Instagram Catherine Odsely Official. Biography of Ekaterina Odentova

Instagram Catherine Odsely Official. Biography of Ekaterina Odentova
Instagram Catherine Odsely Official. Biography of Ekaterina Odentova

Account: odintsovaprtrend.

Occupation: tV presenter, blogger, director PR agency

Ekaterina Odintsova Instagram User, Successful Business Lady, Careerist. In addition, the girl has an explicit natural beauty, previously vested in beauty contests.

As it relies with any business woman, Instagram Catherine Odsely every day is replenished with new photos. She travels a lot, adds photos from Milan, Saint-Tropez, Boston and many other cities in which it happens on working trips.

Catherine Odintova Photo from Instagram this luxurious blonde talking about what she watches his health and enjoys the right nutrition. Much attention pays for their children, Anton and Dene. They travel around the world with mom, absorb all the positive and negative sides of the business. Dina, as well as her successful mother follows fashion trends and always looks great. Catherine visits many secular events, opening fashion boutiques. Resting prefers on the seashore in the company of close friends.

Biography of Ekaterina Odintova

The first education is ordinary, at the end of the school, was the Faculty of Chemistry in Nizhny Novgorod. When she moved to live in the capital, graduated from Moscow State University, with a specialty "TV journalist." The skill of television art, studied at V. Pomner. Ekaterina Odintova Biography of its achievements in the career began before moving to Moscow.

  • In 1992, on top television, in Nizhny Novgorod conducted its author's program.
  • Since 1992, after moving to the capital, it began to cooperate with the NTV television channel, from that moment on, the biography of Catherine Odentova was replenished with new achievements in the field of television.
  • In 2000, there was news on the first channel, later became the chef editor on the same channel.
  • In 2005, he publishes the telecast "Lifestyle", which comes out on the TV channel "Home".
  • In 2006, he received an honorary award during the International Congress "Russian Family and Health".
  • In 2007, there was a leading TV project "Health Day", on the TV channel "Home".
  • In 2007, after filming in the house of Catherine, the Mother's Kitchen program, she released a book with the same name.
  • In 2008, despite the crisis time, became the chief editor of the "Shopping GUID" edition, was able to raise the significance of this magazine to a high level.
  • Since 2012, the World Fashion is headed by a large television edition, leading the PR Trend agency.

Member name: Catherine Odintsova

Age (birthday): 13.07.1972

City: Nizhny Novgorod

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Oblovo's Catherine knows more as a civilian wife of the famous Russian policy of Boris Nemtsov, but she is also a talented journalist, and the owner of the PR agencies and the face of the cosmetic brand "Elena Miro".

From chemistry everything began

Katya appeared in the family of engineers. From the ornament, he dreamed of becoming a doctor, in the senior school classes, together with the younger sister, was recorded for nursing courses. On vacation girls passed medical practice in the local burn center. Sister Catherine to this day works in medical institutions, and Katya somehow quickly cooled to this lesson.

In the high school classes, Ekaterina Odintsova was fond of chemistry. He was interested in so much that after graduation, the documents took the documents to the Nizhny Novgorod State Institute and became a student of the Chemical Faculty.

The girl learned the last five years and received a diploma of higher education, indicating the specialty "Chemist-researcher". However, in practice, you failed to check your knowledge of the girl.

Katya from orphanage hit all beautiful appearance. At the institute, she took part in the student beauty contest and became the winner. Having received the Crown "Miss Institute", she gave her first interview to representatives of the local television company. After the contest is completed, the leadership of Nizhny Novgorod television invited Catherine to work in one of its programs.

At first Katya was an assistant director of music programs, then correspondent and TV presenter. After a short time after arrival on television Ekaterina Odintova became the face of the local TV channel and the "Star" by the standards of Nizhny Novgorod. The management of the channel trusted it to lead top programs, interview the "first persons". However, at the regional level, the TV presenter did not want to have wanted - she was attracted by the capital.

Moscow steps

In Moscow, Ekaterina Odintsova went to study at school advanced training for journalists of regional media. He headed the school at the time Vladimir Pozner. Another listener became only from the second time - she had to convince the adoptive commission that she was not just a beautiful blonde, but also the famous TV journalist.

Having received a certificate of completion of courses, Ekaterina did not return home - she was invited to the NTV channel. Odentic offered to lead night news, but such a format turned out to be a young journalist uninteresting. Along with his own accord, Ekaterina filed documents at Moscow State University at the Faculty of Journalism. She received another diploma for higher education in 2003.

From this point on, Catherine's career growth began. She was invited to work for the first channel. At first, Catherine worked as a correspondent, then began to news, and since 2005 he "switched" to the author's television programs.

