Developing riddles and puzzles. Interesting puzzles - not every adult will cope with them. We solve insoluble, or general rules for rebuff

Developing riddles and puzzles. Interesting puzzles - not every adult will cope with them. We solve insoluble, or general rules for rebuff
Developing riddles and puzzles. Interesting puzzles - not every adult will cope with them. We solve insoluble, or general rules for rebuff

We offer readers the best puzzle puzzles for children and adults. In these puzzle puzzles there are no special trick or the game of words, rather, there is some paradox or some trick that you have to solve. All puzzle puzzles have solutions at the end of the article.

1. Puzzle puzzle on apples

The basket lay six apples, and there were six children in the room. Each child took on the apple, but one apple remains in a basket. Why?

Puzzle puzzle with chopsticks

On the other hand, each theory generates new problems and, therefore, new problems internal for this theory. In the mathematical game, apparently, the problem prevails, decisive activity, although a bit? Theories are sometimes necessary. But what problems can be considered mathematical games? The first condition is that it is available. big number of people. This eliminates all the problems that are part of particularly difficult. mathematical theory, and requires that they previously assimilated the theory or at least its language.

2. Puzzle puzzle about two presidents

The 22nd and 24th US presidents had a common father and a common mother, but these presidents were not brothers. How could it be?

3. Riddle-puzzle about the game of tennis

Two people played tennis. They played five sets, and each of them won three sets. How could this happen?

4. Puzzle puzzle on father and son

Ivanova's father was his grandfather. How could this happen?

The task of the game should be formulated in the current language, which will mostly exclude the use of superpocyalized mathematical vocabulary. Otherwise, all exercises in textbooks in mathematics would be mathematical games. Then we must impose the second condition: because the problem becomes mathematical gameHer approval must be intriguing, amazing and difficult for a lawyer. In short, the contour of the problem should cause curiosity and desire to learn more.

What circle more?

Finally, the third condition is that the same solution to the problem can entertain, distract and even surprise people who are struggling with these problems. Editing a statement can be funny, humorous or refer to news. Problems of this type usually arise in the form of an allegation, which is particularly simple and easy to understand, but it is unknown, with which is connected and for which there is no predetermined method of approach.

5. Puzzle-puzzle "Two glances"

At the position of the barracks stood two hours. One watched up the road to see if anyone from the north is not approaching, and the other is down the road to see if anyone from the south is not approaching. Suddenly one asked another: "What are you smiling?" How could he know that his friend smiles?

As a rule, problems are amenable to long and time-consuming permit. The interest is to find an intelligent label or a combination of ideas that allow brilliant, light and wonderful simple and short permission. Let's see example: show that the amount of eight numbers, the largest of which is five, can always be recorded as the sum of the five numbers, of which the greatest - eight.

The problem is solved easily, without resorting to complex computing, assuming that you write eight numbers based on one, that is, very simply with sticks. Just rotate every quarter of a circle to see it, no more than eight numbers placed in ascending order, but five numbers located in descending order, of which the biggest one is eight.

6. Puzzle puzzle "Boxing duel"

Long and difficult boxing match ended by knockout. The judges unanimously recognized the pure victory. However, during the battle, not a single athlete applied ulars. What happened?

7. Puzzle-puzzle "nephew"

Once a man with his sister (they have general Father And mother) walked down the street. Suddenly, the man said: "That guy is my nephew." "True," sister replied, "but I'm not a nephew." How can it be so?

The real magic of mechanics comes to life due to your work, which inevitably brings satisfaction. You get a set with all the details on how to collect a puzzle. Unique environmentally friendly wooden mechanical construction sets.

Precision details for laser cutting, ready for self-assembly without special tools, glue, chemicals. Each detail is accurate. Today, "the mechanisms have become so small," they are deeply hidden in the things around us and remain invisible to human Eyes.. They are safe, since the safe has a blocking that is unlocked by a combination of three digits. You can also use a safe, except for the gift. Play with friends, perform a reward in the safe and lock it out.

