high music of the second octave.

As in the previous case, male singing voices with examples of their opera batches are displayed in the table:

Now listen, what is the sound of men's singing votes. There are three more video examples for you.

Tenor. The Song of the Indian Guest from the Opera "Sadko" Roman Corsakov performed by David Gloorus.

Baritone. Romance Gliera "Sweet Solovushko sweetly", sings Leonid Saint

Bass. The Aria of Prince Igor from the opera Borodin "Prince Igor" was written in the original for Bariton, but in this case it sings one of the best Basins XXVEK - Alexander Pirogov.

The working range of a voting vote of a professionally trained vocalist is usually two octaves, sometimes, however, singers and singers have much more opportunities. In order for you to be well oriented in Tests when choosing notes for classes, I suggest you to get acquainted with a drawing, clearly demonstrating the allowable ranges for each of the votes:

Before the conclusion I want to please you with another sign, with the help of which you can get acquainted with vocalists with one way or another voice challenge. It is necessary so that you can independently find and listen even more audio examples of the sound of male and female singing votes:

That's all! We talked about what voices of singers and singers were dealt with the basics of their classification, the size of the ranges, the expressive capabilities of the timbres, and also listened examples of the sound of the votes of famous vocalists. If you liked the material, share it on your page in contact or in your Twitter tape. To do this, under the article there are special buttons. Successes!