He took direct participation in the creation of the programs "Day of Health", "Life Line", "Mine Kitchen". Soon "profile" themes of the Oblovo steel fashion, health and home affairs, and the journalist itself enjoyed great popularity at the television audience.

In 2008, a well-known journalist was offered to head the Glossy magazine "Shopping Guide" ("I buy"), who is alone, even despite the crisis, quickly brought the best-selling and popular publications into the cohort.

This success discovered new opportunities for a journalist - Odintsov was invited to head the TV channel "World Fashion", specializing in the subject of fashion trends. Ekaterina adopted such a proposal in 2012. In parallel with the work on television, she created its Event Agency "PR Trend", which is successfully working to this day.

Secrets of personal life

For a beautiful girl, guys and adult men were always seen, but Catherine remained impregnable. Melt the heart of the Blond Queen managed to be a young scientist-cheemist Gregory Egorchkin.

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Despite the difference in age (Grigory was older than Kati for almost 10 years), they understood each other with a gesture and half-clow. At seventeen age, Catherine first marriedBut then the "chemistry" from love relationships disappeared somewhere, the relationship of young people went to a dead end, and the spouses were felt, lived in marriage only two years.

After the first disappointment in the family life of Catherine, Ekaterina did not burn with the desire to once again wear the wedding ring and generally tie his fate with anyone. However, a politician Boris Nemtsov appeared in her life. Their acquaintance took place in 1994. The meeting of the journalist and politics turned into a stormy novel. Catherine literally went crazy from surging feelings, and she did not even stop what Boris was married to another woman.

When Nemtsov left Nizhny Novgorod to Moscow, Odintova left behind him. The boulevard press wrote that the politician was removed for his mistress an apartment in which he often overwhelmed. In 1995, Catherine gave birth to the Son, which was called Anton. Nemtsov was rejoiced by the appearance of the heir, but the Raisa did not leave the legitimate wife, having brought over his reputation.

Do not miss interesting:

Catherine focused on a television journalist career and continued to secretly meet with his beloved. In 2002, Dina's daughter was born from these meetings. Nemtsov has always supported Catherine and its children financially, but family in the present understanding of this word, Boris, Catherine, Anton and Dina have never been.

Soon the politician was carried away by another woman and cooled to Odse. Catherine was very worried about this, "hone" by the problem of calorie products and quickly added in weight, but still managed to take himself in his hands and returned the slightness of the shape.

After the murder of Boris Nemtsov in February 2015, Catherine and children were present at the funeral of politics and resistantly kept the unfriendly views of the rest of Boris's relatives. Despite all the resentment and disappointment, the well-known TV presenter continues to consider Nemtsov the most native person in life.

The free time of Ekaterina Odintov is trying to conduct his children in society. The famous TV presenter has an unusual hobby - she collects mirrors.

In April 2018, a television show starts on the Yu channel, which will be Catherine Odintsova. The television project will be attended by 15 girls who have to fight for enviable groom, and the presenter commetes all their actions.

Photo of Catherine

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  • Ekaterina Odintova - a representative of the first generation of status chicks and still position the status of the status is not in a hurry: wears fur vests, shines brands and keeps her nose in general. I recently sat in a cafe and noticed that the World Fashion was broadcast with the shoots of Victoria Boni. I am amazed at how this framing FTV brazenly puts jeans on the air, but then, after a while, on the same channel I saw the already glorified by this heading, and I realized that the root of evil was deeper, not in banal jeans. So it turned out - now the channel is headed by Ekaterina Odintsova. So, all these Aries fall on ether not for money within the framework of the Odintsovo Program on the Promotion of Good Taste to the wide masses of the population. What is the basic elements of a good taste, according to the former Glavreda Shopping Guide magazine?

    Handbag. Start with a handbag. It must be recognizable so much so that everyone is about imagined how much it costs. A small test - how much money in the frame?

    Yes, as you might notice Odenty puts a good taste of my daughter. This also applies to the second integral component of the unique and unique style of one-sized - fur vest.

    Sometimes vests come out from under control.

    Moreover, the influence of Catherine is intelligent. Here Elena Ischeev, who would be good to put in the heading in conjunction with the Oblovaya turns into another.

    And at home, Catherine, apparently, is very cold, so even in the apartment she goes in a fur coat and children rises in fur. Better used heater for this money bought!

    Again the test: how many chinchil Anita Tsoi had to kill to arrange a portrait with a bouquet?

    Let's look at the cabinet of our heroine. Here, standing in the fur coat, she as if he remembered that it would be nice to wear a dress.