8. Riddle-puzzle ringing

Two brothers work as stares, in their duties enters the time of bells. Thinking, I realized that it was not a lung worker. For example, repel five hours you need to have time for exactly 25 seconds. And now determine how much time they need to repel ten hours?

9. Riddle-puzzle "Alice in the Watercalle"

Going to the chickper on the insane tea party, Alice went to the development of two roads. Fortunately, fabulous men were nearby - Brothers Tweedlum and Twidldy. Alice began to reflect:
"The walrus said that one of the roads from the fork leads to the house of the chiller, and the other to the log of the borders, where I absolutely would not like to get. More walrus said that you know the right way, but warned that one of you always tells the truth, and the other always deceives. In addition, he warned that I can ask you only one question.
And Alice so formulated his question so that it would certainly get the right answer regardless of who from the brothers to ask him.
Guess what a question was asked Alice to find out the right way to the house of the chiller.

Rus - do it yourself!

It is important to explain to the players the principle of opening a safe that looks like this. Turn the lock counterclockwise to the first digit from 1 to. Then turn the lock clockwise to zero. After crossing the zero, continue to turn the lock on the right to the second digit from 1 to.

Turn the lock counterclockwise to the third combination digit. If the combination is correct, the safe will open. And in order to block the safe again, you need to turn the lock counterclockwise. The model is designed for self-assembly without glue.

10. Puzzle-puzzle "Who else comes with?"

Gentleman and lady look at the portrait. Gentleman says Dama: "So, Daphne, what do you say about this portrait? I ordered it to William Farmer! How do you think it seems? That's just he reminds me of one riddle:" I have neither sisters or brothers, but the father of this The man was the son of my father. "What are the relationship between this connoisseur of art and the man depicted in the portrait?

If you are among fans visual arts and especially the Tuscan school, you will probably think about at least a few worldwide famous pictures great masters who deserve learning and studying in detail. Of course have happy peopleThey saw them alive, but now we have prepared something else and no less pleasant - it will appeal as the connoisseurs of this visual art and hot puzzles, because today we will make a classic puzzle of Sandro Botticelli.

What the best way pay attention to the details of the brilliant work, how to rewrite it partially without entering into Gallery Uffizi in Florence? Here, probably, puzzles will immediately jump with the words: this picture was made by a puzzle from many manufacturers, how did you choose this? We will immediately give the answer - we stopped at the Option, because each of the parts has a unique form, which is a real problem even for the best in the series. This means that one of the methods of rapid rotation is immediately discarded - group parts of the same form.

11. Puzzle puzzle "from 8 squares - 2"

The figure is eight squares made up of seventeen matches. Remove six matches so that only two squares remain. At the same time should not be excess matches.

The figure depicted in the figure is cut out from one sheet of paper. Announced flag can be moved. It is also part of the sheet, and not cut off and then incisible. The flag size exactly corresponds to the size of the two cut parts of the sheet. How is this paper puzzle made?

Let's say something at the beginning - all puzzles of this manufacturer are produced in two versions - with standard and non-standard parts. The thing is that will be in your box, because you can not determine which of the two options will be. We came here with unique works.

But let's not spend more time, but let's see how things are with the quality, complexity and satisfaction of the "birth of Venus". They say packaging for sale, and this box is not very good qualityBecause it is much more common than other well-known brands. On the cover we will see the image that we give, name, artist, number of details and the inscription that the product has been produced in the United States.

13. Puzzle puzzle with stacks

This puzzle with chopsticks from the popsicle is very happy if you with her, of course, cope. 24 wands are located in such a way that they formed nine squares 1x1. Remove four sticks so that there are only five squares 1x1.

Upstairs we see standard things - the logo "logo", the name of the puzzle, the name of the artist, the barcode and the size of the finished puzzle. Information on one side also shows that the cardboard from which the product is manufactured is processed, non-toxic, and ink are based on plants.

