What is the name of Chuev's ex-wife. Andrey Chuev spoke about quarrels with his young wife

What is the name of Chuev's ex-wife. Andrey Chuev spoke about quarrels with his young wife

Former participant of House 2 Andrey Chuev does not often get in touch and announces news about himself. The wife of Andrey Chuev is a hairdresser-stylist and works in her homeland. Is Andrey Chuev really divorced? Andrey Chuev: Elina and Sasha constantly insulted me! Nevertheless, Tanya Kiosya became the wife of Andrei Chuev, and the couple, having lived a little longer on the project, left its perimeter.

Only his loyal fans remember the former participant of the Dom-2 TV project, because Andrei has long left the TV set. Andrei then left "House-2", and when he returned to the perimeter of the TV set, he brought with him a pretty girl Tanya, presenting her as a singer from Moldova. Some time ago, Andrei had a misfortune - due to blood poisoning, which he received as a result of an unsuccessful operation on the spine, Chuev was on the verge of life and death.

Andrey attended this event and was very proud of his wife. Since his daughter Liza lives with her, Andrei very rarely sees the child and his wife and it is very difficult for him - he says that he wants to reunite with his family as soon as possible.

After some time, Chuev also left America, but he no longer began to live with Tatyana and Liza. Tanya brings up her daughter herself, Andrei does not take a big part in upbringing. Today Andrey managed to recover and recover, and now he decided to try again to build his love on the television project "Dom-2". Andrey is a good person, he is a normal guy and not a monster and a tyrant at all, do not judge him harshly.

Andrey Chuev condemns the project girls for their carelessness, and especially for candid photos on social networks and easy behavior on the project. However, it turns out that Chuev's ex-wife also has photographs in the force of nude. Hmm ... well Chuev ... Lisovoy: "My wife, yes, my wife behaves with dignity and does not offer herself to the first comer, including her nowhere in a frank form!" Hmm, Chuev ...

Chuev is great! He will make apartments for those who will not behave like Zadoinov and Kuzin. Both are parasites and lazy! She is my first doctor, ”Andrey wrote on the VKontakte page. Participants of "House-2" decided to help Daniil and Andrey. In February 2008, the extraordinary Andrey appeared on the project, and became a participant in the show "Dom-2". Andrey Chuev was no exception. He said that he came to the participant Krishkunas Marina, but did not see this relationship as promising.

However, the disappointed girl could not come to terms with Andrey's ambitions, as she learned that he did not plan to leave "House-2" even after the wedding ceremony. Andrey's attempts to return Valeria were unsuccessful, and he was forced to look for another girl. Chuev's new passion on the project was the burning brunette Yana Zemit. Their relationship developed quite rapidly. After a series of these events, Chuev began to meet with Tatyana Kiosei.

Before participating in the most popular television project, Andrei Chuev was an entrepreneur in his hometown of Stary Oskol. After leaving the Dom-2 project, it turned out that Andrei Chuev was ill. Herniated discs ruined all beautiful dreams and grandiose plans for the future.

Andrey's appearance on the talk show "Let Them Talk" shocked many TV viewers and fans of "House-2". Chuev underwent five operations. According to Andrey himself, it cost him 40 thousand dollars. Now, one might say, Andrey has bright days after a long black streak. In conclusion, I would like to say that the story of Andrey Chuev can serve as a clear example for many people. If someone does not know or does not remember, Tatyana lived and built love on House 2 with Andrei Chuev, later they got married and their daughter Liza was born. It was then that their paths parted a little.

With the promotion and earnings of Andrei Chuev, everything failed, plus everything, he became seriously ill and could not move for a long time. Now Andrei has recovered, but they still live separately from his wife and daughter.

Tatiana emphasized the positive traits of Andrei, his strong-willed character. She reminded her subscribers of Andrei's reverent attitude towards his mother. Andrey Chuev came to "Dom-2" on February 19, 2008, and did not hide that he dreamed of becoming a famous showman, and the show was a chance for him to "light up".

Andrey Chuev, wife

Their relationship could not be called stable and calm - quarrels happened between lovers, almost every day, and Andrei even sometimes raised his hand to his chosen one. Fortunately, he managed to cope - Andrei was helped by treatment in Israel. The guys often quarreled and sorted out the relationship, due to the explosive nature of Andrei, but they got married anyway.

