Theater "Baikal" - the best dance team of Russia! video. "We won!": Baikal Theater won a million rubles in the show "Dance everything!" Theater Baikal Cassa

Theater "Baikal" - the best dance team of Russia! video. "We won!": Baikal Theater won a million rubles in the show "Dance everything!" Theater Baikal Cassa

In one of the Pavilions, Mosfilm passed the shooting of the final stage of the television competition "Dance everything". The Republic of Buryatia, we remind, represented. Fans were a large amount, three full stands. Shooting lasted five hours.

Among the fans, deputies of the State Duma of Russia from Buryatia were seen Aldar Damdinov, Nikolai Beev, Senator of the Federation Council from Buryatia Tatyana Mantatova..

Theater "Baikal" spoke third in the account. Our artists performed a dance room with a national flavor. But demonstrating the elements of those styles with which they learned on the project: Vog, hip-hop, ballet.

on the video: the final speech of the theater "Baikal" on the project "Dance everything!"

For example, Anastasia and Dab Dashinormboev showed amazing support, Yulia Zamoev danced on pointe Genghis Tsybikzapov, Valentina Yundunova and Aryun Tsydipovadanced Vogue, Fedor Kondakov and Ekaterina Odeodeva Samba, solired Donara Baldansensere and Alexey Radnaev, Chagdar Budaev Performed an acrobatic number.

After the speech, the audience rose together and shouted "Bravo!"

"I am in love with each of you," said the jury of Alla Sigall.

The evaluation jury in the final was not put. Each of the judges chose one finalist. Alla Sigallo chose the theater "Baikal, Vladimir Derevyanko - Formishen" Vera ", Egor Druzhinin stopped the choice of" Evolvers ".

Licacy, shouts "Hurray!" They came outside the pavilion. The organizers rolled out a large cake with a project logo on stage. All congratulations on the victory of the dancers of the Baikal Theater, the festive fireworks thundered and the huge certificate in the amount of 1 million rubles was awarded the winner.

Of course, the theater "Baikal" deservedly won, we had time to love the guys, and they worked a lot on our project! - She said the leading Olga Shelest.

Behind all these acts, the inhabitants of Buryatia at the TV screens are monitored. The most active fans came to see the final directly to the Square Square. On the occasion of the finals, there were installed a large screen.

Buryat artists, politicians spoke with words of support. Dozens, hundreds of citizens fisted when the winner was announced.

The Square Square was filled with inspired people.

This is such pride for our theater, for our republic! I want to cry from happiness! Thank you, "Baikal!", "Elena said.

Ensemblesongs and dance "Baikal", in December 2000, acquiring the status of the Buryat State National Song and Dance Theater, received a new life.

Thanks to the energy and organizational abilities of the director and the artistic director of the Baikal Theater, the Honored Artist of Russia, the Laureate of the Government of Russia Dandara Zhapovich Badlueva, now it is one of the most famous and advanced team collectives. It has not only ballet and vocal groups, but also the Buryat folk instruments orchestra. C. Pavlova, who fastened to the theater after his decline in BGTRK. Leading orchestra Talented conductor Z.F. Tokton. The theater troupe includes ballet troupe (thirty people), orchestra of the Buryat folk instruments. Chingis Pavlova (thirty people), vocal soloists (ten people), many of whom were awarded high government ranks and regalia of the Republic of Buryatia and the Russian Federation. Theoretter theater represents not only concert rooms, songs and dances, but also large-format projects, such as musical -Shoreographic performances include ethno-ballet and ethno-opera: UGAYM SULDE (the spirit of the ancestors), "Echo of the country Bargudzh Tukum", "From Mongols to Mogols". These performances are delivered by the myths and the legends of the Mongolian people. The basis of the repertoire of the Baikal Theater is the richest folklore of Buryat-Mongolian people. Rhythms of life, rhythms of nature: the change of day and night, the change of seasons, the exit to the "cloud hunt" on the beast was accompanied by solemn acts, chasing shaman, a hunter dance, which resembles their actions by the participants of hunting, how to keep what you need to take when meeting with animals . From here there are temperamental dances of hunters, birds and animals. All dances go accompanied by a lively authentic song rich in all sorts of melons that are not amenable to traditional note decoding. To the national dance tradition, modern choreographers make a new stage choreography, enriched with modern themes, interpret, can save the national flavor.
Among the brightest achievements of Baikal, the performance of the "Spirit of the ancestors", the program "Dance Farius", "Soul Melody", East-West Projects: Music, Uniting Music, "Flood, Ground Mother", "Gudamtadaa Daa", "Nomad ", Erdany Yatag," Glitter Asia "and many others.

In 2006, the Baikal Theater received the Russian government award in the field of culture and art.

Repeatedly toured in the Netherlands, in France, in Taiwan, participated in the preparation and holding of the Baikal Youth Forum, the Baikal Economic Forum and the Baikal Educational Forum, in the Concert Program for the President of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev.

The theater is a permanent participant in the All-term Festival "Altargana", the organizer of the first festival "Night of Egor" and the first international festival of the modern song "Golden Voice of Baikal".