Oddly enough, the lower cover is empty, there is nothing - neither on the back, nor on her sides. In addition to the envelope with the details, we did not find a directory or certificate in the box. Even without deep knowledge About the history of art This picture of Botticelli is well known, and everyone should have seen her at least once. To preserve the colors alive and prevent cracking of the paint, it adds egg yolk and fat to it.

14. Puzzle puzzle on triangles

Drawn in notepad geometric figure It consists of eight triangles formed by sixteen segments. It is necessary to remove four segments so that four identical triangles are obtained.

15. Puzzle puzzle on the selection of stockings

Sir Moren is not only shyol, but also a disheveled fencer. One day early in the morning, going to the next duel, he was looking for a couple of stockings of the same color. Sir Mor knew that in the lower box, the wardrobe lie ten pairs of white stockings and ten pairs of gray, but the candle light was so dull that he could not distinguish colors. Determine the minimum amount of stocking that should take from the sir More box to choose a pair of the same color.

Innovative, and most importantly - working, because it has been preserved for more than five centuries. An interesting part is because, as we have already mentioned, this puzzle has some unusual and interesting parts. Diluents than those, but, but their unsuitable, completely unique forms, make a puzzle attractive to throw. First you will be difficult to adapt to them, but do not overcome it!

One more important thingIt should be mentioned here, it is that the brand uses only suitable for reuse, non-toxic cardboard, ink - only with vegetable pigments. Otherwise, we found several non-adhesive pieces of puzzles and more dust than usual.

16. Puzzle puzzle puzzle with letters

Before you four lines with letters:

1. B, l, and, c,? 2. S, N. R, L ,? 3. A, T, O, M,? 4. B, P, C, X ,?

And each they are combined on some sign. If you are able to understand what, then easily distribute the letters w, g, n and k.
(Author A. Zubenko).

We are still on the table with many scattered pieces. We started from the frame, although with difficulty because of non-standard details. Then we pulled out beautiful blue colour, How do you see. And the clothes of one of the grace, which has specific details and is easily distinguishable. We continued gray, red and pieces of wood in the upper right corner.

Then we decided to take the sea, because it was less. Finally we left Venus with a mussel. As a western wind, Marshmallow and his wife, goddess chloride. We also sorted flowers with whom Marshmallow poured Venus. As the end result, we would say - an amazing picture and incredible parts!

17. Riddle-puzzle about robots

On the planet robots, an epidemic of strange illness broke out. But the work of arriving rescuers greatly complicates the fact that all robots are associated with a single chain. And this means that the emergency signal will light up not only in a robot affected by the disease, but also in all their neighbors directly related to it. therefore the main task Rescuers - to identify who is really sick.

And winter - good season, without disputes. Although it is cold and becomes darker, he has his own charm. Nevertheless, we must more often find games at home, because it is cold, and it's not good to hang out. And if we do everything school worksalready dark, and we can not just learn, we need to have fun. So we dreamed a few days about how we can get the best winter nightsAnd finally, we found it in the face of what we neglected, namely puzzles. They are interesting, and although they are presented in many films as a boring hobby for lovers, in fact it is not at all.

As you can see, the alarm is on robots with numbers 1, 2, 4, 6 and 7. Try to determine which robot is probably unhealthy and the connection between which two robots should be broken to identify the rest of the sick.

1. Reply to the puzzle puzzle about apples

One of the children took an apple along with a basket.

2. Reply to a puzzle puzzle about two presidents

Cleveland Stephen Grover was the 22nd and 24th US president in 1837-1908 and in 1893-1897. Because He is not a brother himself, then the condition of the riddles is performed.

Peyding is a very interesting and useful hobby. In fact, do you know that the first puzzle was geographic map - Part of the fun educational geography. Today, puzzles are no longer funny lessons, they have changed, they depict things like animals, children's rhymes or modern stories About superhero. But the most interesting, as adults accepted puzzles.