Both good and bad, it was in different ways, you cannot erase words from the song. Yes, Andrei used to break loose, he was quick-tempered, but I could not remain silent when it was necessary, we are all people. Nobody is sinless.

Andrey Chuev: life after "House-2"

He is even going to go to Moldova, where his wife and daughter now live with his relatives. “I'll go no matter what! December 25 is my daughter's birthday. The fight that took place did not allow him to be on the Dom-2 project anymore. The fifth operation radically changed the situation, and literally put Andrey on his feet. It took place in an Israeli clinic with Dr. Ilya Pekarsky.

Probably, only true fans of the Dom-2 television project remember who Andrei Chuev's wife is, because their wedding took place quite a long time ago and the guys then left the project. Then the couple had a daughter, Lisa. First, the guys left for America, where Andrey had some projects, plans and ideas.

19-year-old Victoria Morozova and Andrey Chuev got married, having learned what sincere and reverent feelings are. The girl is much better than all his passions and will be able to give odds to everyone. Fans claim that Victoria looks much older than her years.

Andrey Chuev achieved not only the heart of a young girl, but also began to take care of himself more. Fighting obesity, improving material well-being and even discovering a new talent, writing romantic poetry, and all thanks to a young girl. Despite criticism and condemnation, Andrei continues to delight and surprise the girl of his dreams.

Andrey Chuev photo with his young wife: a stormy life before meeting his young lover

The personal life of Andrey Chuev is so stormy that it is sometimes very difficult to keep track of it. The first darling of Chuev was a participant in the show "Dom-2" Valery Shevtsova, it even came to marriage, but the bride ran away from under the aisle.

The new novel did not keep fans waiting, Yana Zemit became a new contender for Andrei's wife. And again it came to the wedding, but it had to be canceled because the guy became a participant in a fight on the project and could not meet the parents of his future wife after the couple's cruise in Europe. Their feelings cooled as soon as the couple left the project.

In 2009, Andrei returned to the show, but not alone with Tanya Kiosa, the couple did not participate in the project for a long time, as they planned to get married. And finally, the long-awaited marriage, no one escaped from the poses of the crown. After living a little time in America, my wife had a daughter.

In 2015, Chuev returns to the show again in search of love, the marriage was not eternal and Andrei is again at the start to build strong feelings, but with a different person. Having officially published on his page on social networks about the divorce, the guy plunged into a new romantic relationship.

Relations with Ekaterina Kolomeichuk and Anastasia Lisova, which were on the project, ended in fiasco.

Marina Afrikantova brought bright colors to Andrei's life, the couple began to travel and the first where they went was the United Arab Emirates. Chuev became an entrepreneur, as he became the winner of the "Person of the Year" competition, having won an apartment. Having sold the apartment he won, Chuev began to build houses for the project participants and sell them. "Wedding in a Million" is a new winter project in which the couple participates, without becoming a winner, Andrei decided to leave the show, but his chosen one wished to stay. Frequent quarrels and scandals separated the couple and they parted.

Andrey Chuev photo with his young wife: impulses of passion and intrigue

Andrei is already devoting poetry to his young wife Chueva, who has just turned nineteen years old, and public declarations of love of a former participant in the Dom-2 project have become not uncommon. Although his new passion suits him as a daughter, however, in poetry, he presents himself as a lyrical hero who is ready to do anything for his beloved. Comparing Victoria with the angelic light, Andrei thereby wants to show that it was this person who helped him get out of the darkness in which he arrived. His beauty is that immaculate, gentle and with a charming smile the girl who was given to him as a gift from heaven and a better gift he could not even have foreseen.

Although Andrei was greatly depressed after a relationship with Marina Afrikantova, who, according to him, betrayed him, since she refused to leave the project. He still managed to find the girl who gives him happiness and inspires him. He no longer intends to build relationships under the sights of the cameras, he wants to soar in the ocean of love and do romantic things that his beloved would admire every time.

Victoria has never been abroad and in order to create a fairy tale, it was decided to spend her honeymoon in Dubai. The couple also visited the Maldives and Goa.