The theater cooperates with the Concert Organization "France Concert" and a television company France TV-2.
The "Baikal" theater cooperation with the Buryat state philharmonic is strengthened, new joint projects are being created, creative tasks are solved. ❚

Buryat National Song Theater and Dance "Baikal" - a professional team with many years of experience in the field of culture and art in Russia and abroad, leading its history since 1942.

Buryat-Mongolian tribes last time were nomads of Central Asia. Culture Buryat-Mongol is multifaceted, it developed under the strong influence of shamanism and Buddhism, pierced with symbols and sacrality, because nomads like no other can listen and hear the world around themselves. Currently, the Baikal Theater is the keeper of the People's traditional culture of Buryat-Mongols and has become one of the leading creative teams of Russia.

The theater troupe includes a ballet troupe, the Orchestra of the Buryat People's Instruments named after Chingis Pavlov, soloists vocalists, many of which are awarded high state rank and regalia of the Republic of Buryatia and the Russian Federation.

The repertoire of the theater represents not only concert numbers, songs and dancing, but also large-format projects, such as musical and choreographic performances, including ethno-ballet and ethno-opera: Ugaym Sulde (the spirit of ancestors), "Echo of the country Bargudzh Tukum", " From Mongols to Mogols. " These performances are delivered by the myths and the legends of the Mongolian people.

The basis of the repertoire of the theater "Baikal" is the richest folklore of the Buryat Mongolian people. The Buryat-Mongols have great importance to the rhythms of life, the rhythms of nature: the change of day and night, the change of season. The exit to the "cloud hunt" on the beast was accompanied by solemn acts, chasing shaman, a hunter dance, resembling their actions by the participants of the hunt, how to hold on, which should be taken when meeting with animals. From here there are temperamental dances of hunters, birds and animals. All dances go accompanied by a lively authentic song rich in all sorts of melons that are not amenable to traditional note decoding. To the national dance tradition, modern choreographers make a new stage choreography, enriched with modern themes, interpret, can save the national flavor.

Vocalists of the Baikal Theater are very careful about the execution of the ancient lengthy songs "Urzn Dun", the praise songs "Malt Dun", and the Archounce Dun songs, songs about the parents "Ehes Esegyn Dun" - congenital sensitivity, the ability to dive into the listening state Inseparable from the ability to experience a special enthusiastic condition caused by the sensation of a fusion with nature, dissolved in it. In a similar state, a person strives to pour his soul in sounds, it is usually suggested that the non-standard, unusual ways of statement, especially if he knows the reaction of the medium and is anticipating the result. Hence in the music of nomads the predominance of the vocal principle. Sound, voice, entangle, calls Rich Associations: bottomless starry sky, wind whist in immense expanses steppes, puller songs of steppe wolves, rye and trample thousands of hoofs ...

The progress of the team of the Baikal Theater is indisputable, several generations of young professional artists have changed, who made a huge contribution to the development of the theater. The theater takes part in contests, festivals, honored high awards, but more expensive than all awards for theater is the love of his audience.

The theater of the song and dance "Baikal" began his creative path in the first half of the twentieth century. Its repertoire includes performances and concerts. Theater is also the organizer of various festivals.


Theater "Baikal" is a professional team who has many years of experience. It was created in 1939. The theater is the keeper of the Mongol multifaceted culture and Buryat. His performances and concerts are bright spectacles. Troupe is one of our country's leading. The theater employs ten vocalists, thirty ballet artists, the orchestra of folk Buryat tools.

In the repertoire of "Baikal" - ethnobals, operas, musical and choreographic performances, the plots of which are taken from the legends and myths of the peoples of Buryatia and Mongolia, concerts.

Theater's artists are permanent participants of various festivals and competitions. Often they are honored. The speeches of the team are very loved by the audience.

The theater won awards in the festivals of the "Fashion Mongols of the World", "Altargana -2006", "Golden Heart" and so on.

Also "Baikal" participated in the All-Russian project "Songs of Russia". This festival passes under the patronage of President of the Russian Federation V. V. Putin. The team received from the project of the project manager - Hope Babkina. For the performance of the "Spirit of the ancestors" "Baikal" was awarded a government award in the field of art and culture.

The ballet troupe participated in the TV project, which was conducted by the Culture Channel, where the best choreographic teams of our country.

With its performances throughout Russia and other countries of the world, the "Baikal" theater goes. Tours in the near future are planned in such cities and villages of Russia as Irkutsk, Ulan-Batar, Moscow, Listvyanka, Chita, Gusinoozorsk, Ust-Ordinsky, Aginskoye, St. Petersburg, Slyudyanka, Ulukchikan, Kyakhta, Barguzin, Sochi, Kursk, Zakaznask , Ivolginsk, Arshan, Khorinsk, Kizhigiga, Shelekhovo, Nikola, and so on. As well as in other countries: France (Paris), Italy (compoblasso), Chinese People's Republic (Beijing, Huhoto and Manchuria), Holland (Amsterdam), and others.