Sneezing or unintentional movement could scatter order for the whole evening, because the pieces did not fit each other. Unlike children's puzzles, for adults there was no miniature image of the box, and if the title was indefinite or misleading, the real object remained a mystery until the last parts were installed.

3. Reply to the puzzle puzzle game about the game of tennis

These two people played tennis each with her opponent.

4. Reply to the puzzle puzzle on father and son

A person can have a grandfather on the maternal line, which is younger than his father in the father's line.

5. Reply to the puzzle puzzle "Two glances"

The watch stood face to each other.

Puzzles improve concentration and visual memory. And these two qualities are very useful everywhere. However, the order is that it is not just random things. You must closely monitor what is connected and not distracting yourself so that you are not overlooked overall picturewhich you need to get.

You can become a champion and impress your friends. We know a person who can create a simple, not a great riddle, which he first sees about two minutes later, and although first everyone says how boring it is after they show it, they are impressed and admire.

6. Reply to the puzzle puzzle "Boxing duel"

Boxing women, so there were no athletes here, but were athletes.

7. Reply to the puzzle puzzle "nephew"

The woman was the mother of that guy.

8. Reply to the puzzle puzzle riddle

Brothers will need exactly 56 and 1/4 seconds to repel ten hours: between the first and fifth blows to the bell - four intervals. Total time In 25 seconds, we divide four and we receive 6 and 1/4 seconds for one interval. Between the first and tenth bells of the bell nine intervals. We multiply six with a quarter nine and get 56 and 1/4 seconds.

You can find new friends. Oddly enough, it turns out that puzzles are actually quite common among young people, although they do not recognize that they secretly speak about it. This is a good subject for conversation and creating a new friendship. Diversify your hobbies and enjoy friends.

We doubt that the first thing you want to do when return and want to have fun, is to repeat the riddle. But why not get together and arrange a puzzle, live communication is where you like more. Puzzles become beautiful ornaments.

9. Response to the puzzle puzzle "Alice in the Watercalcale"

Alice asked: "If I had asked you yesterday, what the road leads to the house of the chick, what would you answer me?" That brother, who always tells the truth, would give the right answer to this question. And to the one who always lies, would have to distort the answer he gave before. Consequently, to lie again, and this time his answer would be correct. You could also ask: "It is true that the road coming to the right leads to the house of the chiller, and you tell the truth?" That of the brothers who always lies, will be forced to answer the same way as he always tells the truth.

10. Response to the puzzle puzzle "Who else comes with?"

Gentleman examines the portrait of his son.

11. Reply to the puzzle puzzle "from 8 squares - 2"

It is necessary to remove 4 matches from the inside of one large square and 2 more matches at the corner of the whole figure.

12. Reply to Puzzle Puzzle Puzzle

Take a sheet of thick white paper and make three cuts on it, as shown in the figure. Each incision should reach the middle of the sheet. Bend part A in the midline to the BB line. Take the side in and turn it 180 degrees. Put the paper on the table, and you will see that you managed to make the famous "impossible paper puzzle"! It looks even more spectacular if you stick it on a sheet of red or blue paper. Part A, of course, do not glue.

13. Reply to the puzzle puzzle with puzzle from popsicle

It is necessary to remove one wand from each middle of the side of a large square.

14. Reply to the puzzle puzzle about triangles

It is necessary to remove four segments designated in the figure by the dotted line, then there are four identical triangles.

15. Reply to the puzzle puzzle on the selection of stockings

Sir Moru needs to take a maximum of three stockings from the box. If the first two stockings are suitable for each other, the problem is solved. If not, the third stocking is still suitable for one of the two taken two.

As is known, personality is not born, it becomes, and the foundations of this are laid in childhood. A considerable role in the formation of a person as intelligent individuality play him mental capacity and an increase in the development of which you need from an early age.