    It is a pity that the photo of attempts to put on a dress over the fur coat on the Internet, but judging all the attempts, these success were not crowned, went so, in the fur coat on a naked body.

    I call such photos "cancer-hermit". Moreover, the fur coat on the naked body (in combination with suede boots) the case is familiar to it. Here under this photo signature "Odenty prefers underwear in the style of Pin-Up". In general, either in the room is really very cold, or there is nothing in addition to the laundry under the fur coat.

    And so, in principle, it becomes clear what she once conquered Nemtsov. With Nemtsov, the question is closed, but Ekaterina's hand is not in a hurry.

    Oh, I forgot about another element of the unique style of Catherine Oduxous - White Atlas.

    And in general she loves white dresses, they make it similar to porn star.

    And the inscription "I don't know how she does" about how she finds such a vulgar dress in such a size.

    And again - the integral effect on the girlfriends.

    Like any secular lioness, Ekaterina is not alien to extravagance. The garbage is that it often is simply some kind of nudity of the nonsense.

    Golden dress and black tights with sandals?! In the next photo, you might think that all the absurdity is concentrated only in the ravene, cut into the bright head of Catherine, when she was in his chic cabriolet. But there and shoes what is worth!

    Moreover, regularly Catherine includes the English Queen.

    Well, finally, a couple of examples of the anesting influence of Catherine Odintova.

    In general, she is from those girlfriends, whose advice is better not to ask.

    Odintsova Ekaterina Vyacheslavovna - Popular TV presenter, editor of glossy magazines and just a charming woman. Born in Nizhny Novgorod on July 13, 1972. Growth 165 cm, weight is approximately 52-53 kg.

    Father and mother girls never treated secular personalities, they were both engineers. In addition to her, the family also has a younger sister. Since childhood, both girls dreamed that in the future will become medical workers and even at one time specifically went to school nurses. When there were holidays at school, they always tried to attend the burn center of their city and help workers there.

    But, Catherine, after some time, cooled to this profession, although the successes were provided to her, but her younger sister, on the contrary, remained faithful medicine and now has quite good success in this area of \u200b\u200bactivity.

    After the girl threw medicine, she was very fond of chemistry, and after the young lady received a certificate about the end of the secondary education, she immediately decided to try to submit documents to enter the State University of Nizhny Novgorod to the Chemistry Faculty. Entrance examinations The girl was successful, and wandering five years, received his cherished diploma.

    Start of career activities
    Ekaterina Odentova

    It is in his hometown that a young girl decided to make the first steps to success on television. After Katya graduated from the university, she went to work as an assistant director to one music channel. After some time, the girl was able to try themselves as a leading and correspondent. In fact, as a woman itself admits, she brought tremendous pleasure.

    A few years later, the girl had already become the face of the canal, to which she once got to work as an assistant. The girl who did not have the highest journalistic education led the most popular TV shows, took an interview with many stars of Russia, and also she was trusted to conduct live ether.

    Very often, the girl wondered that it was time for her to go to conquer the capital, as she realized that she would not be able to develop further in his hometown. After the future star arrived in Moscow, she was the first to do with a special school to improve the qualifications.

    First work on television

    After the girl graduated from courses, she got the desired work on the famous Russian television channel NTV. There she was entrusted to lead night news. But, unfortunately, when the girl began to engage in this work, it seemed to her that she was not at all for her and after some time the girl stated that he would leave the transfer.

    In education, the girl decided not to stop and therefore she did in Moscow State University on the journalist. The reason for this was the opinion of the girl herself that she had nothing to do on television without higher special education. She was right. After the university graduation, the success of the girl in the television career began to grow. She was sent invitation to work on the first channel. But on this, her career growth did not stop, the woman was invited to the position of chief editor of popular magazines.

    Personal life

    For the first time, the girl married at the age of 17 for the scientist Grigory. After several years, the couple reported on their official parting.

    After the girl was separated from his first husband, she did not have any goal of finding new love, but in the 94th, she met Boris Nemtsov, a famous politician in his homeland. Unfortunately, the politician was married, but Katya did not stop it, and after the German left back to Moscow, the girl followed him.

    A year later, Catherine gave birth from Boris Son, who was called Anton. The politician was certainly glad to appear on the light of the child, but he could not leave his first family, so reputation for him still remained in the first place. But this woman did not decline from Boris and in 2002 she gave birth to Dina's daughter from him. But after that, the man did not leave his family, but got another mistress, forgotten about Catherine. After death, the policy, the woman still claims that he does not hold evil and resentment on him, and considers his native man.