It was Victoria, a girl who is smart beyond her years, who was able to sincerely love Andrei and make him happy. Indeed, according to him, it is not about age, but about the inner world of a person. Victoria Morozova moved to Ukraine at the age of 14. And Andrey is proud of the fact that his wife worked in the store as a salesman seven days a week. Her life was difficult and therefore she does not require any particular wedding, she understands that feelings are higher than pathos.

Chuev's ex-wife and child have been living in the United Arab Emirates for a long time. Apparently, Andrey flew to Dubai to visit them. Trying to satisfy the interest of fans, the showman published a post on Instagram in which he described the warm relationship between Victoria and Lisa.


“Yes, we are walking with Lisa. No, Lisa did not get confused with my girls, because she had seen only one before. Tanya treats this well, because Lisa is happy and the attitude towards Lisa is very good. Lisa has known Vika since spring and they have a wonderful relationship. Yes, it’s okay for me to introduce my child to my girlfriend, I don’t tell her that this is her new mother. We are cool, everyone is happy, no one gets bored, and everyone treats each other with understanding and respect. Take an example of those who cannot find a common language with their exes and children. And we are walking around Dubai Marina and sharpening desserts ", - wrote Andrey Chuev.

The fans thanked the man for the explanation and wrote that he behaves like a real man.


By the way, Chuev also once drove his ex-fiancee Marina Afrikantova to Dubai. Then the girl came to the United Arab Emirates specifically to meet Tatiana Kiose. Chuev and Afrikantova were going to get married, but after this trip they realized that it was better for them to separate.

The DOMA-2 star married Victoria Morozova. Andrey Chuev announced this joyful event on Instagram. Subscribers congratulate the man on the creation of a family.

Victoria Morozova and Andrey Chuev

A few days ago, Andrei Chuev announced that he and his beloved had submitted an application to the registry office. The TV star invited web users to guess the date of the wedding. It seems that none of the fans named the exact date of the ceremony - Chuev signed with Morozova today, December 16. Dom2Life contacted the former member to congratulate him on a significant event in his life. However, Andrei is now so busy with his new wife that he is not ready to communicate by phone.

"Thank you for your congratulations! I am with my wife for now, call back later, ”answered the newly-minted husband of Dom2Life.

It is known that the lovers planned their honeymoon and honeymoon long before the marriage was registered. The couple decided to relax in warm countries and enjoy each other to their fullest away from the public.

“Most likely, we will play a small wedding and then fly on our honeymoon. Vika has never been abroad. I think it will be great if on the eve of the New Year we go to Dubai, and then, for example, to the Maldives or Goa, "Chuev admitted in an interview for Dom2Life.

And more recently, the TV star made a gift for his wife - he renovated a new apartment and presented his beloved with a kitchen in which she can cook healthy food for her beloved husband.

Andrey married a 19-year-old sweetheart

It is known that Morozova moved to Moscow from Ukraine at the age of 14. She won the heart of the demanding Cheuv with her lightness and simplicity. “My beloved is simple, no show-off. She always worked seven days a week as a saleswoman at the Gardener. She knows how difficult life can be. Vika is the first woman who does not put forward any requirements for a wedding. She simply says: “The main thing for me is that you are there,” Chuev admitted to Dom2Life.

Tatiana Kiosya- ex-wife, ex-participant of the reality show. She was born on December 12, 1985, in the city of Bendery (Moldova).

Several years ago, Andrei Chuev brought Tanya to the television project Dom-2, introduced her to all the participants and viewers, told about his strong love for the girl and made her a “fabulous” proposal to the whole country. The lovers did not linger in House-2, they got married outside the perimeter, and their daughter Lisa was born. Then, together they decided to go to conquer America.

Tanya's wedding with Andrey Chuev

But, in May 2015, Chuev appeared on the show again, he came to look for a new love for himself, and said that Tanya had betrayed him. What, in reality, happened between the former spouses is not known for certain, but the fact remains. Andrei is now building love on the project with, and Tanya Kiosya has found herself a new husband and lives with her daughter Liza in the United Arab Emirates.

Tatiana and her new husband

The fact that Tatyana and her daughter really live in Dubai is evidenced by the photos in her official accounts on social networks VKontakte and Instagram. Find Tanya Kiosya's page Instagram easy, her nickname is. Here you will find out interesting details from the girl's personal life and biography, get to know her new husband and his family.