When a child is ready for a raid

One of the most effective ways The development of a person and increasing its intellectual level is the rays of puzzles and rebs. Before the letters and pictures and dedicate a child to other minds, you should make sure that small man Already ready for this - he learned to talk and identify images. Starting with the easiest picture puzzles. Complete tasks need as the kid and the development of the level of his mental abilities.

Types of Rebus

There are a huge variety of different puzzles. All of them can be divided into categories:

  1. Rebuses pictures. The puzzle is hidden in the images of a particular item. The name of the subject with decoding should be read exclusively in maldly case. There are situations where the item shown in the picture has several names or values. For example, "Bus" and "Transport", "Cat" and "Animal". In this case, it is necessary to choose that the word is a solid, which is more suitable in meaning.
  2. Letter rebuses consist exclusively from the letters. They can be located the most different waysAs is the fundamental in the preparation of such a puzzle.
  3. Picture + letter. How to solve rebuses with letters and pictures? The main key to the randation of this rebus is the image, and the letters indicate that to obtain the only correct response, you need to correctly adjust the name of the depicted item.
  4. Rus "picture + digit" is an analogue of the rebus "picture + letter", only here complement the picture figures, the number of which may vary.
  5. Rebuses with commas. Quite often in the riddle-pictures, a comma is used, normal or inverted. How to solve rebuses with commas? This sign indicates that to obtain a response, you need to shorten the name of the subject drawn in the picture, rejecting the first or last liter.

Correctly approach to raising children those parents who with early age Involve your chad in the breakdown of the plas. The solution of such puzzles contributes to the development of logical and creativity and originality, smelting, focus, attention.

But how to make such a "charging for mind" was a child in the soul? Here are some simple, but effective advice:

  1. Patience, patience and patience again! It is very important because the children are characterized by eternal restlessness and hurry.
  2. If you see that the child cannot solve puzzles - do not torfer or him! Wait for a while, it is possible that the baby soon will manifest interest to this occupation.
  3. Rebuses should be chosen based on the age category of crumbs. So, if a child can only read, then you should choose the reburs-pictures or rebuses from the letters; If the child can already be considered - it will not be superfluous to explain to him how to solve rebuses with numbers, etc.
  4. At the stage of engagement, the kid in the "mind games" give preference recommended by the simplest puzzle-pictures. It is very important that they are colorful.
  5. Make a child to solve rebuses forcibly strictly prohibited, since such an approach completely can beat off the child's hunting for this kind of classes. The most effective approach in the rabids is considered a game.
  6. Do not take care of rebuses with answers. Such kid's tasks can solve independently without the help of parents. The path of the crumb solution will determine himself, pushing away from the answer.
  7. It should be guided by the rules that will help to figure out how to solve rebuses with letters and pictures, as well as with numbers or commas.

Learning to solve rebuses

To learn how to solve the rebuses, will help the arch of special rules:

Rus - do it yourself!

It is necessary not only to know how to solve rebuses with letters and pictures, but also learn to compile them on their own or with the child. It will be another fascinating task in which your child can prove himself.

To make up logical puzzle Alone, use the following recommendations:

  1. Browse all the rules for solving puzzles.
  2. Starting with the simplest plas. At this stage, you can visually explain to the crumb, how to encrypt in a puzzle or another word. For example, write the number "7" and the letter "I" - the word "family" will be solved.
  3. Explain the baby that the same word can be a response of several different puzzles. For example, let's take all the same word "family", it can be encrypted in the "7th" and "Yayayayaya" rebus.
  4. To work the memory and logical thinking I liked the child, he wanted to come back to the compilation and ravings of the plans again and again, give him a field for amateur.
  5. Take clean lists Paper, bright markers and magazines (from which you can cut separate parts of the future puzzle), glue. For example, they found a picture in the magazine with the image of the cup - cutting it into it, glue to the landscape sheet, and under the picture I write a felt-tip pen "Sh \u003d th". Rebus created! The answer is a seagull.

Fascinating and useful things to you!