The director of theater today is Dardar Badloyev. He was born in a small village of Dalahai. He graduated from the East Siberian Institute of Culture in the specialty "Direct Mass Entertainment". Organized the "Lotus" ensemble, who specialized in Soon the team was transformed into the theater and was called "Badma SESEG". Soon he became popular in our country, and far beyond. Theater "Baikal" Dardar Badluyev was headed in 2005. His name can be found in Encyclopedia called "The Best People of Russia". He is a member of the Association of Choreographers of Buryatia and Folk Art. Dandar - Dance Manager, Teacher and Director. He became a laureate of the competition of All-Russian meaning among the ballersters.

Dandar Badluyev is a specialist in Mongolian, ballroom, classic Indian and other dances. For his creative life, we managed to create a large number of choreographic performances and bright numbers. D. Badluev - Laureate of Designers Competition. Suits for their productions he creates himself. Repeatedly balletmaster conducted master classes and put performances in other countries, including in the USA, India, China, Thailand, France. Dandar is the creator and the leader, he was engaged in vocals and, among other things, is the performer of folk Buryat songs.


In its repertoire, theater "Baikal" concerts and performances.

Here you can see the following programs:

  • "Echo of the country Bargudzhin Tukum."
  • "Myths and legends of Lake Baikal."
  • "Glitter Asia".
  • From Mongols to Mogols.
  • "Music flying arrows."
  • "Steppe melodies."
  • "Amaraltyn Ushese".
  • "Spirit of ancestors" and so on.

Artists ballet

Theater of Dance "Baikal" is wonderful artists.


  • Dora Baldanesere.
  • Valentina Yundunova.
  • Ayur Dobdanov.
  • Tumun Radnaev.
  • Philip Oynarov.
  • Gyrylma Dondondova.
  • Chagdar Budaev.
  • Galina Tabukharova.
  • Ekaterina Odeodeva.
  • Sergey Zatvnitsky.
  • Inna Sagaleeva.
  • Tumen Tsybikov.
  • Galina Badmaeva.
  • Fedor Kondakov.
  • Gyrylma Dondondova.
  • Yulia Zamoeva.
  • Aryun Tsydipova.
  • Anastasia Dashinorbayeva.
  • Alexey Radnaev.
  • and many others.

Theater vocalists

Theater "Baikal" gathered professional talented vocalists on his scene.

  • Garelma Porshanova.
  • Aldar Dashiev.
  • Oyun Barova.
  • Sadaba Banchikova.
  • Tsypilma Ayusheeva.
  • Baldansensere Battuvshin.
  • SESEGMA Sandipova and many others.


Theater "Baikal" is the organizer of several projects and festivals.

Among them:

  • "Buryat costume: traditions and modernity."
  • "The warmth of the native focus."
  • "Golden voice of Baikal."
  • International Festival of Ancient Classic Dance.
  • "The focus grilled by the mother."
  • "Baikal flower."
  • "Theater for the village."
  • International Festival of Artists of the Contemporary Song.
  • "Night of Ehora" and others.

City: Ulan-Ude

Structure: 20 people

Leader: People's Artist of the Republic of Buryatia Frankhalov

Foundation date: 1942

Dance styles: Folk Buryat and Modern Stage Choreography

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With this article read:

Buryat National Song and Dance Theater "Baikal" is the keeper of culture and traditions of Buryat Mongolian nation, which were formed under the influence of Buddhism and Shamanism.

The team included ballet artists, vocalist soloists, the Buryatia Folk Town Orchestra. For 75 years of the existence of the theater to admire the talent of the artists, no fan of their creative activity stopped, moreover, the army of fans is becoming more and more.

Among the troupe there are artists who were awarded the titles and high awards of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Buryatia. The repertoire is the rooms for concerts, songs and dances, as well as large-format projects, for example, ethno ballet and ethno-opera, performances based on the myths of the Mongolian people.

In addition, the theater holds charitable children's Christmas trees for children - orphans, disabled people who have fallen into a difficult life situation helps young contractors in the development of potential.

Each fan of the Baikal Theater can count on a concert for a new portion of the rhythms of nature and life, solemn acts, shaman, hunter dance, birds and animals. All speeches are accompanied by a lively authentic song, non-decoding with traditional notes.

All the participants of the theater carefully refer to the execution of the repertoireTherefore, to watch their performances are incredibly interesting and exciting. Theater actively takes part in festivals, competitions, receives high awards. But the participants of "Baikal" recognize that more than all the awards for them, only the love of the audience.

Among the theater's awards, it is worth noting the first award of the International Festival called "Fashion Mongols of the World" in 2005, after another year the highest award at the Altargana -2006 International Festival in Ulan-Ude, the Golden Heart in 2006, the Russian Government Prize in The sphere of culture and art. No participation in contests passes without the well-deserved top award "Baikal".

The solo program of the Baikal Theater is worthy of performances in the Kremlin, because the Minister of Culture of Russia A. Avdeev is adhered to this opinion. Participation in the show "Dance everything" will help the theater to reveal for the viewer on another new side and discover special faces and opportunities.